#natasha romanoff x genderneutral reader
yelenasvestenthusiast · 8 months
reunion ; natasha romanoff
"where's mama?" olivia, clutching her plushie in one tiny hand and the other wrapped around steve's forefinger.
you smile, happy to see your little girl again after half a decade, but with tears blurring your vision. you hold your arms out and she runs into your arms, allowing you to scoop her up and hold her against your chest.
"where's mama?" she repeats, insistent. your eyes meet her wide, innocent ones and you almost break down. but you can't. you have to be strong for your daughter.
"i should.. get ready. there's still the matter of returning the stones," steve says, raising a hand in salute to you, to which you respond with a slight nod. you watch his back disappear around the corner.
"mama's not coming home," you whisper, voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.
olivia tilts her head, arms wrapped around your neck. "why?"
your lower lip starts to tremble. "mama's very busy. she's.. she's on a mission, okay, baby?"
the seven-year-old in your arm squirms. "when will she be back?"
"i.." you pause, not wanting to break a child's heart. she wouldn't understand yet. neither would morgan..
these children shouldn't have to deal with the pain of loss yet.
"someday, baby." you kiss your daughter's head. "someday."
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navstuffs · 2 years
Evacuation Drill
Pairing:  Firefighter! Steve Rogers x GenderNeutral!Reader
Warnings: cursing, shy steve, AU, no use of Y/N
Summary: You never understood the thrill of firefighters anyway. What was so sexy about a man in a uniform?
Authors notes: im back on writing (sorta??). i had a couple of rough months, but i decided to take baby steps on writing again. i have had this fanfic in my head for a few days based on a tiktok by @cullenriley. i have plans for a second part of this, but idk when it will come out. gif credits to the owner.
Part 2
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You never understood the thrill of firefighters. What was so sexy about a man in uniform? You liked men, thank you very much, but never understood your friend's craziness for a firefighter. They were real-life heroes, risking their lives every day to save people they have never met before. To find them attractive in such a life and death situation? What was so attractive in a human being going inside a building on fire? You just couldn't see them like that.
Until your almost-best-friend Sam Wilson called you, asking for help in a firefight exercise.
Sam was friends with you since High School and his decision to become a firefighter did worry you a lot. Sam tried to ease your worries, arguing that it was something he always wanted to do. He sent you pictures always showing his survival but that didn't help. One day, he decided to call you asking if you wanted to be a volunteer in an exercise in the corp.
"Don't worry, it will be fine. We won't put anyone in actual danger. It will be done supervised by our Lieutenants."
"Sam, I don't know..."
"It is on a Friday and by volunteering, you can slip away from work. Come on, I’m sure with your new important job you need a night off anyway."
You huffed, rolling your eyes. Sam was right. Being on Friday would give a three-day weekend. Didn't sound that bad.
"Fine. I will be there."
"Awesome! Be here at 9 am, I will text you the place. I’m sure you will have lots of fun!"
Oh, you bet you would.
So there you were at exactly 9 am. You entered the Testing Site and it seemed as a place specifically made for planned disaster. There were trainwrecks, buildings partially destroyed, and more fake disasters. What in the hell did you set yourself into? Entering the main building, you were received by a beautiful red-haired woman with a more casual firefighter uniform.
"Morning, I came to volunteer...Natasha." You greeted her, reading her name, receiving a huge smile. 
"Good Morning. What is your name?" Natasha wrote your name on a paper, writing something else down putting the cord around your neck.
It read "Cut bleeding profusely in the forehead, broken leg." Natasha also handed you a huge jacket tainted of what seemed dried blood. You looked at her intrigued.
"It is for realism. Not real blood and won't damage your clothes, I promise." 
You put the jacket around, thanking her and joining the rest of the volunteers, all with the same bloody clothes. Everyone seemed to be reading each other's papers. You let your eyes wander around, seeing someone missing a leg, missing a hand, someone with a bad concussion, and someone who was hit by a wall and had no apparent pulse. Well, this was going great.
"Morning, volunteers. Good morning!" There was a man with an eye patch walking into the room, followed closed by Natasha and another pretty lady. 
"We want to appreciate you coming out here today! I am Captain Nick Fury and this exercise will represent a building that is about to collapse after an explosion on the upper floors. You will be completely safe during the whole exercise, but there might be some fog. I will be the instructor with Lt. Maria Hill and Lt. Natasha Romanoff. They will take you into different groups and positioning you in strategic places. Again, you don't have to worry about your safety, you will be safe at all times. There are panic buttons in each room that will warn us we need help. Anyone has any questions? No? Now, if you follow Hill and Romanoff."
You followed the Lieutenant through another door, going to an open space that had a tall building, probably three floors. It looked destroyed like all the others. Maria and Natasha separated their teams and you followed Natasha to the last floor, being the last person she positioned in the last room. The room you were in looked like a living room, partially destroyed and you laid down behind a destroyed bookshelf, hiding from the entrance as Natasha showed you where the panic button was and asked if you had any questions.
"Can I nap?"
"Well, you can try. " She laughed "There will be a lot of loud noises all over. Also remember, if anything, press the panic button. But you are safe, okay?”
"If Sam doesn't come to get me I will kill him." You replied, getting more comfortable.
"Sam? As in Sam Wilson? He put you into this?"
"Yeah. Anything for a friend, you know?"
"I see. It will be done before you know it. Relax and enjoy the show."
You laughed as the door clicked shut. Relaxing a little bit, you were upset they didn’t let you bring a book or your phone. Believing or not, this was better than having a crazy day at work. Your boss probably had to deal with your co-workers all alone and everything a mess while you were relaxing behind a bookshelf...
Safe to say you did nap. A little. You were very tired from a stressful week of work and felt completely safe during the whole test, except for that annoying fog that represented a fire. There was no noise for a while so you dozed off peacefully until a loud bang in a nearby room, woke you up. It seemed to be coming from the room to your side, as you heard other loud voices speaking.
"There is that other room as well. Who is gonna check that?" a loud commanding voice that sounded like Natasha’s roared.
"On it."
When you finally realized heavy footsteps were coming in your direction, you decided to close your eyes. Wait, is that it said in your paper? Did you have to be unconscious?
There was some rustling with the door and when it opened you decided to keep your eyes open. You had a cut in your forehead and a broken leg. No reason to be passed out right?
"Anyone here?" A masculine voice shouted.
Should you answer? Of course, you weren't unconscious for fuck's sake.
"Here." Your voice came out weak against the whole noise in the room to the side. He probably wouldn't hear you, leaving you there to press the Panic button when it was all over and Sam laugh at your face. Typical awkward you.
The tallest man you have ever seen came to your left and you forgot to breathe for a few seconds. He walked towards you, full firefighter uniform, mask, a confident stride even though everything around you seemed pure chaos.
"Hello, my name is Steve Rogers. I am here to help you." Steve Rogers's voice came out calm as he kneeled near you. Even in that mess, you could see his attentive blue eyes scanning your body, bringing a chill down your spine. You found no voice to answer as he checked your "bloody" forehead.
"Does anywhere hurt?" He tried again, his eyes focused on you.
"My leg, I think it is broken."
Steve touched your leg and you winced on instinct. His mind seemed racing as he looked out to the door, knowing he didn't have enough time to take you out of there before the building collapsed. Bucky and Sam were working on a mom and two kids in the room to your side and he couldn't leave you there.
"Here, let me help you sit down." Steve helped you sit in an upright position. His eyes scanned the door again as he heard Natasha's voice warn that there were less than five minutes now as the whole floor seemed to be emptying. Okay, he had to do this.
"You are alright there, Steve?" He heard Bucky's voice sound from outside.
"Yeah. Everyone out?"
"Yes! You with someone in there? Need some help?"
Steve put his arms around your body, lifting you as if you were light as a feather in the most gentle way as possible, due to your broken leg probably, and walking towards the door to what you assumed was his colleague.
"I got it. Let's get out of here."
