lavandulacosmos · 2 years
Stranger Things/LCDP au: Oslo and Helsinki bust Hopper out of prison 😄😄
Ok, but listen here.
Imagine badass Joyce and regular housewife Murray doing their detective work while these two guard them? Yeah, Yuri has no chance against them, they would know what the bastard is up to.
Good chance is that they actually know his dealings and make getting to the Soviet Union quicker if not smoother because let's face it, these two would go absolutely wild at the first chance of trouble.
Goodbye prison, it was bad while you lasted.
I doubt the cousins would go in quietly, maybe something more on brand like their entry into the Royal Mint - shooting at everyone when the brains give the signal. Hell, they would feed the Demogorgon of Kamchatka a full firework show to save Hopper and Dimitri.
Joyce would need time to warm up to them, but I think she would adopt the cousins two minutes in because the two listen to her only and are being polite about it.
Murray is annoyed ofc, trying to get under their skin a bit in true Murray fashion until Helsinki tells him to give up. They work with bigger bastards and he is welcome to change with them.
Hopper is jealous. Until Joyce hugs him, that is.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 11 months
I write grief well. It's a spectre I've known all my life. For many years wallowing in its embrace was a comfort.
I think we write about the things we're familiar with to provide lessons to others and also, in a strange way, to revisit our past selves - good and bad.
Thank you for sharing something so personal, I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
I've had a lot of deaths in my life as well, and it's also fascinated me as a subject to study. So it's not strange to me that it would show up in my work, to deal with that and analyze it and explore it through fiction.
What is strange to me is that the grief of losing a child - the theme that keeps popping up - is something I've never experienced. It is a type of grief I have seen - my great grandma lost both her daughters, my grandma and great aunt, when I was in my teen years - it's not something that has affected me in a personal way, I guess is the best way to say it.
I feel like it might be because my own approach to grief is so at odds with the grief I'm trying to portray in my work. I've always been able to expect the deaths in my family, so when they died I was sad but I had expected it and been glad they weren't suffering anymore. Whereas in my writing the grief is so heavy and present in everything.
I usually end up writing about things I haven't experienced myself anyway. It's just that this has become a persistent theme and unlike with other things, this isn't even something I was interested in prior to writing about it, it just happened.
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apinchofm · 2 years
Modern De Clermonts au: they film each other crushing a watermelon with their thighs to raise money for charity
Also this brought back a buried memory of seeing this on This Morning and I was disgusted.
(that being said I would happily be between Baldwin or Marcus' thighs, but we move)
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derry-rain · 7 months
@nedwardlittle and @nomilkinmyteaplease sweetly tagged me to list five of my comfort shows and five of my comfort movies. Thank you!
Dog Soldiers
2. Jurassic Park
3. The Ritual
4. Zodiac
5. Withnail and I
tv shows
Black Books
2. Stargate Atlantis
3. Due South
4. I'm gonna say Slow Horses. It's a new one to me, but I keep rewatching and it just brings me such quiet joy.
5. Red Dwarf
tagging: @cody-helix02 @butternuggets-blog @davidstirlings @latibvles
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Hii! Anything you’d like to write about Matthew Clairmont pleeeaseeee,may it be headcanon or something fluffy with a bit of smut of him ×reader 🥺🥺 thank u!
An: first things first, I’m so sorry I’ve not written this sooner. Life happened 🥲
Anyways, hope you like this 🥰 Hinting at smut, but nothing happens 😏🥰
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“Matthew”, you whispered, leaning over him where he sat and pressing a kiss against his cheek. “Gabriel”, you went on, kissing his other cheek. “Philippe”, he let out a soft huff at that, but let you kiss his neck. “Bertrand—.”
Matthew grabbed your hand then, “Don’t. Call me. That.” 
“Sébastien.” Your voice was soft as he glared down at you. “Let go of my arm, my love.”
It took a few moments, and then he let go of you, turning back to the desk, sitting down.
“Come back to bed my love. It’s cold there without you.”
Of course, it was cold when he was there too, but you liked the coldness he emitted.
“I’ll be back before you know it mon Coeur. Go back to bed.” 
But you didn’t leave. Instead walking the few steps to his desk and hopping up, looking at him.
“Please, please, please, let me finish my work.”
“You can do it in the morning.”
Matthew looked up at you with a dark look, his hands smoothing over your soft skin.
“I miss you. Come back to me.” You pleaded in a soft whisper. 
Although usually stubborn, you knew a way to break his façade. Slowly opening your legs while maintaining eye contact with him, you watched as the danger in his eyes was replaced with hunger. With a swift movement he was up and carrying you to bed, ready to give into your wish and needs.
