nighttimepatrons · 10 months
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my sister and I have been talking about Thranduil and his wife waaaay too much as of late so of course i had to draw her!
Does she have an actual name? or at lease a fanon name? because we Cannot keep calling her Mrs. Thranduil for ever 😭
just a fast little drawing done on paper and then colored in csp
EDIT: after i posted this i looked it up and it seems like her fanon name might be Calathiel. so based if true? But i would still love to hear other name suggestions and ideas for her :)
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coraoropherion · 11 months
Alive [Thranduil x Reader]
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A.N: This is my first fanfiction, I hope that you enjoy! Please let me know if there is anything that I can improve on or if you have any requests. I will be taking requests for any LOTR/TH characters or Harry Potter characters. More options to come! (Gif originally posted by blackheart-beauty)
Request: n/a
Pairing: Thranduil x Reader
Summary: Y/N, Thranduil’s second wife, is assumed to be dead after The Battle of the Five Armies, causing Thranduil to begin to fade.
Word Count: 633
Warnings: Mention of major character death, heavy angst, fluff
The Battle of the Five Armies had left the Woodland Realm in a state of somber mourning. Although the battle was won, there was no celebration, only the whisper of an elven lament for the dead. Thranduil, the Elvenking, stood alone in his chambers, his heart heavy with grief. The news had reached him, an agonizing blow that shattered his world—you, his beloved wife, was lost, presumed dead, amidst the violence and destruction. He had tried to search for you after the fighting was over, but it was to no avail.
The weight of grief settled heavily upon Thranduil's heart, consuming his every waking moment. After his first wife, Calathiel, passed on from the mortal realm, it was a miracle of the Valar that he survived, and his spirit did not fade away. You became the new and only reason for him to live, other than his realm. After all, Legolas had left for his own adventures in the North. 
Days turned into weeks, and Thranduil's grief consumed him. His regal façade waned, replaced by a mere shell of the once-proud, brazen Elvenking. His subjects watched in sorrow as their ruler, burdened by loss, began to wither. The light in his eyes dimmed with each passing moment, mirroring the slow decay that befalls all elves who lose their life’s purpose. 
Within the confines of his chamber, Thranduil allowed his tears to flow freely, his sobs echoing through the empty halls. He clutched onto memories of your love, your laughter, and the warmth of your embrace, but they provided no solace in the void left by your absence. Tears stained his fair cheeks, and his blue eyes glistened– his voice choked with anguish as he whispered your name into the emptiness of the night.
It was then, when all seemed lost, that you returned—a week after the battle—bathed in the radiant light of the Valar. The wounds that had once threatened your life were now healed, and you stood before Thranduil. Alive.
His eyes bore into your own with an unbelievable emptiness. It was as if he was staring past or right through you. Suddenly, his crystal vision widened with disbelief, his voice a mere whisper. "Y/N, meleth nín... Is it truly you?"
Your arms enveloped him, holding him close, as tears streamed down his face. His cries were mournful, an outpouring of the anguish that had consumed him in your absence.
"Oh, my love," you whispered, your voice a gentle melody. "I am here. I am alive.  Let me share in your sorrow and mend your wounded heart." Thranduil collapsed into your embrace, his sobs wracking his entire body as he struggled to breathe. 
"I thought I had lost you," Your husband's voice cracked with desperation. You caressed his long golden hair, your fingers weaving through the strands with tenderness. 
"You will never lose me Thranduil. Our love is stronger than the darkest of shadows. I have returned to you. Your heartache has been my own. But together, we shall find solace. Your love has given me the strength to return, and my love will guide you through this darkness."
Thranduil buried his face into the crook of your neck, his heartbreaking whimpers of relief intermingling with the beating of your hearts. You held him, pouring your love and strength into his wounded soul. With each passing moment in your embrace, Thranduil's spirit revived. Alive. The color returned to his cheeks, his eyes regained their vibrant gleam. The darkness that had threatened to consume him was chased away by the light of your presence. Slowly, Thranduil's sobs subsided, his grip on you loosening as he pulled back slightly. He pressed his forehead to yours before whispering,
“Gi melin, Ilmarë nin.” (I love you, my starlight.)
“And I love you. Always.”
. . . . . . . 
