honeys-marmalade · 4 months
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modelsof-color · 25 days
My followers are the strongest people out there
I don't celebrate y'all enough
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kenny-lol · 2 years
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my little sillies
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loudlyhappycupcake · 3 months
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The love interest photo 🩷💕❤️💛🌹💎👹😇🦋✨️🎸 @shironezuninja @daydream358 @ladybugssong3 @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @untitled14360 @homuncvlus @fandom-4fans @andykasane @wisefestivalloverpatrol @mysteriouslystrangeyeti @miniaturejudgeturkeytree @bossbabyfan2 @bloodmoon24 @walt-diego-rodriguez @pastelmermaidgirl @patchcat-likeswolves @sakulovejulius12 @monicaartsxd @moneneki @moonlighteclipse17 @hazbin-hotel-aesthetics-quotes @collector-noceda-clawthorne @cartoonfan21 @wolfie245 @serentiydraw5678 @pearllol @lilnaru1 @littlemervie @clairaquos @pinkdiamondstar @roselyn-writing @torkmadox20 @enchantedchocolatebars @entinullbutno
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rosekatara · 19 days
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Some drawings I did a while back when I was a bit bored ^v^ 2 of my friends helped me pick which animals I should make hybrids of, was really a fun challenge ^w^
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cecy83 · 1 month
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myrandomautistichouse · 4 months
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fawnarchive · 9 months
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taegularities · 1 year
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acacia-may · 1 year
Shinobu Kocho Pink & Red Roses (Family & Romance Headcanons)
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As part of my Rose Garden Headcanons (Valentine's Day) Event 🌹, here is a bouquet of some Pink Roses (Family Headcanons) 💗 & Red Roses (Romance Headcanons)❤�� for Shinobu below the cut!
Absolutely thrilled to be writing some heacanons for not only my favourite Hashira but also my favourite character in Demon Slayer/KnY! 🦋 Thank you so much for reading!
[Warnings: brief mention of loss/grief. Some vague-ish manga spoilers if you squint/really look for them (maybe?) ]
P2. What is one of their fondest family memories?
After losing elder sister Kanae, Shinobu has really treasured all of the little, everyday memories that they shared together with their other sisters. (They both always considered the other butterfly girls as much their sisters as they were to each other). Even just little things like preparing and sharing meals together or playing games outside in the Butterfly Mansion's garden are very precious memories to her.
One of Shinobu's fondest specific memories, however, is the last birthday that she got to share with Kanae. She had been working late in the infirmary and had nearly forgotten that it was her birthday until Kanae, Kanao, Aoi, Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi all surprised her with her favourite dinner and dessert they had made themselves. After the meal, they all stayed up late talking and laughing together and playing some of Shinobu's favourite games.
Another particularly treasured memory is playing tag around the clothes lines and drying laundry when her little sisters were very young. It was one of the first time she saw Kanao smile, and it had made Shinobu and Kanae both so happy to see her join in their fun.
P3. How does their family express love to each other in general? (For instance, are they particularly doting, complimentary, or touchy-feely? Do they go all out for birthdays and other special occasions?)
With the exception of probably Kanao, the Butterfly Girls are definitely the type of family who teases to show affection. Kanae could be particularly merciless in her teasing at times though it was always in good fun and followed up with affectionate giggling which let everyone know she was just kidding around. Shinobu and Aoi have a much dryer, much snarkier delivery in their teasing so it can be a bit hard to know that they really are just kidding around sometimes (their family, however, always knows). Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho can definitely join in playful teasing their sisters too--though it doesn't take too long before they descend into giggles. (Shinobu and Aoi definitely take the cake for being able to keep a straight face the longest). Kanao will occasionally be affectionately teased by her sisters, but she isn't usually the type to tease them in return.
Beyond teasing each other, the Butterfly Girls are incredibly attentive and devoted to each other. They are always helping each other out (even without being asked) and are very supportive of one another. Kanae is the best at listening to problems and providing comfort, and Kanao is a very sturdy shoulder to cry on if her sisters need her. Whereas Shinobu and Aoi are both "Fixers" who are great at problem-solving and giving honest opinions and matter-of-fact advice. Kanae, Kiyo, and Sumi are all very generous with their words and often shower their sisters in compliments. Shinobu and Aoi struggle to express their feelings with words, but they will both give praise when it is due which makes their affirmations extremely meaningful. Kanao and Naho are shy with their words, but they express their affection in other ways, especially through spending time with their family. There are also a lot of acts of service in their household especially from Aoi who prefers to show her love through making food for her sisters and from Shinobu who shows her love by taking care of her family and making sacrifices for them. All of her sisters know that she loves them very deeply and would not hesitate to die for them if the need arose.
R2. How would they tell you they loved you? (For instance, would they use words--planned out in a speech or accidentally blurted out? Or would they prefer to show you they loved you through their actions?)
