#callisto 6 art
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Guess who paid way too much money for alcohol based markers
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theoihalioistuff · 5 months
"In regard to myth, although there does not exist a female equivalent of the well-known loves between a god and a young mortal (e.g., Apollo and Hyacinthus), a motif of interest appears in the story of Callisto: according to one variation, attested by scholia on Hesiod and Aratos, Zeus adopts the guise of Artemis in order to engage in a sexual relationship with the goddess’s preferred companion." Oxford Classical Dictionary, Female Homosexuality, Sandra Boehringer
This first surviving mention that Zeus disguised himself as Artemis in order to approach Kallisto is (quite upsettingly) from a lost comedy by Amphis (4th C. BC), where the butt of the joke is that a naive Kallisto accuses Artemis of having gotten her pregnant:
"But as Amphis, writer of comedies, says, Zeus, assuming the form of Artemis, followed the girl as if to aid her in hunting, and embraced her when out of sight of the rest. Questioned by Artemis as to the reason for her swollen form, she replied that it was the goddess' fault, and because of this reply, Artemis changed her into the shape we mentioned above [bear]." (Amphis fr. 47 Kock, as quoted in Hyginus Astronomica 2.1.2)
Whether Zeus' disguise was invented by Amphis for "comedic effect" or was part of an earlier tradition is a matter of conjecture, but it is certainly well attested later on and by roman times it had become the most popular variant.
(Amphis fr. 46 [Schol. Aratus 37-44]; Hyg. Poet. Astr. 2.1.2; cf. Apollod. Bibl. 3.100f.; Nonnus Dion. 2.122f., 33.288-92, 36.66-74; Ov. Met. 2.401-530; Schol. Callim. Hymn 1.41; Schol. Lycoph. Alex. 481).
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~Artistic sources for Kallisto's transformation are very sparse, which I think is kind of a pity considering how hauntingly beautiful and awesome surviving images are (in order):
LIMC Kallisto 5, Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Kallisto transforming into a bear.
LIMC Kallisto 18, Sammlung Herbert A. Cahn Basel. Bear-headed boy next to bear-headed woman, most likely Arkas and Kallisto.
LIMC Kallisto 7, Private Collection. Kallisto with the infant Arkas on her lap.
LIMC Kallisto 6, J. Paul Getty Museum Malibu. Huntsman, Kallisto turning into a bear, Hermes rescuing the infant Arkas.
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seirclys · 1 year
SUOL-nim Season 4 Livestream recap!
Note: This will only be the English portions since I don't speak Korean or Japanese (ノAヽ)
Season 3's recap
Thank you to @eloise-writes-things, @leila-lirui, @bluebutterflyrose, and @karmablacks for helping supplement some of this information when I was outside or when I was sick ^^
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This time she's streaming on Youtube instead of Twitch! However, the VOD will still not be saved afterward.
As speculated, the cover is Winter and Siyeon(our transmigrator FL), with the necklace Winter gave her in the caves :)
volume 6 will be out this summer(approximately)
Unfortunately, she doesn't know when the English translation will be licensed since it's between Gyeoeul-nim and the publisher,,
Her voice is so nice... she speaks Korean, English, and Japanese too!
Return of the pink underlayer for the magenta hair!
She talked a little about the Alice in Wonderland dress! The color was specified in the novel as "sky-blue", and SUOL-nim thought it would be fitting for Siyeon to wear such a dress while adventuring with our White Rabbit, Winter
Ahh I had to leave the house for a few hours so the stuff below are all my panicked notes. Some of these are out of order, sorryyy
SUOL-nim showed us the concept arts of the characters individually.
Fun fact, Siyeon and OG!Penelope's concept art has them wearing the same colored shoes, but Siyeon's shoes have low heels, almost like flats.
She says that out of all the characters, Callisto is the hardest to draw. This is especially since his golden hair has narrative importance and the aesthetic is hard to nail down.
The webtoon is mostly SUOL-nim's own work! She doesn't really speak to Gyeoeul-nim about work matters or help in adapting some scenes.
It takes her a week to finish a chapter, so she doesn't really have a "backlog" of progress. This is also why there's an extra week of break after four weeks.
One of the most memorable changes she made in the adaptation was changing the Empire's name from "Inca" to "Eorka". She reasoned that because "Inca" is the name of a real Empire, it would be confusing. Thus, she changed it.
