#cal poly slo
hoodharlow · 11 months
The Bae Area (fic)
AN: I got a few asks from that concept about Jack and Miriam getting caught so I brought back the fic. The ending is also something one of @killatravtramp anons sent in and V let me use the concept <3
Requested? My anons <3
Warnings: smut, Shawn Mendes being messy. Also this does not reflect how I view Shawn. He's one of my fave Candadians even after the canola oil shit show.
Word Count:
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“Water break.” Jack pulled away.
“Seriously?” Miriam arched an eyebrow at him.
“Bro, I just gave you two rounds, give me a fucking second.” He sat up and reached for his Fiji water, dramatically drinking half of the bottle. 
Not only was it the first time Miriam had the house to herself since she officially started to date Jack but he had a day off in between shows so she was going to take full advantage of that to get railed. Her parents went out for date night and were going to stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel for the night then going back home after breakfast. Joseph and Katalina were in Aspen for a few more days to ski.
Jack and Miriam hadn't had sex since her last night in Louisville before she flew to Aspen to spend Christmas with her family. They were supposed to have sex on New Years, but Miriam got too tipsy and Jack took care of her when they got back from the club. After that Miriam flew to LA for an audition. Jack flew back a few days later but focused on getting some studio time for his album and preparing for his California tour. 
Miriam was obviously joining him for his mini tour, except for the Pomona and SLO shows because both Cal Poly Pomona and Cal Poly SLO rejected. They were the only two universities that rejected her. (She got into all the Ivy Leagues, the UCs, NYU, USC and Stanford.) Miriam vowed to never set foot in those two cities after. They were lucky that Jack had a day off 
He hovered over Miriam, smirking, “where were we?”
Miriam giggled and wrapped her arms around him. Jack groaned as he slid back into her. It didn’t take long for them to find a pace. Her breath hitched at how good it felt. Jack must have noticed, and continued thrusting in that spot. The familiar feeling came over her once more. Miriam was about to come, and he knew it. His thrusts got more precise, hitting where she needed him the most. She was about to come undone when her bedroom door opened.
“Miriam–oh!” Her mom shut the door abruptly.
“Que paso?” Her dad asked her mom.
“Nada.” Isabela mumbled.
“El gringo está adentro verdad?” He pounded on the door. “Miriam, what did we agree on? When el gringuito is here you leave the door open. Me vale verga if me and your mom are not home. The door remains open. Understood?”
“Yes papi.” Miriam said as she threw Jack his clothes.
“Harlow, you have five minutes to leave my house.”
Jack cleared his throat, stifling his laugh. “Yes, sir.”
Miriam put on some flannel pajamas and pulled her hair into a bun. She caught herself in her vanity mirror and saw she was missing a hoop earring. 
“I saw this fall off your ear when we were fucking doggy style.” Jack said, handing her her missing up.
“Thanks.” she said shyly. She took off the other one and put them on her everyday jewelry tray in her vanity.
“I’mma go.” he said.
"I'll walk you out." She put on her ankle length Ugg boots. 
She opened her bedroom door and Daisy jumped on Jack. The almost two year old puppy got on her hind legs and nuzzled her face against Jack's hand so he could pet her. He gave her a few head scratches and then followed Miriam downstairs. 
They went to the living room where her parents were watching the 10pm novela on telemundo.. 
"Jack's leaving." Miriam said to them. 
"Aw so soon?" Mateo said, pretending to be upset. 
"I have an early morning at the studio before my show." Jack explained. 
"Okay mi'jo. Drive safe." Isabela said.
"Thank you. Have a good night." He said following Miriam out to the driveway. 
Somehow they ended up making out again. Jack had Miriam pressed against his car. One hand on her hip and the other was inside her shirt, cupping her breast. Miriam grinded herself on him and only pulled away to kiss down his jaw. Jack’s grip on her waist tightened when she got to his sweet spot. She licked and lightly nipped it. 
"Fuck, Miriam," he grunted. "I really gotta go." 
"Do you have to?" Miriam pouted.
"If I want to live, yes. I'll see you tomorrow?" He said climbing in the car.
“No,” she shook her head. “But I’ll see you in San Diego. Claudia and Cal are back from Mexico and are staying there for a bit.”
“I thought they were in London.” 
“They spent Christmas in London then flew out to Mexico for New Years because her tio, who’s basically her cousin, got married.” she explained.
“Who else is there? So I can save some tickets for them.”
“I think just them, her dad, and her other brother and his family. Yeah Danny, Mede and baby Sebas stayed with her mom for a few more days.” 
