#caline salt
How the hell does someone like Miss. Bustier even become Mayor in the first place? I'm no expert at politics, but I'm pretty sure you need like some sort of political degree or background to be one, right? No disrespect to France and their government background, but are the politics in Miraculous so bad that they just elect anyone? Regardless of their lack of political background or not?
To be fair, I don't know a lot about French politics, and even here in the states, I don't think we should judge, given how two of our presidents were celebrities who had little to no experience in politics prior to their respective elections.
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Chloe’s Lament: Ripping Apart
Chloe’s attempts to improve her situation…didn’t work out, to say the least.
Mostly because in her mind, improving things for herself had to involve tearing down others to build up herself by comparison. Something she was easily able to do in the previous world when she was the ‘Princess of Paris’ with the power of her father and her social status to push her demands.
Here…she didn’t have that. At all. Which to Chloe’s ever-growing frustration, made her efforts entirely uphill battles.
She didn’t even have the Ladybug Miraculous to either set things right or to use to her advantage. She didn’t know who the new Ladybug or sidekick were, either. And unfortunately for her, her disregard for people unless she needed something immediately meant that she hadn’t paid attention to the old man Hawk Moth was attacking and thus didn’t know where to start looking for the Guardian or the Miracle Box to at least get the Bee again. Even worse, she hadn’t thought to bother with Hawk Moth or his sidekick once they had been stung, meaning she was just as clueless as everyone else was on the villain’s identity, so she couldn’t try to target him for his Miraculous either!
What she did have, however, was future knowledge of events—or at least what she bothered to notice outside of her own activities in the previous timeline. And one in particular stood out the most:
The hat contest.
Dupain-Cheng was still very much a fashion enthusiast despite the changes in this reality. That meant if nothing else, she would still take part in the contest once it came around.
And Chloe knew it would. She even checked to make sure! Even if Adrien despised her, she was still his ‘friend’ as far as Gabriel was concerned. Thus, she was still allowed to visit the Agreste Mansion. Sure, she had to make an appointment and didn’t have as much freedom to go about as she pleased, but she was able to slip away and confirm Gabriel’s intention to hold the contest.
So that meant she already knew what was coming! And with her foreknowledge, she was sure to win!
The plan was simple: recreate the famous feather derby hat for the contest before Marinette could. 
Without the signature this time.
This way, when the would-be designer tried to reveal Chloe as the thief, Chloe would have the upper hand. With no signature to prove Marinette’s claim and more than enough time to build proof that she had created the design first, Chloe would succeed in gaining fame and simultaneously crush Marinette’s dreams of being a professional designer. She would be branded as a cheater and blacklisted from any further design competitions. Gabriel would certainly never trust her again. And Adrien—poor Adrien would obviously need Chloe’s shoulder to cry on once he learned that Miss Perfect Marinette was only using him!
But as it turned out, there were three problems with this plan that Chloe had not accounted for…
Originally, Chloe was able to send Marinette’s hat design sketch to a professional hat maker to bring to life within the deadline.
This time, Chloe had neither the influence nor the funds to get any decent professional to make her design. Her attempts to use her mother’s channels didn’t work either when she couldn’t replicate the original design for them to use as a base.
“They’re feathers! What’s so complicated about it?!”
She also didn’t have the original sketch this go around.
And her less than eloquent efforts to explain the appearance, make, or materials of the desired hat to the interns only got everyone involved both frustrated enough to set off an argument that quickly got her mother’s attention.
Audrey Bourgeois was still very much the famed Style Queen and had no patience for Chloe or her tantrums. And without Andre’s position as Mayor or hotel owner to at least make him a business associate that could exert influence, it wasn’t like Chloe was in a position to make demands. And with only so much time to Paris Fashion Week and not to mention the other shows in the meantime, Audrey didn’t have the people or the patience to spare.
Audrey promptly told her to leave the workers alone unless she had something revolutionary. And despite her insistence to the contrary, a half-formed idea of a hat made with feathers of all things did not count.
As such, there was no one Chloe could get to make the hat for her.
This meant that if she wanted to create this hat and crush Marinette, she would have to make it herself.
Which led to the second problem with Chloe’s plan: for all that she prided herself in knowing and wearing fashion, she had no idea how to actually make it.
Sure, Chloe had a head start on the contest, but that was a very limited advantage for someone with little to no experience in sewing and an unwillingness to learn. Instead of taking the time to plot out a process, figure appropriate fabric, and learn the steps to make a hat, Chloe decided to jump into trying to just make the hat from her memory.
It couldn’t be that hard, right?
As such, by the time the competition actually started, what Chloe had was not so much a hat as…
“What is that? A gaudy balloon?”
“It looks like someone tarred and feathered a plastic bag.”
“I thought it was a deflated football?”
It was a sad-looking thing that could hardly be called a hat. Sunken and lumpy with a few feathers sticking out in odd directions. Chloe’s attempts to make her hat by hand resulted in a complete mess, and she had only a number of burns from the hot glue gun and bandages over her fingers from pricking herself to show for it.
“It’s…definitely unique.” Bustier said, clearly trying to be supportive.
Okay. Fine. So her hat was a failure. But she had wasted no effort in building proof that it at least was solely her creation. She could at least still get Marinette on theft of the idea. Maybe she could even claim sabotage if she spins it well enough!
And maybe she could have, except that there was still the final problem with her plan…
She had been assuming all this time that Marinette would be entering the contest with the same hat as before. That she would experience the same lack of inspiration and go to the same place and thus gain the same idea to enter into the contest.
All of which were very vital steps that Marinette would have to go through to reach the desired outcome Chloe had intended to achieve. All were steps that Chloe could not ensure Marinette would follow.
…all were steps which would be completely pointless when Marinette didn’t even compete.
“Wait—what is she doing in the stands?!” Chloe demanded, pointing to Marinette in outrage.
Marinette, for her part, had been sitting in the stands with a notebook in hand and surveying the various entries. She had been taking notes or drawing or who knew what until she looked up in confusion at the yelling.
“Chill out, Chloe. It’s an open contest.” Nino said, frowning at her.
“Yeah. People are allowed to watch.” Alix added.
“No!” Chloe shook her head furiously. She spun on Marinette. “I mean why are you THERE instead of HERE? It’s a hat competition! Aren’t you supposed to be competing?! Where is your entry?!” She demanded.
Marinette blinked in surprise.
“Well, I’m not competing. I’m just here to cheer the others on. And maybe observe. The officials said it was okay.”
And just like that, all of Chloe’s less than carefully laid plans were thrown out the window.
“What do you MEAN you’re not competing?!”
Because Marinette HAD to be competing! That was the entire point of Chloe even wasting her time with this stupid contest!
Marinette shook her head. “I’m friends with Adrien, and he’s the son of the man holding the contest. And the one who will be modeling the hat. While I don’t doubt Mr. Agreste would be impartial, there are rules against this sort of thing for a reason. It would reflect poorly on his integrity. And I don’t want people to question anything I create because of any potential bias.”
That was—!
“Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”
What was even the point of having connections if you didn’t use them? What kind of socialite was Dupain-Cheng supposed to be, anyway?! It was like she didn’t even know anything!
Marinette was an idiot! She had this amazing position and the world at her fingertips and she couldn’t even use it right!
Chloe stormed out of the auditorium, ignoring the voices and attempts to call her back.
It was…
That was so…
It wasn’t fair!
Marinette was just being lazy! Not using her position or appreciating what it gives her! Not doing anything to prove herself to anyone and show just why she deserved her role! And yet everyone just loved her anyway!
And that…that was the worst part!
Previously, Chloe had to fight tooth and nail just to get people to so much as acknowledge her greatness. She had stayed on top of trends, learned how to navigate the world of the elite, and dealt with anyone and everyone to show why she was not one to cross. She showed why being the “Mayor’s Daughter” was such a pivotal role and why she most deserved it. She had learned to take advantage of any mistake to use to her own ends and end up on top. From Daughter of the Mayor to Queen Bee to Miracle Queen, Chloe had earned her kingdom.
And yet Marinette Dupain-Cheng…she wasn’t doing any of that! She was rich and didn’t use it. She had the power of the Mayor’s Daughter and she didn’t defend it.
She…she was doing nothing and people loved her.
It wasn’t fair!
It wasn’t FAIR!
It wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair 
Chloe jerked up at the voice and immediately wiped her eyes.
Bad enough her plan had been such a failure, she didn’t need people knowing she was crying over it, too. She had nothing left in this world but her dignity. She couldn’t be seen as weak to anyone.
Even if it was Bustier.
“Chloe, I’m sorry. Were you upset?” The teacher asked as she approached cautiously.
“No.” She denied immediately. Because she wasn’t upset! That would suggest her plans had gone completely wrong. And they hadn’t! Because she hadn’t lost yet! She could still find some way to turn things around!
“Chloe, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Chloe refused to look at her.
It wasn’t like Bustier could understand. It was more than just the hat. It was more than a single contest. How could she even begin to explain it all? Everything she’d had? Everything she’d lost?
Bustier—in true ignorance, smiled kindly and rested a hand on Chloe’s shoulder.
“Your hat was your first attempt, wasn’t it? It clearly had a lot of effort put into it.” She said, soothingly. “I think I could see what you were trying to do with the design. You must have felt rushed with the limited time to work with.”
The words didn’t help. They did the exact opposite of help. Because Chloe had known the contest was coming. She’d had more time than anyone to put her entry together. And she still failed.
“With a bit more practice, it would have been a very beautiful hat. I’m sure it would have won.”
It would have won. In another world, it did win. She hadn’t expected it to be so hard to put a hat together. Why was it so hard?
“Oh! Here’s an idea!”
Chloe blinked as Bustier clapped her hands together, smiling brightly at the sudden thought.
“If you’re interested in fashion, maybe we can ask Marinette can help you?” 
“It’s hard when you’re first starting out and trying something new—”
It was like she was underwater. Bustier’s words washed over her, but she could barely hear them. Just sound. Just noise. Somewhere above her but its meaning unable to reach her.
“—maybe with a bit of guidance, you can make your hat even better—”
It was like she was falling. No ground beneath her—no stability. Free falling, but fully aware of her own weight dragging her ever downward, not knowing just how far the hole went…
Chloe gripped her creation harshly. Her ugly, pathetic imitation of a masterpiece that even her mother had praised.
“—Marinette loves fashion and knows a lot—”
Marinette must have cheated. There was no way she could do something like that in a few hours without help!
