#by the time the story starts i dont think hes quite comfortable with it yet. he has no issue with axel or faye kissing him on the lips
hearties-circus · 10 months
In all seriousness I thiiink Axel, 2, Milk would be cute :]
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Getting star used to kisses
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st6rrrs · 7 months
TRAITOR || rafe cameron x fem reader
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summary: the pogues find out yn's secret
warnings: cursing, arguing, soft rafe!!!, fluff?
a/n: idk if i should keep this into to a one shot or make a story!!!!
Part 2
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you and rafe were in his bed talking when you realized what time it was, 5:29pm
"Shit rafe i gotta go" you said
you jumped off of the bed and quickly put your clothes on
"where are you going?" he asked getting off the bed also
"i gotta go to the chateau to meet up with the pogues"
he groaned.
you grab your backpack and head to the door but before you could open it rafe got in front of you.
"do you have to leave" rafe whines
"yes rafe, i'll be back in a couple of hours" you say
"fine" he groans again but louder this time, he walks back to the bed laying on it getting his phone out, you roll your eyes and exit the room.
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you get on your bike and start pedaling towards the cut.
you and rafe have been dating for a couple of months now but you guys haven't told anyone yet. if the pogues find out that you and rafe have been dating they would be PISSED
thats one of the reasons you dont wanna go public, rafe honestly doesn't give a shit if anyone finds out because he will still love you and you would still love him.
you arrive at the chateau and you see the pogues on the front porch, Sarah was sitting next to john b? why was Sarah here?
kie disliked Sarah for as long as you can remember. When kie and Sarah were friends Sarah threw this party without inviting kie and kie got mad and called the cops.
"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her."
you hear kie say as you approach them
"stop talking about me like im not here" Sarah says
"then leave."
"umm whats happening?" you mouth to pope and jj passing kie, Sarah, and john b them to busy arguing to notice you. You walk over to sit in between jj and pope.
"john b is banging Sarah" jj says while laughing
"WHAT" you almost yell
"oh look y/n is here, why dont we ask her opinion is on this" kie says
"please don't" you whine "but if im being honest i dont think its a good idea"
Sarah's scoffs
"oh you can talk" she says looking at you
"what?" you laugh
"like you aren't fucking my brother" she says rolling her eyes and looking away
you immediately go pale.
"is that true y/n?" kie ask you in disbelief
you don't answer her
jj gets up from beside you and just looks at you in disbelief. you look over at pope his hand on his forehead and he's shaking his head disappointed.
"you cant be fucking serious!" jj yells at you "he beat up pope with a golf club and then jumped us with topper and kelce"
jj has had a crush on you ever since you guys were 14 but you didn't feel the same way. Everyone always shipped you guys together but you wouldn't force yourself to date someone you didn't like You only liked jj as a friend but he never really listened to you.
"i-i-im sorry!! but he's different with me" you try to explain to them
"hes just gonna use you like he does every other girl on this island" Sarah says
"no he-" but before you could finish your sentence pope interrupted you
"just leave y/n." he said annoyed not looking at you
"g-guys please!"
"JUST FUCKING LEAVE JEEZ!" jj yells at you, you have never seen him this angry in the whole 7 years you knew him.
tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked at him. He had no remorse for what he said he was very angry and you could understand why but none of them even gave you a chance to explain yourself. You quickly grabbed your bag pack and left without looking back.
˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ' -
you open the front door to the camerons household, rafe gave you the key when you guys started dating. the house was so quite and cold, you walk up the stairs to rafe room still sobbing.
you open his room door and hes sleep on his bed, it was sometime pass 7 you didn't want to wake him and you were exhausted yourself so you just laid next to him and got under the covers still sobbing quietly. you couldn't believe that jj would ever say that too you, it wasn't like him
you hear rafe groan awake
"y/n is that you" he says in his sleepy voice
"are you crying?"
"im fine go back to sleep rafe."
"no.,whats wrong come here" he gestured so you could lay on his chest
you gave in and sobbed in his chest for a while until you fell asleep.
part 2?
this might be bad but i tried 😪 👍🏻
@bbsxsaa @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @drewstarkeyslut @stvrkey. @blondbrat @sevenwivesofrafecameron @tracymbcm
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sturniolo04 · 17 days
Cuddly C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
You and Chris were one of the newer couples on the block and by newer I mean you guys were only in the first month into dating. You and him being the newer couple you are, you guys have no clue how to act around each other. Dont get you wrong you two are pretty comfortable around each other when you guys go on dates but as far as showing each other physical affection it was somewhat was uncharted territory.
Which brings you to tonight now standing in the front of the door to Chris shared house with his brothers but tonight they weren't home since they had other engagements that night.
"hi you"
he greets you chirpily he awkwardly brings you in for a hug. Tonight was the first night you two were spending the night together. Chris, the sweet boyfriend he has been had the whole night planned out from the dinner we were ordering to the cookies we were baking for dessert to even the movies we were planning on watching.
you softly squeak out as you two pull away from each other as he pulled you into the house by your hand.
"so i already order pizza to be delivered to the house so I figured we could chose the movie we want to watch and then bake the cookies while we wait for the pizza to arrive"
he causually states as he blue orbs engulfs yours as he admires you.
"okay sure umm have you ever seen the movie *inserts your favorite movie* "
you ask trying to come up with a movie for you two to watch.
"i dont think i have but we can watch that if you like that movie"
he states smiling softly at you. You two started baking some chocolate chip cookies to kill the time you were waiting for the pizza to arrive so you guys could start watching the movie. Throughout maneuvering in the kitchen getting a ingredients and quite frankly leaving a messy every way, slight moments of physical touch that Chris was attempting didn't go unnoticed.
"are you almost done with stirring the dough"
chris nonchalantly states as he places himself behind you casually placing his hands on your hips. You gasp at the sudden contact it being a foreign feeling in your guys relationship since it is fairly new.
you breathe out responding to him trying not to get flustered by his simple action. He chuckles as he goes to grab a cookie sheet to finally place the cookies on to then put them in the oven to bake.
Time Skip
You guys had finally put the cookies on the cookie sheet and had placed them in the oven to bake and had to wait about 5 minutes until the pizza arrived at your guys doorstep. You couldn't shake the foreign feeling you felt with the physical contact of Chris' hands being on your body in that way; you couldn't lie you loved the feeling and were craving it. You were mindlessly scrolling on your Instagram feed as you subconsciously double-tapped everything that popped up as you two manage to stand in a comfortable silence in the kitchen on opposite sides between the island counter and the oven counter.
"okay im done with this"
chris exclaims setting his phone face down on the counter behind him he was leaning on, causing your focus to break from your phone screen and shift to your boyfriend as he makes his way over to you. Your breathe hitches as he places his hands on your hips yet again. You playfully scream out as his lifts you up to sit on top of the counter you were leaning against.
"chris what are you doingg"
you breathe out shakily giggling because of the lingering physical touch on your body, You place your hands on his shoulders, which was the first slight touch of physical touch you left on him.
"im bored"
he groans out looking up at you as his phone dings with a notification from doordash signifying that the pizza was arriving to your guys doorstep. Chris quickly places his hands on your hips again lunging you over his shoulder.
you exclaim shakily once again from the feeling of his strong hands gripping the back of your thighs to keep you from falling as he walks downstairs to the door.
"chriss dont drop me"
you squeal out getting nervous.
"i got you dont worry"
he chuckles out still maintaining his strong grip on your thighs. You could feel the touch of his palms biting into your skin on your thigh, seeing that chris seemed pretty comfortable with displaying this kind of physical touch, made you feel a little more comfortable reciporating it in any way.
"cute butt"
you giggle out rythmically patting his ass with your freshly manicured hands as your boyfriend starts walking back up the stair with the pizza bag in the other hand.
"stop youre going to make me drop you and the food"
he chuckles out as he finally makes it back upstairs setting you back on your feet in front of him.