Meleth nin = my love
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thewulf · 13 days
Hello<3 Are you taking King Thranduil requests? If you are taking... do you write with a human reader? The reader may be a Dúnedain. Or even Aragorn's aunt or older sister. She is someone who can overcome Thranduil's solid walls and sharp borders. Considering human age (although the Dúnedain lived longer) this results in sadness, as we all know. But these two can find comfort in each other, amidst their complicated relationship.🍃
I've been dyingggg to write for Thranduil but never had a good enough idea and I love this!! Like he knows hes setting himself up for more paint (esp after his first love Calathiel is killed) but he lets himself fall because love is so rare a second time. He just decides he has to cherish every precious second with you :)
Kinda wanna maker her Aragorn's sister and she was part of the fellowship as she was a ranger with her brother. She and Legolas are great friends and she comes to visit Mirkwood with Legolas and Gimli and she takes him by utter surprise. She has a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to use it even when legolas is like stop!! But he finds it refreshing. And we'll go from there!
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eileenslibrary · 1 year
A/N I'm treating you guys since I've been going for two weeks, another thranduil x reader, jealousy, and feeling unrequited love. Gender or skin color is not mentioned The reader is depicted as a human but has elven descent.
Orange Tulips
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Thranduil had always been someone you loved even through his grumpy attitude or short temper you had always forgiven him and stayed close, but things had taken a deep plunge when he met Calathiel, she was drop dead gorgeous but you felt like your friend was being torn from your life so abruptly you didn't have time to say goodbye.
After the news of Thranduil's wedding spread. You had left for a new start, you had left Mirkwood.
Your adventure was long but enjoyable, you walked far from your old home, on your journey you met Gandalf, you sat and told him your tale and solemn feelings you'd felt back in Mirkwood, you felt at peace talking with him he had spoken of a land twenty miles west from where you were traveling, he told you that it would be a fine place for a home. You nodded deciding you would head west at dawn.
As for Thranduil, when he met his wife he was at peace but sometimes he thought about you and how you felt about this, you had disappeared when he met her. And when he had heard the word you had left Mirkwood, he felt a small piece of him break. You were his closest friend and you were gone just like the snap of his fingers, he had heard from Gandalf that you were completely fine and had settled on a peaceful prairie out in the middle of nowhere.
Years went by and you thrived, a small village had grown around your house with people from everywhere coming to live in the peaceful prairie. You had made a life long friend with a half elven man named Kharis Miafir, he was charming and kind to everyone.
After years of his wife's death, Thranduil searched for his old friend. Eventually he had found out about the small village of E'fa Anore, and he shed tears of joy when he found your location. He sent a letter to you, pleading for you to visit him, you wrote back to explain that you were in no condition of travel due to a friend's wedding but saying he was invited to come visit. So that's what he did, he and a few guards traveled to the village of E'fa. White and blue decorations had been put up for the wedding, he looked around, the houses were large and the whole village gave him a warm feeling in his chest. When he arrived at your house, flowers of all colors adorned your house. He hesitated before your door, thoughts raced through his mind, would you want to see him after years of no contact?, Would you look the same?, Were you married?, Did you have kids?. He took a deep breath and knocked on your door. A few seconds later the door opened, and he looked down to see a small child, his eyes widening. "Markle Who's at the door!?" Your voice shouted, the child stepped back yelling a description of the strange elf outside your door. You came to the door, golden rimmed glasses sat on your nose. A white blouse and leather corset hugging your torso, black leather leggings making your legs look more defined, black boots, with a pair of blue earrings, and a red necklace. "Sorry that's my god child Markle" you spoke before opening the door for the king "please come in, and please close your mouth before you catch a fly" you tease him, he didn't realize his mouth was agape until you mentioned it. He snapped his mouth shut.
Your hair was in a new style and eyes were bright your clothes had changed too. You looked drop dead gorgeous in his eyes. He looked around, a large map placed on the wall, a nice kitchen with lots of plants, and a few book cases lined the left wall. A large table and chairs sat next to the drawing room, the dining room and living room combined nicely. A few closed doors he assumed were bedrooms. He returned his attention to you again, you were making tea. "now where was I? Oh why yes!" You said "how is Mirkwood?" You asked. He stared at your back and you looked over your shoulder expecting an answer, clearing your throat as Markle got out the biscuits. Thranduil wakes up at your voice "oh Mirkwood is doing well" he replied you nod "how is Calathiel?" You ask. He freezes, you hadn't heard. "She... She died a few years back" he spoke solemnly. You gasp turning around "I'm so sorry" you say, he looked up "I wish I could have been there for you" you spoke in an understanding tone. His heart squeezed although he loved his wife you had always made his heart twist and squeeze when you spoke or did anything he found admirable.