His lips on the sweet spot of yours as soon as the door was closed.
“You should know better than to tease me like that.” His voice a low rumble in his throat.
“It was the only way. I was lonely in here without you.”
He huffed, dropping you on the bed and getting in on top of you. “I guess I’ll have to fix that then, don’t I?”
You nodded excitedly, pulling at his shirt and trying to get him undressed.
“Such an eager little thing aren’t you mon Coeur?” He had the slightest hint of a smirk on his lips.
It was unfair how easy he made it look when undressing you. He could get you naked in a matter of seconds, without breaking a single button, while you took longer. 
“Matthew--?” your voice betrayed you, his name coming out as a needy whimper.
“Patience.” If it wasn’t for the fact that he was a vampire, you’d slap that smirk off his lips. But instead, you could only watch his face as he teased you, a pout evident on your own face.
“You’re not playing fair babe.”
He simply laughed, dipping his head to kiss you softly. “You want me to play fair huh?”
You nodded, pouting still. 
“I’ll play fair.” A glint of mischief evident in his eyes as he dipped in for more kisses.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen
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eoinmcgonigal · 2 months
thank you @nomilkinmyteaplease for the tag
Name: Ru
Pronouns: he/they
Star sign: leo
# of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any): one. nothing fun about that
# of pets & their names: two black cats, pumpkin and salem
Fandoms: i guess SAS:RH, although it's kinda dead here
Favourite color: blue-green? copper? blue? green? purple? brown? obnoxious pink? offensive neon orange?
Favourite song: currently one from hadestown but idk it's name. the 'if it's true what they say' one
Favourite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): not sure i have a favourite, but mick herron's books are fun
Favourite fic type: pwp or happy ending
Favourite Holiday: bonfire night
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?: queens park rangers???? no but if i had to pick it would be caley thistle
Hobbies: writing, researching stuff, transcribing stuff, some more writing...
Fun facts about you: i've eaten part of the mer de glace
unsure who to tag... no pressure/apologies if you're already done this @cosmic-marauder @inheavenlygrass @revolutionarybillfraser @davidstirlings @kalikatze @dukesoakedoats @a-case-of-the-ace @almost-a-class-act @butternuggets-blog @sweatynightmarecollection-stuff @moghraidhs @roseszirnheld @blacklaces @augustinjordanapologist @ sansa i've forgotten your blog aldkjf;aldkjf
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yurisoftgames · 20 days
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Brie Butternuggets. Don’t bully him about his name, if possible. He is sensitive about it.
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almost-a-class-act · 9 months
Welcome to my month of spooky prompts! I have decided that I will indeed be hashtagging everything War Is Helloween because it is very funny, but fills do not in any way have to be war fandom-related. Once again, please feel free to tag me in any writing or artwork that transpires; I would be stoked to reblog them.
October 1st - Prompt # 1
Character A tries to convince Character B that it's too early to put the Halloween decorations up OR that it's too early to get the house ready for winter.
Tags: @latibvles @cody-helix02 @vintagelavenderskies @bobparkhurst @davidstirlings @roseszirnheld @just-barrow @eoinmcgonigal @aloraundomiel @lamialamia @leftenantjopson @butternuggets-blog @msnorthwing @lengthy-artery @trashbag-baby666 @impalachick @jump-wings @noneedtoamputate
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for the daily prompt.
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saskinkheroes · 8 months
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Thanks again everyone who participated! With 69 (!) works we can definitely call it a success.
As promised, here is the completed masterlist, sorted by day. Of course you can also check out the complete AO3 collection!
