#called an FBI operative a 'villain.'
brexiiton · 1 year
A judge called an FBI operative a 'villain.' Ruling comes too late for 2 convicted in terror sting
Updated 3:59 PM GMT +10, August 8, 2023
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - In a scathing ruling last month, a judge said the FBI had used a "villain" of an informant to manipulate a group of Muslim men into going along with a fictitious plot to destroy military planes and synagogues in New York City's suburbs. She ordered three released from prison, saying "the real lead conspirator was the United States."
Now, a man convicted in another sting carried out by the same FBI operative says he hopes the ruling will prompt U.S. prosecutors to review the fairness of similar counterterrorism operations carried out in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.
"Hopefully this will be the first step for the Justice Department to review all those cases of conspiracy and entrapment," said Yassin Aref, a former imam who spent 14 years in federal custody in a case involving a business loan made to an Albany pizza shop owner and a made-up story about a Stinger missile.
Aref and the shop owner were arrested in 2004 in one of several FBI stings carried out by a paid civilian operative named Shahed Hussain, whose work has been criticized for years by civil liberties groups.
Hussain entered the U.S with his wife and two sons in the 1990s afer he was accused of murder - falsely, he once testified - in his native Pakistan. He settled in the Albany area and was working as a translator when he got caught helping someone get their driver's license illegally. In exchange for leniency, he started working for the FBI.
American law enforcement at the time was on a massive hunt for terrorist "sleeper cells" planning attacks on U.S. soil. Hussain worked with the FBI to approach people suspected of being sympathetic to Islamic militant groups and see if they could be talked into an illegal act.
One target was a group of four men from Newburgh, New York, who were arrested in 2009, convicted of plotting deadly antisemitic attacks and sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Courts has upheld their convictions, finding they knowingly became eager participants in a plot to plant explosives at a Bronx synagogue. But when three of the four applied for compassionate release, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon granted the request, saying the FBI had sent a master manipulator "to troll among the poorest and weakest of men for 'terrorists' who might prove susceptible to an offer of much-needed cash in exchange for committing a faux crime."
In a ruling July 28, McMahon called them "hapless, easily manipulated and penurious petty criminals" who had no connection to any terrorist group and had "never remotely contemplated" violent extremist before they met Hussain.
The ruling resonated with defendants and attorneys in a case Hussain helped build in 2004 against two men involved with an Albany mosque, Aref and former pizza shop owner Mohammed Hossain.
Posing as a successful businessman, Hussain befriended Hossain, eventually offering to lend him $50,000 for his struggling business. But he also told the pizza parlor owner the money would come from the sale of a shoulder-fired missile, imported from China, to a group that wanted to kill a Pakistani diplomat in New York City.
Hossain later said he thought the talk about an attack was a joke and that the missile he was shown was a plumbing supply. For religious reasons, he asked his imam, Aref, to witness the business transaction, much like a notary.
Aref and Hossain, now free after serving long prison terms for money laundering concealing material support for an attack with a weapon of mass destruction and giving material support to a terrorist organization, say they were innocent.
"I was a businessman taking care of my children," Hossain told the Associated Press.
Defense lawyers said they were manipulated to take part in a deal they didn't understand.
"The government wanted to make me something big, to make me look like danger," said Aref, speaking to the AP from his native Iraq, where he now lives. When the FBI was not able to find real terrorists, he said, "then they created one."
The FBI declined to comment. Emails seeking comment were sent to the Department of Justice and the regional U.S. attorney's office.
At the time of the arrests, then-deputy attorney general James Comey said "we are working very, very hard to infiltrate the enemy." After their convictions, then-U.S. Attorney Glenn Suddaby said the pair were "prone to support terrorism."
But the Albany case became a prime example used by critics who believed the government overreacted in its response to 9/11. In their view, Hussain was not informing on potential terrorists, but pushing people toward illegal behavior.
Judge McMahon described Hussain as "most unsavory," saying he encouraged his naive targets with rhetoric and a large cash reward.
McMahon's government-led conspiracy criticism is "exactly the argument we were making," said Terence Kindlon, the attorney who represented Aref. Kindlon called a "contrived case" tried amid rage over 9/11.
Hussain is believed to have returned to Pakistan, but he maintained a limo company in upstate New York that was operated by a son. In 2018, one of the company's vehicles wrecked while carrying a group on a birthday outing, killing 20. Hussain's son was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to at least five years in prison after prosecutors presented evidence that the company had evaded safety regulations.
The FBI said in a prepared statement that it did not take any action that allowed the limousine company to operate, "nor did we take any action to interfere with the prosecution of the case."
Contact information for Hussain in Pakistan could not be found.
Aref, 53, was deported after his prison sentence but says he bears no ill will. His appeals attorney, Kathy Manley, said legal appeals are exhausted.
Hossain, 68, was released in 2020 and lives in Albany. He no longer has the pizza place, but maintains a handful of rental properties. He said the experience has left him with lingering fears.
"If I look back and I'm thinking about what has happened," he said, "it just makes me numb."
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A man convicted in 2010 of plotting to blow up New York City synagogues and a Jewish community center, and shoot down military planes, was ordered to be released from prison by a judge who said the defendant was part of a group manipulated by the FBI.
Four men, who became known as the "Newburgh Four," were caught up in a scheme in 2009 to attack the synagogues and community center, and launch stinger missiles at military aircraft, driven by what the judge describes as overzealous FBI agents and an "unsavory" confidential informant.
U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon had already ordered the three other men in the group - Onta Williams, David Williams and Laguerra Payen - to be released last July.
The fourth man, James Cromitie, described as the ringleader by the government, was ordered released by the judge on Friday.
The judge called the case "notorious" and described the men as "hapless" petty criminals who were "easily manipulated" by the government in a sting operation.
Cromitie's lawyer was quoted in the New York Times as saying the judge's order was "at least some kind of vindication for what we believe was a tragic miscarriage of justice."
The four men were convicted of terrorism charges in 2010 and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Friday's order by the judge asked for Cromitie's sentence to be cut to time served plus 90 days. It did not reverse the conviction.
Judge McMahon said that Cromitie was a small-time "grifter" who was broke and unemployed when he was enlisted in the FBI-driven plot and provided fake bombs to plant in exchange for $250,000 in the "jihadist mission." Cromitie enlisted the other three men to serve as lookouts, according to the judge. "The three men were recruited so that Cromitie could conspire with someone," the judge said. "The real lead conspirator was the United States. .... The FBI invented the conspiracy; identified the targets; manufactured the ordnance."
Cromitie was recruited by longtime FBI informant Shahed Hussain, whom the judge called a "villain." The judge wrote that Hussain's role was to infiltrate mosques and spot people who could be potential extremists.
Hussain offered "heavenly and earthly rewards, including as much as $250,000" to Cromitie "if he would plan and participate in, and find others to participate in, a jihadist 'mission,'" according to the judge.
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aviculor · 11 months
I think The Poughkeepsie Tapes ended up being one of the most chilling and disturbing films I've seen, especially this year. However, I do need to criticize how much of a complete Marty Stu the serial killer Ed is. He dances circles around law enforcement and FBI profilers to the point where nobody knows anything about him except for what he voluntarily shows in the tapes which uhh...does not come off like some sort of hyper-competent strategic genius the likes of which the world has never seen. He's still at large because he somehow managed to scrub all traces of himself from the house he's been living in and operating out of for a decade. Neighbors? Mail? Utilities? Legal records? Not even a single fingerprint could be found, which at that point is just plain unrealistic. Many people still think the cop he framed was the killer because 9/11 overshadowed when then cop was posthumously exonerated. Can you imagine that? 9/11 played right into his schemes. An invincible, untouchable, untraceable villain does every horrible crime you can think of and gets away with it without any repercussion...what is he, like, evil Bugs Bunny or something? I guess that was just the style back in 2009.
But I'd honestly rather watch a dozen edgy, tryhard aughties films than a single one that shows real human death or disfigured corpses. Because the more I think about Cradle of Fear, the less I like it. The problem was just one vignette, but you can't even call it a fly in the ointment when it's more like someone took a wet shit in the ointment. It would have been so easy to make your own fake assets to show on the reporter's computer, especially when so much of the film already had passable effects. Hell, using the crappy 2000's cgi for that part would have been forgivable. If I didn't hear that that clip was part of a real video, I would have thought it was faked anyway. The end product wasn't worth doing something so gross and distasteful. I was already cutting it a lot of slack between the mediocre acting and amateurish cinematography.
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yesterdanereviews · 1 year
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Three Supermen in Santo Domingo (1986)
Film review #551
Director: Italo Martinenghi
SYNOPSIS: FBI agent Brad Scott is once again required to team up with the international thieves known as “The Supermen,” this time they travel to Santo Domingo in South America to disrupt a money counterfeiting operation by some local crime gangs.
THOUGHTS/ANALYSIS: Three Supermen in Santo Domingo is a 1986 film and the final instalment in the Three Supermen series of films. The plot is fairly typical and familiar to those who have watched any of the other films: an FBI agent has to team up with the international thieves known as “The Supermen,” this time travelling to Santo Domingo to stop a counterfeiting operation run by a local gang. There’s no time travelling or outlandish elements in this film; it’s just a simple crimefighting, slapstick bit of fun, although obviously the supermen still have their bulletproof suits, that villains never quite work out that they could just shoot them in their uncovered heads. There’s a variety of action scenes (which consist of a fair amount of speeding up and reversing footage instead of actual stunts), and setups involving disguises, and elaborate plans, but nothing too exciting.
As always, the film revolves around the three supermen, and once again, they are played by different actors; all with the exception of one, Sal Borgese, who has been playing the mute superman since the second film (in the ones which you could consider “canon” anyway). The names of the characters also change quite a lot, and this time it seems like they’ve just resorted to calling Sal’s character Sal. The other two actors change every film, and this time the change is quite apparent, as they are obviously a lot younger than Sal. One of them is Stefano Martinenghi, who is the son of the director, and clearly only got the role because of this: he doesn’t really fit the role of the charming, cheeky lead. The actor playing the role of FBI agent Brad Scott also doesn’t really work because he seems way too young, and typically the role goes to someone who is older and more straight-laced, to balance with the supermen’s goofiness. There are glimmers of that personality, but not much. The rest of the cast aren’t really worth mentioning, as the villains don’t really stand out, and the supporting cast barely exist on screen.
It’s perhaps worth mentioning at this point that this film series has been going on for nearly twenty years at the time this film was made; and there is no reason for it to have done so. The original was a cheap b-movie that spoofed sci-fi and spy films that were popular in 1967, but had a somewhat interesting twist by having professional acrobats play the lead roles, which led to some fun action scenes and well-choregraphed fights. The first film, while nothing more than a typical b-movie, did everything it really needed to, but for some reason it became a series that went on to satirise other types of films, such as Westerns, cold war plots, martial arts films, and even got a Turkish rip-off version...which further still, somewhat fused with the Turkish rip-off scene when production of the films moved to Turkey. The whole production of this series is all over the place, but I suppose credit should be given to the films somewhat adapting to changing to cultural trends. Three Supermen in Santo Domingo doesn’t really offer anything special in this regard though, and while it keeps things simple, it definitely feels like a format that is well past its sell-by date in 1986, and since this is the final film in the series, the makers probably knew this too. Definitely deserves credit for going for twenty years, but its last hurrah is uneventful.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Top 12 Characters from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow
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Halloween may have ended the day before yesterday, but I wanted to give the spooky season one last hurrah! I recently did a couple of lists related to characters from Washington Irving’s classic tale “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” I’ve been on a Sleepy Hollow kick lately, for a few reasons…and due to this “kick,” I decided it was time to revisit the somewhat controversial FOX TV Series simply called “Sleepy Hollow.” When the show first came out, I actually only got part of the way through Season One before I stopped watching it; at the time, I had a lot of other things eating up my attention, and I think I was also a little more closed-minded towards the drastic reinventions this series put forth.
