#c: Baron Draxum
a-little-birdie · 2 years
Basics of space au head cannon style.
This is the general story idea and character basics. I’ll build on this more as I go. Thinking of naming it Give Me Space and will mostly focus on April. Of course I will focus on the turtle brothers and splinter and everyone else as well. Don’t worry.
This is pretty long, I was gonna add more because of Baron Draxum and Big Mama but I didn’t want to make such a ginormous post. Sorry.
Tw: violence
Story idea: The brothers live on their ship travelling around space just living their life. They stay planet side more than they travel through space. Recently they’ve gotten into trouble with a few other aliens but most notably Big Mama and Baron Draxum. Now they need to figure out how to live while being wrapped up in a huge net of danger.
So humans, this is a space au with humans are weird themes because it’s just good for plot, humour and a ton of other stuff! Side glances my angst. So how are humans treated in this world? They still aren’t technically an official species under the councils eyes yet so that leads to humans not always being seen as people. I don’t know how much I’ll touch on that subject in the story, I mostly wanna get the world building and stuff up first. Humans are a generally new species, especially to the further reaches of the universe. Not much is known about them except some of the basics. Most of them speak a language called English. They have an omnivorous diet although some choose to live a more herbivore life. They are historically persistence predators, chasing after their prey at a sustained pace to best conserve energy. They are very tough. They can bleed and are therefore, killable. Humans aren’t seen much outside of their own galaxy and are therefore usually a huge attraction.
APRIL O’NEIL! The one. The only. The short Queen. Can you tell I love her? In this she’s still the same age in the tv show but she’s a pilot in training. On a practice mission gone wrong April gets lost and crash lands on an alien planet. Eventually she finds an beat up looking ship that’s way to old to not be abandoned and decides to hole up in there. Only to find a rat looking alien staring at her in shock when she wakes up from a much needed nap.
Splinter, the man. The dude. The depresso espresso machine. This guys is still a human and an actor in the beginning, I can’t take that from him it’s a huge part of who he is. My thought is that he gets abducted by Big Mama and put in the Battle Nexus. The whole thing with Baron Draxum goes down and Splinter makes off with the turtles. He finds an old abandoned ship and decides to live there until he can find a better living arrangement. Spoiler alert. He doesn’t. The boys and him fix it up until it’s safe a flight worthy. So now his life is pretty Rinse and Repeat until he finds a Human sleeping in his hallway and doesn’t know if he should give them some warm food and a blanket or panic and call his sons.
Raph. The oldest of them all. The ancient fossil. Yes I’m making “haha old” jokes at a cartoon character. Literally nothing changes with him, with all the turtles tbh. As a kid he spent most of his time going out to find stuff to fix the ship but never went far enough that he would lose sight of the ship. So most of the stuff he got was branches and leaves. He also took care of his younger siblings the most and knows what’s dangerous and what’s not in terms of local flora and fauna. He didn’t read a book on it it’s just mostly from experience and watching the other animals. In the beginning, Raph is the most concerned with the humans well being when he first finds them in the hallway. It cannot be comfy to sleep there.
Leo, the smug man. The anything-but-straight disaster, the one that resonates with my very soul. Yes he’s still a theatre kid, of course he is. I think he’s got a little more sleight of hand skills though. Everyone in here is a little more morally grey. The boys kinda had to steal to be able to make money and get supplies to, ya know, live. Leo just became the best at it, his moral compass when it comes to that stuff is the most broken. When Leo first meets the human he’s actually scared of them. The human yells at him for getting to close and he screams. Donnie never lets him live it down.
Donnie, the neurodivergent dude. I love this man so much, it’s unreal. Sadly I don’t have much for him yet. But, he makes a translator for the humans English. He gets it to work by recording the human while standing near them, they’ll just shout and yell and he’ll just stand there until he has enough English to work with. Unsurprisingly, most of the words he gets are swears, detailed threats, go away, leave me alone and *insert guttural screaming.* It’s actually kind of funny.
Mikey, is still Mikey. He’s the ADHD, acrobatic, artist that we all know and love. Damn that’s some alliteration right there. When Mikey first got into art it was when he found some old spray paint cans that were abandoned in the area. After that he started experimenting. Over the years he got the proper equipment he would need, such as a gas mask, ladder to reach the higher places, etc. Him with a gas mask is actually kinda scary. He was wearing it inside the ship when he met the juman sadly and now they don’t like him. Even with the gas mask off. However the two find common grounds over drawing and food. So that’s good!
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artistgem · 2 years
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Based on that caracal video where the baby mimics its parent yawning and it's cute.
AU where Draxum adopts Mikey after Lou accidentally leaves him behind and Drax slowly grows attached to the lil bundle of sunshine and that iS HIS BABY NOW!
Draxum built Mikey a terrarium with the state of the art comfort and warmth and fully furnished to his needs, but the lil baby tortle just wants to cuddle with his dad and Drax cannot say no to his puppy eyes.
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lactoseintolerentswag · 4 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 8!!!!!!!!