"movie time"
he shouts out as you slightly jump a the loud volume.
"yeah we have to take the cookies out of the oven so they don't burn chris"
you giggle as he completely forgot about the cookies all together.
Time Skip
you and chris finally got settled down on the couch in the living already about halfway through the movie. Chris had been continuing his attack of physical touch on your body with the occasional thigh grab or even awkwardly reaching for your hand to hold it. you genuinely didn't know how to express the sudden connection in your relationship which resulted in you seeming like this touch was something your weren't wanting to take part in.
"are you uncomfortable with all of this"
chris suddenly questions pausing the movie and removing his hand that was rested on your bare thigh causing your breath to hitch.
"w-what are you talking about"
you shakily respond, looking at him.
"like everytime i go to show you any sort of physical contact you always seem to tense up like you don't want me to touch you"
he explains as you let a deep sigh as fixates his focus on you.
"chris its not that i dont want you to touch me in that way it just all new I didn't know if it was okay for me to reciporcate it you know"
you sigh out again as it felt like a weight lifted off your chest. Chris face softens hearing the confession roll off your tongue.
he softly speaks as you climb over and sit on his lap *reference you freeze as the abnormally closeness and comfort your were feeling from being so close to Chris, letting out an exhale he places a sweet kiss on your forehead.
" whenever you feel comfortable enough to show physical touch in our relationship you can I don't want you to think you can't okay"
he softly speaks as he carress the sides of your face you nod slowly agreeing with him.
@dirtylittleheart333 @mintsturniolo @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @aaliyahsturn @stayingstromboli @emely9274
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Sun & Moon X Child! Reader
TWs: Hints of abuse/Child neglect (if I need to add more, I will later on)
Note from Kyo- I made this so people can see an idea of how I write! This is my first time properly doing this so please dont be too harsh on me, I mostly do this in hopes of bringing comfort to those who get them from reading stories with things the go through.
Sypnosis: A (NB) child is left at the daycare and all the kids seem to not want to be around them. Which causes the kid to become more and more distressed and lonely, until the daycare attendant approaches them!
Your parents had dropped you off at the daycare very early today… Your father had already gone off to work and your mother was grumpily dragging you into the cursed place.. Well it wasnt exactly cursed, you very much enjoyed being at the daycare when your parents were at work! You only protested against it though because of the other kids ‘being mean’. To which you only earned eye rolls and were told to just deal with it… And what soon shut you up about the whole ordeal was when your mother snapped at you, yelling at you to shut up about the kids there and just deal with it, you were getting dropped off there whether you liked it or not.
So here you were.. In such a giant and colorful play area. Kids were running around, screaming, playing, coloring… Yet you were just standing there awkwardly. Should you try to play with the other kids? Would it hurt again if you tried?
You only took a shaky breath as you went to where some kids were playing tag. You wanted to join in quite a lot so you quickly ran to a kid and asked, “Hey can I join?-“ To which the kid immediately laughed at you. “You again?? No! Leave us alone freak!” The kid giggled as he ran off and you only stood their dumbfounded. You seriously ran into the rudest kid on your first try. After a few seconds you moved to the wall, should you try again?
Well you did. This time you ran to kids playing hide and seek. They had just started a game too which was perfect! “Hey can I join?” This little girl gave you a curious look but you noticed how distant her eyes looked at the same time. “Oh yea sure-.. Um- Ill count an extra… 20 seconds for you-“ You had nodded excitedly at that and already ran off. Going straight into the play structure and hiding in your favorite spot.
And there you sat for what felt like forever… And ever.. And ever… They werent looking for you.. Were they?
Thats when you felt tears well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your knees…
Then you heard someone coming near you in the structure. Oh great now another kid would call you a cry baby.
That was until you heard the voice. “Oh my goodness! Why are you crying little one?” You looked up at the cheery sun that some how fit inside the structure. “O-oh!- I-im- Im ok-“ You stuttered in a hurry as you wiped your tears away. Even though the Suns face was a constant smile, he approached you a little cautiously until he managed to sit right in front of you. Sure he was meant to be happy and entertain kids while the lights were on, but there was a little bit of code in him that told him what to do with upset kids. Plus he has already experienced seeing kids who had gotten abused before!
“Would you like to tell me whats wrong little one?” Sun had asked while letting his head rotate some to one side, maybe a bit more than he intended. You debated telling him.. Would he get upset like your parents did..? No, he was such a happy Sun! But still, should you trust him…?
You hesitantly spoke up. “W-well.. I tried to play with all the other kids again… They just left me out again and said mean things.” Sun left out a gasp that you could determine if it was real or for dramatics. “How rude of them! Well what did you want to play little one?” “.. Tag-.. And hide and seek-… But now I just want someone to play with me. That wont just leave me alone.” Sun seemed to think for a moment, tapping hid non-existent chin. “How about we play together then! Ill give you all the special attention you deserve! We can finger paint, play with crafts, or with glitter glue! Whatever you want!”
You couldnt help but giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.. And at the idea of getting all his attention.
And well, if Sun could have grinned wider, he would have. “Can we play with the paints?” You asked to which the Sun immediately, somehow, nodded. “Of course! Lets go now little one!” He held his hand out to you which you immediately took.
Then there you were, finger painting, putting googley eyes on each other, and having so much fun. You almost completely forgot about what had happened early. Soon enough, Sun told you he would have to go away soon and Moon would come out to put all the kids to bed.
You nodded at that and let out a small yawn. Maybe you would nap this time.. You had so much fun so of course you would be tired.
And when Moon finally came out, all of the kids hurried to bed while you were quickly finishing your fingerpainting you were working on some how behind Suns back.
Moon soon enough went up to you. “Naughty naughty.. You know you shouldnt be painting, its nap time.” You were quick to nod at him but then you held on your painting.. Which was one of you, Sun and Moon holding hands. Moon stared at the painting.. Or what you assumed was staring before he slowly grabbed it. He hadnt had any special experiences with you yet you still added him..?
“Thank you little one but you still have to sleep.” You nodded as he continued to speak. “Ill hang this up in our room and then help you to bed, ok?”
You nodded and then Moon… Floated? Flied away? It was too dark for you to tell anyways so you went right over to an area where you could cuddle up…
And soon Moon got over to you, only to find you already passed out under your blanket. Moon watched you for a few seconds before pulling the blanket all the way up and moving some hair out of your face.
Kyo- Well… This was my first attempt at something, hope you enjoyed :)
Id like to think Sun has kept you in his database and whenever your there, you get a special bit of attention to make sure you arent too lonely or left out!
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qpenpals · 7 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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hannahwashington · 7 months
ALSO IM JUST NOTICING YOUR HEADER IMAGE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH gundham danganronpa and crash bandicoot (is that his name im sorry) real. also btw feel free to talk abt th emountain experience bc i dont think i ever asked yet
YES HIS NAME IS CRASH BANDICOOT ive honestly BEEN waiting for someone to comment on my header it is one of my favourite images ever (thanks @horatios-mom). it's like a sequel to the era when i had lesbian crash bandicoot as my icon. i'm only through the prologue of sdr2 but i have been obsessed with gundham for Years,. i barely know the guy but i love him. i will Know More Soon. and trust i will be So mentally ill about him and also the series. i already Am i am just waiting to finish the games to post about them.
anyway MOUNTAIN EXPERIENCE. OH BOY. where to begin.
let me take you back to a time when a wide-eyed 17 year old Archie got traumatised by a mountain. sit back, relax, and follow along my recounting of an experience i found so horrible, i had to vent by projecting onto my favourite blorbos at the time. Don't worry, I am more than comfortable with sharing this story, and with hindsight know exactly where to direct my anger with what happened.
