#ca guru ji
amitabhabuddha · 6 months
阿弥陀佛 Daily Practice
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fo,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fa,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Shen,
Namo Ben Shi Shi Jia Moni Fo x 3 times
Wu Sharng Sen Sen Wei Miao Fa, Bai Chien Wan Jie Nan Zhou Yu, Wo Jin Jian Wen De Shou Ze, Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi.
Chan Kui Wen.
Life's Main Reason Is Suffering (Sen Ming De Benze Se Tong Ku)
Life's Main Purpose Is To Seek Liberation (Sen Ming De Mu Ti Se Jie Toh)
Life's Main Motivation Is Compassion (Sen Ming De Yi Yi Se Chi Pei)
Bao Ji Ru Lai
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
Xu kung jin, Zung sherng jin, Niet pan jin, Wo yuan nai jin.
Hui hung zhun, zhung sharng jun, nit pun jun, ngo yun nai zhun.
Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x7
Multiplier mantra 4x108, Done 77
Om Ram (Om Ram....Svaha), x 108 (use jixiang yin, thumb at 4th finger), Done 77
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect hse, three protects whole place, seven protects the country, use jinguang yin, thumb closed by all fingers) x108, Done 78
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra (Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day, Done 282
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 149
A va la ka kia, Done 17
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra 4x108 Done 36.75
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra
(Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) x108, Done 33.5
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā x 108, Done 125
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha 1x108 per day, Done 115
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha - 1x108 per day, Done 115
Om Bhrum x 108, Done 77
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha x108, Done 57
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha x108, Done 17
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x1080, Done 44
(20x27x2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra, Medicine Buddha heart mantra, Done 34
Manjushri mantra, Done 11.5
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 11.5
Earth store mantra, Done 11.5
7th Past Parents mantra, Done 11.5
Long life mantra (Om sam), Done 11.5
Om ye ye nan, 32.75
Food mantra, Done 30.25
Water offering mantra, Done 30.25
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 26.75
Om Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 24.25
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 22.5
Om Ah Hum, Done 85.5
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Amitabha (Nian Fo) x108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable), Done 56
Avalokiteśvara x108, Done 55
Mahasthamaprapta x108, Done 55
Ksitigarbha x108, Done 55
Yeok Yan Yuk Liew Ji, Sam (3) Sai Yat Cai Fatt, Yin Dong Yu Si Kun, Sum (heart) Zhou G Yu Loi.
Heart sutra x3 per day, Done 149
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 13
Compassionate mantra x3 per day, Done 158
Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin Soha x108, Done 13
Om Ji zhi ya Soha x108, Done 11.75
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 78 days
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra x108, Done 11
Pureland rebirth mantra x108, Done 11
Om Pu Kam (Pureland), Light mantra x108, Done 11
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham) x108, Done 14
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi, x14 per day, x108, Done 11
Part 4 End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
Tara mantras
- Green, Done 11.25
- Red, Done 11.25
- White (Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha), Done 11.25
Setrap mantra, Done 11.25
Dorje Shugden Mantra (Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha), Done 11.25
~ Shize
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung, Done 11.25
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung, Done 11.25
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha, Done 11.25
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om), Done 11.25
Om Benza Satto Hung, Done 14
During 8 Kwanzai
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 439
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 333
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha, Done 555
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 333
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva
(Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 333
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 333
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, Done 333
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 333
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 333
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, done 499
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, done 499
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, done 499
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 499
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done 555
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye Soha), Done 555
Om Samaya Cha, Done 333
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 333
Medicine Buddha (3 times per day), Done 234
Namo bhagavate bhaiśajyaguru vaidūryaprabharājāya tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya tadyathā: oṃ bhaiśajye bhaiśajye bhaiśajya-samudgate svāhā.
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day, Done 499 Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
(3 times per day)
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai), Done 234
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya.
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
Target: 60 per month with 5 to 6 days of 8 kwanzai. Each time 26 to 34, each day 10 to 15 times until reached 60 or more.
49, 147, 343, 686, 1323, 12.25
45, 135, 315, 630, 1215, 11.25
44, 132, 308, 616, 1188, 11
43, 129, 301, 602, 1161, 10.75
41, 123, 287, 574, 1107, 10.25
40, 120, 280, 560, 1080, 10
39, 117, 273, 546, 1053, 9.75
35, 105, 245, 490, 945, 8.75
34, 102, 238, 476, 918, 8.5
33, 99, 231, 462, 891, 8.25
31, 93, 217, 434, 837, 7.75
30, 90, 210, 420, 810, 7.5
28, 84, 196, 392, 756, 7
27, 81, 189, 378, 729, 6.75
26, 78, 182, 364, 702, 6.5
25, 75, 175, 350, 675, 6.25
22, 66, 154, 308, 594, 5.5
20, 60, 140, 280, 540, 5
19, 57, 133, 266, 513, 4.75
15, 45, 105, 210, 405, 3.75
14, 42, 98, 196, 378, 3.5
13, 39, 91, 182, 351, 3.25
11, 33, 77, 154, 297, 2.75
10, 30, 70, 140, 270, 2.5
9, 27, 63, 126, 243, 2.25
8, 24, 56, 112, 216, 2
7, 21, 49, 98, 189, 1.75
6, 18, 42, 84, 162, 1.5
5, 15, 35, 70, 135, 1.25
4, 12, 28, 56, 108, 1
3, 9, 21, 42, 81, 0.75
2, 6, 14, 28, 54, 0.5
1, 3, 7, 14, 27, 0.25
Mantra of Ferocious Eating 殘食咒為(Namah samanta vajranam, trat, amogha canda, maha rosana, sphataya, hum, tramaya, hum trat ham mam), Done 3
+ Cui sui chow
Om tore tore cha tore so poho
Om Lan Soha
Om Chrine
Om Brim
Om Pu Kam (Pureland).
