#but... I also wanna play XV which means Ignis!
itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
So I've feel like I've started to get into the swing of things class-wise. And that means I feel I need to bring in some game time at night for myself.
But... I'm stuck on which game >3<
Help me pick, friends?~
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queeranarchist · 3 years
Dear Writer
It's good to see you here, this is a long exchange so the main thing is enjoying yrself so feel free to pick and choose or ignore this letter as you wish! And feel free to browse through my letter tag for more ideas.
Also, I’m on that full-time work and full-time uni degree grind so it probably will take me like a month to read the fic, does not mean I do not love it and I promise to get to it!! Don’t stress to much about a gap between posting and commenting <3
Now without further ado onto the letter:
General Likes: Trans characters, queer themes, queer solidarity, character development, strong gen. relationships and interactions with characters outside of a relationship, dialogue-driven story, non-linear narrative, animals, angst, hurt/comfort, character introspection
DNW: underage, a/b/o, past S7 for SPN
DNW: Anything past Season 7
Likes: boy king arc, Sam centric fic, queer Sam (I literally head canon him as anything with whatever pronouns), Bobby, trans Dean, religious iconography/themes, Sam being a lore nerd
Dislikes: Sidelining Sam 
1. Ruby lives, I’d love to see how this plays out in Season Five. Whether she sticks with Lucifer or chooses Sam.
2. Sam goes dark side after freeing Lucifer
3. Earlier on Sam starts trusting her and fulfilling his role as the boy king. If this stops Dean from going to hell, changes the way the demons work etc
1. Jess lives au! My personal head canon is that Jess is pre-med and being very intent on saving people. When she finds out about hunting, she realises that she can’t just go back to being “normal” knowing people are dying. Maybe Sam decides to go back to law school and they have a semi long-distance relationship where she asks him for advice, maybe they hunt together every now and again. Maybe she joins Dean and Sam and they become a hunting trio.
2. Jess gets brought back to life – place this in any season you want! Go wild.
Dean & Sam
1. Dean keeps in touch with Sam during Stanford! Maybe from the get-go, maybe after a couple of years, maybe seeing each other, maybe just through postcards
2. I’d love to see them during S4 where their relationship starts to fall apart, but like also see them still loving each other
Sam & Dean & John
1. John gets a year to live instead of instantly going to hell AU – how do they react? Do they try to save him? Does John tell them?
2. I’d love a sort of non-linear story of them (especially Sam because it’s been so long) trying to integrate John into his adult life also looking at his life as a child/teen. You know the general angst about how he’d done it, he’d gotten away and he’s right back at square one. Also, Dean starting to realise that he isn’t a kid anymore, and he’s got his own thoughts etc
Sam & Dean & Cas - Cas/Dean & Sam
1. I want to see Sam and Cas and Dean being pals! I especially want to see Cas trying to figure out how he feels about Sam without heaven influencing him to think of him purely as the boy with the demon blood who will break the last seal. I wanna see Dean making fun of Cas with various misconceptions about the bible and Cas just taking it wildly seriously and not getting any jokes.
2. I’d love just a domestic-ish fic, let Sam drill Cas with questions about angels and heaven! Let Cas drill Dean and Sam about human culture! Would love to see Cas taking human culture things out of the context that Sam and Dean provide him, or maybe Dean purposely lies to him about something as a prank
1. Licherally anything in the boy king arc! I’d love to see him fulfilling his role as the boy king. This stops Dean from going to hell, changes the way the demons work etc
2. His time at Stanford! I’d love to see him adjusting to his new life.
3. I would love to see a bit more of him in Season Four! How he feels about Dean being chosen by the angels, how this affects his view on religion, how he feels about himself and the demon. Blood etc
4. Just some introspection anytime in the series tbh, love to see this boy struggle with wanting to be good, with wanting to be normal, and then um not being those things
5. I’d love a sort of non-linear story of Sam trying to integrate John into his adult life also looking at his life as a child/teen. You know the general angst about how he’d done it, he’d gotten away and he’s right back at square one.
Final Fantasy XV
Likes: fics that include the whole gang, trans Gladio, anything with Prompto, angst about destiny, angst about royal linage, character introspection
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?’
4. Less of a prompt and more a vague feeling but like *slaps prompto* this bad boy can fit so much angst in it. Honestly he’s childhood is depressing af, with the lack of parents and friends combined with a shit body image/relationship with food I wld rlly love some emotional hurt/comfort with him and the squad
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. I would like to see a fic of Prompto integrating himself into Noctis’ life, Gladio and Ignis have been around his entire life, so how does Prompto feel about them? How do they feel about him? Honestly I’m 100% here for awkward insecure bby Prompto
4. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?
5. Less of a prompt and more a vague feeling but like *slaps prompto* this bad boy can fit so much angst in it. Honestly, he’s childhood is depressing af, with the lack of parents and friends combined with a shit body image/relationship with food I wld rlly love some emotional hurt/comfort with him and the squad
Likes: the summons, Rock Lee, the squads and how they operate, Naruto getting to eat the ramen he deserves, Sakura being an actual bad arse fleshed out character, trans Naruto
1. Naruto leaves and joins Sasuke on his mission to destroy to Leaf, talks him out of y’know murdering everyone but agrees that the Shinobi system is deeply fucked and needs to be fixed
2. I’d like a fic of Sasuke thinking about Naruto while doing all his plotting, be it set when he’s with Orochimaru or the Akatsuki, it would be nice to see him thinking about Naruto, wanting to stop doing so, wondering how strong he could have been if he had managed to kill him and gain the mangekyou earlier
1. I’d like a fic set just before Kakashi gets his genin, really love to see Gai trying to talk up how cool having a squad is! Dragging Kakashi to see his kids and being like aren’t my team great! And then Team Gai getting into some crazy hijinks that make Kakashi a lil scared about the future but also maybe a bit endeared towards them
2. a fic of Gai watching Kakashi slowly loose himself while in ANBU, of him trying to make things right and not being able to and then eventually asking him to be removed from the forces
Likes: world building, farm creatures, small town hijinks
1. Angst about getting out of town, leaving SDV and becoming who they dreamed they would in HS
Sam & Seb & Abigail
1. Abigail talks them into exploring the mines
2. They pull a prank
3. Angst about getting out of town, leaving SDV and becoming who they dreamed they would in HS
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alternatewarning · 4 years
Darkness, Bathed in Blood - Whumptober 2020 Fic
Entry Number 27 (alternate prompt) and 30 for Whumptober 2020: Presumed Dead and Ignoring an Injury
Title: Darkness, Bathed in Blood Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairing: None Rating: T Triggers: Gore, torture Summary: Darkness has fallen on the whole of Eos -- fear always brings out the worst in people. A group of terrified citizens capture Ignis to try and find out where the crystal is and lift the darkness but no matter what he will not falter.
Cross posed to Ao3
It was impossible to determine how many days had passed like this, trapped. Outside the entire world was bathed in constant darkness, there was no reset signaling the start of a new day. Ignis thought that he had been here for about five days, but that was an estimate at best. There was no cycle, nothing to indicate when one day started and the next began. The group of people holding him seemed to arrive at random times and in random groups. So far he could pick out six distinct voices, two women, three men, and one more that he suspected was also male but they were quite young and their voice was quite high.
They would arrive in groups from two to six and then take turns. Sometimes they beat him, sometimes they cut at his skin with what he could only assume were knives. They often asked pointed questions in between the pain but they were asking less and less. They were probably figuring out that he wasn’t going to give them any answers. He had no idea who they were or what they wanted.
Clearly, the small group was ill-informed. They had bound his hands up in a chain, leaving just enough slack for him to stand, legs bound, with his arms held over his head. They had also tied a blindfold over his eyes which told him that they had no idea what they were doing. It was well known among the hunters that he was, for all intents and purposes, completely blind. So why bother with the blindfold? It meant they weren’t angry hunters.
“You wanna end this never-ending agony this time?” It was one of the women. Her voice was harsh, like someone had rubbed sandpaper over her vocal cords. Probably a smoker, when indulgences like that were commonplace. Just like every other time they prodded him, Ignis stayed silent, just listening. His only hope of escape was catching them off guard, somehow. While he could still summon his weapons, at this angle there was little he could do against the steel chains. He had already tried. Magic was also an option but without knowing where he was that just invitation disaster.
“Tell us where we can find the crystal!” The same woman bellowed at him. Only a moment later Ignis felt a small gasp forced from his lungs. A blade, a knife, was shoved into his stomach so deep that the hilt cut into his body. Before they had been careful, no wounds that would cause him to lose too much blood or possibly be lethal. Now they were either angry or stupid. She pulled out the blade and quickly forced it back in, tearing the flesh with the sharp blade
The hilt made a sickening squishing noise as it pushed up against the new wound and forced blood down his side. He focused on the details, on her voice, on the height of the wound, on the weapon, that way he could ignore the pain. She pulled out the knife and stabbed his gut a third time, this time with enough force that a hiss of pain skipped past his lips. She was no longer interested in his answers, she was angry.
The advisor could feel blood seeping into his clothes with alarming speed. These wounds were deep enough that if she kept going he could very likely die of blood loss.
“If you kill me, you will never get your answer.” Silence and then a burst of pain in his temple as his head snapped to the side. She’d hit him with the butt of her knife hard enough that he felt dizzy. While he’d angered her, he had pretty much proven that it was only the two of them. For a short moment, he absolutely lamented the loss of his vision. If he could see maybe he would know if she had a key to release him or not. Or even how his restraints locked. But he was not going to let himself be stopped by something he had no control over.
“Shut up! You’ve been playing us for fools for days and I’ve had enough!” Another slice of the knife into flesh. “You probably don’t even know where the crystal is! Which means you’re worthless to us. No one’s coming to get you, Scientia. So how about I just slice your gut open and let you bleed out on the floor?”
The venom in her voice spoke volumes. She was far past angry, instead fueled by malice and hatred. Each word was as sharp as her knife although he wasn’t sure why it was aimed at him.
“It’s all your fault! You and your idiot friends. If you’d protected the king like you’re supposed to we wouldn’t have to live in this endless night! I’m going to make your death slow and very, very painful.” She leaned in close, her breath tricking across his neck like a miasma.
Ignis forced himself to breathe even though taking in air felt like needles through his chest. He wanted to rebut her, tell her all they went through to try to protect him. To protect their king. But he knew it would be pointless. She wouldn’t understand, no one could. No one could ever understand the exact moment, watching his vision burn away and seeing nothing but his best friend limp, unmoving. To feel the only semblance of a family any of them had ripped itself apart in pain and grief. So he stayed silent. He let her bring her hatred against him wound by wound, absorbing her pain as his own.
Eventually, she slowed, the room punctuated by her heavy breathing and the constant drip drip drip of blood on the floor. He was feeling lightheaded and weak as if he would fall over if he’d been able to stand. It hurt to move, it hurt to stay still. He let himself hang from the chain holding his arms, even though he could feel his left shoulder slowly slipping out of its socket. It would be nothing like the pain of his body being torn to ribbons.
“You wanna know why no one’s looking for you?” She sounded smug but also winded. The fury keeping her going had ebbed into his body, tearing it apart with each slash. “We knew they’d come for you so we gave them your glasses. Broken, of course, and a little bit of blood. So now they all think you’re dead. And you will be. Any last words?”
She was right, he was going to die here. Here alone in some sort of shed or building, hidden away in the darkness. But none of that mattered. Not the pain, not the sensation of his body rending with every gasp of breath. What mattered was that he wasn’t going to be there when Noct woke up. That he wasn’t going to be by his side when he returned to claim what was rightfully his. And that hurt more than any torture or any blade ever could.
“My last words are you better get the hell out of here before I do you ten times worse!” Ignis startled at the voice, his head snapping up to see, as if he’d forgotten his world was nothing but an empty nothing. The voice rang in his ears, a welcome familiar comfort. It was deep and carried far, the voice of a man who knew how to both communicate and intimidate.
“Gladio…?” The advisor was surprised at the raspiness of his own voice which almost sounded like he had forgotten how to speak. There was a sudden, loud, thump and the clattering of something across the ground. He knew those sounds. A shield used for offense, Gladio’s full might behind a deadly bodyslam into the ground. And then the knife that had been soaked in his own blood hitting the ground and being kicked away by a trained soldier.