It's March 2020. I'm in my second-last year of high school. every year my school takes the people in this specific grade to a leadership camp to teach a variety of skills and stuff to prepare them for the next year, when they will be school leaders basically. this leadership camp happens to culminate in a hike up the Drakensberg, where we sleep overnight, then come back down and go back home.
To be Quite frank. I was Very Excited for this trip. the more school-related activities not so much, but getting the chance to hang out with my classmates outside of school and the hike were what excited me. I'm not the most fit person, but i loooove me a good nature walk.
So it's a few days before the hike. they take us out to a bunch of activities and it's pretty fun. we did an adventure park thing and i was in the middle of a massive tarzan fixation so when i went on a giant rope swing i did his iconic yell. there were ziplines. once when i went down a line i forgot to brake and SMACKED into the mattress on the tree. so that was fun. here's the thing though. they made us walk everywhere. and these weren't easy strolls, they were hikes in and of themselves. i can't speak for anyone else, but the days leading up to the hike were PAINFUL. my feet were so fucking sore and we hadn't even gone near the mountain yet.
Then they hit us with the "yeah we're pushing back the hike by a day because it's gonna be pissing buckets tomorrow." which, duh, of course it's gonna be pissing buckets, it's the drakensberg, it's kinda known for that. but also, that means another day of walking, another day of worsening the condition of my feet. i felt like sam from death stranding when you let him walk barefoot everywhere. it's around here where you might start recognising elements from the fic snippets i posted, by the way.
so the next day like the absolute ass he is, the headmaster (who joined us for. some reason) made us hike up a mini-mountain to 'prepare us' or something. he was a horrible person for completely unrelated reasons and this logic is totally and completely backwards. anyway, after THAT nightmare, we went tubing down a nearby river. this WAS fun. i went down the river multiple times even though my feet hurt like shit. i had to get my fleeting joy somewhere during this trip-turned-nightmare. everyone had fun except this one girl who was not lucky at all. at the end of the river there's a small drop and 99% of the time when you get there you fall out of your tube. she was one of these people, and was really unlucky as she ended up cutting her foot on a rock. she had to be pulled out of the river by a few of the boys.
now then you would THINK she would go home because of this. kind of a bad idea to hike up a mountain with a cut up foot. but no, like the madwoman she is, she decides to pull through. i respect her so much for it.
Anyway, next day comes, my feet are basically throbbing so bad it's like my heart practically lived in them, not even to mention the soreness in my legs. again - i was NOT fit. i was so nervous i could barely eat breakfast. i tried to twist it into something positive by being like "tehe i'm going up a mountain like my favourite teenaged blorbs" but it really was Not helping. sooooo we get to the foot of the mountain and get ready to go. a couple of girls left and missed the hike because they had a netball tournament or something. to this day i wonder if they realise Just how lucky they got.
This is the part i remember most vividly. the Worst part. we set off on our mountain adventure, and i repeat this mantra: keep pace with the person in front of you. which goes great for all of two minutes until like a whole five days of walking absolutely nonsensical distances catches up to me and i slow down and down and down until everyone has passed me and oops! i've stopped completely. my legs are Begging to be put out of their misery and i am Rooted To The Spot. to cut a long ass panic attack short eventually someone comes back to pick me back up and Get Me Up This Stupid Mountain. it wasn't sam unfortunately, it was the drama teacher, but he was a pretty cool person and probably most comforting adult there, so perfect to deal with me in that moment.
he tells me about setting little goals for myself, like finding a specific rock and making my way to it. break the whole hike down into thousands of little baby steps. this way, i actually started to make progress, little by little, until we break the tree line. i can't remember if this moment was in the snippets i posted, but i look up and see the rest of my classmates above me, and when they notice us they start whooping and cheering and singing break my stride (which is kinda the theme song of the trip, ngl). i was still kinda in hysterics so i yelled at them to shut up. looking back, i appreciate it so so much. anyways, the drama teacher and i carry on with our baby steps.
when i've calmed down enough i start talking. i can't remember if he told me to talk to get my mind off of things or if i started on my own, but in any case i just start talking. i know specifically i brought up treasure planet - my all time favourite movie - and he told me he hadn't heard of it. another fanfic snippet moment here: i did, in fact, rant to him about midsommar. i remember specifically talking about the daylight horror aspect and how the black bars could've been white instead to emphasise just how bright and sunny the film is. also at some point we passed random people on the road who didn't speak english and for some reason, to this day i still have no idea why, the drama teacher told me that he thinks those dudes were drug smugglers and using the trail to get drugs over the border. anyways.
eventually, after so, so long, we make it to the top. not the end of the hike, far from it, but the vertical climb is over. you see, this specific trail has like two hours of a horrible vertical climb, but after that, it's a basically-flat trail. not that that would make it any easier but anyway, i thought that the worst was over. from our position we could see the rest of the group, who were all resting by a fork in the path - a significant landmark. eventually we catch up to everyone, and if my fic is to be trusted, everyone started clapping and cheering and singing again, this time 500 miles (hardy har). this is one of the only details in the fic where i can't tell whether i made it up or if it's actually based on what happened. when i sat down, guess what, legs wanted to shrivel up and die, what else is new, but what really struck me was that Literally Everyone Was In The Same Position. some were crying. some were staring into space with cold, dead eyes. Nobody was having a good time. how foot-cut girl was even still here was what shocked me the most. again, CUT IN HER FOOT, it was PRETTY SUBSTANTIALLY SIZED. even so she did Not look good.
drama teacher had gone to talk to all the other adults about our (my and the injured girl's) predicament. we were in No position to carry on with the hike. (i'd argue nobody was but i digress). it was a full-blown argument from what i remember, and when the adults tried to talk to us they kept on interrupting each other. one kept trying to offer a way down, but another teacher (who championed this leadership camp btw, to put this into perspective) was Adamant we continue and simply sleep at the closer campsite.
You can probably guess what ended up happening.
The break just honestly made me feel Worse about moving, and my mentality obviously wasn't the best, and i sorta just really started missing home at this point, but i had to keep going. since it was flat this time i could actually keep some sort of pace, though head leadership camp teacher complained whenever i slowed down too much (actual villain of the story in hindsight). eventually we make it to one of the campsites.
Here's how the camps worked. every year the group split into two - boys and girls - and rotated each year on who went to each of the two campsites. one camp was by a river, the other by a cave. so, one year the boys would go to the cave and the girls to the river, and the next year they would switch. this year the girls were supposed to go to the cave. guess what. it's the further camspite - a good extra... i dunno, hour of walking? obviously injured girl and i couldnt do that. issue is, you need a tent to camp riverside - we obviously didnt have one. however someone, an actual god among men brought an extra tent with him. i never spoke to that kid. but he made it so we didn't have to suffer as much. so i hold a sort of affection for him.
so, the group splits and we finally, FINALLY get our chance to rest. properly. let me tell you, river water has never and i mean NEVER felt so good. i think i spent like a solid hour soaking my feet. the boys - who. somehow had energy after all THAT - made a dam out of rocks. one guy was taking pictures. i never took my own pictures of the mountain, even though the view was beautiful. i was in too much pain to care. i took a Single picture related to the hike itself, and i'll share that at the end of this thrilling tale. that evening after dinner, i snacked morosely and watched at least half of happy death day on my phone. maybe an episode of unbreakable kimmy schmidt, though i don't now for sure about that one. injured girl and i shared that extra tent.
oh yeah, and guess what. it ended up pissing buckets during the night. shocker.
anyway the next day comes and the walk back is worse. one of the other teachers decides to use 'tough love' on me - which was basically yelling at me and failing really badly at being encouraging. honestly would have preferred being tossed off the mountain instead because it just made me Very Distressed but anyway. what was nice was that this time for the walk injured girl and i were at the front of the line setting the pace. and also two of the boys, two absolute GENTLEMEN were walking with us and leading us. you know me, i'm a lesbian, but god i could've kissed them for what they did for us. (i did not but you get my point).
surprisingly the vertical climb down was the easiest part. the really, really vertical part anyway - which was mostly near the top. so easy that a few boys raced ahead of the group... and ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost. more on them later. when we dipped into the treeline it felt like we were so close yet so far, SO close to ending this suffering, but every single turn without the tar road in sight made me fall deeper and deeper into despair. i think i literally yelled out "MERCY!" at some point. anyway when we did finally get to the road i started crying as we made our way back to the bus that would take us home.
everyone started taking showers, blessed, cold showers at the public bathrooms, and washing myself of the whole experience felt Wonderful. except it wasn't quite done insulting me just yet.