Om Bodhicitta, Mudaba, Dayami.
Om abichanaga
Am Bi Chanaga.
Om da de da de mohe dade svaha.
Om Mani Padme Hung A a sa sa maha
Namo bhagavate...x4
Om Amida Ayu Dadi Soha
Food Mantra
Ganlu sui zhou
Namo bo bo ti li,  cher (li) to li, dan tuo ye tuo ye
Om mani facili hum
Om Ami Dewa Hrih
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha
0 notes
nijjhar · 7 months
Punjabi - Khalsa appreciates the beauty of Brahma and Fight like Shiv ca... Punjabi - Khalsa appreciates the beauty of Brahma and Fight like Shiv called Har Har Mahadev Dev. https://youtu.be/v8EkAbL7k2c Punjabi - Third of the Khalsa Panth and the Fourth of Apostles, Nirmallae Sants; both are not family men/women. Meeran Bhai was a Saint. Punjabi - CONCEPT OF THE FOUR RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES. THIRD AND FOURTH COMMUNITY OF PAR SHIV TO ESTABLISH RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PREACH THE GOSPEL – PART 3 AND 4. Punjabi - Four Communities of religion:- 3rd and 4th Communities for earning the Treasures of God. The Third Panth Khalsa and the Fourth Panth of the Nirmallae Santan or the Apostles was organised by Sache Patshah Gobind Rai Ji, the very Form of Akaal Purakh and His Sons represented Him by performing the Philanthropic Political Works as the solitary, NIAARE Khalsa Soldiers of “PAR SHIV” (Daeh Shiva Var Mohae… sons of Shiv/Adam let us fight against the sons of Satan) to sort out the stubborn sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the religious fanatics – John 8v44 and by the Word of Mouth by the Apostles. Both of them were initiated by beheading the Five on the stage and then sewing the head of one with the Torso of the other. And they were revived through Nectar of His Word that created “Philia” Love among the solitary “Khalsas”. That is why sugar Pataashe were added by Mahan Devan, Mother Holy Spirit, in the Nectar of His Word prepared by the Royal Father Par Shiv Sache Patshah Gobind Rai Ji, the Representation of our Supernatural Father as Shiva, the personified political head of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Lord of Nature was Lord Krishna, the incarnation of “Shiv”. Later on, Par Shiv Royal King Gobind Rai Ji Himself became “Gobind Singh Ji” through the same Amrit leaving no Gap between the Father and His Sons, the Khalsas of the Third Panth and the Nirmallae Santan, the Apostles of the Fourth Panth that enjoy “Storge” Love of the Family of God. Like the Apostles of the First Satguru = Christ Jesus, they didn’t carry money, two pairs of shoes, etc. on their Journeys Preaching Gospel from their own hearts. My own family members used to honour them and my late father also enjoyed their company. The Third and the Fourth Lanvs apply to these two spiritual states BUDHI (Holy ghost) and CHITT BIRTTI (Holy Spirit). Thus, unless you are a “Hindu”, sons of Man, Brahma, Yahweh, Khuda, etc., the Lords of Nature as demonstrated by Lord Krishna, the incarnation of Shiv, the Political Head of Brahma, you cannot be a Sikh, the sons of the Highest Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc. In short, you give money or tithe to Brahmin/Rabbi Guru/Priest, the Moral Teacher - Matt 13v52 - for teaching you the moral laws, Munn, mind or Nafs to your own “Innerman called Satguru = Christ” to learn the Gospel through logical reasoning (intuition) led by “holy ghost or Budhi” and finally led by your “innerman Waheguru, the Satguru that deserves the applauses”, you present, BHAINT, your “TANN and MUNN” to Sache Patshah for rendering services to humanity as a Khalsa or Nirmala Sant, the Apostle, etc. That is, both the Khalsas and the Nirmallae Sants are NOT FAMILY PEOPLE. Thus, Only the sealed to serve God, the Gurmukh/Mussallman could be the Servants of Akal Purakh. According to the principle of Trinity, you have holy sons, the once-born like Peter/BaeMukh Khalsas. Example is the 40 MUKTTAE, of the twice-born clever/MUNNMUKH is the Sodhi Khatri Lala Banda Bahadur who organised the killing of Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji warning the Khalsas not to trust anyone else but themselves as solitary, NIAARA. This Lala Banda Bahadur Sodhi Khatri had the habit of learning the skills and then trying to kill his Master to occupy his Seat/Gadhi. After the death of Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji, this Lala Banda Bahadur proclaimed himself to be the next Sachae Patshah. Or you cannot trust a greedy person/LOBHHI KAA VASAH NAA KI JAYAE; JAYE KO PAAR VASAAYE or the MUNNMUKHS are the tail of a Dog/KUTTAE DEE POOCH. For further details, read my Book in Punjabi “KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH” www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf or in English “FIRST GNOSTIC PRINCIPLES OF ONE GOD ONE FAITH” www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/book.htm. Both these Books need revisions for minor updates. Youtube video on this Part 3 and 4:- https://youtu.be/W5Yf3JnLLUE Hajj www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/faithfat.pdf Punjabi http://youtu.be/9DqMvO1hb0U For the unlisted videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Unlisted.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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kisturdas · 8 months
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Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj
English || Hindi
» Creation of Nature (Universe) » 4. Brahm's (Kaal) Vow to Remain Unmanifested
4. Brahm's (Kaal) Vow to Remain Unmanifested
After the birth of the three sons, Brahm said to his wife, Durga (Prakriti), "I pledge that in future, I will not appear before anyone in my real form. As a result of which, I will be considered unmanifested/invisible." He said to Durga, "Do not disclose my secret to anyone. I will remain hidden." Durga asked, "Will you not appear before your sons too?" Brahm said, "I will not appear before my sons and anyone else by any way of worship. This will be my permanent policy." Durga said, "This policy of yours that you will remain hidden from your sons too is not good." Then Kaal said, "Durga, I am helpless. I have been cursed to eat one-lakh human beings. If my sons (Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh) will become aware of this then they will not perform the task of creation, preservation, and destruction. Therefore, this bad policy of mine will remain forever. When these three sons grow up a little, make them unconscious. Do not tell them about me; otherwise, I will punish you." Fearful of this, Durga does not tell the truth.