When the kettle screamed. You turn and begin pouring the tea into your china set, Markle helped set the table before sitting in his chair swinging his legs. Thranduil pulled your chair out for you. "So are you married?" He asks with bated breath. You shake your head "oh no, I haven't met anyone who has caught my eye yet." He nods "I heard you have a son" you speak. "Yes I hope Legolas will be a fine ruler one day" he says sipping from his cup. He had been feeling nervous about the visit, but it was turning out great so far.
He was staying in your extra bedroom for the two weeks he was visiting. Today was day three when the sun had just risen, he could hear you moving around in the kitchen starting your morning tea, you seemed so much happier than you did back in Mirkwood. You had taken up the hobby of art, and the extra bedroom had a few of your pieces hung up. A picture of one of the giant eagles, his favorite was a picture of an orange tulip.
He got up, walked to the dresser, and grabbed a white blouse with golden trim, and brown leggings. He then walked out to the kitchen and sat in one of the dining chairs, you looked at him "Morning sleeping beauty" you teased. He smiles and shakes his head, looking at you, your hair is ornately styled, with a green tunic and brown trousers. Golden jewelry adorned your neck and ears, you were always a beautiful sight but now you shined like the sun. He couldn't help but feel adoration for you. He had always taken you for granted but when you left he couldn't help but go crazy without you around, he regretted chasing you off, and he was blinded by what he thought was love. He loved his wife but now that he thought about it you were always the one who caught his attention when you were around. You tapped his shoulder, "You alright Mellon nín?" You spoke as you placed a scone in front of him. He nodded grabbing his pastry and biting into it. "Why did you leave Mirkwood?" He asked. You sighed "I left because I felt you push me away, I didn't want to get in the way of you and Calathiel's relationship," you said a solemn look painting your face. He nodded before grabbing your hand and placing it over his heart. "Pushing you away was my biggest regret" he spoke, you gasped when he pulled you closer. Pulling you in to kiss you, "I regret leaving you in the dust. You were always important to me," he said to you, you blushed before wrapping your arms around his neck "I missed you too." You sigh Before kissing him again.
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briarorbit · 2 years
Elves can only fall in love once.
You wander around the Woodland realm as the guest of the Elven king. You deeply admire him and cherish everything he says, does and is.
You realise you’re in love.
You know the Elven king can’t replicate your feelings. He has already been in love with Calathiel, his wife and mother of Legolas. Even though you know this, you continue. Affection can’t be bad, can it?
The Elven king senses your feelings, and he enjoys the attention he gets. He’s not particularly well-thought-of in Middle Earth.
The days pass by, and the Elven king notices a slow change in the way he views you. He desires to talk with you, to promenade with you around the kingdom and to spend even more time with you.
He talks about this to his councils. And after some time, he knows what has happened. And it has never happened before.
“I think I might’ve fallen in love again.”
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gwdihw · 1 year
Girls I got bored and translated my name into Sindarin… it’s Calathiel. Screaming crying throwing up I now feel like a magical, whimsical Elf. Might change my name legally. 10/10 recommend for an ego boost.
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orcristwielder · 1 year
‘Who’s there?’ (from .Calathiel.(Êlúriel. Thran's wife)
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•SIMPLE ICE BREAKERS• @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx — always accepting!
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THE DWARF HAD MERELY LIFTED HIS HEAD AT THE QUESTION. Bright blues look to the woman, "Apologies." He said, bowing his head low to show he'd meant no harm. His father, grandfather, and himself had come to the Woodland realm for a visit between kings and allies. The elves of Greenwood had been Erebor's most trusted allies, sending wine and food in exchange for information or other foods of the like. With Thorin being the next in line after Thrain, it was only right he travel with them while his mother stay behind to watch the young ones.
"I had not meant to interrupt. Only seeking a spot to ease my thoughts." The dwarf said, low voice grumbling softly the halls of the woodland picking up on it. Peace. He needed peace and a sound mind to deal with things. His father and grandfather had been in a meeting with Thranduil, though Thorin had not been needed for this particular one.
"Do you need me to leave?"
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strawberry-siren · 7 years
cancer sun, taurus moon, virgo rising
when you have a breakdown instead of confronting the reason you’re actually upset, you deflect to other things like you start crying because you dropped your ice cream, but it’s really a front for all the other issues in your life you haven’t addressed and wont let go
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fluttersheep · 7 years
calathiell replied to your post: why do my parents think i’ll just give up six...