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot it existed. Sorry to all the Baron Draxum fans (and Draxum himself, bbgirl deserves better). If you're new to my line of notes here's the beginning where I started with Raph. Alright part 8, Baron Draxum, here we go.
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Language Habits:
Speaks in long and drawn out sentences, if you're getting nervous about run-on sentences you're on the right track
Due to this, tends to give speeches or monologues
Dramatizes everything fairly eloquently, look for the most exaggerated form of a word. Classic villain speak: "imbeciles", "brethren", "eliminate"
Puts emphasis on those dramatic adjectives and verbs
Occasionally refers to himself in the third person, not as often as Raph
Tends to yell or raise his voice when frustrated or lost in passion
A common gag is trailing off in a casual tone about the severity of his experiments ie his "if it works right" about the ooze causing pain when mutating that poor fish guy
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Incredibly intelligent yet impatient. It isn't known to my knowledge who taught Draxum or if he taught himself, but his mastery of alchemy and fighting makes him a truly impressive opponent. However, he's always cutting corners to get to his goal. He wasn't willing to raise through the ranks of The Foot the traditional way, he created an army of mutants rather than seek yokai, and was unwilling to spend further time interpreting the prophecy of doom towards yokai-kind
Flair for the (over)dramatic. Draxum is almost your classic evil villain kind of guy. He'll pull out all musical stops, including flowing hair and clothes. On the other end he'll completely overreact and commit to things of little matter like his position as a lunch lady.
Unyielding in his stubbornness. Draxum is not easily swayed in his belief, and even as hard as Mikey tries he is not rid of his disdain for humans by the end of the series. Guy was also incredibly persistent in his research despite his lab blowing up twice. This also allows him to hold longer grudges, even resorting to childish pettiness if he feels annoyed enough.
Affinity for muscles and power. He was drawn to Lou Jitsu for many reasons, but a main one was definitely his muscles. All his guards are usually incredibly beefy, and he was immediately drawn to Raph as "beautiful" when he's reintroduced to his specimens. As for power, he's drawn to the dark armor and is lost in the ecstasy of being imbued with so much mystic energy.
Self-absorbed and egotistical. Draxum is kind of obsessed with his title and self-proclaimed responsibility for saving yokai-kind. He's not one to easily admit his mistakes and takes great pride in his work.
Willing to toe the line of morality. Huginn and Muninn have blatantly called him their evil boss, but Draxum does see his actions for the good of yokai-kind. I don't think he really cares if he's working with evil organizations (The Foot) or doing evil things if he saves the day.
Team builder. I think it's interesting how Draxum is drawn to building teams. He's drawn to working together, all he wants to do is unite yokai and his mutants into an efficient force. This does not mean he's very successful.
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Has minor telekinesis
Was a warrior before he was an alchemist
Does not have a good relationship with the Three Heads (apparent leaders of the Hidden City)
Controls seeds that can a) grow into vines, b) expand into robotic vine gauntlets, c) encase his gauntlets into meatier gauntlets that can shoot out waxy cocoons
Is referred to as a sheep-man from the brothers, but I suppose whatever animal you interpret him as is up to you
Has a great singing voice :) ( which is subjective I suppose)
Alright now that is finally posted just gonna let you know that this Isn't the last of my rise analysis posts!! I'm so sorry for the wait!! I got lost in so many schedule things. I'll try and pump a few more analysis posts out within these next few weeks (excluding June 16-22), but I've also been busy working on miscellaneous wips. Thank you for being so sweet to me on all the other notes posts, you guys are so awesome :)
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
My Rottmnt Separated Au!// Masterpost
(*Dj Khalid voice *: Another one ) (scroll to bottom for links to other posts)
This one’s called:
How I Met Our Brothers
And it’s an au of my own inspired by all the greats, like @daedelweiss @dianagj-art @trubblegumm @red-rover-au and more! (Seriously go follow their blogs)
Mainly by @trubblegumm and by the feral Leo from @cupcakeslushie , and you’ll soon why
With out further ado;
(Also dont worry ab my chicken scratch I have it all written down lol)
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(Click for better quality lol)
Since my writing’s shit (lol) here’s the transcript for what I wrote: the character descriptions first, then the pluses from top to bottom
Donatello Hamato:
Raised by Splinter/Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu in the sewers under Brooklyn
Started looking for his bros after his dad told him about them
Met April when he was 9 (she was 11)
He met Leo when they were both 11
Baron Michelangelo:
(I hc that Baron is a title, not a name; like Lord or Lady, so Mikey inherited Draxum’s title)
He’s been training to be a mystic warrior since he was born
Muninn (the one with a larger body and the underbite) wanted him to be named Angel, Huginn (the one with a larger head and overbite) wanted him to be Michael, so they compromised with the perfect name (don’t tell Draxum they saw it in a human pamphlet )
Raised by Draxum alone until he was seven
At 7 y/o he met Raph and ever since both Big Mama and Baron Draxum have joint custody over them
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Raph and Cass, (met Cass when he was 10, she was 13)
