#on one hand Raven who is already kinda on the mind
itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
So I've feel like I've started to get into the swing of things class-wise. And that means I feel I need to bring in some game time at night for myself.
But... I'm stuck on which game >3<
Help me pick, friends?~
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osaemu · 10 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: all good things come to an end, including your relationship—but don't worry, broken hearts can be mended, but only if you're both willing to try.
contents: fem!reader. you two break up and make up! you guys fight/break up over something that coulda been resolved with better communication. kinda suggestive ending, maybe i'll drop a part two if this does alright. satoru announces your break-up on his stream. longest fic i've posted so far, 4k words (kms).
author's note: the long awaited angst has finally arrived.. big thank you to @screampied for beta-reading!! tagging @yunymphs who read it early and @sutorus + @kentopedia who i both miss very much!!
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ever since you first joined satoru on his stream, it’s gotten way more popular than either of you could’ve ever expected. before he brought you onto his live, he was averaging about eight thousand views per stream. now, his average was well over fifteen thousand—and that wasn't even including the publicity he got from other websites. when satoru accidentally left the camera on while you two made out, you two went viral on twitter. and when another user tried to swipe him away, the clip got over a hundred thousand views on youtube.
at first, satoru didn't mind the change his stream was going through—in fact, he welcomed it. but lately, things have been… different.
last week, while satoru was playing in some competition, he won first out of hundreds of equally proficient players. had it been anyone else, their comments would've been filled with congratulations and good job's, but in his case, all satoru got were messages asking where you were. that wasn’t the first time—ever since that very first day, when you showed up on his stream, satoru’s audience has entirely shifted. and honestly, if you were in his position, you'd be a bit annoyed. anyone would be. 
but you had never expected that it would be so big of a deal that you and satoru—the "cutest couple on the internet"—would break up over it.
you walk along the chilly, suburban sidewalk up to your boyfriend’s house. satoru had just sent you a message asking if you could come over, and like always, you answered with an immediate yes. a flock of crows fly by, raven feathers providing a stark contrast between them and the pale gray sky around you. it’s gray and gloomy, but not unpleasant. 
a sweet, romantic song plays in your ears as you knock three times on satoru’s front door. his familiar voice calls out “coming!”, and you can hear his footsteps grow louder and louder until he swings open the door. satoru smiles down at you, cheeks already rosy from the cold winter air. “hey.”
you tilt your head and smile back at him. “that’s all i get? hey?” you huff, walking into his living room behind him as the door closes behind you. “d’you have any hot chocolate? i’m freezing,” you say, licking your lips. satoru turns and pauses, an unreadable expression on his face. “satoru?”
after a moment, your boyfriend snaps out of it. “oh, yeah, sorry,” he says ruefully. satoru rubs his eyes with one hand and uses the other to open the door to his bedroom, and as you follow him in, you’re hit with a blast of warm air. “i’m just kinda tired, but yeah, i have some hot cocoa in here. c’mon.”
“anything i can do for you?” you offer, sitting down on the corner of his bed. you’ve been to his house so many times that it feels like home—maybe even more so than your own place. everything about satoru’s room is comfortable, from his plush chairs to the faux-fur blankets draped over every single piece of his furniture. you could probably fall over at any given point and it wouldn’t actually hurt—you’d just land on something soft and/or fluffy.
but that wasn’t all that made you so in love with his home. it was just the way it felt—words couldn’t describe the way everything was just so right and just so perfect, and you really did hope that you’d never have to see a time where you wouldn’t be able to spend time with your boyfriend here.
it really is a shame that all good things had to come to an end. at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself as satoru finally told you why he called you over. unlike nearly every other time, it wasn’t because he missed you or wanted to cuddle—it was quite the opposite, really.
“i don’t think this is working.”
six words that shattered the life you had come to know and love.
“is this a joke?” you try, an unnerved smile spreading across your lips against your will. he doesn’t reply instantly, which is so out-of-character for him that it makes you stiffen up. “satoru, this isn’t funny—”
“i’m not kidding,” satoru murmurs, looking away. he refuses to meet your eyes, and some part of you is still desperately trying to find reason in the chaos that’s slowly taking over your mind. how could it be that everything was just fine two minutes ago and now it’s anything but that? did something happen? did you say the wrong thing? did you—
“it’s not funny,” you insist, still somehow clinging onto your slowly-dwindling hope. maybe you’re in denial, but still, you were sure that everything was fine—no, that everything is fine. there was no past-tense, right? how could the glass home you’d built with your bare hands just crash down at the throw of a pebble?
satoru finally meets your eyes, and your breath catches in your throat. there’s no amused glimmer in his eyes, no “just kidding” in sight, and even worse, you can’t even see an ounce of the love or adoration you’d come to grow so attached to in just a couple months.
“what happened?” you whisper, miraculously managing to keep yourself together. you’d never forgive yourself if you just started crying over a breakup you weren’t even sure was happening—what little’s left of your pride is holding on. you allow yourself to wrap your arms around your chest, curling into your own embrace. 
satoru doesn’t reply for a long second. right when you’re sure he just won’t reply, he does, and it all comes spilling out in a messy stream of words. “it’s just… i can’t do this anymore. i can’t keep going online and seeing everyone on my stream talking about you. i love you, i really do, but it’s just—” satoru shakes his head frustratedly. “i don’t know how to say it, but you know what i mean, right?”
your eyebrows furrow and you shake your head. “you’re breaking up with me because you’re tired of seeing me?”
“no, fuck,” satoru groans, running a hand through his hair. his previously cool and collected demeanor starts to fall apart as he takes a step back. “i don’t know how to explain it, but— shit, you wouldn’t understand.”
you swallow and start to stand up, still willing to try. “then help me understand, satoru, i—”
“you’ve seen the comments, and you’ve seen all the posts on twitter,” satoru says, tilting his head back and glaring at the ceiling. “it’s not your fault, but i really just can’t stand everyone disregarding me and turning my own stream into a youtube channel starring you.”
his words sting like alcohol in an open wound, and you fight the battle of your life to prevent the thousands of tears hiding behind your eyes from being visible. even so, your voice wobbles ever so slightly as you say “that’s a bullshit reason to break up, satoru—”
your boyfriend—is he even still your boyfriend?—scoffs and shakes his head, stumbling back and falling into his chair. "for you, it isn't. you wouldn’t understand. for me, it's like everyone's just... invalidating the three years i've spent on this shit. and i can't do it anymore, i just can't."
you blink slowly, backing away towards his bedroom door. "what does that mean?"
satoru exhales a bitter laugh and turns away, the back of his chair facing you. you think you can hear him take a soft, shaky breath as the room falls silent. neither of you make a sound before satoru turns back toward you, a blank look on his face.
he looks up at you, azure eyes devoid of the sparkle you've become so familiar with. satoru smiles sadly, but to your dismay, there's no real emotion behind it. it's almost like he's already accepted it when he says, "it means we—" he pauses and looks away. "this is over."
you reach out toward him, desperate to hold on to him—to the invisible string that ties you and satoru together, but he's just out of your grasp. "satoru, it isn't even that big of a deal, why are you—"
satoru turns and fixes you with a stern glare, and just like that, the string that kept you and satoru together for months, maybe years snaps, and you're left with a limp strand of what it once was. taking the hint, you walk out of his room in a daze, hardly noticing the way he says "i'm sorry".
and the worst part? he said he still loved you. but apparently that wasn’t enough.
satoru has every right to be annoyed that his stream is only growing because of you—his stream was the way he made money, and after all, it was never meant to be about you. 
and maybe he was never meant to be for you either.
the walk home is cold and lonely. you slip a hand into your pocket—the pocket of satoru's hoodie, which you should probably return to him—and extract your earphones. it probably isn't a good idea to wear both outside as you walk home, but you do it anyway—this day can't possibly get any worse.
a soft voice murmurs words of sorrow and encouragement in your ear as the music takes you to another world. maybe this—the breakup—was meant to happen. maybe it was a mistake to date a boy with thousands of fans.
as soon as you get home, your phone dings softly. you pick it up and frown when you see it's from toru. you'd have to change that name later.
toru: idk if u blocked me already but i still have a lot of ur things, do u wanna come pick them up later?
toru: or i can drop them off tmrw ig
you miss the way he used to text you—with an obnoxious amount of exclamation points and an even worse amount of emojis. now, it's like all of the flavor's gone from his words, and it hurts. that's when it actually settles in, that this is really over. it hurts like an icicle being driven straight through your heart, and it stings like one, too.
satoru's texts are left on delivered for five whole minutes before you reply, and it's only with an "i'll come by tmrw". he likes the message less than a minute later, and you're left to wallow in your misery alone until you finally drift off to sleep.
the next morning, you open your phone to a notification alerting you that satoru’ll be live on stream in ten minutes. curiosity kills the cat, but in this case, maybe it’d be worth it to see what he tells his viewers about your breakup. after all, there’s no way he wouldn’t tell them—he always had something to say about you, and he’d probably rather tell them for sure rather than let them come up with ridiculous theories on their own.
so you hastily make a new account using some email account you haven’t touched since middle school, trying a couple different passwords until you remember the one that works. the website hits you with a hundred questions, asking you about your favorite games and who’d you like to subscribe to first. you choose satoru, albeit after a second of hesitation. two minutes later, sparklingzebra672 joins your ex-boyfriend’s stream. you wait a second, holding your breath as the live loads. a brief moment later, satoru’s painfully familiar face appears on your screen.
“hey guys,” satoru says, forcing a smile on his face. even from behind a screen, you swear you can feel his eyes on you. “how’s everyone today?” 
the already unstable smile on satoru’s face falls when he opens the comments and gets greeted with a flurry of where’s your girlfriend’s. had you been anyone else, you probably wouldn’t have noticed the way satoru’s eyes dulled ever so slightly or the way he curled into himself, but being the girl who once knew him best, you could tell.
“oh, she won’t be back on here for… a while,” satoru starts, dancing around the topic. he leans back against his chair and tilts his chin up, azure eyes focused on the ceiling. “we broke up.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the way satoru’s comments explode. it’s almost like you can hear the shocked gasps coming from all fourteen—no, twenty thousand viewers as the words nobody thought would ever they’d hear from satoru are spoken.
suguru-geto: holy shit im so sorry 
toji-fushiguro: wait wtf r u kidding?? that's fuckin crazy
yuuji-itadori: omg i thought u guys were together forever :(
inumaki: chat is this real??
satoru shrugs, averting his eyes from the hundreds of comments pouring in, but you scroll through and read them all. everyone, even satoru’s haters, seems genuinely shocked. in fact, had this not been your own breakup, you would’ve been one of them, begging and pleading satoru for more details.
“yeah, we did,” satoru murmurs, eyebrows furrowing just enough for you to read his expression. now that you’re looking closer, you can see the subtle redness underneath his eyes—had he been crying too? and maybe you’re imagining it, but his hair seems a bit dishelved too. your ex-boyfriend shrugs, forcing his face back into his usual lighthearted expression, but it’s not fooling anyone.
satoru scowls at the new flood of comments asking him why you two broke up. some people are already hypothesizing—maybe it’s because you got jealous of his fame, or maybe he got sick of you. maybe you left him to go date some other streamer, or maybe—
“i’m actually gonna end the stream here, ‘cause i don’t really want to deal with all of this right now,” satoru says with a frown. his eyes are narrowed irritably as a couple users protest, still begging for more details. “you guys know that i’m a real person with my own life, right? fuck off.”
and just like that, the stream ends. you’re left with a blank screen and a message saying that satoru’s ended the live, so you shut your laptop. your stomach turns as you groan, just remembering that you have to go over to his place later to retrieve your things, and somehow, you’d have to pretend that you didn’t just stalk his stream to see if he’d say anything substantial about the breakup.
a couple minutes after the stream ends, your phone blows up—every mutual friend you and satoru have is messaging you about what he said, but you can’t bring yourself to open any of them. except for one.
suguru: r u ok?
you: yeah ig
suguru: do u want anything?
satoru’s best friend’s question catches you off-guard—there are a lot of things you want. you want this whole situation to go away. you want the world to disappear. and most of all, you want satoru back, without the online world attached.
but suguru can’t do any of those things, can he? so you leave him on read. 
somehow, you fall back asleep, tossing and turning in your bed without satoru’s steady arms to accompany you. a couple hours later, you wake up again, wincing from the dim sunlight that pours through your windows and directly into your eyes. it’s just past five, so you figure that you might as well go down to satoru’s house and get your things. better to do it now than drag it out for an uncertain amount of time.
the walk is shorter than you remember, but maybe it’s just the absence of music pouring into your ears that makes it seem that way. you watch the wilted autumn leaves flutter in the wind, falling down onto the sidewalk like pieces into place. once upon a time, you had walked these very streets with satoru—it’s a fond memory you remember only all too well.
when you finally step onto your ex’s doorstep, the door opens before you even have a chance to knock. and there he is—the boy who’d once been the love of your life. satoru looks down at you with an unreadable expression. “hey.”
you think you’ve seem this film before, and you didn’t like the ending.
satoru spares you from having to reply by opening the door wider and beckoning you inside. “i already put most of your stuff into a couple boxes, but i thought you’d wanna check on your own. just in case i forgot something.”
you nod and walk past him, not trusting your voice to be steady. this was harder than you expected—much harder. in fact, you’re practically on the verge of breaking down when you step into satoru’s room and look around and see just how different it looks without the touches of you everywhere.
the fortnite poster you’d given him as a joke for the second anniversary of his stream was gone from his wall, and so were the two mini succulents that used to sit on the corner of his desk. the white cat plushie that used to rest on his pillow was gone, too—probably stuffed somewhere in one of the boxes outside his bedroom door.
after nearly a minute of looking around, you decide that whatever satoru possibly could’ve missed wasn’t important enough for you to have to stick around any longer.
you turn and start to exit satoru’s room so fast that you nearly crash into him when he suddenly appears in the doorway. “shit, sorry about that,” you mumble, trying to walk around him. but of course, because the universe is actually praying on your downfall, you and satoru both walk the same way at the same time. you awkwardly try to go around each other, and eventually, the humiliation is over.
“so, you got everything?” satoru asks, walking beside you with his hands in his pockets. you nod, bending over to pick up one of the two boxes. it’s pretty heavy, but not unmanangable. you just don’t really seem to know if you’ll be able to carry both back home at once. 
“oh, uh, i’ll be right back,” you say tentatively. a flash of confusion appears in satoru’s eyes, so you clarify, “i’m gonna go grab my car. that’ll make it easier.”
satoru’s eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head. “no, it’s alright. your place isn’t far from here at all, i’ll just take the other and walk back with you.”
“no, really, it’s alright.”
“it’s the easiest option, ba—” satoru cuts himself off, stopping himself from calling you baby for the first time since you two had started dating. “sorry.”
“let’s just go.”
the walk back to your house is brutal. you walk side by side with satoru since the path is wide enough for you to do so, and you two just keep bumping into each other. had you still been dating, satoru probably would’ve dropped the box and scooped you up instead, kissing your cold face to warm it up. of course, that would’ve added five minutes to your walk, but it would’ve been better than the tense silence dividing you and satoru right now. 
the wind whistles around you, brushing at your skin and making you shiver with every gust—there’s nothing more you’d like than to go home, plop on your couch and cry while watching the titanic for the hundredth time. 
after what seems like three hundred awkward hours later, you and satoru finally make it to your house. “thanks,” you say quietly, setting down your box in front of the door. 
satoru places his next to yours and slips his hands back into his pockets. he nods and replies, “no problem,” but still doesn’t leave.
you cross your arms, and tilt your head, meeting his eyes hesitantly. “umm, do you need anything else?”
satoru coughs tensely and shrugs. “oh, uh, not really, just—” his eyes drift down to your top, and your face grows warm when you realize you’re still wearing his hoodie. 
“shit, my bad,” you mumble, internally cringing and resisting the urge to say every curse word you know. could this day really get any worse?
well, at least satoru looks equally as embarrassed. he shakes his head and gestures for you to keep it on. “it’s fine, it’s kinda cold anyways. keep it.” satoru hesitates, shuffling his feet before continuing, “if you want something… to remember me by.”
what you say next was done entirely against your will. “do you still love me?” you ask suddenly, not sure what otherworldly force prompted you to do so. you instantly regret it when satoru’s face goes even redder, and you can tell it’s not from the cold the way his blush spreads to his ears.
“i— uh, i mean—”
“answer me, satoru, i think i have a right to know.”
he looks away and mumbles something about needing to go back home, to feed his fish or something (he doesn’t have a fish), and you grab his hand just as he starts to turn away. “please, satoru, i need to know,” you breathe, squeezing his hand harder when he flinches. 
ten silent seconds tick by, but you still don’t let go. so satoru sighs, a soft white puff of air coming from his lips. “yeah.”
your heart breaks again.
“then why did you—”
“because i don’t know how to do this,” satoru says, blue eyes darting all over the place. “i love you, i really do, but i just can’t— i don’t like having thousands of people thinking that i’m only worth looking at if i’m with you, it’s annoying and it pisses me off and i don’t want to accidentally take it out on yo—”
you cut him off with a kiss, ignoring the way he yelps a little in surprise. but thankfully, he doesn’t push you away—instead, his arms instantly wrap around you and pull you closer into his warm, warm chest. satoru’s lips are a little dry, but still minty as ever from the peppermints he’s constantly munching on. he kisses you back like a man starved of affection, and when you two finally break apart, his eyes are just as hungry.
“you idiot,” you whisper, trailing your fingers through his hair as tears prick at the corner of your eyes. “you shoulda just talked to me about it first.”
“i know,” satoru mumbles, looking down bashfully. “‘m sorry.”
“you should be.” you pause, watching satoru’s lips curve into a pouty frown. “i’m sorry too,” you murmur, and he looks up, confused. “i should’ve seen this coming.”
satoru shakes his head and presses his lips to your forehead, lingering for a couple seconds before pulling back. “i missed you.”
“i was gone for less than a day, satoru.”
“oh, so you didn’t miss me?”
“i did,” you admit, exhaling a puff of air when satoru smiles smugly. “shut up, it’s not a competition!”
“yeah it is, but fine, you win,” satoru gives in with a dramatic sigh, reaching down and twining his fingers with yours. his hands, which are significantly bigger than yours, instantly warm you up. “but only ‘cause i don’t want you to break up with me next.”
“i hate you, y’know that?” you grumble, leaning into his side and letting satoru kiss the top of your head. he hums in agreement, reaching out and opening your front door. 
“i’m sure you do, baby. now c’mon, let’s get inside n’ warm up. i wanna make it up to you,” satoru says with a grin, bending over and scooping up both boxes. 
“oh, yeah? how do you plan to do that?” you challenge, going inside first and holding the door open for satoru. once he’s inside, you close the door and instantly get pinned against it by satoru, whose hands are already creeping underneath your clothes. “satoru, your hands are col—”
he cuts you off by pressing his equally cold lips to yours, smiling against your mouth as he tugs at your clothes. “i know, baby. but i’ll keep you nice n’ warm for the rest of the night, i promise!”
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memphisflash · 6 months
Hi!!! I saw your post and wanted to request :)
Could you write a early 70s Elvis X innocent reader, where we're one of the many girls that he brings up to his suite at the international hotel and as he expects for both of us to do the deed, he notices we're really reluctant and shy and he tells us we can do anything else instead of the dirty if we want to.
I think that would be real cute🥹
𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧
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Word count: 5,1K
Warnings: virgin!reader, innocent-ish!reader, age gap (reader is 19/elvis 35), small mention of guns, reader struggling with extreme blushing, elvis poking a little fun at reader, both elvis and reader taking a sleeping pill, fluffy, smut; non-penetrative sex, dry humping/grinding, gg rubbing, elvis cummin' in readers' panties.
A/N: honestly, i'm not as good at writing innocent!reader as other writers in the fandom, buuut i had fun writing this and i kinda wanna explore this trope more - a part two is already cooking in my mind, tbh. like i told @jhoneybees this turned into more than the request but oh wellll.. let me know what y'all think, lovies! 🩷
➼ Masterlist. | Read on Wattpad
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When it came to boys, you had always been shy. When it came to men, you considered yourself pretty much a disaster.
Now it wasn’t like you couldn’t have a normal conversation with someone of the opposite sex. Shy you were, but definitely not unsociable. You liked going out to places with your friends, even friends of the male kind.
But it were men like Elvis Presley that had your hands trembling and your heart beating so loud it was deafening in your ears.
Never in your 19 years of life had you expected to be approached by a member of Elvis’ entourage in the showroom of the International to ask if you were willing to meet the man himself up in his penthouse. Your first reaction was to politely decline, but your friend who had dragged you along to the concert in the first place pretty much pushed you into the arms of Sonny West – another handsome man that had got your cheeks flushing crimson, but it couldn’t compare to the effect the raven haired singer on stage had on you.
The last thing you saw as you were whisked out of the showroom was your friend putting both her thumbs up, waving as a shit-eating grin spread across her face.
Talk about peer pressure. You didn’t stand a chance.
The Imperial Suite was lush. The kind of luxury you’d never experienced before in your life. It barely felt as if you were still in a hotel, this seemed like a whole apartment with several rooms, a living area bigger than your childhood home and a seperate kitchen. The interior in the living space alone was worth more than your car, you were sure of it.
But even if you wanted to gawk at the beautiful things in the room, you didn’t had the chance to. Sonny West had left, leaving you alone with the man who you had just watched perform downstairs. The man millions of men wanted to be and millions of women wanted to be with.
You felt like a deer caught in headlights as he walked toward you, like a predator about to circle his prey. Though once he spoke, introducing himself as if you didn’t know who he was, you didn’t miss how soft spoken he was.
He wasn’t like any other superstar hauling girls up to his room to have his way with them and then kick them to the curb once he was done with them. At least, that’s what you wanted to believe.
And perhaps it was because of that naivety that you managed to calm down, so much so that you had agreed to wear one of his silky pyjama button ups, neatly folding the outfit you had so carefully picked out for tonight on a chair near Elvis’ bed.
Elvis was sitting on his bed, back against the headboard, wearing his own pair of midnight blue silk pyjamas. The first few buttons of his shirt were left open, causing his chest hair and tan skin to peek out and it instantly made you nervous all over again.
“C’mere, honey,” his voice was soft and low, his hand patting the empty spot next to him.
You stared at him for a second too long, quickly snapping yourself out of it before he’d think you were an idiot who didn’t understand the English language. You hated being like this in this moment – after all, this was a one time chance and you didn’t want to ruin it by having him think you were not interested in him at all.
You were, you really were, but this was the kind of man that could send you into a frenzy.
You sat next to him, nearly forgetting to breathe as his warm hand found home on your thigh. In a reflex, you pulled your knees up to your chest and his attention shifted to your feet.
You had recently gotten a pedicure, chosen the baby pink to go with the outfit and open toed heels you’d worn tonight, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Elvis.
“You got real pretty feet, honey,” he grinned as he slipped his hand underneath the sole of your foot, caressing his thumb across the top and over your toes, admiring the color on your nails. “So tiny and dainty, like a little doll,”
“T-Thank you,” you blurted out in a stuttered whisper, mentally slapping yourself for such a stupid reaction. But it was better than letting out the moan that was bubbling in the back of your throat, which you quickly swallowed.
His hand moved from your feet back up your leg and you froze as it slipped in between your thighs, fingertips pressing into the supple flesh of your right thigh softly as he leaned in closer to you. You looked into his blue eyes that were slightly drooped and you had no idea if it was due to fatigue or lust, but you figured it was the latter. And although you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same – your stupid body seemed to have a mind of its own – your nerves prevented you from fully giving in.
As you felt his hot breath against your skin and he was going in for a kiss, your eyes automatically fluttered shut. His lips were soft and warm, and as his tongue slipped into your mouth, so wet.
You let him take the lead, not because you had never been kissed before, but because you had never been kissed by someone like Elvis Presley before. He was the kind of man that had probably kissed a thousand girls in his life and it showed in his experience – he explored your mouth in a slow but heated manner, his hand moving from your thigh to your hip and the more he leaned into you, the more you sunk into the soft pillows and sheets of his kingsized bed.
You were doing alright until his lips moved to your neck, dragging down to your collarbone and his hand creeped underneath your pyjama top, cupping your breast. It was then that your breath hitched in your throat and your muscles tensed up uncomfortably tight.
