#call it a she/her secretary LMFAO
alienaiver · 1 year
the only thing left to book is the imperial palace tour tickets !! im so proud of myself
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bakugoushotwife · 9 months
born sinner (part one)
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pairing: crime boss!suguru geto x fem!surgeon!reader series content: blood, gore, realistic descriptions of surgery but like as accurate as someone with access to google has, angst, slow-burn, eventual smut, anxiety as a heavy theme, no curses!au, violence, guns, gang mentions and typical violence, religious imagery, etc. words: 8.5k a/n: omg omg happy new year! the gojo writer takes on suguru geto!! he's so challenging for me in the best of ways and i hope that his characterization is at least tolerable LMFAO!! i got this amazing idea from a gorgeously detailed outline from @antizenin who trusted me to bring her outline to life. i hope you love it!! part two //
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the lights are entirely too bright in the meeting hall. it’s nothing compared to the lights in the OR that illuminate the vessels of a heart as you slice into it—finding the clot that caused the fourty-one year old mother of two to collapse in the middle of making breakfast. you saved her life, you save lives. you’re a cardiothoracic surgeon–and a top one at that, though you spent your residency flirting with general and neurosurgery, you ultimately landed on the heart of it all–literally. it was riveting work. it was satisfying work. you got to play god, holding the lives of everyone that came through the hospital doors in your hands. you got to be the one to repair the tear in their aorta, the one to physically pump their heart with your own grip. it was thrilling. until it wasn’t. until you couldn’t stop the bleeding or make the heart beat again. until being god of the emergency room meant sending some people to the afterlife, and realizing that you are no god. you’re just a woman with a degree and a scalpel and a crippling fear that you don’t know what you’re really doing at all.
that’s what got you here. the clock in front of you is just about the only thing to look at in this section of the hospital. the board meets here—the people that convene to discuss fates. it’s almost comically just that the long hallway before the meeting room was barren and hopeless–only the clock’s hands to tick loudly by in mock of you. 7:55 am. just five more minutes until you went from the god above it all to a simple beggar praying to be spared. you were no different from those you operated on. you’re suddenly very aware of how scratchy and hard your chair is, making you adjust and readjust to try to find some semblance of comfort in the last five minutes before judgment day. as a surgeon, you know just how out of whack your vitals are. as someone with a diazepam prescription, you know exactly what’s causing it, regardless of the MD at the end of your last name. shit, you forgot to take your pills again this morning—
there’s a faint sound of heels clicking against the cold tile floor in conjunction with the loud clunk, clunk, ding dong ding! of the clock that signals the top of the hour. it’s time. the secretary calls your name as if you’re not the only person waiting out here, and you nod without meeting her eyes. you know without lifting your gaze that hers is judgmental–like everyone’s lately. 
the problem with being god is that you can’t make mistakes without feeling the wrath of the people that once loved you and championed your name.
millions of thoughts race inside your head simultaneously: if you can’t handle the hardening stare of a measly secretary, how on earth would you be able to function under the eyes of the council, the real gods amongst men. they have the authority to revoke your license if you don’t figure out how to answer to them. the one case, the one incident, the one person’s life that ended because of your inability to handle such racing thoughts drives you to clutch at your chest now as you rise from your chair, back aching. 
“right this way.” she says without another glance, and you’re thankful for that reprieve. she turns, loud heels click clacking their way back down the hall at the same pace of your hammering heart. you love being a surgeon. you can’t lose that. you have to fight for it. saving lives is important to you! you just have to convey this. it’s not hard. swallow your fear and finally fight for something you want, put one foot in front of the other, you tell yourself. breathe in and breathe out—you have to get your sinus rhythm back to normal if you have any hope of getting through this. but it’s so hard when all your senses lie to you like this, the clock’s ticks still rattling across your brain—the long and dark hallway only stretching to be longer and darker before you. you know it’s impossible–just your mind playing tricks. or, more aptly, part of you knows that. but the other part starts to break out in a cold sweat once you finally approach the door. on the other side of the heavy oak were the group of people who would decide what your life was worth: do you get to stay a god amongst men, or will you be cast out like the devil himself? 
you can hear the different voices speaking in low whispers before the secretary has even pushed into the room. you know they must be speaking about you from the way their eyes dart all over your timid form in front of them as they shuffle their papers—reports of every mistake and triumph you’ve ever had laid out in front of them, reducing you to a datapoint. it’s a medical license hearing, but you feel like a freshly hit opossum standing before the vultures just waiting to pick your bones clean. maybe being roadkill was more freeing than this. 
this room is much darker than the lobby you waited in, dimly lit by reading lamps positioned to the right of each panelist–five total. three men and two women would decide if your mistake was enough to ruin your career. their desk towered above you, so much so you had to tilt your chin back to be able to take in their disgruntled, disappointed, and disapproving stares. your saliva feels like liquid cement when you go to swallow it down—though it tastes like bile.  
“good morning doctor.” the man on the furthest right says. he has the kindest eyes of them all, though your brain catches his deception. he’s just acting. the other panelists give you tight lipped smiles of greeting and head nods of acknowledgement. you clear your throat a little and give them a bow. 
“good morning, board of internal medicine. i’ve…prepared a statement?” you clench your jaw at the shakiness you can hear in your voice. it’s the older of the two women that nod at you this time. 
“you may present it.” she says, a drawn-on eyebrow raised expectantly. you swallow down that bile-cement flavored spit again, training your eyes on a hairline crack in the tile under your toe. it’s fitting. as time passes, this crack will widen and cause that tile to erode and crumble away. this meeting could be the crack in your foundation. the decision made here today could be the first domino of events to ruin the picture perfect life you’ve carefully put into place. 
“..hiroshi nakamura entered the emergency room on november twenty-third at 4:57 pm. he was suffering from an aortic aneurysm. as many of you are former surgeons yourselves, i know you’re familiar with the diagnosis. many of these go unnoticed. symptomatic pain is brushed off, and many times it’s too late to save them, the silent killer.” you shift your weight, doing your best to maintain eye contact despite the haunting memory. “nakamura-san was a patient of mine previously. he was diagnosed with arteriosclerosis three years prior, the exact date escapes me. it was in the summertime. july maybe. later that day i performed an endarterectomy to reduce the atheromatous plaque in his carotid artery. we kept him for the next three days for observation, his vitals improved and he was discharged with instructions to receive regular checkups. when he was brought back in…i knew immediately that the buildup must have returned, making it harder for blood to travel until it turned into a clot. when i opened him up, his pressure started dropping. he had an aortic dissection, which i’ve run into many times. but the size of nakamura-san’s was significant. i hesitated, deciding between a graft or a stent for treatment. i took too long to choose, and nakamura-san…bled out on the operating table.” you grimace, looking down at that cracked tile again. the line was shaped like a lightning bolt, its jagged curve leading straight under your shoe. you can feel your chest tighten, so you close your eyes and try to push back against the wave of emotion sitting in your throat. “i had to tell nakamura-san’s family what happened. his wife of forty years, his thirty-four year old son, thirty year old daughter, and twenty-eight year old son as well as his young grandchildren. i’ll never forget what my mistake has done to their lives, and i believe it is punishment enough.” 
you step back once you’ve finished speaking, heart still hammering away in your chest. the members of the board nod, seemingly unaffected by your words. the man in the middle of the massive mahogany table picks up his stack of papers, licking his forefinger before flipping through them. “how long have you been prescribed diazepam, doctor?” 
your blood stills. your anxiety was clearly well documented, and you knew it would be on their list of questions. “since i was a teenager, sixteen i believe.” 
he hums, eyes focused on the paper before him. “and how would you say it helps you manage your generalized anxiety disorder?” 
you would do anything for that ticking clock right about now, for this room is so quiet you swore they could hear your thoughts. “it helps considerably. i’ve stayed on it for over ten years now.”
“your prescription history is spotty. were you trying alternative therapies?” the younger woman asks, manicured red nails clutching your entire life between them via vulturous paper reports. 
you open your mouth to answer–no, argue–but realize that won’t help you anymore than the truth will. “no. i…had not.” 
she raises her brow just like the other woman did, except her eyebrow was real and also well taken care of. “so what happened? it seems like you’ve forgotten to pick up your medicine three times this year—one of which was during nakamura-san’s surgery?” you are a cardiothoracic surgeon, one that was considered proficient enough to pick her specialty. you are no fool. you can see the trap she’s laid before you even unmedicated. 
this is the end. all because of your busy schedule and long hours at the hospital. sometimes you missed pharmacy hours, other times you just forgot about it altogether, mind racing with diagnoses and cases that wait for you the next day. but that won’t matter now, you can feel it before you even answer. they knew what they were going to do before you ever walked in this room. “my business hours are usually reserved for saving lives at this hospital. sometimes i’m not able to make it to pickup.” 
“how long until your death toll matches that of your successes, doctor?” the final man at the left asks, punctuating their line of questioning. he shuffles the edges of his papers against the flat top he sits behind. “i think our decision has been reached. you’re no longer licensed to operate in this hospital or any other, effective immediately. take your medicine.” 
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he has his doubts, but he supposes that is his nature. it feels strange to organize a meeting between two warring sides, hoping for a somewhat amicable and fortuitous outcome. hope is a foreign concept in this world, in suguru geto’s reality. he runs the west side of tokyo—keeping businesses running and funding local projects as well as controlling the streets with his biggest means of profit—guns for hire. he was a local historic monument. a ghost–everyone knew of him but pretended not to. everyone from bar owners to bakeries, lawyers and school teachers alike all under his influence, his pulse on the town. that’s how he knew the rival eastside head planned to make a move on his territory, and he’s been able to orchestrate a negotiation between them based on the opinion of his mentor and right hand man. 
traditionally, suguru would eliminate his problem at the source. there’s no need to play politics when you make your own rules. but he trusts wholly in his sacred few, the ones who have been with him since the beginning of his reign, and even before then. suguru’s best friend, satoru gojo was his best assassin and loudest mouth. choso kamo was a younger pup, but loyal and hardworking—very protective. and then there was toji fushiguro, the most valued of all. he’s shown suguru the ropes of this industry while still respecting and protecting him. geto entrusts his life to toji. if the man believes a meeting would be wise, then they’ll have the meeting. 
besides, there was no arguing with his logic. if they were able to pull this off, then his men will have free reign in the east, able to expand their territory into shinjuku, and have a working alliance with their only competition. so why was he having second thoughts? he blames satoru and his creepy blue eyes staring at him in the mirror he’s checking himself over in. 
“do you not trust me?” he asks the other man, tugging the top half of his too-long black hair into a neat knot. it reveals the long dragon tattoo that creeps up his neck, eyes glowing with anger at whoever looked. his own golden eyes flicker with unease as they survey the only person in the room. suguru hated how opinionated satoru could be at times, and valued it in others. though he usually didn’t know which way he felt until after the fact. 
the arctic-haired boy scoffed, kicking himself into stride from his previous position leaning against the wall. “oh i trust you. i just think it’s weird. i mean–toji’s so gung-ho, let’s slaughter ‘em all, and now we’re supposed to believe he’s become a diplomat?”
“i didn’t know you knew what diplomat meant.” suguru comments drily, sidestepping his friend’s critique of their teacher.
satoru shoves his round sunglasses back up his nose to conceal his eye roll. suguru was technically his boss—though he could get away with more than most. “hey, you asked. i just…have a bad feeling about this.” he shrugs–a knock at geto’s door causing both men to go on high alert immediately. satoru reaches for his weapon, always expecting an ambush. such is this way of life. 
“geto–sama, the car is ready.” the driver says from the other side of the wood, and satoru relaxes at the realization that it was just ijichi–a man so weak and cowardly that an ambush at his hands would be impossible. suguru releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding onto. he fastens the final button on his shirt, glancing over himself in the mirror once again. he wanted to appear polished and professional in his all black attire—and it worked. he seemed larger than life and as intimidating as ever. 
“perfect. i should get going.” he nods to his best friend–who, due to his abrasive and blunt nature, will not be attending this meeting. suguru adjusts the cuffs of his sleeves, strapping his guns to his torso and giving satoru a tight lipped smile. the latter gets the door for him, mockingly saluting. 
“i’ll hold down the fort until you get back, boss!” he chirps, nodding to ijichi before making his way back to the data room. 
toji meets them in the car. it’s a bulletproof black bronco, a fitting vehicle to cart around a high-profile crime boss. suguru’s confidence is bolstered at the sight of his most trusted companion, and he genuinely smiles as he ducks into the backseat with him. 
“hey kid, big day.” the older man says gruffly, his gravelly voice making it sound like he were sixty years his senior instead of a mere fifteen. suguru was no child, and didn’t appear to be one either. the twenty-eight year old man towered over six feet, thick with muscle and riddled with scars of experience, but to toji—suguru was a helpless kitten. 
suguru hums, eyes already scanning for potential danger as the car rolls out of the garage. “big day indeed. you’ve spoken to him already this morning?”
toji claps his broad hand down on suguru’s even broader shoulder, chuckling. “we wouldn’t be headin’ out if i hadn’t. sukuna’s ready for us.” he assures, noting how strong and steady suguru looked. toji was proud, geto has grown quite bit from the scrappy little boy he once was. if he was nervous, he was keeping that close to his chest. 
“good. i think he’ll find my proposal beneficial for us both.” he nods, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. sukuna’s crew mostly pushed petty crime and even pettier drugs—suguru’s bunch could elevate their product and offer more riches for the notoriously greedy ‘cursed king’ ryomen sukuna. 
toji snorts a little, amused by his arrogance. “let’s hope so.” he nods, checking the rearview and windows before they fall into silence. 
the ride is smooth due to the expensive tires and ijichi’s careful nature, leaving geto plenty of peace and quiet to brainstorm all of the ways this could go down. he’s doing a genuine good for japan–sure, he has to break a few laws to do it, but the people of tokyo—well, his half anyway—are prospering. he hopes that even the arrogant man that ryomen is can see what banding together would do for them both. then, it could be just a matter of time before he can branch out into the rest of japan. 
there’s that word again. hope. he feels silly each time he catches himself using it. it’s akin to faith to him. something ideal in entirety, hardly true to the touch. he only believes in what he can see–things like optimism and god are lost on him, they are only fantasies. 
“ijichi! watch the right side—” toji commands gruffly, sitting up straighter in his seat to get a better look. suguru is grounded with a shot of adrenaline, leaning over to peer at the black suv hot on their tails. this highway is busy—civilians in their own cars without a clue in the world littered all over the roads at various speeds. it could be nothing–except geto knows better than to hope that the tinted windows on the car were meant to block out the sun instead of concealing identities. the large suv switches into the left lane, speeding up to catch them. “idiot! step on it!” he calls, and suguru draws one of his guns to be prepared ahead of time, a lesson he learned from the man sitting to his right. 
“is it one of sukuna’s?” he asks aloud, cocking his .45 as the first shots ring out from the vehicle beside them. they bounce right off his armored car, but one knicks the tire. geto curses under his breath, cracking the window enough to pop off a few returning shots of his own. the cadillac is impenetrable too–though he had hoped to flatten one of their tires in return or even get one under the hood. 
ijichi starts to lose control on the vehicle as the tire blows—just the metal rim scraping against the concrete with a deafening hiss. the bronco starts to fishtail, the car beside them only furthering the inevitable by nudging the rear quarter panel into the median ahead. “i’m losing it! we’re gonna flip!” ijichi cries out in panic, prompting suguru’s eyes to widen. 
there’s a loud crunch of metal on concrete before they’re airborne. geto feels a sense of finality wash over him as they turn, his seatbelt the only thing keeping him from breaking his neck. there’s another gross sounding scrape of the driver’s side scraping on the road briefly before they rotate again—heartbeat erratic. this is it. all of his hard work would end in a fiery car accident. he can’t even feel it as his head bounces off the window, only thinking about how satoru was right. he should have appreciated his friend more—he’s probably the only person who will mourn him when he’s gone. the roof caves in when they fall onto it this time, shrapnel scratching his face and making him realize they had stopped. they’re on their back–he’s hanging upside down, but he’s alive. he can smell oil and gas and the inevitable smell of fire, so his numb fingers fumble for the seatbelt’s release button. the car alarms are going off—and he knows if he doesn’t get out soon, the relief of being alive won’t even have time to sink in before it’s ripped away again. he looks around the car—toji’s door ripped off in the accident and his body nowhere to be seen. 
“goddammit–” he growls, clicking the button on his seatbelt over and over, unable to get free. there’s a million alarms going off—the car’s sensors, the airbags, the bitter hum of gunshots ringing in his ears still, maybe even faint police sirens heading this way. none as loud as the one in his head telling him that he had to get out soon–fighting until the button finally releases him and he lands with a thud on the sunroof portion of the now mangled bronco. he crawls toward the only exit, toji’s exit, grimacing at the sickening sound of crunching glass digging into his side as he drags himself through it. he thought dying would be more peaceful—that he would be ready for it, even if he hadn’t finished his work yet. in this business, there is no tomorrow, yet he found himself fighting for one. this wouldn’t be the end of him, some sort of voice in the back of his head told him so. it wasn’t his own, in fact he didn’t recognize it—but it made him take the pain and push forward, out of the car and onto the street beside. 
the sunset would be prettier under better circumstances, but he’s grateful to see it irregardless. his head hurts, and he can’t look around as fast as he wants to without getting dizzy, that ringing deafening his senses. he sees the cadillac–still on the scene– with a group of men huddled outside of it talking. 
he sputters out a cough, clearing his lungs of some of the debris he’s inhaled. it catches their attention—and all geto can process is a pair of dark boots stomping over rubber scraps and glass shards until they’re inches from his face and the legs attached are squatting down to get a better look at him. 
“eh, shoulda known you’d survive it if i did.” he grumbles, a voice so unmistakable suguru’s blood stills in his veins. the sole of the man’s boot shoves into suguru’s shoulder, kicking him to his back. “you trust too much kid. why would sukuna negotiate when he could just take from you instead? shame. you coulda been great.” he says, fumbling behind his back for a 9mm piece, the sobering click of the safety and familiar cock of the gun clearing out all the other noises. geto’s too devastated to speak—though he knows there’s nothing he could say. he lived through the accident just to die with the truth: his mentor betrayed him. 
getting shot doesn’t feel like you think it does. it’s white hot and instant, a blistering intensity that tells you you're dying. suguru’s hand flies to cover the damage to his chest, eyes wide in disbelief still. he must have already died and gone to hell. he can’t hear anything now but the ringing of the gun and toji’s sigh. 