“Ignis, what the hell! I was told you were dead! I came here to collect your body.”
“You came?” He wasn’t sure why he was so surprised. Maybe because the last time they had seen each other it had been a rather unpleasant exchange. He had a feeling that another was coming, a tirade on why he should be back at base and not out here, trying to fight. Certainly, this situation was going to turn the tide even stronger in Gladio’s direction.
Ignis heard the snap of steel and the chains holding him upright gave way. His knees folded but Gladio’s arm caught him, carefully lowering him to the ground. The other man’s arm felt like hot led against his skin or was he so cold that it made Gladio feel warm. Ignis felt faint as if he would lose consciousness at any moment.
“Please allow me a moment to recover, then we can return to base.” The Shield didn’t answer but he could feel movement and then there was a quiet mechanical click. The metal bindings on his legs were pulled free and the chain slowly unwrapped from his hands. As circulation rushed back it brought with it a familiar pain but the sensation seemed rather distant now. As if he was observing it in someone else.
“Iggy we have to get you back, and now.” There was no room for argument between his words. The man stood and pulled Ignis to his feet in turn. The sudden movement wrenched away his sense of up and down but he did manage to stay on his feet. He felt Gladio’s hand on his back, trying to lead him by pushing him in the correct direction. Their bodies were so close together that he felt the other’s body tense as Ignis wobbled, unsteady on his feet.
“Gladio, I will be fine. I asked for a moment, did I not? I just...need...a moment.” It was getting hard for Ignis to string words together. He didn’t even notice his own knees give in and Gladio caught him again, this time just shifting the other man into his arms. It was obvious by the paleness of his skin and the red soaking the floor that Ignis was bleeding out.
Without giving the blind man a chance to complain he started to carry him. He couldn't run without making the injuries worse so he just walked with steady, long strides.
“Gladio? If I die, please, tell Noctis that-”
“Shush. You’re not going to die. Just hold on, I’ll carry you. And I’ll keep carrying you until you can stand on your own two feet in front of him, you idiot. I wish you wouldn’t...no, this isn’t the time to fight. Just know I’m going to keep holding on.”
Ignis didn’t respond, instead, he just let himself relax into the strong arms that cradled him with a surprising gentleness. It was a long way to base and he knew he couldn’t hold onto his conscientiousness that long. So he was going to enjoy the sensation while he could.
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bladesandstars · 5 years
Hey, tumblr pals
So, yeah. I didn’t leave forever. I’m still here, enjoying and reblogging stuff. Here’s an update on where I am and where I’m going!
[minor rant] I’m still incrediblyfuckingpissed at tumblr’s direct attack on nsfw stuff, and I remain determined not to let it keep my hands and mind from creating whatever I want, as filthy as that may be. (especially since this type of puritan nonsense seems to hit hardest in the areas that women and nb folk gravitate toward to express sexual power, but I digress) [/rant]
I’m still writing. a lot. I’m writing for an Ignis zine, a music zine, and a friendship zine (not tagging them in this ridiculous personal ramble, but it has been an amazing and rewarding experience with each one, and made me even happier I engaged with fandom in general, and with the FFXV fandom in particular. When I say “you guys are the best,” I truly mean it, and thinking about the fandom and the people I’ve met here is what’s bringing me back.
I’m doing more stuff, too. I’ve gotten invested in a few new/old fandoms, which you may see drift across my blog (please please scream with me about the arcana, the dragon prince, marvel, check please, got, and doctor who anytime. and I swear the 2019 challenge will be writing at least one ficlet in that unique, hilarious voice that is letterkenny. also I’m playing FFXIII and Lightning and Fang are murdering me every time I power up the old PS3).
I’m also (omg) writing original fic! It’s captured my heart, energy, and inspiration in a way that feels like -- oof, this is gonna sound so cheesy -- investing in myself? All this story, all these characters, out of MY head, and I’m getting swept up in it? It’s kind of the epitome of self-indulgence. I might put some of my OC babies here on the blog, or maybe not, I don’t really know yet (aka I’m nervous). But I have a couple of short stories on my Wordpress blog, and will be adding to those too as I work things out. (Universe 1 is a futuristic scifi type of thing involving memory manipulation with one m/m couple and one bi m/f couple; universe 2 was described by a friend as “space wlw fleurentia,” and well. yeah.) I’m having fun, y’all.
I’m not abandoning any of my FFXV longfic, and I have two that aren’t published yet (one half-written, one only planned, both rarepair bonanzas because, well, you’ve met me), so I’m not going anywhere. The XV fandom is still one of my most comfortable places to write and headcanon and have fun. But I’m so excited to be expanding the number of fun places to visit, too!
If you wanna send me asks about any of the fics I’ve got going, please do! If you wanna send me prompts for minifics, I’m down. XV or any of my other hodgepodge of fandoms. Thanks for reading/caring if you slogged through all this!
I’m also probably going to be writing more of these rambly personal longposts on here going forward, mostly for my own mental health reasons haha.  If you wanna not be bothered with these types of posts, I TOTALLY understand, and you can just filter the “hope talks” tag. 
Happy Pride month, happy weekend, high fives all around.
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squiishiichaos · 6 years
☕️ How do you feel about ffxv as a whole and the fact that nomura is doing his original version of it in kh?
Oh shit did you open up a can of worms with this.   Might wanna prepare yourself for this, because it’s about to get a little rocky in here.
So, let’s start with FFXV. 
I loved XV.  I did.  I really, wholeheartedly did.   I bought the deluxe, special FFXV PS4 that came out with its release, and I am so happy I did, because XV was exactly the kind of Open World Final Fantasy I ever wanted.  The main 4 were hysterical and their banter gives me life!  I have to just stan the Chocobros as a whole because you can’t pick one but if I had to choose, Noctis, you can meet me in the back with the jukebox and they had enough development throughout the 15 chapters to feel real and whole, and yeah.  Also, I played the various episodes that came out, and Ignis with his hair down almost killed me, along with Aranea being the biggest badass of all time in Episode Prompto.
Anyway, the ending is what Video Games need in this day and age.  4 adult men in their thirties talking about their feelings and crying it out the night before the biggest decision in their lives should be a staple in every single bachelor movie that ever comes out.   I swear to the Cosmos, Vozora, this shit had me crying for the entirety of hours!   When they replayed the convo from the beginning of the game, which I laughed at for like ten minutes straight, and Stand By Me started playing, I was lost to humanity.  I don’t normally cry, but I had three different family members ask me if I was okay, and I had to explain, while ugly crying, that, yeah, I was fine, and I was just crying over four fictional characters. No big deal, mom, just excuse me while I create a river of emotions. 
I also play Comrades, and I have to take a moment to say that whoever created Character Creation for that game deserves all the fucking love.  Like, okay, I have a problem.  Like a Laura Bailey level problem of spending six fucking hours creating characters in character creation, starting the game, hating them, and going back in for a second character like, “Maybe we’ll get it right this time!”  Comrades was the first game where I was able to successfully create Bibi in a style that looked like her–short, stout, clothes, and all.  The only other game to date where that has been possible is JumpForce, so, yeah. 
Anyway, moving on!  I FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!  Chocobos.   
Look.  I have a problem, okay? I know I have a problem.  I just really love Chocobos.  I wish chocobos were real.  For my Birthday or some shit, one of my harem friends bought me the Anniversary Stuffed Chocobo that Square released, and yeah, I immediately named that bitch Boco and it has a throne in my closet that no one can ever remove it from.  XV brought back the ability to not only train your chocobo and ride it through the depths of hell but also the ability to change its plumage?!   ALSO ALSO ALSO, the CHOCOBOS ARE SO FUCKING CUTE?!?!?!?!?!  FFXIV, they’re kinda…meh.  But no, XV was like, HERE, HAVE THIS CUDDLY MOTHERFUCKER YOU JUST CAN”T HELP BUT WANT TO HUG AND SNUGGLE WITH, OH AND WATCH IT STEAL PROMPTO’S FOOD!!
Tumblr media
All...my photos from that game…were of Chocobos.  Every. Last. One.   I cried…to Stand By Me…while Chocobos of varying shades…flowed down my screen…
I regret nothing. 
Okay, so, real talk.  When Verum Rex started, I thought Square had actually put a real game trailer into the game.  Like, I was actually like, “okay, Square, that was a bold move, take my money again, why don’t you.”  I was ready to quit out of KH3, go to the PS Store and buy it.  100%.  No regrets.   Then, I remembered Toy Story and I was like, oh, right, okay, thanks for trolling me, Nomura, you literal piece of shit.    
Yozora is the best name in the world, fight me, and I’m glad he has white hair and a red eye.  The dude with glasses is fucking hot as shit, and I hope we get to play in Verum Rex one day without Gundam battles.  As for its source material, Versus XIII, umm, can I just say?  Fuck you, Square.   I loved Noctis as an emo Prince, but can you imagine his royal pain the ass as a fucking gangster?   Ugghhhhhhhhhh   Saying shit like, “nani gantsukettenda omae?” (what the fuck are you looking at, by the way) “Uzai,” as he just shoves a fucking gunblade through someone’s eye.  Oh my god, all the possibilities.  Sorry, I have a thing for morally questionable heroes
ANYWAY, in short hah, I was fine with seeing Versus XIII in KH3 because it fits into the plot better than most.  If Cloud and Squall can fit into KH, so can a Noctis knockoff who looks like Sora and Riku’s love child.  XV was amazing, and I recommend everyone play it, if for nothing else than random people not recognizing the Crown Prince of their own country while simultaneously commenting on how hot all your other party members are.  Chocobos are the greatest creation ever invented.  And flying cars are bullshit.   
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, I hope you have a lovely day.
Thanks for the ask!  :D 
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blazefire-engine · 6 years
@blue-water-crystallis: “there should be more 30 year old noctis x lightning! maybe noctis takes lightning on a romantic date/tour in altissia? maybe he proposes to her there?~ it would be a cute little drabble!”
Thank you so much for your request!!! We totally need Lightis in Altissia and I believe I have what we need LOL. So this went way longer than I intended... it’s not even a little drabble anymore (still cute tho!) and I kinda went ham: basically Noct and Light were forced to a date in Altissia and on who proposes… well, I'll leave that as a surprise ;D Hope you still enjoy this!
Based on Weskham's bar, also known as the floating market, in Altissia in FFXV.
Timeline: Post XV (yes, they all live!). 30 year old Lightis.
“You need a shave.”  The royal adviser heard the Captain of the Glaives chide the King.  
Another time, he heard a few bones popping and Noctis’ disapproving voice, to which Ignis assumed he was giving Lightning a massage.  “You need to slow it down.”  
“You need to eat.”
“You need more sleep.”
With the royal couple stating what the former needed, they neglected what they both needed.  So, Ignis had enough of this and decided to intervene.  
“What you two need is a vacation.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I can’t believe Iggy did this.”
Lightning snorted.  “He literally kicked us out of Insomnia.”
They were currently on a gondola, traveling to Maagho.  Weskham Armaugh was more than happy to shut down his bar for only the two of them.
It would be romantic.  A candlelit dinner for two. The older man teased over the phone.  Some wine and delicious food.  And you won’t even notice I’m there.
A romantic candlelit dinner, huh?  Noctis glanced at Lightning who sat at the other end of the gondola, a hand on her chin as she stared at the city, twilight settling over Altissia.  There was no doubt that he loved her and she felt the same.  But ever since the dawn had returned to Eos, the two had been particularly busy rebuilding Insomnia and essentially, the whole of Eos.  
He watched the evening breeze passed, tousling the strands of hair loose from her bun and the soft ruffles of her cream-colored, cotton dress.  
“You look nice.”  He blurted out, heat rising to his ears.  He silently thanked for his long hair covering the reddened tips.  “I mean, I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier…”
Lightning raised an eyebrow, but the smile on her face tells him she’s amused.  “Thanks.”  She fiddled with the end of her dress, then eyed his royal raiment.  “You look nice, too.”  
She smiled wider now, showing a little teeth.  His heart raced faster, just when he thought she was already beautiful, she suddenly does that and now the word doesn’t do her justice.  As if he could fall any further.  
