#c: sykes
lyxchee-art · 4 months
Idk if I did this accurately
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Spotify Wrapped Prompts !
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Sorry it took me a week!! 😅 But here they are, for those of you who requested in the comments section ^^ (Those of you who requested in the ask box, I will answer you individually cuz its just easier ^^ )
Some are much longer then others. Some are just sentences. Its just whatever came to mind regarding to song! And no, I'm not giving you the song XD Just a line or two. If you wanna do sleuthing that's your prerogative but its mostly country and I know that's not everyone's cuppa tea 😅😅😅 Without further ado- here we go!
Included down below; Professor Ratigan (3), Judge Claude Frollo (6+7), Bill Sykes (13), Percival C McLeach (14), Wheezy Weasel (39), Hades (66) and Jafar (77).
3. Professor Ratigan Prompt 🎶'If you go down, I'm goin' down too'🎶
"You are my husband. If you go down, I go down with you. There are no if's and's or but's about it."
"My dear... That's not going to happen."
"I know- I know." Do you? You should, because he's so smart and you trust him, but still there's a nagging itch in the back of your mind telling you that one of these days one of these things is gonna fail. Taking a deep breath, you squeeze his hands in yours. "I just... want you to know."
With one of those dark and sinister smirks on his face, Ratigan gives you a kiss on the forehead; speaking lowly only to you. "Then we'll go down together, hmm? Two burial plots side-by-side~ "
6. Judge Claude Frollo Prompt (Fem Reader) 🎶'Jezebel, you're bound for Hell.'🎶
You're a woman who murdered her father's lover (You couldn't bear for your mothers heart to be broken) and find yourself under the judgment of one Judge Claude Frollo.
Will he send you to the gallows for your crime? Maybe not, if you keep flirting with him from across the courtroom.
Bat your eyelashes, Smirk those pretty lips, Make sure he gets a good look at your legs when you shift in your chair, do all these things in order to survive. Maybe you're only doing it to survive, maybe you actually like it. The way he looks at you.
7. Judge Claude Frollo Prompt 🎶 'Don't lie, I know you think about it in the back of your mind' 🎶
You're just a secretary in the office and the judge has made it quite clear what he wants from you. You refused him steadfast, of course, because you have dignity. And you're saving yourself.
But you cant stop thinking about it. What it might be like to say yes.
You know perfectly well that you shouldn't but with every day that goes by, your resolve grows thinner and thinner.
13. Bill Sykes Prompt 🎶'Thirty-one, waiting tables. She has They have a voice of an angel. Out of money and power. She only sings in the shower'🎶
You were working a dead-end job, living a dead-end unloved life until Bill Sykes walked into the diner you wait at. He walked in at the stroke of 4 in the afternoon, when you were supposed to leave- so, you weren't happy about it that day but had to go help him.
It was a curse at the time but now he has you singing at beautiful clubs and you have a penthouse and you don't have to wait anymore. People love you.
And yes he scares you sometimes- but the terrible man can be undone by your voice.
14. Percival C McLeach Prompt 🎶'I like em unavailable; guess that's just me.'🎶
You have a long history of going for the Wrong Guy. They're wrong because they're always taken already, a fact you only discover after the fact.
Now here's this guy- a rugged Australian guy from the middle of the outback. He's older and kindof uneducated and kind of brash but he always takes his hat off when he talks to you and opens doors for you, and... you're developing feelings for him.
He's completely not your type- you don't think he's ever dated before, and he definitely wouldn't have the sense of subtlety to pull off cheating. He wants you to be his one and only.
He thinks you're amazing. He thinks you're smart, funny, interesting, and beautiful. You feel kind of... greedy... finally having someone who just wants you.
But you're gonna make the jump. Whatever happens, happens. But at least this one truly wants you.
39. Wheezy Weasel Prompt 🎶'It's genius It's gonna be awfully rough on those children'🎶 This one's a little different! You got a Newsies Song, The Bottom Line (My favourite) so I- obviously- had to do something sticking with that theme XD
Imagine you're in the position of Joseph Pulitzer's secretary (Hannah's character). You only got this job to be a help to the Toon Patrol (Wheezy, especially ^^). In this position you could easily sway the writing in the papers in the patrols favour, striking out any bad press. Yes, they would still get a bad reputation via word of mouth but it would be unofficial. Good notoriety in the papers would at least offer them some mystique.
This is hard enough on you. You hate deceiving people. You hate what the Toon Patrol do! But you love Wheezy, and you have to help him.
When Joseph bumps up the price of the papers, making life so so much more difficult for the newsies- the poor children, - to do their jobs and earn enough money to even feed themselves- you go home overwhelmed and in tears.
Wheezy's there to gather you in his arms and glare at Smartass when he sighs at you (How silly you are (Its just business)). He never wanted you to do this job! He never wanted you to be apart of this crap.
And now here you are sobbing because you're so stressed out and so sad- and- he's gotta get you out of this. He will get you out of this.
66. Hades Prompt 🎶'Dressed to kill'🎶
Imagine being a indebted servant to Hades along with Meg except you don't do a whole lot of the... communications work, that Meg does. So you don't have to look as nice all the time. You're often in the underworld with Hades helping him strategize and doing paperwork-type stuffs. You're closer with Hades then Meg is but it has never been a flirty thing, with you two. Just friendly. He's grown to actually like you- he's happy when you're around- you can calm him down when he's starting to lose his temper.
And honestly you like him, too. Despite the indenture. Somehow.
One day by some miracle Hades is in such a good mood, he lets you and Meg go for the day. You can do whatever you like but be back by sunset or he'll be pissed.
So you take the opportunity to wear something prettier then usual! Why not??
... When Hades sees you both leaving, that's when the penny finally drops.
He loves you.
How the hell did this happen!??-
77. Jafar Prompt (Fem Reader) 🎶'He don't know it 'cause I sure don't show it. When I kiss him goodbye and I wish him good luck'🎶
You try so hard to hide it; pretend like you're the perfect wife and you have no secrets. When you kiss your husband goodbye before you separate for the day, him going to the kitchens to work and you to laundry rooms, you look like the perfect young couple.
No one expects a thing.
Except you're truly being courted by a tall, dark, devastatingly handsome man you cant tell a soul about. And your husband, likewise, has a gentleman of his own to hide.
At night Jafar will meet you in the gardens where no one but the princess and the Sultan are allowed to roam, except they're asleep when you slip by. You're all his then and, truly, you're all his all the other hours in a day.
And he's all yours ^^
-But you cant tell a soul.