Neither of them noticed as the seams began to unravel and tear in the force of Chloe’s hold.
“—perhaps what you need is a mentor?”
“—volunteer to tutor you—”
“—very talented—”
“—a lot of love to give—”
Unraveling apart.
“—always willing to lend a hand—”
Just like her world.
“—I’m sure she’d be happy to help you improve—”
Just like her life.
“—don’t we try to ask her? I can even go with you and—”
Until it all ripped apart—
Bustier jerked back in shock at the outburst. She was actually acting as though Chloe had hit her or something—which was ridiculous! Because Chloe was the one in pain right now and nobody would see or try to help her!
“I’m sick of hearing about Dupain-Cheng and how special she is! I don’t need her help! I don’t need anything from her!”
Her teacher frowned, looking confused. Like she didn’t understand. Because she couldn’t see it.
No one could see it!
“Chloe, what are you—”
“She’s a thief!” Chloe yelled. “She knows what she’s doing! I’ll bet she planned this! She must have!”
“What are you talking about?”
She stomped her foot in rage. “This isn’t hers! None of this is hers! She only has it this good because she stole it from me first!”
“Chloe, you’re not making any sense!”
“I didn’t Wish big enough the first time! Why did I even bother with taking everything from her? I should have just Wished for her to disappear!”
But she just stormed away.
Out of the hall. Out of the building. Out of the school altogether.
But no amount of walking would take her out of this life she’d Wished herself in to.
All she left behind were the torn remains of an amateurish hat and fragments of her idealized hopes that were just as broken as her plan for revenge.
The only witnesses were her own teacher.
…and a classmate who had seen the whole thing.
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scuderiagorobets · 24 days
So, remember that scene from "Collusion" (thank you, Season 5, I hate the way you named your episodes because it's fucking confusing) where Caline kissed her wife?
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This one ☝️
Now I give you the Russian dub of this scene
Gisèle (on background): Caline!
Caline (running towards Gisèle): Sister!
Yes, you heard that right. The Russian dub of Season 5 made Caline and Gisèle "sisters"... That's bad because we all know how fucking homophobic Russia is.
("Fun" Fact: in Russia, LGBTQ+ is branded as an "extremist and terroristic organization", while incest is still pretty much okay here. There is no penalty for incest, while for "gay propaganda", you will be ashamed and can be fined)
They also made Zoé confession from "I love you, Marinette" to "I'm in love with a boy but I'm afraid to tell you this", which is also bad, but that is beside the point.
Conclusion: The Russian Dub of Season 5 sucks harder than Season 5 itself!
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve ever been as angry at a character than I have now.
Caline Bustier, always had Chloe’s back. Always encouraged this girl to be the best version of herself. Forgave her, even when she had every right to consider her a lost cause, and let her stew in her bitterness. 
In many ways, Caline was more a mother to her than Audrey was.
And how does she repay her? She gets her fired. While she’s pregnant. 
I have no other words. Fuck you Chloe Bourgeois. You really are worse than Felix.
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starsfic · 2 months
So I was re-reading LadyBugOut by @miraculouscontent and I had a thought that occurred to me when I was reading this chapter. In the very next chapter, it's mentioned that people could hear Miss Bustier and Marinette arguing and the class jumping to the latter's defense. It wouldn't surprise me if this got reported to Mr. Damocles, even if said reports didn't come from the class (which some probably did, let's be honest here, someone told their parents).
Caline had been what had been best described as a rough two days.
First had been her attempt at regaining peace in her classroom by asking Marinette, very politely, to delete BugOut, followed by the confrontation by her students. Second had been Ms. Mendeleiev’s rather harsh pointing out of her faults. After all that, Caline had tossed and turned all night, trying to decide what to do.
She wanted to deny that Mendeleiev was right. Her methods had worked for years, after all, at least from what she saw. She wanted to believe that she was wrong. Marinette was just lashing out, acting out, definitely not acting like the wonderful good example Caline knew she could be. But the thought of that brought up the memory of her students’ angry faces and Max’s cold words, and she felt sick to her stomach.
She still wasn’t sure what to do now that she was back in school. She still felt sick, although that might’ve been the lack of sleep in general. Caline glanced up and felt her stomach twist at the sight of her classroom door.
First, she needed coffee. Next, she needed to at least teach for the day and then figure out what to do.
However, her plans were stopped by a clearing of the throat.
Mr. Damocles hovered behind her, staring at her. “Ms. Bustier, can I have a word with you?” He sounded strange, almost angry.
“Oh,” She forced down the twist in her stomach and tried for a smile. “Of course, Mr. Damocles-”
“In private.”
Her stomach twisted even harder but she managed a nod. “Of course, sir.” Hopefully, this wasn’t what she thought it was. Maybe he just wanted her thoughts on something? The school dance was due to come soon and God knew how many emotions rose up during that time.
Damocles led her upstairs to his office. He opened the door for her and Caline stepped inside, sitting down. She faintly tasted bile at the back of her throat as the door shut, and he walked past her to his desk. There, he folded his hands, staring her down.
“May I help you with something?” she had to say then, praying that it wasn’t what she thought it was.
“No.” Mr. Damocles frowned, unfolded his hands, and then refolded them. “Ms. Bustier,” he finally said. “I recently received some reports from students’ parents.” Oh no. “I must note, none are from the parents of those in your class.” He pulled out a folder and set it down. It made a small thunk and Caline felt sweat start to bead up. “However, they are all concerning a fight-”
“I wouldn’t really say it was a fight,” Caline had to speak up then. “I was just trying to-”
“Make Ms. Dupain-Cheng delete a blog that has developed into an important resource?” Damocles flipped open the folder and turned it to her. Caline reached out, flipping through the pages. Through most of them were the words that had come from her:
“I advise that you take it down.”
“I’m positive you could take it down with one click if you had to.”
“The blog itself going down would have the best chance of fixing things. It will make it feel like this whole thing has been a mistake.”
“...I can explain-”
“I must advise you that, if it were more than a simple public blog, I would have to go to the police for this,” And that made her freeze. Mr. Damocles stared at her, his brows furrowed tight, and Caline realized that, no, he was actually angry. “However, as far as I know, BugOut does not have any special government protection. It is, however, an important resource.” His hands clenched tighter together. “That does not even mention that you crossed a line by telling a student what she can and cannot publish on her own social media.”
The sweat rolled down her skin. Was it just her or was it hot in here? “I felt like it was more important to protect my students,” she said, her claim sounding weak even as she said it. “Alya and Lila were being hurt by what it was saying.”
“Was Ms. Dupain-Cheng threatening them? Posting humiliating pictures of them? Doxxing them?” Damocles shook his head. “No. Ladybug was simply posting the truth, as she has the right to do. Her intention was not to harm, but to protect herself.” His brows furrowed tighter and tighter. “Next time, I would consider what it was actually doing before speaking up.”
Caline looked down at that, feeling her face grow hot. “So, am I being punished?” she said, gripping her knees and forcing back the bile in her throat.
“Yes. I want you to apologize to your class, especially Ms. Dupain-Cheng,” Well, that took the choice out of her hands. Something was pushed into her vision, and she looked up. It was a brochure for some kind of training. “This is for a training course on setting boundaries between educators and students,” Mr. Damocles said. “I would recommend you take it.”
Bustier was almost impressed. A few months ago, he would be trying his best to not make waves, at least with Chloe. She just wished it wasn’t aimed at her. “Thank you, Mr. Damocles,” She took the brochure and took in a deep breath. “I… apologize.”
He opened his mouth, probably to say that she didn’t need to apologize to him, but Caline was already up and moving. The sooner she moved, the sooner she got away from his anger.
The sooner she could forget the hot shame that welled up, deep inside.
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trashyangelic · 1 year
Does anyone wanna take this prompt for Miraculous Ladybug? [If so please tag me or msg me if your going to take this.]
Ideas for Prompts:
Salt/Bashing: Lila Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, Alya Bashing, Adrien Bashing Sugar/Redemption: Nino Sugar, Chloe Redemption, Akuma Class Redemption Pairings: Chloe/Nino, Lukagami, Felinette Others: Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Lila Rossi Exposed, Jealous Adrien, Endgame Felinette
Let's say Lila got exposed by Marinette's Circle Squad (as in Nino, Chloe, Kagami, Alix, Sabrina, Max, Kim, Rose, Nora Cesaire, Juleka, Luka, Felix, and Aurore) while Marinette had stayed home cause her parents is not letting her go to school cause of victim blaming that they got angry on Bustier telling her about their daughter 'to be an example' which really pissed Sabine off.
Sabine is willing to do this to keep her daughter happy but also suing Bustier, Damocles, Lila, Alya, and lastly Adrien even though she didn't want to but she heard enough from her daughter that he is bystanding this whole situation and telling her little girl to 'take a high road' advice which is a horrible advice.
Instead of expelling Lila like she wanted to do she must remain in the school and learn to be an outcast after being outted last Friday when her mother found out about her crimes and trauncy from her classmates but also participating classes by doing her own homework and attend two months of detentions. The police and the School Board Member found something interesting on the school footage then show it to Mrs. Rossi that her daughter is willing to assist terrorist.
As Lila is remain house arrest along with the restraining order from The Dupain-Chengs but also being banned from their bakery except her mother who is a regular customer that comes to the bakery once a while.
As for Bustier and Damocles both got sued by two parents from Marinette after all the stress they gave her she has to go theraphy. Chloe volunteered to be Temporary Ladybug as Dame Taches (Lady Spots) while Marinette goes to theraphy for a good reason for her health being Ladybug for too long was a bit stressful and need a break so she can be the Dragon Miraculous while Kagami became the Temporary Black Cat.
As for the Black Cat Miraculous it was taken away from Chat Noir/Adrien by Ladybug last Sunday about his incompetnent behavior it is now Kagami's job as a temporary Black Cat as Kuroneko. Now for the Bee Miraculous it was lent to Nora Cesaire since she was the only one that Marinette can think of doing instead of Alya since Nora knows the truth what her sister did to Marinette.
Chloe called Amelie Graham de Vanily and Felix to come over to Paris but stay in her hotel than in the Agreste Mansion but told them the whole fiasco with Adrien being passive and other stuff. Chloe also suggested to Marinette to give Felix the Fox Miraculous he will be the Temporary Fox Hero. Since Sabrina has the dog miraculous with her just in case.