His thoughts were interrupted when the gondoller cheerfully announced they have arrived.  Noctis stood swiftly, standing at the dock to offer his hand to Lightning.  Her warm hand took his and he helped her on her feet.  
“Your Majesty.  Captain Farron.”  Weskham greeted warmly, walking towards them.  “Welcome.”
“Weskham.” Noctis shook his hand with a smile.  “We’re just Noctis and Lightning for tonight.”
“No titles.”  Weskham commented as he gave Lightning a chaste kiss on the cheek.  “I like that.”
“Thank you for accommodating us.”  Lightning smiled.  “You didn’t need to shut down your entire bar.”
“Nonsense, it’s my pleasure.  For all you’ve done for Eos, this is the least I could do.” He gestured towards a lone table with two seats.  “Come, come.  Take a seat, I’ll bring my finest wine.”
Settling down, Noctis snorted at the table’s set up. “Candlelit dinner.”
“For two.” Lightning quipped. She stroked the petals of the single rose in the vase. “This is nice.”
“Yup.” He cleared his throat.  Awkward.  “Us two. Alone.” More awkward.
She nodded. “We've never really had time alone, not after since…” She didn't finish her sentence, but Noctis knew what she would say.
Since you came back.
Ten years.  To have Lightning and his friends wait for that long, while the world was steadily growing into darkness…
“Here you go.” Weskham placed two glasses and poured them red wine. “I'll leave the bottle.” He winked and went back to the bar to prepare their food.
“I don't think I've asked before. About what happened while I was, you know…”
Lightning shrugged, knowing what he was asking.  “Nothing drastic really. The daemons grew stronger, the darkness continued.  I focused my efforts on training new Glaives and missions to help refugees. There was nothing we could have done except wait for your return.”
He gritted his teeth and forced out another question.   He needed to know.  “And everyone?”
She swirled her glass of wine. “There was a time we all drifted apart. Ignis had his crutch, and everyone else had theirs.” She turned her eyes on him, blue and sad. “You were the glue that kept us together. It hurt, not having you around. So we distracted ourselves. We met from time to time, but it wasn't the same as before.”
He looked down, ashamed.  “I'm sorry.” For all the hurt, pain, and suffering he had caused. For leaving them behind. He realized he didn't deserve it; their friendship, loyalty, and love.
Lightning’s warm hand cupped his, giving a light squeeze. “Don't be.  It wasn't your fault.  Your fate was written long before you were even born.  Your leaving was an inevitable.”
“For a long time, I was very angry at you.” She admitted quietly, her thumb stroked the back of his hand. “You left us to deal with the shit you and your forefathers caused. Everything that happened in my life was because of your bloodline and that damn crystal. I lost my family in a crossfire, I lost my friends and my innocence fighting a war.”
“But when I met you, you made up for what I had lost and gave me even more.  You gave me a new family, a new home.  Which was why I was so angry at you.” She whispered fiercely, gripping his hand now.  “I thought I couldn't forgive you for taking that away from me. Not for a second time.”
With the emotion in her voice, Noctis needed to see her, to face what he had done. So he looked up and met her warm gaze, her blue eyes with unshed tears as she confessed.
“And yet, above everything, even during the darkest of times, there was one thing that stayed true: I loved you.” She grasped his hand with her other one, holding tight as if he'd disappear again. “I still do, Noct.”
He believed her. Again, he had no doubt. But hearing her say the words made them real.
He took both of her hands, bringing them close to his mouth to place a lingering kiss. “I love you as well, Claire.”
She could only stare at him, her mouth slightly open. She always knew, but to see him act on it so intimately made her heart stammer
“I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Weskham gave them a cheeky smile. “I've brought a Fettini di Cernia.  And my notoriously expensive Fine Caviar Canape, as I remember you have never tried that before.” He took the liberty to pour more wine into their glasses.  “Claire. That's a beautiful name.”
“Don't let anyone else hear that, Weskham.” Noctis warned half-jokingly.
“Of course, what is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.  Enjoy your dinner and lift a hand if you need anything.”
They ate in comfortable silence, a comment about the food here and there.  Now that the topic of his decade-long sleep was out of the way, Noctis could almost feel their relationship change, like a flower on the verge of blossoming.
“Wanna dance?” Noctis asked after they both finished their meal and had two full glasses of wine.
“Sure.” She smiled, taking his hand once again. This time he placed an arm around her waist and the other hand entwined with hers, while her other hand came up his chest.
They swayed to the jazzy song Weskham played and they were glad he did decide to reserve the bar just for them.
Lightning placed her head by his shoulders, comfortable in their position.  “So, what now?”
“What about now?” He asked, slightly confused.
“Our relationship has changed.”
Ah.  “I say... we're still in the dating stage?”
To which Lightning responded by giving him her bullshit look. As if they hadn't confessed they loved each other.
Noctis laughed.  “Technically we've been dating for 13 years.”
She rolled her eyes and deliberately stepped on his foot.
“Ow, okay, okay.”  After a few moments of silence and swaying, he struggled to find the right words. “You know what happens after dating…”
It didn't even take her a second to respond.  “Okay.”
“Wait.  'Okay,’ to what?”
She smiled softly, but her eyes were shining in amusement.  “I'll marry you.”
He stared at her, then concluded.  “You're drunk.”
“Please, I have more tolerance than Gladio.”  She rolled her eyes again.  “But why not? You love me, I love you, we're meant to be.”
Noctis sighed as if exasperated.
“What?” Lightning frowned, realizing maybe she was too forward. Perhaps Noctis was right and she was drunk?
Instead, he groaned and pressed his forehead against hers.  “You always steal my thunder.”
“Well, I am Lightning.” She gave cheeky smirk.
“Shut up.” He laughed. She could be such a dork at times. “I hate it when you have more balls than I do.”
She couldn't resist placing a kiss on his pouting  lips.  “So, is that a yes?”
“Imagine the history texts from now. 114th King of Lucis was proposed to instead of-”
“What is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.” Weskham’s voice called out from the bar. “And give that lovely woman a damn answer.  It better be a yes.”
Long-ass AN: Good on ya Iggy, he was so sick of hearing those two worry about each other. I always wanted to write an Altissia fic, especially Maagho and I wanted a little Lightis dance.  Also, this is kinda sequel to my Totomostro fic, if you remember that bit about the Caviar Canape ;)
Weskham is me, and pretty much every Lightis shipper. LOL. He totally ships them, also because their love reminds him of a younger Regis (cries).
So that little monologue of Lightning and what happened in that ten years made me so sad writing it.  I imagined that she would've been so angry, she would've chosen to be that way to shield herself from getting hurt. BUT LOVE CONQUERS ABOVE ALL.
And yes, Light was drunk... DRUNK ON LOVE LOL. And she has the highest alcohol tolerance (next to Gladio) out of the Chocobros (oooh I'll make a headcanon).
And that 13 years of dating joke (gives myself a pat on the back + that lightning/thunder pun). #neverforgetvsxiii and I imagine their relationship (actual dating) to be like this: technically starting 1 year before XV plot, then 1 year into the XV plot (basically the game until chapter 13), then 10 years of sleep, and then 1 year post XV plot.  Makes sense, yeah?
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A Caelum Christmas
Game: Final Fantasy XV
Characters: Noctis, Prompto, Luna, Aulea, Regis, Clarus, Iris, Ignis, Gladiolus
Pairing: Technically not about pairings, but if you’ve been around the blog you know its Regis/Aulea, Noctluna, and Promnis
Rating: Everyone
Author: The Usual Spot Cafe
Word Count: 2235 words
Notes: Okay so this is a followup to A Holiday Dilemma. This is basically just the christmas at the Caelums! Also if you don’t know what Christmas Crackers are look them up! They’re British and are really cool! Also, look up an ugly Christmas suit and tell me Ignis wouldn’t wear one. Hope you all enjoy the story!
Luna crept towards the now open door to the dark room. The bells attached to her outfit made the lightest jingling noise as she inched forward. She heard a small giggle behind her and hushed them quickly.
“Guys! We don’t want to wake him up!”
Ignis pushed his glasses up his nose, a small smirk on his face. “I thought that was the whole point of this Luna.”
Prompto let out a tiny giggle, “come on you know what she means. Let’s go Lu!”
She nodded and took the first step into Noctis bedroom. The plush carpeting completely muffling her heels on the floor. She breathed a sigh of relief before walking towards the fan that was aimed at the lump on the bed.
“Geez why is it so dark in here it’s almost noon!”
Ignis, Luna, and Prompto shushed Gladio as the lump shifted slightly on the bed. They froze and watched it with wide eyes until it settled back down, the telltale rising of his calm breathing given away his sleep. Prompto and Luna sighed in relief as Ignis smacked the larger man over the head.
“I’m sorry! I have a loud voice!”
“Well hush up!”
Prompto adjusted his grip on the bowl full of glitter in his arms. “Guys shush! Luna’s about the unplug the fan.” The group fell silent as Luna dug for the cord. She found it quickly and unplugged it from the wall with a sharp tug. They didn’t dare turn it off with the switch because the thing was so old it made horrible noises whenever the switch was touched. As the fan died down they moved closer to Noctis’s’s bed, staring down at the black lump in the covers where they could now make out which direction he was facing. Luck was on their side, seeing as he was facing them.
Ignis adjusted the red tie on his ugly Christmas suit and went to grab the edge of the cover. “Everyone have their glitter ready?”
The other three nodded raising heir bowls up high, looking like Santa and his two elves of glitter death. Luna had gone full out on her outfit for the holiday, complete with red shoes, green striped tights, and a green tutu. Prompto outfit consisted of a Santa hat, green jeans, white boots, and a red sweater that said ‘merry Christmas ya filthy animal’. Gladio has simply just elected to wear a Santa suit.
“On three…” Ignis grabbed the corner of the blanket and held up his other hand, counting down slowly as the three lifted the bowls higher. Luna and Prompto were giggling uncontrollably, even Gladio and Ignis were having a hard time containing their mischievous glee. Ignis held up two finger and began lifting the blanket, biting his lip to keep from laughing.
Once he held up three, pandemonium hit. The three thew blanket off of Noctis, revealing the young adult in just his boxers. Noctis scrunched his body In closer before cracking open one eye.
“Whazzit?” He asked sleepily.
The four miscreants grinned evilly before shouting in unison, “MERRY CHRISTMAS NOCTIS!” They then proceeded to pour the large bowls of glitter all over the man, making him jump out of the bed.
“Agh! What the hell!?”
Prompto and Luna dropped the plastic bowls on the ground before rushing towards the door. “Should have gotten up earlier!”
“I’m sorry darling I really am… but also… I’m not!” Luna gave him a shit eating grin before blowing him a kiss. “Love you!”
Noctis ran a hand through his bed head, making it worse, before growling and giving chase. “You assholes! I’m going to have glitter up my ass for years now!”
The only response he got was their laughter ringing down the hall. As he passed Gladio the big guy put an arm out to stop him, “not so fast cupcake.”
“Get out of my way, I gotta go beat up Prompto.”
Ignis smirked and grabbed another bowl, this one full of ice. “Not without my present first. Happy Christmas Noctis!” He reaches out and pulled the waistband of noctis boxers away from his back before pouring the ice down them. Noctis yelped and began hopping around, trying to get the ice out of the tighter legs of his underwear as Gladio and Ignis guffawed in laughter.
“I’m going to kill you two!”
Gladio paused in laughing only to say, “if you can catch us first!” Before he rushes out the door, Ignis in stride with him.
“Oh and merry Christmas you filthy animal!”
“I’m keeping all of your gifts!”
Noctis growled again and with one final hop got the last ice cube out. For once going back to bed was not on his mind, instead this morning the only thing was revenge. He ran out of his room, wildly looking around for the four people who were once his friends, now they were traitors.
He heard shallow gasping from over by the kitchen. He grinned when he recognized Luna’s voice whispering something. He rushed towards the bright room, stopping when he entered the threshold. Luna squeaked in fear and grabbed onto Ignis, hiding behind him.
“Noctis! Remember it’s Christmas!”
Noctis just glared at them before turning his gaze to his parents who were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee.
“Good morning son.”
“Noctis please put on your clothes.”
