#buy finasteride
hemiacosmetics · 2 months
Purchase Topical Finasteride | Effective Hair Loss Solution
Find the best place to purchase topical finasteride by visiting Hemiacosmetics. Our superior formulations, supported by research, guarantee successful outcomes. Get superior topical finasteride products that produce noticeable results right now.
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reshmakadam · 4 months
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Buy Finasteride (Generic Propecia) for Hair Loss | Point Meds
Purchase Finasteride (Generic Propecia) to effectively treat hair loss. Consult with our online doctors and get your prescription filled at Point Meds. https://www.pointmeds.com/product/finasteride-generic-propecia/
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Targeted Solutions with Bromazepam 6mg, Dormicum 15mg, and Finasteride 5mg
In the pursuit of holistic well-being, sometimes a strategic approach to medication can make all the difference. Amidst the health and wellness landscape, tailored solutions like Bromazepam 6mg, Dormicum 15mg, and Finasteride 5mg offer targeted benefits that align with specific needs.
Buy Bromazepam 6mg for Calming Tranquility:
Anxiety can cast a shadow on daily life, hindering our ability to fully engage and find joy. Buy Bromazepam 6 mg Kopen, which is an anti-anxiety prescription, provides a pathway to serenity. By enhancing the effects of neurotransmitters that promote relaxation, Bromazepam calms the mind and soothes nerves, making it a valuable option for individuals grappling with persistent worry or tension.
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Buy Dormicum 15mg for Restorative Sleep:
Quality sleep is a cornerstone of overall well-being, yet sleep disturbances are all too common. Buy Dormicum 15 mg Kopen, which is a prescription medication that promotes restful slumber. By affecting neurotransmitters that induce sleep, Dormicum helps individuals achieve deep and rejuvenating rest. It's a potential solution for those facing insomnia or other sleep-related challenges that impact daily vitality.
Buy Finasteride 5mg for Hair Regrowth:
Confidence often goes hand in hand with appearance, and hair loss can take a toll on self-esteem. Buy Finasteride 5 mg Kopen, which is a prescription medication, addresses this concern. Known for its effectiveness in treating male pattern baldness, Finasteride works by inhibiting the hormone responsible for hair loss. It offers a chance to regain a fuller head of hair, potentially boosting confidence and self-image.
Wellness is a holistic journey, and sometimes, medications can play a pivotal role in achieving optimal health. By considering options like Buy Finasteride 5 mg Kopen for anxiety, Buy Dormicum 15 mg Kopen for sleep, and Buy Finasteride 5 mg Kopen for hair regrowth, individuals can take targeted steps toward addressing specific health needs. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any medication into your routine, ensuring that choices align with your unique health profile and objectives. Informed decisions are the cornerstone of a healthier and more vibrant life.
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what-even-is-thiss · 9 months
For some reason even though all the older men on all sides of the family from all angles kept their hair well into their 60s all of my cousins started balding in their 20s. Including me now. I’ve got a consultation to discuss meds for it soon. Idk what hair losing genetics were lying dormant in all these people but they have come out in full force.
Anyways, looks like I’ll probably start taking finasteride soon. I’ll probably be talking about it a bit mostly because there’s very little information about trans men on T going on finasteride so fingers crossed I don’t get my period back. That’s probably the only thing I’m worried about. Some people claim it’s rare, some don’t. Idk. I don’t wanna buy a wig, I know that much.
It can also lower sex drive but frankly as an asexual person I just see that as a fun bonus.