Bucky went in front and you saw what you thought was Natasha as you passed the now empty corridor. Steve was trying to be kind to you as he went down the building faster than you did although he was heavier than you, carrying you and all his oxygen tank. That was so impressive. Those men and women were so powerful and so fearless. You hid your face against his shoulder, your arm holding tightly around his neck as you felt your insides burning. That was so exciting and sexy at the same time. You were going to kill Sam Wilson.
"You holding up for me?" Steve’s voice sounded soft against your ear and you couldn't help but chill.
"Yeap." You replied low, closing your eyes and praying to this be over already.
"Almost over. You will be safe soon enough. Keep your eyes closed."
When you were finally out of the building, the sun hitting on your face, you made a motion to get down of his arms, but he held you more tightly.
"You have a broken leg. Let me put you in a stretcher, okay?"
You nodded as he gently laid you on a stretcher. There were some other volunteers around and you licked your lips, wanting to thank him.
"There will be people taking care of you now, you will be alright." Steve squeezed your hand lightly as he left you to join the other firefighters. Your stomach danced as you watched him walk away, your eyes wandering on his ass more than they should.
"Everyone good? Everyone?" Natasha was passing around the volunteers, checking on them. She put her hand on your shoulder and you were startled, staring at her.
"You okay? Was everything okay?"
"Yeah? Yeah, I guess I was saved?"
Natasha smiled as she pointed to the big room you were in the beginning.
"There are some sandwiches and some snacks on that room for volunteers. If you want to wait a little bit, I am sure you can talk to Wilson.”
You waited for a while. Most of the volunteers had left when they were done with their food, probably wanting to enjoy their Friday off. You sit in a chair, looking at your phone: 11:39 am. The door opened and a loud group came out, mostly men, going directly to the table. You looked for Sam, finally finding him giving a huge bite at a sandwich. You walked towards him, ignoring most of the looks for still wearing the bloody jacket.
"Oh my God, you came! You indeed came!" Sam exclaimed, surprised, leaving the sandwich on a plate and hugging you, tightly. All your anger simply melted away. Sam read your paper and laughed.
"How was it? You good?"
"Yeah. I was carried and saved but besides all of that, I am fine."
Sam coughed a laugh, hugging you again.
"Who I owe the thanks to saving my best friend?"
Before you could answer, an attractive black-haired man passed his arm over Sam's shoulder. Behind him, a blond tall man with a shirt that was clearly smaller than he should be wearing followed, looking everywhere but at you.
"Please, don't tell me you have been hiding a lover this whole time, Sam. From me? I thought we had something special!"
"Awwn, sorry to break your heart, Bucky. Not that interests you, but this is my best friend actually."
Bucky put his head over his heart, pretending to be relieved. You laughed, getting an alarmed looked from Sam. Probably to not encourage Bucky.
"James Barnes, at your service, but everyone calls me Bucky. Sam's best friend in this place, together with my friend Steve here."
You looked at the blond guy Bucky was pointing and all embarrassment from before came back. You didn't even recognize yourself from before, sounding like you even got affected by him with that uniform, that calm but firm attitude. You would have done everything Steve told you but now? You weren't affected, at all.
"Oh." You simply replied, Steve's face going red as a tomato. That isn't what you were expecting from a man like that at all. "I should have thanked you before, Steve."
Sam and Bucky's eyes went directly to Steve. You could see a half malicious smirk on Bucky's lips.
"Oh, it was you from before? The one he carried away?"
"Bucky..." Steve warned. Sam's eyebrow went up in your direction.
"I was just in the last one and he helped me. I had a broken leg, you know?" You tried to explain to Sam that hid a smile with his mouth "Again, thank you, Steve."
Steve smiled, his face still red as a tomato. You turned to Sam, ready to leave but he shook his head.
"Come on, you gotta stay with us to celebrate. First time I have you after I don't know how many years and you will just leave me like that?"
"Yes, it is Friday. I am going home, showering, resting my feet up, and sleeping until tomorrow morning."
"You do something big?" asked Bucky, biting a sandwich.
"You know the big new marketing building that opened downtown? I am kind assistant in there to a director." You answered "I am really sorry Sam, but this is my first three-day weekend in forever. Maybe a Sunday lunch?"
"I will hold you on that."
You hugged Sam and held your hand out to Bucky. When you turned to Steve, his blue eyes focused in your expression as before, when he saved you. You held your hand out, thanking him, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.
“Again, it was nothing. I would do it again if it is needed.”
You ignored Bucky’s laugh behind you and contained a smirk on Steve’s red face when he realized what he said. This tall and muscular man was nervous because of you? No, your senses were lying to you. You were nothing special really. Average but okay enough. It was probably your eyes deceiving it.
“I will hold into it, Steve.”
"Steve seems interested in you."
You only saw Sam’s text when you were home, shower taken, a comfortable and warm bathrobe, wine, snacks, and streaming ready. Sam had always been a little bit of a prankster and you bet that Bucky Barnes was involved in it too. It seemed just like that guy's personality anyway.
“No, I think he is seriously interested in you. What do you want me to say?"
The other text was a selfie. Sam's face was in front, with Bucky and Natasha their arms around Steve. How could a man look so attractive like that? It was unfair. You shook your head.
"He isn't, Sam. He prob dates Natasha or something."
No answer for a few minutes until your phone vibrated again.
"Nat? Nah, not happening. They are like brother and sister. Now, isn't Steve a little attractive? Just a lil? Especially in the uniform?"
You rolled your eyes, clicking on the selfie he sent you before, focusing on Steve's face. Of course, he was attractive. You debated if you should answer or not, biting your lips as you sent a final message.
"What did they say, Sam? Come on, we are all dying to know here. Steve more than anyone else!"
"Barnes, can you behave like a normal adult?" Natasha mocked, her arms crossed.
"Like I would be sharing with any of you. This is my best friend and Steve we are talking about here and I will show it to him only!."
"Like he won't tell us, right Nat?"
Sam shook his head, giving it up. He showed his phone and three heads got together to read it.
"Yes. Especially in the uniform."
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asgardianhusband · 3 years
“Tell Her, that I Love her.”
Natasha romanoff x Reader [Genderneutral]
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A/N: Since this is my First official Story that i posted i thought that it shouldn't be a too long one. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: It's the Endgame Scene but instead of Clint, It's you. You and Natasha have been together before infinity war and have a 5 Year old Daughter named Katie that you Two adopted.
As You and Natasha went to get the Soul Stone, You expected A lot but not what was About to Happen. You were shaking while you Listened to What the Guardian told You two, Natasha grabbed your Hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “We can't do this! I cannot loose you now, Tash!” You said while looking at Her, She looked to the ground and tried to avoid looking back into your eyes. “We have to get this stone, it's the only way for us to get everyone back! We can't fail, Think about Katie.” Her voice was calm even if her eyes filled up with Tears, You thought back to the moment after You went home when the Snap happened.
Natasha and You were upset, everything went the wrong way but you two were glad that you still had eachother. “Hey, where is our Little Princess?" You asked exited when entering the living room but there was no one, You looked around the House before you went to Your kids Bedroom. “Princess? Are in here? Your mom and I are home again.” you spoke softly before you Stood there in shook, on the floor before you was your child but not in a state you'd wished for. “Y/N? Did you find her?” She walked into the room and immediately knew what happened, you both stood there for minutes but it felt like Hours. “Katie, My Baby." She let out a Soft but shaky Sigh before hugging you from behind, You still couldn't believe that your Daughter was gone, It felt like a part of your Heart was missing. After You managed to get yourself together, you grabbed an urn and Carefully placed the ashes inside. You and Natasha placed the Urn on a shelf next to Your Daughters Favorite Plushie, You both Buried yourself in your Work after a Week.