These are all Free to Use if you want ^^ Please tag me if you do use them! I so so wanna read them! ^^
Thank you so much for participating! ^^
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kissentz · 1 year
they are my babies
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bitbrumal · 1 year
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                             HEADCANON         ↤  ayaks  ::  ''''LUST FOR BATTLE''''  ↩
ayaks headcanon that was part of a sex values headcanon under a readmore but really needs its own post bc wow does it underlie much of him:
while he would prefer a steady, trusted partner who he can really... UnLeash HimSelf with. that's not in the cards, & he's not like. hopeful or optimistic. it's not a dream he's bothered with; it's just... emotional intimacy is not something he strives for.
in a way of course he does, because it's a human need that when repressed will rear its head in uglier ways—& there we find him tasting people's blood despite the risk of disease. chasing the high of adrenaline instead of arousal, the intimacy of violence instead of an embrace.
in the non-virgin verse that i thought would be more canon, he sleeps around to scratch the itch & doesn't fully notice that he wants something more, because... that all goes into the pile of. human-y shit that As A wEApOn he totally has no use for. it's in the 'discarded' pile of his internals. he'd have to Experience it to have cause to let himself feel it again. otherwise, it remains a done & dusted topic.
in fact, my 'virginal chad' interpretation of yakyak is basically bc he puts all of that stuff into battle & avoids, subconsciously, like the plague—anything that would remind him of what he's lost. intimacy. he was a soft kid & he still is, now he's just what a soft kid becomes when they have to be hard or else die. by which i mean he wouldn't have been the type to fuck heartlessly, even if he would've been capable of hook-ups & the like. he'd like to sleep with ppl he likes, a sharing of affection that passes into the physical - even if not romantic per se or even all that deep. it would've been fun, lighthearted, & meaningful the way joy gets to be meaningful.
as it stands now, honestly i imagine you'd have to rile him up & pin him down in battle & turn that tide into sex yourself, & that'd open his eyes ( if. y'know. he's into you as a person before that point DF;LKJASDF ). otherwise i think he just deflects the fuck away from his own reaction to the concept, so thoroughly compartmentalised that he won't even suspect himself. just, no emotions at all re: sex & no need to scratch the physical itch with something other than battle. so he thinks he's not interested. he would certainly not be shy or flustered, but if you want to do it outside of battle you'd have to... coax. pace yourself? look he has reflexes & you're cornering a part of him so deeply buried he only has coping mechanisms to respond with so be fucking careful lol.
eyes my shipping partners
smn: do u know how to fuck? yak: ofc lol smn: oh?? :eyes: yak: wasn't intentionally lying but is a virgin, just doesn't consider himself one. too old for that, virgins is for puberty.
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deepdarkspaceblog · 3 months
'Red Genesis' Takes A Romantic View Of Mars' Future
'Red Genesis' is a hidden gem among SF novels. Rarely mentioned it deserves high and constant praise. #sf #scifi #books #bookreview
Red Genesis (1991) by S. C. Sykes is a gentle, yet gripping story of Mars and humanity’s attempt to colonise it. Sykes’ vision for our future is lamentably naïve when looking back at the last three decades. However, that naïvety enfolds the reader like a warm blanket making Red Genesis a future we can all wish to come true. Graham Kuan Sinclair is the head of his family’s multi-billion dollar…
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odk-2 · 1 year
All Images by Bunny Yeager 1950's/1960's
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Cindy Lee 1960s
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Betty Sykes 1950's
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Ruth Anderson 1960's
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Kitty Alden 1950's
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Tee Tee Red Burlesque Performer 1950's
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Maria Stinger @ The Marine Corps Air Station in Miami, Florida c.1960's
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Topless Beauty Pageant 1960's
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Bunny Yeager Self Portrait 1950's
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period-dramallama · 6 months
How much worse would "Becoming Elizabeth" be if the two-headed monster known as Fraham had written it?
This ask kept me awake for hours.
The key difference would be that we would go in with zero expectations, so we wouldn't be disappointed, for the most part.
I think Fraham would accidentally make the good decision to not give Tommy S too much screentime. They'd give us Gaston from Beauty and the Beast with a side order of child abuse. That's it. Whereas Becoming Elizabeth spent aaaaaaaages trying to flesh out Tommy S and his insecurities and his terrible judgement and his relationship with his brother.
....and nobody asked for that.
Having said that, Fraham would squander 110% of the benefits of this accidentally wise decision.
What does the show look like? AU below cut. You have been warned.
-Upon the death of Henry VIII, Elizabeth receives a Mysterious Box. The label tells her she must open this box on her 18th birthday. What's inside the box? Watch the show and find out.
-Someone calls Jane 'cute'.
-Jane calls Elizabeth 'a mean girl'. References! Look how contemporary we are!
-Anne Stanhope has a pointless scene of her trying on Katherine's jewels, while topless. Why is she topless? No-one knows.
-For her 16th birthday party, Elizabeth does full Anne Boleyn cosplay. Katherine does the necklace thing but doesn't tell her to change. So.... it's still pretty obviously AB cosplay.
-Elizabeth Hates Sewing and wants to be a Leader so Robert Dudley gives her secret sword-fighting lessons. Shippers are torn between thinking this is cheesy and stupid, and the need to have Content.
-While hunting, Elizabeth accidentally shoots a peasant. Robert helps her bury the body in the woods. It's a Serious Moment for Elizabeth's Journey. So naturally it's never referred to ever again.
-The scene where Katherine discovers the truth about Tommy S and Elizabeth is... more graphic.
-Katherine has a graphic C-section.... and survives. Syke! She dies offscreen of a post-partum infection anyway.
-Mary Seymour dies as an infant... because Tommy S got drunk and dropped her down the stairs.
-John Dudley is a full-on Trump expy. He's racist to Pedro for no other reason than to signal he's No Good Very Bad.
-Alternatively, John Dudley is a Male Feminist who Leans In and Respects Wamen and tells Robert that his girlbossery comes from following his mother's example unlike his father Edmund Dudley who was a Useless Loser Who Got Beheaded. This clumsily foreshadows that John will one day be the Useless Loser Who Gets Beheaded.
-either way, we still don't get Jane Dudley.
-Mary chokes on a communion wafer and is saved by Pedro, because he's a Civilised Spaniard who knows something the Backward English don't know. (Basically the Heimlich Manoeuvre.)
-John Dudley tells Mary "we've had enough of your popish paraphernalia!" This line is so clunky and difficult to say that it becomes a meme.
-In their confrontation in the woods, Mary and Elizabeth get so angry they start to duel. It's surprisingly well-choregraphed. "Romola Fencing Champion" trends on Twitter. (Alicia is also pretty good).
-The duel descends into the two women rolling around in the mud and fighting. This sparks Discourse. Was it kinky accidentally, or on purpose?
-In their director's commentary of the scene Emma Frost calls the fight "their Anakin and Obi-Wan moment". She says this over a shot of Mary trying to crush Elizabeth's windpipe with her thighs.
-Edward's disease uses up presumably a large chunk of the special effects budget. He bleeds from the nose, eyes, mouth, and ears. Oliver Zetterstrom in an interview says this was his favourite bit to film because of course it was.
-John Dudley is so desperate for Edward to survive that he chooses black magic. Pentagrams, chanting, candles, sacrifices, the works. A black cockerel is sacrificed and John Dudley is sprayed with blood. Some members of the audience are kind of into it.
-Despite England being too backward for the Heimlich manoeuvre, Henry Grey performs mouth to mouth and CPR on Edward.
