#c: nick fury
murder-popsicle · 1 year
@bokketo (Nick Fury)
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"So, Nat tells me this is more SHIELD's wheelhouse than it is Avengers business," Bucky said, sitting down at the table across from her new boss. As she spoke, she set down a stack of files three inches thick, as well as her tablet. If there was one thing she'd learned in her four months of working for Nick Fury, it was that it was best to have all your intel at hand when you went to propose a course of action to him.
She opened the top file, pulled out the top two sheets of paper, and passed them to Fury. "I did an unofficial briefing for you," she said. "This is Project Zephyr, an old KGB operation. Long story short, me and Nat've been lookin' for these guys for about eight months, and we've hit nothin' but dead end after dead end. Maybe somebody else would think it's time to give up, but I don't think so. If the three of 'em are still out there somewhere, they are a threat and we need to find 'em. I trained 'em myself. Each one individually is almost as good as me, and not to brag, but I'm one of the best. The three of 'em workin' together would be pretty damn formidable. So me and Nat agreed, we need more'n just the two of us at this point if we plan to find and neutralize these guys. Whaddaya say?"
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squids-comics · 1 year
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Yeah this seems like a useful spy gadget, a shirt that explodes when exposed to even the smallest flame. I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen if you give this shirt to Nick Fury (a notorious chain smoker).
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 months
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
I try to keep my reader generic but as always she is female and taller than average.
I have to say I've been a bit overwhelmed at the response to this story, I hope I can live up to your expectations.
Chapter 2
Warnings: swearing, angst, a little dirty talk. Bucky's kind of an ass, Sharon is evil.
Cookie just stared at the pictures, heart racing, almost hyperventilating. She shook her head and looked at Nick Fury "This can't be right, can it? Sharon Carter can't be working against us, can she?"
Fury looked at her, concern evident on his face. "I'd like to think it's impossible but look at what happened with Hydra. We knew that Rumlow and the strike team were on our side and it turned out the entire operation had been rotten for decades."
Cookie tried to still her hands "B B But th this, this is different. Sh Sh Sha Sharon C C Carter. SHIELD founder P Peggy Carter's niece can't be the Power Broker." She felt her stomach drop and heart stop when it clicked "Oh god, no she can't but b b but Sam and" whispered "Bucky" the color left her face and she started pacing, bouncing until Nick snapped
Y/N jumped and turned to face her boss "Yessir?"
Nick rubbed her arms "Calm down. You're no good to me like this. Barnes and Wilson are off site with Carter, right? Where are they, exactly?"
Cookie nodded "uh yeah they're um, wait let me see." She pulled her phone out "they should be, Latvia." She exhaled and it felt like she was deflating "Where my informant was killed last night."
Fury nodded "I doubt she wants to kill Wilson or Barnes so we just need to get this info to them. You'll probably have to wait until they come home."
Cookie shook her head "But what if she kidnaps them? What if they don't come back?"
Fury shook his head "We'll cross that bridge if we get to it. I need you to compile everything you have that's even vaguely related to the Power Broker and anything you can find about Carter's movements. Let's see if we can find more links between them." He looked at his watch
"I want you in my office for lunch and we'll go over everything you have." He looked her in the eyes "Alright, Cookie? I know you're concerned about your friends but we need to keep our minds clear and focused on the facts so that we can help keep them safe."
Cookie tried to blink the tears out of her eyes and nodded "Got it, boss." before hurrying to her office by way of the break room because coffee was a dire need at this point.
She made it to her office, closed the door so no one would disturb her, turned on her music and sat down to go through every bit of Intel she had that might offer any clues. There were stacks of correspondence and photos plus some undefined amount of info on a thumb drive that she needed to work through with the only other analysts she absolutely knew she could trust, Dylan and Iris. She had trained with them and came up through Quantico where Nick Fury personally headhunted them.
Cookie didn't want to take a chance by getting too many people involved in this, after the whole SHIELD/HYDRA debacle she kept a couple of people close and everyone else could wait outside her gates until they convinced her they were trustworthy. This was huge and had 2 Avengers directly in Sharon's line of fire so had to be handled carefully.
Cookie also knew that her frayed friendship with Bucky was going to make this even more complicated because Sharon could use that to discredit her so Bucky thinks Cookie is just trying to eliminate a romantic rival.
She shook her head, no time to get distracted by emotions, her friends were in danger and that had to remain her focus. By 1pm, Cookie had synced almost all of Sharon Carter's movements with the power broker. There was no doubt, it was definitely her.
On the other side of the world, Sam was fed up with his mission partners. Sharon rubbed him the wrong way and Bucky was too wrapped up in her to see anything but sex. Sam had a bad feeling about Sharon, she was constantly wandering off only to be found on her phone and the Power Broker seemed to get away right before they arrived, every single time.
He tried to talk to Bucky but he just laughed it off, explaining how impossible it was for a Carter to be the bad guy. "Sam you're being ridiculous and paranoid even for a spy. Sharon is just as frustrated with our lack of progress as we are. You know sometimes this is just a waiting game." He smirked at his friend "We could find you a nice girl to pass the time with."
Sam shook his head and scoffed "A nice girl? You mean like Cookie for instance, who wouldn't try to distract me with sex like yours is doing to you."
Bucky laughed "You jealous man? I'm just making up for lost time and Cookie didn't want me." His smile dropped as he thought of her.
Sam looked at Bucky with wide eyes "Cookie didn't want you? Now we both know that's not the truth, you just got scared of the idea of a real relationship and dropped her for your living cock sleeve. You're a dumbass, Barnes."
Sam's phone buzzed with a text and he smiled when he saw it was from Cookie. She always checked up to make sure they were eating and sleeping while in the field. He looked at his texts
*<3 BeSafe*CYA*
That caught his attention. CYA= Cover Your Ass. It was their code for trouble close by which meant she found something concerning but the problem was too close to say out loud.
Bucky tried to look over his shoulder "What's that? From Cookie? You fucking her?" His voice dropped and he looked angrily at the ground "I knew she would find someone better."
Sam looked at him with disgust "The fuck is wrong with you? The only reason she might find someone better is cuz you pushed her away when you should have held on tight because you're not gonna find another one like her."
He nodded towards the hall where Sharon had gone "That one is trouble. There's something not right about all this and the way she keeps dragging you off to the bedroom."
Bucky smirked "I can't help that she's insatiable. Don't want to disappoint."
Sharon was in the other room listening to their discussion, smiling at how easily Bucky stood up for her. It was simple enough to get his attention when she came back to work with SWORD and he did all the work pushing Cookie away with his guilt. She was confident that he would take her side if that analyst bitch got too close. Sam could be a problem but nothing she wasn't prepared to handle.
She used a burner phone to send a text to her associate, the Intel analyst in D.C. to let them know she would be returning stateside soon and everything was going according to plan.
In the morning Bucky woke up in bed with Sharon's head on his bare chest and groaned. The position he was in wasn't a concern but he didn't remember going to bed or the usual activities with Sharon that followed. He couldn't remember anything past his talk with Sam, about Cookie. He didn't remember eating but he must have since it had been almost lunch time when he spoke to Sam. If he hadn't eaten he would be famished by now.
He took a deep breath and tried to focus and see if he could find any memories but all he could add was Sharon coming into the room and pulling him into their bedroom.
He looked at his watch and counted hours, he had lost almost 18 hours and couldn't figure out what happened. This wasn't the first time he had lost time on this trip and he didn't like the feeling.
Sam was right, something was off.
Sharon started to stir against him "Hey baby, look who's up before me."
Bucky smiled "Mornin baby, you sleep ok? Did we have some fancy liquor last night? I can't remember a damn thing, not even fucking you for 2 hours and I'm sure I did that."
She whined "I'm that forgettable? I thought I made you feel good." and pouted, rubbing his growing cock to distract him.
He reached between her legs to find her ready "You're always so wet and ready for me sweetheart. Tell me what you need."
Sharon moaned "I need you to fuck me, Barnes. Hard and deep. Right now."
Bucky was only too happy to oblige, the lost time forgotten in their haze of lust.
In her office Cookie and her crew worked well past lunchtime until an intern showed up from Nick's office to remind them of the passage of time.
Cookie put all of the papers and photos into a box since they hadn't had time to digitize it all and write up a comprehensive report. She went over every single detail with Nick and Maria to determine what should go in her report and which points to highlight for field agents.
The rest of the day and into the evening Cookie's team had everything organized and the details and evidence all written up in a 5 page report with back up documentation available in her files. She looked up when her phone buzzed to see it was Sam responding to her earlier text
She smiled knowing that Sam got it and would watch out for Bucky even if he was a dumbass.
Looking at her watch she saw it was almost midnight and noticed Iris trying to read her text before she quickly put her phone away. Iris and Dylan were her most trusted analysts but even they didn't need to know about her chatting with Sam.
She dismissed them so she could have a bit to herself to reply to Sam and include some details that they didn't have the clearance for.
A few days later when Sam, Bucky and Sharon arrived back home, Cookie was there to meet Sam and barely even acknowledged Bucky or Sharon which made Bucky act out, snapping at Sharon. Sharon was annoyed that he still cared about fucking Cookie, after all the work she had done to get him under control he was still pining for that stupid analyst. She knew something would need to be done about her soon.
Sam and Cookie walked arm in arm to medical to have him checked out, then to the common room when she had left some chili simmering for him plus fresh French bread. They took their lunch and went to his room to eat.
Cookie sat across from Sam while he talked about the mission until the food was gone and he stopped, just staring at her.
Cookie stared back "What?"
He looked at her sideways "First, I love you Cookie but you look like Hell. You're worried about me in the field but you're here looking like you haven't slept or had a decent meal in weeks."
She flinched before whispering "Closer to months."
"No, Cookie. Don't destroy yourself over a man that's too stupid to see what's right in front of him. We need you here. Nick fucking Fury insists you're the best intelligence analyst he's ever met. Ever. From the man who doesn't offer praise lightly.
I need you. I can't trust anyone else to lay all the intel out just so it flows for me. Or make sure I'm taken care of when I come back from a mission?
And his dumb ass might not know it or be willing to admit it but Barnes needs you too. He's in love with you, he just thinks he's being good and noble by pushing you away. And if he doesn't figure it out, there's plenty of other men and women that would jump at the chance to be with you. So take care of yourself."