The anagram of "Eorka" to "Korea" was completely accidental.
She has an Instagram for her SUOL account(like how she has a personal and a work Twitter) but has no plans on using it since her Twitter is overwhelming.
She doesn't have a favorite dress, but one of the ones she's especially attached to is the white Goddess dress since most of Penelope's wardrobe is dark.
She shows her folders occasionally, and we get little peeks of concept art for characters like Ivonne, the assassins, Penelope's male disguise, Cedrick, Emily's Hunting Competition dress, Winter's layered clothing, and minor characters, as well as the tiny bird monsters.
She also showed the dress concepts for Season 3!
In addition, we got to see a rendered concept of Penelope(think the promotional portrait) as well as a version of that style for Reynold and Penelope's faces in her folders.
There was also a WIP with Eckles and Penelope, perhaps a small illustration she scrapped, hasn't released yet, or just a concept.
We also got to see a silly doodle of Penelope, a redraw of a Crayon Shin-Chan frame(it's a popular kids manga/anime in East Asia).
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The original was Shin-Chan trying to decide between a few identical outfits; the VADD version is the one where Penelope is surrounded by objects representing each ML.
The ointment from Reynold, the scroll from Callisto, Winter's mask, Eckles' collar, and Derrick's bird cage.
Her rendering is immaculate; Siyeon glows off the page.
The info after this is second-handed since I'm still sick and I fell asleep an hour before it ended ;-; but my throat is killing me and my ears were ringing
The Eckles Penelope art is the preliminary sketch for the physical Vol. 6(from my calculations!)
She moved to sketches around this time ^^
For the top row, SUOL-nim drew a Penelope, an Eckles getting dressed, and a sulky baby Reynold in a onesie. To the right of him is a doodle of him and Derrick in high chairs, with the Duke and a heavily pregnant Duchess watching over them.
On the bottom row, we have Emily in a noblewoman's dress and a fan with her hair pinned up(with feathers!), the head butler Pennel, and an overworked salaryman Cedrick on his phone.
Edit: He's chatting about Callisto with his feet on the table while thinking about strangling Callisto loll.
The stream was approximately 6 hours long!
Also, something she reiterated for a bit: Season 4 is planned to come out in August/September. The dates are tentative but she wants to get it out to us by that period.
It was nice seeing a lot of the discord and tumblr crew!!
Also, the stream tea: SUOL-nim requested that we translate our comments that weren't in Korean, English, or Japanese since she has to moderate the chat still and she doesn't want to feel left out of her own stream. Even if it's conversing amongst themselves, they should still translate.
A group of Arabic-speaking viewers actively ignored her and there were small fights in chat, and she even addressed this issue TWICE.
And in the end they still didn't do it, so... PLEASE RESPECT SUOL-nim's stream rules! At the end of the day, it's still HER stream! She has to moderate it! Don't make it unnecessarily difficult for streamers to stream!
This is basic chat etiquette.
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magicwithclass · 3 months
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7 mana for a 5/5 is not on curve so the ability needs to really stand out to compensate for the suboptimal stats. You really want a 6/6 for 7 at minimum before the card becomes woefully overcosted. This is a legendary creature so it can be your commander but this card does not lend itself to a clear strategy. On edhrec, there are currently 20 commander decks that Veldrane leads and he does not see significantly more play in the 99 of any commander deck. Obviously, this is not a competitive card by any means. The only deck I would play this card in is a Baron sengir flavor deck as Veldrane was the most loyal servant and minion of the vampire. Veldrane is primarily responsible for hunting for food for the Baron. Veldrane often carries a Dwarven sword and this is one of the only identifying features. Many believe Veldrane is but a puppet of Baron Sengir. As a hunter, Veldrane would often hunt in the woods of the Autumn Willow. While he can get through the words unscathed as evidenced by his ability to gain forestwalk he is not quite as powerful going through the harsh woods. The autumn Willow does not like Baron sengir and likewise does not care for Veldrane. In order to insult him she made a miniature replica of him out as a form of open mockery. The replica is represented on the reserved list cars faerie noble. Notice that both arts have the characters wearing eye patches. The story of Homelands was probably the best thing about he set. It is interesting to see how the legendary creatures interact. Homelands seemed to be a precursor to the stories of today which also sometimes uses legendary creatures to represent events in the actual story. I would not be surprised if we never revisit the Homelands or Baron sengir storyline especially with the omenpaths. The card is about 75 cents or less currently and only ever held a high of about 4 dollars. There's no playability here so unless you really enjoyed Homelands or you think that all of these characters will get a redesign then you can pick up one copy to have one of every legendary creature and call it a day. What would a new version even do? Would it be a hate card against green decks? Would it have abilities that trigger when a creature with lower power than its printed power attacks? Even then, are you really going to use this minion? Baron Sengir barely sees play and that character is way more interesting and beloved than Veldrane. Everything I like at this card though I think of the mutant callisto from x-men.