-No sign of Frances Grey, it goes without saying.
-Edward is dying and Elizabeth has just turned 18. Time to open the Mysterious Box! Inside are two canopic jars and a letter. The letter is from Henry VIII. He tells her that Anthony Denny is tasked with sending her the Mysterious Box. Henry says he has had a prophetic dream revealing that Elizabeth has been Chosen. He apologises for dismissing her because she was a girl and her mother was a Wicked Slut. She must wait for Edward and Mary to die as it has been foretold, then she will be Queen and preside over a Golden Age. After his death, the canopic jars will be filled and given to her as proof of his faith in her.
And what's inside the canopic jars? Why, the heart and stomach of a king! And of a king of England, too!
The End.
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anastasiareadsnwrites · 2 months
Money, Money, Money Part I (Margaret "Peggy" Sykes x Obsessed!Female! Customer) Part I, Part II
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Authors note: Thank you for requesting, love. I am too ensure that this one-shot or possibly series is to your liking. I still haven't made any Masterlists to any of the fandom or fore so on the MAIN Masterlist. Which is to take some time as of the moment.
Original anon ask
Summary:Peggy has a new customer and her new customer is absolutely obsessed with the woman, lustfully and adoringly.Taking the advantage of your upper hand you can't help but adore the woman who is at your mercy. With a small twist.
Warning(s): Obsessed reader, Guns, knives, fighting, lustful thoughts, smut**, Oral sex (Peggy!Receiving), Fingering (Peggy!Receiving), whips, paddles, hair pulling, etc....
The MAIN Masterlist
The bell on the front door rang out as you entered the shop. The place was definitely what you imagined it to be. Chill and the lights low enough for you to see and look at the items.
"Good day." A lady with orange hair said as she looked at you. "My sister will be with you shortly." She gave a fake smile and rolled her eyes as you turned and looked at the items on the wall.
"Peg!" Bet yelled. You turned to look at her when she glanced at you. You recognized the redhead from somewhere but it didn't click in your head. So you just simply put it aside for the time being.
"What!" Another voice you recognized too well which caused you to give a big grin as you looked at the paddles. 'Didn't move to far I see' You thought as you ran your hand over one of the paddles.
"You have a customer." Bet said loud enough for the both of you to hear. The beads that hit each other in small sounds. "Hello, love." Peg smiled at you as you turned and looked at the woman wearing a suit in the color green. You grinned and gave a little chuckle.
"Hello. I've just heard about your business, dear." You turned and gestured to the whole place. "Oh, well isn't that lovely." Peggy walked behind the counter, smiled, and gave the redhead a glare for rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry. My sister here isn't fond of working behind the counter."
"Shut it you." The woman looked at the both of you before mumbling something and walking out of the shop.
"Sorry about her." Peggy said as she heard the door slam. That's where you knew about the redhead. She was Peg's little sister. Former best friend. Now Bet was your best friend during and after high school, which was no biggie to you. But she got involved with Lord Harwood.
Your father.
Your mother never told him that she was pregnant with his child, she basically kept you away from him. Sending you away like you weren't supposed to be born. Your mother was cruel. Never giving you the attention you needed, no goodbyes when you were sent away. And that's how you met Bet in high school. She was unhinged of course. But you both protected each other.
She was sassy, of course, well who from the Sykes family wasn't sassy? The rumor that they were manics was popular at the time. But when you first saw Margaret, it was like you finally saw color in your world again. Ever since then you were obsessed with the woman. You kept tabs on her, where she moved, what she did, and today you had the right plan to confront her.
"Oh, It's no bother. Say are you still working for Lord Harwood." You gave a smile and picked up a paddle that was hanging off the wall in front of you. Glancing at the woman with the paddle in your hand, you noticed the smile that graced her face disappeared.
"What's your name?" She asked as she glanced at the black and brown paddle that you held in your hand. You lifted your hand, black nails running through your h/c hair. "Oh, I'm sorry you don't remember me." You chuckled as you walked forward.
"The name's Y/n Harwood." Your smile was crazed as you gazed at her body a little too longingly. You would love to see what she was wearing underneath all the clothes. Would she be wearing something suitable for your liking? What of your liking anyways. You would rather have her wearing nothing at all.
You stood at the other side of the glass counter where you could see her more clearly. The way her breathing was a little bit rigid.
"Y/n?" She tested your name as she slowly reached to her right for something behind the counter. "Your Bet's friend, am I right?" She asked and gave a fake smile.
"Yes, pretty much. But I haven't had contact with her ever since she started working for my father." You hissed the last part.
"Lord Harwood?" She questioned.
"Yes, Lord fucking Harwood." You sighed, slumping your shoulders and looking a different way, dazed for a bit.
The sound of a gun clicking caught your attention. Quickly you looked back at the woman who held a gun right in your face. Wide eye'd you took a step back. "Peg, I wouldn't dream of hurting you." You faked a theatrical gasp. Putting your hand on your chest, looking at her with a hurt expression.
"How would I know that, love?" She questioned quirking a brow at you and tilting her head.
You grinned from ear to ear- "I guess your right"- quickly and swiftly you drew the paddle you had in your hand and hit the gun from her hands causing her to gasp. She tried to move from behind the counter toward the front of the shop which made you run behind her and pull her by her hair which caused her to groan and gasp.
You coiled and wrapped her long black hair into your hand and pulled more causing her to recoil and lift her head back to relieve the ache in her scalp.
"Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way." You sighed, relaxing as you smelled her perfume that laced her personal space. As you licked your lips and whispered in her ear - "So which is it?"-just as you tugged on her hair again, she quickly turned. Knife in hand. Where could she get a knife from?
This was her shop anyways, so it didn't surprise you. What surprised you was when she lunged and she cut your cheek toward your upper lip.
"You bloody cheek." You licked your lip and rolled your eyes. "I believe it's the hard way then" You tilted your head to the right.
"You've overcome your stay." Peg glared at you.
"Don't be daft now Margaret. We both know I have the high hand here." You wiped the blood from your cheek and sucked your fingers clean. You could see the blush rushing to her cheeks causing you to chuckle.
"You wanna taste?" You laughed as she looked away. You took the chance and grabbed her wrist twisting her arm behind her back causing her to cry out at the pain. She dropped the knife at your shoes and you slowly pushed her toward the couch and you pushed her down onto it.
Swiftly she turned around, trying to catch her breath. You both stared at one another. Blue into e/c eyes. Your breathing and hers seemed to grow into sync.
"Fuckery" She said under her breath as she crashed her lips into yours. You grinned into the kiss as she whimpered as she tasted your blood on your lips. The kiss hurt because of the cut she made but that wasn't going to stop you.
You both started stripping one another of your clothes to see the body underneath. Peg wasn't able to get any of your clothes off as you forced her hands above her head and you excessively sucked at her neck. Her blouse and shirt that was tucked into her skirt were discarded somewhere on the floor. Her black lacy bra made her breasts more appealing to you.