Therefore, in Gita Adhyay 7, Shlok 24, it is said that these foolish people are unfamiliar with my bad policy that I never appear before anyone and remain hidden by my Yog Maya. Therefore, they consider the unmanifested me as having come in human form i.e. consider me Krishna.
(AbuddhyH) foolish people (mm ) my (anuttamm ) bad i.e. inferior (avyyam') eternal (param bhavam ) main character (ajaanantH) not knowing (mam avyaktam') the unmanifested me (vyaktim ) in human form (aapannam ) having come (manyante) consider i.e. I am not Krishna. Translation: Foolish people, not knowing my bad i.e. inferior, eternal, main character, consider the unmanifested/invisible me as having come in human form i.e. I am not Krishna. (Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 24)
In Gita Adhyay 11, Shlok 47 and 48, it is said that - this is my actual Kaal form. Nobody can see this i.e. attain Brahm by any method mentioned in the Vedas, or by meditation, penance or by any other activity.
When the three children became young, then mother Durga (Prakriti/Ashtangi) said, "You may churn the ocean". When the ocean was churned for the first time, (Jyoti Niranjan created four Vedas with his breaths and ordered them by secret speech to reside in the ocean) four Vedas came out and Brahma took them all. When the three children brought the Vedas to mother, she said that Brahma may keep the four Vedas and read them.
Note: In reality, God Kabir had given five Vedas to Brahm i.e. Kaal. But Brahm manifested only four Vedas. He hid the fifth Ved. Therefore Supreme God, by Himself appearing on earth, has manifested the fifth Ved through KavirgirbhiH i.e Kavir Vaani (Kabir Speech) by means of proverbs and couplets.
On churning the ocean the second time, three girls came out. Mother Durga distributed all the three. Prakriti (Durga) acquired her own three other forms (Savitri, Lakshmi and Parvati) and hid in the ocean. Then her three forms came out during churning of the ocean. That same Prakriti acquired three forms and was given in the form of 'Savitri' to god Brahma, 'Lakshmi' to god Vishnu and 'Parvati' to god Shankar, as wives. The three couples then did intercourse and gave birth to both gods and demons.
{When the ocean was churned the third time, Brahma got fourteen gems; Vishnu and other gods got 'nectar'. Demons got alcohol and the righteous Shiva stored the 'venom' in his throat. All this happened a lot afterwards.}
When Brahma started reading the Vedas, he found that the Master (Purush) God of the lineage, the Creator of all the brahmands is someone else. Brahma told Vishnu and Shiv that Vedas describe some other God as the Creator, but Vedas also say that even they do not know the mystery. For that there is an indication to ask some Tatvdarshi Saint (A saint having true spiritual knowledge). Brahma came to mother Durga and narrated everything to her. Prior to this Mother Durga used to say that there is no one else other than her. She is the sole doer. She is the Almighty. Brahma said that Vedas have been created by God, they cannot be untrue and they reveal some other God . When Brahma stressed that Vedas reveal some other God, Durga said that your father has sworn that he will never appear before you. Then Brahma said, "Mother, I do not trust you now. I will surely find out that God." On this Durga said, "What will you do if he does not appear before you?" Brahma said that I will not show you my face.
However, Jyoti Niranjan has pledged that I would remain unmanifested; I would never appear before anyone i.e. I would never appear in form in my actual 'Kaal' form in the 21 brahmands.
Gita, Adhyay no. 7, Shlok no. 24
Avyaktam , vyaktim , aapannm , manyante, mam , abuddhyaH, Param , bhaavam , ajaanantH, mm, avyyam , anuttamm ||24 ||
Translation: (AbuddhyaH) foolish people (mm) my (anuttamm ) bad / inferior (avyyam) permanent (param) prime (bhaavam ) character (ajaanantH) being unaware of (avyaktam ) unmanifested / invisible (mam ) me, Kaal (vyaktim ) in form incarnated as Krishna (aapannm) to have attained (manyante) consider.
Translation: Foolish people being unaware of my bad, permanent and prime character, consider the unmanifested/invisible me, Kaal, to have incarnated in form as Krishna.
Gita Adhyay no. 7 Shlok no. 25
Na, aham , prakashH, sarvasya, yogmayasmavrtH, MoodH, ayam ,na, abhijanati, lokH, mam , ajam , avyyam || 25|
Translation: (Aham) I (yogmaya smavrtH) hidden by Yogmaya (sarvasya) everyone (PrakashH) appear before (na) do not i.e. remain invisible i.e. unmanifested, therefore (ajam ) of not taking birth (avyyam ) eternal character (ayam ) this (moodH) ignorant (lokH) living beings of the world (mam) me (na) not (abhijanati) knows i.e. consider me as having come in incarnation form.
Translation: I, hidden by Yogmaya, do not appear before everyone i.e. remain invisible i.e. unmanifested, therefore, this ignorant world does not know me and my eternal character of not taking birth i.e. consider me having come in incarnation form.
Because Brahm makes his numerous forms with his word power; he is Durga's husband, therefore is saying in this Shlok that I do not take birth from Durga like Sri Krishna etc.
Previous << 3. What are the Three Gunas || 5. Brahma's Endeavour to Search His Father Brahm >> Next
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amanatcas · 10 months
The Prakash of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
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Date - 4th November, 2022
November 4th, 2022 marks the Prakash (holy birthday) of my religion's first Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. His birthday is widely celebrated in not only Sikhism, which is my religion, but also in India.