Elvis noticed it immediately and pulled his head back, looking down at your face. As he saw how flushed your cheeks and neck were and you were looking at him as if he was about to murder you, he moved his hand down your ribcage and out from underneath your top. He placed a gentle hand on your hip instead and frowned a little, his eyes gentle.
“You alright, little one?”
The sound of his voice sounding so soft and sweet made you want to burst out into tears, because you felt stupid. Stupid for freezing when the most wanted man in the world wanted you, but you couldn’t help it.
You simply weren’t ready for sex. You valued your virginity and didn’t want to lose it to a man you were probably never going to see again.
“I’ve never.. n-never..”
“Never been touched by a man,” he simply finishes your sentence for you, a soft smile raising the corner of his mouth. You nodded and looked down, noticing how quick your chest was heaving up and down as if you’d just ran a marathon.
He shushed you gently, placing his fingertips underneath your chin to make you look at him again. You didn’t know what his reaction would be, but the sweet smile and soft kiss to your forehead wasn’t what you’d expected.
“We don’t have to do it tonight, honey. I ain’t gonna force ya to do anythin’ you don’t want.”
“You’re not gonna throw me out?” you whisper with wide eyes, trying to ignore the way your bodies were still pressed together and you could feel his very prominent bulge poking against your thigh.
He let out a laugh, the sound of it deep and rich. “Ya think I was raised by wolves? No, I ain’t throwin’ you out. You’re stayin’ that cute little butt right here, and we can do somethin’ else.”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly, biting your lip as another flush of crimson spread up your neck and to your cheeks. He squeezed your hip softly before he sat up, bringing you up with him, and as he sat against the headboard again, he quickly draped some of the covers over his middle, hiding the fact that he was still very much turned on.
“And you stop that blushin’ before your face stays like that, little tomato,”
A wide grin settled on his face, and you could hear the playful tone in his voice which made you laugh softly. You pressed the palm of your hands against your cheeks and try to gather control over your breathing, making your cheeks slowly return to their normal state.
Instead of sleeping with the man that millions of females all over the world would call you crazy for rejecting for, you let him show you around the suite. He showed you his collection of guns that were safely stacked away in black cases which scared and intrigued you at the same time – you politely declined when he offered you to hold a gold handle hand gun, but you did admit it was very pretty.
Then he showed you around his wardrobe, from the outfits he wore on stage to the ones he wore off stage. As he noticed you particularly liked a black, somewhat see-through, blouse with white flowers on it, he handed it to you like it meant nothing to him.
Again, you declined.
But Elvis didn’t give up so easily and as you two sat on the bed again, his jewelry case opened and exposed in between the both of you, he noticed you admiring his black star sapphire ring. Not thinking twice about it, he took it out of the case and slipped it around your ring finger. As expected, it was way too big for you.
This had Elvis go through his jewelry, looking for a necklace he didn’t wear himself anymore. Had to be in there somewhere, he knew it.
“Elvis, I can’t take that,” you gasped as he took the ring off your finger again and hung it on a simple golden chain. Before you even had the chance to stop him, he was already putting it around your neck, the ring resting heavy against your chest. “Elvis, I’m serious. This is too much, you don’t have to-“
“Looks great on ya, little tomato,” he grinned as you looked at him with wide eyes, grabbing your wrist when you went to take the necklace off. You wished he’d use another nickname for you, but you ignored it for now – you had more important matters to worry about. Like the 14 karat gold ring that was hanging on your neck.
As you went to protest again, Elvis grabbed both of your hands and lowered them. Once more, you blushed as he leaned forward and placed a soft, tender kiss on your lips. “I want ya to have it and to wear it every day. Somethin’ to remember me by,”
“As if I’d ever forget you,” you whispered, looking down at the ring as you swallowed down the lump in your throat. If Elvis had heard your words or noticed that you were about to cry, he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he closed his jewelry case, put it aside and settled in the sheets, half sitting up against the headboard. He opened his arms for you and you didn’t think twice to settle against his side, putting your head on his chest.
“Thank you, Elvis,” you whispered as you snuggled up against him, earning a kiss on the top of your head from him.
“My pleasure, honey.”
Luckily, in this position he couldn’t see that your cheeks were flushed and hot the way they’d been before. And as his fingers gently combed their way through your hair, you truly felt special. Something that you perhaps were not in Elvis Presley’s world, but for tonight you decided to indulge yourself in the fantasy.
Elvis picked up a book from his bedside table and with his arms wrapped around you, he opened it and started reading to you in a hushed tone. While at times the subject of the book was confusing to you, you listened with interest nonetheless. Maybe you were a little more interested in the sound of his voice and the smell of his cologne, but you fought off sleep that was slowly threatening to overtake you.
You didn’t want to fall asleep, didn’t want to miss a waking second of being with Elvis.
“You gettin’ sleepy, aren’t ya?” He smirked as he peeked down at you, noticing your eyes threatening to close a few times. You immediately shook your head as you raised it and looked at him, smiling sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you apologized, stifling a yawn. Elvis chuckled and closed the book, putting it to the side before he turned back to you.
“Go an’ lay down,” he ordered gently as he nodded to the empty spot in the bed. You did what you were told, slowly creating some distance between you two as you laid back in the bed, giggling softly as he pulled the covers up to your shoulders, tucking you in. “Now don’t go and get all nervous again, ‘lright? I’m just gonna lay down next to ya so we can cuddle, sound good?”
You smiled at him, truly appreciating that he wasn’t trying anything you didn’t want and that he was so sweet about it all. You considered him to be a true gentleman.
As you nodded, he smiled back at you and slips underneath the covers next to you. His body warmth is intoxicating as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer against his chest. With him laying on his side, he has the perfect view of your face and he takes advantage of it by studying every little detail, his other arm slipping underneath your head so he could hold you even firmer against him. He squeezes your shoulder softly and then his hand moves to your face, fingertip poking your cheek softly.
“No blushin’…” He whispered with a small grin on his face as he noticed your cheeks were slowly turning red again. You looked at him and laugh softly, hiding your face in your hands. He immediately clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, grabbing your wrist to softly pull one of your hands away. “And ‘specially none of that..”
His whisper was low as he leaned in closer to you when he managed to pull your other hand down too, his lips finding yours once more.
You lost yourself in your second shared kiss tonight, and you felt a little more loose. Probably because he couldn’t comment on your blushing when he was kissing you.
Elvis had to force himself to keep himself under control – he wasn’t going to do anything you didn’t want, because he respected your need of not wanting to take things further, and he did truly enjoy your company without the intimacy part.
But he was still a red blooded man, and his hard cock that twitched against the fabric of his pyjama bottoms was proof of that.
And as you slowly broke the kiss and turned your back to him to hide your flushed cheeks, he took the opportunity to spoon you, your ass pressed against his cock in a way that had him humming lowly.
You didn’t move away, and he took it as content. With one arm still underneath you and one arm around your waist, he kept you close to him as he pressed his hips forward, letting you feel how hard he was.
You tensed up but as you felt him placing sweet, comforting kisses on your shoulder, neck and eventually cheek, your body relaxed again as if he was a God who could put you at ease right away.
It was a strange sensation, really… and although the way he was slowly grinding against you was definitely of sexual nature rather than just cuddling, you didn’t stop him.
Because it was turning you on more than you’d ever admit to anyone… or even to yourself.
“If you.. want me to stop.. I will.”
His breathing had quickened a little, words coming oit in a low stutter.
Telling him to stop would be a wise thing to do because you had no idea how strong your willpower was… you had no idea how far this was gonna go, or if he’d be able to stop.
But by the sounds of his low groans and soft moans, you knew it felt good to him. Really good. And even as your brain worked itself into a frenzy, you wanted to please him.
Show him that you were not completely clueless, or a little lamb that had no idea she at least had some kind of effect on men.
“N-No.. Don’t stop,” you whispered back, hiding your face in the pillow a little despite him not able to see the state your face was in.
Elvis cursed softly under his breath and took it a step further – thinking you wouldn’t notice when he tugged his bottoms down to his thighs, rubbing his bare cock against your ass. But you were only wearing his pyjama shirt and your panties, ofcourse you noticed it.
And yet, you still didn’t stop him.
The feeling of his cock against your ass had you letting out a soft moan of your own and this caused Elvis to grip onto your waist a little firmer, twirling his hips around firmly and slowly as he grunts deeply in your ear.
“Oh God, baby..” his breath was hot against your neck, his fingertips digging into your skin softly. “Such a soft ass,”
His words had your heart beating so loud you were scared that he could actually hear it, but if he did, he didn’t mention it. He was too busy focusing on the friction he was creating, working himself up more and more.
You took your face out of the pillow to inhale a sharp breath of air as his hand slipped underneath your top, fingertips grazing the curve of your breasts. You surprised yourself as your back arched and your ass pressed firmer against him, indicating you wanted him to use it to his liking.
And he did. Even had you gasping and moaning a couple of times as his cock managed to slip in between your thighs from behind, his tip and part of his length ghosting along your folds, missing your clit by inches. He apologized in a stuttered whisper every time it happened, but you could tell by the moan that rolled off his tongue that he enjoyed the feeling of his mistake.
And so did you, but you were praying he didn’t notice that your own arousal was staining your panties.
He did. He definitely did and it had him fighting the urge to tear your panties off and sink himself into you inch by inch.
His self control was stronger than he realised because he kept his hands where they were, grinding his cock against your ass, though he didn’t stop himself from making his “mistake” over and over again.
Seems like he wasn’t the only one getting worked up because as soon as you raised your leg a little, he immediately grabbed onto your thigh to keep it up. He moved closer to you, his cock resting against your clothed pussy.
“I can feel you’re wet,” he whispered in your ear, his voice raspy as he let you put your leg down again, though he didn’t move away, enjoying this close proximity.
“P-Please, d-don’t put it i-in,” you immediately said, a hint of panic evident in your face. He laughed softly and placed a hand on your tummy, keeping it there as he felt it was the safest place.
“I won’t, honey, I promise,” he said as he raised his head a little, looking down at you. You carefully made eye contact with him, cheeks flushed, teeth sunken into your lower lip. It took everything in him not to fuck you senseless right here and now. “Can I put it in your panties?”
The question sounded both innocent and like absolute filth at the same time. You blinked a few times, repeating the words in your head over and over again until you suddenly nodded, afraid you were taking too long to think about it. He smiled at you, pecking your lips sweetly as he whispered a soft “Really?” against your lips.
You nodded again.
You were curious… curious to how the skin on skin contact felt. He promised not to put it inside of you and break your virginity, and in your innocent naivety, you trusted him.
He pulled your panties aside, letting it snap back into place softly as soon as his cock was resting against your wet folds. You shuddered and gasped at the feeling of his warm length pressed against your exposed pussy, his tip putting the slightest amount of pressure against your clit.
He didn’t put his head back down again, this time leaning on his elbow so he could look at the way your face was truly resembling a tomato right now, soft breathless moans escaping you. He thought it was adorable.
His hand found him on your hip, fingertips caressing your skin softly as he started to move his hips back and forth at a snail’s pace. You swore you could hear the sound of both your essence mixing together, your arousal deliciously coating his length.
“Feels good, don’t it, baby?” He whispered as he keeps looking down at your face, not wanting to miss the way you could barely keep your eyes open, lips parted as soft moans filled his ears. He smirked a little as he could see you nod your head slowly, eyes fluttering shut.
He keeps his pace slow, afraid that if he’d go any faster he would slip in by accident and hurt you, and that was the last thing he wanted. Just because he kinda got his way with you tonight doesn’t mean he was going to overstep your boundaries.
But it was you who wanted more of that delicious feeling he was giving you. It was your self control that was threatening to slip.
“P-please.. Elvis.. faster..”
He grunts lowly at your words, lowering himself a little more on the bed again to hide his face in your neck and sprawled out hair, his hips snapping forward just a little faster. The feeling had you moaning a little louder, gripping onto his hand that was still on your stomach.
He laced your fingers together, concetrating on not fucking you by accident, no matter how much he wanted to.
“You’re so wet, baby,” he moaned in your ear, his tongue flicking against your earlobe which had your eyes roll in the back of your head. “Bet I could slip right in..”
“I won’t.” he immediately said, laughing softly as he slips his other hand into yours as well. He keeps the pace steady – not too fast, and not as slow as before.
With the way you were holding each others’ hands and your most intimate parts were rubbing against each other, bare and raw, you felt like you were floating on a cloud. You hadn’t expected the night to end like this, but deep down inside you were glad it did.
Your only problem now was that you didn’t want any other man other than Elvis Presley anymore and he hadn’t even been inside of you.
You were completely ruined for anyone else.
Elvis lost himself in the pleasure and the feeling of you grinding against each other, and so did you. Part of you wondered what it would be like to have him push into you, how deep you’d be able to feel him.
Would it even feel good at all, or would it only hurt?
A million questions plagued your mind, but Elvis made you forget every single one of them with the way his cock was stroking through your folds and how lovely his moans sounded in your ear.
You weren’t planning to ask them, anyways.
Neither were you planning on taking it to that sacred part of the whole ordeal. You weren’t ready, and that’s what you’d keep repeating in your head like a mantra until you truly felt otherwise.
Besides, Elvis seemed to enjoy this just as much as the actual deed and you were right – he did. It was evident by the way he was freely moaning, the feeling of the fabric of your panties rubbing against the sensitive tip of his cock feeling like a lick of a flame against his skin.
He was close to coming undone and he didn’t try to stop himself, nor did he warn you what was coming – you’d feel it when it happened.
Squeezing your hands firmly in his own, his hips stuttering forward for a second before he pushed his hips forward firmly, you moaned shakily as strings of cum sputtered from his cock, shamelessly staining the inside of your panties. The baby blue piece of underwear that was one of your favorites was completely ruined and in your state of arousal, you couldn’t get yourself to care.
Elvis breathed heavily as he slowly let go of your hands and gripped onto your hip, groaning softly as he pulled his now soft cock out of your panties.
The loss of skin contact already had him yearning for more.
He rolled onto his back, ready to have you cuddle up to him and hold you, so imagine his surprise when you shot up out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
“Honey, you okay in there? Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for things to go this far,”
He sounded truly apologetic from the other side of the door. And you wished you could find the strength in your voice to tell him you weren’t mad, but rather embarrassed like hell.
You’d gone into the bathroom to take off your panties and clean yourself and after you did so, you’d caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
Your face was hot and as red as a cherry.
Splashing water on your face didn’t help, neither did the breathing exercises you taught yourself whenever you were blushing this much.
You felt like an absolute fool and it wasn’t until Elvis threatened to break down the door because he wasn’t getting an answer from you that you unlocked the door and faced him.
He saw the state of your face and chuckled softly, but before you could hide again, he stepped inside the bathroom and gently cupped your face.
“Jus’ breathe, little tomato. In through your nose, out your mouth,” he showed you how, as if you didn’t know what he meant, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
The nickname… not so much, but you didn’t protest.
You followed his example a few times and closed your eyes as you focused on breathing with him and the pads of his thumbs caressing your cheekbones.
You didn’t know what kind of witchcraft Elvis Presley was practicing, but he managed to help you calm down in the matter of a few minutes.
“There, all good,” he smiled as you opened your eyes to look at him, the heat disappearing from your face. He gently pulled your face closer to his own and pecked your lips, wrapping an arm around you as he took you back to bed – making sure you were wearing one of his boxershorts, before he’d get turned on all over again due to you being half naked in his bed.
Elvis settled in the sheets with you in his arms after he took a sleeping pill and when you asked him about it, he wanted to tell you no when you asked for one. But he couldn’t resist the way you fluttered your eyelashes at him and looked up at him as if he’d hung the stars and moon for you every single day the sun went down.
Your mother took sleeping pills due to her own insomnia and sometimes even when she was stressed, so it wasn’t a foreign thing to you. Elvis relented, figuring it would help you calm down a little, but he only gave you half a pill.
The two of you slipped into a relaxing state of drowsiness and with your head on his chest, you listened to the calming sound of his heartbeat. His fingers ran through your hair, twirling the ends around his fingertips, and you could hear his breathing get heavier.
Before he could fully fall asleep, you spoke up, making sure your voice was soft and sweet. “Elvis?”
“Hmm?” he squeezed your shoulder softly, pushing your body firmer against his.
“Can you.. can you give me a new nickname?”
It was silent for longer than you expected and you thought he’d fallen asleep, but before you could raise your head to check, he let out a deep amused chuckle.
“Why, honey? I like callin’ you my little tomato,” He smirked, his eyes closed, but he could picture the pout you were probably giving him as you did raise your head to look at him this time.
“It sounds weird… and I hate tomatoes..” You giggled softly, putting your chin on his chest, trailing your nail softly across his jaw.
“Fine,” he sighed softly, feigning annoyance but he let you know by the grin on his face that he was playing. As he felt your fingertip grazing along his lips, he kissed the pad of your finger. “How’s Cherry?”
“Cherry..” you whispered, testing how it sounded on your tongue.
You liked cherries a whole lot better than tomatoes.
“Alright, my sweet Cherry. Close your little eyes an’ get some sleep,” he mumbled sleepily, his hand resting at the back of your head, fingertips massaging your scalp softly.
You smiled and a flush creeped along your neck once more as you leaned in closer and kissed his lips softly. Elvis smiled and held you close as he drifted off into a deep slumber.
You did as well, sneakily reaching your hand to his bedside table to take the other half of the sleeping pill he’d given you.
There was no way you’d be able to get a proper rest on your own without the help of medication and as you fell asleep in Elvis Presley’s arms, you dreamt about what the two of you had done tonight.
Only in your dreams, you were confident to take things a step further, allowing Elvis to own you completely – body and soul.
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voiidlizrd · 1 year
Dorm Leaders With (slightly) Chaotic Star Child!Reader
Riddle Rosehearts, Kamil Al Asim, Leona Kingsholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Vil Schoenheit, Iida Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Note: Reader isn’t the main character Yuu, gender neutral reader, fluff!!! Fluff all around. Im feeling particularly Found Family Today. Bit of angst because why not
Spoilers: Many include the Overblots in the game so major spoilers for some!
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
You were just something that got caught in the middle of the summoning spell that lead you to Night Raven College. Upon summoning, people immediately noticed how… Odd your magic was. Well, it wasn’t like you were doing magic right off the bat trying to set the place on fire (yet), but it was the fact you didn’t even HAVE to show off your powers for them to know that it was simply chaotic in nature. To the students upon your arrival, even Headmage Crowley, they felt that your magic was a pure vortex, your aura simply radiated pure, unhinged energy that couldn’t be contained.
Your appearance was relatively normal, well, aside from the pure white color that would sometimes tint your (e/c) eyes. And how sometimes people could see a faint glow where your heart was from underneath your ragged shirt that was four sizes too big and went down to your knees.
Yuu, who was already having a mind at how they even got to this weird magic school and was told that their world was basically nonexistent, kinda stared at you for a while but also felt a little bad when they noticed how you stared at every one else. It wasn’t that you looked sad, it was more the fact you had those wide eyes and blank face, like you hadn’t even seen people in a while.
Crowley felt like he was about to pass out. Not only did a magicless human show up (along with some fire breathing cat who almost set a student on fire), but another student showed up who’s not even NEAR the age to attend college!
There was a moment of silence before Crowley simply said, “Uhm… Well…” What was he suppose to do in this situation!? Send you home, he guesses. It’s far too dangerous to have a child here, even if they had some powerful magic on par to even Prince Draconia.
Crowley kneeled down to you with a soft smile, well, as soft as he could make it from how close he was to breaking down crying. How could this even be happening at his school!?
“Hello little one!” He said. “I am Dire Crowley, the Headmage at Night Raven College. It is a pleasure to meet you…” He trailed off, giving you a hint to tell him your name.
You were silent. Blinking at him with those big ol eyes. Then, “Y/N.”
“Ah! Y/N! Lovely name.” He smiles, taking your limp hand in his and shaking it gently. You blinked again and gripped his hand.
WHY IS YOUR HAND SO WARM ITS LIKE A DAMN FURNACE. Crowley thought his hand might be on fire now from how hot your hand was, as tiny as it was, and he could hear his leather gloves even sizzling under your grip. Meanwhile you just rapidly moved his hand up and down in a handshake like his, just more violent. He wretched his hand away from your hands and tried to keep a smile but it was very strained, he was sweating as he lightly chuckled.
“Now… Uh….” He cleared his throat. “Well, unfortunately, you are very young looking, if you don’t mind me saying,”
After all, some of the students looked like they could be in middle school!
“So, I’m afraid I’ll have to send you back home to your parents, alright?”
You said nothing. He decided to take that as a “yes” to get this night over with. He put his hand on your back and lead you up the stairs to the mirror, who’s face looked down at you.
“Magic Mirror! Send this child back to where they came!” Nothing. Oh for the Sevens sake- “…Mag-“
“The Star Child has fallen.” It said simply. “It burned too bright and fell from the sky. During its fall, it ended up here. The Star has no home to speak of to go to.”
…Well shit. Even worse! The room was tense and Crowley looked down at you. You didn’t seem to be bothered but you stared down at the floor, those eyes still big but a little dimmer now at the mention of falling. And now you had nowhere to go! What kind of man would he be if he just said; “well that sucks, anyways, off you go little one!” He sighed heavily again and rubbed his temple.
“Well… That’s… Fine!” He crouched down again. “Change of plans, little one, how about you just… Stay here until we figure out a proper home for you to be in? Maybe in one of the dorms!”
He picked you up and held you up to the Magic Mirror. The Mirror hummed for a moment.
“The Star Child is very bright. Their soul is shapeless but full of light to where it is hard to see past. They suit all of the dorms, yet none at all.”
“Well… That certainly is a predicament…” Crowley mumbled, setting you down, but you immediately looked back up at him and started to crawl up his body. He almost screamed at how terrifying it was to see your tiny body basically see him as a tree and scale up him to grab on his shoulders. He was sweating bullets now. It reminded him of those kittens that basically claw their way up your leg and you can’t even decide if you want to laugh or cry in absolute fear. He was pretty much wanting to scream and cry. Those stupid big eyes staring at him.
“…Alright then.” He patted your back awkwardly. Was this your way of asking to be held!? He basically had to force you down onto the ground.
“So! Change of plans. Since I am having to deal with this magicless human predicament because no dorm suits them-“
“I have a name y’know!” Yuu yelled, but Crowley didn’t even see to notice.
“And you are in a different situation. The Mirror said your soul was unshaped but full of potential to be in any one of the dorms…” He put a finger to his chin. “Yes… Yes! Yes this will do!”
“You will be sorted in one of the dorms to learn and be molded into a fine magic user! With that aura you have, you might go so far as to be the youngest mage to ever make it into Night Raven College and learn from the best! Ooohhh I am so generous!” Crowley was gushing at his own words as he looked down at you with promise, you simply just stared at him and the others who were staring at you.
“The dorm you shall be in is…”
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No. Seriously. What.
Not only does he have to deal with a literal child, he also has to deal with these new freshmen who clearly do not understand the sacred Queen of Hearts rules! Riddle isn’t all too happy with this situation, but it here is a chance he can shape you to be a well refined student, then he will do so!
But first he has to do something about your appearance. Your clothes are partly singed at the ends and you definitely need to be freshened up! He won’t have you looking untidy.
Crowley had brought you over to Riddle, who stood calm and poised with his hands behind his back.
“This is Riddle Rosehearts, the dorm prefect of Heartslabyul. He will be watching over you and teaching you about Twisted Wonderland.”
You stared at Riddle. He stared back at you. You didn’t even blink for a whole minute, then, you walked up to him and tried crawling up his body what the fu-
He promptly yanked you off of him and your grimy child hands were gripping his robe and he was clenching his teeth as you stubbornly held onto him. He managed to get you on the ground, but he had to hold back from using his signature spell on you. This was your one time to ever make this mistake. You clearly do not understand. But he shall teach you proper manners.
“Ahem.” He cleared his throat. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. However, please refrain from ever climbing on people. It isn’t polite.”
You stared at him. “No.”
No? What do you mean ‘no?’ Huh???
“Ridley.” Huh??!!?? That’s not even close to being his name!?
“It’s Riddle.”
He’s about to lose it. He breathes in deep as he pinches the bridge of his nose, then, he hears your low cackling, like you’re holding back yourself from giggling too loud. He looks at you, a mischievous grin looking back at him, your eyes that (e/c) color glowing a bit white as you snicker at him. He sighs internally. Another rule breaker, he can smell it, and he’s not gonna have it. His mother raised him to be a proper man, to follow the rules and have order, and he will teach you just the same. He won’t tolerate you antagonizing him.