After revisiting the show in the past couple months, I found a new sort of love and respect for it. It’s not a perfect series, mind you, but I think the mixture of my love of the source material and the excellent performances from the actors, above all else, pull it through. The show is a supernatural crime drama, similar to things like “Supernatural,” “Lucifer,” or “The X-Files.” The series focuses on Ichabod Crane - a dashing Revolutionary War hero, in this version of the story - solving a variety of strange crimes in the modern day. From witches to demons to figures from mythology - and, of course, the Headless Horseman - the show had a lot of really wonderful characters and creatures on display. I decided it would be fun to count down some of my favorite characters from the series overall, in honor of All Hallows Eve (or, given today’s date, Dia de los Muertos; take your pick). Because not only did this show have great reimaginings of the characters from the Washington Irving legend, but also a fine array of original characters unique to this interpretation. They all deserve to be recognized. So, without further ado…here are my personal Top 12 Characters from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow.
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12. Jake Wells & Alex Norwood.
These two characters debuted in the show’s fourth and final season. I’m just going to state outright: in my opinion, Season 4 was the worst season of the show. On its own terms, it wasn’t necessarily all that bad, but I think it tried to do a few too many things at once, and changed up the formula of the series in a few too many ways. When you compare to the prior three seasons, it stands out as the weakest link, in my opinion. One of the issues this season had was that it had a whole new cast of major characters we’d never met before, which meant a whole new set of relationships, personalities, and performances for the audience to get used to. Thankfully, most of these characters were pretty strong. Case in point: Jake Wells and Alex Norwood, two eccentric history buffs who work as the chief operatives for Agency 355: a secretive part of the FBI that investigates supernatural phenomenon. Jake and Alex I always saw as a duo, first and foremost, hence why I decided to include them together here. Jake is a dorky, geeky fellow who has read more books on history, and done more research into the paranormal, than almost anyone else; his knowledge on both subjects almost rivals that of Ichabod himself, and he is eager to prove his worth as a hero when he realizes his true calling. Alex, meanwhile, is a snarky, sneaky weapons expert fascinated with ancient technology and cursed objects; she’s actually a bit more skeptical than Jake, but she goes along for the ride. Alex also has a hidden crush on Jake, who naturally remains totally oblivious. These two were just a fun pair to watch in action, and many of the funniest moments in the final season came from their interactions.
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11. Jobe.
While Season 4 may have had a lot of problems, one thing I almost unconditionally loved about it was its villains; most notably its two main antagonists. One of those antagonists is Jobe. It’s unclear if “Jobe” is actually his true name or not, but regardless, Jobe is a Mephistophelean sort of figure: a high-ranking demon who has become the personal bodyguard and assistant of the season’s main villain, Malcolm Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss made a deal with the devil years ago, part of that bargain being that Jobe would faithfully serve him until Dreyfuss’ death. However, Dreyfuss’ plans to gain immortality put that exact bargain at risk, and Jobe is thus in danger of potentially becoming a pawn in the mortal man’s game forever. There’s an interesting contrast with Jobe’s relationship with Dreyfuss; Malcolm relies on the demon constantly, and goes to great lengths to help him out, and Jobe will do just about anything Malcolm demands. At times, one could almost believe the two were friendly with each other…but it eventually becomes clear that Jobe is NOT Malcolm’s friend. He’s simply fulfilling the contract’s stipulations to the letter. While he does not approve of the loophole being used, there’s nothing he can really do about it…aside from finding his own loopholes to try and sabotage the scheme.
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10. Katrina Van Tassel.
A.k.a. Katrina Crane. In this version, she and Ichabod actually get married, so which surname you use can be interchangeable. I call her “Van Tassel” simply because that’s the character’s name in the original story. ANYWAY: Katrina was a major figure in the first two seasons of the show; in many ways, she is the catalyst for a lot of the action that goes on in the series. It’s revealed that Katrina is a witch who was secretly working with American Revolutionaries. It was partially due to her influence that Ichabod defected from the British side of the conflict, and the two were eventually wed. For the first season and a half, Katrina is one of the main protagonists…but, in the latter part of season two - for various reasons - the character falls to the dark side, going from a good and noble enchantress to a truly wicked witch. I’ve always felt sort of conflicted about this portrayal of Katrina; my biggest issue is that, for that first season and a half, the writers couldn’t seem to make up their minds if Katrina was meant to be a strong, independent, powerful woman and role model…or a rather silly damsel in distress. On the one hand, she’s quite literally got a ton of power as a witch, and she’s a skilled manipulator in her own way…but on the other hand, most of her time before we get to her descending arc is spent with Ichabod trying to save her, and it gets old fast. Having said that, I honestly think she became a much more interesting character in the second half of season two, with her descent into darkness story arc; the tension of love and anger between herself and Ichabod, not to mention the other characters, made for some dramatic moments, and her motivations and goals as an antagonist were really quite interesting. She got more chances to actually SHOW her strength as a character, helping Ichabod on cases in the early parts of Season 2B, and then shifting and turning her coat as the arc went on. Actress Katia Winter really helps sell the character, and while I may have some issues with the way she’s written, she’s still an important and iconic figure in the series.
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9. Diana Thomas.
Yet another character from Season 4. Played by Janina Gavankar, Diana had a really tough gig to follow: for the first three seasons, the two main characters of the show had been Ichabod Crane and “Leftenant” Abbie Mills. However, due to issues with the creative team behind the scenes, Nicole Baharie - Abbie’s actress - decided it was time to leave the show. Rather than end the series with Abbie’s death, however, the writers decided to provide Ichabod with a new modern detective to join forces with, and invent a new “Second Witness” as well. This is where Agent Diana Thomas of the FBI comes in: much like Abbie, she meets Ichabod when her own partner and her boss end up killed by a demonic entity. From that point on, the two become entangled, as Ichabod helps Agent Thomas with a variety of cases not in Sleepy Hollow, but in Washington D.C. itself. At first, we believe that Diana must be the new Second Witness…but instead, it’s revealed that Diana is a mother, and it’s her ten year old daughter, Molly, who is the Second Witness. Diana effectively tries to become a crusader for her own offspring, fighting the battles Molly is too young to fight, and trying to find some way to balance her duties as a mother, a member of law enforcement, and part of a secret war against Hell itself all together. While following on the heels of “The Leftenant” wasn’t exactly an easy task, I actually think Diana pulls it off: her own relationship with Ichabod hits some of the same beats, but her character and setup is unique enough to make her interesting and fun in her own right. The way things develop between herself, Molly, and Ichabod is also quite engaging; if the show had gone on longer, she might have ranked more highly here.
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8. Nick Hawley.
It’s weird that this character ranks so highly for me, because - much like the Season 4 cast - this was a character who only appeared for a single season. And unlike most of the S4 cast I’m covering here, he WASN’T a series main during his tenure. I guess one could just argue that character is simply that strong. Nick Hawley, a.k.a. “The Privateer” (as Ichabod likes to call him), is a self-proclaimed treasure hunter. He seeks out rare and mysterious artifacts and items, which usually have some kind of supernatural or mythological tale behind them, and then sells them off either to private buyers or simply to the highest bidder he can find. Hawley is a modern-day pirate: while not completely without scruples, he cares most chiefly about his own health and finances, which makes him an unpredictable, anti-heroic figure for the season. He’s smart, he’s capable, and he’s a great ally to have when you have him…but he’s not above leaving people behind in the lurch when it suits him best, and he even acted as an enemy once or twice to the main heroes, whenever his clients weren’t exactly friendly souls. He was a major figure in Season 2, and he got richer and richer as the season went on…but unfortunately, this was the only season Hawley appeared in. His story effectively remains unfinished, since his departure from the show saw him planning to actively hunt down his own adoptive mother (who had become a demon…it happens). We never saw Hawley again, so we have no idea how his adventures on that front turned out. I had a feeling they MIGHT have been considering using the character in future seasons, but for one reason or another that never happened, either because the show was canceled before such a thing could occur, or because the actor just wasn’t available. Whatever the case, he was a fun figure who brought a sense of mercenary chaos to the program, and his time in the series, while short, was truly unforgettable.
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7. Malcolm Dreyfuss.
Like I said, in my opinion, the best part of Season 4 had to be the villains. Chiefest among them is Malcolm Dreyfuss, the main antagonist for the show’s final season arc. Dreyfuss is a character who feels like something straight out of a comic book, and I mean that in the best possible way: he’s an eccentric, half-mad tech mogul, with a flamboyant, sleazy sort of personality. He feels like he’s somewhere between a mad scientist and a used car salesman. It was a unique personality for a main villain in the show to have; most of the main villains before were more serious, stoic, sinister characters; hyper-powerful beings who controlled legions of Hellspawn and could kill you with a look. Dreyfuss is the exact opposite: he’s just a guy. A very, VERY bad guy with a lot of ambition and a lot of money. In fact, at times Dreyfuss is quite pathetic; one of my favorite elements of this character is that, despite all his theatricality and high-flying schemes of grandeur, there are so many times where the vulnerability and fearful status of Dreyfuss’ position comes into play. Whenever someone sees right through him, so to speak, he goes from a criminal mastermind to a whimpering child, and it’s equal parts funny and kind of sad to see this character fall so low. While he’s an awful creature, he’s also highly entertaining, and his reasons for his evil deeds are actually somewhat sympathetic: this is a man who lived his life in the shadows for so long, and desires to finally be in the spotlight. I think that’s a concept we can all relate to. The season as a whole may not have been the best, but Dreyfuss is a great villain who made for some of the most memorable moments in the final arc of the show.
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6. Frank Irving.
Played by the inimitable Orlando Jones, Captain Frank Irving was one of the main characters in the first two seasons; I can’t help but wonder whether or not it’s merely coincidence that, in my opinion, the latter two seasons - where he was NOT present - were the least grand of the series as a whole. In any case, Irving, for the first half of season one, starts off as a pretty standard sort of “doubting police official” character. While he isn’t a bad person, he doubts in all of the supernatural and fantastical explanations Ichabod and Abbie try to give him for the various crimes they face. It isn’t until his own close encounter with the Headless Horseman that Captain Irving becomes a more active member of the team, as he realizes the war with evil is very real, and far more bizarre than he ever gave it credit. That war hits close to home when a demon actually possesses his daughter; an event that causes endless dismay for Irving, and sets in motion many of the struggles he faces for the rest of his time in the show. Seeing Captain Irving’s transition from a tough-as-nails doubter to an increasingly more tragic and complex character entangled in a web of danger made for an interesting story arc. The lengths he’ll go to in order to keep his family safe are only matched by his tenacity on the battlefield, and the many twists and turns his own private side of the story faced made for some of the most intense parts of the show. It’s really a shame that, after Season 2, we never saw him again, or even got much mention of where he was and what was going on in his life.
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5. Henry Parrish.