To celebrate his birthday, my school, Cambridge International Foundation school, had sent up a Kirtan and Gurdwara activities.
The day commenced with us safely taking the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (holy book) to the center of our school to set it up. Next, Kirtan, which is a devoted singing that aligns with the teachings of gurus, including Guru Nanak Dev ji, was played by not only the guest people in the school from the Gurdwara, but also our own passionate teachers! We were all immersed in the Kirtan. Later, we did Gurdwara activities such as Katha (speeches that elaborate the meaning of our Guru's teachings), and Seva (selfless service)
As someone who has a mom that greatly practices Sikhism, I knew it was my duty to ensure respect and awareness towards my religion.
During the entire congregation, I helped with students' discipline and also educated those who did not know of our practices during the Gurdwara during the event. While these allowed me to create awareness of the manners that should be present whilst one is at a Gurdwara, the best part of the entire day was educating little kids on how to pray, properly lining them up and praying alongside my teachers. Truly, this day will never be forgotten in my heart and I hope we do something similar next year!
Time spent - 2 hours and 25 minutes
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Planned and initiated activities or part of an activity
Collaborate with others
Ethical implications of your actions
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pure-land-mind-life · 11 months
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x7
Multiplier mantra x108, Done 1
Om Ram (Om Ram....Svaha), Done 2
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect hse, three protects whole place, seven protects the country) x108, Done 2
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra (Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day, Done 10
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 10
A va la ka kia x 108, Done 0.5
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra 4x108 Done 1
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra (Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) x108, Done 1
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā x 108, Done 4
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha x 108, Done 6
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha x 108, Done 6
Om Bhrum x 108, Done 2
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha x108, Done 5
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha x108, Done 1
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x1080, Done 0
(20x27x2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra, Medicine Buddha heart mantra x108, Done 3
Manjushri mantra, Done 1
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 1
Earth store mantra x108, Done 1
7th Past Parents mantra x108, Done 1
Long life mantra (Om sam) x108, Done 1
Om ye ye nan 4x108, Done 1
Food mantra 4x108, Done 1
Water offering mantra, Done 1
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 1
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 4 days
Namo Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 1
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 1
Om Ah Hum x108, Done 4
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Nian fo - 108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable) Done 4
Kuan yin - 108, Done 4
Great Strength - 108, Done 4
Ksitigarbha - 108, Done 4
Heart sutra, Done 7
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 1
Compassionate mantra, Done 7
Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin, Soha, Done 1
Om Ji zhi ya Soha, Done
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra 4x108, Done 0.5
Pureland rebirth mantra 4x108, Done 0
Om Pu Kam (Pureland), Light mantra 4x108, Done 0
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham), Done 1
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi, x 108, 14 x per day, Done 2
Part 4 End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
Tara mantras
- Green 4x108, Done 1
- Red 4x108, Done 1
- White 4x108, Done 1
(Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha)
Setrap mantra 4x108, Done 1
Dorje Shugden mantra; Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Done 1
~ Shize
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung 4x108, Done 1
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung, Done 1
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha 4x108, Done 1
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om) 1x108, Done 1
Om Benza Satto Hung 4×108, Done 2
During 8 Kwanzai
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 108
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 86
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha, Done 86
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 106
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva
(Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 86
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 86
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, Done 86
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 86
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 106
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, done 108
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, done 108
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, done 108
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 86
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done
Om Samaya Cha, Done 86
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 149
Medicine Buddha (3 times per day), Done 130
Namo bhagavate bhaiṣajyaguru-
vaiḍūryaprabhārājāya tathāgatāya
arhate samyaksaṃbuddhāya,
tadyathā oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajya-samudgate svāhā
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day, Done x 216
Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
(3 times per day)
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai), Done 0
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye Soha), Done 0
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya.
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
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gkecindia · 11 months
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Light up your future with this Diwali special offer! Don't miss out chance to Study in UK Without an Interview CAS. Enroll now before 10th November 2023.
Contact us for any inquiries GK Educational Consultants Pvt. Ltd., {Overseas Education Guidance & Care} +91 99156 30580 or +91 98727 23355 # 216, Defence Colony, Opp. Gurudwara Shri Guru Amar Dass Sahib Ji, Jalandhar City Punjab(India)
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neerajmishra · 11 months
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सतभक्ति करने से चौरासी लाख योनियों का कष्ट दूर हो जाता है।
True Guru Sant Rampal Ji ca
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onlinesikhstore · 1 year
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Sant Bhindranwale Kara Gurmukhi Kada Gold Black Alloy Sikh Singh Bangle L21 NEW
Sant Bhindranwale Kara Gurmukhi Kada Gold Black Alloy Sikh Singh Bangle L21 NEW
Design No. L21
BRAND NEW and in sealed bags
Width: approx. 6.5mm
Thickness from Inner side to the edge/collar approx. 11mm
Weight approx. 60g
Sizes of Kara are Inner diameter. Please choose correct size from Variation list.
If you are not sure of size then please message us and we will send you guidance photos to help you find your Kara size.
One side of these kara are engraved/etched with Gurmukhi Alphabet (Punjabi Painiti)
ੳ Ura ਅ Era ੲ Iri ਸ Sussa Sa ਹ Haha Ha 
ਕ Kukka Ka ਖ Khukha Kha ਗ Gugga Ga ਘ Ghugga Gha ਙ Ungga Nga 
ਚ Chucha Ca ਛ Chhuchha Cha ਜ Jujja Ja ਝ Jhujja Jha ਞ Yanza Nya 
ਟ Tainka Tta ਠ Thutha Ttha ਡ Dudda Dda ਢ Dhudda Ddha ਣ Nahnha Nna 
ਤ Tutta Ta ਥ Thutha Tha ਦ Duda Da ਧ Dhuda Dha ਨ Nunna Na 
ਪ Puppa Pa ਫ Phupha Pha ਬ Bubba Ba ਭ Bhubba Bha ਮ Mumma Ma 
ਯ Yaiyya Ya ਰ Rara Ra ਲ Lulla La ਵ Vava Va ੜ Rahrha R
Other side of this Kara there's wording of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale:
ਮੈਂ ਸਰੀਰ ਦੇ ਮਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਮੌਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਗਿਣਦਾ, ਜ਼ਮੀਰ ਦੇ ਮਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਮੌਤ ਗਿਣਦਾ ਹਾਂ - ਸੰਤ ਜਰਨੈਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਭਿੰਡਰਾਂਵਾਲੇ
Meaning in English: ‘Physical Death I Do Not Fear, The Death Of Conscience Is A Sure Death.’ - Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale
Please note there may be a slight scratch present on inner side of Kara. This is usual and it happens during the Kara engraving on Machine.
