#we got to feed sea pancakes!!!!!!!!!
babyseed10101 · 7 days
keysecrets Dusty, Misty, and sugar the uni-duck chapters 1-3
The light from the sun crept through the blinds of an orphanage, A child with dark skin and pink-gray hair was the last awake. As always, One of the nannies opened the door to the room. "Dusty, I have a question, Be honest with me okay?" Said the Nanny
"Okie" said the child with dark skin and pink-gray hair, As they jumped up, The Nanny helded up a pine cone. "Did you put this pine cone in the headmaster's bed?".
Dusty looks at the ground "It was an accident, Im sorry. It was supposed to be a gift .."
The Nanny sighs, And picks up Dusty "You should go to the dinning room, I'll tell headmaster that a crow put it in there somehow". The Nanny puts Dusty down, They go to the dinning room, And got their food.
They set by themselves as always, For breakfast it was Dino-chicken scrambled eggs, Goat-pig bacon, Crystal beans, and Cloudy pancakes. "Yay we had my favorite today :D" says Dusty as they start to eat their breakfast, After they do. They charge their clothes, And goes to The headmasters office to ask. If they could go outside
Dust runs up to the headmasters office, and knocks. "Come in" a rude voice from within the room said. Dust walks inside"hello ms headmaster, can I go outside pretty please"The headmaster frowns "On one condition, you take Misty with you". Dust looks confused "who-", Dust hears a voice behind them. They look and see a girl who looked to be part sea monster, and around the same age as Dust. "Hi" Misty says "Oh hello :D" Dust goes up to her, and smiles. "Now you two can go outside", 15 minutes later, Misty is waiting for Dust. When Dust comes Misty notices Dust comes back with, their stuff?? "Huh" Misty looks confused.Dusty just hugs her and crys, Misty frowns figured guessing based on the context. They might have to find somewhere else to live.
Dusty and Misty have been walking around a forest for 8 days, "M-Misty, im hungry…" Dust falls to the ground. Misty cuddles her for a bit, then looks around and sees an ocean "hmmm". She gets up and starts picking up sticks and rolling logs, "huh?…" Dust looks confused.
Misty goes to the ocean and yells "wait here!", before she jumps into the ocean. 20 minutes later, Misty comes back with fish, old rope, and lucky some rocks, and flint. Dusty is sleeping, so Misty puts down some smaller rocks as she wonders and finds a clear opening. Then she goes back to Dust, she picks them up and carrys then to the opening. Then does back and brings all their stuff with them.
Misty makes a circle with some of the medium rocks then puts sticks in the circle before she makes one stick sitting up. And starts to hit one of the pieces of Flint and a bigger rock together. Making sparks. Eventually the sparks make a fire, Misty puts a fish on a stick and cooked it. Dust wakes and crawls to Misty, who smiles at them and feeds them the fish, then cooks some for herself.
30 minutes later Dust is looking for longs and big sticks to make a shelter, they find some and takes them back to Misty. Then goes to find some more, Dust hears a duck noise. And out of curiosity they go to it, Dust sees a uni duck with broken wings. Dust picks it up and, takes the uni duck to Misty. Who has made a decent sized shelter, "Misty look!!" Dust holds up the uni duck. "Oh poor things hurt" Misty takes it into the shelter.
Misty works through the stuff they packed and it pulls out two long socks and uses them as bandages for the uni duck, the uni duck quacks happily, Misty decides to feed it some fish. "We need a name for you" Misty tells the uni duck, the uni ducks shockingly talks "I have a name, its sugar :]" Misty smiles "oki nice to meet you sugar". Dust comes back with leafs "I came back with leafss". Misty smiles "perfect it's getting dark anyways :]"
Misty puts out the fire outside, and makes makeshift beds with the leafs. And some Carlton, and seaweed Misty had collected.
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avastrasposts · 6 months
Sourdough - A Baker's Dozen TedTalk
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I’ve mentioned sourdough a few times in A Baker’s Dozen but I never dedicated a chapter to it even though it’s probably my personal favourite to bake. So to make up for that, I’m indulging in making a whole post about my other obsession, sourdough bread!
I love baking with sourdough because the process behind it is like magic to me. Flour, water and salt, three ingredients, and you can get the most delicious bread. The magic, unseen, ingredient is of course those wild yeast bacteria that live around us. 
My mum was always the one who baked sweet things around the house when I was a kid, my dad made the bread. When he first got into it he produced bricks. You legit could’ve used some of his loaves as a foundation for a house. And I’ve produced my fair share of bricks in my baking career too… But he got better and for most of my life I had the luxury of having fresh, homemade bread for breakfast. That’s where my need to make my own bread came from and once I got past the novelty of being “allowed” to buy bread from the store after moving out of my parent’s house, I got into making my own bread pretty fast.  
I started baking with sourdough about ten years ago when I stumbled on a blog about it. My first loaves were flat as pancakes and it took A WHILE before I graduated from baking in bread tins to managing to make loaves that actually held their shape. Sourdough dough does not behave like regular yeasted dough… But when I did manage to make my first proper levain, you know one of those beautiful golden loaves with nice holes and crunchy crust? I ate the whole loaf in one day. I couldn’t stop. Just butter, some sea salt and that was my food for the whole day. I’d never tasted bread so good. It’s tangy and flavourful in a way that yeasted bread just can’t imitate. 
I’m no expert but here is how I make and manage my starter and my bread. Important to remember is that flour, water and climate, especially the humidity, has a HUGE effect on the dough and the bread. No recipe will have the same results and to a certain extent, it’s a process of trial and error and learning how to bake in YOUR kitchen. 
In order to make sourdough, you need a starter and it’s surprisingly easy to make and maintain. I have a tiny starter, only about half a cup in size. The starter is your “yeast”, a small colony of yeast bacteria that you feed and culture so that you have enough for whatever you want to bake. 
The starter takes about 5-7 days to make and once you have it, you can keep it in the fridge and just feed it before you want to bake. 
So to make it you need: 
Organic whole wheat flour, stone milled if you can find it. 
Organic will contain more yeast spores and make the process easier. Don’t use old flour, check the expiration date of the flour you have at home. Flour can actually go rancid and wreck your bread. 
I use tap water but if you live somewhere with chlorinated water, use bottled water. The chlorination will kill all bacteria, the good and the bad. 
A clean jar with a lid. 
It doesn’t have to be a clear glass jar but it’s pretty handy because it makes it easy to see what’s going on. 
Ok, now that we’ve got everything, let’s start. 
Day 1 - Evening
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons tepid water (roughly body temp, maybe a bit cooler)
The amount of water you need to add can vary depending on how your flour has been milled. The mixture should be like gruel, not porridge. If two tablespoons isn’t enough, add a little bit more water until you have a fairly loose and liquid slurry. 
Mix together in the jar, put the lid on top but don’t screw the lid on. Leave for 48 hours in a warm place. Inside the oven (turned off) is a pretty good place. 
You can check on your jar after 24 hours. It’s pretty liquid and should smell warm and a bit sweet, almost like honey. If you see any brighter colours in it, red, yellow, orange, I’m sorry, but you have to toss it. That’s mold and that’s not what we want. So throw it out, start again (this is one benefit of this method, all you lost was a tablespoon of flour). 
Day 3 - Evening 
Ok, so if your flour/water mix is looking good, a bit liquidy, maybe it’s separated a bit, maybe a bit bubbly and frothy, we’re all good for the next step. 
Add 1 tablespoon of flour and mix in. Leave it overnight. 
Day 4 - Morning 
If the starter is on the right track now, you should begin to see small bubbles on the side of it, inside the glass jar. It should smell sour and yeasty, “bready”. 
Add 2 tablespoons of flour and two tablespoons of water and mix it in. Leave until evening. 
And that’s it! By evening you might/should see that there’s activity in the jar, bigger bubbles forming, the starter will rise up in the jar and expand, just like a dough. If it doesn’t, feed it 1 tablespoon of water and flour again and leave it overnight. Like I said at the beginning, lots of different factors are at play here so despite the fact that it’s all chemistry, it’s not an exact science (well it is, but since we can’t measure all the factors in each individual kitchen, we need to depend on a bit of trial and error). 
So now you have a starter and can start playing around with making bread. I won’t go into that because there are so many good instructional videos online. I can really recommend Claire Saffitz’s video, I’ll link it below. 
Obviously this starter is very small. Many recipes I’ve seen online call for much bigger starters and then discard half of it when they feed it but that always seems very wasteful to me. So what I do with my tiny little starter is just keep it in the fridge in its jar. When I plan on baking I take about 30 grams of starter and put it in a bowl and mix with 100g water and 100g strong bread flour. That is then the base for my bread the next day. To that mix I add whatever flour I’m baking with. The starter gets fed another tablespoon of flour and water and stays on my countertop overnight. That replenishes the starter and gives me enough for the next time I want to bake. In all, I usually have about 150-200 ml of starter in the fridge at any time. 
If I’m not baking, the starter stays in the fridge. I’ve had it there for a month without feeding (I was away travelling) and when I got home, I just fed it like above and left it out overnight. I had to feed it a couple of times before it got back to full strength. But the yeast bacteria don’t seem to die very easily, they just go dormant and are easily revived with flour and water. 
Fun fact, the actual science behind the yeast bacteria is that they eat the carbs in the flour and then convert that into energy and emit the gas carbon dioxide. The gluten strands in the dough traps that gas and makes the dough rise. So essentially, farts make the dough rise, tiny bacteria farts. I love science :D 
What else did I want to say about sourdough? Oh yeah, TIME! Time will make your bread taste better! And this goes for regular yeasted bread too.  By letting the dough cold proof in the fridge the yeast activity is slowed down but at the same time, flavour develops. With sourdough, you get a tangier, more sour bread. I usually keep my loaves in the fridge for 24 hours before baking them, same for my pizza dough. 
So thanks for coming to my TedTalk about sourdough! It’s amazing and frustrating and a real pain sometimes but when you get it right and you get to cut into that perfect loaf that YOU MADE and it tastes better than anything you’ve had, that’s real magic. 
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Lighthouse (CH.1)
Years of dating and raising a baby boy.
Price had decided to throw in the towel and retire. He trusted Kate and Soap to take over.
Now, John would admit, he and Phil were probably overprotective of Kyle, but, how they found him was… horrible.
And he remembered it every time he looked at him.
Price woke up, hearing Phil over in the kitchen to make them breakfast, and he smiled, getting up to see him.
He had just finished up, and he smiled, "Morning, John."
"Morning, my dear." He plated his food, and they sat down, but Phil saw something outside
"Get it after breakfast." John said, "it's probably just the post."
Phil nodded, sitting down and eating while they spoke about their plans for the day. John had taken him off the crew for now, since he was injured, but he was getting better and likely would be able to go back. 
John went outside to check the porch, and-
He froze when he heard a little whimper, and he looked down.
To see a little basket, with a little baby inside, and a note.
"I'm sorry. Please take care of him. I can't anymore. His name is Kyle. He's a magic user."
And he immediately felt attached to him.
He picked the child up, and looked into his eyes.
He felt a small cold patch on his shirt, and saw that he had turned it to ice.
He sighed, yelling for Phil, who looked shocked.
"Oh my God!" He yelled, going up to him.
"Phil, please, watch him, I'm going to the village to get supplies." John said, and Phil nodded
"I'll be back."
Phil sat on the couch, calming down and putting the child to sleep.
"You'll be alright... your safe now, little one." He whispered, wrapping him in a blanket, “You might be a little warm. But, I’ll make you a blanket, just for you, Okay?”
He knew he had too. This child was now theirs. He would never go back to the crew. He knew what he had to do.
John finally came back with baby formula and clothes, and gently took him from Phil, giving him a break from holding him to feed him.
“The note said he was only five months old.” John said as he started feeding him, “His name is Kyle. A magic user.”
“Where are the Sigils?”
He briefly checked, unwrapping the blanket, seeing two small Sigils. Ice and Teleknises.
“I’m disbanding the crew for a while.” John said, “he needs to be taken care of.”
“John, I have it-” 
“It’s not fair to you. We are going to raise him together.”
So they did.
Kyle was eighteen now. He was still young, but he had grown up. He was their baby boy. He always would be.
“Morning, little one.” John said as he got to the kitchen, seeing Kyle at the counter, turning a small glass of water to ice.
“Hey, dad.”
“You hungry?”
Kyle nodded softly, and John smiled, “What would you like?” he asked, moving in front of him.
“Pancakes?” Kyle said, looking up from the glass.
John nodded, “Of course.” He looked down, “I don’t understand why you do this. It just drains your energy.”
Kyle shrugged, pushing his braided hair behind his shoulder, “its calming and entertaining.”
“Its draining.”
“Not on such a small thing. If I were to freeze the sea, it would be.”
John chuckled softly, “Oh, Kyle, what am I gonna do with you, mate?”
“Probably be a little confused because I’m not big on sailing and fishing.”
“Nope, we all love your paintings and how creative you are. Such a smart boy, you are.”
He smiled slightly, pulling his hand away from the glass.
“Your a precious little thing.” John said, giving him a plate of pancakes, gently cradling his face.
“I agree.” Phil said as he walked in, kissing Kyle’s forehead, “perfect little boy.”
Kyle smiled a little, “You remind me every day.” He said as he started eating.
“Becuase its true.” John said, smiling down at him.
Kyle smiled, “Thank you.” He whispered.
Once he finished eating, he went back to his room to get his drawing stuff and head out to sketch the ocean.
“Be back for lunch!” John called out before Kyle left.
“I will be!” He ran out the door, out to his favorite spot to draw.
“Do you… think he’s alright? With just us, soap, Kate and Ava? He only goes to the village to draw… don’t you think he’s lonely?”
He paused, sighing. “I’m… not sure. I feel like he would bring it up to us. Or it would be clear that he was… upset.”
“I just… I don’t know, he’s eighteen now. I feel like he just… needs people around him.”
John nodded, “well… we can ask if he feels lonely. And if he does, then… we can try to get him out more.”
Phil nodded, sitting at the counter, “How’s the crew doing?”
He smiled, sitting with him, “It’s good. I’m going to finally retire, leave Kate and Soap in charge.”
Phil lit up, “Really?”
“It’s time. And I want to be around you and Kyle more.”
Phil smiled, leaning on him, “I’m glad. I’d love to have you around more.”
Eventually, John started to make lunch, and Phil went out to collect their son.
"Kyle! Where are you?" he called out, walking through the field.
"Coming!" He heard from down the hill, where the dock to the ocean was.
He smirked, but then got a little confused. Why was he down there?
Then he saw the tree that Kyle normally sat on, a branch had snapped.
He panicked, running a hand through his hair before looking to the hill, about to head down when he saw Kyle coming up.
"Kyle! There you are!" He yelled, running up to him, "the tree- did you fall? You're soaked- are you hurt?"
He shook his head, "I fell... I'm okay..."
"Come, let's get you home, changed and warm." He said, gently pulling Kyle along, "Did you hit your head?"
"I'm okay, pops, really."
He sighed, kissing Kyle's forehead, "Okay. Dad's still going to check you out, though, okay?"
"I'm not a child... I'm 18."
"You'll always be our little baby boy." he smiled, “Come on, let’s get home.”
He noticed how Kyle kept looking out to the ocean, but he was just focused on getting him home.
He looked over, and panicked, running up to him.
“What happened, son?”
“The tree snapped… I fell.”
“Go get changed, I’ll get a fire going.”
He nodded, going off to his room. He was walking good, he didn’t look hurt, but they were still worried.
Kyle came back out, sitting on the couch in front of the fire, eating the food that John made.
“Are you okay, little one?” John asked.
“I’m fine. Shaken, is all.”
He wasn’t bleeding, at least.
“And your magic?”
He looked at the side table, making a small glass of water float, bringing it towards himself to freeze it, which he did.
“Okay… that’s good.” He gently kissed Kyle’s temple, taking his braid out, “eat and rest, okay?”
Kyle nodded, looking down at his half empty plate, eating what he had left before putting it off to the side and laying down on the couch.
Phil sighed, laying a blanket over him, “There’s a storm on the way.” He said to John.
He nodded, “Let’s get to the village. We need to get supplies.”
They had to prepare for that storm. And they needed to do it quick. Warn the village. Make sure Kyle was safe.
They had a little time.
(do y'all want an actual tag list for all the AUs?)
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The last Full day in Koh Yao Noi was a top ten day. Began with our usual mango and sticky rice, pancake or egg, and fruit smoothie. Then, we rode the scooter to the dock and met Don, the one of the owners of our hotel for our private island hopping tour. It was just the two of us with Don, a person who grew up on Koh Yao Noi, on his speedboat for our private island hopping tour, and he was taking us out to the islands we’d been looking at from our balcony for the past 4 days.
The first spot he took us to was a rock coming straight up out of the sea - we slowed down and took the boat right under the rocks with the stalactites coming right down over our heads. There were long tail fishing boats all around us, and I asked what they were catching. Don said “jellyfish!” Fisherman get 8-9 baht per catch. You can eat the giant pink jellyfish and they don’t sting, so he plucked one out of the water and handed it to me. He told us if you wash your hands with the salt water, it won’t sting at all, but if you wash your hands with freshwater it will be “like cat scratches,” and he has no idea why.
We set off for island number 2, and Don asked if we’d like to try snorkeling ! We found a couple of masks that fit and hopped in! He told us to swim through the rocks and he’d pull the boat to the other side. There were clown fish, angel fish, rainbow fish, a long pointed fish with a long tentacle/spear for a nose that looked like a mini narwhal (Don told me the name but I couldn’t quite understand what it was called), a black fish with big white checker spots, sea urchins, amazing different coral formations, jellyfish, and a bunch of stuff that I can’t begin to describe. Incredible!
Island number 3 was my personal favorite. Don slowed the boat down, and said “this is monkey island,” pulled out a loaf of white bread and threw a slice like a frisbee into the water. Within 2 seconds a monkey jumped off the rocks into the water, swam and ate the bread. His monkey friends followed. Don handed us the loaf of bread and we fed the monkeys - just like feeding ducks on the jersey shore. One of the monkeys got close enough the grab onto the side of the boat, and we started strategically throwing bread to get them to swim the other direction. Almost had a monkey on board! … before this island, we had no idea that monkeys could swim.
Island number 4 we pulled up to the beach, and hopped off. There was the most beautiful beach and this was the first time we’d seen other boats with tourists. There was a photo opportunity set up (we obliged), a little roped off area to swim, and even an ice cream stand. We felt incredibly fortunate to be able to be on our own schedule and not have to wait for the tour to leave, so once we had our photo, it was back on the boat for island 5 and 6 - more snorkeling!
The second snorkeling spot was the best, and the third was a huge drop off into the depths of the ocean! We looked down this giant ridge of coral into the depths of the abyss, and to be honest it was a little scary to see fish darting around at ease, and here we are - a couple of marshmallows floating around on the surface. We didn’t linger for too long here, we’ve seen the movie jaws.