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3liza · 9 months
I think it must be for the lack of going outside of your room on this website that debates about personal presentation and appearance literally never have any material analysis. sorry it's counterrevolutionary to shave my legs or wear makeup or a bra or style my hair in certain ways or "worry" about visible signs of aging but have some of you just never encountered real world situations where those things caused measurable problems dealing with other people, jobs, money, respectability, access to resources, or the ability to influence important situations? this starts happening when you go outside a lot. there's a debate on my dash rn about balding and finasteride in which not a single person has mentioned the potential negative social outcomes of losing your hair and how that can affect socioeconomic status and personal risk. maybe someone doesn't need to be "vain" to care about keeping their hair and consider the risks of medication for it. maybe they've seen how bald people get treated and referred to and made a cost benefit calculation that they can't afford, sometimes literally, to eat that cost, with everything else they've got going on. maybe I wear makeup when I have to go talk to doctors and other gatekeepers because people make assumptions about your class and mental status when you have "bad skin" and "eye bags". maybe a lot of women who wear uncomfortable restrictive bras and shave whatever and buy skin products and do gua sha have already been sharply punished when someone saw leg hair or a mustache or puffy greasy skin or god forbid their nipple through their shirt. not everyone can just say "fuck it, I can afford to eat one more social cost that will measurably impact my ability to get medical treatment or pay rent". sorry this sounds like an economics lecture, that's because it is
if you are about to tell me a long story about how you personally have not been affected by perceptions of your appearance actually so you can conclude it never happens at all, please don't. sometimes you get lucky, that's it. and on this website I think it's less likely that you're lucky and more likely that you're oblivious
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earhartsease · 19 days
someone close to us who shall remain nameless ordered some grey market testosterone because their GP was dicking them about (resolved now)
it recently arrived and you know how when you buy stuff off etsy it often comes with whimsical extras like sticky stars or gummies?
well this came with free estrogen suppressants and viagra and cialis - and we're speculating that it's maybe a starter pack for people doing steroids or something because wtf
and we were like if they were doing this specifically for transmascs they'd include finasteride or minoxidil instead of viagra
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vaspider · 5 months
If you don't mind me asking, is the finasteride you're using for your hair a compound medication? Like, did you have to go to a special pharmacy for it? I've been on spirinolactone and minoxidil for my hair loss for a while, but since I'm starting T soon, I asked my dermatologist to switch me to topical finasteride and oral minoxidil, since the spirinolactone will interfere with the T too much. He was totally willing to do it, but he said he didn't know anyone who had topical finasteride, so he sent me a link to a website where I could buy a finasteride/minoxidil mix. Which is all well and good, but since it's technically OTC, I have to pay out of pocket, and it's... not cheap. So I was wondering if you also buy yours out of pocket, or if all I have to do is find a compounding pharmacy (which I've already done, since I'm hoping to get my T as a cream). No worries if you don't feel comfortable answering!
I tried to find a local compounding pharmacy that would do it for me, and I couldn't, so I ended up biting the bullet and ordering it out of pocket from Hers, yeah. IDK if that's where he sent you to, but that's the most common one that I hear of people using. (I fucking hate that I have to order it from a place called 'Hers', it makes me so annoyed.) It is not cheap, but the stuff lasts.
After talking with my doctor, he said that while they tell you to apply it every day, I could try five days out of seven and see if I liked the results, because it should be pretty close to the same and allow me to extend the out-of-pocket costs. So far, I am happy enough with the results I've gotten at doing 5 out of 7 days (like, I'm not jumping for joy period, but I'm definitely seeing improvement, I don't hate looking at my hairline anymore, I am admittedly vain about my hair) and it is alleviating that price.
(Also, stickers adhere really well to the bottles, FYI, so you can cover up the big HERS on the bottle and not have to look at it. I put some cute fox stickers on mine.)
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faggotfungus · 4 months
Met an interesting lady at the Grocery Outlet in town.
I was holding my $1 bag of floss picks and lookin at the other hygiene products when the lady next to me pointed out how gross looking a line of hair sprays were, in the way you could see in layers all the different components.
We talked about how she opens some items before she buys them because she doesn't know if they're still good, like gummy vitamins. She then mentioned she's balding because she's on testosterone, and she shows me her thinning hair at the back of her head. I told her I was too in both cases, on T and balding. She asks me how I manage it since my hair looks so good, I tell her about the Finasteride, and the rosemary oil, and the Biotin, etc.
She tells me about how "when she was younger" she was a body builder and how now at 52 she missed the way the testosterone made the shape of her body look and made her feel, so she's started again. It's during all this I start thinking about gender expression, but that's another post.
I give her a subtle up and down, and I decide to tell her I'm trans, that "I was born a woman." A risky thing where I live, especially in the heart of town like this. She lights up. She tells me how she had no idea and how she couldn't tell. Then she gets excited because she's realized, "So you understand then!" And now, in the middle of this grocery store aisle, we're talkin bottom growth and how much she's loved that, how she's just horny all the time, how she hates all the body hair especially the facial hair, how she's had to start training her voice to still sound higher. Her suddenly being seen and understood was infectious, I felt happy for her and shared parts of myself.
