#but yesterday boyf and i got up early
Yesterday boyf invited one of our bike night friends (this really cool early 30s dude bro who’s really into bikes) to go out riding mountain bikes at the trails. Me being a little sick and both my bikes not working I didn’t think I was gonna go but then I was like, I’m gonna go get my lungs working again and my heart pumping and shit. I’m just gonna take a leisurely ride through the park while they ride the trails.
So I borrowed boyf’s other bike and rode maybe like 6-7 miles or so by myself just up and down the concrete path at the park. And I eventually bumped into them when they were ready to go home and they were like “wanna hit one trail with us on the way out?” and I was like “ye.” So we went to the trail and eventually bumped into another guy from bike night, this dude who’s like a middle aged boomer but relatively cool for his age bracket. So the 4 of us ride the trails for a bit and then our friend is like “hey y’all wanna trade bikes? I wanna see what she can do on my bike” bc he has this bitchen full suspension bike and I was riding this little street bike and I guess he thought I was tearing it up. So I got on this fucking beast bike, the first time I have ever ridden a full sus bike in my life actually. And I just fucking sent it and it was fucking awesome. I haven’t been on the trails in a hot minute plus I’m a little sick so I wasn’t going as fast as I wanted but…damn. Having only ever ridden trails on a rigid bike with no suspension riding on a full sus is like fucking riding over clouds. It was fucking awesome.
But the best part later was when all the guys were hyping me up, I could hear them talking to each other “Damn she’s fast” etc. Saying I should get into MTB racing and all that. The boomer guy was like “Wow, imagine if she wasn’t sick.” Lmao. Like they were all really impressed. Which is nice as fuck because I feel like I don’t really get a lot of compliments or hype at bike night. But today they were all impressed. I was like damn guys. Me and my fucking 10 inch dick over here.
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duskythesomething · 2 years
omg the past two days were a blast i'll ramble in tags
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l4ndon0rris · 2 years
Living a Lie; DR3
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x you
Summary: a one shot where you cheat on your asshole boyf w Dan SMUT
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: swearing, slight hints of verbal/emotional abuse, penetrative sex
A/N: was feeling uninspired so what better than a quick romp ✨ enjoy!!
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Dan’s morning run routine had been cemented in his lifestyle for long enough that it was second nature to him, like clockwork he was out before 8am most days until he saw you. It took around ten days before Dan figured out your routine and ended up running on your time and not his. The girl he had noticed seemed to leave roughly around the time he got home, clipping in your headphones on the stairwell and setting off in a different direction each morning. He stuck to his own route to avoid any restraining orders coming his way but the minute or two he saw you each morning was enough for him, for now at least.
He couldn’t figure out what apartment you were coming from but he knew it was above him somewhere in the building, listening for the fast footsteps on the stairwell outside his door to time himself going out at the same time as you. He'd ask your name one morning, he told himself continually but for what good reason would anyone need to know a neighbour’s name? He had seen you far too often to suddenly introduce himself as a new neighbour and he didn’t have any houseplants that needed watering while he was away. The fact that your skin had the perfect blush to its cheeks that swelled just the right amount after your morning cardio wasn’t a reason, nor was the way your hair looked perfectly undone in its pulled back messy bun each day.
A few weeks into his new routine he had worked up to earning a polite smile from you each morning, very neighbourly of him. It took a few more weeks for him to finally learn your name, unfortunately it didn’t come from you but another man. Explicit words, your name, door slamming. The fast footsteps were even faster than usual that morning but he caught enough of a glimpse to notice you wiping your eyes with the balls of your hands as you made your way down the stairs of the building. Instinctively Dan rushed out of the building, this time his pace – or rather yours - was slightly quicker than usual as he ran to catch-up. Making his way in front of you to see your face red from tears you merely shrugged him off when he asked if you were okay and continued your almost sprint away from him. Unsurprising, Dan knew he wouldn’t appreciate a stranger making a fuss if it were him and he distracted by the thoughts of you for the rest of the day.
The next morning Dan waited for your footsteps until he assumed maybe you had caught on to the creepy man who just happened to leave at the exact same time every morning and were now doing everything to avoid him. Understandable but once again his jog was filled with thoughts of you right until he saw you, apartment building in site as he finished his 5k and your figure leaning against the brick wall outside. He wasn’t all convinced the small wave in his direction was for him until he got closer and noticed you signalling for him to take his headphones off as you spoke something.
The music was overtaken by the noise of early morning traffic and your voice. “Yesterday. Sorry. Bad morning.” He had never thought about how you sounded and it was the most soothing sound to his ears.
“It’s okay…I hope you’re okay,” Dan hoped he came across as sincere as he was.
“I was.” A faltering smile on your lips wasn’t enough to mask the flash of discontent in your eyes. “I am.” Dan’s eyebrow popped with the correction, intrigued by how quickly and naturally you had caught yourself slipping. “Y/N, by the way,” holding out a hand to him.
“Daniel.” He recognised a knowing nod he often got when introducing himself to people when they already knew him by name. Accepting the hand shake he felt the contrast in the softness of your hands with his rough skin. People often talk of a spark of electricity or the burn of a hot passionate touch but he was convinced they were nothing in comparison to the natural delicacy as your hand wound itself in his as if it were to belong there and be held by his repeatedly.  
“I’m late today so…” you trailed off pointing in your headed direction, a deliberately telling look at Dan from under your lashes confirmed that maybe you had gotten on to the fact he was almost-stalking you out of the building each morning.
The morning routine had relaxed slightly; Dan no longer waited for the sound of your footsteps before he left the apartment. Instead it had become an unspoken part of the routine that whoever got back first would wait outside for a polite morning chit-chat. Savouring the small few minutes he had with you, never bringing up the loud voice that would heatedly yell your name more times than he would like to hear or never pressing to learn details about you. Whenever he shared anecdotes of his family or friends they were never reciprocated with your own but he silently accepted you as you were.
“Are you going to Jay’s party tonight?” Dan was optimistic considering the apartment building was relatively small and it was only occupants invited.
“I think we’re going to, yeah.”
We are. There is a you that is a part of a we. Dan knew this all along but somehow had managed to compartmentalise the you that gets yelled at upstairs whenever he felt like it to the you that he had gotten to know over the last few weeks. At the very least it meant he’d finally meet whoever it was that made you miserable. He had never seen you cry since that first morning but there was a noticeable uncertainty that lingered in your eyes, a gentle unwavering to your voice and the continuous glances to the building door every time a reflection passed or opened as you spoke.
The ‘party’ was more of a gathering but it was to Dan’s liking, enough of an atmosphere to have all of his jokes hit with the audience around him and be able to add a few songs of his choosing the playlist queue.
Dan had been introduced to a few neighbours he hadn’t met due to his day-job. There were two he was particularly interested in. Liam and Craig, both males from upstairs who had respective girlfriends who couldn’t attend for various reasons. Craig was a burly man with a beard he was envious of, worked early mornings outside - which explained the farmers tan poking from under his t-shirt – and had a laugh that rivalled his own. Liam on the other hand had decided to attend the party in a grey work suit, hair quiffed with too much gel and a five o’clock shadow barely visible. Dan knew who he had his money on.
“You should meet one of y/n’s friends, she’d be right up your alley.” Bingo. “What with you working away, probably best just to get your end away when you can, right?!” Liam was rhetorical in his question as the other men shuffled, not knowing each other well enough to know how to respond. “Speak of the devil, looks like she made it after all.” Dan looked over his shoulder to see you walking across the room to him. Until you bypassed him and went directly to Liam’s grasp given he was your partner, that made much more sense.
“I was just telling him about Gina, right sort isn’t she?” Liam looked down at you nestled in his arms whilst he pointed in Dan’s direction. Liam’s fingers gripping your arm territorially close to him. “Bit of a slag last time we saw her, probably sort you right out, mate!” Dan’s teeth grinded against one another in frustration at the way this guy spoke. “Oh babe, this is Daniel. Formula One driver.” Liam added as an after thought before he continued his obnoxious tirade to the group, Dan only heard your whisper hello because he was focused on you before you wriggled away to the drinks counter. Dan’s patience couldn’t withhold Liam for much longer, shooting Jay a knowing look and backing away from the conversation to follow you.
“Remind me why you’re with him?” Dan asked discreetly as he made himself a drink without even moving his head in your direction. He got the impression that any conversation you shared with another male could result in another yelling match and he wasn’t prepared to be the reason for that.
“I could stand here and tell you a lie or I could tell you the truth.” To his surprise you looked straight at him as you spoke.
Dan locked eyes with you almost challenging him to ask you to tell the truth but he didn’t have the nerve. “What would you usually do?”
“Lie.” Without missing a beat, your posture grew, your face contorting into a chesire-cat-like smile he hadn’t seen before and your voice heightened as you stood and lied to him so easily like you had done it thousand times before. “Because I love him.” Maintaining your demeanour Dan watched as you glided back over to Liam living the lie. He quickly realised that the you he had gotten to know had been the truth and this was the one wearing the mask.
It wasn’t long past midnight and Dan was already back at his apartment, feet cross legged on the sofa watching a movie channel. He had lasted long enough at the party but the more Liam grated on him the less trust he had in himself to stay composed. Watching as Liam overshadowed you more throughout the night, comments that nobody would notice to be hurtful unless they recognised the look that flickered across your face.
A knock on the door he was initially going to ignore disturbed his peace until the second knock was slightly more rapid and urgent sounding. Opening the door you were already scooting beside him into his apartment before he had a chance to look at you properly. You gestured for him to hurriedly close the door as he observed the bright whites of your eyes had been replaced by a vivid redness and tear stains marking your flushed hot cheeks.
Dan took giant strides toward you to close the gap between you both as fast as possible, cupping your face in his hands delicately which was like a reset button for your body to throb with fresh tears. He brought your face to his chest, hand on the back of your hair shushing you and telling you it’s okay. He felt the tight grip you had on the back of his hoody like he was the only thing holding you up from falling.
“I’m sorry, I have nowhere else to go,” you muffled out from his chest. “I burnt every bridge I ever had being with him and now I never have anywhere to go when he’s like this. It’s like a curse.” Dan continued to stroke your hair, placing his cheek atop your head as he listened to you finally opening up everything to him he had ever wanted to ask you. “It’s probably because he’s drunk,” the excuses began as you peeled yourself away from Dan.
“No. It’s probably because he’s a twat. Definitely because he’s a twat.” Dan had held his tongue all night and now had all the permission he needed to say how he felt.
“I’m sorry,” the edges of your sleeves now being used as a tissue as you cleared your face.
“Don’t do that,” Dan’s face and tone were hard. “Don’t apologise for him.” Placing his hands on your wrists to move them away from your face he looked at you. Really looked at you. The hair flung over your shoulder, the bare skin of your neck, your lips that were puffier and redder now from the crying. “I’m sorry.” Dan whispered before he let go of your wrists and placed them either side of your face, leaning in to kiss your reddened lips. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while, I’m sorry.” Pulling away nervous to see your expression at his bold move.
A slight shake of your head was all he could make out, “don’t.” A strained noise rather than a word caused Dan to sigh knowing he had done the wrong thing. Breaking eye contact with you accepting his fate until your hand on his cheek made him look up at how close you were now standing to him. “Don’t apologise,” your breath hit his lips so gently that he wasn’t certain it was real as you kissed him. Delicately at first, as though you were unsure of his reaction despite him instigating the situation. Once Dan wrapped his arms around your waist he felt you smile into the kiss, pressing into him more, willing. You disconnected but hovered still above his pink lips both mirroring a smile.
“Have you had much to drink?” Dan asked, not wanting to take advantage.
“None.” You smiled as you flicked your tongue across his bottom lip giving Dan permission. Dan held out his tongue, both of you teasing and tantalising each other before you enveloped one another in a gentle kiss.
“Do you wan-” Dan never got a chance to finish his sentence before you hummed into his mouth and pressed your body close enough against his that he was sure you could feel his hard-on through his joggers. Lifting you up from your bum, dress draped over his hands as he blindly carried you through to his bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist.
He lowered you onto the bed, lips disconnecting momentarily but only to strip his t-shirt above his head. Your nails gently raking down his back feeling the goosebumps rise along your trail. His hands now underneath the skirt of your dress, up along your thighs to the sides of your waist. Turns out your skin was soft everywhere no matter where he touched, your touch now palming through his joggers causing a stifled groan from his throat. You removed your dress straps from your shoulders, peeling down your dress to expose your breasts underneath Dan’s chest. He gazed in amazement momentarily before he realised he should be worshipping you, taking your nipple in his mouth sucking on it fervently with a gentle nip to the bud causing a shockwave to ripple through your body and between your thighs. You placed your own hand beneath your skirt to rub where was most desired but Dan gave a gentle smack away and replaced it with his own, back arching slightly at the two sensations taking over your body. You couldn’t take much longer, rolling your weight on top of Dan straddling his hips as you removed your dress completely.
