#calea zacatechichi
morethansalad · 8 months
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Tart Cherry Sleepy Girl Mocktail (Vegan)
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thegodwhocums · 1 year
calea zacatechichi dreamwork attempt
11:50 pm: measuring out 3 g of the herb into a tea steeper, plus one teaspoon spearmint. boiling water added to steep til 6 am. Rocket has packed our two comical little weed pipes never used for weed with a bit of the herb as well.
12:55 am: lights out sleep time.
6:05 am: no sign of Rocket, which must mean they slept thru the alarm. my sense is that rather than wake them, I will take the herbs now as planned, and they can take them tonight, and we'll be able to compare notes.
6:10 am: this tea is. bad. everyone says it tastes terrible and everyone is correct, this is heinous. on par with goldenseal. we cut the tea with spearmint and it has NOT helped. not sure I can drink the full amount tbh. this is painful.
6:25 am: there are tears leaving my face as I suck on a spoon of honey but I did it. mother theresa. fuck that's bad.
6:30 am: smoking it also tastes bad fwiw. cut the smoked herb with mullein which did help. hard to keep it lit though. prob not gonna fight with this one, I got most of it.
6:40 am: brushing teeth, getting out eye mask, turning on white noise, trying to pee six times so I don't have to get up again later.
6:50 am: going back to bed. prayer circle that my sensitive fuckin system doesn't decide the tea should make me sick.
6:55 am: quick notes post (this one!) to come back to later, sleep time.
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coven-of-genesis · 11 months
Dream enhancing herbal tea
Dream herbal teas are often used to promote vivid dreams, enhance dream recall, and support a restful night's sleep.
Here are some herbal teas that are commonly associated with dreaming:
Chamomile tea: Chamomile is known for its calming properties, making it a popular choice before bed. It can help relax the mind and promote a peaceful sleep, which may lead to more vivid dreams.
Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea has a refreshing aroma that can stimulate the senses and enhance mental clarity. Some people believe that drinking peppermint tea before bed can result in more vivid and memorable dreams.
Mugwort tea: Mugwort has a long history of use in promoting vivid dreams and aiding in dream recall. Drinking mugwort tea before bed is thought to enhance dream activity and facilitate lucid dreaming experiences.
Valerian root tea: Valerian root is known for its calming and sedative effects. It can promote deep sleep and relaxation, potentially leading to more restful and dream-filled sleep.
Lavender tea: Lavender has calming properties and is often used to promote relaxation and better sleep. Drinking lavender tea before bed may help create a soothing environment conducive to vivid and pleasant dreams.
Calea Zacatechichi tea (Dream Herb): Calea Zacatechichi, also known as "Dream Herb," is a plant commonly used by indigenous cultures to enhance dreaming. It is believed to intensify dreams and improve dream recall. Brewing a tea with dried Calea Zacatechichi leaves may help facilitate vivid dream experiences.
Remember that individual responses to herbal teas can vary, and not everyone may experience the desired effects.
If you have any health conditions or concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal teas into your routine, especially if you're considering using herbs with potentially strong effects like mugwort or Calea Zacatechichi.
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calea zacatechichi
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prairiefirewitch · 1 year
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If you’re someone who tried a tincture and felt it wasn’t effective, here’s some encouragement for you. I’m thinking specifically about dream tinctures, those made with psychoactive plants that can induce vivid, lucid dreams, but this applies to many other tinctures too. Tinctures aren’t magic bullets. Many tinctures require varying periods of consistent use before you see results. Someone recently mentioned that Calea Zacatechichi didn’t work for them and that’s absolutely possible. Herbs can effect us differently; like cats and catnip, some people seem immune to the psychoactive effects of mugwort. The way we use them matters too. You may not feel much of anything after sipping mugwort tea, but smoking it may cause euphoria and intense dreams. I’m currently using Calea Zacatechichi tincture and I know from experience that I’ll need to use it several nights in a row before I feel effects, but this may not be the case for everyone. So if you’ve tried a tincture and felt disappointed with the effects, remember that you may need to experiment with the amount you’re using, longer periods of consistent use, or different methods of partaking. No herb is ‘one size fits all.’ And do feel free to ask questions! #tinctures #entheogens #caleazacatechichi #mugwort #bluelotus #dreammagic
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So like i wouldnt suggest bongripping a half oz of calea zacatechichi for a year but the 12 month course of invega sustenna seems to have reset my ~psychosis to completely tolerable levels
Actually for a while i wasnt psychotic enough to do karaoke and it kind of sucked. I couldn't nut, either! God. A prison, a prison.