“Now, I shall teach you the manner of ‘rules’ here in Heartslabyul. We follow the great Queen of Hearts, who ruled over Rose Kingdom with order. I know all 810 of her rules and now, so shall you. Do you understand?”
One day after coming here to Night Raven you learn that Riddle sucks the fun out of everything. As soon as you got to the dorms with the freshmen and the returning students for their new year, he immediately told you that it was way past bedtime. Something about “rule 67 of the Queen of Hearts, one shall go to bed at exactly 8:30 on a weekday.” And then today, he sat you down in the dorm lounge and brought a heavy book.
“This is what you need to learn in order to be able to go through life. Rules here are very important and it a way to maintain absolute order over your kingdom. As a prefect, it is my job to uphold the Queen of Hearts rules to a tee. Though, since you are a bit younger than the others, I’ll give you some time to adjust. But do not think I will tolerate you actively rule breaking! There will be consequences to your actions, do you understand?”
You didn’t like this one bit. You frowned with a pout, Riddle clicked his tongue at you and crossed his arms.
“Do not pout or whine. You are not a toddler. Now, open to the first page and get to studying. I’ll be here the whole time to make sure you actually do it.”
This sucks. This really sucks. You burned up so bright in the sky when you thought about the universes out there, needing to see them all, despite all your siblings telling you to relax. You couldn’t help it! You burned so bright the colors exploded and stretched beyond the infinite space. When you ended up here you wanted to have some fun! Not be forced to read these stupid rules!
Turning the page to the first rule you wanted to die. You didn’t wanna read! Also…
How did you know how to read?
Whatever! It didn’t matter. You didn’t wanna! Your face scrunched again and looked at Riddle, who looked back at you with that typical “no nonsense” look. You stared at one another for a long time.
Then you ran.
He chased after you and you ran through the halls with speed. How were you so fast!? Sure you were a child but you’re so fast! Other students moved out of the way as you ran, cackling down the halls as you did so. Trey was making tarts for the upcoming un-birthday party when he heard those giggles come into the kitchens, your figure darting in the kitchen and then out past Riddle when he entered, red faced and panting. He was sweating and grabbed the counter.
Trey chuckled at bit at Riddle. “…going well?”
Riddle growled a bit at Trey and swallowed. That’s when Trey noticed a missing baked tart from the “test tarts” he made. That’s when Riddle gritted his teeth. How did you manage to evade him AND get a tart in the process!?
“Get back you you little brat!”
Trey didn’t mind the little theft of the tart and watched as Riddle ran out of the kitchen. He laughed a little under his breath. You were gonna be an interesting addition to the bunch.
…Maybe he should help…
You’ve been at the school for maybe a few days now and you like Riddle! You really do! Even if he is a big party pooper, he’s still really fun to mess with! Which is why you like him. You pull simple, harmless pranks every now and then. Salt in his tea rather than sugar, taking a shoe from a set pair of his and hiding it and having him chase you for it, dangling off the chandelier in the lounge and listening to Riddle yell at you while his face gets a beat red, putting glitter in his hairdryer, the works! It’s so fun messing with him and they aren’t doing damage to him, so it’s okay!
Then there’s the un-birthday day. You’ve never heard of it and it sounds like a big deal. With the dorm uniform Carter managed to get for you thanks to Crowley, you fit right along with the others! Though, it wasn’t helping that Riddle kept trying to fix your uniform. Or kept trying to check you for any of the hedgehogs you somehow keep hidden on your person at all times. You just love the little guys! Yuu was even there at the party too!
You were sat beside Riddle, mostly to stick to his side so you don’t try and cause something. Ace had walked over to Riddle and presented the walnut tart to him and things just went downhill from there with you in the mix.
“And you!” Riddle screeched during his rant, pointing an accusing finger at you. “You are nothing but a useless weed here! You do nothing for the kingdom with your stupid pranks and disgusting attitude! If it were up to me, you would be thrown out at once and left with the rest of the trash!”
You watched at the others fought against the now blotted Riddle with a slightly broken heart. By the time Riddle was finally defeated and sobbed openly in front of others, you kinda stood there in the background.
You’ve never felt this way before.
This much hurt made your chest ache inside and you began crying. You’ve never cried before. You ran off chaos and were a big buddle of energy, all full of light and little darkness in your heart without a need to feel any negative emotions. But now you were here in the world.
You sniffled a bit and rubbed your eyes, a little confused and very… sad, if that’s the word. Riddle was suddenly in front of you, standing awkwardly there, then he hugged you.
“I’m so sorry.” He said, clinging to you tightly. “I’m really sorry… I- I actually enjoyed your pranks a little! I liked when you smiled afterward. I liked when you made me chase you. It reminded me of playing outside with friends… Something I rarely did.”
“You aren’t useless at all! I didn’t mean those words at all.” Riddle frowned and almost started crying again. “I won’t be so harsh on you anymore. You don’t have to study the rules all the time. You don’t have to be like me.”
“Just… Don’t cry. Please. I don’t want you to cry because of me…”
You sniffed again.
Then you punched him on the chest.
“Your mean! I’m taking all your tarts! All your sweets! I’m taking everything from you!”
Riddle only smiled and held you even tighter while you shouted empty threats.
Since then, he’s more lenient on you. He doesn’t need to shape you to be just like him, like his mother wanted him, he can at least try to raise you the way he would want to be raised, with some freedom. Trey helps him because sometimes it’s hard to try and do something you weren’t taught to do.
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No. Absolutely not. He has his brothers brat to deal with back at home. He does not want to deal with another brat here. He seriously wants a nap.
“This is Leona Kingscholar, prefect of Savanaclaw. He shall be looking over you and guiding you along your way!”
He stared at you with distaste. You stared back at him with those big eyes of yours. Then, you stared at his ears, which twitched, then, to his tail that lightly swayed behind him.
You then promptly grabbed it with your hands and had it in a tight grip, yanking the tail.
He hissed at you and lightly shoves you back. You stare at him. Then try to grab it again. He grabs the back of your shirt and lifts you up off your feet.
“Knock it off.”
“Are you a kitty? I’ve never seen them before.”
“I’m a lion.”
“Then you are a big kitty then.”
He sighs. He dislikes you already. He might just throw you into the care of Ruggie, the guy has plenty of siblings to speak of so he can take care of you. He seriously does not wanna deal with you, but, he has to keep you from making his form look bad. What a pain.
“Come on, brat.” He said, still carrying you by the back of your collar, which you didn’t seem to mind based on your grinning, trying to grab at his ears with your grubby mitts.
He was just laying there peacefully in his room, the night was upon them after arriving back to the dorm. He was happy to sleep until…
He cracked one eye open and saw your glowing eyes in the dark staring back down at him. Leona swears, he started to dislike children even more. You were super creepy in the dark.
“What are you doing.” You asked.
“Trying to sleep. Which is what you should be doing. I gave you a room, didn’t I.”
The room he gave you was a vacant one only a few doors down from Ruggie’s room. If anyone should deal with you, it’s him. Please. But here you are, in front of him.
You continued to stare at him. “How do you sleep.”
“By closing my eyes and sleeping.” He groaned with a sigh and fully opened his eyes at you. “What do you want.”
“…I dunno.”
He felt a headache coming on. He turns his body over for his back to face you. You tilt your head at him and then caught eye to his tail again. You grabbed it with your hands and he immediately wanted to scratch you, but you weren’t gripping it like you hated him this time. You messed with it as it wriggled in your grasp and giggled lightly at the tail and then poked at the end, looking at it with fascination. You’ve never seen this before!
Then you climbed onto the messy bed and then started messing with his ears, which he lightly shoved your hands away, but then you went back to messing with them again.
“Stop.” He growled.
You remained silent, then lightly started petting him a bit. He huffed and sat up, grabbing you and putting you off the bed.
“Go to your room and go to sleep.”
“I don’t know how.” You said. “I’ve never slept before.”
Huh. You never slept before? Well if you are some star… thing… it sounded about right. He groaned for what seemed like the fifth time tonight and sucked his teeth and laying down on his back.
“Cmon, lay down,” he said, which you crawled back into the bed and mimicked his position, staring at him.
“Now shut your eyes.”
You shut your eyes and then waited, like he was, but nothing was happening. You felt antsy just waiting here in silence, but you kept your eyes firmly shut. Leona peaked at you and saw how you were tense, but said nothing. Eventually after a few moments, he heard you yawn and then move over to grasp at his arm. He looked at you and saw you completely passed out asleep.
He yawned himself and fell asleep with you gripping his arm.
You were giggling and laughing when you snatched away his favorite sandwich Ruggie got for him from the dining hall, running away from the botanical garden with the sandwich in hand. You didn’t wanna eat it, but you wanted to mess with him a little since you were bored.
You had been sitting on his chest for like a whole hour trying to wake him up but he’s been ignoring you. You tried napping with him to maybe get why he naps, but you got bored of that quickly.
Now you were escaping a cranky and hungry lion!
“GET BACK HERE!” You turned a corner down the hallway, pasting a bunch of students who moved out of your way, then you saw a beast man seeing Leona chase after you and tried to grab you, but you were a slippery thing and manage to dodge him!
Then you were suddenly tackled to the ground with Leona holding you to his chest as you were squealing with laughter and trying to wiggle your way out.
“Give me back my damn food.” He growled at you, trying to snatch it from you but you kept moving it away from him, even with him holding you.
Then you gave up and gave it to him. “Thank you for playing with me Leo!”
He doesn’t even correct you on his name. “Go bother someone else!”
He tried walking away, maybe hoping that you’d try and find Ruggie, but no, he looks over his shoulder and sees you happily following him.
It had been after Leona’s Overblot and you didn’t even bother to leave the infirmary to see the Magift game, whatever it was. You sat a bit away from Leona’s bed in a chair with your knees against your chest, staring away from him. During his Overblot he called you a nuisance, which, you won’t bother trying to deny you were being annoying to Leona, but it still stung a bit. Leona could tell you were off based on how quiet you are and the fact you had a certain smell about you, as if your magic had dimmed a bit and it was clear by your eyes that you weren’t glowing as bright anymore.
He sighed. He hated apologizing but he would do it if you stopped having that sad look about you. “Hey, brat,”
You looked up to him, pouting a bit. He sighed again, more agitated.
“What I said… Uh…” He swallowed his pride. “I’m sorry.”
You blinked at him and tilted your head, like a confused puppy. And looked away. “Do I really bother you…? Do you really not like me? I promise I’ll stop. I’ll be better.”
Okay now that hit him harder than it needed to.
“You don’t need to ‘be better’, not for a guy like me. Sure, you are annoying,” he watches you deflate a bit. “But… If you stopped with your antics, I’d probably get antsy just waiting for you to do something. It wouldn’t be good, especially if I’m trying to sleep.”
Well… It was something. He watches you visibly brighten in your eyes and smile at him, which makes him disgustingly warm, and just accepts it when you throw yourself on him in a big hug.
Cheka runs in the infirmary with the others following him, his little body colliding on top of Leona when you moved yourself out of the way, making him groan on the impact.
“Seriously? Cheka, where is your guard? Why are you even here.”
“I wanted to see you!” The little lion beamed with a toothy grin.
Then, the little guy takes notice of you, and you stared at him. You walked over to Cheka.
“Do you know Unka?” Cheka asked.
“Mhm! He’s taking care of me. I don’t have a home!”
Kids always say some odd stuff, especially honest stuff to one another and neither of you look at all phased.
“Oh, okay!” Cheka says. “My unka is very kind, even when he’s a little grumpy! Does that mean you’re my cousin?”
“No they aren’t-“
“I dunno what a cousin is but yeah!”
“You’re not my nephews cousin.”
“I’m Cheka!”
“I’m Y/N! I’ll try to be a good cousin but I dunno how to act.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll try to lead you okay!”
“You two ARENT cousins!”
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Well… Okay?
He doesn’t know how to feel when he goes up to you, but what he does know is that you’re radiating with some powerful energy and he desires that. Perhaps he can shape you to his own devices? Hm…
“My name is Azul Ashengrotto, a pleasure to meet you Y/N.”
You furrowed your eyes at him and he blinked for a moment at you. It was as if you smelled something off, or maybe there was something on his face. You frowned at him and took a step back. Huh?
“Uh…” Crowley coughed in his hands. “Y/N? Go with Mr. Ashengrotto!”
“No.” You said. “There’s a funny smell on him. It smells weird.”
Azul felt a little embarrassed at how you put it. Crowley looked confused and then made a soft “ah” when he snapped his fingers.
“That’s the salt water!”
You looked at Crowley. “Whats salt water?”
Azul looked baffled for a moment. You didn’t know what salt water was!? Let alone an ocean!?
“It’s like water but salty.” Azul explained. “It’s usually found in the ocean.”
“What’s the ocean?”
“It’s… Like a big… lake?”
“Whats a lake?”
Did you seriously know nothing? He was growing a bit frustrated with you.
“Come with me and I can show you.”
It was like being in the glass and all around you there was blue, an array of animals swam past and barely turned to gaze at you. You stared with big eyes at what was supposedly the ocean that surrounded you. You touched the glass. You’ve only heard about the ocean from your siblings! They said that the moon liked the ocean and kept it balanced, from what you’ve heard.
And the ocean was very pretty.
“Do you understand now?” Azul asked behind you.
You looked at him. “I wanna feel the ocean.”
“You mean you wanna get in the water? I dont-“
“What’s the harm, Azul?” Jade asked with a small smile, looking down at you.
When you first met Jade and Floyd for the first time, you swore that you thought you were seeing double because you thought they were the same person! Well, up until they explained the idea of twins to you.
“Yeah Azul!” Floyd piped up, picking you up swiftly and squeezing you lightly. “Little starfish wants to explore!”
“Starfish? That’s new.” Jade lightly pinched your cheeks.
“Well the mirror did say that they were a star so they’re a starfish!”
Azul looked to Floyd and Jade and sighed. Maybe letting you swim would be okay. He has work to do so it doesn’t really bother him much.
He had to sit in the lounge and watch you guys. Turns out you don’t know how to swim but somehow you don’t need to breathe? The first time you got in the water, you just sank to the bottom with Floyd and Jade now in their eel forms circling around you, trying to pull you up, but you just let the bubbles escape your mouth as you stared all around you, seemingly unaffected by the water or the salt entering your eyes. They stared back at you and Floyd was even more excited than before! You were just like a starfish, he was right!
Azul watched, somewhat panicked when you didn’t even bother swimming to the surface, mostly trying to flail your arms and try and follow Jade and Floyd.
“Don’t worry little starfish! We got you!” Floyd cheered, grabbing one of your arms.
“We can teach you since you’ll be around us a lot more often.” Jade grabbed your other arm.
The two hoisted you up and helped you move around in the water. It was like teaching a little fish how to swim for the first time, they thought it was adorable how your little bitty arms moved around to copy their movements. Of course, they had to go based off of how humans swam since you didn’t have a tail, which was fine. But for the most part, you were enamored by their eel form rather than trying to swim. You tried to grab their slippery tails but they moved so quick you couldn’t grab on. It was even worse when you actually got the hang of swimming a lot faster than they expected and tried chasing after them to grab their tails.
Floyd was having a blast as he pressed against the glass. “Azul! Starfish is so cute! I wanna keep ‘em! They really like us like this!”
You caught Floyd by his tail and refused to let go, climbing like a gremlin up his body and grabbing his face. His whole body was a blue-ish green color, which you thought was the most cool thing ever, and then you finally have the chance to see his teeth up close.
“See! They like me!”
“Careful Floyd, don’t squeeze too hard.”
You didn’t mind. You and Floyd were getting along great! Azul wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or… a bad thing. Both? Probably both. It’s Floyd. Who knows what he’ll teach you.
You bit Azul during homework time.
“Ow! Y/N!? The hell was that for!?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged. “I was excited being around you and I wanted to bite you.”
“Starfish!!!” Floyd cooed, picking you up and squeezing you. “You and me are just alike!”
Azul is now fearful.
It had been days after Azul’s overblot incident and you had nothing to forgive him on because he never said anything to you, he mostly never really payed much attention to you since he was constantly working, which you were bored with. But even so, he was trying to change and open up more now for the better! But there was something really bothering you.
You wanted to swim with Azul!
“Azul?” You had asked him while in the lounge with him. He actually wanted to talk with you a bit more, study you a bit to know more about being a star in the first place, but you were bored with the questions mostly.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Can we swim?”
“Huh? Swim? I- I don’t think that’s…” He was worried. Sure he was trying to love himself more, he really was, after all, it’s something he has to learn to do before he could ever become whole. But there was still those lingering fears inside of him. You’ve never seen someone like him in that form.
“Please?” You looked at him with those big puppy dog eyes. “Pleaaaaaaaaaaeeeee????”
“…alright.” If it’s something you fear, it’s all the more reason to face it.
You were tugging on him to get up to the tank that entered the sea around the dorm, dragging him to the water. You canonballed into the water without even bothering to get out of your uniform and poked your head up to watch Azul.
He was sweating bullets as he stepped into the water, the water engulfing his whole body until he was finally submerged. He shut his eyes tightly when he felt himself transform into what he thought was the hideous version of himself, a tentacle freak. He could practically hear the insults now.
He decided to crack a single eye open when he felt you grab one of the dark purpled limbs in your hand. You stared at it and blinked of times.
Then you bit him.
“Ow! Seriously!?”
You only grinned at him with those nasty demon teeth. He couldn’t help but smile back at you.
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Aw!!! He loves you already! At first glance, you looked like the cutest lil kid he’s ever seen! You remind him of his little siblings and he can’t help but beam at you as he approaches you and crouches to your level with eyes as big as yours.
“Hi there!” He beams. “My name is Kalim Al Asim! Im the prefect of the dorm and I guess I’ll be taking care of you!”
“It’ll mostly be me.” He heard Jalim sigh behind him.
“We can take care of them together!”
“Sun.” You suddenly said. Kamil looked at you with the same smile on his face and he hummed in question. You placed a hand on his head.
“You are… Like the sun.” You were smiling like you were talking about someone from home, where ever that was for you, and you kept patting his head, which he giggled at you and took your little hand in his.
“You’re so sweet!” He swooped you up in his arms and basically almost tried crushing you in his hug. “I like you weird star child! Come on! Let’s go to the dorms and I’ll show you around! Oo we can even have a sleepover and Jamil can make something yummy for you to eat! And then we can get to know each other, yeah!?”
Jamil almost dropped all his things as he stared at you and Kalim. How the hell did this even happen. Kalim was apparently watching you were on fire. You. Were. On. Fucking. FIRE!?
“Oh hey Jamil!”
“I’m okay!” You said. “I got a little mad.”
“We were watching a movie and they got upset at the movie, so I’m waiting until they stop burning. It’s kinda like how that weird shut-in guy from Ignihyde looks when he gets upset!” Kalim was laughing at the idea and Jamil was currently panicking. How was he okay with this!?
That’s when you stopped burning. Your clothes were burnt to a crisp and it was a miracle they weren’t ash, even more a blessing that they weren’t your uniform and rather your pajamas. But now there were burn foot marks in the floor because of your entire body being on fire. Jamil watched as you collapsed into Kalim’s arms and say that you’re better now, which Kamil wasn’t the least bit phased.
“Why didn’t you try and put them out!?” Jamil chided Kamil with a very confused and very irritated expression.
“Well, I was freaking out, don’t get me wrong!” He admitted while holding you. “My reaction was kinda like yours, except mostly crying and screaming. Then Y/N said that this sometimes just happened when their emotions get out of hand so I waited for them to calm down!”
“Kamil’s smile made me stop being angry.” You said to Jamil who felt a headache coming on as he sighed. He kinda just tried to accept what was happening.
Then you stood up and hugged Jamil, your arms wrapping around his abdomen. “I’m sorry I made you worry. And made the floor burn. And burned my clothes.”
He looked down at you, smelling the burnt fabric and char lingering in the air, and just simply sighed heavily and patted your head a little. After all, you were a little kid, even if you had some otherworldly magic in your hands and weren’t even human, despite looking like one.
“Group hug!”
Jamil can’t take this anymore.
“What was your home like, Y/N?” Kamil asked you one night before taking you to bed. It was actually next to his room, which he wanted to make sure it was so he can always help you if you ever needed him! Big brother instincts always take over.
“Mm… It was dark.” You said as he tucked you into bed. “I wasn’t alone though. I was with my family.”
“They were the other stars?”
“I think so. I’m not sure.” You looked at Kamil. “You always talk about the things you do with your family, but me and my family never done anything together. I always wanted to play, but there was nothing to play. We were always just… there.”
He felt sad for you. You weren’t showing any sadness since you didn’t understand how to express it, but he could tell that you were feeling something deep down based on how you were staring at him. Envious? Upset? All of the above? He couldn’t be sure, but it made him sad.
“But Im here. In this world. I can’t go back to my family and that’s fine.” You said. “Because I have Kamil and Jamil.”
He felt his heart clench in his chest and he wanted to start crying. He felt warm as you smiled at him.
“Kamil is like the sun. And Jamil is like the moon. It reminds me of home and I’m happy!”
Kamil burst into tears and grabbed you, holding you close to his chest and sniffling and sobbing with snot running down his nose.
“You are the sweetest kid ever! I’m never letting you go! We’re gonna be together forever, I demand it!”
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That was probably the very first thing he thought when he caught a glimpse at your ragged clothes. How you walked around with that mangy shirt made him look you up and down with slight distaste. Although, despite your lack of fashion, you had some hope in your appearance. With a bit of help, you had some hope.
“This is Vil Schoenheit. The prefect of Pomfoire. He is an expert in potion making! With his expertise, you’ll be a master in any art in no time!”
All you can think of is that this guy is very purple. Maybe that’s his favorite color. You’ll probably call him a fruit at some point. Vil crossed his arms as you stared up at him. The two of you had a staring contest for a while before Vil sighed and grabbed your arm.
“Come on, potato.”
“I am not a vegetable.” You said as he pulled you. “Val.”
“It’s Vil. It’s not that hard to say.”
“Whatever you say, Allen.”
“Don’t. Eat. It.”
“But it smells good!”
“Do not eat it you idiot!”
Vil was trying to get you dolled up currently in his room. He had you sitting at his vanity with a large majority of makeup products that appeared high class in quality. He had gotten you out of those rugged fabrics and into the dorm uniform that was your size. Now he was busy styling you with a bit of a light blush and maybe some gloss. After all, you were still a child, he didn’t want to cake your skin in the products that could possibly damage your skin, it would just look terrible.
Unfortunately, the gloss he had smelled good to you and you kept trying to lick it off your lips to eat it. He was beyond disgusted. Nasty child.
“Stop that!” He said, lightly tapping your head to scold you. You pouted at him.
“But it smells good.”
“It won’t taste good, just like the soap you tried to eat when taking a bath.”
“It lied to me.”
He sighs, very annoyed. He decided to just skip the blush and just use chapstick.
Ask anyone in NCR and they would insist that Vil despises you. He complains about you constantly annoy him and that you are a thorn in his side, along with other insults he could think of, mostly describing you a nuisance.
Others are very convinced he hates you, but, it’s actually the opposite.
He ADORES you.
Sure, you’re annoying at times with your constant pranks and always being glued to his side, but that’s not to say he hates it or you for it. When someone asks him if he does hate you, his confusion and irritation is clear.
“What gave you that idea?”
Well… He doesn’t exactly make it obvious he cares about you. His care for you is subtle if you aren’t actively trying to look for it.
“Vil can I have that burger thing in the dining hall?”
“Absolutely not. It’s very greasy and you could break out into pimples and ruin your complexion.”
You stare at him. You liked the fruit salad Vil introduced you to because it was sweet and nice, though you didn’t understand the salad part, there wasn’t any vegetables. But you also wanted to try other foods! You’ve never eaten before cause you never experienced hunger until you fell. Although, you haven’t gotten use to a solid form ever since your fall, nor the feeling of hunger. Some days you don’t feel hungry or feel any drainage like normal humans do when they experience it.
The first time you told Vil that you were hungry he asked when the last time you ate. You said;
“What day is today?”