Dan bit his lip at the view on top of him: breasts sat perfectly on your frame, one slightly red from where his lips had been moments ago as he shuffled his joggers off his bottom half. He couldn’t help the grin when he noticed your expression as his hard cock sprung from its waistband. You made quick work to take him in your mouth, tongue swirling around the tip as you watched Dan bury his head back into his pillow at the sensation. Looking back at you to notice your hand had slipped once again between your own legs as you ran your tongue the length of his cock.
“Let me get-” Dan turned to the drawer beside his bed and took out a condom, tearing the wrapper and placing it on himself as you kissed along his hips gently. Shuffling back into a comfortable position he brought your face to his, feeling you hover slightly above him placing a gentle kiss to your lips. You ran your nose against his as you positioned yourself over him, slowly sitting down onto his length mouth agape as he filled you. Slowly bouncing up and down his length getting used to the feel of him inside of you, Dan’s face looking up at you more than satisfied with the feeling of you wrapped around his cock.
“You feel so good baby,” he encouraged, you leaning forward to connect your lips once again but this time more passionately than before as you picked up the pace on his cock. Hands gripping the headboard behind him for stability, Dan’s hands cupping your breasts as they bounced above his face. He knew you were incredible; he knew that from the moment he first saw you but this was more than he’d imagined. The groans that left the pair of you were explicit as he held you close against his chest, his own hips pounding into you from beneath. Your breath and moans against his ear were the greatest soundtrack he’d ever heard. Your bodies both clammy with sweat and passion as he hit deeper and harder inside of you as he held you closer.
“I’m close,” Dan groaned out quickening the pace, sitting up to give him a full view of your tits bouncing as you rode him to his climax. His face and body tensed beneath you, slowing to ride it out with him until you noticed his shoulders relax. Leaning over you placed a gentle kiss to his cheek earning a smile from him before you carefully sat up off him.
You left Dan on the bed to clean yourself up, looking in the mirror and feeling no shame or guilt about what had happened. Instead, you felt a sense of relief. You were your truest self around Dan, including the bedroom. You felt safe, secure… happy. Dan’s figure appeared behind you in the mirror, eyes half closed from exhaustion, a downturned smile on his lips mocking his all-worn-out mister down below. You giggled as he wrapped his arms around your waist pressing a kiss to your temple. It was so easy and natural in this apartment compared to your one upstairs.
Dan crawled back into bed beside you, flopping his arm over your waist and snuggling into all of your hair on the back of your neck. Drifting off to sleep with the perfect woman in his arms.
A small noise disturbed Dan from his slumber, squinting as though that would improve his vision in the dead of night. Another noise from the corner of the room and a flutter of movement in his vision. He suddenly noticed the weight of the bed only held his own.
“Where you going?” Dan’s voice croaked through the dark room toward the noise.
“I have to go,” a faint whisper as you felt around the floor for your dress you had flung off along the way.
The black of night hiding the disappointment etched on Dan’s face. “You can stay,” the gentle hope in his voice hard to disguise.
“I never stay out,” your figure slowly making its way toward him. “I always go back.”
“You’re going back?” Dan had wished you’d stay asleep buried in the nook he’d made around you with his arms hoping you wouldn’t leave him.
“I have to go back.”
Those were the words would haunt Dan. Every time you escaped the turmoil of your relationship and made your way back into his bed. Sometimes an impromptu visit whilst Liam was working in the office on the odd weekday was all the reason you needed to knock on Dan’s door and fall back into his arms. Some morning jogs had been replaced with a knock on the door, sex and breakfast in bed to follow. The craving for one another was all consuming and the hope that one day that the pair of you would fall into your own domesticated routine as if Liam never existed was a dream Dan had replayed multiple times over. Some nights Dan wouldn’t wake as you left and he would roll over expecting to find you to place a kiss upon your head and snuggle in the morning light. But even as he slept you would still whisper your goodbye in the dark.
You had to go back.
taglist ily @readerselegance @d0ntjudgemy50shades @dr3lover @onelovelife @oyesmendes @chilwellsbitch @dr3ln4 @lace-dolphin @writing-about-current-obsessions
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geminiwritten · 4 years
jesse’s girl ; bucky barnes
fandom: marvel
pairing: bucky x reader
summary: natasha encourages you to date one of the new recruits in the hopes that it might provoke bucky to confess his feelings for you
notes: this is messy and i’m so sorry but i’ve be so stuck lately and i had to force myself to get this written! i hope it’s decent...
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word count: 4744 (i don’t even know)
Three weeks ago, the only thing you could think about was Bucky Barnes. His blue eyes and the twinkle that they get when he smiles really wide, the way he flips his hair out of his eyes during a sparring match, and the smell of his aftershave after a hot shower. Everything about Bucky Barnes felt as though it was a drug designed specifically for you.
But that was three weeks ago.
After venting to Natasha and Wanda on a long overdue girls’ night, you finally agreed to go on a date with one of the new recruits who had been asking you out for almost a month. His name was Jesse, and he was one of twelve new agents that were being trained by Steve, Sam, and Bucky in the hopes of being able to help on missions where numbers were necessary.
Natasha convinced you that maybe Jesse would be the chance for you to move on and forget about Bucky, since your infatuation was very evidently not reciprocated. You were sceptical at first, but he was cute and funny, and he seemed genuine, so you agreed to go out with him.
“Hey,” you greeted, looking up at the sound of your room door opening, “how was training?”
Despite his soft smile, it was obvious that Jesse was exhausted, “Good, yeah…”
You stood from your desk and gestured for him to give you his heavy tactical jacket, “What’s that ‘yeah’ for?”
“It’s nothing,” he shook his head, “I’m just tired.”
“Really?” you asked, following him as he sat on the edge of your bed to remove his boots.
“I mean,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I don’t want you to think that I’m making shit up or just being a wuss but…”
He sighed, “I just feel like Barnes is going a little hard on me.”
You frowned, unable to stop the way your heartbeat began to race, “What do you mean?”
The fitness watch secured around your wrist beeped at the sudden elevation in heartrate, to which Jesse offered you a confused frown.
You tapped the device in an attempt to shut it up, mumbling, “Stupid thing.”
“I don’t know,” he muttered, thankfully ignoring the watch, “I’m probably just over-thinking it but he really doesn’t seem to like me. He made me do thirty extra laps because I asked an ‘irrelevant question’ even though Timms had just asked him how long lunch break was. And he’s always calling me out for having poor form, he gives me all the broken gear and all the shitty roles during dummy-missions. He’s never even given me a chance to lead but Timms has, twice!”
You frowned, “Which one is Timms again?”
“Frosted tips.”
“Oh,” you watched as he tucked his laces neatly inside his empty boots, “that’s rough.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, “I don’t know, maybe I’m being dramatic.”
You shrugged, “I don’t think so, none of that sounds at all fair to me.”
He turned to you, looking up through his lashes with pleading eyes, “Really? Because I was thinking that maybe, if you didn’t mind, you could talk to him for me?”
Your watch chirped with another heart rate warning, “Oh, um, like talk to Bucky and ask him to ease up, or…”
“Yeah! He doesn’t have to go soft on me just cause I’m dating you,” he winked badly, “but I wouldn’t mind a pat on the back every now and then.”
“A pat on the back?” you echoed, still trying to squash the sound of your watch with your other hand.
He stood quickly from the bed, gathering his jacket and shoes and pausing before the door, “You’re the best, you know that?”
“Wait,” you stood too, “aren’t you staying here tonight?”
He shook his head, “I’ve got an early start tomorrow, and besides, now you have a chance to talk to Barnes for me!”
Though you couldn’t actually remember agreeing to it, you nodded slowly and leant into his kiss as his lips collided with your cheek.
“Thanks babe, see you tomorrow!”
The door swung shut in your face, leaving you to stare bewildered at the empty coat hook stuck to the back of it.
After sitting pensively on the foot of your bed and allowing yourself enough time to process the conversation that had just taken place, you decided to go upstairs. You hadn’t spent a lot of time with the team over the past few weeks, thanks to Jesse, and you couldn’t help feeling a little sheepish as you stepped out of the elevator and into the common room.
“Oh, my!” Tony, the first to lay eyes on you, exclaimed, “Could it be our long-lost comrade?”
Clint chuckled, “We thought you’d been taken hostage, or worse.”
Before you could speak, Peter walked up to you with his hand outstretched, “Hi, my name’s Peter Parker, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
You gasped indignantly and slapped his hand away, “Watch it, smart ass.”
The rest of the group who were sprawled around the living area rumbled with laughter while Peter received a proud high-five from Tony.
“You know, princess,” Sam said, appearing beside you and placing a heavy hand on your shoulder, “I think you owe us an apology.”
You scoffed, “I don’t owe you anything, Wilson.”
“Actually,” Steve pitched in from his spot on the lounge, “I’d say you owe me some gratitude since I was the one who hired your new boyfriend.”
A shiver ran down your spine at the sound of that word out loud. Though you’d thought it once or twice, you hadn’t yet heard it spoken aloud and something about it made your insides knot.
“Don’t say that word,” you snapped, “I- we haven’t talked about it yet.”
Natasha’s ears pricked at the sound of discomfort in your voice, and her eyes quickly looked to Bucky. He was slumped beside Steve on the three-seater sofa, his elbow resting on the arm of it as his hand supported his head. He looked as if he was doing his best to sink right into the lounge itself, his lips pressed in a thin line and grey eyes glued to the television screen.
Natasha supressed an evil smile as she turned her attention to you, “What do you mean you haven’t talked about it? You were just saying yesterday how dreamy this guy was.”
Crimson colour blossomed in your cheeks, “Thanks, Nat,” you said, sarcasm dripping from your voice. “All it means is that we haven’t spoken about labels yet, now would you all butt out of my love-life?”
“Love?” Sam exclaimed, much to Natasha’s delight.
She glanced at Bucky, whose jaw was getting significantly tighter.
“Oh, come on!” you huffed as you pushed past Sam, moving toward the sofa where Bucky and Steve were seated.
“You know, Y/N,” Nat said as you situated yourself between the two super soldiers, “if it’s not too early for the L-word then I think you should at least start using the B-word.”
Before anyone else could react or respond, Bucky jumped up from the lounge and practically sprinted toward the kitchen door. Silence enveloped the room, everyone staring at the blazing trail that he left behind.
“Well,” Sam spoke first, trying and failing to conceal his amusement, “I wonder what that was about.”
He and Natasha exchanged a knowing glance before dissolving into giggles.
“You two are cruel,” Wanda said, standing from her seat at the dining table and heading for the elevator.
“Did I miss something?” you asked.
Beside you, Steve shrugged, “Just ignore them, they’re being idiots. Buck has had a hard few weeks and he’s nervous about having to let go of some of the recruits tomorrow.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were going to have to get rid of anyone.”
“Yeah, some of them just aren’t performing well,” he replied, “but between you and me, Jesse is safe.”
You knew you should have felt relief, but you were too busy worrying about Bucky to even consider the safety of Jesse’s position in the recruitment programme.
“He’s actually performing really well, he’s a very promising recruit,” Steve added.
You blinked yourself out of your own spiralling thoughts, “Who is?”
Nat snorted a laugh from across the living room.
“Jesse is,” Steve said, “your boyf-”
“I told you not to use that word,” you interrupted him, standing from the sofa. “Um, I’m just going to go see if Bucky is okay.”
No one spoke a word as you exited through the same door that Bucky had moments before, and as soon as it swung closed behind you, Steve turned to Nat, “Is there something I should know?”
Her grin was nothing but satisfied, because her evil plan was going exactly as she had hoped.
Natasha wasn’t stupid, in fact, she was the exact opposite. She was an international super-spy with a genius level intellect, specially trained to be able to manipulate people and events in her favour. It would have been stupid for her not to use her expert skills and abilities on you, despite the fact that you were one of her closest friends and fellow avenger.
It all started three weeks ago when you had requested a special night in with both Wanda and Natasha. The girls knew that you were once again needing to vent about your unrequited love for Bucky, but Natasha had decided that it was time she did something to fix her best friend’s broken heart. She knew that Bucky felt the same, and not just because Wanda had told her in complete confidence from once hearing his thoughts, but because the Winter Soldier wasn’t at all good at hiding the way he felt about you. At least, not from Natasha.
She could easily see the way that you both pined for one another, so really, she was doing the two of you – and the whole team – a favour. Jesse’s feelings were just collateral damage, and she only felt a twinge of guilt for using him as a pawn to evoke Bucky’s jealous rage in the hopes that he might finally express his feelings for you.
“Are you insane?” Steve asked once Natasha had finished explaining her scheme, “Bucky is going to kill you if he finds out.”
She shrugged, “Finds out what? That I encouraged my best friend to go on a date with a cute guy? That’s hardly a crime.”
Wanda re-entered the room with her drawing pad tucked under her arm, “Like I said, cruel.”