So. the day before we put our suitcases in the bus that would take us home. what they neglected to tell us was that we needed Everything we'd need for that day and the following day on our person. which means they wouldn't be taking our bags out of the bus, not even if we REALLY needed something. i didn't have my flip flops on me. i had put the shoes i had hiked in away (and also they were like sopping wet which is disgusting). it was hot as fuck and the parking lot outside was all gravel. i had to walk in that barefoot.
insult to injury.
i got myself ice cream. tried not to cry. we all had to wait for like half an hour as the lost boys made their way back to us (i can't remember if a teacher had to go back onto the path to find them or not). borrowed drama teacher's flip flops which were hilariously oversized. and then, literally RIGHT as everyone was boarding the bus to leave. i whip out my phone and grab the one and only picture i have related to the hike itself.
it was a long drive back to my home province. i put on some music, cuddled my pillow and tried to sleep. i mostly just tried not to sob. out of pain, relief, anguish - whatever. since it was a long drive, we stopped at a strip mall that's a really common sort of stopping station for people doing drives like this, such as to use the bathroom. another school happened to be pulled up as we stopped by here, and a girl gave me the filthiest, most judgmental look i have EVER seen because i was barefoot. i honestly don't blame her.
it was dark by the time we got back to the school. i did, in fact, cry when i saw my family. the very next day - no exaggeration, i'm 99% sure it was the VERY next day - it was announced that schools would be closing and the country would be going into lockdown due to covid. which means i got to spend the next, like, two weeks recovering instead of thinking about school. i think one of the days after i got back i watched interstellar. i was on a bit of a sci-fi kick. it was okay.
here's that picture i took outside the bus before we left for home.
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people Did see me take this. a couple of my classmates made jokes about how they relate and at least one gave me a high five.
anyway, that's the story of my Mountain Experience™. again, more than comfortable sharing this story as i think it's quite important with understanding me and we know who to blame for putting us through this. i've had chats with other alumni who came before me and they had their Own nightmarish experiences with this camp, which makes me wonder how it continued being a thing for so long.
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fateofthesammy · 2 years
As You Wish- Josh Kiszka
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I dont really know what i’m doing witht his and i’m sure it shows but I hope you all enjoy!
*Doorbell rings*
you’re pulling the last load of laundry out of the dryer, children running around the kitchen screaming the most joy filled screams you could imagine.
“Honey, could you get that for me, I think it’s your brothers!” you go to turn the corner laundry basket in hand, kids at feet him already at the door.
“As you wish, my love” he says, meeting you at the corner, finishing his endearing sentence with a kiss on your cheek.
As you wish.
You needed something, ANYTHING to get the creative juices flowing again, you needed that spark back. It’d been two years since you finished college, your English degree feels like it’s going to waste at this point, so here you sit, in a dainty coffee shop, staring at your computer screen, begging for the words to write themselves. And in walks the most beautiful specimen you’d ever laid your eyes on. He looks like he came straight from the sun itself. Radiating shades of yellow and gold. Just like that, as quick as he came, he went, but not without stealing a glance. The room now back to its dull shade of green and blue. He was it. He was your muse; the words did in fact write themselves at that point.
You made it a point to go back every day. For a month, but he didn’t show. A happy story quickly turned sad. But a story, nonetheless. You gave it one last try that Sunday afternoon. The time ticking dauntingly slow, the clocks tick tock mocking you. What a waste. Just before finishing that thought, in he walks. This time shades of brown, who knew brown could be so bright and happy. He catches you, covers blown, ABORT ABORT. You quickly release your eyes from his, slamming your laptop closed drawing more attention to yourself than you’d like.
“Leaving so soon?” you look up and seen HIM, golden brown eyes. “I’m Josh by the way.” He flashes you a smile that could make the grim reaper himself fall in love.
“I’m uuuh leaving” you said faster than eyes could blink. He places his hand on yours in the most endearing calming way possible. You quicky pull your hand away and head for the door, you pictured this going a lot differently no panicking, because why are you panicking? Because a male gave you attention? No. you knew it was because you were writing about him.
“don’t leave,” you stop in your tracks, “every time I walk by, you’re here, typing away on your laptop.” He’s now standing behind you, hand gripping your wrist, but gripping isn’t the right word, he seems almost scared to let go, scared you’ll fade away, scared he’ll lose you… he doesn’t even know you.
“Well josh, you’ve made yourself sound like quite the stalker.” You turn around and meet his comforting brown orbs yet again, he lets out a breath. His shoulders relax “why so tense? I’m just a writer in a coffee shop, a cliché at best.”
“you’re the prettiest cliché I’ve had the opportunity to lay my eyes on, please.” He sticks his hand out, pointing towards the table, giving a light nod, almost invisible, he pulls your chair out for you. “M’lady.” A wide smile and pink blush spread from cheek to cheek.
The conversation goes on for hours and hours. Never a dull moment, never running out of anything to talk about. Just you and josh and dainty coffee shop. As the crowd dies down, and the smell of coffee goes stale, the barista walks up to you both, “were closing in about 10 minutes.” You guys thank her and start to collect your things.
Heading out the door together it’s silent, but not uncomfortable. “I go left from here,” to state your direction home as you step out into the crisp fall air that sends and instant pink shade to your nose. “I go right, but I think I’ll follow you instead.”
“Why would you want to follow me?” the question seems stupid but necessary. “I’d follow you anywhere if it meant you were safe.” And safe you were. The entire walk to your apartment was filled with accidental but intentional shoulder bumps, and hand grazing, you guys took turns leaning on each other that entire walk home. Not paying any attention to where you were going, so much so that you guys ended up at your spot. Your safe spot, the spot you never showed to anyone. But I was too late now.
You got so caught in the moment with him, feeling so alive and free in the matter of hours. You felt bad because you were steering him in the wrong direction. But the wrong felt so right. You stop him, “so clearly were not at my house” you let out a tiny laugh. The smile he greets you with was more than forgiving.
“Darling, I told you I’d follow you anywhere, I didn’t care where we ended up tonight, as long as we ended up there together.” And together you were, “you know if we walk about 10 more minutes that way we’ll be at my place, so let’s just go there.” You let out an almost inaudible okay backed up by a shiver. Without a question he took his jacket off and wrapped it around you, intertwining your fingers, your hands molded together as one like that’s where they’ve belonged your entire life. Not stuck to some keyboard. but with his, the two of you becoming one.
As you walked up his front porch, you guys stop at the door. He turns to face you “I don’t let strangers in my house…” the look you give him is almost offensive. “We’re hardly strangers josh.”
“but you never told me your name,” he trailed off. Rocking on his feet heel to toe not making eye contact.
“it’s Y/N” smiling back on him, your name brings him back to you. He places his hand on your waist.
“Y/N, beautiful name, beautiful face.” All said while staring deep into your eyes, never completely lost, his smile brings you back home every time you think about it. This brown-haired boy with the brightest smile, I don’t know who he is, but I know him so well. “where’ve you been all my life.” He sighs tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Inches from each other, so close you can feel your heartbeats syncing together as one. The silence is so loud it’s deafening. And it goes against all your morals, but you say it.
“Kiss me josh.”