Sam sighed "Second, I know you didn't send the CYA code for shits and giggles so tell me. What do you know?"
Cookie shifted uncomfortably "I want you to know this has nothing to do with their relationship, I didn't look to discredit her or hurt him but you know I have to follow the evidence where it leads me, without prejudice. You know I-"
Sam stopped her "I know you are impartial and I trust you and your conclusions so just spit it out and we'll go from there. Ok?"
Cookie nodded and took a deep breath before blurting out "Sharoncarteristhepowerbroker" then covering her mouth and looked at Sam with wide eyes.
Sam stopped and stared "Please tell me you didn't just say what I think you said. Tell me that she's-. Fuck." He shook his head "I know you have proof. Cookie, you have to tell Barnes."
She blinked rapidly trying to clear the tears that suddenly welled up in her eyes "Nononono, no I can't tell him. He will think I'm some disgruntled woman trying to hurt my rival. You have to tell him Sam he will never listen to me. Hell he hasn't even spoken to me outside of work ever since...."
Her eyes filled up and she tried to hold the tears back but she had been keeping it all in for so long.
Sam pulled her into his chest and sighed "Alright. Give me what you have, I'll talk to him tomorrow. And what's with all the containers of Cookies?"
Cookie shrugged "I was worried about you. Couldn't sleep. I made some of your favorites, the red velvet. The frosted ones are *special* to help you sleep."
Sam hugged Cookie and kissed her cheek "Alright babygirl, lay it out for me..." They spent the next hour going over everything she had before her eyes started drooping. "Okay Miss Cookie, go get some sleep and I'll see you at the debrief tomorrow."
Cookie gathered her paperwork and left Sam's room only to see Bucky in the kitchen. She didn't want to ignore him so nodded and grunted as she passed without slowing down. Bucky just watched her leave, wondering what she was doing in Sam's room so late.
After their run the next morning Sam and Bucky sat down for coffee. Sharon told Bucky she wanted to sleep in so Sam figured now was the time.
Bucky started in on him before he even spoke "What's up with you and Cookie? You are fucking her aren't you? I saw her leave your room early this morning. Don't fucking lie to me jerk."
Sam brushed him off, "None of your damn business."
He tried to change the subject and explain about Sharon but Bucky didn't respond well
"What the fuck do you mean Sam? Sharon is not the goddamn power broker, that's ridiculous, her aunt was a founder of SHIELD. Where did you get your Intel from?" Sam looked at him pointedly, like there was any other person who Sam trusts completely.
Bucky shook his head angrily and stood up to head to Cookies office. "I can't believe you fell for it Sam. She's just trying to get Sharon back because she is with me. I turned her down for a relationship so she wants to hurt me back. Sharon warned me that she would try to pull something like this."
Sam stood up and grabbed Bucky's arm "Are you kidding me? You think Cookie would put her career and reputation on the line for petty jealousies? That she would ruin Sharon's reputation for revenge, over you? I guess you don't really know her after all." He shook his head "I'm disappointed in you man. I thought better of you. Good luck confronting Cookie, she's not interested in your shit."
Cookie was at her desk making packets with the Intel on the power broker for the top brass when Maria stopped by.
"Hows everything, Cookie? Got that power broker packet for me?"
Cookie nodded "It's right here." and reached out with a folder.
Maria noticed her hands "Cookie? What happened to your nails? When was the last time you had a mani-pedi? Is your girl sick?" She looked over Cookies hands in concern, she never missed her nail appointment.
Cookie shrugged "I don't know, I forgot. It's no big deal."
Maria looked closer "You look like Hell. Finish the packets up and take the afternoon off, you need-"
"Cookie!" Bucky roared as he came striding up to her office "What the Hell is this bullshit?"
Chapter 3
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes
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I saw you again ‖ Carol Danvers x reader part 2
Summary - You couldn't look at her eyes without falling in love again Warning - Was written before The Marvels came out, so the event will not matches canon
Part 1
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Three years.
Three years since you came back from the blip. Three years since you moved out of your old house. Something happened to you during the blip. It happened to only a few people but you were unfortunatly one of them. You forgot half of the last four years of your life. Which meand you forgot half of the people you knew in the past 4 years, you forgot half of the things that happened and you forgot half of the good and bad event of your life.
So you decided to move out of your old house. You were still an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, but you only went on very important mission with the Avengers. Well, at first you were in a bit of a conflict with Clint, due to Natasha's death, but you mainly ignored him. Oh and also, Yelena and you were closer than ever. Not as in a relationship but in a sister way. You were the one to help her deal with Natasha's death and even if it was hard this got you both closer. She felt happier so you felt proud of yourself.
You, however, you felt like something was missing. Like someone was missing. You knew who she was. Atleast you knew her name. Carol. That is how you called her. Well how you called her in your song anyways. You knew she was someone dear to you, you never wrote songs about people so she must have been special. But you didn't remember her and there was no Carol in your social circle.
Anyhow, right now you were in a little rush. You had to go to work for an emergency meeting, Fury's call, about a super hero under the name of 'Captain Marvel'. He said that she was going to take the lead of the SAT, a team you decided to start and so you needed to be there. The SAT, also known as Space Avengers Team was an innitative that would reunite all the Avengers non-human or able to live in space for missions in the outer space or on another planet. Your plan was to expend protection all around the universe, to give the Guardian of the Galaxy more help. The multiverse too now with the help of the young America by Strange's side. And as the brain of idea, you had to be at the meeting on time.
You rushed throught the entrance of S.C.Y.T.H.E, Super Communicative Yard Technologic Hyper Electrocnic, you were greeted by a few agents but you couldn't waste your time on them. As you reached the elevator, you saw that the door was about to close itself and you frowned.
"Please hold the door !" You called out and the person inside of the elevator blocked the door.
"Thank you so much." You said between breath not even looking at the agent by your side.
The meeting was starting in five minutes. You were just on time.
It has been three years since Carol last saw you. She would come visit Earth a few times, and everytime she was staying at your house to remember you. But now here you were. Standing beside her, not even noticing her presence in the elevator.
"Thank you so much." Your voice echoed throught the elevator and Carol felt her eyes tears up.
It has been so long since the last time she heard your voice. Eight years, and now, it sounded so familiar yet so strange. And you looked familiar yet so she feels like you were a stranger. Your once light h/c hair were now darker, and you were also taller than before. Your voice still sounded the same but at the same time your sounded less guarded than before. Everything about you changed, without changing.
Exiting the elevator on the same level, Carol watched as you rushed inside of the meeting room. Not even sparing a glance at her. And she felt her nerves goes up.
"Ah ! There she is ! Carol Danvers, our Captain !" Nick smirked and you looked up from your sit.
'Carol Danvers'
This name was familiar to you and when you looked up, there stood a blond. Her hair were short, very short but it suited her, she was in her suit and you couldn't help but gulp a little at the sign. But what caught your attention the most were her eyes. Her light brown eyes were filled with so many emotions. They held so many memories.
"Carol ! No Carol stop !" You ran away throught your field and Carol chased after you.
"You get back here !" The blond yelled and you giggled before turning around with a smirk.
What you didn't expect was Carol being closer to you than what she was supposed to be, causing the two of you fall. Carol on top of you, yet her right hand was under your head, preventing it to hit the ground.
"If you wanted me to be on top of you, you could have just asked me darling." Carol smirked and you blushed before shoving her away.
"In your dream Vers, back to work now !" You replied with a playful smile and you broke your eyes contact before getting up and go back inside, giggling at Carol's next words that you knew by heart now.
"Yeah, in my wildest dreams Y/n/n. I'll see you again !"
"I should take you on a date." You moved from under the spaceship and Carol chocked on drink.
"W-what ?" She asked with burning cheeks and you smirked.
"I should take you on a date." You repeated and the other woman turned away, clearly flustered.
After a few seconds, you couldn't help but laugh at her reaction causing Carol to faceyou once again, with a playful glare this time. Once your laughter died down, you looked back at Carol only to see her smile from ears to ears, and she was in awe.
"Stop looking at me with those eyes." You playfully rolled your eyes.
"What eyes ?" The blond asked with confusion.
"Eyes that tells me that you're in love with me or something." You pointed out and Carol walked to stand in front of you.
"But I am in love with you. I love you. So please be my girlfriend." She bluntly asked and you stood there in shook.
"W-what ?" This time you were the one stuttering and Carol chuckled before walking away.
"Alright, I'll let you think about your answer ! I'll see you later Space Widow !" She called, leaving you a blushing mess in your garage.
"You know, your eyes remind me of winter." Carol spoke up and you, who was laying against her chest, looked up from your ipad with a confused frown.
"What ?" The question slip from between your lips and the blond chuckled.
"Well, they are cold but beneath them is a bliss of beauty, just like how snow covers the flower buds. And even if they give a cold exterior, the warm your eyes hide behind their walls is so comforting. Just like a warm blanket covering me." Carol explained and you let your ipad on the table with a cheeky smile.
"Then yours remind me of fall. The light brown color of your eyes remind me of the fallen leaves and it also remind me of the cover of the books in my library that I read in fall. Under a warm blanket all over me too." You replied and Carol smiled before pecking your nose.
"Well aren't you a cutie." She complimented and you intertwined your fingers.
"I'm your cutie thought right ?" You questioned and the woman hummed against your lips.
"Yep you are." Carol's soft lips pressed against yours and you moved to a more comfortable position, deciding to sit on her lap, until the kiss was broken by your yawn.
"Go to sleep my darling. I'll be there when you woke up." Carol hugged you tighter and you snuggled into her chest.
"I'll see you again ?" You questioned and the woman nodded.
"I'll see you again love."
"We've been waiting for weeks now ! Where is Fury's team !?" You groaned as you passed around the living room and Carol sighed.
"No. Listen. The fact that he even let your spacehip have a deficiency is a problem, but he doesn't even try to send you a team ! And the intel you got was wrong !-"
"-You are so busy but you had to come here and every intel he told you were wrong. Plus you crashed your ship !-"
"-What if there was another planet that needs you right now but because Fury doesn't move his ass they will not be able to reach you on time and-"
"Y/n look at me." Carol stopped you firmly, holding both of your arms and making you face her.
"Love calm down. Take a deep breath okay ?" She added as you shared an eyes contact.