“meh–just to be sure.” toji yawns, scratching his head with the barrel before turning it back to suguru’s chest. 
it hurts to breathe, but he has to gasp for air either way—bleeding out on the pavement below. the ringing in his ears is replaced by tires spinning out—signifying that the rival crew had left before the cops could arrive. suguru holds his crimson soaked hand up above his face, clenching his jaw. the pain was hitting him in waves, the clawing feeling of glass embedded in his skin mixed with the burn of being shot, the inability to take a deep breath and his growing weakness, he really was dying this time. 
that voice again. he’s annoyed by it, but intrigued. why? why not give up? he asks himself, coughing despite the excruciating pain it puts him in and the wetness that seeps out of his mouth—something even he knows is blood. 
there’s so much life to live. fight. revenge, love. there’s more for you. 
he stares up at the pale outline of the moon hanging in the sky, growing brighter as the sky darkened. revenge. that was something he’d like to see. he didn’t know about the rest of it–but was confused by this…guardian angel of his. is this god? he was a born sinner—far away from anything holy. this must be an imagination of his—yet it was motivating enough to get him to move again. they wrecked just outside of harajuku. he knew of a dive bar under his business portfolio that he could try to get to–he could hang on until satoru found him and got him to the hospital, though that was a whole new set of problems. he had to get moving, the ringing of sirens getting closer by the second. 
his vision is blackening and he doesn’t even know how close he is to the bar. his breathing is ragged, everything screaming and aching, body telling him to give up but that voice urging him to keep going. night has settled in fully by now, and he’s thankful for that cover. this area of town is avoided by anyone with good intentions, hence its emptiness at this hour. it couldn’t be too late, 8 pm at the latest, but the only traffic moving through this district are giggly college students and no good drug pushers meeting up with customers in the dark. but it’s reassuring to him, it means he’s getting closer. that’s when the reminiscing hits him. he’s able to see some bright flashing lights—a telltale sign that the bar was just ahead. the shelter of the alleyway gives him some reprieve. maybe if he stops just stopped for a second to catch his breath he’d be able to get to his feet and walk inside, or just getting a phone call in would be enough to save him. he thinks about satoru, how he’d come running as soon as he picked up the phone all while cursing him out for not listening to his warnings sooner. he feels embarrassed that the only person he has to think about is his sarcastic best friend, left to wonder if things would be better or worse if he had a family to think about instead. the last thing he thinks about is that mysterious voice calling out to him to stay awake—but his body is done fighting. all is black. 
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what better way to end the worst day of your life than getting shitty at the shittiest bar in town? there were probably lots of better options, like conserving your money since you didn’t know where your next source of income would stream from—but that was tomorrow’s problem. tonight’s problem was drinking your sorrows away next to the attractive man buying all your drinks. he was tall and his hair was spiky to look at but you knew it would be soft to the touch–or maybe that’s the vodka talking. his smile was more akin to a smirk rather than a genuine grin. he was trouble. but trouble was buying, so you’d keep batting you lashes and whining about your sorrows so the shots kept coming. the top-shelf vodka the man offers each time is working to its desired effect, numbing the ache in your heart and the bickering thoughts in your brain. it almost cloaks the mildew scent in the air—rose-colored glasses making the nasty blue carpet and hideous wood paneled walls of the bar look like a dream come true. you finally feel light. you almost forget about the man eyeing you like a predator in wait to your left, consciousness floating high in the clouds. 
you used to hate drinking. as a surgeon, you need a clear mind at all times. who knew when you’d be called in for an emergency case. well, needed. plus, you’ve always been an angry drunk, overly emotional and yelling constantly. it wasn’t a pleasant sight. not to mention the hangovers, ugh—your long-term psyche had always beaten out the short-term pleasure, but tonight you owed it to yourself to feel as bas as possible tomorrow. that’s why the clouds clear—your light-hearted joy short-lived as the bartender slides you another shot before muttering. 
“that’s your last one, doctor.” he tilts his head down, used to serving your fellow surgeon friends when you did have a well-timed night off, though he’s never seen you drunk as the most responsible member of your group, you were always designated driver. not anymore, you’d be lucky to get a text back from any of them now that you were disbarred. maybe that’s what actually makes you mad instead of being cut off. it’s the realization of all the things you’ve really lost–-including the right to drown your sorrows out with a swollen liver. 
“what the fuck?? and i know ya heard me talkin’...not a doctor anymore!! so let me have my vodka, i deserve it!” you whine, stretching your upper body over the scratched and chipped wooden bar keeping you from jumping across at his dumb stupid fat neck—
“no can do, miss. you’re over served as is, ‘s my job on the line.” he shakes his head, eyeing the man next to you to get you under control, assuming he knew you better than a few hours of tipsy talking. you scoff at his insinuations–both that you’re too drunk to handle yourself and that this wallet has any sway over your motor-mouth. 
“don’t look at him—fucking look at me! i’ll kick your goddamn ass, you know that?” you’re fuming. this is the proverbial straw that broke the hypothetical camel’s back. after the day you’ve had, you’re surprised it took this much to get you this rowdy. how much was one person meant to take anyways? venting out your anger would help you plenty, you think to yourself as you lift your knee up, prepared to crawl over that wooden plank saving that man’s life. 
“security!! come get ‘er. she’s wasted.” he scoffs, taking your shot away and making your blood boil even more. “they’ll get an uber for ya. take it easy, doc.” he shakes his head, making you feel remarkably judged all of a sudden, every eye in the place was on you as a guard even bigger than the man next to you drags you off the bar as carefully as he can. you don’t make it easy, kicking and screaming out despite the burning sensation in your cheeks.
“you’re scared of a girl? that’s fucking embarrassing!” you bellow to cloak your own, getting tossed on your feet gently— outside of the dingy building. 
“come on, little lady. let’s get you a ride home.” the security guard says, another one of them making their way outside as some sort of backup–like you were some genuine threat. you scoff, folding your arms. 
“fuck off—don’t need your shitty help, i’ll get home on my own!” you kick his shin, throwing your hair over your shoulder before marching off into the dead of night. 
in one of the worst parts of town. 
the cold shocks you awake, the fear putting you on edge and pushing back the drunkenness that fought so hard to claim you. every rustle of the bushes, each twig snapping has your head on a swivel. you just need to make it to your car, though it was daytime when you foolishly parked it a few doors down to avoid the traffic of drunk people leaving later in the evening. you’ve already made half the distance, the connecting alleyway just up ahead. 
you don’t make it two hundred feet before everything hits you again—and you’re bawling at your own stupidity. you should have made time to pick up your pills. you wouldn’t have to be worried about being kidnapped or murdered in the middle of the night if you had just taken your medicine. your life if over—and you couldn’t blame anyone but yourself. you’re a mess. you’re nearly gasping for breath already—the dark alley mocks you with long shadows reflecting from the moon and stray cats that hop out of the dumpster just to make you fear the worst. you wipe at your cheeks, desperately sniffling to try to regain your senses, eyes aching from the downpour. you’re constantly looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re not being followed, entirely too focused on what’s behind you to notice the log in front of you—you’re sent flying over it and towards the pavement. luckily you take the impact on your shoulder, nothing more than a shocked, “ow–” leaving your lips before you realize you’re not hurt at all thanks to your coat absorbing the brunt of it.
it’s just another strike of your famous luck then, something annoying enough to inconvenience you on a day chock full of them, but not enough to take you down. you push to your hands and knees, looking back towards the offending log—only to realize it’s breathing and has long dark hair strewn about its head. you gasp–the fog muddying up your senses clearing instantly at the realization that this was no log, but some severely injured man! you can hear his struggling breaths, springing into action immediately. it’s nearly second nature to you as you push his hair out of his face and away from his neck. it’s much too dark for you to make out specifics–but his chin shines with something you can only imagine is blood, the same wet liquid pooling in front of his torso, the man laying on his side in an almost fetal position.  
“sir–can you hear me?” you try, placing your fingers where his heartbeat should be. it’s weak and much too slow, but it’s there. you can save him. “sir what happened to you? what’s your name?” you ask loudly, trying to get him to wake up. you groan when he doesn’t respond, blindly fumbling around for the wounds. your heart is racing, any slowness from the alcohol was killed by the adrenaline consuming you now. you gasp out again when you feel glass shards and bullet holes, a good fifteen minutes away from home even if you step on it. you’re not sure if this man has fifteen minutes left in him—the reasonable part of your brain telling you to call the emergency line to get him helped. though, they’d take just as long to show up despite how serious his wounds are. “you’re gonna have to help me a little, big guy.” you groan even louder, trying to put him on his back. it would jostle him less and was the only shot you had at getting a man of his size back to your vehicle on your own. 
you swear you hear him chuckle, but perhaps you were still a bit tipsy. you grab his hands, trying to be careful of the one riddled with glass, situating them in your own at the best leverage point. you’re strong—you can do this. you need to feel useful again–and this man needs to be saved. he’s so heavy, nothing but dead weight as you tug him along behind you. you have to bend a little and pray that your legs can make it to your car, just a final push to get to safety. 
you’re grateful when you see your mom-mobile waiting for you. this was your ambulance, and you were running out of time and the strength to keep pulling, gnawing nervously on your lip. what if he died anyway? what if you couldn’t save him at all, and were only chasing highs you’d never feel again? 
no. you’re skilled. if you couldn’t save this man then… the truth was that no one could. so determination overrides your anxiety for the time being, and you pop the trunk of your sporty suv, looking down at the man with a heart sigh. “okay–i can do it. what are ya, 200, 220?” you muse, squatting down and fixing him over your shoulders as best you could—a fireman’s carry of sorts. your hips and thighs should support you more than your exhausted arms, so you heave up with a strangled grunt. you throw him in a little harder than intended, grimacing. “sorry!” you huff, circling to your driver’s side. at least he’s in, even if your arms are jello and you know you’ll have to get him in the house somehow. you aren’t even thinking about how his blood will stain your tan interior—the rush of saving a life quieting any background noise in your mind. “you gotta hang in there. hang in there, please.” you mumble, weaving through traffic. 
you back up as close to your garage as possible, trying to think ahead for anything that could make this easier on yourself. you throw the car in park, hurrying to get him out of the back. he’s running out of time, and a surgical god you may be–but there’s only so many miracles you can call in. you get him in the same hold from earlier yet you let his feet touch the ground, muscles burning at the exercise. you have to breathe in short bursts, crushed by his heaviness, adrenaline helping you accomplish something you normally wouldn’t be capable of. you stumble with him, still half dragging him. it’s a battle you’re worried you might lose, but you get him on your dining room table, splayed out like a gurney. then you’re prepping your OR, getting the lights on, all the tools and dressings you would need, and most importantly—scrubbing in. infection would kill him if you weren’t careful now. 
“you stumbled into the right hands, mister. or well…i guess i stumbled over you–but you get the point.” you roll your eyes at yourself and glove up, stretching the vinyl over your fingers and flexing them, all part of your pre-op routine. you get your first good look at him then. he’s terribly hurt, it really is even worse than you thought. bullet holes and all this blunt trauma–he must have endured something horrific. but beneath all the bruising marring his olive skin, you can tell that he’s a beautiful man. his inky hair gleams under your bright dining room lights, somehow looking silky despite the tangles bunched up throughout the mane. you sigh, turning your attention to the blood soaked shirt he had on–two perfectly round entrance piercing his front, but no exit wounds. in his case, it was probably saving his life, those bullets possibly lodged in important arteries—scary, but better than bleeding out. he’s already lost quite a bit of blood–and it’s not like you have any history on him to know what type he is. there’s no time to worry about tests–you’d have to get your emergency stash of o negative. it was universal–your own blood that you kept on hand in case of the worst. it looks like this is it. you flawlessly install the iv, watching the slow stream shoot through the clear iv catheter and into his body. it helps with his paleness after a few minutes, and you smile in relief. this was a good sign. you rip his shirt with the last remaining strength you’ve got left, buttons flying to expose extremely bruised ribs and those gaping bullet wounds. “this isn’t gonna feel great, i’m sorry.” you grab your cheap bottle of house vodka, taking another shot from it to steady your nerves before pouring a decent amount over his chest. “i have to get in here—i’m happy you can’t feel it–now, anyway.” you take a deep breath and reach for your scalpel. you decide to perform a sternotomy—cutting between his breast plate to the web of arteries beneath. “i can see the bullets. you’re gonna make it.” you whisper, more encouragement for yourself than for him. your retractors keep his chest open for you wide enough for you to get your forceps in, aiming to pull out a bullet out of a vein close to his heart. “it missed the aorta. you’re actually really lucky.” you chuckle humorlessly.
you wedge your forceps in and take a deep breath. it’s not the aorta, but it will spew blood anyway. “not my preferred method of grafting—no catheters here but. i gotta fix it somehow.” you growl a little in annoyance. you have to squint and move slowly, but you’re able to repair the first leak with a shifty little graft. you’re onto the next one, dropping the offending metal into a bowl—complete with a little clink. “we’ll get you to the hospital just to check my work, yeah?” you sigh, hoping that this would be good enough to save his life. your hands steady over the second bullet, and you repeat the same motions as before. you’re relieved at the sight of his heart literally beating underneath your working hands, knowing that he’s still fighting for his life. you remove the second one and get out of his body—sewing up his chest, letting the blood bag refill his own supply until the bag is drained. you push some saline to clean out the line before hanging a bag of morphine, the pain this mystery man would wake up to would be excruciating. 
once you’re done with the intense life-saving measures, you sit in a chair to pluck the glass from his skin and apply ointments to the road rash on his face and arms. it takes another hour or so of work, but you don’t mind. it’s strangely relaxing to feel like you’re doing your job, and it’s so rewarding when you check his pulse every ten minutes to find it getting stronger and stronger. you hate that you hadn’t invested in a stat monitor, having to check his blood pressure the old fashioned way, but that looked like it was perking up too. you grin, proud of yourself. losing your license didn’t mean you lost your touch. you decide to get the glass and rubble out of his hair, pulling it back away from his face for a second time tonight. you take another lengthy look at the man you’ve saved, still grimacing at the ugly bruises and scrapes when something else catches your eye. the man had several tattoos that seemed unremarkable at first, different dark lines tangling into patterns you didn’t recognize. but the dragon creeping from his collarbone to peek over the collar of his shirt—it’s a yakuza trademark. this man wasn’t a poor soul caught up in a tragic accident—this was a dangerous man. you just saved the life of a war-monger, countless lives ended due to his line of work. part of you wants to open his chest back up and make your grafts fail—but the other part of you wants to feel the success course through your veins when he wakes up. besides, what makes a surgeon and what makes a gang lackey? is it a good childhood? morals? options? who’s to say this man had killed anyone? god knows you wouldn’t want to be judged based off of a few sneak peeks. you sigh, piddling off to your room to get him some new clothes. 
it’s invasive, changing a stranger. but you’re at fifth base already right? saving his life gave you a get out of jail free card, even if he was in the most dangerous crime syndicate in japan. you get his matted jeans off, making yourself look up at the ceiling in modesty and respect. you shimmy the plaid pajama pants up his body–thankful that your ex never came back for his stuff. you decide against wrestling a shirt around all the bandages on his arms and chest—knowing you could hurt him just as much as you’ve helped. you decide to try your luck one last time, pushing your table the short distance to your living room to let him rest on something more comfortable than the cold marble slab. it’s an easy shove to get him onto the couch, and you finally take a deep breath and sigh it all out. success is sweet–surgery is exhausting. you pull a little blanket over him, setting hourly alarms to check on your patient until he wakes. 
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he wakes up to the smell of something cooking. the light pouring in from the curtain makes him squint–definitely a sharp adjustment from the darkness that consumed him before. he hears a woman humming a few rooms away, only furthering his confusion. he didn’t die? but how…he didn’t call anyone, and he knows no one in that area would willingly bring the sirens in to help him–and where exactly was he? all of these things hit him at once, but nothing harder than the deep ache in his bones. he couldn’t describe it, something so sharp and throbbing he could hardly get his body to obey his mind’s orders to move. 
sitting up is pure hell. every red flag and stop sign goes off, making him grunt in agony. but he knows he has to get going–get out of whatever trap he’s got himself into. he doesn’t recognize the room–for all he knows, sukuna’s men followed him and have him here to torture. 
but that woman’s voice, he knows it. that doesn’t mean this isn’t a trap still. the humming stops, and footsteps pad closer until a bright face pokes into the room, an ‘o’ shape forming on her face before she enters–complete with a plate of food. 
“you’re awake–” you gasp in surprise. you had just come to do your rounds, deciding that eating with him would help you better watch out. you weren’t expecting him to already be up and at ‘em, he must be very strong. though you still notice how rigid he’s holding himself. “you really should lie down, you…” he cranes his sore neck, flashing you a glimpse of that black ink. you suddenly remember just how dangerous he is, and he looks like a dog backed into a corner, narrow black eyes sizing you up—distrust all over his feline features. 
“who do you work for?” he tilts his head to one side, and your brows furrow in confusion, oh–he was worried you worked for a rival. you shake your head, eager to defend yourself. 
“n-no one, no one right now!” you blurt out, anxiously shifting your weight foot to foot. you look down at the breakfast in your hands, holding it out for him to take instead. “here! eat, as a sign of my goodwill.” 
he analyzes the plate, then looks back up at you–peacocking his shoulders back and hissing at the pain the stretch brought him. now you know just how weak he is—and he can’t make another target out of himself. “i hope you know i will have you killed if you’re lying.” 
despite the way his glare makes your skin crawl and the hair at the base of your neck stand up, you can’t help but laugh at that. “i wouldn’t lie. i saved your life, why would i waste my time?” you shove the plate out further, basically putting it in his hands–one still heavily bandaged from dragging himself through the wreckage. 
he takes the plate from you. if he’s shocked by that, he doesn’t show it. he only watches you as he eats your food, grunting in pain every so often. you took the iv out while he slept, not sure how he’d react when he woke up to wires. “i uh…i have medicine…for the pain.” 
“who are you?” he returns without a second passing. he takes another reluctant bite of food, stomach growling in thanks. 
you tell him your name, stealing a few glances at the heavy furrow of his brow. “you were badly hurt. i am a doctor..so i helped repair what i could. you should recover. i imagine you need to lay low?” you ask with a raised brow, betraying your intellect. he knows you must have some idea of who he is. “you can stay here as long as you need. you might want to shower–but you’ll…probably need some help.” 
his expression shifts before your very eyes. his clenched jaw and steel brow relaxes into a soft look of…gratitude? truthfully, he was baffled. a doctor stumbled upon him, realized that he’s a criminal, saved him anyway—and now offers her home? he almost worries about how naive you really must be—but he owes you a debt he can never repay. you have given him a second chance—made revenge possible when he had given up completely. “thank you, little ebi. i will take up your gracious offer.” he nods, smiling kindly. 
you smile, heart going awol inside your chest. it was the right thing to do, he was injured and needed to be cared for. you’re a doctor who suddenly has a lot of time on her hands. it means nothing–but that you still have empathy left in you. you know you’re close to shaking, but you turn to leave before it can show. “i’ll grab you a change of clothes. don’t move too much until i get back.” you hum, and he hums in acknowledgement. 
he’s rather polite for a yakuza, his refined calmness even in the most dire of situations rubs off on you easily—you hold your head high as you pilfer through the tote of clothes your ex left behind, trying to find something for the big scary man in the living room. you finally decide on a plain black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. you even nab some of those painkillers you offered earlier, hoping to ease that stiffness he carries himself with to mask his suffering. 
but when you get back to the living room the only thing waiting for you is the empty breakfast plate and a few hundred dollar bills—your curtains blowing in the harsh wind. your heart sinks for an unknown reason, and you tell yourself it’s because your patient wasn’t dressed for the cold.