“As you wish.” just like that as if he’d been waiting and eternity, your lips collide, soft and gentle, not rushed or forced. It was beautiful. It was everything. And in that moment, the kiss was cosmic, sparks flying, and you don’t know where you are but you know exactly where you are. You’re home.
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taking koga nui outside
(koga-watch diary below, except its all about adonis actually)
i havent been able to find a piercing/charm the right size and shape for his left ear yet, so he has a little bat for now :)
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its almost june, so rose bloom started. heres another image but a spider snug in lol. its an araniella cucurbitina!! their bright abdomens are quite pretty imo.
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sorry if i end up spamming nui images with literally every rose in the garden. maybe with the vegetable patch too.... but first id like to make some matching overalls for him or smth.......
btw happy official adonis center event announcement!! (F to the intern who paid for the accidental leak) i am looki- i am actually terrified of it. since hidden beast was really really ooc and horribly written and multiple levels of offensive. specifically noting this down so i can come back in a week. if its even slightly better than hidden beast, ill count that as a semi-success i guess. but rei is the 4*. so. oh well. a lookback-story makes for a great setup in theory but enstars loves to waste good chances & i think theyre neither comfortable nor able to provide something decent for it.
i feel like undead has had One good center event with nightless city live. bride light was perfectly cute and fluffy and important for kaoru but otherwise without impact... flashback was genuinely alright, but while the topic of undead breaking in two halves was really upfront and present, it wasnt really... discussed or resolved???
the one big thing they all have in common is that they Really undersell adonis and make him a background character who just has to endure whatever happens to him...
his involvement in nightless city live and bride light is cool but limited... he sort of feels like a punching bag in seven bridge... flashback has a really interesting narrative role for him but he only gets to briefly voice his discomfort and everyones attempts of reassurance feel a tad bit like a short afterthought and therefore dishonest. and. well. hidden beast. bottom text. ("Yes, senpai, thank you for putting me in a fake life or death scenario, it really builds character <3" WHERE ARE WE....) the only undead event with adonis in an active role that shows off his competence is sandstorm, i think.... so i really hope the trend does not continue. but, well, enstars writing. baby adonis is the cutest ever though... and i guess an arranged marriage plotline could play out interesting enough, maybe. his family is very famous, so sure, this might as well be a thing. "i hope your fav marries a woman" is funnier to say when its eichi. but you dont want that to happen to your guy. not like this wont be resolved by the end of the story on behalf of gacha idol boy game logic and the inviolability of yume. but i would love some drama.
lets see how that goes........ if nothing else, both 5* cgs are stunning and the song is really nice and the outfits are adorable tbh. AND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THEY WEAR NAIL POLISH SINCE NIGHTLESS CITY LIVE.... i mean there were the hellsing outfits but hellsing is sort of just a duo lol.
prayer circle for the new koga casual outfit to be really unhinged and for adonis outfit to be..... either really 40yo dad or handsome. either is fine. i dont need them to look good per se. i need them to be funny.
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cxmembert · 1 year
DPS x LoTF au?
I LOVE the idea of that, let me grab my notepad out
I feel like Meeks would be the glue to everything at the beginning, with his knowledge, he would use all resources to ensure the necessities are provided, i.e making fires, building huts, etc. Cameron and Todd would probably be there to keep him company and help out when needed for they’re both just as scared when it comes to whatever’s lurking within the forests. Pitts would also be there, but more-so because he doesn’t exactly know what to do. However, they’d likely implement a rotation system just so Meeks wouldn’t need to do all the heavy lifting and can take a break.
Neil is definitely the strongest of the bunch (I mean, have you seen him in all his shirtless scenes) and so would probably be used to collect possible food items such as berries (I feel like the crew wouldn’t be too comfortable with the prospect of killing the animal habitants just yet) as well as gather materials to make huts, Cameron and/or Pitts would tag along if it’s for the latter. Knox and Charlie also like to venture out into the bush land quite frequently too, but they don’t really take their situation as seriously and would usually rock up to the rest of the group with DIY bongos. However, they would help out Neil if they happen to run into each other.
WHILE I LOVE THE ENTIRE CAST OF DPS THE DRAMA WOULD NEED TO START EVENTUALLY… and I think that unfortunately Neil would be the first one to actually go mad. The main thing holding him back at home was his dad, and while the freedom of him being out of the picture would be a good thing, Neil would very noticeably start becoming a bit more outlandish with that and the help of a few other factors. As stated prior, Neil was the primary gatherer and so was out in the forest most often. Over time, the noises he’d hear would become more and more apparent as he can never shake off the feeling that he’s being watched by someone and something. The others were able to keep him and themselves in tact with positive affirmations and reassuring each other that it’s probably just the leaves or the boars, but eventually, Neil stumbles upon a corpse.
That was it. That was the breaking point. He rushes back to the group and tells them about his findings in a panicked state. This of course fuels Todd’s anxiety, who was already the most terrified of the prospect by even stepping foot into the forest, the two basically beginning to serve as an echo chamber for one another. After that, Neil’s descent began to escalate, sometimes disappearing into the forest for several hours, only to return with a feral look in his eyes and wild horror stories.
It all reached its breaking point when Neil returned one evening, ranting and raving about shadowy figures watching and whispering. The group tried to brush it off as nothing dangerous, but Neil was convinced, and with Todd by his side, they declared independence from the rest of the group.
With this, the remainder of the group would try to negotiate a reunion or at the very least communicate, but it would never go anywhere, the two factions mostly refusing to acknowledge each others sides of the story.
As the two groups were now practically at competition for resources, the supply of basic needs such as food, water and building materials waned each passing day. Meeks tried to step in as the primary gatherer in place of Neil, but with all the thunderstorms, the forest seemed to have closed in around them.
Ultimately, it was a clash between Meeks and the remainder of the group that triggered the final descent into chaos. Snapping under the pressure and getting increasingly irritated by those who he felt as if wasn’t pulling their weight. The argument escalated into a physical altercation, leaving the makeshift society fractured beyond repair.
HONESTLY, I REALLY DONT WANT TO WRITE ONE OF THE CHARACTERS DYING EITHER, BUT IF IT HAD TO BE ANY OF THEM, PROBABLY CHARLIE?? I could imagine Todd and Neil, in a disoriented and paranoid state, mistaking Charlie for a sort of creature thanks to the noise emitting from his makeshift instruments, and so, they kill him. BUT THEN AGAIN, IM UNSURE, THIS RESPONSE HAS BEEN GOING IN FOR WAY TOO LONG IM SO SORRY 😭
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h5eavenly · 5 months
oh i’m about to talk your ear off 😭 i always feel funny sending something so detailed bc i don’t want to be annoying.
when i first found carousel, i (admittedly) scrolled by because i’m afraid of abandoned stories, but it peaked my interest every single time. once i finally started, i was in deep. i would be so excited when you’d update while i was at work, i’d tell my coworkers to stop talking to me because i needed to read immediately 😭 i gave my work bestie the full rundown and when the bet came out, she said “omg so he knows about the bet now??” like she was in there with me lol
i wish i could include screenshots of my discord messages where i am going crazy over certain lines you’ve written. i found one from when yeji came to yn’s house about the bet and i had read the last lines first bc you said it get your tissues (and i have anxiety lmfao) and i said “THE BOMB HAS EXPLODED”
actually i’m going to include the screenshot following the moon and sun analogy.