And you took a deep breath, her warm light brown eyes helping you to keep your ground as Carol caressed your cheek.
"Everything will be okay. Fury's team will arrive in a few. And if people needs me I'll be there on time. And if I didn't crash my space ship I wouldn't have meet you love." The blond comforted you and you hummed contantly, hugging to woman of your life in the middle of your living room.
"If you go back in space. I'll still see you again right ?" You asked not louder than a whisper and Carol kissed the top of your head.
"I'll see you again. Always."
"I'll see you again..." You breathed out and Carol's breath itched.
"I'm sorry ?" The captain asked and you immediately went throught your stuff.
"I'll see you again ! These were the words you used to tell me all the time ! You're the Carol I love ! The one I wrote the song about ! You're the Carol I've been waiting for all these years !" You exclaimed happily and rushed to hug Carol tightly.
Carol couldn't believe it. Not only you were hugging her after eight years but you also said that you loved her. During the entire time of you both being together you never said L word. Yet today you were basically saying it to stranger.
"I missed you so much..." You whispered and the blond woman couldn't help but feel a tear roll down her cheek.
"I missed you... So much more." She answered.
Then Carol cupped your cheeks between her hands and you leaned into her touch almost immediatly. Your e/c eyes locked with brown ones as Carol smiled. You were really there. She could feel you, she could hold you.
"I missed you so much more my love." Carol lips brushed against yours.
Then your eyes drifted to her lips. You didn't even knew her that well but you felt like you need to kiss her. It just seemed right. And without a single thought, you closed the space between you two. At first you were tensed, the last time you kissed someone, that you could remember of anyways, was probably when you were on a mission for the Red Room. So a while ago. And yet here you were. Kissing a stranger. The kiss was soft yet passionated. And it was probably cliché to say this, but you felt like firework filled in your stomach.
Carol moved her hands from your cheeks to your hands and your fingers interlocked together. They fitted perfectly, as if the were made for each other. Without leaving each other's hold, the both of you pulled away and a soft smile made its way to your lips.
"I knew it. My prodigal child with the prodigal child of the Milky way." Fury smirk from the side and you looked down, your cheeks burning.
"What can I say ? I was destinated to be with a star." Carol replied while looking down at you.
Looking up at her with a smile, you couldn't help but stare at her enchanting eyes. You felt loved, cuddled, under a warm blanket.
"I'm so glad I got to see you again Captain Marvel." You breathed out with a grin and Carol put a strand of hair behind your ear lovingly.
"And I more Space Widow."
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natashaslesbian · 5 months
We Saved Each Other (Part Five)
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Summary: you’re continuing to grow everyday with Natasha, facing all kinds of challenges both new and old
Word Count: 4.1k
Parings: (Natasha Romanoff x Kid!Reader) (Maria, Clint and Fury appear)
Warnings: Red room references, abusive father references, nightmares, shouting, crying, but the fluffiest ending
Natasha was amazed at your progress. It had been a long 2 months but you were continuing to grow every day. You were starting to get more comfortable around the avengers but there was still some bonding to be done and many more mountains to be climbed.
-5 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
“So” Fury said as he settled into his chair “how are the two of you settling in?” The director asked. Natasha glanced over to you through the glass, you were always scared when you couldn’t see her and truth being told Nat didn’t ever want to let you out of her sight either “we’re okay” she said “ok, and the truth?” Nick smirked “it’s been hard I guess” the widow wasn’t yet used to allowing her emotions to show “she doesn’t know any different” Natasha said, eyes still glued to you “we don’t know any different” she corrected.
“Woah y/n look at this one!” Maria said as reached right to the bottom of the box of brand new toys Clint had sent for you “what is it?” You asked as you waddled over “it’s a doll house” Maria said “do you wanna open it up and put it together?” Your eyes lit up, you had never had your own doll house “yes please” you said. It was a challenge for Maria, this whole situation was. The agent had her walls built so high and watching over you, playing with you, it brought a lot of memories back for her. “What are you going to name this one?” Maria said as she passed you the brand new doll “I can name it anything?” You asked “of course” Maria said.
“We can’t keep her here without a guardian much longer Romanoff” Nick coughed “what does that mean? Where are you gonna send her?” The panic ran up through Natasha’s spine “we don’t want to send her anywhere, but she needs a guardian” Nats blood settled again “are you asking me to do that?” She asked “I’m not asking you to do anything, in all honesty you can’t, you haven’t been a US citizen long enough” Nick said “you need to have been here at least 12 months” Natasha sighed “that’s another 2 months away” the red head said. She would be damed if these people just shipped you off somewhere new “why can’t she just stay here until I can be her guardian” Natasha asked “I didn’t know that’s what you wanted” Nick said, falling back into his chair. Shit. She was letting her guard down again, letting some stranger see her emotions “well I don’t want her just thrown into the care of someone else” the widow said “we can take care of her, I can take care of her. Please Fury, let me help her”
“Hey y/n” Nat said as she opened the door “you wanna get some lunch?” She asked, you shrunk into yourself again, still wanting to play but not wanting to get into trouble “okay” you nodded your head. Natasha picked up on your discomfort “would you like to stay and play a bit longer?” The red head asked “yes please” you timidly said. Maria said her goodbyes and Natasha came to join you on the carpet “what’s your dolly’s name?” She asked, your cheeks grew a certain red and you giggled “Natasha” you smiled “you named her Natasha? After me?” The agent asked “yeah” you shyly said “why did you do that?” Nat asked again “because you’re my best friend” you smiled up with your y/e/c “you’re my best friend too y/n” Natasha said, feeling her heart open more than it ever had.
-6 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
You were so exhausted. Each time you slept your mind was plagued with demons, running around and throwing very bad memory into your consciousness. Right now was no different .“Y/n?” Natasha cooed “you’re okay y/n, wake up for me sweetheart” she pleaded. You had finally settled at 6am after a night of tears and no sleep. It was 8:30 now, things were going so well, Natasha was thrilled that you were getting some rest at last. “Y/n sweetheart, it’s Natty can you hear me?” She asked. You could hear her calling you but she was too far away, your father dragging you even further and pushing you into the arms of a strange man. Natasha cradled you in her lap, wiling you to wake through her thoughts “I’ve got you darling. It’s okay you’re safe” she continued to say.
Finally the darkness had gone and the overhead light stung your eyes slightly as you rolled away from it, further into Nat’s grip “Natty” you cried out “I’m here baby, I’m here” she said as she gently stoked your hair behind your ear “d- Dreykov” you whispered “its alright y/n. I won’t let him hurt you, he can’t get to you okay” Natasha said to you, and herself. “Do you want sprinkles?” Natasha asked, you nodded your head at the mention of your beloved stuffed bunny. The widow had bought if for you after your first nightmare, she had always wanted a stuffy and she was honoured to gift your first ever one to you.
You wrapped Sprinkles arms around your own while Natasha tucked you back into the soft sheets. “Get some sleep okay sweetheart” she said, bringing her hand back to your forehead, trailing her fingertips across your hair line “okay” you yawned “Natty?” You peered up at her “yeah?” She said as she sat on the plush mattress next to you. “can you sing me a song?” You asked “a song?” Nat asked in return, slightly terrified at the prospect of singing “yeah” you said sleepily “daddy used to sing me lullabies. Be-before he turned scary” you frowned and Natasha lent down to leave a kiss on your forehead, the action taking both of you by surprise “what did daddy used to sing for you?” The widow asked. You hummed in thought for a moment “I don’t remember” you said “how about I sing you one that my mommy used to sing to me?” Natasha smiled at the brief memory “where is your mommy?” You questioned as you rubbed your sore eyes “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her in 15 years” Nat believed Melina had died many years ago but she didn’t want to put that in your head “that’s a long time” you said “it is” Nat nodded “are you going to leave me for 15 years?” You quietly asked, afraid of the answer. Natasha couldn’t promise you anything, her future was just as unclear as yours but she was sure of one thing “I’m not going anywhere y/n” she said “now you close those eyes” her Russian accent filled your ears with a beautiful tune as she began to sing. Her comforting warmth lulling you into a deep slumber.
-7 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
“No.” Natasha firmly said “I’m not going on this mission!” she slammed her hands on the wall “Romanoff” Fury warned, Maria cutting him off “the whole point of you coming here was that you would work under S.H.I.E.L.D” she said “well things have changed!” Natasha yelled “I need you for this mission Natasha” Fury boomed “I have to be here for y/n” Natasha said, scratching at her palms to calm her anger “you can’t stay glued to her side forever” Maria sighed. “You don’t get it!” The widow screamed, loosing all control “then explain it to us!” Fury said, mirroring Nat’s anger. “This is the safest place y/n has ever been but she doesn’t feel it yet.” Natasha began “she won’t feel safe for a long time and I may not be the perfect role model but I am the only one she trusts, the only one who will ever understand the hell she has been through!” Natasha’s voice was cracking, the tears threatening to spill “you both went through it” Maria said, catching the halls attention “they need time Nick” she said looking at her superior “a month is long enough” he said “no it’s not” Maria shot back “only Natasha and y/n can tell us when they’re ready” the brunette came to stand by Nats side, a silent promise that she was there for her. “So what do you need?” Nick asked “time” Natasha said.
