#bustier is a terrible teacher
msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Worst Experiences w) Bustier
I know I said I might take a break, but my brain refuses to comply! This is based off an old post by @artzychic27, which they were nice enough to let me use the concept for! These are a lot of the kids’ worst experiences with the “amazing” teacher, Caline Bustier. She is Flora in this AU, the ‘kindest and wisest’ of the good fairies. She believes she is always right and lives in her perfect little bubble world, just like in canon. 🙃 She’s a sh*t teacher there, and being a high-ranking magical authority figure has only made her worse here. She’s a huge reason that around 70% of the royalty and aristocrats at this school believe they can do whatever they want to whoever they want without getting punished! She builds up their egos and gives them special treatment, punishing those who don’t go along with their whims. Feel free to leave thoughts and ideas, as always! (Still thinking of options for Lila and Felix) And credit to the aforementioned artzychic27 and @imsparky2002 as always!
Marinette: Outed the secret that she was never supposed to be at the school in front of everyone while berating her for her clumsiness and lack of social grace, humiliating her.
Adrien: Ridiculed to the point of tears in front of the entire class and forced to change when he came to school with a tiara on, his hair braided with flowers and in a violet flowing long shirt that could resemble a dress at first glance, told to stop acting so feminine.
Alya: Also Reduced to tears from a verbal attack in front if everyone when she came into class late and dissheveled because she had to leave work later and there was heavy traffic, and it was POURING RAIN. Despite the fact that she had called beforehand and gotten clearance.
Max: Yelled at and given two weeks of detention for ‘refusing to help’ his fellow students, which was the story she got from said (royal) students, when in reality they had been beating him up for refusing to do their homework, and the evidence of the violence was CLEARLY visible.
Kim: She’s had him suspended for a week on three different occasions, all originally meant to be expulsion, first for stepping in to defend Max in the aforementioned incident, the second was for damaging school property (He pulled a jammed door off its hinges when a fire broke out in the lab so the students could get out). The last was when he punched a prince who, with a few of his buddies, had cornered HIS princess for refusing his invitation to a ball, forcefully kissing and groping her. (Ondine was upset and crying for hours, but nothing was ever done to punish the boys responsible, despite her being a princess. Misogyny, folks, how ‘bout it?)
Alix: Taken out of class by police and accused of numerous counts of theft, got threatened with charges and jail time despite being a minor with diagnosed kleptomania, who RETURNED WHAT SHE TOOK.
Ivan: Insisted that he carry all the class’ luggage for a grade-level trip into the bus as punishment for ‘threatening’ his peers (He was defending some younger students from some older (royal) bullies.), when (as he and Mylene told her) his back pain was on the far more severe side due to his medication pending a refill, and he ended up collapsing outside the school. (No, she didn’t call for help. She also refused to let Denise or Kim help him despite both offering multiple times.)
Mylene: Forced her to sit through a ‘Parent’s Day’ event that included one-on-one time with her stepmother. Yes, THE WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL HER MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE PAST. Insisted that Mylene needed to ‘stop being petty’ and that ‘family means love and forgiveness’.
Juleka: SHE HAD A FREAKING MUZZLE PUT ON HER WHEN SHE WAS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK. She claimed it was ‘for the safety of the other students’ as Juleka was ‘behaving aggressively’.
Sabrina: Gaslighted and guilt-tripped her into singing the song from her old puppet show (the one she still has nightmares about when she was a part of) for a school event, and told her to stop being ‘dramatic’ when she had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the performance.
Nathaniel: Magically erased his entire sketchbook as punishment for him repeatedly falling asleep in class, despite it being a side effect of his curse, which she of all people should know.
Marc: Actively tries to keep him from using and improving his magic, always ‘gently’ reminding him of how dangerous ice magic is, just look at what happened to his poor little brother. We wouldn’t want that again, now would we? She’s also had him locked in a room alone as punishment for losing control. (She DOES NOT care about trauma.)
Zoe: Stood up to Chloe and told her to do her own chores in the main hall, taken aside and harshly scolded for not adhering to and ‘being kind’ to her sister.
Ondine: Refused to allow her to leave class when she was literally SUFFOCATING because a spell-gone-haywire (A spell that reversed any magic-induced physical changes. It also affected Sabrinocchio.) by a disgruntled student temporarily restored her gills and SHE COULDN’T BREATHE, stating that it was ‘improper’, because she couldn’t communicate what was wrong and Bustier wouldn’t listen when the class tried frantically to tell her.
Kagami: Refused to let her enroll in any of the battle or heroism courses due to her being a princess, and humiliated her in front of an entire courtyard of people by berating for not conducting herself ‘as a princess should.’
Reshma: Said and did nothing as her grandmother scolded and even STRUCK her for ‘shaming the family with her behavior’ and daring to defend her giftless younger sister from the woman’s verbal attacks.
Jean: Yelled at in front of the entire school for being a ‘spoiled brat’ and a ‘poor excuse for a ruler’ when he was focusing on a show he was putting together and forgot a small royal gathering.
Denise: Has been suspended multiple times for (accidental and inevitable, with their abilities and strength) destruction of school property, but the worst was when Bustier got them expelled for accidentally breaking Adrien’s arm and collarbone, in the process of SAVING him from a falling oak tree during a nature class outing for their grade level. She claimed they were far too destructive, violent, and dangerous to remain in the school. (*Cough*”Bad Guy” Bias*Cough*) (The decision was reversed due to Adrien insisting that they had saved him, proved though a memory display spell on multiple students, and the fact he was able to heal himself almost immediately after.)
Cosette: Publicly and harshly berated for ‘holding up the rest of the class’ when some fans wanted autographs and pictures during a school field trip. It was only a few people and Cosette had tried to make it as quick as possible without being rude.
Ismael: Had a pair of magical shackles placed on him when his power was flaring up rather badly**, completely ignoring the PTSD from previous finders of his lamp that this gave him. He had to wear them for a week.
* She forces Nino, Aurore and Lacey to fold their wings down so they don’t ‘Distract’ other students, despite it being IMMENSELY painful for younger fairies to do this as those joints aren’t developed yet.
*She actively talks down to any students who are not human or fae like herself, acting as if they are intellectually inferior and require extra guidance and redirection.
**Genie magic is incredibly strong, especially when it’s not restrained. Be careful not to say the word ‘wish’ within earshot of Ismael unless you’re a friend, directly speaking to him for that reason. It triggers his magic and if he didn’t hear you correctly, things could get…weird.
Basically…Bustier sucks.
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
Is Emilie's character just a joke to you, or do you just dislike kind/gentle/loving/motherly characters (like the rest of the internet)? I mean, you purposely went out of your way to portray Bustier as a terrible person and didn't even try to give her character growth. You know, actually have her BECOME a good teacher. This just makes all the Miraculous conflict over Emilie's fate (and Adrien's sadness) feel bitterly ironic, like "what was it all for" or "all of this madness, for THIS woman"?
As a matter of fact, Emilie IS a joke to me! (Literally, I'm taking shots at a character I made up and who does not exist in canon so I don't know what's got your panties in a twist) And so is Bustier! They are total jokes because it is a total farce that the show tried to portray either of these women as infallible beacons of good, motherly, perfection.