Played by the Scarecrow himself, John Noble (or Denethor himself, for you Lord of the Rings fans), Henry Parrish was one of the main antagonists in the first two seasons of Sleepy Hollow. In fact, in Season 2, he basically acted as the main villain, outranking even the Headless Horseman himself! When we first meet Henry, he is a somewhat neurotic, mild-mannered fellow, suffering under a great burden: Henry is a Sin Eater, someone who can physically absorb people’s sins into his own body, a fact that seems to torment him constantly. As the series goes on, he comes out more and more as a worthy ally to the main team…but it’s ultimately revealed that Henry is actually the master manipulator behind many of the things that have gone wrong in the season up to that point. Henry, you see, is actually Ichabod’s own son, Jeremy Crane; abandoned by his mother as a child while Ichabod was still in the crane, Jeremy grew up hated and feared, and was eventually - like Ichabod himself - buried in a state of suspended animation, only to be reawakened years later, and years before his father (hence why the son is physically older than the father; he’s had more time to age). But while Ichabod rose from the dead as a force for good, Jeremy - renaming himself “Henry Parrish” - has become a force for evil: he is the Horseman of War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and a servant of the arch-demon Moloch, whom he sees as his “real” father. John Noble plays the character to perfection, and despite his ultimate defeat in Season 2, Henry would actually be one of the few characters to see the show to the end: he returned a few times in Season 4, first in a nightmare Ichabod has while under the influence of a monster, and then for real in the last couple episodes of the show, teaming up with Malcolm Dreyfuss, as well as hiss old compatriot, the Headless Horseman. Speaking of…
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4. The Headless Horseman.
I mean…it’s Sleepy Hollow. So of COURSE the Headless Horseman is going to be in the Top 5 here. In fact, some of you are probably wondering why the Horseman isn’t in the Top Three! How could the HEADLESS HORSEMAN not make the top three in SLEEPY HOLLOW?! Well…I’ll get to that in a bit, but first, let’s go over the positives. In this series, the Horseman is revealed to be another of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: specifically, he is the Horseman of Death. And, being the Horseman of Death, he cannot truly die, no matter what happens. As a result of this, even as other villains came and went throughout the show, the Horseman stuck around: alongside Ichabod and Jenny Mills (more on them later), the Headless Horseman is the ONLY major character in the series who appears in all three seasons. While he didn’t show up in every single episode, every time the Horseman DID appear, it was a big deal, which made his appearances all the more special; you knew bad stuff was going down in the Hollow when Death rode into town. I also appreciate that the series actually went out of its way to make the Horseman a real character, with a proper true identity, backstory, and personality…at least at first. This is where the problem with the Horseman, and why he isn’t in the top three, comes into play: in the first two seasons, the Horseman is handled EXTREMELY well…but in Season 3, the character only appeared twice. First in a cameo in the opening…and then in a more prominent part in the season finale. That’s it! We never see or even get much reference to him anywhere else! In a show called SLEEPY HOLLOW, it was kind of shocking that such an iconic figure was almost nowhere to be found, especially after his huge level of importance in the prior two seasons. In Season 4, the character had a more prominent role - acting as a tertiary antagonist after Malcolm and Jobe, with at least as many appearances as he had in Season 1 - but the actual character took a HUGE step back. He basically just became a faceless monster; that’s not necessarily a bad thing, since most versions of the Horseman are that, but a big part of what made the first two seasons and their handling of the Horseman so great was that they DID give him more real character and development. Season 4 really watered down the character, and felt like a missed opportunity as a result. There were lots of places where all that established lore and personality could have been utilized, and it just never really was. Having said all that…it was still really cool to see the Horseman anytime he appeared, and the fact he lasted till the end is definitely a credit to the ghost’s power. Also, I guess one CAN technically say he was in EVERY episode, since the opening titles for every season featured the Horseman…but I think that’s pushing it a bit. Anyway, great version of this classic horror icon, and easily my favorite villain from the series…but not great enough, within the show’s own setup, to make the top three.
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3. Abbie Mills.
Abbie Mills, a.k.a. “The Leftenant,” was the secondary protagonist of Sleepy Hollow for the first three seasons. And unlike with Captain Irving, it’s no coincidence at all that the show’s biggest decline happened courtesy of her departure. Abbie is an ambitious police officer at the start of the show, with a checkered past; as a child, she encountered supernatural evil at a young age, something she has tried to deny all her life. Tragic events in her past led Abbie to becoming a petty thief, but - with the help of her mentor, Sheriff August Corbin - she eventually found her calling in law enforcement. In Season 3, Abbie went from being a simple police lieutenant to an agent of the FBI, stationed in New York, which kept her close to home, so to speak, while still allowing the character to advance and shake up the formula a bit. Abbie was a fun character; her relationship with Ichabod was one of purest friendship. There is no romance between them, yet they are as close as two human beings can be; as Ichabod describes in the “Bones” crossover episode (yes, that was a thing), they are a relationship of pure opposites. Ichabod is a quirky, theatrical, grandiose figure out of place and out of time, given to grandiloquent phrases and speeches and constantly prattling off trivia about a past he lived; Abbie is a more down-to-Earth, grounded person who takes things more easily in her stride, but is still open to having her horizons broadened. Both often feel alone in the world, due to various personal tragedies they’ve faced and mysteries they have yet to figure out, but at the end of the day, they always have each other. At times they may bicker and banter, but the chemistry between them is pure gold. When “The Leftenant” finally did leave the show, she went out like a hero - sacrificing everything to save her friends, her family, and the world itself - which was just the proper sendoff her character deserved. One only wishes she never had to leave at all.
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2. Jenny Mills.
While Jenny Mills was never the secondary protagonist in ANY season, she was, effectively, the tertiary protagonist of EVERY season. Like I said before, she was one of only three major characters in the show to appear in every single season, practically from start to finish. (The only other two were Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman, and…let’s face it, in a show called “Sleepy Hollow,” it would have been more amazing if those two DIDN’T show up every single season.) At the start of the show, Jenny is Abbie’s estranged sister; a notorious delinquent who has spent much of her life in-and-out of the local mental hospital. It’s later revealed that all that time “out” of the hospital was spent with Jenny running various secret missions for Sheriff Corbin, who knew all along that the Apocalypse was night, and helped Jenny out when she was possessed by a demon during her adventures. As the show goes on, Jenny became a more and more interesting and important character, and even after Abbie and so many other characters who had played such a big part in the series for the first three seasons disappeared, Jenny stayed on right to the last episode. Jenny is just a bad@$$, plain and simple: she’s not as straight-laced as her sister, much more trigger-happy and far less lawful. She’s essentially a treasure hunter; a low-budget Indiana Jones who works from a trailer rather than a university. In many ways, she is a lot like Nick Hawley; but while Hawley fights for himself above all other things, Jenny believes in a bigger plan, and is simply trying to find her place in it. Because she lasted so long in the series, we got to see Jenny interact with more characters and form more relationships than almost any other in the show, barring Ichabod himself; and as the show progressed, and her role increased, we saw Jenny mature and become more and more independent. The final season indicated that she was actually planning to leave “Team Witness” and go off on her own, no doubt preluding the actress’ departure; I’m actually sort of glad this DIDN’T happen, only because it meant that the character did remain a firm anchor all the way to the end of the ride. Having said that, it would have been interesting to see how Jenny and the show would have fared if this had; this is a character so strong that I actually would have loved to see an entire series JUST about her, and that’s high praise indeed.
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1. Ichabod Crane.
For some, it’s probably an obvious no brainer to put the main character at the top of the ranks. However, in all honesty, I would argue it’s more surprising to do so, since - as we all know - the MAIN character of any series isn’t necessarily one’s FAVORITE, nor the BEST. But in the case of “Sleepy Hollow”...there is no question, this is just a case where the central protagonist is my favorite. I think a lot of the credit goes to the actor, Tom Mison: while the character he plays owes precious little to Washington Irving’s spindly schoolmaster, something about the personality he gives Ichabod, and the way Mison looks, in general, just feels so much like it captures the basic DNA of the character we all know and love, while adding something brand new and utterly fascinating to the mix. Much of the humor from the series comes from Ichabod’s “fish out of water” status - a man from a past long-misunderstood, stuck in a future-present he is still struggling to fully understand. At the same time, much of the pathos for the character comes from the same place: a constant theme in the series is Ichabod constantly battling between the sense of being alone in the universe, and realizing that maybe he isn’t AS alone as he really thinks. Throughout the series, he loses allies, friends, family, and even loved ones…but through it all, he perseveres, and finds new people to assist him, as well as new enemies to combat. There is never a dull moment when Ichabod is onscreen, and that’s thankfully most of the show’s runtime, given his status as the main character. He is by no means my definitive take on the classic character, but he is a strong and interesting protagonist in his own right, and it’s easy to see why, when all else failed, you could count on Ichabod to keep people coming back to the show, over and over again. It’s really not a shock at all that Ichabod Crane is My Favorite Character from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow.
Honorable Mentions…
Sheriff August Corbin. (He’s played by Clancy Brown. ‘Nuff said.)
George Washington.
Benjamin Franklin.
Andy Brooks.
Betsy Ross.
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ear-worthy · 6 months
Tenderfoot TV Announces Six Series Premieres, Including Russian Sexpionage Series, “To Die For”
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It's refreshing to see some podcast studios take an aggressive stance toward podcast programming in 2024. With ad sales down, an oversupply of podcasts, slack demand, and a logical correction to the podcast overexuberance by Spotify, we've had bankruptcies, layoffs, and studio closings. Many NPR stations drift in the uncertainty of a business model that is falling apart.
Yet, with all that, Atlanta-based Tenderfoot TV has announced six new upcoming series for Spring 2024. After the success of his Tenderfoot podcast “To Live and Die in LA,” host and best-selling author Neil Strauss is back with a new podcast, Russian sexpionage series “To Die For,” produced in partnership with iHeartPodcasts, premiering March 26, 2024. 
Additional series include new shows, “Status: Untraced” and “Lords of Death,” newly acquired series, “Truer Crime,” and returning Audacy series “Radio Rental” and “Culpable.”
Imagine you were a fly on the wall at a dinner between the mafia, the CIA, and the KGB. That’s where this unprecedented podcast and revelatory confession begins. Brought to you by the creators of the 2019 Associated Press Podcast of the Year, To Live and Die in LA, To Die For marks the first time an alleged Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)-trained seduction agent has agreed to tell the full story of her training, techniques, targets, and missions.
Hosted by Neil Strauss, the series brings listeners into a world of nablyudeniye (surveillance), kompromat (blackmail), and lovetraps. A world where things aren’t what they seem, and a seemingly harmless date can end in abduction, blackmail, or death.
Based on a first-hand story of a former Russian citizen who claims to be an FSB -trained (the FSB is the Russia’s modern-day equivalent of the KGB) sex spy—or “swallow”—To Die For explores not just the targets of sexpionage but the other victims: The seduction spies themselves. A story of trauma and resilience, this gripping podcast takes listeners into a dangerous world through the harrowing first-hand story of a source who will leave listeners questioning their own reality.
Premiering on Tuesday, March 26, To Die For also explores the tactics that the Russian government has used to brainwash its military into performing unspeakable acts and the creation of what one FBI agent in the podcast calls an “assembly line” of spies, manufactured in Russia and distributed around the world. Unlike in the movies, however, these spies don’t just carry out foreign operations, they also work internally to infiltrate drug- and sex-trafficking organizations at the risk of their own lives. Are they heroes, villains, or victims themselves? Perhaps all three, as you’ll soon hear. "Anyone I’ve told my story to is dead," says the Russian source who these episodes revolve around. "I'm ready to share my full story of overcoming lifelong trauma on a platform that can reach many other women at once who have faced similar challenges. There is a power that comes from our experiences, and I hope my story will inspire other women to find their voice and use their experiences to shape a brighter future."
"These were not just interviews but an education," says host Neil Strauss. "And I hope the podcast can help raise awareness of not just the clandestine techniques used for brainwashing, honey-trapping, and abuse of power, but also healing for those involved."