I found out her husband loves her body and finds all her changes attractive. I found out she's on soooo much testosterone. I told her, "You're on more T than I am and I'm Trying to look like a man." To put it in terms she'd understand. That made her pause. 1ml twice a week is what she's been doing. I told her to bring it down to my level, that she'd still get the effects she's after while the others wouldn't be as fast or aggressive. And if she finds she's comfortable at .5ml once a week, then good, or if she even feels like she could go lower, then to take it down .1ml at a time till she feels comfortable.
Anyway, then she started talkin about how she goes across the border to mexico to get botox, dental work, and her medications. I told her about how I had to take some old antibiotics from the vet a couple of months ago, and we commiserated over the failure of the USAmerican healthcare system. Then she told me how every time she gets Covid, she goes into Traktor Supply, gets some Ivormectin and some kinda tablet meant for fish tanks, and takes both of them... Well, ya win some ya lose some.
I gave her my number and told her to text me anytime she had questions about testosterone. It's been an interesting day.
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informatikerin-freyja · 2 months
Okay, I love that in Greece I was just able to buy finasteride without having a prescription. Germany could learn something from that. Germany should also let me just buy the medications I want and need. Just took my first pill. This is the first time I've really been able to do something meaningful to counteract the pain that testosterone has been inflicting on me. It's not that finasteride is going to completely fix my endocrinology, but at least it is going to do something to block the dihydrotestosterone which I feel had done more than any other substance to sabotage my life. I'm not sure what to do when I am back in Germany to keep having it, since I don't exactly think it's legal to just fill my suitcase with a hundred years worth of this stuff before I return. But, you know, finally, after all this time, I have at least one thing really starting this process.
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messengerhermes · 7 months
Finasteride Restores Hair Loss on T (and E)
Hey uh, in case you did not know: If you're experiencing hair loss, either on testosterone, before started estrogen, or as someone who isn't taking hormones, a medication called finasteride can help with that. Finasteride blocks DHT, which is a hormone that's produced alongside testosterone. The more testosterone in your system, the more DHT. (This is oversimplifying a bit) DHT is responsible for the growth of facial and body hair, erections, bottom growth, and vocal changes. DHT can also cause hair loss in the form of thinning, receding hair lines, or balding at the crown. Finasteride is a medication that blocks DHT without completely blocking testosterone. People on finasteride not only see hair loss stop, they can also see regrowth. Finasteride will initially cause you to shed way more hair, which is freaky, but that's because it speeds up the follicle life cycle. Over time, you will see regrowth and less shedding. Some folks on testosterone may take finasteride to reduce the chances of growing facial hair, having bottom growth, or vocal changes. I started Finasteride about 8 months into starting T, when I felt like I was experiencing increased hair loss (this may also have been from stress, but I wasn't interested in risking it for the biscuit). Since starting Finasteride about seven months ago, my hair has stopped falling out as fast, and I do think I've experienced new growth. I've also continued to have vocal changes, but my vocal cords do not "creak" as much with the changes. So honestly, not mad at it. I also still am having new body hair growth, just slower. I am prescribed 1 mg of finasteride a day, but have seen studies that show a third of that dosage has been effective for cisgender men in restoring hair loss. I know trans femmes who take finasteride as part of restoring hair loss they experienced before starting hormones and they have been happy with the results. If one of your main barriers to starting any kind of gender affirming care is fear that you either will lose your hair, or that you won't be happy with your appearance because of existing hair loss---there are treatments for that!! Ask your doctor about finasteride as well as minoxidil (generic rogaine, which is available without a prescription. Also don't bother buying the women's version, buy the men's version whatever your gender, it is better value for your money).
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partypuppynastja · 2 years
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I was reminded that #DryJanuary is a thing so if anyone's doing it, thinking of doing it, wants to stop drinking, wants to cut down drinking, then I do recommend Millie Gooch's Sober Girl Society Handbook (currently £2.99 on Kindle)
Here's a review I wrote in 2021:
Non-judgemental solidarity with a stack of helpful advice
Aimed at a broad audience (for whatever reason, you'd like to drink less, probably—but not necessarily—looking to abstain completely), Millie lays out everything one could reasonably expect such a book to have:
Why we drink, why we might not want to drink, what hinders us from stopping, and how to skip the tipple anyway and feel good doing it.