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elsolretreats · 1 year
Discussing the Amazing Properties of Ayahuasca Plant Tea
Ayahuasca is a plant that has been used in Amazonian herbal medicine to treat people who are addicted to cocaine or other psychotropic substances. Nowadays, Ayahuasca plant tea has become popular around the world as an application for health and well-being. Although Ayahuasca is a potent and effective natural treatment, it is still not completely understood how or why it works.
 The major active constituents of Ayahuasca plant tea are alkaloids, which are compounds that have a similar structure to the compounds produced by plants as they reproduce. These alkaloids have a complex structure, usually consisting of three rings, called tryptamine structure:
 ·         -Phytocyanin groups (found in plants)
 ·         -Cyanogenic acid derivatives (found in algae)
 In ayahuasca, the alkaloids are mainly found in the leaves of Banisteriopsis Caapi vine and Psychotria viridis plant.
 Ayahuasca has been used for centuries to combat addiction or treat other ailments. In the 19th century, it was used in Europe, especially by German pharmacologist Louis Lewin. This scientist described the properties of ayahuasca in his book “Sects and secret societies of Amazonian Indians”. Ayahuasca, which means vine of death in the native language, is usually prepared as a decoction with Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis leaves. This concoction is strengthened by other plants, such as Syrian rue or calea zacatechichi, which are traditionally used as additives to improve mental clarity and also have anti-addictive properties.
 The traditional use of Ayahuasca is used to treat people who are addicted or to reduce the addiction with other drugs such as cocaine, tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol.
 The principal medicinal effects of Ayahuasca are:
 ·         -Decrease in blood pressure
 ·         -Analgesic effects (pain relief)
 ·         -Antispasmodic activity
 ·         -Diuretic effect (increases urination)
 The following active ingredients present in the ayahuasca plant tea are Psychotria viridis and Banisteriopsis Caapi, which are responsible for these properties: harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine and beta-carboline alkaloids. The chemistry of the active ingredients of ayahuasca found in the leaves Banisteriopsis Caapi and Psychotria viridis is well known.
  If you are interested in the farming of ayahuasca plant tea and looking for the most reputable source to buy it, then El Sol Retreats, a leading Ayahuasca healing retreat centre in Peru, is right up your alley. Visit www.elsolretreats.com for full information.
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vermimorph · 1 year
calea zacatechichi makes me have weird thoughts but in a different direction from weed weird thoughts… like distractingly rational but useless thoughts. well there was a little weed mixed in so it’s not a good experiment
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caleadreamherb · 2 years
Growing Dream Herb Garden: Get Specifically How to Cultivate Calea Zacatechichi
Understood as Calea Zacatechichi, dream herb is one of the most convenient plants to cultivate, expand, harvest, and maintain. To those who have strategies of expanding dream herb yard, it is essential that they identify the special uses and also top qualities of this herb to effectively society them. In addition to recognizing their one-of-a-kind attributes, individuals should additionally find out the appropriate soil, water, and light conditions to improve the growth and also stimulate of this herb.
Understanding the basics in expanding dream herb garden is very important to efficiently harvest the valuable parts of this plant. The common approach that gardeners use to circulate dream herb is to cut its stems and plant it in other containers. Dream herb expands well in soils that have bad problems when it comes to the kind of soil this plant prefers.
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On the other hand, garden enthusiasts need to regularly expose the plant to direct sunlight to promote its growth. Another point that everyone need to consider when growing dream herb yard is the appropriate application of fertilizers in the plants given that over application of the chemicals can hinder the growth of these herbs.
Growing calea zacatechichi yard is beneficial and fulfilling because this plant possesses medicinal high qualities. Some individuals concur that the leaves of the plant can be used as a solution or treatment for dysentery, fever, and some gastrointestinal disorders. When fresh, the leaves of the plant are best used. To protect the leaves, gardeners should dry them and place within closed containers and plastic bags. After that, they can place them inside fridges to prolong making use of the leaves approximately at most two years. With all the unique high qualities of this plant, it is finest that brand-new gardeners think about growing dream herb yard in their own places.