Or “it’s okay I won’t tell anyone if you eat it it’s just a little [dead body part]”
its just a little tiny bit of animal abuse normalizations its ok luv
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summer-arts · 7 years
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commission for @calathiel-arts !! thank u for commissioning me <3
commission info
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mimisempai · 2 years
Your touch is the voice of your heart
Bard and Thranduil don't always need words to say I love you.
My first fanfic in this fandom, I just wanted to write some fluff for them.
668 words - Rating G
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Kisses, hugs, caresses... They had so many ways to express their attachment to each other. For Bard and Thranduil, all these gestures were generously given or received. Because these gestures were never meant to hurt, they were only meant to reassure, love, soothe, comfort.
They could simply happen, without warning, without the context having been able to foresee it, just like that.
A touch to say I love you.
Like tonight, when Bard was closing the last curtains in the room and hadn't heard Thranduil arrive. He gasped slightly as his hands slid gently under his tunic, raising goosebumps as they passed until they knotted on his chest. His skin was left bare as the tunic moved up the path of Thranduil's hands. Bard leaned his back against Thranduil's chest, basking in his comforting warmth.
He let his head fall back on Thranduil's shoulder as his lover's hands traced light circles on his stomach. Thranduil's lips brushed the back of his neck, making Bard shiver again.
He covered the hand on his abdomen with his own and Thranduil intertwined his fingers with his as his lips pressed a soft kiss to Bard's throat.
Bard drew their entwined fingers to his lips.
"I love you," Thranduil said, his voice soft as honey, his arms wrapping around Bard.
Bard smiled against the back of Thranduil's hand. There was no need for a verbal response, everything was said in the way Bard's body responded to Thranduil's touch.
Just as Thranduil's body responded to Bard's fingers.
A touch to say I love you
Like that morning when Thranduil was awakened by the sensation of a light touch on his skin.
Bard's familiar fingers traced each scar, delicately, because he knew them all. He knew all their stories, having mapped them over and over again since the day he had discovered that three thousand years of life had left its mark despite the healing ability of the elves.
Thranduil stretched with a sigh of satisfaction.
Bard's fingers paused in their movement, as if waiting for a reaction from Thranduil to continue or not.
Thranduil relaxed and Bard resumed his soft caresses, his hands gently stroking his back now. Not since Calathiel had anyone touched Thranduil as Bard did, as if he were something precious, something rare, as if he were the most important thing in the world.
It was then that Thranduil realized that Bard's fingers were repeating the same movement. As if they were writing something on his back.
Thranduil concentrated, trying to follow the movements of Bard's fingers; it wasn't Westron, but some of the curves were familiar and the cycle repeated itself over and over.
Thranduil closed all his other senses to focus only on Bard's fingers.
So what word was that?
Thranduil frowned. He connected all the curves and dots and gasped.
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In Tengwar.
Thranduil didn't know what overwhelmed him more at that moment, the fact that Bard wrote 'Love' on his back or the fact that he wrote it in his language.
"Gi melethig. Gin melathon an-uir." Thranduil whispered as he turned under Bard's hands, which ended up on his chest.
Bard straddled him and leaning toward Thranduil’s face, he said with a sheepish smile, "I'm afraid that my poor knowledge of Sindarin is not enough to understand your words."
Thranduil took Bard's head between his hands and replied softly, "It means you are my love. I will love you forever."
Bard smiled and repeated the Elvish words, stumbling a bit over the them.
"Gi melethig. Gin mela- an-uir."
Thranduil brought his lips close to Bard's until they almost touched and repeated, "Gi melethig. Gin melathon an-uir, repeat after me, Bard. Gi melethig. Gin melathon an-uir."
Bard repeated the words over and over on Thranduil's lips until he collapsed on top of him laughing, mingling his laughter with Thranduil's.
Once the laughter subsided, the two lovers let their bodies speak the language of love.
Because their bodies spoke the same language to say I love you.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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Does Your Elk Have A Name? (Thranduil)
Warnings: Mentions of war, death, and slaying
Requested by UnSub160 and DutchmansCaptain on Wattpad.
Thranduil's elk did not die. Don't argue.
And I wrote this like a story, so yeah...
I couldn't help myself!
Also, I took the character's names off of your users, so please tell me if you would like me to change it.
Third person P. O. V.
