#by starchild
starchild--27 · 1 year
Starry Night
promt: stargazing, sleepy kisses, first loves with junmyeon
word count: about 2k
a/n: please excuse this lame-o title xD thank you, dear Starry @cxsmicmyeon, for the promts~ i had the best time writing this little thinggy for you ^^ as always, i am my own beta reader and english isn't my first language, so bare with me and the mistakes you may or may not find xD
“You’ve got your sleeping bag and extra blankets?”
“The sleeping mat?”
“Have you packed enough food and water?”
“Yes, Mom, I double checked everything. I’m good to go, really, no need to be worried.”
It was very sweet of your Mom to look out for you like that, so you suppressed rolling your eyes at her nagging. Besides, she kind of had a point (- of course she had, moms always do), knowing your tendency to forgetfulness all too well. But it wasn’t like you would be all alone on this little camping trip. Nope, Junmyeon would be there. Charming, dutiful and organized Junmyeon, who would certainly have thought of everything the two of you might need on your four-day-vacation. The mere thought of him painted a little smile on your face.
And apparently, it could also summon the man, you thought to yourself at hearing the sounds of an approaching car. When it came to halt in front of your house, you pulled your mother in one final goodbye-embrace. She swayed a little from left to right as she held you tightly and gave you a soft peck on your cheek, which made it really hard for you to be annoyed when you heard her whisper next to your ear.
“Do you have a tent?”
“Junmyeon brings the tent, Mom. It’s gonna be fine, please, let me go? He’s waiting outside already.”
“Okay, darling,” your Mom said, giving you a final squeeze before she gave you space to grab your coat and oversized backpack.
“Does he want to come in for a moment? You two could stay for a cup of coffee or tea?”    
You snickered at how chipper your Mom suddenly sounded at the mention of Junmyeon. She really adored him and how he was always polite and always on time and always respectful and reliable. He was the best boyfriend a mother could want for her child. And also the perfect son-in-law - you were quite aware of that yourself and suspected your Mom had already dreamt of a perfect wedding.
But that wedding would definitely stay a dream for some more time. Junmyeon and you were only together for a few months now - far, far away from any wedding plans - and he was your first serious boyfriend. Your first, great, world-shaking love and all you wanted was to take your time to experience all of its beauty fully and as naturally as it came. You felt no pressure to rush any steps, only the security that Junmyeon thought the same way about your relationship and the fact that he considered your bond equally precious as you did, multiplied the butterflies in your stomach by a thousand.
“I don’t think we have time, we need to be at the camping site no later than 5,” you explained, giving your Mom a last quick peck on the cheek before opening the front door. Junmyeon had gotten out of his car already and was rummaging through the trunk to make a little more space for your things.
“Have fun, sweetheart,” your Mom smiled and gave a wave to Junmyeon who had emerged as soon as he heard your mother’s voice.
“I will,” you smiled back at her, “Bye, Mom, see you in a few days.”
“Bye-bye”, she squeezed your hand, then you went to finally greet your boyfriend with a soft kiss. 
“Hey,” he said and instantly took your hand in his with the warmest smile.
“Hi,” you responded a little shyly, feeling all kinds of bubbly at his lovely action and the sound of his sweet, gentle voice.
“Your mom seems quite happy you are leaving for a few days, huh?” he teased as he took the huge backpack from you. 
You snorted. “Mh right, if you want I can drive alone and you’ll stay here with her. I’m sure she’d be delighted to have you around,” you joined in on his joke and watched him loading your backpack in the trunk with swift movements.
“Yeah, she would, I’m charming like that. But I’d be much more delighted to have you around, so no last minute changes to the plan.”
His words made you blush a little. How dare he make your heart all soft and mushy like that, your inner voice squealed while you made your way to the passenger seat. 
“Have fun you two!” your Mom shouted one last time before she went back into the house, to which Junmyeon replied with one of his nicest smiles and a happy “Thank you, we will!”
Your heart fluttered even more seeing him being just as excited about this trip of yours as you were and by the time Junmyeon had taken his place in the driver’s seat, starting the engine, you were grinning like the happiest person on the planet. And who knows, maybe in that moment, you were.
The drive itself was calm, filled with nice music and easy-flowing talks, and even setting up the tent once you had arrived, worked out perfectly - well, at least after one of the camping site’s staff offered a helping hand. But it was fun, and filling the interior with mats and blankets and all kinds of different pillows felt a lot like building a cozy blanket fort. 