"To Die For is unlike anything we’ve done before, and we are thrilled to have Neil Strauss return to guide listeners through this incredibly complex and captivating story," says Donald Albright, Tenderfoot TV CEO. “True crime and investigative storytelling are the cornerstones of Tenderfoot TV, and with To Die For and our upcoming slate, we’re not only introducing fresh content, but also bringing back fan-favorite franchises and hosts who've been instrumental in building our loyal audience”
The full slate of Tenderfoot TV's spring slate of podcasts can be found below:
Status: Untraced (April 17, 2024) “Up and Vanished” presents “Status Untraced.” In 2016, survivalist and world traveler Justin Alexander goes missing in the Parvati Valley while on a spiritual trek into the Himalayan Mountains. While the circumstances of his disappearance point to murder, a chilling message he left behind throws everything into question: “I should return mid-September or so. If I’m not back by then, don’t look for me.” Four years later, host and true crime newcomer Liam Luxon is introduced to Justin's story and embarks on an investigation into the mysterious case. Status-Untraced is a ten-episode journey that explores the secrets the Valley holds, the stones left unturned, and what really happened to Justin Alexander. The series is produced in partnership with Audacy.
Truer Crime (Spring 2024) Do you ever listen to a true-crime podcast and think “that’s not quite right…?” Same. Crime stories are hard to ignore and even harder to forget. But the thing is... they’re stories. And getting a story right is all about how you tell it. “Truer Crime” talks about real people — murdered, missing, misled — with more nuance, more context, and more questions. Host Celisia Stanton began to see crime stories differently after becoming a victim herself, so she’s taking listeners deeper to hear the complex realities of crime that strikes at the core of our shared human experiences.
Radio Rental (April 5, 2024) With over 45 million downloads since launching in 2019,“Radio Rental” returns with a new installment of 12 episodes. Set inside a fictional 80s video rental store, Rainn Wilson is back as Terry Carnation, the eccentric shopkeeper. 
Created by Tenderfoot TV founder Payne Lindsey, this imaginative, cult classic-inspired horror brand blurs the lines of reality with a hybrid approach of cutting-edge documentary storytelling and a splash of scripted comedy. The series is produced in partnership with Audacy and features first person accounts of real-life horror stories–from bizarre crimes to paranormal activity. Culpable: Case Review (Spring 2024) After two successful serialized seasons, “Culpable” introduced a new format with “Culpable: Case Review,” a narrative episodic spin on the hit franchise, that to date has over 40 million downloads. A new installment covering a new case in each episode will be available this Spring. Host Dennis Cooper will work with families, local law enforcement, and victim advocates as he continues to explore unsettling cases where culpability has yet to be established. The series is produced in partnership with Audacy. Lords of Death (Spring 2024) While digging through an old memory box, host Thrasher Banks discovers forgotten VHS tapes, police reports, and faded letters regarding a 1995 murder in Dayton, Ohio. Drawn to the connection between this murder and the other seemingly innocuous contents of the box, Thrasher begins an investigation. As he follows the threads, he finds that the 1995 murder may be connected to more than one brutal, unsolved case… Against the backdrop of Ohio in the 1980s and 90s, around the height of satanic panic, this true-crime story explores memory, perception, and a personal quest for the truth. Join Thrasher as he unpacks this box and searches for answers about the “Lords of Death.” These new series will follow the recent return of Tenderfoot franchise Up and Vanished. Founder and host Payne Lindsey returned in February with another harrowing missing persons case. 
In the new season produced in partnership with Audacy, subtitled In the Midnight Sun, Lindsey takes his farthest journey yet, trekking to the rugged Alaskan frontier to investigate the disappearance of 33-year-old Florence Okpealuk, who went missing from the subarctic town of Nome, Alaska, on August 31, 2020.
Including interviews with the family as well as witnesses, the new season sees Lindsey go undercover in a way he’s never done before, all in an effort to bring justice to the Okpealuk family and face the grim reality of the high rate of missing and murdered Indigenous people in the United States, specifically Native Alaskans. 
You can check out the entire roster of Tenderfoot TV spring 2024 podcasts here.  These are quality shows that reveal some of the best content podcasting has to offer. 
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zooterchet · 7 months
Bond Villains
There's a cop, raised in Catechism, given unto Judaism after puberty; full Jewish morals, and a grown man, in a lifted chair.
Massachusetts State Police, the owner of the EON license through Israel and the State House, does this so the cop is not afraid of prison.
He deals in censorship of university texts, so foreign agents do not come into the state, and attempt to sway our schools, with their methods of thinking.
Jeffrey Lange: "Le Chiffre", a banking expert, built off of the JFK Library. The kin, of Charles Manson, or if you prefer, Roman Polanski, the two switched.
Franklin Spencer: "Albert White", a movies expert, using independent Cape Cod music stores. The kin of Johnny Cochrane, lead investor behind Schwarzenegger.
David Charlebois: "Raoul Silva", the production of the song "Touched", by VAST, by his cousins in Attleboro, the Williamsons; a house for orphans, of Mossad wars, falsely declared serial killer hunts, victims of British intelligence, MI-6; not some silly novel, James Bond 007.
William Morgan: "Jaws", a standing beneath a politician, Alexander Hamilton's fortune, and money the same, the prime investor in Hopkinton OSS, Call of Duty, since the 1930s; a relation, to Harry Truman, the incipient of the program, for all those lost at "Operation: Market Garden".
Alexandra Rhzanova: "Safin Lucypher", the mysterious hand behind the FBI/CIA detachment in the area, posing as a Canadian State Police/Royal Canadian Mounted Patrol, to hunt the EON license, for investment out of state; an accomplished pit fighter, her matches rigged due to her relation to King James of Scotland, but not the deaths of promoters rigging the matches; following the footsteps of her grandfather, Police-Detective Sergeant INTERPOL, Jack Nicholsen.
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adamwatchesmovies · 11 months
High Crimes (2002)
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High Crimes could’ve been something had it dug into its story potential. As is, it’s fine as a piece of disposable entertainment… until the conclusion.
Attorney Claire Kubik (Ashley Judd) is shocked when the FBI arrest her husband, Tom (James Caviezel). She’s told his real name is Ronald Chapman and that he’s been hiding ever since he murdered nine unarmed civilizations in El Salvador during a covert military operation in 1988. She’s determined to help the inexperienced lawyer, First Lieutenant Terence Embry (Adam Scott), defend her husband but when the evidence points to a conspiracy at work, she hires embittered former military attorney Charlie Grimes (Morgan Freeman) to assist.
The movie starts on the wrong note by showing Claire winning a new trial for her client: a man accused of rape. They never show you the details of the case but a part of you knows she’s one of these unscrupulous lawyers you hate, the kind that will bully a witness to make the jury question their authenticity. Even with this false step, the movie could’ve worked if it asked the right questions. Let’s say you’re a lawyer and you’re used to representing people you know are bad but can’t be proven villainous in a court of law. What happens when someone you love is accused of a crime? What happens if you suspect they did it? While High Crimes sows uncertainty within the audience (to varying effectiveness), in Claire’s mind, he’s innocent. This makes the film simply about the court case, and nothing else. Not necessarily a flaw but it is a missed opportunity.
As the conspiracy against Tom/Ronald is uncovered, things get more interesting. When the prosecution has counters to every move the defense makes, the evidence is largely circumstantial and even the judge appears to want to get this affair dealt with as quickly as possible, you start to believe there's something fishy going on. It makes you wonder why they have military courts at all except to sweep shady operations gone wrong under the rug. There certainly doesn’t seem to be any desire to get true justice, not from the way things are done here.
The question is not whether the film is emotionally manipulative; it’s whether it will push your buttons in a way that remains fun. For the most part, it is. You want to hear what really happened and it’s satisfying to see Claire gather evidence to piece together the big picture. Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman are both excellent performers. I’ll even call their characters memorable enough that if the book the film is based on was part of a series, they could’ve done more of these with the two leads teaming up again.
Unfortunately, what works about this legal thriller just narrowly outweighs the bad and when we get to that conclusion, the scale falls down towards the negative. You could cut this movie short by a good 15 minutes and have a much better picture, a tale that leaves you uncertain and with a slight chill down your spine… but nah. Instead, director Carl Franklin makes the answers really clear-cut and easy. It all comes down to a tussle in which someone has to die so the whole thing can be resolved without any ambiguity.
A movie like High Crimes can only end in one of two ways and once you’ve figured this out, the movie could only earn itself so many stars. Once you realize which of these two would be the most shocking, the kind this movie would choose to have a “surprising twist”, you know there's only one possible ending. The highest score High Crimes could earn drops another star. Still, it could’ve been fine. A cycle of new evidence, suspense, and devastating countermove can be fun if it pays off in the end. Unfortunately, High Crimes does not pay off. (Widescreen version On VHS, June 3, 2021)
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thetristoneera · 11 months
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Story #01’s FBI; that’s the Fistful Bureau of Investigation. They are the highest in the chain of command for Erowo Ordinance Lords. They are more behind the scenes but are there to prevent humanoid level extinction scenarios from developing. They are as mighty as any super hero, warrior or villain; but their main goal is to prevent terrorism.
This particular group is Office Dextero, they are home based on Planet Xorol. Director Lemon owns this branch, their jurisdiction is the entire Solar System. They are matched up as female & male partners. Oshida & Night Runner; Suber & Ezizo are the highest ranking agents. The female agents on the left are rookies. The male agents on the right are rookies. They have an airship/spaceship size one that acts as their get around on planets. They have a size six battleship/spaceship with twelve gundams. You’ll probably never, ever ever ever come across an FBI unit like them.
They are often crutches to good, neutral & villainous kind; all they are trying to do is keep the death count low, the visuals of atrocities lower. They are great at covering up things & getting societies restarted; but you won’t ever remember them.
And you've guessed right, they often call the director; Lemon Lime.
Base of Operations: Solar System Vassichir, via Galaxy Vassichiri / Alliance: the United Nations of Zetrei & the Super Warrior Guild / Occupation: Rookie - Galactic Class Erowo Ordinance Lords / Their Order: Highest Order Erowo Ordinance Lords of Galaxy Vassichiri
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nadiasindi · 1 year
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realityescapee01 · 3 years
Steo | Stiles x Theo
Stiles hated that smug look. That frickin confident smirk. But Theo is perfect. Theo is exactly what he needs.
It was just like with Jiang and Tierney. Theo was riling them up until he got the confession of the crime from them. It happened again today. Theo successfully pulled out a confession from a supernatural suspect under FBI investigation - a new branch and department dealing with the supernaturals- where Stiles was working.
Theo helps Stiles out from time to time. Theo is great for the job because:
1. He can handle himself well against supernaturals.
2. He can control his heartbeat and chemosignals, practically immune to lie detector supernaturals.
3. Anti-supernatural plants and ashes doesn't affect him, being a chimera.
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He is one perfect asset.
"We good?" -Theo looked up at the cctv.
Stiles ordered to get Theo out of the cell. Stiles stared at that smug face on the camera. He hated it. But he knows he can't fool himself, he actually loves it. How confident Theo is. And how he backs it up with actual skills that delivers results.
Theo walked into the camera room where Stiles is. Smiling ever so confidently at Stiles, who just scoffed and rolled his eyes. Stiles ordered the other personnels to get out of the room, having it all for himself and Theo.
Theo prowled closer to Stiles, wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed the nape of his neck. Stiles tilted his head a little. "Can't you wait?" Stiles said, cheeks blushing.
"No." the chimera answered simply. Stiles finished up typing his report as Theo kept kissing his neck, sucking pretty hard on a spot.
"Shit! Theo, no hickeys!" -Stiles squirmed a little, escaping his way out of Theo's embrace.
Theo laughed. "Sorry, I'm sorry. Come back here." Theo reached out to Stiles again, capturing him by the waist and pulling him onto his chest again. He nuzzled Stiles's neck as he swayed both of them side to side in a tight embrace.