--Flashback end--
Your Eyes filled with Tears that were already running down Your Face when you placed one hand on Natasha's cheek,Lifting her Face so she would look you in the eyes again. “moya lyubov', Please Look at me.” She slowly looked back into your eyes, She knew that it would Hurt you both to see the other one Crying but She couldn't just ignore her feelings. “If this is Our only Chance to get Katie back, then I'm ready to do Whatever it takes.” You said while kissing her on the Forehead, you slowly let go of her Hand to go to the edge. “No, no! I'll not let you Die! You sacrificed your Life for mine When we Met and I'm not willing to let Katie grow up without you!” She said while pulling you away from the Edge, You couldn't remember the Day when you two met but She always told you That you saved her and it almost cost your Life. “And i won't let her grow up without her Mother!” you said as She looked at you One last time “moy Mir, i won't argue with you. This is My Chance to prove myself, My chance to save you and Our Daughter and i won't let you take it from me. Remember that I love you okay?” You shook your head “you can't do this to me!Please!” She kissed you One last time before She poked you with one of the small Arrows that she kept for Bruce, you fell down on your knees. She Stood at the Edge and smiled at you “Tell Her,that I Love Her.” Your vision got very blurry but you still tried to crawl towards her and grab her Hand But it was already to Late. She let herself fall down and before you knew it,you passed out. When you woke up, You had the Hope for it to only be a Dream. But as you looked into your Hand, you realized that it was all real and you just lost The Love of your Life.
--Time skip--
After the Big Fight when everyone came back and Defeated Thanos, You were on your way Home. Nothing could've stopped you to Immediately getting Home when you get the chance to, You were nervous but also still Trying to get yourself together. You opened the Door, Immediately Hear the sound of Your Daughters voice “You're Home!” She ran up to you and hugged your waist, You couldn't believe it but she was really Here. You picked her up and Hugged her as tight as it was possible without hurting her, kissing her Forehead and stroking her cheek with one Hand. “I will never let you alone, ever again.” you said in a soft tone, She leaned her head against your Chest. “When is Mommy Coming Back?” she asked worried, your eyes started to tear up again but you tried to keep it together. “I'm afraid, she won't come back for awhile Princess.” You stroke her head while carefully pacing around the living room “But remember She loves you And will always do just like i will always love you.” She looked up and smiled while wiping away a tear with her pullover, after that she gave you a Kiss on the Cheek and told you not to worry because; “Mommy and I love you too.”....
[Notes: moya lyubov' = My Love , moy Mir = My life {Russian} ]
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imagineyourworld · 3 years
Congratulations on 100 followers you deserve it!!!
As for the requests can I ask i. with natasha romanoff please!
Thank you so much <3
This prompt is just perfect for Natasha! I really had fun writing this.
Hope you like it.
Love, Charlie
Natasha Romanoff x Genderneutral!Reader
i. "I love you, but that's not funny."
Natasha was late, again. It's not as if you hadn't known that before you even left the house, after all she was always late and you were always early, but for some reason you never learned to just leave a few minutes later. It didn't bug you all that much, it really didn't, but by now you've been waiting in the cold for almost twenty minutes and all you wanted was a hot chocolate and a kiss from your girlfriend. Your girlfriend, who finally appeared in your line of sight, though it took you a moment to recognize her in her oversized coat and scarf as big as your favourite blanket. It wasn't until you looked closer that you realized that Natasha actually was wearing your favourite blanket. She stopped right in front of you and before she could even greet you, or apologize for being late, you interrupted her. "Nat, are you wearing my blanket around your neck?" Natasha Romanoff was one of the greatest spies on the planet, highly trained and deadly, but when she was with you all these abilities seemed to vanish, at least as long as they weren't needed. That included her poker face. Just from the guilty expression on her face you could tell that she had snuck into your flat and stolen the blanket from your sofa. "May I ask why?" There it was, that smirk that made you fall in love with her in the first place. It somehow looked even better with her sheepishly biting her bottom lip and that mischievous glow in her eyes. "You know how we always talked about needing a reason to move in together?", she asked. You had talked about that. Both of you were actually very happy with your living situations, but you couldn't deny that whenever Nat was in town you spent more time over at her place than you did your own beloved flat. But even though you felt at home in her flat and loved waking up next to Natasha and spending the morning with her, something made you hesitant to give up your flat. "What if I told you that I had the perfect reason for you to move in with me?", she asked before you could even answer the first question. The now rising smirk and the way she glanced from you down to her feet made you more nervous than you wanted to admit. "What are you talking about?" Slowly, carefully, Natasha began to unwrap the scarf blanket from her neck. Once she was done she handed it to you and with a raised eyebrow and tension in every muscle in your body you took it. Of you knew whatever Nat was doing couldn't be something dangerous, but the suspense was killing you. "(Y/N), love, I'm expecting", she told you with the most serious expression she could muster. Your hands clenched tighter around the blanket in your hands. What was she talking about? There was no way she could be pregnant, no way at all. As slowly as she had unwrapped the scarf earlier she began to unbutton her oversized coat. She looked you in the eyes before opening it all the way and reaching inside with both her hands. "Is that...?" Natasha nodded, a loving smile on her face as she petted the little furball in her hand. She handed the grey kitten over to you and you instantly wrapped the shivering little thing up in the blanket in your hands. The kitten looked up at you with big blue eyes before it opened its mouth in a yawn. "Her name is Earl, Earl Grey. Blame it on Yelena, she found her wandering the streets all alone. She wanted to keep Earl herself, but she didn't get along with Fanny, so she gave her to me." You looked up from the sleepy kitten to face your girlfriend. The smile on her face now betrayed a hint of nerves, as if she wasn't sure whether her idea had actually been as good as she originally thought. "Nat, this is the perfect reason to move in together! You're away far too often and Earl needs someone at home to take care of her." Natasha's smile changed, from uncertain to warm enough to make you forget the freezing cold air. "What do you say we skip the hot chocolate and show Earl her new home instead?"
It had been a few weeks since you've adopted Earl, and only a couple of days since you officially moved in with Natasha. A couple of glorious days, at least until you woke up to find Nat's side of the bed abandoned. You checked the bathroom and the living room until you finally found her in the kitchen with her phone in her hand and Earl sitting on the counter in front of her. Well, not sitting on the counter to be exact. The little kitten was sitting in a teacup and Natasha had placed milk and sugar next to her for her little photo session. "What are you doing?", you asked, still too tired to make sense of the situation. Natasha turned around with a bright grin and stepped aside to give you a better view of her set up. "It's Earl Grey, in a teacup, just like Earl Grey tea." You looked from the poor cat to your grinning girlfriend and back to the cat. "Nat, darling, I love you, but that's not funny." She opened her mouth and put her hand on her heart in mock offence. "Excuse me, but her Ladyship and I think it's plenty funny", she told you in what was actually a pretty convincing English accent. You stepped closer to really look at the scene. Okay, maybe it was a bit funny, but you couldn't tell Nat now. Instead you pressed a quick kiss against her lips as you reached into the cupboard to start making yourself an actual cup of tea. "By the way, Yelena found another kitten named Ginger", Natasha said just as you turned the kettle on. "Maybe Earl could use some company." You both knew that you couldn't say no, not to Natasha's hopeful expression or Earl's big eyes staring up at you. "Fine, but we won't but her in a cup." "Actually, Ginger's a boy", Natasha told you as she began typing on her phone, probably telling Yelena to bring the newest addition to your family over. "And we both know you find it just as funny as I do." You looked at your special cup of Earl Grey again. "I won't admit to anything."
My original plan was slightly different, but I'm quite happy with the outcome. I also wasn't sure whether Nat would be a cat or a dog person, but since Yelena already has a dog I decided to give her a cat. I hope you liked it!
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holylulusworld · 3 years
13 k Followers 'Lucky #13' Celebration masterlist
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Here is the masterlist for the drabbles for my 13 k ‘Lucky #13′ Followers Celebration. The winner for the full one-shots is @moosekateer13. Congratulations again. I already outlined the story;)
I will publish the drabbles in random order. The first will drop today and I’ll try to post one drabble per day from now on.
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Credit for the beautiful text divider goes to @firefly-graphics​
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Tainted little angel​​
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Summary: Brats need to be punished.