You swore his face turned white as a sheet. Now he keeps a keen eye on you to maintain a proper eating schedule! He does take into consideration of your body type and shape, all people process food differently, but for you, you aren’t exactly human, fae, or any other creature he’s seen or studied, so he keeps a little snack on him at all times, just to make sure you get some food in you. You’re a growing star child and he’ll be damned if you don’t take care of yourself!
Another subtle thing people don’t look out for.
Vil eventually caved a let you have the burger, though. You devoured it in ten seconds flat.
“Calm down or you’ll-“
You started choking and he sighs. He’ll scold you later.
Another thing people rarely see is that he’ll kill everyone if someone insults you or hurts you.
There was a time a Pomfoire student laughed at you when a potion blew up in your face after you added random shit into the caldron. It didn’t hurt you or turn you into something strange, but it didn’t almost burn bits of your hair…
Vil heard the cackling as he was scolding you and then snapped his head over to the student.
“Is there something you want to add.”
His glare was terrifying and any word other than “no prefect” would probably make him want to turn them into a toad.
He’ll kill everyone and then himself if harm ever comes to you. That’s a promise, no matter what complaints he has.
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He has a hundred PowerPoint slide on why he is the LEAST qualified person to do this. He still holds a belief that he is the worst brother in the world after what happened to Ortho and he can give a long, long list of reasons why he cannot possibly take care of a kid.
Now he looks at you through the floating tablet on his screen and bites his nails nervously when you stare back.
“On the otherside of this tablet is the prefect Idia Shroud! The prefect of Ignihyde.”
“Nice to meet you…? I guess.” Idia mumbled out.
You visibly perked up and suddenly snatched the table into your hands and stared at the screen. Now Idia has full view of those big eyes of yours and it isn’t something he enjoys. He almost screeches when you grabbed the tablet.
“Please let go of the tablet!” He said. “You’re gonna damage it or- or something! Just let it go!”
“You aren’t a person?”
“I am! I just didn’t wanna come to the ceremony in person, so I’m using this tablet to watch…”
You didn’t understand but that’s fine. It was glowing a pretty blue and you wanted to look at it up close anyways, even if the man was trapped in the metal square.
“Hello!” Ortho came up to you and gently urged you to release the tablet from your hands. Idia almost sighed in relief. He didn’t wanna imagine what you’d be like in person. “My name is Ortho Shroud! My big brother is Idia Shroud!”
You stared at the boy, who was very cheerful. You tilted your head and then poked his metal shoulder. “You are metal.”
“I am! My brother designed this body for me!” Ortho said. “He is very talented and smart! Even if he doesn’t think so.”
“Ortho…” Idia’s hair was already turning pink from embarrassment.
You continuously poked at Ortho’s metal body, sometimes even knocking on it, which he didn’t seem to mind. He was giggling at you and grabbed your small hand in his, leading you out of the ceremony hall.
“Come on! Let’s meet my big brother!”
“Ortho! Wait I’m not mentally ready! Abort! Abort!”
“It’ll be okay!”
Idia hated this. No seriously he hated this so much.
As soon as you saw him, you wasted no time and suddenly scaled his body like a damn rat, which he let out a girly screech at, and now is stiff as a statue as you poked and prodded at his blue, fiery hair.
Meanwhile, Ortho was giggling at your antics. He really liked you! He’s never seen a kid who looked around his age before!
“Ortho.” Idia managed to croak out while sweating bullets. His personal space is being invaded! He does not have the items for this!! “Help your brother. Please.”
“They’re just curious big brother!” Ortho said. “I think they really like your hair!”
“Please… Please Ortho.”
You were messing with his hair with odd fascination then you suddenly moved away from him, which he sighed at and tried to relax, but you were still clinging onto him.
“Can you… Like… Get off me please.” He tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.
You stared at him and then just slid off of him and onto the floor, looking around at your surroundings. Idia was still trying to recover from a little gremlin child climbing into him and invading his space and messing with his hair. Ortho lightly patted his brothers shoulder, but still looked to be smiling.
“I thought I was a goner…”
“It’s okay big brother, as far as I can see, you’re perfectly alright!”
“No seriously… I thought I was going to encounter the game over screen for a moment… this isn’t fair… Why me!??”
“It’s alright! I’ll make sure that Y/N doesn’t get into any trouble while we’re in school!”
You were searching around his room and suddenly grabbed one of his figurines.
Idia has come to the conclusion you were a total noob. Over the course of a month, he’s gotten use to you and even started liking you a bit! He’s still a bit weirded out by you and your need to constantly try and scale him like a tree, but he’s gotten use to it by going stiff. He also calls you a noob because you have a weird fascination with his technology, like you’ve never seen it before. Which you haven’t. Hell, even hun starting up his computer makes you go wide eyed. It’s so funny to him! There were times where he was like that when he was younger, but, he has grown up around technology so he doesn’t really completely understand your reactions.
Either way, they’re funny. He loves them.
He’s trying to teach you the basics of tech and what to avoid, after all you’re still a little baby in his eyes. He’s also introduced the idea of games to you, but mostly the ones that aren’t gorey and have a fantasy feel to them.
“Use this button to slash the enemy’s and basically interact with things.”
“And use this to jump.”
“Now go forward and try killing that mob with your sword! Oh and make sure to dodge.”
“I died.”
It was a level one mob…
Now if you were anyone else he’d make fun of you and call you a normie, but…
He pats your head. “It’s alright, we all start somewhere. You did good! Let’s try again and try to copy what I do, okay?”
You seemed more happier when Idia pulled out a two player open world fantasy game knowing that you could play together than just doing it on your own. He’ll make sure to buy more of them, then!
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They had forgotten to invite Malleus yet again to the ceremony, so Lilia had to come in his stead. So when Lilia saw you, he was surprised to hear that you’d be in the care of Malleus, though, not that surprised since you radiated this aura about you that gave off high levels of magic in you, it did remind him of Malleus, in some way.
If someone asked Lilia; “would you take in another child under your care?” Lilia would probably say no. Raising two boys was good for him and he’s proud of that.
“This is Lilia Vanrogue. He is not the prefect Malleus Draconia since uh…” Crowley coughed into his fist when Lilia gave him his signature smile, but with a glint in his eyes that told him to stop talking. “But he shall take you to Prince Malleus and introduce you to one another!”
When you looked up at him with those eyes, those big eyes with little thoughts behind them, he instantly threw any sense of self out of the window and caved.
Well, one more child to take care of wouldn’t hurt!
He crouched to your level and smiled sincerely, “hello there, young one. I am Lilia. It is very nice to meet you.”
You blinked at him and stared at him for a while. You then approached Lilia to move his hair out of the way and show his ears, messing with the pointy tips of them and even trying to yank them. He chuckled a little at your antics and grabbed your hand lightly to stop you.
He hoisted you up into his arms carefully and had you in his grip. You didn’t seem to mind at all, mostly trying to get as his ears again.
“I think we’re going to have a nice time, little one! Malleus is sure to love you.”
You said nothing and had the urge to eat his hair.
“Welcome back Lilia!” Boomed Sebek as soon as Lilia entered the door.
Silver roused up from his light nap on the couch and eyed the little child in his arms, which caught his attention. Malleus had appeared when Lilia returned, obviously wanting to hear about the new students in their dorm, but clearly by the look of the child, it would be different this year.
“This is Y/N! They appeared so suddenly during the ceremony. Apparently they are a fallen star.” Lilia explained. “Burned too hot and fell from the sky, poor thing.”
You didn’t seem all too bothered and immediately looked at Malleus, specifically his horns. Sebek had begun his praise to Lilia on how generous he was to let you, a child, into their dorm, but stopped once you crawled your way down Lilia and approached Malleus without care.
He looked down at you.
You looked up at him.
You both engaged in a staring contest without even blinking, it was really uncanny. There was silence for a moment.
Then you started to crawl up Malleus.
“WH-“ Sebek almost choked on his spit as you just nonchalantly climbed up the Prince like the weird little baby you were.
You stopped and looked at Malleus’ ears, tugging them for a moment. Lilia was stifling his laughter, pressing a hand on Sebek’s chest to keep him back or burst out to say something and scold you or try and take you off Malleus. Silver was just blankly staring, probably not even understanding what was going on, thinking maybe this was just a fever dream. You moved your hands to Malleus’ horns, grasping at them lightly. Your eyes widened and then… Shook his head. As if testing if they were really attached to him.
Sebek almost had a stroke.
Lilia snorted.
Silver has long since checked out.
Malleus stopped your shaking. In that silence, he calmly patted your back awkwardly, grabbing you and setting you down.
“Aren’t they a charmer?” Lilia laughed as you ran up to Sebek and tried to climb him next.
He almost screamed as you clawed at his shirt. “BAD STAR CHILD! BAD! LILIA!”
“Alright little one,” Lilia picked you up with his hands under your arms and held you in front of Sebek. “What did you want from Seb?”
“But their just a baby.” Lilia cooed.
You reached your greasy grippers to Sebek’s ears. They weren’t pointy! You blinked and then tried to grab his mouth because you saw his pointy teeth, that’s when he almost hissed at you.
You wiggled your way out of Lilia’s hold and found your next victim to be Silver. He didn’t even bother to stop you in anyway as you climbed him and caught his ears in your hands. Not pointy either. And his teeth were dull too! You grabbed his cheeks, stretched them a bit, and poked them. He blinked at you.
“Do you mind.” He yawned.
You stared back at him and then grabbed his hair. It was a very strange color and you liked it. That’s where he drawed the line when you tugged and set you down.
“Lilia, you said their name was Y/N?” Malleus finally spoke. “And a fallen Star? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
“Yes, I thought so as well, but there are plenty of surprises this year. A magicless human was also enrolled at NCR, supposedly.”
“Lily.” You pointed at Lilia. Sebek was about to burst a blood vessel.
“No no, it’s alright. I quite like it. Thank you little one!”
You then looked at Sebek. “Beckie.”
Then to Silver. “Sil.”
Then you look at Malleus. “Mal-Mal.”
Malleus was never more confused in his life but he laughed a little anyways at your nickname. It was very cute and very unlike anyone who’s been around him.
Sebek has long since given up on you, deciding that there was little hope in trying to stop you. Silver likes you because you gave him a sensible nickname and you’re alright so far. And Lilia already loves you! He’s a father of three now!
“Yes, beastie.”
“Look what I can do.”
Malleus looked away from his book at you. The two of you were suppose to be studying magic together under the watch of Lilia, with Sebek following and Silver just wanting to see what you can do, after all he was curious.
You’ve proven yourself to be a bit of a firecracker when it came to showing off your magic. By that, it simply meant your magic was very uncontrollable and a simple light spell could possibly render someone blind, so Lilia wanted to make sure you didn’t get yourself hurt.
You held out your hand and then…
A burst of light suddenly burned their eyes, white fire, probably hotter than anything, burned at your entire arm. Sebek was losing his mind in fear that you were going to hurt yourself and possibly Malleus. In a blink of an eye, it stopped, and in your hand was a little flower in your hands. It was transparent and firey. Around your feet there was singes in the floor from when your whole body heated up. You offered the flower to Malleus.
“For you.”
He blinked at you and tried to take the flower from you, but it quickly disappeared.
“Oh.” You said, dropping your hand.
“That’s alright, little one.” Lilia came to your side quickly, wanting to console you as his fatherly instincts took over.
“Be careful next time!” Sebek had said. “You could have burned the whole dorm to ash!!”
“I doubt they would do that, Beckie.”
Malleus decided to use a bit of his own magic to make his own flower in his hand, a little bit like yours, but instead a small black lily and handed it to you, which you took gently.
“Do you like it, beastie?”
You nodded. “I’m gonna keep it forever so I can remember to make a lot of flowers for Mal-Mal.”
Malleus swears if anyone hurts you, he’s gonna kill everyone and then himself.
With Yuu, there is Malleus. And with Malleus, there is you. You always like to come with Malleus on his walks, it’s very nice, especially seeing the weird dormitory that looks ready to collapse. You like asking Yuu all sorts of questions.
“What’s it like being flesh and blood.”
You like Yuu.
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khunyuki · 3 months
"I am not going to fall in love, Yuu. Not until we find a way home"
<Observing Deuce>
Sypnosis: You made up your mind not to fall in love the moment you arrived at Twisted Wonderland with your bestfriend, Yuu. With plenty of responsibilities on your shoulders in both worlds, do you even have time for romance? At least that's what you thought... Until a certain someone's actions caught your gaze.
Oneshot Pairing/s: Deuce Spade x reader
Notes: Deuce is one of my favorites so I'll make him first <3 I'll try to make Y/N as gender neutral as possible
Masterlist: TOC
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To be a magicless student at an all-boy's school like Night Raven College, you must never ever let your guard down. Letting your guard down means exposing yourself to danger. Danger could be something as simple as tripping over a rock or something as extreme as getting involved in overblots left and right. You blame your bestfriend and your monster cat for that. With how careful you were being, they contribute with their recklessness and ability to get themselves involved in trouble tenfold. Truly, you wouldn't do anything to compromise your safety on purpose.
You weren't the luckiest person in the world but your luck becomes non-existent when in the presence of those two. You don't mind though, they spice up your otherwise boring life. Besides, you love those two to death and would do anything for them. Still, you don't appreciate the misfortunes befalling upon you whenever you guys are together.
A prime example of that misfortune would be this situation you are currently in right now. You were just exiting the library with a stack of books in your arms when you heard your name being called.
Just hearing the voice is enough for you to know who the owner is and you lift your head up to see Yuu waving at you as they headed towards your direction. You waited for them to arrive before greeting back.
"Hey, Yuu, what's up? Kinda rare for you to be alone at this time"
"Grim's at detention with Ace and i'm on my way to Monstro Lounge cuz Azul apparently wanted to talk to me about something"
"You better not go signing contracts involving us without my permission. Otherwise, i'll go and grill you and that freakin' octopus alive"
With eyes as sharp as knives, you glared at your bestfriend who just laughed sheepishly. Both of you knew that your threat will very much come true if Yuu ever as signs another suspicious contract with Azul again. And that if your hands weren't occupied at the moment, you will definitely come with them there.
"I won't, I won't! I promise! But what's that stack of books all about?"
"For tonight's study session. It covers everything related to our homework so we could finish quickly and enjoy the rest of the sleepover"
"Can't I just copy yours?"
Seeing Yuu deflate at the mention of homework made you laugh a bit. Who doesn't hate homework? Certainly not you, you just preferred to get it out of the way fast so you no longer have anything to think about. Yuu proceeded to say their goodbye and left which reminded you that you're still in front of the library doors.
Just as you were about to take your leave as well, the library doors opened which caused the person leaving to knock into you causing you to fall along with the books you were holding. Without even bothering to help nor offering an apology, the person who bumped into you left with a huff. With your delayed response, the bastard already got away before you got your hands on them.
"Y/N! That bastard I-"
The blue haired male with a distinct spade on his face immediately knelt down where you were currently sitting on the ground as soon as he got to you. He gently put his hands on your face as he inspected you closely for injuries.
"Are you okay?"
With a soft voice, in contrast to the delinquent-like voice he let out earlier, he asked if you were alright. His piercing eyes looking straight to yours combined with his hands on your face made you physically unable to move, leaving you no choice but to stare straight back at him.
"Yeah, i'm okay. What are you doing here?"
As soon as he heard the word 'okay' he instantly let you go as he breathe out a sigh of relief. Maybe he didn't notice how close your faces were to each other earlier since he was now picking up the books you dropped. You thought nothing of it, just a normal interaction between friends, that was until you saw the red dusted on his ears.
"I- I met Yuu around the corner and they said you were here so I rushed then I saw that bastard bumping into you without apologizing. Woah this is heavy, were you planning on carrying this all by yourself?"
Seeing him get up made you realize that you were still on the ground and you didn't help him pick up the books you dropped so you immediately got up and dusted yourself. The both of your started walking to Ramshackle dorm after you finished.
"Yeah, it's for our study session later"
"This is quite... a lot. But it's nothing for an honor student like me"
Seeing him gulp and somewhat deflate like Yuu did earlier then suddenly declare that he is an honor student made you laugh. You weren't laughing at him being an honor student but rather his expression, it was kinda cute. Maybe what you saw earlier was just a fluke, your mind must've been playing tricks on you. There's no way Deuce Spade would blush because of you... right?
On the way back to your dorm, you engaged in a conversation with Duece like you always did. He didn't give you back the books insisting he could carry them all which left you with nothing to hold. That's why you chose this time to observe him closely, his expressions and how he acts around you.
Looking back, you never got to closely observe Deuce ever since you got here. You were busy adjusting after arriving and staying alive from the first overblot incident that you forgot. Ace and Deuce who helped you and has been your friends since then had gained your trust so you didn't see any point in doing so. Were you wrong in doing so?
Ace was annoying and would often get on your nerves so you spent more time learning about him than Deuce who had been nothing but kind to you. You've observed almost everyone you frequently interacted with so you could say with certainty.
Amongst everyone, Deuce was the only person you never bothered learning about deeply. Why exactly was that? And why was it that you were only realizing this now?
Maybe it's time to finally learn about Deuce Spade.
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Introducing Deuce Spade
Deuce Spade is one of the first few people you trust the most, having been your first friend in Twisted Wonderland along with Ace. Being in the same class has proven wonders in your relationship as you keep seeing each other and hanging out thus deepening your bond. The life and death situations you encounter together made you closer so you now see him as a person you can rely on no matter what.
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Your Relationship
As a friend, Deuce Spade is someone you can always rely on as he has proven himself dependable every single time. He is kind and polite, quite a gentleman when it comes to you. You can see with the way he is always looking out for you that you are important to him. After finding out about your non-existent physical capabilities, he brings it upon himself to protect you from harm and away from danger. He will always make sure you are okay, taking your emotions into account.
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After you got home from Styx Headquarters, Deuce's protectiveness seems to have gotten worse which caused you to see things you haven't before. You are now suspecting that he is somehow interested in you.
Listed below are the things he does to catch your eyes:
Deuce would carry your things for you no matter how light or heavy it is
The starting point of this observation diary is when you saw him blush after he helped you pick your books from the ground. Even before that happened, Deuce has always been helping you in carrying things. Be it your bag, your groceries, or even Ramshackle's couch. You remember how he would constantly ask you if you need help first before taking your things but as time goes by, it became so natural you didn't notice it anymore. Looking back, it seems weird how when he's around you'll just pass him what you're carrying and he'd gladly accept it.
Deuce will always choose you first. Be it talking or confiding secrets
You are reminding yourself that the two of you are just friends. It is normal for friends to tell each other stuffs and keep it as your secrets. If are with other people, Deuce will greet you first then the others, after that he focuses his attention on you. If he has good news, he will tell you immediately. If he has bad news, he will hesitate but eventually relent. It was because he made you his emotional support that you felt compelled to do the same. That's why you'll tell him about things first even before Yuu or Grim know.
Deuce is always fun to talk to and provides great comfort to you. He's a great emotional support and would ask if you're alright. You'd often find yourself staying up late just texting each other dumb stuffs. You're that close to the point that you're even talking to his mom and you also get along well! It is because of Deuce that even if you have problem, you wouldn't be heavy-hearted cause he's always by your side to make you feel better.
While you feel annoyed by it at times, you didn't mind because it's Deuce. He has a way with you that if he asks or tell you something, you'd listen intently. If it was any other guy like Ace, you'd definitely bite his head off. Maybe it's because unlike other people who demands you to do things, he will ask you first for permission.
Deuce will always protect you
You remember that time in the mines, he noticed you were running slower than them so he grabbed your arm so you wouldn't get left behind. That's when it started. You admit that your physical capabilities are low so you let him be if it will save you from the hassle or danger. During overblots, Ace and Deuce are always with you guys and Deuce will remain by your side to protect you. He would hold your wrist so he can drag you away anytime or pull you behind him, he would cover your body with his if necessary.
That's why when you're involved in trouble, he would always go to your first so he could protect you and drag you away if necessary. At school, there are thugs that like to pick up fights whenever they can. Sometimes, you'd get caught up in them which is something you hated. If you're lucky, a passing student will be someone you know so they can provide help but if you're unlucky, you just have to rely on dirty tricks. Deuce couldn't always be there but he would drop everything and run so fast just to get to you in that very instance.
If you're hurt, he'd beat up the bastard who did that to you. Even if it means breaking his promise to his mother, he will do it to protect you. So you will always stop him before he could which will make him grateful to you but regrets he couldn't protect you. His past doesn't scare you nor is his reaction to those who pick fights with him. It's because you trust that he will never bring you harm.
Deuce is a extremely reliable and a gentleman
His reliablity is the main reason he got your trust in the first place. After arriving in Twisted Wonderland, he's one of the first few who treated you with kindness and offered his help. He's proven it to you in multiple occasions so you know that you can always count on him. Not only does he come to your aid when you ask, he'd even offer it first and perform well. If he couldn't then it's fine cause he'd worry more than you anyways which will make you feel like it's nothing to worry about at all. That's why even if he isn't the person fit for the job, you'd still choose him in the end.
This was something you also unknowingly got used to whenever you're together. Deuce will always open the door for you and let you in first. He will offer to carry your things no matter how light or heavy it may be. He'd ask for your permission first before doing things. He'd let you sit first or place a towel for you to sit on. The list goes long for the things he does for you in his acts of service. He may not be a gentleman like Riddle, he tries still hard to do so.
Deuce always partners up with you
This may seem silly but you became partners in Alchemy because he keeps asking you to from the start. You didn't like it at first because Deuce isn't that bright but he isn't as reckless like Grim or Ace which makes him ideal. As time goes by, you also always choose to partner up with him first and not Yuu. You find him comfortable and fun to be around, even if you're studying together and you have to teach him. Most of your time is spent together with him as you hang out even without your other friends.
Deuce is really cute
You can definitely say that Deuce is handsome after looking at his face. His looks cannot be compared to others like Vil, Epel, Malleus, Lilia, Silver, or Leona but he's definitely above average. His face is pretty but that isn't what you like about him.
You like how clumsy he is at times like when he was talking to the plants in the botanical garden. Or when he unknowingly leans close to you and you lean back then he would be startled and apologize when he realizes. All of his reactions are cute yet genuine.
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After you started to observe Deuce in earnest, you notice how he actually does like you in that kind of way. The things he does with you are things he doesn't do with others. Normally you do not like this kind of development, going as far as to avoid it but... It seems you have developed feelings for him as well while watching him closely. Scratch that, it seems that you've always liked him back and have only realized it now. It is always the little things that move you and that is what Deuce is about.
Your priority is to find a way back home however your heart seems to insist that you wanted something more with him.
Whatever shall you do?
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It was just a spur of the moment as you were still deciding on what you should do. An unbirthday party at Heartslabyul just ended so Deuce is walking you back to Ramshackle. You would've gone with Yuu and Grim but you had to talk to Trey about something first and before you knew it, it was getting late. Trey asked Deuce to chaperone you back as he knows the two of you are close friends. But you can see it in his eyes that he's rooting for Deuce.
"Hey Deuce, do you like me?"
You asked Deuce as you admire the Rose Garden of Heartslabyul. You felt him stop in his tracks which made you stop as you stare at him going red.
"Umm... That's... Yes"
Maybe he thinks you were trying to reject him that he was almost crying in shame after being so flustered and admitting it.
"I like you too"
You gave him a smile. It wasn't wide with joy nor sad with sorrow. It was a normal smile that you always show to him. Something that he's used to and greatly comforts him. It wasn't just your words that makes Deuce's heart beat so fast, it was your smile that shows the ease of it as if you liking him was the most normal thing in the world.
"Wanna go out together?"
You weren't planning on confessing but you certainly weren't gonna reject when he nodded his head. His disbelief and shock wasn't gonna stop you since you could see how happy he is when you held his hand in yours intertwined.
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mytheoristavenue · 4 months
MHA Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader - Dangerous - I
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Summary: After losing your quirk, you confide in Tokoyami that your situation does, in fact, bother you.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, comfort, mentions of trauma, reader has a specific quirk, fem!reader, loss of quirk
You sat on the balcony of Heights Alliance, hugging your knees close to your chest as you stared up at the stars with glossy eyes. From inside, you could hear cheering. Your classmates were having a party to celebrate everyone coming home somewhat safely from a terrifying encounter with the League of Villains. The party was actually meant to be in your honor, mostly. To commemorate you finally coming home from the hospital after such a long stay. That being said, it didn't seem like anyone minded you not actually attending.