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iced-nct · 11 months
Greedy NJM
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Pairing: CFO Na Jaemin x F Reader Word Count: 4.5k Warnings: Suggestive, occasional swear, jealous Jaemin Synopsis: Jaemin knew the second you walked into his office to interview for a sales role that he needed to hire you. Incredibly well spoken and driven, you reminded him a lot of himself in some ways. Except he didn’t want you for a sales position. Oh no. He wanted you as his personal assistant. Promptly after meeting with you, he let go of his current assistant to hire you for it instead. If Jaemin is going to be stuck at his desk for ten hours a day, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t have a pretty thing to stare at just outside his door. Maybe you’ll be able to tame the infamous office playboy. 
a/n: just casually dipping in to drop a 4.5k Jaemin Apply Within fic that I have been working on for like years lmfao. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! I promise I'm going to be more active with my fics again!!!
Jaemin’s secretary blinked slowly at him, as if to process what she had just heard. “You are… firing me? Did I do something?” 
“No, I just needed a change of scenery! And I’m not firing you, I am just relocating you to a different department” He chirped in response, his voice cheerful though his eyes were dark and expression firm.
Jaemin turned his back to her to head into his corner office, “oh. One more thing.” He turned, one palm pressed firmly against the door frame as he leaned back. “I need all your things moved by tonight. My new secretary starts tomorrow morning” He winked before slamming his door closed.
Today could not have been off to a worse start. First there was the hole in your favorite pair of stockings, then your coffee machine decided to have a meltdown, and finally you had missed the bus that would allow you extra time to grab coffee on the way to the office. As far as first day’s go, this was not your best. Having to settle for a pair of plain sheer black tights to wear under your skirt and ordering a taxi, knowing full well the extra money was well worth having time to grab a cup of coffee. You hurried out the door, laptop bag and purse in hand, just hoping as you hustled into the back of the cab that the day wouldn’t get any worse.
The line at the coffee shop was surprisingly not horrendous, it only took about 10 minutes before you were holding your iced coffee and making your way through the entrance to Neo Dream. Jaemin’s office was on the 20th floor, you remembered this from your interview. As you moved to get off on your floor a solid chest made contact with your cup, spilling coffee all down the front of yourself and the stark white dress shirt in front of you. 
“I am so sorry! I was in such a rush, I should have paid better attention” You rambled, hoping that this stranger wouldn’t chew you out for such an accident.
“Miss Y/n?” You looked up to see Jaemin smiling down at you. “First day jitters?” He asked, a playful tone in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed with heat, “I am very sorry Mr. Na. I will clean this up right away” 
“Don’t bother, I will call the janitorial staff to clean up. We should get started with your tour, after we get changed” He tilted his head, indicating for you to follow.
The view from Jaemin’s office was stunning to say the least, the sun was almost up now but you could imagine the sunrises and sunsets that could be viewed from these windows.
“Yes, the view is lovely isn’t it?” You turned to find Jaemin, a sliver of his chest just barely exposed to you as he buttoned up a black dress shirt. “I apologize, I seem to have run out of women’s blouses, but I do have a knit sweater that may work” he jested while handing you a gray wool sweater. 
It was clearly men’s, but this would have to make do for today. Just as you were about to slip the sweater on over your stained blouse a hand stopped you. 
“If we don’t send these off to the drycleaners, the stain will set and ruin your shirt. I can’t have that, and I don’t want you to either. Just wear the sweater and I’ll send your shirt off with mine” His smile was charming, almost knee weakening. 
“Oh okay… but is there somewhere else for me to change?” Your head tilted in question.
Jaemin’s eyes widened with realization “Yes, oh gosh I’m sorry, I will turn around. You let me know when you’re decent”
You turned your back to him and began unbuttoning the shirt. Unbeknownst to you, Jaemin could make out the reflection of your chest in the window beside him. Not much could be seen, but the way the black lace of your bra held you had him wishing you allowed him to watch. Just as Jaemin’s dress pants started to get a little too tight for his liking, you cleared your throat, snapping him back from his thoughts.
“Thank you for the sweater! What should I get started with today?” You asked, whilst handing over your stained shirt. 
“You can get started on unpacking your desk and setting yourself up. I have some afternoon meetings that I will be in today, so I doubt we will see eachother very much. Just answer the phone if it rings and book in meetings for this week” You nodded at the instructions and headed out, closing the door behind you.
You paused to lean on it, breathing slowly as the picture of that small sliver of Jaemin’s defined chest floated around in your head. In the office behind you, your boss sat down at his desk, taking all the effort in the world to not call you back in to help him deal with the situation beneath his desk right now.
Days had turned into weeks, and though nothing of note had happened after that first eventful morning. You had settled in wonderfully, making friends with people on the finance floor, accompanying Jaemin to the occasional meeting to take notes for him when he didn’t feel like it, and canceling meetings he had with Mark just because it was funny to watch them squabble. There was lots of extra chatter throughout the office as everyone buzzed with excitement for the first annual company gala. A newer finance colleague had asked you to the gala a few days ago, and you had gladly accepted, assuming that it was a friendly gesture from one newbie to another. Excitement filled your chest as you thought about how much fun it would be to attend this company gala. The excitement was cut short however, when the door to Jaemin’s office swung open. Your boss stood there staring daggers at you, dread rushed in as you mentally went through every file you placed on his desk today, every meeting you had booked. What could you have possibly done wrong?
“Y/n. Come in here please.” Jaemin’s voice was deadly cold as he strode back towards his desk.
You slinked in, he gestured for you to close the door. “Did I do something wrong?” You asked, hesitating to turn around to face him.
“Have a seat, we’ll talk about it” He nodded to the chair in front of his desk for you to sit.
Despite sitting, the load on your shoulders felt ten times heavier under Jaemin’s stare. He slid a small pink envelope across the desk to you, your name scrawled in ink on the front. 
“What is this?” He tapped the envelope with his middle finger.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t seen that before” You answered, and truthfully you hadn’t seen it before.
“It was in the files you brought me this morning, just tucked between some reports. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and found out my trusted secretary is having an office romance with one of my junior finance employees” the smile that hung on Jaemin’s lips did not reach his eyes. 
Your eyes widened “office romance? No no you’ve misunderstood. He just asked me to the gala last week, that's all. I have no idea what the letter is and I- wait. You opened it?” 
The smile faded as he processed your words. Oh Jaemin would not have his secretary on the arm of anyone other than him, and he would make sure of that. Despite the other women around the office, who Jaemin had been making his way through, you managed to get under his skin in all the right ways.
“Sorry, I thought you knew” He started, propping his head up on his hands “secretaries are required to escort their managers to the gala. Mark’s rules” Jaemin grinned lazily.
“Oh! So I’ll still be working, right?” you thought about all the extra things you would need to prepare in this case, starting with a much bigger clutch to keep all Jaemin’s business cards in.
Jaemin smirked, “That’s correct Y/n. You have to be by my side all night. Make sure you let me know the color of your dress so I can plan my tie accordingly”
You nodded, your boss’ phone began to ring echoing throughout his large office. “I’ll bring you a swatch tomorrow morning” You spoke softly as you stood to leave the room.
Jaemin only nodded in response before picking up the phone “Mark!! How goes it over in-” His sentence cut off as the door shut behind you.
“What an odd day” you pondered while sifting through the hundreds of emails in your inbox. Mark had taken the liberty to have Haechan set up all Jaemin’s emails to duplicate so you had copies of important things as well. Unfortunately this also meant you got to see all the emails that lovestruck employees sent him without knowing you could see the confessions as well. After deleting what must have been the 20th email love note, you came across a thread that caught your eye. The email was from another female employee, detailing things she and Jaemin had done the previous night. From the sounds of it, you weren’t the only one engaging in an alleged “office romance”. There were quite a few more like that email, all talking about how they loved it when Jaemin did that “thing”. You weren’t sure what the “thing” was, but from the way he had these ladies begging for him via email correspondence you couldn’t help but be curious. It didn’t help that some had described certain acts in such detail, it was only natural that your head drifted away from work causing you to think about Jaemin’s head between your-
The thought was cut short by a loud thud from the elevator. Upon inspection you could see the finance junior who asked you to the gala had dropped a box of their belongings on the floor. The security guard who was with them helped gather their belongings back into the supply box before giving them a reassuring pat on the shoulder. You thought about going over to ask what happened, but a ping from your inbox beat you to it. ‘I WAS WRONGLY FIRED BY NA JAEMIN” was the subject line, there was no body to the email. Just that one subject line that left chills down your spine. You glanced to your boss’ door then back to your computer screen, the email was sent to everyone on the finance floor. It wasn’t long before chatter began amongst your colleagues on the floor. Everyone was curious to know about their former colleague scorned, making incredibly obvious passes by the now barren desk that once housed the junior finance employee. Jaemin seemed unbothered by the office bustle, opting to send you a teams chat asking for you to accompany him out of the office for his suit fitting for the gala. 
The interior of the store was full of mannequins decked out in name brand clothing that had your bank account near tears. Though you were only here to keep an eye on Jaemin’s emails and schedule for the day, he kept asking for your input on the suits he chose. The swatch you had at home would have to wait for another day, though he assured you it would be no hassle to have a tie ordered into the office in the correct color. 
“Well? Does this make me seem intimidating enough?” He turned his head over his shoulder to ask you. 
There was simply no denying the fact that Jaemin WORE the clothes, they did not wear him. He looked stunning in everything, so much so that you kept catching your mind slipping off to imagine the things he could do in the dressing room. Your eyes must’ve lingered for too long without speaking, as Jaemin chuffed a laugh. 
“I’m so sorry, yes it looks great!” you smile warmly at him, just as another ping comes through on his work phone. An email from Mark asking about the firing of the finance colleague and why he is now receiving multiple emails from the distressed former employee.
Jaemin cocks his head, one brow raised in question “Something the matter?”
You lock the phone quickly and look up at where he stands on the pedestal for his fitting. “Just Mark asking about an employee who was fired earlier, apparently he is now receiving emails stating that he was wrongfully terminated.” You stare, waiting for a reaction from him that never comes. 
“Ah yes, he was fraternizing with other employees. Can’t have my department become a cesspool now, can I?” His answer is cold as ice, his face revealing no indication of what he is thinking.
You can’t help but laugh at his reference, as if he hadn’t been sleeping with multiple employees from different departments. “What seems to be so funny, Y/n?” 
“Oh, nothing. Just your cesspool reference was funny” You roll your eyes, not expecting him to continue prodding. But he does just that.
“And why, pray tell, is it funny? Is my finance department a joke to you?” His eyes narrow, the shop steward who was pinning the suit even stops momentarily to give you a glance.
You need a moment to collect your thoughts. To try and decide just where you should begin with this. “You know Haechan set up my email so that I get duplicates of all the emails sent to you, right?” 
Jaemin nods thoughtfully, before his eyes widen in realization. “You get all my emails?” 
You bob your head “every single one of them. Mark insisted it was set up that way so you can never say you just missed a meeting invite in your swaths of emails.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes closed in frustration. “Y/n, what have you been seeing?” his foot tapping against the stained wood of the pedestal.
“Just the usual. Multiple emails from Mark about meetings, Renjun sending gala updates, Haechan providing timelines for software updates, Jeno sending memes that he has made instead of marketing campaigns, Jisung sending you meeting schedules with investors for the week, Chenle sending selfies mostly.” You shrug, pleased with your answer. 
“That’s it? Nothing else?” His tone is tense and his eyes are fixed on you, gluing you to the spot on the bench.
“Finance employees sending you updated reports too. Oh! And just the casual love confession, or excruciatingly detailed emails from your lovers” You smirk at him.
“I see.” Jaemin steps down, shooing the shop steward away as he strides towards you, “and tell me, Y/n. Do you read all of those excruciatingly detailed emails?” He leans down slightly, your faces mere inches apart.
You wet your lips, noticing Jaemin’s eyes flick down to your mouth before coming back up to meet your gaze. “Yes.”
He straightens back to his full height, now towering over where you sat. “Interesting indeed” he mutters before turning back to the shop employee to continue with his fitting.
The next morning you had a large iced americano sitting on the edge of your desk for your boss, along with the fabric swatch. It was odd, seldom did you beat Jaemin to the office. But today you felt extra jittery, especially after how hot his eyes had felt on you yesterday during his fitting. In fact, it was a shock that you managed to get a few hours of sleep. You had tossed and turned all night, thoughts of Jaemin taking you in the dressing room after your conversation had taken your mind hostage. A few times throughout the night you had awoken in a cold sweat, finally deciding to just get up at 5am instead of trying to get a few more hours of rest. That was how you ended up at your desk at 6:30, a large cup of tea clutched in your hands as you sifted through more meeting invites and emails. 
“Good morning Y/n. You’re awfully early.” Jaemin smiled warmly, a glint of something else shone in his eyes.
You gestured lazily to the cup of coffee on the edge of your desk “That’s for you, the swatch too”
His smile dropped as he stared at the coffee and the swatch “your dress is red?”
“Yes” you nodded before adding “I hope that’s alright”
“That will be just fine, I just so happen to have a tie that I think is the same color.” Jaemin fixed a tight smile before heading into his office and closing the door.
A few hours later a gorgeous intern from accounting came by, stopping at your desk “I have an appointment with Mr. Na” She smiled.
“Sure, just a moment” you returned her smile while getting up to knock on your boss’ door. 
“Send her in.” Jaemin said through the thick oak door before you could even let him know his one o’clock was here. 
She left an hour later, hair messier than it was when she arrived and her stockings had noticeable runs down both legs. All you could do was cock a brow as she breezed past with her blush stained cheeks. ‘I’m sure I’ll get an email about that later’ you thought, mentally rolling your eyes. Moments later your boss appeared at his door, fixing his tie nonchalantly. 
“Y/n, take the rest of the day off before the gala tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight, alright?” His voice was cold and detached, much like it had been at the store.
“Sure, thank you. I will see you then” It was no use putting up a fight. And it was certainly no use to ask him what had been on the tip of your tongue since yesterday. All you wanted was to know why that employee had been fired, and if their claim had any merit.
True to his word, Jaemin arrived at 7 on the dot. A swanky black car pulled up outside, the driver meeting you by the door for you to get in. After the door was shut you noticed Jaemin’s eyes fixated on you, suddenly the tight red dress you opted for felt all too revealing. 
He licked his lips slowly before speaking “I get the feeling there’s something you want to ask me, Y/n?”
“Why did you fire that employee that asked me out and gave me that letter?” You asked, Jaemin just stared at you in shock, clearly not expecting that to be the question.
“I- well. He had falsified a few reports so I was going to let him go anyway, but…” He trailed off, turning to look out the window instead of at you. “I thought you were going to ask about the escort from earlier” 
You nearly choked on your own breath “Escort? I thought she was from accounting!”
Jaemin hung his head in defeat “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I was never good at processing things. Instead of thinking though the issue I jumped straight to numbness, and I apologize” 
You simply could not believe your ears, you had figured that’s what was going on. But somehow it still took you by surprise. “Wait, why are you telling me all this?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“When I interviewed you for that sales role, I had such bad thoughts. I decided to tell you I needed an assistant instead. But I had one already. I fired her to give you the role. I just wanted that pretty little ass outside my office. I wanted to rub it in everyone’s faces that I had the hottest secretary. But then you got that letter, and I noticed you starting to get a little too much attention than I liked. And I didn’t expect to like you this much and-” He rambled on before stopping abruptly to look at you. 
Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to fall “two people lost their jobs because of me?” Your voice felt raw.
“Technically only one, the other guy was getting fired for fraud anyway. It was just a coincidence. And I didn’t fire my former secretary, I relocated her to another department. That was poor phrasing on my end” Jaemin reached for your hands, you foolishly let him hold on.
This was an enormous pill to swallow. “So let me get this straight.” You squeezed Jaemin’s hands. “You removed your secretary, hired me because you think I’m hot, got jealous when I was getting attention, forced me to be your date for this gala, and then hired an escort to take out your frustrations instead of just coming clean and talking to me?”
“That’s about it, yeah” Jaemin nodded enthusiastically.
“I quit.” You pulled your hands back to your lap.
Jaemin’s smile fell, his eyes showing the panic he was feeling. “No, no you can’t quit. Who’s going to read my emails to me and copy down all the meeting notes that I don’t feel like doing?”
You shrugged “I’m not sure, Jaemin. I just know it won’t be me.” 
The timing was lovely as the car had pulled up to the venue, the driver was already opening the door to help you out. Jaemin clutched your hand desperately. “Please, Y/n. Please just give me the night to make things right.”
You brushed him off “I will accompany you tonight, but tomorrow morning I will be packing my things. I’m sorry”
Jaemin led the way into the gala, his shoulders slumped in defeat. To anyone else, you were sure he looked angry, but you knew the truth. The first hour of the gala was spent greeting fellow colleagues and investors. You stopped to chat with Renjun, praising him for how incredible the party turned out, to which he agreed with a small smile and flushed cheeks. 
“He’s into the party planner he hired” Jaemin leaned down to whisper in your ear.
The sudden closeness took you by surprise, but you couldn’t help but slightly lean back into his chest. The countless champagne flutes did not help the situation, no matter how much you wanted to not be around Jaemin right now, your other desires had taken over. Jaemin’s hand was placed firmly on your hip, holding you in place. 
“I think it’s time we get you home sweetheart” He spoke softly, looking around to find the nearest exit.
You could only nod, agreeing that it was in fact time to head home. Jaemin kept his grip on your hip as he escorted you through the crowds of people, stopping only once to whisper something to Mark before continuing to the exit. Just as it had been when you arrived, Jaemin’s car and driver were stationed out front. The car door was already open for you two to get in, he helped you into the car and you slumped against him.
Sun had streamed in through the large windows of your bedroom bright and early. You cursed yourself for not remembering to shut the curtains before getting into bed last night. Wait, you didn’t have curtains, or the luxurious silk bedding, or a king sized bed. Realization hit you, Jaemin must’ve taken you home. But when you looked over to the other side of the bed you found it still untouched. You were thankfully still in your dress from last night.
After gathering up some courage and taking the Advil that was conveniently left on the nightstand you took off down the hallway of the apartment. On the couch you found your boss, drinking a cup of coffee while leisurely flipping through reports.
“Good morning sleepy girl” He cooed at you.
You squinted back at him “lest you not forget, I quit last night. And you upset me.”
“I recall. I also recall you chirping at me in the car that you wanted me to bring you here and ‘do the things from the emails’ to you” He chuckled, blush crept across your cheeks. 
“I am very sorry. I will head out now.” You started towards the door.
“Y/n. Wait.” Jaemin rose from his place on the sofa, his long strides reaching you quickly. “Now that it’s not a conflict of interest, I was wondering if you would allow me to take you on a date?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “A date? Jaemin, you only hired me because you thought I was hot! I’m so pissed off at you! I thought I had merit, I thought I was good at my job!” You were stopped short by Jaemin’s lips on yours.
The kiss seemed to have surprised you both. Both of you stood in shock, just staring at each other. 
“You are” His voice was soft.
“I am what?” Your brows furrowed.
“Good at your job. Mark requested we send you off to another department that needs a manager. I said no, because I need you to keep me organized. I have never made it to so many meetings!” He grinned at you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Could I move to a different department to be a manager?” Your head tilted in question.
Jaemin breathed a sigh of relief “Yes, you absolutely can. I can always bring back my old secretary in your place”
“Then I will.” You beamed happily.
“You will what? Move departments?” Jaemin’s hands squeezed your shoulders in anticipation.
“Well yes obviously.” you rolled your eyes. “But also, I’ll let you take me out.”