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Nephilim!Reader; Dean x Nephilim!Reader
Warnings: roleplay, mentions of torture (nothing happens), fingering, oral (fem rec), smut, unprotected sex, the reader is a brat, and insatiable, roleplay
Square filled: Angel & Free Space (demon!Dean)
Words: 613
A/N: Sequel to: Best kind of torture
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Dean discovers twitter
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Summary: Myspace was only the beginning to Dean. Now he discovered twitter.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Genderneutral!Reader
Warnings: language, cocky Dean, tension, implied smut, Dean trends on Twitter, a hint of crack
Square filled: Dean Winchester
Words: 426
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Breed out
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Summary: Miscommunication leads to something dirtier…
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, smut, unprotected sex, quickie, idiots in love, different kinks, communication is important, breeding kink, marking kink, mentions of biting, Dean is a horny dog, the reader a bitch in heat
Square filled: Sex with Dean Winchester
Words: 720
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Mr. Grumpy
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Summary: Bucky hates omegas. You change his mind.
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, a/b/o, grumpy Bucky, scenting, grumpy Bucky, feisty omega, mentions of erections/knotting
Square filled: Bucky Barnes
Words: 1046+
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I didn’t get the memo
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Summary: Dean avoids you.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Warnings: a hint of angst, mentions of intercourse, implied smut, a hint of crack, fun, tension, the read is a sly bitch, Dean is about to get laid, Sam regrets he helped her
Square filled: Easy
Words: 713
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New Partner
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Summary: Sam f*cked up and you bring a new hunting partner in.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, OC Jeremiah, unnamed sheriff
Warnings: a little angst here and there, language, jealous Sam, grumpy Sam, arguments, tension, pining, implied smut, awkward Dean
Square filled: Sam Winchester
Words: 829
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Summary: Castiel steals Dean’s car to go for a ride with you.
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester
Warnings: Cas steals Dean’s car, fluff, angry Dean, mentions of characters death
Square filled: Impala
Words: 921
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Summary: That scent drives him wild…
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, scenting, true mates, imprisonment, reader is locked away in a cage, angry Steve, violence, fluff, hurt & comfort, cuddling & snuggling
Square filled: A/B/O
Words: 891
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Hard Candy
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Summary: You love hard candy, and other hard things…
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x fem!Reader
Warnings: shameless ogling, tension, implied blowjob, beginning of a blowjob, the reader is a teasing little shit, so is Jensen, handjob, mentions of sucking on a toe (is that a warning? you never know on Tumblr...)
Square filled: Hard
Words: 424
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Naughty or Nice
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Summary: Michael struggles to tame you sometimes.
Pairing: Michael!Dean x brat!Reader
Warning: language, bratty reader, implied blowjob, sub!reader, dominant Michael, needy reader
Square filled: Naughty
Words: 478
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Love in vain
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Summary: With Dean, your love is never in vain.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning: angst, fluff, mentions of past relationship
Square filled: Love
Words: 556
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Summary: Sometimes your colleague is a dork, an annoying one.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warning: fun, not funny jokes, Jensen being adorable, ackled is a word play, bad pranks, a hint of fluff
Square filled: Dork
Words: 627
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Code Red 
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Summary: Steve needs your help.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: Steve just can’t handle technology, he also likes to steal panties, mutual pining, the reader likes what she sees, wet Steve (that’s a warning), implied smut, implied christening of a washing machine
Square filled: Steve Rogers
Words: 715
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24 notes · View notes
I Don't Know How to Love Him, Pt. I
Bruce Banner x GenderNeutral!Reader, Set during the entirety of The Avengers. Part I of Unknown- will likely span all of Avengers, Age of Ultron, and Infinity War.
You are a former shield agent who gets dragged back into the business after Loki steals the tesseract. You meet a cast of fun characters along the way, and maybe even fall in love.
Word Count: 2,357
Contains: A reference to Sleipnir, Water-based powers, Meeting for the First time, fluff?, talk of blood pressure
Inspiration: I Don't Know How to Love Him from Jesus Christ, Superstar
Comments and Reblogs are appreciated! Thank you for reading.
You are not surprised when Nick Fury comes to visit you. There had been rumblings about a major incident at a Shield facility from your former colleagues- enough to make you concerned. Enough that Fury would try to drag you back into the life you left. Still, you're concerned when you see him sitting in your area, waiting for his order to be taken.
“My name is y/n, what can I start you with?” You ask, getting out your notepad ready to take his order.
“I’ll start with a coffee, black. And toast sliced diagonally.” He doesn’t look up at you, instead hiding his face behind the menu.
You smile, writing down the order as if it wasn’t code for something else, and reply, “Just a moment!” You walk over to the counter, where one of your coworkers is sitting. She is a teenager, bored out of her mind, waiting at the register for people to come up after they’ve finished eating.
“Hey, Sally. Something came up and I’ve got to run out of town for a bit. Let Karl know some family stuff came up- he’ll understand.”
“Does this mean I’ll have to cover the tables in your area?” She’s looking at you like you’ve just delivered the worst news of her life.
“No, I’m sure Chris can handle it. It’s a slow day. But Julie’s number is by the phone if you need to call in back-up.” You respond, taking off your apron and hanging it behind the counter.
You leave the building, giving a glance to Fury on your way out. You find his car almost immediately- its slick, clean and fortified- nothing like the other cars parked out front. You lean against the driver’s side door, waiting for him to exit. A few minutes later, he does.
“That bad, huh?” You ask
“Worse” He responds, walking towards you. You move out of the way and begin to walk around to the other side of the car.
“Glad you reached out, then.” You say, climbing into the passenger side.
There is silence as he begins to pull out of the parking lot.
“So. Aliens. Asgardian or Kree?” You ask.
“Asgardian, and just the one. Loki.”
“The trickster God? The one who got impregnated by a horse?”
“That’s the one. He’s got the tesseract.” Fury deadpans. You turn your head to look at the man you used to work for, who’s asking for your help.
“Were you doing experiments on the tesseract?” You ask.
He does not respond. You throw your head back and let out a sigh. “I never should’ve left”
“You shouldn’t have. But you did. And now you are back. I hope you enjoyed your time off, Commander.”
“Don’t call me that” You dismiss, “I assume I’m not the only one you’re retrieving for this mission. You didn’t call Carol, did you?”
“For someone who never met her you sure like to act as if you did, “ He retorts,” And no. I didn’t. She’s got bigger fish to fry.”
“So who else is on the team?” You ask again, just as you pull up to the airbase. You can see there is a quinjet waiting for you.
“Why don’t you see for yourself.” You grumble at him, staying silent for the rest of the time it takes to stop the car.
You begin to unbuckle and get out of the car when he adds, “I’ll meet you on the Helicarrier.”
“You have someplace to be, Director?”
“Just a few errands. Now go, or I’ll let the quinjet leave without you.” You roll your eyes at him and shut the door in his face, before making your way over to your new method of transportation.
A familiar face greets you as you step inside.
“Coulson. It’s great to see you, how have you been?” You pull him into a hug before he can respond.
“I’ve been great, Commander. You seem to have done, uh. Well for yourself.” He replies cheerfully but clearly confused by the outfit your wearing. You grimace at the use of that word again.
“New work uniform.” You glance down at yourself to see if it’s really that out of place compared to what he’s wearing- it is.
“Commander? Are you Navy?” Another voice asks. Coulson had been blocking your view up until this point, preventing you from seeing the unfrozen, unaged, and very much alive Steve Rogers. You had heard rumors from your old Shield pals but you weren’t expecting this. You lightly push Coulson out of the way to get closer to him.
“Coast Guard.”
Steve holds out his hand to shake yours. “Captain Steve Rogers.”
You accept and give a firm handshake, “Commander Y/n, though I prefer Y/n.”
“Y/n. Got it. Fury recruit you too?” At this point, both of you are ignoring Coulson, who has moved on to preparing the quinjet for take-off.
“Yes. Plucked me right out of retirement.”
“He brief you on the mission?” Steve’s eyes are examining you, trying to figure out how someone like you, who looks fairly young, could have already retired.
“Yes. Some powerful alien got ahold of the tesseract and plans to destroy the world. Very original.”
