moonliteve · 2 years
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iced-bees · 1 year
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cherry-dr0p · 5 months
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Experimenting! 🧪
Wanted to do a little doodle with Lucine! This was mainly an excuse to doodle Carrie (C.A.D) but I got a little carried away ^3^''
Alternative doodles
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WIP Sketch
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C.A.D. (Maynard before Tool) - Sanguinais Chromundo
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charlottehpfics · 10 months
HP Boys Imagine (golden trio era)
how the hp boys react to you being in the hospital wing :)
He had first heard you were hurt from Ron, who had passed the hospital wing and noticed you inside. Harry hurried over to your bed, concerned and worried even after you told him it was just a small sprain. He would be by your side all day and would for sure spoil you with gifts (aww). The next day he would be wherever you went and made sure you didn’t get hurt again.
Ron would probably be in the hospital wing after tripping and falling (idk why but I feel like he might be clumsy sometimes) and saw you. Immediately, he chose to disobey madam pomfrey’s instructions not to stand up by running over to you. You told him you had hurt your wrist, and he helped massage it for the next couple minutes until you said you felt better. He would definitely bring you food from the Great Hall and some snacks too once he was better (he wouldn’t share his candy tho).
Cedric was a very affectionate and caring boyfriend so he was internally panicking (and trying to hide it) when some Gryffindors ran up to him saying you were in the hospital wing. When he entered, a bunch of your friends were surrounding you, but using his Cedric Diggory charm he managed to kick every one of them out. He was so sweet and comforted you if you were in pain, and constantly checked up on you during the day. He even bought you some wizard painkillers that would make you better instantly.
Let’s be honest, you probably got hurt doing a prank with him and George. But let’s just say he didn’t notice when it happened, and it was George who snuck you off to the hospital wing after failing to get Fred’s attention. Fred felt so guilty he couldn’t even take you there and was super sweet and caring to you. He bought you chocolate frogs and gave you some joke products for free (like he always does).
George was a teeny bit more sensible compared to his twin, so he would’ve noticed right away if you were absent. Fred told him that you were in the hospital wing and George freaked. He ran into the hospital wing like a madman, and nearly got kicked out. But he was quiet afterward and didn’t even want to leave your beside when Madam Pomfrey forced him to go to bed. He’d bring you lots of stuff he knew you liked, and would also snuggle you when he visited you.
Draco is very overprotective (come on he is Draco Malfoy isn’t he) and would be instantly furious at whoever hurt you (if someone did hurt you). If no one hurt you then he’d be slightly embarrassed but would still care for you load. He’d bring you food, water, and expensive gifts (cuz he’s a malfoy duh). 🙄 His father would hear about whoever hurt you, and if his father would not help, he’d beat the guy up. After you got better he would be soft for so longggg (I’m a simp).
Neville is such a cutie and would be so worried even if you just twisted your ankle or something. He would be super scared if you were in the hospital wing, and would go all out by decorating the area beside your bed. I can definitely envision him setting up an entire freaking table with candles, roses and a chair for him to sit by you and admire you. Heck, he would probably cook up an entire meal for you to have in bed alongside him and his mini table setup <3
You fell of your broom during quidditch practice, and he immediately flew down to send you to the hospital wing. He was sorta mad since you kinda messed up practice, but being the quidditch enthusiast he is, he just had to finish the practice. Afterward, he dashed to the hospital wing feeling kinda guilty for not going right away. I think some of his teammmates might have even yelled at him for not doing so (or maybe they just wanted an earlier break, nobody knows). But he’d totally bring you food, and overall spend time with you!
Tom probably wouldn’t even care, but if we’re on about soft Tom, and if your injury was serious, he would try to hide how anxious he really was. He’d be pacing up and down the corridor because he didn’t think he really wanted you to see him this state (which he rarely was in). When you were better he wouldn’t even say anything and just hug you really tightly. He would also be extra protective of you the next couple days.
Blaise was very chill overall but would get worried if you were hurt. He’d bring you food and everything, alongside some warm blankets and water. He would be extra protective of you the next couple days. If someone had hurt you, he’d get Draco and his other friends to beat them up. Honestly, I don’t understand Blaise too well to write a lot about this, sorry of this was sorta disappointing :(
Hope you enjoyed sweethearts! Please comment suggestions!