Island number 7 was another tourist haven, Hong island. We rode through the interior lagoon on the boat, got out for a swim, and Don told us we could get out to walk up to the lookout point if we wanted to but had to pay the park fee. We looked at the lines of people walking to the top, and decided to keep boating around! The next island, similarly had tons of people but it was our lunch spot - we pulled up to a long floating dock, Don handed us our lunch basket and told us to take our time. We walked back through the rocks and found a picnic table to sit at. We had sliced watermelon, mangos, chicken and rice, water, coke, chips, and Allison snuck a couple of Chang’s in her purse! A perfect lunch! After lunch we walked on the beach, snapped a couple photos, read the sign to watch for falling coconuts, then walked back out to the dock, past the line of tourists waiting for their boat to arrive. I waved for Don, he saw us and scooped us up almost without breaking stride. It was amazing, and we started to feel like celebrities. I told Don, that island was amazing, and he said “just wait for the last one,” and we sped off.
It was a long ride on the boat for the final island, but pulled up and it was us and one other boat. I asked what the island was called, Don said “Nok, Nok” and I asked “who’s there?” When we hopped off, Don definitely told my joke to the other boater in Thai. This was just a tiny island with a perfect beach, and a lookout point. We hopped off, climbed up to the top which is marked as a 15 minute climb, and had the entire point to ourselves. After the climb we sat on the beach and shared a Coke. It was a perfect island tour.
Eventually we hopped back on the boat, and sped north along the coast of Koh Yao Noi, and realized we could point out everything on the island now after being here for just four days. Restaurants, other resorts *whispers* six senses, and beaches we’ve been to. We docked the boat, scootered back to our bungalow, and got ready for dinner at our favorite restaurant: the Kindee cafe, ordered the most expensive item on the menu: the full snapper. They gave us a little bowl of sliced peppers to try with the fish, and Allison threw 3 on her first bite, and paused immediately- it was really, REALLY, spicy. It gave us a 10 minute intermission from dinner, and Allison drinking Thai tea, eating plain rice, trying different sauces, anything and everything at the table before the spiciness subsided. …Then I ate one to see how bad it was. It was insanely spicy, but, simultaneously did not make either of us sweat. Just pure pain. I think this is the Thai spice we’ve been warned about. We asked the waitress what kind of pepper this was, and she shrugged “I don’t eat spicy.”
We finished dinner, walked to the shops to buy some souvenirs, and scootered home in the dark. A top ten all time day - maybe even top 5!
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travelingtheusa · 1 year
2023 Aug 7 (Mon) – We packed up and left Valdez at 7:30 a.m.  We and 3 other rigs drove for over 6 hours over some pretty bad roads to arrive at the Sourdough Campground in Tok.  This is the beginning of retrograde operations.  It is bittersweet as everyone has been having such a good time and don’t want to see it end.
      We checked in then parked everyone else when they arrived.  At 4:30 p.m., everyone started filing into the café for a lasagna dinner.  The caravan sponsored meal consisted of lasagna with meat sauce, breadsticks, salad with dressing, and 3 types of pie – apple, cherry, or rhubarb.  There were smiles all around.
      After dinner, we held a quick travel meeting in the outdoor pavilion.  We had to be done by 7 p.m. because the campground holds a pancake toss at night.  Participants try to toss pancakes into a bucket.  Those who are successful win a free breakfast the next morning.
      One of the members of our group had an incident today during the drive here.  Their tow bar bent.  They had to disconnect the car from the motor home then drive the long deserted road to Tok to find a mechanic to weld the bar back into place.  He managed to get it done and joined the caravan later.
2023 Aug 6 (Sun) – Linda made lasagna tonight and we went over to share the meal.  There was spirited discussion about the caravan, people in general, some people in particular, and Johnny thinking about putting together a caravan around Louisiana.  It will be great.
2023 Aug 5 (Sat) – Annual Gold Rush Days have been going on since we arrived.  We did not formally schedule any activities so people could participate in those activities.  A group got themselves on a whale watching cruise.  Several of us rode down to the Solomon Gulch Fish Hatchery.  There were huge sea lions and bears and a trillion gulls feeding on the salmon that were all trying to swim upstream.  The noise was deafening.
      After a potluck meal, Johnny & Linda and us went into town to watch a local performance of a vaudeville skit.  It was not very good but there was lots of enthusiasm in the play.
2023 Aug 4 (Fri) – The last remaining member of our caravan came in at 11:30 last night.  We are together again.  Several of the group have arranged to take another cruise today.  The weather was foggy and boxed in.
      We rode over to Worthington Glacier today.  We were there 8 years ago when we came through on the SMART Alaska caravan in 2015.  As expected, the glacier has shrunk tremendously.  Where there was just one waterfall then, there are now 12 waterfalls.  We had to hike much further in to get to the edge of the glacier.
2023 Aug 3 (Thu) – We packed up and left Glacier View bound for Valdez.  We arrived a little after noon.  The park warmly greeted us and they parked each of us as we arrived.  We did the laundry as each leg arrived and was parked.  Once everyone was in, we went in town, drove around, then stopped at the Fat Mermaid for dinner.  I had crab cakes and Paul had chicken quesadillas.  Both a bit on the spicey side but still tasty.
      One of our group that stayed back in Anchorage arrived.  They had a manifold gasket replaced.  The other rig had brake issues and we hope they can get back to the group in the next day or two.  Another member of the group had their clutch go out yesterday.  They are towing their vehicle behind their mobile home till they can get it repaired (it was already being towed; just drove it when parked).
2023 Aug 2 (Wed) – We packed up and left Anchorage for Glacier View for one night. The road was really rough and lots of things bounced around.  Almost all of our clothes came off the rod.  Things shifted around in cabinets and we arrived feeling very juggled.
      The caravan sponsored a pizza party in the Grandview Café & RV Park.  They set up 37 seats (2 rigs had mechanical issues and stayed over for the night in Anchorage).  Unfortunately, they put the pizzas on specific tables and people didn’t get to eat some of the kind they asked for when I ordered the pizzas.   We decided the problem was that we gave them too many choices.  Next time, it’s just cheese or pepperoni.  And maybe one other.
2023 Aug 1 (Tue) – We packed up and left Homer today.  It was back to Golden Nugget RV Park in Anchorage for one night.   We rode down Turnagin Arm to see the tide bore.  Joe & Diane picked up their son at the airport tonight.
2023 July 31 (Mon) – It was a free day today.  There was an optional fishing charter for those who wanted to go.  About six of our group went and brought back loads of fish.  As a result, we had an impromptu potluck with halibut tacos.  It was quite tasty.
2023 July 30 (Sun) – Ugh.  I tossed and turned all night long.  Just couldn’t sleep. Finally got up at 4 a.m. thinking I would just sleep up in the lounge chair.  I checked the computer and there I was when Paul got up at 6:30 a.m.  I never did go back to sleep.
      At 7:30 a.m. we went into town for breakfast and to see where the group needed to go for cruise to Kenai Fjords today.  Later, we brought the group down to the dock and we all boarded the boat for a whale watching tour.  We saw orca whales, otters, eagles, and all kinds of sea fowl.  It was a great trip.
2023 July 29 (Sat) – We packed up and left Homer for Seward.   It was rainy and foggy most of the way.  The last 20 miles or so before Seward, we hit road construction where they actually are blasting the road.  They weren’t doing it today but they will be back at in 3 days when we leave.  The road was pretty much torn up.  What a rough ride.
      We got to Seward Military Resort at 2 p.m.  When we checked in, they gave us the list of sites everyone was going into.  They asked that everyone come in to fill out a registration card.  We had them park first then go in to complete the paperwork.  Things went pretty smoothly.
      I was still feeling like crap so I went to bed early.
2023 July 28 (Fri) – It was a free day today.  A few guys went out fishing – Homer is the Halibut Fishing Capital of the World.  They caught lots of fish and we all enjoyed the bounty.  There was a travel meeting at 7p.m.  I know some of us will hate to leave this beautiful place.
      I spent most of the day snoozing on the lounger.  My cough has turned phlegmy.  It still hurts like hell to swallow or cough.  I hope this thing breaks soon.  There’s very little congestion yet you can here that my sinuses are full.  Ugh.
2023 July 27 (Thu) – We took a wildlife tour today.  We caught the Discovery at ramp 3, slip 1 (very confusing for us non-sailors).  Some other people were also on the boat.  The season is short and they must take as many people as they can.
      It was 2-1/2 hours out to the island of Seldovia, 2-1/2 hours exploring the island, and an hour and a half back to the dock.  We had lunch at Jack & Aiva’s.  The place was small but we all managed to find places to sit and eat.  Afterward, we all wandered around the island, checking out the historical buildings.
      During our boat ride, we saw sea otters, orca whales, puffins, kittiwakes, and common murres.  Everyone was quite excited about all our sightings. 
      I developed a dry, hacking cough today.  It is very painful to cough as it hurts my throat terribly.  I have been sucking on cough drops, spraying my throat with Chloraseptic, and downing Tylenol.
2023 July 26 (Wed) - We packed up and left Anchorage for Homer.  The drive was breathtaking.  The mountains, the lakes, the rivers, the wildlife.  It all comes together to take your breath away.  We are staying at Heritage RV Park.  Our campsites are all lined up facing the beachfront.  We look out across Kachemak Bay at the mountains rising on the other side.  It’s been overcast and we watch the clouds cling to the tops and sides of the mountains.  This is such a beautiful site.
      We took the group to Land’s End Restaurant for dinner.  It was a nice resort and we had everyone dress up a little (more than just jeans and t-shirts).  The menu choices were prime rib, chicken, shrimp pasta, and pasta.  Everything was excellent.  The place had a little trouble with staffing and the bar tender walked off for about 20 minutes, supposedly because the credit card machine wasn’t working.  The manager stepped in and served drinks until he returned.
      I woke with a sore throat today.  My tonsils are swollen.  Blah.
2023 July 25 (Tue) – The group went to the Alaskan Native Heritage Center today.  They had several dwellings like those the early natives lived in.  In the main building, they were holding demonstrations on singing and dancing.  It was most interesting.
2023 July 24 (Mon) – Busy day today.  We got up early and went out to breakfast at IHOP.  Then we went food shopping.  After putting the groceries away, we walked the two dogs for members of the caravan who went on a river raft trip today.  Then Johnny & Linda joined us and we drove to the Alyeska Resort and took the tram up to the top of Alyeska Mountain.  We enjoyed the incredible views and had lunch at the Bore Tide Deli & Bar.
      When we got back to the campground, Paul and I walked the dogs again. 
2023 July 23 (Sun) – We took the group to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center today.  It was a one-hour walking tour.  The center takes in wildlife that is unable to live in the wild and gives them a permanent home.  There were moose, caribou, reindeer (which are tame caribou), sheep, goats, elk, a very curious porcupine, muskox, wolves, eagle and owl.  They also have wood bison at the center.  They were essentially declared extinct in Alaska until a herd was discovered in Canada in the 1950s.  Alaska asked for some and have been trying to breed and put them back into the wild.  The going is slow but it is happening.  They have about 100 wood bison out in the wild at this time.
2023 July 22 (Sat) – The group took the City Trolley Tour today.  I made a deposit of one-half of the payment.  The tour company had the names of everyone in the group.  When they came to the station, they gave their name and got on the bus.  The clerk checked off their names.  When we get ready to leave, the company will bill me for everyone who took the tour.  Easy peasy!
      We took the standard tour (they offered a deluxe tour for $25 more).  The trolley drove around the city with the very amusing driver/guide telling us about different places and events around the city.
2023 July 21 (Fri) – We packed up and left Denali, arriving at the Golden Nugget RV Park in Anchorage around 2 p.m.  We parked the group as they came in and then enjoyed happy hour together.
2023 July 20 (Thu) – We went to the Husky Homestead for a visit of Jeff King’s home and dog collection.  Jeff has won the Iditarod four times.  He is an excellent storyteller.  He regaled us with the trials and tribulations of dog mushing.  There were equipment and clothing for us to examine.  We also got to hold husky puppies.  They want puppies to get used to being handled by people so all the tour groups get to handle the pups.  It was quite an educational and fun day.
2023 July 19 (Wed) – It was a free day today.  Several of us took an optional excursion on a jeep ride by Denali National Park.  We did not go into the park but drove through wilderness area next to it.  We saw a caribou and swans.  Again.  Not a good day for wildlife sightings.
2023 July 18 (Tue) – The group took a bus tour of Denali National Park today.  We drove to the park, gathered at the bus depot and presented our military cards for a refund of the $15 entrance fee that had been tacked onto our tickets.  The refund came to $540!  At 3:00 p.m., our bus took of for the 42-mile drive through the park.  We saw a ptarmigan and tundra swans.  It was not a good day for wildlife sightings.
2023 July 17 (Mon) – It was a free day for everyone today.  We spent the time getting caught up with pictures, memory book, video and household chores.
2023 July 16 (Sun) – We packed up and left Fairbanks at 7:30 a.m.  It was a long drive to Denali.  After getting everyone parked, we drove over to the Cabin Night Dinner Theater.  We enjoyed a family style meal and entertainment by a very enthusiastic troupe of singers and dancers.
2023 July 15 (Sat) – We took a 3-hour tour on the Riverboat Discovery today.  The tour included a stop at an Athabascan village where we were introduced to reindeer/caribou, a log cabin with cache, sled dogs, and a beautiful coat made of several different kinds of animal fur.  The boat also stopped by the home of a sled dog musher where we saw the dogs take off with a wheeled sled.  A float plane also flew by and demonstrated take off and landing.
2023 July 14 (Fri) – We took a tour of Gold Dredge #3.  The tour started with a guide giving us a talk on the Alyeska Pipeline, which ran right across the front of the arrival area.  The pipeline is on stanchions and everyone could walk under it.  The docent stood on top of the pipeline telling us all about the building and maintenance of the line.  After his talk, we boarded a replica train and rode out over the tundra where the former dredge now sits, unused.  We learned about how the miners plied the waters for gold and where supplanted by the big dredges.  Then we arrived at the center and everyone was given a poke (bag filled with sand and rocks).  We dumped the poke in a pan, mixed it with water while sitting in front of a trough, and swirled everything around until gold flakes revealed themselves.  The lesson on gold panning was entertaining.  Between Paul and I, we got $12 worth of gold flecks.  We gave it to Joe because he accidentally threw his gold away.
2023 July 13 (Thu) – We had a bus tour of Fairbanks today.  We dragged ourselves out of bed to meet the bus at 7:50 a.m.  Paul ran down to the café and got us bagels and coffee for breakfast before meeting the bus.  The guide and drivers were both long-time residents of Alaska.  They were filled with stories of adventure and wilderness tales.  They took us to several places around town, stopping to allow the group to visit the site.  They included the Morris Thompson Museum, University of Alaska Museum of the North, the pipeline, and the North Pole.
      After we got back from our 5-1/2 hour bus ride, we went into town for lunch.  We had pizza at a small place that was empty.  The food was excellent.  We then went shopping for milk at Fred Meyer and dropped off a letter at the post office.  When we got home, I laid down and took a good, long nap.
      At 6 p.m. we barbecued steaks with Johnny & Linda.  We provided the steaks.  They brought potatoes, salad, wine, and dessert.
      A member of the caravan, Liza, left the caravan today.  Apparently, she and her companion, Mary, had a falling out and she just left the group.  Mary is an 80-something former Army nurse driving a camper van.  We’ll have to look out for her.  Another member of the caravan spent yesterday in the hospital.  His stomach has been giving him problems and it was best he get looked at here in Fairbanks where medical help is plentiful.  Better than having a serious issue in one of the smaller towns we will be in.  Turned out he has an abscess in his colon.  He is on antibiotics.   A third member of the caravan got a call from home saying a Navy buddy passed away and there is a celebration of life on Sunday.  He will fly home tomorrow to attend the service, returning Sunday afternoon.  In the meantime, the caravan will leave this campground on Sunday.  We need to coordinate with this campground to allow his wife to stay past check-out time and after we leave.  He’ll get back and they’ll catch up with us later.
      Lots of activity going on with our group.
2023 July 12 (Wed) – Sadly, the couple scheduled to fly up and back cancelled out of their trip because of cloud cover this morning.  I got a note from Joe that everything went well at the hospital yesterday and he is on antibiotics.  That’s good.
      At 11:15 AM, fourteen of us gathered to drive to the airport for our trip up to the Arctic Circle.  We arrived, parked across the street in a gravel parking lot, and reported for our tour.  There was a small gift shop and everyone had to get their souvenirs.  When we checked in, we paid for lunch in Coldfoot and ordered our meal at the Yukon River Camp.  Then we were all assigned to one of three 8-passenger Piper planes.  I got assigned to the co-pilot seat.  We agreed that was appropriate.  Paul got the very back seat in the plane.  It was tight but we took off from Fairbanks and arrived in Coldfoot an hour and 10 minutes later. 
      We were given a bag with all the ingredients for our sandwich and we had to put it together.  They said they did that because the bread would get soggy otherwise.  After lunch, we climbed into 2 small vans at 3 p.m. and began the drive back south, stopping at different places to get out and look.  We stopped at the visitor center (Arctic Interagency Visitor Center) and wandered around the displays for half an hour.  We also stopped at the pipeline and explored the signboards on that.  The road was rough and it was 3 hours of being bumped and bounced around as the van navigated chip seal, ruts, grooves, potholes, dirt roads, and frost heaves. 
      We arrived at the Arctic Circle sign at 6 p,m. and all took time to get our pictures taken.  Then we transferred to a freightliner bus for the remainder of the trip.  The driver stopped in several places for comfort stops at porta potties, a scenic pull out, and a walk through the arctic tundra.  That is very difficult terrain to walk on.  We arrived at the Yukon River Camp at 9:30 p.m. and had our dinner.
      After dinner, we walked down to the Yukon River to look it over.  There was a barge pulled next to the shore, anchored to a bull dozer.  We could see the only bridge in Alaska that spans the Yukon River.  There were beds overflowing with fireweed flowers.  Climbing back into the bus, we continued on our way.  The sky never got dark.  The sunset was 12:11 a.m. and sunrise was 3:15 a.m.  There was just 3 hours between sunset and sunrise.  We wanted to see the northern lights but the sky was too light.  Even though there is a big solar storm happening, the lower states will be able to see them but not us.  We arrived at the airport, got certificates certifying our visit to the Arctic Circle, transferred to our cars, and walked in the door of our RV at 3:00 a.m.  It was a loooooong day.
2023 July 11 (Tue) – We went to breakfast at Family Restaurant.  It was a small diner style place advertising breakfast at $7.95.  Turned out to be without meat.  After breakfast, there was a stop at Fred Meyer Supermarket for groceries then back to the campground. 
      We spent the day working on paperwork and pictures.  At 5 PM, we went to the office to bring whoever was there to the Pioneer Place & Alaska Salmon Bake.  There were two cars, making us a carpool of three cars.  It was just 5 minutes down the road.  When we arrived, everyone else was there and exploring the site or just waiting for us.  We went to the dining hall.  First, I checked in and paid for 35 meals (one couple is sick), then we did a headcount to find another couple missing.  Joe went to the hospital to check out stomach issues he’s been having the past few days.  So I had to rewrite the check for 33 meals.  Then the girl gave us an orientation about how the meal would progress and gave us all our salad and meal dish.  We took places in the hall then got our salads at the salad bar outside.  After that, we went back outside to get the hot sides and entre – choice of salmon, chicken tenders, or prime rib.  The meat choices were huge!  After dinner, it was another trek outside to get dessert – either cheesecake or mousse.  All was good.  