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lalalian · 3 months
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let’s talk students: aethergarde academy dr
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date: june 24, 2024
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the poll last time tied between straus and callisto! I’ll explain everyone’s significance once I talk about all the students (the most important students). I’m thinking of adding one more… but I’ll have to look at everything again first.
…also sorry for not posting for like what… 5 days? I’ve been busy 😭😭
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Straus: (Stir-ow-s) (‘ow’ as in ‘ow! That hurts!’ And ‘s’ as in ‘snake’)
Crawford: (Cr-aw-ferd) (‘aw’ as in ‘awesome’)
Straus is a blonde haired man, he stands at around 5’ 7” (170 cm) when you first meet him, but will grow to be at least 6’ 0” (183 cm) once school ends. He has a rather defined jawline, and is often seen with his hair tied back.
He’s lean but muscular; he definitely has a sleeper build but not anything too crazy upon his arrival to Aethergarde. He has clear blue eyes and despite his light hair, darker colored brows and lashes.
Going back to his hair, it’s actually a pretty popular haircut amongst guys his age, but Straus prefers to keep it a little longer. Not anything too long though, but long enough to do a man bun situation.
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Straus is an ambivert— he has a pretty tight knit circle of friends he hangs out with, but when he’s alone, he likes to read (fav genres are philosophy and mystery) and make perfume.
He’s not much of a chatterbox, but he responds well with his friends. Many say that he’s quite the gentleman due to his chivalrous nature and his smooth speech (he’s not one to swear + he speaks with eloquently but not in an overly pompous way). Straus strongly upholds his family’s values through handwork and discipline— his father is a swing consul, but in recent years, aligns more with the Radical faction.
Genuinely a horrid dancer. In his childhood, he had to practice dancing more than others… he was a slow learner when it came to the arts in most forms. Straus also had bad handwriting when he was younger— most of his friends could barely make out his letters until he practiced his penmanship more extensively. In times of stress, his handwriting will slightly revert back to his old style.
On the other hand, Straus is great at navigating through cities and buildings. He’s got great memory when it comes to retracing his footsteps, so if you get lost in the academy, look for this guy… if you can. Straus is a pretty popular bachelor amongst nobles, so don’t be surprised if he’s absolutely swarmed with students asking for his help.
Straus is overall a pretty kind person who cares for the wellbeing of others. He’s often the first person to volunteer to help out with something, and he’s pretty smart too. He refuses to believe rumors about someone because he thinks that you don’t truly know someone unless you talk to them. He will likely be one of your first few friends in Aethergarde (okay well Teagon might be your first first friend, but we’ll talk about him in another post).
Lastly, he tends to burn in the sun, so he always carries a UV blocking trinket around.
relationships & social status:
Straus is obviously of high noble descent. As mentioned previously, his dad is a consul, which makes Straus the son of a duke. He is close with his father; Straus often sparred with his father before attending Aethergarde. His respect and affection for his father makes him more loyal to his teachings.
Straus is also close to his mother, but in a different way. Straus’ mother is actually a dragon rider herself, but she’s retired from fighting in the Thorns Squadron, and has been the Head Captain of the protection unit for the capital city of Eudora for 15~ years now. He likes flying on his mother’s dragon, and she often tells him stories. Because of his mother’s long work days, Straus is, again, closer to his father than his mother. This dynamic is quite evident when you look at his father’s office— there is a whole sitting room fit for their entire family in his office. It (essentially) includes four plush chairs with large blankets for each on them + a table that used to be filled with toys, but is now often littered with quills and homework assignments + 6 bookcases, each of them are mostly filled with books none of the children have read before.