Yeah, Bustier is gentle and kind and condescending and plays favorites and ignores conflict until she literally can't. Emilie...I mean, we don't know Emilie. YOU don't know Emilie. The show does not show us Emilie. According to biased sources she was "kind/gentle/loving/motherly", but that's not supported by her actions.
How can Emilie be "motherly" AND Adrien's never had a real birthday gift? How can she be "kind" AND Adrien's only been allowed to be friend's with Chloe? How can she be "loving" AND Adrien's been trapped inside his house when he WANTS to go to school with everyone else?
As for why Bustier didn't get character growth in Scarlet Lady, it's because I didn't want to? You know, some of us HAD the "nice" teacher who actually wasn't all that great, and we just had to kinda live with it until we graduated and moved on. I'm not making time for them in my spite fic about fictional characters.
Look, it's nice you want to buy what that show is trying to sell you. If you want to believe that Bustier and Emilie are nice and wonderful and nurturing just because the characters all say that they are, be my guest. No one is stopping you. Canon is here for you.
But I'm not buying.
And in case you forgot, kind/gentle/loving/motherly people are allowed to be more than just that. They're allowed to be multi-faceted and have goals and interests outside of Being a Mom. Because moms are people to.
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We're finally at the final (thank the gods)! Things that we talked about that I haven't seen discussed:
Nathalie trying to kill Gabriel is such bullshit. "You can't do this! You'll hurt someone!" Nathalie, you have known that since day one! You knew he was working on this all season and you're good now! Why are you only trying to kill him now? You were healthy most of the season! You even physically pinned him! Oh, right, because you're not actually good. It's all just "better than thou" lip service. Hypocrisy is the easiest way to make us dislike a character and Nathalie's a massive hypocrite, so we're not fans.
Evil Nathalie was pretty fun. "Good" Nathalie is aggravating and has as lackluster a redemption as they gave Felix or perhaps even more lackluster. Felix at least switched for love of Kagami. Nathalie switched because Gabriel didn't heal her even though she had zero knowledge that he truly had a chance to do so (she wasn't there and Gabriel has never given up an opportunity to save Emilie so that he could chase Ladybug before). Adrien was never Nathalie's motivation or else we would have seen her protest things like Gorizilla, Style Queen, and Chat Blanc.
Moving on!
The mass teleport to Ladybug should have killed everyone because the whole world is supposed to be after her. A couple billion people teleporting to the same location should mean people squish each other or that portals open over each other/on top of people. Just saying. Budget saved her life because Mirauclous' Earth has a teeny tiny population due to rendering costs.
SO was mad how anticlimactic the final fight between Marinette and Gabe feels. Oh two people who barely interacted, have minimal personal connection, and always hated each other are fighting? Such a big moment! I'm so invested! He talked about how other shows build up to moments like this by making the villain terrifying or by making the villain and the hero have a strong, personal connection or even by making the fight super fun to watch, but miraculous did none of that. SO seriously didn't care about the fight at all and, to be honest, neither did I when I first watched it. I only tuned in when Marinette detransformed and I went, wait, wtf are you doing?
We get to all the scenes with heroes in other locations and SO paused the show every few seconds to ask me who tf person X was. Fei resulted in multiple pauses because of her varied forms. So I can confirm that the casual viewer totally followed this part and it was a wonderful addition (that's sarcasm, btw). He did ask "why would the French say that they need a bunch of Americans to win?" Which I though was pretty funny. That's certainly one way to read the Americans showing up!
SO works in IT. He was so mad that the laptop wasn't remotely wiped after it was lost/Lila stole it. And why does it have access to the Agreste mansion and not just the police robots? I thought Tsurugi corp was a tech company? This is all security 101.
SO's final thoughts: well that was soulless. I feel nothing. I can see why you're so done with this show.
Credit where it's due: while the final was massively disappointing from a story perspective and while I don't think Caline Bustier was written like a good teacher for anyone above the age of 5, it is really cool to show a pregnant woman run for office, win, and then be allowed to do her job with her baby in tow without any of that being treated as a joke. That's a really powerful thing for a young child to see and I'm glad it was included even Caline would make a terrible mayor in real life.
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A double review because at this point, the show is just repeating itself
Alright so miraculous again decided to air two episodes at once, which ok, annoying as fuck for someone that times and reviews them, but we survive either way. Let’s go!
Alright, I’m officially renaming “Lila episodes” into “Lila and Chloe episodes” because literally Chloe has become the new Lila! Literally nothing that they do makes sense or has any reason beyond “they’re evil and hate marinette mwahahaha” and just exist to make marinette look better in comparison
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(In case you’re wondering why they’re still around and what’s the point of Chloe and Lila, it’s because the minute they’re actually complex/compelling characters or they’re gone, Marinette’s actions and behaviors become way more awful in hindsight, so the show keeps these two around to make Marinette either a martyr or a hero)
Also nothing in this episode makes sense and constantly contradicts itself?
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Like the entire premise of the episode being the students getting assigned to terrible high schools, but they never wanted to do these sheets in the first place? The lucky charms are suddenly magical shields, but then why wasn’t this discovered before? You’re telling me no one thought to encourage petiole away from being akumatized? And also, Lila’s plan is so flimsy and held by the thread that the students will just assume marinette did this for… basically no reason because they’re graduating
Also I don’t care what the episode argues, Damocles, André and Bustier all were shit role models and support systems for the students, and were a big reason as to why students were angry and akumatized in the first place, but sure let’s just pretend they’re good last minute you guys!
Anyways this sucked, next episode
So… Adrien has officially been character assassinated by the show to have no personality beyond being love interest!
This happened in the last episode too, but you see it here so much as well! Like literally every minute of Adrien’s screentime, and every time he talks is somehow connected to marinette! Literally his father is sending him away to a private school in London (which honestly at this point with what marinette did to him, take the chance and run baby) which is supposed to be his worst nightmare, and rather then think about his responsibility to Paris as Chat Noir or his friends that he will leave or his sense of autonomy, all he can think about is “I’ll be separated from marinette🥺”
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And wasn’t perfect the very thing Adrien didn’t want to be perceived of that marinette constantly calls him? It’s giving putting someone on a pedestal and not seeing them for what they really are (the love square is literally high school sweethearts marrying tans divorcing in like 3 years)
Anyways, grieving Adrien’s personality aside, Chloe is demonized to the point of unrealistic, the one teacher who was actually being a decent teacher and not contributing to a system of corruption is now demonized out of nowhere too, Lila literally makes no sense (like that’s apparently not even her name? She goes by cerise in another school, and she has three moms WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS SHOW ANYMORE), Chloe is mayor now for some fucking reason (this is illegal), and André gets dumb redemption arc out of nowhere.
Mentioned I’m in the previous episodes too, but André is not a good person and the show keeps pretending he is? Like girl, man is confirmed to do corrupt horrific politician stuff, has had the chance to help and actually raise his daughter for years, but chose to neglect her after her mother abandoned her, and now pretends to be a good parent to a child that’s not even his own to feel better about himself, AND YET IM SUPPOSED TO THINK HES SYMPATHETIC AND GOOD? FUCK THAT!
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Also real quick, what the fuck is up with the mayor controlling the school? Like initially I was think the reason Chloe has leverage in the school is that her dad, through big donations, basically controls the school board and who gets to do what, but it seems he’s just? Using his mayor powers? Like girl that’s not how being mayor works, you can’t just fire anyone like that, this is a very bad lesson in politics
But yeah. Both episodes awful.