In the gym, down on the lowest level of the compound, Bucky had changed into his sweats and begun pummelling all of his anger into one of the sparring dummies.
“Careful,” you said, stepping up to the ropes around the elevated sparring ring, “Tony just got us a new one, he’ll be fuming if you destroy this one so soon.”
At the sound of your voice his footing stuttered and he tripped forward, his thick arms wrapping around the dummy in order to stop his whole body from falling to the floor.
“Jeez,” he huffed as he righted himself, “don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“Sorry,” you blushed, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He watched as your nervous eyes searched for anything else to rest upon but him, “Don’t be sorry.”
He cursed himself for being so soft around you and turned back to the dummy before he had the chance to say anything he might regret.
“Are you alright?” you asked him, resting both forearms on the lowest rope.
He landed two expert punches to the torso of the dummy before turning back to you, a bead of sweat escaping his hairline and racing down his sharp cheekbone.
“Of course, why?” he lied.
You shrugged, “Just seem off, that’s all.”
“I’m fine,” he said, “a little tired, but fine.”
Your eyes were wide, silently pleading for him to be honest, but he was too stubborn.
“Okay,” you said, reaching your arm up toward him with your pinkie finger outstretched, “pinkie-promise?”
His whole body felt warm and fuzzy, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He couldn’t resist you, so he crouched down and linked his flesh pinkie finger with yours.
“I pinkie-promise.”
The stupid sound of your fitness watch alerting you about your erratic pulse made you both startle, and the blush returned to your cheeks tenfold.
“What’s that?” Bucky asked.
You retracted your hand and quickly held the watch behind your back, “Just- uh, low battery I think, stupid thing.”
He frowned.
“I should get to bed, anyway,” you said as you backed away from the sparring ring, “I’m glad you’re okay, Bucky, really.”
You spun around and headed quickly for the door, smacking the small screen on your wrist in another lame attempt to get the thing to shut up.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bucky called across the gym, stopping you just before the door.
He wanted to tell you how he missed you. How he missed your smile and your voice, and the way that you would always take his side over Sam’s. He wanted to tell you that the last few weeks have been hell, and that he hated every second that you weren’t by his side. He wanted to tell you how he really felt about you, but he couldn’t.
“Jesse is really great,” he blurted out instead, “he’s a really promising recruit, and I think you two make a great couple.”
You felt as if someone had stuck a pin into the side of your heart, popping it like a balloon.
“Oh, uh, thanks, Buck,” you called back, “I really miss you though.”
Before your watch could identify another alarming elevation in your heartrate, you swung the door open and hurried into the corridor, away from the gym.
Over the next few days, you avoided just about everyone. You were confused about Jesse and still overwhelmed by Bucky, and most of all, you felt as though you were missing out on some huge inside joke with the rest of the team. You needed space in order to pacify your turbulent thoughts and decide exactly what you wanted to do next.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Wanda said, waving a hand in front of your dazed eyes.
You blinked yourself back to reality, “Sorry, what’d you say?”
“I asked if you were coming to watch the recruits after lunch.”
“Watch them do what?”
She rolled her eyes, “The sparring competition.”
Your confusion only deepened with the crease between your brows.
“Against Natasha and Barnes,” she elaborated, “didn’t Jesse tell you?”
You shook your head, “I haven’t really had much of a chance to see him lately.”
She had to fight the temptation to listen in to your thoughts, “Oh, well, Steve decided that a little friendly competition might boost morale among the recruits after they had to let two of them go last week. They’re going to spar with one another and the four best recruits will get to fight either Bucky or Natasha.”
“Holy shit,” you muttered, “that’s- uh, that’s intense.”
“I suppose it is,” she said, “are you okay?”
You nodded slowly, “Yeah, of course, just a little preoccupied.”
Nearly three hours later you were seated between Wanda and Sam in the first row of the gymnasium’s modest bleachers. Tony had them built in beside the sparring ring for occasions such as this, or for watching Natasha kick Rogers’ ass as he often liked to remind everyone.
The eleventh match was almost over, which meant there were only five more until four of the recruits would have to fight Bucky or Natasha. They were quick rounds, hardly lasting any longer than five minutes each, and with every winner that Steve called you could feel your palms getting sweatier and sweatier.
“For your sake, I hope Jesse gets Romanoff,” the burly recruit sitting behind you said, he had already won his first two matches and you had no doubt he would be one of the four winners.
“What do you mean?” you asked, turning in your seat to look at him.
“Jesse’s one of the best fighters, I don’t doubt he’ll be one of the top four, but Barnes will snap him in half if he gets the chance,” the man replied.
Sam’s attention was piqued now, and he too turned around, “What the hell are you talking about, man? This is just a friendly competition.”
This time, the recruit frowned, “I know that, but Barnes hates Jesse, he’s always had it out for him and don’t think he’ll be very friendly if he’s given the chance to fight the kid.”
You turned to Sam, watching his face morph slowly into realisation.
“Wait,” you said, “I’m still confused. Bucky doesn’t hate Jesse, he told me himself that he thinks he’s a great recruit.”
The burly recruit looked from you to Sam, and then back to you as he slowly raised both hands in mock surrender.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, “but this conversation is definitely above my paygrade.”
Sam turned back to face the sparring ring, obviously ignoring your confused and urgent eyes.
“Sam,” you poked his bicep, “What the fuck is going on?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know, I just-”
“Next match is Jesse versus Angelina,” Steve announced, interrupting Sam, “and if Jesse wins this match, he will be the first of our final four!”
The small group of recruits, agents, avengers, and friends of avengers cheered, but you were all too confused to even muster a clap. Steve then announced that the match would begin in five minutes, so you took your chance and hurried over to where Jesse was stretching beside the ring.
“Hey,” you said, “how are you feeling?”
“Hey!” he exclaimed, excitedly planting a sloppy kiss on your lips, “I feel great, I’ve got this in the bag.”
You resisted the urge to wipe your lips on the back of your sweater sleeve.
“Oh, really? I mean, you’re incredible but these other recruits are pretty tough.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “not really, they’re all fairly amateur but these rounds are just a warm-up.”
“A warm-up for what?”
“Barnes,” he replied, his gaze locked on something across the ring.
You glanced over to see Tony helping Bucky try on a few different gloves, each of them made from a variety of soft materials and reaching up his forearm and above his elbow.
Jesse sniggered, “Those gloves are a waste of time, he won’t get a chance to land one on me.”
“Are you serious?” you scoffed, “Jesse, he is a genetically enhanced, special-ops, super spy. He could kill almost everyone in this room without even breaking a sweat.”
“Almost everyone,” Jesse echoed, “you’re right, but not me. Don’t worry babe, I’ve been waiting for a chance to show Barnes who’s boss ever since recruitment day.”
You were utterly speechless, anchored to the ground by overwhelming disbelief of what you had just heard. You hardly even noticed when Jesse kissed your lips once more before Steve called him into the ring.
Slowly, you moved back to your seat between Wanda and Sam.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked, a gentle finger hooking beneath your chin to close your open mouth.
You were in shock, “That kid is an idiot.”
“I could have told you that,” Sam said, “he’s too cocky, always pushing back and refusing orders. We only keep him around because he’s shown some real skill, and because of you.”
“What?” you snapped, “Why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me?”
He shrugged yet again, “Barnes asked us not to, said that if you liked him then he must be a good guy deep down.”
You glared at him accusingly before whipping around to Wanda, “Did you know this?!”
She smiled sheepishly, “Yes and no.”
“Ugh,” you groaned loudly, “why the hell is everyone being so damn cryptic lately?!”
Steve’s voice once again echoed around the gym, announcing Jesse as the winner and the first of the four finalists.
The next few rounds happened faster than you could keep up with. Every time the bell rang to signal the beginning of a match, you fell back into the spiralling pool of thoughts in your head. You wanted to find answers for all the questions you had but there was something that you didn’t know, a piece of information that you needed in order to finish the puzzle you so desperately wanted to solve.
“Oh, my god,” Wanda said, bringing you back to reality, “this isn’t going to end well.”
“What happened?”
“Jesse is going to verse Barnes,” Sam replied, trying terribly to hide the amusement in his tone.
“Is Bucky really going to kill him?” you asked.
“He’s thinking about it,” Wanda said.
Everyone cheered as Natasha was the first to fight the burly recruit from before. She had him in a headlock within seconds, but he certainly didn’t seem too bummed about being trapped between her thighs.
The next match was a muscly female recruit against Bucky, who was inhibited by a silicone glove covering his bionic arm. She was incredible, and seemed to actually give him a run for his money until Steve rang the three-minute bell and Bucky pinned her to the floor. He had obviously been going easy on her, only putting a fraction of his power into every move for the fear of actually injuring her.
After the rest of the recruits celebrated the length of time that their comrade had managed to stay in the ring with the Winter Soldier, it was time for Natasha’s second duel. She was up against a petite but lean female recruit who only had half a head of inky black hair that was braided tightly to her scalp. The fight was dynamic and entertaining to watch, even Natasha seemed to be enjoying herself with the skilled young recruit, but after five minutes passed Nat won the round.
It was nice to watch all the young recruits celebrate with each other. They were all huddled together, chatting excitedly about how great this competition was and how amazing both Nat and Bucky were. They were genuinely happy for one another and they were starting to act like a real team, all but one of them.
Jesse was back in his spot beside the ring, sitting cross-legged on the floor with his hands on his knees, palms facing up.
“Is he meditating?” Sam said, taking the words right out of your mouth.
“Not really,” Wanda answered him, her eyes trained on Jesse, “he’s a bit nervous, but he’s hoping that everyone is looking at him and thinking he’s really cool. He also can’t wait for victory sex tonight.”
Your stomach lurched, threatening to send your lunch back up your oesophagus, “Gross.”
The moment Steve stepped into the middle of the ring, the gym went silent, as if everyone was waiting for this fight.
“I can’t wait to see Barnes destroy him,” a voice from somewhere behind you said, “the weasel deserves it.”
“He shouldn’t even be given this chance,” another voice joined in, “it’s an honour to be in one of these matches and Jesse’s just an arrogant prick. I can’t believe he wasn’t kicked out of the programme last week.”
Steve rang the bell and the match began.
Bucky was still wearing his silicone glove so he didn’t accidentally kill his opponent, though you almost wished that he had taken it off this time.
Jesse wore a stupid smirk as he danced on his toes around the ring. Bucky had to use all of his strength not to knock the idiot out in one punch, but it was becoming increasingly difficult the longer he had to wait for the first swing.
“I know your technique, Barnes,” Jesse said, only loud enough for Bucky to hear.
Bucky just rolled his eyes, “This is a sparring match, Jesse, just shut up and throw a punch.”
“Why would I do something that you’re expecting me to-”
Bucky swung a soft fist into Jesse’s torso, knocking the wind out of him and earning a cheer from the crowd.
“Big mistake,” Jesse spluttered as he tried to regain composure.
Bucky just rolled his eyes before fluidly ducking Jesse’s first swing, and then the second and the third.
“Stop thinking about how you look while you’re fighting and focus on technique,” he said as he resisted the urge to finish the match right then and there.
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
Jesse’s swings became sloppy and Bucky was easily dodging every attack. The crowd were cheering and even Steve had to fight the small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
As Bucky moved around the ring, guiding Jesse whichever way he pleased, he searched for you. He knew it was silly, but he wanted to know if you were watching, he wanted to see if you were worried about Jesse or if you were watching for him.
The moment he found you, his heart began to race. Of course, it was already a little worked up from dodging Jesse’s careless fists, but the effect that you had was so immense it made him a little dizzy. Then he saw the corner of your pink lips quirk upwards ever so slightly and for a split second, he lost focus.
Jesse’s fist collided with Bucky’s jaw, drawing a gasp from the crowd as Bucky stumbled on his feet.
“That’s what you get for looking at my girl,” Jesse sneered.
Bucky glanced at you, worry now consuming your perfect features.
Jesse too glanced back, evoking a flicker of rage across your face before he turned back to Bucky and really put the final nail in his coffin, “I just can’t wait to fuck her tonight after I win this stupid competition.”
Wanda gasped, “Holy shit.”
“What?” you demanded.
“Oh, no,” Sam muttered.
In the time it had taken you to turn to Wanda and turn back to the ring, Bucky had begun beating the life out of Jesse and Steve was running into the ring to stop the fight.
You leapt off your seat as your watch, yet again, began beeping obnoxiously to alert you that your pulse was beating dangerously fast.
By the time you reached the side of the ring, Steve and Tony had pulled the pair apart. Bucky climbed out of the ring as Steve carried Jesse off to the infirmary. The recruits were cheering for Bucky, chattering animatedly about the events that had just transpired.
“Bucky!” you exclaimed, “Are you okay?”
The pure uncontrollable anger in his eyes melted away the moment they met yours.
“Hey, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, finding a towel to dab at his split lip.