“Natty?” You quietly called from the bedroom door, the three adults in the corridor turned their attention to you “hey y/n, are you okay?” Nat asked “why are you shouting?” You mumbled “sorry sweetheart we were just having a little disagreement” the red head said as she came to pick you up. She stopped immediately when you backed away from her “its okay no one’s angry” she cooed coming down to your level “I don’t like it” you sniffled “you sound like daddy” Natasha’s heart sank, she wanted to make a different impact on your life. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to scare you” Nat said trying to defuse the situation. Her efforts fell short when Fury announced his exit with the slam of the corridor doors. You flinched and pushed past the red head into Maria’s legs, breaking Natasha’s heart without knowing it. She couldn’t hold it back this time, big strong Nat, the tears started to fall. She quickly stood and turned on her heels walking past you and Maria, intertwined together. “Natasha” the agent called after the widow, her sobs fading and allowing her to hear yours. “It’s alright y/n, let’s go and get a hot chocolate okay”
Natasha caught the faint red stain in the mirror as she turned on her feet, the blood beginning to seep through her pointe shoes. This was the only way to let it all out. She had cried enough, spent too long feeling sorry for herself. Now she needed to make up for her mistake, and she needed to forget the look on your little face. The balletic music filled her head enough that Natasha didn’t notice when Clint came into the studio, only realising he was there when she caught his frame landing from a leap. She continued to twirl until Clint stopped the music “that looks painful” he said as he pointed to Natasha’s shoes, she simply shrugged. “Maria called” Clint began “told me what happened earlier. Why are you punishing yourself?” He asked. There it was again, the feeling of her tears creeping up on her “because I’m a monster” she whispered “No. you’re not” the spy said as he handed his teammate a fresh water bottle. He tilted his gaze to the bench and Natasha understood the message. “You’re allowed to be hurt too you know” Clint said as he passed nat a first aid kit, understanding that she would probably want to tend to her own wounds herself. “This has been a huge scary change for you, and for y/n. It’s not always going to be easy” Clint settled on the bench close to Natasha “she got scared Nat, but she won’t stay scared. I see it in her face, she trusts you, you just reminded her of a time I’m sure she’d rather forget” Nat looked over to her fellow agent every few seconds, in between placing her sneakers back onto her bruised feet “do you remember your second week here?” Clint asked “we were training in the gym. You dodged my right hook and I took you straight to the floor, and you stayed there for an hour. You were afraid, because I reminded you of a time you would rather forget” Natasha thought about the memory in detail, imagining that’s how you must have felt today “but here you are now, sat here with me. And I know you’ll never admit it, but I see it on your face too; I see that you trust me” the two shared a glance, accompanied with a small smile. Feeling content that Natasha was safe to be on her own, Clint left her to ponder. Ponder about you.
When Natasha found you, you were watching finding nemo. You and nat had watched it together for the first time last week. Maria was close by and Natasha wished it was her next to you instead of sprinkles. “Hey y/n” she quietly said, not wanting to startle you “mind if I join you?” She asked from a safe distance, thrilled when you nodded. She sat on the armchair next to the couch and you instantly knew that she was too far away for your liking. Shuffling down of the cushions you made your way over to Natasha and slotted your hand into hers, a large smile forming on her face. You pulled her to her feet and dragged her back to your mountain of blankets, silently asking her to join you, which she of course did. After a while of content movie watching, Maria excused herself, leaving you and Natasha to talk. “Y/n” Nat said, drawing your focus to her “I’m so sorry I scared you today” you looked up to her emerald eyes and saw nothing but regret, a look your father never had. He had never told you he was sorry after shouting and he definitely didn’t after he had thrown you around the house. You knew Natasha was different, every touch to your skin was gentle and every sentence was soft. “I forgive you” you said noticing a tear forming in the corner of Natasha’s eye “don’t cry Natty” you said as you came to your knees and crawled to wipe away her stray tear. “I promise you I will never hurt you y/n, you don’t have to be scared of me” Natasha sniffled “‘M not scared of you” you sat back on your heels “but I am scared of daddy” you admitted “and I’m scared of Dreykov, and the red room. I don’t wanna go back there” Natasha broke hearing you say the very same words she had once pleaded. “You don’t ever have to go back there baby” the red head cried with you “not to the red room and not to daddy, you can stay with me forever” you collapsed into Nats arms and held on tight, you knew you were never letting go “look at me y/n” Natasha said as she lifted your chin with her pinky “it’s okay to be afraid. I’m afraid too sometimes, but me and you are gonna stick together and I will always look after you” he sniffled “I’ll look after you too Natty”
-Week 8 at S.H.I.E.L.D-
Waking up next to Natasha felt safe. She was warm and always had one arm holding you close. The widow had tried to coax you into your own bed, adjacent to her own on the other side of the room. Each night, however, you would always end up cuddled together. Natasha understood it was where you felt most comfortable but still dealing with her own nightmares at the same time was hard, thankfully you were a heavy sleeper but Nat always feared she would startle you awake too.
Today was a big day. You hadn’t been outside of the S.H.I.E.L.D grounds since you arrived, the outside world seeming too scary. Natasha had seen you though, staring up at the city through the fencing. Your little mind was so curious and you had yet to explore the world outside of an abusive environment. You were excitedly nervous when Natasha told you she needed to take a trip to the store, you had never been to one of those before. The red head didn’t really need to go but it was a good excuse to get you out of HQ. She had agreed with Fury that a car of specialist agents would follow close behind, dressed in everyday clothes as to not frighten you although they were ultimately there to protect you. Fury accepted Natasha’s many requests, despite not fully understanding why he needed 10 members of his team watching the surrounding areas.
“Good morning Natty” you said as you gently laid your weight over her stomach, you were clingiest in the morning and Natasha loved it. Thinking back to the first few weeks you were here, it was remarkable that you accepted her loving touch so easily now. “Are you looking forward to our trip out today?” Nat asked “yeah. But ‘M a little nervous” you mumbled behind a yawn “that’s alright sweetheart” Natasha said as she pushed your baby hairs to the side “I’ll keep you safe y/n” she smiled, and you smiled back. The redhead considered asking you if you wanted to go to a cafe for breakfast but thought that might be too much for todays adventure.
“Okay, other foot darling” Natasha said as reached for the laces on your right shoe. “Alright, I think we’re ready to go!” She finished with a gentle pat to your shoe clad foot. You followed Natasha through the building towards the garage area, reaching for her hand every now and then but deciding against it. “Woah!” You said as you helped the redhead push open the door “would you like to pick a car? We’re allowed to take any one that we want!” She said “yes please” you excitedly giggled and instantly moved towards the convertible Volkswagen Beatle. “You wanna take the bug y/n?” Nat asked, you nodded with anticipation and the widow helped you into the car seat Maria had gotten for you.
You were amazed. The trees swaying so freely, all the colours in the bushes just filled with flowers. You couldn’t keep still the entire journey, every corner filling your little mind with wonder. As curious as you were, you failed to catch the unmarked S.H.I.E.L.D car trailing you. Natasha however, was glancing in the mirror every few moments to make sure they were still there, your safety being her number one priority. You got excited when the tall buildings of the city came into view but were immediately disappointed when Natasha took a left turn into a car park. “Ok here we are!” Nat said “do you have the list I gave you sweetheart?” You held up the notepad high to show Natasha you had taken good care of it.
When you reached for Natasha’s hand this time, just outside the shop doors, she obliged straight away. Keeping a tight grip on you and the basket in her other hand, she asked you what was the first item on the list. Natasha didn’t actually need any of the things she had written down but they were basic necessities so would one day become useful. You stayed close to your best friend the entire time, starting to feel slightly overwhelmed as the store filled up with customers. The lights were getting to bright and the mixed sent from each department was too much but as long as Natasha was beside you, you knew you would be okay. “Ok I think we’re all done darling” the redhead said “shall we double check?” She continued as she put down the heavy basket. You began to list of every item on your piece of paper “toothpaste” you said “check” Natasha answered “shampoo”
“Check! I think we’re all good!” Natasha finally said after you had ticked of every item. “You’ve been so helpful y/n, how about we go and pick you out a new outfit?” Truth be told you were ready to leave but you had been eyeing up the clothes every time you wandered past “okay” you said and retook Nat’s hand.
You didn’t like this section anymore, at first it had been fun all these bright colours and pretty dresses, but each time you picked something out Natasha would let go of your hand to pull it off the rail. Eventually both your hands were so full of clothes that you had no way to connect, thankfully Natasha had suggested that it was time to leave so you followed close by to the checkout making sure you could see her red locks the entire time. A group of teenagers came charging towards you both, taking you by surprise and causing you drop your new sneakers. You quickly lent down to grab them but when you looked up again Natasha’s red hair was no where to be seen. You immediately panicked, not being able to see the widow, dropping everything in your grasp to run ahead and catch up to her. You expected she would be just around the corner but when you shuffled around on the slippery floor, she wasn’t there. A gentlemen came up behind you with your discarded items “here you go y/n” the man said, causing you to let out a squeal at the unwelcome touch “no go away!” You screamed and ran in the opposite direction.
Meanwhile, Natasha was frantically searching for you in every isle and around every bend. “Y/n?” She called at every corner. All your shopping was long gone by now, nothing mattered more to Natasha than you did. She ran through the store, halting when she saw agent Carlos holding the clothes and shoes you had picked out. She came crashing into him demanding to know where you were “she got frightened and ran off agent Romanoff” he timidly said, fearing the darkness in the red heads eyes. “Well contact everyone else! Find her!” She demanded and began to race the store in search for you again.
The toy isle seemed a great place to hide, you knocked the boxes of the bottom shelf causing quite a commotion. While pushing the remaining toys out of your way, agent Hill had caught you in the corner of her eye “Romanoff I’ve got her, the toy section” she said into the cuff of her sleeves drawing questioning looks from other customers. Just before you could climb into your hidden safe space, an arm interlocked with your own “no!” You yelled “let me go!” You kicked as Maria pulled you towards her “it’s alright y/n it’s me” she pleaded. Through your teary eyes, you couldn’t quite make out her face and although you recognised her voice she wasn’t who you wanted “no! I want mama! Where’s my mama!” You cried out.
Natasha came speeding down the shop floor, scanning every isle despite knowing where you were. A huddle of onlookers had appeared, Nat simply pushed through them ignoring their huffs of disapproval. She rounded the corner to see you backing away from Maria screaming for your mom, how Natasha’s heart broke, knowing she could never bring her back to you. “Y/n?” The widow said, your head immediately whipping to her direction, your screams stopped for a moment but your howling increased as your eyes met Natasha’s “mama!” You cried as your feet picked up and you ran straight for her. Natasha’s world fell still, you were calling for her. Calling a name she had only dreamed of one day hearing and knew she never would. “Mommy!” you cried once more as Natasha’s world came back to life, her own feet leading her towards you. “Come here baby girl!” She said, and moments later your bodies collided into the most loving embrace the two of you had ever witnessed “mommy’s here y/n” she said into your ear as you cried into her shoulder “please don’t leave me mommy!” You sobbed “I’m not going anywhere y/n, I promise” Natasha said “mama’s got you. Let’s go home baby”
That night, Natasha welcomed you into her bed, wanting to hold you close. You had spent all evening trying on your new clothes (Maria had made sure they were purchased along with the toys you had accidentally broken) you had put on a fashion show for your new mama and required her validation for every outfit, not that you needed it. You had worn yourself out before your usual bedtime and Natasha had decided the two of you would have a movie night. Your eyes had fell closed no more than 30 minutes into the first film. Nat turned off the lights, leaving just the one on her bedside table, you shifted as the redhead pulled the duvet up to cover you both “mh” you whined “mama” you huffed as you cuddled into her side “I’m here sweetheart” your mommy said, holding you tightly in her arms. You fell soundly asleep in the arms of your mom, the woman you love most in the world. As for Natasha, she fell asleep holding in her hands what had only ever been a dream. A dream the red room had tried to take away from her, yet here she was holding her daughter, holding you.