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"Dog bites man is not news. Man inflates like a balloon is definitely news." —C.A.D.
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no-soliloquy · 10 months
i’ve never wanted to relapse more than i’ve ever have right now i hate having adhd i hate having depression can someone just transplant my brain or kill me so i can reincarnate into someone fucking normal i just missed the c.a.d. programs first fucking meeting after getting selected because i didn’t take two seconds to make sure the email i used for it was connected to my phone when i first signed up and went thru the admissions process i want to end it all right now so bad. i never fucking learn do i?
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gildedbarbarian · 2 years
time and time and time again the world told me this:  to need someone is to be weak, to need anyone is for them to leave, to ask anyone to stay is to collar them.  and so i have stayed aloof and uncaring,  barely attached  with hands made for snipping tearing rending.  there are so few tethers i cannot cut first.  i am not, by any stretch of the imagination, allowed to be needy.  allowed to want things.  permitted the space to be anything ( ANYTHING ) less than self-reliant. 
but you.  for all twenty six years and one hundred and forty seven days that i have been here, breathing, there has been you.  and for the last three thousand seven hundred and ninety seven days, i have forgone my rule. 
i cannot need anyone,  but i need you.  and i’m sorry. i know that it’s not fair, and that the timing is bad, and that i’m being selfish. i know that everything i have told my therapist about you must stay in that space between me and her. 
but just for now, just for tonight, knowing that i will never burden you with this: 
i have needed you for ten years and one hundred and forty seven days. i will need you until i am dead.  but i will learn to need you less so that you can have the future you have fought so hard for. 
i just had to say it this once. 
storge requiem (am i a greek tragedy, too?) || c.a.d.
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jobkash · 3 days
Requisition No: 837763Agency: Veterans AffairsWorking Title: ACCOUNTANT IV – HEALTH INSURANCE BILLING – 50450809Pay Plan: Career ServicePosition Number: 50450809Salary: $42,034.46 + C.A.D. $644.80Posting Closing Date: 09/25/2024Total Compensation EstimatorRequisition # 837763**Anticipated Vacancy**INTERNAL AGENCY – ONLY CURRENT EMPLOYEES OF THE FDVA WILL BE CONSIDERED.ACCOUNTANT IV – HEALTH…
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christophe76460 · 1 month
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La personne et l'oeuvre du S.E ;《 TROISIÈME PARTIE : L'OEUVRE DU S.E DEPUIT LA PENTECÔTE DANS LE COEUR DE L'HOMME 》 CHAP lX << la sanctification par l'Esprit >>.
C'est J.C seul qui a été fait pour nous sanctification, et en qui nous sommes ( SAINT ) 1Corth :1/30,Ephes :1/1 mais c'est par l'Esprit, C.a.d par sa présence spirituelle en nous, que le sauveur nous sanctifie. Aussi le N.T emploie-t-il plus d'une fois ces expressions ( sanctifiés par l'Esprit )Rom :15/16, 1Corth :6/11 ou << la sanctification de l'Esprit >> 2 Thess :2/13 et 1pier :1/2. Nous avons déjà mentionné que la sanctification s'opère dans la mesure où l'Esprit remplit un coeur. Nous allons voir maintenant de quelle manière elle se réalise.
Pierre dit que nous devenons participants de la nature divine, 2 Pierre :1/4.Paul par le tantôt de CHRIST en nous, tantôt encore de l'homme nouveau >> Pour désigner cette nouvelle partie de notre être, Colos :1/17, 1Corth :6/19, Ephes :4/24 (l'homme nouveau n'est donc pas simplement l'homme régénéré comme on serait tenté de le penser )Nous recevons la nouvelle nature au moment même de notre régénération. Ainsi que nous l'avons vu à propos de la réception de l'Esprit, c'est alors qu'il vient faire pour toujours sa demeure en nous. Prenons une image, un arbre sauvage ne produisant que de mauvais fruits et greffé. Il reçoit une nouvelle nature, supérieure, ne peut porter que le bons fruits et qui le fait pas efforts. De même, l'Esprit devient notre seconde, notre nouvelle nature. Il est évident qu'il ne peut pécher, si nous le laissons libre d'agir, il ne produira en nous de bons fruits. c'est ce que Jean exprime en disant ( quiconque est né de DIEU ne pratique pas le péché, parce que la semence de DIEU ; la nouvelle nature, l'Esprit ) demeure en lui, et il ne peut pécher parce qu'il né de DIEU ) 1Jean :3/9 C'est cette semence de DIEU ,ce qui est né de DIEU en lui, qui....