You raised your brows, “The last time you said that to me you were lying.”
He couldn’t help the silly smile that you brought to his lips, “I’m sorry, and I’m sorry that I broke the sacred vow of a pinkie promise.”
“It’s okay, as long as you’re okay.”
For a moment you simply stared at each other, hearts thrumming and palms sweating until painful realisation shot Bucky through the chest.
“Well, uh, you should probably go check on your boyf-”
“Please don’t,” you cut him off, softly bringing your hands up to his jaw, “that idiot is not my boyfriend, I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, you don’t?” Bucky whispered, his voice failing him as you overwhelmed his senses.
You shook your head, “No, I have a Bucky.”
That was all he needed to close the distance between your lips, pressing his body against yours as if you were the only thing keeping him tethered to this earth.
You never wanted to part from him, not for anyone or anything, not even for air but the sudden chirping of your fitness watch made the two of you startle.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you sighed.
Bucky chuckled, “What the hell is that noise?”
You laughed too, “It’s my Bucky-radar actually, because whenever there’s a Bucky nearby it beeps like crazy because my pulse starts going a hundred miles a minute.”
“Is that so?” his smirk almost made your knees buckle, “Should we test this thing out then, see how fast your heart has to race before it breaks?”
You hooked your arms around his neck, the watch still chirping, “And how exactly do you suggest we do that?”
He pressed another breathtaking kiss to your lips, stealing every coherent thought in your head.
“Oh, I’ve got a list.”
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caphayzardous · 4 years
honestly... relieved to say that I’m feeling pretty good now that I am moved here, 3/4 unpacked and making this space fucken killer. 
I knew it’d be a bit better once I just got it done, the impending severage from ‘home’ was destroying me? but now its like Done and making my room here Home has gone very surprisingly well. just like... this room has so many shelf space that my entire apartment (no shelves) fits in it, so the size/space issue isn’t as bad as I feared. it’s all gone a lot better than I expected. Having the LEDs light strip up makes a difference too, it doesn’t have the sickly sorta yellow-light-on-blue-walls thing that was both unpleasant in general and also overly-familiar, settin up my cool lights (mostly switchin between pink, purple, n blue) makes it like a ‘present-day Bri Space’ calming to be in. I also scooped some drawers out of tthe cupboard to repurpose the space as a desk and get my speakers in, so that’s when I was like, ‘true return to form’ about all of htis. it’s like really,,, in the last few days this room has become cooler than my apartment ever got to, and expresses like... character. and, and,
my bro is like annoying in some regards (as siblings must be, even when you get along...) BUT they n their partner have made dinner enough for me the last few nights, including yesterday they made burritos so good I could have cried, and I had leftovers of it today adn again was like what in the fuck this is so goddamn good. and my mums also like, bought some food for me and (eg: right now) made vegetables enough for me when shes cookin for her and hey boyf, so. thats been like really good for the adjustment period if I’d been responsible for buying my own food /thinking of meals this last week... just wouldnae have happened lmao. cohabitation has irked me a few times already but not having to make my own dinner every night fffar outweighs that haha... even if it’s just for now.
I’m not sleeping much rn but that’s mostly been by choice, I stayed awake for 40 hours the other day/s, and awake late/up early last night too. I’ve just like... gotta power through sorting my stuff and space out, and it keeps going late into the night, then I practice the bass at like lmao 4am or something because I refuse to miss practice haha. Idk I also just am determined to power through and stay on top of things because I really fear becoming ‘complacent’ again and the ease of living since moving makes that seem real possible, yeahah. like. I’m gonna rest when it’s sorted hahah I will allow myself that but y’;know.
so, yeah. really relieved and grateful. and like. feeling positive about the future now that i’m like, “ah good I have a Bri Space here so I wont be in Spatial Hell every day”. yes I am also feeling maybe uhh like... bashful(? or just stupid?) about how hm viscerally upset I’ve been in the lead-up to this, to the point of recent outright depressive relapse but uhh. well. it’s kind of only NOT gone badly because I’m putting in a lot of effort each day (ok and bc of the dinner thing hah) so there’s that. and it may yet become hell lmao probably i will still be having breakdowns if I am asked about my future At All. anyway t\hough. relieved it’s going well. yeah.
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An AU where the squip is a cat
Jeremy Heere had always wanted a cat. For as long as he could remember, he had always wanted one; however, his mother was staunchly against cats, seeing as how she was allergic. That didn’t stop him from putting a Powerpoint together when he was twelve to try to convince his parents to get him a cat. Of course, his efforts were in vain.
Luckily, now Jeremy was sixteen, and his mother had recently divorced his father and moved out. And while that did come with some downsides, Jeremy thought of his pantsless father with some distaste, it did mean that he could now get a cat. It only took a couple weeks to brush up on his research, and only a couple more to adopt a cat. He ended up choosing one from the local animal shelter, an adult tomcat with sleek black fur and piercing, intelligent blue eyes. The lady working at the shelter had told Jeremy that this cat, Squip, had lived for a few weeks on his own after his previous owners died under unusual circumstances. Undeterred, Jeremy decided to adopt Squip anyway.
Jeremy slipped through the front door, cat crate in hand.
“Dad?” he called out. “I’m home! With the cat!”
The only answer was a grunt from the couch. Jeremy scowled. His dad was always like this, so much less of a person since his mom left.
“Oookay then”, Jeremy mumbled under his breath. He set the cat crate down and looked inside, only to see the crate sans cat, door swinging open. Jeremy started, taken aback. He panicked for a moment, wondering if he had lost his cat already. Then, he heard a yowl from in the kitchen. Jeremy bolted inside, and there was Squip, safe and sound, sitting beside the bag of cat food he had bought prior, meowing incessantly. Jeremy chuckled.
“You sure are a smart one, aren’t you?”
The next day, Jeremy came home from school with the letters “BOYF” scrawled on his backpack in permanent marker. He stormed into his room, threw his vandalized backpack on the ground, and slammed the door shut. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard not to cry, and whispered, “I hate this school. I really, really hate this school”.
To his surprise, Jeremy heard a soft mew come from his bed. He opened his eyes and saw Squip sitting upright on his bed, keen blue eyes watching him.
“Oh! You’re here!”
He made his way to his bed, plopped down, and started stroking Squip, who climbed into his lap. Squip purred, staring at Jeremy intensely. For some reason, Jeremy got the feeling that Squip would really understand him, that he could tell Squip anything the way he could with Michael. He gathered himself and cleared his throat awkwardly.
“School’s just really hard, y’know? I just don’t know how to be cool or anything. I barely have any friends; Michael’s pretty much my only friend, really, and just today, Rich Goranski wrote ‘BOYF RIENDS’ on our backpacks. I really hate Rich. He’s always such an ass to me. Sometimes, I wish he would just burn in hell. I just can’t take him anymore -- hey!” Suddenly, Jeremy let out a yelp as Squip leapt off of him, ran over to the door, and pawed at it.
“Oh, you want out?” Jeremy slid off the bed and opened the door. When it was just barely ajar, Squip nosed his way through the crack and slipped out. Huh, Jeremy thought, bewildered.
It was fairly late in the evening when Jeremy finally saw Squip again, long enough to worry him. He fixed some dinner for Squip, then went to spend the rest of his night on homework and go to bed. At around 3AM, Jeremy awoke with a start. He sat upright, brain muddled and confused for a few moments before he heard what woke him up. His phone was chirping incessantly, signifying that he was receiving lots of texts. Jeremy was even more confused at this point, since he never received this many texts, especially not this late. He rolled over and turned on his phone, wincing at the bright light, and squinted blearily at the screen.
From what he could make out, most of the texts were from Michael, but there were quite a few from people he never spoke with. They varied in length and eloquence, but they all shared a few things in common: they all shouted “FIRE” and “RICH” at him.
“What the hell?” Jeremy muttered to himself. At this point, the harsh light was really starting to hurt his eyes, and his sleep-muddled brain couldn’t care about anything other than going back to sleep. Jeremy turned his phone to Do Not Disturb, rolled over, and went back to sleep.
By the time later morning came around, Jeremy was convinced that what had happened was a dream. He went about his morning… business as usual and walked to school. There, he was immediately accosted by Michael.
“Dude, you didn’t reply to any of my texts!! Did you read them? Do you even know what happened??” Michael practically yelled into Jeremy’s ear.
“Huh - what?” Jeremy fished around in his pocket, fumbled for his phone, and turned it off.
“Oh, I had it on Do Not Disturb. Oh… holy shit… that wasn’t a dream!” Jeremy scrolled through his dozens of messages. “Holy shit.”
Michael exclaimed, “I know right? I mean, I’ve never liked the dude, but this… I never thought this would happen. It’s a tragedy, but I can’t help but feel weirdly relieved, right?”
Michael continued to ramble, but Jeremy had tuned him out. It was yesterday, just yesterday, that Rich had been alive and well, tormenting him as usual, hell, he had proof of that on his back. It was impossible to imagine, and Jeremy could barely comprehend it now. Rich, in the ICU, having suffered severe burns, in critical condition, his house burnt nearly to the ground in a freak fire that no one could find the cause for.
Jeremy went through the rest of the day in a trance, faintly annoyed at the gossip that was going around. Sure, he never liked Rich, but even he didn’t deserve the disrespect going around in the rumors. Rumors about how he had set the fire, it was a suicide attempt, Rich was dead, those sorts. Ones Jeremy didn’t want to believe, no matter how awful Rich was to him.
Michael had to go home early that day for a doctor’s appointment, so Jeremy’s only hope for someone to talk to was Christine in after school play rehearsal. But, of course, Christine was preoccupied talking to Jake, crying in his shoulder. It was more than enough to sour his mood significantly.
When Jeremy got home, he went straight up to his room, and sure enough, Squip was waiting for him on his bed again.
“Hey, Squip.” Jeremy said listlessly. Upon hearing his tone of voice, Squip hopped off of the bed and intertwined himself with Jeremy’s legs, purring. Jeremy stiffened, and said flatly, “I have homework. Lots of homework.” His voice cracked while he said it, and he scowled. Squip scrambled out of his way. Jeremy dragged his backpack up to his desk, rifled through it for his math homework, and pulled it out.
After about half an hour of working through trigonometric functions, Jeremy was frustrated to no end. He groaned and rested his head on the desk. He heard Squip leap softly onto his desk and nose his head aside. Jeremy picked his head up. Squip was looking intensely at the papers on his desk, eyes moving back and forth. It almost looked like he was reading them… no, he was reading them. Jeremy stared in amazement. Squip then gently pulled out Jeremy’s notes sheet from his stack of papers with his teeth and put his nose to an equation and then to an unfinished problem. It was exactly the right equation he needed! With Squip’s help, the rest of Jeremy’s homework went by like a breeze.
Since Jeremy had finished all of his homework early, Jeremy decided to call Michael. They discussed Michael’s doctor’s appointment, Rich’s fire, and video games for a while. Then, Jeremy brought up Christine.
“I really like her.”
“I know. Like you don’t practically sing about her all the time.”
“But I really, really like her. But she doesn’t notice me. At all.”
“You’ve talked to her a few times, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, but she talks to basically everyone like that!”
“I don’t think so, Jeremy.”
“Do you think she likes me back?”
“Well, no, but - “
“See? That’s just the thing! Maybe she’d talk to me more often if she wasn’t dating Jake. Yeah, I’m sure that if Jake wasn’t around, she might even like me. No, that’s impossible.” Jeremy shifted as Squip brushed past him and slipped out his door.
“Can we please not talk about Christine, Jeremy? I’m getting kinda sick of you talking about her all the time. Just wait things out, and I’m sure she’ll see how great you are. Let’s get back to Apocalypse of the Damned.”
The next day, many of the students, especially the cool kids, were out of school. Something about coping with what happened to Rich, but Jeremy knew that was all bullshit. Classes were all quiet, since the gossipers were gone. Jeremy watched around school carefully, and noticed that Jake was among the popular kids who had skipped, but he did notice that Christine was present. He realized that this meant that he would be able to talk to her in play rehearsal for once, and was filled with eager anticipation the whole day.
When rehearsal started, Jeremy immediately sat down in the seat next to Christine. “Hey”, he said, “Is Jake not here today?”
Christine glared at him. It was only now that he saw that her eyes were red and bloodshot.
“He’s at the hospital. He fell out of a window last night and broke both his legs. The doctors are saying that they might never heal right.” She promptly got up and moved to a different seat. Jeremy sank lower in his seat, disappointed with himself.
Later that day, right after school, in his room, Jeremy called Michael again, Squip in his lap.
“I think I fucked up.”
“What did you do this time?”
“Christine’s really pissed at me. I just asked where Jake was, and apparently he’s in the hospital? Fell out of a window or some shit.”
“Holy crap. And what did you do to piss her off? Did you insult him or something?”
“I don’t know! I didn’t do anything. I just asked her where he was and she told and and just left!”