Rapheal Jitsu :
Training to be a mystic warrior since he was 9
Big Mama named him what she and Splinter would have named their first son; (he proposed to her, you can’t tell me that they didn’t talk ab baby names)
Big Mama was not the only secretive one in the relationship, she didn’t know what Splinter’s real last name was, (and as a gang leader she doesn’t use her name anymore) so yes, Jitsu is Raph’s legal last name
Met Mikey when he was 9 y/o
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Mike and Cass, (met Cass when he was 12, she was 13)
??????? —> Leonardo Hamato:
He grew up in the sewers in Staten Island, the one who brought him there was *REDACTED*
Staten Island is full on awful people, so nobody took him in, and he learned to fear people
Donnie found him, and named him Leonardo and gave him his birthday, making him 11
Other Info:
+ because Leonardo was hella malnourished as a growing young lad, Donnie ended up being the 2nd tallest by the time of the movie
+Splinter became more proactive in Donnie’s life ever since he lost sight of the other three brothers and became more proactive in his training when he met April because he’s more paranoid than he is in the show
+Don didn’t really care for Leo (he was comfortable as an only child and Leo changed his routine), until Leo got deathly sick and nearly died
+Big Mama and Draxum (somewhat) reformed only b/c Mikey and Raph would cry and throw tantrums (they won the moral argument slay) when they would talk ab their plans and beliefs (Draxum loves his children more that he hates humanity, and Big Mama finally learned how to love with Raph)
+Mama truly loved Splinter, but was insecure about him loving her as a Yokai (she had trust issues) and b/c her morals are hella skewed, it seemed like a great idea to keep him the only way she knew how, by putting him in Battle Nexus (and she makes bank with him there! In her mind it seemed like a win-win)
(Note: Big Mama’s and Splinter’s relationship will solely be as exes, because it would be hella unhealthy for Splints to trust her after she betrayed it like it. (They both lied to eachother during their relationship in this au) Their relationship in my comics and fanfics in this au will solely be as estranged exes, they will not be getting back together)
If this post gets like, at least 30 notes then ill post a comic on how Leo and Donnie met! (Edit: oh wow. U guys did it)
Lists of HIMOB Posts:
Disaster twins post
Sunset duo post
HIMOB Donnie meets the Canon Mad Dogs // Bonus Comic
Donnie and the Stranger: Part 1 // Part 2
The name Rapheal: Part 1 // Part 2
The Caretaker: Part 1 // TBC . . .
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bonefanatic · 10 months
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(this is a demo) based on an au that was based on transformers prime. anyways, peepaw and reader's love child's name is romeo. he's so supposed to be like 16 but he might not come across that way. peepaw highkey evil in this but he's also a simp so it's okay. reader is gn, but is called 'momma' and mother so idk. (e/c) is eye color, (h/c) is hair color, (h/t) is hair type/texture
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You had always known you weren't the greatest mother. You couldn't provide as much as you needed to for your son.
But it was still so heartbreaking when he left.
He had left in the dead of night, he didn't even leave a note. You cried about it for days.
The last person you loved had left. Just like everyone else did.
You denied for so long, searching desperately for any sign of a potential threat.
But there was nothing.
The house was so much colder. The food didn't taste as good. You closed your eyes and saw his bright eyes and gorgeous markings.
You took on more duties for the village, trying to find something to keep your mind off of your boy.
You really just were the worst mother.
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Romeo had loved his mother more than anything in the world. She was smart and beautiful and kind.
But he had to know.
He found the letters that his mother couldn't herself to burn. He found confessions of undying love from Leonardo Hamato, his father.
He had to know.
So he left. He was so sure it would break his mother's heart, but the man in the letters sounded so kind and he had money and power.
Leonardo Hamato, his father, could help them. He could make life easier, and he loved Romeo's mom.
So that led Romeo here, standing outside the biggest structure he'd ever seen.
Was this what the castles in those stories looked like?
He approached slowly, stalking forward and observing. Men were standing near what Romeo assumed was the entrance to the fortress.
He noticed the slight shock about them. Nothing uncommon for a mutant turtle. The men broke from their stupor, drawing their weapons.
"And who the hell are you?!"
"I am the son of Leonardo Hamato."
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Leonardo was strong, smart, cunning.
But all that was out of the window when he had met them. They were wonderful, beautiful, smart, kind. He loved them. He had almost married them.
But he was dragged away too soon.
His father, Baron Draxum, had threatened to kill them, Leo's love. So he was forced to leave. He ended up killing his father for this reason, but he never found his love.
After years of searching, he had to stop before his heart broke further.
Leo used to say that he thought about them every day when he woke up and when he went to sleep, but he dreamt of them too.
When he fought in battle, he imagined how enamored they'd be to see his face coated in blood for them. The thought made him smile.
Suddenly, the doors to the throne room were thrown open, two men dragging a mutant in. The dropped the mutant at his feet, then saluted him.
He raised a brow and rolled his wrist, a gesture for them to continue.
"Master Leonardo, this boy claims he's your son."