Jaemin pulled you into another kiss, this one much less abrupt than the last. His lips were soft against yours, and his hands worked their way down your body. Your fingers combed through his hair, stopping occasionally to tug slightly. 
“Oh we have to stop. I still think about your first day when you had to change in my office.” He confessed.
You smirked at him, “That’s alright. I think about it too.”
“I’ll have the driver take you home and I’ll pick you up tonight. Wear something red again. It looks stunning on you.” He kissed you one last time before sending you off.
The next week was a do over of your first day, but this time as a manager for partner relations. But instead of taking an Uber, you arrived with the CFO in his personal car. 
“I’ll see you after work sweetheart. Let me know if I need to fire anyone for you” Jaemin winked before placing a kiss on your lips before exiting the elevator onto the finance floor. 
“Ugh, you are so lucky” another employee in the office wined before exiting at the next stop.
The doors closed, leaving you alone in the elevator. The biggest grin plastered across your face as you thought aloud “Yeah, I am pretty lucky, aren’t I?”
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sakumz · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ i. shu x fem reader ]
a/n : um... I got a shit ton of editing and rewriting to do lmfao, like there's a few shots for bllk and there's still that pending mysta fic. ૮ ⚆ﻌ⚆ა
" sleepover... at a friend's house? " shu asked once more, hoping what he heard wasn't true.
" yeah. mom said I could go. I'll be leaving tonight, " his sister, motoko answers. rendering the poor man speechless.
" your friend isn't kitahara, right? " he questions, his eyes twitching slightly with what the younger man could do to his sister.
" n-no! it's a girl. her sibling goes to your school anyway. ah! if you're sooo concern, you could come with me. her sibling did say I can invite you... " without a second thought, he said yes.
the walk to your house wasn't as quiet. shu was asking his sister all sorts of questions to what or who you are. his sister doesn't know your name but describing your features wasn't helping them as shu can't recall anyone with said features.
" welcome! oh you really brought your brother along. I thought big sis was joking around when she said that, " shu wanted to scream, upon hearing your sister's words. you are a girl? motoko didn't specify earlier, he only came thinking this "sibling" was a guy and could take advantage of the situation.
" why are you making the guests wait out in the cold? drag them in! " hearing your voice calling from the brightly lit room, snapped him out of his little world.
motoko, being the angel she was, grabbed her brother wrist and dragged him along with her to the house.
" you're not gonna run away now, are you? " motoko whispers as shu gulps and shook his head, assuring her lightly that he won't.
as they got comfortable with your house after a little tour by your younger sister. everyone is seated in the living room by the table. motoko and your sister decided to do some light homework as you and shu sat quietly facing each other. you're on the phone as shu tries to distract himself by studying a little but he can't.
" you can't seriously be studying right, pfft seems a little uncharacteristic. " hearing you directly speak to him, made him jump.
" ne, motoko. let's go to my room! let's study there instead. " motoko agreed with your sister and they quickly pack up and go. leaving you and him alone.
" they say it's not safe to leave a man and a woman alone, you know. " you pout seeing them go.
" I won't do anything, I swear! also, where are your parents? how come, you don't mind me tagging along moto to your place? " he finally asks.
" oh that, parents are out on some sort of wedding anniversary thing overseas. I didn't really expect you to come, hahaha. I gotta tell toru and the others this. " snapping a sudden picture of the man, left him flustered a bit. looking at his face you double take a photo of him. one with his flush faced in.
" I can't believe you. you even know toru, yet I barely remember you besides being the council secretary. you don't hang around sengoku and remi- "
" I can't stand both of them, acting all lovey dovey especially remi! she won't stop running her mouth about dates and love around me. she tells me I should find love but well... its hard so I avoid them, toru and the others are ok to a certain level. hori and miyamura may be together but they're tolerable same with the other pair. "
hearing your outburst, left the man to think for abit before opening his mouth. he shouldn't put up an act and fake his happy bubbly personality infront of you especially right now since he's been quiet at the start.
" it's late and we should sleep, you can take the couch or you can sleep in my bedroom, I'll just take my parents room for the night. "
" oh I'll take the couch just fine, thanks. " just like that the sleepover was over in a blink of an eye.
" hey toru, wanna hit the cafe after school? " shu suggests as his dear friend agrees and they're there, ordering their meals before looking for a seat.
" ne, y/n y/n! you got your eyes set on anyone yet? you seem pretty happy today. " remi starts as you cough and place your drink down.
sakura pats your back as you thank her in between your fit of coughs. the boys decide to settle in the table behind yours, staying quiet as to listen in on the conversation. being your gaming buddy, toru is indeed very curious about the sudden tea remi was stirring.
" was it the sleepover? " sakura questions as remi looks slightly offended dropping her cookie.
" you had a sleepover and you didn't invite me? " she pouts, making you frown.
" it wasn't like that. it was between my sister and her friend... she invited her brother, that's all. "
hearing your words, shu blushes from the embarrassment of what you said as toru stops eating to fully focus on the conversation. remi and sakura are stunned but it doesn't stop them from prying further.
" h-h-her brother was at your house so it was just three girls and a guy? did he do anything, was he harsh- " sakura was interrupted by remis own questions.
" who's the guy? do you know him? " shu can't help but stand from his seat. the sudden noise of the chair screeching, left everyone quiet to look at the source.
" iura? " you called as the girls tilt their heads in confusion.
" he... iura was at your house? " remi clarifies as toru look at his friend that got up to throw his trash.
" yeah but not only that he's here too. that means... toru is here too. " hearing his name he can't help but turn to wave at you, he's been caught red handed. shu stops to greet you before moving back to his seat at toru.
" back to the topic at hand, " sakura brought the two of you back as the boys were still quietly listening.
" I don't even want to talk about it anymore, " you put your head on the table as sakura comforts you by rubbing your back.
" it's fine but I am still very curious, you must have caught some sort of feeling at this point, right? everytime he barges into some sort of space you're in, there's a slight smile that crawls to your face. you don't talk to him much, but hearing others talk is kinda enough for you to figure out what type of person he is. " remi sips her drink after her little statement.
" well maybe I do like y/n-san! " shu confesses as he turn around to look at your side, making the girls shock as well as toru and you.
" dude you're too loud. " toru whispers as shu was quick to cover his face.
toru could see your slightly red face from his seat, he wanted to laugh at how cute your love story was blooming. the girls couldn't help but be stunned with the confession. it wasn't towards them but it was pretty bold and it felt like the words carried too much love to be shared.
" I'm done eating, iura... let's take this elsewhere, " you called for the green haired man as toru gave him the ok to go, he just hopes you're gonna be nice about it and not hit him like what he thinks hori would do because his loud confession got a few stares.
sakura and remi was bursting with excitement as they bid you farewell. you and him walked to a nearby bench before taking a seat.
" you... heard everything did you? " you question as he slightly pray you're not gonna hit him.
" I wasn't the only one who heard... but yes I did I'm sorry, " he looks the other way, trying to avoid all eye contact with you.
" I'm not mad, I won't hit either. um, it is true... maybe I was falling for you but can you say it again? "
" say what? "
" the confession, this time on my phone hehe. it was so adorable how you shouted I like y/n! hahaha. "
" don't remind me, besides a love confession should just be remembered... but whatever makes you happy. ahem, I love you y/n. please be my girlfriend and go out with me. "
" I love you too, shu. I'll gladly be your girlfriend. "
thats when a sweet love story blooms between you two, everyone was shock with the news of the two people they least expected to date was dating. but those don't matter as long as you were both happy.
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milfswriter · 2 years
CEO!Rhea Ripley x reader
Summary: request, this is an au of this
Notes and warnings: barely proofread tbh, aphrodisiac, smut (why do I have to mention this lmfao?), fingering, office sex, slightly sub!rhea lol (ik you guys love that),
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*these gifs of her aren't helping tbh*
"Miss Ripley?" Rhea heard her secretary, Liv, call. She hadn't even noticed her entering the room, lost in thought as she rested her forehead on her palm.
"A delivery came for you. must be Miss y/n," Liv teased, but her grin faded as Rhea looked up at her and cleared her throat.
Liv placed a medium-sized bag on the desk. "Anything else, Miss Ripley?"
"That's all," Rhea replied and Liv scurried out of the office, a small grin forming on Rhea’s face as she opened the bag to see a heart-shaped box.
However, she didn't notice the card that was still inside the bag. She untied the red bow on top of the box and opened it, humming at the sight of chocolate, which she's been craving recently.
She reached for a piece and popped it into her mouth without thinking, then another one before closing the bag.
She called for an impromptu meeting with HR, that stupid guy was sending her unfinished work and thought he could get away with it. Why she even hired him is a mystery to her.
She worked on some paperwork for about twenty minutes before she began feeling hot, she unbuttoned the first button of her shirt in hopes of it subsiding the hotness.
It did nothing, however.
She took off her blazer, breathing heavily as the hot sensation began traveling down her body. This..what was this?
It's the stress, isn't it? she won't prove you right by collapsing in her office! You've told her again and again that the stress will get to her one day and she'll snap.
She needed to get out of there, so she headed to the meeting room even though she wanted to make them wait for her in there.
Upon arriving, she found some HR employees and her secretary sitting in the middle of the oval table.
She said nothing as she sat at the head of the table, noticing them staring at her. "What?.." they said nothing but kept staring at her.
"Spit it out!" Liv winced before clearing her throat. "Are you alright, Miss Ripley? you look...flushed"
Rhea scoffed, "I'm fine..but that shitty paperwork you've been sending me isn't! go on!" The employee cleared his throat before beginning his rambling.
She called this meeting for a reason, but she can't seem to fucking focus. Her panic at the sensation turned into thoughts about..you. This couldn't be happening to her right now.
Your beautiful, pretty face was all she could think of. That cute little grin as you submitted to her wasn't something she could easily forget. She could never say no to you, no matter how hard she tried. Stay home for the day? deal, buy me an island? yes, Sell the company and stay home with me forever? Whatever you want.
The intense sensation was now dangerously close to her center, leaving her gulping and unable to sit properly in the custom-made leather chair.
"Take notes. I don't have time for this" She told Liv before getting up and leaving the meeting room to call you but of course, you were already in her office, your feet plopped onto the desk as you played with your phone while you laughed. She stopped her relieved grin from forming at the sight of you.
"What's so funny?" she husked out, making you turn her head to look at her.
You looked her up and down, panting and almost disheveled. "You..not reading my fucking card" you continued to laugh lightly, confusing her to no end.
"What..card?" she wanted to call you for a reason, and now that you're here..she couldn't waste any more time.
You stood up, walking to her while swaying your hips, shoving the also heart-shaped card in her face.
"You ate the chocolate, didn't you?" a smirk made its way on your face while hers dropped.
"Y/n. Princess. What did you do?" she gulped, quite frankly you'd never seen her in such a state so it was pretty amusing to you.
You shrugged, "I..wanted to warm ya up before you came home tonight..And..by the looks of it, you're TOO warmed up"
"stop speaking with riddles!" she snapped, loosening her tie before throwing it on her desk.
"It's the chocolate! it's a..stimulant" you chuckled, "had you read my card, you would've been careful not to eat more than one"
She groaned as you came closer, your cute little outfit and perfume not helping at all. Oh, you're so getting punished but it's definitely worth it.
"I think we need to take care of this" you whispered as you circled your arm around her waist, the other fiddling with her belt while you tip-toed to peck her jawline.
You've never seen her so...desperate. You stifled your chuckle before she slowly nodded her head as it fell to your shoulder, her hands falling to your waist.
You bit your lip as you felt her wet kisses between your neck and shoulder, "you're gonna put me out of my misery or leave me like this all day?" she asked, her hands bruising your hips at this point.
"I don't know..you have been teasing me a lot lately" she pinned you against the front of her desk but you already had unbuckled her belt, throwing it across the room before unbuttoning her pants, her arms on either side of you while her eyes bore into your soul.
"Miss Ripley.." you gasped sarcastically, not missing the way she tensed at the name "you are so...wet"
She looked down to see your hand in her pants, under her boxers, closing her eyes at the feeling of your fingers. It has been a while since she let you touch her like this.
Her knees buckled as a finger entered her, lips parting as she lost the last bit of control over the situation. This had not been her plan at all, but she was not complaining.
"What if someone came in, hm? And saw their boss getting fingered in the middle of her fucking office? What would they think?"
"They can go straight to fucking hell 'cause I do what I want in my building" she hissed in your ear with a stifled moan as she held herself up with her palms on the desk, not wanting to crush you with her weight.
You snickered, adding another finger into her while your thumb circled her clit. It was pretty hard from this angle but you've got to work with what you've got, you supposed.
You knew you hit her spot when a high-pitched moan came out, making her fall on top of you with a grunt. "Shit..sorry" she tried to get back up but you held her into you, smashing your lips together while she writhed on top of you.
"You close?" she nodded, her moans echoing through the room. Nobody would hear you two anyway, but Rhea isn't so sure she cares anymore.
"Beg for it" you ordered, slightly slowing down, eliciting a low groan from the CEO.
"Come on. Beg for me to let you come or you won't" oh, she's so gonna break you when you reach home, but right now your fingers are doing wonders to the effects of that stupid chocolate. Nice gesture, but the hidden purpose was so uncalled for. You could've just asked her to fuck you and oh she will, just not in the way you want.
"Fuck...please" she held your wrist to keep you from taking it out of her pants, "please..I'm close" you figured that was the closest you're ever gonna get to a 'can I come?' from Rhea Ripley, so you began speeding up again.
Your hand was cramping, barely able to move inside her as she clenched. "Come for me, Rhea" you whispered in her ear, thrusting hard one more time, the taller woman groaning in your neck as you felt her warm release on your fingers.
Rhea's mind went blank as she came down from the intense high, her body limp and spent on top of you. You held her close, gently rubbing her back as she caught her breath. She lays there for a few moments, her eyes closed and her chest heaving. Suddenly, she sits up straight and looks at you.
"You..are going to pay for that stunt you did you little brat," she says with a smirk before leaning in to kiss you deeply, you grinned as you still tasted the chocolate.
You took your hand out of her pants, putting the same fingers in your mouth to the knuckle while keeping the eye contact with the panting woman on top of you.
"I know.."
"And you're going to eat that chocolate when I leave for my work trip, and you won't. touch. yourself" Her threat seemed pretty genuine, but you were basking in the feeling of being in control for once.
"Attacking me with chocolate? my favorite thing on this planet? cheap shot, baby" she laughed at your fucked out state, lips parted and eyes half open as she rubbed your bare back. Her cold hands doing gods work.
"Rhea. Shut up"
"Yes, love"
@obsessedwithwwewomen@ara-a-bird@jungwoospeach@neganwifey25-blog@yourmisosoup@cameronsdruthers@dementedtrashcat @sunnnyshark  @1c4ntg3ty0u0ffmym1nd
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
idk if this is a stupid question to ask but what are the talents of everyone in the Flawless au? i know tighnari is the ultimate botanist, kaveh is the ultimate architect and yoi is the ultimate pyrotechnician(?) but idk any the other 12 students... im thinking of making my own genshin fangan where scara is the mastermind so i'd like some ideas!
Spoilers for FLAWLESS (please read and play this fic if you haven't because I need a person in my asks to talk about Alhaitham so I can roast him—)
And uh... I don't think you should get ideas from me because most of their talents are tailored to the ideas I have that can be built upon and not "ah yeah, this is definitely ___'s ultimate." So, I implore you not to take this all into consideration. Have fun, think of your own spins on their talents because I swear there's better combinations out there.
Alhaitham: Ultimate Scribe/Secretary + Teacher's Assistant.
Amber: Ultimate Archer
Tighnari: Ultimate Botanist (we wouldn't go this far without him, bless his soul)
Ajax: Ultimate Gymnast. (He joined Olympics several times. Hence, his hubris with Amber—)
Albedo: Ultimate Chemical Engineer + Teacher's Assistant (I think this was mentioned in one of the wrong choices and Scara goes "you dumb beech" lmfao. I think I had an idea where the arrow is poisoned and that's how Amber and him tagteamed)
(There was supposed to be a mini-easter egg if you pick a wrong option, it should have a link to a google docs short fluff segment from the past of Alhaitham lending Kazuha book guides on how to read Sumeru literature while Albedo teaches Scara about types of crystalline solids and Scara complains the whole time while Kazuha loved every second lol. Alhaitham is seething deep down though cause he's jealous that Kazuha is dating the reader. Unfortunately, I got lazy and didn't write this.)
Kamisato Ayaka: Ultimate Swordmaster (successor to Lumine iirc?)
Reader: Ultimate Idol. (Duh. It's Ai Hoshino. Fun fact: reader was supposed to be the Ultimate Interior Designer but I scratched that because it leaned on a Kaveh canon end too much)
Faruzan: Ultimate Irregular Stud— jk, something about being an Ultimate Mentor/Mechanic or something. I think I leaned more on Mechanic? Help. I forgot.
Xiao: I SERIOUSLY FORGOT I'M SO SORRY XIAO. But I do remember thinking about writing a scene where Scara calls him the Ultimate Sacrifice. Forgot if I went through with that idea.
Kunikuzushi: Ultimate Puppeteer. This can be seen in his ending & Kazuha's. And a clear reason why Raiden Shogun is the way "she" is. Kinda phcked up that you made your own sister into a—
Kaveh: Ultimate Architect of course. He'd even build a whole world for you— as long as you won't leave him.
Cyno: Ultimate Tabletop Player. I had a fun idea where people keep mistaking him for having another talent and when they find out he's not the ultimate investigator people get mad for his sake but nah, man loves his card games. But people voted for Kazuha HAHAHAH
Yoimiya: Ultimate Pyrotechnician. Fun fact: was supposed to make her a victim at one point but then realized I want HER to be the Aoi of this au.
Layla: Ultimate Astronomical Researcher, I think. I'm sorry Layla, I also forgot...
Yunjin: Ultimate Playwright.
Kaedehara Kazuha: Ultimate Poet. He's so babygirl for this, Poet + Idol <3 (definitely not biased here.)
Shikanoin Heizou: Ultimate Best B— Ultimate Detective.
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lazystar · 1 year
Black Cat Energy
Himbo!Changbin x BlackCat!Reader
Office Spin Off
WC: 3.6K
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A/N: if you are of drinking age take a shot for every disney reference I make lmfao A MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you to @yourfavbinerdgf for being my beta reader and editor for all of my work ilysm bby! Our reader is v closed off and tbh a mood, we stan Bin
CW: Alcohol consumption, Reader is harassed whilst intoxicated, Iris is the name of Y/N from Jeongin’s fic!
Most people would characterize someone who worked as a receptionist or secretary to be bright and bubbly. Someone who had a similar personality to characters like Erin or Kelly from The Office. You however, were much more aloof, blunt, sometimes even standoffish. You focused on ensuring everyone had what they needed, that calls were transferred correctly, files were sent out to the right recipients, and your ever growing hatred for the copier for always jamming.
You often received the comparison to the black cat personality archetype. At first you were a bit confused as to how that fit you, until your friend Iris from sales explained the meme to you one night over wine. Her boyfriend Jeongin was out with friends so girls night was held at their shared apartment. As the two of you applied your clay face masks and sipped your zinfandels she went into heavy detail about how you perfectly embodied the classic “black cat gf” personality type.