Slowly you pulled her skirt up toward her hips to met her matching underwear. "Fucking fantastic." You groaned into her neck. You made your way down her chest, kissing and nipping her skin. You eventually let go of her hands as you made your way down her stomach. Your hands found her thighs and she moaned softly.
"Stop teasing" She whimpered which made you chuckled wholeheartedly into her skin. Your hands found the fabric of her underwear and slowly pulled on it and let it go which snapped against her hip.
"Of course, ma'am." You grinned as you were down in her lap. Her hands found their way into your hair as she gripped and scratched your scalp.
"Just leave it to me." You pulled the fabric down her thighs to her ankles. You noticed the garter belt she wore and the very much matching garter belt and stocking she wore. You kissed her inner thighs that caused her to groan.
You made your way toward her aching core, with small touches and licks to her outer lips, she bucked her hips into your face. You chuckled as you watched the woman submit to you.
"Please" She whispered. You almost missed it due to hearing your heart pound in your ear.
Obeying her needs, you lapped at her entrance and used your fingers to enter her. She whined as you curled your fingers against the spongy area. With quick and small strokes, Peggy was a whimpering and moaning mess underneath you. Your tongue lapped at her clit which caused her pull on your hair and her thighs to twitch every now and then.
You would look up now and then to notice that she bit her lip from letting any noise escape her beautiful mouth. Slowly she reached her peak with her back arching, thighs crushing your head, and a rather loud moan that you were sure the entire street heard.
Peg let out a content sigh and smiled tiredly at you.
"I believe I owe you some money." You said as you pulled out the few hundreds from your pocket. That tired smile turned into a frown as you got up and kissed her roughly. You threw the money at her and fixed yourself up, not bothering to help the lady with her clothes.
"I'm not a whore. Y/n" Peg said venom dripping from her voice. "Oh believe me, I know, next time we'll see what comes out from your pretty little mouth." You laughed as you ran your fingers through your hair shaking out any tangles the other woman may have caused.
"You daft bitch." Peg growled as she fixed her skirt and put on her dress shirt and blouse.
You walked out smiling to yourself.
"I believe I owe you more then I thought,"
"Bloody hell you do." You laughed as you looked at the red head.
"Until we meet again Bet." You acknowledged her as you continued to walk down the street. Surely you wouldn't be going far. You still had unfinished business with Margaret 'Peggy' Sykes.
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lady-october · 5 months
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : 01-16 On Ao3
Story Content : 18+, Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Sadism/Masochism, Dom/Sub, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 17: Oh, give me a break
Chapter title is lyrics from "Ludens"
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I can’t believe I told him I have feelings for him, just one day after realising I even have them at all.
What the hell am I doing?
I was leaning against the door I’d just shut behind me, still holding the handle after leaving Oli in his dressing room, wearing one of his oversized shirts turned inside out to make it less obvious it belonged to him, clutching my cum stained silk dress, balled up in my other hand.
I wasn’t entirely sure how I’d ended up agreeing to two dates, with two different men, when I’d just been questioning whether I should be dating at all within the near future.
Yet here I was, drowning in dates.
Pushing off the door I began wandering down the corridor towards my dressing room, my mind racing with thoughts.
Tonight had been eye opening in many ways. Spending so much time with Oli had been nothing short of incredible, making me want more time with him. So, despite my fears, it had been hard to turn down another opportunity to get to know him better.
But Mat?
Sure I hadn’t actually talked to Mat about a date yet, but considering how concerned Oli was about him, I might as well spend some time with him to settle Oli’s worries. If nothing else it was an opportunity to solidify a friendship I would very much like to have in the future.
Because while Mat was incredibly charming, it was honestly hard to place him in a sexual setting. There were just no real sparks between us.
Unlike like with Oli, where things were so electric they should come with a high voltage warning.
When I reached what I thought was my dressing room, I mindlessly opened the door, not stopping to think that maybe I should be a bit more cautious since all these doors look the same.
Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw behind the door that most certainly did not belong to my dressing room.
Mat was sprawled on a large arm chair across the room, leaned back with his plaid shirt open to reveal a hairy chest that was covered in a decent amount of ink work, trousers around his ankles and his hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it slowly with his head leaned back in ecstasy right before cum started shooting in long shots across his stomach. His hand squeezed the armrest, making the veins on his arm pop as the muscles there tensed where his sleeves were rolled up.
I was completely stunned, my heart got stuck in my throat but also somehow managed to travel down to my pussy within milliseconds.
More cum shot out, going a bit further this time, hitting his chest, eliciting a moan from him – low and guttural as his head came back up. He must not have heard me when I opened the door as he appeared surprised to see me – yet his orgasm continued, clearly too all-consuming to stop what he was doing despite my interruption, so the surprise quickly glazed over with a hungry, piercing stare that threatened to bring me to my knees if I didn’t focus.
“Alice,” He breathed as more cum flowed onto him, the surprise creeping slowly back into his features, snapping me out of my stunned state.
“Fuck– Wait!” Is all I heard as I instantly slammed the door shut and began sprinting down the corridor.
So much for not being able to place him in a sexual setting.
How was I ever supposed to get that image out of my head?
I heard the door open, so I desperately darted my eyes around to find my own dressing room, but I was thrown off, turned around, and uncontrollably turned on.
“Alice, wait!” His words echoed down the entire length of the corridor.
I started randomly opening doors hoping one of them would magically lead to my dressing room, but I heard his footsteps getting close, so I begged the universe that the next door would be the right one.
It was not.
I shut the door, about to dash to the next one, when a warm hand suddenly appeared on my wrist. I froze in place for two reasons; the wrist in question was connected to my hand clutching the cum stained dress, and while I should be worrying about him seeing the dress – seeing the very obvious stains and putting the puzzle pieces together – I could only seem to focus on the fact that the warm hand on my wrist had just been wrapped around Mat’s hard cock.
I swallowed.
“Alice, I’m so sorry, I thought I’d locked the damn thing.” 
His words made me realise my eyes had been transfixed on his hand, so I looked away, only to take in all the other extremely distracting things going on; such as the still hard cock straining against his zipped up but unbuckled jeans, the bare chest that had just been covered in cum.
How did he have time to wipe it all off?
And finally his flushed face, and green eyes that caused me to inhale sharply as they met mine.
He looked so worried, yet some of the same energy from the piercing stare he gave me during his orgasm was still lingering there.
“N-no, I’m sorry, I should have knocked, I thought– I thought it w-was my room.” I felt myself starting to ramble, and I would probably have gone on for a lot longer if he hadn’t cut me off.
“None of that, it was completely my fault.” He let go of my wrist before he continued, and I tucked my hand behind my back, attempting to hide the dress. 
“Can we just pretend this never happened? I really don’t want this to ruin anything between us.” I could hear him speaking to me, but I’d gotten distracted by the slight movement on his chest. 
I looked down to see a single drop of cum he must have missed when cleaning up in a hurry, which was now slowly running down his chest, lacing through the hair there.