The only good things I can take from here is that there’s finally a canonical lesbian couple that wasn’t constantly queerbated (I love Julerose, and don’t like Zoenette, but they’re both constantly vague and easily censored) and Juleka got some screen time.
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(Also Luka and Adrien are officially in the “being Marinette’s love square character assassinated me till the point I have no personality outside of it” club)
Also if you’re wondering why I didn’t mention anything about the fights? They’re dumb, last like five minutes and take a back sit just to tell you how awful Lila and Chloe are.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Honestly I'm half tempted to include a throw away line in my fic about how electing a school teacher with zero background in politics outside of interacting with one student's parent turned out to be a terrible idea
Yeah no its.
Even if we go with my AUs or even what the writers /want/ us to think where Bustier is a genuinely 100% good teacher trying her best.
Bustier is a teacher. She has no experience with politics. She likely has the base understanding of most adults even mildly concerned with their community, possibly a touch more being in the education system and dealing with some of the bullshit policies.
But that is far from enough to jump to being mayor. Even if she has grand plans for good policies, being able to implement them is a /process/. She's going to have to get approval from so many other people in various public offices, some of which will fight her. Even if we apply cartoon 'mayor has ultimate power' so that Chloé Andre was the only one making these awful policies happen and a new Good mayor would fix it: it takes /time/ to do so.
She's going to have to deal with a lot more than just ordering the installation of solar panels. There's a lot of duties a mayor has. She's going to need to do all of those. And deal with various politicians and rich business people who are just as if not more corrupt than the mayor.
Now bring it back to Canon.
Canon where she's elected while pregnant and about to pop and will have to take her first few weeks-months of term off for maternity leave and even still be dealing with a newborn, assuming Giselle isn't a housewife that can watch the baby 24/7. Like if she is good for them but Bustier is still going to be running ragged trying to do her job and balance a baby.
Canon, where the reason they need a new mayor is because she was down to team up with the local supervillain terrorist to hypnotize the city and storm city hall to drive him out, purely because she didn't like his child. (And while I can go with the 'oh her being Akumatized doesn't count', she sees absolutely zero problem with what she did as an Akuma after-the-fact. So even if the 'she was an AKuma' thing checks out, her approving of those actions is a yikes.)
Canon, where she had Chloé and Sabrina openly cheating on homework, classwork, and tests for two years without her noticing despite them literally sitting in the front row and everyone else knowing about it because they openly say what they're doing. But sure, she'll be able to handle corrupt politicians and businessmen and sneaky loophole laws.
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alienqueeenrando · 2 years
Class Trip Gone...Right?
I do not own Miraculous or Marvel. All rights go to the owners.
Lila salt, bustier salt, Lila exposed, kinda class sugar, avengers
No one POV
Lila’s lies have officially infiltrated the class. Marinette had been kicked out of her position as a class rep and replaced by Lila. The only ones who stuck by Mari were; Alya, Nino, Juleka, Rose, and Adrien. Kagami and Luka were also on Mari's side but were out of the country for the summer(Kagami at japan for a family event and Luka was traveling with Jagged as his apprentice). The others never bullied Marinette per se but just ignored them and sometimes made comments about her and her friends.
Mari POV
I missed my friends but without my class rep duties, I had more time to design. Our summer trip was coming up and I wasn't sure what we were doing, especially since Lila spent months lying to the class about knowing the avengers. A couple of months ago, I heard about a writing competition that Stark industries were holding. The winner got an all-expense paid trip for their whole class to New York. Of course, this was all before I was fired as the class representative. “ Now as you all know, next week is our summer field trip and we will be going to New York” Miss Bustier interrupted my thoughts. Miss Bustier used to be my favorite teacher until I finally understood the difference between nice and good. “ one person in our class won a competition hosted by Tony Stark himself, we will be given an all-expense paid trip to new york as well and a tour of Stark industries and the Avengers tower”. My jaw dropped. “I won” I whispered too low for anyone to hear.
Lila POV
The Avengers huh? “I did it, I won” I stated and the sheep all praised me. “ yes I wanted us all to meet uncle Tony and the other Avengers, So i called them and got them to give us this trip,” I said in my most innocent voice . They all fell for it. I saw maribrat and her loser friends roll their eyes and the class glared at them for hurting poor, innocent; Lila. “ well thank you, Lila, I think this will be a most amazing vacation” Bustier praised. Getting Bustier as my teacher was a stroke of luck. She never stopped me from telling my tales and even punished anyone who tried to expose me. It was perfect. As long as buster and Damocles don’t do their jobs and keep my little “lying disease” a secret, I’m golden. All year since I became a class rep, all our fundraisers fell flat and we never met our goal, so this was a lucky break. I just had so many charities and fancy events to go to that the class tried to take over for me but they were terrible, Honestly I thought being class rep meant I was finally queen but it’s much harder than I thought. But no problem, next year when elections are due again, I’ll just break out the crocodile tears and convince someone else to take my place.
Bustier POV This trip will be so much fun. To be honest, since Lila became a class rep, I was afraid that her disabilities and illnesses would hinder her but the class come together to help her, well all except Marinette and her friends. Ever since Lila came into the class, Marinette has been a terrible example for the class. I am so disappointed in her. I do hope that this trip will give everyone a chance to reconcile, maybe a change of scenery will help end all this drama. While to rest of the class was talking about the trip and getting excited at the chance to meet the Avengers, I was daydreaming about being swept off my feet by Thor or Steve Rogers.
No one POV
The bell rang and everyone left for the weekend. “Remember class, we leave for new york early Monday morning,” Bustier told the class. As the students left Marinetts friends couldn’t help but worry that Lila would ruin the trip for them but decided to not let Rossi's lies disrupt their vacation. “The Avengers surely won’t let Lila get away with her lies would they, I mean they won’t be fooled right?” asked Rose worried “of course not” reassured Alya “let's just ignore her and do our best to enjoy ourselves” “definitely dudette” agreed Nino. As the students packed and planned, Lila schemed. She hoped that the Avengers would be nice enough to just let her lie but she knew better. She would be careful and lie only out of earshot and only tell tales of other celebrities. If she played her cards right she might even be able to charm her way into a job at Stark Industries.
Marinette POV
Monday came and the class was getting ready to hop on a plane to new york. Lila wasted no time spinning her stories, how she helped the Avengers and that Thor himself begged her to go to Asgard with him and he and Tony considered Lila to be family. The sheep fawned over her. I and my friends did my best to ignore her but her screeching voice gave me a headache.” So are you not mad that Lila took credit for your submission dudette?” asked Nino “not really, I just want to relax and enjoy our vacation” I replied. “ at least after next week, we can get away from the drama” juleka whispered trying to see the best of our situation. As we were boarding, Lila just had to start with the poor flight attendant. “I need a first-class seat, my tinnitus is so bad from saving Jaggeds cat that any other seat will make my ear hurt so bad” Lila whined. The flight attendant didn’t believe her and tried to explain the plane was fully booked. Lila cried her crocodile tears. In the end, we almost missed our flight and Bustier promised to file a complaint and let Lila take her seat that was closer to the front of the plane. The flight was long but after hours of Lila’s lies, we made it to New York City.