“Come on Y/N! It perfectly sums you up, you’re antisocial except around people you care about, you can be very closed off when upset, you literally own a black cat, you are perpetually exhausted, you have trust issues, you—”
“Okay, okay, okay! Shit I didn’t expect you to read me like a fucking therapist!” You laughed and smacked her arm whilst she tried to keep expanding on how you were so like Raven from Teen Titans. “Also why did you bring my baby Byeol into this?!” she gave you a side eye stare in response. The two of you continued to joke around and finish your girls night skincare routines until the front door opened and the loud raucous laughs of the boys broke the ambiance of the living room. Piling in was Jeongin, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin. The four were clearly a little drunk and they locked eyes with you and Iris who had been sitting on the couch in your fluffy robes, adorned with matching Kuromi and My Melody headbands, sheet masks, and watching the latest episodes of some drama that one of the other girls in the office recommended with high praise for the male lead actor’s visuals and performance.
“WAITTT IT WAS GIRLS NIGHT AND SPA NIGHT?! WHY WASN’T I INVITED?!!!” Changbin whined and stomped over to you and Iris. You looked over at your dear friend with an eye roll, kiss to your teeth and an expression that read ‘who’s gonna tell him?’. She laughed and shooed him away with a ‘next time maybe okay?’ and this satisfied the brawny male. However her promise-not-promise stuck in his head more than you wish it did.
Being the marketing department’s receptionist-secretary, it unfortunately gave Changbin easy access to constantly harass you about girls night. It was almost comical how he begged and pleaded to know when he could waltz over to your apartment to sit in a fluffy robe, with his Sanrio headband, and sip a cocktail alongside you and Iris. He wanted to spend time with you and brighten the cloudy aura you carried, turn your cold expression into a smile. Which he surprisingly succeeded at several times before, only for you to catch yourself and return to your resting bitch face. Changbin found your icy personality insanely attractive, he liked how assertive you were, how you had this aloof air of ‘I could care less’ about you. He wanted to break your walls down and get to know you, but getting you to trust him would be a challenge. But Changbin loved a good challenge.
It started with him coming in early to leave a note on your desk. An anonymous compliment about your ability to keep the ship that was the marketing department afloat. Anonymous compliments about the way you took care of others, compliments regarding your emphasis on boundaries, compliments about how organized you were, silly little memes here and there, and as his confidence grew he started leaving clues in his notes that it was him.
“Oooo new note from your admirer? What does it say?!” Iris cooed as she walked with you to your desk, she had a meeting first thing with the marketing team handling one of her clients’ latest campaigns so she chose to hunker down with you until it began.
“Well it’s a longer one today and ooo they even left me a coffee and pastry. Ugh they really do get me! Hmm okay it says ‘Y/N, check some of the notes from the past few weeks! If you can match up the clues you might just figure out who I may be. If you need to find out where to start just follow your HEART, if it seems to lead you astray take a step back and look again for the KEY, good luck my dear and remember, you are brighter than any STAR in the sky.’ subtlety is definitely not mister admirer’s strong suit. Okay so ‘heart, key, star….” you had set aside all of the notes and had picked up on the patterns he had drawn on each of them. Sure enough you found the three notes he had indicated and on the back of them were the letters C H A… but when you looked at the other ones he had left there were no more letters on the back. You were stumped and honestly sad, you had hoped that it would reveal that the goofy, beefy, sweet, team lead who had basically given up on crashing girls night was your admirer. But, CHA could be honestly anyone, far too many names began with those three letters, but all you wanted it to be was Changbin. Changbin with his blatant flirting, adorable clumsiness, infectious laugh, face illuminating grin, and other qualities that had made you smile when nobody was watching, the man had started to win you over. He reminded you oddly enough of Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove. He was passionate about his hobbies, beefy, not always the brightest, but damn did he care for those he adored. You hoped he still adored you even though you kept up your icy facade, you didn’t like letting people in, it made you uncomfortable. Changbin however, he had made you feel a bit more comfortable with allowing yourself to be open.
You shook your head from your office crush filled thoughts and looked over at your partner in crime Iris as you two analyzed the clues.
“C…H…A…? Girl that could be anyone!” Iris looked over at you with a raised brow and matching ‘WTF’ expression. She noticed your sagging shoulders and longing gaze over at Changbin who was animatedly talking to the new girl on the team, sure your boss Chan was there supervising but Iris saw the way your gaze flitted to your black pumps and the pilling carpet. “It could be anyone but let me guess, you wish it was Gaston huh?” She said almost pityingly.
“Pffft no, and come on isn’t it obvious he’s so much more of a Kronk or Kristoff than a Gaston. I mean look at him, he would so give his pet their own voice any chance he could!” You gently elbowed her and smiled before quickly fixing your expression to your classic slight glare and nudged her out of your desk area. “Now shoo shoo your meeting is in 10 minutes and I have shit to do.” Iris laughed, covertly flipped you off and texted Jeongin a quick message about their operation to get their friends together. Jeongin was sick of Changbin’s pining after you, and Iris wanted you to be happy. So of course the couple just HAD to play Cupid, Changbin had been getting advice on his love notes to you from the pair and so far so good. That is until a few days later when you saw his excitement when talking with the new girl, a sweet, bubbly, young lady named Hana. She was the exact opposite of you, she matched Changbin’s energy perfectly, she was who you wish you were. She was like the sun, whereas you were like the moon and unfortunately you didn’t realize that Changbin preferred the gentler light the moon provided.
You began to just set aside the notes, not even bothering to solve the puzzle. You also pushed away the treats and gifts left for you on your desk. You began to close yourself off again, ignoring invitations to get drinks and meals after work, ignoring karaoke invitations. You would come in, work, then go home to be with Byeol. Changbin noticed the change the moment it began, he was confused, hurt,
and scared you were silently rejecting him. Hana, his new friend who had heard all about you from him, even said that you might just not know what to do with the information that he is your admirer. But Changbin knew you better than Hana,
something was wrong.
This revelation led Changbin to your front door. He was in his work clothes, carrying a tote bag holding a matching set of new robes, matching headbands, new skincare, and a lot of your favorite snacks. He anxiously rocked back and forth on his feet as he knocked on your door.
“UGH IRIS I SAID I DIDN'T WANT— Oh! Uh, hi? Changbin?” you laughed embarrassed at him hearing your annoyed shouting. You crossed your arms and popped your hip as you looked at him expectantly. Your quirked brow and questioning gaze conveyed your confusion at his presence. He sheepishly smiled at you and held up the shopping bags in his hands.
“Sorry, I’m no Iris and it’s not Friday but I thought maybe we could have our own girls night? You’ve seemed a bit down and I thought you could use a little cheer up!” His awkward smile made you internally sigh with admiration at him. He looked so handsome with the flush on his face, you couldn’t fight back a matching shy smile and gestured for him to come inside.
“Changbin you sweetheart I would love to have a girls night with you.” That sentence lead to where you are now, drunkenly cuddling up to your crush in matching fluffy robes and singing along to “Love is an Open Door.” from Frozen. “Binnie, you are such a Kristoff! You know that?” You giggled was the movie played on in the background, you couldn’t help but focus on his face as you leaned on his shoulder.
“Gee Y/N that’s such a compliment! He’s like the best character!”
“See that’s where you are wrong it’s obviously Olaf like helloooo he basically carries the story on his back!”
“I don’t think snowmen have backs?”
“You are so lucky you are cute because honey you surely aren’t serious right now.” You shushed his protests and gave him a look that told him not to argue with you. His breath caught in his chest as he was caught up in the sensation of you burrowing further into his hold as the movie played on.
Not even ten minutes later you look up at him, wine clouding your mind as you let another smile grace your face, “Bin? What Disney character am I most like?”
“Meg from Hercules, easily one of the best!” Without another prompt you both turned on the classic film’s soundtrack and sang your hearts out. As you both sang you pointed out his similarities to the namesake character and this oddly stuck with you, maybe your own Hunkules as the Muses would say was right in front of you? But like Meg you did not want to admit that you were in love, but come check the grin you are at least in the crushing stage.
As spring warmed into summer campaign season encroached like a tiger. This was when marketing and advertising was swamped with planning for the upcoming year, analyzing trends, looking at numbers. The office became everyone’s second home as the coffee machine was constantly being refilled with water and grounds, and the most busy people even brought sleeping mats to their desks. It was the chaos you found yourself thriving in, fielding calls, fixing printer jams, checking spreadsheets, you were at your prime in the fast paced rush of the workday. Busy seasons like the holidays and summers brought you some serenity as they were a distraction from your perpetual state of internal turmoil. You worked best under pressure as it cleansed your mind like a soft rain cleansed the earth.
One mild summer Friday you found yourself slumped over a bar counter, your third margarita of the night on its last dregs as you began to work yourself into another classic Y/N existential crisis. Iris as per usual by your side lamenting in her texts to Jeongin about how you needed to stop being so blind to the reality around you. A rough week of lost files, annoying clients, rude phone calls, etc. lead you two into the bar along with a few other coworkers. The rest of the crowd had left a bit ago to turn in for the night and your dear friend had sobered up and had turned into your babysitter as the alcohol turned off your usual cold front.
“Iris, I-UGH! I don’t know what to do, I like him genuinely but like he’s the complete opposite of me! There’s girls like Hana that make so much more sense. He’s gonna leave as soon as he realizes I’m a mess and I’m—”
“Y/N baby love with all due adoration and respect please shut the FUCK UP!” She bops you upside the head and laughs as you whine about how it hurt. “I gotta go gorgeous. I have brunch with my planner for Jeongin and I’s big day.” You pathetically nod and flag the bartender for another drink, then another, and one more until you’re cut off. Your drunk thoughts began to wander to how lucky your best friend was, she was engaged to her soulmate! Yet here you were drunkenly pining over a man who had gone out of his way to make you smile and laugh, but that’s just who he was; he was better suited for the more outgoing girl with fewer walls built around her heart.
A sigh left your lips as you stumbled toward the bar door, pulling out your phone to text the only person you knew wasn’t busy. Sadly for you it was the man you were lamenting over, Changbin.
Y/N: Binnnieeee mdrubk at thebrar! Can yougettmeeee!!!
BinBin: Oh God you’re wasted aren’t you? Send me your location princess. I'm on my way.
*Y/N began sharing location!*
Y/N: Thabj yuu BinBin lobe yoi!
In his apartment Changbin clutched his phone tighter to his chest. Lobe yoi filled his vision, he knew you meant to type “love you” which could be a platonic sign of affection but it could also mean you returned his feelings. As he gathered his keys with a new pep in his step and hope in his heart he hoped sober Y/N would admit the truth even if it broke his heart.
You slumped on a bench just outside the bar and waited for Changbin to pick you up. He has let you know he was about ten minutes away and to stay out under the street lamps so he could see you. You sat on your phone and had gotten comfortable on the bench, that was until a group of drunken twenty-somethings crossed your path and set their sights on you.
“Hey gorgeous! What’s ya name?” One called out as he swaggered towards you. You saw the soju bottle in his hands and glowered at his arrogant approach. You hated drunken entitled men more than you hated how the interns jammed the printers every day.
“What’s it to ya?” You spit out and looked at your phone, Changbin was about three minutes away according to his last text from a red light.
“Well my friends and I hate the idea of a beautiful lady such as yourself out here in these dangerous streets alone! Join us for some ramen honey!” He smirked and held his hand out towards you. You were growing more annoyed by the second and just flipped him off and told him to get lost. His smirk changed to a sneer as he grasped your wrist and tugged you upwards to stand in front of him. His friends began to circle in around you. “You really should be kinder to strangers sweetheart, you’re playing a dangerous game.” You sobered up and began to panic when you heard a car door slam shut behind you. Your worst fear of being kidnapped was about to come true, you scrambled for your phone and bag as the men grew closer. Your heart pounded with a roar of blood flow flooding your ears.
“Y/N! Baby I was so worried!” Changbin’s voice brought a wave of comfort over you as he wrenched your wrist from the other male’s grip. Your head whipped toward him and tears flooded your eyes. He wrapped his arms around you and placed a comforting kiss on your temple. “Play along.” He whispered into your hair. “Don’t run off like that again angel, you had me worried sick! I know the cat outside the bar was cute but we don’t just go off to pet it.” You glare at him with an expression that screamed “are you fucking kidding me?” but chose to stamp your foot and begin sadly playing along.You wanted to kick his shin and curse him out. Instead you acted like the ditzy girlfriend to the caring and cautious boyfriend Changbin portrayed to the group of leering drunk men. The group of men tried to make some derogatory remarks about you being out for the taking but Changbin subtly flexed as he grabbed your waist to hold you close as he played the role of comforting boyfriend. As soon as the group of men had wandered off he brought you to the car and made sure you were unharmed. He buckled you in, wiped the tears that had unknowingly fallen from your eyes. He reached across the console of the car and smiled at you as you put some music on the radio and sent him a thankful smile. It took several assurances that you were alright before he began to drive toward your apartment building.
“Y/Nnie, would you like some food before I get you home?” He asks over the music filling in as background noise to the ride home. You nod and demand the most comforting meal of all, McDonalds. Soon enough a bag is housed on the console between you both as you split nuggets, fries, and sodas. You start to sober up and feel a grin crossing your features as you look at him. You can’t help but notice how your heart thumps against your chest, how you smile every time he’s near, the curve of his jaw, his nose bridge, his petal shaped lips, his twinkling eyes, just how beautiful he is.
“Do I have french fry on my face?” He asked with genuine concern.
“Oh no! You’re just so pretty.” You slap a hand over your lips and he chuckles at your embarrassment. “I said that out loud didn’t I”
“You did beautiful girl, you did just say that outloud.” He waggled his eyebrows toward you trying to defuse the tension.
“Beautiful girl? Me? Huh?” You point to yourself and give him a look of astonishment and shake your head. “You sure you’re not the drunk one Bin?”
“I am as sober as ever. Now my angel, let's try this all again tomorrow when you are sober, if you mean what you said I’ll take you on the best date of your life.” He smiles and escorts you to your door, refusing to leave until you give him a playful glare filled kiss on the cheek.
The following morning you find yourself spending time on your daily routine, and spending more time on your makeup and hair than you usually would. One call from Changbin later and you are sitting at a table mimosa in hand, blushing at every single compliment he gives you. He cleans the whole secret admirer debacle and house and really just wanted a chance to get to know you beyond your mutual friendship with Iris and work environment. Soon enough brunch turns into lunch, turns into dinner, and it was only when your very irritated waiter informs you both that the restaurant is about to close that you finally leave. The two of you continue to go on similar dates where they seem to last forever. All the while Iris is delighted that you have finally found some sort of happiness. You and your resident Hercules become sort of a powerhouse couple among your coworkers, your scary glares work well to defend your work family from irrational clients and Changbin’s angelic smile does well to ease these clients into a proper meeting dynamic. Your dichotomy of your begrudging smiles and his over the top declarations of adoration make those around you chuckle. Iris and Jeongin couldn’t help but smile at the two of you, knowing their friends had found their perfect match. Unfortunately for your bosses though, Changbin was less apt to complete his work insisting he was now your assistant and was “helping” you but in reality he would lean over your shoulder and admire you as you worked.
But, for what it’s worth at least out loud you would say you were in love. Your hero didn’t need to slay a hydra to win your heart nor did he have to pull you from the River Styx he just had to be himself and help you break down your walls.
The End
A/N: if you made it this far and liked this piece consider giving me a follow! Please leave a comment on what you liked :) Tumblr’s algorithm runs off of reblogs so if you think more people should see this and give it a read please consider reblogging!!
Other information: SKZ and other idols I write about (future other groups to come as I get into their dynamics more) are not to be characterized by the personalities in the pieces I write nor should their actions in my works reflect any actions they may take IRL. Think of their names and likenesses being used as a face and name claim to a fictional character.
Please remember I do not want anything I write to be translated or posted onto other platforms! If you want to translate my work contact me directly for permission and give me credit.
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dollivication · 23 days
I will click on the ads, I admit want the risk of getting a virus on my computer 🖐️
Gurl I've been very busy I wannaa diee :3 like- give me a rest like- the eternal rest
I can't wait to see the obsessed Nero and V bot, Im gonna say to them a lot of controversial thing 🥴 but I came here to share something wittt yuu
Girl my brain is fried and I haven't been able to think of anything else but Leawn being unfaithful
I loved Leon's bot being a drunken unfaithful but imagine this...
Suppose this takes place in a world where the outbreak did not happen.
He and reader have been in a relationship since they were young maybe 18-19 years old until they have 21-22, they love each other so much that even reader agreed to go whit him to Raccoon City and they both live together like newlyweds.
Everything is flakes on honey until Leon starts coming home late, he starts to be more volatile, he no longer want hugs, kisses or even making love with reader :(
And she's like- well he's the new rookie it must be hard BUT NO THIS BITCH IS EATEN IN OTHER FUCKING TABLE
When he walks into RPD a secretary starts flirting with him and well, he thinks that since he's young and handsome, why not have two girls? UGH I HATE HIM I WANNA CHEW IN HIM
Obviously, Reader finds out one way or another and tries to confront it in an adult way and even tries to give him another chance but this bitch is so asshole that he prefers to insult her and act like he isn't doing some wrong even kicking her out of the house to bring in the other woman.
Obviously Reader is devastated, she ends up going back to her city, she returns to her parents' house until she recovers and well in the end things go badly between Leon and the new woman, He stopped being the novelty at the station, the girl got bored of him and in the end he was left looking like an idiot throughout the station for having been so stupid as to have fallen for that.
At first the only thing he misses about Reader are the acts of service but after months he starts to miss everything about her, he tries to contact her but obviously she doesn't want to do nothing with him!
Finally she answer a call, you know, curiosity lol
And he tries to get her back but he gets a NO to everything but- she agrees to one more night and what better than baby-traping her? He will act all kind and carefree saying that he just misses the sex
I just know that he would be capable of doing the stupidest things to get back the life he used to have lol
Damnnn This ask is too long and doesn't even make sense I'm so sorry beautiful 😞
HAI 🌮NONNNN !!!! AWWWH NOOO I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS !!! and your words tickled me so unbelievably pink…,,;; uwaaa thnak yu very much…🩷🩷 AND THIS GOES SO HARD??? KISSES UR FOREHEAD
HES SO SICKNESS!1!11!!1!1! PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE I UNDERSTOOD EVERY BIT OF IT! i wont him so bad… BABYTRAPPING BECAUSE HE NEEEEDS to feel something again :(!!! he’s just big and greedy… LMFOA
he’s just laik a wet dog…. leon refuses to take any L’s, so the moment he notices that hes just kind of being put on the backburner in everywan’s lives, he goes to the 1 person who he knows DAMN well has too much of a good heart to refuse her old sweetheart! even if he’s done her wrong…. KILLHIMOHHHMHYHJJH
i fear i havent much to input,,; it’s literally idyllic sugarcube >.<!!! leon is so stupid dumb dumb idiot… he isn’t even ready to be a dad yet! he just needs you to depend on him again so he can revive the feeling of being wanted, even if that means forcing you to take his cum deep inside your pussy.
on the brightside, at least he’s yours again,, right?…
HES SO LOONY LAIK.. SHE ZONT WANTCHU NO MO LIL BRO 🔥🔥🔥 thnak yu for this crumb of thought…. nibble nibble LMFAO…🩷🩷
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carnelian-pimpernel · 2 years
I'm binge watching the west wing and I can't keep bothering my mom with my thoughts so I'm keeping them safe here.