What most impressed me about this book is that while it keeps a very personal light and friendly tone throughout, it does so without sacrificing seriousness of content. And while it’s very much unapologetic in its condemnation of the grip we can allow alcohol to have over us and the harm it can do, it does so without judgementality or criticism of anyone struggling with such.
And, certainly, it has plenty of helpful advice. Much of it you’ve probably heard before; some of it you might not have. But where this book really excels is in the delivery of a feeling of a support group, without actually having to attend / interact with a support group.
I usually buy (and review) kindle books—they’re so convenient and I do love my Kindle. In this case I sprung for the hardback edition because it was very pretty, looks nice on my bookcase, and is a nice thing to have and to hold as I re-read a bit when I debate with myself whether I should go buy a bottle of something.
(For context, I mostly stopped drinking about a year ago, for good health, as some meds I'm on reduce my alcohol tolerance and alcohol reduces my meds' effectiveness—my goal now is complete abstention, though I definitely still find myself tempted sometimes, and this book helps me be the best me for me)
Postscript for Tumblr: it's now another year and a bit since I wrote that review, and I'm not really inclined towards being tempted to alcohol these days. I think more recently going on antidepressants helped a lot too, though. The meds I referenced in my review were/are my HRT meds, by the way. Definitely can't drink like I could when I was 80kg of muscle, and my finasteride is metabolized by the liver in a way that also reduces my alcohol tolerance. Because previously I tended to drink but not get drunk (because of my formerly high alcohol tolerance), I was probably doing my liver an unknown amount of damage, so I'm glad I'm not now.
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hemiacosmetics · 7 months
Treat Your Hair Like Never Before - Purchase Topical Finasteride At Hemiacosmetics
Take a fresh approach to hair care with topical finasteride from Hemiacosmetics. In order to address hair loss at its source, our specifically blended treatment offers a strong and efficient alternative for anyone seeking to improve and restore hair growth. With Hemiacosmetics, you may elevate your haircare experience.
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raspberrybluejeans · 2 years
god the previous post i reblogged about finasteride. it turns out its prescription only at least in the U.S. and that bums me out significantly lol. i sent an email to my endocrinologist about it but its gonna be a whole fucking thing to get the prescription if im even allowed to get it at all. and then if i do get the prescription thats gonna be just another cost to deal with. like it tends to just be cheaper and easier to buy over the counter stuff in bulk. for a prescription i only get a months amount at a time and i have to pay for doctors appointments to get the prescription and renew it and stuff and sigh. im just sad my hair is thin
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rxbucket · 2 months
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tommyysscott · 5 months
How Expensive Is Finasteride Proscar Propecia
Generic FINASTERIDE / Brand PROPECIA PROSCAR 1mg / 2.5mg / 5mg Tablet is used for treating loss of hairs. Early forms of male pattern loss of hair which is also known as androgenetic alopecia is treated with this medicine. Finasteride / Propecia Proscar medicine is classified as 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that works by blocking the production of body of a male hormone in the scalp that stops growth of hairs, thereby reversing the process of balding and preventing further loss of hair.
Content Source - https://www.911globalmeds.com/buy-finasteride-propecia-proscar-online
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200 Tablet | US$ 95 US$ 86 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
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Finasteride 1 mg Tablet (Brand PROPECIA, Merck)
112 Tablet | US$ 253 US$ 230 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
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100 Tablet | US$ 59 US$ 54 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
200 Tablet | US$ 115 US$ 105 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
400 Tablet | US$ 226 US$ 205 | Save 5 % + 9 % | Buy Now
800 Tablet | US$ 442 US$ 402 | Save 7 % + 9 % | Buy Now
Finasteride 5 mg Tablet (Brand PROSCAR, Merck)
112 Tablet | US$ 229 US$ 209 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
224 Tablet | US$ 450 US$ 409 | Save 2 % + 9 % | Buy Now
448 Tablet | US$ 890 US$ 810 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
896 Tablet | US$ 1762 US$ 1604 | Save 4 % + 9 % | Buy Now
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smtshrm-blog · 6 months
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Buy Finasteride (Generic Propecia) Online - Daily Chemist
Buy Finasteride (Generic Propecia) Online - Treatment. Online Doctor & Online Pharmacy. Daily Chemist - https://www.dailychemist.com/product/finasteride-generic-propecia/
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