These Kara designs are launched recently and are very popular in market right now - very famous in youngsters and we are the only seller who has this exclusive design of engraved Khandas on Karas - for sale in UK
Please choose variation size while buying or mention it to us in your note:
Please read below more Information about Sikh Kara:
A kara ਕੜਾ کڑا कड़ा KADA, is a steel or iron (sarb loh) Bracelet, worn by all initiated Sikhs. It is one of the five kakars or 5Ks — external articles of faith — that identify a Sikh as dedicated to their religious order. The kara was instituted by the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanskarn in 1699. Guru Gobind Singh Ji explained:
He does not recognise anyone else except me, not even the bestowal of charities, performance of merciful acts, austerities and restraint on pilgrim-stations; the perfect light of the Lord illuminates his heart, then consider him as the immaculate Khalsa.
The kara is to constantly remind the Sikh disciple to do God's work, a constant reminder of the Sikh's mission on this earth and that he or she must carry out righteous and true deeds and actions, keeping with the advice given by the Guru. The Kara is a symbol of unbreakable attachment and commitment to God. It is in the shape of a circle which has no beginning and no end, like the eternal nature of God. It is also a symbol of the Sikh brotherhood. As the Sikhs' holy text, the Guru Granth Sahib Ji says, "In the tenth month, you were made into a human being, O my merchant friend, and you were given your allotted time to perform good deeds." Similarly, Bhagat Kabir reminds the Sikh to always keep one's consciousness with God: "With your hands and feet, do all your work, but let your consciousness remain with the Immaculate Lord."
The basic kara is a simple unadorned steel bracelet, but other forms exist. It was historically used like a Knuckle-duster for hand-to-hand combat. Battlefield variations include kara with spikes or sharp edges. Sikh soldiers of the British Indian army would settle disputes by competing in a form of boxing known as loh-musti (lit. iron fist) with a kara on one hand.
Brilliant finish and very decorative. Ideal gift item for loved ones on all occasions.
Free Royal Mail Postage in UK. 
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
P.S. Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Some kara may have negligible small black grinding mark on the kara joint. This is always seen on all kara as most of the Kara making/shaping work is done by hands. However, this do not affect the quality/look of kara. 
Please note that these Gold/Silver plated Kara are for Occasional Wear and plating will come off eventually depending upon person's life style. These are similar to ladies artificial Jewellery like necklaces and earrings that they wear only on weddings parties or special events.
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poonamranius · 2 years
ITR फाइल कर चुके हैं तो इन 6 तरीकों से कर लें वेरिफाई ताकि जल्द मिल सके आपके रिफंड का पैसा
ITR फाइल कर चुके हैं तो इन 6 तरीकों से कर लें वेरिफाई ताकि जल्द मिल सके आपके रिफंड का पैसा
ITR Filing Process: असेसमेंट ईयर 2022-23 के लिए 5 करोड़ 82 लाख 88 हजार 962 लोगों ने अभी तक इनकम टैक्स रिटर्न दाखिल किया है। इनमें से 3.01 करोड़ आईटीआर सत्यापित होने की प्रक्रिया में हैं। आईटीआर भरने की लास्ट डेट निकल चुकी है। अब इसे लेट फीस के साथ ही भरा जा सकता है। इनकम टैक्स डिपॉर्टमेंअ की वेबसाइट पर दिए गए आंकड़ों के मुताबिक 10.54 करोड़ इंडिविजुअल रजिस्टर्ड यूजर हैं। असेसमेंट ईयर 2022-23 के…
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magnae-deum-matris · 4 years
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Bhairava (Mahakala Bhairava) (Sanskrit: भैरव, lit. frightful) is a Hindu Tantrik deity worshiped by Hindus. In Shaivism, he is a fierce manifestation of Shiva associated with annihilation.[1][2][3][4] In Trika system Bhairava represents Supreme Reality, synonymous to Para Brahman.[5][6] In Hinduism Bhairava is also called Dandapani (as he holds a rod or Danda to punish sinners) and Swaswa meaning "whose horse is a dog".[7] In Vajrayana Buddhism, he is considered a fierce emanation of Mañjuśrī and also called Heruka, Vajrabhairava and Yamantaka. Mantra Om Shri Kaal Bhairavaya Namaha Weapon Trishula, Khaṭvāṅga Number 33 This article contains Indic text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks or boxes, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Indic text. The historical origins of Bhairava are obscure; according to Ronald M. Davidson, he was probably a "local ferocious divinity" associated by tribal peoples with cremation grounds (smasana), ghouls and ghosts (vetala, pisaca).[10] He is worshiped throughout India, Sri Lanka and Nepal as well as in Tibetan Buddhism.
In Hinduism
Bhairava with his consort, Bhairavi
Aakash Bhairab in Kathmandu. Bhairava originates from the word bhīru, which means "fearful". Bhairava means "terribly fearful form". It is also known as one who destroys fear or one who is beyond fear. The right interpretation is that he protects his devotees from dreadful enemies, greed, lust and anger. Bhairava protects his devotees from these enemies. These enemies are dangerous as they never allow humans to seek God within. There is also another interpretation: Bha means creation, ra means sustenance and va means destruction. Therefore, Bhairava is the one who creates, sustains and dissolves the three stages of life. Therefore, he becomes the ultimate or the supreme.