The previous weeks had flown by for you, almost as if you were on autopilot. You hadn't had any kind of time to accept the things that had happened to you, but everyone seemed to have already moved on, so you did your best to pretend you had as well. You didn't want to rain on anyone's parade.
Tears welled in your eyes as you twirled a dead strand of hair around your finger, pulling it from the follicle almost instantly, and you stared at it, pinching it between your fingers. Heartbroken at the frailty and dullness of it, you blew it out of your hand, letting the wind carry it away.
Suddenly, you wiped your tears onto your sleeve, hearing the sliding glass door hit its frame as someone stepped out. You didn't need to look, you already knew who it was. Heavy footsteps were a dead ringer for the identity of the person. Only two people in class wore combat boots casually- Jiro and Tokoyami, and you could hear the former's distinct laugh coming from inside.
"You'd think if someone threw you a party, you might show up," Tokoiyami said, sitting beside you, one leg straight out, popping between the bars of the railing and the other bent with his knee to the sky as he rested backward on his palms.
"Yeah, kinda rude, don't you think?" A raspy, graining voice chastised from behind him, only to be waved off by the raven.
"Enough," He said, willing Dark Shadow back within himself.
"No," you protested, a bit too late. "He's right, you both are." you replied, finally acknowledging him. "It is rude of me not to attend my own party, especially when everyone went to such trouble..." You had to stop faking a smile as it was making your lip quiver. You felt a sturdy hand on your shoulder, and a staticky feeling on the other.
"Are you alright?" Tokoyami asked, giving your left shoulder a reassuring squeeze as Dark Shadow rested his head on the left.
"I-I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" you answered, conviction wavering greatly as you stifled sobs. "You all went to such trouble to make sure I felt welcome when I came home, I'm just so happy to have caring friends." You were only half lying. Throughout your entire hospital stay, someone was always there with you. A few students rotated spending nights with you or sitting with you to ensure you didn't get lonely. Sato kept you in supply of so many sweets you were sure you'd gained weight as a consequence, and the girls kept your room cute and full of fresh flowers to lift your spirits. They had all gone out of their way to make you feel cared for. "I'm just going to miss you all so much..." You finally confessed almost silently.
"We aren't going anywhere, I promise," He said, comfortingly, eyes softening. "Why would you think that?"
"I know you aren't leaving, Toko," you corrected with a sniffle. "I am."
His vermillion eyes widened in pure shock. What did you mean, where you running away?" "No you aren't," he said in disbelief, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling your back against his chest. "You're still a part of class 1-A, no matter what happens."
"I'm getting expelled, Tokoyami." You stated flatly. "I'm quirkless, I can't stay here."
He was silent for a moment before speaking again, softer than you'd ever heard him. "That won't happen, it's in the bilaws. A quirk isn't required to be enrolled at UA anymore, ask Midor-"
"Nezu said it himself," you explained matter of factly, feeling honestly numb about the whole thing. "He said I'm in more danger here as a student and without a quirk I'm a liability. I can't protect myself or anyone else if the villains were to attack us again. He's sending me home tomorrow and my family and I will be placed in witness protection."
Suddenly, everything made so much sense to him. Why you had mentioned wanting to stay in the hospital, why you didn't want to join the party. For the class, it was a welcome home party. For you, it was for going away.
"I-I see..." he muttered into your back, tucking his head between the two of you to gather his wits. "That's...unfortunate, I'm going to miss you...very much." He confessed, his stomach dropping to his stomach at the revelation.
"I'll miss you too," you replied softly, gazing up at the stars. "Probably the most out of everyone."
"Is that so?" He asked, chuckling sadly. "I'm glad I could be your favorite."
"Nobody else ever had a chance of being my favorite," you confessed with a relieved smile. This all did feel good to get off your chest. "I liked you since day one."
You could feel Tokoyami freeze against your back, his eyes shot wide open. "Y-You...liked me?" he asked carefully, almost as if asking for confirmation would scare you away like a deer when approached by a human.
"Present tense," You responded sweetly. "I still do. Just thought you outta know."
You felt his grip on you tighten as his head perched on your shoulder. "How bittersweet..." He mused lightheartedly.
"What is?" you asked, cocking your head away from his in a feeble attempt to look his way.
"I always thought I'd have more time to collect myself beforehand..." he answered cryptically. "I thought I might wait to tell you until we're older."
"Tell me what?" you pressed, becoming nervous and annoyed at once.
"That I am..." you could feel him inhale through his nostrils. "Irrevocably infatuated with you." He finally admitted, sanguine as he held you in the peaceful cover of night.
"Would have been nice to know." You laughed, cheeks running hot, but not as much as they would have been under better circumstances. "Maybe we'll find each other later in life, maybe in another life entirely. Sometime after this is all over."
"I'd wait eons to be with you, (Y/n)." he accepted, knowing the time wasn't right, but that you were the right person.
"I think I would too," you agreed, nuzzling his feathered cheekbone lightly. "I suppose there's no point in asking you out now, is there?"
He unfortunately shook his head. "I'm afraid not, but at least until morning, we can be one, even if day break means separation."
"That sounds nice..." you cooed, resting against him as your gaze naturally lilted upwards to his, already waiting. "Fumikage...can I call you that?" You asked, almost sure of his answer, but wanting to be respectful none the less.
"You may call me anything as long as you call me yours." He replied, nodding.
"Wanna kiss...?" You could tell the suggestion caught him by surprise by the way he withdrew slightly, and you thought for a moment that you'd ruined everything. No matter if you did, after tomorrow, you'd probably never see him again.
"More than anything, yes," he answered breathlessly. "But I can't kiss you...by conventional means." He confessed, suddenly bashful. It was then that you realized it never dawned on you that Tokoyami's beak may not have been pleasant to kiss.
"Why don't you kiss me then..?" you suggested serenely. "That way you can show me how to kiss you back, it's not like I've ever kissed anyone anyhow."
"A-Are you sure...?" he asked, swallowing hard as you shifted in his lap to face him.
"I am," you confirmed with a smile, leaning closer expectantly. Tokoyami suddenly felt incredibly nervous.
Slowly, he leaned in to meet you, first nuzzling his forehead against yours and then your cheek. "I-It's called preening..." he said softly, beak parting as he took the gentlest nibbles at your cheeks and bottom lip. You couldn't help but blush as you struggled to stifle a giggle, failing miserably, making him yank back in embarassament.
"Thank you..." you smile sweetly at his fluster. "For sharing that with me, I could tell it was special."
"It's how birds show affection," he explained halfheartedly. "We clean each other's feathers, though, obviously you don't have any feathers, so I improvised..." Tokoyami felt like he was digging his own grave as he withdrew from you.
"It was precious..." you murmured, bringing your fingertips up to your lips, as if to hold his kiss there for as long as possible. "I loved it."
"T-There is something else we could try..." he suggested sheepishly. It's a bit more human but its...also a bit more how do I say it...?"
You tilted your head, eyeing him curiously. "Passionate?"
"Something to that effect..." He muttered, on the verge of humiliation, until you nodded your head with a glint in your eye that made his knees weak. With trembling fingers, he raised his hand, trying his best to imitate things he'd read in gothic romance novels. Hooking your chin, he pulled you infinitely closer, tilting his head opposite of yours as he guided you to do the same, and he parted his beak again, this time wider than before.
Nothing could have prepared you for the sensation of his tongue pressing against your lips, but you tried to adjust quickly so as not to embarrass him further. Letting your lips give way, your own tongue inched beyond them, touching his so very gently. Shocked, he almost pulled away but willed himself still, letting his tongue gently brush against yours with a furrowed brow. He had to concentrate in order to keep his beak from hurting you, but he was finding it so easy to lose focus as you crawled closer and grew bolder, pressing your face against the side of his in order to explore more of his mouth.
"My lark..." Tokoyami sighed, feeling lost in the moment as he shivered at the sensation of your tongue grazing the back of his teeth. As his hands slithered around your neck to cup your jaw, he couldn't help but feel his attention split at the overwhelming warmth that sat there on your shoulders. Eyes fluttering open, they suddenly snapped wide at the sight of you, magenta locks aflame.
"Lark," he repeated, pulling away, breath dripping with astonishment. "Your hair!"
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animestsstuff2 · 4 months
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ProHeroHawks x VillainFem Reader
This lil story/fic will involve depictions of Hawks primal needs. I kinda feel with mutation quirks its pros and cons for all things and with that Hawks having a mate and a heat. Ya know he’s all twitterpated for you. This is a lil slow burn! You are a villain for the L.O.V. There will be character description but mainly on things like (light eyes glistened or hair fell over your face) otherwise up to you guys
Content warning: pretty chill first chapter just an intro really, some fighting, mention of injury, burning flesh. Potential spoilers if you haven’t watched to season 4/5 i think
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Hawks stood on top of a large telephone pole knocking back his coffee as he suppressed a yawn. He was on night patrol and this was only night one. His eyes watching over night life below. It wasn’t too busy after all since it was Monday but his eyes stayed narrowed as he scanned the lit streets and shadowed alley ways. His feathers out fluttering about for something..anything to give this ProHero something to do.
He tipped his head backwards body following as his wings bristled, something was going on and it excited him. His wings stretching out as they flew him forward to where he felt it where the rest of his feathers were gathering. He made his way to a lesser part of the big city his eyes scanning the smaller houses with overgrown gardens. His eyes scanning the area when he seen it. A bright blue flashing to his left and he swooped round, landing on the roof and stepping to the edge.
“L-Look! I-im sorry but I don’t have it right now!” Two people, a criminal and a civilian. Hawks crouched low as he watched the palm of the mans light up in blue flame. Hawks chewed his lip debating whether to step in as they hadn’t noticed him.
As a hero he should step in but as a double agent he should leave Dabi to his business. He decides on the latter giving a quick glance to the guy being threatened only to see hes already staring at Hawks. He feigns a look of care as he presses his index finger to his lips, getting up from his position he pulls a long feather from his wings. The fluffy plume now taut into a red blade. He moved to step off the roof when a hand reached round his mouth and the feeling of something sharp prod his back.
Hawks eyes widened genuinely as his body stilled. The feather in his hand fluffing out as he finally registered the person behind him. His brows furrowing as his own wings puffed out on instinct trying to grasp who this was and how they slipped by him. It was almost impossible not with his senses.
“Hey there birdy” He sucked in a breath as the sultry voice just giggled in his ear. He was no longer as sleepy as he was earlier. He opened his mouth not knowing what to say as his eyes fell back to the man only to see a blue flame lick him up. Hawks nose crinkled at the smell of burning flesh as the raven haired man spun round.
“Hey there pro” he grinned sending a nod most likely to whoever was behind Hawks. The hand was removed as the person stepped back and on instinct Hawks spun. The long feather once again pulled as sharp as a knife as he pushed the tip under the persons chin.
His hand faltered as his eyes met yours. A white cloth mask was pulled up over your nose but the bright moon made your eyes glow. His feather reduced to fluff as his mind for a moment drew blank and you only giggled at the supposed ProHero. You lifted a gloved hand up and gently pushed the feather aside. The action sending a tingle down his stomach and he straightened up. His wings were never sensitive, why now.
“Hey Angel, not a very nice way to act towards our dear friend here” Dabi’s voice broke Hawks from his thoughts as his head turned back to the scarred man who already had a cigarette in his mouth. Hawks watched as the girl before him jumped from the roof his preying eyes not missing the white that appeared when her cloak shifted from the fall. That white looked like feathers, like wings.
Hawks followed putting his bigger feather back as he sent out smaller plumes to survey the area and ensure no one was watching. His narrowed eyes watching the two villains before him.
“Did you really need to burn him Dabi? It always smells so bad” you whined as you crossed your arms moving closer to Hawks whose feathers bristled again.
“Stop whinin’ now especially after you begged me to let you come with” Dabi snapped back taking a drag of his cigarette.
“You gonna tell me what that was about? Save me n’ the commission some paperwork” Hawks asked, watching as Dabi’s mouth stretched into a humourless grin.
“Yeah? Yano, just cause the boss wants ya doesn’t mean im your buddy too” He grumbled and Hawks rolled his eyes at the mans antics.
“At least gimme a name and why you did it. You need me to kill another pro just so you’ll spill?” He hummed. His eyes flicking to the girl beside him, more specifically her hand that was reaching for his wings. He pivoted on his heel turning his body completely towards you as he grabbed your wrist tightly, narrowed eyes and slit pupils staring at you.
“Calm down Birdy. I just wanted to know if they were really as soft as everyone says” You teased sending him a wink. Hawks brows furrowed at your behaviour and just shoved your wrist away frustrated a villain was toying with him.
“His name is Ito Takashi. He owed the boss some money and wasn’t able to pay up so I took care of it” Hawks eyes glanced over to the embers of what was once a man, what once was a life and felt guilt chew at his heart. He, however, remained stoic and only rolled his eyes.
“Bit far burning him though” he observed and Dabi just shrugged as he eyed his companion. Her eyes focused on Hawks this entire time.
“Hmm, suppose I coulda used one of your little feathers to slice him huh” Dabi muttered as he reached a hand and plucked a red feather from Hawks wings. The mans bird like eyes honed in on the feather that sat in Dabi’s palm.
“I don’t think you’ll miss this one”
The blue flames swallowed it whole and Hawks suppressed the small sting in his back and rather focused his attention on the shove Dabi received from the all too quiet girl.
“What? You feel bad for the guy just cause you share the same quirk as him?” He teased as you shoved him again and slapped his arm. Hawks attention shifted as he stared at her now. You averted your gaze but Dabi only chuckled, reaching over and snatching the cloak from you. The metal broach snapping as the fabric lay on the ground.
Hawks eyes widened at the white wings that emerged from your back. They were almost the size of his own. His heart quickened as something stirred in his chest. The wings stayed tucked behind you but it was obvious how big they were for the curled far over your head and the bottom feathers lay on the grass at your feet. You were quick together the cloak from the ground and pull it back over your shoulders, clicking the broach back together as your eyes met Hawks.
“Get a good enough look little Bird?” You hummed but he could sense the anger in your tone. He relaxed his previously tense shoulders and glanced at Dabi.
“Yeah we got another you Hawks. Shes a beauty, names Angel, well obviously I can’t tell ya her real name. I wouldn’t let her wings deceive you..Shes far from holy” Dabi chuckled as he moved his attention to his phone and sighed.
“Alright Dove, crusty wants us back” Dabi turned and began waving his hand for you to follow. Your eyes finding Hawks already staring at you.
“Till next time Hawks don’t miss me too much” You chirped as you followed after Dabi. Hawks paused momentarily before taking to the sky, eyes scanning for the two villains only to find you both gone. His brows furrowed as he continued to fly over the city finding himself landing on the roof of a tall building.
A strange feeling was building in his chest as he crouched low. His eyes watching the city below but not really paying attention as his thoughts trailed back to you.
Who were you?
There was no way the commission didn’t know about you, especially with a quirk similar to his. If they did have information on you it most likely is old. The commission has intel on almost all of the criminals in Kyushu and surrounding areas, even if it was limited like Dabi’s or Shigaraki’s they would have something, so why didn’t he know about you? Why wasn’t he warned of someone like you, someone like him. The U.A student Tokoyami is one of the only other individuals Hawks knew to have a similar based quirk.
“Hmm..Angel” The name didn’t ring any bells either aside from church ones as he mulled over his thoughts, trying to distract himself from the continuing feeling in his chest.
This feeling only dragged further throughout Hawks night shift and when 8AM rolled round he was immediately through the balcony doors in his office. His body warm and feverish, feathers puffed and wings twitching as he headed out of his office, finding his assistant already at his desk with a pile of paper work. His head snapped up with a smile that dropped upon seeing the hero.
“Hawks! You don’t look so good are you okay?” Hawks waved him off. He could feel the sweat along his forehead. He didn’t need a mirror to know how bad he probably looked.
“Yeah, don’t worry just think chugging a bunch of coffees has got me all wired up. I left some documents on my desk of reports needing sorted. I’m on nights this week so i’ll leave anything for you on my desk each morning” his assistant only nodded slowly as the pro headed by and down the elevator, leaving his agency and taking to the skies as he quickly flew home.
He couldn’t strip fast enough. His boots kicked haphazardly off, next was his belt that got slung over the sofa. His gloves chucked in the hallway along with his cargos. His jacket shrugged off as he peeled his tight black shirt from his warm body and hit the shower button. The warm water that usually comforted his sore muscles made him recoil as he turned it to cold.
His forehead resting along the tiles as his wings stretched and continued twitching. His feathers unable to keep still as some smaller ones plucked themselves off and flew mindlessly around the bathroom. Hawks just sighed as his eyes closed, trying to ignore this feeling. He could be sick but he rarely ever gets sick, though its not like there isn’t medicine available to deal with this. His thoughts continued as he decided he’d call the doctors before he went to sleep. His hand running through his wet hair as his mind kept buzzing, skin stayed hot and wings tweaked.
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milksnake-tea · 2 years
"I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?"
rollo flamme x gn!reader
contains: spoilers for twst's new event (kinda?), rollo (/j), tension, implied enemies to lovers, pining, mention of alcohol (no one is drinking, it's figurative language),
word count: 1k+
note: dedicated to @crysangria as compensation for him actually sleeping 💀💀 no banner because rollo doesn't deserve one <33 (/j, i'll make him one if he's popular enough)
i cant believe im reviving for yassified claude frollo of all people
edit: yall im crying but i should probably say that this was written pre-genocide rollo HAHSHS
You were, without a doubt, the worst person to walk the earth.
Heaven knows how you managed to find your way to Noble Bell, and only the Lord could tell how you hadn’t been kicked out yet. You were the opposite of what the college stood for. When students brooded, you joked. When authority put its foot down, you laughed - that stupid, stupid laugh of yours that tormented Rollo’s mind like the plague.
You were worse than that Malleus Draconia. You were a witch, a threat.
“Man, you look pissed.”
Rollo glared at you, unamused as you waltzed into his office as though you owned the place. Honestly, he has no idea where you get that confidence of yours. You’ve always been this way, from the moment you stepped into Noble Bell as a freshman and still during your third year, practically radiating with an ego.
“What do you want now?” he asked harshly, sparing you from the lecture this time.
You smiled mockingly, raising your hands in faux surrender. “Easy now, Prez. I don’t want to be here either.”
Then why do you come by so often? The question is buried in the back of Rollo’s mind, a lingering curiosity that he refuses to acknowledge. Instead, he opts for a colder approach, tearing his eyes away from your smirk and to the papers you waved around carelessly.
“Headmaster sent them.” You slap the papers down on his desk, ignoring whatever paperwork he was already doing. Rollo glowers at you, but once again, bites his tongue. “It’s the list for the students attending next week’s masquerade.”
“I can see that,” Rollo muttered, having the audacity to roll his eyes. You scoff.
“Well, I’m sorry for trying to help.”
“Right.” Rollo straightened out the papers, his lip curling as he read the name at the top of the list. Night Raven College, the school of Malleus Draconia. Right, that was another headache that was approaching… Although Draconia would surely prove to be interesting- one way or another.
“Damn, how’d they get Draconia on there? I heard the guy basically lives in his dormitory.”
Rollo nearly screams as you speak right next to his ear, draping yourself over his chair to peer over his shoulder at the list. You reach over him, tracing the names of each person attending and muttering to yourself under your breath. It’s one of the few moments where you’re serious - for as unorthodox as you could be, even you had your dignity when it came to not embarrassing yourself in front of the headmaster.
Meanwhile, Rollo is split - torn between logic and emotion.
He wants to snap at you, to scold you for invading his personal space without asking. He wants to shove you off his chair and dismiss you from his office. He wants to treat you like he would any other student who dared to blatantly disrespect his authority like this, to remind you of just who he was.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, his body betrays him. He shivers at your voice, your breath grazing just the shell of his ear, burning it a bright red. Your presence at his shoulder is somehow comforting, despite how desperately he wishes it wasn’t. Something is clamping down on his chest, a lead weight that restricts his airflow as he struggles to breathe.
This is the power you held over him, and he was damn sure you knew it.
“Are you even listening to me?” Your annoyed tone snaps him out of his stupor. Rollo looks like a deer caught in headlights, but he quickly composes himself (praying that you didn’t notice).
“I doubt you have anything to say that’s worth listening to.” His voice is detached and blunt, and yet he practically forces out the reply. Your eyes narrow, and he freezes as he meets your glare.
Your eyes are captivating, a swirling inferno of anger that he can’t help but find intoxicating. Somewhere in the back of his befuddled mind, he is afraid, but like a moth to a flame, he can’t look away. It’s a taboo beauty that he can’t help but indulge himself, if just for a moment.
“What did you just say?” you say slowly, the suppressed anger in your voice igniting something alien within him. Rollo swallows thickly.
“...You heard me.” The reply is small, almost fearful, but he manages to stand his ground. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“God, you’re so full of yourself,” you scoff, rolling your eyes.
“And you’re insufferable,” Rollo murmurs, almost as though he was trying to convince himself. You snorted, leaning in until your noses brushed.
“You like me insufferable.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, and yet it’s enough to steal Rollo’s own.
He knows you’re right. He knows it as a concrete fact, despite his efforts to deny it. He knows, but God, does he hate it. He hates the way his heart betrays him, tapping away like a deranged dancer in his chest. He hates how badly he wants to agree, how brightly burned he is, but he loves it. 
He's addicted to your fire, a divine yet forbidden liquor that's always just out of reach.
Rollo's mouth gapes open like a fish, mouthing nonsensical words that even he finds to be nonsense. Only you can do this to him, to rid him of his words, to leave him speechless before you like a fool.
And yet, as he stares into hellfire itself, he still somehow finds himself indignant.
"Don't flatter yourself," he finally mutters, hastily jerking his flushed face away from yours. He hears you laugh, a sound that's sure to replay in his head for the next few hours- no, days.
You straighten off of his chair, that infuriating smile still etched onto your lips. He wonders how they'd feel against his own.
“Whatever you say, Prez,” you say easily, as if nothing had happened. Rollo wishes he could do the same, but alas, you’ve been given front-row seats to his turmoil. He can practically hear the condescension in your eyes when he sees your knowing look.
“Get out,” he snaps, pinching his nose as you snicker. “Now.”
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thebluester2020 · 2 months
Humbly asking for your horny Jio rant (≧ω≦。)!!!!
(I am ravenous for even the smallest of crumbs)
Summary: [RSV] Jio NSFW Alphabet (I pick my favorite letters so nothing's in order!) Warning(s): 18+ filth (Im not holding back, y'all have been warned) Kinda nothing tbh I'm literally just spitting from the mouth and hoping it makes sense. Rough Sex + Dub-con(?) (In letter D but it's Jio's imagination), Side note(s): Oh girl/boy/sibling...ANON BUCKLE UP. I struggled writing this ngl, I could write a fucking essay about how much this man means to me but I didn't want to use a ask to just rant away so...this is like a normal NSFW ABC fic but with some humor (my horny rantings) sprinkled in so lol, be on the lookout for those. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI
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quick side note ; to the poor unfortunate souls that may come across this post don't have a single fucking clue who Jio is. This is Jio from the RSV mod aka the man I'd willingly slut myself out to.
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extra note alert ; Before we begin though, I want to make one thing really clear.
I'm biased as all hell toward Jio because I have the biggest thing for elves. Woman, man, doesn't matter to me. If they have pointy ears and are unusually attractive and tall, then I'm all in dude. So with that being said? Please believe me when I say that stars shot from my eye sockets when I learned this man was an elf.
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Jio would be the king of aftercare. His dialogue already implies that him and farmer get freaky on the regular so he'll definitely ask you if you need any water or if anywhere is a little more sore than the usual (in which case, he's giving you a massage that puts professionals to shame). But if you say no to any of these and state that you'd rather just cuddle, he's pulling you closer to his body immediately and whispering sweet words to you as he pets your head until you go to sleep.
♡ - "Drink," The soft-spoken word made you steadily crack your eyes open before, through your hazy vision, you saw Jio standing over you with a cup of water in his hand. You snickered quietly to yourself as you propped yourself on your arm to take it, the crispy refreshing taste of the liquid going down your throat both hydrating you as well as giving your body a jolt of awakeness. And as a delicious ache ran through your body, particularly in-between your legs after you and Jio's love-making session.