The mutant tilted his face up from where it was pressed against the steps.
The blood dripping from this nose and brow were the same stark red as the crescents over his eyes. His eyes were a bright (e/c). His hair fell in (h/c) (h/t) locks.
Leo was convinced.
"Hello, Father", the boy croaked before his head hit the step and he was out.
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
People can have their gripes about Draxum’s redemption arc (lord knows I do though most of it is to blame on the massive cut that season 2 got) but I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding Mikey’s involvement.
Mikey is not stupid or naive and definitely not out of character for how he chose to treat Draxum in s2. His kindness is calculated, and it’s not like what we see is all that’s probably going on with that situation like
A) It’s probably been at least a couple of weeks, give or take, since Draxum moved into that apartment judging from how April talks about the situation. “Normally, it’s just a lot of clip cloppin” Like yes he’s still considered a new neighbor but that could imply he’s been there anywhere from a few days to maybe even a month. During that time it’s easy to assume Mikey has been sneaking off to check in on him.
B) Mikey is not stupid. He’s not stupid. And he probably learned on day one that Draxum poses absolutely no threat to him. Probably when he found Draxum on the street, the Baron might have lashed out much like how he did with Raph only to fail at summoning any of his vines and physically just looking like hell. Mikey knows even if Draxum turned on him, he could probably kick his fresh ass and throw him in the garbage.
And to add to this, Draxum is allowing Mikey to jump on a trampoline in his house in a dinosaur outfit. He only slowly shoves Mikey off of him when he gets too close at the dinner table. Mikey feels no threat from this sheep man because he probably hasn’t even attempted to make himself one since Mikey found him.
C) Mikey is being kind because, in the words of Everything Everywhere All at Once, it’s how he chooses to fight. He’s approaching the situation with a cement wall of positivity because he believes it WILL get results if he sticks with it. This is not entirely unbased. There are situations in the past where choosing to be kind or helpful has resulted in victory for him and his siblings so it’s reasonable to think that sticking to his guns will turn out positive results.
D) But, in spite of that, he’s not 100% unmovable. Raph points out at the amusement park that this plan may fail (due to Draxum’s reaction to funnel cakes) and Mikey even admits “Dr. Positive is becoming Dr. Somewhat Disappointed.” He’s aware that all this work may in fact amount to nothing, he’s just determined not to let that get to him, at least not as long as there’s still a chance it could work out.
And finally, E) Kindness =/= naivety. You can be kind to someone and not trust them. You can be kind to someone with the awareness that, true, maybe it won’t change anything, or maybe it will. Mikey’s character just believes that its worth trying.
TLDR: Mikey isn’t being stupid or OOC for being nice to Draxum in s2. It is calculated and it is intentional on his part and he’s aware that it may not turn out the way he wants, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to try.
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myososheep · 1 year
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Risetober Day 6 : Baron Draxum
here he is in the flesh, the world's goatest dad baron draxum! i really like his design and his color palette, he was fun to paint c:
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violetvulpini · 10 months
Previous winner: Starscream TFP!
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holopossums · 2 months
HEYO!!! (This is hamburgrr by the way it’s just my side account lmaooo)
For the TMNT ask game how about 30 and 39 :D?
Hiya there! Thanks for asking! c:
TMNT Ask Game
30.) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
Oh there's lots of them. I'd say one of them that I often reject that is the idea that Baron Draxum has a tragic backstory that explains his reason for wanting to get rid of the humans (beyond the prophecy he read). It just doesn't quite feel right to me considering his attitude and behavior, so I like to headcanon otherwise.
39.) Do you have any TMNT OCs?
I do indeed! I have three that are more fleshed out. Most of them have some sort of familial/friend/other connection to certain characters within my AU.
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Cedrus Draxum is Draxum's older brother. He is a wealthy politician and public speaker, and he has a lot of political power. His mystic powers are plant-related (runs in the family) and he has the power to grow trees or manipulate wood. (2nd pic is a joke of him not being a very happy camper at Todd Scouts lol.) He comes off as warm and friendly, but he can be quite manipulative and lawful/by-the-book. He has his own agenda.
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Dallas Walker is Krow's (Casey Jr.'s) biological father who went MIA before Krow was born. He has been missing for 18 years, but he is alive and doesn't even know he has a son. You can see the family resemblance, especially as Krow grows older. Dallas is sort of the "bad boy with a heart of gold" type. He's bold and takes risks in battle, but he's a lot more laid back and friendly than he appears.
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Leporyx Lagolune is a Jackalope Yokai who is a witch and alchemist. They are a colleague of Draxum's, and they hate his guts. They are reserved, stoic, and keep to themself. They have a goal of creating the elixir of life, but no one knows their motives. They and Draxum tend to butt heads.
2 out of 3 of these OCs will eventually be introduced into the Radiant Souls fic I'm writing! I can't wait until I get to their parts in the story.