The origin of Bhairava can be traced to a conversation between Brahma and Vishnu which is recounted in the Shiva Mahapuranam. In it, Vishnu inquired of Brahma, "Who is the supreme creator of the Universe?" Arrogantly, Brahma told Vishnu to worship him as Supreme Creator. One day, Brahma thought "I have five heads. Shiva also has five heads. I can do everything that Shiva does and therefore I am Shiva." Brahma became a little egotistical as a result of this. Additionally, he began to forge the work of Shiva and also started interfering in what Shiva was supposed to be doing. Consequently, Mahadeva (Shiva) threw a small nail from his finger which assumed the form of Kala Bhairava and casually went to cut off one of Brahma's heads. The skull (Kapala) of Brahma is held in the hands of Kala Bhairava, Brahma’s ego was destroyed and he became enlightened. From then on, he became useful to himself and to the world, and deeply grateful to Shiva. In the form of the Kala Bhairava, Shiva is said to be guarding each of these Shaktipeeth (Shakti temples). Each Shaktipeeth is accompanied by a temple dedicated to Bhairava.
There is another school of thought which says that Shiva himself created Bhairava. There was one demon by name Dahurāsuraṇ who got a boon that he could be killed only by a woman. Kali was invoked by Parvati to kill him. The wrath of Kali killed the demon. After killing the demon, her wrath metamorphosed as a child. Kali fed the child with her milk. Shiva made both Kali and the child to merge with him. From this merged form of Shiva, Bhairava appeared in his eight forms (Aṣṭāṅga Bhairavas). Since Bhairava was thus created by Shiva, he is said to be one of the sons of Shiva.
Puranas too give different versions of Bhairava. In this version there was a war between gods and demons. To eradicate the demons, Shiva created Kala Bhairava from whom Aṣṭāṅga Bhairavas were created. These Ashta Bhairavas got married to Ashta Matrikas. These Ashta Bhairavas and Ashta Matrikas have dreadful forms. From these Ashta Bhairavas and Ashta Matrikas, 64 Bhairavas and 64 Yoginis were created.
Normally in Shiva temples, idols of Bhairava are situated in the north facing, southern facing direction. He is also called Kṣhetrapāla. He appears in a standing position with four hands. His weapons are drum, pāśa (noose), trident and skull. In some forms of Bhairava, there are more than four hands. He appears without dress and with a dog. His weapons, the dog, protruding teeth, terrifying looks, a garland with red flowers all give him a frightening appearance.
In all Shiva temples, regular puja rituals begin with Surya and end with Bhairava. Bhairava likes ghee bath (abhiṣeka), red flowers, ghee lamp, unbroken coconut, honey, boiled food, fibrous fruits etc. If a Bhairava idol is facing west, it is good; facing south is moderate; facing east is not good. The right time to pray to Bhairavi is midnight. During midnight it is said that Bhairava and his consort Bhairavi will give darśana (appearance) to their devotees. The most appropriate time is a Friday midnight. There are eight types of flowers and leaves used in archana (अर्चन) to Bhairava.
Bhairava is the ultimate form of manifestation or pure "I" consciousness. This form is called Svarṇākarṣṇa Bhairava. He has red or blue complexion and is clothed in golden dress. He has the moon over his head. He has four hands, one of which he holds a golden vessel. He gives wealth and prosperity. Performing pūja on Tuesdays gives quick results. In some of the ancient texts he is said to have thirty two hands, the shape of a bird, golden complexion, terrible teeth, and a human form above the hip. Worshiping him destroys enemies.
Some forms of Bhairava are guardians of the eight cardinal points. There are 64 Bhairavas. These 64 Bhairavas are grouped under 8 categories and each category is headed by one major Bhairava. The major eight Bhairavas are called Aṣṭāṅga Bhairavas. The Ashta Bhairavas control the 8 directions of this universe. Each Bhairava has seven sub Bhairavas under him, totaling 64 Bhairavas. All of the Bhairavas are ruled and controlled by Maha Swarna Kala Bhairava otherwise known as Kala Bhairava, who is the supreme ruler of time of this universe as per some Śaiva tantric scriptures (āgamas). Bhairavi is the consort of Kala Bhairava.[24] The eight Bhairavas are said to represent five elements viz. ākāś, air, fire, water and earth and the other three being sun, moon and ātman. Each of the eight Bhairavas are different in appearance, have different weapons, different vāhanas (vehicles) and they bless their devotees with eight types of wealth representing Ashta Lakshmis. Continuous worship of Bhairava leads the worshiper to a true Guru. There are separate mantras to all the eight Bhairavas.
Bhairava is also called upon as protector, as he guards the eight directions of the universe. In Shiva temples, when the temple is closed, the keys are placed before Bhairava. Bhairava is also described as the protector of women. He is described as the protector of the timid and in general women who are timid in nature.
It is generally believed that worshiping Bhairava gives prosperity, success and good progeny, prevents premature death and solution to debts and liabilities. Different forms of Bhairava evolve only from Śiva, who is called the Mahā Bhairava.
Trika System
Trika and Kashmiri Shaivism names the Absolute Reality(Para Brahman) as Bhairava. The Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra is a key Tantra text of the Trika System. Cast as a discourse between the god Bhairava and his consort Bhairavi it briefly presents 112 Tantric meditation methods or centering techniques (Dharana). The text is a chapter from the Rudrayamala Tantra,a Bhairava Agama. Bhairavi, the goddess, asks Bhairava to reveal the essence of the way to realization of the highest reality. In his answer Bhairava describes 112 ways to enter into the universal and transcendental state of consciousness. References to it appear throughout the literature of Trika, Kashmir Shaivism, indicating that it was considered to be an important text in the schools of Kashmir Shaiva philosophy and Trika.