Lila’s POV
We were met with two interns for Stark industries, whose names I didn't care to remember(Ned and MJ). We were escorted to two shuttles that were to be our rides for the remainder of our trip. I tried to woo the interns by promising to talk to “uncle Tony” about giving them permanent jobs but they just smiled and ignored me. Rude, do they not know who I am? We eventually made it to the Stark tower and were told the rules of our trip.
Marinette POV
We were told that we had a few rules, we had to follow, such as; Staying in a group, listening to the interns, and don’t go anywhere without permission. We were given level 2 passes, the same as the interns, giving us access to basic areas of the facility. We walked around for a bit and were greeted by the other Avengers. Miss Bustier tried, key word tried, to flirt with Steve Rogers(who looked quite uncomfortable) instead of paying attention to her students. Ladybug luck hasn’t been much help lately with Lila but I hoped that would change soon. “Do you think anything out of lier-la’s mouth is even half true, ever,” joked Adrien, we all laughed. “So do you think Tony Stark could talk to us about our idea for energy efficiency: asked Iven. I didn’t know if Stark heard but if he did, He didn’t let it show. “ of course, I told you I'd talk to him for you” replied Lila in a surprisingly quiet tone. Lila kept on her tales for a while, completely ignoring Ned and MJ who were trying to show us around Stark tower. MJ eventually called her out and told her to pay attention. Lila cried her fake tears and Kim and Alix yelled at her to stop being rude. Bustier(ever the attentive teacher) stepped in and told Ned and MJ to be nice and that being rude is not the way to get someone to listen. Ned rolled his eyes and just kept going with the tour. Everyone in the tower tried to ignore Lila but the final nail in the coffin was when Lila said something along the lines of "Tony and the other Avengers loves me and even asked to join but had to turn them down because of my disabilities". Finally, Pepper Potts overheard and stormed right over. "enough of the lies, I don't want to get lawyers involved since you are just a child but one more word about the Avengers and I will not hesitate to sue you" Pepper demanded. I couldn't believe my ears. This is so great.
No one POV
Lila tried to cry, hoping to gain sympathy and maybe get the Avengers to play nice to spare her feelings but to no avail. They all glared at her. Kim tried to defend the liar and intimidate Pepper into taking back what she said but she refused to back down and even threatened to send him right back to Paris. He backed down right away. Bustier came and tried to calm the situation down but also shut up when faced with a complaint being filed about her "lack of control of her students" to the french school board. In the end, Lila was sent back to Paris and there was an investigation began about bustier and Damocles covering up Lila's stories. The rest of the trip was a success and the class apologized to Marinette and the others and they forgave them.
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The adult the show expects me to like vs the adult that has my utmost respect and whole heart.
Gorilla, you’re Adrien’s hero in this shitty household ❤️
Ms Bustier, having a supercool girlfriend doesn’t make you better, no sympathy points from me, you’re still a terrible teacher.
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hellishere7980 · 1 year
IMW Chapter 3
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Chapter art by danismilek
Isa-no, Marinette Dupain Cheng
Isabella couldn't believe her eyes. Who the hell would just push an elderly old man as they're crossing the street? Not even Gothamites did that (unless there was some type of crime going around).
"Are you alright sir?" She asked the elderly man, helping him up and handing him his cane.
Yes, she was the daughter of a billionaire, but that didn't stop Grandpere Alfred from making sure she was shaped into a decent human being.
"Thank you, young lady." The elderly man replied, shakily getting up. "I'm terribly sorry for making you-"
"No problem at all sir." Isabella told him with a small smile. "If anything, it gave me a slight feel of home." WHAT? He reminded her of Alfred! Sue Her!
Isabella bid the old man goodbye, not realising the perplexed look on his face.
Months passed by, it finally being September, Isa finally having adapted to her new home. But just as she started to adapt to her new life, another thing was hurdled her way.
College Françoise Dupont.
Her father insisted she attend this school, one of the few reminders that he had control over every aspect of her life.
Sighing, Isa made her way to school. She stared at the stairs that lead to the school, scoffing at the size of it. To be honest it looked like the size of the manor's library. That or perhaps Isa just forgot how the library truly was in size. Knowing that she had no other choice, Isa walked into the school and hunted for her class, looking at her timetable and at the numbers of the doors within the school. Something she quickly realised was that she was right. This school was small. Too small for her liking. She managed to find her class, located on the second floor of the building, a bit too close to the stairs if you asked her. Stepping into her classroom, she was met with several pairs of eyes. Ignoring them, Isa headed to the teacher, remembering everything she had researched before transferring to this school.
Caline Bustier - her main teacher and her teacher for French, literature, and poetry.
From what Isa could remember, Bustier is a supposed passionate teacher, eager to protect and nurture her students, hence why she has had the same class for the past several years. Apparently she begged the principal to let her keep teaching the same class year after year. While yes, it did show her love for her students, Isa took it as a sign of fear. Fear of not being able to teach another group of students that weren't the ones she had already taught before. Students that she knew how to control, not having to start from scratch to learn about their weaknesses and strengths. She feared failure, perhaps change.
"Hello, Miss Bustier. My name is Marinette-"
"So you're Marinette!" Miss Bustier interrupted, causing Marinette to narrow her eyes and scrunch her nose in annoyance. "I'm so glad to have you in our class! Please take a seat!"
Marinette simply stood there, looking at her class and then at Miss Bustier. "I can sit anywhere?"
"Pardon?" Miss Bustier asked, tilting her head a bit. That's when it hit her. "Oh! That's right! You've recently transferred from Gotha-"
"Can I or can I not?" Marinette asked impatiently.
"Y-Yes. You can sit anywhere you want." Miss Bustier stammered, watching Marinette choose the seat in the front towards her left.
Marinette proceeded to take out her notebook and go over her classes, taking mental notes on what supplies to buy and which she didn't. Everything was going swell, the class slowly filling in until a certain brat entered the class.
"Move aside! Your Queen is coming through." Chloé announces as Sabrina made sure that her path was clear.
Chloé Bourgeois, the daughter of Paris' mayor. Nothing but a spoiled brat from Marinette's research. As long as she steered away from Chloe, she was fine. With Chloé being the last person to enter, Miss Bustier started the class.
Hell. It was utter hell.
Marinette held the urge to drag her hands down her face at how boring French was. Despite already being 10 year olds, they were going over material that Marinette knew She covered when she was 7! Why was Miss Bustier still teaching this material?
After the lesson was over, Marinette left the classroom, heading to her next class. Hopefully she would be able to convince her gym teacher to get her into the fencing club. She needed to blow off some steam.
There went her chance at asking the teacher to join the fencing team. As soon as Marinette got to persuade the coach to teach her how to fence, a villain appeared, wrecking havoc with her...whatever it was she was using. Thanks to the attack, the students were sent home early, Marinette now in her room. She frowned as she paced around in her room, hating her situation.
There was a villain. In Paris. Where her father couldn't reach her. The irony. Marinette let out a dry chuckle, not believing this all.
"Father is across the ocean, there's a villain running loose in the streets and here I am! Missing the opportunity of a lifetime!"
But the universe just had to be against her.
As she slumped into her computer chair, she noticed the black box with an red emblem on the top of the hexagon shaped lid. Something screamed at her to leave it alone while a piece of her whispered to open it.
Prying the box open, Marinette watched as a red orb manifested in front of her, her eyes following it as it morphed into an odd creature. Making sure the creature was what emerged from the box, Marinette looked back down to the box, noticing a pair of earrings.
Ladybug themed earrings...o...okay...