“The baby isn’t here?” he asked. 
“Good because I don’t want to get bitten again.”
“That’s on you, Jack. Why would you take goldfish from a baby?”
Jack spotted the familiar camera crew from when he filmed his own shoe shopping video as his Uber pulled up to the address of the sneaker store Miriam sent him. She was filming a shoe shopping video at her go-to store in Oakland. Last night, after his show in SLO, he and his crew drove up to San Francisco. They arrived around three in the morning. Jack slept for a few hours then had a team meeting to go over his schedule for the next few weeks. After he finished his shows, he was going to stay at least two weeks in San Francisco and work on his album. 
He grabbed his duffle bag and thanked the driver. He rated them five stars as he made his way over to Isabela. 
“Hi mijo.” she said, giving him a side hug.
“Hi,” he smiled.
He followed her to where Miriam was. She was sitting in front of a makeup chair getting her makeup done. She waved at him as he walked over to sit in one of the chairs next to Miriam's mom. He pulled out his phone and checked in with Chris and Neelam. He had a little free time before heading into a studio in San Francisco where he was recording a few songs he had written. 
“Jack?” Joe, the host of the segment said. 
“Oh hey, man how are you?” Jack smiled, extending his hand to shake his.
The two men caught up for a bit until a producer came over to get Joe. Jack sat back in the chair and watched Miriam and Joe. She seemed more relaxed than the night before when she was telling him that she was nervous because she’s not a sneakerhead, she just buys a lot of shoes that she thinks are cute. But she was doing good, in his biased opinion. She was articulate and explained her answers thoroughly without sounding pretentious which was something she was nervous about. She was probably also more comfortable because the store they were at is an actual store she shopped at and she knew the staff. The interview ended and it was time for her to shop. 
Miriam quickly hugged the clerk and they made brief small talk since it’s been a few months since she shopped at the store. Jack snorted as he watched her struggle to reach a pair of shoes that were on the top shelf. 
“I can fucking hear you laughing,” she frowned. “Make yourself useful and get those ‘fog grey’ ones.” 
“Damn not even a please.” he mumbled as he sauntered over to her. 
Everytime she needed a pair of shoes from the top shelf he looked at the camera like he was Jim in The Office before reaching for them. Twelve pairs of shoes later, and a lot of convincing on his part that she should get a pair of 990s because they were her favorite shade of green, they made their way to the cash register. 
“Okay that will be $2,326.” the cashier said.
“Oh don’t forget the usual.” Miriam told her as she pulled out her card. 
“Okay your total is now $1,340,546.87.” she said. 
Miriam nodded and swiped her card without a second thought. Jack, trying to be funny, looked over her shoulder as she typed her PIN number. She noticed right away and hunched over the card reader. The cashier handed her the receipt and her bags. Miriam thanked her and took the bags. Jack took the bags and helped her carry them to her car while she finished up her video. 
“Okay, I’m heading back to LA.” Isabela said when they were in the parking lot. 
“Is that why you rode with Saul when I could have driven us both?” Miriam asked her, gesturing to her parents’ designated bodyguard that they used when they traveled. Beto was on vacation until late January. 
“No, mi’ja, you’re a shitty driver and I don’t want to die.” her mom deadpanned. 
Now it was obvious to Jack where Miriam got her sarcasm. 
“I’m kidding–for the most part– I have meetings tomorrow morning with my team and then Kata is doing a shoot and she wants me there.” she explained to Miriam.
“Oh okay,” she nodded.
“Are you still going to see Tere?” Isabela asked, referring to Miriam’s grandma on her dad’s side.
“Yeah, I’m gonna hangout with her before Jack’s show tomorrow.” 
“Ok, se cuidan.” She bid them goodbye and walked over to the SUV where her bodyguard was waiting for her. 
Miriam waited for her mom to drive off the parking lot before unlocking her G-Wagon. Jack got in front of her and opened the door for her. Then he went around and climbed in the car for her. 
“What’s the 'usual'?” Jack finally asked Miriam when she drove out of the parking lot.
“Oh, I just buy out all, like, the clothes and have them donate it to women and homeless shelters.” she shrugged. “I’ve been doing it since I was at Berkeley. I usually do it at the start of each semester.” 
“That’s fucking amazing. I didn't know you were that giving." He teased her.
She scoffed. "You know damn well I'm fucking giving, or did you forget the blowjob I gave you the morning you left for San Luis Obispo."