day 1: watersports | humiliation | sounding
pressure (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies Fine Tuning (David Stirling/Doctor Gamal) by Butternuggets The Chamber Pot (Dave Kershaw/OFC) by Homeahoy trust me, i’m a professional (David Stirling/Doctor Gamal) by toastandjammies hello stranger (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies golden showers (David Stirling/Dave Kershaw) by booksoncanvas Warm Relief (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous Sound Performance (Johnny Cooper/himself) by eoinmcgonigal A well-respected man (Dave Kershaw/Georges Bergé) by MsNorthWing you can’t have it all (Bill Fraser/Mike Sadler) by Mullein Did You Get What You Need? (Bill Fraser/Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by RosesZirnheld the secret he carries between humiliations (Augustin Jordan/Paddy Mayne) by allmyloyaldead
day 2: exhibitionism | glory hole | frottage
If you wanna be a dog, act like a dog! (Paddy Mayne/Eoin Mcgonical) by DukeSoakedOats No Peeking (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Butternuggets The edge of Glory (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by Homeahoy high on you (David Stirling/Doctor Gamal) by toastandjammies aubade (Augustin Jordan/Mike Sadler) by derry_rain Trysts Between The Canvas (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by MortuaryOfTheFiendish glory be to thee (Reg Seekings/David Stirling) by booksoncanvas Then he kissed me (Jim Almonds/Pat Riley) by MsNorthwing Getting Lucky (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous Like What You See? (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings, Mike Sadler/David Stirling) by RosesZirnheld A Satisfying Place to Be (Pat Riley/OC) by eoinmcgonigal Unexpected Surprise (Dave Kershaw/Eoin McGonigal) by Homeahoy In a Heartbeat (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by eoinmcgonigal
day 3: fisting | orgasm denial | overstimulation
Naughty boys get punished (Eve Mansour/David Stirling) by Homeahoy never enough (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies You really got me (Dave Kershaw/Georges Bergé) by MsNorthwing Fistful Of Heaven (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous sinner’s sweet song (Bill Fraser/David Stirling) by booksoncanvas holy smoke and sweet desire (Jim Almonds/Mike Sadler/Pat Riley) by Mullein ”Can you feel it?” (Bill Fraser/Mike Sadler) by eoinmcgonigal Noisy Neighbours! (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by RosesZirnheld My things aren’t ugly (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGoningal) by DukeSoakedOats
day 4: asphyxiation | 69 | face sitting
If I were to die a happy man (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Homeahoy picture perfect (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies nose job (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies I Love You Every Way Baby (Jim Almonds/Pat Riley) by RosesZirnheld A Better Use (Mike Sadler/David Stirling) by eoinmcgonigal The Killing Moon (Eve Mansour/David Stirling) by MsNorthwing Choking on You (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous whatever she desires (Eve Mansour/David Stirling) by booksoncanvas interlude (Mike Sadler/Reg Seekings) by derry_rain day 5: sex pollen | knotting | tentacles
Home Is You (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by Butternuggets The werewolves lover (Mirren Barford/Jock Lewes) by Homeahoy Whole lotta love (David Stirling/Doctor Gamal) by MsNorthwing law of nature (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies Transposition (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal) by eoinmcgonigal The Shallow Deep Sea (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous yet still steadfast (Paddy Mayne/Mike Sadler) by derry_rain Just use me please (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal, Paddy Mayne/David Stirling, Eve Mansour/Eoin McGonigal) by DukeSoakedOats You’re Knot Going Anywhere (Dave Kershaw/David Stirling) by RosesZirnheld subservient (Paddy Mayne/Eoin McGonigal/David Stirling) by booksoncanvas day 6: spitroasting | object insertion | spanking
From Paris with love (Augustin Jordan/André Zirnheld/Walter Essner) by Homeahoy Reach your hand to me, my friend (Paddy Mayne/EoinMcGonigal) by Lamina2505 excitable boy (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by toastandjammies Pure morning (Jim Almonds/Jock Lewes/Mirren Barford) by MsNorthwing Me, Inside You; You, Inside Me (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous How To Make Your Boyfriend Less Stressed (Jim Amonds/Jock Lewes/Pat Riley) by RosesZirnheld A Loser’s Victory (Jim Almonds/Johnny Cooper) by eoinmcgonigal you can come back another day (Eve Mansour/Mike Sadler, Eve Mansour/Mike Sadler/OMC) by derry_rain day 7: free space
better pray for your sins (David Stirling/Dudley Clarke) by toastandjammies Desert Views (David Stirling/Doctor Gamal) by Homeahoy Lovesong (Augustin Jordan/Paddy Mayne) by MsNorthwing Sharp Change (Paddy Mayne/Mike Sadler) by eoinmcgonigal Where Anyone Can See? (Jock Lewes/David Stirling) by RosesZirnheld Toe to Toe (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by Anonymous silk (Mike Sadler) by derry_rain Girly Show (Johnny Cooper/Reg Seekings) by eoinmcgonigal
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lavandulacosmos · 2 years
3. 10. 13.