Now for Adrien he finally found out thanks to Lila that Marinette likes him. But its far too late for him since Marinette is over with him and her parents doesn't want him near their little girl anymore.
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miraculousfanworks · 8 days
Writing Prompt: Evil Teacher AU
Bustier is a supervillain. She has been this entire time and has used her position as a teacher and now mayor to weaken Paris structurally and morally so that she cannot be stopped when her plan goes into action. Ladybug and Chat noir have learned the truth but no one is willing to believe them because of the subtle brainwashing she's used to instill feelings of adoration in the population
Prompt by: nightbird
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nixthelapin · 4 months
Anyone else deeply disturbed that at middle school teacher in a kids show was named after a type of underwear? A type of underwear known to enhance the bust I might add
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(Mme Caline Bustier)
A bustier:
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vintage-retro-queen · 4 months
Paris Reacts to Too Brutal? Yeah, Right
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Akuma Class
Another weekend was among the students in Caline Bustier's class.
However, they were outside instead of being indoors watching the show. Ever since they started watching the show and started talking about it nonstop. When their families heard that, they believed that they were watching too much TV and being on their devices too much, and told them that they needed to lay off from the shows and do something else. As a result, the parents confiscated their electronic devices and unplugged every single device's plugs, and Max's mother even confiscated Markov, even though Markov surprisingly and shockingly (to Max) didn't mind and offered to help her with her studies to become an astronaut, they were sent to the great outdoors, and were told to avoid all screens of any kind.
The class was already feeling down about their stuff being taken away, and they couldn't watch the show; they were all now at the park, sulking and feeling the void of boredom. "Man dude, I can't believe we're stuck out." Nino complained. "Think of what next challenge Marinette is doing that we're missing." Alix complained.
They tried to fill the void of their boredom by going to their usual hang-out places to try and forget about what they were missing out on. At the zoo, at the shopping district, and some restaurants.
When school resumed, they all arrived at their temporary school, which they were told to attend while their school was still under investigation. They noticed many students talking about the same show they were supposed to watch: Total Drama Island.
"Did you see how Harold dodged them? He's already got me interested in taking figure skating myself."
"Yeah, and I didn't know that she learned all of those moves with her mom. That was awesome!"
"Who knew that a chained-kunai was almost thrown at her. Talk about a shocker."
"I wonder who will win that girl's heart in the show?"
"What?! They watched the show, too?!" Kim said in disbelief, feeling jealous. "I'm already hating my dad for this. My brother even said that it was "For my own good." Yeah, right, like he would know. They don't understand how it feels to have a friend who's in a reality TV show and is probably already getting famous overnight!" Alix complained.
As the Akuma Class sulked, whined, groaned, and complained about how it was unfair for them not to watch the show to see Marinette, Adrien feels more upset that his father has not been talking to him after that demand to get in contact with Marinette last week. After his father found out that he told Marinette to take the "high road" and tell her that lies were not hurting anybody, the two were on their separate ways ever since then, his father had no other choice but to try and get in contact with the girl himself. Since then, he shuts out Adrien until he learns of his mistakes.
Adrien swallows his pride and tries to be the lovable "sunshine boy," taking his high-road advice and trying to flow past it. He still hopes that Marinette will see the error of her ways, come home, and be the "everyday Ladybug" she was supposed to be.
However, he started to feel a harsh chill down his spine from a pair of furious and death/venging-looking eyes, glaring holes behind his head.
Celebrities + Friends and Family (+ ??? & ???)
It was the weekend once again for the friends, families, and celebrities of Paris, France.
After Jagged got his order from the bakery, he talked to Tom and Sabine about how Marinette was doing amazing in the show. They told him they agreed and knew since they had watched the show as well. After learning that, Jagged invited them to watch the show with him and the other celebrities, and they accepted the invitation. And when they brought along the other families, Jagged was glad. As the saying goes, the more, the merrier.
Where they all got together in the hotel, ready to watch the newest episode of Total Drama Island. When they called her on WhatsAppening, Luka, Jagged, Penny, Clara, Ali, Tom, Sabine, and the rest of Marinette's friends were happy to know that Marinette was up and better than ever.
After their talk, they hear one of the wunderkind celebrities telling everyone that the show is on. They turn on the TV, and the show starts.
"Last time, on Total Drama Island, the Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-a-thon, when Duncan took a snooze on the can, and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row...harsh. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island Alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her, then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks. Nicely played, Heather, nicely played." "Honestly, that was just low, even for her," Aurore said, with Mireille nodding in agreement. "Even though Eva could've pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off. She became the second camper to rock the Boat of Losers." "But at least Marinette and Lucy made her day better." Zoe pointed out, with everyone nodding and talking in agreement. "Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will Lucy and Marinette be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total Drama Island."
After watching the usual theme, they watched the Screaming Gophers looking happy and full of energy, enjoying their morning meal, while the Killer Bass looked like they didn't get a brink of sleep, which, of course, they obviously didn't get. That was until they watched as the camera cut to a sleeping Duncan. "Duncan." Duncan looks up to see Chris walking to their table. "You look like death, dude," he said. "Stick it," Duncan said before heading back to sleep. "Harold snored all night," Courtney explained. Chris laughed, "Wow, four nights with no sleep. How much are you hurting, dude?" "Wanna find out?" Duncan asked, causing his team to duck and cover to avoid what would happen. "No, no. It's cool. It's cool." "Man, four nights? That's crazy." one of the wunderkind celebrities said.
"Yeah, well, they were doing the Awake-a-thon for a while." another one said. That was until they saw Harold walking into the main lodge with a markered mustache drawn on his face. As they watched him sit down, they watched as the rest of the Killer Bass looked at him oddly and then started laughing. "Okay, what?" Harold asked. Geoff then said to him, "Someone messed with your face, dude." Harold then grabbed a spoon to see his reflection and then saw what Geoff was talking about. "Hey, sweet stache," he said. Chris then gets everyone's attention. "Hey, everyone, it's Lucy and Marinette!" the Screaming Gophers, celebrities, friends, and families cheered as they watched as Lucy and Marinette both walked into the main lodge, looking more exhausted than from the last challenge. When the two sat down, Marinette crossed her arms on the table, resting her head and closing her eyes while Lucy rested her head on her hands. They all then watch Lucy's confessional.
"Boy, even for the first time in the past two years at the ages of five and six, I stood up, not only just nights but days too. Man, I wish my friends were here to see it. But I still didn't think I would stay up for that long." "I'm sure they're very proud of you, Lucy." one of the actresses said happily. "I always wonder what friends she had back when she was young?" one of the musicians said, feeling curious about what kind of friends Lucy had that helped her gain the ability to stay up longer than ever. "Who knows? Whoever they are, they must've been very good friends." another actor said, proudly crossing his arms, feeling proud of Lucy. Everyone else agreed, not paying attention to Courtney's confessional or Heather explaining the rules to Beth and Lindsay. After agreeing, they hear Heather talking aloud to the Killer Bass, getting both their and the watchers' attention.
"Hey, fish-heads, way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" Heather then moved over, making Courtney miss, and threw the oatmeal at Lucy's face. "Missed me," she said, causing Courtney to glare at her. They then watched as Lucy raised her hand to Courtney, telling her tiredly, "Don't worry about it. I had worse things thrown at me anyway." she then finished her sentence yawning, "Such as... a chained...kunai." Lucy's head then plops down on the table and falls asleep, snoring loudly, not even aware of the campers, sans a sleeping Marinette, looking at her with shocked and disbelief looks on their faces. Additionally, the shocked and disbelief looks on the faces of all the celebrities, friends, and families.
"D-did-did Lucy just say what I think she said?" one of the celebrities stuttered. "I think she did." another one muttered. Just then, Lucy's confessional got their attention. "I know what I just said. And sadly, yes, it's true." They all became shocked to hear that Lucy said that it was true. "It happened in the second week of my first year of high school. Most of my former schoolmates, who, by the way, were rivals to each other. They were labeled what my old school calls them 'The Sides'." Lucy says, air quoting the words The Sides. "Well, that's an odd name for a group of rivals." one of the celebrities commented. "They were all fighting about something that I don't know what, but frankly, I don't even want to know why and what they were even fighting about in the first place. But anyway, at the time they were arguing, and it then started a fight and a food fight at the same time. One of them then threw the chained kunai at one of the rivals, but it missed, and instead, aimed at me." They became even more shocked and worried than ever hearing that. But Lucy continued before they could say anything. "But not directly aiming at my face," hearing that made them relieved and confused at the same time. "The chained kunai only missed me by an inch and instead slapped my face." Lucy rubs the left side of her face, remembering that. "Ouch. That must've stung." another one of the actors said. "It really smarted, and it got me so mad that it caused me to snap and make a scene in front of everyone, angrily screaming and scolding them to knock it off and tell them that's someone could've been hurt or injured or worse." 
"I can understand that," Tom said. "Sabine explained to me that she was in the same complicated issue once when she was in school." "It's true. The school I was in was through the same issue as Lucy's." Sabine admits. "They were rivals too, they even fight a lot as well, and this one girl snapped and gave everyone a harsh lecture. And I do mean very harsh. So harsh that it made everyone realize that they could've hurt a friend or relative, and they could've been written up again like they always do. But thanks to her, they stopped, and the teachers came. They got written up again, were given detention, and one of them was told to apologize for slapping the girl in the face." Everyone understood that the Dupain-Chengs knew how Lucy felt when it came to lecturing kids to knock off whatever was happening on school grounds and continued watching the confessional. "When I finished giving a harsh scolding lecture, I left the cafeteria and ended up having the rest of my lunch break at the school library." "Bummer," one of the wunderkind singers said, feeling pity for Lucy having lunch in the library. "Well, you can't blame her for trying to cool off from giving a harsh lecture." Sabine said, with Tom nodding in agreement.
"When lunch was over, and we were heading to our next class, I was at my locker, getting what I needed and saw the same chained kunai in there with a note saying they were sorry for throwing it at me." "Ah, a peace offering. Although, I don't think giving her the same chained kunai that was thrown at her would count." "Oh, I'm sure she was fine with it. The girl that was at my school had a chained kunai as a peace offering too. It was the same chained kunai that was thrown at her. I guess the one who threw it must've wanted to give it to her as an apology." "Well, you can't blame them for wanting to make it up to her after accidentally throwing it at her." Nadja says with a shrug.