You were surprised by how soon the sun was setting though, getting the tent to take shape must have taken longer than you had thought. There were a couple of trees that casted long shadows over the otherwise quite empty site. It had been a smart idea to plan the trip a few weeks before the actual summer break, so that there were no families crowding the place. And the two of you had picked a spot a bit more secluded from the few other campers anyway.
You actually had pretty much forgotten that there must be others around somewhere and didn’t bother thinking more about them as Junmyeon hurried towards you to show you the pictures he took of the stunning sunset. He handed you his phone so you could thumb through his camera roll to pick your favorites as he put his arms around you to hug you from the side, finally pressing a kiss against your temple.
“You hungry?” he mumbled, his lips still grazing your skin. You nodded as an answer, still immersed in the high quality pictures Junmyeon’s phone could make and the fact your high quality boyfriend was hugging you with seemingly no intention to let you go again. No that you wanted that. If you had it your way, Junmyeon would never stop hugging you ever. 
“Good, because I’m starving,” he chuckled, “What do you think about a dinner-picnic?” You loved the idea. But you hated the fact that it made Junmyeon let go of you after all. A little sulky about the prompt end of your hug, you quickly sent the pictures you’ve selected from Junmyeon’s phone to your own before joining him in setting up the picnic while the light was fading more and more. 
When the two of you finally sat down on the picnic blanket, munching happily on the dishes both of you had prepared, you caught a glint in Junmyeon’s eyes that told you he had planned for exactly this. A picnic under the starlit sky - the sole idea had “Junmyeon” written all over it, really, and you wondered how you didn’t realize before.
“Hey, what are you laughing about?” Junmyeon must have noticed the little giggles you let out as you began to see through his little plan.
“Nothing, just… I was just thinking about how a picnic under the stars just has to be the most you-thing ever.”
You suspected that comment made him blush, you couldn’t really see in the growing dark, but the way he didn’t answer you for a little moment spoke for itself. 
“Is it… umm… do you like the idea?”
You couldn’t tell if he was stammering out of embarrassment or because he was actually insecure if you’d be into something romantic like that. Whatever it was, it had to be fixed with a kiss, you decided and quickly huddled up against him.
“I love it, Junmyeon,” you said quietly, “I love you.” And gently, you cupped his face, pulling him closer for your lips to meet. You could feel how he was smiling against your kiss, how he shortly pulled back to tell you he loved you too, how he caught your lips again. The romance of it all made you feel like floating, swimming in emotion, wrapped in nothing but comfort and love. 
Soon enough the dark of the night had engulfed you fully, the dishes put aside so you could lie down and get comfortable. Your head was resting on Junmeon’s shoulder while his arm was wrapped around you, his fingertips grazing along your arm in slow movements. 
“Can you recognize any constellations?” Junmyeon almost whispered into the quiet night and you nodded in reply. 
“The basic one’s. Here’s Cassiopeia… and there’s the Big Dipper… and that’s Orion.”
You lifted your arm and pointed towards the sky, moving your finger along with your explanations.
“Right next to Orion is Taurus, look!” Junmyeon added and pointed upwards as well. “And I’m pretty sure that’s Leo right there, but no guarantees,” he laughed. 
“I wouldn’t know, I’m always getting lost in all the stars up there, I’m already happy I can spot three constellations in this mess,” you chuckled along, taking the night sky in once again.
In comfortable silence, you looked at the twinkling lights a little longer. It was mesmerizing and beautiful and overwhelming. You couldn’t remember when you saw the sky like this for the last time, without light pollution or clouds blocking the view, and you wanted to remember this for a very, very long time. How the sky seemed to be expanding only, how bright the starlight shone upon your face, how good it felt to feel Junmyeon just breathing next to you, sharing the warmth of your bodies in the cool night air. 
It was unfair how quickly you felt your eyelids growing heavier and heavier, how often you caught yourself already halfway headed into a dream. Junmyeon sighed and like a stubborn child you clung to his side. You didn’t want him to get up, you didn’t want this to be over already. But then he mumbled your name, his voice a bit hoarse from not using it for a while, and one by one you started to pay attention to your aching limbs, to how cold it had become and with a little whine you loosened your grip on him, allowing him to sit up as you did the same. 
“Maybe we should get in the tent,” he spoke the words that were hanging between the two of you. You agreed with a simple humm, clearly hating the necessary change of location.
“Don’t pout, we can do this again tomorrow, you know?” Junmyeon said softly, stroking your cheek before giving a little peck to your pouty bottom lip. 
“I guess we can,” you sighed, a little more dramatic than you actually felt, making Junmyeon laugh brightly. Man, he really outshone all these stars up there when he was happy like that, you thought to yourself. 