"If I remember correctly you begged me to fuck your mouth and finish on your face." He smirked.
"Semantics." She waved him off. 
Forty minutes later, Miriam pulled into a neighborhood. Jack couldn’t put his finger on it, but the neighborhood looked very familiar. He looked over to the park across from the row of colorful houses. There were small clusters of people in ponchos and cameras taking pictures of the houses.
“The rain really doesn’t stop these people.” Miriam sighed as she stopped in front of a garage. She pressed a button on the garage opener.
“What do you mean?” he asked, hoping she’d explain because he was still confused.
“These are the houses shown in Full House.” she said as she drove into the garage. “There’s usually more people in the spring and summer.”
Jack only nodded. He knew that ‘Full House’ was a show very popular in the 90s but he has no recollection of ever watching it growing up. He assumed it must have been an iconic show since people were outside in the rain taking pictures. 
He followed Miriam out of the car and up the stairs that led to the kitchen. He was greeted by Daisy as Miriam put in the alarm. The two year old puppy nearly tackled him to the ground, but he caught her paws before they got to him. He gave her a few head scratches and kissed her head before he went to the sink and washed his hands then went up to Miriam.
“That fact that you kissed my dog before me is quite upsetting.” she pouted, crossing her arms.
Jack pulled her arms apart and placed them on his shoulders. He slightly bent down and picked her up by the back of her thighs, setting her down on the counter. He leaned down and claimed her lips. 
“How are you this hard already?” she giggled, glancing down to the very prominent tent in his sweats. 
“I’ve been hard since I saw you in your little shirt back at the store.” he murmured, sliding his hand in her crop top. He tugged on her nipples. “These were callin my name, begging me to touch them, to mark them up.”
Miriam's dog huffed dramatically and plopped in front of them. 
“I can’t do this with Daisy in the room.” Miriam mumbled. 
She hopped off the counter and took his hand leading down the hall to the stairs. They entered the room at the end of the hall. Miriam quickly kicked off her shoes and started taking off her clothes. Jack quickly did the same, staying in his boxers. He picked up Miriam, placing her on his shoulder, and tossed her on the bed. He climbed in bed with her and resumed the makeout session they were having in the kitchen. 
Jack slid his hands up to her breasts. His thumbs delicately ran over her pert nipples as she melted into his hands. Without pulling away from their kiss, Jack helped her out of her panties and tossed them to the growing pile of clothes. One of his hands made its way back to her hips and lazily ran his finger tips around her core, sending her goosebumps all over. With the other, he balanced himself so he wouldn’t squish her.
Miriam gasped feeling his ring and middle finger inside of her. Jack pressed his thumb to her clit and sped up his fingers. She whined and arched her back. She moaned as his fingers fucked into her at a deliciously slow pace. As if her hips had a mind of their own, they followed Jack’s fingers. 
“I got you.” He pressed his thumb against her clit and increased his pace.
“Sh–Jack.” She climaxed.
Jack’s bright blue eyes were on her darkened brown as he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. He brought his fingers to his mouth, but Miriam circled her hand around his wrist. Without breaking eye contact, she slipped his fingers in her mouth. She sucked them, slowly bobbing her mouth. She ran her tongue along the length of them and sucked his fingertips. 
"You're unreal." He said in adoration. 
He pushed himself up, hovering over her. But Miriam wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down so that she got his full weight on her. They kissed once more and lazily made out. Her hands wandered down his back until they reached the waistband of his boxer-briefs. 
"Please fuck me, Jack." She whispered. 
He nodded and stood on his knees. He pushed down his boxer-briefs to his knees and got on top of her once more. He bent his head down and kissed her.
A faint buzzing sound came from the pile of clothes. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Jack cursed. He slipped on his boxers and rummaged through the pile of clothes, pulling out his phone. He answered gruffly, “What?” He listened to whoever was on the other side, nodding along. “Let me ask her.” he turned to Miriam. “What’s your address?”
“Just say the houses from Full House. It should show up when you type it on the search engine.” she said, getting up from the bed. She went into her closet and came out dressed in baggy light grey sweatpants with ‘UC BERKELEY’ sewn in dark blue and a matching hoodie with the same logo as her sweatpants sewn across her chest. 
“Do you know when you’ll be done?” Miriam asked him as he finished getting dressed.
“Not until the evening.” Jack sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? This is your job.” she said, leading him downstairs. “I’ll have dinner ready when you get back.” 
“You cook?” he asked her in a teasing tone.
“Yes, and I’ll even make a dessert.”