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time-travel-trio · 4 months
C.A.D.? They’re uh…
Give me a minute…
*flipping through notes*
Give me a sec. C.A.D. is VERY important, okay?
Uh… here.
//this link should work. Let me know if it doesn’t.
Ahhhh, okay. We'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Smoliv!
Yeah, thanks bud.
Hm, good to know.
//yeah it worked no worries
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moonliteve · 2 years
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" Fingernails "
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arick7 · 6 months
C.A.D.-Early Sober (Maynard James Keenan 1987)
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captainpirateface · 7 months
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Tiens, voici 50 ans aujourd'hui que l'écrivain aristocratique (ou néo-antique) Henry de Montherlant se suicidait, ne voulant plus vivre aveugle. En bon " jeune-cultivé-de-droite " (ou aspirant à se faire une culture de droite) j'ai dû lire 3 ou 4 livres de l'écrivain. Je ne me souviens, à vrai dire, que des Célibataires, fascinante plongée dans l'univers confiné et parisien de deux assez vieux garçons (l'un étant l'oncle de l'autre), aristos et ruinés. J'ai lu le livre bien après en avoir vu une adaptation télévisée due à Jean Prat (celui qui venait de réaliser cette flamboyante adaptation des Perses d'Eschyle, temps fort de la télé de de Gaulle), laquelle m'avait marqué, bien que j'eus à peine 7 ans en 1962. Montherlant y montrait crûment la misère, morale et sociale, de deux individus largués par l'évolution des temps - il se moquait aussi au passage de la fatuité et de l'américanôlatrie d'un autre membre de cette famille, celui qui a réussi. Je me souviens vaguement d'un Fernand Ledoux barbu, et parfait comme à son habitude, en vieux marginal.
Et puis j'ai vu aussi une adaptation télévisée de La Ville dont le prince est un enfant, mais qu'en ai-je compris étant alors encore assez enfant ? J'ai aussi retenu cette excellente réplique de La Reine morte, qui sonne plus fort que jamais aujourd'hui : " En prison, pour médiocrité ! ". Sinon Montherlant a été un moment présent dans ma famille : un mien cousin, diplômé de Sciences Po en attendant de l'être de l'ENA, et un temps membre de l'AF, avait préparé une thèse sur cet écrivain et avait été donc reçu par lui - dans des mémoires, HdM parle d'ailleurs, sur le mode ironique, d'un gros garçon venu lui poser des question, et c'est vrai que ce cousin était un peu " fort ". Je l'entends encore commenter le suicide subit de Montherlant, et évoquer les répercussions que ça avait sur son travail (qu'on se rassure, le cousin a bien survécu à la disparition de son héros : il occupe une très importante fonction dans l'administration de Monaco et s'exprime couramment en langue de bois macronienne)...
Bon, en ce cinquantième anniversaire (on devrait plutôt parler de " demi-siècle ") de sa disparition, on se demande (ou plutôt on ne se demande pas) ce qu'il aurait pensé de tout s'il était parvenu jusqu'à aujourd'hui, c.a.d. à la brillante civilisation du rap, du féminisme de gouvernement et de la bourgeoisie " bohème " - et de la littérature à la Virginie Despentes. Peut-être se serait-il encore suicidé. C'est vrai que pour cet admirateur des vertus de l'ancienne Rome, des Caton et des Cicéron (il ne s'est néanmoins pas tranché les veines à la romaine), le décalage - déjà patent de son vivant - entre ses modèles esthétiques sinon politiques et la réalité n'a fait que s'accroître vertigineusement depuis sa mort, au point que tout ce qui précède ce nouveau millénaire semble participer d'un monde antique ! Et c'est peut dire que Montherlant est d'un autre temps : il est d'une autre planète, comme pas mal d'écrivains classiques d'ailleurs...