This is the longest fic I’ve ever written so I apologise if there’s any mistakes I tried my best to get it done quickly as well and with my dyslexic ass there’s probably mistakes all over it
Happy new year guys🩷
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Girls Got Rhythm
summary: eddie fucks you in his van after a show w/c: 2206 warnings: 18+ only no minors, praise, swearing, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex (you're smarter than that), slight spoilers for Vol 2 authors note: so how are we feeling Eddie Nation? That season finale was ... something huh? Anyway this is probably going to be the first of quite a few fix it fics from me because like Nick Fury said "I recognise that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it" Not beta'd all mistakes are my own and add flavour. We die like heroes. Please reblog it really helps me out!!
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(moodboard by me)
The atmosphere in the bar was electric, bands had been playing all night and now finally it was Eddie's turn, they were the headline act in the Hideout that night. Long gone were the days of playing to five drunks and a group of hicks that wouldn't know good music if it slapped them in the face. 
Turns out being wanted for and then acquitted of murder was actually something of a reputation builder in the metal music community. It gave Eddie a kind of street cred he didn't have before and now people were coming from all over to watch Corroded Coffin play.
Throughout it all though he had you, his number one fan. As you'd tell him again and again. You'd been there through Spring Break 86, through Vecna, him almost being mauled alive by those demobat things. You'd never once left him or dipped out when things got out of control and there you were now standing right in front of the stage in possibly the most sinful outfit you could have conjured. Eddie felt his cock stir in his jeans just looking at you, of course that was a pretty regular occurrence on its own but seeing you standing there with your homemade Corroded Coffin  shirt, the shortest mini skirt imaginable not to mention your legs wrapped in fishnets leaving nothing to the imagination and Eddie didn't have to imagine what was waiting for him underneath that skirt. 
You smiled up at him as he took his place front and centre on the stage, the spotlight shining on him giving his fuzzy brown curls a halo which was at odds with the devilish smirk on his lips as he began playing. The crowd had been waiting for this all night and they were going wild for Eddie and for the band, this was everything either of you could have wanted. You'd both remember this moment in time for the rest of your lives. 
It hadn't been easy getting here, putting in hours in the bar waitressing and behind the bar. It was really the only place that would hire you both since you'd made it abundantly clear that unless both of you were hired then neither of you would work wherever it was and having been rejected by everywhere else you'd applied for, even the video store which Harrington assured you both would be an easy place to get hired, you were more than willing to put in whatever hours the management of the bar needed you to if it meant for one night a month Eddie could stand on that stage like the Rock Star he was always meant to be and play to his devoted fans. Even if most of them only came to see the guy accused of murder in such a small town. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
After the set you knew Eddie would be helping the rest of the band carry the equipment back to his van since as big as they were in Hawkins no one else was going to help them carry their gear. Sure enough you found Eddie stood by the stage door slash delivery entrance. HIs hair was stuck to his forehead and the back of his neck with sweat but the smile on his face told you that he couldn't care less about that,
"Hey, can I get an autograph? I'm your biggest fan" you called to get his attention, "honest I am" 
"Baby you can have anything you want" Eddie grinned at you holding his arms open so you could slot yourself against him, "anything at all" 
"Name it" 
"Well in that case" you leant up on tiptoe to kiss Eddie softly, the leather in your boots squeaking as you did so, "you looked so good up there baby" 
"You look better" Eddie said, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, "couldn't keep my eyes off you. I thought I was gonna have to jump off the stage at one point and let everyone know you're mine" 
"I think the amount of hickies you leave should tell people that" 
"Yeah but then you cover up all my hardwork with these" Eddie laughed, his fingers playing with your necklaces, "I think I'm gonna have to prove it again" 
You didn't need to ask what he meant. You could feel how hard he had gotten through his jeans and you'd be lying if you  said watching him on the stage hadn't had the arousal dripping down your own thighs. You loved watching him play whenever, wherever and tonight was certainly no different.
"So what are we waiting for?" 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You had thought that perhaps Eddie would have told the rest of the guys that he'd arrange another way for them to get their stuff out of the bar that he'd take you home to your crappy little one room apartment and the murphy bed that squeaked so much your neighbour thought it was an infestation of some kind. 
You should have known better. Why would Eddie bother driving all the way home when his van was right there? 
Which is how you found yourself on your back with your skirt pushed up around your hips while Eddie knelt between your legs, eyes dark and hooded as he stared at your exposed pussy,
"Baby? No panties?" he breathed, casting his eyes upwards for a second to catch the way you bit your bottom lip as his fingers slipped through the mesh of your tights and ran through the slick forming between your thighs, "you're already so wet, is this all for me?" 
"All for you Eddie, love you" 
"I love you too sweetheart, I'm gonna love you so much" 
Before you could form a sentence your brain short circuited with the sound of Eddie ripping your tights and giving himself better access to your dripping pussy. You let out a moan when he used two ring clad fingers to swipe through your folds collecting your slick and using it to push a finger into your warm wet entrance.
A few mumbled obscenities fell from Eddie's lips as he watched his finger being sucked back into your waiting cunt again and again. How your hips bucked and searched for more, he never got enough of seeing you like this. 
Adding another finger he watched as you writhed beneath him, Eddie used his thumb to swipe against your clit and reveled in the broken moan that bubbled out of your throat. He knew he wasn't going to last long but he wanted to be sure you at least got off once before he did,
"Eddie, wanna feel you" you begged, "please baby, just wanna feel you" 
"Ssh it's gonna be ok" Eddie reassured you before readjusting his position so he could lay between your legs and lick a stripe up your weeping cunt. Removing his fingers so both hands could grab at your hips and bring your core closer to him. 
Eddie loved to go down on you. Loved the way your hips moved on their own and tried to ride his face. Loved the whimpers and moans and cries of his name you made as he tongue fucked your entrance, his fingers drawing fast circles on your swollen clit.
Your hands found purchase in his curls as Eddie sucked on your clit, his tongue drawing obscure patterns as your hips moved in a rhythm all their own chasing the high you could feel coiling in your gut. That white hot heat spreading through your veins as Eddie curled his fingers inside you hitting that spot that had you seeing stars and clenching around his fingers like a vice ,
"So good for me" Eddie praised, his fingers slowing their movements before pulling out. You held yourself up on your elbows long enough to see Eddie cleaning off his fingers before releasing them with a wet pop, "god you taste fucking amazing" 
"Eddie - " 
"It's ok love. I just - I need you ok?" 
You nodded, this is what you'd wanted too while you watched him on that stage. Your legs squeezed together as you dripped slick onto the floor of the bar, which wouldn't be the worst thing cleaned off that floor tonight all things considered. 
You reached out and helped Eddie to undo his belt buckle and the zip on his jeans. He was painfully hard and he needed to be buried inside you. To feel those velvet walls clamp around his cock was the closest feeling to heaven Eddie was sure he would ever experience. 
He shimmed out of his jeans enough to push them around his ankle, you noticed he'd also chosen to go commando tonight although that might have more to do with the fact that both of you had been ignoring the every growing pile of dirty laundry in your apartment but you didn't care what his reasoning was. Right now all that mattered was there were less pieces of clothing between the two of you getting what you wanted. 
Eddie lined himself up to your entrance and leant down to kiss you as he pushed himself inside. Both of you grabbing at the other, your  kisses all tongues and teeth as Eddie bottomed out inside you, he waited for a moment so you could adjust until you rolled your hips to signal him to start moving. 
Neither of you was interested in taking this slow it would  seem as Eddie set a brutal pace almost right away. Pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in harshly filling you up to the brim each time. His tip kissed your cervix as he searched for that spot inside he'd reached with his fingers earlier. The spot that had you clawing at his back, thanking whatever gods that he'd chosen to play that night in a loose black tank top instead of his usual layers of shirts and jackets. 
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping against skin filled the back of the van and you were sure people would have noticed the movement inside from the outside but if anyone did notice what you two were up to they said nothing. 
You could feel that coil in your stomach tightening again as Eddie's cock brushed against your sweet spot,
"M'close Eddie" you gasped, "m'so close" 
"Cum for me sweetheart" he breathed into your ear as his fingers circled your clit harshly once again drawing your climax. You clenched around him as your back arched and you came with a cry of his name on your lips.
With your sweet walls milking him for all he was worth Eddie's own release wasn't far behind yours as he filled you with his hot spend. Your walls fluttered around him as warmth spread through your limbs, nothing but fog and static in your brain as your orgasm took a hold of your body. 
When you came back down you found Eddie knelt between your legs again, polaroid in hand as he snapped a picture of your mixed release dripping out of your puffy pussy, "so fucking beautiful" 
When he had taken enough pictures Eddie sat the camera back down before gently using his index and ring  fingers to scoop up your mixed fluids and push them back into your swollen cunt, 
"Eddie" you whined, 
"I know sweetheart I know" he placed a chaste kiss on your cheek before fishing some cigarettes out of the glove box, lighting one and offering it to you which you took gratefully. 
Eddie watched as you inhaled the smoke before exhaling it in small clouds. He loved watching you smoke, loved the way you held the cigarette so carefully in poised fingers, the way you'd close your eyes when you drew in and the way you exhaled because you'd seen Frenchie do it in Grease and taught yourself to exhale exactly like she did.