Hello, there~ 😘
Fanfic writer asks ✨
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Actually, it was the lack of fanfics. I mean, I love character-heavy fics, which are aplenty in the Money Heist fandom, but I didn't find a real good plot-heavy one that dealt with canon's inherent flaws in detail. Time-skip to me writing a series of more than 200k words.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
I wouldn't say favourite, more like current phase, which is Star Wars at the moment. After the Kenobi series, I immersed myself in Prequel trilogy fix-its and the like. 😋 Generally speaking, I enjoy anything that catches my attention in the quagmire of fandoms I follow, tbh. I have no preference, I can read literally anything that's well written or gives canon an interesting new twist.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
Oh yeah. 😆 I like to keep my thoughts, plot points and themes in check so I have a notebook, lots of mismatched notes, and the end of my doc is a real mess of half-written dialogues. If someone just saw my notebook, they would certainly get a headache or at least get confused by what even I'm getting at:
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lady-of-the-spirit · 9 months
"A Discovery of Witches au where everything is the same but Ysabeau is played by Catherine O'Hara playing Moira Rose." - you
Ok, but I need to see Ysabeau reacting to everyone else around her, not just Matthew 😂😂
I watched a video of moira's most iconic moments just to find quotes for you.
Ysabeau when she has to comfort Louisa: There was once a radiant young lady, who wanted two sons. Matthew, and Louise.
Louisa: I don't like this story.
Ysabeau: Sshhh.
Marcus: I have some news!
Ysabeau: Marcus, I'm not sure I'm in the mood to hear about another sexual exploit.
Ysabeau: Fine. Who is it this time?
Ysabeau: I've been trying to call Matthew but he's not picking up!
Marthe: Why don't you try Baldwin?
Ysabeau: There's an idea... anyone have his number?
Ysabeau: You're aware the bebe is crying, yes?
Baldwin: Yes!
Ysabeau: Wasn't it scheduled to be dormant by now?
Ysabeau (to anyone): What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic. But it was also wrong.
Ysabeau: Diana went into labour, we're on our way back right now.
Sarah: Okay, get here as soon as you can!
Ysabeau: Diana's pulling into Sept Tours right now.
Sarah: Wait, Diana's driving?
Ysabeau: Yes, Sarah, she insisted! My nerves are fried!
Diana: [screaming in the front seat]
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apinchofm · 2 months
minim236 -> @apinchofm
hii! so a bit of a makeover but there will still be the same unhinged content. tracking tag for edits and stuff will still be #minimmakes
tagging the lovelies (if i miss you, do not take it personally 😭 i love all of you)
@lady-of-the-spirit @lavellenchanted @phantomphaeton @waterlilyrose @angel-starbeam @afro-elf @dreamofme9 @dreamstone28737 @jeanvanjer @viscountessevie @camiladnne @mimix007 @dollypopup @aspoonfuloffiction @hydriotaphia @sukibenders @butternuggets-blog @camiladnne @candicepatton @orangepeelshortbreadcookies
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derry-rain · 5 months
Tag game: Get to know me
I was tagged by the incredible @fayestardust, who is just in general a fantastic human being and the most brilliant artist. <3
he/they . technically all of them, but i'm only a she when it amuses me to be so. I prefer he/him most of the time, but they/them is totally fine.
Star sign:
# of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
None, though I did grow up a twin. Fun fact, he was a gifted musician (a guitarist friend of mine once asked me how long he'd been playing for, after my brother picked up his guitar one evening and started noodling around on it. he'd never played one before. dick.).
# of pets & their names:
Two cats! I usually refer to them as "my cat" and "the dumber of my two cats" on here, but they're both named after Bioware characters really.
So many. SAS: Rogue Heroes and Band of Brothers have my heart right now, but I'm on the fringes of The Terror and Wheel of Time fandoms. I think probably the other HBO War properties I could be dipping into.
Favorite color:
Barbie pink.
Favorite song:
Also so many. However, there is a special place in my heart for Sondheim's Someone in a Tree from Pacific Overtures
Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
Honestly, I read so much, but I will always be a Dickens kid at heart. They grip me.
Favorite fic type:
Romances, I like when they're first kisses and discovering feelings. For someone who has been known to write a bit of angst, I'm not actually that fond of reading bleak stuff. I like a happy ending, and if I can't have that, a hopeful one.
Favorite Holiday:
I adore Christmas. Mostly I love the moment right after Christmas, when it's just time to relax with family and leftovers and nothing to do.
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
Nope. I am taking applications.
I write, I research, I read a lot. I love theatre too. I'm not particularly crafty, though I'd like to be. I do love travelling also - for budget reasons, I normally stick quite close, but I do enjoy digging out local history wherever I go.
Fun facts about you:
My actual area of academic expertise is Roman love poetry. You'd possibly not be surprised at how little this comes up.