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because when i tell you i think about it EVERYDAY. on the fourteenth it was another written part and i once again quoted your sun and moon (is it obvious i love them very much⁉️) and i said even if i don’t directly relate to what’s going on between hyunyn, it feels like i’m reading about myself sometimes. i see myself in the cracks of hyunjin, in the despair of yn. to long for someone so deeply and have ruined it yourself. i proceeded to tell my friend how heart breaking that part felt for me and he asked if he should leave me alone. and i said not if you don’t mind broken company. if that doesn’t feel like hyunyn, idk what does.
baby i have even told my mom how much i love this story 😭 i am down horrendous for you and your writing. if i could kiss every part of your brain and heal you from anything that pains you, i would‼️
oh pls do theres nothing i love more than ppl talking my ear off trust me im a good listener :D
omg stop i love that you were literally reading during work and the fact that you got ppl who dont even know it exists invested? omg thats so funny and wholesome fsjdpa
pleasee the ss :(( i wouldnt put you through hell only to give you a sad ending im a little bit of a sadist but not quite evil yet and omg i remember you telling me a few times about how you relate to some lines or some thoughts yn has about herself and although a lot of them are painful and sad i believe theres certain comfort in feeling you're seen and in your pain being understood so thats amazing. Reading this made me so giddy im smiling so fucking big rn and the fact that your mom knows carousel?? THATS CRAZY :(( if i could heal anything that pains you as well believe me i would <3
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ultimatefartwizard · 6 months
Agonies of a Late Homestuck Reader Pt.3
Wiz is here for the hell that is this work, and now we start off with Act 2, we begin with a mysterious vagabond wandering a desert. He like... finds this underground bunker type thing with a lid that has the same symbol as the cruxtruder? Quite interesting!
Jumping back to John, since he seems to now be in like floating purgatory type situation yet alive and well.... as well as a just now 13 year old boy can be after just nearly dying from a meteor hurdling towards him and his father's house.
Am I insane and used RPGmaker XP too much? Or does the wind sound in it sound like one of the wind effects RPGmaker XP use (specifically using it as an example as I've never used other rpgmaker programs)
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I downloaded Ruffle (a in-browser flash player replacement) to circumnavigate the "flash player no longer supported" issue since I wanted a true genuine experience as it was intended, and thankfully it works! For those wanting Ruffle, you can find it -HERE-
I played the segment with John looking around his house, and was amused by this sort of omnipotent narrator type character (soon revealed to be the vagabond, having gone down into the bunker and is using a computer to communicate) that would order commands at him and just call him "BOY."
Various Vagabond antics; makes me think of how Kratos calls his son "boy" continually in Ragnarok.
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As I further mucked about, John's father seems to be missing and some sort of oil substance is everywhere. I originally thought his father got whole ass slaughtered and had him bleed out like a pig, thankfully not... maybe? I haven't read far enough yet.
I immediately thought of John Kramer talking through Billy the puppet when I read this clicking on the cabinet. And considering the species of "Cherub" in Homestuck is based on the puppet, I wouldn't put it past Hussie to make a (slightly butchered) reference.
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John talks to Dave, and.... well I won't show the image of the exact things he says when he starts rapping cuz 1. I can't put a clickable censor on images and 2. not comfortable posting that but OH MY GOD. HUSSIE... HUSSIE! NO STOP HUSSIE DONT WRITE THAT YOU ARE WHITE OH MY GODDD.... DON'T MAKE THAT CHILD SAY SUCH THINGS AND MAKE MORE WEIRD AND BORDERLINE RACIST COMMENTS.... Why are you obsessed. Why are you especially obsessed with black presidents and, in conjunction, Obama??? Do you have some sort of weird crush on this man because you think about him too much. (joking around with myself to save my sanity, im dying here, also note i feel these negative ramblings are important especially when looking at this piece of media in a critical light)
Please I pray the comments like this calm down... though knowing the later stuff ik Hussie doesn't stop being weird or finds new ways to be gross and weird. I also made the mistake of reading the "sweet bro and hella jeff" comic Hussie linked on Dave's segment and my god this explains the later incident with..... a certain Homestuck 2 character. DO NOT READ THAT FOR YOUR SANITY BTW.
Back onto the story itself, watching Dave manage his sylladex and how his captchalogues/uncaptchalogues stuff makes me realize how stupidly complex his is, and it's the most complex thus far. I still don't understand it but that's for another time for rambles. Also rather curious out of the three revealed human children so far he's the only one who's not apprehensive to his family member's collection of themed stuff; in this case, it's his brother's puppet collection. I swear to god there's got to be some sort of underlying reason for these, there's no way that these are all presented to the reader and somehow don't have any strong significance or meaning.
It cuts over to Rose again, who's trying to get out to the generator in the rain so she can boot up her computer to pair up with John again and escape certain doom due to a meteor shower hitting the forest she lives in and is engulfed in flames. She seems to have a lot of contempt for her mother, not sure if it's the same back towards her but they are noted to have some sort of one-uping competitions. Both John and Rose seem to compete with their parents while Dave nods and seeminly respects his brother's stuff, which is interesting and definitely will try to investigate this phenomenon as I read.
I leave off on page 374, certainly to return later for more reading! -Wiz
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republictrooper · 1 year
Strange New Worlds s2e2 Spoilers
Ah, yes, yet another metaphor for modern discrimination and prejudice that doesn't really hold up and may be slightly insulting if you think about it too long.
I mean, Star Trek is a show about metaphors, I get it. But it's only so many times you can go with Metaphors that center a white cis actor playing basically a straight cis white person being on trial/in danger for some sci-fi property like genetic modification or etc. before it kinda gets a little insulting? Like, Black people, queer people, they're in danger TODAY, for various reasons that have little to do with a "justifiable" Eugenics War or fear of Magic Powers, and simply because it is useful for the powers that be that they be an underclass.
Like, you borrow from that well too much without giving the actual modern people adequate representation, it starts getting very noticeable. Mostly, it reminds me that the Federation is a centrist liberal's idea of a socialist utopia, with all the weaknesses granted from that ideology, rather than a full socialist utopia as might be dreamed up by an actual socialist, much less a Marxist Communist.
But also, HELL yes, Neera, tear through the Federation's Hypocrisy and the absolute shit-show that is the Prime Directive like a hot knife through Butter, I LOVE you. You could argue that her actions with Admiral April were self-serving grandstanding, but I felt like they were genuine and the type of needed-to-be-said thing that made it worth it, and certainly a gripping few minutes of television. I think what sealed it too was seeing her comfort La'an about her genetic heritage. This isn't just grandstanding or a crusade for her, it really is about what is right. I can understand April insisting on the regulations, but I dont think he had the right to be as angry at Pike as he was.
Hell yeah, Uhura, stand up. I was so proud of her for refusing to share people's private info. I mean, it seemed more like a way to protect La'an than protect a right to privacy, but you know. I like her backbone anyhow.
Batel doesn't know when to quit, literally and metaphorically. Like, I understand that she's trying to balance her duty to Starfleet with her need to keep access to her favorite boytoy, but like, dang. Her presence in the transporter room suggests Pike has forgiven her, but I'm not sure she earned that. As much as she was rooting for Una, in theory, she seemed more content to be relieved Neera turned out to be good counsel than actually willing to help.
Pasalk and Spock's knock-down, drag-out fight was absolutely hilarious - and I love sassy Spock on the defense stand. I'm not sure I buy Pasalk as an antagonist. He was so flimsy I didnt get why he was so insistent on doggedly pursuing Una.
This episodes climax definitely once again showed the weakness of this being a prequel. of course it's obvious Starfleet's Prejudice is wrong here, but there was no way this could have ended in anything but a loophole that let Una stay but didnt help anyone else. If it happened, then Bashir's story in DS9 makes no sense. Like it or not, the Federation still comes off as bad guys here. Which I think the episode doesn't necessarily shy away from, but it is a little depressing, not gonna lie. Like it or not, Una got off on a technicality and the Federation is everything Neera said it was in that opening argument.A true sequel set in the post-VOY/DS9 future could have dealt with that in a more meaningful way, but instead we got... this.
The clapping at the end didnt land for me, but Pike's awkward bro-hug was the perfect end to this episode. We got through it, we saved Una, and it's good to have her back, but like. Man. That was weird, huh?
Anyway, ok episode, not gonna replace Measure of A Man as Star Trek's best courtroom/thinly veiled metaphor for prejudice any time soon.