Noctis took in a deep breath before letting it out quickly. “Yeah sorry mom. I’ll go do that, Merry Christmas.”
The blue-eyed woman smiled over her mug. “did you enjoy your wakeup call?”
Noctis narrowed his eyes at the retreating figures of the new traitors. “No, I didn’t, I think some people are going to get their gifts taken away!”
Prompto gasped, horrified, “You wouldn’t!”
Noctis fixed him with a dead stare. “I would, and I am.”
He was greeted with whines from the group, “Noct! You suck!”
He shrugged, “Don’t be mean on Christmas.” He walked away back to his room, quickly pulling on his suit and tie. He wore it out of habit form his mother dragging him to his grandparents every year. Now that both were gone, his parents hosted Christmas. They had been alone until Gladiolius’s mother passed away, then Regis had started inviting them over for Christmas. Generally, the Amicitia’s brought all of their gifts over to the Caelum’s and spent both Christmas Eve and Day with them. Then Ignis had finally started coming over on Christmas Eve to get at least one day of the Holidays with the people he loved. Prompto would only come over on Christmas Eve, and usually only if his parents were working the holiday like they were this year. This year they were working a midnight shift so Ignis and Prompto were staying at the Caelums and then would go to Prompto’s house for Christmas morning and lunch before Ignis had to leave for a very tense Christmas dinner. Noctis threw a comb through his hair and spiked it up in his usual do. After finishing his morning routine, he headed back into the kitchen, shooting a glare into the living room where his friends, now plus Iris, had gathered to play games.
“Hey Noct wanna play-“ Prompto cut off when he saw the glare. “Ah geez! Sorry Grinch!”
Noctis stuck his tongue out at him before heading into the kitchen. His mom had already started preparing the dinner (with Ignis’s help, but Noctis chose to ignore the number one traitor). “Hey, Mom, need any help?”
Aulea paused what she was doing and gave her son a strange look, since he was usually playing his video games before Christmas dinner or shaking his gifts to try and figure out what he’d gotten. “Well, if you really want to help, I suppose you could start peeling the potatoes.” She smirked as he visibly grimaced at the menial task she doled out to him, and Noctis sighed and walked over to the cutlery drawer, glaring at Ignis until he moved from in front of it. Noct pulled out a peeler and set to the task at hand, barely resisting grumbling the whole way through. When he finished that task, his mother had him start chopping up vegetables. Each time one of the traitors would come in to talk to him, he ignored them and would only talk to Clarus, his parents, and Iris. As dinner came closer the four traitors gathered in the living room, whispering amongst themselves as they watched Noctis.
“Maybe we overdid it?”
Ignis fixed Luna with a baleful look, “Oh please, there is no way that got him this mad, this is his revenge.”
Prompto worried at his lip, “I dunno babe, the glitter isn’t that big of a deal, but the ice might have been a bit much.”
Gladio grunted, sipping on a tall glass of Regis’s special rum eggnog. “oh please, the wimp can handle a little ice.”
Ignis glanced over at Noctis who was laughing with his mother. “He will break eventually.”
With that the group separated and Ignis went back into the kitchen to set the table and start getting things ready, avoiding the glaring Noctis. After Ignis walked by Aulea pulled Noctis towards the bar where Clarus and Regis were talking.
“Are you really that mad at them?”
Noctis shook his head, “Nah, just making them sweat a little bit for revenge.” He grinned at her when she snorted into her wine glass.
“You are so evil. Definitely my son.”
“I know.”
She poured another glass of wine. “Go give this to Luna please, she looks worried.”
He nodded and took the glass, heading over to where she was helping Prompto put up mistletoe.
“Why are we doing this Prom?”
“I think it would be funny to see how many people have to kiss others.”
“This is going to end badly.”
Noctis cleared his throat, handing her the glass before stalking away. She watched him with wide eyes before turning to Prompto, fear behind her eyes.
“He is truly evil.”
Prompto snorted and nodded in agreement. They continued putting up the last of the decorations until Ignis came out to tell them all dinner was ready. Everyone clambered for the kitchen, each eager to start eating the best meal of the year. Once everyone was in their seats, Regis set down his drink at the head and looked at them all with a soft smile.
“Thank you all for joining our family this Christmas. I know some of you didn’t have another place to go, and I hope you know all of you are always welcome in the Caelum household. Merry Christmas everyone.”
The table replied Merry Christmas back at him before Ignis uncovered the dishes on the table, the steam momentarily blocking the view of the other side of the table.
Iris gasped, “Oh wow Iggy! This all looks really amazing!”
Ignis blushed lightly, “Oh please, Aulea did most of the work.”
She scoffed as she began dishing out food onto plates, “oh please, drinking wine in the corner of the kitchen is not cooking.”
Ignis smiled at her fondly before gesturing to the steaming food, “well dig in everyone!”
After that it was pure pandemonium. Everyone was reaching for food, laughing, and talking. The table got even louder when Aulea pulled out a box of Christmas Crackers from Tenebrae.
Luna squealed when she saw the brightly colored packages. “I was hoping you guys would find those!”
Regis smiled at her, “well of course! You deserve to feel as at home as possible. By the way, I thought your brother was going to join us today.”
She shook her head no, “Ravus decided to spend the holidays with his boyfriend Loqi.”
Prompto cocked his head to the side. “Wait I thought they weren’t dating.”
Luna rolled her eyes with a shrug, “I have no idea.”
Iris grabbed a red cracker and held the other end out to Luna. “Hey Lu, wanna pop this one open?”
Luna beamed and grabbed the end tightly before pulling on it, resulting in It cracking open. Iris got the larger piece, cheering as she put on the paper hat. The first cracker cued even more getting popped open until everyone was wearing a flimsy paper hat. The large group continued eating until they were thoroughly stuffed, just barely making it out the living room before they all collapsed in a heap by the tree. The food coma was about to hit before Clarus grunted.
“Guys… Presents… before I collapse.”
Regis chuckled, “You already have my old friend.”
Clarus laughed and reached under the tree, pulling out his gifts to everyone. Noctis rolled over from his spot on the floor, grabbing immaculately wrapped gifts and passing them out to everyone. His friends stared at their gifts in shock before turning to him.
Ignis stared at the box in his lap perplexed. “I thought you were taking away our gifts.”
“Yeah what’s up with that cupcake?”
Noctis smirked at them, “Oh did you guys really think I would actually do that? I love Christmas! I just wanted to make you guys sweat a little bit.”
Prompto groaned, “You are evil incarnate!”
Luna giggled and turned the small box in her hands. “I do suppose we deserved it…”
Noctis chuckled, “Yeah you did. Merry Christmas guys.”
His closest friends grinned sheepishly at him before opening their gifts. “Merry Christmas Noctis.”
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alley-cat-sunflower · 7 years
Pretending to have been tagged by @yuutolovesturtles​, who left it open-ended, because I just love talking about myself. (Also because I don’t know how to make the font all tiny-like on my own, so I’d like to save this for reference…)
The Last
Drink: Water.
Phone call: My supervisor, nitpicking church bulletin details.
Text message: Received? My mom telling me she was on her way home. Sent? Confirming that I received the message.
Song you listened to: The main battle theme from FFXV: Episode Ignis.
Time you cried: Half of yesterday as well as half the day before.
Have You Ever
Dated someone twice: I don’t really “date” people, but I have had a crush on someone, gotten over it, then decided to give it a try years later anyway.
Kissed someone and regretted it: Not really.
Been cheated on: Not to my knowledge.
Lost someone special: Kinda sorta not really?
Been depressed: Almost all the time. Trying to get better.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never been drunk or even tipsy because I don’t like alcohol enough to drink it fast enough to feel anything. Also, being emetophobic, the possibility of throwing up is one of the main reasons I don’t drink.
3 Favorite Colors
In The Last Year Have You
Made new friends: Yes, a couple. Started talking to the best lead at the dance hall, and now we’re pretty close. Had a classmate last semester who showed me more about myself and the world around me, but he’s missing in action at the moment. Working on making friends among other classmates this semester, too.
Laughed until you cried: Yes. I think the last time had something to do with my wonderful and ridiculous boyfriend, but I can’t swear to it.
Found someone was talking about you: Yes…? What does this mean?
Met someone who changed you: Absolutely; the aforementioned classmate.
Found out who your friends are: I guess? Expanded my circle a bit.
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t really use Facebook that often, but considering my boyfriend has one, I’d say so.
How many Facebook friends do you know: Why would I have any FB friends I don’t know?
Do you have any pets: Three cats at my dad’s house.
Do you want to change your name: Not really.
What did you do for your last birthday: Had a minor nervous breakdown, nbd.
What were you doing at midnight last night: Writing things I really, really shouldn’t.
Name something you can’t wait for: Final Fantasy VII Remake!!
When was the last time you saw your mom: Like, a few minutes ago? She just went into the garage to rearrange some stuff.
What are you listening to right now: “Valse di Fantastica” from Final Fantasy XV.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: That’s one of my cousins, so yeah.
Something that is getting on your nerves: Walt Whitman.
Most visited websites: Tumblr, YouTube, various wikis (for research purposes).
Hair color: Brown.
Long or short hair: Long.
Do you have a crush on someone: I’m honestly not sure anymore.
What do you like about yourself: Hard to find anything these days… I guess I like that I’m passionate about things, even if they’re not exactly the ‘right’ things. And I like my writing ability, even if I tend to misuse it.
Blood type: I don’t know, actually.
Nickname: Alley or Alley Cat, in internet circles.
Relationship status: Not sure of the exact parameters as of now, but taken.
Zodiac: Wood Boar with Snake ascendant; double Aquarius with Aries rising.
Pronouns: She/her.
Favorite TV show: I don’t watch a lot of TV… Monty Python’s Flying Circus?
Tattoos: None. Might get the planetary symbol for Uranus someday, though.
Right or left-handed: Right.
Surgery: None to speak of, and I don’t want any either.
Sports: I can’t play any to save my life, but I like watching San Francisco Giants baseball. Except for last year. Last year royally sucked.
Pair of shoes: Like, my favorite? I wear the same damn pair of leather boots every day.
Eating: Just had dinner, courtesy of my mother. Salmon, spinach, and rice with mushrooms.
Drinking: Water. Considering tea, though.
Waiting: For the FFXV Royal Edition content to download so I can face Somnus and learn more Ardyn backstory. I know, I know, I’m trash.
Get married: That’s crossed my mind a lot lately, since I recently wrote a wedding and have a couple more marriage-related fics on the back burner, but… I don’t know. That’s a question for another, less unstable time.
Career: I wanna be an author and/or editor someday. I’d love to be able to make money just writing my stories. The main issue is finding the motivation to write out my original ideas instead of hyperfixating on fandoms…
Which Is Better
Hugs or Kisses: Depends, but I’d say hugs overall since there’s only ever been one person whose kisses I have thoroughly enjoyed.
Lips or Eyes: Eyes, typically.
Shorter or Taller: Not like I have a preference, but a lot of my best friends are tall.
Older or Younger: Doesn’t much matter to me. It seems like most of my inner circle are within a couple years of myself either way.
Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: I don’t pay attention…
Hookup or Relationship: Relationship for sure.
Troublemaker or Hesitant: Bit o’ both. Fuck Mars in Pisces.
Kissed a stranger: Noooooooope.
Drank hard liquor: I don’t like alcohol.
Lost glasses/contact lenses: I can’t fuckin see without ’em, so no.
Turned someone down: Roughly once a year or every couple years, for some reason, but I’ve been fortunate to avoid any… untoward encounters. I don’t go out of the house. I don’t put that much effort into my appearance. I don’t go out of my way to socialize. Where did I go wrong?
Sex on the first date: More like “sex within the first year of dating” amirite? And the answer’s still no. It might’ve edged a bit closer to ‘maybe’ within the first few months of knowing someone else, but idk whether that’s changed or not; haven’t seen him in several weeks.
Broken someone’s heart: I… might have? I don’t think so, though. The people who give me their hearts are pretty resilient. I’m usually able to convince them to give them to me platonically instead, and then we’re all happier.
Had your heart broken: Nope. I have been turned down before, but I’m the only one allowed to break my heart, thank you. It’s easier that way.