"Hello!" The being spoke, Marinette quickly snapping from her trance. "I know this is all weird to you, but I can explain. My name is Tikki and I am a Kwami. To be more precise, the Kwami of creation."
Kwami of creation...that implies that there are others like this creature out there.
"Tikki...although I want to say that it's a pleasure to meet you, I know there's a reason behind you gracing me with your presence." Tikki nodded, handing Marinette over the earrings.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I need you to take down Stoneheart."
After Tikki laid down the groundwork on how her miraculous worked, Marinette got to work.
She managed to track down Stoneheart, surveying her actions before deciding on a plan to take down the...akuma? No, that was the name of the thing that possessed her classmate. Villain would be the better term.
"Get away from them!" someone shouted, Marinette looking to the direction of which the voice came from that was about to attack Stoneheart.
A blond boy cladded in black -black leather to be more precise- extended his staff to try and fling the 'villain' away from her new set of prey.
Sighing, Marinette sprung from her hiding spot and prevented the boy from hitting the 'villain,' earning a glare and a 'hey' from the boy.
"What were you thinking?" Marinette growled, crossing her arms.
"Well hello to you too." The boy said, eyeing Marinette's odd choice of wearing a black slit miniskirt and short black cape over her red skin tight bodysuit. "To think such a bossy-" the boy promptly shut up when Marinette glared at him.
"I'm going to forget what you just said if you answer my previous question. What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking of defeating the villain. Isn't that our job?" The boy asked in response.
"Yes, it's our job to-"
"Then let's go! The people-"
"Are you being serious right now?" Marinette dragged her hands over her face. "Are you telling me you haven't been trying to investigate the victim?"
When she saw the boy slowly shake his head, Marinette let out a heavy sigh.
"What? I see a villain, I quickly head over and fight them off. It's our job after all."
"Our job is to protect the people, but that doesn't mean we have to ruthlessly attack the victim or villain. Since we don't know the full capacity of their powers, we have to proceed cautiously. We also have to make sure they destroy as little property as possible." Marinette warned, the boy arching a brow. Just how much did he not realize? "We don't know if the damage they cause is permanent or not...we don't want innocent people to die, or do we?"
She watched as the boy's eyes widened, only then his role finally sinking in. Marinette watched as the boy looked down at his hands, trembling more as he kept staring at them.
"So what are we supposed to do?" The boy asked Marinette, looking at her with fear in his eyes.
"De-escalate the situation." Marinette said, only then realizing something. "What's your name?"
"Not your actual name, you idiot! We mustn't know each other's identities under any circumstance!" Marinette warned. "So, what's your alias?" The boy hummed before he smiled.
"Call me Cat-um, no, Chat. Chat Noir. What about you?"
"Ladybug." Ladybug provided quickly, raising a brow when Chat Noir looked at her in...admiration? "What?"
"Your name. Have you been Ladybug for a while?"
"Nope. Been Ladybug for a few hours." The two were snapped from their conversation when they heard a scream nearby. "Come on Chat, we have a victim to help."
After an hour of trying to calm the victim down, but coming to no avail, the duo resorted to fighting the victim, finding her akuma to be trapped in a piece of paper tucked in his hand.
Ladybug stood below the Eiffel Tower.
"De-evilize." Ladybug said as she captured the akuma, purifying it with her yo-yo and then releasing it. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted as she then threw her yo-yo in the air as Tikki had told her, watching as millions of ladybugs erupted from her tiny yo-yo and spread throughout Paris, fixing any damage and reversing the victim's effects on any person inflicted by the victim's power.
"That was amazing!" A girl shouted from across the police tape, Ladybug turning to see her classmate...or rather her seat 'buddy'. Alya is her name...if Marinette remembered correctly. "Say, can we know the name of the hero who just finished saving Paris?" Alya asked, smiling as she watched Ladybug approach her.
"The name's Ladybug. I'm just doing what I must to keep Paris safe." With those words, Ladybug ran off, using her yo-yo to lift herself onto a building and disappear into the distance.
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morphomixz · 10 months
Eclipsed in Paris Pt 4 Miraculous x Reader
9:26:36 AM Thursday, April 18th Paris, France
After the first hour was up, we had maths. The teacher assigned a group project, leading to me "working" with Chloe and her minion Sabrina. By working, I mean Chloe telling Sabrina t do all the work while she gushed over Adrien Agreste, her childhood friend. Aside from Chloe, the only person who's tried to interact with me has been Sabrina who ultimately said to stick with Chloe.
Anyways, apparently, this class is learning the French equivalent of Algebra 1 in the U.S which isn't terrible. The girls I sat next to in Ms. Bustier's class have been glancing over here and whispering to each other since. If the people here are as judgemental as they are in America I may be better off returning to the U.S. The only thing that prevents me from believing this at the moment is the old man from earlier. Hopefully, he's gotten where he was trying to get to. For now, I guess I'll just look out the window.
10:39:10 AM P.E Class
I finally got away from Chloe and the two glaring girls long enough to take a breath. P.E is not my favorite class in the world, but it may grow on me since it gets me away from, well everyone who seems to have a problem with my existence. Today is just the flexibility test for the school year. I actually suffer from benign joints hypermobility syndrome so this shouldn't be too bad, well at least not until my doctor sees me next. She keeps telling me to reduce how much I push my joints so that I don't put myself in pain anymore. 
Anyways, it's partnered so I actually have a chance to talk to someone other than Chloe. My partner is a girl from my class, I think her name's Alix.
"Uh, hi. I think we're partners." I awkwardly said. 
"Yeah, just don't slow me down." was her response. 
It wasn't exactly the nicest response, but it also didn't seem to have any animosity in it. 
" Alright class, get into the sit and reach position. Your partner will push down on your back as you stretch with LIGHT pressure." came the first command from the teacher. 
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Alix and I actually worked fairly well together. We talked a bit during the exercises about the school, who's who in the class, and Alix's favorite sports. I told her about New York, part of the reason I came to France, and it seems she came to a conclusion about me. Hopefully, it was a good one. 
11:45:27 AM Lunch Break
We're supposed to go to lunch at home or in the cafeteria for an hour. Chloe had something brought to the school for her, and I headed to the cafeteria with Alix. She invited me to sit with her, a guy named Kim, and his friend Max. I ended up with a tray with a fruit salad, orange juice, and a questionable-looking pear for lunch. 
"So, you're Y/N Bourgeois? The idol?" the guy who Alix called Kim asked. 
"Yeah, that's me. Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a big deal out of it." was my response.
"And, you're Chloe's cousin?"
"Yep. Though she and I only reunited recently. I've been living in America since I was six."
"So, you have been influenced by her very little?" was the question, Max asked. 
"Under her influence, yes. Her mother is a different story." I replied.
"Alright, alright guys. We're here to eat lunch, not dissect her traumatic backstory." Alix said, setting down her tray, to which I smiled at her. A true genuine smile, not one of my practiced model smiles. 
By the time lunch was over, I already had three friends and a permanent place to eat lunch if I wanted to.
12:53:41 PM Science
My next class had me a bit worried. Apparently, the teacher isn't the best with new students... or old students...or students in general. 