In Buddhism
Thangka Depicting Vajrabhairava, ca. 1740s. Buddhism also adopted Bhairava (Tibetan: 'Jigs byed; Chinese: Buwei) as a deity and a dharmapala or dharma protector. The various buddhist forms of Bhairava (variously called Herukas, Vajrabhairava, Mahākāla and Yamantaka) are considered fierce deities and yidams (tantric meditational deity) in Tibetan Buddhism. They also have their own set of buddhist tantras, the Vajrabhairava tantras.[34] According to Tibetan tradition, these tantras were revealed to Lalitavajra in Oddiyana in the 10th century. These texts play a particularly important role in the Sarma (new translation) traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, especially among the Gelug school where Vajrabhairava is one of the three central highest yoga tantra practices of the lineage. Because of this, it is also popular in Mongolia as a protector deity and was also popular among the Manchus. The deity is also central to Newar Buddhism. The tantric practices associated with Bhairava focus on the transformation of anger and hatred into understanding.
See also: Bhairava Ashtami
Kala Bhairava attended by devotees at Kathmandu Durbar Square Temples or shrines to Bhairava are present within or near most Jyotirlinga temples. There are also the sacred twelve shrines dedicated to Shiva which can be found all across India including the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi and the Kal Bhairav temple, Ujjain. The Patal Bhairav and Vikrant Bhairav shrines are located in Ujjain as well.
One of the ancient temples of Kaal Bhairava is situated in Dhuri city (District Sangrur), Punjab. The idol of Kaal Bhairava in the temple was found hundreds of years ago. The temple has been managed by "Baba Shri Pritam Muni Ji" for many years. It is believed that Kaal Bhairava Ji resides here.
Gorat Kashmiris are known to worship Bhairava during Shivratri. The renowned Hindu reformer, Adi Sankara composed a hymn on Kala Bhairava called "Sri Kalabhairava Ashtakam" in the city of Kashi.
Bhairava Ashtami commemorating the day Kala Bhairava appeared on earth, is celebrated on Krishna paksha Ashtami of the Margashirsha month of the Hindu calendar. It is a day filled with special prayers and rituals.
Rakta Bhairava Bhairava is depicted as being ornamented with a range of twisted serpents, which serve as earrings, bracelets, anklets, and sacred thread (yajnopavita). He wears a tiger skin and a ritual apron composed of human bones.[44] Bhairava has a dog (Shvan) as his divine vahana (vehicle). Bhairavi is a fierce and terrifying aspect of the Devi who is virtually indistinguishable from Kali, with the exception of her particular identification as the consort of Bhairava.
Bhairava himself has eight manifestations i.e. Ashta Bhairava:
Asithaanga Bhairava Ruru Bhairava Chanda Bhairava Krodha Bhairava Unmattha Bhairava Kapaala Bhairava Bheeshana Bhairava Samhaara Bhairava Kala Bhairava is conceptualized as the Guru of the planetary deity, Shani (Saturn). Bhairava is known as Bhairavar or Vairavar in Tamil, where he is often presented as a Grama devata or village guardian who safeguards the devotee in eight directions (ettu tikku). Known in Sinhalese as Bahirawa, he is said to protect treasures. Lord Bhairava is the main deity worshiped by the Aghora sect.
List of Bhairava temples
Reflection of blue sky on mask of Shwet Bhairav at Basantapur, Kathmandu, Nepal Bhairava is an important deity of the Newars. All the traditional settlements of Newars have at least one temple of Bhairava. Most of the temples of Bhairava in Nepal are maintained by Newar priests. There are several Bhairava temples in the Kathmandu valley. In south Karnataka, Lord Sri Kalabhairaveshwara is present as Kshetra Palaka in Sri Adichunchanagiri Hills.
Haatha: Shwet Bhairav Kala Bhairava temples can also be found around Shaktipeeths. It is said that Shiva allocated the job of guarding each of the 52 Shaktipeeths to one Bhairava. There are said to be 52 forms of Bhairava, which are considered a manifestation of Shiva himself. Traditionally, Kala Bhairava is the Grama devata in the rural villages of Maharashtra, where he is referred to as "Bhairava/Bhairavnath" and "Bairavar". In Karnataka, Lord Bhairava is the supreme God for the community commonly referred to as Vokkaligas (Gowdas). Especially in the Jogi Vokkaliga, he is considered the caretaker and punisher.[49] Shri Kala Bhairava Nath Swami Temple of Madhya Pradesh is also popular.
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santmat · 4 years
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Baba Farid, Sufi Mystic: "God says, 'If you reform yourself, you shall meet me, and meeting me, you shall be at peace. O Farid, if you will be mine, the whole world will be yours.'"
Commentary by Santji: "Earlier also I said that my beloved Gurudev [Kirpal Singh] used to say, 'God is in search of a man. He is always trying to find a man [a true human being], but it is very difficult to become a man.' In the same way God Almighty says, 'O Farid, he who reforms himself, amends himself, I become of him. I go and set up my residence within him. If he makes me his very own, a time comes when the entire world becomes his.' We know that in the Silver Age, Lord Rama came and we still remember him with much love and devotion. Does anyone remember any other king of that time with so much love and devotion? No. It has been a long time since Kabir Sahib was born. Still, not only in India but across the oceans and on top of the mountains, he is known and adored. In the same way, Guru Nanak Sahib Ji also ruled over the hearts of people. You know how every morning people get up and remember their names. Why is it so? Do we remember kings and emperors like that? No. We remember the Masters because they gave God Almighty a place to reside within them. They reformed themselves and also reformed the people around them. A satsangi [initiate] has a great responsibility. If he is reformed, it is his duty to reform others. He should tell others, 'Brother, by following this path I have made my life. You also do this.' The fragrance of Naam* should come out from the satsangi. Everyone should know where he goes. That is why God lovingly says, 'If you will be mine, the whole world will be yours.'"