"Even though I accepted the apology and appreciated the peace offering gift, I'm still mad at the betapunks with their rivalry and the one who threw it while they were fighting." "Told ya that would catch on," Jagged said to Penny, looking at her with a smug look. "Know-it-all," she says, smiling and rolling her eyes playfully. They all then watch as Lucy starts to glare daggers, looking directly at the camera. "Yeah, that's right." She then points at the camera while looking more tired than before, letting out a couple of yawns, "I'm talking to you, Han...zo Scor...Ha....sa....shi." Lucy then fell face first, pushing the outhouse-confessional door open while she was asleep again. "You know, normally, most celebrities always never say a person's name on live T.V., but I believe I can understand why she would say the name of the person who threw the chained kunai at her." Nadja explained. Everyone started to agree with her on why Lucy said the name of the person on T.V. "You know, it is kinda odd that the girl in your school and Lucy have the same experience." one of the journalists said to Sabine, sipping on his coffee. "Yeah, talk about deja vu." said one of the interns. "I'm sure it's just a coincidence," said Tom. They then continued to watch the show. "Okay, campers, listen up." Chris announced, "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it."
They then watched as the scene cuts to the location of the campers' next challenge, which looks like a gym. They then noticed as they saw Marinette and Lucy, now fully awake, with cups of Starchild's Coffee in their hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where the heck did those two get coffee from Starchild's?!" one of the wunderkind celebrities asked, looking surprised. They then hear Marinette talk to Lucy. "I'm surprised your family sent us some coffee, Lucy," Marinette said, sipping her coffee. "Yeah, well, sometimes my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop always worry about my well-being. It's been that way since I was six," said Lucy. "Oh, that's where they got them from." another wunderkind celebrity said, understanding. "Wait, three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop...Oh! She's talking about her honorary family members. Okay, that makes sense." another one says, knowing who Lucy was talking about. They then watched another confessional from Lucy's while she was sipping on her coffee.
"Not gonna lie, I didn't think my family would be watching me. Even though we're a traditional family." "Traditional family?" "You don't think she means by..." "But not like that. It's just that we don't do technology." "Oh, okay. I was almost gonna say something else, but that's different, yet it makes perfect sense." "Well, except my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop, maybe, but still. My family doesn't use technology like everyone else, such as watching television or having cell phones." "No wonder why Lucy doesn't have a social media account." Jagged said, now understanding why Lucy never had a social media account or two in the beginning. They all watch as Lucy continues on with her confessional.
"Although we only have a telephone that we use now and then, but that's all we have in our household." "Well, that explains how they take our phone calls from time to time." "Yeah, but I wonder if they ever have an answering machine is the question." "Heck, we even have two computers for school and work. Just school and work only and nothing more. I don't use the computers, honestly. Personally, I prefer doing my work by hand. The only people who use those computers are my mother and her sister, who is my aunt on her side of the family. They are the only ones in my whole family tree who use them for their work." "Well, that's Lucy being Lucy." "Yeah, she even does a great job on every handwriting the world has these days. Print, pre-cursive, cursive, heck, she even does a lot of the fonts the document writing sites ever have." "And it's surprising to know that it is only her mother and aunt who use the computers the most." "And whenever we're not at home, you have to go out to London and find a phone booth just to make a phone call or two." "Well, that certainly explains why I keep hearing a busy crowd in the background sometimes." after Lucy sipped on her coffee again, she continued talking and said, "But it was still nice of them to send Nettie and me some coffee." Lucy then looks directly at the camera, smiling, looking grateful. "Thanks, guys. I owe you one," she said, thanking her three uncles, aunt, and pop-pop. "It's nice to know that her family helps her whenever there is something needed." "Yes, and it was very nice of them to send her and Marinette some coffee." Sabine said, with Tom, Gina, and Roland nodding in agreement.
They continued watching as they saw Duncan planking on the benches. "Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do," he warns. "I don't think we're even going to," Lucy said, making the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass look at her odd. "What? I was like that once," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Some people who I rather have nameless tried to force me to get up and join them on something I don't want to explain what, and I may have accidentally given each of them a black eye to leave me alone." the campers looked at her surprised, but understood since she did it in self-defense. All of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends were surprised that Lucy did that when some students were trying to wake her up for something that she didn't want to do. That was until they watched Marinette's confessional.
"I can understand that. My dad told me once that my mom was like that since this one time back when she was a teenager, someone was forcing her to get up and join them to train on something." "It's true. I was there. After that, they all looked like they just escaped from a serious crime scene," Tom admitted, with Sabine shrugging her shoulders and nodding, meaning that she admitted that it was true. "I guess it's true what they say. Some people will get cranky when they don't get their sleep." Marinette sips her coffee and says, "And it might be best to let them sleep, or else you will face the consequences." "You said it, Marinette," said Aurore.
After that, they watch as Courtney starts to scold Harold. "This is all your fault, you know?" she said, "You and your snoring face." "It's called a medical condition. Gosh!" said Harold. Suddenly, the celebrities all looked not so surprised when they saw Lucy grabbing Courtney and Harold by the ear, glaring at the two. "Less arguing, more focusing on what the challenge is." she snarled, with a hint of venom in her tone. Hearing Lucy scold Courtney and Harold caused more campers to shudder in fear of seeing an angry Lucy. All but Marinette, who seems to be used to it. They all then watch another one of Marinette's confessionals.
"I don't like to talk down on others, but with all due respect and in all honesty, Courtney should've kept the accusation to herself. Including Harold with his excuse. Even if it is true or not. Then they won't have to deal with an angry scolding from Lucy." "Hm, harsh, but true," Tomoe commented. "Yeah, but I still feel like someone was the one who manipulated her into learning that before heading over to Muskoka," Aren said, causing people to look at her, shocked and surprised. "How can you tell?" asked Socqueline. "No, she's right. It does feel like she was told to keep her mouth shut against her will." "Well, whoever it is told her, they're so dead when I find out who it was!" Jagged said, with fury filled in his eyes. "I'd save that for the lawsuits, Mr. Stone." Socqueline looks at Marinette with worry and pity, feeling like she failed to protect her more.
After seeing Lucy let go of both Courtney and Harold, they all hear a whistle blow and see that it was Chef, dressed as a referee. Chris then explains the challenge to the campers. "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball." they see Lucy smile, looking impressed. "Ah, a basic sports game. Nice," she said. Chris continues. "The first rule of dodgeball is-" "Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah asks, cutting off Chris's sentence and making Owen laugh at the smartmouth question. Chris then continues again, "If you get hit with the dodgeball..." Chris then throws the dodgeball at Courtney, hitting her. 
"You're out." "You can't just do that!" Courtney said, throwing the dodgeball at him. He then catches the dodgeball and continues, "If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out, and the catcher gets to bring another member out on the court." "Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test," said Noah. "I know, right?" Lindsay asked, butting in a bit. "Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit Lucy," Chris said, throwing a dodgeball to Geoff while Chef tossed another one to Lucy. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out." Chris explains. "So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" asked Lindsay. "You dodge," Chris said. As Geoff threw the ball at Lucy, she used the dodgeball to deflect it, which headed over to Lindsay, hitting her on the head and making the others gasp. Chris and Lucy wince from that. Even the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends winced from seeing that on television. "Ooh, you were supposed to dodge," said Chris. "Ow.. right," Lindsay said, rubbing her forehead, which showed a big bruise. "Ouch," one of the wunderkind celebrities said, as the rest of them looked shocked and surprised. "You have one minute until game time." Chris said, then turning to the Screaming Gophers, "Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game."
After some campers sat out, D.J., Courtney, Katie, Tyler, and Harold were on the Killer Bass team. Meanwhile, Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are on the Screaming Gophers team. "Bring it on, fishies," Heather said. "Otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." "Oh, you're going down!" said Tyler. "We're gonna bring the dinner on the table, and then we're gonna eat it!" Courtney facepalms when Tyler finishes making that not-making-any-sense sentence. "That doesn't even make any sense." one of the famous writers complimented. "Both teams ready? Best of five games wins." Chris says, "Now let's dodge some ball!" When Chef blew his whistle, the game of dodgeball was on, and the sitting campers cheered their teams on. Cody then throws the dodgeball first, aiming at Tyler, but misses. This causes Tyler to throw his dodgeball at him, but instead, the dodgeball accidentally hits Sadie.
All of the celebrities, families, and friends winced and cringed from seeing that. "That'll smear the makeup," Chris commented. "You're doing your best, Tyler! That's all that matters!" Marinette yelled from the Screaming Gophers side. Luka, Tom, and Sabine smiled, knowing that Marinette was trying to cheer Tyler up from his accidental throw. Tyler gives her a thumbs up as a thanks until Courtney gets his attention. "Nice job. Now let's see if you can hit someone on THEIR team!" she scolded. Just then, Owen ran, heading over to them, and threw the dodgeball straight to Tyler, hitting him so far up to the wall. "Ow. Darn it." Tyler said, in pain from the hit. Chef blows his whistle, signaling that Tyler is out, while the seated Screaming Gophers cheer on their team, and Cody and Owen high-fived. Meanwhile, Tyler sits out in pain.
After that, Harold holds his dodgeball, looking confident. "Time to unleash my wicked skills," he said. "Yeah?" said Leshawna. "Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!" As Harold tries to throw the dodgeball his way, it backfires. Leshawna then smirked after picking up the dodgeball, which got Harold running away screaming. Until Leshawna threw the dodgeball at him, making him slide on the floor to the glass wall and making Chris and Marinette wince from witnessing it. Chef then blew his whistle, signaling that Harold was out. "And that's how we roll!" said Leshawna. "Probably needs to work on his "wicked skills" more." one of the wunderkinder said, air-quoting wicked skills. Everyone nodded and agreed with them and continued watching the show.
Lindsay then walks to her team, asking, "Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Suddenly, Katie threw the dodgeball at Lindsay, which became a direct hit. The Killer Bass cheered while Chef blew his whistle, signaling Lindsay was out. The Killer Bass cheered for Katie while Tyler waved to Lindsay, making Lindsay smile and Heather mad, which got her to throw a dodgeball at him again. Lucy then turned to glare deadly daggers at Heather, signaling she was done for when she gets the chance. Heather shuddered in fear, seeing the furious look on Lucy's face. "Ooh, Heather is making Lucy mad." one kid of one of the celebrities said. "If Heather keeps this up, she'll end up on Lucy's despise list." one of the novelists said, crossing his arms. "I'm with Lucy. What the heck was that?" Courtney complained. "Ref, he's not even on the court." "Oops! He slipped." "Now she's gonna get it." the wunderkind rapper said, laying back and watching to enjoy the small show. Hearing that, Lucy gets more furious and grabs a dodgeball. She throws it at Heather, hitting her in the face. Chef blows his whistle, signaling Heather is out.