(it's mostly just my reactions to certain quotes)
(ik some things before I should bc my mom showed me like ten minutes of a season 6 ep before just telling me to start from the beginning)
I wasn't expecting them to pull the MS card this quickly. Sobbing crying throwing up
The bit about how Donna has to open Josh's hotel door for him transitioning into her seeing him do it on his own WHEN THEY'RE ESTRANGED
Wait. Why does CJ end up as the chief of staff
Let Bartlett Be Bartlett
Fucking. King SHIT.
I love Josh so much
Josh and Charlie make my soul happy
Joey Lucas can bite me
"I'm not sleeping with Al Keefer anymore" GIRL OH MY GOD. JUST OUT THERE IN PUBLIC ?!?!
"are you mad I went on a date or are you mad it was with someone from the same division as the Yankees"
"...honest to God I'm not sure"
I love the president trolling CJ so much
Josh falling out of seat .5 seconds after Charlie calls him one of the smartest people in the world? *Chef's kiss*
The president's secretary is my favorite character
The president, josh, oh my god
Love that this flashback just, COMES UP with a sudden random ex-fiance for Sam
Josh laying there dying
The Outro: 😄😃🎺🎶😁
Sam quit his high paying job bc JOSH SMILED AT HIM I AM. GOING. TO. CRY.
I don't like Danny rn and I am PREEMPTIVELY upset that she doesn't get to stay with Mark Harmon's character.
Like dude. SHE JUST GOT SHOT AT. SHE HAS A CONCUSSION. maybe cut her a little slack?!?!
CJ falling into the pool I am screaming 😂😂😂
CJ is a better person than me bc idk if I could go from 500k a year to 600/week
They were aiming for Charlie?!?!!
Two of you shooting two guns and you couldn't hit one guy???? Were you firing blindfolded????
Y'all's aim fuckin SUCKS
Love that Donna got her job by just. Showing up and starting
"I may have been overstating a little" MOOD
He gave her his lanyard 😭🥹😭🥹
I am sobbing
"why not I saved your life?" askehdjidbdidbdjdhisi
Toby thinking it was his fault and Secret Service Ron reassuring him I'm 😭😭😭
"your husband is a real son of a bitch Mrs. Bartlet" lmfaooooo
Why is this show so good at EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTERS
The scene where Josh wakes up in the hospital 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Jed patting his head :(((
Love that this show was like HEY. when people get shot at, there are PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES.
CJ bought Josh pajamas 🥹🥹🥹
I really hope this Ainsley chick puts her shitty misogynist boss in his place
Even if it would most likely involve embarrassing Sam
"Please, Please, God let them not be watching"
"Toby come quick, Sam's getting his ass beat by a girl"
I just saw a minor spoiler. Does Josh die?!?! If Josh dies I will murder someone
Cj being punished for making fun of Notre Dame is so good
Josh is JEALOUS and he's being a DICK about it
The Reverend is an.... interesting character
Mrs. Landingham ROASTING the president, I love
🥹😭😭🥹🥹😭🥹 the president giving Charlie his heirloom kniiiiife
These two idiots are about to light a fire in a decorative fireplace aren't they
LMFAO forgetting the president in a seating chart. Classic
These idiots lit a fire in a decorative fireplace
One of these times when they say "they'll know what it means" I really want the person on the other end of the message to be like "??? No?? I don't???"
If Jed and Abbey get divorced I am OUT
"all you ever had to do to make me happy, was come home at the end of the day" *tearing up.jpg*
Welp, that's my thoughts for now. There will be more and that is a threat.
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giannawritesxoxo · 1 year
The Housemaid's secret
okay yall I read the sequel ahhhhh!
Millie works for this girl named Amber who has an 8-month-old baby but she soon gets fired because her baby calls Millie Mama when the actual mother is rarely there lmfao?! SOOO after that, she began searching for a job then soon gets accepted to clean the Garrick family- It turns out she dated Enzo the hot gardener from book 1 I was so excited but then they broke up because he had to go back to Italy because his mother was dying :( Someone has been stalking her she believes it was Douglas Garrick, She has been distant with her current boyfriend Brock because he doesn't know her secret. Wendy is terrified of her husband and she tells Millie how he is a dangerous man & once wendy opens the door and comes face to face with millie all millie wanted to do was protect/ save Wendy from her husband because he's been "abusing " wendy, Millie reassures her how she beat other more dangerous & powerful man so she isn't afraid of douglas- Wendy wanted to leave the abuse so she asked millie to help her- Turns out enzo was the one following millie because he knew she was in dnager and was watching over her ( AW) When douglas was choking wendy millie ran upstairs and got the gun threatening him to stop trying to kill her and he didn't listen and it looked like wendy was about to die and she pulled the trigger then wendy said " just go ill say I did it" ( oh little does she know) Then millie got questions and supposedly wendy told the cops that millie and douglas were having an affair and when wendy got home she found douglas on the floor "shot". The person millie thought she killed wasn't really douglas it was wendys affair she had named Russell. The brusies on wendys face were fake it was just makeup- Millie didn't kill russell he was breathing when she shot him and after she left they ran to their cabin - Then wendy shot the real douglas, wendy decided to kill douglas for his money since the day they met- when they went to the cabin the lawyer called and said how she wont have any of douglas money because before he died he gave his will to charity and all his estates are being sold- Lastly, marybeth/ russells wife/ douglas secretary kills both russell and wendy after finding out wendy killed douglas but their death was a suicide
// NGL i loved the first book way more but I still loved the sequel!!//
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winterbirb · 2 years
Look, it's about—vibes. A lot of people can be annoying about Freedom and America but their vibes are what tell apart their intentions.
Unfortunately, the second Obama term is still pretty heavily redacted, so the vibes have to be inferred. Luckily, there's a method! It's called: What Do The Russians Think. It works very well. I'll demonstrate.
Samantha Power and Michael McFaul both have incurable exposure to annoying Ivy League ideology. Power, who generally seemed like she was about to start crying, got along with her Russian counterpart, even though Churkin slightly roasted her a few times. McFaul, who's obnoxious, spent his 2 years as Ambassador as a squeaky toy for the Russian government and media because he had a meeting with oppositionists that Bill Burns scheduled and (also) attended.
Bill Burns has not been told to fuck off by the Russian government, or anyone else for that matter, even once.
So if all three of them say something along the lines of "freedom america democracy uwu" it's easy enough to differentiate, based on reactions from the Russian side, between Burns' "I'm literally just a diplomat doing my job" vs Power's "This is an important moral framework of mine but I would also be incredibly sad if anything bad happened to you, also" versus McFaul's "[blatant hypocrisy]"
Same with Secretaries of State. Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Mike Pompeo could all feasibly make an argument based on America Freedom Democracy uwu. In fact, that's often the only feasible option. So, instead of labeling all of them as genocide apologists, let's take a look at how Russia has reacted to each person.
Powell: Generally ignored, except for (deserved) roasts about that UN speech
Rice: Russian delegation is openly irritated by her. Reasonable, considering her next job was "lobbyist for exxonmobil".
Clinton: 2016. Lmfao
Kerry: probably the one person in the US government who hasn't been sanctioned, so. Take that as you will ☺
Iran even fucking specified that Death to America doesn't mean all Americans or even American officials, but, well,
Tumblr media
So uhhh I don't think Russia's a fan
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
My Stand-In Ep 11 Live Blogging
I'm so excited, been waiting for the past 5 days. From the previews, seems like it'll be an angsty episode (episode 11 after all) and I'm really looking forward to this "ep 11 angst curse" because the conflict has been hinted at throughout the entire show so far (Ming's rich, shitty family and the fact that they would disapprove if they knew he was gay) rather than random problems that pop-up just because they need conflict. Also, I thinkkkk it may bring the two of them closer together, especially with Ming showing how far he's willing to go for Joe and that he's serious about this, rather than driving the two of them apart.
Ep 11 (July 5)
59 minutes, nice. Also half-glad that apparently it releases early-ish in the morning because I expected it to release closer to noon because today I get to watch it earlier but next week, there'll be an even longer time between when it's released and when I get to watch it and there'll be spoilers abound.
Mike promised Ming something hmm, will we get an ally?
even Sol knew that Joe wasn't gonna be able to not get back together with Ming lol
oh, I hope Sol is bowing out. he even used Phi-Nong for themselves
man, Mike's not an ally, just a soft villain compared to what I assume his father will do. although i wonder if Mike's the one who'll send the contract stuff to Joe's mother because I'm dreading that the most and will make Mike much worse
oh nooooo, we're already getting Ing finding out about the Ming-Joe contract aghhh I don't wanna watch T.T
I don't really even know how Joe would explain this tbh like what would make her be okay?
damn, she really said don't see me until you've paid off all the debt
so Mike isn't behind it? fr? hmm...
sickly, delicate, Victorian boy looking Ming
ohh Ming's telling Mike about new Joe being old Joe
not the parents suddenly coming in, not even a hint that they've come home beforehand
Ming's vomit falling on his mother's hand is grossing me out
lmfao Mike knowing that Ming was faking it. i love siblings and their shenanigans
yay, Mike has become an ally
I know people were shipping Mike and the secretary, though I don't care about that pairing myself
giggling over them playing around and Ming being a cute menace while in a hospital bed
okayyyy is the mother gonna be fine too now that she's seen the two of them together/wants her son to be well? also she's so beautiful
Ah, the mother sent the lawyer to Ing agh
Poor May bro, I can't believe she's stuck with Tong and is gonna have a child too agh I want her to leave him so bad
yess May, I love youuuuu <333333
why is this father actually evil bruh, threatening to disown Ming and take away his business and everything
anyway, that Tong info was barely leverage like Ming could've left and been disowned even without that aghhh should've used it as at least a bit more leverage
I'm once again mad/sad that Ming's not seeing Joe's real face
May, trusttttt, this divorce will be good for you
Do not show me Tong saying "I'm sorry" to the empty air. Is he doing this because he wants to protect May from the debt collectors or something? idc, you can't make me sympathetic towards him, I need to see him get fucked up
Tong leading these debt collectors straight to Joe while he begs him aghhh and now Joe's gotta fight them because he's too nice
girl what even, how did they switch clothes and mask/glasses so that they kidnap Joe instead of Tong and whyyyyy
why why why would you "take care of this" Joe? why
Ming mistakenly calling Tong Joe from seeing his back goes so hard though
500 000 000 baht oh my god, let's just trade and have Tong killed what the fuck
It's not fun to see Tong grovel/admit fault, I want revenge aklsjfaklsfjskl;f
fucking hell. I guess this is how Joe ends up in the wheelchair
we wouldn't happen to get Joe's real body back, would we? Since the cremation happened and everybody attended his funeral
did nobody inform Joe's mother? meanwhile fuckass Tong is here
what the hell is that door?
poor Joe who is fucking tired of everything happening to him. can't blame him for choosing the door, though I wonder if he's gonna turn back around next ep or he'll get his own body back or what
ofc we're ending here
The conflict had been hinted at throughout the show, but the episode was still quite different from the usual episodes where they're mostly in like Joe's house or at work (shooting/practicing/etc.) and Ming's a strong presence, whether it be to psychologically play with Joe or begging Joe lol. And this felt like a bit of a different genre now with the father and the debt collectors kidnapping Joe but we've been building up to it for a while. Like I'm just glad that the ep 11 problems, although more intense and in a different form than the previous episodes, are not out of the left field.
I can take Mike and Ming's mother becoming allies in this episode but I do not have it in me to give Tong grace. They still made him kinda cowardly and selfish in this episode but he's being portrayed as pitiful as well and maybe like he's turned a new leaf but like Enough! I was on board Ming's changes but you can't just make every shitty person become "good," I still need to see Tong get his comeuppance but I doubt we will. If they also make the father come around next episode (is he the one who called the cops?), then what even... we need some villains/antagonists who don't become sympathetic (the debt collectors don't count, they're hardly characters).
I can't believe I've not got to wait a week and ~8 hours to watch the last episode, what the hell... give it to me now. I'm not super worried about what happens next week though because of the scenes with Joe in a wheelchair that are yet to come.
0 notes
babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 15
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: You find yourself involved in a situation between Bucky and his father.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Uhhhhhh none, sadly no smut lmfao
A/N: SURPRISE UPDATE LMFAO replies to y’alls reaction for this might be delayed though because I am swamped with work this week and I fucking hate it 😩 lol anyway acnakjcna idk how I feel about this part but I hope it would live up to y’alls expectations ily all!!!! 😘😘😘
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Get the cheque and then head out.
Not only did you take a detour and went back to take care of a sick Bucky, but you also found yourself in the presence of his father. Who, by the way, didn’t seem pleased to see you in his son’s place.
There were a lot of hearsays about him, George Barnes, most of which were negative and focused on him being arrogant and greedy. You never paid attention to those, not even when you and Bucky had something going on. You didn’t ask because he never brought it up, you figured that family talk was off-limits.
“Are you his secretary?” George asked as his eyes scanned you from head to toe, stopping at the hem of your skirt which was bunched up above your knees from the way you sat earlier.
You shook your head and opened your mouth to explain the situation, however, George did not pay attention and cut you off immediately.
“James must be paying a lot of money for the double job.” he said suggestively, inviting himself inside, leaving you with your mouth slack from receiving such disrespect from a man of his caliber.
He did remind you of someone who had the same air of arrogance though.
“You knock him out or what?” George quipped with a chuckle, turning to you.
Usually, you’d stand up for yourself but right now you were left speechless. Was this what Bucky had to deal with growing up? More questions about his childhood began to cloud your mind, preventing you from even formulating something to say.
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, Bucky stepped out of the bedroom and looked just as surprised to see his father. He was quick to throw a worried glance at you, as if he was checking whether you were alright. You merely nodded at him and offered a tight-lipped smile in return.
“What are you doing here?” Bucky coldly asked, voice hoarse from his cough.
George snickered, “You have been ignoring my messages and calls, why did you think I decided to come visit you?” he asked before turning to you.
“She must have worn you out for you not to respond to any of those.” he said.
Bucky frowned, “What did you say?” he asked.
Suddenly, you wanted for the ground to swallow you right then and there. Should you quietly leave? Maybe grab the box of strawberry tarts and take it with you, head to the door and leave for Bucky and his father to resolve their issues?
No? Bummer.
“James, I don’t appreciate you bringing home someone like her. Moreover, disregarding your work for a rendezvous in the middle of an important project. Stop being irresponsible.” George called out.
You flinched at the volume of his voice and although very offended at what he thought of you, you worried more for Bucky given the state of his health. He wasn’t in the best shape and for his own father to tell him shitty things when he has been working his ass off, it was hard to take.
“I hate to interrupt but he was sick, really sick.” you explained.
George did not even spare you a glance and instead, pointed a finger at you, “Do not interrupt when my son and I are speaking.”
“Do not talk to her like that.” Bucky defended.
He spoke softly but the look in his eyes was dark, you knew that particular darkness in his eyes. You’d been the receiving end of it, you knew how angry Bucky was. His jaw ticked and his nostrils flared as he scowled at his father, he wouldn’t be able to hold back for long.
George laughed and then looked at you with an incredulous look on his face, “Do you see this? You got my son pussy-whipped, I am actually impressed.”
And that was when you snapped, even before Bucky did.
“You should be impressed, Mister Barnes. I am not your son’s secretary nor his whore, I know? Shocking, right? I am the Marketing Head who is handling the project with Wilson Enterprises.” you introduced yourself and extended an arm for a handshake.
George’s face was priceless and if only you could bring out your phone and snap a photo of this moment, you would and have it printed out. You were most definitely going to be framing it and hanging it in your bedroom.
He looked down at your hand with a frown and ignored it, snapping his head towards Bucky. “You let this woman take over something as big as that?” he asked in disbelief.
This man was something else, you literally had no words for him.
“She is fully capable of handling this partnership, maybe even more than me. Besides, you no longer own this company. You don’t have a say in my decisions.” Bucky angrily said.
“I built this company from the ground up, James. I have every right to decide for it as much as you do.” George exclaimed.
Bucky chuckled, “Then why did you force me to take over then? You know I didn’t want to have anything to do with your goddamn company. Oh, right. Because mom left you to be with someone more successful and you could not fathom that your company then was failing so you decided to pass the burden to me like the shitty father that you are!”
Bucky was forced to run the company? You never knew about this, not even from gossip or from the articles you found on the internet. All this information was very new to you and honestly, it was making you understand Bucky and his attitude even more.
“Your mother left because you were an irresponsible brat. Had I not given your life some direction, you wouldn’t be where you are now and maybe, your mother would have stayed with us!” George spat.
“Mom left because of you! I am so tired of you blaming me for what happened to this fucking family. She left because you’re a fucking asshole, dad. You treated her like a piece of shit that’s why she left you, that’s why she left me to fend for myself.” Bucky was fuming.
“And I’m not letting you treat her the same way.” he immediately added, motioning over to you.
Your eyes widened at your sudden involvement in the conversation. This was totally unexpected, however, you could not help but feel relieved that Bucky stood up for himself. Judging by the expression on George’s face, this seemed to be the first time that Bucky did that.
“She’s amazing.” Bucky said, but this time, his eyes were trained on yours. “She was always there whenever something happened, whenever I failed at my responsibilities. I’d say the company owes her a lot, I owe her a lot...I wasn’t the best boss to her and yet she keeps on going the extra mile. So no, I won’t tolerate you disrespecting her and calling her names because she does not deserve that.”
You were left speechless and so was George. For a moment, you thought that he might actually hurt his son but he simply huffed out and shook his head in disappointment, and maybe embarrassment as well. He walked over to the door but made sure to give you another meaningful look before pulling it open.
“I expect this event to be a huge success. I can’t afford for the company to get a bad reputation.” he warned you.
You offered him a sarcastic smile, “Don’t worry too much, Mister Barnes. You already have enough grey hair as it is, we wouldn’t want you to show up at the event with a full head of white hair.” you jested.
George looked at his son with an offended expression but only received a shrug and a smirk from Bucky. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing at his face when he turned to you once more. Extending an arm, you gestured for him to walk out the door and when he did, you called for his attention.
“Mister Barnes, I’d like to let you know that your son is doing a great job running the company. Sure, he might have shortcomings too but he’s doing his best. I think he deserves some recognition. And trust too.” you said, gazing over at Bucky meaningfully.
“It’s going to be a slow process, but maybe you should try learning to trust him.”
And maybe I should too, you thought to yourself.
It was quiet in Bucky’s place after his father left, none of you spoke about what just happened. You went to clean up the mess in his kitchen despite his protests, made sure he had something to eat the following day and then went to the bedroom to get your things.
“Don’t forget to take your meds. I really need you to join me at the food tasting this Friday, so get lots of rest.” you told Bucky as he walked you to the front door.
“Thank you.” he said.
“Thank you, too.” you responded quickly. “I didn’t know your father was a...uhh…” you scratched your forehead, trying to find the right word that wouldn’t offend Bucky. George was, after all, still his father.
He laughed, “An asshole? A douchebag?” he said. “You probably realized why I ended up being like this.” he added, whispering his latter statement as if he didn’t want you to hear it.