“I have some videos for you to watch of the other recruits, then.” Coulson interrupts your conversation to put on a video all about Bruce Banner and The Hulk. You aren’t surprised by his recruitment even if you find it a little dangerous. Bruce seems like a sweet man, but he’s got little control over the other man living inside him. You take a moment to pull Coulson aside while Steve is watching the video to talk about the legend sitting a few feet away from you.
“Were you not going to tell me that you unfroze Steve?” You whisper, indignant.
“I thought I let that leak to you through an old channel” Coulson defends himself.
“Well, ‘we found the ice cube and turned it into water' is not exactly the same as ‘We have defrosted Steve Rogers and he is exactly the same as he was during fucking World War II’”
You glance back at him to see he is still staring at the video. His body language tells you he’s listening to your conversation. You glare at Coulson before composing yourself and sitting back down in your seat. Steve and Coulson converse about the different ways people tried to recreate the Super Soldier serum over the years, and the importance of his old uniform nowadays.
Once the quinjet lands, you are greeted by yet another familiar face.
“Natasha, great to see you.” You do not go in for a hug, as you aren’t sure she’d like that. “Where’s Clint?”
“Loki has him.” The happiness you had deflated like a pierced balloon.
“Fury didn’t tell me that.”
“Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers. And you already know Commander y/n.” Coulson interjects once again. You give him a sideways glance.
“Ma’am?” Steve responds.
“Hi.” Natasha glances at Coulson, “They need you on the bridge. They are starting the face trace.” He nods, “See you there” And walks away.
You see Bruce stumbling around towards the three of you, clearly trying to stay out of everyone’s way, but failing. Whatever Steve and Natasha are talking about, you’ve blocked out.
“Dr. Banner.” You call out to him, and he walks over. You watch as he shakes hands with the other two first, and then shakes your hand. You can feel how nervous he is.
“They told me you’d be coming,” He tells the other two, “but not you.”
“No reason not to. It’s not like I’m the most top-secret thing Fury has under wraps. Though I guess that means he didn’t tell you about me either?” You look at Natasha as you ask her this.
She nods, “I would’ve told Dr. Banner about you had I known”
“I’m starting to remember why I left.” You say, feeling the water beginning to gather on the fingertips of your left hand. You brush past Natasha and head for the bridge.
When you get there, you see Nick Fury standing in his circle of computers, giving commands to start getting the Helicarrier ready to fly. He knows you're there before he sees you- the sounds of your feet are heavy against the tile floors.
“What aren’t you telling me? And more importantly- what aren’t you telling them?” You are confrontational, and the water in your hand has now formed a ball, encircling your fists.
“Is this because I didn’t tell any of them about you?”
The water ball condenses into a ball of ice. He glances down at your hand and back at you and rolls his eyes. “You said not to tell anyone about you, unless-”
“Unless they needed to know. I don’t know about you, Fury, I think my new teammates need to know” His blood pressure has gone up, and so has the blood pressure of every person on the bridge. You sigh, evaporating your ice ball away. You feel everyone’s blood pressure slowly begin to return to normal
“Look,” You say, getting closer to him. “Bruce doesn’t need to think he’s the most dangerous one here. And I certainly don’t need sideways glances from everyone who doesn’t know about me” You whisper.
“Don’t worry, y/n. I’ve got a plan.” He replies loudly, as the others approach.
You grumble under your breath as you back away from him “You wouldn’t have treated Carol like this.”
“A plan for what?” Steve asks.
“Capturing Loki. We’re running facial recognition scans now. I’ll let you know if we find anything.” Fury expertly redirects your previous conversation to fit in with the priorities of the mission.
“For now, you can get comfortable. Explore the ship, find where you’ll be sleeping.” Coulson adds.
The newly formed group of superheroes nod and set off in mostly different directions. You head to your old hang-out spot on the Helicarrier you once called home: The state of the art lab. You always enjoyed the view it had, both of the outside of the ship and the interior. It was a good place to get lost in thought and an even better place to observe the other people on the ship as they walked through the hallway. You take a seat on one of the tables, prepared to get lost in thought and clear your mind when Bruce walks in.
“Oh, are you- I can go.” His face flushes and he nervously scratches the back of his head.
“It’s fine.” You respond.
He hesitates but enters the room, beginning to investigate the various tools now at his disposal. He avoids making any eye contact with you as he walks around the room, looking, but not touching. You can feel that his blood pressure is elevated- and you're pretty certain it’s because of your presence. Eventually, he makes his way to a computer by the large window, overlooking the outside of the Helicarrier.
“Do you know what any of this stuff does?” Bruce inquires.
“No idea. This wasn’t my division when I worked for Shield.”
“Then why come here?”
You shrug, “It’s quiet, and not many other people come in here.”
“So Shield has a state of the art lab on their invisible, flying ship that they don’t utilize?” Bruce is perplexed by this revelation.
“There’s more than one. This one is the smallest, and the most exposed.” You reply, gesturing towards all the windows.
He nods at this, then opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, but closes his mouth again.
“You’re wondering about why I’m here- on this mission.” You guess what he was trying to ask you about.
“I’m back up. In case one of you dies, or goes off the rails.” You respond.
“So you’re here to make sure the other guy doesn’t go on a rampage” He seems a bit bitter about it, and his increasing blood pressure confirms that.
“That’s not the only reason. I’m also here in case Natasha or Steve kick the bucket, or if they decide to turn on us.” You are apathetic in your explanation.
“And how are you going to do that?”
“Do you want a glass of water?”
“Touchy subject? Don’t want to reveal your secrets?” He’s testing you, but he’s misunderstood why you asked the question.
“Quite the opposite.” You reply, forming a ball of water in your hand. You blow on it, sending it towards his direction. He reaches out to touch it, and you turn it into a ball of ice, which he quickly catches before it falls on the floor.
“How’d that happen?” Bruce is hoping for an interesting answer or a common experience in having an experiment gone wrong. But he would be wrong.
“I was born with it. At least, that’s what the Shield scientists think.” You bring back the ball of ice towards you, before evaporating it.
“So you’ve always had these powers?”
“Nope. They came with puberty.”
“So they think there’s some kind of gene that altered your genetic code giving you these special abilities that activated at puberty?” Bruce asks.
“Pretty much.”
“I’m assuming your life became pretty water-based after that” Bruce surmises.
“Essentially. It’s why I went into the Coast Guard. That’s how Shield discovered me.”
“Why not the Navy?” It’s a valid question, one you’ve fielded since you were a teenager about to graduate from high school.
“Coast Guard helps more with civilian rescue operations, less with tactical military strikes. It’s less prestigious-”
“Which means a lower likelihood of your powers being discovered.” He finished your sentence.
“Exactly. You understand.” By now, his blood pressure has come down and is more even, suggesting he’s calm. His eyebrow furrows in deep thought, as you sit in silence waiting for him to ask an obvious question.
“How do your powers affect the human body?”
“Well, Bruce. You tell me.” You begin, hopping down from the table you’d been sitting on. “The human body is 60% water.” You leave the room, allowing him to figure out for himself what kind of destruction you’d be able to cause. You already know the answer
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saberdeity · 3 years
𝐈𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ⇾ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
pairings ⇾ natasha romanoff x genderneutral reader
summary ⇾ nat gets hurt on the mission and the reader stays with her the entire time
warnings ⇾ mentions of injuries, battles, anxiety and worry
a/n ⇾ so ive just hit 700 followers 🥺!! thank you all so so much, I appreciate every single one of you and your support and I love you all! I've had this in my works for a while and I guess a sort of celebration I thought I'd share it with you all! I hope you like it 🥰🦋
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*not my gif, full credit goes to the owner*
Natasha Romanoff was brave. She did everything in her power to save everyone or anyone even if it meant sacrificing herself in the process. Her relationship with you only fueled her need to protect others, more importantly you.
Your relationship with Nat was everything you could ever wish for. She was kind, beautiful, caring and above all she made you happy and you made her happy too. It made missions slightly harder, although you agreed to not let your relationship influence your job you couldn’t help but keep an eye out for her every time you went on missions together.