"I'm sorry, Heather, but you made me do that. Even though we are on this team, it doesn't matter to me anymore," she said. Marinette nods in agreement. "You tell her, Lucy!" one of the female idols said, cheering Lucy on. Marinette then turns to Chris, saying to him, "Chris, I'm sorry, but we're going to be switching to the Killer Bass team." Lucy then turns, telling the Screaming Gophers, "And please, don't push us on this. If anyone is to blame for that, it's Heather." The two walk to the Killer Bass team. The Killer Bass cheered about Lucy and Marinette being on their team while the Screaming Gophers glared at Heather since she was now out and sitting on the bench. "Either when the Killer Bass win or lose. Those two are doing the right thing." "Yeah, what Heather did is just beyond low."
After a while, they watch that it was now Cody and Leshawna for the Screaming Gophers and D.J. and Katie for the Killer Bass. D.J. and Katie throw theirs. Leshawna deflects one until another one of them hits her in the gut. Chef then blows his whistle, signaling to her that she's out. It was now Cody against the two Killer Bass. "Easy out, guys. Easy out." Courtney said to D.J. and Katie. Cody tosses one dodgeball up in the air and then tosses it at D.J. Even though it missed, the dodgeball took a U-turn and hit D.J. behind him. "That is one tough ball to dodge." said Chris. Katie threw her dodgeball at Cody, but it missed. Cody then grabs another ball and rubs it on his shirt. He then throws it at Katie. Katie then tried to run from it, but it chased after her. Katie then slammed into the wall, and the dodgeball hit her on the back. The Screaming Gophers then cheered for Cody for winning the round.
Before the campers could start the next round, they all watched as the Killer Bass huddled up. "We can do this. We just have to believe in ourselves." "Oh, I believe. I believe you stink!" scolded Courtney. "Yeah, you throw like a wimp," Tyler said, causing Geoff to laugh and Sadie to nod in agreement. "You should talk," Courtney said, scolding Tyler. "It was a warm-up throw," Tyler explained. Before he could keep talking, a dodgeball hit Tyler, Courtney, Geoff, and Sadie. They looked to see that it was an angry Lucy, looking at them as if she was ready to pop a vein and beat the life out of them. They all looked scared, seeing her looking furious. The celebrities, the families, and Marinette's friends, on the other hand, looked unamused, now getting used to Lucy's anger. They then watch Lucy's confessional.
"And that, folks, is another one of my triggers. People accuse others. Talking down on them, calling them a girl, chicken, or coward, and making up some lame-cottontail excuses." Lucy crosses her arms, looking completely serious. "Yeah, that's right. I'm not afraid to say words close to the cursed ones. And we all know what I'm talking about." "What does she mean?" one of the kids asked. "Uh, it's probably for the best that you kids don't want to know." one of the journalists said, making all of the celebrities, families, and teens nod in agreement to the little ones.
They continue to watch the show. They then watch Marinette take Lucy's hand, leading her out of the room. "Okay, you guys focus on the game. I'm going to take Lucy out and get her to calm down," she said. The rest of the Killer Bass continued on while the two were out. "Look, I can dominate this game," Tyler said, continuing what he would say before Lucy interrupted him by throwing the dodgeball at them. "Just give all the balls to me." After watching the team fail again, they watch as the scene cuts to the cabin, where Lucy is taking whiffs of her stress and anger management essential oils. "You shouldn't let this get to you, Lucy," Marinette said, helping Lucy calm down. "I know, Nettie. I'm trying to. But when it comes to those punks doing all that and talking like that, it's too difficult for me to handle." "I can hardly imagine living in the same room as them." "Yeah, I can see where Lucy's getting at." "Believe it or not, I got all that from both my father and one of my friends." Marinette looked surprised to hear that. However, she was not as surprised as all of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends.
"Oh, that would explain why her expressions and tones look and sound so familiar." one of the dubstep wunderkinder said, now understanding their point of view. "I have my father's stress in my genes, and the anger thing is both from myself and my friend. Well, sometimes me, it was also him too, actually." Lucy admits. "See? What did I tell you?" "Who knew that she got the anger from her friend too?" "And believe it or not, people often mistook us for twins." "Because of the anger?" asked Marinette. "Nope. We just both talk at the same time." Lucy and Marinette both laugh at that.
"I wonder if it was also they look alike or not?" "Who knows?" After that, they see Lucy get two more stress and anger management essential oils. She opens them, revealing that they are roll-on essential oils, and rubs them on two of her wrists and behind her left and right ears. "There, hopefully, this will help me finish up the dodgeball challenge. And hopefully, I don't go overboard on this like the last one I did." "What happened?" "Oh, trust me. You don't wanna know." "I can't imagine what happened." after that, Lucy and Marinette head out of the cabin and back to the challenge.
When the girls returned to the challenge, they saw their teammates on the bench- all but Tyler. "Hey, where did Tyler go?" asked Marinette. "Long story," said Bridgette. Courtney then started talking. "Okay, this is really bad," she said. "One more game, and we lose the whole challenge, again! We can't let that happen, people. We need someone strong, someone mean, someone who'll crush those lame-o gophers into the dirt." They then see Marinette look at someone. "I think I know who we can have help us," she said, motioning to someone on her right. Most of the Killer Bass then looked at Duncan, who was still sleeping like a log. They all know that Marinette is saying he's now the only one who can help them. However, some of the Killer Bass looked a bit scared. "Unh-unh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us." D.J. protested. "He won't kill us, guys." Courtney said, "He wants to win too." "Courtney's right," Harold said, agreeing with Courtney. "We need Duncan's fierceness to win this." "That's the spirit, Harold." said Courtney. But before she can tell him to wake Duncan up, Lucy beats her to the punch.
"Alright, stand back, folks. Leave the bear-awakening to the professionals," Lucy said as she approached Duncan. As the Killer Bass did so, Lucy grabbed an essential oil out of her pocket and let the scent reach Duncan's nose. The oil woke Duncan up completely. After a couple of whiffs, he bolted up. They all laughed, seeing the look on his face after he bolted up. They were laughing so much that they never paid attention to him hitting on Marinette after she apologized to him for waking him up. After the laughter died down, they continued watching the show, seeing Lucy walk up to Duncan. "Alright, Mister Juvenile, listen up. We're down two, nothing. As much as we respect that you need some well-deserved rest, but we could use some of your assistance on this." "Oh, and why should I help you, princess?" asked Duncan. "Because we can personally guarantee you that if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, Sir Juvenile," Lucy said, with a renascence accent in the end. Most of the celebrities and Marinette's friends quietly laugh at the nickname Lucy gave him. Duncan lets out a sigh and then says, "Fine, I'll play...on one condition. You do what I say when I say it." Lucy nods. "Okay, here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to Juvie. It's called Rush the New Guy."
They watched as Marinette and the Killer Bass used the new Rush the New Guy technique. When they did, they won a round of dodgeball. They all cheered for that. After that, Courtney had a suggestion. "I think that we should do the same thing all over again. So Harold, sit this one out too." "But I sat the last one out." "We'll sit this one out with you, Harold." Marinette offered, with Lucy nodding in agreement. They all smiled for Marinette's kind, golden heart. And are happily used to Lucy's ticked-off moments as they watch her stare at Courtney with a death-threatening stare in her eyes before Courtney could protest about the two sitting it out with Harold. Harold nods to Lucy and Marinette as thanks and signals to them that he owes them one. "That was very nice of Marinette and Lucy sitting out with Harold." "Yeah, that's our Marinette." "Our favorite little lady,"
They then watched as their team used the Rush the New Guy strategy again, and they won the round. They all cheered, and the seated Killer Bass cheered them on when they did win. After that, they see Tyler finally walk in and sit on the bench with the rest of the Killer Bass. "Tyler, where were you?" Marinette asked. "Nowhere," he said. "You were with Lindsay, were you?" Lucy teased, raising a brow, smiling. "No...maybe...so?" "Tyler, it's okay. There's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of." Marinette said. Lucy nodded, "Exactly. Just as long as you're calm and cool as a cucumber and don't expose your weaknesses to her." she said. Tyler smiles, happy to know that Lucy and Marinette are okay with him liking Lindsay. The celebrities, families, and friends smiled as well after seeing that.
Chris then announced to the campers, "Okay, this is it, the final tie-breaking game." "Go team, Go." Noah cheered with sarcasm in his tone.
When the Killer Bass huddle, they start discussing strategy. "Okay, who's going in?" Duncan asks. "I think it's either Marinette's turn, Lucy's turn, or my turn?" Harold says. "No way. We actually have a chance to win this, " Courtney protests. Harold nods and heads to the bench to sit out. Luka shakes his head at that. "Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you're made of," said Chris. They all then watched as the teams started throwing and tagging in and out team members. Noah then cheers with full-on sarcasm in his tone of voice again. "Knock 'em out. Throw 'em out. Rah, rah." then, a dodgeball was thrown and hit Noah straight in the face. "My bad. I meant to do that." Lucy called out with another dodgeball in her hands. Noah signals her it's fine since he knows that she deflected Marinette from the dodgeball almost thrown directly at her. "You're right. Sports aren't your forte." said Heather.
After a while, it was Owen against Marinette Harold. "Oh, boy." Zoe and Socqueline gulped as they and the rest of the people around them looked at Marinette with worry in their eyes. The Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen, while the Killer Bass looked shocked and worried for Harold and the girls. "Sorry, guys, but you gotta go down," said Owen. "Good night, Harold," said Duncan. Lucy elbowed him and cheered Harold and Marinette on. "You got this, guys!"