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angphyel · 2 years
Could I get a baron draxum x yokai!reader S/O who has like, a fascination with the human world? Kinda like ariel from the little mermaid
They'll sneak around with a cloaking brooch qnd just look around and maybe wants to go on a human watching date??? Idk this is drabble so far but tyy
A/N: Of course! You are the first to request.
Paring: baron draxum x yokai!reader (Yokai type: Ningyo)
Summery: They have a date- idk what to put here...
What the yokai is: https://yokai.com/ningyo/
You being a Ningyo was hard enough. You being Fascinated with the world made it harder, Though you could transform Ningyo into the human,, it's only for a little while.
You met Beron when you where watching some people fight some Turtle like things, You where kind of surprised, They where close to the water so when Baron sees you. He was a little shocked. He was watching the turtles from afar and didn't expect a Pretty (what he thought at the time) Mutant.
So a few weeks after that here you guys are... On a date- Stalking people as they are walking on the beach. He sighed and looked at you closly. "Whats up?" You ask looking at him with your (E/c) Eyes.
"I just relized that I have never- Uh- Felt this for Another mutant before..."
You blinked at him and started to laugh. He blinked and looked at you super confused... "Whats so funny?" Baron asked.
You lay your head on your arm and sigh. "I'm a yokai... not a mutant..."
"What?" Baron looks confused as you laugh a little more.
"Yep. I'm a Ningyo..." You smile a bit as He smiles.
"EVEN BETTER!" He smiles and Kisses your head. You smile and cuddle him. Then you both continue to creepily watch people.
A/N: There you go!!! I actually really like this! thank you so so much for requesting.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
An update from the present day (family web) yokai rumour mill;
The tense air between Big Mama, Baron Draxum and Rat Jitsu is all due to a love triangle or poly relationship gone wrong.
Whatever the case they were all seen attending an art exhibit for promising new young artists. Sources say Michelangelo, one of the artists featured, refered too all three of them as his family.
Lol! I have the distinct feeling Draxum and Splinter would be absolutely horrified by that rumor. (mama would find it hilarious b/c 1, she is well aquanted with the rumor mill and knew this could be an assumption, and 2, he absolutely loves Splinter and Draxum's reactions to it. I could see her feeding the rumor mill even more, simply by "Lamenting" in public about how her adorable Lou had run away with a sheep man 13 years ago and she hadn't heard from him again until recently. much to Draxum's and Splinter's horror.)
Thank you! and i absolutely love Mikey getting his own art exhibit! That's so cute! : )
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Round 1 Matchups
round 1 is separated into a, b, c and d so its a little more organized, also the polls are for a week the first section of round ones polls date have not yet bee decided
The matchups for round 1 are:
Baron draxum (rottmnt) vs. The Collector (the owl house/toh)
Catra (shera) vs. Lapis (steven universe/su)
memphis tennessee (sonic the hedgehog/ sth) vs. Jean Descole (Professor Layton franchise)
Obake / Bob Aken (Big Hero 6: The Series) vs. Gideon (gravity falls)
Jessie, James, and Meowth/team rocket (pokemon) vs. Megamind (megamind)
michael langdon (american horror story apocalypse) vs. libby chessler (sabrina the teenage witch)
Doctor dire (The Dire Saga (books) vs. Millions Knives (Trigun Stampede / Tristamp)
Yoshiya "joshua" Kiryu (TWEWY : Subarashiki kono sekai - The world End With You) vs. huggy wuggy (poppy playtime)
Charlie (Don’t Starve Together and Don’t Starve. [DST and DS respectively]) vs. DJ Octavio(Splatoon)
Jasper (steven universe/su) vs. Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug/mlb)
Queen (Deltarune) vs. King dice (cuphead)
Dr. Flug (villainous) vs. Professor venomous (ok, ko let’s be heroes)
Metal sonic (sonic the hedgehog /sth) vs. Zuko (avatar the last airberder/atla)
the beast (over the garden wall) vs. yellow diamond (steven universe/su)
Death (puss in boots: the last wish) vs. Jinx (arcane)
The Cat Army (The Battle Cats. /TBC, BC) vs. CATS (zero wing)
Niclays Roos (The Priory of the Orange Tree /TPOTOT or Priory for short) vs. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Yzma (Emperor's new groove ) vs. Zim (invader zim)
bowser (mario) vs. plankton (spongebob)
Dante (fullmetal alchemist/fma) vs. P03 (Inscryption)
Eric cartman (south park/sp) vs. Bill cipher (gravity falls/gf)
lady eboshi (princess mononoke) vs. queen of hearts (alice in wonderland)
Heather (total drama island) vs. the red eyed demon (sallyface)
Spinel (steven universe/su) vs. The devil (cuphead)
Scar (the lion king) vs. the conductor (infinity train)
GladoS (Portal 1, Portal 2) vs. count olaf (a series of unfortunate events)