“I don’t need dessert when you’re here.” he said in a flirty tone. 
“I can’t stand you sometimes.” she rolled her eyes at him. 
“You know you love me.” Jack smirked.
“Yeah, but I’m starting to question why.” she deadpanned.
Jack’s phone buzzed. It was a text message from Neelam, wondering which house he was at. He responded that he’ll walk out in a minute. 
“My ride’s here.” he said, sliding his phone in his pocket. “I’ll see you later. If anything changes, I’ll text you. Love you.”
“Love you.” she said, standing on her tippy toes to give him a peck. 
Jack walked out through the front door and jogged down the steps, tugging on his hoodie. Thankfully the rain picked up, and there weren’t any tourists in sight. The passenger van flashed the headlights and Jack went towards it. His bodyguard stepped out with an umbrella and opened the backdoor for him to go inside. He thanked his bodyguard and slipped off his hoodie since it got soaked in the two minutes he was outside.
“Didn’t know you were into crop tops.” Urban nodded his head at Jack’s nearly bare torso. 
Jack glanced down and saw that he was wearing Miriam’s black long sleeve instead of his. “Fuck, I must’ve taken Miriam’s shirt when I was getting dressed.” he said, also taking it off and grabbing another t-shirt and hoodie. 
“I think it looks better on her. She has the–”
“Don’t finish that sentence if you’re gonna talk about Miriam’s body.” Jack warned him. 
Urban lifted his hands in surrender,“I was gonna say personality.”
Jack had a pretty productive studio session even if he only managed to record one song. It was the song he planned on doing with Lil Wayne. Unfortunately, Weezy wasn’t able to travel to San  Francisco because he was doing other work, but he managed to do a writing session with Jack. Together they wrote his verse and he even recorded and sent over his verse to Jack’s producer so they could mix it into what Jack had recorded. He was now in the back of the passenger van on his way back to Miriam’s house. 
On his lunch break he got nosy and googled the house she lived in. He found several articles about her parents buying it because it was basically a landmark. Jack nearly choked on his turkey ciabatta sandwich when he read an article that her parents bought the house back in early 2016 for almost $8 million dollars. He knew the cost of living in San Francisco was expensive but he didn’t know it was that expensive. Hell, his mansion back in Louisville barely cost a quarter of that and it was at least three times bigger than her house. 
He was playing a super intense game of Uno on his phone with Urban, Clay, Druski and some other members of PG. Jack clicked on a blue skip turn card skipping Urban. 
"Are you for real?" Urban asked from across the SUV. 
"Don't hate the playa." Jack smirked. 
"You cheated, man." His best friend frowned.
"How the fuck do you cheat at Uno?" He frowned.
"I don't know, you tell me." Urban eyed him suspiciously. 
They ended their game shortly. Jack got a notification that Miriam posted and went to check it out. She was sitting on a stool in a sage green workout set and the shoes she bought earlier in the day. Jack commented on it. He scrolled through her post because her friends sometimes made funny comments, but he stumbled on a comment made by Shawn Mendes aka her old hook up from a few years ago. He rolled his eyes and exited Instagram. It shouldn't bother him, but it did. Shawn knew he and Miriam were together so it's not like he was shooting his shot unknowingly. 
"We're back at Miriam’s place." Chris told Jack. 
"Thanks." Jack nodded. He nodded his head at his baby brother. "You coming?" 
"Nah," Clay shook his head. "Knowing y'all, you're probably gonna go at it all night because you haven't seen each other in twenty-four hours." 
"Alright, see y'all tomorrow." Jack waved. 
"We're picking you up at noon." Neelam said. 
"Oh, Miriam’s driving us. Her grandma lives in San Jose so she's stopping by to see her…anyways bye." He nodded. 
Jack jogged up the steps and knocked on her door. Seconds later Daisy popped her head through the blinds and pawed at the window when she saw him. Miriam opened the door dressed in a grey-blue long sleeve knit maxi dress that had a slit down her left thigh. 
"Hey," she greeted him with a kiss. "The pastitsio needs like twenty minutes." 
"Damn, you really cooked for me." He chuckled as he followed Miriam to the kitchen. 
"Yeah, but I didn't make dessert for us." She said as she set the table. Jack was about to reach for the plates to help her out, Miriam smacked his hand away. "I got it." 
She finished setting the table and checked on the pastitsio. She saw that it was pretty much done so she changed settings of the oven to broil, removing the aluminum foil before closing it. She hopped on the counter and Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his head on her lap. 
"How was the studio?" She asked, twirling one of his curls.