Stiles smiled as he pressed send on his email, letting Theo sway him about. He then closed his laptop and faced Theo. He looked at the shorter chimera. Theo still looks gorgeous even years after college. Still perfect, long, soft wavy hair. Still beautiful face, with added perfectly trimmed sexy beard. Then Stiles looked at his body. Ohgod. Those arms. Stiles then pictured the chest and abs under the shirt, which he's seen too many times now, but it never grows old. Ever.
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'Why is it always the villains who look so fuckin attractive?!?' -Stiles thought.
Well, okay, Theo is not a villain anymore to Stiles. More like an anti-hero. More like an x-force that does the deeds that needed to be done but cannot and doesn't want to be done by the conventional heroes. He redeemed himself very well back in Beacon Hills. 2nd chances. So much so that every time Stiles needs Theo for an assignment, Scott says: ohgod, I would need 2 good werewolves to replace Theo's post for the mean time. And then asking immediately when Theo would be back.
"Love what you see?" -Theo flashing him a smile. That fuckin confident smile Stiles melts under, every time.
He couldn't hold it any longer "Theo, babe..." Stiles leaned in for a kiss.
Yes, they have come to an arrangement. They call it that, but they both know it's more than just an arrangement. There are feelings involved, neither just wanted to admit it first. But they know, by the way they stare, touch, kiss, and make love.
Stiles stopped the kissing. "Let's get outta here."
It started with a kiss. In one of the cases Theo helped him with. They had been observing a werewolf pack that kidnaps teens and turns them when they reach 17 years old. They tried to plant a mole in the pack but they were always found out. Not until Theo. The alpha was weary but he couldn't detect anything from Theo. The perfect liar that he is. Even if he listened to the heartbeat, he will never sense anything out of the ordinary. So the alpha trusted Theo and overtime revealed all about the operation. When the location of the kids were told, they pulled Theo out and rained in mistletoe in there.
Stiles was elated. It was his first case that he headed. He kissed Theo in his celebration and it escalated steaming quickly into him writhing underneath the chimera, moaning Theo's name with intense pleasures, in the best fucking he's ever had. And kept having since then.
Like right now.
"I missed you." Theo gripped his jaw, making him tilt his head to the side on the couch. Stiles bit on the towel there as his ass was getting pounded on.
"Fck!" Stiles struggled to speak, being half choked. One of his kinks he discovered being with Theo. He likes his sex rough, not too rough though, just a little bit -and Theo knows exactly just how.
Theo then made him come on the couch. "I hope you have some more to give, Stiles. We'll continue this in the bedroom." Theo winked at him as he pulled out, still rock hard.
Theo turned him over so that they are facing each other. Stiles knew what to do for it happened many times now. He wrapped his arms around Theo's neck and his legs on Theo's waist. The chimera then grabbed his ass and lifted him up effortlessly with him as he stood. Stiles felt Theo's erection bumped on his ass, a taste of what's to come.
'Ohmygod.' Stiles thought as he was carried to the bedroom. He knew he'd come at least 3x tonight. 'Fuckin werewolves and their stamina.'
Stiles groaned awake. Exhausted from last nights multiple rounds of love making with Theo. He rolled over and tried to think back how many times that was. '...fuck, can't remember.' Theo was asleep beside him, one arm draped over his waist. Stiles smiled and buried his nose on Theo's hair.
Theo spent the weekend over at Stiles's place. Bonding over series or movies or making out or making love. Again. And again.
Theo readied his stuff to leave the night. Stiles watched him. He doesn't want Theo to leave. But he can't hold him here. Scott had called and ordered the beta chimera back to Beacon Hills. Yeah, Scott had made Theo beta, next to Liam. Being ever reliable to all his pack needs. Then calling Stiles afterwards, apologizing for cutting their lovey-dovey time shorter. With a few poking fun at Stiles. Scott loved how Stiles would not confirm nor deny his relationship with Theo. Loving how Stiles's voice would hitch, crack, and stutter his words.
Theo lifted his bag and headed out the door. Stiles hugged him goodbye... and kept hugging.
Theo laughed. "Stiles." He said in a sing song tune. "I gotta go. Pack calls."
Stiles just growled and kept hugging Theo.
"Come on, princess... snow white. sleeping beauty. cinderella. rapunzel. belle."
"... hmph! beast!" -Stiles poked Theo's sides.
"Ouch, hey. I'm Beast?"
"You are... my beast." -Stiles finally let go of the hug.
"A very handsome beast." -Theo turned to face him. "You have to kiss me, then. Free me from my curse."
Stiles couldn't help but laugh. He slapped his palms on Theo's chest and then indeed kissed him. "Take care on the road home." 'I love you.' He wanted to say. But he doesn't wanna say it first. He had been writhing, moaning, panting, and making lewd sounds -which he never imagined he could make- under Theo every time they fck, he's kinda embarrassed from himself; he wanted Theo to say I love you first.
"Okay." Theo replied. He then leaned down to kiss on Stiles's chest, where his heart is.
Stiles went back inside and closed the door after seeing Theo off. He touched his chest where Theo kissed him. Maybe. Maybe this is how Theo says 'I love you.'
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A few weeks after, Stiles has once again employed Theo as an asset. This time into a werecoyote pack that uses their supernatural abilities to assassinate rich people and people in power.
'Oh this would be easy.' Stiles thought. With how Theo is half werecoyote plus his fuckin good looks.
And he was right. The female dominated werecoyote pack trusted him immediately. They kept flirting with Theo though, and Stiles didn't like it. The operation was fast and Theo was perfect. He approached Stiles in the black van, sitting next to him. He nudged him but Stiles didn't pay attention to him. He didn't even tell the other personnels to leave the van. Theo was puzzled.
He looked intently at Stiles. "What's wrong?" Stiles just huffed and continued ignoring him. Theo sniffed and smelled anger and jealousy. Oh. Okay. That's it. He whispered to Stiles: "How about you tell the others to leave then I'll explain."
"How about you wait?"
Oh... Theo is fucked. Stiles is really mad. Theo never pushed more after that. He knows he had to wait this out.
"Stiles, you don't have to be jealous."
Stiles closed the door of his apartment and dropped his bag on the couch. "Do I? Cause I'm pretty sure flirting with them was not part of the plan."
"I had to indulge them, Stiles. For a faster and better work. You know that. I know you know that." Theo reached for his hands, stepped into his space, and wrapped them around his waist. "Stiles... babe..." Theo nuzzled his neck.
Stiles knew Theo was right. He had to do the flirting. And it indeed fast tracked the operation. And, ohgod, the nuzzling on his neck. Theo caught on that Stiles had calmed down. "We good, Stiles?" Stiles just moaned his yes and hugged Theo. He felt kinda ridiculous for being jealous... and goddammit, that hand on his crotch. Theo started palming him through his pants. "Oh, Theo."
The next thing, Stiles found himself coming on the bed for the nth time, honestly, he stopped counting after the 2nd one. He was on his belly underneath Theo's pounding. "Stiles..." Theo said to his ear.
"I'm knotting you." The words were ragged out from Theo.
"Oh...oh!mygod! Y-Yeah-you are knotting me...holy fu!-" Stiles muffled himself on the pillow as he felt that familiar swell.
Theo was breathing raggedly on his ear as he comes to terms with the knot. Once full, he lifted Stiles and rolled them both on their side. Nibbling on Stile's neck and shoulder as they wait for the knot to come down.
Theo was lying on his back and Stiles was laying his head on Theo's chest, listening to the chimera's heartbeat.
"Stiles... be careful around that guy, you're second in command."
"What?" Stiles said the guy's name. "Why? Is he supernatural?"
"No no no. He's attracted to you. Probably thinking dirty thoughts. He reeks of jealousy and anger when I'm around. He hates me."
"Are you jealous, Theo?"
Stiles listened to his heartbeat.
"You know I can control my heartbeat, right?"
"Shhh! You never know." Stiles kept listening to Theo's heart.
Theo let out a little laugh and "Okay... I'll let down control this time." Theo took a deep breath and continued.
"I'm not jealous."
Heartbeat still normal.
"I'm furious."
Heartbeat started racing.
"I'm furious that he would look at you that way. Think of you that way."
Stiles placed his hand on Theo's chest as he heard the heartbeat kept racing faster and louder.
"And if he ever touches you, I swear, Stiles. You're gonna have to break me out of jail."
Stiles closed his eyes and kept listening to Theo's heartbeat. "Oh, Theo." He lifted his head and kissed the chimera. To hell with the Theo should say it first. He's gonna say it first. "I love you, Theo." then he kissed him again. Theo hugged him tight.
They continued cuddling with Stiles tracing circles on Theo's chest and abs. Asking Theo if he ever thought about working for law enforcement. Saying that he's such a great asset. He could be a deputy in Beacon Hills, be partners with Parrish. And be good cop, bad cop.
"I assume I'm the bad cop?" -Theo combing Stiles's hair with his fingers.
"Of course." Stiles answered matter of factly.
Then Stiles's imagination started running wild and free; picturing Theo in the deputy uniform. So tight that it strains on his arms and chest, showing off his narrow and sexy waist too. And of course, the pants, that ass and thighs. Ahhh, uniforms and handcuffs. Theo caught the scent of arousal from Stiles.
"You're thinking it, huh? Me in the deputy uniform?"
Stiles didn't say a word but smiled, so guilty. Theo chuckled. "Oh, naughty naughty Stiles... do you want me to dress up as deputy next time?"
Stiles whipped his head up and nodded, vigorously. "Yes, daddy. Yeah yeah yeah."
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Theo laughed "Alright. But I don't know where to get one."
"Don't worry! I got that covered." Stiles reached for his phone and started ordering from an online shop.
"You have my size?"
"I have all your sizes. Shoes, pants, undies, shirts, cap, ring finger."
"Ring finger?!?"
Stiles just giggled and tapped place order on his phone. "Yeah, for when we put a ring on it, Beyonce."
Theo bursted out laughing, hard. He patted Stiles's arms repeatedly, wheezing from too much laughter.
Stiles stared at Theo and felt so elated to make Theo giggle that much. Smiling so much. Laughing so much.
"Ohgod, Stiles... I love you. I love you so much." Theo kissed him as he rolled on top of Stiles, to take care of that new arousal.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
more on my master list here
a/n: I'm obsessed with them! they can be so hot and cute.
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Hey, do you have any headcanons for agent Perkins? 👉👈 He is awful but I think he could make a good villain. If not, that's fine, love your writing 💝
FBI Special Agent Richard Perkins.
He’s definitely an antagonist in the game and I think there’s potential for him to keep being one after the events of the best ending. He’s very good at his job, but isn’t at all a good person. He’s cold, calculating and has absolutely no sense of ethics. Whatever it takes to enforce the law and meet his objectives, he’ll do it.
F*cking c*cksucker as Hank rightly calls him.
All that’s bad enough, but what makes it worse is his ego. If you get in his way… if you outsmart him… he’s not going to let it go.
Remember what he says after Hank breaks his nose. “I’m gonna bury that bastard.”
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He certainly tries to. He makes Hank’s life a living hell after the revolution. He intervenes in almost every single case that Hank and Connor are working on. He constantly pulls up old cases for FBI review. He makes Hank seem like an old fuddy-duddy who’s lost his touch… and it’s sadly believable… what with Hank’s history of alcoholism and unprofessional behaviour.
Perkins also has it out for the Jericrew. All those brave androids who made him look like the bad guy on national television. He calls up the Tax Department and regularly gets them to look at New Jericho’s books. He lodges a formal complaint to the Detroit Building Corporation about building code violations in android estates. He makes all kinds of trouble for Markus and friends because he sadly has the power and credibility to do so.
The worst is when Nines tries to join the FBI. Gavin quickly follows in Hank’s footsteps and beats the living daylights out Perkins for sabotaging Nines’ application to his dream job.