And yes, Neera and Una Are DEFINITELY exes. Can't fool me with this "friend" talk.
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Unfinished fic I want to share for feed back, so I know what to change.
One thing before I start, all smps(Empires season 1) This story is set in ESMP1 with all the empires + a few fan made to make the world feel bigger.
The Wings on my back bend and break.
Grian loved his wings, everyone that knew him knew that was just a fact. But no one knew the way he felt about them before. Well- A few did seeing as they were there for it.
Grian’s younger siblings Pearl, Martyn and Jimmy had seen him attempt to rip them off when they were younger. Grian’s bestfriend Taurtis had seen him attempt to burn them off.
How weird must it have been to find him again after he went missing for 5 years and now loves his wings more then anything.
So, instead of being confused about it, why not ask? And that’s what Pearl did.
“Griba?” Pearl asked quietly, seeing as it was still quite early in the morning and Grian might not be awake. 
“Pearl? Why are you awake? Did you have a nightmare?” He ask jokingly, as the oldest he knew a thing or two about the way his sibling crawl into his bed while they thought he was asleep simply cause they had a nightmare.
“NO! No- no no. I uh-“ she didn’t really know how to get her words right, “What happened….When you were gone..” She paused, not knowing how to finish her sentence.
Grian notice the way his sister looked like she wanted to continue so he waited sitting on his bed, then patting next to him so she can sit to.
“Why- why- UGH! My words dont want to work with me!” Pearl semi yelled out in frustration before adding, “Why do you love your wings?! Didn’t you hate them growing up?!”
Ah. Grian now understood what was wrong. “Ah- ha- uhm…Well, uhm…I don’t think I should tell you this story..” He trailed off looking out the window, anywhere but Pearl.
“Grian! I’m not a little kid anymore! So you can stop with your whole,” She waved her hands in a way as if say you as a whole. “Thing where you act like your the only one that should suffer cause your older!” 
“Look, Pearl. I understand that you dont want me to hurt, but I’m fine! I promise, it’s just..not the easiest story to tell.” He looked down, still not meeting his sister’s face.
“Well. Its early morning on a Sunday so I’ve got all the time in the world. No matter what.” She smiled at her older brother before continuing, he finally looks at her. “I won’t run away, I want to hear everything that happened..” she pauses, mischievous in her eyes.
“What are you planning?” He asked slightly confused yet also scared.
“You either tell me the story or I get auntie Lizzie or Xisuma in on this.” She smiled with glee that only a child that’s childhood hadn’t been taken from them could.(But that part was only half true.)
“Fine! Don’t tell auntie Lizzie, she’ll have my head!” He pause playfully before returning to his sad vibes. “Uh- I guess I should start with why I hated my wings.”
He pauses, and she waits. Pearl won’t rush him. “Uh..you remember how before Father died, he taught me how to fly right?” He pauses, Pearl was still a bit confused so she waited for him to continue.
“I’m guessing you never learned how he died?” She nods her head. “Right. He died teaching me how to fly. We had been on the hill we have picnics on..” he pauses, tears in his eyes.
“There- there was a hybrid hunter. I was flying and they shot my wing. Father died cause he tried to catch me. And while he caught me..” he pauses, whipping the tears in eyes while Pearl leaned in close for comfort and to comfort.
“He fell off the mountain with me in his arms. The hunter thought I had died from head inures cause uh…” Grian pulls his sister in tight, no one but him, the police, the people who saved him and his Mother knew what happened that day. And for the first time he talks about it to be to his baby sister? He was so scared. 
“Father wanted to check that I was okay, I had passed out from fear. The hunter saw da- Father’s panic and thought I was dead..they then proceeded to…” He felt Pearl cling to him both for his comfort and her own.
“The hunter shot Father, killing him. They then left as the police was called by a couple who had been sight seeing around the same area.” He paused forever grateful for them, seeing as he would have actually been killed if it wasn’t for them.
“Pearl? Are you alright?” He ask the moment he noticed his sister had curled up in his arm and wing, he just knew she wax crying. And just that broke his heart.
“I-“ she voice breaks slightly. “I- we could’ve lost you even sooner then we did.” As Pearl said it, it hit him hard. 
After the death of their father, their mother started to hate her children, blaming them all for her husband’s death. Grian being the oldest took all the hits. He took all the yelling. He learned how to cook, how to clean, how to even take care of his three younger siblings who were all under the age of 5.
Grian was. Is. Basically his siblings father. They don’t remember much of their d-father. He was that role of ‘dad’ for them. And it hit him that had he dies, his siblings would’ve been the ones being hit. The ones always getting yelled at. They could’ve barely reach the stove even with a stool. Had he died, they would’ve been doomed.
“You okay? Do you want to continue or take a quick break?” He asked softly as he turned to his sister, holding her, comforting her like he always does. Grian gently runs his hand through her hair. 
“Y-you can continue.” She spoke up after a little bit. Voice as quiet as a mouse.
“Right. Mother start to resent us, blaming mostly me for father’s death. She would yell and scream about how much trouble my wings always put me in.” He pause and Pearl just knew where this was going. “She’d yell about many of things the most being, if I never had these wings, then father would still be alive.”
At that moment, Pearl want nothing more then to kill her own mother. How could she say that to her child?! But she had to calm down for Grian.
“I started to believe that. I started to wish that I never had my wings and I just hated them.” He lifted his other wing, the one not around Pearl, before continuing. “When I went missing, this after I had burn my wings, I got lost.”
“Since my wings where hurt, I couldn’t just fly up to see where I was. Then I got kidnapped.” He exaggerates the ‘then’. It took a second for it to click in Pearl’s head.
“WHAT?!” Pearl yelled out quite loudly, completely forgetting just how early it was in the Ocean empire. “Sorry..what?!” She said softly after.
Grian softly chuckled seeing that. “Yeah, I got kidnapped brought all the way to some area close to the Maniaro, you know that mangrove empire?” He laughs like his trauma was the funniest thing ever.
“We all thought you ran away! Or killed yourself!” Pearl exclaimed slightly louder then she meant to, lifting her hands to bring across her point.
“Pearl.” A sleepy voice came from the door, it was their Aunt Lizzie. “Keep it down please..” She smiled lightly before leave and closing the door again.
They both laughed softly at their aunt. “Yeah…so what happened after that?” Pearl ask curiously.
“The hermits found me.” He smiled remembering his time with them.
“The hermits?! Aka like that really feared group of hybrids known for fight and or killing anyone that crosses their territory provoked?!”
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blazingstarship · 1 year
💍Engagement Night💖
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I have been waiting to post this artwork for a very long time cause I wanted it to be perfect and love the story behind our proposal.
We got to the marriage subject cause one of the guys made a joke about it. When it was just the two of us, I honestly told Yus it wasnt really something I dreamed off to do. I kinda made it clear marriage wasnt for me but didnt want to tell him my reasons. Yusei figured eventually by clicking one and one when I dont bring up my parents much. I told him the truth about why I dont like weddings. My parents had an unhappy marriage and even worst divorce. Heck I dont even know why they agreed to get married in the first place but it made me dislike the whole wedding concept.
Yusei said he never could imagine even a happy stable relationship without worrying if the other wouldnt leave him first (dead, betrayed, leaving the city forever). And marriage, the same page, didnt saw himself as marriage material too. People of Sattelite werent even allowed to marry so who wanted scum like him to love a life time.
Our relationship grow and the years passed by. It became stronger and we never felt so comfortable and save than to be with each other. After two years there was a moment in our lifes that changed us both and Yusei came suddenly with an own made ring with blue stone stickers on it and presented as a promise ring, we called a partnership. And I made one too from scraps and crafts so he knew I feel the same way about it. So we started to wear promise rings and after four years, we got our own house together.