Thranduil's elk was one of the things he loved most. He cherished it. He and his wife had been adventuring in the forests of Mirkwood when they came across him. His wife, Calathiel or Êlúriel, as he called her, had managed to tame the elk. After Êlúriel had died, the elk had stuck with him. The elk had cherished Êlúriel as much as Thranduil did.
When the elk's caretaker was slain in The Battle Of The Five Armies, Thranduil went out searching for someone else who would suit his elk. When he heard of Oriel and Aspen, he took interest.
Oriel and Aspen were the best at taking care of animals. They worked magic with their unique ways of taming animals and healing them, is what people said. It was a common thing for Imladris elves, (Rivendell) but it was quite rare for Mirkwood elves.
Because these two lived in Mirkwood, it was easy for Thranduil to find them.
These two best friends live in a little cottage at the edge of Mirkwood, next to a little creek. The cottage's walls were made out of stones and the roof was made of straw and branches. There was a chimney on the top, puffing out a little smoke. There was even a barn with it's door wide open for the animals to go in and out. There was medicine, food, and many other trinkets in side the barn. Animals also lay inside resting, or playing. Beside the cottage, there was an enormous cherry blossom tree, stripped of it's flowers and leaves. (NOT DIRTY, NOT DIRTY, PLEASE DON'T)
Beside the tree, deer and horses grazed on the lightly frosted grass. Bunnies and rabbits hopped around the opening and hid in the two foot tall grass. Birds nested in the cherry blossom tree and cuddled together. Thranduil's heart ached for his wife. He sighed and he turned his attention to the door of the cottage.
He started walking by the animals as slowly and as quietly as he could, as to not startle the animals. Instead of the animals getting startled, a fawn trotted over to him and studied him. Thranduil stood still and let the fawn observe him while he did the same. The fawn sniffed him and started prancing around him. Thranduil was thoroughly confused.
Thranduil heard a light laugh. He looked away from the fawn and looked up to the source of the laughter.
What he saw was an elleth (a female elf) with auburn hair that reached a bit below her waist, beautiful green eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing black leaf patterned dress with a beautiful belt just below her chest. She also had on matching black, leather flat shoes.
(The descriptions are not meant to be like the users UnSub160 and/or DutchmansCaptain)
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Thranduil guessed this to be Oriel. "Bambi likes you. (Bambi as in the Disney Bambi. Nothing else)" she stated. Thranduil kneeled down to pet him and stands up, heading to Oriel. "You must be Oriel," Thranduil said.
Oriel smiles. "Yes, your majesty."
Thranduil smiles. No one else had recognized him due to the fact that he was wearing a plain tunic and simple riding pants. He had also put his hair in a low ponytail. He even ditched his crown and his staff. No fanciness today.
"May I speak to you and Aspen?" Thranduil had asked.
"Of course," Oriel answered. She waved him over to follow her.
Oriel's P. O. V.
The King of Mirkwood needed to speak to us. I hope we didn't do anything wrong...
Aspen sees me leading King Thranduil into the cottage and looks concerned. "Your majesty," he says, bowing. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" he asked.
As he bows, his jet black hair gets into his tan face. He notices the ink on his tunic and riding pants and tries to wipe them off.
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(Sorry, but that's the best I could find. No other picture could match the description...)
King Thranduil smiles. "Recently, I have been searching for a caretaker that my suit my elk, and it seems that my search has lead me here," he stated.
"I was wondering if you could take care of my elk," King Thranduil states, looking at me and Aspen.
"But, we wouldn't want to leave our animals or our materials," Aspen states, looking at me.
Thranduil smiles. "I would gladly help you transport your animals to a private field for you. I could also help you move your materials to your new home as well."
WOW WOW WOW WOW! King Thranduil was willing to hire us, give us a home at the palace, help us move our animals and our materials!
Aspen and I smile. "Of course!"
~Time skip to where they finished settling in~
Aspen's P. O. V.
After speaking to King Thranduil for a while, we were introduced to his elk.
Oriel pets the elk. His fur looks so smooth. Thranduil smiles.
"What is your elk's name?" Oriel asks.
There is pain in the king's eyes, but it quickly goes away. "Megaloceros, his name is Megaloceros, but we call him Mahtar for short," King Thranduil says. (According to Google so excuse me if it's incorrect)
Oriel's eyes widen. "It means warrior in elvish, right?" she asks.
"Yes, it does. He has been with me in many wars and is my greatest companion," Thranduil says.
Me and Oriel smile.
Looks like we get to take care of Thranduil's elk, Mahtar, the warrior elk.