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J'ai fait un drôle de rêve cette nuit après avoir fumée de la calea zacatechichi 
Je m'endort tout juste après avoir eu des images  très étranges dans ma tête ou je me vois entrain de boire le ciel avec une paille dans un bar .
Il était dans un verre en plastique .
Après on remettait à chaque fois un nouveau ciel ,tout là haut ,à la place de celui qu'on avais bu .
Je m'endors après avoir vu défiler toutes sortes d'images aussi étranges les unes que les autres.
Je me mets à rêver .
Je ne sais pas si cela commence comme ça en verité mais je m'en souviens ainsi.
J'etait une personne quasiment célèbre et je passais ma vie dans une salle de classe scolaire  avec les gens d'une association à l'interieur d'un bus de banlieue ou la salle était très grande même en étant petit de l'extérieur. 
Une des femmes arrêtait pas de mettre la chanson : Hotel California avec un post radio à côté de moi et celle ci était par terre. 
Le Bus ne s'arrête pas devant une des femmes qui redemande à  rentrer après s'être trompée car il l'a considére comme une sainte nitouche de Noël et le conducteur dis qu'il ne fait pas la charité. 
Je me souviens que je cherche absolument 1 euros pour un café dans la salle de classe mais qu'une fille n'a que 2 euros du coup elle me le donne à la condition que je lui rembourse. 
Nous nous fixons très intensément et tout d'un coup nous nous transformons d'un coup en sex symbole de part nos vêtements ultra sexy .
Nos jambes craquent pour devenir encore plus sexy et s'aggrandir .
Tout le monde n'arrête pas de nous regarder tellement nous sommes attirantes .
Je m'assois par terre tout au fond et il se passe pleins de choses avec mes classeurs .Tout est très desordonné dans cette salle de classe.
La salle de classe est très grande dans un bus qui est étrangement  petit pour elle.
C'etait une classe très dispersée et déformée .
Ma tête est régulièrement aspirée dans des trous noirs intersidéraux avec étoiles ou sortes de nébuleuse au dessus de ma tête 
Il y avais une histoire de légumes de taille étonnement grand qu'on devaient manger dans un immense bol de soupe.
J'essaie de manger le coeur d'un poireau  et l'interieur d'une immense aubergine dans un bol mais chaque fois que j'en mange il se passe des choses étranges. 
C'est comme si ces légumes étaient vivants ,magiques ou ensorcelés. 
Je crois même que c'est cela qui nous transformait en sex symbole car ces légumes avaient des pouvoirs.
Des vibrations et énergie tournaient autours de nous, comme des espèces de petites vagues très chaudes quand on prononçait leur nom ou les mangeait,je ne sais plus. 
Nous sommes encore entrain d'etudier dans cette salle .
Une écharpe Rose que j'ai mis sur la tête est aspiré dans l'espace .
Tout tangue ,il y a des sortes de vagues et d'énergies étranges. 
Je vois des trous noirs ,des nébuleuses, des spirales psychédéliques transparentes dont la consistance ressemble à de la transpiration dure ,moite et visqueuse. 
Je sort du bus ,j'arrête l'ecole car je suis trop connue pour continuer. 
J'ai entendue du dire que deux célébrités dont une qui passe sur téle loisir  me connaissent et ont entendue parler de moi ,que de plus en plus de gens me connaissent .
Les voisines s'arrêtent de parler dès qu'elles me voient car elles me connaissent  aussi .
Elles ont une baguette de pain sous le bras ,des énormes manteaux Rose avec leur tout petit chien .
Le rêve s'arrête avec une vision de cette salle de classe ou je suis complètement déformée à l'intérieur d'une spirale cosmique qui aspire ma tête. 
Je suis réveillée par de la musique électro :drug work de miss kittin qui passe  juste après sur ma tablette, sur une playlist crée après 4 heures   d'hypnose sur YouTube.
Il est environ 3 heure du matin quand je me réveille 
Je me sent pendant 5 min dans un état super étrange et encore maintenant un peut 
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drugusersbible · 3 years
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THE WORST TASTE IN THE WORLD Calea zacatechichi is well known dream herb, but its taste when taken as tea is absolutely revolting: seriously disgusting. It was even worse than kratom, which I find to be appalling too.
Did it work though?