      At 7 PM, we met with the folks going to the Arctic Circle tomorrow.  Just 2 couples are driving in jeeps.  The rest of us are flying up and riding back in a bus.  One couple is flying up and back.  It promises to be a fun day.
2023 July 10 (Mon) – We packed up and left Tok at 7:30 a.m.  It was 206 miles to Fairbanks on fairly decent roads.  There was some construction but not bad.  We arrived to find River’s Edge Resort to be ready for us.  All sites were full hook-up and pull-thru.  A hotel, also owned by River’s Edge, was in walking distance and we had a fine dinner in their Miner’s Hall.  Menu included choice of salmon, elk meatloaf, or vegetable lasagna.  Everything was very good.
      While we waited for the caravan to arrive, Paul drove into town and got the tire fixed.
2023 July 9 (Sun) – We drove the truck to the car wash in the campground.  It is just a power washer with the water running all the time (what a waste).  Paul supplied the bucket, soap, sponge and brush.  We both washed the truck then drove next door to Fast Eddy’s for lunch.  The food was OK.
      We returned to the campground where I finally got caught up with labeling my pictures and updating my blog.  The group went to play games at 5 p.m. and we held the travel meeting at 7 p.m.  It’s off to Fairbanks tomorrow.
2023 July 8 (Sat) – This was a free day for the group.  Several decided to drive to Dawson City (185 miles away) and spend the night there.  Dawson City is an old western mining town that was lots of fun when we visited it 8 years ago.  I am glad some folks were adventurous enough to go for it.  A few others drove to Chicken (about 80 miles away) and touch the Top of the World Highway before turning back.
       We used the time to catch up on sorting pictures, writing the memory book, and just chilling out.  Everywhere you look, folks are cleaning their cars, trucks and rigs off.  There’s been a steady line at the RV/car wash.  We’ll have to get on line.  We did our laundry today.  Then went to the Three Bears liquor and grocery stores to replenish our supplies.  Paul looked for a place to get the tire repaired but this is a small town and nothing looked professional enough to do the job.  He’ll wait until we get to Fairbanks.
2023 July 7 (Fri) – It was a long drive today over terrible roads – 290 miles.  We left at 7:30 a.m.  There were ruts, gravel, dirt, frost heaves and potholes on much of the way.  Road construction filled in the rest of the tribulations.  They were paving the road at the border crossing into Alaska from Haines Junction, Yukon.  It was a delay getting to the crossing, then the agent was annoyed because Paul scraped the headknocker driving into the lane (it was 12’10”; we are 12’10”).  He backed us out of the lane and into the commercial truck lane.  Then we sat there for over an hour waiting for the pilot car to bring cars from the opposing lane before leading us back down the road.  By the time we got going, groups 2 and 3 had arrived at the border, too.  Needless to say, when we arrived at our campground – Tok RV Village in Tok – we had a pile up.  We stacked up RVs while Paul and I tried to figure out where to put everyone.  It was strenuous but everyone got a pull-thru campsite with full hook-up without any injuries.  One of the group took a turn too tightly at one of their stops and knocked down a bollard with the side of his fifth-wheel RV.  Bent the frame of his bedroom slide and ripped the siding of his rig.  We had a flat tire during our trip.  Paul was able to get it changed quickly.
      After we arrived and were trying to get everyone parked after the 8-hour drive, I ran over to the restaurant where we were scheduled to have dinner tonight.  The reservation had been for 5:30 p.m.  I sent a message to Fast Eddy’s Restaurant last night asking to push the time back to 6:30 p.m. because of the extended travel time we would need (folks who came from Alaska to Haines Junctions told us of the poor road conditions).  I got a calendar note showing 6:30 p.m. which, I assumed, meant the request had been approved.  Imagine my surprise when we arrived in Tok and got cell phone signal again to find a voice message saying the time could not be changed.  I grabbed my paperwork and money and went over to the restaurant at 5:30 to plead our case.  At first, the waitress was adamant that the time could not be changed then she said we could slide it a bit and finally, allowed us until 6:30 p.m. to get everyone in.  I called back to the campground and told Paul to tell everyone to get over to the restaurant ASAP.  Three couples did not come over.  We got take-out boxes for them.  Everyone else enjoyed a great salad bar and choice of sausage lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, or chicken parmesan.  And there was apple pie to boot!
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num8skull · 2 years
😉 💬 💯 💗
😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks? - i mean maybe not surprisingly anything that takes advantage of how fucking short she is is pretty big on the list. like she thinks the idea of being flipped like a pancake is pretty universally hot. aside from that shes a mean asshole and she likes to be treated like one so ??? she gets bored of sweet tender stuff pretty quickly unless its just genuinely a part of how she feels about a person. which it usually isnt. like the only person she feels that way about is her wife idk vriska just likes to get flipped like a quesadilla what do u want from me
💬 When did my muse go on their first date? - i mean that depends a lot on what you mean by date. like canonically she was in a moiraillegance with terezi before she even got her name so like. so like. id say first """real""" date that wasnt just "we are kids who want to be adults" was probably around 7.5 sweeps and it was a miserable experience for everybody involved
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? - vriska takes you with her out on open sea and you kill everybody on board a mega yacht. or if youre one of those boring moral people then idk, feed her something she guesses god you are so boring to her she cant believe shes going to touch your penis
💗 Has my muse ever been in love? - in spite of the everything about her vriska probably falls in love once a week and she will always embarrass herself about it unless shes paying attention. so the answer is yes absolutely she fucking has
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duskythesomething · 2 years
omg the past two days were a blast i'll ramble in tags
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮. || h.k 💫
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╰─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲!
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.5k
a/n; I was told that I don’t do enough fluff so I’m taking all kinds of fluff ideas you can think of!!
after a tiring week of work all you could do was sleep. with staying late nights at the office and waking up early mornings, sleep was very hard to come by. so it was a no brainer that on a rainy saturday morning such as this one you were sedated in the sea of your dreams wanting absolutely nothing more. 
cuddling your pillow though you felt something soft brush against your neck. you shrugged it off, slipping back into your slumber before you felt the light touches again. it annoyed you really. one of the only days you had off and you were being interrupted by the littlest things. 
but the light touches continued while the rain pattered against your window. you were about to settle back into your dreams until you realized the light touches you were feeling were lips, kissing the back of your neck over and over again. you groaned a bit knowing it was no one other than your boyfriend heuning kai. 
“kai please, I need sleep”. you begged. his warm body pressed against the back of yours and he slides his arms under you, holding your frame near and dear to his chest. he lays his head down on your back. 
“good morning, I’m sorry cupcake. I just miss you a lot. i’ve been at practice and you’ve been working so we don’t see each other that often”. he says softly yet monotoned, and you could tell just by the sound of his voice he had just woke up as well. probably woke up and immediately slid his way over to you. 
“you don’t have to apologize, i miss you too kai. I’m just tired so i’m a little grumpy”. 
he sighs and sits up with his chin pressing against your back. “well can grumpy give me kisses?”. you turn over and playfully roll your eyes at the smug grin on his face. you cup his cheeks and give him the kisses he wanted, one after the other and his smile grew wider with each before you stopped. 
“okay I’m going back to sleep now”. you say, not really planning on doing so but waiting to see kai’s reaction. you roll over and kai pulls you back down laughing. “no please give me more”. 
“beggers can’t be choosers”. 
“I’m not begging i’m asking you. pretty please?”. he says once more puckering his lips and closing his eyes. you laugh at his ridiculous face and pluck him on the nose before turning over and hiding underneath the blankets. 
“ow! you’re so mean!”. he shrieks and laughs anyways. he grips the blankets trying to lift them over your head but you grip them harder. “noo leave me alone I’m hibernating!”. you whine. 
“it’s not even winter time!”. he says trying to get them off of you once again. “give me kisses! I want your kisses”. he pleads. you make a mock snoring noise as loud and obnoxious as you can possibly make it. kai chuckles “you know what? you don’t want to come out for me how about I just do this!”. he says just before clasping his teeth down over your blanket protected arm. you shriek in pain. 
“ow! kai!”. you jokingly pretend to cry. “now i’m never coming out ever!”. 
“I’m going to bite you again if i don’t feel your lips within the next five seconds”. 
“you’re a meanie”. you whine. he smirks and counts, “five, four, three...”. 
“stop counting! I’m never coming out you injured me”. 
he lowers his face down preparing to bite you in the thigh this time, “two...two in a half...”. you’re eyes widened once you felt where he was. “two in a quarter...two in three quarters...”. 
you lifted the blankets over your head immediately, “okay I’m out! I’m out don’t bite me!”. a relieved kai inched his way towards you but you instead ran, only making it as far as the living room before being tackled on the living room couch. 
“I’m sick of you!”. kai laughs with his hands pinning your arms against the sofa. “I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t kill me please I love you”. you beg as if you were pleading for your life. kai looked so cute above you with his brown disheveled locks and oversized sweater. “I won’t kill you if you give me kisses”. 
“fine!”. you finally agree and he takes no time leaning down planting kisses on your neck before tickling you lightly under your arms. you yelped. “that wasn’t part of the plan!”. he chuckles against your skin but you couldn’t help but laugh with him and beg for him to stop since your stomach hurt and you were now out of breath. with your chest heaving he kisses your cheeks before trailing to your lips. your wrap your arms around his neck inching them up to get tangled in his soft locks while you finally kissed back. 
his lips always fit perfectly in yours and the kisses were always so dainty and never-ending. he rubs his thumb over cheeks admiring the way you always kissed him with passion that always made his heart go wild. or maybe it was just you, you always made his heart go wild. 
you intertwined your fingers around a thick strand of hair in a blissful trance until kai pulled away. you fluttered your eyes open. “thank you. now i’m hungry”. 
you were too of course but now, it was you who wanted more kisses and definitely agreed that kai shouldn’t have broke your kisses like that. “well, I can make you pancakes if--”.
you laugh at his surprised expression. “if you give me another kiss”. you continue. 
“wowww you’re boyfriend is over here starving and you’re holding me hostage for kisses?”. you smile up at him with your hands wrapped around his neck. “yes that’s exactly what I’m doing”. 
he wrinkles his nose. “and of course i’ll give you what you want because you’re spoiled”. he leans in and plants another chaste kiss on your lips before pulling away yet again. “now please make me pancakes”. 
you sigh not really wanting the kissing to end but you insisted on feeding your cute hungry giant. you hadn’t realized how long you were staring into kai’s eyes until he actually said something. 
“what? you’re so spoiled you want to be carried to the kitchen too?”. you laugh before you could answer and kai was already lifting you over his shoulder and walking over to the kitchen. you were surprised at his strength because you weren’t exactly the lightest person in the world. 
nevertheless you kicked your legs and smacked his back begging for him to put you down in utter fear. he finally plopped you on the countertop ignoring your playful hits about how much of a jerk he was, laughing and taking out the ingredients for you. 
“here look, see you have everything you need”. 
you roll your eyes laughing and scoot to wash your hands, prepping the mix like so. you made it so they could be fluffy just how kai liked it. including eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla extract. 
all the while kai is leaning on the counter watching you closely and feeling sorry remembering that you said you were tired. as soon as you inserted your last teaspoons of sugar kai scooted the bowl closer to him and mixed it with the whisk.
“here, I got it”. 
“I can do it kai I’m a big girl”. 
he chuckles while sitting a pan on the stove and cutting the fire low. he grabs a stick of butter from the fridge and places it on the counter top. you sucked your teeth and hopped off the counter grabbing the bowl from him. 
“I can do it kai I swear. just sit back. plus i don’t want you to burn the house down”. 
“wow is that what you think of me? to have you know, I can flip a pancake or two while staying in perfect condition”.
“really? have you ever done it before?”. 
“no but--”. 
“exactly”. you laugh once more while buttering the pan. you grab a ladle and pour the batter into a perfect circle. 
“see? how are you so perfect at this?”. 
“I’m not that’s just the way they come out”. 
“teach me”. 
“last time I tried we had to throw away half a box of pancake mix”.
“that was your fault though”. 
you stare at him a bit, giving him an “are you serious?”. gaze. he laughs and holds his hands up in surrender. 
“okay maybe it was my fault but still”. 
you shake your head in disbelief and continue cooking despite kai’s pleads. it was 3 pancakes in where you decided to give up and finally try to teach him again. 
“it’s simple, okay?”.
you go behind him and take his hand grabbing the ladle and scooping some mix out of the bowl. “you take this, and gently pour it in the pan like this. always add butter first though so the pancake can have crisp edges”. together you both carefully pour the batter into the pan. you couldn’t say the circle was as perfect as yours but it was something. a start at least. kai laughed at it’s shape. 
“see what happens when I teach you like this? no messes”. 
kai nods, “I like when you teach me like this”. 
he turns and smiles down at you and you scoff playfully. “stop flirting with me you’re going to burn it”. 
“it’s not going to burn we just put it up there. plus you’re blushing”. 
your cheeks burned while you walked away. you thought it was always fun denying the butterflies you got around kai.  “no i’m nottt”. 
“awww? does my little baby want kisses?”. 
your cheeks burned even more while you began to wipe the counters. “no and don’t call me that I’m not little”. 
you felt him turning you towards him just to caress your cheeks softly. he puckers his lips. “you’re so grumpy today. just admit you want kisses and i’ll give them”. 
you try your best not to crack a smile. “i don’t though”. he stares down into your eyes with admiration. 
“you’re so pretty”. 
and that was it. it turned into a blushing frenzy from there. you tried to push him away while you smiled. “stop kai!”. 
“don’t walk away”. he laughed before pulling your body closer to his. he grabs your chin and kisses your lips again and again. he gave small pecks until they became longer and you got lost in the softness of his lips. okay, maybe it was what you wanted. 
and maybe the pancake was starting to burn. 
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sailtoafarawayland · 3 years
Entwined: Family Outtakes Ch. 2
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Summary: An outtake that centers around some worries and family feels for Hook and Emma as they confront something we all must at some point, and the first appearance of Hope Swan-Jones in our little universe. 
Rating: All chapters range G - T (to be safe)
AO3 - FF
For @teamhook
Chapter Two: Falling Behind
Bleariness clouded Emma's vision as she woke, eyelids blinking away the late morning sunlight that streamed through the window and lit the soft whites and creams of their bedroom. She rolled the kinks from her neck and stretched, enjoying the crisp coolness of the sheets against her sleep warmed skin.
She must have overslept – the house was uncharacteristically quiet for a Sunday, and even though it had been years since Storybrooke had been disrupted by anything more villainous than teenage rebellion, something about the peacefulness pushed her into abrupt wakefulness. She lurched upright in bed, snatching her robe from the back of the door and wrapping it around herself as she stepped into the hallway.
The sound of something sizzling in the kitchen soothed any immediate worry, but still, she peeked into Hope's room to make sure everything looked normal – her comforter made and folded neatly below the pillows, as it always was when either of her dads oversaw the morning routine. It was definitely a far cry from when Emma was in charge and the entire wad of blankets and sheets was left knotted at the foot of the bed, a tangle-haired little girl hopping up and down on one foot while pulling on socks and trying to brush her teeth.
She let the smell of bacon lead her quickly down the stairs, the floors cool against her bare feet. Her eyes caught the clock and she frowned – it was earlier than she expected her husbands to be back and making breakfast on a Sunday. Usually they were somewhere between Granny's and the docks with Hope until at least nine.
“Hey,” she murmured, coming around the corner into the kitchen and seeing Hook bent over the stove, the last pieces of bacon dropping onto a paper towel lined plate from the fork in his hand, neither Killian nor Hope anywhere in sight. “Just us this morning?”
“Aye,” he smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes in the way that Emma loved.
“What's wrong?” she asked, concern rising up the back of her throat as she moved behind him, standing on her tiptoes and resting her chin on his shoulder, her arms encircling his waist – taking what reassurance she could from his solid presence.
“Everything's fine,” he insisted, his smile broadening as he flicked off the stove and dropped the fork beside the spread of bacon and eggs, turning in her arms and pressing a kiss to the top of her hair before meeting her eyes. “I just thought today I'd stay in and take care of breakfast. Killian and the wee lass should be back from 'pirate practice' soon enough.”
“Well, I'm glad you're here,” Emma teased, her hands traveling along his sides and sweeping upward to find the open edges of his button down, her fingers curling around the fabric and settling in his generous chest hair, silver and dusky against his tan skin, “and I'm not gonna lie, bacon that's already made is a bonus too.”
She pressed her toes against the cool floor and sought his lips, humming against them when she tasted the salty sweetness of maple bacon.
“Look's like someone was stealing pieces out of the pan again.”
“Pirate,” he reminded her, his brace and fingers pulling her more firmly against his chest as his mouth slanted hungrily over her own, their tongues rolling together with practiced ease – what Emma had intended to be a lazy, morning kiss stoking that familiar need in them both.  
He backed her insistently against the kitchen table, fingers tugging at the drawstring of her robe as she pushed into him, thoughts of breakfast fading as she considered the other things they could be doing on the table, but her movements stopped suddenly when the press of her hand against his shoulder was met with a hiss of pain. Hook stepped back from her, his own fingers moving to soothe the hurt she hadn't known was there.
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
“No,” he sighed, an edge to his voice that she didn't often hear. “Simply a stiff neck this morning, love.”
“I'm sorry,” she faltered, wanting to simply place her palm against his hurt and make it disappear, her intention clear enough in her face that he pulled back, taking her hand in his own and giving it a squeeze. “You should have woken me up. I can just – ”
“No, Emma, it's fine. I can't have you –” he paused, placing a breath of a kiss against her knuckles, looking for all the world as if he wanted to pull her into his arms again, but was afraid of what moving too swiftly might do. “Perhaps I'll just set the table and the strain will work itself out on its own.”
Letting her hand fall back to her side, she watched as he crossed the kitchen and opened the cabinet, pulling out plates for the four of them.
“Is that why you didn't go with Hope and Killian to the docks?”
It had become something of a longstanding tradition for Hope, Sunday morning with her dads. They would stop at Granny's hot cocoa and then take in the cool sea air, some mornings spent sharing stories and others spent sparring – something their daughter lovingly referred to as 'pirate practice', all three of them armed with blunt wooden swords.
It was the first time she'd ever seen Hook miss one.
The plates clinked against the table as he sat them down heavily.
“Aye,” he rumbled, fingers scratching behind his ear before running through his mop of hair, the black holding much more silver now than it had six years earlier when he'd tumbled into their lives and hearts.
“You know that Hope doesn't care how she spends time with you. You're her father. That's all that matters. She just wants to be with you, whether you're swinging a sword or not,” Emma pointed out softly, watching him carefully as his jaw tightened, insecurity warring with what he knew in his heart. It wouldn't be the first time that Emma had seen it – the way he'd started frowning at himself in the mirror, silently mourning the slow march of grey across his head and scruff. “It doesn't make a difference to any of us.”