You sighed, “You’re nothing like your father, Bucky.” you reassured him, “And it’s never too late to change some things about yourself.”
Bucky nodded, “I’m trying.”
You smiled, “I know. You have a lot of explaining to do though, one of which was your coffee stunt.” you reminded him.
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “You don’t have to let me explain if you’re still not yet ready.”
“Look, I’m already softening up so you might want to take advantage of that before I change my mind.” you explained, crossing your arms over your chest.
Bucky laughed again, “We have a lot to talk about, don’t we?”
It wasn’t only about explaining his side that Bucky was referring to. You figured out he also meant about your resignation and Sam’s offer, which by the way, you haven’t revisited for quite a while. You wondered whether Bucky was aware of the position that Sam wanted you to fill in.
“We’ll talk. But for now, just rest. Let me know how you feel in the morning.” you said.
“I will, thanks again.”
“Goodnight, Bucky.” you greeted, automatically holding his arm before you even realized it.
Blushing, you quickly took your hand back and adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder. Bucky was biting his bottom lip, failing to hide the grin that tugged at his lips. You snorted and bid goodbye, turning around with a smile on your face.
“I have a good feeling about this event.” Sam said, hands inside the pockets of his pants as he walked around the venue.
The meeting with the stylist ended a few minutes ago, with all the details finally ironed out. Another task crossed out on your list of responsibilities. Thankfully, everything seemed to be on track with little to no troubles.
You sighed nervously, “God, I hope so. If this event fails, I won't be able to forgive myself.”
Sam chortled, “It won’t. It’ll be a huge success, I’m sure of it.” he said and walked around a bit more before stopping.
“Would it be rude for me to ask you for an update about my offer?” he asked, lifting his brow at you.
You groaned, “I am torn.” you admitted. “As much as your offer is mind-blowing, I mean? The benefits? I thought I was looking at a contract for a damn sugar baby.” you joked.
Sam shrugged, “If you wanna be my sugar baby, go right ahead.” he said with nonchalance.
You deadpanned, “I was kidding, Sam.”
“I wasn’t.” he said before bursting into a fit of laughter, “That was a joke but if you want to make it real, by all means, count me in.” he chuckled.
“Very tempting.” you chided before turning serious once more, “It’s just that I don’t want to quickly jump in at the first opportunity offered to me, you know?”
Sam beamed at you, nodding his head in understanding. “You’re very smart. And I do understand what you mean so I’m extending your deadline. Get back to me after the event with your decision, I’ll make sure to keep the position vacant until then.”
“And you’re a good friend, Sam. A good mentor too, I appreciate all your help. I really do.” you said.
Despite being busy at work and the recent development in your relationship with Bucky, you still made an effort to search for other job opportunities. You didn’t want to limit yourself to Sam’s offer, no matter how amazing the salary and benefits are. Honestly, you felt like you weren’t ready to take on a position like that. Maybe it was your self-doubt speaking, but you weren’t entirely confident about it yet.
You’d been sending out your resume to a few companies you found on LinkedIn, hoping to hear from at least one of those.
You also had to admit that you thought about resigning, whether it was still the best option. However, you came to a realization that you were better off to a different company. A lot of things have already happened that tainted your experiences over at Barnes Group of Companies.
You wanted a fresh start.
On the way to work, you decided to drop by the bakery again to buy some pastries for Mark and Beverly to try. The owner remembered you and was quick to recommend a few more of her delicacies aside from the strawberry tarts. She even offered to give you a cup of coffee for free.
You were standing by the counter when your phone buzzed, with Beverly’s name showing up on the screen. You grunted because whenever she called, it meant that something was wrong.
“What is it this time?” you monotonously answered.
“Oh thank god, I thought you decided to go AWOL.” she heaved out a deep sigh of relief.
You frowned, “Why on earth did you even think of that?”
“I haven’t seen you around the office, I mean, I know you’re busy. But usually you’d already be walking around the floor at this time and you aren’t here yet. And knowing that you resigned, I can’t help but panic when I don’t see you!” she whined.
No matter how shallow and annoying Beverly’s reasoning was, you found it sweet. She can be quite clingy though, but you were surely going to miss it when you leave.
“I’m buying something for you and Mark so chill out, bestie.” you said.
Beverly audibly gasped, “You called me ‘bestie’!”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s the first and last time I’m saying that. And please, I haven’t even found a new job yet so you can stop worrying about it for now.” you reassured before bidding goodbye.
Taking the box of pastries and coffee from the owner, you thanked her and turned around to leave, only to almost bump into a familiar face. Thank goodness that the coffee didn’t spill because you’re close to running late.
“Hi.” the man greeted with an amused smile. “I see you came back, for the strawberry tarts, I assume?” he asked.
“Strawberry tart guy! Right, yes. I knew you were familiar. And unfortunately, I didn’t get a taste of them last time so I brought a few more just now.” you explained.
Unlike the first time you met him, he wasn’t dressed casually in a shirt and jacket combo. He looked very decent today, sporting a crisp, light blue button down dress shirt tucked in his black work pants.
The guy laughed, “I hope you get to taste them now.” he said. “And I know this might make you think that eavesdropping is my hobby, but I heard that you were looking for a job?” he curiously asked.
“I definitely think that you eavesdrop for fun.” you retorted. “But yes, I am.”
“What experience do you have? I think there’s an opening where I work at, just thought you might be interested in case it was right up your alley.” he explained.
Was he being too kind for a stranger? You sort of doubted whether to give some information about yourself, but then again, he actually looked genuinely kind. He doesn’t give off a weird, creepy vibe too and the owner of the bakery seemed to be fond of him.
“I do marketing.” you simply stated, growing a little impatient because the clock was ticking and you didn’t want to be late for work.
The guy’s face brightened up, “Oh, that’s great! I heard that HR is looking for a marketing manager, do you want to apply? I work for a hotel company, nothing too big though.” he said.
You shrugged, “Sure, why not? I can check it out although I don’t have my resume with me right now. And I’m actually running late for work.” you said apologetically.
Strawberry tart guy apologized, “Oh god, I’m sorry. I’ll give you the e-mail of our HR so you can send it directly to them.” he said.
The both of you struggled about how to go on about it, given that you were halfway out of the bakery holding a box in one hand and a coffee in another. The guy was quick to grab a napkin from one of the tables, borrowing a pen from the owner before jotting down the e-mail and stuffing it inside your bag.
You laughed, “Thank you and I’m so sorry to be in such a rush.” you said.
“Please don’t apologize. It’s my fault. I didn’t get your name, by the way.” he awkwardly asked, “So I can give our HR a heads up about your application.” he explained.
You told him your name and asked for his, hoping that you’d remember it at the end of the day with how swamped your brain was from all the event preparations. Strawberry tart guy flashed a charming smile as he introduced himself.
“I am Steve Rogers.”
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averageaotenjoyer · 3 years
Having intimacy with your Ex lover l EreMika l Manbun Eren x petite Hair Mikasa
I got inspired into writing this while I was listening to Teeth by 5sos while reading EM smut lmfao.
TITLE: Not so little misunderstandings; Don’t know who to believe anymore
Genre: #Misunderstandings #ArrangeMarriage #Smut #nsfw
He stared into her curvy revealing body while her hips thrust along her in the metalic steeled stick she was hanging onto. It’d be shame if he lied that he isn’t enjoying her dancing in songs with her sexy body. There was a crowd surrounding her watching dance in a sexy way including him. Eren. 
He kept smirking looking at how his ex wife has turned to. A complete whore.
“Oh Mikasa.” Eren thought in his mind.
Him and Mikasa were living happily with their 3 year old son until he got drugged and accidentally fucked his secretary. Or so what that is Mikasa thinks. Without thinking twice Mikasa divorced Eren and kept living alone with only her 3 year old son and her.
Without the tragic part if eren thinks of the current Mikasa he couldn’t help but feel hot for the way his wife was currently looking like. Her black silky short dress that were tightly hugging her. Her cleavage showing widely. Almost as if her boobs were gonna fall out of her tight dress. Her petite hair dangling each time she squat up and down. Her bangs being drenched for sweating so much.
As much as Eren is proud how the love of his life has turned after they got separeted Eren hates the fact other men are also staring at wife’s body and erotic face. He wants her all by himself. And only for himself.
The pole dance ended and everyone in the crowd were playing dares now.
Every dare was great until a dare came in here two specific people has to make out together. And as unfortunate as it sounds Mikasa got dared to make out with none other than Jean Kirstein.
“Mikasa, we-we don’t need to do it! I can drink a couple of shots instead!” Jean hesitated but Mikasa instead smirked and got closer to the red head’s face.
“It will stop the fun! It’s better than actually doing the dare!” Mikasa said closing her eyes ready to feel the mouth of the certain male when she felt a strong grip on her wrist turning her back to face the person.
There stared her Ex Husband looking at her like he is ready to kill a man. His blood boiled with anger. Without further stopping he began dragging the noirette along him.
“Eren where are you bringing her?!” Annie Leonhardt, Mikasa’s best friend stopped Eren from dragging Mikasa away.
“None of your business.” Eren glared at Annie with scary and wrath eyes before dragging Mikasa along him.
“Let me go!” Mikasa ordered Eren, trying to unlock his grip.
“What a slut you have become, Mikasa ackerman Yeager. You still call yourself a Yeager, don’t you?’’ Eren smirked at the woman.
“Whe-where ar-are you bringing me?!” Mikasa questioned, stuttering.
“Somewhere where we can be alone. Just the two of us.” Eren hinted.
Eren loosened his grip out of Mikasa once they reached the elevator knowing she can’t escape from him anymore.
The elevator reached the top floor and Eren gripped on Mikasa’s Hand once again dragging her to a room. He typed out some code in the door lock that was on the room.
Eren then took Mikasa in his arms and carried her at a table locking her with some handcuffs that were inside the drawers on the table he locked her at.
“You’re so desperate to make out, right?” Eren recalled while getting his face closer to hers and locking his lips on her face and kissing her insanely while slipping his right hand between her cleavage and groping he breasts. Moans of Mikasa filled the room while Eren kept kissing Mikasa hungrily.
He pinched her nipple making Mikasa scream but not being able to properly because of her mouth being locked in his. He kept it going for a while. And soon after he finally got to slide his tongue inside her and asert dominance he took his fingers in her clit and touch her panties rubbing it, teasing Mikasa before inserting it inside her.
“This wet for me already?” Eren commented once he got to touch her soaked up panties.
Taking no longer time Eren slid his two fingers inside her vagina and finger her. Her moans filled with pleasure and hesistance made him turn on more.
“Ahhh, Miki! I can’t pleasure you any longer if you keep moaning with that hot voice.” Eren complained.
“Go-Go- Fas-ter” Mikasa hesitantly said with her moaning voice.
“What? I can’t hear you!” Eren teased going slower than he was supposed to.
“fast-ter.”, “Huh? Can’t hear you!” Eren teased once again at her order.
“I SAID GO FASTER!” Mikasa screamed earning a proud smirk from Eren.
“That’s my wife.” Eren complimented fastening his pace at an extreme level.
As much as Mikasa wanted to correct Eren and yell at him saying that she isn’t his wife but rather a stranger she couldn’t because of the pleasure she currently is feeling which she also hates.
With him fastening his pace he also inserted a third finger making her moan louder and make her eyes almost fall back out of pleasure.
The faster Eren went the more Mikasa tried stopping herself from squirt out cum but couldn’t.
But as unfortunate she is she squirted out letting all of it fall on her Ex husband’s hand.
“Oh.” Eren looked at his left that was soaked now and then at Mikasa who was red in embarrassment.
Eren then sucked his fingers tasting his Mikasa. “You still taste good, Mika.” Eren complimented after sucking off his hands.
“Now let me taste you more.” Eren excused himself and brought his head closer to her vagina. His tip of his tongue licked her clitoris making her sway her head back with the tease she currently is feeling. His mouth began eating her out hungrily and his hands gripping on her thick thighs marking it.
“Look at you, You are a heated mess.” Eren commented at Mikasa’s face that was tired from all the pleasure in the past 40 minutes or so.
“Do you want daddy’s dick to fill you up? I gaurantee 100% that it’ll be your best night aside from you acting like a whore in front of a bunch of people that isn’t me.” Eren suggested.
‘‘Yes...” Mikasa admitted.
“What did you say?” Eren teased her oonce again.
“YES DADDY!” Mikasa yelled.
“That’s it Babygirl. You calling me ‘‘Daddy’’ is enough to make me needy for you, like you are currently for me, heh.” Eren said.
Unlocking the handcuffs off Mikasa’s hands Eren carried her into the soft bed knowing she can’t bring herself walk in the bed with him for how sore she has became.
Gently placing her on her soft mattress Eren hovered over looking at her glossy eyes that can’t be kept open any longer. He then looked at her black dress that drenched in sweat and disorted because of the amount of time Eren put his hands inside to touch Mikasa.
Clutching onto the fabric Eren tore it apart like he was tearing some papers. Eren threw the pieces somewhere in the room along her panties that had been hanging above her kneecaps for a while.
“Take it off.” Eren ordered Mikasa with his deep voice making her look at his pants with his cock trying to escape from his pants.
Unbuttoning his shirt, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants and finally taking off his boxers Mikasa got to take a look at his enormus huge dick that springed at her.
“Are you ready to feel it, Mikasa?” Eren smirked.
Gulping Mikasa nodded repeatedly proving Eren how much she craves for his cock.
Eren held her knees with both his hands and let Mikasa hold on his shoulder while he put his cock inside her and hear a loud moan from her and groaning himself.
Eren put his cock deeper groaning and hearing her scream softly while scratching his shoulders.
“Ugh why are you so tight, didn’t I fuck you enough?” Eren reminisced.
The two kept going in for each other. Sweats everywhere. The two cursing seriously the more pleasure they felt. Mikasa’s eyes were filled wih tears when she began getting tired, but her body and orgasm wanting to feel more.
“I-I-I’m going cum soon.” Mikasa moaned out.
“Same. Wanna cum together? Let’s give Ethan a little sibling.” Eren suggested.
Mikasa nodded gulping.
Eren turned his to Mikasa’s waist getting ready thrust more inside her and fill her up with his liquid.
Eren thrusted faster making Mikasa pull his head and dive it in her chest.
Finally Eren came inside her and now instead of moaning and groaning the two were breathing tiredly.
Eren pulled his cock out and pulled the bed sheet on their naked bodies and slide his arms under Mikasa’s head and let her rest on it while he pulled her closer and both embracing each other and drift off to sleep.
“It’s not what you think it is Mikasa.” Eren said before pecking Mikasa’s sleeping forehead and also sleep.
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theglitterypages · 2 years
Fly High
Chapter 6: He's Back
Fly High Masterlist ------- Haikyu Masterlist
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Oikawa didn't waste any time to ask Iwaizumi about things that happened to you and Iwaizumi answered the questions that he knew the answers but stayed silent when he doesn't know anything. "She's still Kenma Kozume's secretary, from what I've heard they lived together during her pregnancy. I couldn't ask her since she's avoiding me, sort of." Iwaizumi knew exactly why you would want to cut off some ties to those people who are connected to you and Oikawa and he understands that but he was genuinely worried so as much as he respects your choice, he still kept himself update about you and the twins.
"The guy named Bokuto was kinda close to her, are they together?"
Iwaizumi smirked to himself and he leaned his back on his couch before shrugging his shoulders, he saw the worried look on Oikawa's face when he did that, "You don't know?" he asked, obviously sad and disappointed, he knew it would never be easy to get you back but he's hoping that there would be no other man. He doesn't know if he can see you with someone else.
He knew that you deserve better, you deserve the best but Oikawa wanted to be that person. He wanted to be the one to take care of you, he still loves you, he never stopped loving you, he couldn't stop loving you even if it hurts.
Iwaizumi chuckled before he tapped Oikawa's shoulder, "She's single. I know, so why don't you rest first before you try to win her back? Nothing's gonna stop you now, give yourself a good rest and then find her after." Iwaizumi stood up and left Oikawa so he could rest, he has personal business to attend to. Oikawa is not the only one who have love problems (Upcoming Iwa fic? LMFAO)
You were busy dressing up the twins and packing their things, Kenma asked if he could meet you and the kids over lunch so you immediately said yes even it's your day off. Kenma is obsessed with the twins, even if he won’t say it. He always come to see the twins even once a week or sometimes he's asking you to just bring them at the office so he could play with them.
"Aiya, stop playing with your brother's hair. Uncle Kenma is coming in just a few minutes."
The two stopped messing around when you said that, they behaved and waited patiently, it was the perfect time for you to prepare yourself before Kenma arrives. The twin decided to watch TV as they sit down at the couch and when you were done with your hair, you heard the doorbell rang.
You immediately stood up and saw Kenma at your door, "Where are they?" He asked as he look over your shoulder, you opened the door wider for him and led him to the living room where he saw the twins all dressed up. "Aiya, Haruto." he called them out softly, "Papa Kenma!" the twins ran to hug him tightly and Kenma chuckles, yes, he did.
Kenma became a little expressive since the two were born. "Where are we going today, Papa?" they asked but Kenma looked at you with an apologetic look, "Well, I'm truly sorry, kids but something came up and Papa has to go and fix something." you smiled at him and comb Aiya and Haruto's hair. You just checked your phone and you saw that Kenma texted and called you but you got busy with dressing up the kids.
"But it’s Aiya and Haru's day today." Aiya pouted and Kenma just felt more guilty. He had always made sure not to have anything at this day of the week for the two but because of some conflicts he really has to go. "I know, I'm sorry, hmm? Because Papa Kenma couldn't make it, I called someone to come over and spend time with you." Kenma said, trying to sound cheerful and the twins' eyes lit up.
"Who is it?" the two asked, their eyes shining in anticipation and before Kenma could answer, you heard the doorbell rang again. The twins pulled away from Kenma and ran towards the door. Kenma chuckles as you two chased the twins. "I knew they'll forget about me if I bring a bribe." he said as he watch the two welcome the one and only Bokuto. "Sorry, I couldn't answer your call earlier." you apologized and Kenma just smiled as he suddenly hug you.
"It's your day off. Take a rest, woman. And good luck." he said before patting your head.
"Good luck for what?"
"HE'S Back."
You froze as you stare at Kenma and he pursed his lips. "Just like what you told me, YN. Give the twins the chance to meet him, they deserve to know." he reminded you before he walked towards Bokuto and the twins who was busy catching up with each other.
"Yeah, yeah, take care, man."
Your eyes met Bokuto's after he said goodbye to Kenma. "What happen?" he asked as he saw you crying, Aiya and Haruto looked up but Bokuto carried them two and brought them to their room, the twins looked at him in confusion, not understanding a thing, Bokuto smiled at the twins before he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Play with some games or watch some videos on Daddy's phone alright? Mom and I have some adult things to talk about." he closed the door of their room after kissing their foreheads.
Bokuto saw you at the living room covering your face with your hand. You were sobbing hard and Bokuto pull you into his arms as he kissed your hair to calm you down, "Shh…it's okay YN. It's okay, you can let it all out, it's just me." he whispers softly, he gently pushed you off of him and remove your hands from your face. He smiled at you as he wipes your tears with his thumbs.