Been arrested: God, no. Never even been in legal trouble. *knocks on wood*
Fallen for a friend: Nnnnot really? Normally, they’re fairly new faces. My boyfriend was my friend first, has been for seventeen years, but I didn’t really “fall for” him.
Cried when someone died: Oh yes.
Do You Believe In
Yourself: Now and again.
Miracles: Depends on the definition.
Santa Claus: Not anymore.
Kissing on the first date: I mean, clearly it happens? Just not with me?
Also not tagging anyone, because I am the slayer of tag memes; they always end at my doorstep. But this one was actually really fun, so if you wanna do it, please do and tag me! I’m living proof you can get away with taking someone up on that offer!
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mamthew · 7 years
On FFXV’s Episode Ignis
I played Final Fantasy XV's latest story DLC today, and it affected me enough that I want to write a review or something on it real quick. I won't include spoilers for either it or the main game; I just wanna organize my thoughts on it.
So this DLC, Episode Ignis, is the third DLC chapter based around a party member and the fourth (or sixth, depending on your perspective) story DLC release. FFXV is structured in such a way that you can play it on its own and understand it perfectly well, but the story's full impact is much improved by absorbing all of its side projects (with the exception of A New Empire, the terrible strategy mobile game that has literally nothing to do with the story at all).
Basically, this means you could just play FFXV - and enjoy a very good story about some fun characters - or you could play it, watch the movie, watch the anime miniseries, play the platinum demo, play the 'A King's Tale' arcade-style beat 'em up, play the three DLC episodes, play the multiplayer 'Comrades' DLC, play the free Assassin's Creed tie-in story DLC (which is surprisingly both really fun and absolutely canon), play the special extra addition to chapter 13, play the two mobile games based on games that exist within the universe, and play the VR fishing game - coming away with a very different understanding of the story and universe of the game. I'm a sucker for stories that are spread out over tons of different mediums, so I'm all for this.
Over the course of two hours, this particular DLC - like Episode Gladio and Episode Prompto before it - shows us what happened to its titular character during a particular point in the story that we couldn't see while playing the main game. Noctis, the protagonist, is unconscious for the events of the DLC, and Ignis is doing everything in his power to save him. Of all the DLC episodes, this one is probably the one with the most bearing on the main story, which makes it a little frustrating that it's the last one to drop.
But before I get into that: the gameplay of this DLC is super fun. Like...really fun. Ignis has three elemental weapon types, so you can easily switch between dealing heavy fire damage to a single enemy, fighting off a clumped group of enemies with ice, and zipping between and electrically shocking several spaced apart enemies. Comboing racks up both a damage multiplier and a super attack gauge, rewarding players who don't let up the heat. Dodging and then countering enemy attacks with the right timing keeps enemies from interrupting combos and successful counters also heal a good chunk of the health bar. The DLC is broken into three chapters, and the first chapter has a fairly good-sized overworld where you can collect letters and other lore, or clear enemies out of sectors in a simple but entertaining territory control system. Ignis also Macgyvers himself a sweet grapple gun, giving him the ability to Batman from rooftop to rooftop through the dilapidated city where much of the DLC is set. The second chapter is a fairly linear run in which Ignis and another character stealth past some enemies and absolutely ruin some others. The third chapter is all cutscenes and a few visually stunning back-to-back boss fights. Also the DLC has an almost entirely original score, written by Yasunori Mitsuda, who did the score for Chrono Trigger and has agreed to work with Square again for the first time in almost twenty years because he loves Ignis so much. Just...this DLC is absolutely worth the five bucks they're asking for it.
Okay but story stuff. Ignis was possibly my least favorite character in FFXV, and now he is my favorite. Straight up. Like the other two character episodes, this one includes some flashbacks to the character's life before the events of the game and fleshes out some of his relationships with the other characters, but it also successfully does something both of the other DLCs came short of achieving: it recontextualizes everything Ignis does in the story from that point forward. Ignis discovers some information that no one else in the party knows or ever finds out, and he keeps it to himself, and the fact that he has this knowledge completely changes the meaning behind every line Ignis says and every subtle motion he makes in every cutscene. It makes him a vastly more interesting character, and it also adds a new layer of dramatic irony; you, the player, now know that all the assumptions the other characters make about Ignis's motivations are entirely wrong.
The DLC also comes with an alternate ending to the game itself. I think they included this because some people didn't like the real ending, but as someone who loves the real ending, I'll say that this new ending doesn't suit the story of the game but functions marvelously as an example to players of just how much Ignis would have been willing to do for his friends if he had been given the chance. It's a mediocre ending, but it's a great character moment and definitely worth looking at. Though definitely wait to look at it until you've beaten the game or it'll spoil you pretty good.
My biggest issue with this DLC is just how spoilery it is. It takes place during Chapter 9, and I want to tell people to play it directly after that chapter, but the main story has several huge flash forwards to the final cutscene, and the end credits includes a (beautifully cut) montage of scenes from throughout chapters 10-15, reshot from Ignis's perspective. This means anyone playing it chronologically will see a good chunk of the ending, and then every major story beat leading up to that ending, while anyone playing it right at the beginning of Chapter 15 will still see the ending too soon. But anyone playing it after they've beaten the main story will have to then go back and replay a good five chapters of story (During which Episode Prompto and the Comrades multiplayer DLC take place) just to see Ignis in this new light. It's a bit of a conundrum, and one for which I don't think I'll ever have a good answer.
That being said, I'm off to replay the last five chapters of FFXV, including Episode Prompto and Comrades. I'm a loser like that.
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
I Feel It Coming (Prompto x Reader)
Character: Prompto Argentum
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Songfic
Title: I Feel It Coming
  Summary: Prompto and Y/N are spending some time together at his place to have some intimacy and everything is perfect. Until Y/N suddenly starts to feel insecure, to which her boyfriend does his best to cheer her up.
WARNING: Extremely fluffy and cute! It gets a bit too real towards the end, though! Also, mentions of anxiety!
A smile spread across my lips when his gently brushed against my back. Then my neck. I giggled and hid my face in the pillow, but didn’t open my eyes.
I heard him getting up. Then a mischievous chuckle as he happily plonked down in the bed, making it sink and making me bounce a little with the heavy movement.
“Y/N” Prompto sang playfully, poking my side ever so lightly to make me stir around a little.
As soon as I shoved my face away from the pillow, he took the opportunity to peck my cheek, his arm falling over my torso as he pulled me closer to him.
I groaned lazily, not wanting to get out of bed. It was so nice and comfortable!
“C’mon, I gotta go on my morning run!” His hand settled on my hip, shaking me lightly to urge me. “Get outta bed!”
I frowned, feeling childish even if he found it adorable judging by the chuckle he made. I snuggled closer to him, hiding in his chest, to make sure he stayed there with me.
After all, Prompto was the best thing of waking up in the morning. It had been practically the only times ever that I woke up in a good mood instead of sleepy, tired and grumpy. All thanks to him.
Tenderly putting my hair away since it had fallen all over my face, he mumbled compliments to me. Saying that I looked adorable and beautiful in the morning and that he couldn’t wait to get back from his morning run to spend the rest of the day with me. You know, do stuff together and maybe go out.
A clear insinuation to get out of bed already.
“At least open those gorgeous eyes of yours so I can see them before I leave!” My boyfriend complained, playfully kissing my cheek.
Immediately after, he used his secret weapon. His lips touched my nose, which always made me giggle and he knew it.
I opened my eyes and was received by that look of utter adoration as he stared lovingly at me, a tender smile on his lips. I grinned in delight, feeling so lucky and grateful for having him.
Spending a whole week together had been the best idea. Ever since we started dating, we had been pretty busy and didn’t really have much time to ourselves.
So we thought, what better way to have some intimacy than staying at his place together? I gladly gathered my stuff to temporarily move to his apartment.
We still were a little on the shy side when it came to being affectionate, but at least we were over our initial awkward phase in which we were too timid to even hold hands.
We were mainly heavy on the cuddles, pecks and cuteness. Sometimes we kissed a little, but nothing too hardcore since we were kinda embarrassed still. But there definitely was a lot of playfulness, which surelly dragged on from our friendship before we became a couple.
However, waking up next to him, innocently sharing a bed as he wrapped his arms around me, was the best thing ever. And this same routine had been repeated every morning so far.
“Morning!” He finally said when I met his glance, smiling so broadly that his eyes almost closed.
He always seemed to put off jogging every morning to spend some more time with me, using as an excuse that he wanted to make sure I didn’t need anything before he left. Which also served as an excuse for me to get up already.
Seeing as I had opened my eyes, he left the bed leaving his spot empty.
“Wait, Prom” I whined, holding his hand and softly tugging at it. “Come here”
“What?” He chuckled cheerfully, leaning closer to me.
“Come, I wanna tell you something”
“Then speak up!”
“No, I’m sleepy!”
He let out a fake dramatic sigh and leaned even closer to me.
“What is it, cutie?”
I observed him for a moment in silence before I smirked evilly and held him by the shirt, yanking him towards me until he lost balance and fell on the bed again.
Once he was laying down next to me again, I lowly giggled because my plan worked, so I held onto his arm to keep him close.
“No!” Prompto giggled heartedly, making me smile. “I can’t believe I fell for that again!”
“It’s not my fault that you fall for that lame trick every time”
“Let me go, oh beautiful Muse!” As usual, he was being an adorable nerd. “Rid me of your temptation!”
I was laughing at his act, but I started laughing out loud when he blew raspberries on my arm so I would actually let go of him. He began tickling me too, which resulted in an explosion of very loud laughter and me wiggling around as I tried to escape him.
The only thing that made it all more perfect was the sound of his beautiful mischievous chuckles.
“Fine, you can go!” I shouted in the hopes that it would be enough to release me from that soft torture.
As in command, Prompto stopped tickling and blowing raspberries on me. He stroke my hair a few times before leaving a determined kiss on my forehead and finally jumping to his feet with great energy.
“Trust me, I don’t want to leave your side even for one second” He said as he put the running shoes on. “But I gotta stay in shape”
“In that good-looking shape” I stood up and briefly lifted his shirt to reveal his abs before he inevitably put it back in place.
I took every chance that I had to embarrass him a little just to see him blushing and being all shy and adorable. Plus, it was really funny and amusing.
“Y/N!” He whined, blushing so much that his freckles stood out.
I smirked and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
“See you later, sunshine” I told him, walking to the bathroom to freshen up and try to wake up a little.
“Be back in a flash, cutiepie” Prompto winked at me before he put his earphones on and left the house.
I absently heard Prompto walking out of the bathroom, done with his shower, the sound of his bare feet treading on the wooden floor approaching me in the kitchen.
“Whatcha doing?” He was already hugging me from behind, chin resting on my shoulder. His voice was even more upbeat than usual, if that was possible.
“I’m no Ignis Scientia” I joked, looking over my shoulder to him. “But this morning I’m actually trying to prepare breakfast”
“Aw” In appreciation, he stretched to kiss me in the cheek. “You don’t have to”
“It’s nothing really... I was too afraid to burn the house down and I’m just making toasts” I turned my head to look at him, smiling in amusement.
He slightly craned his neck to actually watch what I stood over, and when he spotted the toaster he snapped. Prompto suffocated his laughter on my shoulder, his whole body shaking over mine as he giggled. I shrugged a little, even if his little noises were contagious.
The toasts jumped up at the same time, startling me like they always did. I jolted up in surprise between Prompto’s arms, which stopped him from laughing. Only to start another fit of softer giggles.
Laughing to myself, I gently tore him away from me.
“You’re such a nerd, Prom-Prom” I playfully told him, getting a plate to put the four toasts over it.
“And you’re just adorable” I jolted up yet again when I felt his palm against my butt.
I had seen him do that to Noct so many times, but it was the first time he did it to me. However, I knew it was his odd way of showing comradery, and it felt great to know he also saw me as a best friend without even needing to hear the words.
Leaving a brief kiss on my hair as he passed me by on his way to the fridge, my boyfriend went to put some strawberry marmalade over his toasts. I heard a crunch as he took the first bite, but I snorted in laughter when I took a better look at him.
“Aw, look at your cute flat hair!” I teased him, shuffling my fingers through his soft wet hair to mess it up even more.