Your cheeks started to darken and warm a little at the memory of what you and your husband had done only a few minutes ago. Something that Jio quickly picked up on as he smirked at the alluring sight of you growing more and more embarrassed from your own thoughts. "Something on your mind, my love?"
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Jio would definitely be proud of his muscles. There's a scene where the farmer openly gawks at him when he's meditating in his spouse area so I think after seeing his spouse so openly drool over him. He'd become more focused on his muscles when he trains and would definitely give the farmer a little show every now and again. As for the farmer, though? As cheesy as this response is, I think Jio would love every part of you, there's no part that he favors really because he thinks your literal being is a blessing in his eyes. This means there's definitely a lot of body worship during sex.
♡ - You felt like you were on cloud nine right now as Jio kissed every available surface area of skin on your body.
Each time his lips would ghost over your skin. The more your thighs twitched with the urge to clench if it weren't for your husband situating himself between them, his hand teasingly petting at your soaked cunt much to your dismay. "J-Jio..." You begged, the sound of your whiny voice making the elf throb in his pants before he looked up at you through hooded eyes. He placed one last kiss on your hand before he responded with a throaty "Yes"?
You hated how you felt yourself throb at the sight of him smirking at you, almost as if he were a fox who just an inch closer to capturing his prey. "Please what, my star?" He turned your hand over to press a kiss in the middle of your palm before he moved down to your stomach, kissing down and closer and closer to the area you wanted him most until he stopped again. "You have to be more specific, begging aimlessly won't get you anywhere."
You pouted. "T-There." You tried gesturing to your aching pussy by grinding forward against his clothed dick, eliciting a sharp hiss from him. Yet, as quickly as you tried to seduce him into giving up on reminding you of his manners, he moved back a little to avoid any more of your tempting ministrations.
"You know how to ask properly, not by acting like a tempting vixen." He pinched your thigh lightly as a warning, a whine escaping your lips as you ran your tongue over them.
"Please...touch my pussy, I-I need you."
His praising smile felt like it could light up your very soul. "As you wish, my star."
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Okay so— I feel like when it comes to Jio himself? He's not big on cumming on you. Since he sees as no less than a goddess basically, in his eyes? Cumming on you is degrading, no matter how much you try to convince him that you're into it. However, cumming inside of you is definitely on the books, he loves it. As for you though? This man is a total Munch Master 365 days out of the year. Want to ride his face until he squirts on you? He's into it. When he fucks you and he sees your slick beginning to drip from your hole and onto the floor, he has to resist the urge to eat you out in order to continue stuffing you full. Your cum is essentially ambrosia to him, he could go hours drinking you down and he's never going to be fully satisfied.
♡ - He couldn't get enough of your sweet nectar.
Your delicious slick that dripped from your needy cunt after just a few minutes of foreplay. Jio would've had a mind to laugh if he weren't so focused on sucking on your clit right now, his arms locked around your thighs to keep you from closing them as you moaned and pulled at his hair, the stinging pain encouraging him to keep going in his ministrations whilst he struggled to try and keep a close eye on you.
But, from the combined fact that his head was swirling from both your taste and his growing lust, as well as his bare cock twitching against the bedsheets, the little friction it had from his grinding against the sheets only did enough to make him needier and needier for your warmth rather than actually getting him off!
Then again, in the face of your pleading eyes looking down at him in a silent bid for him to keep going until you came...
How was he able to deny such an expression?
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He definitely would've had a dirty imagination about you once or twice before you two even started dating. However, they would mostly be along the lines of "Yoba, this farmer is so annoying because they say hi to me every day...let me fuck them to take my frustrations out on them". Now, when these thoughts would pop up, he would definitely try to bury them, to the point no matter how hard his dick if after thinking about it. He's not going to falter and touch himself. But oh boy, does it cause him to start to see you in a new light after starting to think about what you look like under your clothes.
♡ - Typically, Jio was in control of himself much more than this.
He wasn't aware of a single thing in this world that could shake his foundations or make him waver in his beliefs. But...it seemed that you were a unique exception because, for the last few nights since the night the two of you began talking since your victory in the Spirit World. His mind has been...plagued, with certain imaginations that is.
Imaginations that focused on the topic of how annoyed he was of you.
It was infuriating how you didn't understand the words 'Go Away'.
So, in the deepest reaches of his mind, he knew the perfect method to make you understand how much he disliked you. He'd approach you in a forest, perhaps you would already be on your way to talk to him one-sidedly once more, and he'd pull you towards him before smashing his lips against you.
His cock would twitch inside his pants at the sound of your needy moan, eager and possibly elated at the fact that you were finally getting the attention you were seeking from the very beginning as Jio swiftly pressed you against the bark of a tree and flip up your skirt.
"Tch," He click his tongue at the sight of your soaked panties, lightly pinching your backside when you wiggled your ass to tempt him into giving you more. "...Such a needy thing, hold still. I'll give you what you so eagerly want." He'd whisper, more to himself rather than you as he quickly freed his cock and wasted no more time to pull your panties to the side before he stuffed you full in one thrust.
Yet the second he'd begin to move...he'd snap himself of his thoughts.
Now the elf was faced with a new task. To find a way to calm his raging hard-on, he refused to fall into the pit of temptation that he was so certain you were trying to lead him into.
extra note ; Continuing on my last point—
He's. A. Tsundere.
He's. Mean (with that hidden sweet side to spice it all up)
And not to expose myself but I fucking love mean men. And to be honest? I'll go a step further. THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BE NICE??? During the Ridgeside quest line, the first two years of my playthrough revolved around J I O, and with every single mean dialogue he dished my way, I licked right up.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
I think of Jio as a half-in-half case. On most nights, he's super romantic and likes to treat your body as if it was gifted to him by Heaven itself (i.e If you're not confusing the moment for a Wattpad scene then he's thinking he hasn't done enough). On the flip side though, he'll ditch the romance if he's super pent-up or if you're explicitly asking for him to treat you a lil' more roughly.
♡ - His heart felt like it was close to bursting.
Within the dimly lit room of your shared bedroom, the soft sounds of your sexes meeting could be heard as he trusted up into you as you sat on his lap, the two of you sharing a hugging embrace as his cock twitched inside of you at the sound of your moans.
But, his orgasm was steadily becoming an afterthought as all Jio could focus on was you. After all that he had been through in his life, all the sacrifices he's made—
How could he be so lucky to be with you in this moment?
To have your love and attention?
"My love," He panted out, his voice uncharacteristically breathless and whiny as he nearly pleaded for your eyes to be on him. Shakily, you took your face from the crook in his neck to look at him, your hands sliding up his body until they cupped his face. And from that simple action alone, the elf had fallen deeper in love with you.
"Y-Yes" You responded to him, your face somehow warming even more as you looked into your husband's lovesick eyes. A small smile was on his smile and his cheeks as well as the tips of his ears appeared flushed.
Jio smiled as you caressed and held his cheeks before his face fell to rest in the valley between your breasts. "You're so pretty." He sighed dreamily.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn't jerk off much, to be honest. (And to be honest? I feel like his libido doesn't really "activate" unless you're around him) Even when you two are in a relationship and I fully believe it's because 1. He's usually too busy/focused on his missions to think of rubbing one out or 2. He has you so if he's in the mood then he'll just go to you. But should you not be in the picture at the moment? He'll just get himself off to a piece of clothing that smells like you or his imagination.
♡ - "Fuuckk..." Jio whispered to himself as he sat on the edge of the bed, his hand slowly stroking his cock as he breathed in the smell of your scent from a shirt you left behind on the bed. The combination of that plus the imagination of your hands being the one on his dick rather than his own...it made for a pretty convincing moment that led him closer and closer to his orgasm.
It wasn't often that the elf masturbated. It wouldn't ever compare to the real thing.
But...when you said you'd be on Ginger Island for the next few days to attend to businesses there, he was expected to uphold the task of keeping things here on your farm in order.
And he'd do just that.
However, he didn't expect that his body would react so strongly to your absence. Even as his ministrations on himself slowly got faster and faster on his cock, going so far as to even spit on his dick to try and poorly imitate your slick and how it'd make your movements faster.
It was dull in comparison.
So dull that as his hands slowed and he came to a stop. All he felt was boredom. "...Yoba," He hissed in frustration.
He'd simply wait until you returned.
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final note alert ; I saved my biggest thought bubble for the end so here we go-
Jio is the best-modded husband hands-down. Literally fight me on this. It's hard to convey my thoughts fully without giving concrete evidence (+ the fact that I'm going based off my memory since I haven't done a playthrough of the RSV questline in a lil' bit) but I think that anyone who's on the fence of RSV needs to give it a shot, even if it's just for Jio 💀. Like deadass, the whole reason I started this blog in the first place was to have a reason to rant about this man every now and again before it became a place for me to rant about hot people in general.
To reiterate, I'm biased as hell because I have a thing for elves and mean guys but seriously to anyone who reads this.
Hot elf guy aside, the character stories in the mod are super good. Like I'd recommend Shiro, June, Ian etc. ANYDAY OF THE WEEK. I can't imagine my modded Stardew without Ridgeside Village so-
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lexsssu · 1 year
Good Little Girl (Marshall Lee)
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TAGS: Mashall/F!Reader, Original child character, parenthood, fluff Ao3 ver.
“Mishael Linus Abadeer, get your sorry butt down here already before your dinner gets cold!”
“Jeez, I’m coming down already, Ma”
“If you don’t hurry up I’ll eat your portion of fresh strawberries, kid~”
“Dad, don’t be so unfair when you already have your own portion!”
“Not my fault if you’re a slowpoke”
A handsome dark-haired youth flew into the humble dining room hurriedly, seating himself at his designated chair and clutching the small bowl of strawberries to his chest as if they were a priceless treasure. His skin had a grayish hue to them, pointed ears peaked from his ebony tufts of luscious hair while a pair of sharp fangs poked from his lips. The scowl he wore didn’t make him look menacing, but rather even more attractive than he already was in the first place.
“Now, now, now. Stop teasing our son already, Marsh. You know how he gets when it comes to his strawberries and besides, aren’t you already too old to be competing with him over food?” You stifled a laugh as you raised an eyebrow at your husband who merely grinned, shrugging in response.
“It’s survival of the fittest, babe. If our own kid doesn’t understand that then he doesn’t deserve the plump and juicy fresh strawberries you’ve painstakingly grown, picked, and washed straight from our garden”
The vampire king wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, landing a quick kiss to your hair as your preteen son gagged at the public display of affection. “No spawn of mine will grow up ungrateful to their beautiful, amazing, spectacular, wonderful mama~”
Dinner passed by without much fanfare aside from the playful teasing your family generally engaged one another with. Though mainly it was just Marshall being the big bully that he was, something Mishael had already grown used to ever since he was young.
While you washed the dishes, you spotted your son fumbling with his phone as he floated back up to his room. A bright smile lit up his face as a tinge of red gave his cheeks some much needed color and contrast from the grayish hue he’d inherited from his father.
“Lemme guess, he’s probably hung up on Fiona & Evan’s kid...Evie, right?”
Years of being with Marshall had trained you to anticipate his sudden appearance at all possible times that you didn’t even flinch anymore when you hear his voice and feel the warmth of his breath on the back of your neck.
“Mhmm, he’s got it quite bad from the looks of it. Kinda reminds me of another lovesick vampire I knew back in the day…” The corners of your lips quirked upwards in a smile as memories of a time not so long ago flashed in your mind like a cinematic movie.
“Whaddya mean you ‘knew’ back in the day? I’m still very much YOUR lovesick vampire until the universe itself collapses and time ceases to exist, thank you very much”
Placing the last plate upon the dish rack, you wipe your hands dry on the dry dish cloth before gingerly taking the raven-haired male’s face into your hands and pecking his nose. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way, my bad little boy~”
A tender looked slithered its way onto the hybrid’s face, snaking his arms around you until your front was pressed flush against his own. You both floated a few feet off the ground, arms around your waist and your own around his neck as you stared into each other’s eyes.
Marshall Lee had his fair share of relationships over the course of his immortal life, but none had ever enamored him the way you do. None had ever made him want to come home so desperately, even if you were the one who gave him all the freedom he wanted to go off on adventures while waiting patiently for him. His once cold, unbeating heart felt the warmest, the liveliest as long as he was with you.
“Forever’s a long time, ‘ya know? But I’ll be more than happy to let you feel why being MY good little girl is worth it~”
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Hold Me Closer (Sanji X GN!Reader)
Request from @charliepoopyfart 💕
(I got this request and I had like a Thats So Raven vision of what I have to write! Also ngl I'm kinda proud of this, I love Sanji and I feel like I did his justice)
Sanji doesn’t know what happened, just seeing his partner curled up shaking and crying sent him into the most comforting auto pilot.
Warnings: Panic attack & crying
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The sun had set hours ago, the Sunny slowly rocking itself and rocking those who where tired to sleep. The kitchen of the sunny was quiet, too quiet. Like every other night, the man who practically lived in the kitchen stood in silence as he finally finished cleaning the dishes. Everyone was fed with his delicious food and now his kitchen was clean, but it was clean with just him. His usual help wasn't there. The one who would insist in staying and helping him clean up. Multiple times a day, no matter what he says he'd always get a "No no its fine, I don't mind staying back with you to help".
The simple act of kindness always made his heart flutter, ah he could never not love (Y/n). Speaking of, where are they? They sped ate through dinner and left without a word, as if they weren't even there at all in the first place. Well, no matter, no one else seemed too phased by it. But something was...itching at Sanji. Like a little voice at the back of his mind saying "find them" like some sort of 6th sense.
Sanji folded the damp hand towel over the counter, turning off all the lights on his way out. The Sunny was dead quiet, a rare occurrence on the Sunny especially with such a loud crew. As Sanji made his way back this his room, his body stopped on its own. In front of (Y/n)s room. He didn't know how, but Sanji could sense a terrible feeling, aura even coming from that room. But he didn't let that get the better of him, he is a grown ass man and one of the strongest in the whole crew after all. He takes a step closer, reaching his hand up and knocking on the door. "Sweetheart, you okay?". The mood in the air had changed, he had cut through it with a knife.
The slight sound of a sniffle had made all the hairs on his body stand up, causing him to move without thinking and open the door. His blood runs cold, his soul leaving his body. There sits (Y/n), curled up in a sitting fetal position, eyes red, face wet and puffy, body shaking, hands clutching at their scalp ready to rip out with ease at any second. "(Y/n)!". Sanji bolts over, eyeing them with their own panic. Shit! They're clearly having a panic attack, looking as if they're going to pass out at any second from all they hyperventilating. "I'll go get Chopper". Before he can move, the edge of his sleeve is grabbed. He looks up at (Y/n), looking into their now dilated eyes.
"Please just...stay with me". They beg. All he can do is comply, nodding at them with a soft smile on his face. "Anything for you". He tells them. (Y/n)s hand slides to grab at his hand, Sanji giving a reassuring squeeze and rubbing his thumb over their knuckles. Their breathing has already slowly started to slow down, hand still shaking as they desperately cling to his. "Is there anything I can get you?". He asks. They just shake their head. "Right now...just you". They answer. Sanjis soft smile widens, nodding again.
Sanji doesn't know how long he sat there, holding their hand until (Y/n) finally clamed down. He could wait hours, hours sitting on his knees till his legs hurt just to be there and stay with them. He'd do that and so much more, just by simply asking. "Sanji". His ears perk up and the tiny call of his name, barely above a whisper. "Yes, love?". He responds. "I think...I'm okay now". (Y/n) tells him, bringing a bright smile to his face. "Okay enough for me to spoil you?". He asks. (Y/n) lets out a soft laugh, squeezing his hand slightly. "Yes". They answer with a laugh.
With that simple agreement, Sanji swiftly grabs a blanket and wraps it around their body. And with ease, he picks them up and carries them out the room. "I didn't know spoiling me meant babying me". (Y/n) jokes. Sanji chuckles. "Anything for you, baby". He flirts, getting another laugh from the lump in his arms. Oh how it was music to his ears, no matter how cliche that is to say it's how he honestly feels. Sanji uses his foot to push open the door to the kitchen, sitting (Y/n) down at the table and walking to the kitchen. "How does a nice warm [fav hot drink] sound? Or would you prefer a sweet [fav sweet] instead?". He asks, already getting ready to make whatever. "Just the drink thanks, I need to hydrate after crying so much". (Y/n) responds with a slight laugh, trying to pop a joke to help the mood. "Of course, anything for you". He answers.
The two sat in a comfortable silence as Sanji made the drink, the sound of the fridge opening and closing along with other clinks and clacks. Soon enough the sound gets replaced with shoes walking over. Sanji places down the drink in front of (Y/n), who turns to look up at him. "Thank you, Sanji. Really, I mean it a lot". They thank him. "Don't worry about it, if you need anything and if this happens again you always have me. I'll always be here for you, love". He tells them in a soft tone. (Y/n) lets out a little laugh, reaching out and grabbing the drink to finally take a sip of the drink. "Its delicious! Thank you again, Sanji". They thank again. He smiles softly down at them. "Anytime".
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
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Pairing: Havik x Vaeternian(Vampire)!Reader 
First time writing for Havik, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: As friends/allies, the reader is blindsided before meeting with Havik to discuss important matters, starving as some time had passed before their meeting, and when Havik sees their condition, their friendship begins to show...
Warnings:  Mentions of blood, blood-sucking, mentions of injury. (Havik being a little soft because that's what I want lol) Havik's tower ending spoiler (kinda lol)
(Had this idea in mind and could only see it working with Havik for some reason)
Word Count: .6k 
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"You conquered Seidou, huh?" As much as Havik disliked the wholesome word, friends, that's what we were, happy that my friend accomplished his goal, "I knew you would."
"Something's wrong-"
We were supposed to meet as I hoped to take a big step in my plan to save my kind in the realm of Vaeternus, but I was blindsided before meeting here.
In the dark forest, it was hard to see; stepping into the moonlight, my face showed that I was drained, and the one distinctive part of me was now missing.
"Your wings-" The moonlight revealed the anger in his eyes, rage on his scarred face, and in his voice, "What happened?!"
"Simple-minded scum hating my kind, as always," I sighed, going to him, but stumbling into a tree, slowly sinking to the ground, explaining as he came to me, searching for my wings and not wanting to accept the truth, "They clipped my wings, Havik. They're gone now."
"Who did this?" Staring deep into my eyes, I could see the chaos that this created in his mind and how badly he wanted to release it, "I'll kill them."
"There's no need. I already did that," The wounds left behind after my wings were clipped left me considerably weakened; I managed to dispose of the assassin who was sent to kill me, but I was too weak to put myself in danger and not able to use my intuitive tactics now that my wings were gone, Havik realizing what was most threatening at that moment:
"You haven't eaten, have you?"
"Not since I ate that assassin," I hated how my stomach felt like an endless pit at times; now, starving on top of being wounded, the future wasn't very bright from my perspective; apologizing to Havik with a whisper, "I'm sorry, but I'm useless now."
"Don't talk like you're a weakling," Kneeling at my side, he was always hellbent on whatever task lay ahead of him and expected me to be the same way, "You're not useless, just hungry, right?"
"Very," I sighed, taken aback as he titled his head, presenting his neck to me:
"What are you waiting for?"
"A-Are you sure?" My rumbling hunger had my mouth water at the sight of his neck, but he was my friend; something in my heart conflicted with that hunger, making me hesitant.
"Yes," He huffed with impatience, rolling his eyes, so I picked myself up and rubbed the side of his neck, cooing:
"Relax, so it doesn't hurt that bad."
"Pfft, sure-"
I warned him, hunger's desperation was no longer tolerable, my fangs sinking into his neck, feeling the bit of tenseness as I pierced his skin and flesh. The first drop of blood had me humming, trying not to suck him dry.
This was more of a test of self-control rather than a feeding session. I'd never tasted anyone like him before. The taste was distinct and was urging me to be ravenous, my hums growing with every swallow, even running a hand through his hair, but his chaotic ways made me side-eye him as he was groaning and laughing:
"Ngh, ha-ha, hmm."
"Enjoying yourself?" I toyed as I picked myself up, not full, but not starving, so I was grateful, cleaning his neck with my tongue before kissing the bite softly, "Thank you for that."
He wasn't responding to me, unsure of what he was doing, till I felt his fingertips tracing up my back, wincing at the lingering pain as he trailed the slow healing wound where my wings were before.
"This is going to take some time to heal," He observed, showing a side of himself that I never imagined existing as he rubbed my side, the tone in his whisper sparking something within me, "And yeah, I did. I like the pain."
He was a maniac, but I think that's what I liked most about him; I chuckled at him with a smile as I shook my head, "Only you would." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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sonotpattismith · 25 days
just say when (Megumi Fushiguro x OC)
the one who tried to burn it down (chapter three)
chapter 2.
playlist | masterlist
song inspo for chapter: would you rather by phoebe bridgers
warnings: this story contains explicit mentions of depression and suicide. if these are topic that are triggering for you, please refrain from reading. I will be putting a warning on the chapters that may be particularly triggering. please enjoy otherwise xo <3
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The weeks that followed provided no encounters between Megumi and Azumi. The boy’s mind lingered on her longer than he would have liked it to. Each time he summoned his divine dog, his imagination was littered with her euphoric expression as she nuzzled her face into his beloved creature. Locks of his raven hair swayed dramatically as he shook his head, as if it would free him from the pestering thoughts. 
It was embarrassing, the way he clung to each memory, replaying it over and over in his head like some sort of pathetic tear-jerker movie. Each time Gojo approached him, he found his heart beating a little bit faster in hopes that he was being sent off on another mission— maybe somewhere far away and he’d have more than a mere few hours to sit in her presence. 
It was just his morbid curiosity— that’s what Megumi told himself. There were so many loose ends when it came to the mysterious, blue eyed girl. He was someone who always had people figured out. There was always logic in their actions, their convictions. The more he thought about her and her situation though, the more questions he had. 
Gojo had always been a fortress of secrets. He hid more than just his piercing eyes behind that blindfold of his, the boy was sure of it. Sure, he’d always had his reserved curiosities about his teacher and the cool, collected demeanor he always put on, but, frankly, he never cared enough to dig. Now though— now Megumi knew she sat along with him in his shrouded secrecy. It made him want to wrangle the bandages off the man himself. 
At the very least, Fushiguro wanted Satoru Gojo to look him in the eye as he lied to him about her. 
The boy’s pale fingers toyed with the navy bracelet that now adorned his wrist. It was as if he could still feel her fingers wrapped around it, stopping him just before he could leave the prison of an apartment she was forced to stay in. He remembers looking up at her in confusion, but the hard look on his face melted away as she moved to tie the hand woven, navy bracelet around his captured wrist. The pounding of his heart against his ribs was so forceful, he was sure that the Six Eyes, who was a mere steps away from where the two stood in the hallway outside the apartment, could hear each beat. Zumi’s delicate fingers slipped down his forearm and across his palm as she nodded approvingly at how her creation looked against his skin. 
“Thank you.” Megumi muttered sincerely, but she had already bounded into the apartment and shut the door behind her, sealing with it any answers that could put his mind at ease. He was grateful at least that she shut the door before her or her prying brother could see the way his neck and ears burned red.
Pushing these thoughts from his head, Fushiguro pulled his sleeve over his wrist and stood to meet the others in the middle of the field. 
“Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.” Nobara drawled out dramatically as she picked at her perfectly manicured nails. Looking up at him with a less than impressed gaze, she pursed her glossed lips. “You gonna go out with us next weekend or what?”
“Yeah, Fushiguro,” Itadori chimed in as he rubbed the back of his neck. “You kinda have been blowing us off lately. Gojo’s been really working you to the bone, huh?”
Speaking of the white-haired devil, Megumi watched from the corner of his eye as the man himself began approaching them. Humming quietly, he responded to his pink-haired friend. “You could say that.”
“Hey!” Nobara called out as their teacher took his spot beside his students. Her pristinely kept ginger brows furrowed at him in aggravation. “You’re not leaving all the cool assignments to Fushiguro, are you?” 
“Are you all accusing me of favoritism? I don’t need another meeting with the higher ups.” Gojo drawled jokingly as he walked toward the classroom building, not bothering to check if his students were following him. “I’ve been sending him the dumps so maybe he’ll learn to appreciate life a little--since he wants to pout all the damn time.” he continued with a mocking coo, squeezing Megumi’s lips together with a squish of his cheeks. The boy quickly swatted the offending hand away with a piercing glare. 