“It makes a difference to me, Emma,” he ground out, turning abruptly and gripping the edge of the counter as he stared unseeingly out the window into the yard beyond.
“Jones,” she sighed, closing the distance between them and pressing her body to his back, feeling every tight cord of tension running through him, “Killian...”
She didn't call him Killian often – the three of them had decided early on that it was simply too confusing for everyone – that Jones would do, or Hook – but every now and then Killian would slip from her lips when he needed to be called back to them, when he needed reminding of who he was and who they both saw and loved.
He exhaled heavily, letting his worries fall from his lips as he relaxed into her.
“I know it doesn't make a difference to our little girl, Emma, but...this was the first morning that I woke and truly felt the age that I see in the mirror – and then I watched Hope bound down the porch with her sword already swinging, Killian at her heels and I just...I don't want to fall behind. I feel like I'm falling behind.”
“Hey,” she murmured, urging him around to face her, palm against his rough jaw, “that's not possible. We're family. We're in this together, and that won't ever change – whether you're running after her or not. One day she isn't going to want sword fights and treasure hunts, or someone to draw a smiley face on her pancakes with whipped cream – she's gonna want a shoulder to cry on when her heart gets broken...”
A low growl hummed in the back of his throat, his jaw twitching beneath Emma's fingers at the thought of anyone hurting his little girl.
“...or someone who can look over her shoulder when she paints and tell her just the right shades of purple and red to use for a sunset. We're all gonna get older and change, but that doesn't mean anyone is falling behind – we'll just be moving on to new adventures...together.”
“And what of us, Emma? Five years from now when there's only gray hair and wrinkles, when I've grown softer than I used to be, what will you and Killian think then?”
“None of that is going to change how much I want you, how much I love you...” her fingers found the place where his heart was beating solidly in his chest, pressing firmly and reminding him of just how they'd gotten here. “None of that is going to change how much Killian loves you.”
“Aye,” he murmured, fingers looping with hers as they both remembered the fear that day had carried – the day they put an end to his curse entirely – all of it washed away by hope and love and leaving them standing here. “You'll have to forgive the insecurities of an old pirate, darling.”
“Our pirate,” she chided. “Besides, did you want me any less after I'd added a few more stretch marks to my stomach and my hips got wider – when my boobs sagged a little more after years of nursing?”
“Your breasts, Emma, are still perfect works of art,” Hook promised, looking affronted at the mere notion that they were any less beautiful than they'd once been.
In fact, he loved them all the more for having watched her nurture and care for their child, feeding her through the long hours of the night and comforting her when the trials of the day were simply too much for a little one to stand. That type of love – a mother's love – it was something Alice had never known as a baby, and he worshiped his wife a little more each day for having given that gift to Hope. There wasn't a mark left on her body that he didn't cherish, that wasn't a reminder of the depth of her heart.
To him, she was a goddess.
“If you can still look at me and see beauty in all these stretch marks – then you can't doubt it's the same when we look at you – and some more gray hair and a rum belly won't change that, not ever.”
“Well, let's not allow things to deteriorate to that point, shall we?” Hook muttered, his cheeks reddening at the remembrance of Emma's story – of her meeting with aging Captain who no longer existed, a future that he'd thankfully avoided by following the Seer's advice and seeking out a small town called Storybrooke, a town that held not only the promised end of his curse, but the rest of his happiness for days to come.
“I'm just saying,” Emma whispered, her fingers dragging along his skin as she pressed the smile of her lips to his own, “it still wouldn't matter, Jones.”
He swallowed her surprised gasp as his hand slipped into the loosened folds of her robe, calloused palm glancing along the warmth of her skin before the sound of the door flying inward had them both pulling apart – the stillness of the house shattered by the return of their yet-to-be-tired-out daughter.
“Hope,” Emma sighed, tightening her robe and turning just in time to catch the tornado of long, dark locks and flailing limbs running headlong into her arms, barely leaning her head out of the way in time to keep from getting whacked with an errant wooden sword. “What have I said about not throwing the door open? You're gonna break it down one of these days.”
“And you know the rule about swords in the house, my love,” Hook reminded her, plucking the wooden toy from her hands and placing it on the counter. “Now, where's Dad? Did he make it home, or is he still outside bemoaning the loss you surely handed him?”
“Let's not be hasty – I wouldn't go so far as to call it a loss,” Killian insisted, stepping through the door and easing it closed behind him, his own wooden sword dropping into the umbrella stand near the entrance. “Our little lass put to use some very impressive evasive maneuvers – quite insistent on hurrying home this morning.”  
“Did she now?” Hook laughed, “and what could have been the cause of that?”  
“We missed you, Papa,” Hope explained, reaching out and squirming until Hook plucked her out of Emma's arms, jogging her into a seat on his hip. “And bacon.”
“Ah, now we get to the truth of the matter,” he murmured, placing a lingering kiss on their daughter's curls, nearly as dark as he and Killian's, though her face was the tiny, spitting image of Emma. “I suppose it's a good thing I made bacon then – because I missed you as well.”
“It was a quiet morning without you,” Killian added, still shucking his jacket as he met Emma's cheek with a kiss and then leaned over their daughter to brush his lips against Hook's as well. “Despite this one being up well before the sun, I seem to have failed at running her ragged even in the slightest – we'll have to take her out for some more sparring this afternoon.”
“Aye, that we will.”
“That all sounds great,” Emma agreed, grabbing the abandoned stack of plates and placing them down neatly in front of the chairs at the table, “but I woke up to the smell of bacon and still haven't gotten to eat any – so let's make plans after breakfast, sound good?”
“Aye aye, Captain!” Hope yelled, her words devolving into a stream of giggles that she buried in Hook's chest as both her fathers protested that Emma certainly didn't hold the qualifications to captain a ship.
“Mama's captain of the house – the house!” their daughter squealed, trying desperately to bat away Killian's fingers as he tickled her sides, eventually settling for throwing herself out of Hook's arms and running to the other side of the kitchen, the table a staunch line of defense against any further onslaught. “I've heard her say it, so it's true,” she insisted, blue eyes glimmering with the type of conviction only a four-year old can muster.
“Well, you must be right then, lass,” Killian relented, raising his hand and hook in surrender before pulling out a chair. “Now, come, sit and eat – before the Captain has us all walk the plank. You know how grumpy your mum gets when she's hungry.”
“I do not get grumpy,” Emma growled playfully, the mock indignation in her voice doing nothing to quell the smile lines around her mouth or the soft crinkle at the corners of her eyes.
Hope jumped into the seat Killian had pulled aside for her, eyebrows raised halfway toward her hairline as she watched Hook carry over the plates filled with fresh eggs and bacon, her feet kicking the underside of the chair in a steady rhythm.
“Can we go to the park this afternoon?” she asked, two pieces of bacon already gripped tightly in her small hand before any of her parents had even noticed her snatch them from the plate. “I want to have a treasure hunt.”
“Of course we can,” Hook smiled, sitting down and watching as their daughter munched happily on her bacon, his gaze drifting to Killian as he doled out eggs and Emma as she made her own plate, stealing some bacon from the pile that had somehow doubled in size on Hope's plate.
Emma's eyes lifted, meeting his own over the table – her green gaze so filled with warmth and love that he immediately felt foolish for the fear that had overtaken him that morning, for thinking that something so simple as time could ever make them drift apart, could somehow make them less than what they were and had always been destined to be – a family.
Tagging: @justanother-unluckysoul @kmom0f4 @the-darkdragonfly @teamhook @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @tiganasummertree @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @alexa-fangirl-forever @alifeofdreams @superchocovian @donteattheappleshook @hollyethecurious @caught-in-the-filter @snowbellewells @itsfabianadocarmo @stahlop
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purplekiwis · 4 years
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III - Mouthful of Pride (You’ve got a problem holding your tongue, and a strong hate for flavored syrup)
Listen to the Damaged Goods Spotify Playlist: Here
Series Masterlist: Here
Genre: Enemies to Lovers | College AU
Warnings: Smut, Cursing, Alcohol & Drug Use, Borderline Abusive Behavior
Wordcount: 6.5K
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It was your first weekend away from home. And for the first time in your life you were actually upset that you didn’t have any school work to do. Because at least then you would’ve had something to distract you from the fact that you were alone. Well, alone for the day because Ameena was out to visit, according to her, one of the most remarkable silverware factories in the world with some of her classmates in order to scoop (mind the pun) some inside information for an essay they were working on.
The point is that you were bored to death.
As you refreshed Instagram for the tenth time in a row, a picture of Madison popped up in your feed. You instinctively double tapped it and kept scrolling down, but found yourself going back to take a look at her profile, something you hadn’t done in a quite while. You had been meaning to text her ever since you’d run into her at school the other day and she’d told you whenever you’re free, you should totally come hang out with me and the girls.
You had a feeling she’d only invited you to be polite, so you brushed off the topic to save her some slack... But the truth was that you missed her.
You missed the times you spent talking boys in your bedroom when she stayed over, the mornings she broke into your house and forced you to cycle with her to Bentrood Lake for a swim and the others when you swayed her into baking pancakes at 3am after a night out in the village, with the promise that you wouldn't tell on her night’s messy hookups…
But most of all, you missed having someone that you could tell everything to, while simultaneously having someone you never needed to tell anything to because she could read you like an open book.
You also hated seeing her gushing around with her new cool friends, even though you were completely aware that it was selfish of you to expect her reach out when you hadn’t made any efforts to reignite your friendship yourself… So you did, you texted her.
[You: Hi Maddie 🤗, how are you?]
[Maddie: Hi! 💖 I’m good, how are you? how was first week?]
[You: I’m good. It was alright, I’m a bit sore but I guess that’s on me for never sticking to my workout plans. WYD?]
[Maddie: Haha, you’ve always been a lazy ass.]
[Maddie: Me and the girls were heading out to get some icecream. Wanna join?🍦😋]
[You: thanks but I don’t want to butt in on you and your friends 😔]
[Maddie: Don’t be silly 🤨]
[Maddie: It will be fun!! and the icecream is bomb!]
You dropped your phone on your stomach and looked up at the ceiling as you contemplated her offer. Going out with a bunch of popular girls you didn’t know wasn’t exactly how you’d planned to rekindle your friendship with your long lost best friend, since that was definitely a little out of your comfort zone… but fuck, you really could do with some icecream right now.
[You: Is it better than those mango swirlies from Sugar Plum’s?]
[Maddie: You and I both know nothing could ever compare to Sugar Plum’s, but I swear they’re good! And they have those yogurt things you like.]
[You: Froyos??? 😱😱😱]
[Maddie: Yeah, those! 🤮🤮]
[You: Alright I’ll go, but only because you made me crave some. 🙄]
[Maddie: Yayyyy! 🤗 The place is called Golden Sea. It’s on the boardwalk by the lighthouse. We’re already at the beach but we can come pick you up if you’d like.]
[You: I’m fine. 😅 Just send me the location and I’ll meet you there.]
You pulled off your leggings and t-shirt and stuffed yourself inside a pair of annoyingly tight jeans and a flowey summer blouse. You thought about putting on makeup, but ended up deciding that it wasn’t worth the effort just to go get icecream. So you just brushed your hair, applied some moisturizer and in under ten minutes were out the door.
You regretted it though. As soon as you walked inside the shop and saw the group of girls you came to hang out with.
They were all in their bikini tops and high-waisted shorts that emphasized their tanned, perfectly waxed legs. Their nails looked freshly manicured and their hair was wavy and pretty from the sea water. You were about to make a quick U-Turn and go back to your dorm to change into something more appropriate when Madison spotted you and waved at you.  
And if it wasn't bad enough that you were about to meet Madison and her mermaid friends looking like a whole different type of sea creature, as you made your way inside you noticed a couple of familiar faces sitting at one of the tables to your right. 
Walking past their table you mumbled a shy “Hi” and waved your hand at Everlee, that was already looking at you with a big smile on her face and waving enthusiastically. You saw Harry looking up to check on who she was waving to, but as soon as his eyes laid on you he looked the other way and carried on talking with the boy sitting across from him. How fucking rude. After you placed your order, you went to sit at the table that one of Madison’s friends had picked... And unfortunately the seat that they had left for you was the one that bounded you to directly face Harry and Everlee.
But before you could even begin to appreaciate their couple chemistry, Madison pulled your attention back to your own table. “Where do you even know her from?”  She pried, seeming genuinly intrigued and perhaps even a little resentful about your familiarity with Everlee that she was only now finding out about.
“Who?” You asked, finding it hard to focus on her question while there was a much more interesting scene unfolding in front of you. “Oh! Right…” You said, finally snapping out of it. “She walked me home the other night after the party.” 
“She walked you?” Madison squinted. “Why? I thought she wasn’t in The Commission…”
“She’s not. But she was with her boyfriend.”
“You mean Harry?”
“Yeah… isn’t he her boyfriend?” You regretted asking that question as soon as you felt Madison’s intriguing gaze. You could tell she was suspicious that your question held a little more than just curiosity, so you quickly brushed off the topic. “Do you guys know her? She seems pretty cool.”
“Oh no honey, she’s not cool… We don’t like her.” One of the girls, Bailey, promptly informed, picking up the lone cherry on top of her icecream and bitterly placing it between her teeth.
“Oh, you don’t? Why not?”
“Because she’s a whore.” Bailey spat. Her malice filled eyes drifting towards their table before she carried on. “She has practically fucked every guy in school. Not the mention the ones from outside school… She spreads herself for literally anyone.”
“Hum, okay…” You shook your head, bewildered. “But like... that’s kind of her business, isn’t it? It’s not really our place to judge what she does with her body.” You proposed, taking the first spoon to your mouth as you tried to reason with her.
“I think it’s everyone’s business when she walks around dressed like that. No wonder she has such good grades... I bet she really does blow the teachers away, if you know what I mean.”  Bailey implied, making an innapropriate gesture that made the whole table laugh, but left you with a far worst impression of her than the one you had of the bubbly girl sipping on a strawberry milkshake just a few feet from you.
“I find that a bit… mean to say.” Bailey sighed loudly, annoyed at your political correctness. “Just forget it! I wasn’t expecting you to get it, at least not until...” She stopped abruptly and her eyes fell on the chocolate icecream that she had yet to eat a spoon out of. You peeked at her face expecting her to look sad, but all there was to see was hatred. “Nevermind.”
“She messed around with a guy you liked, didn’t she?” "Yes! How did you know?" She lifted her head to look at you, seeming genuinely shocked by your question. You wondered if she was really that oblivious to the fact that her face was a dead giveaway of what was going on in her mind or if she was really that good at faking stupid.
"Because you’re acting bitter.”
“Well, you would too if your 8 month boyfriend dumped you for an easy-fuck.”
“Maybe...” You interposed. “but I think I would be more upset at the boy than at her. After all, he was the one that chose to leave… Unless she was your friend, then that’s fucked up.”
“My friend?” She scoffed. “Please… I would never relate to people of such low-level.” “Look, I get it. You don’t like her. And you have all the right not to. However, I still don’t see how calling her a whore could make things any better…” “Let’s see how you feel about that once it happens to you.” “Sorry to break it up to you but I don’t think I’ll ever change my views on empowering women because of some guy.” What started out as a casual discussion was slowly turning into a heated one and you were starting to lose your cool at the constant sexist remarks. Luckily, Madison noticed the way you were clenching your fists over the table before Bailey did, so she lightly kicked your foot and widened her eyes at you in a silent plead to zip it. “Girls, don’t mind her! She’s always been a very opinionated chick, haven’t you Y/N?” She jokingly asked, in a tone that was definitely too cheerful to be genuine. You answered her with a poorly disguised fake smile. “Is that a bad thing?” You spat back and took a spoonful of Froyo to your mouth. Hoping it's coolness would help calm your hot-temper.
“Only if the rest of your opinions are as wrong as the one you just shared.” One of the other girls intervened, clearly butt-hurt by the way you’d called out her friend. You remained silent, realizing there was no point in picking a fight with another girl you were definitely not interested in hanging out with again. Besides, the Froyo was actually amazing and you’d much rather be eating it than running your mouth to stupid people.
As you did, absentmindedly your gaze shifted away from the girls and fell on the group sitting at the next table again. A silent gasp left your body, when your eyes landed on what you could only describe as one of the most horrifying things you’d ever seen in your life. You wondered how you hadn’t noticed it before... Since judging by it’s appearance it had to have been sitting there for the past ten minutes… and yet, it’s sugary, unnaturally colored glory remained practically unfazed.
You watched attentively as a gooey droplet slid down the edge of the cup and hit the table top, leaving behind a waxy looking trail. Your face scrunched up when the unmistakeable smell reached your nostrils. You could practically taste it on your tongue, something that made your throat involuntarily clench. You’d obviously seen it before and to be frank, it had never really bothered you… In fact, there was only one particular detail about the whole thing that was making it horribly disconcerting… It was the fact that it was poured on top of a pile of orangey clouds of deliciousness and carefully cut pieces of kiwi, strawberry and mango!
You cought yourself on the verge of throwing a look of disgust at the employer standing behind the counter, because there was no way that serving that to a costumer didn’t break, at least, five of the Food Safety Regulations. But you managed to control yourself… After all, it wasn’t even that poor woman’s fault… He’d asked for it himself! And that, you decided, was the nastiest aspect about the whole situation.
Your eyes drifted back up to Harry’s face, so you could silently judge him once he ate another mouthful of the frozen gunk. However your actions were taken aback by the fact that he was staring back at you. 
As your eyes met his defiant ones, he raised an eyebrow at you inquisitively.  S.O.S. Abort mission! I repeat, abort mission!   You shamefully drifted your gaze back to your own Froyo, that during that short time span had somehow morphed into puddle of yogurt and chocolate syrup with a couple of floating raspberries peeking at the surface. “You want to get a picture or something?” You felt withdrawn by his question, even though you had already been half-expecting it from the moment you realized he’d been aware of your mindless oggling. “I wasn’t looking at you.”
“Really?” He exaggeratedly glanced behind him, already knowing that there would be no one sitting there. “Is there a ghost behind me or what?”
“I was just staring at your dessert to be honest.” “I’ll happily get you one if it means you’ll stop staring at me like a creep.” “Your poor taste in toppings is kinda hard to overpass, you know?” You sneered at the cup. “I mean... Mint flavored syrup on top of an Orange Froyo? It’s obscene!” “I’m the one eating it, so why do you care?” “I don’t.” You picked up your spoon and rechanneled your energy into crumbling apart the soggy raspberries left in your cup. Willing to let go of the ridiculous argument you were now having with the mint syrup loving phychopath sitting just a few feet away.
“You’re not even gonna say sorry?” He challenged again once he realized you were done speaking.
“The only thing I’m sorry for are your low-quality taste buds.” You mumbled to yourself, loud enough for him to hear you. “You know,” He rested his elbows over the tabletop, leaning forward. “You should seriously consider getting laid more often to fix that pissy attitude of yours.” “Uau! You’re one to talk, aren’t you?” You spat at him, but Madison broke you out of your rage fueld trance by kicking you under the table, a lot harder than last time. “Ow!” You complained, turning your attention back to her. “What was that for?”