I try not to drop spoilers but lets say Yusei felt alone and yet he got reminded someone always came home to him at the end of the day. Living together did him so well and the idea of having an own house with a backyard and garage and just a new chapter in his life thats about to start. He never could dream there was someone willing to spend the rest of their life with him and he cherish every day this someone goes to sleep and wakes byside him.
He wanted to place the bolt ring for the real thing and it was quite the time since he knew while I love the ring, it wasnt a real ring and deserved a real one. The real deal.
I was really worried about the house since I am not from Neo Domino City and what if we didnt work out at the end and I had to go back to my own country.
Yusei assured me its never gonna happen and we are not like my folks. As long as we talk to each other and give the space we need from time to time, everything will be alright.
After we got the keys, Yusei said out of the blue What if you will be named Fudo too. It shocked me how sure he said that, his face expression didnt change. He was really serious about it, like he was preparing me mentally and pulsed if he should go through with his plan.
I was really quiet about it as after a while, I only smiled at him and told him I loved him and that will never change. Then I gave a very long kiss on his cheek.
He didnt need to know more then this was a hint that I was ready. It was like he already asked the question but without the actual words. And my sensitive emotional ass (typical cancer lol) got me in tears as I assured him it was just a very sweet thing what he did.
The first night we would spend at our home was the same night he proposed. Yusei wanted to come to our home as family, as future husband and wife.
He took me for dinner and boy we didnt eat much. I may even was tired from work to notice he was nervous and couldnt think why he wanted to go out after we could have dinner at our own place for the first time.
He proposed at the Neo Domino City Point View close to his former place. It has the best view to see the whole sky and all the stars in it. Also it was the same place we catched a shooting star together and even started to feel a spark between us.
There were fairy lights around the rails and just watched the starry sky. Bringing up memories and getting deeper how much we have been through together. The deeper we got, the closer we holded each other. Suddenly there was a long silence and how I never could think I would be here and spending the rest of my life living here with him.
He whispered to me that I was his home, his future and couldnt imagine he would spend the rest of his life with someone else than me. He let me go but holded my hand as he went on one knee. After some sweet lines, he asked me. The way he asked was more like a promise than a proposal. Without knowing the real intentions, I said yes. As he wanted to put the ring on the finger, he realized he forgot to put out the box out of his jacket.
We laughed at this moment. He called out I even said yes without a ring. For me to reply confused “Saying yes without a ring?”
As he then showed the box and showed the ring inside. Saying he is asking the real deal, it is a real proposal. Causing me to been overwhelmed and crying.
He asked me again, but this time he did it in Dutch. It was so fluent, it got me so off guard. For me to answer Yes! In dutch, Japanese and English. A thousand times.
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wave2love · 1 year
OKOK I HV STH! producer!reader and idol! … idol ☠️ writing this while listening to nights - frank ocean i might call it that 😆
ALR SO. it starts when idols still in his trainee days and its not going well. a few of his friends j debuted without him and hes feeling p awful so he slips out for a walk in the city an yk. finds someone to sit and be alone for a few hours . but then after a while someone asks if he can sit w him and idol agrees and he doesnt know it yet but its YN!!!! they share life stories (idol tells him ab the failed trainee stuff and yn says hes an apprentice music engineer still trying to find his place) and talk for HOURS and hours and hours. its all nice and yn comforts him a lot / helps him feel better ab not debuting . its leaves a big impression on him when he goes back and it stays w him for a very long time even if they (think) they’re never gonna see eo again. 👍👍
FASTFORWARD LIKE 3 OR 4 YEARS.. idol is a super megastar successful soloist!!! always dubbed the one of the strongest figures in the industry!!!! and the one thing that never changes is that w every comeback he always makes sure to mention somwhere that the release (whether its an album or ep of single or whatever) is dedicated to the stranger that helped him to keep going and not quit, even if they only met once. yn is doing well too!!! one of the producers with the most credits listed to his name 🙏
then . Then . idol is planning his comeback and his team r like……. we hv someone new to work w you this time!!! we think you’ll rly like him!!!! so hes like ok and when he goes to meet him in the recording room ITS NONE OTHER THAN YN!!!!
they dont recognise eo at first but theu get rly close while working on the album and then blaj blah blah falling in love its cute its fun and then they both talk ab the one stranger they talked w one night that made them want to work harder and keep going and they finally realise its eo . its cute blah blah blah (2) THE END!!!
a mess truly 😞 i dont know which idol to wrie this 4 so ermm if u can think of someone pls share!!!! but also i rly want to make it for someone in nct 😭😭 i was kinda thinking hyuck again LMAOO but i will hear u out bsf!!! ur opinion >
this is so.. AHHHHHH i love it so much whay the fuckity fucking fuck!! this is acc so cute ilysm like ure so big brain
so for like idol mayb huening >_^ or beomgyu. pls i am very uncreative today 👊 if i think of another idol i’ll lyk bsf!!
i live for ur fic ideas
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
DUUUUDDDEEEEE. Fork! (I’m trying to sensor myself. Is it working?!)
So OK BUT THEN HERE WE MAYBE HAVE ANOTHER WEIRD NON-ALIBI if they find Fred. IS Willow gonna say something once they find/identify Chrissy’s body/know that Fred is missing. But also he’s by lovers lake? And then mentally Nancy came across Chrissy’s body…closer to that where they found her necklace and shoe. So does that mean someone or something is moving her body? AND WHERE ARE THE GATES BUT WILL THERE EVEN BE GATES OR IS SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING.
Omg. My synapses are firing!!! Cruel of you to release this first thing in the AM when I have a day full of meetings. I might reread tonight. I definitely have ideas but I DONT HAVE MY NOTEBOOK. I’m gonna scribble some on a napkin. Hmmm too early to tell
Poor Eddie and poor Willow. But they’re together and have one another. I think…you know I joke about my theories and everything but truly that’s what we’re all here for. The love they have for each other and their willingness to endure countless nightmares for each other. I can’t wait to see THEM RUN AWAY TOGETHER WHEN THE TOWN GOES ON A MANHUNT AND THEY JUST CUT AND RUN AND START OVER. TOGETHER (👀👀👀👀👀👀) Damn I thought that was gonna work.
And Wayne. I’m here for actual Dad Wayne Munson. Because he goes through so much to make sure his boy is safe. Omg. “Our boy” I’m freaking tearing up.
Congratulations on another great chapter and yet another strand in the grand web you are weaving. Aghhh. You’re the best but you’re the worst but you’re the best. You deserve a medium place. *forehead smooches*
FINALLY replying because i was trying to give everyone time to read but i want you to know this made my day when i received it this morning 🖤
first of all, as always, i love your mind. you're thinking big (even if you're not right) and i adore it <3 also the image of you scribbling down your theories on a napkin just has me cackling i love you jo 😭😭😭
and oh yeah, there's quite a bit going on, quite a lot to cover, but i think that's why even amongst this "angst", i find so much comfort in continuing their story. it's just as much their love that makes me giddy to write this story as it makes you all to read it (which still blows my mind, btw).
dad wayne munson is everything to me. him and hopper are the town's resident adoptive fathers, and both of them just bring me so so much comfort. if i find a way to insert hopper's return into this fic, you already know i am. just give me a day or two of planning i'm a determined woman on a mission
thank you so much. i know i'm a broken record, i know all i ever seem to do is thank y'all and tell you how much i appreciate you guys and your support, but i do. i truly mean it so much that if i think about it too much, i'd cry. when i started all this, i thought this was going to be some silly fic i'd post and have to celebrate even having one reader, something i'd have to manically talk and plan out with my best friend and that at the end of the day, would only really mean something to me. you guys have been so endlessly supportive, so achingly sweet, and i just. gah. i don't know how to repay you all. i love you guys. you guys let me have my cake, and eat it too. that's probably the greatest gift i've received in all my years of writing fics.
also... side note.... has someone been rewatching the good place? 👀
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