Then, they all watch Harold become confident as he gets into his stance. Marinette then breathes in and out and becomes confident as well. As the two motion for Owen to bring it, he does so, and the two dodge every single dodgeball Owen throws at them. Everyone, including the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass, was surprised to see how the two dodged all the dodgeballs Owen threw at them. Courtney then tells them to time out, making Chef blow his whistle for it. "Man, those two got dodge," Duncan said. "Where'd you two learn to do that?" "Figure skating," Harold answers. And Marinette then said, "I've been training with my mom. I got the hang of it back then. I guess I still got it." "Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about that." Sabine said, now remembering how Marinette learned to dodge. Everyone looked at Sabine, surprised yet impressed and amazed, and then turned back to the TV. "Harold, Marinette, that was awesome." Geoff said. "But dodging isn't enough." "He's right," said Courtney. "To win this, you two either have to throw him out--" "Which we all know Harold can't do--" Duncan added. "Well, you can't blame them on that." "Yeah, and surprised they haven't said anything about Marinette though." "Well, she and Lucy did sit out through the whole challenge." "Yeah, surprised they're now letting her do this." "Tell me about it," "Or catch the ball." Lucy added as well. "Can you guys do it?" "Definitely," "I can try." "Awesome. Now go catch that ball." D.J. said, encouraging the two.
Then, they continued with the standoff. The Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen while the Killer Bass cheered and chanted Harold and Marinette's names. All the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends cheered along with them. Owen then throws the two dodgeballs at the two, letting out a 'Cowabunga'. The dodgeballs then head to Harold and Marinette, slamming them both back at the wall. Everyone looked shocked, seeing that. But then, they see the two raise the dodgeballs up, signaling that they both caught them. Socqueline gasped, surprised, with a smile now plastered on her face. The whistle was blown once again, signaling that Owen was out, and Harold and Marinette won the tie-breaker.
"The Killer Bass win!" Chris announced. The Killer Bass cheered for both winning, and Harold and Marinette won the challenge for them. Every one of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends all cheered and jumped for joy for the two winning the challenge for the Killer Bass. "She won!" "That's my favorite little lady! Rock and Roll!" "That is my Marinetta!" "Alright, Marinette!" "Way to go!" Even though they never got the time to watch the end of the show since it was already starting to get late, they all agreed to meet and watch the show again next weekend to see what would happen. They were all looking forward to seeing what Marinette and her friends would do in the next episode.
Meanwhile, in another location, there is nowhere that no one is even aware of.
After watching the episode, they both were still shocked from watching and hearing Lucy confess about a chained kunai thrown at her. "She still remembers that. And even said his name." one of them said, holding the clipboard tightly again. "And since there is no other way to get into her connections and good graces after knowing she is now in a traditional family is not helpful. It's bad enough that Adrien's disrespecting and good-for-nothing high-road system to Marinette is shocking and unacceptable. See if there is any other way to connect with the girl. There has to be a way to get Lucy's trust again." "Of course.
"All right, so it wasn't the most dramatic campfire ceremony ever. But I still get paid," Chris says, laughing. "Bonus!"
Desc Prologue Get to Know My OC Chapt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Chpt 3 Chpt 4 Reactions Pt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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“MLB S5 Spoilers: I HATE Miss Bustier. She threw Chloe under the bus even though SHE’S the one who enabled her in the first place! And we're supposed to credit now just because she "finally put her foot down"??? She's up there with Andre and Audrey for being one of the adults that failed her.”
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Worst Experiences w) Bustier
I know I said I might take a break, but my brain refuses to comply! This is based off an old post by @artzychic27, which they were nice enough to let me use the concept for! These are a lot of the kids’ worst experiences with the “amazing” teacher, Caline Bustier. She is Flora in this AU, the ‘kindest and wisest’ of the good fairies. She believes she is always right and lives in her perfect little bubble world, just like in canon. 🙃 She’s a sh*t teacher there, and being a high-ranking magical authority figure has only made her worse here. She’s a huge reason that around 70% of the royalty and aristocrats at this school believe they can do whatever they want to whoever they want without getting punished! She builds up their egos and gives them special treatment, punishing those who don’t go along with their whims. Feel free to leave thoughts and ideas, as always! (Still thinking of options for Lila and Felix) And credit to the aforementioned artzychic27 and @imsparky2002 as always!
Marinette: Outed the secret that she was never supposed to be at the school in front of everyone while berating her for her clumsiness and lack of social grace, humiliating her.
Adrien: Ridiculed to the point of tears in front of the entire class and forced to change when he came to school with a tiara on, his hair braided with flowers and in a violet flowing long shirt that could resemble a dress at first glance, told to stop acting so feminine.
Alya: Also Reduced to tears from a verbal attack in front if everyone when she came into class late and dissheveled because she had to leave work later and there was heavy traffic, and it was POURING RAIN. Despite the fact that she had called beforehand and gotten clearance.
Max: Yelled at and given two weeks of detention for ‘refusing to help’ his fellow students, which was the story she got from said (royal) students, when in reality they had been beating him up for refusing to do their homework, and the evidence of the violence was CLEARLY visible.
Kim: She’s had him suspended for a week on three different occasions, all originally meant to be expulsion, first for stepping in to defend Max in the aforementioned incident, the second was for damaging school property (He pulled a jammed door off its hinges when a fire broke out in the lab so the students could get out). The last was when he punched a prince who, with a few of his buddies, had cornered HIS princess for refusing his invitation to a ball, forcefully kissing and groping her. (Ondine was upset and crying for hours, but nothing was ever done to punish the boys responsible, despite her being a princess. Misogyny, folks, how ‘bout it?)
Alix: Taken out of class by police and accused of numerous counts of theft, got threatened with charges and jail time despite being a minor with diagnosed kleptomania, who RETURNED WHAT SHE TOOK.
Ivan: Insisted that he carry all the class’ luggage for a grade-level trip into the bus as punishment for ‘threatening’ his peers (He was defending some younger students from some older (royal) bullies.), when (as he and Mylene told her) his back pain was on the far more severe side due to his medication pending a refill, and he ended up collapsing outside the school. (No, she didn’t call for help. She also refused to let Denise or Kim help him despite both offering multiple times.)
Mylene: Forced her to sit through a ‘Parent’s Day’ event that included one-on-one time with her stepmother. Yes, THE WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL HER MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE PAST. Insisted that Mylene needed to ‘stop being petty’ and that ‘family means love and forgiveness’.
Juleka: SHE HAD A FREAKING MUZZLE PUT ON HER WHEN SHE WAS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK. She claimed it was ‘for the safety of the other students’ as Juleka was ‘behaving aggressively’.
Sabrina: Gaslighted and guilt-tripped her into singing the song from her old puppet show (the one she still has nightmares about when she was a part of) for a school event, and told her to stop being ‘dramatic’ when she had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the performance.
Nathaniel: Magically erased his entire sketchbook as punishment for him repeatedly falling asleep in class, despite it being a side effect of his curse, which she of all people should know.
Marc: Actively tries to keep him from using and improving his magic, always ‘gently’ reminding him of how dangerous ice magic is, just look at what happened to his poor little brother. We wouldn’t want that again, now would we? She’s also had him locked in a room alone as punishment for losing control. (She DOES NOT care about trauma.)
Zoe: Stood up to Chloe and told her to do her own chores in the main hall, taken aside and harshly scolded for not adhering to and ‘being kind’ to her sister.
Ondine: Refused to allow her to leave class when she was literally SUFFOCATING because a spell-gone-haywire (A spell that reversed any magic-induced physical changes. It also affected Sabrinocchio.) by a disgruntled student temporarily restored her gills and SHE COULDN’T BREATHE, stating that it was ‘improper’, because she couldn’t communicate what was wrong and Bustier wouldn’t listen when the class tried frantically to tell her.
Kagami: Refused to let her enroll in any of the battle or heroism courses due to her being a princess, and humiliated her in front of an entire courtyard of people by berating for not conducting herself ‘as a princess should.’
Reshma: Said and did nothing as her grandmother scolded and even STRUCK her for ‘shaming the family with her behavior’ and daring to defend her giftless younger sister from the woman’s verbal attacks.
Jean: Yelled at in front of the entire school for being a ‘spoiled brat’ and a ‘poor excuse for a ruler’ when he was focusing on a show he was putting together and forgot a small royal gathering.
Denise: Has been suspended multiple times for (accidental and inevitable, with their abilities and strength) destruction of school property, but the worst was when Bustier got them expelled for accidentally breaking Adrien’s arm and collarbone, in the process of SAVING him from a falling oak tree during a nature class outing for their grade level. She claimed they were far too destructive, violent, and dangerous to remain in the school. (*Cough*”Bad Guy” Bias*Cough*) (The decision was reversed due to Adrien insisting that they had saved him, proved though a memory display spell on multiple students, and the fact he was able to heal himself almost immediately after.)
Cosette: Publicly and harshly berated for ‘holding up the rest of the class’ when some fans wanted autographs and pictures during a school field trip. It was only a few people and Cosette had tried to make it as quick as possible without being rude.
Ismael: Had a pair of magical shackles placed on him when his power was flaring up rather badly**, completely ignoring the PTSD from previous finders of his lamp that this gave him. He had to wear them for a week.
* She forces Nino, Aurore and Lacey to fold their wings down so they don’t ‘Distract’ other students, despite it being IMMENSELY painful for younger fairies to do this as those joints aren’t developed yet.
*She actively talks down to any students who are not human or fae like herself, acting as if they are intellectually inferior and require extra guidance and redirection.
**Genie magic is incredibly strong, especially when it’s not restrained. Be careful not to say the word ‘wish’ within earshot of Ismael unless you’re a friend, directly speaking to him for that reason. It triggers his magic and if he didn’t hear you correctly, things could get…weird.
Basically…Bustier sucks.
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So Bustiers reformed Paris amounts to the French Economy having a giant hole in it due to getting rid of the Automobile industry. The school system work, because all thats really gonna happen is the students will just goof off all day, or even worse, be ran by the Biggest and nastiest Bullies there if theres no teachers around. Bustier was already a bad teacher and now she's just as bad as a Mayor!
Just imagine how high taxes would be to pay for all this. Hell, I'm pretty sure the citizens of Paris would be counting down the days until they can get a chance to hold a recall election.
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sayuricorner · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug X Monkie Kid crossover salt prompt idea: demons relatives AU
Next: extra part (!!! LMK S4 spoilers!!!)
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Warning 2: This prompt content salt don’t like don’t read!
Hey everyone! ^^
I’m back with a new ML salt prompt! 
This prompt is a crossover with the show “Lego Monkie Kid” and is based on this question:
“What if Jin and Yin were Marinette’s relatives from their mother’s (the White-Faced Vixen) family?”
If you want to use this prompt you can! just credite and tag me in return please! :)
So a very long time ago, back when Jin and Yin were just babies, their mother, the White-Faced Vixen, was on the run with her sons because of a war raging between the Huli Jin clan and a rival demon clan, resulting in the destruction of her home.