"Good, we finished the song with Lil Wayne and after the shows we'll work on  Clay's song?" He told her.  
"He raps too?"
"No, he's producing one. A few weeks ago he showed me a beat he was working on.  I liked it and we're gonna develop it." He explained.
"Oh I love that." She smiled.  
"How many tickets do you need me to reserve for you?" Jack asked, sitting up against the chair.  
"Three in case my abuela's partner can come. I'm pretty sure it'll be us two, but she mentioned it to Dominic." 
"You think your grandma will like me?" He asked nervously. 
"She will. My dad was the one you needed to get on his good side." Miriam reassured him. She stretched out her legs more, opening a bit to be more comfortable. 
"I'm on his good side?" Jack arched an eyebrow at her. 
"When you're not defiling his youngest child, you are."  
"But you like it when I defile you." He got up from his seat and stood in between her legs. He pushed her legs open, revealing her thong soaked through. He smirked and ran his knuckles over her thong, earning a soft plea from Miriam. He met her gaze. "You're basically begging me to defile you right now."
Jan. 20
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@'jackharlow: Life under the scope
@'mdm: not your hand blending in with the clouds 😭
-> @'jackxmiriam: not you gagging him
@'urbanwyatt: big daddy
@'exhookup: I'm in SF too let's link up 🤤
-> @'jackfan: girl we all saw the video of you trying to get his attention at his shoe in Sacramento, it was desperate even for you lol 💀🤡
@'claybornharlow: they're not ready for this new era
@'g_eazy: 🔥
View all 22896 comments
Jack via Instagram Stories (Jan. 20)
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Jan. 22
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@'mdm: SF❣
@'shawnmendes: ❣
@'russ: so how serious are you and your man
@'saintclauds: it's always the Leos and the dudes that are less that 5'6 trying to be messy 🙄 it's never gonna be you
@'alinahunter: no bc it was getting weird and they knows she has a man
@'miriamstan: oop not Shawn and Russ commenting and deleting 👀
-> @'mdmfan: the real oop is Jack not liking Or commenting 👀 esp since she's wearing his jacket in the last pic
View all 13,468 comments
It had been a few days since Jack's mini tour ended. Jack was in the studio for most days while Miriam volunteered at the theater she used to volunteer when she was in college. They were doing a production of the Crucible, one of her favorite plays from high school. Since they both have been busy, they haven’t spent any real time together. But today in the evening they found some time and went out to have dinner with Miriam’s grandma at her partner’s restaurant. It had become their Friday night thing.
“I can’t believe I was Gilmore Girls’ed.” Jack said as they waited for their valet. 
“What do you mean?”Miriam asked.
“You know how Lorelai and Rory have to have dinner every Friday night with Emily and Richard. That’s kinda what we’ve been doing except at a high end restaurant.” He shrugged.
“Oh…wait, that's how I spent 80% of my Fridays when I was at Berkeley.” she said in realization.
“Miriam?” some called behind them.
She looked over and smiled. “Brian, hi. You’re a long way from Toronto.” She said, pulling him to a hug. She pulled away and gestured to Jack. “This is my boyfriend, Jack.”
“Hey,” they both greeted each other. Brian told him how he was at his show in LA and was a fan of his music. 
Jack looked between them and asked. “How do you know each other?” 
“He’s friends with–”
“Yo, Brian where’d you go?” Someone yelled.
It was none other than Shawn Mendes. Miriam’s old hookup buddy. As he approached them, Miriam took a step closer to Jack. 
“Oh, hey.” He greeted them. 
Shawn reached to shake Jack’s hand, but Jack just nodded. Jack pulled out his phone and called his mom. 
“I gotta take this.” He said, motioning to his phone. 
“I’ll go with–”
Jack cut her off, shaking his head. “Catch up with your friends.” He said cooly, before he walked over to Miriam’s car and took the keys from the valet. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and tipped them.
Miriam got in the car less than five minutes later. She was annoyed and had told Shawn off for leaving comments on her posts. Especially since he knew she was dating Jack. Shawn tried defending himself by saying he was just playing but she put him in his place and said it was disrespectful and weird. 
Jack was still on the phone. While Miriam drove them back to her place, he was talking over his schedule and how he was going to be in Atlanta next week to film something. Then how he was going back to LA for Superbowl weekend to promote his upcoming single. He hung up just as Miriam pulled into the garage. He got out of the car without another word. Miriam walked straight to her room and took off her coat and heels. She was removing her makeup, still in her tight black backless turtleneck dress when Jack came in. He didn’t acknowledge her or try to get all flirty with her which was Miriam’s sign that he was upset. 