“What’s the matter with you today? Chill out!” She hissed, so that they couldn’t make up what she was saying. “He’s your superior. you can’t talk to him like that!”
You scoffed at her observation. “Come on now, you can’t be serious… I’m not going to suck up to whatever just because. Not to mention that last time I checked we were at an icecream shop, not at a Praxis event, so he’s not my superior anything.”
“If you’re got going to apologize, the least you could do is suck it up!” Madison chastised. “Acting all frivolous is only gonna get you on his bad side and you’re going to regret it when they start coming for you! Besides you’re making us look bad by being here sitting with you.” “Oh! So you’re embarassed of me now? Is that what this is about?” “Well, you’re being irrational and acting stupid.” “You know what? You’re right! I shouldn’t have come... I don’t want to embarass you in front of your friends.” You got up from your seat and stormed out of the shop. When you walked past Harry’s table he made eye contact with you and obnoxiously licked a stripe up his spoon, but you paid him no mind. You were too far in your head about what Madison had said to waste another minute with an uncivilized braggart with poor taste.
You were already starting to feel the tears pricking at your eyes when you heard rushed footsteps behind you and a voice you knew all too well calling your name, you ignored it and quickned your pace, but it wasn’t long until you felt a hand reach of your shoulder. “Go back to your friends Madison! I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Stop it Y/N, you know I didn’t mean it like that.” You stopped walking and pivoted on your foot, so you were facing her. “I think you did.” You said, quickly turning back around and continuing your walk. You heard shuffling behind you, making you aware that she was still following you.
“Come on, you know me! It just came out because I was mad, you know I didn’t mean it.”  You stopped walking, realizing that she wasn’t going to give up until you talked to her. Something you were glad for, because you’d have been ever madder if she didn’t come after you, and she knew that as well. “Do I? I mean what the hell Madison? You’re calling girls ‘whore’ now and shaming people for their clothes? Quite hypocritical coming from the girl that used to be so proud of her ever-growing fuck list.”
“Thing’s have changed Y/N.” She whispered down. “I don’t do that anymore.” “So? It doesn’t mean that you have the right to shame other people just because they have different ways of living their lives.” She sighed deeply before she spoke. “Look, I know you don’t get it but things are different here, okay? I did what I had to do in order to fit in and get inside that goddamn sorority. Do you think the girls don’t sleep around just as much as Lee does? Of course they do! It’s not about that. People move in groups here, if they decide they don’t like someone, then you don’t get to like them either. Trust me, you don’t want to be the odd one out Y/N.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” “It means- by all means, get yourself inside a good group, get a good mentor and don’t fuck it up just because you’re stubborn.” “And what exactly represents a ‘good group’ Madison? A Sorority?” You scoffed. “Please…”
“I know Sororities may be shit, but if there’s one thing they take seriously is sisterhood and that’s a big deal for me… You’ll find out that loyalty is something you don’t find easily around here, but these girls? They’ll do anything for eachother.” “Like what? Bully eachother’s enemies while enjoying some icecream on a sunny afternoon? Cause so far that’s all I’ve seen them do.” “You’re being condescending and judging too soon.” “Am I? I think I’ve seen enough.” She shook her head and sighed again. “You really haven’t changed, have you?” You simply shrugged, not really sure what she meant by that. “Okay look, I’m going to be honest with you… When I invited you today I was actually planning on warming you up to the girls.” Your jaw dropped. “So that perhaps you could, you know… join the Sorority one day.” 
Your bewildered expression was enough of an answer for her, and you didn’t fail to notice the way her head dropped to avoid showcasing her dissapointment as she carried on with her speech. “I don’t think it was a very good start but I'm willing to talk them into giving you another chance. I mean, if you’d like that… I would really like to have you there.”
“No offence but I would rather die than join a Sorority.” You said with full honesty. There was no point in trying to sugarcoat the truth from Madison anyway.
She nodded her head. “I was already expecting you to say that.” She chuckled, but there was a certain sadness in her expression. “But I guess it was worth the try anyway...”
“So I don’t get to be friends with you unless I join?” It was a silly question that you knew the answer to, but you wanted to hear her say it out loud.
“You’ll always be my best friend Y/N. Nothing could ever change that… And you don’t have to worry okay? I get it. I love my sisters but I also know that they can be Regina George level bitches sometimes.” You couldn’t help to break a smile at the seriousness she uttered that sentence with and she laughed along with you.
“You’ll aways be my best friend too.” You confessed, reaching out your hand to pick at the washed-out rainbow bracelet on her wrist. Similar to the one you carried in your own. It was childish and you knew it, but it made you happy to know that she was still holding on to it like you were. “But on all seriousness Y/N...” She held your hand and started playing with your fingers, a stress relieving habit she’d developed many years ago and you’d always let her do it, even when your fingers started to get numb “Whatever you do, don’t miss the events, go to parties, meet people… The more familiar you are with the people around you the better. But keep in mind that not everyone that smiles at you is your friend. Don’t trust everything you see.”
“Why does everyone keep acting like there’s something shady going on?”
“Well, because-” She stopped talking abruptly at the sound of girls squealing close by. You found yourself unconsciously winced at the noise, while Madison remained as serene as ever. You almost felt sorry for the fact that she had somehow grown so familiar with their pitchy squeals that they didn’t even bother her anymore.
“Hey Madison!” Bailey called from the other side of the road, waving her car keys and signaling the small yellow fiat parked near the entrance of the icecream shop. “We’re going to the mall. Are you still coming or what?”   
You could tell Madison was conflicted when you noticed her shifty stares between you and the girls. As you predicted, she ended up settling for them. “Um… I have to go but we’ll talk soon, okay? I promise.” She mumbled apologetically. “Remember what I said, okay? And if you happen to have a change of heart about the other thing…” 
“Don’t get your hopes up. I won’t change my mind.” “Fucking hell! I’d almost forgotten how stubborn you are!”
“Um… Maddie… I’m not trying to rush you or anything but I think your friends are about to take off without you. They look pretty pissed.” “Oh please! They wouldn’t dare…” She said convincedly, as one of the girls tapped on a non-existent watch on her wrist to urge her to hurry up. “But you’re right, I guess I should probably get going.” She concurred, leaning in just so that she could hug you goodbye. “I’ll see you soon.”
As she left, you stood still for a moment. Observing the way her light blonde hair flew around as she jumpy walked across the boardwalk on her way to the car, where her friends awaited her arrival with impatience written all over their faces. “Oh and by the way…” She yelled, swaying her body so that she could face you one last time before she reached the car. “I’m pretty sure he’s single.” 
You immediately felt your face heat under her knowing gaze, something that didn’t go unnoticed by her. “That- that’s not… I don’t…” Your stuttering only led her on more, laughing and winking at you as she climbed in the backseat of the car with a mischievous grin on her face. You turned around sheepishly, cursing at yourself for ever thinking that it was a good thing that she knew you better than you knew yourself.
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It was only the second week and rituals were already starting to feel like hell. Especially once you started to picture all the school work you weren’t doing in order to be there, pilling up on your desk.
And if it wasn't bad enough that three days a week your routine now included hours and hours of learning and practicing senseless musical numbers and dance routines thoughout the night to prepare for the annual parade, lately people seemed particularly eager to gossip and share their opinions on the members of the Commission during the breaks. What lead to where you were now. Sat with your ass on the concrete at 10PM on a Monday with a borrowed cheap cigarette locked in between your lips, listening to four of your classmates praise the looks of one of the most irritating boys you’d ever met.
“Francesca said he was totally giving her the eyes last night. I heard she made a bet with someone that she would have gotten in his pants by the end of the semester.”
“Do you reckon? I heard he gets around quite a bit but I would be surprised if he was into her. She doesn’t seem like his type.” “How do you even know what is type is?” “I don’t. But guys like him always have a type… and I don’t think she’s his type.” “You’re only saying that because you’d rather you were his type.” “Damn right I would.”
They broke into a fit of laughter, but you were too far in your head thinking about all the productive things you’d rather be doing to even bother to pretend you were in the same page they were. And don’t get me wrong, you never considered yourself to be one of those overly organized productive people. To be honest, you were quite the procrastinator yourself. But this was a total waste of your time, and even you could see that.
“What about you Y/N? You’ve been so quiet... Why don’t you share with the class what you think of Sir Harry?” Sophia asked, lightly kicking your foot to get your attention.
“Because I don’t have anything nice to say.” You said, taking another drag on the cigarette that honestly tasted like shit and was making you feel lightheaded.
“What do you mean?”
“I think he has his head stuck up into his own ass.”  You promptly answered, making them shift all of their attention to you.
“Oh?” They unwittingly harmonized. “Why do you say that?”
“He’s rude, he’s conceited and he obviously thinks he’s better than everyone else.”
They got quiet for a moment, exchanging looks of bewilderment in between them. “But don’t you think he’s hot though?” Vanessa asked, and you took the cue to eye him. He was sat across the field, engaged in a bubbly conversation with the other members of the Commission. It was weird seeing him smile and have fun with his friends, he didn’t even look like the person that you grew to despise. The boy you were staring at looked nice and approachable... you even dare to say he looked… cute?!
But you weren’t about to admit that to a group of horny college girls that you barely knew. “I think he needs a trim. His ends are split.”
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It didn’t take longer than week for you to finally come to realize what the reason for the sudden urge to blab around was. It turned out that it had all been purposefully incited by a couple of moles that had been pretending to be freshmen so they could collect all the dirty laundry going around between the new students, especially the one regarding their opinions on the members of the Commission. And as you can probably imagine they weren’t exactly the most civil, respectful and appreciative opinions... So yes, you were all punished for it. And it was awful. By the time the sun was setting on the horizon, you had lost complete sense of time. You had no idea if you had been doing your punishment for two hours or thirty minutes. All you knew was that any time you tried to do another push-up, your arms started to tremble uncontrollably and you ended up collapsing at all force against the concrete. It wasn’t painful at first... But each time your body met the ground, it caved in a little more and the scratches on you skin burned a little deeper. It took a particularly hard fall for you to finally give into your exhaustion. You knew you could’ve given up or let yourself have a break like some of your colleagues had already done, but the persistence of a particular pair of green eyes on your figure was what was stopping you from doing it. The last thing you wanted was for him to see you break. You let your head fall along with your body and shut down your eyes, taking comfort in the warm and grainy nature of the surface beneath you. You knew it was bound to mark the plushy skin of your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, not when you were on the verge of passing out right then and there. But then you saw a glimpse of a shadow above you.  Lazily, you opened one of your eyes to peek at whatever it was that was disturbing your peacefulness... When you spotted a certain familiar pair of black leather boots in front of your face, you immediately lifted up your head, looking up at the snotty demon towering over you. “Get up.” Harry’s tone was sharp and commanding, but instead of complying right away, you just stared at him with defiant eyes. Showcasing your displeasure at the fact that he had the audacity of bothering you while you were in such an ungrateful condition already. “It’s an order.” He pressured. You snorted. Due to the deadness of your legs, one of your knees faltered as you slowly got back on your feet. Causing you to momentarily lose your balance. “Don’t touch me!” You grumbled hastily, noticing the way his arms twitched hesitantly to catch you if you fell. As if you’d ever rely on him for support... might as well just dive face first on the concrete already! “I wasn’t going to.” Harry counterclaimed, crossing his arms in front of his chest instead. “So…” He started smugly. “Is there any other grooming advice you would like to share?” He asked provocatively, but you chose to remain quiet and focus the little strenght you had left on trying to keep your body up. When faced with your silence he leaned closer and spoke again. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Not so brave when I can hear you, are ya?” You knew that for the sake of your exhausted body it would’ve been wiser to just shut up for once, and had it been somebody else in his place, that would’ve been exactly what you would’ve done... but Harry, for some reason, had an outstanding way of getting on your nerves that made it impossible for you not to contest his prodding. “Actually, now that you mention it. I would also like to suggest an anti-grease shampoo.” “What?” The way he gasped at your audacity was enough to make worthy any consequences that may come from your snappy retort. And you had to look down and roll your lips inwords to supress the urge to laugh in his face. From the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of movement and for a brief second, you thought that he was leaving. You realized you should’ve known better when you felt him, quite literally, breathing down your neck. “Say that again, I fucking dare you.” He defied, barely above a whisper. You hated the way his voice was giving you goosebumps all over your body. “I said…” You started, but he cut you off immediately. “Shut the fuck up!” He shouted in your ear, making you squirm and drawing everyone’s attention to the both of you. He glanced back, realizing that everyone was unapolagetically staring out of pure curiosity. “Keep your eyes to yourselves!” He shouted at them, and his voice held so much power that you could almost swear you saw the trees trembling at the sound of it. “Knees to the floor, now!” They all promptly obeyed, and you felt obligated to as well, not because you were scared of Harry’s temperamental tantrum, but because you felt terrible that he was punishing everyone because of something you said. “You really are unbelievably selfish aren’t you?” Harry questioned. You realized his body was facing you again when you spotted his knees in front of your face. You watched them bend down as he crouched to be face to face with you again. “You know your colleagues are drained as shit and yet you feel just fine that they’re about to get punished for something you did. Giving them the works just because you can’t be bothered to keep your mouth shut. You’re a fucking embarassment of a person.”  You couldn’t fight the tear that rolled down your face as soon as he got up and walked to the front row so that he could face the mass of bodies kneeled on the ground. “Just so you know… I was actually about to desmiss you, but little miss thingy over there decided to fuck it up so now you’re all gonna pay for it.” He said, walking back and forth between rows as he spoke “I’m actually not really feeling push-ups today… seems a bit tame for the occasion. How do we feel about burpees guys?” He asked to the present veterans and crows that looked absolutely thrilled about the whole situation. “Yeah? How about we start with 100?” Some people cheered and others tried to provoke him into raising the number, but he chose to ignore them.  You were mortified at the unfair treatment that he was giving to your colleages. And your uneasiness didn’t get overlooked by him, matter of fact, you could tell that he was aware that he had just found your Achilles heel, and he was more than happy to jab in it. What he wasn’t counting with was how reckless and bullheaded you could actually be. “Stop it okay? I’ll take the punishment! I’ll take all of it!” You shouted at him, before he could finish his countdown. He looked back at you, with glint of amusement in his eyes and two fingers still in the air. “Excuse me? Did you say something?” “What I said to you, it was personal.” You blabbered. “It’s not their fault! They shouldn’t pay for it.” Words just kept pouring out of your mouth incenssantly as you spoke.“I’ll take the punishment in their place! All of it.”  He clicked his tongue and shruged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Should’ve thought about that before opening your mouth, shouldn’t you?” “Wait, wait, wait…” Declan interrupted, approaching Harry and patting him on the back. “H, I think this could turn out to be fun.” “Fun?” He scoffed, with a look of utter disgust. “Are you mental? There are about 100 freshman here...” “And what? You think that honey-bunch over there can’t deal with 10 000 burpees by herself?” Wait... 10 000?! Maybe you should’ve done the maths on this before you spoke. You rolled your eyes at the use of the objectionable pet name. “What does everyone think?” Declan asked to the older students present. Some of them shrugged and other cheered along. “Now that’s something I’d really like to see for myself...” “That’s too much for one person.” Harry said, sparing you a disguised glance. “Besides they’re a team, all for one has always been our motto. There’s no reason to start changing it now...”   “Why does it have to be all for one and not one for all? You asked, recklessly stepping in on their conversation. “No one asked for your opinion. Shut it.” You opened your mouth to retort but Harry cut you off straight away. “I said stay out of it Y/N. This is none of your business.” Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Did he just call you by name? How did he even know your name? Did he ask around? Has he been talking about you? Has he been hate stalking you on his free times? SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO LITTLE ANSWERS!!! “Aw, look at him… getting all defensive...” Declan cooed mockingy. “Guys, if I didn’t know any better, I would say our H has a soft spot for the freshman.”  Everyone laughed. Except Harry who was blushing redder than a tomato… and you were right there with him, looking away from the scene to avoid drawing anyone’s attention to your dangerously heated cheeks. “If there’s one thing I’m defending it’s the values of the Praxis. Remember? The ones you tend to forget when they become too inconvinent for your liking.” Harry talked back at Declan. You couldn’t not notice the way he was carving his own nails on the flesh of his palm. The anger in his face reminiscing you back to the night he walked you home. “Oh... he’s getting feisty now.” Declan teased further, and Harry yanked his arm away. You could tell the redness on his face was more than just flushing now, he was starting to get seriously irritated at Declan’s provocations, possibly one sly remark away from punching him in the face. “She’s the one who suggested it, what wrong could it do? You don’t have to be so uptight all the time man. Chill out!” He said, grabbing onto his mate’s shoulders and shaking him playfully. That did little to nothing to ease him. “She’s just acting up. She doesn’t mean it.” Harry stated. And you felt everyone’s eyes landing on you... right as you were awkwardly shifting your bodyweight from one leg to the other. “Freshman,” Declan called, rushing in your direction and resting his arm over your shoulders like he’d previously done to Harry. “Tell us, in all honesty, did you really mean what you said or were you just acting up?” You weren’t oblivious to the way Harry was sternly looking at you, but you chose to ignore him and keep true to your word, even though there might be a small truth to his statement. Not that you would ever admit to that anyway. “I meant everything I said.”  “See… She meant it!” Declan simpered, letting go of you and walking back to his original position next to Harry, who was frantically chewing on his gum and staring at you with a very unpleased expression on his face. “Alright. Let’s vote it out, then.” Harry decided at last. “Who’s in favor of punishment for all?” Part of the group raised their hands, him included. He swiftly counted all the hands and carried on. You had a feeling that he had forgotten to count with himself, but it wasn’t like it was going to make much difference anyway... “And who’s in favor of the individual punishment?” He asked, and the majority of the group raised their hand. “Great then.” He ludicrously said, turning back to the freshmen. “I suppose you’re all dismissed then.” As the freshmen left, so did most of the crows and veterans that had been assisting the rituals,  some of them offering you pitiful looks as they passed you by. There were only about forty people left waiting to see what was about to happen. Ameena volunteered to stay behind and keep you company, but you assured her that you were fine and that she should go home. As you were standing there by yourself, you noticed Harry collecting his belongings. Was he… Going somewhere?! He put his sunglasses on and began shuffling around on his backpack, picking up what you assumed to be his car keys. When he noticed you standing there like an idiot, he chuckled lightly. “Tomorrow, after the night rehersal.”  Some people sitting in the balcony booed at him, clearly upset that they had stayed behind for nothing. He shushed them and carried on walking to his car, opening the back door and throwing his stuff over the seats before he sat down on the driver’s seat. You were frowning at him, waiting for some sort of explanation, at least. He didn’t give you one, so you gave up and started walking to the dorms. To your surprise, as he drove past you, he slowed and rolled his window down. “You should be thanking me, you know? You’re weak; were probably going to pass out right away if I’d let you do it now.” He briefly justified his choice. Before you could come up with a good retort he had already hit the pedal and driven away. God I hope he crashes… presumptuous dickhead! Chapter IV
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jurassicsunsets · 5 years
Ediacaran weirdos, AKA Pancake Pals
This week’s post is a slight digression from our ongoing series about animal diversity, because it features a group of mysterious fossils that may not even be animals!