This particular mission was going to be difficult, there were so many components that could go wrong and even though the entire team was assigned you couldn’t help but worry more and more that something bad was going to happen.
You were stood on the jet waiting to arrive at the target base, your foot bouncing against the floor as you picked at your fingernails, a habit you had from a long time ago. You felt a pair of hands rub over your shoulder blades reassuringly. You melted into her hands, knowing exactly who it was just by the scent you could smell.
“What’s troubling you my love?” She asks curiously.
“Nothing just have a bad feeling that’s all” You reply softly, turning to give her a convincing reassuring smile.
“Everything’s going to be fine baby, we’ve got each other’s back” She smiles placing a soft kiss to your cheek as Steve announced we were at the drop off point. You kissed her cheek softly before making your way off the jet, getting into position.
The fight was long and hard. The team underestimated the amount of Hydra agents in the base and no matter how hard you tried, they just kept coming and all you wanted to do was protect Nat. Everyone was overwhelmed, You, Nat and Steve were all on the one side trying to clear your sector before progressing to help the next.
You looked over to Nat taking down the agents around her until she was hit by a blast, throwing her against the tree, knocking her unconscious. Your heart rate sped up to an ultimate high, anger flowing through your veins as you took down all the agents around you quickly. Instantly, you ran over to him, holding back the tears as you looked at her injured state. You ripped apart your shirt, wrapping it around her leg and using it as a makeshift tourniquet to stop the bleeding in her leg.
“Nat’s down, unconscious but breathing we need to get her out of here now” You shouted into your COMS, the replies not registering in your brain as you held pressure on her other wounds.
“Everythings going to be okay baby, I’ve got you” You whisper repeatedly panicking completely at this point as Thor arrives to help evacuate her to the jet.
You continued to hold pressure on her wounds the entire jet ride back to the tower, nothing was really registering in your mind, all you could think about was keeping her alive. You followed the gurney all the way to the OR floor, only leaving her when they said you couldn’t go any further. You watched as they wheeled her into surgery, complete panic and shock flooding through your system as your head fell forward.
You looked down at your hands, her ruby red blood covering them entirely, the sight alone making you want to throw up. Your hands began to shake as the worst cases ran through your mind as your usual calm and rough exterior completely shattered at the thought of losing the love of your life. You were snapped out of your trail of thought when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head, meeting Steve’s worried eyes as you let the tears fall. He wraps his arms around you tightly, reassuring you that everything was going to be okay and no matter how much you wanted to believe him until you saw Nat you just couldn’t.
The next 5 hours felt like a lifetime, you couldn't sit still and it was probably exhausting for Steve as he watched you get up and then sit down then pace for a little while. It was the waiting you couldn't stand. You’d never stood up further than when the surgeon came out and explained Nat was okay, you thanked him continuously and practically sprinted to her room when he told you the number.
You let out a sigh of relief when you heard the monitor beep after each pump of her heart. You were instantly sat at her side pulling up the chair and intertwining your hands with hers. You didn’t know when or if she was going to wake up but you prayed every minute she would.
It had only been a few hours and you were still anxiously waiting by her bedside, telling her small little funny stories in the hope that she could hear you. You didn’t realise how tired you were until your head hit the bed beside her, your hand still in hers as you fell asleep.
A hard squeeze of your hand woke you up. Your eyes adjust slowly to be met with Nat’s beautiful grassy green eyes. You smiled widely, cheering a little when you saw her awake and okay.
“Oh my god, you're okay!” You said softly, happily getting up to place a soft kiss to her lips, not letting yourself cry again.
You sat back down, kissing the back of her hand as she wiped away the tear that accidentally fell down your cheek.
“I’m okay sweet girl, I'm here” She whispers as you let the tears fall freely.
“I’m so happy you’re okay, I love you more than anything” You whisper in reply, saying I love you for the first time.
“I love you too” She replies softly as you smile widely, moving to kiss her lips once again.
Nat had to stay in for a few more days, you stayed by her side the entire time, getting anything she needed and doing everything she wanted you too. Of course she tried to rush recovery, she just wanted to help in every way possible but she couldn’t argue with you when you told her to stop pushing herself so hard.
You had each other's backs and that's all that mattered.
Taglist: @multixfandomwriter, @cherrychris, @sw33tgirl,@averyhotchner, @aayaissaa
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syven-siren · 4 years
Kinkmas 2019 Masterlist
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Day 1: Mirror Kink & Praise Kink - Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Day 2: Angry Sex & Wall/Window Sex - Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Day 3: Formal Wear & Semi-Public - Tony Stark x Female!Reader
Day 4: Getting Caught & Deep Throating - Sam Winchester x GenderNeutral!Reader
Day 5: Spanking & Oral Fixation - Trevor Kirchner x GenderNeutral!Reader
Day 6: Threesome & Dirty Talk - Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader x Steve Rogers
Day 7: Blood Play & Voyeurism - Michal Langdon x Female!Reader
Day 8: Video/Pictures & Daddy Kink - Duncan Shepherd x Female!Reader
Day 9: Lap Dances & Ass Worship - Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Day 10: Sensory Deprivation & Edging - Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Day 11: Collaring & Lingerie - Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Day 12: Pregnancy & Breast Worship - Thor x Female!Reader
Day 13: Uniforms & Role-Play - Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Day 14: Cock Warming & Squirting - Tony Stark x Female!Reader
Day 15: Bonds & Begging - Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader
Day 16: Clothed & Cock Worship - Sam Winchester x GenderNeutral!Reader
Day 17: Thigh Riding & Public - Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Day 18: Aftercare & Mommy Kink - Younger!Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Day 19: Humiliation & Creampie - Duncan Shepherd x Female!Reader
Day 20: Loud Sex & Alpha/Omega - Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Day 21: Breath Play & Punishment - Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Day 22: Tickling & Biting - Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader 
Day 23: Impact Play & Hand Kink - Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Day 24: Stockings & Size Difference - Thor x Female!Reader
Day 25: Slow Sex & Marking - Male!Character x Female!Reader
Day 26: Phone Sex & Orgasm Control - Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Day 27: Lactation Kink & Toys - Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader
Day 28: Pet Play & Swallowing - Lucifer x Female!Reader
Day 29: Hair Pulling & Shower Sex - Sam Wilson x Female!Reader
Day 30: Aphrodisiac & Overstimulation - T’Challa x Female!Reader
Day 31: Master/Slave & Teasing - Loki x Female!Reader
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charlessxaviers · 5 years
𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
Natasha Romanoff x genderneutral!reader
*Takes place before Iron Man 2 and before Natasha became an Avenger
Love comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s disguised as something else. It’s natural for you to think about disguises because you are part of SHIELD and are used to going undercover. That’s why when you saw her, your heart stopped beating for a second. Your eyes widened and your palms became sweaty. 
You were in the middle of a shootout with no back up in a ballroom when she came out of nowhere. Dressed to the nines with a long black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. You were crouching behind a loveseat that you had flipped over to protect yourself from the bullets as you emptied your clip. 
She came from the other room, flawlessly did a somersault (how did it in that dress baffled you), knelt beside you, out in the open as she shot the two assailants with the Glock she had in her hand. 
You heard two people cry out in pain as she stood and took the magazine out to check how many bullets she had left and shrugged as she flipped her red hair over her shoulder. She shoved the magazine back in the Glock before walking over to you.
“You alright, Agent Y/L/N?” she asked, lending a hand to help you up.
“Great, I love being shot at without backup,” you said sarcastically.
“Well, I’m your backup. You got any bullets?” she asked, noticing your clip was empty. “Here,” she said, pulling her dress up to her thigh and pulling a gun out of the garter holster she had on her inner thigh. That alone had you caught off guard as she handed you a mini-Glock. You took it from her and her face became serious as she pressed her finger to the earpiece. “Got it,” she said, looking over at you. “We’ve got 3 more incoming, stay on my six,” she said, holding the gun up. You nodded, holding up your own as you prepared to go to battle with her. 