“Girls, am I right? Really, things would be so much easier if you were gay. Take it from me.”
“I want Christine.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
“It just seems so impossible. I swear, I’d give anything to have her.”
“Yeah. I just want to get Christine, y’know? She’s all I want right now. Hang on, my cat wants out.” Jeremy stood up to let Squip, who had ran over to the door, out.
Michael gasped in a mock offended way. “All you want? What happened to me being your favorite person?”
Jeremy chuckled. “You still are my favorite person, and you’ll always be.”
Michael made kissing noises over the phone to him.
“Oh, shut up”, Jeremy said. “Anyway, I’ve got to start my homework and memorize some lines. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
At around five, Jeremy heard a crash outside his house. He dismissed it as one of his neighbors’ kids messing around. He went downstairs for a drink, and heard a scratching at his front door. Then, a series of thuds, as though something was hitting it repetitively. Jeremy went over to his front door and peered out the window. The first thing he saw was Squip, outside, even though he had never let him out. Then, a mess of red behind him. Jeremy fumbled with the lock, opened the door, and stepped outside.
Jeremy’s immediate reaction was to scream, a girlish shriek that pierced the relative silence. “HOLY FUCK!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS???” There, right in front of him, lay a ragged, bloodied body, still dressed in shredded wounds. A trail of blood led right to it, though it was hard to tell if the blood was from the initial injury or being dragged on the rough sidewalk. Jeremy gagged, but knelt down to inspect closer. “Holy shit… is… is that… Christine???” And indeed it was, Christine, still dressed in the clothes she had been wearing at play rehearsal. Mustering up his courage, Jeremy tentatively put two fingers to her neck, searching for a pulse. “Oh my God… is… is she dead?? Hooooly shit what do I do???”
At this moment, Squip butted his head between Jeremy’s head and the body, purring. He tilted his head up to look at Jeremy, and Jeremy could see that around his mouth and paws, the cat’s fur was soaked in blood. Jeremy stumbled backwards, then scrambled to get up. All the while, Squip was staring at him happily, almost proudly, purring. Jeremy was finally starting to connect the dots. Rich getting burned... Jake falling out the window... now Christine...“You… did you do this?” Squip purred harder, then rubbed his head on Jeremy’s leg. “Gah!! Get off of me!” Jeremy jerked his leg out, punting the cat over his neighbor’s fence, then ran inside to call the cops and animal control.
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis (8): “don’t stop me nooooooooooooooooooow”
[Specific-Summary]: With senior year approaching, some stresses are inevitable, and they’re certainly not looking forward to them, but for now it’s summer and it’s okay to breathe a little while longer.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes, Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing  
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters] Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana)
(Ao3) (Previously)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
 V: why hello everyone, it's been a long time since we’ve talked
V: are you having a lovely evening? I think the weather is superb
Rem: im scared,,,
Pat: uh 
V: why?Im perfectly calm, perfectly calm calm acadkasdlk
Rem: lo can you confirm
L: He is not calm
Rem: ah much better 
Pat:whats going on???
L: Apparently the school invited a couple of colleges/ investors to the junior exhibition/auction/funraiser
V: **execution
Rem: oh shit that sounds important 
Rem: huh i can find
Rem: myself a nice rich 
Pat: please dont finish that sentence 
Rem: I was going to say boyfriend, i was going to say boyfriend ok ;) 
Rem: some of us dont have cute boys falling into our laps 
Ro: jokes on you im the cute boy in his lap 
V: /gross/ 
Patt: roman seems surprisingly calm about this??? 
L: He’s literally sitting in Dmitri’s lap right now, he’s not thinking straight. 
/five people are typing/
L: Absolutely not. Unoriginal. Cease and Desist right now. 
Rem: you’re no fun :(
V: he is fun, he just don pun
P: bullshit ive heard him pun with my own two eyes 
P:wait a second 
V: anyway ro will  be the same  belligerent mess later on boyf or no boyf 
R: kiss my ass
V: he’ll :) do :) it :)  for :) me :) 
“Roman, you have to get ready,” Dmitri said, unable to stop himself from leaning into his touch. Roman continued running his hands through Dmitri’s hair, in pajama pants and a half buttoned white blouse. 
“You’re so tense,” Roman hummed, resting his head on Dmitri’s shoulder, twirling a stray strand of their hair. It was getting rather long. 
“And you’re not,” Dmitri yawned, slumping further back onto his forearm, pulling Roman on top his chest, “What's got you so giddy?”  
Roman smiled, leaning down to kiss him quick, “Guess.” 
Dmitri closed his eyes, “Did that job call you back? Or is it the art contest?” Dmitri asked, getting another kiss instead. 
“Uh, did you finish that book you borrowed from Logan?” 
Roman sighed, rolling his eyes, “Yes, I’ll tell you about that later, but,” he said, sitting up to get better leverage,  and pushing back Dmitri’s hair, “I’ll… give you a better hint,”
A knock sounded at Roman’s door, twice, Dmitri stiffening beneath him. 
“Roman, you boys ready?” A soft, but clear voice called, from behind the door. 
“Yeah, almost mom, give us a minute,” Roman said.
She said something again in Spanish, tone teasing and Roman’s eyes shot wide.
“Mom!” he whined, still not bothering to move, “Yes, I’m going with Dee. No, you do not, absolutely do not, need to send Virgil with us, I’m an angel.” 
Dmitri couldn’t contain his snort and Roman shot him a warning look. 
“Okay, love, but I want to celebrate you as well, okay?” 
“Okay,oky--” Roman said, waiting for her footsteps to go away, before redirecting his attention to Dmitri, “She must have gotten off her shift early.” He explained, apologetic. 
“It’s fine, she’s coming to the exhibition tonight, right?” Dmitri asked, finally relaxing. 
“Mhm, she’d never miss it,” Roman said, “Or at least she tries, work always has her on call...” 
“Huh,” Dmitri mumbled, eyes unfocused, “W… What were you going to say earlier?”
Roman’s face softened, “That I…”  he rolled off of Dmitri, his hands fidgeting, “...I’ll-- I’ll tell you later, we do need to get going,” he said, “Oh! And I don’t know where my fancy pants are, so you should totally help me, babe.” 
Dmitri smiled, unsurprised. 
SipSipSipin: would it be inappropriate to turn my shirt into a crop top
Hotleg: ye it's inappropriate / if you're a cop/
PattOnPattOff: im pretty sure we have to stay in dress code rem 
Hotleg: if you’re a coward, perhaps
TheVirgin: shut the hell up youre in a sensible button up and slacks
Hotleg: /AND/ that isnt following dresscode, thats respecting my mother.
Hotleg: if she wasn’t coming id be in that cute skirt i got last spring 
TheVirgin: that is definately not in dresscode, but seeing as (1) i have the same skirt and (2) im not a fuckin cop i cannot argue, contiue 
Hotleg: damn straight
/five people are typing/
“Holy shit, look at that car Dmitri,” Roman unclipped his seatbelt, craning his neck out the window, “Dmitri, Dmitri-”
“I’m looking, I’m looking,” He said, smile slow. 
“No, you’re not,” Roman pouted.
“My grandfather has the same car,” Dmitri said with a shrug, “It’s a hobby of his, emphasis on 'hobby'. I’ve never seen that man drive a day in his life.” He tilted his head, ”Kinda like you.” 
“I know how to-” Roman’s face contoured, pained, “I, Mm. Okay, so I can’t, but-but I’m learning AND I’m not homophobic.” He crossed his arms. 
“Oh, believe me,” Dmitri said, mildly amused. “I know that,” He reached across, adjusting Roman’s collar, “Though I might need more evidence to confirm...” He added on, in a lower tone. 
 Roman squeaked, “Oh, well would you look at the time,” he said, opening the car door. 
“What?” Dmitri’s smile was something to behold, “Did I say something inappropriate?” 
“It’s not what you said, it's how you said it,” Roman said, pointedly not looking at him, “If you continue to say things like that I might combus--” Dmitri’s phone buzzed, and Roman looking at Dmitri expectantly. 
Dmitri’s face visibly slackened and he sighed, picking up the phone, “Ma’am?” he said,  brows furrowed, listening, “No, ma’am, I can’t; I’m at the exhibition, remember? I told you yesterday--and this morning--” Another pause, his eyes flickered over to Roman, “It’s really important to me...It’s a required event…” he sighed, jaw ticking, “A lot of Grandfather’s colleges are going to be here, it’d be rude to not appear. Can it wait ‘til tomorrow?” He relaxed,  “Thank you--”  His lips pressed into a thin line before he slumped over the steering wheel. 
After a minute or so, he inhaled, sitting up and muting his phone before looking over at Roman, expression calm. 
“You ready?” Roman asked.
Dmitri got out of the car regardless. 
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farklelucas · 7 years
ok so i was reading the ladylike/ashtel headcanons and i was wondering, what’s an average party like at buzzfeed?? how do the groups interact?? are there fights?? hook-ups?? sorry if this is kinda vague. also, i got my own tag!! that’s super rad!! - ladylike anon
every time i see “ladylike anon” in my inbox i honestly just weep ur my hero. sorry this took so long i was at a family party and then i finished black mirror the day before yester and then yesterday there was another family party so it took a day oops pls forgive me ladylike anon.
buzzfeed high goes. fucking. hard.
eugene is the most often party-thrower bc neither parent is ever at their respective house.
kelsey gets FUCKED UP and jen follows behind, a cup in hand, simultaneously cheering on her girlfriend’s batshit crazy antics and apologizing for her
the ladylike gang is all there getting fucking. crunk. devin and kristin are running around drinking wine, turning into those girls who cry and compliment you and give you candy out of nowhere. chantel and freddie both become 10x more ruthless when they drink. any minor infractions now become major infractions. sorry i don’t make the rules. jen usually just gets more mischievous and is more likely to go along with kelsey’s fucking bonkers plans.
the try guys are always mingling with the ydy girls. zach and sara are drunkenly talking about space, eugene and quinta are drinking each other under the table, ashly and ella are going up against ned and keith in a beer pong match on a table that??? no one really knows where it came from???
the spooky boys and the worth it boys are hanging out together too. this includes zack evans and adam too. so ryan and andrew are doing Stupid drunk shit, probably daring each other to like fucking scale walls and shit; steven and shane are standing off to the side, shane keeping a side eye on the boyfs while he listens to steven talk about food endlessly. adam stands there wide eyed sighing in despair while zack evans tries to drink from two kegs at once.
there are definitely fights and hook ups
devin and kelsey GO AT IT one time for no fucking reason at all
jared (nunn, aka my fave that gets No attention and i want to bring into this au god damn. if anyone wants to talk about my boy hit me the fuck up.) fucking grabs devin and holds on tight like a backpack. eugene is in front of kelsey, pushing her backwards by the shoulders
they find her 20 minutes later on top of a bookshelf, just lounging
by the time she gets back the feud is over, kelsey and devin holding each other and fucking crying, being like “NO UR BEAUTIFUL U FUCKING ANGEL” “nO YOU”
quinta and freddie throw fucking down
it’s sudden and angry and Loud
there are a lot of rumors as to why it happened
some say that freddie tried to steal quinta’s man
some say that quinta had screenshots of freddie talking mad shit
either way they stopped being friends for like 3 months
and then made up
it was so fucking scary and the entire school divided in two parts: team freddie and team quinta
daysha and eli fight all the fucking time lol
not even in a cute friend way
they go HEAD TO HEAD
and they pull all the drama
they’re still friends after but like
it’s not cute
ned has fought. everyone.
zack evans
just fucking everybody
yk that one moment in the try guys try being fathers for a day video. when 2/3 of the kids keith is watching are playing. but then the one kid accidentally hits the other kid with like a ball or smth. and then there’s a brief moment of calm before the storm. and then. the other kid. SWINGS.
ned is kid 2
hook ups:
andrew and ashly hook up at a party early freshman year and date for like. ten seconds. then they both realize they’re hella fucking gay and break up, hugging, crying in relief. then andrew promptly begins dating steven.
keith and becky DEFINITELY hook up at a party and then try to pretend it never happened for like six months before giving in and dating.
freddie and chantel hook up one time. (pre-ashtel of course.) it’s awkward and funny and definitely a one-off bc freddie isn’t typically attracted to women, and chantel doesn’t hook up with friends. they laugh about it later but damn it was good sex.
justin and zack. kind of. hook up at every party. so much so that everyone thinks they’re dating. they’re literally not. they have no (0) romantic feelings towards each other. they just very casually end up having sex. at every party. what the fuck. (especially after justin and quinta break up.)
you know how jen likes to climb?? one time eugene had a christmas party. and guess who was both the star and the angel on top of the fucking tree. that’s right. she just sits up there. and someone, idk maybe ryan, comes around and is like “???? what the fuck why is she up there????” and steven and kelsey, who are both standing at the bottom of the tree looking up at drunk jen, sigh in unison and go “she likes to feel tall”
once zach and eugene start dating..,.,,,, NO ONE can find them during parties. fucking no one. they’re gone.
standrew is always found on the couch, cuddling, with drinks in hand like a cute lil domestic couple. anyone says a word about how lame they are and jen and ashly, steven and andrew’s best friends Respectively, fucking square up. no one but THEM are allowed to call their boys lame!!!!!
shane and ryan always fucking insist on campfire ghost stories. and honestly they’re so funny that no one really minds. all kinds of people from all over the party gather around and listen to them. ryan starts off REALLY seriously with good intent for an actual ghost story, but then shane interjects and takes over, making it 10x more ridiculous. then ryan does the same. and they go back and forth like that and it’s so fucking funny.
the more drunk they become, the more affectionate ashly and chantel get. by their first drinks you can find them holding hands. by their fourth drinks you can find chantel actually on ashly’s lap. by their sixth drinks you actually. don’t want to find them.
kelsey is either a crazy drunk or a sad drunk. so people (zach and eugene and jen being “people”) begin to take bets on whether or not she’s going to be in tears or in her underwear by the end of the night. (somehow, zach always wins. no one knows how.)
so yeah buzzfeed high goes. hard. for parties.