Straus has 2 siblings, both of which are sisters. He is close with both of them. His eldest sister was a dragon rider, though she was an A tier not an S tier. She was able to attend Aethergarde Academy because her mana capacity was deemed to be high enough. Also she’s a high noble
Okay now on to Miaene… If you’ve read the post about her, you’d have seen that she is basically expected to marry Straus after Aethergarde Academy. Straus does not like Miaene romantically; he doesn’t really like her cold demeanor. He finds it hard to converse with her, but he doesn’t hate her. He just feels like he doesn’t really know her, and doesn’t know if he’s comfortable marrying a stranger. Because his parents seemed to be pretty ecstatic about their marriage, Straus hasn’t spoken up about his feelings. I suppose he’s a bit of a people pleaser, isn’t he? Straus also thinks that this marriage is advantageous because both of their families are high nobles. Straus promised to himself that if he finds another person he’d like to marry, he’d request to end the marriage between himself and Miaene.
Straus was supposed to be the heir to the family’s duchy, but he can request for the position to be moved to his youngest sister (she isn’t a rider). Straus and his siblings have all been taught about how to manage a duchy.
likes & dislikes
- he really likes woody perfumes that have a slight sweetness to it
- perfumes in general
- seafood, likes eating fish
- reading
- rainy days
- busy libraries
- tea
- overly sweet desserts
- talking about philosophy novels with Miaene; he finds that she makes things less interesting, making him less interested in said novel
- arranged dates with Miaene
- dancing
His aura is categorized as a wavering haze. His aura consists of a mustard dandelion yellow (inner) and a lighter teal (outer).
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Straus will bond with a white ironmaw. He’ll name her Medea.
strengths and weaknesses:
- Agile
- Great leader (better than Miaene)
- Good with people
- Resourceful
- Selfless (to an extent)
- Despite being well versed in swords, his biggest flaw is hand to hand combat, or literally any kind of fighting that involves the use of no weaponry; If Straus wasn’t so bad at non-weaponry fighting, he’d very easily take leadership positions.
- struggles with fighting while mounting on a horse, likely to have trouble with fighting on a dragon
fighting style:
Uses one sword to fight; his fighting style is elegant but sharp.
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wanna know more about my aethergarde academy dr? here's a masterlist with everything I've posted about it!
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ahdhdbshsj Callisto info coming soon! Within hopefully a day or two, idk
no poll this time, but on Callisto’s there will be!
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pixie-mask · 2 years
What’s Up With Me
started: 6/28/23
updated: 9/17/24
Unamed future novel/webcomic 🎇
Gif & Image sets🎇
Kurokochi manga photos
Kizaru Egghead manga photos
Learning Japanese
Zombillenium photos
Joxer in comics
Start new craft
Stray Gods uploads
Captain Boomerang/Digger Harkness reading
Catalogue original characters
“Clean Up”
Tumblr Posts Twitter posts & reblogs Youtube watch later Chrome bookmarks
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firebuug palette roulette
SVS Lessons
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✍🏼Writing ✍🏼
Fan Fiction
The Quarry
The Liveblogging of Travis & Laura // ch 1 of 10(ish)
9 Lambs-a-Bleating // ch 0 of 20(ish)
((Fic fix ups)) x1
Hazbin Hotel
A Flock in Hell // ch 4 of ?
Stray Gods
Natural Ornament
((Apollo & Oracle fic))
Grace's Birthday Commemoration
🔹Beloved Lost Girl // ch 0 of ? 🔹A Goddess Sleepover // ch 0 of ? 🔹While the Girl's Play // ch 0 of ?
One Piece
Firefly // ch 0 of ?