I hope you’re in the mood for pancakes.
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(Image: A reconstruction of  an underwater Ediacaran environment, prominently featuring Dickinsonia and several Charnia along with other ediacaran weirdos. [Source])
In order to understand these weirdos, we’re going to have to take a trip way, way, back. Back before the dinosaurs, or before the first land animals, or before the first fish, or even before they started making sliced bread. A time called the Ediacaran period, when life was good, sediments stayed where they ought to be without nasty creatures crawling about in them, and pancakes roamed the seas looking for a meal.
Many of you are probably familiar with the Cambrian Explosion, which occurred about 530-540 million years ago in the Cambrian period and records the appearance of hard-bodied animal groups in the fossil record. This event really deserves its own post, or series of posts, but it’s important to remember that this event is not placed at the actual first appearance of these organisms, but rather their first appearance in the fossil record. It’s got to do with hard body parts being hip and trendy in the mid-Cambrian, and thus a bunch of animal groups all suddenly seeming to appear at once. 
Key word, seeming. These animal groups all had to come from somewhere. Many groups appear in the fossil record around the same time in the Cambrian, fully formed, and so their ancestors must have lived previously. These ancestors just didn’t have very hard body parts, so we don’t easily find fossils of them. (There are several proposed reasons why animals all suddenly started making hard parts at the same time, but I won’t go into it here.)
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(Image: A bunch of Cambrian animals, including trilobites, Wiwaxia, and early chordates. [Source])
We’re currently living in the Phanerozoic Eon, or the age of visible life. In fact pretty much every fossil organism you can think of, from Australopithecus to T. rex to trilobites to trees, has lived in the Phanerozoic. It started 542 million years ago with the Cambrian period, just before the Cambrian Explosion, and it’s marked by the first appearance of the burrows of priapulids, AKA Penis Worms. Yes, we live in the eon of the penis worm, but what’s more important is that these burrows are maybe the earliest examples of any life form actually digging into the sediment and mixing it up, a process called bioturbation.
Prior to the Cambrian, there are practically no examples of any creatures bioturbating the sediment*, which means it was pretty much fair game for microbes to go hog wild. Because nothing could get to them. 
*Okay, there are some examples. But these burrows all seem to be very simple, not very deep, and pretty much just up-and-down. Not much wriggling around going on.
This formed a unique type of sediments called microbial mats or microbially-bound sediments, in which the sediments are bound together into a sort of carpet that’s resistant to being disturbed. This sets the stage for preservation of very soft-bodied creatures, and what’s more, they’re being preserved in sand rather than in much finer-grained deposits that are usually the only things that can preserve any fine details. It’s a type of preservation that’s almost unheard of in the phanerozoic.
So, with that in mind, let’s imagine ourselves in the Ediacaran! The world has just stopped being an ice planet, and you are a horrible little rangeomorph.
What’s a rangeomorph?
Good question!
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Just kidding. That’s not the end of the post, but it might as well be, because the answer to “what are these ediacaran weirdos” is “we just don’t know”. They don’t really clearly resemble any living animals.
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(Image: a fossil of Dickinsonia. It’s approximately oval-shaped, and looks quilted. [Source])
Like, we really don’t know. The closest we have to knowing is that some bio-geo-chemical data has indicated preservation of fossil cholesterols, which narrows it down to “they are animals, or fungi, or something that’s a close relative of animals and fungi”. They’ve been suggested to be sponges, or cnidarians (jellyfish and friends), or bilaterians, or even giant placozoans, or a TON of other things. My personal favourite idea is that they’re giant single-celled organisms similar to modern monothalameans, and that they’re not animals or fungi but rather their own little group (Many of these quilted weirdos have been grouped together in a group called petalonamae, which is sometimes called vendozoa; they’re pretttty much the same thing).
So, without further ado, here’s a little who’s-who of some of the more well-known ediacaran weirdos! I’ve already shown you Dickinsonia, the classic little pancake whom we all love. Like many of these vendozoans, it comes from Australia. The very largest get up to 1.4m long! More typically, though, they’re on the order of a few centimetres. Sometimes they’re very long, but they’re never very thick, and they have a weird “quilted” appearance. 
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(Image: Glide symmetry in a fossil of Charnia and in cartoon leaves.)
Although Dickinsonia appears to be symmetrical at first glance, that’s not quite true. Rather than being truly symmetrical, it has what’s called glide symmetry—i.e. the body segments are mirrored and then moved forward a little, so it’s not precisely symmetrical. This is pretty common for vendozoans. 
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(Image: A group of Charnia, frond-like quilted organisms that stand up, looking a bit like feathers. Image by Nobu Tamura [Source])
Another significant group of ediacaran weirdos are the rangeomorphs, of which the most famous is Charnia. It maintains the quilted appearance of Dickinsonia, but stands straight up, with a sort of anchor-point holding it to the ground. Charnia fronds are typically about 10-20cm long, but some specimens that are over 2m long have been reported. 
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(Image: Swartpuntia, a rangeomorph that looks like three Charnia clipped through each other badly. Image by @alphynix​—go follow them if you’re not already, they do great art!)
Other rangeomorphs, like Swartpuntia, have between three and six-fold symmetry, and so look more like a lemon-juicer. It also has a name that’s very fun to say. 
Swartpuntia and other rangeomorphs are pretty significant in that they represent possibly the earliest tiered ecosystems of non-microscoping life forms! While things like Dickinsonia were crawling around on the ground, rangeomorphs were taking advantage of different resources by growing tall and frondy.
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(Image: A fossil of Spriggina, a flattened, elongate, vaguely phallic impression fossil. [Source])
There’s also Spriggina, which—surprise!—has been a source of debate as to what it is. It’s variously been proposed to be a worm, a trilobite relative, or a vendozoan. It has glide symmetry, though, so I’m grouping it with vendozoans here. 
One thing all these vendozoans have in common, besides glide symmetry and being impressions on rocks, is that there’s very little apparent internal structure. Whether this is solely an artefact of preservation is up for debate, but there is not clearly a mouth, or gut cavity, or reproductive organs, or anything like that. It’s assumed they fed by osmosis, either by moving along the seafloor feeding on microbes in the sediment (if they were flat like Dickinsonia), or by consuming floating microbes (if they were frondy, like Charnia). It’s also assumed they reproduced asexually via fission or budding.
Whatever the vendozoans were, their time was not short lived. Between the first and last of these ediacaran weirdos, almost 70 million years passed. That’s more time than between us and T. rex! During that time they survived an ice age, but they didn’t survive the start of the Cambrian. No definite vendozoan fossils are known from the phanerozoic, and it’s pretty widely thought that the start of more intense bioturbation probably destroyed the microbial mats they relied on. So these days we have to make our own pancakes.
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #136
Brought to you by a marine biologist who collects seashells by the sea shore...
We have covered SO MANY animals with shells during this series. From the mighty Gigas Giant Clam, to the ferocious Whelk, to the delicious Manila Clam - animals with shells come in all shapes, sizes, and lifestyles! Besides the ones you can catch, there are a bunch of shells laying around on the beaches of your island that you can collect and then make really awesome DIYs (some featured in the picture below). Now, before we get started, I’m gonna lay out some ground rules for myself - unless it’s obvious, I’m not going to try and name the shells to species. However, I will cover the group of animals the shell comes from. I am also not going to cover the Giant Clam Shell, since I covered it already. This is going to be a very long entry lmao
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Alright shells...what are they? Basically, a shell is a hard outer-layer that an animal produces. They are usually made of calcium carbonate, and I covered this in detail when I talked about the Dungeness Crab. Most shells you would call a “seashell” come from mollusks, as do the majority of the seashells in ACNH. Mollusks grow their shells from the part of their body called the mantle, which has lots of other functions besides growing the shell. Mollusk shells grow with the animal, layer by layer from the bottom, out or forwards, kind of like your nails. They do not shed their shells; finding their shells on the beach means the animal has perished (this is unlike the shells you may find of crabs, who do shed their exoskeletons). 
Other things you may consider seashells are really any hard animal remains, like coral fragments, crab exoskeletons, urchin tests, and even turtle shells, if you’re that lucky. Anyway, I’ll try to go in order as you see them in the picture above (yes, that’s my villager):
Sand Dollar
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By Frédéric Ducarme - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57615200 I chose a picture of a sand dollar alive because honestly, I didn’t realize just how much I didn’t know about them. Sand Dollars are Echinoderms, specifically a group of Sea Urchins that are flattened like pancakes in the Order  Clypeasteroida. They are mostly scavengers and predators of very tiny zooplankton, as well as feeding on algae. Underneath the layer of spiky skin is a hard exoskeleton called a “test”, which is what you find when you find sand dollars on the beach!
Sea Snail
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Sea snails are very diverse. Heck, Gastropods - the snails and slugs - are the most diverse of the mollusks. And it’s funny they just call this one “sea snail” when most of the seashells are snail shells. But whatever. This one is from snails of Family Trochidae, the top snails (their shells look like tops, the spin toys? I’m just making it clear, cuz I got confused for a split second myself) Anyway, these snails are mostly herbivores, feasting on algae and detritus, with a fair few being filter feeders.
Summer Shell
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Okay...the summer shell really doesn’t represent anything real, but it is definitely another snail, most likely some kind of whelk, SuperFamily Buccinoidea, judging by size and shape alone. 
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Coral is fascinating, but I’ll try to keep it brief. A coral reef, like that shown above, is made of very tiny animals called coral polyps that cement themselves on top of each other into huge reefs. These tiny animals are Cnidarians, which means they are very closely related to the jellyfish and anemone we covered a while ago (yes, they have little stinging tentacles and everything!). Each coral polyp builds itself an exoskeleton, like a little cup it can sit in during its life as it filter feeds from the water. This hard structure is left behind when the polyp dies, making for a new spot for another coral polyp to settle. The hard piece you collect on the shore is hundreds of dead coral polyp exoskeletons stuck together. (As you can imagine, it takes a VERY long time for corals to grow, so please never, ever break off pieces of coral to bring home. They do not keep their pretty colors in death, unlike what is suggested in ACNH).
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From here
True Conchs are Gastropod Mollusks of Family Strombidae. They are often medium to large-sized snails that are mostly herbivores, crawling about in shallow bays and seagrass beds. They have long eye stalks with very distinct eyes - I made sure to find a photo that really showed them off! Conch is a term that’s widely used for lots of similar-looking sea snail shells and meals, but just know true conchs and whelks are completely different groups of animals, no matter what your local fisherman says.
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Ah, yet another little snail boi. Cowries are sea snails of the Family Cypraeidae. Their shells are super smooth and shiny, and so that means humans like them a lot. Their shells were used as currency and of course as jewelry. But, they are another snail, living on rocky shores eating algae and detritus, as snails do.
And last, but not least...
Venus Comb
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By Samuel Chow from Boston, USA - Fishbone Murex Shell (10 cm), CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3049526
This one is actually named to species! This is YET ANOTHER SNAIL, this time in Family Muricidae, the rock snails. They are predators, much like the whelks. The venus comb (Murex pecten) is a very unique species from this group featuring a long, slender shell with over a hundred thin spines that make it look like...well, like a comb! It is fairly common, although perfect specimens are super rare as the spines are fragile. Still, they protect the snail from predation as it scours the soft mud looking for other mollusks to chow down on.
And there you have it! Fascinating stuff, no?
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everwitch-magiks · 4 years
dance with somebody (ch. 15)
start from ch. 1 | back to ch. 14
Whiskey can't quite keep his hands from shaking as he types out the message. He reads through it once, changes a couple of words and then briefly considers adding some sort of emoji. He doesn’t. Instead, he makes himself hit send before he has the time to lose his nerve.
I'll be driving to Boston on Sunday to take care of a couple things, wanna come with? Figured I might as well make a day out of it.
Within a minute, he gets the notification for a reply.
sounds like fun. do I get to choose the music?
Sure. Pick you up around eight?
Whiskey doesn't let himself reread that message until after he's sent it. God, it almost sounds like he’s making plans for a date. No, actually – it sounds exactly like plans for a date. So much for the whole charade of pretending that some mundane errand is his main reason for their outing.
ugh, so early? I'll be requiring a cappuccino, Annie's or bust.
When Miguel lets himself into the passenger seat of the truck Sunday morning, greeting Whiskey with nothing but a yawn and tired smile, Whiskey merely nods towards him as he silently hands him an Annie's take away cup.
"Oh, thank God." Miguel takes a sip, closing his eyes briefly. "Don’t you sleep in, like, ever?"
"Not really," Whiskey admits. He starts the truck and puts it in reverse. "I was at the gym this morning."
"Of course you were," Miguel mutters. "Man, if I was half as serious as you about anything, I'd… Oh."
Whiskey glances towards him. Miguel has opened his eyes again, and for some reason he seems to have zeroed in on Whiskey's hands.
"Nothing." Miguel looks away abruptly. "Never mind me. Eyes on the road.”
Whiskey does look back ahead, but raises both eyebrows curiously. Miguel clears his throat lightly. He digs his phone out of his pocket.
“I’m loving the retro chick vibe of this truck, but I’m guessing bluetooth’s out of the question? Is there an aux cord?”
“Retro chic,” Whiskey parrots back, amused enough to let whatever just happened slide. “Yeah, you can plug in right there.”
“It’s all about the aesthetic, man.” Miguel grins, tapping merrily on his phone. “Okay. I’ve got no idea what you usually listen to, but this playlist’s got lots of different genres.”
After the first three songs have all been Panic! At The Disco, Whiskey feels the need to make a couple of chirps on the definition of the word different, but then the next three tracks are Billy Joel and Robyn and Blackpink, respectively. It turns out they’re both big fans of The Script and have actually both seen them live on the No Sound Without Silence tour, albeit not at the exact same concert. Miguel waves his hands in excitement as goes off on various tangents about which songs he loves the most and exactly why, almost spilling coffee all over himself at one point, and there’s more than one moment where Whiskey laments the fact that he really must keep his eyes on the road.
By the time Whiskey hits the turn signal for their exit, he’s almost starting to relax a little. So far, so good.
“Hey, I almost forgot,” Miguel says. “You never said where we’re actually going?”
“Boston,” Whiskey supplies ambiguously.
“Ha, ha. Where in Boston?”
“A presently undisclosed location.” Whiskey glances briefly at Miguel. “It’s a surprise.”
He catches Miguel’s soft smile before he has to look back ahead.
“A surprise, huh?”
“Yeah.” Whiskey tries to keep his tone somewhat neutral. “I wanted to… Yeah.”
“I thought you had stuff to do?”
“I mean, surprising you isn’t not doing stuff,” Whiskey argues, even though he knows that’s only a backwards way of admitting that Miguel’s got it right. “It’s just… Other stuff.”
For the first time all morning, he’s glad he doesn’t need to meet Miguel’s eyes.
“Depends on the surprise, doesn’t it?” Miguel teases. He sounds pleased. “Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll just have to figure it all out, anyway.”
“Get ready to figure out the first part.” Whiskey pulls into a parking lot. “Here we are.”
“There’s a second part? You know, I’m almost starting to think… Oh my God. Pancakes!”
Whiskey grins. Miguel actually sounds pretty excited.
“How did you know that I haven’t had breakfast?” Miguel questions eagerly.
“You rolled out of bed with less than a minute to spare and put on the first thing you saw in your closet,” Whiskey says matter of factly. He turns off the ignition. “You’ve literally told me that’s your normal routine.”
“I mean, kind of.” Miguel smiles playfully. “But hey, at least you still get to enjoy these effortlessly good looks. Not everyone can look this cute without even really trying, you know.”
“Well,” Whiskey says quietly. Finally, he gets to look over and meet Miguel’s eyes properly. “Fair point.”
Miguel bites his lower lip. Suddenly, his gaze is intent on Whiskey.
“Is this… Too public? Or can we, um. Y’know.”
Whiskey throws a quick glance outside the truck. The parking lot is empty, thank God – quickly, he leans over. It’s a brief kiss, over almost before it’s begun, but Whiskey still feels Miguel’s soft lips smile against his own.
“Come on,” Whiskey mumbles. There’s two more steps to his carefully crafted plan, and he intends to see them both through. “Pancakes. On me.”
The menu at iHOP is ridiculous, but not more ridiculous than the smile on Miguel’s face when the waiter presents him with his mountain of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and bacon. Unsurprisingly, it’s completely adorable.
The drive over to their second destination is brief. They’re still several blocks away when, suddenly, Miguel goes very quiet.
“Almost there,” Whiskey says, in an attempt to fill out the silence. And just like that, he’s nervous all over again. “You, uh. You good?”
“Are you kidding?” Miguel says incredulously – a good kind of incredulous, if his tone is any indication. “I don’t believe you. Is this really where we’re going?”
“I thought you might like it,” Whiskey says carefully. “They’ve got this new exhibit that’s just opened, it’s the Indo-pacific-”
“Coral reef,” Miguel interrupts eagerly. “Yes, I know, I’ve literally got their tweets on alerts. It sounds amazing. And they’ve got this big ocean tank that’s four storys high, you can walk all around it and see every part from a different angle, plus they do absolutely incredible work with their sea turtle rescue program.” He grins widely. “I love the New England Aquarium.”
“Oh. Well, good.” There’s plenty of available parking space, still, since the aquarium has only just opened. Whiskey gets them a spot close to the entrance. “I’ve actually never been.”
“Then you’re in for a treat.” Miguel is already undoing his seatbelt. “Come on! I can’t wait to show you everything.”
When Miguel said everything, he wasn’t kidding. They spend over half an hour at the first exhibit, since Miguel apparently needs to explain in exact detail why the Amazon rainforest is actually one of the most diverse habitats in the world, and then a whole hour goes by as they watch a pair of sea lions swimming and playing with absolutely stunning control and flexibility. By the time they get to the big ocean tank, Whiskey feels like he’s learned more about marine creatures in a couple of hours than he thought he might in his entire life.
It’s surprisingly interesting. And listening to Miguel ramble about it, his eyes shining with unfiltered excitement, is unsurprisingly captivating.
They sit down on a bench on the third floor, where they have a good view of the tank just below the surface. There’s not a lot of other guests around, probably because of the feeding that’s happening over at the tank with the baby sharks. Whiskey glances to his side just as a surprisingly huge sea turtle swims by them at a leisurely pace, watches Miguel’s lips soften into a perfectly gentle, content smile.
If Whiskey could have orchestrated every detail of his ideal moment to proceed with the third and final step of his plan, it would’ve looked a lot like this.
He clears his throat lightly.
Miguel looks over towards him, a little expectantly.
Whiskey hesitates.
God, he must do this. He must. Even if this is where he fucks it all up, his future self deserves to remember this as a moment in his life when he faced all of his fears head on in pursuit of real happiness. He needs to let himself try, to allow himself this one moment of mortifying vulnerability.
“Do you-”
“Can I-”
Whiskey falls silent abruptly. Miguel blinks, looking equally startled.
They both smile.
“You, first,” Miguel says gently.