"You're staring Eds" you teased, breaking him out of his revelry, "my tits aren't even out" 
"Do I need an excuse to stare at my beautiful girlfriend?" he shot back, his smile lighting up the small space between you, "that's what I thought" 
You laughed and Eddie wondered if he could record the sound and just play it forever, like the Mayfield kis and her Kate Bush tape,
"Hey, I was thinking" you said, sitting upright and stretching slightly to alleviate the kink in your back from being railed in the back of the van, "you wanna see that vampire movie tomorrow? Since we're both off" 
"Whatever you want Princess" Eddie agreed instantly, he would do anything she asked of him,
"Good cause Steve wanted to double date with this girl he's been seeing - " Eddie cut you off with a loud groan and flopped dramatically onto the floor of the van, 
"Why do we have'ta go with Harrginton? Why can't it just be us?" 
"Tell you what if you say yes to this I'll say yes to anything you want to do tonight when we get home" 
"Oh you're on princess, you're on" Eddie's eyes sparkled with mischief and you laughed again.
 God you loved this over dramatic dork. 
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎↠ 𝕞 𝕒 𝕤 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝕝 𝕚 𝕤 𝕥 . . .
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beautiful header made by my bestie @lewmagoo 💚
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« - denotes angst.
△ - denotes smut.
❣ - denotes fluff
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natasha phoenix t r a c e ;
" leaning in and listening to your sweet voice,
charmed by your laughter. "
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bradley rooster b r a d s h a w ;
" for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
for the hearing of my heart---
it really goes. "
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robert bob f l o y d ;
" I am learning peacefulness, lying by myself quietly
as the light lies on these white walls, this bed, these hands. "
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jake hangman s e r e s i n ;
" if the moon smiled, she would resemble you.
you leave the same impression
of something beautiful but annihilating. "
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rhett a b b o t t ;
" the fury of a demon instantly possessed me.
i knew myself no longer.
my original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; "
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nick goose b r a d s h a w ;
" stasis in darkness.
then the substanceless blue
pour of tor and distances. "
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✧ 300 celly blurbs
✧ a link to all my smut △
✖ i do not consent to my work being copied, translated or published anywhere else than on my own blog ✖
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Live Stream Part Two: No Prisoners - Nick Amaro x Reader
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Live Stream:
Part One: Camera Shy - Nick is forced to watch you in captivity.
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Pain. It was the only thing that was keeping Nick Amaro hanging on while you were in the hands of this monster. Your shrill screams were still ringing in his ears like flashbacks from the cruellest of nightmares. The process has been slow, and your whimpers of agony had stabbed him repeatedly in the heart like a hunter's knife. He was bleeding out inside the same way that you were. He didn't know if you would recover from the hell that you had been exposed to. He’d watched that video as it was live streamed to his entire Squad.
His fingers ran over the indentation that his fist left in the panel of the metal locker. His hand was aching, the skin broken and blood smeared across his white knuckles. There was so much rage burning up deep inside of him, so much anger, so much fury. He had entered the locker room and sat upon the wooden bench preparing himself for the moment that Liv said the word go.
The problem was the silence gave him time to think. Nick had sat here and absorbed every single image he had been privy to. Helplessness didn't cover what he was feeling, he would have given everything for your positions to have been reversed. He would have given his life a thousand times over for you and it had taken until now for him to understand the depth of his feelings.
Nick dropped down onto the bench once more as the adrenaline drained out of him. The truth was he didn't even know if you were alive anymore. There was no proof that you were dead, the stream had been turned off long before they had reached that point but he had seen enough to know if you did come back, you would come back damaged.
Nick let out a frustrated growl into his large hands as he ran them over his exhausted features. He hadn't slept since you had been taken, he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes and see the images that he knew would haunt him in his sleep.
He relived that last night you had spent together. He remembered the texture of your hair underneath his fingers, how tender and soft your lips were as they brushed over his. He had never felt so deserving of someone else before, he had never desired someone so badly. He had wanted you that night, your heart and your soul. Nick had wanted to make you his, he wanted to show you the extent of his feelings but you weren’t ready. You were was barely coming to terms with the chemistry that blazed between the two of you. He had placed his heart in your hands and let you set the pace.
He had lost track of the hours that you had spent exploring one another. Your kisses had been poignant and sweet, Nick had enjoyed the time he had spent, exploring the confines of your mouth. He had spent so much time learning all the little things that made you so special and unique. He loved the way your nose crinkled just a little when he made you laugh. Your eyes were the most expressive that Nick had ever seen, every time he stared into them he felt like he could see right into your soul.
Nick swallowed hard against the lump in his throat, it was an aching mass that restricting his breathing. He found himself getting lost in the darkness once more as the guilt crashed in like a wave washing over his head. He couldn't breathe at the thought that you may not return.
The door to the locker room banged open as Fin swept through, that determined, purposeful look upon his features.
"We've got a location." Fin told him before jerking his head towards the Squad Room.
Nick rose to his feet, his hand coming to rest upon the gun on his hip.
He wouldn’t be taking any prisoners tonight.
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jackiequick · 6 months
7 times they were better parents to Tony than Howard was | Agent Carter Fanfic
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~ In other words, Elizabeth Stark and Jason Underwood being an married couple for 5 minutes straight
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Pairing: Jason Underwood & Elizabeth Stark
Character mentioned/included: Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Edwin Jarvis & Ana Jarvis, Hank Pym, The Avengers & Young Avengers, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce, Justin Hammer and etc
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe -> Agent Carter, Iron Man 1-3, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers Age Of Ultron
Summary: Sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect, such as becoming loving parental figures to a billionaire genius with a cheeky grin.
Note: Jason’s nickname is JJ and Elizabeth’s nickname is Liz
Ship Name: JALIZZY
Slight Warning: A bit of angst but mostly fluff
Click here for the latest fic featuring this family
Click here to see where our leading man fits in the Marvel Universe timeline
Both were asleep in bed, when little 7 year old Tony walked into the bedroom and climbing into their bed.
Jason woke up first rubbing his eyes and sighed, "Bubba what you doing? We built you a new big boy bed last week.."
"Bad dream.." Said little Tony balling up his fist and getting under the covers, "..and Daddy is out."
"Oh right Momma visiting Aunt Peg for the week.."
"I'm sorry..c-can I stay?"
That moment Elizabeth woke up ruffling her nephew's bed head and yawned, "Sure, Bambino. But you wanna talk about the bad dream first?"
Tony looked down holding his teddy bear and mumbled, "I was in a dark and scary cave with a dragon..and I could not fight him, I was running but there no way to go.."
"Aww sweetie, look it's okay not every dream is gonna be a good one but you're okay. Everything is okay, you hear me?"
" I know..it's okay, b-but I was lost and scared..I did not save the princess..I fail.."
"Oh no sweetie, you didn't fail anyone. It was just a bad dream, there are no dragons here to hurt you."
"But the princess?"
"Maybe you will save her in the next dream."
Jason added with a tired smile, "Or maybe the princess already saved herself? Like auntie Lizzie or auntie Peg. And she's now waiting for you in the dream."
"Really?" Tony asked with a small smile.
"Yeah, sometimes it's the little prince that needs to go on journey to find the princess waiting for him in the end."
"Okay, I am ready to sleep now..and meet the princess."
"Out of curiosity, who was the princess?"
"Her name was Molly."
"Ohh nice name."
Elizabeth cut in with a chuckle, "Yeah very nice! Now we can please go to sleep and save the kingdom tonight in this dream?"
The boys nodded with a smile, cuddling up in bed with the lady of the house.
Elizabeth blowing raspberries on Tony's tummy as his giggles filled up the house with laughter. Jason was building up rocking chair in the living room and walked into the kitchen.
Jarvis was making lunch for them.
"Hey babe." He said with a smile, kissing her forehead then gave his nephew one on the cheek.
"Hi dear." She replied with a smile bouncing their nephew in her lap who giggled brightly.
It was a running gag but a sweet one calling each other pet names since the day they met. It went beyond, just them calling each other nicknames Jason called Jarvis's wife, Ana, honey and doll all the time as a term of endearment.
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"JJ!" Tony yelled in glee with a toothy grin, as both adults looked their eyes at his silliness.
Something that would carry on once Tony is older is that silly toothy grin of his, no matter what the situation is. Especially his giggles.
Jarvis set the table for them, as Jason rushed over to help him and cutting Elizabeth's food into smaller sizes. Ana joined them soon enough watching all of this in curiosity. However, it confused the British man, once they all sat down to eat.
"Why does Jason need to cut your food, Miss Stark?" Jarvis asked them as he ate.
"Just watch, dear." Ana added, curious knowing she will get an answer.
With Tony's booster seat resting between them. Ana grabs a glass of wine and sits next to her husband. Looking at the kid who are begin to eat but what caught Jarvis's eye was Tony’s other hand gripping Elizabeth’s left hand in a tight grip.
"Aww how adorable." Ana said with a smile eating her chicken.
"It is indeed but what exactly is happening? I might need an explanation." Jarvis questioned with a smile.
"Tony had this new habit where he only can eat if he holds Elizabeth or Maria’s hand. It started a few days ago." Jason explained chuckling as he ate.
"I don't mind it. It keeps him relaxed and allows me to make sure he's doing alright while eating." Elizabeth replied eating with her other hand.
"What happens if you remove your hand?" Ana asked, in love with the way Tony's happily eating.
Elizabeth lets go of Tony's hand and all of them looking at the youngest Stark who started fusing while chewing a piece of meat, one hand starts waving asking for his auntie’s hand.
Elizabeth just let Tony wrap his fingers with her own in the meantime as Ana chuckled and Jarvis snorted with a smile.
"Howard tried it yesterday, removing Tony's hand away from Maria and he just cried. Not pretty." Jason added chuckling.
"It was hilarious!" Elizabeth told them as she snickered, "My brother promised to let him sleep with their room last night, if he stopped. Howard was third wheeling."
“Will you please go to sleep now? You're a growing boy, come on please do it Uncle JJ.” Jason sighed and rubbed his own face with his palm.
“No way.” Tony runs “I wan Liz…”
“I give up.” Jason buried his face in the kid’s bed
Jason finally gets up and walks to the living room where his best girl is reading something from her notebook. Watching Tony just dive to her lap startling the woman.
“What the-?” Elizabeth jumped out of reflex “I-shouldn’t you be in bed and counting sheep?”
“I’m not sleepy.” Tony shakes his head.
“Well, I am.” Jason sighed and sat next to Elizabeth looking into her eyes hoping she understood the silent help signal, "No more kids, one is enough.."
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That was when Hank Pym called as Elizabeth put him on the speaker and started talking with him as she tried to put her kid to sleep.