Anyways, in this class, I'm sat next to a very tall guy. According to the teacher, his name is Ivan. He seems intense when you look at him, but I'm sure he's a sweet guy when you get to know him. In fact, he seems very shy in comparison to everyone else. We were only taking notes on chemical compounds today, so it wasn't a terrible class. The teacher didn't put up with anyone messing about, but I made eye contact with Kim and couldn't help the small giggles that left my mouth. Chloe's been blowing up my phone all of the class. Apparently, Sabrina doesn't quite get chemical compounds and she thinks I may. be able to explain it to her, so she can do Chloe's homework. I guess I'm doing a slight tutoring session after school. 
2:16:36 PM Art Class
A little under three hours left of school, and I finally reached a class I can get into. I can technically do whatever kind of art I want in this class so I went over to the drawing table. Alix is doing so form of street art with spray paint, the girls from earlier are using alcohol markers, and Chloe's in the corner on her phone like always. I guess I better start working on designs for my new line like Auntie would want me to. I started with a fitted bodycon silhouette and shaded it in with a variety of reds, adding layers of black around the bottom to form a filled-out skirt.  Apparently, my presence finally got to the two girls from earlier because one of them came over and just stood in front of me.
"Can I help you?" I said, rather peeved that she was blocking my sunlight but also because she likely already assumed my personality. 
"Yeah, you're Y/N right? Chloe's cousin?"
"That would be correct. And you are?" I could feel my left eyebrow arching.
"I'm Alya and my best friend over there is Marinette. We were wondering if you were the Y/N Bourgeois who owns the fashion label "Serpentine" and does all that idol work?" 
"I am. Is that all you wanted?" I replied. 
I know my tone was rude but these girls have done nothing but glare and whisper about me all day. 
"How about you come to our table and sit with us? Marinette does some designing herself and I think you guys could bond over that." came Alya's reply. 
So I went over and joined them. Marinette apologized for the glaring. She apparently assumed I was just like Chloe but after seeing me interact with Alix, Kim, and Max she decided otherwise. She needs to work on that. It will be her fatal flaw if she doesn't. 
The two of us exchanged numbers and began showing each other our designs. Her designs are exquisite. Auntie would be impressed for sure. However, she seems awful shy about showing them off. 
3:30:57 PM History
I have 1 hour until school is over, and my last class is history in Ms. Bustier's again. I sat at the back of the class next to a girl named Lila. She immediately pulled out her phone and asked for a picture as well as my phone number. She's the only one who's made a big deal about my status all day. However, I took the picture to be polite and she tagged me in it. My Instagram began blowing up with the comments under it. Apparently, this Lila was the one I was rumored to be hanging out with. Anyways, today's lesson was on Ancient Rome, including mythology. Lila kept trying to distract me with a conversation but I wanted to remain focused on Romulus and Remus. She began blowing up my phone with texts which made me immediately regret giving her my number. 
4:30:15 PM Outside the School
Well, I made it through my first day of school without a major incident. Now, Chloe and I were waiting for the limo to show up. She's been talking to Adrien for the last 10 minutes, and he looks particularly uncomfortable with her clinginess. The limo finally pulled up, followed by another one, which I assume is Adrien's. When we got into the car, then came the beratement. 
"You shouldn't hang out with Marinette Dupain-Cheng or her friends. It's bad enough you're hanging out with Alix and Kim."
"Chloe, if I wanted your advice on friends, to which I've never been allowed to make that discernment myself I would have asked. I'd appreciate it if you dropped it because I want to be able to make decisions for myself for once in my life."
Okay, a little harsh, even for Chlo but did I lie? My first boyfriend was even chosen for me so I should get to decide who I hang out with at the minimum. At least she dropped the conversation. I headed up to my room and dropped my stuff on the couch located at the center of the room.  However, there was a strange box left on my coffee table. 
I opened the small box that had a necklace, and a small light came out of it. When it disappeared, a small bat-like creature was floating in front of me. 
"I'm sorry to say this but, who are you?"
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Halloween Fun: Part 4
The Akuma class were surprised at how thorough the school had been with decorating every room. It was known that Principal Damocles loved Halloween, but this was a whole new level of commitment. As they entered Miss Bustier's classroom, there were gasps of shock at the decor. Cobwebs everywhere, an eerie fog on the floor, ominous messages and fake blood on the walls, and for some reason, an old phone on the teacher’s desk.
“I am loving this spooky vibe!” Alya said, taking a picture to post on her blog. “They really went all out with this place.”
“Y-Yeah...” Mylene shivered, looking at the fake blood. “It’s r-really detailed.” Ivan gave his girlfriend a comforting hug. “It’s alright, Little Mouse. None of it’s real.” he whispered. “Exactly, the staff just wanted to get into the spirit of the holiday.” Nathaniel replied, holding in the urge to chuckle. The guests hadn’t even shown up and they were already getting spooked!
As usual, Chloe took the opportunity to ridicule and tease her classmates. “Once a scaredy-cat, always a scaredy-cat, Haprele.” Chloe sneered. “It’s just a bunch of lame props! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Mylene just gave her a frown. “Last time you teased me, I got akumatized. Do you want Horrificator to come back for a visit?” she countered. Chloe shut up immediately.
“Yo, where’s Rose and Juleka?” Kim asked, noticing their absence. As someone who was in on the scare, and providing them with his tech, Max jumped in. “Rose is at the dentist.” he said. “And Juleka told me she was out sailing with Luka and their mom.” Nathaniel added. “Juleka would’ve loved all of this.” Marinette admitted. “Yeah, but I don’t think Rose would’ve.” Adrien replied. “A cute peppy girl like her wouldn’t want anything to do with a scary holiday like Halloween.”
GhostRose hid behind the bookshelf, rolling her eyes as her classmates spoke of her as if she were a frightened little child. “We’ll see about that.” JV muttered from her hiding spot inside the fake desk. All of a sudden, the phone begins to ring. Adrien goes to pick it up. He gives a couple of “Ohs” and “Oks” and then says goodbye. He looks puzzled as he hangs up.
“Who was it, dude?” Nino asked. “That was Miss Bustier. She said she thought it would be fun if for Halloween, her ancestor taught the class.” he replied. The class began to mutter in confusion. “Ancestor?” Sabrina asked. “Yes. Apparently, her ancestor Florence used to teach at DuPont, and now her spirit stays here at the school.” he replied. “So I guess her ghost is going to teach us.”
“Oh shit.” Alix said. “I remember looking up the school’s website, and I stumbled on the list of former teachers. Florence Bustier really exists.”
Kim began to sweat and rock back and forth a little. “Come on guys, this is just Miss B pranking us. There’s no such thing as ghosts!” he said nervously. Some of the kids were about to argue with him, but were interrupted when Marinette got a notification on her phone.
“Huh, Aurore just texted me. Says they have some ‘guests’ in their class.” she stated. Mylene got a notification as well and look surprised. “Reshma says they got a vampire.” Mylene replied. “As well as... oh my god! The Phantom of DuPont?” Everyone except for Lila, Alya and Adrien gasped in shock. “What’s that” Adrien asked. As the expert on the subject, Mylene took some time to explain.
“Well, you know our school is hundreds of years old. There’s this old legend about a ghost that haunts the school, mostly the theater. They say he’s caused terrible accidents, but that he also helps sometimes!”