It is usually fairly uncomfortable for Shinobu to express how she feels with her words. She would rather show someone she loved them than tell them about it. Part of that is her own personal awkwardness and the other part is that words can feel a bit cheap to her. That said, if she was going to ever express her love in words, it would likely be something she just accidentally blurted out, otherwise she would overthink herself into oblivion and/or never admit it (possibly even to herself). Actions are much more important to Shinobu than her words, however. The mark of real love, in Shinobu's opinion, is being willing to sacrifice for another person, taking care of them, and supporting them even when times are tough. For this reason, she always tries her best to take care of the people she cares about.
If Shinobu loved you, she would go out of her way to make sure you were alright both physically and emotionally (though, at times, she can feel a bit ill-equipped to deal with emotions). She might have a bit of an edge of "tough love" to her sometimes from her somewhat blunt nature, but it stems from a place of wanting what's best for you. She'll likely tease you to show affection and would want to spend some quieter moments together just enjoying your company. Most of all, she would show her love through a fierce, nearly-unshakable loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice for you. She would very often put your needs above her own, and you'd be hard-pressed to get rid of her once she has decided to care about you.
R5. What is a love song that really suits them and why?
I'll admit this is a little bit of a biased answer for this question because I actually wrote a story about Shinobu named after this song (which is definitely a "love song" but not necessarily a romantic one, if that makes sense?), but I think the song "Take Care Of Yourself" by Maisie Peters is just a perfect love song for Shinobu. Shinobu shows her love best by taking care of others and encouraging them to take care of themselves. Her love is very much a "Rest your eyes and give your baggage to me" kind of love, and she would absolutely encourage the ones she holds most dear to "cut off a little slack/and roll all your cavalry back/my love, take care of yourself."
I also love this song for her because it can easily be flipped to having been sung about her (rather than her singing to someone else). Lines like "When it all goes bad/You're the shrink of the club/But you don't ever take your own advice," "You don't get a medal for the last one awake" and "I hate how you're going through hell.../When you'd never let anyone else" could really be referring to her (as the "you"). As much as she is always taking care of others, she really needs someone in her life to remind her that "The world won't fall if you're not holding it up" so she should take care of herself too. 💗
Maisie Peters - Take Care Of Yourself - Lyric Video - YouTube
Bonus (so I don't feel too self-indulgent): Another love song I love for Shinobu is "Peace" by Taylor Swift (Warning: There is one bad word in this song). Shinobu closes herself off to love because she always feels that "danger is near/and it's just around the corner.../'Cause it lives in [her]." She worries that no matter how much or how deeply she loves she "could never give you peace" and that maybe, because of that, all she does have to give wouldn't be enough so it might just be best not to love at all. Even so, like the singer of this song, Shinobu loves deeply, fiercely, and loyally. She would do anything for the one she loved even to the point of death (i.e. "I'd swing with you for the fences/Sit with you in the trenches" and "I would die for you in secret"). The entire refrain of this song especially just really reminds me of her:
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Taylor Swift – peace (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
[A/N: I have a whole playlist of Shinobu songs if anyone is interested--please just ask. I'm always happy to share the love for my favourite Butterfly Girl 🥰]
Thank you for reading! 💕
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softredribbon-kins · 1 year
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Korekiyo Shinguji with royal red, monarch butterfly, and gem stims for @korekiyoeditz !
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
It's just a sketch, it's not even that good and it's the same proportion at all, you can answer publicly i don't know the name in english but in french It's a grand monarque
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Ooooh, a monarch butterfly! I'd say you did pretty good seeing as I could tell what it is before googleing it
Also, yeah the proportions are a little off but I think that's to be expected when hand drawing stuff
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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astrojoy · 2 years
Aww thanks for your support!!! I'm not sure if I'll have any updates but I'll let you know if I do! The first guy I've gone back and forth on messaging again but when we used to talk I was the one putting forth all the effort so I don't want to fall into that again even though he's recently single. The second guy I don't think lives nearby so if I wanted anything to happen with him I'd have to drive the 30-40 minutes to the mall again and hope he's working that day lol. I love the idea of crushes but the reality makes my anxiety act up! He did seem really nice though, so I almost wish I had introduced myself/asked for his name. I don't suppose you get psychic messages about things? Or do astrological synastry?
Hey I'm proud of you for standing your ground in a way! By that I mean you aren't giving that 1st guy too much of your power, you know? It should be an equal give and trade 🥰
Also that's true! Having crushes is very precious but it does come with some anxiety :3 I have some anxiety issues so I totally get where you're coming from. It's hard to imagine even approaching a cute guy or girl 😂😂 If I talk to someone who is attractive in my eyes I instantly start stuttering or mumbling my words. I actually do that from time to time however it's on hyper mode around stunning people. That typical fidgety person in movies basically LMAO it's absolute chaos 😳
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Btw! On the psychic and synastry stuff, I'm more opt to use psychic stuff or tarot because I'm not amazing with synastry (still learning and getting the grooves on what I find out °^°) atm I'm working on a pac reading though so I will try and delve into my tarot or whatever psychic info I get for you either after or tomorrow (it's 1 am 💀 and I have 3 math exams I'm a bit late on so hopefully it won't take too long // side note: I hate school :)
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thebutterflyxo · 5 days
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heroichedgehammer · 1 year
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"I mean, I can go camping on my own. I just don't wanna. It's the 'by myself' part that's boring, not the other parts!"
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