"Lizzie is this a bad time?" Hank asked while on the phone, hearing Tony mumbling in the background and Jason's voice muttering something.
"No, Hankie it's fine. Someone's allergic to sleep just like his father, I'll pay you 500 bucks if you can get him to sleep." Elizabeth replied jokingly.
"I'll see what I can do. Do you remember the equation use for invention you and Howard were making?"
"Actually, yeah I do. The one for that android prototype? Yeah I do."
"Good because I thinking we can use for this new formula I was creating."
Both scientists go to work, talking with the equipment and possible new investments they would make that month to present to the others. Laughing and gushing about their week as well.
Jason was napping when he was accidentally smack on the shoulder due to Elizabeth's excitement how on they can improve the formula for the shrink ray.
"Ow!" He shouted softly, being woken up.
"Oh, sorry JJ. I was just, you know." She replied trying to explain with a chuckle.
"I know let me take this little guy off your hands."
Both expected to find Tony still awake on his auntie's lap but he nodding off as they spoke. They chuckled quietly thanking Hank's believing their science talk tired him out or something.
He picked him up as Tony's head rested on his shoulder, his eyes were trying to stay open as he mumbled, "I'm not tired...no sleepy.."
"Oh yes you are, Bubba. Very sleepy." Jason said with a soft chuckle with sighed, "Say night night."
Elizabeth stood up cupping his little face mumbling sweet nothing into his ears as Tony hummed a soft, "..night night."
"Night, my little star." She replied with a soft smile, deciding to help tuck him in.
They tucked in their little boy, turning on the recording on Maria Stark's gentle singing voice as background noise for Tony.
Moments like that, they both wished Howard and Maria were not busy sometimes but they're more than happy to raise the little guy instead.
As much as he is their little boy, he is Howard's son and that being said he was a little rebellious at time. Especially in his early teens and his years as an adult..
"Anthony Edward Stark, where the hell you think your going?" Elizabeth asked with her arms crossed and tapped her foot with a glare.
"Out!" Repiled Tony, who was 12 years old at this point with a classic smirk.
"It's Monday afternoon on a school night!"
"So you're not heading out to whatever your heading off to! I don't care what it is, Friday it's another thing, I allow it. But Monday, hell no!"
"You're not dad, auntie Liz!"
"And thank god I ain't. Be lucky it ain't Peggy either, why do you want to head out anyway? To act cool with your friends?"
Tony sighed in defeat dramatically dropping the smirk and crossed his arms, "Well no shit. All my friends are doing it."
Jason stepped in after returning home from an getting supplies hearing his nephew, "Please tell you didn't just curse in front of your aunt."
"I just said 'shit'! Relax.." Tony replied with a sigh thinking of something knowing who's the softer parent, "And aunt Liz won't let me go out."
"First off no cursing at your aunt. And second, out where?"
"An party..all my friends will be there!"
"Is it on Friday?"
"Yup! It's on Friday, it's a small party."
Elizabeth scoffed, "No! It's tonight, an silly little stupid party with his friends doing god knows what. God knows if the parents will be there!"
"She's lying! She doesn't want me to have fun this week and stay stuck in this house, only invite to Rhodey or something." Tony shouted.
"Enough!" Jason yelled raising his voice, "I know she ain't lying and that you're the one who is actually lying. You know the rules Tony, no parties or anything on school night like Monday. And something tells me those kids parents don't know they're going to that party."
"B-but that's not fair! I should be allow to go." Tony yelled.
"No you shouldn't and it is fair, she’s saving you for tomorrow. She knows that something off is going on if it's on a Monday, simple as that. Doesn't that sound a little weird to you?"
"...yeah..it does."
"We will talk about this later."
A few more words were said before Tony left to the living room. Liz was pissed off and so was Jason.
He sighed and told her, "You were doing the right thing."
"I know.." She sighed, "I know. I'm just trying to protect him. Something tells me this won't be the last argument."
"Cause it won't. But we just try to lead him down the right path.."
"You got that right. Protecting him and all that.."
Road trips with the three of them tend to be something else. Tony always making himself known with questions, annoying them on purpose and snickering afterwards.
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"Where we going?" Tony asked in the backseat, playing with his jacket zipper.
"To meet Peggy and your parents in San Diego." Elizabeth replied like it was obvious with a smile.
"And why are you driving?"
"Because your uncle JJ has a bad history with driving."
Jason perked up, "I'm right here, you know?!
Tony snorted, "Okay what time we get there?"
"Midnight." Elizabeth said with sigh.
"What happens at midnight?"
"You're bedtime."
"Can I drive?"
Both shouted at the same time, "No!"
That resulted in Tony laughing at their response as both parents chuckled at his ridiculous way to make times like that a joke or two.
Sometimes Elizabeth tends to become a mama bear, as if she isn't already. Like when Tony started dating, Howard rolled his eyes chuckling at his sister and Maria gushed hoping her boy enjoys the dating scene.
Elizabeth on the other hand, she was so excited and sat beside Jason one afternoon while he was reading. He was reading a classic children's' book from the shelfs, 'The Giving Tree' when Elizabeth came with a grin.
"Yes my darling?" He asked looking up from the book with a laugh.
"Tony got a date!" She repiled with a smile.
"With who? I mean I'm not surprise our kid has been a cheeky little guy since the age of 3."
"You know that day Howard took Tony down to that event in Chicago? Well there was this nice girl there with her mother, Tony sneaked off to see her and now they met again due to her mother bringing her here for an clothing event. And according to Ana, he has a date."
"That's my boy. If he's not a gentleman, I'll ground him for life. Where to?"
"Ana said that caravel downtown this weekend. She was eavesdropping and I love her for it."
"Not bad for a first actually date with a girl he seems to like."
Elizabeth sigh assuming something, Jason knew that look on her face and ask her what's going on.
"I don't want to sound cheesy but he's growing up so fast, JJ! I mean where did the time go? It felt like I was helping him add 2 + 2 yesterday! Now a date? Damn..he's my baby." Elizabeth admitted with a sigh.
Jason opened his arms pulling her into an tight embrace as she was nuzzling comfortably against his neck. She pouted, it was a rare moment but she did. He chuckled rubbing her shoulder.
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"Aw, Lizzie, darling. He's growing up, I don't like it. Hell I would rather stop time and let him stay the way he is now. But we can't. Before we know it, he's buying his own house or deciding to buy this one off his father." Jason joked with a smile.
Elizabeth chuckled, "He might as well do that. I'm not ready for him to keep growing up, what if he doesn't want hugs from his auntie anymore? What if he grows up hating the idea of living with us? I mean it's a packed a house, i don’t blame him."
"Hahaha no, honey he won't. I think he rather have a packed house than a quieter one. And he will always need his auntie, he's your baby. Tony knows it, hell he might make you an godmother one day."
"Oh god no, don't think that far hahaha! I want him live in the moment now, before he's old and gray. I'm still gonna baby him no matter how old he is! You know that right?"
"Oh I know. And he's gonna be annoyed but love you for it. No matter what you do, you will be there to protect him and stand up for him."
"You too!"
"Oh hell yeah I will!"
And they are right about that. Yeah sure, Lizzie was gone under the ice for years due to a freak accident thinking she was goner. Having Jason and Tony feeling down in the dumps for some time.
But when that girl returned, her mama bird side came with her. And the man who was her right hand was more than happy about that.
"He's insane!" Liz yelled with a sigh, pointing at her nephew, "You're insane."
"Hello?! Have you met me?" Tony replied with a chuckle, "I think Pepper would love a big bunny for an anniversary slash Christmas present."
"Okay I dealt the whole 'I'm Iron Man, I can do whatever the hell I want' thing. But your Tony Stark! My Tony Stark, use that head of yours is a big bunny a good idea?"
"JJ gets you big jewelry and spoils you! I blame him for my actions, the bunny stays."
"Oh jeez. Did you at least get dinner ready?"
"Yeah it's pizza tonight. Why are you acting so uptight lately?"
Elizabeth sighed, "I've been asleep for years in ice and I come back to find you as Iron Man. A superhero. I know it's been an year now, but a part of me is still scared your gonna blow it!"
Tony chuckled pulling his auntie into a hug, "Oh Liz, it's me we're talking about. Hell, JJ is still terrified for my life. And honestly, I've already it blew it last year, in New York. I am stressed but I will be fine.."
"I know about your late night snacking and sleepless night, Tony. I'm worried about you. We all are."
"I know you are..but if anything happens, I will tell you. I promise."
Last forward to Christmas time, once the house blew up and JARVIS announces Tony's anxiety problems to everyone after arriving at the snowy side of the U.S. before shutting off.
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Soon enough, they're dragging themselves across the snow to find a safe house. Rei's suit is being dragged across the snow, as he decide to start helping his godfather.
Liz snaps, "Anything you want to tell me?!"
"Okay in my defense I was gonna tell you soon." Tony winced.
"I was gonna make you an omelette and tell you about it!"
"Oh my god!"
Jason sighed dragging the Iron Man suit with them across with snow as the night fall onto of them.
"You two knew about this?! This whole time and didn't think of telling me?!" Jason yelled.
"I thought you knew about this! Or that he told you!" Liz yelled back.
"Great, now Ma and Pops are fighting." Rei added sarcastically, "Good job, Dad!"
Tony turned look at his son, “I’m sorry, how is this my fault?”
“Isn’t everything?”
“This is unbelievable.”
Other times, Jason and Elizabeth would be protecting themselves or their kids presence even when the guy isn't nearby.
Such as 2014, when they were called by SHIELD when it came to Alexander Pierce wanting their signature onto the new helicarriers.
Jason was tired as he asked, "Okay Pierce, what the hell is this?"
Elizabeth was standing next to him and pressed, "Mr. Secertary, what he meant is there a reason you've asked us to come here?"
"Signature, Mr. Underwood and Miss Stark." Said Pierce holding out pens, "As well, I was hoping you ask your nephew to stop by my niece's birthday party as a favor for Nick."
"He's our nephew, not a party entertainer." Elizabeth said with a raise eyebrow.
"Unless it's for his own children, and at the moment he's not dealing with your favors." Jason added, "What's the favor you're doing for Nick?"
"That's classified information, sir." Pierce replied.
"Of course it is..you know, it was a pretty long day and I don't want to be here. Matter a fact, none of us want to be to here! So good night Alexander." Elizabeth said standing up from her chair.