On both smoking and drinking I experienced a mild stony feeling for an hour or two, and yes, with recallable dreams subsequently occurring via the latter. Indeed, I would probably repeat the exercise, if only I could get past that taste.
Refs: The Drug Users Bible [Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/099559368X]
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sarahmcmenomy · 5 years
Dream-Weaving Part Eight: Herbal Allies for Dreaming
There are some herbs that can help you sleep, help you dream, and even help you avoid nightmares. I’ve written up a short list of my favorites here.
Please apply caution whenever you start to make friends with herbs! Start small, ascertain the recommended dosage for your age and weight, and make certain that whatever you take does not conflict with other medications or supplements that you may be taking. Remember that every medicine is poison at the right dosage — and vice versa. If you’re unsure, check with your doctor. Several of these herbs are counter-indicated for pregnancy as well, so please do your research, as I do not give a complete profile of each herb on this list.
In addition, check up on local ordinances regarding the legality of purchasing or using these herbs, as some of them are illegal in some places. As a note of warning, please be aware that if you suffer from PTSD, depression, or anxiety-linked nightmares, you may find that these will come back to you in ways that may be upsetting and challenging when you begin a dreaming practice and use herbal allies. While I have used some of these methods to help me combat PTSD and anxiety, you may find that they aren’t useful for your situation. We’re all different, so I offer many options on this list because what works for another may not work for you.
Those That Bring Sleep
Valerian [Valeriana Officinalis] — Valerian is a well-known sleep aid; you can buy it in pill or tea form. It pretty much only does this one thing, but it's good at it.
Catnip [Nepeta Cataria] — Catnip is often sold as a "legal high" for its bronchial and sedative properties; smoking catnip actually relaxes and opens the lungs. It's not sleep-producing per se, but it is relaxing and sedative enough that it can help in a mild way that won't make it hard for you to wake back up.
Melatonin — Melatonin isn't an herb, but I wanted to list it here anyway; if your endocrine system is out of wack due to stress or anxiety, then melatonin may be your best friend, as it effectively balances out high cortisol levels to help you sleep. This is what your body naturally produces to make it sleep, so it's very safe, as sleep aids go. It's good to take it easy and start slow with it, though — it can be very effective at countering cortisol, so don't take it if you have something to do between the time you take it and the time you go to bed. You may even feel a bit slow in the morning after using it, so adjust your dosage accordingly.
Those That Induce Dreaming
Mugwort [Artemisia Vulgaris] — Mugwort makes dreams more vivid, easing both lucid dreaming and dream recall. It can be made into a tea, or sewn into a sachet that can be placed inside the pillow. Even smelling mugwort will produce some effect, but the tea produces the strongest effect. That being said, it's very, very bitter. You should also be careful to use this only on occasion and in moderation, as chronic use of mugwort at high doses can cause thujone to build up in your system. This is not a problem for someone who only drinks a little mugwort now and then, but it's something to be aware of.
Dream herb [Calea Ternifolia or Calea Zacatechichi] — I haven't actually been able to find a source that I trust for this herb, so I haven't tried it myself (as I have done with everything else on this list), but I would be remiss if I didn't mention it, as it is supposed to be one of the MOST effective dream-inducing herbs out there, and especially good for astral travel.
African dream herb [Entada Rheedii] — Can be smoked, or taken in tea or pill form. Induces vivid dreams and is thought to aid astral travel and spirit communications.
Blue Lotus [Nymphaea Caerulea] — Increases the appearance of auras and brightens lights in general, may induce close-eyed visions at high doses; makes dreams more vivid and sensorily engaging. Also an aphrodisiac, on the same basis of engaging your senses more immediately.
Those That Ease Anxiety and Guard Against Nightmares
Chamomile [Chamaemelum Nobile or Matricaria Chamomilla] — Chamomile is an effective nervine, meaning that it calms the nervous system and eases anxiety. It relaxes muscles, and soothes the stomach, which helps to drive away nightmares and sweeten dreams.
Lavender [Lavandula Angustifolia is most common, although any lavender would do] — Lavender is another nervine which eases anxiety and promotes mental relaxation.
Sage [Salvia Officinalis] — Your mileage may vary on this, but sage is used for basically everything by herbalists, but especially as incense. I have burned sage enough times for meditation, trance, and energetic cleansing, that whether by its own natural properties or its association in my mind with mystical things, it puts me into a state of mind where I am more quiet, focused, and receptive.