shredder, (rottmnt) vs. The cult (night in the woods)
the condesce (homestuck) vs. Spike (buffy the vampire slayer)
medusa gorgon (soul eater) vs. The lich (adventure time)
debbie jellinsky (the addams family values) vs. Yubaba (spirited away)
Shadow weaver (shera) vs. Starscream (Transformers /TF) Peridot (steven universe/su) vs. emperor belos (the owl house/toh) 
nancy downs (the craft) vs. Sevika (arcane)
Doc scratch (homestuck) vs. Vecna/One (Stranger Things )
White Diamond (Steven Universe/SU) vs. Jerry (tom and jerry tv show)
Gulusgammamon (Digimon Ghost Game) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Gaea (percy jackson, the lost hero) vs. Hordak (shera)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (resident evil 8/ re8) vs. cyrus(pokemon) 
Nathaniel Benedict | "Dr." Curtain (Mysterious Benedict Society /MBS) vs. Shego (Shego)
luke castellan (percy jackson) vs. mark jefferson (life is strange)
Shiromori (mystery skulls) vs. fiona goode (american horror story coven)
Faith (buffy the vampire slayer) vs. Marguerite Baker (Resident Evil 7 /re7)
Silco (arcane) vs. Mekhane, AKA the Broken God (SCP Foundation. /SCP)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb /PnF) vs. Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Tighten (megamind) vs. big mama (rottmnt) 
Kestro (Lego Nexo Knights /LNK or NK) vs. dr eggman (sonic the hedgehog/ sth)
S tier/Alex (S and D tier series on tik tok) vs. Theala (Not Another Dnd Podcast /NADDPOD)
Donquixote Doflamingo (One piece /OP) vs. Xie Wang / Scorpion King (Word of Honor (woh) / Shan He Ling (shl)
dr starline (sonic the hedgehog/ sth) vs. Henry (Inside No. 9 /IN9)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica. /PMMM) vs. The Wicked Witch Of the West (the wizard of oz)
Ainosuke (Adam) Shindo (Sk8 The Infinity /sk8) vs. Willy stampler (dungons and drahond daddies/dnddads)
Negaduck (Darkwing Duck/DWD) vs. Damon gant (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Samuel T Owen (jin: Demi-Human) vs. Ishamael / Moridin (Wheel of Time /wot)
the Master(Doctor Who /Dr Who, DW) vs. Goro Akechi (Persona 5/P5)
scarlet facinera / stained glass scarlet (marvel comics, spec. moon knight) vs. Matt engarde  (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Skitter (worm aka parahumans ) vs. Galactus (Marvel)
Kalvaxus | Goldenhoard (Dimension 20 Fantasy High /d20 FH) vs. Monstrox (Nexo Knights | NK)
Morgan fey (phoenix wright: ace attorney) vs. The White Death (bullet train)
Magica De Spell (Ducktales (2017) DT17) vs. Aikawa Mamoru (Tenkuu Shinpan/also called High-Rise Invasion, abbreviated HRI)
Matt engarde (phoenix wright: ace attorney) vs. Zenos yae Galvus (Final Fantasy 14/FFXIV)
Scaramouche (Genshin Impact /GI/Yuanshen) vs. Manfred von karma (Phoenix wright: ace attorney and miles edgeworth: investigations)
Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi [mdzs] / The Untamed [cql]) vs. Elphba (wicked)
Gene Khan / Mandarin (Iron Man Armored Adventures/IMAA) vs. Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
Khan (star trek wrath of khan) vs. Janus Sanders (Sanders Sides/TSS and SaSi )
im not tagging this all.
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midnightwins22 · 2 years
Updated Rise of the TMNT Rankings List
After re-watching Rottmnt for probably like the fifth or sixth time now, I decided to update my rankings list because I have made some changes. If you see numbers besides the rankings, that is how many spots they have moved up or down since my last rankings
Top 10/S-Tier (aka the best of the best; the ones that made me laugh, cry or a combination of the two)
Lair Games (+1)
The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle (+1)
Anatawa Hitorijani (-2)
Mystic Library
Insane in the Mama Train (+5) (animation is so amazing and the boys in their Hamato outfits is just *chefs kiss*)
Hidden City's Most Wanted (+3)
End Game (-2)
The Evil League of Mutants (-1)
Battle Nexus: New York (+2)
Amazing/A-Tier (Not enough to make top 10 but ones that I would still rewatch over and over again and that I love and adore so much)
The Fast and the Furriest (+15) (I love this one so much and I can't really explain why it's just makes me laugh every time)
The Purple Game (-3)
Shreddy or Not (+1)
Shadow of Evil (-1)
The Purple Jacket (+6) (Donnie just being Donnie…need I say more)
Turtle-Dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man (+6) (Mikey and Donnie are amazing as always and that scene between Splinter and Donnie gets me every time)
Cloak and Swabgart (+10) (So wish we got more Sunita and April adventures because they work so well together)
Flushed but Never Forgotten (-2)
Bug Busters
Man vs Sewer (-2)
Pizza Puffs (-6) (Still a really funny episode and amazing just not as much as it used to be)
Great/B-Tier (Still love these episodes but not enough that they are my favorites. Great but not top tier)
Donnie vs Witch Town (+5)
Down with the Sickness (-4)
One Man's Junk (+4)
How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will (+5)