This thought gave you a last burst of energy, which you and Junmyeon used to quickly clean up your picnic space and get changed into warm pajamas before you let yourself sink into the pillow paradise you had built earlier that day. Or yesterday. You had lost track of time completely and thoroughly enjoyed the feeling, knowing that it didn’t matter at all. Not for the next couple of days. Not with Junmyeon laying down next to you, looking so very kissable as he was about to turn off the last flashlight. 
“Good night kiss?” you asked, the tiredness from before coming back at you all at once.
Without hesitation, Junmyeon leaned down to you and moved his lips lazily against yours for the last time before your mind drifted off into much needed slumber.
“Sleep well, baby” were the last words you heard before you sank into pleasant dreams.
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chucleclerc · 25 days
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leo leclerc it really is all about you✨
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
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Dressed To Kill Tour. Beacon Theater. New York City. 21 March 1975
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gizzymoes · 5 months
I'm planning on opening an Etsy shop soon, and I've come up with some sticker designs!
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angstyhikka · 2 months
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This is actually a second post on it, first one you can check lower :3
We have here a sad young god with a very unstable mentality. He wants attention and support and because of that sticks to the first oncoming travelers coming by him :,)
And then he picks up the demon and makes a contract with him - and this will be in the next post in a couple of days hehe >:3
@levshany is on board!✌
And now about our new characters!
This is Arthur and Nico! Our origin is the equivalent of Tandem Philip and Collie, and they also have a common name for both "Arnica". As it was in the au, the old man here is possessed by child-god, and together they go to Nico’s home to his older brothers and sisters to help Arthur deal with his troubles with the head.
Arnica will have their own big comic story, but so far we’ve decided to do a crossover with these babies here >:3
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turboemmy · 2 months
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and some of these 💫
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comickergirl · 5 months
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Some WIP stuff from a for-fun project I'm working on.
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unusualmuffin-art · 2 months
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harmoonix · 10 months
🗻:Last Summer Day - Astro Observations 🗻
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"If "happy ever after" did exist
I would still be holding you like this"
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🗻 - Cancerian Moons might be the type of people who always love to keep memories or something that remembers them about some people or some places where they went
💙 - Lilith square Moon can have an very wounded inner child who usually got a lot of traumas from childhood
☄️ - Sagittarius Mars/Mercury might like to talk dirty a lot, is their thing to talk dirty but they can also use it as in a way to attract more people into them
🌃 - Venus in the 12th house is an indicator of having karmic relationships and partners. Is like you always learn something from every relationship you have
🏝️ - Aries Venus/Scorpio Venus both can end up loving that deep that they can transform it into an obsession or struggle
🧚🏼‍♀️ - Asteroid Astarte (672) trine/sextile or conjunct the ascendant is an indicator for being an sexual enchanting person. You are very attractive with this placement
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Remind me why we're taking a break
It's obviously insane
'Cause we both know what we want
💤 - Chiron aspecting the sun (all aspects) can have a very triggering mind, or they can find themselves to have a lot of things that trigger them
☄️ - Venus in the 7th house in your north node persona chart can mean that your destiny is to find real love and to have an healthy relationship/marriage usually something to fulfill your love life
🌃 - Saturn/Neptune or Uranus in the 12th house, all 3 of them can indicate struggles with hiding yourself from your true-self and always be living in your shadow
💙- Lilith aspecting Saturn (all aspects) shows an struggle with showing their sexuality or expressing their sexuality in the way is supposed to be
🗻 - Pluto trine/sextile/conjunct North Node is destined to go through a lot of transformations and healings during this life because they can have a lot of things to solve and heal
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I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets
I love you much too, much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet
💤 - Taurus/Libra Moons have an amazing smell. Literally they smell amazing and always fresh/elegant. To always smell and look good is a thing they must do since they wake up
🌃 - "Sometimes all I want to do is just to stare at the sky waiting for an miracle to happen" gives Moon - Jupiter aspects vibes because they put a lot of hopes in what they do
🫂 - Saturn in the 6th/Saturn in the 8th house might always have to find themselves with people who don't have good intentions with them
🥶 - Saturn in the 5th/7th and 12th houses might have the vibe that they will always be single and there is no "soulmate" for them because they don't believe real love exists anymore
💦 - Jupiter square/opposition/conjunct Lilith may be hypersexual people and they tend to have a lot of energy and great stamina for such activities
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I like that, you like that, so let's be crazy
The contact, impact, I want that daily
🧚🏼‍♀️ - Neptune in the 2nd/3rd and 10th house always had something magical about the way they present themselves to the world