“You okay? You’ve been acting off since we ran into Shawn and Brian.” she said. 
“Oh you expect me to be happy to see your ex fuck buddy after he’s been leaving unwarranted comments on your posts?” he asked sarcastically. “Should I have greeted him with open arms? ‘Thank you for being a fucking creep and commenting heart eyes on my girl’s posts. And thanks for starting dating rumors.’” 
“Oh my god.” Miriam rolled her eyes. “You’re being so extra. Your exes do it all the time and you don’t hear me having a bitch fest about it.”
“There’s a difference. My exes aren’t famous nor do they have millions of fans looking for scraps to make some ship they’ve wanted for years.” He frowned. 
Miriam sighed and counted off from ten in her head to calm down. Jack was right and she shouldn’t have invalidated his feelings like that. She tiptoed to him and wrapped her arms around him. Jack instinctively placed his hands on her hips. 
“You’re right and I’m sorry for saying you’re overreacting.” she kissed his lips. 
“Damn, you must be sorry if you think I’m right.” he joked. 
“If it makes you feel better, when you were on the phone I pulled him aside and told him to fuck off.” Miriam mumbled against his lips. He hummed in response. “How about I make it up to you?”
“Get naked.” he groaned as she palmed him through his sweats. 
Miriam cursed as she struggled with the buttons on the back of her neck. She caught Jack through the mirror. He was already in bed in only his boxer-briefs. She sighed and finally got the buttons undone. She pushed off her dress and adjusted her thong. She turned around, ready to get in bed when she saw Jack was stroking himself.
“Hey, I was supposed to make it up to you.” she pouted. 
“Yeah, but I changed my mind.” He shrugged. 
“So am I just supposed to watch you jack off?” 
“Precisely.” He nodded. 
“Are you still mad about the shawn thing?” 
“A little.” He smirked. 
Jack took his hand off his cock and rolled to his side to the nightstand where Miriam had all her toys. He pulled out a rabbit vibrator then put it back in the drawer. He pulled out a clear dildo with heart shaped confetti inside and closed the drawer. 
“I’m not too mad, so you can have this inside of you, don’t get smart with me.” 
“Me smart?” she tilted her head. 
“Yes, you, smartass.” 
Miriam giggled. She leaned against the footboard of her bed and opened her legs. Jack knelt in front of her legs and moved her thong to the side. They held eye contact as he slowly slid her dildo on her. Jack leaned in and kissed her. Soon their kiss got heated and Miriam got handsy. 
“Hands to yourself or I won’t make you come.” Jack mumbled against her lips. 
“You’re no fun.” 
Jack ignored her and settled back on the bed. He fully removed his boxer-briefs and tossed them haphazardly. He took his cock back in his hand and took in Miriam. Ignoring her deep pout and her arms crossed, she still looked unreal. Her nipples were pert and erect begging him to run his tongue over them and for him to cover them with his release. He ran his thumb over his tip then squeezed it as some of his pre-cum leaked onto his hand for some sort of lube. 
“I’m so close, Miriam.” he grunted, speeding up his hand. 
“Good for you.” she rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t act like you’re not turned on. That dildo fuckin’ slipped outta you with how wet you are.” he nodded over to the dildo now halfway out of her core. 
“Who said you’re the one who made me wet?” She challenged him. 
Jack reached forward and pushed the toy back in her.
“Fuck, Jack!” she whined. 
“That’s what I thought.” He smirked. 
He pulled the toy in and out of her at the pace he was stroking himself. She tugged on her nipples and rubbed her clit, egging him on. Within minutes, he could tell Miriam was close.
“Let me come on your tits.” Jack groaned. 
“Please do.” She nodded eagerly, sitting up straight. 
Jack got off the bed and was lined up with her face. It didn’t take long for him to come. He cursed out Miriam’s name as his release landed on her neck and chest. He laid next to her panting. 
“You feel better?” she asked him softly, twirling his curls. 
“Yeah, sorry I got all ‘you can only fuck myself’ on you.” he panted. 
“I kinda liked it.” she smiled. 
“But don’t get too cocky.” 
He reached for the dildo. “Does this stick to your headboard?”
“Yeah, why?” she asked him, confused. It was a random question for him to ask her. 
He rubbed the toy against her entrance as he sucked on her neck. “Wanna fuck you while you choke on it.”
Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezyxo @youngharleezy ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @a-moment-captured @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs
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thalassicbeast · 4 months
protestors for palestine were assaulted and arrested at cal poly today
UPDATE: bail was made! unfortunately, a lot of students are out a lot of money and need funds to be supported during this process. campus police are also keeping their possessions "indefinitely", which includes phones, wallets, and car keys (wtf).
hey so. today (1/23/24), people were assaulted and arrested for protesting in solidarity with Palestine at Cal Poly SLO (California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo). you can read about it in more detail here. if you can, please give money towards their bail:
v*nmо: $SLOBailFund
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you can also use this QR code to scan for v*nmо. please don't tag this with anything like d*nati*ns, i believe tumblr hides it!
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enpr-ss · 1 month
Cal Poly SLO: I'm the better Cal Poly! Cal Poly Pomona: No I am! Oh what's that? Is it Cal Poly Humbolt wITH A STEEL CHAIR?!??!
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captainjunglegym · 19 days
wild turkeys? no in n out for miles? middle of nowhere? cal poly slo
aksjhkdjaksdjhak go mustangs
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mspi · 2 months
Sad that I've dropped a date because of this
Not joking
Start reading this book for free: https://a.co/6X5P1Wy
"A tendency toward obsession was hardwired into his brain and would likely be his undoing if he couldn’t learn to outsmart it."
Think about it Now REALLY think over it.
Imagine if it's someone with the worst type of laugh out there who had a thing for comparing you to pron actors.
Note that you're an academic with high marks across the board.
Of course it drove me batty. As an athlete, bookworm, and engineering candidate -- it brought me down. That they believed they'd one up me in school when they were playing loads of video games on their own.
If it wasn't for my siblings i would've either booked to study at a UC or Cal Poly SLO.
OMG I'm not blaming my sisters for anything. They're everything to me.
-- dnagirl
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haleytang · 9 months
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in-thrifting-color · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Hartwell Windbreaker/Lightweight Jacket.
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atowndailynews · 1 year
Obituary of Virginia 'Ginny' Cheda Lowe, 99
Obituary of Virginia ‘Ginny’ Cheda Lowe, 99
Virginia ‘Ginny’ Cheda Lowe. Virginia ‘Ginny’ Cheda Lowe April 24, 1923 – Dec. 13, 2022 Atascadero, Calif. – Ginny was born 99 years ago, grew up, and lived in SLO County all of her life. Her parents were Maurice and Elsie Cheda who lived on a dairy farm (now Cal Poly’s old sheep unit). She attended local SLO city schools and graduated in 1941 from the senior high school. She worked for the…
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This was another wonderful stay with Elise and Frank. I finally got to make use of the bocce court. I always love the communication and ease of staying here. Such wonderful hosts! 🥰Nothing is sweeter than having return guests choose to stay with us again & again! 🐎CAL POLY PARENT, Renee, sets the record! We can't wait to welcome her home again. #vivafelise #haciendafelise #SLOCAL #VisitSLOCAL #ShareSLO #Centralcoastca #centralcoastcalifornia #SLOCounty #SanLuisObispo #VisitSLO #SLO #SLOWine #Bocce #bocceball #bocceballcourt #airbnb #airbnbhost #AirbnbSuperhost #shorttermrental #vacationrental #staywithus #thanksforvisiting #homeawayfromhome #happyguests #calpoly #calpolyparent #parentweekend #calpolymustangs #calpolyslo #emptynest (at Arroyo Grande, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGl3BfprSd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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384 - The Tracking Software Tailored to your Strength Training Business with Matt McGunagle
Matt McGunagle (matt @ strengthportal.com) is the CEO and Founder of StrengthPortal, a software platform for personal trainers, gym owners, and multi-location gyms to manage their personal training staff and track personal training services. Matt graduated from Cal Poly SLO as an Economics major with a concentration on Entrepreneurship. 
In this episode, Matt shares Strength Portal’s new and upcoming features, why you should use Strength Portal, software development factors, the importance of product specialization, and much more.
Develop great personal trainers to grow your business 
This episode is brought to you by StrengthPortal
You need a single software platform that enables your trainers to deliver consistent high quality workouts, track client progress, and scale your business.
The problem is you’re still using pen and paper or basic spreadsheets to run your business, which leads to poor client experiences, inaccurate tracking, and prevents you from growing your business, making you feel frustrated.
StrengthPortal understand your challenge and have worked closely with the HIT industry to create a software platform to manage and scale your niche business.