While deeply distracted, my mind had somehow still managed to process what he was asking of me – it just took a bit longer than usual.
“Sure, we can do that.” I breathed, clearly flustered, clearly turned on. Panicked, I darted my eyes back to his to see if he’d noticed my state, and he very clearly had. His stare had turned dark and dirty, and I felt the air thicken with sexual tension.
But I couldn’t go down this path – couldn’t even begin to process this path, so I straightened, cleared my throat and spoke as collected as I could, “But don’t worry, we’re fine.” My words came flat, which I was very happy about, as it caused Mat to straighten as well.
“Good.” He returned, just as flatly, making it clear we’d both agreed to not let the tension build any further. He took a deep breath, releasing even more tension, “Are you alright by the way? You never came back tonight.”
I hadn’t crafted a lie yet for why I ran after Oli tonight instead of spending time with Mat as planned, so I opened my mouth and hoped I could come up with something on the spot.
“I didn’t mean to disappear for so long. I just remembered, I–”
Thankfully he cut me off again, cause I had nothing.
“No need to explain love, as long as you’re okay, yeah?” While he still had cum running down his chest, his expression had thankfully returned to the usual warm smile that so often played on his lips.
I smiled back at him, glad that he was so understanding and patient with me.
“I’m alright.” I said softly, realising for the first time how warm my face was – I must have been blushing deeply this entire interaction.
Suddenly Mat leaned back some, appearing nervous, “This is probably the worst possible time to do this, but I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the lake near the hotel tomorrow afternoon with me.” He didn’t give me a chance to respond before it was his turn to ramble, “Oh, and you don’t have to decide now– think about it, and we’ll talk tomorrow– or you could–”
So it was my turn to cut him off, “I’d like that.” I said without thinking, knowing I’d already mentally agreed to a date with him.
Somewhere in the back of my mind it occurred to me that maybe I should have taken a bit longer to decide considering recent events.
The surprise was back in his eyes, “Oh, okay, great!” He exclaimed with a massive smile, “I think you’ll enjoy it – one hell of a view.” 
I’m sure it was, yet the only view in my head at the moment consisted of his piercing eyes on me as he was coming all over himself.
I hadn’t realised it, but my gaze had wandered down to his crotch again. 
He was still hard. 
As soon as I caught myself I snapped my eyes back to his, which were suddenly swimming with lust again – having noticed what I was doing, how I was looking at him.
“I’ll let you go.” He said low and distant, clearly restraining himself.
I nodded shakily, “Okay.”
Slipping out of his close proximity, I began walking down the corridor, trying to collect myself.
I stopped and looked back at him, confused.
“Your dressing room’s that way.” He pointed the opposite direction I was heading.
Kicking myself mentally, I threw him a sheepish smile, turned around and walked past him again.
My mind was racing so fast I thought it was going to explode, I wasn’t even aware someone could be this utterly confused.
All I could do was focus on getting my things and heading to bed.
As I was getting into my bunk I noticed Oli’s curtain was already shut, in fact, only his and Liam’s were. 
I paused for a long moment, considering joining him since everyone here already knew about us, but the thought of facing him after what just happened with Mat made me nauseous, so I crawled into my own bunk and closed the curtain behind me.
Picking up my phone, I stared at our chat history, considering how to tell him – if I should tell him.
No, I knew I had to tell him what happened; I couldn’t bear the thought of starting anything with Oli while hiding the fact that I’d seen one of his best friends having an orgasm.
Is that what I was doing, starting something with Oli?
The all-too familiar edge of panic began scraping along my spine at the thought, causing me to put away my phone.
I felt hopelessly lost in unknown territory, bone chilling uncertainty lurking around every corner; every unexpected bump in the road, every new and all-too exciting surprise leaving me jarred and horrified over and over again.
I sighed deeply.
Despite how terrified I was, all I wanted to do right now was entangle my limbs with Oli’s, cuddle up close, and fall asleep in his arms as I listened to his steady heart beat.
At some point my daydreaming must have turned to actual dreams, because before I knew it Liam’s alarm was blaring again.
I’m not sure how he’d managed to find such an annoyingly high pitched, screeching sound for his alarm, but it sure was effective at waking you up.
However, I wasn’t ready to get up yet. I wanted to stay in my bunk for at least five minutes, giving the others some time to get dressed and get out of here so I wouldn’t have to face both Oli and Mat at the same time.
After hearing multiple steps on the stairs followed by distant voices, I decided it was a good time to get up.
It was not.
In fact, I couldn’t have picked a worse time to pull back the curtain.
Mat was standing in the aisle, his bulge showing through his boxers, framed by jeans that were pulled up but still unzipped. He was mid slipping a shirt over his head, but his eyes locked with mine as soon as his head popped through the neck hole, shooting me an intimate, flirty smile that sent a shiver down my spine.
I looked away immediately.
But without meaning to, my gaze had landed on Oli.
He was still laying in his bunk with the curtain pulled back, revealing nearly all of his ink covered skin besides what was hidden under his boxes – which were riding dangerously low and barely concealing what looked like the late stages of fading morning wood. He ran his hands through his hair, causing all his muscles to move beautifully, perversely, before he sat up, his sleepy hazel eyes meeting mine with a lazy, absolutely filthy smile as his messy locks fell back over his face.
I swallowed, heat spreading through me, knowing exactly how much trouble I was in, before I grabbed for whatever clothes I could find and disappeared downstairs into the bathroom.
Thankfully the utter chaos of work took over as soon as I was done getting ready, with Liam ordering me to do things left, right, and centre – not giving me much time to either think about or interact with the men that I had dates with later today.
Until it was time to set off.
We were only about an hour away from the next venue, which is where we’d park the bus with all the equipment, taking a rented van to the famous hotel that I’d grown quite curious about, having heard nothing but stories of beautiful scenery, perfect rooms, and incredible food, making me wonder if the place really was as magical as everyone made it out to be.
While walking towards the tour bus I pulled out my phone, daring to check my messages for the first time today. 
There were three unread messages from Oli, all sent within the last forty minutes.
“Oli: Alright love, told the lads I’m taking you on a lil adventure tonight.”
“Oli: Didn’t know Mat already asked you out tho, did you run into him last night?”
“Oli: Wear some underwear when you’re with him.”
Not a question, but an order.
I considered responding before crossing the parking lot, but a stressed Liam spotted me, waving me towards the bus.
“Get a move on, love! I want to be done with this bloody morning!” He yelled before disappearing through the bus door.
I couldn’t blame him, no one was looking forward to this hotel more than him considering how tired he was from non stop driving. This would be our longest stay in any one place since the tour started, with it consisting of three entire nights, giving him a rather long break from the bus.
As soon as I stepped on the bus the door closed behind me and Liam set off, threatening to send me flying to the floor, but I held onto the interior as I clumsily made my way to the seating area.
“Hiya love, come have a seat.” I heard Oli say before a familiar hand appeared in front of me, offering to help me get seated as Liam rushed to get us onto the motorway.