The End
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! I know it's not what you thought it would be. Me neither. I'm so sorry but I couldn't resist from making it into a one-shot. I'm terrible at this, sorry. ANYWAYS, TWO GIFTS FOR YOU-
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Forgive me for the non-English captions. I don't know what it says...
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calaofnoldor · 3 years
20 Questions
Rules: make a new post and share your answers.
thank you for the tags @deanwanddamons and @idreamofplaid! 😘
1. Why did you choose your URL?
calathiel is the name of the oc from my tolkien fanfic series, and she’s of noldorin descent (in other words, i’m a tolkien nerd)
2. Any sideblogs? If you do, name them and say why you have them.
no, i just throw all my trash into one basket 😅
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
since 2016 but i was MIA for a long time and only started actively posting late last year
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
to collect all my fave tumblr posts and possiblyyy share some fanfic
6. Why did you choose your icon?
it's what i imagine the ofc from my username to look like
7. Why did you choose your header?
they seem to be the main focus of my blog at this point, and it's probably my favorite t-shirt design/print that i've made for my redbubble shop so far. plus, i named my everything tag list after it 😝
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
i think it's my first dean fic: burning love, that or a tag game that went viral 😂
9. How many mutuals do you have?
10. How many followers do you have?
~400 (i don't know why but thank you lol)
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
lol i don't think so (unless you count my writing? 🤣) but i'm sure i've reblogged some
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
oof, it varies
14. Have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
no thank you
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i don't like being forced to do things... but also i'm a big believer in reblogging to support the creators you love/appreciate
16. Do you like tag games?
mhm :)
17. Do you like ask games?
um yes when other people host them but i'm always hesitant to bc i don't know why anyone would care what i think? 😂
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
they're all famous to me, but i might've legit fangirled when these guys followed me: @fandommaniacx @fangirlxwritesx67 @girl-next-door-writes @holylulusworld @idabbleincrazy @idreamofplaid @negans-lucille-tblr @princessmisery666 @sofreddie @there-must-be-a-lock and then there's @thinkinghardhardlythinking who i've had the distinct pleasure of watching bloom into a fandom queen 😘
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i'm not sure crush is the word i'd use but i definitely have a lot of love for @asgoodasdancingqueen @carryonmywaywardbucky @deanwinchesterswitch @sams-sass as well as everyone mentioned above and basically all of my mutuals haha
20. Tags?
everyone mentioned who hasn't already played and wants to share! plus: @agirlwithdemonblood @austin-winchester67 @justagirlinafandomworld @msmarvelouswinchester @peridottea91 @stunudo @tintentrinkerin @wonder-cole and anyone who sees this!
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woodlandallure · 2 years
"Tell our son to summon the armies."
👑 Calathiel
👑 Queen of the Woodland Realm
👑 Married to @StoicElvenKing
👑 Mother of @woodlandregal
👑 Written by #BoneHead
👑 #LOTR #Hobbits
👑 RT
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siderealxmelody · 6 years
Calathiel tugged on Lucifer’s hand, pointing to one of the two cosmic beings in the room, and then to his muzzle. Out of all the Archangels he liked lucifer the best and only he and sometimes Gabriel were allowed to hold his hand.
Some of the prisoners were nice too. Like the twins always let him use their crayons. And Uri was cool he guessed. But this little five hundred year old fledgling liked Luci best.
Lucifer always sang him to sleep for nap time.
He didn’t like the lady in black. She’d hurry his archangel. Calathiel tugged on Lucifer’s hand again trying to get the Archangels attention. Father talked a lot and he didn’t want to listen to it all.
The little one wanted to play. Or explore. Or go see the garden. He wasn’t allowed out of the prisons for a lot so when he was Luci always took him somewhere cool.
But his eyes focused on the one called his aunt.
She’d hurt his Luci.
He wanted to bite her.
#(Cala is his nickname #(only Luci and the archs can call him that tho #(he doesn’t like Amara #(he wants to bite what he doesn’t like
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virdityshattred · 4 years
Calathiel jumps forward, sharp teeth bared, ready to sink them into the angels flesh, tear it apart, rip it to shreds. Ready to bite him to pieces.
Lucifer sighed unfazed by this as he was an archangel despite being fallen that hardly, shattered their angelic power.  Without looking up from the outdated  newspaper which he was reading upside down, with a flick of his hand simply used his angelic ability to blast them backwards.    “ Great. Now you made me loose my place.... “        
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