Ooof, tagging always so difficult. No pressure as ever. @teacat12 @dukesoakedoats @butternuggets-blog @nomilkinmyteaplease
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bachaboska · 2 months
Tagged by @butternuggets-blog: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Long walks
My cats
Listening to music
@edward-little @bbscclmate @feministfandomgeek @crubdraws
@tremendousdelight @dukesoakedoats
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adarafaelbarba · 8 months
I have a migraine and I’m dying, so could I get any boi taking care of reader with a migraine? 🥺❤️
A/N: I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve got a migraine 🥺 Hope it didn’t take too long to get rid of it my love ❤️ You can of course get something about boi taking care of you ❤️ And since it’s you I’ll throw a few of them into the mix ❤️🫂
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Sonny: He’s had many headaches in his time as a cop, student and ADA. So he would know exactly what do do to help you. He’ll tell you to go lay down in bed, then goes to grab the essentials; medicine, juice, water and tea, the cold compress for your eyes that was always kept in the fridge.
Shortly after grabbing everything he’s back in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed to place it all on the bedside table. «You’re too good to me Dominick», you say tiredly, eyes closed from the light in the sealing.
«You know you could’ve left the lights off right?» «And risk tripping and hitting my head, no thanks my love.»
He chuckles softly, helping you get settled. «I’ll turn it off on the way out—»
As soon as you heard that you pouted, and he knew you wanted him to stay. But he couldn’t too much work going on at the moment. Which he told you, though he promised to come back as soon as possible to check in on you.
With a soft kiss to your forehead he left, and as promised, turned the lights off so you could finally rest.
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Joe: He’s worried as soon as you don’t answer his call. He’d wanted to let you know he was on his way home, and to ask if you wanted takeout or for him to cook. But after the third time of going to voicemail he stormed to your place.
A sigh of relief left his lips when he saw you sleeping on the couch, only the light on the end table on in the living room.
As soon as he sat down though you opened your eyes, your vision trying to focus enough to see him. «Jose?»
«You had me worried sick amor, couldn’t get a hold of you.»
«I’m sorry…I took my migraine medicine and fell asleep—»
He cups your cheek, caressing the smooth skin with his thumb, «Let me go get a cold cloth for your forehead. You just lay here and rest amor, I’ll be back soon.»
Barely able to nod, you turned your head slightly, kissing the palm of his hand. «Thank you.»
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«Darling—your heart rate is spiking—are you okay?»
You let out a pained groan not even a second after he asked. «How do you always know when I’m not well?» A soft chuckle left his lips, his hands coming to cup our cheeks. «I’m a vampire, darling, I can smell and hear everything. Now tell me what’s wrong.»
Raising your hand to your forehead, you pouted up at him, explaining that you were getting a migraine.
«You have medicine for that right?» 
A small nod, then a huff, «But they’re at my place, I’ll be fine though, I just need an ibuprofen or something.»
Gallowglass gave you a look.
«Eric, I’ve been through this for so many years, I’ll be fine.»
«Fine. I’ll have Marthe or Marcus bring it up here, you’re going straight to bed.»
«Yes sir.» You rolled your eyes, but on the inside you absolutely loved it.
@plaidbooks @storiesofsvu2-0 @cycat4077 @thatesqcrush @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @misscharlielulu @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @thats-jaywalking @cursedashes @mysoulisasunflower @crazy4chickennuggets @imaginelover88 @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @guitita @imaginelover88 @ladylionstar @achataa @nessamc @peauxheaux @silversprings-mp3 @polkadotpenguin16 @pepperbstark @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @chickensarentcheap
Wanna be on the tag list? Fill out this form to be part of the team 🥰
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen @wheresthesunshineblog_ @crazy4chickennuggets 
Wanna be on the tag list? Fill out this form to be part of the team 🥰
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eoinmcgonigal · 5 months
Reading List Game
thank you @butternuggets-blog for the tag!
I've not been able to focus to read much so this might be interesting. I'll try to leave off things I've not completed.
What are you recent, current, and future reads?
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Parachute Padre. I can't find an image for Parachute Padre, but I actually re-read that today. Forever love it for the detail about how Paddy was happy again during the time out in France.
Public Health and Politics in the Age of Reform: Cholera, the State and the Royal Navy in Victorian Britain. This was on the optional reading list for uni last week, and was really interesting. No idea why it was on the list, but I had no complaints.
untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play. I wish I could see this on stage, I adore it. 100% recommend. Also, the first minute is on youtube so you can get a feel for it:
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The Facemaker. I wish I could focus to read because... well. Books. But this is one of the ones with a bookmark in it and that I will pick up again as soon as I'm able.
Too many to list.
There are a good few books for research stuff. For 'fun' there's The Winter King, but mostly my to-read pile are SAS-related, or regimental histories (which I consider fun but most people probably think is dry and boring).
I can't think who to tag, so if you follow me please consider yourself tagged <3
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