I looked up to see Oli smiling sweetly at me, a similar softness to his expression from last night after I’d all-too impulsively confessed I have feelings for him, causing butterflies to suddenly flutter in my stomach.
“Thanks.” I responded before I slipped my hand into his. I couldn’t help but dart my eyes around the bus to see who was watching us with my hand in his, as it somehow felt incredibly intimate and almost wrong to do this in front of everyone, regardless of how innocent of a gesture it actually was.
Only Lee and Mat were downstairs, and while Lee didn’t pay us any mind, Mat was sitting on the sofa across from us, watching us, appearing quite tense as Oli pulled me in front of him.
For a moment I felt as if I was being guided towards him, to sit in his lap, bringing me close to a panicked state, but thankfully he kept guiding me to the seat after his – next to him.
As soon as I got into my seat Oli’s hand slipped away to immediately grab for a notebook and pen he’d tucked between himself and the seat, scribbling words down that I couldn’t quite read from this angle.
“Alice, do you like risotto? They make an incredible one at the hotel, thought I’d bring some for the lake today.”
My eyes snapped to Mat who had asked me the question, but before I got a chance to respond Oli spoke up next to me.
“Don’t know, but she likes sushi.” He muttered, clearly too focused on whatever he was writing to realise he’d spoken on my behalf. As soon as he’d said it, he looked up from his notebook, wide-eyed, realising what he’d done, “I think anyway– was that right, Alice?”
“Oh, I love sushi!” Mat said cheerfully, but his chipper expression quickly turned to a frown, “But I don’t think they make that there.”
“I like both.” I responded quietly, wanting the incredibly awkward moment to come to an end as soon as possible.
“Great.” Mat gave me a very thoughtful, almost apologetic smile, as if he could tell how uncomfortable I was.
A horrible silence fell, causing Oli to return to his writing.
I considered picking up my phone, to respond to Oli’s texts, but Mat spoke up before I could gather my thoughts on what to type.
“I could really use some more caffeine, you alright to whip up a coffee, love?”
His thoughtful smile had turned more cheeky, almost as if he had an ulterior motive for his request. 
No, that thought seemed ridiculous, so I pushed it aside at the same time I pushed myself out of my seat.
“Of course, what do you want?” Thankfully we were on the motorway by now and it was perfectly safe to walk around again, or to handle boiling water. While it had initially seemed like a horrible idea to make coffee while driving, the band seemed to run on caffeine, so after many days worth of practice, I’d gotten pretty good at it, having only burnt myself a handful of times.
“Just black, please.”
I noticed Oli’s attention on his notebook falter, giving me a side glance as I prepared the drink.
“Perfect.” Mat said low, nearly under his breath, as I handed him his coffee, giving me a similar smile to the dirty one from last night, eliciting images from his hand wrapped around his cock, how he breathed my name as cum spilled onto his stomach.
Get your fucking shit together, Alice.
Right as I was about to turn around, to sit back down next to Oli, Mat moved over in his seat, clearly indicating for me to sit next to him instead.
I froze.
“Smells good that.” Oli said loudly behind me, shutting the notebook with a slap, “Alice, make me one too.”
I looked back at Oli, but he was staring at Mat, as if to say two can play at that game.
But I didn’t want to be part of the game, in fact, I wanted the game to go somewhere very far, far away, and never return.
Yet all I could think of to do was follow Oli’s orders.
When I finished making his drink I walked over to him, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever would come next, hoping this would be the last of it.
“Ta, love.” He purred, giving me the same wicked smile that nearly floored me the first time I was introduced to him – now it stirred so much more in my chest than just attraction.
“You know what, can I get a sugar?” Mat said casually behind me, causing my heart to sink, but Oli’s eyes on me were unwavering, making me wonder if he’d expected Mat to continue their ridiculous game.
“Of course.” I breathed anxiously as I went to grab some sugar packets.
Lee let out an exaggerated sigh, clearly annoyed by their antics, “Fucking hell lads, start swinging fists at each other instead, so the poor bird can take a bloody seat.”
While I wanted to disintegrate, Oli seemed nothing but amused by Lee’s outburst.
“Can’t do that, I’d never hurt the elderly.” Oli said with a wide grin, staring teasingly at Mat.
Mat huffed, but he also seemed oddly entertained, “Fuck off, I’m like six months older than you.”
I slipped some sugar packets on the table next to Mat, but he didn’t pay me any mind as he was too preoccupied with Oli, so I took a seat on the other side of the sofa, close to Lee – a neutral statement, not publicly picking either man's side.
Oli’s eyes on Mat intensified, also not paying attention to me anymore, “Eight actually– you think you could take me?”
Mat just laughed at him, “Of course, you fight like a headless chicken.”
“When did you ever see me fight?” Oli asked with a frown.
Mat fidgeted slightly as his lips bloomed into a guilty smile, “In school.”
“You gonna judge me on my fighting skills from fucking 20 odd years ago?” Oli asked in amused disbelief.
“It’s either that or Call of Duty last week, and we both know how that went.”
Oli’s frown deepened as he leaned forward in his seat, pointing at Mat, “Hey– that’s not fair, you kept fucking with my controller.”
Their banter was friendly, fun even, clearly showcasing both how well, and how long, they’ve known each other, and while I was happy they so quickly moved away from the original predicament; me, it didn’t stop me from nearly suffocating by the weight of all my guilt, which was accumulating at an alarming rate.
The idea of potentially putting a crack in such a good friendship was horrifying, and everything in me was screaming to put an end to it, to make things simple for everyone and just leave the touring team.
But there were already feelings involved, made painfully clear by how my heart tugged every time I looked at Oli.
As I watched the men joke and enjoy each other's company, I realised I was in entirely too deep to walk away now; the only way out of this mess was through it, so I would approach today with an open mind, trying not to let my fears rule me like they have my whole life.
Lee leaned in to speak close to my ear as Mat and Oli were still joking around.
“You alright, love?”
My eyes snapped to him in surprise at his question, but he was staring at my lap with a frown, so I looked down at my hands in my lap; I’d unknowingly been clutching a sugar packet so hard it had burst open, spilling sugar all over me – and I hadn’t even noticed.
“Just a bit tense.” I said, knowing damn well I was close to a panic attack.
Knowing damn well that fear still ruled me.
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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okay listen I gotta get it out of my system. I’m internally freaking out over this show and it has my brain and will not let go until I externally freak out.
That said, freak out under the cut. :)
I’m AMAZED by the handling of the characters and the subversion of expectations!! They’re all clearly defined and have their own unique personalities and there’s so many of them!! I’m gonna talk about my top five characters real quick because I love them all so much
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I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO BE SO GOSH DARN ADORABLE! LIKE WHAT!? SIR, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT??? Absolute ray of sunshine!! Precious bean!! He’s trying his best and he’s doing it!!! Golden Retriever energy mixed with Chihuahua energy???? Especially when he gets riled up and starts picking fights. I love him. He is my son.