The Gumbus (+32) (Leo and Mikey have made me love this episode so much; not to mention the animation in this episode is just straight up amazing)
Breaking Purple (+5)
Mind Meld (+5)
Stuck on You (+5)
Operation: Normal(+9) (It's the Disaster twins I had to include it in the great list)
The Mutant Menace (+9) (any adventures in the Turtle Tank are always a plus)
E-Turtle of the Spotless Mind (-10) (sorry but the other three parts of just better in my opinion, though I still love for what it did with Splinter's character)
Good/C-Tier (Episodes that are sort of middle tier and just only good but that I still enjoyed, sometimes)
Smart Lair (-3)
Mystic Mayhem (+3)
Repo Mantis (+8) (Donnie and Mikey aka PB & J duo make this episode for me)
Reparin the Baron (+14) (I love Mikey and Draxum in this episode)
The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek (+10)
Late Fee (-14) (sorry but this episode is just too silly for me now the more that I watch it)
Mystery Meat (+12) (April, Draxum, and Mikey are just the ultimate dream team)
Sparring Partner (+14) (Raph is just too much of a sweetheart)
Mrs. Cuddles (+11) (Mrs. Cuddles is terrifying and I love it)
Hot Soup: The Game (+7)
The Hidden City Job (-8)
Raph's Ride Along (-10) (again too silly and the hidden city police are just so dumb it's bothers me to no end. Raph is still amazing though)
Shell in a Cell (+3)
Bullhop (-10)
Snow Day (-7)
Fists of Furry (-7)
The Longest Fight (-5)
Donnie's Gifts (-5)
Origami Tsuanami (-5)
Always Be Brownies (+1)
Pizza Pit (-12) (Mikey is the only good part of this episode. Everything is is just...eh)
Sidekick Ahoy! (+16) (I don't know why but this episode has grown on me)
You Got Served! (+3)
Portal Jacked (+1)
Meh/Ok (D-Tier) (Bottom of the pack. Not necessarily bad episodes but just ones that are just simply ok and don't have much for rewatch value)
Air Turtle (+1)
Warren and Hypno, Sitting in A Tree (-4)
Todd Scouts
Bad Hair Day
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Jupiter Jim Ahoy! (+1)
Minotaur Maze (-1)
Mascot Melee (+3)
Nothing But Truffle (+5) (not as bad as it used to be but still kinda meh. I hate seeing my baby Mikey cry but he was also kind of a jerk in this episode)
War and Pizza (+3)
Hypno Part Deux (-3)
Al Be Back (-2)
Newsworthy (-1) (Just an overall boring episode and I really do not like Warren Stone. This is one of those episodes that I would definitely not be re-watching unless I'm just in the mood)
This was once again very hard to make as I like some of this episodes equally and my top 20 could honestly interchanged. They are all just that good and amazing. Safe to say that I miss this show so much and I am just hoping that we get some news soon regarding whether or not there will be a season 3. Or at least put season 2 on Netflix. If not, then I am satisfied with what was given to us and I am grateful everyday for this show and my beloved turtle babies.
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sunsage · 2 years
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The rules are simple ! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging !
The Monkey King (Lego Monkie Kid)
Donatello Hamato (Rise of the TMNT)
HAVE PLAYED (isola only (also c//tta forgot to mention that)
The Warden (Superjail!)
Speed of Sound Sonic (OPM)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Fiddleford Mcgucket (Gravity Falls)
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Bartholomew Oobleck (RWBY)
Herman & Dmitrii (OCs)
Mike Crew (TMA)
Gerard Keay (TMA)
Michael (The Good Place)
WANT TO PLAY (not right now but like in ideal world where I have free time and am less ill)
Angor Rot (Trollhunters)
Baron Draxum (Rise of the TMNT)
Michael (TMA)
Hilda (Hilda)
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs Forces of Evil)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Gerard Keay (TMA)
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the-dying-star · 3 months
|| Hell's Heros Beasts, Demons and More Glossary ||
A - I
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Abatur -an Uthra from the World of Light (Sector of Heaven) a messenger angel.
Agonix - the draheim of Draconia Hamato. (formerly Nicolescue) A dark gray scaled small male with golden spines and horns and blue eyes.
Alpha - the highest rank of a werewolf pack, the most dominant wolf.
Andaria - the draheim of Lucifer Morningstar. A large blood red female with silver metallic spines and horns and golden eyes.
Archangel - the highest ranking of the angels. Can be Seraphim, Principalities, Thrones, Guardians or Watchers.
Azmodian - Overlord of the entire Lust Ring of Hell, a changling demon, the personification of lust itself. Feeds off of pain, fear, sex or desire. The creator of the first sucubus demon, and his own mate, Jahi. Controls the majority of sucubi and incubi. Owner of Leonardo Hamato's soul by contract. (Formerly)
Azrael - Archangel of Death, she is typically only seen escorting the souls of those destined for Heaven.