Before her, you didn’t believe in love at first sight, but now you do. Now she is your everything. Now she’s your life and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐩:
@blissmywife // @robwiethoff // @spideyboipete // @starksparker // @fairytaleparker // @peteparkrrs // @spidey-starks // @scarlettspidey // @h-osterfield // @noobwriter69 // @parkersvibes // @parkerpuffwrites // @1-800-holland // @tracethisfeeling // @tomshufflepuff // @dani-pierce2 // @unholyhaz // @eeyore101247 // @awkwardfangirl2014
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gingers-writing · 6 years
Master List
Fan Fictions
* = Smut
^ = fluffy
Requesting Rules + Prompts
Valentine’s Special’s
Lucifer Morningstar (Fem!reader) ^
Bruce Banner (Fem!reader) (* near the end)
Hansel Grimm (Fem!reader) 
Star Wars 
- Kylo Ren
Jealous Kylo Ren, *
- Poe Dameron
You’re a goddess, *
Internal Ships
Bruce X Tony (Science Bros), little NSFW *
Ghosts in the Tower (No shipping),
- Avengers 
Daughter of Gaia, Pt2,
- Series
Bruce Banner,
The first Period with…
The first baby with...
Clint Barton,
Thor Odinson,
Loki Odinson,
Tony Stark,
Steve Rogers,
Bucky Barnes,
Natasha Romanoff,
Phil Coulson,
Bruce Banner,
- Bruce Banner
Bruce x Male!reader,
Pregnant!ill!Reader X Bruce,
- Loki X Reader
Stealing my clothes (fem!Loki x fem!reader) 
Servant (male reader), P1, P2, P3
Pregnant!Reader X Loki,
Thor x Loki x Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Loki,
Sex with Loki, *
Sharing a bed with Loki (Narrative)
Physical Therapy,
Little Loki, ^
- Thor X Reader
Thor X Loki X Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Thor, ^
Sex with Thor,*
NSFW alphabet (male reader) *
- Tony X Reader
Depressed!Reader x Tony,
Imagine dating Tony Stark (Male reader)
NSFW alphabet
When Dad Found Out (Stark!daughter x Peter Parker)*
- Steve X Reader
Miracle, *^
Sex with Steve, (male reader) *
Boyfriend Steve Headcanon, (male reader) ^
Flower Talk,
- Bucky X Reader
Doll *
21st Century Club, * 
Dating Bucky headcanon (male reader),
Shower Duet, *
- Clint Barton X Reader
NSFW Alphabet, * 
- Natasha Romanoff X Reader
- Eggsy Unwin
3 Years together, *
BBC Sherlock
- Johnlock
PDA in the alley,
- Sherlock
Depressed Reader,
Miss Adler, P1,
- Mycroft
Secret Relationship,
Deaf Reader,
First night sleeping together, ^
Making Mycroft Holmes happy, (pregnant!reader) ^
How you ended up dating Mycroft Holmes, ^
Harry Potter Universe
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weaselly
- Hermione Granger
- Draco Malfoy
NSFW Alphabet, *
Shameless, *
Genderneutral Sex, *
Draco or Harry, ^
Sad Horny Wolf, *
- McHanzo
Young *
574 notes · View notes
markusstraya · 6 years
Archery Lessons
Pairing(s): Clint Barton/Hawkeye x GenderNeutral!Reader, Platonic!Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning(s): Clint being annoying
Word Count: 713
Summary: Ever since meeting your now partner Clint Barton, you’ve always wanted to try using his bow. After teaching you the basics, you realise your mistake and remind yourself to never ask him about it again.
Request(s): Anon -> “Could I get a hawkeyexgenderneutral reader where he’s trying to teach the reader how to properly do archery, but it devolves to ridiculous levels? That’s kinda vague, but I’m kinda gunning for ‘it started out as a normal archery lesson, I never expected it to end like this’ and the ‘this’ is just some ridiculous antics? Idk I'm rambling at this point, but I’d love to see how you write Bird Boy”
Authors Note: Welp, all done and dusted, onto the next request I suppose! Thank you to the Anon who requested this, I quite enjoyed it! This is my first time writing for Hawkeye, so I apologise if he’s not completely in character. Also, I apologise for the short length. Enjoy!
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“Okay, now try shooting through the hoop!” Your boyfriend exclaims, as he giddily jumps back, waiting for you to shoot.
“You know, Clint,” You adjusted your grip on his bow, “when I said I wanted to learn how to shoot at arrow, I didn’t expect you to have me go through these ridiculous trials.” You turned your head to the side to face him, annoyance clear in your eyes. Ever since you’d met Clint, you’d been intrigued with how accurate he was with his bow, but it wasn’t until last week that you had finally asked him if he could teach you. You can still remember the look of pure excitement and joy on his face as he told you when and where to meet him, before he subsequently ran off to who knows where.
You’d been doing well, so far, only a few hours into the ‘lesson’, and you’d hit a bullseye, prompting your significant other to pull you close to him, both of your excitement washing through you as you jumped and squealed with joy. Little did you know, that that bullseye would be a huge mistake on your part, as Clint was now having you try to hit the target whilst watching out for obstacles. Exhibit A; he now had tied up an old hoola-hoop to god knows what, gently pushing it, so it swung from side to side.
“Come on (Y/N), it’s not that hard!” You glared at him, before replying, “It isn’t for someone who can’t miss!”
“Guys!” A new voice enters the room. “Can you please stop arguing, there are cadets in the next room over doing their testing.”
“Sorry, Nat.” The red-head looks over to Clint and nods her head, before turning to you.
“I see he’s gotten you to stage two of his shooting game.” She whispers as you nod. “How are you dealing with it?”
“Not good.” You whisper back. “He won’t listen to me, when I tell him how ridiculous it is. I’ve already tried to shoot three arrows through the hoop, and they’ve all missed.”
“Can’t help you there, (Y/N), he’s your trouble now.” She walks towards the exit and before leaving, calls out over her shoulder. “Good luck!”
Sighing in defeat, as your last resort struts out, you turn to face the target that’s being blocked by the swinging hoop. Taking a deep breath, you pull the string back, aiming at the target, and waiting for the right moment…
The released arrow had just missed the bullseye. “So close, (Y/N), but you’re getting so much better!” He pulls you toward him as he hands you another of his purple arrows. “Try again!” You can already feel the frustration towards your boyfriend running through your veins, but alas, you try again. And again. And again. It’s not until your 16th failed attempt, that you finally break.
“Clint, this isn’t working. I can’t do this, can we just pack it up and leave?” He looks at you as though he’s a wounded puppy.
“Come on (Y/N), just one more!” By this point you’re so sick and tired of him saying “one more” that you stomp forward and snatch the arrow from his outstretched hands. Stalking back to your spot, you nock the arrow and as you pull the string back, you face him, all the anger you’re feeling directed towards him in one long look as you take a blind aim. You let go.
Not bothering to see where it landed, you strut past him muttering a quick, “You owe me big time,” before you slam the wooden door behind you.
 Clint’s POV
I’m in so much trouble. The look on (Y/N)’s face told the whole story. Now that I think about it, I probably did go too far with this exercise. My eyes widened in amazement, as the arrow finally hit the bullseye. Mouth hanging open in my astonishment, I barely heard my partner when they muttered, “You owe me big time,” as my brain was still registering what in the actual hell had just happened. It was another 10 seconds after (Y/N) slammed the door when I gained my composure again, becoming a stuttering mess, as I attempted to race after them, still not believing what I’d just witnessed.
Forever Tags! (I apologise if tags don’t work!)
@theonegirlunderyourbed @jemjem-chan @reading-in-moonlight
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
Truth Or Dare (Natasha x Reader)
Character: Natasha Romanoff
Fandom: Avengers/Marvel
Categories: Reader Insert, GenderNeutral!Reader
Title: Truth or Dare
  Requested by anon:
Can you do a fluffy imagine where the reader is playing truth or dare with the avengers and is dared to kiss who they think is the most beautiful person man or woman in the room and they lean in and kiss Natasha without even having to think even though they're not in a relationship with her but find her to be the most beautiful. If that makes sense. I got the idea from the perks of being a wall flower.