I knew how he was with his hair, always making sure it looked perfect. Always styling it, even to go on his morning run. It was hilarious and oddly endearing.
With the toast still in his mouth, he whined like a little kid.
“Let’s eat already so you stop picking on me” His tone was offended and annoyed, but his arm wrapped around my waist regardless.
I gladly followed him to the couch, where knowing us we would spend the majority of the day. Just being lazy and cuddling, which was alright by me.
His favorite position. Prompto laying his head in my lap while I played with his hair, his fingers filling the empty spaces between mine.
Almost falling asleep, he yawned big like a lion and sat up rather spryly. When he placed his head on my shoulder and wiggled around, getting comfortable, I already knew what he was about to say.
I knew him far too well already.
“Y/N” The blond mumbled, with the same tone that a child would use to ask for something. “Can we go out?”
“Don’t you prefer staying in and cuddling? Maybe playing videogames?” It would be hard for him to refuse my offer.
It was true that Prompto adored the outdoors, he was far too restless to stay home being lazy even if it was cozy and warm. But what he loved almost as much was cuddling and being super affectionate and mushy with me. It was a tough call.
My boyfriend sighed in defeat and sat up straight to look me in the eyes.
“You wanna stay in, don’t you?” He asked me, resigned.
“Yep” I smirked smugly, not willing to give in.
“You know what that means, then” Prompto pursed his lips together in a funny way.
He then placed his closed fist over his palm, ready to solve the conflict.
“I win, we stay in” I mumbled, mimicking his gesture and getting ready myself. “I lose, we go out and do whatever you want”
“Even go Chocobo riding?” Prompto squeaked in delight.
“Even Chocobo riding” I nodded, smiling at how cute he got when he was all excited like that.
“Fine, but if I win I also get a kiss” He put that cool smirk of his, which was actually incredibly attractive. “And if you don’t lose I get a kiss”
I chuckled at his goofiness and nodded.
“You got a deal, mister”
We defiantly locked eyes, preparing for our deadly match of rock, paper, scissors. We faced an epic battle of wits in which I ended up winning.
Good old Prompto always chose scissors, probably without even realizing, so all I had to do to easily win was draw rock. I had learned that soon because we always settled our differences with a quick round of rock, paper, scissors.
“Ye-he-hes!” I laughed upon my victory, throwing my arms up in the air.
“Whatever” All cute and sulky, Prompto rested his back against the arm rest and crossed his arms over his chest.
I heartedly giggled, taking him by the arms and tugging at them so he would open them and I had some space. Then, I sat between his spread legs and rested my back on his chest, then wrapping his arms around myself.
I heard him chuckling in spite of himself with this, making me smile smugly.
“It’s not fair” His lips brushed my neck, ever so gently, as his arms reinforced his grip around my stomach. “You always win!”
“Maybe I wouldn’t if you stopped sucking” I teased him, lolling my head back on his shoulder to show him my cheeky grin.
“How dare you disrespect me like that!” He squeezed my sides enthusiastically, something that he adored doing, making me yelp and jump up because I was extremely ticklish. And he knew. “Apologize right now!”
“No!” I squirmed around, trying to get him to stop. “Never! You’re a bad loser!”
“You’re a bad winner!” He tried to be serious, but ended up laughing a little.
“Okay, you don’t suck!” I shoved myself off him and tried to scoot away from his reach.
“And what else?” He playfully wiggled his fingers in what was a clear menace to start again.
“Oh, great Prompto Argentum, you’re the best gunman and boyfriend in the world!”
“That’s better”
I rested my back against the couch and breathed heavily once I managed to hold his hands and stop him from torturing me any further, just in case his withdrawal was just a trick. 
My boyfriend observed me in amusement, a cute smirk plastered on his enticing lips.
“There’s your morning workout” Prompto was still laughing, so much that I hardly even understood him. “You’re welcome”
“You little…” I chuckled in spite of myself, not being able to get annoyed at him in the slightest. Overall with that cute little face of his.
“If I’m not wrong, you owe me a kiss” He insisted, not being bothered by me at all. “So pay up, gorgeous”
I rolled my eyes dramatically, but I noticed how that grin was permanently etched on his lips. It was a beautiful smile.
I obliged knowing I wanted it as much as he did, so I leaned closer, absently getting comfortable in the seat.
When our lips connected, my eyes shut themselves to further enjoy the amazing feeling of his warm mouth against mine. The butterflies in my stomach that sent a tingling sensation all over my skin. The welcoming feeling of belonging with him.
We suddenly found ourselves being too thirsty, needing the affection more even though we were having it at that exact moment. We just needed more, we couldn’t get enough of each other.
As soon as the passion took over and the kiss deepened, all chaste and innocent forms of affection went out the window. And with them, my confidence.
I was just content with kissing Prompto, even if it was the first time that we got more heated up. Even if it was the first time so far that we were connecting in a more intense way. And he seemed to be just as happy and comfortable.
But of course, I couldn’t even have that. My brain wouldn’t let me.
It wasn’t because I didn’t want it, but because an obnoxious little voice in the back of my head was telling me that I was messing it up. That I had no experience in that field, that he wasn’t going to like my poor and clumsy attempts at kissing him.
“Slow down” I started to freak out a little, needing to break away, when an alarm broke in my head.
The lack of his lips against mine made my mouth feel empty and cold. I wanted to smash my mouth against his again, but my body wouldn’t heed the order.
“But I really wanna kiss you! Let me try, okay?” His eagerness, his need to display his affection, eased my nerves. “There’s no rush, I’ll take it slow”
Tell me what you really like Baby I can take my time We don't ever have to fight Just take it step-by-step
His reminder gave me the strength to consent. He was telling me that I didn’t need to be afraid or insecure, that we could take our time and that we didn’t have to rush.
For a second I had forgotten how wonderful Prompto was, how respectful and understanding as well as thoughtful. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
Our lips met again, this time in a very gentle way. Our mouths slowly moved in sync, still softly. He kept on the rhythm, respecting my pacing.
It was cathartic when the kiss made me forget about the world, when I was rid from any thoughts that didn’t have to do with him. 
Needing more, craving him, I deepened the kiss by placing a hand in his nape and pushing him closer. Prompto let out a tiny moan of satisfaction that sent butterflies to my stomach.
His hands blindly looked for mine until they found the warm touch and he held onto them. Our kiss was sweet, loving and just wonderful.
His thumbs caressed the back of my hand, so tenderly that pleasant shivers went all over my spine. He mumbled something before locking lips again.
Everything was perfect. His hands over my hands, his lips caressing my lips, our eyes shut in pure bliss, our hearts beating as one, the heat from our bodies adding onto the warmth we felt with how much more intense the kiss got by the second.
Absolutely perfect.
And in a second, everything collapsed. I had been feeling pure joy, feeling the luckiest person in the world because I was in love with someone who loved me just as much, maybe even more.
But my stupid insecurities and anxiety had to ruin everything, of course. As they always did.
I quickly pulled away, scooting a little further from Prompto and shutting my eyes tight as I cringed.
I tried to tell myself that my worries were stupid. He was not like him.
“Y/N?” Soon came Prompto’s voice, soft as a whisper and with a hint of hurt in his tone. “Did I… Did I do something wrong?”
“No” I immediately answer, perhaps too fast.
His eyes were piercing me, reading me. He knew I was lying, Prompto knew me too well and was always saying how he could read my mind just by looking into my eyes.
I can see it in your eyes 'Cause they never tell me lies I can feel your body shake And the heat between your legs
“Why did you…?”
“Because I’m stupid, that’s why”
“What… what happened? Why would you say that, Y/N? You’re not stupid!”
“I just need a moment, okay?” I closed my fists in frustration, trying to convince myself that everything was okay because I knew it was.
Even if a tiny voice at the back of my head insisted that it wasn’t.
“Okay…” My boyfriend said quietly, patiently sitting back.
The worst part was that Prompto probably didn’t even realize what he had done. And even if he did, he didn’t know it was why I was cringing. Because it had been the most innocent and loving thing, a wholesome display of affection.
What he had ‘done wrong’ was caress me. His thumb gently tracing circles in the skin of my hand followed by his low ‘let me know if this annoys you’.
It reminded me of my ex-boyfriend, because he always did that too. A stupid guy who pretended to be extremely cute and romantic just to please me even though all he wanted was to get in my pants and disregarded my emotions completely. Especially when I told him that I didn’t want to go that far and he broke up with me, showing me how he really felt even though I really believed he loved me. He never cared about me.
The difference was that Prompto wasn’t like him. Prompto cared. When Prompto caressed me it wasn’t an empty gesture to pretend, it was a genuine show of his affection.
And when Prompto told me ‘let me know if this is annoying’ he said it because he was insecure and was terrified of doing something that could upset me. Not because he wanted to appear cute and caring when he really wasn’t.
I knew all of this, but my anxiety made a great deal of everything. Maybe to try and protect me, to avoid getting hurt again. To avoid getting my heart broken once more.
It was throwing all those insecurities in my face again, reminding me that if my ex-boyfriend didn’t love me there must have been a reason. What if it happened with Prompto too?
“You know you can tell me anything” Prompto’s voice startled me a little, despite his ginger and cautious tone. He paused when I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Right?”
I analyzed Prompto’s expression, feeling terrible for making him go through this when he hadn’t done anything to deserve it. When, even if he had, he didn’t deserve anything bad to come to him.
His wonderful blue eyes, which I always told him were made out of breathtaking galaxies, stared at me in concern. His thin eyebrows furrowed sadly, conforming that overall hurt expression that reminded me of that of a puppy. His soft pink lips were pursed together in a thin line, trying to repress all those feelings that were surely stirring inside him.
“It’s my fault” I whispered, suddenly scared to speak too loudly, for a reason that I didn’t get.
“If… if I did something wrong, please tell me” His hand reached out for me for a second before he hesitated and put it back over his leg, afraid to upset me even further. “I wouldn’t want to do anything that…”
“That’s the thing, Prom, you haven’t done anything wrong” I chuckled sarcastically, not believing that I was messing up something perfectly fine like it was our relationship. “It’s my stupid anxiety playing tricks on me”
“Your anxiety?!” He exclaimed, concerned, before getting silent again.
I had told Prompto about it and about all the issues it brought me. After all, I trusted him so much that it felt like I could tell him anything, even my deepest secrets, even those things I had never told anyone. Not even my family, not even my closest friends.
But Prompto… it was so easy speaking with him… he was such a great listener and always knew how to comfort me no matter what. He never judged me for the things I told him, he just felt grateful that I opened up to him and felt honored to be seen as trustworthy.
“Did I overwhelm you?” Prompto suddenly said, outraged with himself.
“No, all you did was just caress the back my hand with your thumb, which he always did!”
“I didn’t even realize I was doing that…” Prompto blushed a little, embarrassed that he had those unconscious gestures. “But then I did something wrong, didn’t I? You’re upset because of something I did!”
“No!” I urged to reassure him. “Not you! It’s my stupid ex-boyfriend!”
“Oh” His outrage soon faded to be replaced with realization and misery. “I see, you still-“
“For the Gods, Prompto” I had to chuckle at the ridiculous situation. “I’m just insecure because of him”
“Oh! Okay, that’s... Wait, why are you insecure?”
“Because of so many things…” I sighed, feeling how my face turned into a scowl.
I felt awful for ruining the moment like that. And it wasn’t the first time either, the first time that things that didn’t have to do with Prompto got in the way of us.
I was just scared of fully committing to our love. Because of all the things I had went through with my latest boyfriend, I was terrified of ruining my currently relationship. Which was a paradox, because it was the fear of ruining it what was actually ruining it.
You've been scared of love and what it did to you You don't have to run, I know what you've been through Just a simple touch and it can set you free We don't have to rush when you're alone with me 
Stupid anxiety and stupid ex-boyfriend.
“Tell me what you’re insecure about” He insisted, comfortably crossing his legs in the seat. “I’ll make you see that even those flaws are virtues for me”
“I don’t...”
“Aha!” I knew what he was trying to do with his playful mood, he was trying to leave behind that serious moment and see me smile again. “You just can’t think of anything, right? Because you’re perfect!”
I smiled in spite of myself, finding his goofiness so endearing, especially since it was deliberate to make me happy.