“Okay.” Whiskey takes a steadying breath. “I was hoping we could talk about, um. About this. About us?”
He makes an awkward gesture between them that’s probably not at all necessary for Miguel to understand his meaning.
“Sure,” Miguel agrees. He’s still smiling, albeit not quite as softly as before, and there’s an undertone of apprehension as he continues. “Based on the past few hours, I’m guessing I’m not actually about to have my heart broken, here?”
“No. I hope not.” God, Whiskey wishes that he could dare to get his hopes up at those words. Of course, he can’t. He already knows perfectly well that Miguel isn’t indifferent to him, per say. That’s not what he’s been so afraid of finding out. “Miguel, I like you so much. I like being with you, just like this, so much. You’re kind of always on my mind, lately, and it’s all really just so… So great. You’re really, really great.”
“Okay,” Miguel says slowly. His tone is all apprehension, now. “I’m sensing a but, here. You’re not looking to date right now, is that it? Or are you just not looking for a boyfriend at all? Or-”
“No,” Whiskey interrupts hurriedly. “Fuck, no, not at all. Miguel, if you wanted to be my boyfriend, I’d be so happy.”
“Oh.” Miguel blinks. “You… Really?”
“Yes.” Whiskey swallows. “I… Yes. Really.”
“Huh.” Slowly, Miguel’s lips curl into another smile. “Wow. That’s... Okay.”
Whiskey allows himself a moment to smile back. God, what he wouldn’t give for things to actually be that simple.
“Okay,” he says, trying to get back on track. “So, the thing is-”
“Ah, I knew it,” Miguel cuts in, almost playfully. “There is a but, isn’t there?”
Whiskey grimaces.
“I mean. Sort of?”
“Right.” Miguel’s smile dims again. “Sorry, sorry. I’m listening.”
“It’s not too bad,” Whiskey says, even though it honestly absolutely is. “I, um. You see.”
Miguel watches him expectantly.
“I guess I don’t want to come on too strong, here, and start talking about our lives several years from now,” Whiskey begins, testing the waters a bit. 
Miguel raises his eyebrows slightly, but looks otherwise unruffled. So, like, that’s not a terrible reaction.
Whiskey takes the plunge.
“I just need you to know that I’m not sure if I’ll ever actually come out, publicly. Right now, I honestly don’t think so.”
“Ah,” Miguel says. “You mean… Ah. Okay.”
Whiskey waits. Miguel’s expression is infuriatingly unreadable.
“Good to know,” Miguel finally settles on. “That’s not a deal breaker for me, exactly. I’m just not sure if I’d want to keep something like this from absolutely everyone. I honestly don’t think I could.”
“I couldn’t do that, either,” Whiskey says, surprising himself a little bit. Still, it’s the truth. “I’d want to tell my two best friends.”
“You would?” Miguel asks, almost smiling. “Have I met them?”
“Yes, actually. Tango and Ford.”
“So you’re out, to them?”
“Not yet,” Whiskey admits. “But I’ve been thinking about it, and I… I’d want them to know about us.”
“Okay,” Miguel says. He sounds hopeful. “I’d want my best friend to know, too. I’ve known him all my life, so I trust him completely. And I want to tell my closest family.”
“Okay,” Whiskey agrees. It surprises him a little, that the mere thought doesn’t make him panic. “I don’t mind that.”
“I’ll be very clear that they can’t tell anyone else,” Miguel adds gently. “I’m sure they can handle that.”
“If you trust them, I trust you,” Whiskey reassures him. “Actually, it’s sweet. That you’d want them to know.”
“Of course I would.” Miguel smiles briefly. “Are you, uh. Are you close with your family?”
“Not… Not exactly.” It’s not a question Whiskey was expecting. “They’re very, um. Very traditional. I guess I usually go home for holidays and so on, but we don’t really talk a lot in between. I certainly don’t have plans to come out to them. One of my cousins knows, though. Beth. And actually, she’d kind of murder me if I didn’t tell her about you.”
“Well, we can’t have that.” Miguel tilts his head a little. “Are you out to anyone else?”
“A couple of people,” Whiskey admits. “Dex, our team captain, probably knows the most. He even knows about you. It’s actually his truck that I borrowed, today.”
“Yeah?” Miguel says. He sounds oddly pleased. “That’s cool. Anyone else?”
“This guy that I, um. That I hooked up with a few times last semester.” Whiskey clears his throat awkwardly. “And Bitty, our captain last year, although he found out accidentally. Oh, and you. Although I guess that’s completely obvious.”
“I’d say I’m aware, yeah,” Miguel agrees cheerfully. “You know, I actually ended up googling that former captain guy, Bitty, after the hockey party. His fiance is kind of a really big deal in hockey, isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” Whiskey agrees. “He’s the first openly gay male NHL hockey player, and a Stanley Cup champion.”
Miguel hums. “There’s really no one else, in the NHL?”
“Not yet, no.” Whiskey takes a breath. “And I’m honestly not too inclined to be the second.”
“Right,” Miguel says. He sounds less startled than Whiskey expected him to. “You know, that thought actually crossed my mind when you first told me about wanting to go pro. Even though you weren’t actually out to me then. I’ve heard some really questionable things about locker rooms in hockey.”
“I’ve heard my fair share of questionable things in those locker rooms.” Whiskey sighs. “It’s part of why I have so much respect for Bitty and Zimmermann. They’re really important to a lot of queer hockey people out there, and they’ve done so much to make things better. If Zimmermann wasn’t the only out player in the league, that would really change things for both of them. But I’m, I just… I want to play hockey. There’s nothing else I care about as much. But that doesn’t mean that I could do what they do, or that I’m prepared to go through everything they’ve overcome. Maybe that makes me selfish, but it’s just how I feel.”
Miguel hums.
“I get that,” he says. There’s a weight to his words that feels significant, somehow. “If I’m honest, I don’t know if I could do that, either. It’s actually a relief, in a way, that you’re not asking me if I’d be prepared to face that alongside you.”
Whiskey turns to look at Miguel properly. He wasn’t expecting that.
“I’ve never thought of it that way,” he admits. “I was too busy worrying that you’d be against the idea of not being completely open about… About us.”
Miguel meets his eyes steadily.
“It’s really okay, Whiskey. I don’t need to kiss you for all the world to see, so long as I know where we stand.”
“Yeah?” Whiskey asks. And for the first time since they’ve sat down, he finds himself smiling. “That’s, uh. That’s really great. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Miguel says gently. “So. I guess this means it’s my turn, now?”
Whiskey blinks. Right. Miguel had been trying to say something, too.
“Sure, yeah,” he agrees. “Go ahead.”
“Don’t worry, okay? It’s genuinely nothing bad.”
Miguel takes a breath. Apparently, whatever the not-bad thing is, he’s still nervous to say it. Which isn’t at all alarming.
“So, you know how I’ve been hoping to get a room at the water polo frat?” Miguel begins tentatively. “I’ve kind of changed my mind about that, a little bit. I love my team, but I already see them all the time, and the reason I want to move out of the dorms is so that I can have a space that’s more my own. Somehow, I don't think I'd feel that way with all my idiot teammates around.”
“Good instincts,” Whiskey interjects. “I could tell you stories.”
Miguel smiles.
“I’ve actually found a small apartment just off campus that’s surprisingly affordable. I think it might be because the layout of the kitchen area is, like, so impractical that it’s got to be on purpose, but I could definitely make it work.”
“Well. Sounds like a good option.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna take it,” Miguel says carefully. “It’s, um. It’s actually no more than a ten minute walk from your hockey house. And it’d be, you know. Something a little more private.”
“Oh,” Whiskey says. He frowns slightly. “You really don’t have to do that, for me.”
“I’m not only doing it for you,” Miguel reminds him firmly. “Like I said, I want something that’s more my own place. This seems like my best option.”
“Well,” Whiskey says, considering. “If you’re sure. It, uh. It does actually sound really nice. I think I might visit you quite a lot.”
“You’d be more than welcome to,” Miguel says. He grins. “Hey. Can I say something?”
Whiskey blinks.
“You just did, I think?”
“Yeah, well.” Miguel grins a little wider. “See, I don’t want to come on too strong, here, and start talking about our lives several years from now. Sounds familiar?”
“... Oh.” Whiskey feels startled in the best way possible. “I guess?”
“It’s just… If I had a wishlist, eventual cohabitation would probably be somewhere near the top.” Miguel tilts his head a little. “Just thought I’d put that out there.”
“Yeah?” Whiskey manages, a bit unsteadily. “I, uh. I’d definitely be open to having that conversation. At some point.”
“Okay. Cool.” Miguel averts his gaze for a second, looking back at the ocean tank before them. His smile, Whiskey thinks, is perfectly lovely. “So. Do you... Should we head back?”
Whiskey frowns. He’s more than aware of the fact that there’s several exhibits they haven’t even gone anywhere near, yet. Miguel must know that, too.
“Isn’t there stuff left to see?” he wonders, a little unsurely.
“We can come back,” Miguel says quickly. He turns back towards Whiskey, and there’s a look in his eyes that immediately earns him Whiskey’s full attention. “Right now, I’d rather just be somewhere a bit more... Somewhere we can be alone. And my roommate’s actually gone for the weekend, so. I was thinking…”
Whiskey gets to his feet.
They don’t waste any time making their way back to the truck. Whiskey starts the ignition, his mind occupied with calculating how long the drive might take. As he puts the truck in reverse and starts backing up, Miguel makes some sort of noise next to him.
Whiskey glances over, surprised to find that Miguel’s expression is… Tense. Or something.
“Never mind me,” Miguel mutters through his teeth. “Just, um. Just drive.”
It reminds Whiskey of what Miguel had said to him that same morning, after he’d gone oddly quiet and… Stared at Whiskey’s hand on the gearshift. Huh.
Whiskey pauses after backing up. He raises both eyebrows in question.
“Oh, fuck you,” Miguel says, his weak tone a definite contrast to his choice of words. “Look, it’s really stupid. You’re gonna think I’m an idiot.”
“I mean, maybe,” Whiskey allows. He still doesn’t keep driving. “Does it help if I promise not to take the piss?”
“Persistent, aren’t we?” Miguel mutters. He sighs. “Ugh. Fine. It’s just… You drive stick.”
Whiskey blinks.
“Is that, like… A whole thing for you?”
“Oh, shut it,” Miguel grumbles. “This is hardly my fault, okay, I really can’t be blamed for being stupidly attracted to you.”
Whiskey probably shouldn’t smile as widely as he does – he literally just promised Miguel that he wouldn’t make fun of him. “Stupidly, huh.”
“Well, yes!” Miguel exclaims. And suddenly, it’s like a pair of proverbial floodgates have opened. "Did you know that every time you open your ridiculously hot mouth in class and something highly intelligent spills out, I die a little bit?”
Whiskey blinks. Fuck. If there’s one thing in this world that he didn’t know, it’s definitely that.
Miguel continues before he has the chance to respond.
“And God, you couldn’t warn a guy before making me watch you dominate that hockey game like you single-handedly invented skating? Believe me, I am sincerely, stupidly into you – you with your ridiculous face, and that brain, and those muscles, Jesus. You are quite literally the whole package and it's honestly so completely infuriating.”
Whiskey swallows. He can’t seem to look away from Miguel, who is actually glaring at him, now, and that shouldn’t be the best thing that’s happened to Whiskey all day. And it kind of isn’t better than their pivotal conversation earlier, if Whiskey thinks about it logically and rationally, which he would absolutely do if Miguel wasn’t looking at him like that.
“Right,” Whiskey finally manages in response. “Gotcha.”
Miguel narrows his eyes.
“Listen,” he says. His voice is low, and raw, and determined. Whiskey’s breath hitches. “You’re going to drive us back to campus, and I’m going to take you up to my room, and, if you'll let me, I’m going to spread you out on my bed and make you feel every deliciously bittersweet moment of frustration that I've suffered on your account. God knows you've deserved it."
“Um.” Whiskey swallows, twice, and then attempts a deep breath. His brain might have short-circuited a little bit. “Is this a good time to mention that you talking like that is kind of really doing it for me?”
“No,” Miguel says evenly, despite the fact that Whiskey can see the clearly pleased smile tugging at his lips. “Just, for God’s sake, Whiskey. Drive. Now.”
Whiskey forces himself to look back ahead. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Miguel follow the movements of his hand as he carefully changes gears.
Boston, Whiskey thinks dizzily, is entirely too far away from Samwell.
(ch. 16)
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omg just read your teacher au ahhhhh. Love it smsmsmsm. Any chance if a sequel because omfg I love you're writing and will take anything ahah. If not no biggie. But omg love your writing a lot ahhh. Sorry if this is a lot but wowowow.
Hello Anon! SO SO SO glad you enjoyed it! They are just the blushiest, most clueless losers aren’t they?
Also me whenever anyone says they like my writing:
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And i am but your humble servant so here is a continuation of the first part. This really was supposed to be a quick drabble and it ended up being 1,5K+ words but no-one is surprised at this point :/ ;)
The week passed by in a blur of classes, coffee, and contemplation over a certain black-haired, green-eyed professor. Jason was becoming fed up with how much he thought about the marine biologist, but everything reminded him of Percy Jackson.
Just yesterday he had passed by a little kid with a dolphin backpack and his first thought was Percy probably knows what species that is. It was such a bizarre and unexciting thought he almost knocked his own teeth in. Now it was Friday: the day he would be surrounded by Percy and everything marine related. He wasn’t sure he was going to survive.
With a deep, calming breathe he hopped out the car and headed towards the Biology and Oceanography building. 
“Jason!” A bright voice called.
He turned around, a smile already taking over his face, “Good morning Percy,”
“How are you doing? You ready for today?”
“I’m doing great thanks. Kind of excited.”
Green eyes twinkled, “Well that’s nice to hear, at least one of us is.”
Before he could ask what that meant Percy shoved a cup into his hand, “I got us coffee. Figured we’d need the energy if we’re going to be chaperones for a bunch of over-excited sea creatures.” He winked.
Jason laughed, “Are they a handful?”
“Nah,” Percy chuckled, “They’re just excited for this because we haven’t been able to go for two years.”
“Good morning Prof!” An energetic yell from a dark-skinned, bouncy-curled girl echoed behind them.
“Good morning Hazel,” Percy gave her a dazzling smile.
“Oh and good morning Dr Jason. Prof told us you’d be joining the trip.” He didn’t have the chance to return the greeting before she plunged on. “I hope you’re ready for today, Leo and Frank are bound to do something dumb and end up in a fish tank,” She rolled her eyes, “You know they always manage to break something when we’re in labs. Isn’t that right prof?” She turned to Percy who was smiling unrestrained.
“Yep, I swear those two are more chaotic than I was.”
Jason’s mind immediately conjured up a twenty-one-year-old Percy, tucked into a lab coat and goggles; a frown etched into his forehead and his tongue sticking out in concentration; black hair probably poking up in all directions, and skin bronzed from a combination of his Hispanic heritage and a well-spent summer. He had no doubt the biologist had been a sight for sore eyes even then.
“What’s got you all caught up Dr Grace?” A voice startled him out of his thoughts.
He shook his head, smiling, “Sorry, not fully awake.”
“This is the very reason they invented coffee.” Percy laughed, tipping his own cup in point.
“Hello everyone,” A girl with flowers in her hair and about a dozen pins tacked to her backpack greeted.
“Hello Katie, I like the daisies.”
“Thanks Doc, they’re the easiest to pin down and I figured today was not the day for something elaborate like hibiscus or chrysanthemums. Too many petals you know?” She mused.
Jason was fast realising why Percy was so close to his students. They interacted with each other so easily and with completely unique personalities.
“I’m sure you know Dr Jason Grace,”
“Hello,” He smiled.
“Oh I most certainly know Dr Grace,” Katie grinned, giving her professor a look.
He didn’t miss the blush creeping up Percy’s cheeks.
“Where is everyone?” She frowned, turning to Hazel with a smile and a hug.
Percy checked his watch, “I don’t kn-“
A chorus of hellos, and how are you’s filled the space as students poured in.
“Guys!” Hazel squealed and rushed towards the group.
Once everyone had gathered around and gotten through their various catch-ups, they turned their attention towards their Professor.
“Right I see you’re all here so lets quickly do introductions and then we can pile on the bus. Everyone this is Dr Jason Grace, he’s a neurologist and a professor in the medical department. He will be our first-aid and a chaperone to help me handle you chaotic bunch.”
They all said good morning, exchanging glances and hushed whispers.
A curly-haired blonde grinned, “Hello Doc, how do you feel about swimming with sharks?”
Jason’s eyes widened, turning to Percy.
With a sigh the biologist gave his student a look, “Will, stop trying to get people to go shark-tank diving with you. I told you Dr Grace only has to do what he’s comfortable with.”
“Yes Prof,” The freckles on his face bunched as he smiled cheekily.
“Now let’s get going. We have a guided tour at ten and my mother said only two things are important in life. Punctuality and pancakes.”
“Yea, yea we know,” They all grumbled.
One torturous bus ride later in which Jason was only a couple inches away from Percy they arrived at the Conservation Center.
“Alright everyone, we have a tour now and then it’s free time till one. After that everyone meets up in the main exhibit so we can Feed the Fish and then we’ll make our way to the shark-tank diving for anyone who wants to do it.”
Even though Jason had no idea what was being said half the time the tour was still incredible. The way sea life interacted with one another was fascinating and some of the creatures were mind-boggling, in  looks and in activity. The best thing about the tour though, was seeing Percy and his students light up, huge, curious eyes and rapt attention plastered to the various tanks. He knew it wasn’t a regular aquarium tour because the guide and Percy got into intricate details about the anatomies and functions of corals, fish, predators vs. prey and various other topics. The students were fully attentive asking and answering questions like they knew exactly what they needed to know and how they needed to know it.
When it finished at half-eleven the group were chattering incessantly, comparing notes and discussing all sorts of ideas.
Percy’s eyes were lit up with pride and passion as he thanked the guide and turned to his class, “Alright seaweed-brains go enjoy your time. Hazel, Leo and Katie please set alarms to be back here by one.”
“Yes Prof!” They shouted, already bounding away and into the exhibits once more.
“They will all stick together?” Jason asked, wondering why only three of them had to set alarms.
“Yea, they do everything together. I’ve caught them messing around in the library or all grabbing coffee at the café a number of times. I don’t know what it is about this group but they really like each other.”
“And you are very fond of them,” He observed, looking straight into those glowing green eyes.
“Yea, they’re complete chaos but they’re good people and they’re really passionate about my subject. It’s hard not to like them.”
“I’m sure with a professor like you it’s not hard to have passion about anything. I’m sure you’d make rocks interesting.”
“Actually,” Percy lit up, “Rocks are really interesting. There’s so many different types and they all have different functions. Also it’s fascinating to understand why some rocks look this way and others developed that way and-“ He cut himself off, blushing profusely, “Sorry you probably don’t care.”
“I think I care more now than I did before,” Jason grinned, willing to do anything to keep that brightness in those sea-green eyes.
Percy’s cheeks turned a deep shade of ruby, “I minored in geology because there was a lot of useful information regarding formation that helped with marine biology.”