Despite his clear annoyance with his teacher’s antics, he couldn’t help but walk a little faster to keep up pace beside him, leaving his two friends to bicker a few steps back. 
“You okay, Megumi?” 
The boy’s step faltered slightly at the question. Giving a sideways glance to Gojo, he muttered out a gruff, “I’m fine.” 
They fell into a comfortable silence. The white haired man knew though, that the boy beside him was practically scratching at his insides with questions. It was evident in the way his head perked up in a more energetic manner than usual when his name was called. Gojo had also noticed his eyes lingering on him, piercing into the side and back of his head often. It almost seemed as though he thought if he stared hard enough, answers might start to appear, despite the boy not even quite knowing the right questions to ask first. 
The six eyes could play this game all day though. Staring back at him from behind his black blindfold, he raised an inquisitive brow at Fushiguro. Daring— he was daring him to ask a question. 
Upon seeing that Gojo wasn’t going to bring it up, the boy hummed gravely and directed his gaze ahead of him. Slowing his pace, he allowed his two friends to catch up with him. 
“There you are! Think you’re slick, avoiding our invite?” Nobara hollered once Fushiguro was within arms reach, grabbing his shoulder to yank him back. “Are you going with us or what?”
“Where are you guys even going?” He deadpanned, pulling his shoulder from her razor grip. Itadori quickly fell into step beside him, trapping the boy between the two pestering individuals.
“To the movies, remember? We’ve been trying to see it for weeks now, but someone—” as if he knew they were talking about him, Gojo turned to salute Nobara before entering the classroom. She huffed in annoyance. The trio stopped just outside the door.  “Has been hogging up all your time.”
“As long as it’s not another human earth—”
“The new one doesn’t come out till next year!” 
The day came and went with no mention of Azumi once again. Megumi had finally agreed to go out next week with Nobara and Itadori. Truthfully, he had felt guilty about not being as available to hang out as he once was. Despite his cool demeanor, it meant a lot to him that they still made the effort to reach out and include him. Most times he felt undeserving of such loyal friends, but he knew the only way to repay them was to offer up his loyalty in return. 
Still, most days, it wasn’t even that he didn’t want to hangout with them, per say. He had always been the kind of person who needed to recharge after so long of not being on his own. This trait was only emphasized by the fact that his friend group was so… loud. Yeah. That’s a good word for them. 
Fushiguro came back to his dorm most days feeling mentally drained. Sometimes he wished he could be as social as Itadori or even as quick witted as Nobara without it costing him so much energy, but he just wasn’t built the same as them. Though they seemed to be okay with that. 
Recharging his ‘battery’ was where Megumi found himself now. His dark hair splayed out over his equally dark pillow. The sun was just beginning to set, and he made sure to leave just a sliver of his blackout curtains open to shine light on his book. Tired eyes lazily skimmed over the words line by line before his nimble fingers turned to the next page. Grey headphones sat snuggly over his ears, playing an indie artist that he was sure his friends would have called him ‘try hard emo’ for. In fact, he knew that because they definitely had called him that in the past. The headphones had been a gift from Gojo for his birthday last year. He’d gifted him these with a transparency mode after complaining that the boy was always ignoring him when he had his old pair on. Megumi didn’t bother to tell him his old pair had that mode too, he just really was ignoring him most of the time. 
A faint yawn left him as he stretched his long legs under the covers. The joints in his knees and ankles popped with the pressure. His navy eyes stung with exhaustion as he glanced over to see that it had started to rain. He turned on the transparency mode on his headphones so he could listen to the soft patters against his window. The glow of his phone in the corner of his eye drew his attention away from the climax of his book, the protagonist just a brush of their fingers away from freedom. 
An unknown number lit up his screen. His brows furrowed as he unlocked his phone with the hand that wasn’t holding his book in place. 
You free this Friday?
Writing it off as one of those spam bots that had been suddenly popping up everywhere, he cleared the message and returned his attention to his book. After a few minutes, the screen lit up once again. 
You ignoring me, Fushiguro?
Now that was certainly too specific for a bot. Placing his book face down on his chest, he quickly typed out a reply with his chin tucked over the edge of the hardcover. 
Who is this?
His leg swayed under the comforter as he awaited a reply, the movement making a soft swishing sound against the sheets. Text bubbles popped up before disappearing once again. 
Sorry, I stole your number from my brother’s phone.
This had him sitting up in an instant. The book that was left open on his chest fell unceremoniously onto his lap, surely losing his place altogether. He pulled his bulky headphones down around his neck as if it would help him think of what to say to the girl that’s been on his mind for weeks. Staring at the screen intently, he waited for another message, but it never came. Pulling his lower lip between his teeth, his thumbs glided across the screen hesitantly.
No need to apologize.
Shaking his head, he quickly erased the message before trying again. 
Need a babysitter?
His lip quirked up a bit at this response, and he hit send before he could think twice about it. Slowly lowering himself back against his pillow, he stared expectantly at the tiny screen. The book in his lap had long since been forgotten about. As he re-read the text, he suddenly wondered if the message sounded condescending. 
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath, already beginning to type up some desperate message explaining that he was just joking. A gray text bubble appeared on the screen before he could though. 
Why? Don’t have anything better to do on a Friday night?
A breathy chuckle left him upon seeing her reciprocated banter. 
Better than watching movies with offensively low rotten tomato scores all night? 
His message had barely been delivered by the time she replied. 
So you’ll be there?
With a clenched jaw, he ignored the slight ache in his chest at the hidden vulnerability in her request. 
Yeah, I’ll be there.
The sleeve of Megumi’s slightly oversized, black crew neck sweater slid down his arm as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. Although he had been anticipating when he could come back for weeks, now that he stood outside the now familiar apartment door, he was suddenly hesitant. The antisocial boy wasn’t really used to getting to know new people, or rather he wasn’t very good at it. Perhaps that’s why he gravitated toward people who were so outwardly social— who could make up for his lack of conversation all on their own. Maybe that’s why he gravitated towards Azumi, too. 
Similarly to the times before, the front door opened before he had the chance to knock. Gojo’s round glasses sat low on his nose as he smiled coolly at the boy. 
“I heard your services were specifically requested.” The older man teased before glancing over his shoulder behind him. “Zumi’s.. in an appointment right now, but you can come in. I’m heading out soon.”
Megumi’s brows furrowed as he followed the man into the apartment, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. Gliding his eyes around the room, they fell upon the girl in question. She was sat outside on the balcony, legs crisscrossed over the blue yoga mat on the ground. She was looking up at a woman he’d never seen before, who was sitting comfortably in a chair in front of her. Zumi was talking animatedly at the woman, her hands moving rapidly in front of her as if telling her a story. The excitement in her eyes almost had him wishing he could hear through the glass door to whatever she was babbling on about. 
As he stepped further into the apartment, Azumi’s blue eyes drifted to look inside absentmindedly. Catching his gaze, he could tell that her story had paused, her mouth stopped in a lazy smile that slowly began to fall upon seeing him. The mystery woman in the chair, taking note of the distraction, moved her gaze toward Megumi as well. A smile suddenly graced the woman’s face. Before he could see anymore though, Gojo stepped into his line of vision, effectively blocking his view. 
“You’re early,” the teacher noted, leaning nonchalantly on the kitchen island. Satoru nodded his head at the boy, eyeing him up and down. “Eager to please or something?”
Ignoring his playful banter, Megumi jutted his chin toward the balcony. 
“What kind of appointment?” He questioned, wondering what type of appointment occurred so casually on the individual’s balcony. Just as Gojo opened his mouth to respond, the balcony door swung open. 
The cocky man’s open mouth fell into a smirk. 
“Saved by the bell.” He quipped with a two finger salute, walking away to speak with the woman that had been sitting with Zumi, missing the way his sister seemed to automatically gravitate toward his student as soon as her feet touched the floor of the apartment. The balcony door closed behind Gojo, leaving the pair to stare uncertainly at each other. 
“Everything okay?” Was the only thing Megumi could think to muster up. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” She quickly responded. 
Defensive. He thought with narrowed eyes. 
“Don’t know,” he muttered, setting his bag down on the island. The curious glint in his eyes seemed to suck her in, and it felt like she was shrinking with his towering figure leaning toward her. The girl wondered if he was doing it on purpose, but by the subtle tapping of his fingers against his joggers, she figured he was just incessantly nosy. “Gojo said you were in an appointment.”
“You’re early.” Her dodge didn’t go over his head, his mouth setting in a firm line at the familiar phrase. Poking at his chest in an accusatory manner, she had to fix her face before it revealed her shock at the firmness that met her digit. “Miss me, loser?”
He scoffed, looking to the side to escape her enrapturing gaze. Had he looked now, he would have caught the victorious smile that spread across her cheeks. Brushing her loose hair behind her ears, she hopped up onto the island, the cool marble giving way for goosebumps that covered the expanse of her thighs that were left uncovered by her shorts. The corners of his eyes followed her dangling legs as they swayed back and forth gently, her sweater-covered hands softly gripping the edge of the marble as she smiled thoughtfully at him. 
“You texted me.” Megumi reminded her, tearing his gaze away from her to sit on one of the tall stools. It felt hot. He suddenly wished he had opted for a t-shirt instead. 
“You didn’t want to come?” Zumi’s teasing tone now held that faint trace of vulnerability that he had noticed in her text message. Her wide, blue eyes stared expectantly at him, unaware of how much they gave away. For the second time that evening though, the balcony door cut his conversation short. 
“I’m off, kiddos.” Gojo announced, “Get your ass off the table, I’ve gotta eat there.”  He quipped as he passed by his sister, playfully shoving at her shoulder and walking away before her foot could meet his back as intended. The unknown woman was trailing in behind him. She looked up at Megumi with a soft smile, something tender hidden behind her eyes. Her head bowed slightly in greeting, but she offered no introduction, instead opting to follow Gojo out the door. “I left money on the counter. Get a pizza.. or weed, or something, I don’t know what you kids do these days.”
He didn’t wait for a response before the door shut behind him. 
“So?” Megumi pried once again. Her gaze shifted from the closed door back to the boy in front of her. “You gonna tell me what the appointment was about, or are you pretending you didn’t hear me again?”
A drawn out, mocking hum left her, her eyes rolling up in fake thought. This went on for about a minute. The deeper the annoyed scowl on Megumi’s face became, the longer she played out her mock pensivity. A frustrated growl bubbled up in the back of his throat. She perked up at the sound. 
“Sorry, did you say something, Fushiguro?” 
“Forget it!” 
A boisterous laugh bubbled up from Zumi’s chest, much to the boy’s dismay. Sighing as she continued her victory cackle, he turned his head away to rummage through his bag for his book. As if she noted that she was quickly losing his attention to his annoyance, she grabbed his jaw and squeezed his cheeks together softly.
“C’mon, Megumi-kun,” she cooed mockingly, holding back a giggle at the combination of his puckered up lips and furrowed brows. Had he not been so irritated and, albeit a little flustered at his current position, perhaps he would have managed some amusement at how similar she was to her brother. Recalling just earlier that week, his sensei’s hand was in the very same position, scolding him for the very same reason, it made him wonder if this was something Gojo had done to her in the past, too. “Lighten up a little. You always look like the world’s about to end.” 
Snapping from his haze, his large hand wrapped around her wrist to release himself from the patronizing position.
“Easy for you to say,” he grumbled as he flipped his book open. “You know— from the comfort of your penthouse apartment in Tokyo.” 
Azumi hummed pensively, not taking offense to the jab as he suspected she would. A part of him was grateful she didn’t though. The sentence had tumbled out of his mouth without filter, as much of his conversations did, before he had the chance to wonder how much of an asshole he sounded like saying it. Her gaze focused on the ceiling in thought as she flopped back to lay against the counter. The soft, cotton fabric of her white sweater rode up her torso at the sudden adjustment. The boy beside her quickly cast his gaze anywhere but her.
“I guess you do have a lot to be upset over, huh?”
This made him look up from the kitchen faucet that he had suddenly become transfixed upon. The expression on his face was almost one of offense, but he was more confused than anything. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Zumi suddenly rose from her horizontal position to sit up on her elbows and take in his exasperated expression. How did this girl know how to get under his skin like this? Of course, his mind filtered back to the possibility that it’s a Gojo-clan specialty, but even with his sensei’s obnoxious and calculated jabs, Megumi had learned how to let it slide off him most of the time. 
“Well, it’s not really any of my business,” she began, suddenly a bit shy at the way she thought she could conceptualize his life with just the pieces of information she’d heard from her brother over the years. “But you haven’t really had it easy. I can only see things from my own bubble though, y’know?”
“And what do you see from your bubble?” For the second time, his book had been shut unceremoniously and forgotten about in favor of this painstakingly mysterious, snowy haired girl. 
“A guy who sees the world and goes on adventures and has friends and—” Zumi paused, her head falling toward her chest so that her hair would cover her burning face. There it was again— that longing and vulnerability. “You also are always getting your ass beat and putting your life on the line for everyone else. So, I guess you don’t exactly have that perfect life I’m envisioning then, huh?”
It was endearing, how she saw so many favorable aspects of his life when he saw so few. Of course, he knew he had great friends, and he did suppose he got to see more than most people his age did, but it was all at a cost. Protect the innocent, and then if you’ve done a good enough job and didn’t get too horribly mauled in the process, go on and have fun with your friends! Enjoy the new sites and cultures of this city you hold no loyalty to while you try to forget about the casualties of this latest ‘rescue’. It wasn’t that Megumi couldn’t recognize the positive aspects of his life, but was he really deserving of a happy go lucky attitude when there have been so many to die in its wake? 
“I try not to concern myself with the morality and fairness of this life.” He finally responded curtly. Turning to meet her gaze that was slowly coming up from behind her curtain of hair, she blinked slowly at him. “And neither should you. We all get dealt shit cards. We shouldn’t waste our time figuring out whose are worse.”
It was silent for a while as she stared thoughtfully at him. The intense gaze made him want to run and hide. It was like she was prying his eyes open and looking into his mind, about to scream ‘bullshit!’ upon seeing the countless contradictions that littered his psyche. A small smile graced her lips. 
“Well all mine can do is solitaire. So, whatever prophetic advice you want to give there would be much appreciated.” 
With that, she slid off the counter, her feet hitting the tile with a light smack. Megumi watched as she padded over to the living room and squatted down unceremoniously in front of the entertainment center. She sifted through what looked to be their wide assortment of video games, her finger running along the various titles until she seemingly found what she was looking for. After placing it in the console and grabbing a remote, she turned to make her way back to the couch. The boy quickly averted his eyes back to his book before she could tell that he had been watching her. 
“Are you gonna come play?” 
This time, he didn’t look up from his book, opting to shake his head. He had already been caught off guard by her too many times that night, and the sun had barely set. Some time on his own to collect his thoughts would be best for his own sanity. 
A small huff left her, but she surprisingly let him be. For once that night, he allowed his thoughts to be consumed by anything other than the infuriating girl sat just feet away from him. Leaning lazily back in the chair, he had actually been able to get farther in his book than recent times had allowed him. The sound of the typical ‘GAME OVER’ sequence drew his attention away from the pages as he watched Zumi’s shoulders slump in disappointment before hitting ‘continue from last save’. It was a game he recalled playing with Itadori a few times. Rather, it was a game he tried playing with Itadori a few times before his friend had thrown his controller at the dorm wall one too many times. After the third noise complaint, Megumi decided they should stick to other options. His navy eyes shifted back to his book once she began playing again. 
It hadn’t been even ten minutes later before the familiar sound played again, this time accompanied by a frustrated grunt from her. He decided to watch this time as she tried the level again. An exasperated expression of confusion contorted his face as he watched her completely miss crucial checkpoints and fail to dodge even the most obvious attacks. Sure enough, just a few moments later, her character was killed off again. 
“What the fuck!” Azumi growled, tossing her back against the couch. 
“You’re overwhelmingly bad at this game.”
Her long, snowy locks swayed dramatically as she whipped around to look at him. There was a taught, obvious line just between her furrowed brows as she stared in offense. 
“I’m serious. I’ve never seen anything like this.” Megumi deadpanned, only making her glare harden. She scoffed at his brashness before turning to continue her feat. 
Slamming his book shut, he quickly stood up to take the remote from her hands before sinking into the couch beside her. 
“No, I don’t think I can watch this anymore.” He explained before continuing from her save. In his focused gaze at the loading screen, he missed the way she bit back a victorious smirk. If there was one thing any guy couldn’t resist, it was the opportunity to demonstrate how big their dicks were. In the figurative sense, of course. Zumi knew this, of course, as she purposefully lost each round, making sure the volume was turned up loud enough for him to hear each time she was killed. She certainly wouldn’t be playing by herself all night, so she took matters into her own hands.  
She expected to watch him play a round or two before she would suggest pulling out the other controller and switching to co-op. She expected him to pretend like he wasn’t interested but agree to playing anyway, already invested from the two rounds she’d let him play first. What she didn’t expect though, was how he leaned in closer to her to show her which controls he was using, nodding his chin to the screen to demonstrate what they did. Her lips parted as his shifted weight sunk her closer to him on the sofa and their shoulders brushed. It seemed that he was too focused on beating this level to notice and jolt away in typical Megumi fashion. 
“You ignored all the power ups that were over here.” He explained, his thumbs expertly maneuvering across her pink controller. But she couldn’t pay attention to how close he was to beating the level, not when woodsy the smell of his body wash was invading her senses. She couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the way his bottom lip had been tucked between his teeth in determination, paired with his delicately furrowed brows. “See— now you have a better chance of getting through this area.”
Her breath hitched when he looked over at her to see if she was understanding, not anticipating how close she would be when he did. He was caught off guard upon seeing that she wasn’t paying attention to his mock-tutorial at all, and her gaze was instead locked on him. A shiver threatened to run down her spine upon seeing the way his Adam’s apple bobbed subtly against his pale skin, drawing her attention to the barely visible, jagged scar that ran down the side of his neck and into the collar of his loose fitting sweater. Seeing the way his chest rose and fell dramatically, she refrained from reaching out to graze it with the tip of her finger as she felt compelled to.
Surely, she wasn’t making him nervous, right?
“This is why you keep dying.” He suddenly broke the tense silence, his face still positioned so close to hers that she felt his breath fan over her cheeks. Zumi almost didn’t process his words thanks to her own nerves. 
Snapping back to reality, she abruptly turned to face the screen just in time to see him get killed as well. The boy watched in silent humiliation as the familiar ‘GAME OVER’ screen mocked him. She failed to suppress her laughter as he grumbled under his breath. The mocking giggles didn’t cease, and he used the palm of his hand to push her back by her face. 
“Oh my god,” she laughed hysterically as she fell back onto the sofa, her feet kicking against his thighs. Much to her surprise, he made no move to push them away. The tips of his ears burned as he furiously hit the continue button and ignored her hysterics. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m paying attention this time, I swear.”
“How have you not beat every game in here already, anyway?” Megumi grumbled, keeping his gaze now laser focused on the game in front of him. This time around, he seriously had something to prove. “You certainly have the time.”
Her legs brushed against his abdomen as she stretched out across the sofa, and he raised his elbows distractedly to accommodate them. 
“I don’t like playing by myself, so I just wait until Satoru is free.” Zumi explained absentmindedly, flinching as he narrowly avoided an attack in game. This made him glance briefly at her. “So, I’m usually waiting a while to continue any game.”
Once again, he couldn’t help but feel bad for her, relying on Gojo as her only company— her only friend, really. It made him think back to what she said earlier about how romantic his own life sounded compared to hers. There were little things that he took for granted, ones that she was suddenly bringing right to his attention. Despite his antisocial nature, he always had friends he could turn to in the rare instances that he was unable to entertain himself, even if that meant sitting aside as they argued or became way too passionate over a television show ending. It was such a small, seemingly insignificant aspect of his life— one he wished Azumi could have as well. 
“I have this game too.” He muttered, hoping she would magically catch on to his offer without him having to elaborate. Casting his gaze briefly to the side, he saw her perk up a little. Sitting up quickly, she leaned her cheek on his shoulder to bat her eyes up dramatically at him. 
“And would you have time in your big, scary sorcerer schedule to play with little old me?” Her lip jutted out in a pout that he only saw through the corner of his eye, trying his hardest to remain concentrated on the almost complete level. Megumi suddenly wondered if he was a magnet for people with absolutely no concept of personal space. 
“Not with the way you were playing.” He quipped, but even she could tell there was a teasing undertone hidden beneath his bravado. 
Accepting the challenge brought before her, she untangled herself from the brooding boy to snatch her brother’s controller from the entertainment center. He suddenly regretted whatever had spilled out of his mouth that had prompted her to move from her spot beside him.
 The twinge in his chest in response to the sudden loss confused him. Typically, he was shoving Gojo’s prying hands from his hair as he tried to ruffle it, or even elbowing Itadori in the ribs when he would hang leisurely on his shoulder when they would hang out. Part of him knew her clingy nature was, of course, likely inherited from the man she had been raised alongside. On another note though, he wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that she wasn’t used to having anyone around. They were almost mindless, her seemingly automatic tendencies to invade his bubble, like this was just how she thought people interacted with one another. Perhaps that’s why he couldn’t bring himself to push her away.
“Yeah?” Azumi challenged as she turned on the controller. He raised a curious brow at her. “Well, let’s see if you taught me anything then.”
Six rounds and four crushing defeats later, Megumi sat back, dumbfounded on the couch. With the tiniest smidge of doubt creeping up in his chest, he dared to glance over at the girl who had been absolutely demolishing him. She wasn’t even paying attention to him, instead focused on the television where she was shopping for new skins with the rewards of her four wins, the tip of her tongue poked out from the corner of her lips in concentration. As he watched her, he thought back to how she all too willingly allowed him to take over the game to ‘help her’, and how she hadn’t even paid any mind to the instructions he attempted to give her. 
“Did you keep dying on purpose back then?” Megumi finally bit out in exasperation. 
It was then that she finally looked over at him with a guilty grin painted over her face. Despite her expression practically admitting her sins for her, she still attempted to deny it as she shook her head gently. 
“No, you really helped me figure it out, Megumi!” she insisted with wide, innocent blue eyes. The narrowing of his gaze only made her further press to prove her innocence. Grabbing his elbow to jostle him into believing her, she continued, “Really, I had no idea there were so many ways to dodge attacks.”
Blowing a raspberry past his tight set lips, he tossed the controller on the side of the couch in defeat. A light-hearted laugh filled the air around him, and it almost made him forget her innocently planned deception. Rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms, painfully hyperaware of her hand that was still wrapped delicately around his elbow. 
“C’mon, let’s have a rematch!” Zumi suggested excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat. 
“My eyes burn from staring at the damn screen so long.” he rejected with a shake of his head. Truthfully though, he didn’t think he could handle her beating his ass so casually again. Sighing dramatically, she allowed herself to flop back onto the cusion below her. 
“Next time, your ass is grass, Fushiguro.” she teased menacingly, reaching into her pocket to check her phone. Her glacial eyes poked out from behind the tiny screen to glance at him mischivieously. “Satoru has business in the Kyoto school next weekend. I think he’s leaving on Friday. Bring some eyedrops and your big boy pants so I can finish you off.” 
It was almost an automatic reaction to agree to the sudden plans, but he shut his mouth when he remembered the plans he’d made with Itadori and Nobara. Zumi lowered her phone upon noticing his hesitation, tilting her head in question. 
“I can’t do it next weekend.” he stated simply, and he watched in slight anguish as she seemed to deflate. It wasn’t his initial intention to explain himself to her, but the words came tumbling from his lips in an attempt to assure her that it wasn’t exactly that he didn’t want to. “I promised my friends I’d see some movie with them. I’ve kind of been blowing them off lately.”
His friends. Of course, Azumi wasn’t so naive in thinking that he was always just waiting around and free to babysit her whenever the need arose. Still, after having spent the past hour or so in playful competition with him, she couldn’t help but begin to feel like he wasn’t just here at the request of her brother. No, it instead felt as if he was just hanging out with another one of his friends. Megumi had a life though, one where he could make plans with more than one person and go out places. 
A familiar twinge panged in her chest, one that she thought she had gotten much better at dealing within the past year or so. Still, he was staring expectantly at her, awaiting some sort of response, and she didn’t want to be that girl who clung to him and begged him to drop his plans for her. No, if he had the opportunity to live, then she would rather one of them take it than drag him down with her. 