As she was wandering in the mountains injured and with her two babies in her arms, she came across a lone house which seemed to be inhabited.
The White-Faced Vixen then planned to kill the people living here so she and her sons could have a roof above their heads even if temporary.
But when she was about to put her sinister plan in motion, she got spotted by the house’s owner, Cheng Hua, a young widow who lived alone with her children.
To the White-Faced Vixen’s shock, the woman didn’t react in fear nor didn’t try to chase her away but instead was kind. 
She even invited her into her house after noticing her injuries and the two babies with her.
This confused the White-Faced Vixen. 
Why did this mortal treat her kindly and even open her house to her when she’s a demon and could easily hurt her and her loved ones?
When asked, the young woman simply answered that she was an injured mother who was seeking shelter for her children and who needed help, so to Cheng Hua it was normal for her to give this help, demons or not.
The White-Faced Vixen, still confused by the young widow's logic, stayed at her house for a few days and left ,along with her sons, once her injuries were healed to her brother.
Once her “guests” left, Cheng Hua learnt from her children that the White-Faced Vixen left a big bag for them, and to her shock, it was filled with tons of gold, enough to ensure her family and she would never worry about poverty ever again.
And with the gold was a medaillon with a letter thanking Cheng Hua for her hospitality and giving her the bag of gold to thank her for her help and also gift her her clan’s crest medaillon, making her and her family honorary members of the Huli Jin clan.
Thanks to the gold, Cheng Hua and her children lived comfortably, the young widow even converted her house into an inn which became popular among travelers, humans/mortals and demons/supernatural beings alike and as time passed a village developed around the inn.
Even after Chen Hua’s death many years laters, the Cheng family honored the White-Faced Vixen, in addition to honoring the celestial deities, to thank her for the good for the good fortune and protection she brought to their family and this keep going for generations to nowadays with Cheng Xia Bing, also known as Sabine Cheng and her daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
The mother lived a peaceful and happy life in Paris with her husband, Tom Dupain, and their daughter, until the apparition of the villain Hawkmoth and his akumas, who terrorized Paris for three years.
Getting more worry for her daughter’s safety and mental health day by day, a desperate Sabine decided to contact the White-Faced Vixen for help.
She get an answer in the form of the two sons of the White-Faced Vixen send by the latter to ensure Marinette’s safety.
On Marinette’s side, her life was not getting better, in fact, it was harder:
-Hawkmoth’s constant attacks were getting more violent and her recent new role as the miraculous box’s guardian didn’t lift any of her anxiety.
-Lila’s lies managed to turn her class against her and was making her life at school hell and nearly end up akumatized a bunch of times.
But her life is about to take a weird turn, but also a blessing in disguise, when her parents introduced her to two cousins from China who came to Paris for their studies and who were going to live with them: Jin and Yin.
Prompt Details:
-Miraculous Ladybug setting: Take place after season 3
-Monkie Kid setting: During season 2, during season 3 and after season 3
-Class salt
-Bustier salt/bad teacher Bustier
-Chloe being Chloe(at the start)
-Adrien salt or Adrien sugar(it’s up to whoever use this prompt)
-Lila salt
-Chloe redemption
-Permanent miraculous user Luka
-Permanent miraculous user Kagami
-Jin and Yin being Marinette’s cousins
-Jin and Yin having been send to Paris by their mother, the White-Faced Vixen, to protect Marinette
-Jin and Yin calling Sabine and Tom “aunt” and “uncle” or “āyí” and “yízhàng” in Mandarin
-Jin and Yin calling Marinette “cousin” or “biǎomèi” in Mandarin
-Marinette finding out that her mother’s family’s legend aren’t just legends and they truly got demon relatives.
-Marinette, Jin and Yin having family bonding moments
-Jin and Yin infiltrating Marinette’s school as Marinette’s cousins from China who came in Paris to temporary study in the city and disguised as humans
-Jin and Yin not being happy at all when they find out about the “lila situation” and how Marinette’s classmates and teacher treat their cousin
-Very protective Jin and Yin: in both a serious and a comic way
-Chloe being victim of Jin’s and Yin’s pranks before her redemption
-Marinette getting more in touch with her mother’s culture and learning more Mandarin
-Jin and Yin cheering up Marinette when she’s sad
-Jin and Yin mercilessly pulling nasty pranks on the akuma class, particularly on Lila, and on Bustier to get back at them for hurting Marinette
-LMK demons can’t be akumatized as even if Hawkmoth’s powers are from a powerful mini god, he is still a mortal and by so he isn’t powerful enough to akumatize demons
-During LMK season 2: Jin and Yin left Paris some days to go “try to defeat the Monkie Kid”(read: mess with the Monkie kid)
-During LMK season 3: Jin and Yin left Paris only one time and have put a magic barrier around the city so no one in Paris would know about the Lady Bone Demon fiasco and keep Marinette from getting more anxious
-Marinette deciding to truly moving on from Adrien after realizing that her crush wasn’t healthy.
-Jin and Yin being supportive of Marinette’s decision to moving on from Adrien and encouraging her to focus more on her project of becoming a fashion designer 
-Marinette creating fashion designs for Jin and Yin
-Jin and Yin finding out that Marinette is Ladybug and the guardian of the Miraculous box
-LMK demons and celestials knowing the miraculous’s existence: Long time ago demons stole the miraculous and used the wish but got a disastrous karmic payback which led the demons to make an oath to never try to mess with the miraculous ever again.
-Marinette as Ladybug deciding to give miraculous to Jin and Yin as temporary heroes to which the latters were uncertain because of the oath but Marinette convince them that as the guardian and their cousin she trust them to not misuse the miraculous and to return them to her once the akuma is taken care of.
-Temporary miraculous users Jin and Yin.(Which miraculous they got is up to whoever who use this AU)
-Jin and Yin helping Marinette to find out Hawkmoth’s identity
-Jin and Yin being by Marinette’s side during team Miraculous’s final battle against Hawkmoth and helping to take the villain down
-After their defeat Gabriel and Nathalie getting arrested
-Lila escaping prison by playing the “poor girl who got manipulated by Hawkmoth” act
-The akuma class also falling for the act and forgiving her and trying to force Marinette to also forgive her
-Marinette being officially fed up with her class and with her true friends’s and her family’s support decide to leave permanently Françoise-Dupont
-Marinette’s parents enrolling her on online classes 
-After Hawkmoth’s defeat, Jin and Yin proposed to Marinette to come with them to Megapolis to take a break from Paris to which Marinette accepted.
-Marinette living with Jin and Yin at their lair
-Marinette creating an commission service in which people pay her to realise fashion designs commissions which made Jin and Yin steal less often.
-Marinette befriending the Scorpio Queen
-Marinette having a “demon disguise” thanks to Jin and Yin’s and the Kwamis’s magic for safety to not raise suspicions on why a young human girl is hanging around with two demons well known to be trouble makers
-Marinette’s demon disguise: a Huli Jin form
-When other demons ask who Marinette, in demon disguise, is Jin and Yin introduce her as a distant cousin from their mother’s side called “Jiayi”.(Not a complete lie)
-Marinette meeting the rest of the Monkie Kid characters(Macaque included) in both human and demon form
-The Demon Bull King having ordered a commission to Marinette for a dress for Princess Iron Fan
-Marinette designing a lot of chinese clothes
-Marinette as Ladybug getting involved into MK’s fights.
-Marinette’s becoming one of Sun Wukong’s favorite person and one of the reasons is because she made delicious peach pastries.
-The kwamis knowing Sun Wukong: Xupu absolutely LOVE the Monkie King and in this AU his miraculous’s powers were created from Sun Wukong’s powers, Tikki is often annoyed by Sun Wukong’s chaotic attitude and Plagg, while he like Sun Wukong, is frustrated at the idea ti had to deal with Sun Wukong ‘cause Sun Wukong’s habit to cause chaos fall under Plagg’s jurisdiction and would force him to be a responsible kwami.
-The LMK characters having the shock to find out the truth about Marinette(read: being human, related to Jin and Yin, being Ladybug and the guardian of the miraculous)
-MK, wanting to help Marinette, convince Sun Wukong to give her a little training
-The akuma’s class wanting to force Marinette to come back to Françoise-Dupont and when they found out where she was convinced Bustier to had the class field trip at Megapolis in China.
-The akuma class being convinced that Jin and Yin are a bad influence on Marinette and brainwashed her against them
-Lila lying about being a secret mortal descendant of Nezha
-A demon not caring for the ancient oath, trying to steal the miraculous
-The demon manipulating Lila into helping them to steal the Miraculous for them and because of her the Akuma class end up in big danger.
-Team MK and team Miraculous teaming up to defeat the demon.
-Lila’s lies being exposed
-The akuma class ending up in big trouble, particularly judicial troubles, thanks to Sun Wukong’s lawyer.
-Sun Wukong having a very competent lawyer
-Marinette officially cutting ties and ending up friendship with the akuma class
-Lila being deported back in France and being trialed with her lies exposed
-How this prompt end is up to whoever who use this prompt
-Ship: You can do the ship you want, just no Adrinette please! ^^
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killervelveteenrabbit · 11 months
Miss Education, or the Failure of the Bustier Credo
There's so much to unpack in "Revelation", but I'd like to focus on the class dynamics that contributed to Lila's class rep election upset.
As was established in "Zombizou", Mme. Bustier has worked hard to establish a climate of kindness, mutual respect, and conflict resolution within her homeroom. Most people in her class appreciate her efforts, and they believe it's the reason they've all become such good friends. But one student, Chloe, has repeatedly exploited her teacher's patience and goodwill. Mme. Bustier understands Chloe's inclination towards cruelty and deceit. But she steadfastly believes that she can fix Chloe with enough love and attention, and she imparts this concept to her students. So she lets Chloe get away with far more than she should have. She's openly ridiculed her classmates, she's essentially turned one of them into her slave, and she's tried to get them suspended based on false accusations or exaggerated offenses (and succeeded at least twice).
This behavior has gone on for years, inadvertently creating an atmosphere of toxic positivity that enables the same bullying and harassment that Mme. Bustier sought to prevent. Chloe's background may grant her considerable "diplomatic immunity", but the real problem is that Mme. Bustier is so committed to finding the good in Chloe that she can't admit there isn't any there. (Recall Marinette's statement about how we can be "fooled by our own kindness" into letting people take advantage of us.) When Mme. Bustier's homeroom had the supreme misfortune of hosting a second sociopath, Lila, the new girl found an entire classroom full of suckers.