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theninjasanctuary · 3 years
Gave up and bought 2 more sweaters. I blame the weather, really. No sign of the ongoing snowpocalypse winding down any time soon. OTL
They're Cos, so nothing too special, hefty sizes, alpaca and wool, gonna wear them with jeans, the look is depressed utilitarianism with subdued notes of luxury. My sartorial radar is also randomly telling me I need a muted pink jacket for spring, we'll see about that.
Worked out at home yesterday, and went for a session at physio's today, thighs are a bit sore, even, but thankfully my wrist is holding up better now. The boyf has got some slightly cold-like symptoms, some soreness and had a tiny fever for a few hours, and we're a bit concerned he could have got Omicron from work... gonna do a rapid test if he's not better by tomorrow (I only have 2, don't want to waste them on potential false negatives by testing too early). It would be very annoying if so.
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jeongins-trauma · 7 years
secret relationship with male reader!chan
request: i had this idea (since i’m a dude yanno) that chan (since he’s my bias lol) could be in a secret relationship with a male!reader, but it gets super risky after a while so he has to come out to his parents/ rest of sk and stuff??? idk???
pairing: bang chan x male reader genre: fluff warnings: - word count: 1.128
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ok i think you two would got together before stray kids was even a thing
he was a trainee still and you wouldn’t need to worry to be seen in public
but chan did keep it a secret in front of the other 3racha members bc he wasn’t out of the closet yet
but after stray kids, things got complicated and risky
you needed to be hella careful and seeing each other became really challenging
that didn’t stop you though 
whenever you would sleep at his place ik he shares a room but can pls pretend he wouldn’t ok thank u, the mornings would consist of chan trying to sneak you out before anyone notices what would be super early in the morning ngl
once, felix woke up and you had to hide in a closet
but you didn’t mind bc the risk made your whole relationship a lot more exciting
but honestly, i think chan would just be super sorry
he would apologise all the time bc all he wanted to do was show the world how beautiful and amazing his boyfriend was and the fact that he couldn’t made him sad
“i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry you have to go through all of this just because i’m not brave enough to come out. i’m such an awful boyfriend why are you even together with a fool like me?”
it broke your heart to hear him saying such things bc you loved him so so much 
help i just made myself emo
you'd hug him tightly, run your fingers trough his hair and comfort him
“stop saying those stupid things! you are the best boyfriend on earth and i love you with all my heart. and yes, the whole hiding can be frustrating but it’s also a bit exciting don’t you think so?”
ok now some v v fluffy scenarios
one time you forgot your hoodie at his place and chan would wear it bc it smelled like you and he misses you even though you just saw each other
during practice the other members would notice bc they have never seen it on chan
“got a new hoodie?”
“actually it’s my boyf- eH YES I BOUGHT IT YESTERDAY.”
he’d be the king of excuses if we’re being honest
you would definitely be his lock screen ok
and it happened to be that he and changbin would swatch phones by accident 
but changbin wouldn't know who’s phone he had so he’d just ask
“ok who has a boy in chan’s red hoodie sitting at the beach as background?”
chan would go blank face and just raise his arm
changbin would raise an eyebrow, handing him his phone 
“he’s my..my cousin yknow we’re really close.”
hyunjin sneaked a glance at the picture before chan would lock his phone again and silently put it away
“he’s good looking though..how can you be related??”
“how can you be so disrespectful hm??”
but chan’s blushed cheeks spoke otherwise 
but little did he know that the whole ‘we’re cousins’ excuse wasn’t the wisest idea
after the practice chan called you
“babe i fucked up”
you were on your way to the traditional tea house you and your boyfriend chan were supposed to meet
“what do you mean?”
“you know that you’re my background right?”
“yeah that photo of me in your sweater..you took it when we went to the beach last month.”
you chuckled softly as this beautiful memory crossed your mind
you took him to the beach to distract him from the eliminations that happened on the show
“well the others saw and i excused it with saying that you’re my cousin..”
“does that mean i don’t have to hide in closets anymore?”
a day later you would go to the dorm and chan would introduce you to his members
as his cousin
and you hanged out with them what was really fun but also both, you and chan had a hard time controlling yourselves 
you were about to leave small kisses on his shoulder like you always did when you were sitting next to each other but jisung interrupted you
“how come you never told us about your cousin?”
cousins, right
you backed off immediately 
the other day, after acting like cousins for a whole damn day it got a little wilder yanno
poor chan was left with a dark red hickey on his collarbone i’m such a sucker for collarbone hickeys omg jesus save me
in his sleepy state he just put on a sweater and hoped no one would notice it
how naive
it took twenty minuets until he could feel a cold finger on his neck
chan would turn around to see minho wiggling his eyebrows
chan’s eyes would be so widened and he would be extremely shocked since he couldn’t think about a good excuse for something so obvious
so he tried to beg
“pease don’t tell anyone please i’ll do anything”
minho would just chuckle and nod before taking off his scarf giving it too chan
ok minho is loyal don’t even @ me
but even though he was wearing mine’s scarf he would be anxious the whole time
in the evening he would call his sister to ask her for advice
“how tf do i use make-up??”
some time later, chan would call you over since he missed you so much
you already prepared yourself for acting like his cousin again but then chan said that the members were out and you suddenly felt excited
you entered the dorm and he would attack you with affection right away
you ended up making out in his room whoops
you two were so sunk in the moment that you didn’t even notice how the members came back
it didn’t took them long to open chan’s door and catch you two off guard rip
you never was that embarrassed before and your crimson cheeks proved it
at this point, chan was just really annoyed 
“i’m gay ok it’s not a big deal.please close the door behind you.”
“yeah but with your cousin?” changbin raised both his eyebrows
“no ew gross..he’s not my cousin, he’s my boyfriend damn it.”
and you just heard hyunjin yelling from the hallway
“I KNEW IT!! he’s too good looking to be related to chan!!”
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Police Officer! Hwang Minhyun
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happy one month of scenarios from cannedapricot!! i can’t believe it’s been a month already! here’s a super short and hopefully sweet police officer! hwang minhyun. no one has gifed minhyun in the police uniform yet bUT IT’S OK I LOVE THIS GIF TOO
welcome to hongdae’s main police station
if you enter and head down the hallway, then turn right, you’ll be met with the sight of a couple dozen cops buzzing around the office
some interrogating sleasy looking men
some annoyed that they have to deal with the same crowd of teenagers again.
minhyun worked as a senior inspector at this very station
it wasn’t super high on the ranks but it was certainly impressive for this age (i think,,,, don’t quote me on it)
his co-workers loved calling him the emperor of the station because reALLY THAT’S WHAT HE’S LIKE
he sank back into his chair, tired eyes gazing over the hectic office
and downed his nth cup of coffee for the evening
this was a normal sight in the station
people talking in hushed tones, phones ringing, someone from thaT ONE SQUAD OF TEENAGERS THROWING UP
IT’s ok
it was worse on a friday night
or saturday early morning
minhyun was just,,,,, ready for a nap
and so without knowing, his eyes end up closing by themselves
until he was woken by junior inspector! jaehwan
“lol hyung if your that tired we could change spots-”
“as long as i’m breathing, you’re not getting promoted”
he has no idea how jaehwan even made it thus far 
“what do you need now?”
minhyun says as he sits up in his chair
“all of us thought that you were working way too hard,,,, sOOOOooOoOO WE GOT YOU A GIFT!!!”
“i’m not a thing to be given, kim jaehwan”
you said, popping into minhyun’s sight from behind jaehwan
you ignored jaehwan lol
“hi!! i’m y/n! i’ll be assisting you from now on!!!!”
“oh,,,, uh,,,, hi,,,,, are you trained?”
what are you???? a dog????
you were just looking for a job to earn some extra money while you look for a stable job
and as if it was a miracle!!!11!!111
your old friend fromm high school, kim jaehwan, rang you up and asked if you were interested in working with a good looking dude
aka him
you shot him down
“ok how about a more average looking dude”
you agreed because wow you were running out of instant noodles
and real quick too
to this day, you’re still suspicious about how jaehwan knew you needed a job
he said that he had magical powers
in reality though
he saw your snapchat story
ft. your cat and you complaining about how much your wallet was crying
and thought about how tired minhyun looked everyday
back to your awk asf meeting with your boss
“ha,,,, tr a in e d????”
cue jaehwan wiping invisible tears
“ah,,,, minhyun finally gets to relax a little *fake sobs*”
“you can leave now”
you and minhyun say at the same time
and you figured that the two of you would get along just fine
skip forward a few weeks
you and minhyun weren’t the stiff pair from two weeks ago
in fact, you two didn’t seem like just co-workers
after taking off some of the weight from minhyun’s shoulders, minhyun seemed more energetic 
instead of sitting at his desk tiredly after a day of work, he’d bring in two cups of hot coffee and meet you with a bright smile
you would return his smile of course
you and minhyun had this system were you would take most of the paper work and minhyun would take care of anything that requires him to physically be there lol
and he would return every evening with two cups of coffee and his 1000000 watt smile
also,,,, they’ve seen the way minhyun looks away from his share of the work just to stare at you
he loves how hard working you are
of course, you were adorable normally buT SOMEHOW
but uh
minhyun was hopeless with girls
his co-workers figured that out
with a helpful tip off from jaehwan lmao
they legit have a group chat dedicated to playing cupid for you two
mostly gossips though
by stroll they mean the night duties minhyun has around the block 
he takes you along with him soooooo 👀👀👀👀
you’d be lying if you said that minhyun didn’t look 10x as good under the streetlights at night
you’d also be lying if you said that you had no feelings for him
and his cute actions don’t help either
he openly complains to you whenever some drunk person throws up on the tiles he cleaned personally  h o u r s before
he looks cute whining
you didn’t think he cared as much about you as you care for him
untilll ll ll lllllll  👀 👀 👀 👀
one day
you weren’t feeling 100%
so you rang up the station and told them that you were gonna take a day off
but for some reason cough the other officers purposely didn’t say anything cough minhyun didn’t get the message
when he arrived at the station, he expected you to be at your desk (less than three meters away from his own) like you were every day
enter: panic mode
he thinks that you had enough of him and quit without telling him
minhyun gets your address from jaehwan 
who was totally ready and even had your address written down on a piece of paper
minhyun didn’t even think about it lol
he zoomed over to your place
you were just lounging on your couch, your roommate gone to work for the day
you were trying your best to not let snot flow out of your nose l ma o
while going through your phone
until you heard,
your phone dropped onto your face
wincing, you shuffle towards the door
not looking through the peephole, you open the door, still rubbing your nose lol
there stood hwang minhyun, emperor of the hongdae police station, trying his best to catch his breath
“what- minhyun? what are you doing-”
minhyun suddenly holds you in a tight ass hug
“i’m so sorry for whatever i’ve done to offend you,,,, please don’t hate me”
you’re confused™
“what are you talking about? i took a day off because i wasn’t feeling well”
 O H
W E L L   
I S N ’ T T H I S A W K W A R D
clears throat awkwardly
also releases you awkwardly
rubs neck awkwardly
“i thought that,,,, maybe i did something,,,,, and you quit the job,,,”
he said his voice getting smaller with each word
minhyun becomes mintomato 
“a-anyway,,, you said you weren’t feeling well? i guess i’ll make you some soup then.”
he pushes you aside and lets himself in
“y/n. what is this?”