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Almost every single of one our DBH favs suffers at the hands of this corrupt and egotistical prick. Until good old Sixty takes matters into his own hands during a covert SWAT operation that the slimy special agent has inserted himself into… and just shoves him off a rooftop. Everyone lives happily ever after.
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Liam ~Dick Master~ Dunbar
one of my favorite cursed ass headcannons:
concept: liams favorite hobby is drawing the most disgusting dick’s EVERYWHERE & nobody in the pack can figure out it’s him ( besides theo )
# it’s dicking season where common phrases include:
getting dicked
and they are all in fear of proclaimed dick master ,, liam’s secret alter ego
dick season is an unreasonable time
liam has no mercy
your favorite shoes, massive dick. your face? dicked. the backside of your shampoo bottle, yes there is a massive penis there.
it’s absolutely horrendous
stiles puts together ~penis patrol~
so a full on fbi level investigation ensues when it starts to get bad
they assume that it’s corey for awhile ,, and then lydia and then theo accuses stiles himself ,, that doesn’t end well
the penis patrol investigates half the group and certain people ( just lydia ) get extremely angry that they are accused of being the dick masted
the crime board is heavily used again
this is a very sacred group ,, it’s just to out of hand. scott claims that “this is some anuk-ite level anxiety”
malia decides to bring the pack to the sheriff station because- “this is too much, we are getting dicked and it needs to stop!! sheriff stilinksi, it’s relentless i can’t stop getting horribly dicked! WE DONT KNOW WHO IS DICKING ALL OF US”
therefore, sheriff and parrish both get dicked
parrish gets it like on the forehead ,,
and malia calls the fbi ,, stiles has to explain why are young lady, cleaning to know him called his office in particular and said, and i quote
anything goes during dick season
like the side of dereks building, massive dick
theo finds out on like the second day
part of this includes theo pulling a lot of the reigns on the whole operation
he gives liam some direction, as one ex-villain woul when mischief ensues
he gives liam the idea to dick theo and himself so nobody gains suspicion
as well as the genius idea to stop and start dicking’s randomly ,, so for either three months it’s relentless than nothing for another three. four weeks here and there.
the pack knows never to get to relaxed
obscure dicks include: isaacs scarfs, bleached into malias fur, tanned on the back of lydias leg while she is sun bathing and the side of mason’s car
this includes a huge debate on whether they should dick the jeep, and if they do should theos truck get dicked
it definitely does
brett gets dicked so much in the beginning ( what do you mean he’s dead ?? )
theo eventually takes control on that one or else people will really think it’s liam
theo makes liam a dick stamp for efficiency
this goes on for YEARS
theo is the only reason they aren’t caught
every few months it starts again and once one person is dicked they all scream in fear ,, running as far away from each other as possible
it goes as far as dereks tattoo getting vandalized into a dick ,,
they have no idea how he managed that one
for such a mess of a boy he is stealthy
and relentless ,, homie uses sharpies
the first time ~the phrase~ getting dicked is used is directed at liam himself
“liam got dicked” ,, mASON SCREAMS
STILES IS IN A STATE OF UNBELIEVABLE DISGUST !! he hears this from upstairs and assUmes the worst ,, the worst meaning theo raeken
the phrase catches on from there
the only positive is the swear jar getting filled so much that they eat very well
scott only figures it out because he sees that in the very scrap book scott has- liams name is signed in dicks ( in the same way lydia writes stiles using just the word mischief in season 6 )
it’s liams name,, just in dicks
very specific looking dicks only the dick master himself would draw
like a signature
also yes, you heard that right scott does have a scrap book
he doesn’t say anything though. he thinks it’s funny
liam eventually reveals himself whilst drunk
nobody believes him until he has to draw a dick on someone to reveal it’s him
cause nobody draws one quite like liam dunbar
coach knows because the whole pack watches the lacross games, during dick season the are a rowdy bunch and he hears all about it
he knows it’s liam, of course he does. it’s coach
so like half the team gets dicked
coach specifically recommends people he wants to get dicked
it’s amazing
liam eventually gives up after they know it’s him ( or at least to the same extent, stiles gets dicked every now and then )
he does request that “Liam Dunbar, the Dick Master” to be etched into his gravestone
mind you, this is half of the reason thiam happens. the dickings bring them closer together.
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scopaesthesia 👁️ chapter 4
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3
Warnings: nonconsensual sex, death, murder, violence, stalking, paranoia, blood, gore, and other warnings to be added
This is dark!Bucky Barnes with a likelihood off dark!Steve Rogers as well and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Not everything is what it seems.
Note: I’m getting this chapter out before I’m clogged up with work. Y’all take care of yourselves and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Despite your agitation, your isolation slowly reinstilled a sense of stability in you. Even if you were trapped, even if you had little choice in being there, the cabin with the bullet proof windows and advanced security system calmed your wearing nerves. And without a phone, you could not be reminded of, or harassed by the faceless villain who had turned your life on its head.
The first day dragged by as you spent hours pacing in your room and tossing and turning on the mattress. Sure, you were annoyed with Bucky and his demands, his often mercurial moods, but you recalled Steve’s words and they abated your irritation. You could still be in your apartment, still be entirely clueless to your shadowy stalker, still be a sitting duck swimming through dark waters. But you were safe with two super soldiers, even if the circumstances weren’t ideal.
Steve brought you a pre-packaged meal and you ate alone at the desk after trading him for your grocery list. 
You stared out the window at the shedding trees and the frozen ground, the critters gathering what they could for their nests and burrows. The preserved potatoes were powdery and stuck to your tongue; the gravy lumpy and bland. You tossed the tray in the bin under the desk and rolled yourself in your covers.
That nail in your skull hadn’t quite relented yet and the knot in your stomach only wound tighter. You were still tender between your legs but the levee had yet to break. You laid awake through the night but for the few hours before sunrise. You awoke with stiff muscles and a heavy head. No longer a sharp pain at the top but a dull pulsing just above your neck.
You went back to the desk, wrapped in the quilt formerly folded over the end of the bed and slid open the drawer. You stirred through the hotel quality contents; cheap pens, a notepad, and a handful of mints. Odd but you supposed you weren’t the first occupants of the safe house.
You took out a blue pen and the pad of paper. You looked out the window and etched in ink the scene on the other side of the glass. You weren’t particularly skilled but the points of the tall pines and the sprawling arms of the walnut tree were simple enough. Little scribbles to show the twigs and pinecones at their feet. You blindly scratched the nib against the thin paper until you heard a knock at your door.
“You awake?” Bucky’s voice came clear through the door.
You put the pen down and cloaked yourself once more in the quilt as you stood. “Yeah,” you called back as you leaned against the edge of the desk. “What is it?”
Bucky carefully turned the handle and opened the door. He wore his high collared jacket with its chest pockets and two more lower down. His leather-sheathed knife hung from his belt, its tip poking out from beneath his coat, and he twisted a pair of gloves in his hands. He let the door fall completely open and lingered in the frame.
“I’m going into town. Steve will be here.” He said as his blue eyes bore into you. “You okay?”
You shrugged and pulled the blanket tighter around you. 
“You want me to turn the heat up?” He asked. You didn’t answer. “Look, I’m sorry about last night. About being so blunt but you have to understand, you panicking isn’t helping anyone.”
“Why wouldn’t you at least tell me about something like that? About the drawings?” You snapped. “I have a right to know.”
He sniffed and let out a long breath. “You really don’t want to know everything. Alright. I was just coming to make sure your list was final. Anything I need to add?”
“Just sweeping it aside? Just like that?”
“Honey, you don’t need to worry about this creep. Me and Steve will. You just need to be patient,” He neared you with decisive steps, “And listen to us. We’re your lifeline, it’s about time you start using it.”
“Don’t.” You huffed. “Don’t call me ‘honey’.”
He tilted his head and his eyes sparked. His lips curved slightly as he considered you.
“Sorry,” he said rigidly. “I guess… I didn’t realise I was doing that.”
You watched him as he pulled on his gloves and bent his fingers, flexing his hands as he pushed his shoulders back.
“So, I don’t need to grab anything else while I’m out?” He prodded. “You got enough clothes--”
“Yeah,” you said sharply, “I should be fine. I’d say that list is the least of my worries.”
He smiled and scoffed. “Alright, h-- You need anything, you let Steve know. He’s downstairs trying to figure out breakfast.”
You nodded as he stared at you. He rubbed his hands together and backed away. He turned and stopped at the door.
“If you really want the truth,” he looked over his shoulder, “He killed again. Two girls in as many nights…” He shook his head and tutted. “He seems pretty desperate. It’s a good thing you’re here. With us.” He stepped out into the hall and you barely heard his last word. “Safe.”
You found Steve in the kitchen grimacing at a bag of oats. His hair was slightly askew and he wore a sweatshirt which would be loose on any other man but clung to his broad chest and thick arms. His blue eyes bore a semblance of fatigue and he looked up as you neared the other side of the long walnut island.
“There’s coffee,” he smiled. “Do you like oatmeal?”
“It will do,” you climbed up on a stool and bent your arms over the counter. “Bucky gone?”
“Yeah,” Steve set down the bag and turned to the cupboard. He pulled out a metal mug in the military style and filled it with coffee from the pot. He slid it over to you. “You like sugar? Cream? Because we have neither.”
“I’m fine,” you chuckled. “So… is this something you do a lot?”
“What? Make coffee?” He asked as he bent and searched the cupboards.
“No, whatever it is we’re doing here. Hiding?”
“I’ve been sent on protective missions before,” he stood and clunked a pot on the counter. “Can’t say it’s ever been this… intense. Usually political,” he opened the bag of oats and poured them into the pot, “Escort from point A to B. Nothing overly complicated.”
“So why exactly has S.H.I.E.L.D. taken the lead and not the FBI?” 
He looked at you and raised his brows. He turned to add water to the pot and placed it on the stove. He turned the dial and spun back to you.
“If I tell you, you can’t let on to Bucky that you know.” He warned as he neared the island. “I mean it. I really shouldn’t. He’s right, you know? The less you know, the better.”
“Tell me. I’ll keep my mouth shut.” You urged. “Please.”
He sighed and pushed back his blonde hair. His short stubble caught the light as he dropped his arms.
“We have reason, strong reason, to believe that this… guy has ties to an association known as HYDRA. An organization which has been working to undermine democratic peace for decades.” Steve lowered his voice as he leaned across the countertop. “The hotel room that was… an unexpected and uncharacteristic slip-up. Before, he was stealthy, smart, we were barely able to string it all together. He was all over the city. But… I’m starting to think that it’s all deliberate on his part. He wants to distract us with the overwhelming evidence so that we make a real mistake.”
“But why-- Why would an operative want anything to do with me?”
“Oh, well, we don’t think he’s with HYDRA anymore and that makes him even more dangerous. He’s taken everything they taught him, all the evil they instilled in him, and now he’s working for his own agenda.” 
Steve searched your face, “Why he chose you; who knows? Maybe you said ‘hi’ to him and he liked the way it sounded or maybe it’s entirely at random. The FBI handed this case over because they can’t figure him out and I gotta be honest, we’re not any closer than they were. The only upper hand we have is that Bucky saw him. That’s it. We don’t have a name or anything else. Just a face and there are an awful lot of those in New York.”
You trembled and ran your fingertips down your cheeks. You gulped as you sat up and your eyes threatened to well.
“Thanks for telling me.” You whispered.
“Right, but I need a favour in return.” He said.
“Stop snooping around. We’re all stuck in here for a while. It doesn’t help anyone, especially not Bucky. He’s just trying to do his job and he’s already had to call in back-up. He’s feeling beat up right now.” Steve explained. “Besides, you really can’t give him a hard time after he got all bloodied up for you.”