“You’re being silly” I rolled my eyes, averting my gaze when I felt myself blushing. 
“No, you’re being silly” He booped my nose as he spoke. “Tell me one, come on, I dare you”
I sighed, debating whether I should talk to him about it or not. I knew it would be one of the few chances I would get to speak my true feelings and get it off my chest, but it felt vain and awkward to confess such things.
I glanced at Prompto, telling myself I would decide judging on his expression. He stared at me intently, eager to hear what I had to say. A small smile played on his lips, playful and sweet like himself.
“When I get excited” I piped up, tilting my head to the side while wondering how he would react to my confession. “I get so annoying when I’m excited about something… I talk about it for hours and hours and get really loud and…”
“Are you kidding me?” Prompto exclaimed, bouncing on the couch like a kid. “That’s one of the things I like most about you!”
“What?!” My eyebrows shot up on their own, taken aback by his words.
“You’re passionate about your books and your shows and stuff” The blond slowly held my hands in his. “You’re adorable when you get excited, and I love listening to you telling me about all these things that make you happy! Especially since you’re willing to share that part of yourself with me”
I was left speechless for a moment, gawking at him in utter disbelief. It was the first time that someone told me what I thought was annoying was adorable for them.
The best thing about it all was that I knew Prompto wasn’t lying. Not only because he was a bad liar, but because I could see it in his eyes. He wasn’t just saying it to shut me up, to content me: Prompto genuinely meant what he said.
Thinking back to those certain moments in which I began fangirling about something, I knew it was true by his reaction. By the way he intently listened to my every word, how he smiled to himself and observed me carefully, nodding his head to let me know he was listening. How his eyes were filled with this absolute love and adoration.
I smiled at the thought.
Upon seeing that insecurity was suddenly gone with his words, his timid smile grew huge in his face. Prompto was excited like a puppy when he bounced in the couch again.
“Go on, try something else!” My boyfriend tugged at my hands nervously. “I bet you it’s something I adore about you”
I shook my head with a tiny smile, mentally thanking him for the effort. Even if it felt awkward to be openly telling him all those things, but it felt relieving all the same.
“I’m clumsy” I finally admitted as soon as it crossed my mind. “I’m always dropping things and stumbling over my own two feet or accidentally hurting myself. I’m sure you find that exasperating”
“Wrong” He showed me a self-satisfied smirk. “I find it amusing”
“Excuse me?” I let out an offended chuckle.
“I mean, once I make sure you’re okay!” He cutely laughed. “That little face you make when you know you’ve embarrassed yourself is adorable!”
“It’s not adorable” I whined, probably blushing really hard. “I’m mortified, making a fool out of myself in front of you!”
“That’s not true!” Prompto sweetly placed my hair behind my ear, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. “I get to look all manly when I catch you before you fall or when I take care of you when you accidentally get hurt”
Again, I thought back to moments like those. When I tripped and Prompto had enough reflexes to hold me up before I could land on the floor.
How he let out a genuine guffaw and let me lean on him as he still supported my weight, laughing a little. How he tenderly asked if I got hurt and how he would laugh so much harder when I told him I wasn’t. And how he would leave a tiny peck on my cheek as we continued walking.
How he got so worried those times when he wasn’t fast enough to stop me from falling or getting hurt because of my own clumsiness. He never laughed, he actually freaked out.
Prompto always comforted me and hugged me, gingerly healing whatever superficial cuts or bruises I might have gotten and asking me a thousand times if I was okay before he apologized for not being able to catch me and avoid the situation. And he would always put an arm over my shoulders as he asked me yet once more if I was alright once it had all passed.
I tried to think of something else, already feeling more comfortable on the subject and in my own skin. Feeling confident to tell him about my inner struggles because, after all, he always told me about his own once I made him see he could.
It was the first time in my life that someone allowed me to completely pour my emotions onto them like that, that they let me get rid of that enormous weight being aware that it was becoming a burden.
But when I thought of something to tell him, my stomach suddenly felt heavy.
“Alright, my anxiety” I noticed my hands were shaking in his as I spoke up, my voice breaking a little too.
Out of all the insecurities I had, having anxiety was the biggest one. I was a mess: feeling overwhelmed by the smallest things, being extremely sensitive, panicking out of the blue because of nothing, needing constant support and validation…
Ever since I started having anxiety –and luckily, I was feeling much better once the attacks stopped, even if sometimes I couldn’t breathe without having an anxiety attack –my previous insecurities doubled. Who would be able to truly love such a mess? Who’d love someone who was constantly freaking out over the smallest things and always needing to be looked after?
Prompto’s euphoric mood instantly shifted into a grave one. Even though his hands never dropped mine, his beautiful blue eyes looked away from me and he sighed sadly.
“Alright, I’ll give you that one” His voice was flat and stern.
“See? I’m a mess…” I confessed, finally voicing that burden in an attempt to free the weight off my chest.
“What? No, no!” He quickly uttered as his eyes locked with mine again. “That’s not what I meant!!”
“Then…” I trailed off, not really knowing what was going through his head.
“I hate that you have anxiety, but you’re not a mess, Y/N” He finally let go of one of my hands, just to cup my cheek lovingly. “I hate it because seeing you having such a bad time because of it is the worst”
My eyes started watering when I realized what he was trying to say. Prompto didn’t mind that I had anxiety because it made me a mess, but because it made me suffer. And that was the most beautiful thing I had been told, it was far more beautiful than any compliments and caresses I could ever get.
“It breaks my heart every time I see you’re eating your head because of it, or when I notice you’re shaking and gasping for air” Even though there was obvious pain in his words, his tone was soft like velvet, a gentle whisper. “Or just when you get sad or thoughtful all of a sudden, when you don’t feel like doing anything. And I do my best to change that”
I stared into his galaxy eyes, deeply moved by his confession. A lump formed in my throat, and I refused to speak up in case it broke and caused me to shed my tears.
Prompto kept on talking over my loud silence.
“But you know what? Even that has a good side” Pausing for a second with a sad smile, he pecked my lips gingerly before he continued. “It makes me feel useful”
It was getting harder and harder to keep the tears back. But at least they weren’t bitter tears anymore, but emotional and happy ones.
“Useful?” I uttered cautiously, keeping my volume at a minimum.
“Yeah” The blond let out a small sarcastic chuckle to himself. “Thinking that I help you through it, that when I hold you in my arms I make it better for you… When my embrace stops you from shaking and you finally can breathe... At least I feel like I have a way of making you happy when you’re hurting”
The pure honesty and heartfelt emotions that his voice was dripping with threw a wave of fondness all over me. I couldn’t stop myself as I threw my arms around him, squeezing him tight in what was probably our neediest and most urgent embrace.
“You always know what to say” I felt so moved by his sincerity and his immense love for me that I knew I was going to cry this time. “You always manage to make me feel better”
For a full five seconds, Prompto froze and didn’t move. But then he relaxed his posture, his shoulders sinking under my arms, and he laughed a little out of sheer joy.
His hands found home in my back as his arms wrapped around my frame, tenderly keeping me as close to him as possible. Especially when he felt how my body convulsed with the sobs that gave away my tears.
“Y/N…” Came his whisper, dumbfounded and empathetic. “Are you crying?”
His hand frantically moved from my back to my head a couple of times as he silently panicked, trying his best to comfort me. He gave me a moment to recover a little as he held me tight, one hand in my back and the other in my head in the end.
“I love you” I was aware of the fact that it was the first time I told him, but for once I didn’t freak out and make a huge deal out of it.
Because I genuinely felt it, I needed to tell him and I needed him to know. I wanted him to know, I wanted him to feel loved and to feel good about himself and what he had just done, because it felt like he was starting to fix issues that had been messing me up for a very long time.
It felt like Prompto had appeared out of nowhere, destined to make everything good for me when I thought such thing was impossible, magically fixing me one step at a time.
I broke the hug and stared at him for a moment, lovingly, fondly and in awe.
“I love you t-“ He was starting to say, laughing in surprise, when my lips shut him up.
I could feel my tears falling still, but I also could feel my chest heaving with a soft guffaw of laughter that was muffled against his mouth. Of pure, immense happiness.
The kiss was soft, but passionate. Sweet but hungry. Deep but wholesome.
My hands flew to the back of his head as my fingers found the ends of his soft fluffy hair and gently tugged at it, wanting to get all of him.
His hands pushed me even closer to him, until my front was against his and we both moved to lean on the arm of the couch we were still sitting in.
We lovingly stared into the other’s eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes filled with galaxies that observed me fondly and made me feel unique, special, lucky even.
A tiny smile appeared on his lips, one that I was sure he wasn’t even aware of. 
“Is it okay if I caress you then?” His hands restlessly rested on his knees, ready to find home in mine. “If you want me to”
“Of course” I wanted to try it with Prompto, because he had showed me how much he loved me and I trusted him. I knew it would be okay with him. “Just replace his empty caresses with your tender ones”
My words of encouragement made him smile as his hands took their time to find their way to mine. I heaved a sigh of happiness when he lifted them and interlaced his fingers with mine. 
You are not the single type So baby, this the perfect time I'm just trying to get you high And faded off this touch You don't need a lonely night So baby, I can make it right You just got to let me try To give you what you want
“Ow, I feel it coming!” He suddenly winced, throwing his hands to his chest in pain.
“Prompto?” I whispered in panic. “What’s wrong?”
“My heart!” There suddenly was an obvious mischievous grin on his lips as he opened his eyes to look at me, to let me see he was playing around.
“My love for you is too strong! My heart is throbbing against my chest, I need another kiss to calm it down!”
I rolled my eyes and giggled a little as I leaned closer to him, gently brushing my lips against his.
“Ugh, that’s better!” He uttered in exaggerated relief, smiling goofily to make me laugh. It worked.
I laughed as my heart felt warm and peaceful. He made me so happy.
“You scared me there for a moment” I said, placing a hand on his knee.
“How?! I’m such a bad actor!”
I shrugged, being unable to look away from him. I just loved him so damn much.
“You nerd” I cupped his face with my hands and attracted him closer to me, guiding his lips towards mine once more.
I feel it coming, I feel it coming, babe I feel it coming, I feel it coming, babe I feel it coming, I feel it coming, babe I feel it coming, I feel it coming, babe
A/N: Ever since I found this post of Robbie Daymond (Prompto’s voice actor) singing the song by The Weeknd, I couldn’t get this idea out of my head for the songfic, so here it was! Hope you liked it!
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cosmiciaria · 8 years
Final Fantasy XV [long] Review (minor spoilers!)
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This is going to be my first review here on Tumblr, and I thought, why not start with something that’s still boiling out there? 
FFXV was many things for me. It was one of the three reasons why I bought a PS4 (the other two being Persona 5 and… eventually, KH3); it was, in fact, the first game I played on that console! I went from having a PS2 to a complete and brand new PS4, and it was all so overwhelming and beautiful for me, that I couldn't not feel amazed by everything.
Ok, so let's clear something out of the table: did I like FFXV? Yes! I thought it was a good game. Was it perfect? Hell no, I'm not blind, people! But, is there anything outside that it's perfect? *cof cof don't throw The Last of Us at me cof*
FFXV was highly expected by the audience, and after '10 years' of waiting, they were thirsty for something innovative, fresh, new, creative and mind blowing. What we did get, nonetheless, was a game that was worth only the four or three years in development that it actually had. The so called Final Fantasy Versus XIII never saw the light of day, much to many people's disgrace, and all those years that supposedly the game was being developed vanished entirely from the face of earth. What happened, we'll never truly know, and one can only speculate.
Me, personally, I wasn't interested in FFvXIII. It wasn't until this game was rebranded as FFXV that it caught my attention. And with each trailer, I grew more and more hyped. I started being a fan of Final Fantasy games in late 2014, when I was in my most stressed month of first year of college, and I needed something to clear my mind after hours of studying. Final Fantasy games showed me that videogames can have plot!, can have good characters!, can have good plot twists!, can rip your heart out and twist it in their hands and then give it back to you all broken and shattered! So, of course I was going to be hyped for this game: it had a prince, it had four handsome characters, it had an awesome car, it had magic and it had crystals. A complete score for me.