Worth the Weight
Sour Lemon // ch 1 of 3
The Doll and the Cogwheel
Unnamed future novel 🎇
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Evil West
GrimGrimoire Once More
Yakuza 5
One Piece Warriors 4
The Wonderful 101: After School Hero
Sayonara Wild Hearts
The Collage Atlas
Detective Grimoire
Vampire Therapist
Cafe Enchante
One Piece Odyssey
Katamari Damacy REROLL
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Prince of Persia: The Last Crown-Mask of Darkness
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The Mermaid
What Moves the Dead
My Heart is a Chainsaw
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight
Overwatch 2: Heroes Ascendant
Manga & Comics (up to what I have)
Ossan Idol
A Man & His Cat
Go With the Clouds, North by Northwest
New Suicide Squad
Smoking with You Behind the Supermarket
Steel of the Celestial Shadows
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One Piece
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer [ 04 / _13 ]
Ousama Ranking [ 0 / 23 ]
Sasaki & Peeps [ 0 / 12]
Eternal Boys [ 0 / 24 ]
Delicious in Dungeon [ 0 / 24 ]
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End [ 0 / 28 ]
Scavengers Reign [ 0 / _12 ]
Murder Drones [ 0 / 8 ]
Invincible Season 2 [ 6 / 8]
The Legend o Vox Machina Season 2 [ 0 / 12 ]
5. Beetlejuice (the animated series) Season 1 [ 0 / 13 ] Season 2 [ O / 8 ] Season 3 [ 0 / 8 ] Season 4 [ 0 / 65]
Xena: Warrior Princess Season 1 [ 24 / 24 ]_(rewatch) Season 2 [ 08 / 24]_(restart) Season 3 [ 0 / 22] Season 4 [ 0 / 22 ] Season 5 [ 0 / 22 ] Season 6 [ 0 / 22 ]
Movies & Specials
Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
Invincible: Atom Eve
Orion and the Dark
Emesis Blue
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🎬GIFs (& Image sets)🎬
Monkey King: Hero Is Back
Inn Fight Wukong Animation Appreciation
Xena: Warrior Princess
Season 1
> Callisto
Season 2
> Girls Just Want To Have Fun
> Warrior...Princess...Tramp
> Intimate Stranger
The Sea Beast
Bayonetta 3
We Are As One Let's Dance Boys x3
One Piece: Film Red
Kizaru Fujitora Tot Musica synchronization Music Video/Movie song set Mini-Sunny
One Piece Live Action
Kuro stalking Kaya
One Piece
Kizaru-Egghead Arc
Jingle Jangle; Dances
Wolf Creek
The Monkey King Reborn
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fatrocka64 · 2 years
Christmas wish list 2022 final version
1 Lego Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets
2 Build a Bear Workshop Reindeer with Strawberry Scent and Vixen Medal
3 The Art of Turning Red
4 The Callisto Protocol Xbox One
5 Ice Nine Kills Welcome to Horrorwood T Shirt
6 Squishables Crystal Dragon
7 Stranger Things Void Series Vecna Figure
8 Dark Bunny Sauces Harmless Howler
9 Jordan Peele's Nope Blu Ray
10 Homemade Wearable Majora's Mask
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brightartblog · 5 years
My good Midwestern Boi
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marcelinesmane · 5 years
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this is fine
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depressed-sock · 5 years
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More fanart! This time with Oya and an attempt at Honey! (I still have no clue how to draw robots lol)
A Callisto 6 fanart
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lildark1 · 5 years
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Two pictures in a series I’m slowly trying to knock out. I wanted to get this done somewhat around the 1 year anniversary.
Please don’t repost anywhere. Thank you.
We have childhood friends Oya Guillen and Cass Charke. 
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shadowstorm-0 · 5 years
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I’m new to this whole drawing thing but I tried to do a Callisto 6 fanart!!
These are two stellar babes on the show Luma and Cass who are the cutest everyone please go watch it thanks
(It’s cyberpunk superheroes and it’s tagline could literally be described as Be Gay! Do Crimes! as they’re all trying to save the world)
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thesweet-lamb · 5 years
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Luma and a chicken Idk where to submit fan art for the Callisto 6 art reel. Its just endless suffering as I try to figure out what the email is.
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critrolesketch · 6 years
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Hey there, I’m free to take commissions for the month of January at a discounted price! Gotta hurry before the month is up! 
Please email me at [email protected] to inquire about commission prices. 
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geekandsundry · 5 years
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Callisto 6 looks into the dark future of LOS ANGELES 2119. After a massive ecological disaster, the giant corporations rebuild the city into a glittering beacon of the future. All it takes are the freedoms, the rights and the lives of millions of the citizens within the city. Lindy, Cass, Anton, ...
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casualjster · 6 years
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sees a nb character in media: nice sees a nb character being represented in media by a nb person: [crying] nice  anyways i saw lacy and immediately started projecting my comfort-based nb fashion styles onto them, whoops 
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