You can integrate with Mindbody, manage a standardized exercise and workout library for your team, track workouts effectively, and produce client reports at the click of a button.
StrengthPortal is used by multiple businesses in the High Intensity Strength Training community, namely Discover Strength, Smart Strength Austin, MedX Precision Fitness, and more.
Starting with StrengthPortal is super simple:
Sign up for the best package for your business
Let Strength Portal take the load off and help onboard your business onto the platform.
Start delivering consistent workout experiences, and scale your business to the next level.
To help support the podcast, go to StrengthPortal.com/highintensitybusiness, and sign up now, so you can stop feeling frustrated about your business, and start to scale your business to its true potential.
For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here
Check out this episode!
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visions-fugitive · 4 years
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What does an architecture studio look like? A mess...usually.
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kaywill98 · 3 years
What is Community to You?
I'm closing out Black History Month with some food for thought on a college experience of mine that I didn't realize wasn't so singular. Maybe you can relate, I met a lot of great people these past two weeks who could. And it really got me thinking...
I feel like time has been working differently during these past several months, so it caught me by surprise to look at the date today and realize that we’re already at the end of February. Anyone else feeling the same way? Between work and classes, I’ve been quite busy lately and it’s hard not to get caught up in the groove of my own world. Right around now, however, countless high school seniors…
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shabangslo-blog · 5 years
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L.A. rock band, Cherry Glazerr, is one of three headliners to play Shabang Reborn on May 4 at Laguna Lake Park. If you don’t already know about this quintessential feminist psychedelic-grunge-punk-rock band, now’s the time you do.
Cherry Glazerr spent most of 2018 touring and preparing for the release of their latest album, Stuffed & Ready. The band played at 2018’s Coachella Music & Arts Festival in Indio, CA and played many shows opening for Grammy Award-winning band, Portugal. the Man. After their appearance at Shabang Reborn, Cherry Glazerr is scheduled to go on to play big name festivals Bonnaroo, Outside Lands and Woodstock later this year. 
However, Cherry Glazerr is no stranger to the Shabang-esque humble beginnings. Cherry Glazerr was started as a solo bedroom-recording project under the name of “Clembutt” back in 2012 by lead singer, Clementine Creevy, who was only 15 at the time. Creevy was recording and uploading songs to Soundcloud when Burger Records (Fullerton, CA) co-founder, Sean Bohrman, discovered the tracks and eventually helped Cherry Glazerr release their first EP in 2013, Papa Cremp. Since then, Cherry Glazerr has gone on to release albums Haxel Princess, Apocalipstick, and Stuffed & Ready with record label Secretly Canadian, which also houses the likes of bands The War on Drugs and Whitney. And the crazy thing is, Creevy is only 22.
While youth is a defining element that makes Cherry Glazerr the impressive band that it is, your ears would never know. Both musically and lyrically, the band creates a smooth rock sound. Creevy uses her musical platform to combat sexism, sometimes subtly and sometimes transparently. In a Rolling Stone article featuring Cherry Glazerr as an “Artist You Need to Know,” Creevy said, “Feminism and music are the two things I’m passionate about. I try to keep my life anchored in those two things, because that’s when I feel most myself.”
Creevy described Cherry Glazerr’s most recent release, Stuffed & Ready, as her way of showing people who she is, more than she ever has before. The insecurities, the uncertainty and the anger is clear, while Cherry Glazerr’s typical satirical humor is also present. The song “Daddi” on the new record is a satirical take on patriarchy that could easily fly over listeners’ heads.
The feminist passion found in Cherry Glazerr’s music is just as apparent here in San Luis Obispo, and the two will meet for the first time at Shabang Reborn.
More information and tickets for Shabang Reborn can be found on our website, shabangslo.com. You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook and Spotify!
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justgrabmane · 5 years
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Little Baby
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guatthefuck · 6 years
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This weekend a fraternity at Cal Poly SLO held a party in which students dressed up as cholos and someone did blackface. In my time at Cal Poly SLO I was casually told I got into the university because I was a Latinx female (various times), I was expected to explain my culture in a geography course various times, I found for financial aid for 4 consecutive years with undocumented parents and uneducated financial aid officers, I dealt with people expecting me to edit their Spanish homework and practice their Spanish on. Well I guess I ain't got an alma mater anymore and they can for sure miss me with them donation calls too. Although there were some wonderful parts of being a student, today I'm highlighting the difficult parts. If anyone recently got into CP SLO and wants to have a genuine conversation with a recent grad of color, hit me up.
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beach day piggy back rides
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