Over several years, Mme. Bustier has conditioned her kids to believe the best in everyone and go out of their way to excuse people's bad behavior. Even Alya, who has no reason not to believe Marinette when she says Lila is gunning for her, repeatedly cautions her against making such statements without proof. Even when that proof materializes, no permanent consequences ever result.
That brings us to the class rep election. When Marinette went on that rant about Chloe not deserving any help, she violated the unspoken rule of Mme. Bustier's class--niceness above all else, at any cost. (Admittedly, Marinette's outburst seems like an uncharacteristically dick move out of context, and even in context, it doesn't reflect well on her.) Lila immediately pounces on her like a cheetah on a sickly gazelle. No one is disposed to question, let alone challenge, her half-baked arguments. If anything, Lila's suggestion that stripping her of her position will give her more time with Adrien would have played well to an audience of hardcore Adrinette shippers. Even Adrien's attempt to vouch for Marinette's claims is dismissed as a good boyfriend sticking up for his irrational girlfriend.
So it comes to pass that Lila unanimously unseated Marinette as class rep. Even Adrien voted for Lila, although I've heard an interesting theory that Marinette might have asked him to vote that way to create an opening for Lila to screw up. Perhaps she may have convinced Alya and Nino to do the same. But everyone else, in the name of kindness, was duped into voting out the current class rep for one girl who has been bullying her in particular and everyone else in general for years, and another girl who once tried to frame her for theft and get her expelled. And Mme. Bustier doesn't have a problem with that outcome.
If Mme. Bustier had come down on Chloe just once, she could have stopped her years-long reign of intimidation and abuse that triggered multiple akumatizations. And she's so naïve that she couldn't even see Lila coming. As much as I want to like Mme. Bustier, she's been fooled by her own kindness, doing a great disservice to the kids she hopes will create a better world.
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Ml fandom logic.
Caline: Chloe, please stop doing this. I know there's good in you, that present you got me was so sweet. Is causing this much suffering worth it?
Chloe: I want this bitch fired. No, I don't care she's mere months away from giving birth. Fuck her and her kid.
Stans: OmG! Miss Bustier is so manipulative! Guilt triping poor innocent Chloe.
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 30 - AO3
Alya stared at him with an expression so filled with disgust and regret that Felix shuffled uncomfortable. She spun away, her shoulders shaking. “You know, I used to wonder how you and Adrien could possibly be related, but now? I totally see it.”
Felix sputtered. “Excuse me!?”
“You’re excused. This is too stupid and doesn’t make any sense; I’m not dealing with it. Let’s just… get this done, okay?”
“What are you talking about, it makes sense—!”
“I’ve learned my lesson about speculating hero identities. Trust me, it is not worth it. So can we please drop this?” She passed him a flash drive.
Felix considered her words and agreed. This really wasn’t the time for speculation. It was the time—he looked down at his chest, but unfortunately the brooch was still there—for action.
He and Alya walked to their homeroom, but while Alya went inside with a wave, Felix hid around the corner, so everyone would be inside before they started. As the morning bell rang, he stepped into the room.
Mme. Bustier frowned at him. “Young man, you need to go to your homeroom—” Felix removed his hood, Duusu squirming in the fabric to hide. “Felix? I guess your suspension is over now… Then the only person we’re waiting on is Marinette.”
“Marinette won’t be at school today,” Felix told her, taking a moment to survey the class. The sheeple were glaring at him, Alya was vibrating in her seat, Rossi looked smug… and Adrien. He looked horrified to see Felix here. Had Gabriel told him what Felix did? Was he on Gabriel’s side now? “Something about a family emergency? She should have a note to give you tomorrow.”
“Well… you were supposed to apologize to her today, but if that’s the case…”
“I’ve already apologized to Marinette,” Felix reassured her. “But there’s someone else in this room I must apologize too; after all, I was trying to frame someone as well. That’s why I created a video to properly explain my feelings. May I?” He gestured towards the computer. “It won’t take long.”
Bustier fretted but agree. “If you’ve already made something…” She even helped him setup the projector screen while Felix got to the video. There were only two files on the flash drive: one labeled “Apology”, and the other labeled “After.” He opened the “Apology” video.
Jagged Stone’s face covered the whiteboard. “Cat? I’ve never owned a bloody cat, especially not one saved by a Lila Rossi.”
One by one, her lies unraveled. Interviews with the celebrities Rossi lied about, logs indicating that the Italian Ambassador hasn’t left Paris in over a year, doctors explaining Rossi’s various illnesses to contradict her actions, exerts from her diary… Even though their classmates’ faith in Rossi broke with that first interview, it was fascinating to watch their opinions of her sink lower and lower as the tears and glares multiplied. Rossi was mortified, watching the video with wide eyes as her claws sunk into Adrien’s arm. Even Bustier, the supposed adult in the room, could only watch, even though stopping the video was totally within her power. The collective mood sunk,
And sunk,
And sunk.
It was glorious. Felix wished he was recording.
Felix paused the video before the last scene could play and smirked as Rossi glared at him hatefully. “I’m so terribly sorry I tried to frame you, Rossi. As it turns out, that was the only think you were actually innocent of!”
She jerked at his address, then turned around to the class, fishing for sympathy. She found none in the furious gazes and tear-filled eyes. She shook, from rage or humiliation, Felix knew not. “You… you bastard…”
“My parents were happily married when they had me,” Felix purred. “Pity the same couldn’t be said about you, no?”
Her eyes widened with fear. Oh, yes, Felix knew an awful lot about Rossi now, perhaps more than he ever wanted to know. Usually he wouldn’t taunt someone because they were the result of an affair, but… Rossi seemed to bring out the worst in him.
Realizing that she had no allies in the room, Rossi’s eyes welled with possibly-fake tears and she ran from the room, practically wailing. Felix sniffed. “How cliché.”
That snapped Bustier out of her daze. “Felix! We are going to the principal’s office right now!” He shot Alya a panicked looked, but she was already running to the front of the room as Bustier grabbed his arm. “There was no need to humiliate another student, no matter what she did—!”
He tore his arm from her grip. The only reason she hadn’t left claw marks was the protection is hoodie gave him. “If she didn’t want to be humiliated, maybe she shouldn’t have done something humiliating!”
That set certain people off.
“Dude, that’s too cruel!”
“She might have been horrible, but you didn’t need to be so mean about it!”
“I don’t know what has gotten into you, young man, but hurting people—”
Finally reaching the front, Alya restarted the video and the last scene played. Bustier shut up as she and the rest of the room saw the video footage Felix had taken of Rossi willingly taking an akuma. While they were enthralled, Felix took his chance to lock their classroom door. They didn’t have much time before Rossi showed up again. “She’s a terrorist; why should I respect her?”
Climbing up on the desk, Alya took her place before the class while Felix readily the second video. She addressed the class. “Like Felix said, it’s been confirmed that Lila Rossi is working with Hawkmoth. Thanks to this information, Ladybug has discovered the possible identities of Hawkmoth and Mayura and is now working with the police to conduct a sting operation while his attention is on akumatizing Lila.”
“Alya!” Bustier hissed, “Get down from there—”
They had anticipated that someone wouldn’t believe them, and Alya had planned ahead by getting evidence from a source no one could argue with. Felix opened the second video and now Ladybug’s face covered the whiteboard. “Hey, Mme. Bustier’s class, this is Ladybug speaking! As Mlle. Cesaire might have already told you, today the police, temporary heroes, and I are conducting a sting operation against the possible identity of Hawkmoth. But while I say ‘possible,’ we’ve received evidence that proves without a doubt that this individual we’re raiding is Hawkmoth.” Felix covered the brooch with his hands. “It’s because of this evidence that I asked M. Graham de Vanily and Mlle. Cesaire to expose Lila Rossi today. As his only known civilian helper, my partner and I are certain that Hawkmoth will akumatize her, given how successful she’s been against the heroes in the past.
“This is why I am talking to you now. As of now, all of you are part of the sting operation.” He noticed several classmates sit up at her words, the sadness and anger dissipating from the room. “I need you all to evacuate the school and help the other classes evacuate as well. But most importantly, you can’t do anything that will indicate that we’re attacking Hawkmoth during her akumatizations. I know I can trust you.” It felt… like she was talking directly to Felix. He held the brooch tighter, rough edges cutting into his hand. “Thank you. Bug out.”
The video stopped and Alya organized the evacuation out the windows. Fortunately, they were on the first floor, so it wasn’t much of a drop. Mme. Bustier left first and helped the other student drop down. Felix tried to help, but Adrien pulled him aside. “You’re working with Ladybug?” Adrien asked. Was that… awe in his voice? Did Gabriel not tell him anything yet.
“She asked,” Felix answered uncomfortable. “Come, it’s time for you to leave…” Felix tried to get Adrien out the window so they’d stop talking, but Adrien refused to drop. He just… dangled out the window.
“You’re not coming?”
Felix looked away. “I’m the bait. Hopefully we can keep Rossi focused on me long enough for Ladybug to defeat Hawkmoth, but to do that… I need to keep her mad.”
Adrien smiled. “Well, they picked the perfect person for that.”
He laughed. “Certainly. Adrien… about what happened at your house…” Something—or rather, someone—pounded on the door, making it shake on its hinges.
“What happened at my house?”
Had Gabriel told him nothing!? No, there was no time. “Adrien, you can’t go home.” He told him instead.
“When you evacuate, you can’t go home, okay? Go anywhere else, anywhere at all, but don’t go home. Just trust me, you don’t want to be there.”
The door collapsed, and a hot rush of air ploomed into the room. Felix pushed Adrien out the window and he landed on the ground in a heap. There were still other classmates stuck inside—the goth girl, the jock, the dreadlock girl, he really should start learning people’s names—but there was nothing he could do now to get them out.
He faced Rossi. She… looked horrible.
Fashion-disaster Hawkmoth struck again, he supposed. Though, now that he knew Hawkmoth was Gabriel, perhaps these were designs that the board of directors at the company refused? Because instead of something relatively fashionable, Rossi loomed in the doorway dressed like a cartoon devil in a prom dress, her skin hazard orange and her pigtails mutated and curled up in mock devil horns. She scowled at Felix; her teeth looked like jagged shards of glass. “You…”
“Rossi.” He sneered.
Her eye twitched. “It’s End Days now! And I’m going to ruin your life, just like you’ve ruined mine!”
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny
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