Jason stood up following her, opening the door for the girl as he gave Pierce an odd look before walking out. However that didn’t stop Elizabeth Stark to get information later on that day, returning to Alexander Pierce’s office after cooling down to get any information needed.
Sometimes due to Jason and Elizabeth being so close to Tony, along with their godchildren they get mistaken for the actual parents. Hell, even for being a couple more than once.
Such as in the early to late 2010s, Justin Hammer once asked, “Are theses your parents, Stark? I thought they were dead..”
Tony would give an sarcastic smile and reply, “Aw Hammer, you’re jealous? Too bad not everyone was given 3 sets of parents.”
“Oh yeah, didn’t you hear? Or were you too busy washing yourself in that horrible 80s cologne?”
Justin scoffed, “Damn. But seriously, are they giving out set of parents for free or what?”
“No. They’re mine, you can’t have them.” Tony added with a smirk.
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Or when Fury called Tony and The Avengers out a few times, he will tend to bring JJ and Liz names into conversation, using the term parents. Such as in 2015, when they are all in Clint’s Barn. Also known as The Safe House.
Everyone was in the kitchen, including the teens and kids. Some were at the table such as Natasha, Bruce, Rick, Ava, Rei and Rochelle. Others were surrounding the area near the sink and fridge across from the kitchen island, such as Tony, Clint and Steve with Liane and Luna.
Clint’s wife Laura was listening in as the younger kids were wondering around.
Elizabeth was drying dishes as Jason washed them, meanwhile Fury was finishing placing some orange slices on a plate.
Nat spoke up, “You know boss, when I was hoping I saw ya, you would have more than that.”
Fury replied, “I do. I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everything, ears everywhere else. You kids have all the things you can dream to use, Stark’s parents didn’t have much to work with beforehand but they made do. Now here we are, back on earth with nothing but our wit and our willingness to do good.”
Jason added, “Just like old times, huh? Rehashing a plan during dinner, then collaborating in the morning to figure out what can be done..”
“Ain’t that the truth. Nothing but our strength to save the world and make a difference for others.” Elizabeth commented with a grin.
Fury gave them a half smile and continued his speech, “Ultron says The Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And weather or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction. All this lay in the grave. So stand, out with the platinum bastard.”
Natasha winked at Rick and Rochelle before saying with a smirk, “Steve doesn’t like that kinda talk.”
Steve gave her a humorous mock glare, “You know what, Romanoff?”
The teens and young adults in the room snorted and chuckled. The group kept talking, figuring out what will they all do next, with the young members of the team chiming into the conversations.
Even Jason mentioned, “You can try Pentagon's firewall, are they open this time?”
“That could work, they are still roughly open this time and hour.” Elizabeth comments.
“Should i know why you know that?”
“I had to message the Pentagon years ago to reach an barrier of systemic risks, for SHIELD’s locating tactics. And Tony did something he wasn’t supposed to..”
“Oh god, what was it this time?”
Fury ate his orange slice answering, “You’re boy cracked into SHIELD systemic burns, but beforehand he cracked their firewall.”
“That’s something, I do think I remember he did!” He replied chuckling, “We got mysterious calls afterwards for weeks.”
Tony chimed in with a grin sounding proud and said, “I cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare and got a sweet deal afterwards.”
Elizabeth grinned brightly, “That’s my boy! Definitely a win in my books.”
“And me? I cracked into SHIELD firewall too multiple times.” Rei added with a sly smile, as you could hear his godfather holding back his laughter in the background.
“I love you too, kiddo!” She replied to her sarcastic godson, “Both of you are the reasons for the facility's cyber-security sub-bar.”
Thanks for reading! Feel free to add any HCs or chat about what you liked about the fic 💻
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ne0n-and-garbage · 5 days
Marvel Character’s Theme Songs/Short Playlists:
Tony Stark: Tip Toes (Half Alive), Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time (Panic! At The Disco), I Don’t Care (Fall Out Boy)
Steve Rogers: Mr Brightside (The Killers), The Foundations Of Decay (My Chemical Romance), What A Catch, Donnie (Fall Out Boy), American Idiot (Green Day), My Blood (Twenty One Pilots)
Natasha Romanoff: Give ‘Em Hell, Kid (My Chemical Romance), Gasoline (Halsey), Thank You For The Venom (My Chemical Romance), Exit Music (For A Film) (Radiohead), S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W (My Chemical Romance)
Bucky Barnes: Message Man (Twenty One Pilots), Mama (My Chemical Romance), I Am Machine (Three Days Grace), Semi-Automatic (Twenty One Pilots)
Thor Odinson: Bishops Knife Trick (Fall Out Boy), Love From The Other Side (Fall Out Boy)
Clint Barton: The Kids Aren’t Alright (Fall Out Boy), Come Out and Play (The Offspring)
Wanda Maximoff: Control (Halsey), Absinthe (IDKHOW), Happy Together (Gerard Way)
Sam Wilson: Planetary (GO!) (My Chemical Romance),
Bruce Banner: Black Hole Sun (Soundgarden)
Yelena Belova: Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (Fall Out Boy), Devil Town (Cavetown)
Nick Fury: The Phoenix (Fall Out Boy)
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murder-popsicle · 1 year
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squids-comics · 1 year
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This has to be one of the most insane character introductions ever. I love this man and I can't wait until he's introduced in the MCU.
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i wanna hear about this harem stevetony? 👀
henlo fren! thanks for the ask! it's time for another alle writes her two personal faves: unconventional omegaverse dynamics and extensive worldbuilding! (and also problematic relationships but, ya know, *gestures vaguely at my ao3 works* this shouldn't be a surprise anymore)
so basically nick fury is the warlord, taking high ranking noble omegas from each of his conquered kingdoms as their first tribute to their new overlord. steve is one of the youngest claimed omegas and also has a terrible habit of speaking his mind, which nick doesn't appreciate, so he's also not one of the favored omegas.
behind the scenes politics and war stuff happen and nick conquers howard stark's kingdom and demands one of the noble omegas from his court. except howard is typical howard and sees a way to both get rid of a problem and thumb his nose at nick at the same time, so he sends ten year old tony. obviously tony is too young (and untrained) to do anything with, and everyone can see that he's very obviously supposed to be an insult, but somehow, he still manages to earn nick's favor, which also earns him the ire of most of the other omegas in the harem because they had to work hard to earn nick's attention and tony was just given it.
tony winds up in steve's care until such a time as he's old enough to be trained in the art of pleasuring a king. steve, being typical steve, goes oh no he's babie and decides that if no one else in the harem is going to be on tony's side, then he will be on his side. he's an unfavored omega because he refuses to play the game, not because he doesn't know it at all, and he'll be damned if tony loses even a bit of nick's favor while he's under steve's care.
eventually tony is old enough to go off for training, he's gone for several years, and when he comes back, steve, still half-expecting to see the babie he sent off, blue screens and goes oh no he's hot. cue lots of angst over a) tony being favored so what could he possibly want with steve, b) the tabooness of an omega/omega relationship, and c) the fact that they both exist for nick's pleasure, not each other's.
and then happy endings for all because it's me and i'm a sucker for a happy (stevetony) ending
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bandaidfingers · 6 months
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I had some fun a little while ago redrawing one of my favorite Sgt. Fury covers with my Nick Furry designs >:)c
Original cover under the cut. I swapped the title font for the font used in the Sgt. Fury reprints cuz I like it better lol
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frasier-crane-style · 11 months
Say what you will about 616 storytelling, but they at least had the basics down. Civil War introduces government control of superheroes, a situation ripe for abuse. Secret Invasion pushes events to the crisis point where a bad actor is able to take advantage of the situation and seize power. Dark Reign has him going mad with power until he’s finally brought down, leading to a temporary happy ending in Heroic Age.
MCU... they have Civil War, but it almost immediately stops mattering because in Infinity War, they just say it’s no big deal and ignore the SHRA, which I guess is undone off-screen and to no great fanfare? It never really affected Spider-Man or any of the Netflix heroes... aside from Ant-Man, of all people, being under house arrest, which was played for laughs as he had to outwit a dopey FBI agent to be a superhero... 
Now we have Secret Invasion, which I guess establishes that Earth is now virulently racist against aliens? Which may or may not be picked up on ever? And I suppose Captain America: New World Order or Thunderbolts could be a form of Dark Reign, but headlined by either Val or Thunderbolt Ross. Neither of them have made an impression as someone who you’d never want to be in charge of superheroes (and don’t get me wrong, Norman Osborn being in charge of superheroes was dumb, but at least you could see how it was bad news). They’re just generic authority figures who Marvel can call in when they need a talking head to give a briefing or other exposition.
So in 616, all this stuff led into each other, from A to B to C, while in the MCU, it all seems to happen in a vacuum and it’s all a sidestory anyway to the Kang multiverse stuff that ‘really’ matters. Nick Fury is still in charge or not in charge and SHIELD is now called SWORD or SABER. I don’t think the MCU did a lot with SHIELD being shut down, but at least it was a change-up. The MCU now doesn’t even have the illusion of change--any shift to the status quo might jostle one of the fourteen other movies or Disney+ shows in the pipeline.
You’d think corralling a few movies and miniseries each year would be easier to synchronize than countless comics, but somehow, the MCU seems to have lost any skill or ambition to tell an evolving storyline from year to year. What’s really changed since Endgame that can’t or hasn’t been immediately walked back? 
Doctor Strange has a third eye that turns invisible when he isn’t using it?
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So basically what happened:
The world: you're carrying a curse fated to kill your brother and destroy the only home you've ever known
Loki: A curse? What curse, I don't see a curse? I see a child.
The world: ???? Are you high? That's a c-
Loki: a baby. My baby in fact.
The world: It's not a-
Loki, elbowing Thor: Do you see a curse Thor?
Thor, doubled over in pain: nope, not a curse, that's my beloved sibling's beloved nibling
The world: No! Are you blind!!
Loki @Avengers: Perhaps you see a curse?
The avengers: nope, no, nuh-uh
Nick Fury: I don't know the hell yall are on, but that's a motherfuckin-
Tony, muffling Nick's mouth with his hand and slowly dragging him away: shshshsh that's a goddamn baby alright
Am I right or am I right?
You're 100% right!
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