2. Kageyama
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Oh my gosh I love him so much XD I didn’t expect him to flip and start vibing so well with the team so fast! I thought for sure he’d be stuck in his ways for a while longer, but I’m so glad that isn’t the case! Also the GIF I picked doesn’t do him justice but he’s very adorable in his own way!!
(I really do love him so so much, it’s just hard to pinpoint why which makes it really hard to caps scream about him XD)
3. Tanaka
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Confession time: I fully expected to not like Tanaka at all.
Confession number two:
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This is the scene that changed my mind. LOOK AT HIM!!!! LOOK AT MY FERAL BOY!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM???? The first time I saw this scene I had to rewatch it once or twice just to fully appreciate Tanaka XD Dude literally went “Oh? You don’t like me, huh? SYKE GUESS WHAT YOU LOVE ME NOW!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, HUH??!” And I just shrugged because welp. He’s right. What am I gonna do about it? Not find him completely endearing and hilarious??? I don’t think so. ALSO his big brother vibes towards Hinata are just *chefs kiss* perfection.
4. Sugawara
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Listen. Listen. From the minute we met him I KNEW I liked him. Like, had him singled out as most likely to be my favorite character (not expecting to fall in love with so many of these boys). And despite the fact that he got sidelined so bad, I WAS (mostly) RIGHT AND I LOVE HIM! HE’S SO SUPPORTIVE AND SWEET!?! AND IT’S AN ABSOLUTE CRIME HE HASN’T GOTTEN TO PLAY IN A SERIOUS MATCH YET (as of Season 1 Episode 17). IT’S HIS SENIOR YEAR AND I WANT TO SEE HIM PLAY, DANG IT! >:c Reminds me of clouds :) Also has excellent big brother energy!! He’d better get some game time soon though or I’m gonna riot.
5. Nishinoya
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OKAY HE WASN’T WHAT I EXPECTED AT ALL BUT THAT’S OKAY BECAUSE HE’S 20X BETTER!! AAAAAHHHHH I LOVE HIM!!!! He’s a shortie!!! And he’s so ENERGETIC and HYPED and he LOVES HIS TEAMMATES and he’s so. Feral. But not in a “I’M BIG I’M BIG I’M BIG” kind of way and I LOVE IT. He’s small but deadly and ADORABLE! He’s just incredibly endearing all around, and WE HAVE MORE BIG BROTHER VIBES! Also his dynamic with Tanaka is just hilarious XD Tol Feral and Smol Feral.
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Conclusion: I think for my top favorite it’s a tie between Hinata and Nishinoya! I love all five of the characters listed here, but those two in particular have something a little extra about them! (Me, realizing halfway through that sentence: They’re short. That’s it. It’s because they’re short.) After them it’s a three-way tie because I love the other three for such different reasons that I can’t really compare them, y’know? :)
Anyways. That was my Haikyuu ramble XD expect to see more posts about it on my side blog.
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aemiron-main · 7 months
Those Who Can’t Do, Teach: What The Hell is Up With This Mr Newby Picture?
Hey, so what the FUCK is this about???? This picture from Danny Sykes shows Mr Newby ( on the right in that pic) and…. Another guy pk the left who looks not only like Mr Newby, but like HATCH??? The bowtie and the glasses and the jacket???
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There wasn’t any guy like that in the play when I saw it. And now, I’m staring at:
A.) The “Principal Newby” vs “Father Newby” thing, and how it was changed from Father Newby to Principal Newby in the casting section on the website + Mr. Newby’s actor, Matthew Pidgeon talking about intentional “contradictions” in the play + the fact that Mr Newby is said to “run the school like a goddamn monastery,” and when he’s in church, the church has the Hawkins High backdrop even though it shouldn’t.
B.) Principal Newby/him being a teacher vs Hatch talking about “those who can’t do, teach:
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C.) ALLLLL of the stuff I’ve talked about re: timeline weirdness and Brantleys vs Bradleys and Larry Brantley + the University of Notre Dame & how it connects to Edward & the Creels being from South Bend Indiana according to one of the versions of the Weekly Watcher & just. All of that, it has to tie to this weird Mr Newby thing somehow.
D.) Hatch being a psychiatrist vs TFS Henry specifically talking about previous Psychiatrists he’d seen in Nevada but there’s no way Henry was actually from Rachel, Nevada in 1959 because Rachel didnt exist until 1978- and now I’n staring at the Creels being from South Bend in that Weekly Watcher article vs Larry Brantley being a pysch prof at Notre Dame vs all of the connections to the Bradleys in the Creel papers/with Victor’s trial and just. Henry did you ever meet Larry Brantley????
What the hell is going on??? I need answers
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lyxchee-art · 5 months
I like you *headcanons your villains and gives them even cooler design*
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-Since like Sykes is originally English in the novel, i headcanon him he has a British ancestry
-Medusa is plus sized
-I think McLeach speaks english in a normal accent bc his first language was Indonesian and doesn't know any english until he grew up
-Medusa often speaks French a bit
-McLeach is skilled at repairing weapons
-Sykes has some scars on his face (not bc his dogs did it)
-McLeach is Intersex and goes by any pronouns, but he mainly goes by he/him
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What do you think the Disney villains favorite place to kiss on their partner would be? Cheeks/forehead/lips etc. 😊
Hand (Knuckles/Palm) / Wrist / Up Arm: Dr Facilier (Full monty), Greasy Weasel (Full monty), Judge Doom (Knuckles), Lotso (Hand + Wrist), Syndrome (Full monty), and King Candy (All up arm).
Cheek/s: Alameds Slim (1 cheek), Charles F. Muntz (1-Both cheeks), Chick Hicks (1), Evil Queen (1), Governor Ratliffe (1-Both), Maleficent (1-Both), Rourke (1), Mother Gothel (1-Both), and Stupid Weasel (1).
Top of Head / Forehead / Temples: Captain Hook (All), Clayton (Top of Head + Temples), Emperor Zurg (Top of Head), Goob (Forehead), Hans (All), Henry J Waternoose (Top of Head + Forehead), Hopper (Top of Head + Temples), Frollo (Top of Head + Maybe Forehead), Randall (Top of Head + Temples), and Patchy (Top of Head).
Lips: Gaston, Hades, McLeach, Queen Narissa, Sideburns, Sykes, and Wheezy Weasel.
Not a Kisser: Cruella De Vil (Preferance: Compliments & Attention. Maybe fixing your clothes), Horned King (Preference: Hand holding & hand patting), Lady Tremaine (Preference: An appreciative smile goes a long way from her!), Negaduck (Preference: Arm around Waist/Shoulders), Prince John (Preference: R e c i e v i n g Affection), Psycho Weasel (Preference: Eye Contact), Queen of Hearts (Preference: Hugs), Steelbeak (Preference: Arm around Waist/Shoulders), Turbo (Preference: Shoulder pat maybe), and Yzma (Preference: Compliments!).
All / E v e r y w h e r e / They Cannot be Made to Choose: Don Karnage, Jafar, Long John Silver, Oogie Boogie, Professor Ratigan, Scar, Shan Yu, Shere Khan, Smartass Weasel (Surprise? 🤔), and Ursula.