“ah shit”
minhyun turns to you with the creepiest smile
you immediately ran to chuck the used tissues away
minhyun somehow digs out your rubber gloves and sanitizer in the meantime 
and starts spraying e v e r y t h i n g
makes you sit on the couch and not do anything
after he’s satisfied that everything was spotless
he turns to make you soup
so you sit on the couch, on your phone, as minhyun slaves away in the kitchen
you look over once in a while 
you saw him cutting vegetables (bOYF MATERIAL RIGHT THERE LADIES)
you also saw him ringing up the station presumably making some excuse that he couldn’t make it anymore (the co-workers know exactly what he was doing tho 👀👀)
then you saw him mucking around on his phone
seemingly like he was texting???
jaehwan perhaps
while the soup was taking it’s time obviously
he was typing out phrases in his messaging app
the contact being you
y/n i like you. date me
too straight-forward. no
y/n your honestly the most prettiest girl i’ve ever met lets go on a date
ew too cheesy. no
y/n i like you and your dumb quirks. even though your sick right now, you’re still the most adorable human being i’ve ever seen
lol too dumb. no-
“hey minhyun did you just send me a message?”
“y ea h ?”
he squeaked
you chuckle
“hey,, come here for a bit”
he shuffles over
you pull him by the collar and press a small kiss on his cheek
“i like you and your dumb clean freak self as well”
minhyun squeaks again
in happiness
“so,,,,,, are we,,,,, you know,,,,, a thing now?”
“if you want us to be”
“what excuse did you tell the station?”
you asked
“i said that my girlfriend was sick and i had to take care of her”
minhyun actually said something about his dog being sick
was he implying that you were a dog????? because minhyun doesn’t own a dog??????
you’re a trained dog now
minhyun grows red in embarassment
and he withers in it until you realize something
“um minhyun?”
“the soup,,,,, it’s boiling and spashing out,,,,,”
wow isn’t minhyun lowkey kinda ooc here. this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written at 1.6k,,,,, but it still took fo r ev er. DISCLAIMER: i have no idea about how the police work,,, everything here is from my imagination and the dramas i’ve watched sodufbvsb
in other news, wanna one has wrecked apricot, she is no longer alive. i juST WANT ONGNIEL TO BE HAPPY SOBS
in other, other news, happy one month kiddos!!! i love you all and stay healthy!! full length scenarios will be back after my exams!!! wait for me <3333
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wideislandblues · 6 years
So I have a pit mix, and Boyf has a yorkie. The yorkie is territorial and snappy, but sweet overall. The pitty is a floppy goofball who doesn’t know her own size. Sometimes she gets on the bed and doesn’t know he’s there, and he’ll quickly snarl and gnash. She’s non-confrontational, so she leaves.
Yesterday I let him out while she was wondering about the yard. They were hanging out together, and Boyf and I looked out the window and expressed how pleased we were with how comfortable they’ve gotten with one another.
He came back up to the door to come in, like always, and he was quiet. He was bloody, and he had a very large lump on his side.
We think he snapped and she finally snapped back. She has a half inch gash in her chest, but he had to go to the emergency vet. The snap she gave him fractured a rip, which punctured a lung. That lump? His spleen, completely displaced by the incident. It had to be removed immediately.
When the vet techs asked what happened, Boyf was careful to say he wasn’t sure what happened. He loves my dog, and he doesn’t blame her at all, but I was honest with them. Even when his mom came (which is a hell of a way to meet Mom) he was dancing around what happened. He didn’t want my dog to be labeled a [potential] murderer just because she’s stronger than the dog that was being a jerk.
The vet was honest with us. With the yorkie’s liver already wonky it meant his heart would be unstable during the procedure. He said it would be dangerous.
They gave us a few minutes with him. Boyf basically had to say goodbye and hope for the best. Realistically there was a large chance he wouldn’t see him again.
We went home to wait while he was in surgery. My dog was bleeding, and that’s how I discovered her own gash. She was sunken and guilty. She wandered around the house over and over, sniffing intensely, so try to find him.
After two long hours, he pulled through surgery okay. He can come home in a couple days, sans spleen.
It was a really intense day for both of us. If there was a silver lining to any of this, it’s that this brought us together in a very important way. We’ve made it through our first crisis together, very early on in the relationship.
The next few days will be touch and go for the pup. But I’ve got a good feeling he’ll pull through.
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shawnmendesdream · 6 years
85 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @wordsandshawn, love you girl!❤️
rules - answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people.
– what was your last… 1) drink - water 2) phone call – my driving instructor 3) text message – have you got enough? This was me talking to my mum about alcohol for this party I am going to tomorrow night hahahaha 4) song you listened to – Disconnected by 5 Seconds of Summer 5) time you cried – Yesterday (I’m an emotional person) – have you ever… 6) dated someone twice? - Nope 7) kissed someone and regretted it? - No 8) been cheated on? - Never dated anyone so no 9) lost someone special? - Yes 10) been depressed? – Not really 11) gotten drunk and thrown up? - No, but that could happen tomorrow oops – fave colours 12) Yellow 13) Purple 14) Red (clothes) – in the last year have you… 15) made new friends? – Yes  16) fallen out of love? – No 17) laughed until you cried? – SO many times 18) found out someone was talking about you? – Yes 19) met someone who changed you? – Ummm yeah 20) found out who your friends are? – Yes 21) kissed someone on your facebook friends list? – Nope lol – general 22) how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl? – All of them bar about 10 I think
23) do you have any pets? - Yessss I have a miniature schnauzer called Bertie who is nearly 2
24) do you want to change your name? – I did but now I kinda like it 25) what did you do for your last birthday? – It was actually 3 weeks ago today, and I went for McDonald’s breakfast in the morning, had one lesson and then went home from college early (rebellious I know). I then hung out with my best friend for the afternoon, and saw the family in the evening out for a meal :) 26) what time did you wake up today? – 8:30 27) what were you doing at midnight last night? – Doing homework yay 28) what is something you can’t wait for? – Getting a boyf lolol 29) what is your favourite animal? – Dogs 30) what are you listening to rn? – Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer (I’m obsessed with them again since seeing them in London on Thursday, and I am SO HYPEDDD for their new album)  31) have you ever talked to a person named Tom? - Most guys I know are called Tom hahaha 32) something that’s getting on your nerves – That I am so far a rubbish driver 33) most visited website - YouTube by far 34) hair colour - Dark brown 35) long or short hair - Long 36) do you have a crush on someone? – Indeed I do  37) what do you like about yourself? - Hard question, but I actually think I am kind if funny sometimes, even though I am awkward in most situations :/ 38) want any piercings? - I already have two piercings on each lobe of my ears, and my helix on the right side, so I don’t think I want any more 39) blood type  – No idea  40) nicknames – H (and I love the fact that most of my new friends to call me by it)  41) relationship status - Very single 42) sign – Aries 43) pronouns - she/her 44) fave tv show – The Vampire Diaries, Game Of Thrones, Gilmore Girls, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, Teen Wolf and so, so many more but we’d be here all day if I listed them all 45) tattoos - Zero 46) right or left handed - Right 47) ever had a surgery? – I had two teeth taken out when I was younger and it was a very traumatic experience lmao 48) piercings - Already answered this oops hahaha 49) sport – Who do you think I am? 50) vacation – Normally just to London and Cornwall and places like that in the UK, but I have been to various states in America several times and I love that 51) trainers - I’m actually obsessed with trainers but they’re soooo expensive, I really want the Nike Air Max 97s – more general 52) eating – Nothing is better than pepperoni pizza   53) drinking – I try to drink water and that’s about it 54) I’m about to watch – Videos of New Hope Club on YouTube that I have already watched about 40 times?? 55) waiting for – That party tomorrow night yessss 56) want – To finish reading those 2 books that I am meant to read for Monday and haven’t started at all 57) get married – I need a boyfriend first calm down  58) career – I would love to be a singer, but I’m not talented enough I don’t think, so something to do with English and English Literature – which is better 59) hugs or kisses - Hugs 60) lips or eyes - Eyes 61) taller or shorter - Taller 62) older or younger – Older 63) nice arms or stomach – Ummm stomach? 64) hookups or relationships - Relationships 65) troublemaker or hesitant - Probably troublemaker oops  – have you ever 66) kissed a stranger - No 67) drank hard liquor - No 68) turned someone down – No 69) sex on the first date - No 70) broken someone’s heart – Idk 71) had your heart broken - Yes 72) been arrested - No 73) cried when someone died – Yes 74) fallen for a friend – I don’t want to answer that lol – do you believe in 75) yourself - I think so 76) miracles - Not really 77) love at first sight - I would like to 78) Santa Claus - 10000% 79) angels - Yes – misc 80) eye colour – Blue 81) best friends’ name – Laura 82) favourite movie – The Fault In Our Stars and all the Harry Potter films 83) favourite actor – Ansel Elgort 84) favourite cartoon – I don’t really watch cartoons 85) favourite teacher’s name – Adele or Carolyn
I’m tagging @brighterthanluckystars , @shit-to-kinda-okay , @everythingshawnmendes and anyone else who wants to do thissss
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
2,900 words
“What are you talking about?”
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
In which Yuri gets drunk and Tweets some things he probably shouldn't have.
AO3 link
So @94mercy made this post that headcanoned that Yuri gets drunk one night and talks about the size of Otabek’s dick on social media, and I immediately knew I had to write it. Otherwise known as me just wanting to join in with all the hung!Otabek content that’s been coming out of this fandom in recent weeks. 
(Also tagging @daddybek because that’s where this all started back in February)
They’ve been dating for a few months when it happens.
Yuri goes round to Mila’s for a few drinks after practice one day, and they steadily make their way through a bottle of vodka, laughing and talking about their respective partners. The music is loud and Yuri feels all loose and giggly as he reaches for his phone, taking selfies and documenting their escapades on Snapchat. He’s never been this drunk before, so drunk he’s not even sure what order his memories from the last few hours go in, so drunk that he can barely stand, so drunk that the room is spinning.
He sits down and opens Twitter, starting to type. He doesn’t even think about what he’s Tweeting, just starts a thread and keeps on going until he gets it all off his chest. Mila is grabbing at his hands and pulling him up so they can dance together again, and Yuri’s phone lies on the couch, forgotten.
So he doesn’t see what he’s done until morning.
It’s the sound of his phone vibrating loudly on the bedside table that wakes him up. He’s in Mila’s spare bedroom, a small sized room with what feels like the most uncomfortable bed he’s ever slept on, but it evidently didn’t bother him at whatever time he collapsed onto last night. At least he made it into bed, he supposes. That’s an achievement, even if he’s still wearing yesterday’s clothes.
He grabs at his phone, squinting at the screen. It reads 6 AM, and is somehow fully charged, even though he has doesn’t remember plugging it in last night. It’s far too early. Yuri wants nothing more at this particular moment in time than to roll over and go back to sleep to avoid dealing with this hangover from hell, but it’s Otabek that’s calling him, so he supposes that he’d better answer.
“Hello?” he says, his voice sounding all croaky as he unplugs his phone and rolls back onto his back. There’s light streaming in through a gap in the curtains, and Yuri would get up and close them properly, but they’re too far away to deal with right now. Instead, he opts for the easier option: pulling his blankets over his head.
“Yuri, what the fuck?” Otabek asks on the other end of the line. Even in this still half drunk, hungover state, Yuri can tell that this is Not Good. “What were you thinking?”
“What are you talking about?” Yuri replies. He wonders if it’s about his and Mila’s Snapchat stories, but from what he can remember there’s nothing too outrageous on them, just some really bad singing in questionable English to pop songs neither of them like.
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
Yuri fumbles with his phone, opening Twitter with his phone call with Otabek still active in the background. He doesn’t even need to go onto his profile to see it, it’s all over his timeline. “Oh, shit,” he swears as he scrolls through the Tweets. “I don’t even remember posting any of this. I was so drunk, Beka. So drunk. I’m sorry.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Alright buckle in its gonna be a bumpy ride let me tell you a thing or two about the size of @otabekaltin’s dick
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I hope you’re ready bc I sure as hell wasn’t the first time I saw it – tho in fairness he did warn me about it beforehand
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
But I’m gonna be honest here and say I had to take a moment when we did somethinh sexual for the first time bc girl, I couldn’t’ cope
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Shall we talk about the time he fucked me for the first time?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
After all of the prep (srsly ive never seen so much lube lmao) he finally entered me (is that even the right word idk I’m so drunk rn)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I’ve never felt so full in my whole life it was SO GOOD 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND (although hands off he’s mine)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
honestly tho I swear the sex gets better every time? He REALLY know what he’s doing with that thing let me tell you
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I did once ask if he needed a licence for it, he didn’t take it well lmao. Anyway, tl;dr: @otabekaltin’s dick is a godsend and
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I am forever grateful that I’ve got to experience such a masterpiece so many different times in so many different positions
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin
Holy mother of god is this true? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS TRUE
Yuri Angels @yuriangels10 · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin, @c_giacometti
“Yeah, I figured, from the numerous spelling mistakes and yours and Mila’s Snapchat stories from last night,” Otabek says, sighing. “But that doesn’t make this okay, Yuri.”
“I know,” Yuri says miserably as he continues to scroll through the shit storm that’s taken over his Twitter. “Do you want me to delete the tweets?”