“I… I’m sorry. I’m just scared.” You muttered, “I’ll cool it. Okay?”
He smiled and turned back to the stove. He grabbed a wooden spoon and stirred the oats. He swore under his breath.
“I really hope you’re a good cook because we’re all gonna be miserable if I’m in charge.” He tutted at the steaming pot. “Or at least, half-starved.”
“So we ended up getting lost on the beach,” Steve hit his empty bowl with his elbow as he talked. “And the bozo says he’s gonna get seasick. On land!”
You laughed as Steve’s eyes twinkled but quickly stopped as you heard the beep from the front door. It opened and closed, followed by the tap of fingertips on the panel. You looked over your shoulder as Bucky entered. You hadn’t realised how long you and Steve had been talking. A couple hours even after finishing the chewy porridge.
“There’s more in the car,” Bucky crossed to the island and plunked two bags on it. 
“Oh, I’ll help,” you slid off the stool and Bucky caught your shoulder.
“You should stay inside,” Bucky said, “Steve.”
“Alright.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’ll clean up in here,” you offered.
“Don’t you dare,” Steve warned as he rounded the counter. “But since you promised to cook tonight I’ll be more than happy to let you do so then.”
“Deal,” you said and watched him pass into the hallway. 
Bucky’s hand slipped from your shoulder and he gripped the lip of the counter. “You two get along.”
“Figure I should try, considering,” you moved so that the stool was between you. 
“It’s gonna start snowing soon.” He said awkwardly. “Calling for a storm next week. Could be snowed in here.”
“Well, maybe that’s a good thing,” you said.
“Maybe,” he reached into one of the bags as he spoke, “I got you this.” He pulled out a bottle of red, “Figured I might as well.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to but… thanks,” you tried to smile. You heard Steve behind you and Bucky’s jaw squared as he looked over your shoulder. “At least let me help unpack.” You insisted as Steve placed the bags beside the others. “I mean, it’ll be something to keep me busy.”
“Twist my arm,” Steve said, “Alright, I’ll get the dishes and you started putting all this away. Bucky, do you mind helping?”
Bucky nodded and blinked slowly. “Any coffee left?” He asked.
“I’ll make a fresh pot,” Steve said as he gathered up the bowls, “But I wouldn’t recommend my oatmeal. There’s probably something better hidden in those bags.”
“Yeah, I’m good,” Bucky muttered, “It was a long ride.”
You decided that while you weren’t in control, it didn’t mean you were helpless. It only meant that you needed to let those who knew what they were doing take care of it. Bucky and Steve had years of experience in security and combat. You were just a secretary scared for her life. You had no idea what to do or what you were doing.
After the first couple days, it grew easier. You grew comfortable but not complacent. The few times of day you could cook kept you busy enough to distract you. Steve and Bucky were easier to be around as you grew used to them, even just used to having others in your living space. Mostly, you kept to yourself but managed some decent conversation when you ate or stumbled upon each other in the cabin.
It was quiet and you were bored. Again. There were a few books you'd found to read and your doodles had grown frustrating. You decided to take a shower and try to relax. Your isolation made you restless and your restlessness made you think of why you were hidden away in the middle of nowhere.
You locked the door behind you and hung your towel. To your surprise, Bucky had managed to pick out the exact soap you used. You couldn't recall if you'd been finicky enough to have written it on the list. You stretched and undressed. You still didn't sleep very well but it wasn't as if you did very much either.
You stepped under the showerhead as the pipes whined. In the evening, if your keepers were busy, you'd read by the woodstove. The smell was calming and the crackle filled the dead air. Maybe after you would sneak down and try to warm up in front of the fire.
The shower fogged up and you closed your eyes as you scrubbed your body. The smell was reassuring. It reminded you of when your life was normal. It made you think that maybe you could go back to before. That this might end and you might be free to live again.
You let out a breath and cranked the shower off. You pulled back the curtain as the steam cleared and you patted your skin dry before wrapping yourself in the towel. As you picked up your clothes, you froze. You stood and neared the door. Had you not locked it? 
It was half-open and let in a draft from the hallway. You poked your head out and peered up and down the hall. Nothing, no one. Well, you were careless, you could've left it unlocked, not pushed it enough for it to catch.
You tiptoed across the hall to your room and pulled the door shut. This time you made sure it was closed though there was no lock on it. You tossed your clothes on the bed and pulled out a new set. Loose sweatpants and a cotton shirt. You needed to do laundry already. Well, another task to keep you occupied.
You pulled on some socks and crept out into the hall. You descended the stairs and listened for any sign of disturbance. Usually the men worked in the dining room or in the small office on the other side of the stairs. 
You got to the bottom of the stairs and neared the front door. You looked out at the grey forest. It was supposed to snow that night, that's what Bucky declared at breakfast. You grasped the handle but it would not turn. You reached to the panel just beside you but it rejected your fingerprint with a loud beep. 
"Going somewhere?" Bucky asked and you spun to face him, startled.
"No, I just… haven't been outside and I just wanted to… smell the air. I guess that's, uh, weird." You rubbed your hands together.
"It's freezing. You can't go out like that."
You stared at him. "But can I… go out?"
His blue eyes clung to you and his long lashes flicked. He lifted his brow and stepped closer. He stopped and slid your boots over to you with his foot. 
"Stay close," he grabbed his coat, "And wear a hat."
He handed you a wool beanie from his coat pocket before he pulled the ends of his hair from beneath his collar. You took your coat, in slight disbelief, and smiled.
"You sure it's okay?"
"Well, you shouldn't be pent up in here for so long and once it snows, you won't wanna go out much at all."
He opened the door as you tucked your hands into your gloves. You stepped out and he followed you closely as the door clicked shut behind him. You tramped down the steps and bounced on your heels at the bottom. It smelled like pine and cold.
Bucky walked evenly across the clearing and you trailed behind him as he neared the trees. He stopped and waited for you to catch up. He waved you ahead of him. "Just follow the path."
He wasn't far behind as you did as he said, the path winding between trees and petering out before a frosty brook that would freeze over with the first snowfall. Your teeth chattered as the looming winter nipped through your layers. You were quiet as you bent to pick up a pinecone and admire its scales.
You felt Bucky watching you as you turned back and walked around the small clearing amidst the trees.
"Hey," you faced him and tossed the pinecone away, "I'm sorry I was so… contrary. I was afraid."
"It's fine," he shooed away your apology with his hand, "I've dealt with worse."
"Sure but… I owe you a thank you, too. You saved me. More than once. And I know I wouldn't be alive without you. So thanks. Really. And… I am trying. I trust you. I know you're going to get this guy."
He gave a small smile and kicked a stone as he came closer. "Well, let me just say, this is one of the only jobs I've been assigned that hasn't been a complete pain in the ass."
You scoffed and resisted your urge to back away from him. "Flattering, really."
"Twenty minutes," he said, "Then we gotta go back… before Steve notices and gets worried. Or worse, he'll think we left him out of some fun."
"Ah," you snorted, "Yeah, wouldn't want him to think that."
Another day and then another. Time fell as lackadaisical as the snow. At first, it had been a storm but it had slowed to a powdery lull. Neither Steve nor Bucky spoke of the killer and you didn’t dare to ask. What good would it do you to know he had killed another? Or that some other grisly piece of art had been found? Ignorance was bliss or at least solace.
You found yourself moving from room to room. First, your bedroom, then the kitchen for a cup of tea, the living room to feed the stove and watch it burn, and then back upstairs. You ran into Steve on your way up. He seemed distracted if not a bit perturbed. You noticed that in the last day he and Bucky had been quiet. More so than usual.
You continued up to your room and opened your current read; a classic you refused to read in high school and opted for the Sparknotes instead. You laid on your bed, one leg bent under the other as you swayed back and forth. The words didn’t stick in your mind and you found yourself rereading the same page until you clapped the book shut and snarled.
You sat up and tapped your foot on the floor. You heard voices, muffled by your door. You eked it open and slowly approached the top of the stairs. You listened as the argument came clearer.
“Goddamn it, Bucky, after everything I’ve done for you. What the fuck are we here for? Well, what am I here for?” Steve growled.
“Stop yelling, alright.” Bucky snipped. “Have a little fucking patience. You know this hasn’t been easy.” You heard something slam but couldn’t guess at what. “Don’t fucking blow it. Shut up and have a little faith in me.”
There was grumbling but nothing more as a door closed and blocked out the voices entirely. You felt that heat along the back of your neck. The sudden burst of instinctual fear that nestled along your shoulders. The goosebumps that told you that not all was as it seemed. The creeping, inescapable sensation which had lingered for weeks now.
You pushed yourself up to your feet and headed back to your room. It was a stressful mission, you couldn’t blame the two for getting frustrated. That must have been what it was. They were anxious to get this guy and be onto their next mission. You doubted it was their ideal job to be locked away in the snow.
You stopped as your hand fell to your door handle and you peered down the hall into Bucky’s room. The door was mostly open, only a slight angle blocking out part of the room. Slowly, you dragged your hand away from the knob and felt along the wall as you continued down the hall.
His bed was unmade, the pillows strewn about, and a familiar patch of fabric stuck out from beneath one of them. You glanced behind you and took a breath. You took a step inside and waited as if testing it. Would he know? He seemed to know everything.
You placed one foot in front of the other as softly as you could. You leaned a knee against the mattress and reached beneath the pillow. You lifted up your panties and blanched at the little daisies speckles along the cotton. You’d gone all week without a pair, the mystery of their disappearance forgotten as your own carelessness. You mouthed ‘what the fuck’ as you dropped them back to the bed.
You turned around and went to the tall dresser near the closet. You inched the top drawer open; the rest of your panties bunched up with his briefs. The pink pair with the hearts you didn’t dare to touch as dried white strings stained the lacy edge. You slid the drawer shut and gasped as you were suffocated by your shock.
You spun around and peeked out the open door. You heard nothing but the winter gales outside. You rounded the bed and went to the table in the corner; a monitor, a mouse, a keyboard, stacks of folders and papers. 
Your fingers shook as you took your wallet from the mess and opened it up. Your cards, your IDs, and even the cash remained within. You put it back and took the envelope that was hidden beneath it. You opened it and flipped through its contents; your college ID from years ago, the one you got replaced after presumably dropping it in the library, your graduation photo, pictures of your family and you… all things you’d thought you lost.
You replaced the envelope and lifted the top of a file. The same drawing as before and several more, each one bloodier, more gruesome than the last until the final one. A metal arm around your neck…
Your hand hit the mouse as you retracted it in disgust and the monitor lit up. The sudden glare stung your eyes. A dozen different frames across the screen; each one a room in the house, including yours and even one in the shower. Bucky and Steve were in the office, deep in conversation.
You let out a shuddered breath as tears pricked.
You moved the mouse slowly and clicked on the file explorer. Folders sorted by date and then another simply labelled with your street name. You hesitated before you selected it. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of video files sorted by date. You bent closer as you clicked on the last day.
You hit double speed as your empty apartment greeted you. Then you came home, poured your wine, then Bucky arrived, you ordered food… You slowed down the footage as you slumped against the arm of the couch. The wine and the terror of that video call had left you senseless.
Bucky stood and pulled you down to lay across the couch. He backed up and watched you for a while then neared you again. You watched in horror as he bent over you and rolled your pants down. He climbed between your legs and buried his head between them. He shoved his metal hand beneath his mouth and your entire body jolted as he fingered.
You gasped as he finished and pulled your pants back up. Then he stood near you and used your hand to pleasure himself. You exited out of the window before your stomach turned entirely. You stood as you looked to the live feed. The office was empty.