Hope you like this! ^^
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kissentz · 1 year
don't blame me i just really love this meme and those fuckers can't leave my head even for a second
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[Clay Jones :: Instead of impeaching President Biden, lying Republicans should give him an apology]
* * * *
The FBI informant who lied about Joe Biden was getting information from Russian agents.
This is important. Take a moment to let it sink in.
Recall that last week, special counsel David C. Weiss indicted an FBI informant who was the primary source of bribery allegations against Joe Biden. (Weiss is the special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, so the fact that he indicted an important informant against Hunter and Joe Biden is remarkable, to say the least).
It turns out that the informant was not merely making up lies. He was passing on lies that he obtained from Russian intelligence agents. As posted by Charlie Sykes, CNN’s Reliable Sources disclosed the following information:
The informant . . . admitted during an interview with law enforcement that "officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing" along dirt about Hunter Biden.
That's according to documents Special Counsel David Weiss filed in court Tuesday. As Todd Zwillich put it on X: “Just so everyone's clear: This would mean that Russia successfully used [Chuck] Grassley, [James] Comer, Fox News and others to damage the President of the United States and make fake info about him an article of faith on the right.” In the court filing, Weiss also underscored the weight of Alexander Smirnov's alleged lies: “The false information he provided was not trivial. It targeted the presumptive nominee of one of the two major political parties in the United States,” Weiss wrote. “The effects of Smirnov’s false statements and fabricated information continue to be felt to this day.”
In short, the FBI informant engaged in election interference with the help of Russia to prevent Joe Biden from being elected! And that information formed the core of the sham impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden in the House!
This is a big deal. It deserves a LOT of attention from the major media outlets that devoted hundreds of major articles and broadcasts to repeating false information about Joe Biden that Russian intelligence agents planted!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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sonosvegliato · 6 months
Currently rereading "to an athlete dying young" and going absolutely insane over it, it is so well written!
I have yet to find anyone who is even half as good as you are at establishing insanely high tension/stakes while also doing comedic relief the way you do, every single interaction absolutely kills me. Especially Tim's interactions with Jason and Bruce are so incredibly interesting, you really nail those!!!!!
Reading your fic isn't enough, I need to print it out & eat it.
That being said, what does your writing process look like, if you don't mind me asking?
This is a question I only imagined getting once I have my original work published, so thank you for stoking the ever-hotter flames of my ego while I shoot into the stratosphere.
When I am famous with 10 books published and documentaries are made about me, I dream I will have a well-polished answer for to this question. SYKE.
F around and find out. Not in a threatening way. Just like—playing around with ideas like they're Legos and you are a three year old baby.
A lot of the time I get a snippet of something and I do a "sketch" of it before I forget it. I have a lot of these, and some of them are impossible to interconnect, so I literally take apart the story and rearrange it, and will do this once, twice, or five times to get through a single scene. I read this writing advice once where if you're stuck on a scene than the problem you really have is a chapter back, and I'm not much for universal writing advice, but I do believe that if I'm stuck in a place, then something else has got to be better. Sort of like pulling a car in park over and over again until you sorta get in in between the lines. I am really bad at parking. Literally not figuratively.
To an Athlete Dying Young is probably the closest to plotting I've ever been, since I'm using what actually happened in the comics as a loose guide for the events in the series. But I still write snippets that I jam together and take apart and peel and stick. My document looks like [LINKS NOTES RESEARCH] [STORY STORY STORY STORY] [RANDOM SCENE] [STORY] [SNIPPET SNIPPET SNIPPET SNIPPET] with some hyping myself up in between. Example of my "plotting", pure and unedited:
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^ wouldn't you like to know where this is from
And here's a snippet that was possibly going to be in hold the low lintel up. I was going to have Tim move in with Jason. This is everything I wrote for it, so you're not missing any context:
“I’ve had to move out of my house,” Tim continues. 
“That’s…a change. Can I ask what—”
“My uncle isn’t real,” Tim says.
Hood lifts his hands. They pause in the air for twenty seconds before he lowers them, fingers extended towards Tim. “What?”
“My uncle’s fake. I made him up. They’d’ve made me live somewhere else, otherwise,” Tim says. “I…I don’t want to live there.”
He leans against the warehouse wall, feels the dusty wood under the flat of his hands. “So, anyway, I was just wondering…” He glances at his shoes, then back to Hood. Nervousness, with an ounce of confidence. Just a pinch, not too much. Very little trust can take you very far. “If it were maybe possible…”
He trails off just as Hood starts to lean forward. Hook, line—
“Could I stay with you?”
—and sinker.
“I don’t think so,” Hood says.“Why not move in with your brother?”
“He’s working. I couldn’t do that to him.” And he lives too far away. 
“I’m working, too,” Hood says. “And I can guarantee I’m not doing the kind of things your cop brother will like.”
“Alright. Well, if you want to find me, you can find me in the Bowery, where that old church is. I don’t think any rogues have made their hideouts there, but I guess I’ll find out.” 
“Park Row isn’t safest place in the world right now,” Hood says. “You know there’s a reason people call it Crime Alley, right?”
“I’ve been around here longer than you think.”
“Look. Kid. You can’t stay with me. And with all these new murders, I don’t think it’s a good idea you’re even coming here. I get it. You don’t want child services sniffing your ass. I get that more than anybody, but. There are people out there, strangers even, who are willing to help you.”
It’s not a guilt trip. It’s a gentle emotional suggestion. It’s taking Hood by the collar and throwing him over Tim’s shoulder to slam him into a giant guilt pit that only gets deeper the more he struggles. Tim’s English teacher calls it pathos. 
Then the suit for an extra layer of DRAMA.
Also, Tim and Superboy were supposed to be better friends and have sleepovers.
“You were sleep talking,” Superboy says. “It woke me up.”
“Sorry,” Tim says. 
“You don’t look so good, bro. You going to be sick or something?”
“What were you dreaming about?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Tim hears the sheets shift as Superboy turns over. 
“I don’t have dreams,” he says. “I hear they can be pretty gnarly though. Was yours gnarly?”
“You drink apple juice before bed?”
“Good. I hear apple juice fucks you up.” 
They fall silent. Tim doesn’t have his phone to distract him. He stares in the darkness at the blank wall. 
“And cheese,” Superboy says. “Cheese will make you dream some wild shit. Again, can’t say if it’s true. But that’s what the internet told me. I learn a lot of things on the internet.”
Finally, Black Canary was going to have a role similar to the one she has in Young Justice.
I actually have quite a few snippets of her being sort of Tim's therapist, stereotypical Couch of Mental Breakdowns included, but it never got included into the story, just remained outlier scenes. Also Tim was not very receptive to talking it out.
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Summary: If I'm bored in the story, I throw a firecracker and watch stuff blow up ✌️
Thank you for asking! And it's an absolute honor to have written a story that's both worth a reread and being eaten. Hope this entertains you until I get the next part up!
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