“How’d you get into marine biology anyway?”
He shrugged, “I’ve always been fascinated with the ocean. It’s a whole ecosystem living by a completely different set of rules to land-systems. How did you get into neurology?”
“A lot of head injuries as a kid,” He smirked.
Percy burst out laughing, “What?”
“Yea, I fell on my head a lot as a child and I got a concussion a few times. It fascinated me that my brain could be impacted by it. I mean falling on your leg doesn’t generally stop you from walking, A scrape, maybe some blood and tears, and a band-aid is all we think of it. But falling on your head causes much more damage and it could affect your whole body.”
“That is... dedicated,” Percy gasped, still laughing.
“I was a weird child,” His mouth twitched in amusement.
“Any other strange anecdotes that decided your future?”
“Hours’ worth of them,” He grinned, “I can tell you about the time we lived near a wolf sanctuary and my mother thought it’d be a good idea to have me interact with them. I interned there for a little while so i’m pretty good at analysing wolf injuries and anatomy.”
“I-“ Green eyes blinked in surprise.
“Can I entertain you with my peculiar childhood over dinner? Tomorrow night?” He asked, voice scratchy with nerves.
The smile that graced Percy’s face could make flowers grow, “I would love that.”
“You would?” Jason could not believe what he was hearing.
“Very, very much. And I’m glad you had the guts to ask because I’m ninety percent sure my students were going to throw you in a shark tank and make me rescue you just to get us together.”
It was Jason’s turn to dissolve into laughter. He had never been so full of the future but gods it was invigorating.
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Howard Buys Tony an Omega Part 7
Can be read as standalone. Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TW: mpreg, a/o and an insane amount of fluff, over-protective Tony 
In a penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue, dinner is ready. 
Tony steps through the front door, only for the smell of well-seasoned lobster and deep saffron to make his eyes drift shut and his mouth salivate. 
Well, it seems Peter’s started on dinner.
He shakes his head fondly as he shrugs out of his summer jacket and hangs it up on the hook. As usual, the house is spotless. Decorated in hues of silver and crystal and glass, it’s the definition of Upper East Side elegance. Even though it’s a sticky summer outside, the fireplace is roaring and the floor to ceiling windows overlooking Central Park are spilling in the late evening sunshine. 
“Peter?” Tony calls, heading towards the kitchen. As hungry as he is, there’s one thing he wants more.
Sure enough, sprinkling two heaped dishes with parsley, is his omega.
He’s only two months in, so he’s not showing just yet, and the satin white summer dress is cinched loosely at the weight with a big chiffon bow, and Tony can’t help but rush over and scoop the his princess into the air for a twirl. 
Peter screeches with delight, leaves of herbs still on his fingers as he clings to Tony’s shoulders. The alpha sets him down and Peter stretches up onto his tiptoes, greedy for a kiss.
Tony pecks his nose instead; teasing. “Whatcha cookin’, good lookin’?”
Peter giggles, still reaching up for a kiss. “Some lobster.” He frowns, eyebrows scrunching together. “I know we had seafood yesterday, but I…” he looks up suddenly, and Tony knows he’s saddened at the thought that maybe Tony doesn’t want seafood again, and Tony nips that in the bud.
“It smells divine. Besides, you’re just getting cravings. Is my little baby going to love seafood?” He settles his hand over Peter’s stomach and the omega takes advantage of his bowed head to steal a kiss.
Tony deepens it around a smile. 
Two months later, Tony pauses in the grand foyer. 
There’s a new bouquet almost bursting out of a vase.
It’s not one that Tony bought. He would know. He buys Peter blue roses and big, purple jasmines with gold buds.
This bouquet is full of dandelions and sunflowers and shoots of lavender.
He brushes some of the flowers apart, but there’s no card.
No one sent it. But that means-
Fear, horrible and panicky, rushes through him, as he heads straight for the kitchen.
Peter isn’t there. There’s no dinner either.
He’s not in the library or out in the balcony or fast asleep snuggled up in bed. With each guest room Tony throws open, the more bile he can taste in the back of his throat. 
Then he sees the door to the solarium slightly ajar.
Relief sparks, and sure enough, he sees Peter curled up on a lounger, head buried in a storybook.
It’s The Little Mermaid 2- Return to the Sea. Tony can’t help the fondness that squeezes his heart. Peter loves fairytales, and now he loves anything that has to do with kids, or children, or parenting in stories.
He can hardly stand to read Rapunzel anymore. To read of the Alpha King and Omega Queen losing their baby.
Tony’s taken to hiding it in the library, because he can’t bear to see his omega upset.
Now though, he looks completely content. Drenched in sunshine, reading languidly amidist the vinery and crawling plants, the lush green of their little indoor garden, dressed in a loose-fitting satin robe, one hand curled around his belly and the other turning the pages of his book. 
“Baby,” Tony mutters, coming inside. It’s a little too warm, but that’s probably why Peter’s here. He feels the cold too keenly with his pregnancy. “I was looking for you.”
Peter looks up in surprise, before turning to see the clock and gasping. “Alpha! I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s alright, it’s okay,” Tony soothes, sitting beside him, pulling his boy onto his lap and laying a hand on his stomach. “You’re doing good, yeah? I was so worried.” He puts his nose to Peter’s neck- just inhales, for a moment. The omega’s soft skin is warm to the touch, his cheeks red with sunlight. “Baby, you got somethin’ to tell me?”
He can feel the flutter of Peter’s eyelashes as the boy blinks up at him owlishly. “Um…”
He clearly doesn’t know. Tony sighs. “You left the apartment, sweetheart. You went and picked flowers in the park, I- I told you, you can’t be going out on your own, what if- what if you got hurt?”
“Silly,” Peter beams, kissing Tony’s jaw with unbearable tenderness. “I’m okay! There were lots of flowers, I put them in a basket. I also bought some blueberries, I thought I could make us a pie!”
Tony laughs, but his voice is still distraught. “Peter, you have to promise. C’mon, you want more flowers? I’ll have a fucking florists delivered here. You have everything you need, you shouldn’t be going outside without me.”
Peter looks sad. “Walking helps,” he confides quietly, touching Tony’s hand on his belly, “when it hurts…”
Tony kisses his forehead, hard. “We have a gym in the building, gorgeous,” he pleads, “nice and safe, with surveillance and security. All good and exclusive, no need to leave, huh? I can come back from the lab earlier. And- if you need fresh air, we have the private patio, is it not big enough? I’ll have them make it bigger. We can buy the penthouse on the floor below and if you need company, you know my mom’s just been dying to see yo-”
His voice cracks in its desperation, and his omega looks up in alarm, big eyes worried. “Alpha!”
“Peter,” he breathes, when those arms are flung around him. He holds him tight. “We’re just starting out, don’t you see? I’m- fuck, I’m 25 years old, and your my everything, and we’re gonna have a baby, and if something happened to you- I don’t- I don’t know what I’d do.”
Small thumbs stroke his cheeks, and he blinks away tears as Peter gazes him- eyes brimming with love. “I promise to stay here.” He says, like taking a vow, “and you promise to always, always wear your safety goggles.”
Tony snorts, nodding, and Peter nuzzles into his caress like he’s been starved of it.
After a while though, the omega pouts. “I need to make you dinner,” he sniffles, even as he pushes closer. “And pie. But I don’t wanna leave you.”
“Uh uh uh, honey-bee,” Tony murmurs, stroking his fingers through Peter’s curls, “you just told me that you feel pain. I told you to tell me the second you started feeling sore, but you’ve been keeping that from me. I’m getting us a chef and a maid. You’ll sit with your feet up all day.”
Peter protests with a huff and a whine. “But I wanna make your food! A chef won’t- they won’t make sure you get all the- the right stuff, I- I was top of my class in Nutrition, I- I’ll keep you big and strong and-”
Tony laughs, bright and warm, and tickles Peter’s side until the boy is almost crying with glee. “No room for argument, sweetheart. For tonight, let’s get some take out. I’m thinking Pancake House?”
Peter almost leaps with enthusiasm, before looking more shy. “That’s- if you like.”
Tony rolls his eyes fondly. “We’ll buy out the whole store.”
When Peter is eight months pregnant, he cries into the toilet bowl in the middle of the night- trying to keep quiet so as not to disturb his Alpha.
It makes Tony so damn angry. “Please, baby,” he croons, wiping Peter’s face with a cold cloth, “could you just be a little selfish? For me? Just wake me up, okay? I’ll be here for you, I’m here.”
Peter wipes his tears into Tony’s chest, rubbing at his back like it hurts.
Tony immediately starts doing it for him, until the omega sags in relief. 
“You need your rest,” Peter protests, and Tony nips at his ear.
“Be selfish.” He orders.
There’s a long moment, before Peter says, whisper-quiet, “maybe some bagels? With...salmon, if-if we have any.”
Tony takes his orders as seriously as a soldier in war. He leaves his boy with a kiss and then checks the kitchen.
No bagels.
No matter, he’s Tony Stark. He calls down to the doorman to expect a delivery, and then calls some other people. Drops his name. His father’s name. Promises them quite a lot of money for prompt delivery at 1am in the morning.
It takes ten minutes for ten bagels, covered in cream cheese and salmon, to come to the front door.
“Thanks, Paco,” Tony says to the doorman, as they quietly exchange goods. 
“Not a problem, Mr Stark,” Paco promises, “I hope your bellisima omega feels better. The baby is due soon?”
“About a month,” Tony grins, chest puffing with pride. He carries his haul back to the bedroom, where Peter is now curled up on the bed, nuzzling into Tony’s pillow. “Look what I found in the kitchen,” he beams, presenting Peter with a bagel.
The pretty thing eats it right out of his hand, moaning happily. Tony sits down, tucking Peter into his side, feeding him bagels.
He feels so content there. He has his family in his arms. 
He wants for nothing. 
Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Those who wanted to be tagged- I love you! x @catastropheismyfirstname @peterparkers-sparkles @djspooky-jim@godlovesstarker @harmonystarker @atypicalmeposts @betty-bloom@that-tiny-dumb-artist @laughing-oreo @thatmarvelstan @book-lover-k@haylove5 @scarletsoldierrr  @buckettbarnes @hoe4parker@buckettbarnes @8bitbowie  @w1nters-stark @softly-starker @prettyboy-parker  
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antigenius · 4 years
Howdy lovely! I am 5’6 straight female who loves sleeping. If I didn’t have to get for school I would but I do and I am a pretty diligent student. I’m open minded to anything as long as there is some line of direction. I’m a very corny person with the worst jokes imaginable and I love making people smile. Despite that I always voice my insecurities and place to much pressure on myself and think I’m shitty at everything. I am a very caring person and I give my friends 1/2
Good advice but never to take my own. I go to ridiculous feats to lose weight that aren’t healthy because I don’t think I look the greatest. I can be alone with my thought for to long because I am pessimistic but I lie to myself and say that I’m being honest with how I am. I can’t take a compliment and I just feel worthless at times. But when it boils down to it I love to draw, song and cook (mostly self taught) Lazy days are my favorite and cuddling is nice too. Thanks bb❤️🥰
Agh!! So sorry this is so late! But here we are, finally! I hope you like this!
I think you would be good with…
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You seem to me as someone who would cause curiosity in Mirio with your horrible jokes and lovely attitude. You guys would hit it off and honestly have such a good time together.
Mirio would be able to help you with lifting the pressure you put on yourself. Just like you, he has his own insecurities, but he laughs them off. He’ll probably brush this off onto you, but I know there’ll be times where you’ll both just sit down and talk about what’s worrying you. You’ll be just talking about every worry you have while he plays with your hair, his strong arms wrapped around your waist.
Mirio is the best cheerleader! He’d try his best to lift your self-esteem, and he’s so patient, taking each step to confidence with you. Going on dates, lord have mercy. He’d use every cheesy pick-up line to make you laugh and blush. That is, if manages to stop blushing himself at how gorgeous you are. I canon that in front of his lover, he’s the most flustered thing ever, and he’d just drink in your ethereal aura and whisper “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
Please cook for him. Mans doesn’t care whatever it is or how it tastes, Mirio just adores the thought of his s/o wearing a cute apron and cooking him a pancake. It makes his heart swell with joy.
I also feel like you’d get on well with Nejire and Tamaki! Nejire seems like someone who you’d be pretty friendly with, and I think you could reach Tamaki on a more empathetic level. I also think Nejire would be someone who would help turn your self-doubt into confidence given her love for fashion/beauty, so she’d always reassure you that your figure is PERFECT! She’ll go shopping with you and get you a dress that’ll make Mirio’s jaw drop onto the floor.
I think it’s amazing that you’re open-minded, because I know Mirio would want to take you to a waterfall, up mountains, to a coffee shop, go-karting, anything and everything that sounds romantic or fun, you’ll find yourselves going there on a date.
A date with Mirio
“Wake up, Sunshine!”
It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, perfect for sleeping in and being lazy. You were having a dream about the most delicious food you’ve smelt in your life. It was about to go into your mouth when Mirio decided to wake you up.
Your eyes open lazily, hazed irises glancing over to the clock.
Seven am.
It was too fucking early for this.
You close back your eyes, hoping that if you thought about it hard enough, that you’d be sent back to your wonderful dream. Those glorious fries would still be there and you’d be able to drink that thick milkshake you ordered. There was a shuffle in the bedsheets beside you, you could feel his body hovering above yours.
“Not waking up?”
He trailed his fingers along your back, tracing your spine delicately. The feeling sends shudders up your spine, you writhe at his touch. He laughs.
“Come on, I’ll make breakfast!”
An enticing thought indeed, it almost made you want to get up. Enthusiasm on almost.
“Mirio, it’s only seven.” You yawn, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. “Wake me up in like five hours.”
“It’d by time for lunch by then!”
“Yeah, that’s the point.”
He sighs, you could practically see the lopsided smile on his face behind your eyelids.
“So you’re gonna be like that huh?”
You felt his weight lift from the bed, footsteps sounding farther and farther away. You felt a little guilty at not getting up, but your fuzzy mind was desperate to get back into dreamland that you knock out straight-away. The fries you remembered seeing smelled even better than before. The milkshake you dreamed of had hardly any condensation on the glass that contained it. You take a fry, about to taste the aromatic sea-salt that was sprinkled oh so delicately upon the chips. You breathe in deeply, imagining the sea. The waves crash around you, the briny sea air flooding your nostrils. You could even feel the sea spray its water on your fa-
You splutter, waking up from your peaceful slumber to Mirio spraying you with water. When you glare at him, he gives you his heartwarming smile.
“I had no choice! Your waffles would get cold!”
Your ears perk at the mention of food, immediately sitting up. “Waffles? Uh, next time just say so!”
“Well, you were so stubborn I couldn’t really-“
You throw yourself at him, interrupting him mid-sentence. It knocks the air out of his lungs, but he embraces you all the same.
“I love you-”
He was about to reply, but you speak again.
“-for making me waffles.”
You laugh as he huffs playfully, poking your side.
“Jokingggg!~” You kiss his cheek. “I love you even without the waffles.”
Those three words roll off your tongue quite nicely at this point. It would be weird if they didn’t, given that you guys had been together for about four years now. You both graduated from high school recently, if you could call about two years recent. Both of you started college together, renting out an apartment with Nejire and Tamaki. Life was fun, but since your quirk wasn’t exactly needed in the hero field and Mirio was… Mirio, you both had the apartment to yourselves as the other two went on patrols or missions. At first, Mirio kept making you go on hikes or just doing something outside. You obliged, knowing how much he was itching to be somewhere else but lazing about at home, but after a while, even with Mirio’s peppy attitude cheering you on, you got exhausted. You were not one to go for long treks in nature parks or walking up mountains with a heavy ass backpack, you just wanted to stay home and practice some anatomy (you still haven’t got a hang on hands just yet).
You never really complained, but Mirio already knew you were tired. The activities would become fortnightly instead of weekly, then monthly, which you minded a lot less. You didn’t even notice it at first, but it was quite considerate of your boyfriend to put your desires first before his. Thing was though, it always made you feel a little guilty.
Thus, you tried to put your all when the days for those walks came.
You stretch your arms to the ceiling, hearing your back crack at the movement. Splashing a bit of water onto your face to wake up, you make your way to the kitchen, the tantalising smell of hot waffles making your mouth water. A scoop of vanilla ice-cream sat upon the fluffy delight, the cold dessert melting into the little squares. Though you liked nothing more than a good waffle, you push the ice cream off the waffle, eating it with only bits of ice-cream. You didn’t need to put any weight after all.
Mirio observed this, a frown sitting on his lips.
“Hey, we’re going for quite a bit,” he places a hand on the small of your back, a soft kiss planted on your head, “I put that ice-cream so you’d have enough sugar to get you through it.”
You scoff, smirking. “What, you think I’m that weak?”
He arches an eyebrow, amusement glinting in his eyes for a small moment. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
A sigh leaves you. “It’s fine Miri. Just take my ice-cream will you?” You smile. “I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Not one to say no to the sugary treat, he takes a small bit of your scoop.
“There, eat the rest, or I’ll feed you it.”
Your cheeks flush. “Th-that’s-“
A spoonful of vanilla ice-cream gets pushed into your mouth, startling you. The creamy substance dribbles a little down your chin as you reluctantly swallow. Wiping your mouth with a tissue, Mirio grins.
“Want me to continue?”
Even though you could feel your whole face turning crimson red, you couldn’t say you didn’t like being fed. It reminded you of the times when you cooked lunch or dinner, and you asked him to taste test. You’d hold a spoon or fork to his lips, and the joy he got from your cooking made your whole day ten times better. You wondered if that’s what he was feeling right now.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
So for a while, Mirio was spoon-feeding you your breakfast. You took over after a minute or so though, finding the whole thing really embarrassing.
With your stomach full and your sugar buzz coming in, you got up to do the dishes while Mirio checked everything was locked before the both of you left for your walk.
Today, you were going for a stroll through Kyoto’s botanical garden. It was quite a contrast to your normal hikes, but Mirio saw you drawing flowers in your notebook the other day. The goofy dork took that as a sign to take you to a place with an absolute myriad of references blooming everywhere.
You hum quietly as you wash the plates, head bobbing to an imaginary beat. You hear Mirio’s feet pad against the tatami floors, getting closer and closer until your felt his strong arms around your waist, nose tickling the crook of your neck.
“Thanks for being wonderful.” He mumbles, pressing a kiss to your jaw. You laugh.
“I’m not even doing anything. If anything, I should be thanking you.”
He scrunches his eyebrows together. “That isn’t true. You work hard, you come with me on all these walks even though I know you’d rather not, but I selfishly make you go, you make sure I’m laughing when I feel down, there’s so much you do for me sunshine.”
You open your mouth to talk back, but he presses his lips to yours, silencing you.
“You’re wonderful. Absolutely and gorgeously wonderful. If you ever think different, I’ll make sure to tell you whenever I get the chance,” he kisses you again, “and that chance so happens to be right now.”
Your heart thumps against your ribcage. The universe really blessed you with this one. It takes you almost everything to not just sob with gratitude.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, sunshine.”
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