Mustering a half-hearted smile, she nodded softly at him. 
“No worries,” she began, drawing her eyes away from him and back to her phone where she mindlessly tapped through her applications without actually looking at anything at all. “I’m sure Nanami misses my thrilling company.”
Despite her attempted joke, Megumi couldn’t push down that suffocating guilt he felt upon seeing the disappointment in her eyes. It felt as though he was rubbing his own freedom in her face, knowing just hours prior she had expressed her horribly concealed desire for just that. Minutes must have passed as he watched her distract herself with that damn phone, trying to hide her face from him. 
“What if--” he cut himself off, weighing the implications of what he was about to suggest-- the door he was going to open up. He found himself pulling on that knob anyway. “What if you went with us?”
It was silent for a beat. Her arm that held up her cellphone slowly lowered so that she could look at him, as if to see if he had really just said that. Sure enough though, he was looking back at her with that flat face he always wore, awaiting her response. An airy laugh slipped past her lips, but he didn’t reciprocate it. 
“Satoru would never agree to that.” Zumi dismissed with a forced smile, reaching to pick up her device once again. Megumi halted this movement with a firm hand to her wrist. 
“He’ll be out of town, won’t he?”
This made her sit up. Their pensive faces were now just inches away from eachother. They stared into one another as if both wondering if they were really suggesting what they were suggesting right now. Chewing anxiously at her bottom lip, she felt a twinge of excitement deep in her chest despite her apprehension. 
Gojo would surely have his head for it, along with any other body part he deemed necessary to amputate if he found out Megumi took her out without him, much less while he was six hours away from home. Sure, he took his sister out every once and a while-- driving far out of town to try a new restaurant that he’d read about or taking her out shopping when he noticed she was starting to develop a bit of cabin fever. All those instances though-- he was with her, and he rest assured knowing his senses were strong enough to know when a situation was amiss or when danger happened to be lurking. 
“C’mon,” Fushiguro muttered under his breath despite his own nerves. “You can’t be scared of pissing Gojo off for the rest of your life.”
“He doesn’t want anything to happen to me.” She quickly explained, unsure if she was defending her brother, or if it was her own compliance she was attempting to account for. 
“You’ll be with me.” he stated it so matter of factly that it made the blood rush to her cheeks. The underlying message of I won’t let anything happen to you hung heavily in the air between them. Noting how that sounded, he quickly added on, “My friends too. We’re all sorcerers.”
She toyed with the tails of her plethora of bracelets nervously, suddenly too shy to meet his expectant gaze. This was a chance for her to actually make friends-- to hang out with people other than her brother and his coworker for once. In truth, she wasn’t really scared of any harm befalling her as she let on. No, she was much more worried about her brother finding out. She was sure he would never let her out of his sight again. Then again, that was a fate she was already being subjected to. Would he stop allowing Megumi to come around? The thought loomed on her chest with the weight of an elephant. No, he couldn’t possibly do that to her-- not when she had finally made a friend. 
“I don’t want to impede on your plans with your friends.” Zumi countered with a shake of her head. A borderline offended scoff slipped past his lips, barely noticeable had she not been just inches from his face. It made her cheeks twinge pink. 
“My friends are almost as annoying as you are.” Despite his seemingly harsh words, the inviting tone in them made her smile a little. For once, it wasn’t Azumi begging to be invited. She wasn’t having to trick her way into spending time with others, she wasn’t having to watch as they grinned and beared through it. 
With the slow, excited smile that began to creep upon her face, he knew wordlessly that she had given into his convincing. Though his own lips stayed set in their comfortable, firm line, Zumi saw the flicks of mischief that made his navy eyes sparkle under the moonlight that currently poured in through the windows. 
They both shared a silent understanding in that moment. If Satoru Gojo didn’t get to them first, Azumi would surely be the death of him, and Megumi would undoubtedly reciprocate such demise.
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chapter four.
21 notes · View notes
yingatlas · 11 months
Hey! I want to request if you don't mind, Fu Hua x Mantis!Reader, basically this reader I really like that fic lmao, thank you anyway!
Hellooo <333 ofc I actually hadn’t read that one yet until you requested this and it was so cute I loved it
I hope you don’t mind any sort of plot holes or such cause I actually haven’t really finished the ER/PE story yet 😓 (also sorry if the ending seems kinda rushed)
I found you, you found me
Fu Hua x Mantis Reader
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You had been in the moths much longer than Fu hua due to getting caught up in honkai attacks at a young age.
When both of your parents had died the moths was the only place left for you to go
You dedicated everything into fighting because in truth what else was there for you to live for?
Due to this you became a mantis at a young age, not caring for the risk of the outcomes, you were one of the few who volunteered and one of the even fewer that survived
But you couldn’t feel anything, your already dull life seem to grow even dimmer.
You lost taste in food and anything that affected the normal human senses seem to dwindle for you
However that does mean you can actually be near and interact with Kevin without feeling his coldness. (This makes him secretly happy)
Everything just felt empty though, no matter what you would do in the end it got you nowhere, life was simply a chore and fighting was all you knew how to do.
Then she had to walk into your life, a broken yet determined girl had suddenly came crashing into your life…. Well technically it was you who came crashing into hers, literally
Being flung through the battle grounds and crashing into the raven haired girl was not part of your usual routine but here you guys were.
Honestly it was just a simple clearing out mission nothing too big but you being you couldn’t feel an injury on yourself until it was too late and a sharp pain took over your body
A large honkai beast took notice of this weakness and immediately rammed into you sending you flying. You would had probably gotten more injuries had a certain young girl around your age appeared in your way and help break your fall
As you got up and were about to apologize/say thank you, you instead had to grab the other girl and duck as an attack was hurled at you two
Snapping out of it you both immediately got back into battle, on the battlefield you two were warriors, not human.
However after the battle, that same girl managed to find you again. She introduced herself to you
“Hua…” you said testing how her name rolled off your tongue. It was surprisingly easy and something just felt right about it.
Hua nodded her head with a small sound of confirmation. “And you? Who might you be”
“Call me Y/n” you said bluntly and a look of realization came across her face.
“Yes, I believe Kevin had mentioned you to me just before this” she said, which didn’t surprise you much. Kevin was fond of you due to you being unaffected by his current state and also one of the few who had successfully became a mantis.
“Mhm, Dr. Mei had mentioned another mantis would be in this mission. If I’m not mistaken we must be around the same age then.” Hua nodded in confirmation as silence fell upon you two.
Hua, not knowing what to do, studied you a bit and instantly noticed your injuries that you seemed to pay no attention to. “Are you going to treat your injuries soon?” She asked, pointing them out
You looked dumbly at her before looking down at yourself. “Ah… I had forgotten about these. Perhaps I should, but it would take too long.”
“So you’re just going to go untreated” a hint of concern was present in her voice
“Perhaps, I’ll see what I can do for myself though-” you felt a hand grab your arm as you were dragged away
“Come, I will at least apply the necessary first aid needed” you dumbfoundedly followed Hua as she led you away from your previous spot. She made you sit down as she grabbed a box filled with medical supplies.
You both sat in silence as Hua begins to clean and bandage up the wounds that were littered around your body.
It was a comfortable silence and you couldn’t help but to feel relaxed and warm at this feeling of being taken care of
That isn’t right.
After that interaction you found yourself meeting with Hua more often. Whether it was coincidence or your own body unconsciously leading you to her you wouldn’t know
At the very least Hua doesn’t seem to mind the company so you’ll continue to stick around her.
Though this got some teasing from Elysia and intrigued looks from a few others. Your almost instant connection with Hua felt almost like second nature.
You’re not sure why, and Hua doesn’t seem to understand the extent of how out of character this is for you but you can’t help but want to stay with her and protect her from everything. Even her own mind sometimes.
Yes, perhaps jumping in front of an attack with an already unstable body that was on the verge of breaking due to overuse in battle was not the best idea you’ve ever had.
But in your defense, it was aiming at Hua and her getting hurt right in front of you es just unacceptable.
As you awaken in a hospital bed, your eyes immediately noticed the sleeping figure laying their head down next to you.
“Hua…” you mutter, unable to not keep her name from escaping your lips. It was such a pleasant feeling, to say her name, you could do it a millions times if it meant the warm feeling inside of you would remain
Hua stirred before her eyes cracked open. They seemed dazed for a moment as she processed everything
You were awake, her body snapped up, eyes looking at you in shock. You stared back with an unreadable expression like always
Hua simply relaxed a bit as her hand gripped the bed sheets tightly. “You’re awake, thank god” her voice was quiet with a bitter yet relieved expression
You nodded and took the hand she was gripping onto the bed so tightly into yours, loosening the grip of it. You didn’t like it when she did that all agitation and stressed, you liked it when she was relaxed. Hua knew this
“Even now you’re still focused and worried about me… why? You could have nearly died due to my ignorance.” Hua was frustrated, why did you always do this, why for her, what did she do to deserve such protection from you?
“I didn’t want to see you hurt” You responded calmly, almost like it was as obvious as what color the sky was
This only made her more frustrated. She stood up “you think I want to see you hurt too!? Y/n what you did was reckless and idiotic, had your body not mange to pull itself together you would not be here. The mission would have been a failure and I—…”
Hua’s voice died down at the end as she looked down
“I could have lost you too… and it would have been all my fault-”
Hua found herself not being able to continue as arms wrapped around her abruptly pulling her close. It was a bit of an awkward position due to you still being bed bound but it was warm
“Y/n! What-” “I’m sorry hua please forgive me”
She looked at you in shock as there were silent tears in your eyes. Why? Why were you shedding tears for her? How were you shedding tears? This all confused her
“Hua, none of what happened was your fault. I was so scared to see you hurt, I wanted so badly to protect you. I didn’t even know I could still possess these emotions or any emotions. But you still make me feel them and I latched onto it.” You didn’t even let her get a word in before continuing again.
“You make me feel things I never would have thought I could possess again. In this soulless life I found comfort in your warmth, so please don’t think badly of yourself.” Hua was in no way a love expert but even to her this sounded like a confession. It comforted her in a different way then normal, it was so warm.
So warm that the icy cold exterior she had melted immediately as she cried in your arms. You started to panic fearing you had done something wrong. “Hua? Hua I’m sorry please don’t cry.”
You tried to brush the tears away gently cupping her cheek only for her to lean into your touch… and upwards. A soft pair of lips met yours and you froze, the only thing you could manage was to close your eyes.
As she pulled away you both stared into each other’s eyes. A small blush dusted her face as your mouth was hung open in shock. “I have never once liked seeing a comrade put themselves in harms way. You are no exception to that fact. In fact, you are the one person that I cannot lose.”
Your eyes softened at her words. You let Hua curl up against you as you held her. Leaving a kiss on her temple. “I won’t leave you Hua, I never will. A moth cannot stray from it’s light, and you burn too brightly for me to loose you”
After that, you two were officially dating, though never stated out loud it others it was obvious.
When it came time for the previous era to come to end and the current era to begin, you were along side Hua.
However due to the complications it was decided that while you both were to complete the same task it would be in different areas.
This sadden Hua but you brushed it off “no matter how long it will take I will come back to you, whether you have forgotten me or not will not stop me from being by your side.”
These words brought her comfort as she knew you had meant those words. Entrusting Hua’s care to Fuxi and Nuwa. You two had to part ways
Eventually, Fu Hua’s memories of you had faded until they were completely destroyed in the fight against Sirin. This had broken her in a way she couldn’t understand.
In times of need she found herself longing for the comfort of someone familiar she couldn’t remember, she found herself unconsciously seeing certain fighting styles that made her lost in thought
You were someone that took on many identities over your lifetimes. Fading into the background was normal for you, you had done that a lot during your time with the moths.
Leading others to the goal while remaining undetected was much easier than actually being the leader.
However eventually someone had taken notice of your presence. A man by the name of Welt, Welt Joyce, the first Herrscher of Reason.
Then boom you were sucked into the chaos of Anti-Entropy generally assisting them from time to time while still keeping your identity mostly hidden from others.
You helped them make better tech using your knowledge from the previous era which basically had made you Einstein and Tesla’s go to test subject lab partner
In exchange, they kept your identity a secrete, help you fulfill the goal of passing on your knowledge to the correct era, and finally, gave you tabs as to how Fu Hua was doing.
Despite the many years that have passed your memories of your light was something you treasured. Even if her journey didn’t include you in it, it doesn’t matter to you. Knowing she’s safe is enough for you.
Only after the whole HoS and HoD incident was when you two finally reconnected. Fu Hua had obtained some of her memories back and that included those with you. At first it pained her a bit to know she had no idea of someone she had treasured so deeply before.
She didn’t know how you were or if you were even alive. Had you change? What were you doing for so long? Had you kept you promise or did you forget about her by now? It was all confusing to Fu Hua
Due to the injures she had sustained in the battle with Dominance, Fu Hua was referred to a few days of rest (despite saying how she was feeling fine)
She was getting an examination with Tesla and Einstein when they had told her how they were expecting a “lab partner/a stoic idiot” to show up soon. They said how they would like her to meet said lab partner, which confused her a bit but she didn’t questioned if.
“Doctor Einstein, I had gotten your signal. Was there something you needed to discuss-…” You paused at your eyes took in the very familiar face and body of your (past?) lover. You stood in shock as Fu Hua looked back mirroring your expression.
Einstein ushered doctor Tesla out as she gave you a knowing look and felt you two alone.
You blinked “Hua..?” You asked trying to see if she had recognized you. Which the answer was obviously yes. “Y/n” the name had rolled off her tongue so easy. Yes, it felt right
At that confirmation, the room grew silent. Fu hua didn’t know what she could say to you. Not like either of you two were big talkers before anyways.
Then, when the silent tears rolled down your face that reminded her so much of her memories of that night she stood closer to you and cupped your face.
Wiping your tears she was greeted with the realization of how the roles were reversed now yet it still felt so right.
“Hua… I found you”
“You found me, y/n”
Fu hua gently held you as you basked in her warmth, like a moth to a flame, you had been guided to her once more.
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phoxey · 9 months
The White Raven (Bada Lee Gang AU)
Bada Lee x fem!reader
CW: alcohol, mentions of death/murder, teeny tiny bit of angst
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - We are even now.
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“Who is there?”, she asked annoyed, you could hear the laughter of her girls in the background.
“Bada, can you come pick me up?”
“I came as fast as I could.”, she said, pulling off her helmet and getting off her bike. You were already shaking because it was so cold.
“Thank you so much, Bada. Really.”, you said gratefully, then you looked at her bike. “I kinda hoped you had a car.”
Bada looked offended at first, but then she realized that you probably hoped to sit in something warm. Her gaze softened and she pulled off her leather jacket for you, which you gratefully accepted. That’s when she saw the blood on your shirt. Instinctively her hand moved to check if you were okay. “Are you hurt?”
“It’s not my blood.”, you said and you looked down at her fingertips touching the bloodstain… which was right on your chest. “Now… could you please not touch my boobs? Only people who buy me dinner are allowed to.”
“Shit. Sorry.”, she said.
Then she put her helmet on our head and adjusted it for you. “Cute.”, she grinned then and you pushed her a little. “So? What’s your address?”
You shook your head and got on her bike. “Today was a shitty day. I don’t want to go home.”
“You can come to my place, we could drink beer and curse the world.”, Bada suggested half as a joke, but to her surprise you nodded.
Bada didn’t live far. Her apartment was small and pretty run down, but you didn’t mind. She threw her helmet on her messy kitchen counter and went to clean up the couch so the both of you could sit. You both sat down with beer in hand.
“Thank you for picking me up.”, you said softly.
“All good. Don’t worry about it.”, Bada smiled.
“But you were having fun with your friends.”, you protested.
Bada waved your comment off. “I have fun with my friends every day. They can have fun without me for one day.”
Bada looked at you with an undefinable gaze. “Do you want one of my shirts? Your shirt is dirty and bloody.”
You looked down on yourself. That shirt was ready to be thrown away as well, it was ruined. So, you sighed and pulled it off then and there. Bada widened her eyes and a subtle hint of pink bloomed on her cheeks.
“What?”, you laughed. “Never seen some boobies?”
Bada cleared her throat and went to get one of her shirts. It was a sports jersey that was big enough that you could wear it as a dress. You noticed it smelled like her as you pulled it over. It didn’t smell bad; the scent was actually quite nice. Bada picked up your shirt and looked at the bloodstain.
“What happened anyway?”, she asked.
“My little brother got bullied and I wouldn’t have it.”, you said simply.
“So you did what? Beat his bullies up?”, Bada laughed.
You nodded. “Wouldn’t be the first time, I beat someone up for him.”
“Really. You were right about what kind of girl I should be… Some soft girl who is going to university and all that. But that’s not possible for me.”
“Why is that?”, Bada asked curiously.
You debated whether you should tell her the whole story. “Because I dropped out of school, I didn’t finish it.”
Bada widened her eyes. “You’re a dropout? Why?”
You took a deep breath and drank another sip of your beer in an attempt to calm yourself. “Because I was charged with murder when I was fifteen.”
“What?!”, Bada asked surprised, but you noticed how the topic was not foreign to her.
“Mhmm. My father. He was a cruel man. But it was ruled under self defense, because it happened as I was protecting my brother.”, you said. “But it was too late, everybody in school knew about it, I lost my friends, but the whispers and the gazes are what made me drop out.”
“But you are a hero. You are really hardcore.”
You downed your entire beer then. “I don’t want to be like that. I just want to be a regular girl. I want to go shopping or go clubbing, I want to go on stupid little dates… but who would date me?”
“I would.”, Bada grinned.
You shot her a look, you weren’t in the mood for her jokes.
“Didn’t you say, you don’t need a husband to be happy?”, Bada asked.
“Just because I don’t need a husband, doesn’t mean I don’t want someone to come home to.”, you sighed and leaned to the side, when Bada decided to spread out on her couch.
“Being alone is better. You have to worry less. In the end you will die alone anyway.”, Bada said, staring at her beer.
You hummed in agreement. “I guess so. But sometimes I wonder if a burden shared is really a burden halved.”
“I wouldn’t want to burden the person I love.”, Bada said.
You nodded again and grabbed Bada’s beer, since she wasn’t even drinking it. Bada was surprised and tried to grab it back. “Hey!”
But you just laughed and avoided her hands, trying to drink the beer. When she grabbed your wrists, you let the can fall down, startled. The two of you ended up just inches apart, with her above you and you pressed on the couch. You couldn’t tell what was going through her mind, as she just stared at you with a blank expression. Your eyes fell to her lips. They were pink and slightly parted, you could almost feel her breath on your lips. You wondered if they felt as soft as they looked. They seemed to draw you in. It was the perfect moment. You knew she wanted to kiss you too.
But when your lips almost touched hers, she pulled away. Your eyes fluttered open in confusion and you leaned up on your elbows. But Bada just got up and threw away the beer cans. You followed her to the kitchen.
“Maybe I should go home now. My mom must be worried.”
“I can’t drive you, I had beer.”, Bada said worriedly.
You shook you head and smiled. “No need. On the way here I saw a bus station.”
“Y/N… I…”, Bada started but you stopped her by raising your hand.
“Don’t worry. It’s all right.”, you smiled.
Bada just stood there as you grabbed your shoes and put them on. Again, you couldn’t read her expression. She was like a book, that was open but written in a different language. You would have to learn the language, to decipher her.
“Thank you for saving me. We are even now.”
Continue reading: Chapter 4
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theseventhdimension · 2 months
"Dumbass" "Your Dumbass."
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Male! reader
Word Count: 1k+
DNI: Fem Aligned
Author's Note: sooo sorry I haven't uploaded in like a week, assignments stressin' meow-ut 😿😿
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In the high-stakes world of the BAU, where intense field operations and unpredictable encounters were the norm, injuries were a frequent occurrence.
Honorable Mentions Include:
Elle- Shot by The Fisher King, and had her wound dug into.
Penelope- Shot in the stomach, then attacked again after being released from hospital.
JJ- Shot in the abdomen by Grace Lynch after she escaped from federal custody.
Emily- Stabbed with a broken table leg by Doyle.
Spencer- Kidnapped by Tobias Hankel, tortured and drugged.
Now, typically, when someone got hurt on a case, the whole team shared the worry equally.
Knife wounds to the chest, bullets lodged in the body, or even severe bruises and broken ribs from a brutal beating.
These were the injuries that had the team pacing back and forth on the sterile floors under the harsh hospital lights, almost as if they themselves were the ones on the verge of death, the team was connected in a way like no other.
The thing is, this time Hotch hadn’t been shot or stabbed or tortured or even beaten up, no.
He didn’t even need to go to the hospital.
He had fallen.
Not just fallen but tripped.
Tripped so embarrassingly that his ankle had gotten lodged between a couple of rocks at a particularly treacherous, rocky final crime scene. And then..
There he was, laying on a crumpled bullet-proof FBI vest which could do nothing to help, trying to ignore Prentiss’s laugh from behind him and the shooting pain resonating in his foot, clutching his ankle to numb the feeling somehow.
AND to make matters worse, the case had already concluded. The unsub had been shot on site before he could carry out his final murder, taken away to hospital before being brought into custody, and the last victim was safely reunited with her family.
All that was left for him to do was to make it back to the ambulance without incident.
..Unfortunately, he didn't even manage that.
Considering he, well, couldn't get off the ground.
And It wasn’t until a pair of arms, yours, he recognized, pulled him to his feet did he realize he couldn't put any weight on his foot whatsoever.
“Don't even think about walking, I’ll carry you.” The words finally settled in his brain leading his eyes to widen.
“What? Uh, no… no really it’s fine, I can just walk over, and I'll meet you back home, okay?” His voice came out strained and shaky, but still full of authority. The quiver in his voice was obvious, clarly showing the pain he was trying to hide.
“I’m carrying you, and this time, I'm the one ordering.” Okay, nevermind. That was kinda of hot(chner).
Bit of a weird order though, but who was he to say no to direct orders from his husband, he supposed.
As you lifted Hotch over your shoulder, an amusing thought popped into his mind: picturing himself trying to carry the hulking mass of Morgan in the same way, flopped over your shoulder like a sack of vegetables.
You noticed him huff out, the quick up and down of his stomach vibrating your shoulder.
“What’s so funny? You’re in pain..!”
You tried to lecture him, you really did, but that soft feeling that you had for him, his dark hair, raven eyes, and silent smile melted your insides.
"Nothing, just wondering what procedure this falls under… if Morgan had sprained his ankle, would he be hanging over your shoulder right now like this?"
God, you loved his jokes. But, this was not the time for them.
“Please.. just! This is serious!” You urgently told him.
You were noticeably worried. Your hand tapped gently at Hotch's lower back as you held him, as if to reassure yourself that he was there and okay.
..But why?
He could understand the worry if he'd been in the victim's place; Kidnapped from her home, held captive in a dark basement for weeks, barely fed, and taunted with threats.
But that wasn’t him.
He tripped.
As if you could read his mind, that softness returned just as you put him onto the side of the ambulance to sit on the edge, your eyes scanning his face for any signs of discomfort.
"..Every time you're out in the field, I wish I could bend the rules to keep you at a desk job instead! Where you're safe, protected, and ..won't end up dying somehow.."
You could feel tears pricking in the corners of your eyes as your voice starts to crumble slightly.
"..And I know it sounds absurd, but what if you'd tripped a few seconds later and fallen off that edge? I couldn't- I wouldn't have been able to save you."
Hotch's hand caressed your cheek with a gentle touch, his smile serene. "I'm fine," he assured softly. "I just need to ice my foot, and I'll be completely okay." His lips brushed against your cheeks, leaving you fighting a broad, flustered grin, before gently meeting yours in a fleeting kiss.
You glanced around the landscape, a hint of amusement in your voice as he spoke softly,
“Well neither was hoisting me over your shoulder like a bag of potatoes, was it?”
When you both got home, you gently helped him to the couch, propping his foot up on a cushion and fetching some ice.
Sitting beside him, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. Hotch leaned into you, sighing softly as the tension melted away. Your hand traced soothing patterns on his back, the warmth of your touch a silent promise of safety and love.
“See? this is what I needed,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “Just you and me, I think this is helping more than the ice..”
“Always, Aaron." You smiled, pressing a kiss to his temple, "I’m here, with you, always am, always will be”
As the evening settled around you, the worries of the day seemed to fade, leaving only the comfort of each other’s warm presence, and one icy cold ankle.
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