You were suddenly pulled back as a rope wrapped around your neck. You kicked out as you were strangled, a figure flush against your back. You flailed and grabbed at the robe as you were shoved towards the bed. The body fell down onto you and the rope tightened.
“Baby girl,” Bucky’s voice slithered in your ear, “It didn’t have to be like this.”
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 14: So If You Put a Fraction Into a Duel Disk, the Card Explodes
We left on quite the cliffhanger last episode, so I’ll fill you in:
I did not get the haircut.
Like I seriously considered getting a Zigfried for a cool 3 or 4 minutes there, but then I decided to wait a couple of days and I basically forgot.
But, back to the arc finale, Seto has decided to walk, not run, to the Kaiba lab in order to fix the virus rapidly eating his entire company.
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I just want to point out that Zigfried went through a LOT of work to get Seto Kiaba to go “uggggh” turn around, and pretend to calmly walk away. I’m used to Seto losing his nut kind of a lot and blowing things up but this season he’s like “be chill be chill be chill” so that the entire world doesn’t think he’s a spaz on TV.
And little aside about Seto’s design choices here, I fell down a hole of interior design videos, and can I just say: apparently these wood frame things on the wall are back in style? Good on you, 2002(3?) Seto Kaiba. Don’t think that current designers are painting them purple but...we’re halfway there to Yugioh fashion.
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Meanwhile, Pharaoh decides to remind everyone that these stakes are hella low. The worst that happens is that Zigfried deletes the plane that Yugi needs to fly home...which would be an impressive virus.
Like it’s hard to tell if Yami even has a solid concept of “capitalism” and whether or not he cares about or understands the makeup of Seto’s company (which up till now has operated like a small country and not a business...which is a little more Pharaoh’s understanding. Either way...hard to tell if Yami would shed two tears for the loss of Kaiba corp.)
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And, despite what I say in the caps, I feel like Leon and Zigfried are the first villains we’ve ever had that Yugi and Pharaoh didn’t unintentionally disclose that they are 2 people to. Zigfried and Leon are just...completely oblivious to how effed up Yugi’s bean is. They think that’s just a normal kid and lol no dudes...y’all got distracted by Seto Kabia but you have a literal Egyptian God just hovering around in the background and dating 3 people by accident.
Like when the show shelves the main storyline, it is very funny how it’s all “And we’re gonna put the Pharaoh crisis on hold--just put a pin in it. No one will notice this child is two nervous wrecks stitched together” and then Yugi and Yami just kinda hold it in and watch all patiently until it’s their turn to get off the bench.
(read more under the cut)
In the giant computer tower, Seto Kaiba shouts out a string of orders and numbers, admired the many sonar detector looking windows open on every monitor, and then sat down at his desk to like...check the firewall, I guess?
The virus is past the firewall. It’s um...it’s inside the firewall, pretty sure that was the point, but youknow, it’s a kid’s show so they’re just throwing out computer stuff that has no meaning to the writers of this show.
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Mokuba thinks fondly of how Seto Kaiba has never screwed him over (which I mean...maybe not on purpose, ((except for that one time he did screw him over on purpose to get Gozaburo Kaiba to accidentally give Seto Kaiba the company, but you could say that was a grander scheme that he knew Mokuba would see through, which...)) but Seto certainly has screwed Mokuba over accidentally. At least once.)
And meanwhile, Yami fixes everything through card shenanigans.
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So here’s the shenanigan this episode: I don’t go over cards here but this one requires a limited amount of explanation.
So every round the golden castle deletes half of Yugi’s cards. So he was like...I’ll just draw down to one card. They can’t delete half a card...so that means the card must delete one of the two cards on the field which means it must delete itself.
...which is like the closest Yugioh will probably ever get to abusing a glitch to do a speedrunning tactic like GDQ.
Anyway, like I stated in the title: there are no fractions allowed in Yugioh. If you do that to your priceless one-of-a-kind card you got from winning one of Pegasus’ murder tournies, it will irreparably bust the card.
I’m sure at least one of you will correct me with the proper way to insert a fraction into your duel disk. Cuz like...as I say multiple times so we never forget, I barely pay attention to this card game and I’m just flying by the seat of my pants.
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I want to say Seto and Mokuba were in the hacker chairs for like...3 minutes maybe before they realized “oh...Yugi fixed it...” and walked the half a mile back to the duel arena.
and also, as I’m looking at Seto’s glasses here, I just realized...all of Kaiba’s team wears sunglasses all the time. Inside, outside, night, or day...
They haven’t outright said this...but what if those aren’t sunglasses?
Is Roland and that other Roland wearing fancy cyber glasses? They are, right? Because they wear them indoors?
Damn, they can’t take a piss without being on call with Kaiba Corp, can they?
Now the problem is...Yugi played all of his cards (he has two in front of him face down, but none in his deck) and after milling himself, this means he’s now basically a sitting duck for Leon to take the title of “King of Games.”
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Leon insists that he defend whatever scraps are left of his card honor and not duel a person who is carrying no cards and Yugi was like “COME AT ME BRO THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I KNOW I’M ALIVE.”
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He didn’t even have to do a horror on Leon, he just...played cards good? I skipped it, I’ll be honest, but overall Leon’s card honor was...saved? Maybe? I mean he also go destroyed when his competitor had not a single card in his duel disk so...
...Leon will have to work on his card honor off screen because he’s pretty well humiliated at this point.
But stumbling onto the playing field like he’s half dazed/daydrunk, Zigfried is like “You forgot I already won, bastards!”
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Which is when we find out that Zigfried’s “delete all” virus failed to press “enter” and deleted basically nothing. Just like when my Mom attempts to send something in Gmail but doesn’t press “Send” and tells me that Google is down and broken.
Sorry my bro has informed me that he ALSO has had to help my Mother locate the “Send” button and I just...I know she absolutely did that but I’m in denial that this Riddle of the Sphinx has happened to her multiple times.
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Honestly, the pep talk we get from Leon at the end to cheer up his bro was a whole lot of “we will pick ourselves up and we’ll do better next time. Together.” and sure you can translate that as “we’ll be honest next time” or you can translate that as “next time we will be not nearly as obvious about inserting a virus into their computer until it is done doing the job, bro.”
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Just like Dartz, we didn’t really get a whole lot of retribution or closure when it comes to Zigfried. But, unlike Dartz, Zigfried didn’t do too much murder, so I guess this is fine. He tried to cheat in a card game...
...and I guess tried to delete Kaiba Corp but youknow...
...people let him have that. The police saw the ticket of “this man tried to delete Kaiba Corp” and they just...didn’t arrest him. The judge saw that ticket and didn’t put out a warrant. They just let Zigfried have this, almost like “better luck next time, ya?”
And then Roland clocked out for the day and went home, thus ending this arc.
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Look at all these characters, most of which we never saw duel even one card.
We also got one shot of Mai for some reason although she was not in this arc.
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AAAHHHH. Every time I’m like “the show is done screwing geography” we get another freakin geography spook!
But we went back to California in order to get a scene of these guys in an airport to get a flight to Japan...
which means Rex and Weevil just...were they shipped home by the Kaibas? Because way to ditch getting arrested by the American Government, hot damn. They are...literally terrorists who destroyed a Caltrain in a plot to kill everyone in the world so like...really surprised Rex and Weevil are in public...but maybe all the FBI were dead at the time so they just didn’t know?
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Meanwhile, Duke has to go back to Death Valley and call a tow truck for his car, RIP.
I sure hope he got PTO during this stunt and isn’t going home to a pink slip.
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I’m not sure of Dukes life or anything going on with Duke. I’m sure the thing about Serenity is him joking because we have all forgotten about that girl by this point...but also...is Duke...still living in the Tenderloin? The crime rate is very, very high and the ground isn’t solid, so it will liquefy if there’s an Earthquake, but it is one of the few places in the Bay Area that doesn’t light on fire every year. He has that going for him.
I just really hope Duke moves out of the Tenderloin one of these days, he needs a better life.
Meanwhile, Rebecca does one last crime.
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This is like a post-epidemic reaction to a hug, but in 2002(3?).
I don’t think I’ll miss Rebecca too much. Wanted to like her more, but she was under-utilized, like most of the characters on Yugioh. Not even just talking girl characters here--most characters on Yugioh are super under-utilized, just Tristan Wallflowers doing nothing, but also being selectively OP as hell about very specific things they never, ever need to do.
Speaking of the devil:
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Yugi...just saved his entire company...
But Mokuba is just has to make sure to make it seem like they owed Mokuba and not the other way around. Just in case.
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So off they go on this massive plane. It’s probably more to do with the length of the trip as to why the plane is so big but also...
This plane is overcompensating.
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But before we analyze that, lets close the book on Seto Kaiba’s very short therapy arc. Overall, it was a nice distraction, but I can see why people call it a filler arc, as it really doesn’t affect...anything going on in the major plotlines, which makes me think it could have been a movie or a game or something. But overall, it’s not bad, it’s just not what you’d expect if you were a Western audience.
Like I’m preaching to the choir, but typically, Western stories are entirely plot focused, and so our arcs always give or take away from that plot. But in a Eastern story arc, it may instead be character focused, where the climax is a character evolving or coming to some sort of cathartic realization, which this arc was, in a big way. We still had some plot, because this is a Shonen, but overall it was about characters, and specifically whether or not Leon and his bro would reconcile or change--which they did.
We did get to see a little more growth on Seto in that he...didn’t go bonkers and hallucinate during a card game. It’s been a while since we’ve had him not do that. Seto was very chill this arc, which makes sense, it was a very chill slice of life arc for everyone involved.
So, next we move on to the next one, which bro has informed me...is
still not Bakura.
According to Bro, the next arc didn’t even air in the Japanese version of the show? Like he’s got a lot of spicy Yugioh headcanons so he could be wrong (He did tell me that he thought that Zigfried was Seto Kaiba’s ex boyfriend when he saw this as a kid which...that sure is a way to interpret this arc, and it probably wasn’t just my little brother who went down that thought tube there...)
(Bro Note: To be fair, I didn’t watch much of this arc as a kid.)
But he says the next arc was originally a movie. But they released it in the States as episodes to be part of S5, just to put more episodes in there. Which, if he’s correct, makes it seem like we’re getting like the Mulan 2 experience kind of shoved in between this arc and the next
But um..
according to bro it has virtually no card games.
I’m so used to only capping 10 minutes an episode, what?
Anyway, until then, here’s the link to read the rest of these from the start in chrono order:
I’m kinda itching to do a Season Zero, it’s been a hot minute--so those take a little longer to do, especially since I need to go to a different site I haven’t...checked out yet...I’ll be back...eventually? I just know that at some point in Season Zero they fight it out with yo-yo’s and I want to see it.
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zooterchet · 2 years
How to Take Down American Government Agencies
CIA: Point out that they’re using a trick, and name it anything, when they offer to perform an organization of your possessions, as a task.  The false name will get into the system, building more retarded anti-Semitic gibberish, based on Immanuel Kant, that the next asshole moron like Governor Deval Patrick used, as governor of Massachusetts.
Navy: Make a child’s gesture, and name it as assertive when questioned, when they call your cigarettes, “butts”.
Air Force: When someone challenges you over the phone, and then returns to call you and apologize, refuse to break the cycle, and instead volunteer for the Coast Guard, severely indirectly, to the FBI, via a dummy drop e-mail, that you never use again, however registered to a Facebook account with your actual name on it.
Marine: Identify a falsehood, to a private monitor, and then pass it to an open Marine, in public, in front of their peers and in type, as a foreign intelligence service’s operation, always NATO, however featured in a film, making you the villain.
Coast Guard: Listen to midi music of a famous pop band, and then download In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Grieg, on your computer, at a later time, within the year.
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