The Wild Card
Cannabis [Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa] — Cannabis is well-known for its soporific effects, but its effects on dreams are mixed. Some people claim it helps them dream, but others have exactly the opposite experience. In my experience, very low doses don’t affect my dreams, but at medium and high doses, I won’t dream at all, and I certainly won’t remember it. Some research indicates that it may actually inhibit REM sleep entirely. If you are a daily toker trying to dream more and do dream work, I would suggest taking a break from cannabis so that you can engage to the fullest with your dream world.
This post concludes my eight-part series on dream-weaving. Thank you for reading and sharing! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and I’d especially love to hear which of these (or other) methods have worked for you!
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the-terminal-show · 2 years
i lucid dreamed today, i was super aware for some reason. I even began to wake up and i said ''no get back in there!!!'' & 5 sec later i immediately began dreaming again lmao.
I was falling endlessly in the dark while i passed duplicated green silk wallpaper fleur patterened walls with a single scalloped glass lantern that hung from a twisted gold spoke.
When i stopped falling i was deposited into a huge dimly lit room full of random stuff like an antique store, but if the antique store came from an I Spy book. The windows were pitch black and the walls alternated between white stucco and corrugated sheet metal. I was amused with how lucid I was and wouldn't stop laughing about 'hey i'm dreaming yeaaaa ha ha' , and looking at my hands...although, they weren't my hands. I had thick sausagey fingers & no nails.
Then I chose to look inside a white diorama of a huge wood slatten house, almost like a doll house, but the walls were illuminated neon or contained their own sun, nature and weather. It was full of tiny little pieces of multicolored furniture that all kept shifting. Most of it's height came to a peak on the right side with 3 stories of vertical stairs leading to an outlook balcony and steeple.
I moved to look at a round plastic table, out of everything i picked up a gold oblong beveled...coin? It was thick and had engravings, i held it up to my face to read it but it's surface was glitching like VR iridescent mercury, it had impressions of multiple letters and characters blending into one another, as well as an inconsistent faint outline of a moth, bat or butterfly.
I gave up on that and went to look at the wood counter that wrapped around the room just left of the doll house, i picked up a loose torn magazine page, on it was a black & white picture of trent reznor, similar to some meme i scrolled past the day before, except now he had his hands on his hips and was looking accusingly at the reader through a bright spotlight almost like a 90s anti-drug ad lol, you know what i mean.
I was like.....ok.....not really what i wanted, I was trying to will my meditation partner/ego/w/e in. But instead when i tried the 'close your eyes & spin in place' thing, there behind me was Mr. Reznor looking incredulous instead lmao. So i expressed annoyance & started asking where are you?? In other languages, then i got greedy and thought surely if i embrace mr. R then it will change. Well instead all I got was a face full of black denim jacket like grabbing onto a rock mannequin, and then the simulation fell apart cause well, that was a lot of shit to render continuously. That or the stupid bird outside suddenly chirping incessantly woke me up.
My head hurt for 5 hours. But let'sa go back!!! Why not a familiar room i've rendered hundreds of times in my head instead of some random chaos zone.. I'm doing reality checks every 30-40 min now, here's hoping. On god i'm gonna redacted redacted and eat your heart, calea zacatechichi, don't know her, who needs it, my mind is strong as is.
I realize, it's not really any different or necessary, since real life memories, fabrications, meditations, dreams and even memories from being inside VR are all equally vivid and 'real' to each other for me. Thank fuck to whoever I inherited extreme hyperphantasia from, I can do anything while not existing. Bye+ sleepy time
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marlbororedfoftbox · 3 years
去年拿到了一小株Calea zacatechichi,本來就是當作奇特的花花草草來養著,沒想到越長越大,剪下來隨便插隨便長,一年過去長得如同雜草一般,昨日睡前把之前修剪下來乾掉的葉子跟著菸草一起卷來抽,的確有做好幾個夢的樣子,但完全記不得,不是說會有清楚夢的記憶嗎?感覺應該也不是特別好的夢,也許可能就是墨西哥的苦茶或青草茶原料那樣的東西吧,不然就是我天資駑鈍而已。
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stars-over-topsoil · 4 years
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Calea zacatechichi and mugwort dream salve I made today. Mixed with a tiny bit of chamomile and valerian too 🌿🌘
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star-botancials · 4 years
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