FFXV, for those who haven't played it, is about the heir of the Kingdom of Lucis: Noctis. Noctis isn't your average prince: he's more the lazy kind of royalty child. And no, he's not emo. Yes, he likes his hair like that. Yes, he can see through it. Stop considering him as an emo. Play the game, you'll learn why. Anyway, Noctis's kingdom is in turmoil and fighting against the Niffleheim Empire, a technologically advanced country that's using the power of Magitek Troopers to submit as much as Lucis's territories as it can. Only Insomnia, the Crown City capital, remains safe behind its magical walls.
The political truce comes by the hand of Niffleheim chancellor Ardyn Izunia, a very funny character (and funny here meaning strange – oh I'm beginning to sound like Lemony Snicket) who's obviously up to no good. He proposes the marriage between Noctis, the prince of Lucis, and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, the Oracle of Tenebrae. This is kind of ironic here, because Luna and Noctis knew each other from when they were children, but that's another story. Go watch the anime Brotherhood.
The kingdom of Lucis accepts this truce, albeit with suspicious eyes. Noctis, unaware of his father's true plans, is sent on a trip with his boyfriends – I mean, best friends, to Altissia, the city in which he's gonna marry Luna. He's happy, though. So happy that he even jokes about it to his father.
The moment he leaves Insomnia, all hell breaks loose. His city is attacked, destroyed, massacred, and many other synonyms, and his father dies in battle. The truce was no truce at all, the marriage was a façade, and the whole purpose was to wipe the Lucis Caelum dynasty from the face of Eos. Noctis, with the help of his bros, has to reclaim back his throne (huh, ring a bell? Back cover of the game? No?), by requesting the help of the Six Astrals (a.k.a. gods, a.k.a. gameplay wise, summons) and by seeking the Royal Arms, weapons wielded by Lucis Kings of old, his forebears.
So that's the set up. You start here, and everything goes downhill.
I'm going with the bad news first: what did FFXV do wrong – so wrong that it makes you wanna throw the game and ask yourself 'why did I buy this! This is no FF at all!'?
The FIRST thing this game did wrong was to be rushed. Yes. People are still saying that this game was ten years in development: guess what, it wasn't! Until Tabata relieved Nomura as director, the game was going nowhere. They had little time to create something worth the wait of ten years, and, inevitably, things were going to get crazy for these people working under pressure. I DID feel the game was rushed in the last chapters after leaving Altissia. The chapters that occur on the train feel like a plot device: we're moving, but there's nowhere to go, but the plot goes on, and so you gotta go on too, go with the flow, don't ask questions, just go there, do the thing, come back here, sit down, keep doing it. In one moment, after losing Prompto to that fall and witnessing the demise of Tenebrae (well, 'witness', we arrived just after the attack), I was just sitting there, watching Noctis and Ignis having a conversation and asking myself 'why the hell are we here, where are we heading'. MANY things happen off screen, and it gets on my nerves every time I think about it: the transformation of emperor into Foras, a demon that hunts you down during Chapter 13; the betrayal of Ravus Nox Fleuret; whatever happened to Verstael (is that man still alive? I guess we won't know until Episode Prompto DLC). We also don't get to see the content of Kingsglaive movie and the anime Brotherhood in the actual game, so if you were expecting some kind of backstory for each character, sorry to disappoint you, you gotta watch 'em all.
Actually, I do wanna do a sidenote here: the anime is pretty good. It's short: only an hour long, and it provides you with a lot of info you'll be glad to have. Also, it makes you like the characters even more. Yes, the content should've been there in the game SOMEWHERE (we don't ask for much), but still, it's worth your time. Kingsglaive, on the other hand… yes, it provides with crucial information for the start of the game that you SHOULD know, but that's only some minutes in the movie. The rest is just Nyx's story, and we're not really here for Nyx, are we?
At any rate, the second thing people are complaining more about is the cut content. There are lands and lands and lands AND LANDS of explorable places in the game that you CAN'T reach. They're there, they were supposed to serve some purpose, but you can't touch them. Shuuu. Also, prior to the game, many trailers were released and many scenes shown there didn't make it to the final product. Where is Luna's backstory? Where is that kid Noctis and king Regis scene from the Dawn Trailer? Nope, not for you! Sorry to disappoint ya!
That doesn't bother me too much. I don't pretty much look at the cut content: it's not in the game, it shouldn't be taken into account while reviewing it. But it's there, I guess.
What it actually bothers me a lot, is that you can't control your whole party. You only control Noctis. And that's fine, when you haven't played Final Fantasy Type 0, which was directed by the same man here. And in FF T0 you can control and SWITCH between 14 characters. All the time. Whenever you want. Always. And you're left wondering how the hell was that possible in a PSP game, but not in a PS4 game. I wonder.
The third thing I personally hate about this game, is Luna. Really. She's such a wasted potential that makes me wanna hit something. Period. I shipped Noctis more with the car than with her (joking, actually I ship Noct with Iris, but that's just me).
ALRIGHT, let's go with the good news now! Hell, how did you manage to like the game after all this that you've mentioned?
Like? Like? I LOVED the game!
Bear with me a little longer.
Yes, the game it's flawed in more ways that should've been allowed. But it also does many things well. Very well. The core of the game is on its gameplay: addictive, fun, not so strategic at the beginning, but still worth it. I spent hours killing fiends just to feel the enjoyment of smashing that sword and warping around with the prince of pain! The game has many optional dungeons, and some of them are nightmares made flesh, and if you want even a harder challenge, you have the dungeons inside of the dungeons, which are even more nightmarish! There are optional bosses here and there. It'll take some time before you run out of things to kill in the game. And even then, you can try your platforming skills in the Pitioss Dungeon, although I'd advise you to take it easy, because you're gonna have a bad time. Trust me, I'm an enginstudent of law.
Alright, you don't like the gameplay? Still, there are plenty of things to enjoy. The visuals in the game are awestriking. I used to hate driving in the car, but now, I enjoy the view and I listen to the music of older FF's, because everything there is worth seeing. The amount of details put into the game is amazing: how things get wet when it rains, even the car's glass gets pixelated with drops; how Noctis and the others interact with the environment; how the AI is programmed to make them react to different things in different ways. Even when Ignis, while driving, takes his Ebony coffee, the can doesn't disappear into thin air, but it's instead placed in a coaster in the car. It's a tiny thing, but it's there, people worked on it and it deserves praise!!
Fine, fine, you're not looking for details. Ok. Then you gotta love the characters. The way they interect with each other. Yes, we didn't have backstory for any of them. We don't know where Prompto comes from, or what Gladiolus wants, or why Iginis is likes he is. But, who cares. The time you spend with your bros is where the real trip is. No wonder Tabata said he wanted to make the 'roadtrip with friends' the main idea of the game. You grow fond of them without even noticing it, you start caring for them, even more when bad things start happening to them! Oh, my god, could SOMEONE hug PROMPTO, FOR F*CK'S SAKE HE NEEDS A HUG RIGHT NOW!!
And it's not just the main characters: Aranea Highwind is such a good asset in your party, that people even found the way to force her permanently in your team! (although they say new patches have removed this glitch – unfortunately) Iris Amicitia, Gladio's sister, is also a good change of pace for the male party members. And, hey, what about the main villain? Ardyn Izunia may very well be one of the best antagonists ON EARTH. I just love him so much, him and his plans and his voice actor.
OKAY, you don't like any of this! What about the music? It's gorgeous, it makes you tear up and have goosebumps. I cry myself to sleep with the soundtrack!
Music either…? Alright, alright. Maybe the ending of the game will compensate for something. No? Fine… maybe, just MAYBE FFXV isn't for you. And I'm not judging you!! Between us, my favorite FF is FFX.
Anyway, yes! I loved the game! And I cried a thousand rivers! And I started a new game + right after finishing it while still having tears in my eyes! Because this game, flawed though it is, means a lot to me. Really. It has given me many laughs, many cries, and it has made me feel real friendship. It's been a long time since I don't feel something real coming from a story, but this game has made it.
At the end of the day, this is the story of four friends: Noct, Iggy, Prom and Gladio. It doesn't matter the future of the kingdom. It doesn't matter how this war is going to end. What's important is the time you spend together with them. And how they, slowly but steadily, make their way into the player's heart.
So now, I do have a soft spot for this game in my heart. Although I know it's not perfect, it makes me glad to see how many people out there are still supporting it, and how the development team 'keeps on keeping on, the only way they know how'.
If you ever liked a Final Fantasy game… please, just give it a shot. If not, you can come to me and complain all you want, but don't miss the chance of playing this awesome game.
My final verdict, is an 8 out of 10. Could've been better, but still worth it. Really worth it. 
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marse-pein · 8 years
I just wanna give my own opinion about Final Fantasy XV, since I finished it yesterday. It won’t be in-dept or anything like that, I’m not good with that, but just my own feelings about since it’s still fresh. More under the cut, since there will be spoilers:
Okay, so, this is one of those games I most likely will have to play again to fully understand it. I still have a lot of question marks when it comes to characters and just the story in all. 
The side quests are very, VERY addictive. But also a very good reason for not playing the final fight, lmfao. I actually played side missions for about a week before finishing the game. Mainly because it had one of those things that always, whether it’s in a game or anime or whatever, makes my heart ache. 
It’s a time skip. A 10 year time skip, to be exact. And it always breaks my heart, especially when you are in the middle of it. As you are playing as Noctis, the 10 year time skip hits you (or hits me) like a bus. I don’t like it, I never did. It gives me such a ache like augh. I can get very emotional about it.
But before the time skip, you have to go see Luna. Or well, that’s how it starts, but eh, more things happen lol. ANYWAY! You finally get to her, she gets fucking killed. I mean, she was already dying because of the ring, but she was brutally murdered by that bitch Ardyn. And then that scene afterwards, that beautiful scene with Luna and Noctis. Ouch, that was my first heartbreak. But it was a beautiful scene. Noctis reaching out to her, not even able to touch her dammit. It fucking sucked. 
And then Ignis went blind?! What the fuck?! Not cool bro, not cool at all! I never imagined that would happen, which is silly, because everything can happen. My heart ached even more, Noctis feeling so guilty about Luna and Ignis and just everything. 
Going a bit further than that; the train episode/level/however you wanna call it. Pushing Prompto off the train because you thought it was Ardyn; cruel man. Finding your friends, without the use of your usual weapons, was scary as hit for me. I didn’t sign up for this! Finding Prompto and the rest of the gang had me in tears; I was so happy! When you all get separated (again) after fighting Luna’s brother (his name escapes me right now), I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Leaving your friends alone with the deamons after that was terrible. But man, that crystal looked terrible. Also fuck you Ardyn. 
Man man, 10 year time skip? Too much bro, holy shit Noctis’ look. Very much like his father. But damn, did they look good in their uniforms. 
But ah yes, the final battle with Ardyn. No wait, first the one with... Efreet? No, Ifrit! That was boss, and that is how the game started as well. That was awesome, especially when you were able to summon Shiva. That ran chills down my spine, lol. 
Okay, Ardyn. Really not that hard, just had to watch your HP. I myself was level 51, so I didn’t had that much trouble. But the battle itself was quite awesome. After it ends, and Noctis sits on the throne, the former kings pierce trough him, and that even hurt me, especially when Regis dealt the last blow. 
So it ended, and ‘Stand by Me’ played with credits, while also hearing the gang pushing the car. Damn, I got emotional once again, with flashbacks to the beginning of the adventure. How it all started so simple as a car broken down, and how it all ended. Such things are not good for the heart. 
After that, you get the scene where they sat around the campfire for the very last time. And dammit Noctis, you made me cry again. The visuals in the scene, seeing Noctis’ facial expressions are just too gorgeous. “Knowing this is it, and seeing you here, now, it’s.... more than I can take.” Just pick me up and throw me away goodbye. 
More credits roll and you hear Regis read his letter to Luna. “May you two find happiness” as you see Noctis and Luna, happily married, falling asleep. Fuck. Fuck it all. 
sO YEAH some sort of conclusion? I loved it. Still, if you don’t play the side missions, the game can be very short. STILL AGAIN, it plays with your emotions, something I find really important in an RPG. 
This is my very first Final Fantasy I have played and finished, and I wouldn’t wanna miss it for the world.
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