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Braag - a large demon horse. Mischievous in nature but not malicious. Have lion-like tails and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Extremely fast but not more so than a Hellcat or Kelpie. The main mode of transport between Rings.
Beelzebub - Overlord of the entire Lust ring (after death of Azmodian) a serpentine like demon.
Belphagore - Overlord of a large portion of the Envy Ring. A feline-like demoness.
Beta - the second in command of a werewolf pack.
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Changling - a type of demon that can change form at will as the name suggests.
Cherubim - small divine creatures from Heaven that like to make mischief in the mortal realm.
Crux - gray skinned Old testament like demons with horns and serpentine tails, typically found mostly in the Pride Ring.
Cyberhex - a sector of the Greed Ring. A central hub for technological and scientific advancements in Hell. Created and run by Donatello Hamato-Morningstar, the overlord.
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Death's Blade - an official title given to Donatello by the overlords of Hell, having to do with his curse.
Demon - occupants of Hell. Can be either hellspawn or hellborn.
Dominions - Archangels that oversee the Alcazar, and direct the Guardians.
Donatello Hamato-Morningstar - Prince Consort of Hell, brother to Hamatos Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo. Son of Hamato Yoshi. Created by Baron Draxum. True mate and husband of Luciana Morningstar. Overlord of Cyberhex.
Draheim - dragon-like creatures that have occupied Hell for countless years. Wyvern-like in appearance. They bond to the souls of a select few, mostly Fallen. They seem to only bond with formerly Pure Souls. Or in the cases of the twins; the first two living Pure Souls.
The Dying Star - an official title of Princess Eris. "Her wrath is like that of a dying star."
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Elves - tall supernatural beings with ethereal appearances but not quite to the degree of the Fae, that reside in their own realm within the mortal realm. Some say Elves are descendants of the Fae.
Eris Hamato-Morningstar - daughter of The Evening Star (Luciana Morningstar) and Death's Blade (Donatello Hamato-Morningstar). An angel of wrath.
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Fae - ethereal beings that are otherworldly beautiful in appearance. The Fae are some of the first Nephilium. Their realm, like the Elves, overlaps the mortal realm of Earth.
Fallen - Fallen Angels. Once Pure Souls that entered Heaven but committed a crime against the realm that caused them to fall to Hell. Can also be hellborn Fallen, born of fallen angels, ie; Luciana Morningstar, Eris Hamato-Morningstar, And Melinoe Hamato-Morningstar.
Fizgip Tree - one of the few plants that naturally grows in Hell. Black slick bark that appears and feels wet. Dark green foliage of leaves that resemble holly leavea. Bares scarlet fruit with spines and ambrosia sweet snow white flesh on the inside.
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Guardians - Archangels that have devoted their lives to battling the evils that leak out from Hell.
The Great Luna - also known as Selene. The Goddess of the Moon, the creator of the werewolves.
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Harpy - female bird-like demons with human faces and stringy hair that guard the outer barriers of the main dungeon of the palace of Lucifer Morningstar.
Hellhound - large mastiff or doberman like looking dogs the size of thoroughbred horses. Grow spines when provoked. Extremely loyal and protective of their charges. Excellent trackers. A large majority guard the lower Rings of Hell and the main entrances to the Rift.
Hellcat - very large big cat creatures that are the size of very large tigers with large spines running from the center of their foreheads to the middle of their backs that are venomous. Sabre teeth (also venomous) and very long lion-like tails. Extremely fast, better trackers than Hellhounds only because of their persistence. Feed on meat as well as nightmares. Their venom is both flesh eating and a coagulant.
Hexlix - trickster demons with wings and cat-like heads.
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Incubus - male demons that are always hellspawned from the souls of mortals that committed crimes of a sexual nature. Feed on pain, anger and lust. Can invade dreams to attack their victims.
Izual - the draheim of Leonardo Hamato. A small female with silver scales, dark green spines and horns and bright green eyes.
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risewriter · 3 years
Dr. Positive
*Mikey strolls into the hallway with Draxum, who's paying a visit, pacing back and forth* Mikey: ''Yo Dadxum~! What ya doin'?''
Draxum: ''Ah! Michelangelo! I didn't see you there..''
Mikey: ''Something on your mind?''
Draxum: ''Draxum doesn't have anything on his mind! Except for conquering the world, that is!''
*Mikey raises a suspicious eyebrow*
Draxum: ''Fine.. Your brothers don't like me. Even though I'm their father, too! And I'm trying real hard to make them like me, but it all doesn't have any effect!''
Mikey: ''Well... earning trust takes time, especially since-''
Leo shouts in the distance: ''You threw me OFF THE ROOF!''
Draxum scowls and answers in a growl: ''That was only one time!''
*Mikey shushes Draxum by taking hold of his hand*
Mikey: ''Look Draxy, you gotta give my brothers time to accept you. Just keep trying! Eventually, they will see that you changed! Like I did.''
*Mikey smiles bright*
''Mikey: ''Because I just know that my brothers would also love the idea of having two dads~!''
*Draxum's smile matches Mikey's*
Draxum: ''Alright, son.''
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