💙 - Uranus in harsh aspects with Mars might indicate appealing vibes and attractions, they can have a really good body and charisma
🗻 - Venus in the 8th house in your Juno persona chart usually means that you gonna experience a really deep and sexual relationship with your partner
👣 - Virgo and Gemini placements are true authors, they like to put their signature on things in order to get authenticity for the things they worked for
☄️ - Scorpio or Aries in the 3rd house might have a lot of gossip/dark conversations about them because of Mars and Pluto rulling these signs, people can usually end up being jealous over them
🌧️ - Capricorn placements really be giving the vibe that they like the rainy/misty weather, when the fog comes around they might find it pleasent and cozy
🏔️ - Venus/Moon or Juno in Aquarius might find themselves being comforted by their friends a lot of times. Usually because these people really tend to have unique and cute relationships with their friends
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No one's gotta know, we can keep it lowkey
I'll be fine alone, long as you're alone with me
So incredible, unforgettable on me
Keep your body on me
🪺 - Jupiter in the 3rd/9th or 11th house might really give the "teachers favorite" stereotype, because they may be very liked by the teachers and students in their school
🫧 - Venus aspecting Mars can be really intense, always the type of person who can be both horny and hot at the same time
🫂 - Virgo Moons/Moon in the 6th house are really supportive to have around. They really love to help people out when they need it
💤 - Neptune aspecting the ascendant live in their own world, no one can tell them what to do because these natives know already. They have a wish to live the life they always dreamed about
🧚🏼‍♀️ - Mars or Aries in the 12th house can have nightmares or bad dreams often,they can have many sort of dreams and tend to wake up anxious
🪺 - Sagittarius or Leo in your 11th house might give you a lot of friends, you can also be very popular and known and your friends tend to like you a lot
🏔️ - Scorpio/Mars in the 10th house might be known by the people for their appealing appearance and their fierce personalities
🗻 - 2°, 14° or 26° degrees over your MC (Midhaven) can mean that you can work in a environment which implies beauty, style, arts, and music. Or just tend to have these things around you when you work
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1:11 M A G I C A L
🏝️ - 4°, 16°, or 28° degrees over your MC (Midhaven) can mean that you can work somewhere that implies working with animals or being around animals
🌧️ - North Node in your 7th house in your Solar Return Chart can mean that you are gonna be focusing very much on relationships in that year or they gonna play a big role in your life
🫧 - Mars at Virgo Degrees (6°,18°) or Virgo Mars/ have the most sexiest waist ever. They literally have the most hottest bodies and their appealing is going on fire
☄️- Scorpio Risings/Pluto in the 1st house may have a really unique way to impress other with their appealing personality
💙 - Venus square/opposite/conjunct Pluto might always dream of true love but they are always ending up hurt with their emotions and feelings and tend to think that there is no true love for them
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So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way
🌀 - Mars and Mercury under the same sign/house might have the most attractive voices ever. They literally sound so hot and intense when they talk and that can attract a lot of people into them
💦 - 1°, 13°, 25° degrees over your Neptune may mean that you tend to fantasize a lot about sexuality and domination or just people you think they could dominante you
🗻 - Saturn at 12° or 24° degrees might be able to connect to things way easily than others, to be more of an light worker or an very empathic person
🌃 - Moon at 10°, 22° degree may have it hard when they want to open themselves up to people and to express what they truly feel, you need a lot of patience with them which is perfectly fine
🫂 - Mercury in water signs can talk in a very sensual way to enchant people with their voice and be extraordinary good at it
💙 - Venus in the 7th house in your Ceres Persona Chart indicates that your partner may be very nurturing with you,this is a really lovely placement for Ceres
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💋✨ Another day, another slay dear darlings✨
✨ How was your summer 🌞⛱️? Hope you all had a good summer to remember all those years that will come after 🌞⛱️. I Hope you had fun and enjoyed time with the people you love and doing things that you like to do 🌞⛱️
✨ I know not everyone is a summer person so I still think there was at least something funny to do this summer ✨
✨ I really really hope you like my observations, because I had so much fun writing them, Thank you so much for being here and reading my notes/observations you made this summer for more beautiful ✨
H a r m o o n i x
Summer of 2023®
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humanoidhistory · 2 months
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1971 poster for 2001: A Space Odyssey.
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nemethos-deamon · 4 months
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starchild--27 · 1 year
*hits post and runs away to hide, never to be seen again*
song: Slump by Stray Kids
cover: by me :)
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kkissgifss · 2 months
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starchild in the 70s ✨🌛
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assassin1513 · 10 months
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🌌Stars cycle🌌
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months
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this moment is everything to me
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angstyhikka · 29 days
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Collector Collie and Niko
Our babies :,3
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