-- The Pain of Separation, The Shlokas of Sheik Farid From the Guru Granth Sahib, Commentary By Ajaib Singh [Santji], published by Sant Bani Ashram in 2020: https://santbani.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/PDF+Books/The+Pain+of+Separation.pdf
* Naam: "Word or Naam is the Sound Current or Sound Principle. This current or principle lay merged in the Great Silence and was hence nameless. There was then nothing but Deep Silence with no name or pattern, no design or form and no color or shade. The life vibration (principle) hidden therein, stirred the Great Deep and there came a Great Sound called Word, and the whole creation came into being and is being sustained by this." -- See the book, Naam Or Word, by Kirpal Singh: https://ruhanisatsangusa.org/pdf/NAAMorWORD2017.pdf
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studyondoor · 4 years
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yog-guru-ratan · 4 years
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onlinesikhstore · 1 year
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Sant bhindranwale kara gurmukhi kada antique copper colour sikh singh bangle E10 Sant Bhindranwale Kara Gurmukhi Kada Antique Copper Colour Sikh Singh Bangle  Design No. E10 BRAND NEW and in sealed bags Width: approx. 7mm Thickness from Inner side to the edge/collar approx. 11mm Weight approx. 80g Sizes of Kara are Inner diameter. Please choose correct size from Variation list. If you are not sure of size then please message us and we will send you guidance photos to help you find your Kara size. Sizes: Small 2/8 or 6.2cm Medium 2/10 or 6.5cm Medium 2/12 or 6.9cm Large 2/14 or 7.2cm XLarge 2/16 or 7.5cm
Kids 1/10 or 4.4cm
Kids 1/12 or 4.7cm
Kids 1/14 or 5.0cm
Kids 2/0 or 5.3cm
One side of these kara are engraved/etched with Gurmukhi Alphabet (Punjabi Painiti) ੳ Ura ਅ Era ੲ Iri ਸ Sussa Sa ਹ Haha Ha  ਕ Kukka Ka ਖ Khukha Kha ਗ Gugga Ga ਘ Ghugga Gha ਙ Ungga Nga  ਚ Chucha Ca ਛ Chhuchha Cha ਜ Jujja Ja ਝ Jhujja Jha ਞ Yanza Nya  ਟ Tainka Tta ਠ Thutha Ttha ਡ Dudda Dda ਢ Dhudda Ddha ਣ Nahnha Nna  ਤ Tutta Ta ਥ Thutha Tha ਦ Duda Da ਧ Dhuda Dha ਨ Nunna Na  ਪ Puppa Pa ਫ Phupha Pha ਬ Bubba Ba ਭ Bhubba Bha ਮ Mumma Ma  ਯ Yaiyya Ya ਰ Rara Ra ਲ Lulla La ਵ Vava Va ੜ Rahrha R Other side of this Kara there's wording of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale: ਮੈਂ ਸਰੀਰ ਦੇ ਮਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਮੌਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਗਿਣਦਾ, ਜ਼ਮੀਰ ਦੇ ਮਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਮੌਤ ਗਿਣਦਾ ਹਾਂ - ਸੰਤ ਜਰਨੈਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਭਿੰਡਰਾਂਵਾਲੇ Meaning in English: ‘Physical Death I Do Not Fear, The Death Of Conscience Is A Sure Death.’ - Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale Please note there may be a slight scratch present on inner side of Kara. This is usual and it happens during the Kara engraving on Machine. These Kara designs are launched recently and are very popular in market right now - very famous in youngsters and we are the only seller who has this exclusive design of engraved Khandas on Karas - for sale in UK Please choose variation size while buying or mention it to us in your note: Please read below more Information about Sikh Kara: A kara ਕੜਾ کڑا कड़ा KADA, is a steel or iron (sarb loh) Bracelet, worn by all initiated Sikhs. It is one of the five kakars or 5Ks — external articles of faith — that identify a Sikh as dedicated to their religious order. The kara was instituted by the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanskarn in 1699. Guru Gobind Singh Ji explained: He does not recognise anyone else except me, not even the bestowal of charities, performance of merciful acts, austerities and restraint on pilgrim-stations; the perfect light of the Lord illuminates his heart, then consider him as the immaculate Khalsa. The kara is to constantly remind the Sikh disciple to do God's work, a constant reminder of the Sikh's mission on this earth and that he or she must carry out righteous and true deeds and actions, keeping with the advice given by the Guru. The Kara is a symbol of unbreakable attachment and commitment to God. It is in the shape of a circle which has no beginning and no end, like the eternal nature of God. It is also a symbol of the Sikh brotherhood. As the Sikhs' holy text, the Guru Granth Sahib Ji says, "In the tenth month, you were made into a human being, O my merchant friend, and you were given your allotted time to perform good deeds." Similarly, Bhagat Kabir reminds the Sikh to always keep one's consciousness with God: "With your hands and feet, do all your work, but let your consciousness remain with the Immaculate Lord." The basic kara is a simple unadorned steel bracelet, but other forms exist. It was historically used like a Knuckle-duster for hand-to-hand combat. Battlefield variations include kara with spikes or sharp edges. Sikh soldiers of the British Indian army would settle disputes by competing in a form of boxing known as loh-musti (lit. iron fist) with a kara on one hand. Brilliant finish and very decorative. Ideal gift item for loved ones on all occasions. P.S. Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Some kara may have negligible small black grinding mark on the kara joint. This is always seen on all kara as most of the Kara making/shaping work is done by hands. However, this do not affect the quality/look of kara.  Please note that these Gold or Silver or copper plated Kara are for Occasional Wear and plating will come off eventually depending upon person's life style. These are similar to ladies artificial Jewellery like necklaces and earrings that they wear only on weddings parties or special events.
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