You never want anyone to see you like this but for some reason every time that you're breaking down, the person who's beside you is Bokuto, he's a crackhead, childish, emotional and confident player on the court but Bokuto is a much deeper person than everyone thinks he is.
"He's back and I promised the twins that they'll meet him. What if Oikawa won't accept them? What if his girlfriend won't-"
"Shh, you won't know until you try, YN. I know, it's scary, but what if he would accept them? What if he will welcome them with open arms? Will you let your fear hinder the happiness of your kids?"
Bokuto doesn't know about your history with the twins' father, he just found out that it was Oikawa Toru but he wouldn't want you to carry all of this responsibilities alone forever, you deserve the peace of mind, the kids deserve a father and as much as he wants to offer that he knew that the twins' desire to meet their father won't go away.
You smiled at Bokuto and buried your face in his broad chest, "Thank you, Kou." you whispered as you held onto him tightly, "Please, let's let the twins have some fun before I ask Iwa to contact him for me." Bokuto nods, still keeping you close with him, eh let you cry on his chest and waited before you calm down.
"Feel better?"
"Hmm, thanks Kou. Love you." you told him before you kissed his cheeks, Bokuto laughed and mess your hair with a playful and flirty smirk. "Ahuh? But I thought we already told ourselves that we're better off as friends?" he teased and you hit him in his chest and pushed him, "Asshole, did you forget that you kissed me first?" Bokuto placed his fingers on your lips and made a 'shh' sound with that same mischievous glint in his eye.
"But you asked me to do it again, you liked it."
"I was drunk."
"Drunk because of my kisses? Yeah, yeah whatever."
You groaned out of annoyance and walked out to go to your children while he follows closely and he's still laughing. It's been a year since that kissing incident with Bokuto and that drunk kissing was followed by few dates here and there and some make out sessions, Bokuto is a perfect person to play the part as the twins' father but even after all these years, you knew that it's still Oikawa.
If Oikawa Toru never existed, you would've probably fell in love with Bokuto but without Oikawa there would be no Aiya and Haruto, even after all of the pain during the pregnancy and when you gave birth, you never regret becoming their Mother. They completed you, they filled the void that Oikawa left, they made you stronger and braver.
Bokuto smiles as he watch you talk to the twins, this is his favorite, seeing you care for the twins and seeing your eyes sparks as you look at your children is the best thing he had ever seen. He already admitted to himself long ago that he fell in love with you but he's strong enough to set aside his own feelings and stayed as your support, he can see in your eyes that you're not ready yet and seeing how you reacted to the news that your ex is back, it just proved his assumptions all this time.
He's contented with staying as your friend, he misses keeping you in his arms on that way but he's not selfish to let his own feelings meddle with the happiness of the twins. He treasures your children so much and all he wants was their happiness and if meeting their real father is what they want, he will support you all the way.
"Mommy, my classmate have this cute doll and I really like it. Can you buy it for me if I did great on my tests?" Aiya asked politely and you were about to say no but Bokuto talked over you, "Daddy Kou will buy it for our Princess. How about you Haruto? Is there something you want?" Bokuto ignored your glare and just proceeded to guide the twins in a table near the window so you could check up on your employees in the café.
"I wanted to play volleyball Daddy Kou! I want to be a setter!" Haruto says excitingly and you looked back at your son, Bokuto was also taken aback and he looked up at you, Oikawa Toru was labeled as one of the best setter in Japan and now his son is also planning on being one even without the knowledge that his father is a setter.
"Nice! We'll have your Dada Tsum-Tsum handle that." Bokuto says, his eyes still fixed on you.
You felt a slight tap on your shoulder and when you looked at your right you saw the manager of your café standing beside you, "Ma'am is there something wrong? I was gonna give the things you've asked for…" your employee hesitated to hand you the folder but you smiled and took it from her.
"Yeah, wait for me in the office and let's discuss this. I'm just gonna talk to the twins."
Bokuto was entertaining the kids by taking pictures and you suddenly find yourself wondering if you will see them like this with Oikawa too, "Mom! Come and join us!" they called and you sat beside Bokuto and carried Aiya on your lap before posing at the camera.
"Okay, so kids listen. Mom has something to do so can I leave you with Daddy Kou today? I'm sorry if I wouldn't be able to join the fun."
"It's okay Mommy, we know it's tough to work and take care of us. We'll be fine, I'll protect Aiya and Daddy Kou will take care of us too. Just don't work too hard Mommy, we don't want you sick." Haruto reached out for your face and kissed your cheek while Aiya hugged you, "We love you, Mommy." they said in unison and you felt like all of the tiredness in your body disappeared.
You kissed them both and pat their head before looking at Bokuto. "Sorry, Kou." Bokuto shook his head and pinch your cheeks as he stood up, "Nothing to apologize for, do your thing. I'll take care of 'em. Don't forget to eat alright?" Bokuto had second thoughts of whether he's gonna do what he's about to do but he told himself nothing's wrong with it.
He gave you a soft kiss on the forehead while the twins were busy talking and he whispered, "Good luck, wonder woman."
The café has too many customers that your servers are in chaos so you have to help in serving orders, there were students on a date, friends having fun and taking pictures for Instagram so you were serving here and there.
"Ma'am, I can help with serving. You should just stay in the counter so you won't be as tired." Naomi said and you thanked her before you moved at the counter and started taking orders, "Welcome to Twins Café what would you like to order?" you asked, your eyes fixed on the machine as you wait for the customer to speak. "2 Cappuccinos and 2 chocolate cupcake please." says the male voice.
"2 Cappuccinos and 2 chocolate cupc----Oikawa?"
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
can you do a oneshot with peip spy paul and secret ccrp boss melissa? (yeah this is cause of the stuff sent to hatchetfieldtheories so what lmfao)
Um hell yeah I will! I have read the original theory, but you're also going to get my take on it because I got ideas just by reading the prompt lol. Apparently @hatchetfieldtheories and I are now getting lumped together and I am perfectly okay with that.
Genre: Action/ Thriller kinda?
Words: 2727 (once again... perfect)
TL;DR: Paul's cover as a PEIP agent is blown, and he finally gets to meet exactly who he's fighting against.
TW: Swearing, Guns, Violence, Murder, Blood.
Paul sighed, reading over his report before he sent it in. Was the report work related? No. Well... yes and no. Not for his job at CCRP technical. But as an agent of PEIP? It held information that could be absolutely crucial to the work they were doing. So it kind of had to be perfect. One mistype, a spelling mistake, could change the entire context of how it was read and how his superiors reacted. Perfection was key. Especially with what he had found. God, had he found out a lot.
Paul hadn't originally worked for PEIP. No. No, it was a bit of a long story. But... to sum it up, Paul had been caught dead in the centre of a world-ending event. An attack from what had looked like aliens at first but was actually an entity named Pokotho- or Pokey. Paul had very nearly died. He'd almost caused the end of the world. He had almost thrown a grenade dead into the centre of the meteor that was playing host to Pokey and his hivemind formula- which would have simply spread the spores. Luckily, one PEIP field agent- a Xander Lee- had managed to keep himself safe while his unit was infected, and he was able to stop Paul before he made a world-ending mistake.
Xander, through a lot of science Paul did *not* understand, was able to send Pokey back into his own dimension. The world was saved. It still kind of felt like a sci-fi fever dream. Most days, it still didn't feel real. The Hive had healed those it had destroyed, so... most people came back. Not Charlotte or Sam, because they weren't technically killed by the Hive. But Ted, Bill, Alice, Deb, Emma, and even Hidgens were back completely unscathed. Paul and Emma had actually gotten a chance to go to that movie. They were dating now. For three months, to the day. Paul had a bouquet of roses ready to surprise her with after work. He knew she wasn't usually big on the sappy romance stuff, but... he kinda was.
It was about a week after what was now widely known as the 'apotheosis' had passed when Paul got an email from Xander asking a favour. A very classified favour. Since Paul knew about PEIP and what it stood for. Apparently, they'd been picking up suspicious activity from CCRP for months, and they'd been trying to figure out which of their agents to send undercover. But every alias they'd made up had been rejected for an interview. So Xander got the idea that since Paul worked there, maybe he could keep an eye out for them. And as dangerous as it seemed... Paul said yes. The work PEIP did was too important to risk delaying. He was briefed through text, and he learned his job online in a matter of days. Ever since, he had been PEIP's agent in CCRP. And PEIP was more than right to be concerned.
Paul hummed, satisfied with his report. It was concise, precise, and detailed everything he'd seen. Which was a lot. This week... this week, he'd finally made his breakthrough. He was able to sneak to a higher level. Sylvia's level. She was talking on the phone about temporal breaches, trans-dimensional fluctuations, and lots of other jargon he didn't even come close to understanding. He'd bugged her office with a microphone PEIP had sent him so that they would understand more clearly. And when he'd snuck to the lower level, he was finally able to get past that second level of security. And what he'd found there was... eerie. He hadn't gone in. He just looked through the window. But it appeared there were hundreds, if not thousands, of... himself. Just standing there. He'd left a camera. Needless to say the report was more than full of information.
Paul heard the click of heels behind him and he quickly pressed send, closing the tab. He faked looking through his analytics before the clicking stopped. Paul could practically feel the presence looming behind him. At first, he just kept working as if he didn't notice. But... then it started to bug him. Because whoever the heeled coworker was who had stopped behind him was, they hadn't moved yet. He slowly turned, trying not to show any nerves. But he was a terrible liar, so he had a feeling that wasn't working. In front of him stood... oh good, Melissa. He sighed in relief.
"Hey Melissa. How's it going?" Paul asked.
"I need to see you for a moment... in Mr. Davidson's office." Melissa told him shyly.
"You need to see me?" Paul asked, still getting up nonetheless. This was Melissa. She was a sweetheart. She probably had a computer problem.
"Yeah... don't worry, it won't take of your much time." Melissa bit her lip, walking away. Paul followed.
"Did Davidson's computer crash because of that solitaire again?" Paul guessed.
"Um... no. No, this isn't about Mr. Davidson's computer." Melissa chuckled nervously.
"Uh oh... Paul's getting called to the principal's office!" Ted taunted teasingly.
"Shut up, Ted!" Bill groaned. "I'm trying to finish my report! Can I not have peace for five minutes?"
"You can... if you move to another department." Ted smirked. Paul only knew he was smirking because Ted had popped his head over the cubicle to watch him go by.
"I'm not in any trouble." Paul rolled his eyes. "Go back to what you were doing."
"Alright, alright!" Ted snickered, raising his hands defensively and lowering back into the cubicle.
"Sorry about him." Paul sighed, seeing the way Melissa blushed. "I swear he's not as much of an asshole as he seems most of the time."
"Oh, it's fine." Melissa shrugged. She walked into Davidson's office. Suddenly, her demeanor completely switched. "Ken, I'm going to need this office for a minute."
"What?" Paul blinked, his heart immediately sinking to his stomach. There was a pit in his stomach, and it was growing by the minute.
"Sure thing, Mel." Mr. Davidson nodded, getting up and walking out of the office.
"What's going on?" Paul asked, though there was no one specifically he was speaking to. He was just very confused.
"Why don't we sit?" Melissa offered, confidence oozing off of her as she took Davidson's seat behind the desk.
"Um... okay." Paul nodded warily, taking a seat. "Melissa..."
"Let me do the talking for now, Paul." Melissa sighed, leaning forward on the desk.
"Alright." Paul blushed, already intimidated. Yeah, he was totally agent material.
"You probably think you've been pretty slick, don't you?" Melissa chuckled lowly, looking at the cowering bundle of nerves before her. "Slipping bugs all over the facilities, sending your little reports while you're supposed to be writing reports for us... quite the secret agent, aren't you?"
"I... don't know what you're talking about." Paul lied.
"Paul, you're not that bright." Melissa scoffed. "In all your stealth and espionage, you seem to have forgotten that we have security cameras."
"On those floors?" Paul blinked. "I... didn't see any feed from them when I checked."
"Well we're not going to stream it to where anyone can see it!" Melissa rolled her eyes. "And you know exactly why."
"Yeah... yeah, I probably shouldn't have just assumed..." Paul sighed.
"So you admit it then? You're a spy?" Melissa checked.
"Well... yeah. Yeah I am." Paul sighed.
"For PEIP?" Melissa clarified.
"Who?" Paul tried to lie again.
"Paul, you used our network to send your files." Melissa rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, but I followed their..." Paul muttered.
"Which we're well aware of here, and well aware of how to overrule." Melissa sighed. "Really, Paul... you're sloppy."
"I'm not trained." Paul blushed.
"I figured as much." Melissa scoffed. "So they pulled you over to the dark side?"
"They saved my life during the apotheosis..." Paul shrugged. "When they told me something might be up here, I knew I had to help. And they were right, Melissa. Stuff is going on here."
"I know." Melissa smirked. "I oversee it all."
"You?" Paul raised his brows, a bit taken aback.
"Me." Melissa smirked. "You're probably thinking it's a bit weird... me, being in charge, choosing to take on the role of a secretary."
"I'm honestly just trying to wrap my head around you being in charge in general." Paul muttered.
"You want to know why?" Melissa asked. It was, of course, rhetorical. "It's actually pretty simple. The CCRP Technical department had some good cloning candidates. I wanted to be close to the action. Hand-pick who we used. And who would ever suspect anything of the shy, sweet secretary? You certainly didn't."
"So you hand-picked me?" Paul blinked in shock. He was doing a lot of that.
"You're a good size, amiable personality... smart enough, though evidently no genius." Melissa reasoned. "You, in mass, would make a great crew of workers for the Moon Project."
"Moon Project?" Paul asked.
"Oh, you've barely scratched the surface on what we're doing here, Paul." Melissa chuckled darkly. "But you won't be getting any further."
"What are you going to do to me?" Paul shrugged, a faux confidence in his tone. "There are people out there who know me. If I just go missing, they're going to get suspicious."
"Oh... Paul, you think I would tell you?" Melissa started to laugh. "You're so sweet! No. No, we won't be doing anything to you right now. But... let's just say PEIP won't be getting any reports from you in the near future."
"You brought me here just to tell me that?" Paul asked apprehensively. "To gloat?"
"Just to let you know that we knew, yes." Melissa sighed, she pulled out a cellphone, diverting most of her attention to it. "I like to deal with things myself. Handle things face-to-face."
"What are you doing?" Paul asked, a pit growing in his stomach as he watched the way she tapped at the screen.
"Wouldn't you like to know..." Melissa mumbled. "Go home, Paul. Take the rest of the night off. Go to your girlfriend's coffee shop. Bring her the flowers. Happy three months, by the way."
"I want to know what you're doing." Paul stated firmly. Melissa looked up at him before starting to laugh.
"Well isn't that just too fucking bad!" Melissa snickered. "Go. Before I call Ken back in and make you go."
"Okay..." Paul relented, getting up. He looked her dead in the eyes. "If PEIP is concerned about the work here, so am I. This isn't over."
"Yes it is, Paul." Melissa sighed. "Have a nice life."
"Life?" Paul blinked, freezing in the doorway.
"Sorry, did I say life?" Melissa chuckled. "I meant night."
"Right..." Paul bit his lip, admittedly uneasy. He tried to walk silently back to his cubicle... but with Ted Spankoffski around, there was no way he was getting out of this unscathed.
"So, did you get fired?" Ted popped up.
"Nope. Everything is fine. Davidson just needed a bit of help with his computer." Paul lied.
"Shit, he told me I'd be able to fix it next time!" Ted grumbled. "Is he giving you a bonus for it?"
"Nope. It was just a favour." Paul sighed.
"Damn... you fucking pushover." Ted snickered.
"Yeah, I get it, I let people walk all over me." Paul rolled his eyes. He picked up the bouquet of flowers from his cubicle, continuing to walk for the door.
"Hey, where are you going?" Ted furrowed his brows.
"As a thank you, he's letting me off early. So I can surprise Emma." Paul smirked. "We've been dating for three months to the day."
"Yeah you have... give her butt an extra squeeze for me, horndog." Ted teased. Paul blushed.
"Fuck you!" He called back, making his way out the door.
Paul felt something off the minute he stepped outside the CCRP building. Something deep in his bones. He physically shuddered under the weight of it, but... what could he do but keep walking. Yeah... yeah, it was probably just him feeling uneasy after the conversation he'd just had, right? Right... he was okay. Everything was okay. They were probably just gonna put a block on his communications with PEIP. No biggie. He'd survive it. He'd figure out another way to spy, and to get his findings to Xander. Everything was going to be just fine. He was going to be just fine.
He rounded a corner, walking across the street to Beanies. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle he felt a hand cover his mouth and another wrap around his waist, pulling him back. He tried shouting and screaming, but it was muffled. He resisted as much as he possibly could, but this person was stronger than him. Finally, they stopped in an alley, and the hand was removed from his mouth. Paul took a few deep breaths, setting the flowers down and raising his hands in surrender. At about the same time, he felt cool metal pressed to his temple. What a time to be mugged.
"I don't have anything on me to give to you. I used all my cash at lunch. All that's in my wallet is my driver's license." Paul stated levelly. "Believe me. You've got the wrong guy."
"No, Paul... I haven't." An almost identical voice sighed behind him. Paul blinked in confusion. He made a very, very stupid move and turned in the man's arms while his grip was a bit looser. He found himself staring dead in the eyes at... himself. His eyes widened. "You have everything I've ever wanted."
"You..." Paul breathed, before becoming suddenly very aware of the metal on his head. He took a sideways glance, seeing that it was a gun. He had thought it was, just... best to be sure. "Please. Please, you don't have to do this."
"Yes I do. It's either this or the moon, and... I don't want to go to the moon." The other Paul told him, voice shaky. He moved his finger to the trigger, hesitating. "Thank you. For the memories. For giving me the life I'm about to live."
Bang! There was smoke, and then a thud. Paul- the original one- fell to the ground, limp and lifeless. The death was almost instant, just as Paul 23 had predicted that it would be. He'd let go at the right time... and he hadn't gotten any blood on himself. It really had been his day! His cell malfunctioned and opened for him. Then he found the gun just... hanging there on the rack. He was free and armed, and ready to carry out everything he had fantasized about since he was made! It was like the stars had aligned for him! And as a cherry on top... Paul had even brought flowers. If the memories planted in his head were any indication, it was his and Emma's three-month-iversary. These would be absolutely perfect!
He stepped over his lifeless counterpart, rushing to get to the flowers before the puddle of blood forming by Paul's head got to them. he picked up the flowers tenderly, grinning. He took a look one final time at the original Paul, the the flowers. He set the flowers down, picking up Paul and propping him on a dumpster. He pulled out a small chip, slipping it in the appropriate place under his tongue. The finishing touch to his plan. Now... they would think this Paul was him. That he'd managed to erase his tattoo. He tossed the Paul in a CCRP marked dumpster, sighing.
He picked the flowers back up, walking out of the alley. God, this was great! He was about to finally step into the life that was rightly his. His brothers, the other clones, would kill to be him. But of course he wasn't actually going to let them kill him. No, unlike the real Paul, he knew to always be on the lookout. He knew he would never be safe. But for now... was it ever going to be worth it. He walked up to the door at Beanies, walking in. He saw Emma at the counter, and... he couldn't hide his excitement. He beamed, grinning widely. Like a small child. He walked up to her, holding the flowers out for the love of his life.
"Hey, Emma... Happy Three Months!"
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