Kim just groaned and started rocking back and forth in his seat. “Aw come on, man!” he complained. “Every time I hear about that... thing, I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack.” Nathaniel nodded. “One thing’s for sure. The Phantom loves to give people a fright.” he replied. Lila tried yet another attempt at gaining popularity by using her silver tongue. “Oh, I’ve met the phantom before! He can be SO romantic when he wants to be.” Lila blushed. “Most the stories say the Phantom was gay.” Marinette corrected. “G-gay people existed back then?” Lila gaped. The rest of the class looked at her with a “really?” face. Their conversation stopped as a ghostly voice echoed throughout the room.
“Oooooohwhoooo, greetings my dear stuuuuudents! How are yoooou on this fine spooooky daaaay?” it wailed. Marinette had a pretty good idea who this was supposed to be.
“Guys,” she said. “I think this is the “ancestor” Miss Bustier was talking about.”
There was a flash of lightning, and a white translucent figure rose out of the floor. It looked like one of those old Scooby Doo ghosts, except this one was floating from the ground. What the students who were in on the scare knew that this illusion was provided by a projector, holograms, and a bunch of mirrors.
Another flash, and she disappeared once more, reappearing behind Adrien and Alya, causing them to scream. She glided towards them, arms outstretched.
“Ooooooh, I am Miss Boooostier. It’s a pleasure to meeet yoouuu!” she moaned. Alya tentatively smiled and trembled a little as she responded. “H-hello, Miss Boostier. What are you going to teach us?” she asked. The spectre glided away, going through Kim’s body, causing him to yelp in fear.
“Ooooooh, well, befooore we start our frightful histoooory lessons fooor the day, we have soooome guest stuuudents of our oooown to meet!” Boostier said. “Wh-who are the guests?” Sabrina shivered.
Just at that moment, the old phone rang. Since Boostier was unable to pick it up, Marinette went up to put the phone to her ghostly ears. :Helllloooo, Miss Boooostier speeeakinnng!” Boostier answered.
GhostRose gave an ominous chuckle as she prepared to make her entrance.
“Hello... Miss Boostier.” she replied.
And now we have a teacher involved with the scares! Miss Bustier’s a fan of the holiday and decided to some of the students out with this little prank. Next up is GhostRose, so that’ll be exciting. As usual thanks to Weeby for helping me out with the dialogue. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for thoughts on the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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uptoolateart · 11 months
Finding a Way - Chapter 4
Jurassic Park / Camp Cretaceous AU
Chapter Preview:
As they stood in the hotel lobby in Costa Rica, Alya gripped Nino’s hand for dear life, the way she’d been gripping it ever since the earthquake struck. Dotted around the room were their fellow students, huddled together in small groups, shoulders shrunken inward and heads down, fear making them look smaller than they were.
And not just the students – the teachers, too. Across the room, Miss Bustier and Ms Mendeleiev were speaking with a man and a woman wearing navy blue emergency services uniforms – the local authorities who were managing the rescue mission.
If only she could read their lips, work out what they were saying.
If only she had some news about Marinette and Adrien.
It still didn’t seem real, no matter how many times her mind replayed what had happened.
She’d left Marinette with Adrien at the back of the boat. She’d left them there, a sly grin on her face, allowing herself to imagine that maybe this time Marinette would actually tell that boy how she felt. Then Alya had rejoined the rest of their class on the main deck, sitting down to dinner and making some joke to Nino that she’d now forgotten, because she’d hardly had time to swallow her first mouthful of soup before the boat had begun rocking too hard for the placid sea.
There had been one of those moments, both beautiful and terrible, when everyone on the deck had shared a look – shared a thought – shared an emotion. Then, the waves were sloshing over the side of the boat, soaking them and sending them screaming for cover.
When the boat started tipping, it was like one of those rides she’d always loved at theme parks, where you were on a pirate ship swinging higher and higher on a pendulum. Only, this was real, this was real. There was no mechanical restraint controlling how far the pendulum would swing. The boat could tip right over and toss them into the hungry ocean.
Read at Ao3
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Morning! And I love Mom!Bustier. But consider this; Caline is Nathanial’s mom, but in the SB&IB AU.
Got any ideas or scenarios for that?
Let's see...
We're not killing off the lesbian and pansexual, because there have been enough queer deaths in this lifetime.
Let's make Nathaniel a bullying target at school
Here, Caline Kurtzberg-Bustier is trying her hardest to help her son, but with that asshole in office threatening to get her fired and blacklisted through Damocles, she can't do much because she loves teaching
And it's her only job experience
Nathaniel's been Chloé's bullying target since they were three because she saw him as easier to mess with than Marinette
And because of his antisocial nature, this makes him bait for other bullies, mainly the kids with influential parents who threaten his mother's job by complaining to Damocles about her physically abusing them in class
To them, it's easy to pick on someone who won't/can't do or say anything... Bastard cowards.
His classmates don't do anything because they don't feel like fighting with those students and he assures them that it's okay, and they believe him.
They don't feel like terrible, horrible people every time he comes in looking like hell because he didn't get enough sleep because some asshole jock forced him to do his math homework
And Alix and Marinette aren't there to help out because Chloé pulled some strings to get them sent to a dormitory school for troubled teenagers after they assaulted her for pouring juice on Nathaniel when they were ten
Now no one has the courage to stand up for Nathaniel, not even going so far as to talk to him. He just blends into the back drawing, and when he gets home, he cries into his pillow
Then one weekend, he's out shopping for art supplies when he spies two things in the display window of a thrift store. They are simple brooches. Still, he buys them
He puts them on, Nooroo and Duusu appear and gives the run-down once Nathaniel has stopped panicking
Nathaniel is thrilled because finally, something good in his life has happened, now he has friends to talk to, and he has powers... However, good things don't last
On Monday, Mme. Bustier, sleep deprived and stressed admonishes Chloé in front of the entire school for having Sabrina do her homework, and in turn, Chloé has Damocles fire her. However, many of the teachers threaten to quit, so Damocles suspends her for a month without pay
And to make matters worse, some assholes post bad reviews about Aya's diner and it causes a health inspector to come. It's going to take a while before people can trust the food again
Finally having enough, Nathaniel snaps and disregards the Kwamis words about how the Miraculous is not to be used for evil. Nathaniel, still angry, forces them to stay silent as he transforms into Blue Emperor
Nathaniel is quick to create a senticreature to destroy the home of one of his tormentors, and when the deed is done, he can't bare the thought of destroying his creation, so he stores it in his fan
The sentimonster catches the attention of one Wang Fu, so he passes the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous along to... Let's say... Reshma and Ismael, cuz why not? Plus, no love square.
Blue Emperor only becomes more brutal with his attacks when Spotted Threat and Catra make their appearance. Also, he needs to take his anger from school out on something
Keep in mind, Blue Emperor doesn't hurt anyone younger than him (15)
And while his mothers are still temporarily out of work, Nathaniel decides to be of some assistance and has his senticreatures rob Chloé. He tells his moms the money came from art commissions, and he just loves how that put smiles on their faces. But he's only just getting started
He sends his previous senticreatures and an Akuma to storm city hall (I know, poor choice of words) and gives the mayor an ultimatum. Resign, or he will burn the building to the ground
Spotted Threat and Catra arrive on the scene and purify his Akuma, but in the process of Blue Emperor getting his senticreaures to safety, they purify one in the process, basically killing it in his eyes
So, now it's personal
Ever since the death of his senticreature, Nathaniel's been more withdrawn than usual, worrying his mothers. At school, his mood becomes worse when one of his bullies decides to take his anger out on him after he was targeted by a senticreature
And once again, Nathaniel snapped, gave the guy a verbal lashing that was like a psychological attack, and got detention. Little did he know, this got the attention of one impressed writer
So, after serving out his detention, Blue Emperor decides to have a sentimonster pay Damocles a visit. And if people are suspicious, he'll just put on a meek demeanor like, "But how could I have done that? I don't have powers or the money to pay anyone."