A/N: I don’t really know why I pictured them being tipsy, but it was hilarious imagining the Avengers all delirious and giggly so there! Hope you enjoy!
  I would have never expected to be sitting with the Avengers playing truth or dare. Sure, my friends and I had drunk a lot and felt a little bit tipsy. Still, thinking that a bunch of superheroes who were all mighty and powerful and saved the world every day were entertaining themselves with such a silly and childish game was just hilarious.
Thor slammed down the glass bottle –so hard that I was very surprised that it didn’t break –and looked up at us with a goofy grin plastered on his lips. Then he openly laughed at nothing, allegedly because of his intoxicated state, and spun the bottle without further ado.
“You spun too hard, silly!” I giggled, punching Thor in the arm.
The bottle kept spinning for a while, causing us all to laugh at that absurdity. Steve yawned openly, resting his jaw on his hand, and feebly observed the bottle as it slowly began to stop spinning.
“Why did we let muscle head here spin again?” Tony shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest impatiently.
Everyone else –Nat, Clint and Bruce –were also watching the bottle but in silence. We all were truly amused by it though, especially Thor himself because he chuckled to himself at his own deed.
“Finally” Natasha muttered once it finally stopped.
“Y/N” Steve sat up straight, relieved that we could continue the game when it fell on me.
“Okay then” I said to buy myself some time to think, even if my instinct took over and I replied almost immediately after. “Dare!”
“That’s the spirit” Bruce, probably the most sober one, gave me a soft smile.
“You have to…” Tony began, pointing a finger at me. “You have to kiss the most beautiful person in the room”
A silence established in the room as I scanned their faces. Thor was groggily fixing his hair, Tony was smirking to himself as he eyed me impatiently, Bruce seemed utterly uninterested, Steve watched me curiously, Clint was grinning in excitement and Natasha was looking at everyone else as well.
As soon as Tony said those words I already knew who I wanted to kiss, but I pretended to be struggling about it. Even if it was just to see the face Tony made when I didn’t kiss him despite his obvious smug expression, thinking it was him. Or Thor’s, for that matter.
“Okay” I shrugged, sitting on my knees instead of my butt and making a dramatic pause.
Everyone was completely silent again, watching my every move very closely. Then I giggled, realizing I was slightly drunk myself, and leaned closer to Nat. Just as I read the realization passing through her eyes, I smashed my lips on hers.
Everyone whooped at the kiss and cheered us on. The kiss was very brief, but incredibly sweet and exhilarating. It made my heart race in the best way possible and send shivers of bliss all over my body, making my fingers tingle.
When I pulled away I took a good look at her face and felt myself blushing when I realized she wasn’t smiling. Even if I noticed a little glint in her eyes, of… happiness?
“Nicely done, Y/N” Thor softly clapped my shoulder, even if he made me wobble.
“Didn’t know you had it in you” Clint commented with a kind grin.
“I mean, I was gonna say I was flattered” Tony jokingly rolled his eyes. “But then you go and kiss the wrong person. Am I not attractive?”
“If you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked for it, Stark” I teased him, sticking my tongue out at him.
“I didn’t want the blasted kiss, I wanted the compliment” He threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Do I really have to explain?”
“I think we get it” Bruce chuckled a little.
“You wanted her to inflate your ego” Steve was suddenly very amused.
“That is too bad, friend” Thor laughed at him.
“Sorry, Tony” I turned to Nat, about to drop the compliment he so desperately wanted but directed towards her. But I noticed she was very quiet.
Bruce awkwardly cleared his throat, letting me know I wasn’t the only one that had noticed.
“Your turn, Clint!” Steve encouraged him, clearly to change the subject.
I glanced at him and gave him a subtle nod to which he sweetly smiled. But soon my attention was directed back to Natasha, as we kept throwing each other sneaky glances during the rest of the game.
Was I glad I didn’t drink too much the other day, my hangover wasn’t too hardcore. I just had a bit of a headache, but the guys were so much worse. Thor, apparently due to his god status, was completely okay, and so was Bruce since he didn’t want to drink too much. Clint and Steve felt a bit tired but that was about it. Tony, on the other hand had a hangover judging by the sunglasses and the pale face.
“What a day it was, huh?” I commented, even if I kept looking at the door. Natasha wouldn’t show up to our meeting.
“We’ve had much worse” Clint joked with a bright grin on his lips.
“Talk for yourself, Robin Hood” Tony plopped down on an arm chair and rested his hand against his forehead.
“Don’t worry” Steve whispered in my ear, startling me since he was suddenly next to me. “I don’t think she’s mad at you”
I took a quick look around to make sure the rest weren’t listening. Luckily, Thor had said something and was now debating with Bruce. The rest gladly joined in.
“What?” I turned to Steve, frowning in apprehension.
“I know Nat, she’s not angry” He repeated, leaning on the chair I was sitting on.
“We were a little drunk and I shouldn’t have…”
“You can always tell her you didn’t really mean it but…”
“What is that supposed to mean, Steve?”
“Do you regret it?” It felt like he knew more than he was letting on.
“No…” I shrugged, knowing how close Nat and I were. “It’s Nat after all!”
“So you don’t regret it” He grinned widely. “Because you’re really good friends or because you meant it?”
“I…” I had started talking when I realized I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Well, I just…”
I actually jumped up when the door opened, revealing Natasha. I immediately glanced up to Steve, almost asking him for help. He chuckled fondly at that.
“Just be honest, Y/N” He softly put his hand on my shoulder. “And not only with her, with yourself too”
“I can’t do it, I…”
“Sure you can!”
Steve kindly held me by the arm and softly pulled me to my feet, which was the little boost I needed. I took a deep breath and nodded to myself, even if I caught Steve nodding back to me.
As I headed to meet with her, I was surprised to see Natasha was smiling at me. She also was walking my way, and the thought of facing her about the kiss caused my heart to race like I was kissing her again instead.
“Hello” She told me when we were at hugging distance from each other.
“Hey, Nat” Everyone absently replied, too focused in their conversation.
But she was still looking at me. Staring, and her beautiful eyes focused on mine flustered me greatly.
“Look, about the kiss…” I began to say, thinking it was best to get over it quickly.
“What about it?”
“I was drunk. I mean, not too much, but we were all kinda tipsy and…”
“Oh…” She suddenly seemed disappointed. “So you didn’t mean it? I thought you were pretty sober”
To be honest, I was just drunk enough to get rid of my inhibitions but not so much that I wasn’t aware of what I was doing. I knew the alcohol kind of gave me the courage to do something I wouldn’t have been brave enough to do on my own. And that was kiss my crush Natasha.
“I just… Never mind that, I just wanna make sure I didn’t upset you” I averted my gaze since she refused to do so herself. “I would hate to think you’re mad at me”
“Why are you so shy about it, Y/N?” Natasha took my hand, and when I looked up at her she was smirking. “It was just a little kiss”
“I know, but it was with you and…”
“So? You didn’t enjoy it?”
“It’s not that, I loved it! But…” I started to blush, I could feel my cheeks burning.
“Does that mean you would like to do it again?” The smugness in her voice definitely meant she was teasing me a little, but I didn’t change my sheepish demeanor.
“Of course I would, I just…” I couldn’t finish, because something was suddenly against my lips.
When I felt a soft squeeze in my hand, I gasped. It made me grow aware of what was actually happening, because Natasha was kissing me. Those were her lips against mine. Her soft, sugary lips warm against my lips.
I let out a breath I realized I had been holding in this whole time. Then I melted into the kiss and softly squeezed her hand too, which caused her lips to curve up.
I sighed as we broke apart, realizing my eyes had closed on their own when it took me a few more seconds to open them. Nat was sweetly smiling at me.
We heard a chuckle so I looked over my shoulder to see Steve looking at us in amusement. I glared at him, annoyed, and he apologetically waved his hand in the air.
“Sorry, you two are just adorable” He excused himself from the other side of the room. That, unfortunately, made the others realize.
Feeling self-conscious, I quickly let go of Nat’s hand. But it didn’t take her even one second to hold it again, making me grin.
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