Pour conclure sur le sujet, une citation de cet auteur, d'une amusante radicalité, voire d'une certaine actualité :
« Une seule nation parvient à faire baisser l’intelligence, la moralité, la qualité de l’homme sur presque toute la surface de la terre, cela ne s’est jamais vu depuis que le globe existe. J’accuse les Etats-Unis d’être en état constant de crime contre l’humanité. »
Pierre Robin
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charlottehpfics · 10 months
a new change (an hp boys imagine)
an hp boys react to FtM reader (she just transitioned)
reminder: if you are transphobic, you ARE NOT welcome here!
Harry would be supportive no matter what- he was perfectly fine with your transition and tried to help you as much as possible! If you were getting bullied or teased, he would be in ultra-Gryffindor mode and stand up for you :) Honestly I don’t think he would want you to feel bad about your identity AT ALL :)
Ron was eating a chicken leg (duh) when you told him about your coming out, and he was really happy for you. Before your coming out you were always unsure of your identity and would constantly be bullied for it. Your transition didn’t stop the bullying, but with some help from Fred and George, Ron was able to get them to stop pestering you. Ron is totally fine with you being FtM and even shows you off to his friends as “his amazing lover”!
This guy is the definition of sunshine and cinnamon rolls. He instantly knew about your transition even when you didn’t tell him, and he was so glad you were happy and knew who you were. One day in the Great Hall, some Slytherins went up to you and bullied you for being trans. Instantly, Cedric was at your side and managed to scare them off with the help of his Hufflepuff mates. Never get on Ceddy’s bad side!
Rephrase. Never get on Draco’s bad side. When you were being bullied for being unsure of your identity, he was always ready to beat someone up! He would comfort you tons if you were upset. He was totally okay with you being FtM and would spend time with you discussing your feelings like your personal cute therapist! Nobody would mess with you after he beat the bullies up.
Neville has always been very confused with himself and the things h around him. That’s partially why he doesn’t have the most friends, and is a common bullying target for Slytherins. That’s why he was very much understanding whenever you came to him for advice, and he was actually the one who helped you realize your identity. After you transitioned, he was always by your side and tried to build up some confidence to stand up for you if you were being bullied :)
Fred is totally understanding and is overall a mischievous but nice guy. He would never make fun of your identity, not even in jokes, because he gets that it’s sensitive for you since you are actually being bullied about it sometimes. He would for sure team up with George and prank those students really badly- Molly wouldn’t even reprimand them for doing so, she understands that they’re giving you a lot of confidence.
I have a feeling that George would be particularly attracted to confident people, but if his lover wasn’t confident, he would help them out of their shell and change them for the better. That’s what he did when you came to him, frustrated and in tears, because of how confused you were. He helped you through everything since he is known to be the more responsible and sensible twin out of him and his brother’s little duo.
Blaise is always chill and composed. He was very much mindful of your emotions and was also one of the types of boys that would help you realize your identity. He’d make sure everyone in Hogwarts knew your pronouns and etcetera, never letting them be mean to you or even tease you. His friends might make some comments here and there, but with Blaise’s help, you can always brush those off, knowing his friends don't exactly mean it.
Tom would be a bit surprised if you were to talk to him about this. Not because he wanted to leave you, but because he never understood why you’d ever agree to give him affection, or come to him for comfort and support. He always thought of himself as a cold, dark soul that could not love. But somehow, the laws of magic could not confine your relationship and your closeness. He’d straight up AVADA KEDAVRA anyone who bullied you, no questions asked! Hey, don’t judge me, I’m a simp for Tom.
BY THE WAY, if you are requesting something, try choosing individual characters instead of everyone since those take ages to make. Yes I will respond if you request everybody but just now it will take some time, maybe weeks or months if I’m feeling particularly unproductive.
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