One day, when he hears Nathaniel didn't come to school today, Marc offers to drop off his homework. It'll give them a chance to talk, and maybe he can apologize for being a bystander for so many years
But when he walks into Nathaniel's room, he doesn't expect to find him talking to two colorful sprites about him being Blue Emperor!
Marc panics and is about to run and tell someone, but,
Nathaniel: Marc... I am nothing but a loving son trying to help his mothers while also teaching certain people a lesson or two. Besides, you know they deserve what I've done- The Mayor, Damocles, Chloé, all of them.
Marc: ... You're hurting people.
Nathaniel: It's best not to think of them as people. Besides, I make sure my Akumas and senticreatures don't hurt any civilians. They've done nothing to wrong me, so I have no reason to harm them. So... You can run out that door, tell people what I'm doing, and leave my mothers sobbing and wondering where they went wrong as the city treats them as pariahs. Or, we can make this our little secret. Besides, I could use some help taking care of my senticreatures... So?
Marc: ... Nobody needs to know.
It was close to the middle of the school year when Marc, Nooroo, and Duusu start to become more concerned about Nathaniel. The Kwamis explain that overuse of the Miraculous combined with Nathaniel's mental state has corrupted him
He becomes braver, fights back more, physically stronger, and even his appearance as Blue Emperor changes a bit. He uses his abilities to read people's emotions to his advantage and tortures his bullies so they're too scared to report him
Having seen enough, Marc resorts to taking the Kwamis and running but only manages to get Duusu before Nathaniel transforms, this time into his fully corrupted form and he proceeds to make an army of Akumas to ravage Paris
... Did I just make a whole-ass au?... I did.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
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@falchion0-0-1 I’m responding to you separately because a patron of mine had a similar concern so I’m just gonna screenshoot my response to them here.
They said “Didn’t Sabrina do that by herself?” (meaning didn’t Sabrina willingly volunteer to do Chloe’s work) and I said:
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Basically Sabrina is ALSO a child who is learning what is right and wrong, what is normal and not normal, and for a really long time no one pointed out that the relationship between her and Chloe was not normal.
It was the responsibility of her parents, teachers, and other adults to take notice and then take steps to protect Sabrina. And at the very very VERY least, Bustier, Mendeleiev, and any other teachers should’ve put a stop to Chloe and Sabrina’s plagiarism if they care at all about either girl’s education.
Sabrina was Chloe’s victim in many ways and is only just recently realizing to what extent. The homework is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s also a symptom of a greater disease. I don’t care what canon says - it’s not enough that Sabrina copied Chloe’s handwriting, there should’ve been plenty of things pointing to the obvious.
Sabrina and Chloe having the same answers.
Chloe’s homework being perfect but her monitored test scores being terrible.
The fact that Chloe openly discusses and brags about Sabrina doing her share of work.
It’s just too much for the teachers to reasonably play innocent here. I don’t buy that Bustier is only JUST finding out the freaking obvious. So I totally believe that the teachers knew but just don’t care or are too scared to do anything about it.
Which leaves Sabrina on her own.
Sabrina and Chloe shouldn’t be allowed to sit next to each other in class. Heck, they shouldn’t even BE in the same class. I got separated from my “best friend” in Kindergarden because her acting out made ME act out, and that was just about behaviors! We would’ve been put in different classes WAY sooner if grades were involved! So the only reasonable explanation is that the teachers are too scared of inuring the Wrath of Chloe and her Mayor Father, or pretending that nothing is happening (to Sabrina’s detriment) is just easiier.
Given how Bustier thinks Marinette should forgive and forget the bad things Chloe does despite bullying her for years, I think I can figure out why Bustier didn’t say anything about Sabrina and Chloe. After all,
All That is Necessary for Evil to Succeed is for Good People to Do Nothing. And Bustier did Nothing.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 2 years
why is everyone always hyping up Ms. Mendeleev as this amazing teacher who takes no bull when she really isn’t? in evil illustrator, Mendeleev sees Chloe picking on Nathaniel and even physically rips his sketch book out of his hands and embarrasses him in front of everyone. but not only is Mendeleev more focused on him drawing in class, she only scolds Chloe but doesn’t punish her for being disruptive. in Marinette’s flashback, when Marinette arrives to class late looking downtrodden, she yells at her in front of everyone instead of waiting until the end of class to talk to Marinette privately. she doesn’t ask her what’s wrong, she doesn’t shut down Chloe’s offensive comments about “looking more depressed than usual” and “she wants to design clothes but can’t keep hers clean”, and she yells at Marinette for accusing Chloe of putting paint on her seat by stating that she had no basis to do so. this woman sure does yell a lot doesn’t she? Mendeleev has zero empathy for her students and has no business being a teacher. if we’re going to call out Damocles and Bustier, she deserves a call out as well.
IDK about anything past season 3, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Back in “the day” (Aka season 3), people (at least on the salt side of the fandom) were starting to get sick of Bustier for enabling Chloe and Lila, and just generally doing a terrible job of managing her classroom. Keep in mind HER ENTIRE CLASS has been akumatized (minus Marinette), with some at this point now being akumatized multiple times. She herself may not have played a major role in these events, but her approach doesn’t help any. Zombizou is the perfect example of this, but also consider how in Origins, she sends IVAN to the office rather than KIM who instigated the whole incident.
Seeing as Damocles also kind of sucked, people decided to take advantage of the fact that Mendeleiev hadn’t had time to suck nearly as much, and seemed somewhat reasonable (her calling out Rose for her perfume is perfectly understandable), and so we (because I also did this) wrote her as a strict, but reasonable authority figure in stark contrast to Bustier’s “niceness,” mostly as a way to add some depth, and you know, a responsible adult figure.
Alas, this is Miraculous, so everyone gets screwed over at some point. Because of this, many people decide to ignore canon and write the characters based on how they were set up and what they thought was the trajectory of their characters, or rework the framing to challenge canon.
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grahamdefamily · 1 year
Reminder that you can still submit Awful Terrible No Good Adults for the Choice of the People Award (basically all of the shitheads we weren’t able to put into the main tournament getting their own bracket)!
Submissions will close at the same time the Semi Finals do: Monday May 1st, 7:00 PM UTC+2.
List of contestants (to be updated as we go, under the cut):
Bob Roth (music producer)
Alec Cataldi (TV host)
Caline Bustier (head teacher)
Gina Dupain (Marinette’s grandma)
Of course, if you want to add a little explanation as to why your submitted candidate is the worst, we’ll be delighted to read it!
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The only person who Ive seen claim season 5 was good said it was good due to defying salt fic tropes. Despite shit like Bustier being a terrible teacher in collusion.
Well yeah but it defied saltfics by having her be a terrible teacher to someone who /deserved/ it rather than toward Precious Perfect Marinette!
(I'm not entirely kidding. I have seen saltfics where they replaced Bustier with a 'better' teacher who gave Mari special treatment for being such a good student while harshly punishing the rest of the class for any minor infraction.)
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