“I’m not sure what good that’ll do at this stage,” Otabek says. “They’ve already been screenshotted and reposted too Tumblr and Instagram and Facebook so many times that deleting the original tweets doesn’t mean that people will stop talking about it.”
“True,” Yuri agrees. He hasn’t checked Tumblr yet but he already feels like the Yuri Plisetsky tag will be trending on there, full of screenshots taken from Twitter and detailed posts discussing it all. Instagram will be full of people screaming in the comments, and Facebook will have people criticising his decision to share this all on the internet for everyone to see. No doubt someone has already put together a compilation video on YouTube of closeups of Otabek’s crotch with Yuri’s tweets edited onto it. “I can’t apologise enough for all of this. I’m so sorry.”
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Jenna @xxknifeshoesxx · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky
I can’t believe that this is confirmed, what the hell
skate away @quadloop · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @xxknifeshoesxx
Is it just me that rlly wants to know just how big Otabek is now?
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
Nah (I mean it might be bordering the slightly creepy territory but still, SOMEONE FETCH THE GUY A TAPE MEASURE)
“I know,” Otabek says. “I’m not happy that this has happened, but it has, so we’ll deal with it – oh no, Victor’s just messaged in the group chat.”
Victor: [multiple screenshots of Twitter threads]
Yuri: …
Yuri: why the hell should we have to explain ourselves to you two??!
Yuri: jesus
Yuri: stop yelling
Yuri: I was drunk and said some things on twitter, it’s not a big deal
Victor: It very clearly is!
Victor: Yakov is going to have your head off over this, I’m surprised he hasn’t called you yet
Victor: If you thought he was mad at you after Welcome To The Madness, then you’ve really got another thing coming
Yuri: I can handle yakov thank you
Otabek: I’d make a joke about how if you can handle my dick you can handle anything but somehow I don’t think that would be appreciated
Yuri: oh my god beka
Victor: You’re right, it wouldn’t be appreciated
Yuuri: Maybe
Yuuri: Maybe it doesn’t matter because they’re both consenting adults and what goes on behind closed door isn’t anyone’s business but theirs?
Victor: Yuuri I love you but that’s not the point
Victor: They’re going to get people going on about this for months, in interviews, in articles, online… it’ll come back to haunt you in five years’ time at a party when someone’s flicking through their camera roll and finds the tweets and is like, “oh wow who remembers when?”
Yuri: alright I get it my tweets are a ghost that’ll come back to haunt me
Yuri: can we all please calm down I really don’t want to deal with this rn
Victor: Is that because you’re hungover? Well you should’ve thought about that before you got drunk and posted a bunch of stupid tweets to twitter!
Yuri: *true, not stupid
Yuri: and stfu victor
Yuri: no one cares what you have to say
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
I’M YELLING pic.twitter.com/t35v5f
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
Someone should get yuri drunk more often this is GOLD
Mila Babicheva @mila_b · 20m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I honestly don’t know if I should be apologising or not
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 20m ago
Noooo! Definitely not lmao I WANT TO KNOW ALL THE SECRETS
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this banana bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/235g5y
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this cucumber bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43qg5
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this aubergine bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/4gaf35
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this leek bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/98rga3
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this can of dry shampoo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/257g23
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this chair leg bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/5gsgj1
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this table leg bigger than otabek’s dic? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43tg83
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this branch bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/6grg24
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this tree bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/7gr32t
Yurabek For Life @yurabek4life · 6m ago
Replying to @slicetheice
@yuriplisetsky is this dildo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/24gw46
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
u ruined it
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
gtfo my thread
There’s a knock on the bedroom door and Mila enters, a glass of water in one hand and her phone in the other. Her hair is messy and she obviously didn’t get around to taking off her makeup last night, as her eyeliner and mascara is smudged around her eyes and what’s left of her foundation is decidedly patchy.
“Hey,” she says quietly, walking forward and placing the glass on the bedside table. “Thought you could probably do with a glass of water.”
“Thanks,” Yuri mumbles, reaching for the glass and taking a few small sips. Though his phone call with Otabek has now ended, they’re continuing to text as they both keep an eye on what’s happening on social media. Victor keeps texting him too, and Yakov keeps calling him, but Yuri is ignoring those. He doesn’t need a lecture right now.
Mila shuffles on her feet, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly, looking down at the carpet rather than at Yuri. “I never should’ve got you that drunk last night.”
“You do realise I don’t really give a shit, right?” Yuri replies. Mila’s head snaps up and she stares at him, brow furrowed.
“What?” she asks, confused.
“I don’t care, Mila,” Yuri says. “Maybe in a perfect world I wouldn’t have posted those tweets and sent the figure skating fandom into a meltdown, and maybe people at Google questioning wouldn’t be wondering why there’s been a sudden increase in people Googling what the average penis size in Kazakhstan is, but it’s not the end of the world. Otabek wasn’t best pleased at first but I think he’s getting over it now. If anything, it’s just given everyone another reason to be jealous of the fact that I’m dating him.”
Mila scoffs, a smile spreading across her face. “You’re something else, Plisetsky,” she says. “Are you going to tell me, then?”
“Tell you what?” Yuri asks, feigning ignorance as he continues to scroll through Twitter. He’s trending, but he’s not exactly sure how he’s supposed to feel about that given the circumstances.
“How big he is, of course!”
“Fuck no. Get out my room.”
“Technically speaking –”
“Did I fucking stutter?”
17 missed calls from Yakov
Yakov: What on earth is going on
Yakov: I hope you have a reasonable explanation for all of this
Yakov: I am concerned about that boy’s influence on you
Yakov: Please answer your phone calls
Yakov: Answer the phone when I call you!
Otabek Altin retweeted
russian fairy @plsetsky · 5h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 1m ago
Replying to @plsetsky
Hell yes he is. ;) #yurisizequeen
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 30s ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @otabekaltin
#yurisizequeen CONFIRMED
Worldwide Trends · Change
@yuriplisetsky and @otabekaltin are Tweeting about this
General Election
UK General Election ends in hung parliament
The King and The Skater III
@phichit_chu is Tweeting about this
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled?
Kazakhstan’s Hero
Otabek Altin is now being celebrated for entirely different reasons than the ones you’re thinking of
1,257 Tweets
Yuri Plisetsky
Gold medallist Russian figure skater. Otabek Altin’s boyfriend. Size queen.
St Petersburg
Joined March 2014
Born March 1
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 10m ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I was just showing who I am
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 8m ago
This whole thing is making my day #yurisizequeen @otabekaltin so how well does he take it?
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 8m ago
Now that would be telling ;)
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 7m ago
Is that code for “I’ve never had anyone take it so well before”?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5m ago
Why must I be exposed in this way
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 4m ago
You exposed yourself
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 2m ago
Yuri: I’m never drinking with you again.
Mila: Yeah, whatever you say
Mila: I will get you drunk again and get you to spill your secrets all over Twitter
Mila: Sure, keep telling yourself that
Mila: So, you want to have a few drinks next Friday?
Yuri: …
Yuri: Fine. I’m in.
Yuri’s been back at his apartment for a few hours, doing nothing more than curling up on the couch and watching Netflix and contemplating if he can stomach food yet when the doorbell rings. He stares at the door for a few moments, confused, because he no one’s told him they’re coming around. Maybe he left something at Mila’s and she’s decided to drop it off when running errands or something. Sighing, he pauses Netflix, drags himself off the couch and shuffles to the door, his blanket wrapped round his shoulders like a cape.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Yuri demands when he opens the door and sees Otabek of all people standing there. “You decided to just hop on the next plane to St Petersburg or something?”
“Um, yeah,” Otabek mumbles, brushing a hand through his hair as a faint blush spreads across his cheeks. With his other hand, he holds up a bag from the local convenience store. “I also got food. Wanted to make sure you were actually going to eat something today.”
Through the thin white plastic of the bag, Yuri spots a familiar label. “You got me Pringles.” They’re one of his favourite foods that he’s not really supposed to eat when he’s training, but they’re also what he really wants right now.
Otabek grins. “I did.”
“Have I told you how much I love you recently?” Yuri asks, making a grab for the bag. Looking like a kid at Christmas, he takes the lid off the Pringles and tears at the paper/foil one, before taking several crisps out of the tube and putting them all into his mouth at once.
“Well, you’ve told the world about how much you love my dick, but apart from that, no, I don’t think so.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Yuri says through a mouthful of crisps, rolling his eyes. “Come on, get in here.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 13m ago
Look who flew all the way from Almaty just to be here! ♥♥ pic.twitter.com/36uhghefh5
Otabek Altin @otabekatlin · 12m ago
Replying to Yuri Plisetsky
It’s good to be back. ♥♥
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 10m ago
I bet it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Oh yes ;)
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for-goodness-cake · 7 years
Tagged by- @sybil-branson-jr (You got a cool blog bro) A - Age: 19 I've spent too long on this earth B - Biggest fear: where do I start jeeez clowns, debt, my mother when's she's mad the list is endless C - Current time: 3.20pm D - Drink you last had: tea ☕️ E - Every day starts with: me wishing I could spend forever in bed F - Favourite song: really into leaving you behind by clean cut kid atm but usually anything by Mumford and sons G- Ghosts, are they real: probs H - Hometown: Eton Wick by Windsor basically the village time forgot I - In love with: the boyf, any strong historical woman love me that shit J - Jealous of: anyone who achieves anything with more than 0.47p in their bank account K - Killed someone: nah but the days not over yet L - Last time you cried: yesterday and I was laughing so aaaayy no mental breakdowns this week 🙌🏻 M - Middle name: Jessica Mary N - Number of siblings: one O - One wish: to have enough money to live P - Person you last called/texted: My boyf Q - Questions you’re always asked: why are you like this (usually me @ myself) R - Reasons to smile: dogs exist S - Song last sang: I Need a Hero from the Shrek 2 soundtrack hands down the best version Jennifer Saunders you're a babe T - Time you woke up: too early U - Underwear colour: marvel print I'm so cool V - Vacation destination: ideally Italy want that sun and history in my life W - Worst habit: I have so many first one comes to mind is saying that's so funny if somethings funny but not funny enough to make me laugh I sound so patronising X - X-rays you’ve had: none Y - Your favourite food: chocolate, Chinese, pasta, pizza, tbh anything just feed me Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio so edgy I’m tagging… @khalifae egg do this too
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cellophobia · 5 years
some general shid i’m thinking about:
- new medication. wtf. i think it’s too early to say at this point but i’ve already had pretty bad obsessions Twice and yesterday was my first day off lexapro,,,, and bupropion doesn’t treat ocd i think so i’ll see how it goes but if it gets any worse i’m rescheduling my psych appt to be sooner
- twenty one pilots w my mom in october!! love them!! love them live!!!!!
- i am in the bath and it keeps draining so i have to keep refilling it up because my BATHTUB SUCKS!!!
- Minecraft Java Edition
- fuck school? i don’t know what i’m gonna do with my life because at this point i can’t even handle a full year of school........ i hate mental illness soooooo much. even on meds i couldn’t go!!! even with a fucking paper from my psychiatrist saying “lol ya he’s gonna miss a lot of school” i couldn’t bring myself to go bc i didn’t wanna fail. failure from not trying is better than failure from trying. damn typing that makes me realize how backwards that is LMAO but that’s just how i think
- do i go back to working at my other job?????????? i love most of the ppl there and the new manager is soooooo cool (met him before, he dates my old manager) and ppl there appreciate me and they’re all so nice and i’m not fucking BORED all the time..... plus maybe when i’m 18 i could be shift manager......... ugh idk what the fuc to do
- WHY CANT I STOP EATING WHY AM I LIKE THIS??¿ ¿ i’m cryin and i dislike my body a lot
- i Hate Being a Mess and I Need Support but I Hate Reaching Out for Support because i don’t like being a burden on others. don’t like them feeling bad for me. therapy just ..... ain’t enough at this point sksksk all we do is GOSSIP and talk about my father who i don’t even give a fuck about.
- boyf in a couple weeks yahhhh
- talked to a lady on the phone today and she was so nice but I COULDNT UNDERSTAND A FUCKING THING SHE WAS SAYING !! and her husband kept trying to butt in the call i think and she was like IM A GROWN WOMAN I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!! i love her so much. actually i love most old women on phones @ work. sometimes they are cursed but usually they are so sweet.....
- thinking abt that time at the mall when i ran up the escalator after my friend and this woman stared me down when i got to the top and i was so embarrassed but it was so fucking funny
- axtually? i miss bri. i miss her so much. she still considers me her best friend even tho we haven’t gone to school together in like two years & we see each other once a month at max. i guess she had a cancer scare tho???? i didn’t know abt that... and i feel bad bc i wanna be there for her but. i just don’t go on insta that often anymore and i didn’t see her updates
- that’s it. also fuck spiders
0 notes