#callum brodie headcanons
silly-tma-headcanons · 4 months
this is oliver and callum. to me.
it's 4am on a regular tuesday in the brodie-banks household and all you can see in the dark is a man in his late 20s-early 30s, having a light saber battle with a secondary school kid out on the front garden (oliver doesnt want to knock anything inside <3)
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I've seen you post about The Locked Tomb. But you're also primarily a TMA poster. If there were a crossover how do you think that would work? Like crossover specific headcanons. Like what House would they belong to? Are they a necromancer? If they are a necromancer what is their specialty? Are they a cavalier? And if so what's their fighting style? Who would they ascend to Lyctorship with? Would they be capable of lyctoring with that person? Gimme TMA(GP) + TLT ideas and hcs pls
firstly and most importantly. tma characters are house, tmagp characters are non-house/blood of eden. i don't know why, but it makes sense in my head.
ok so.
first house - all the older avatars. i think their saint names would be fear-related, e.g. jonah the first, saint of beholding. i honestly don't know who would take god's role, for some reason i wanna say simon.
second house - necromancer basira hussain, cavalier daisy tonner
third house - i honestly don't know
fourth house - necromancer callum brodie
fifth house - necromancer sasha james, cavalier timothy stoker
sixth house - necromancer jonathan sims, cavalier martin blackwood
seventh house - necromancer agnes montageu, cavalier jude perry
eighth house - necromancer manuela dominguez
ninth house - necromancer oliver banks
ok so. turns out sorting these fuckers into houses is harder than i thought!!! but i HAD to make jon sixth, it just. makes way too much sense. same for ninth house oliver. agnes somehow reminds me of dulcinea a lot so i put her in seventh, and also cuz of the whole "beaty that blossoms and dies" thing being real desolation coded. the beaty inherent to destruction etc etc.
i think jon would 100% specialize in psychometry, like palamedes. oliver is probably fond of bones, but i actually think he'd be a spirit magician primarily. i don't think there's any flesh magicians among them, for obvious reasons.
ok now tmagp. since boe doesn't have a sorting system, i'm just gonna refer to the actual characters.
i am so incredibly fond of the idea of lena as commander wake. that entire (paraphrasing) "the only thing my civilization can learn from yours is that when our towers fall and our cities burn, we rarely become heroes." speech is so insanely her coded. hmmm gwen as pash, methinks. just because nepo-baby. alice could be angel/ame? no idea who nona is.
gaahhh thank you so much for the question!!!!! this was so fun to think about ahdjfkejfke
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thecatspasta · 1 year
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Okay take some shitty doodles for all the prompts.
Fav major character + pre canon: University Jon (i love this guy)
Fav minor character: Callum brodie. Im fixated on the fucker
Alternate universe: Dragon!Jon and Dark avatar Jon
Headcanons: Bigender tim with top surgery (he/she)
Original characters: Desolation avatar with adhd and autism. Is the water aspect of the desolation (floods, tsunamis, that kinda thing). Pronouns: It/Flood, grew up around oceans.
Favourite entity: The Dark
Favourite avatar: Helen Distortion.
Send me an ask if you want me to elaborate on any of these I will gladly do so!!
Anyways @tmaappreciationweek
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 140 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bubble bath^^
BASIRA: "You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?" The S4 Archives crew dynamic is so incredibly funny! I headcanon Jon getting super emotional when drunk, pouring his heart out!
BASIRA: "You don’t remember any of it?" JON: "You drink the whole contents of a bar, you don’t remember what the Merlot tastes like. (sigh-adjacent sound) It just hurt." Already said last episode, with a character capable of sort of an omniscience it would have been kind of a plot hole not to try to just Know what the plan was. And this is an excellent way to handle it. The reason, why Jon didn't get any information out of it, works so well.
That encounter with Maxwell Rayner was probably the reason Basira got so much into books when she joined the institute. She was already researching Ny-Ålesund back then and dove deeper into the history of John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley (MAG 108).
BASIRA: "The first Astronomer Royale. Had the post until his death in 1720." JON: "1719. He died on New Year’s Eve." People often say 'No one likes a smartass," but I actually love them!^^
BASIRA: "Names shift over the years. ‘Specially if you’re not keen on keeping the same body." Oh the foreshadowing!
Oh god, this statement... I'm a few sentences in and I already forgot everything. This old English writing makes my brain bluescreen...
"With a fierce strength never before awakened within me, I gripped the head of my foul adversary, and forced it down, into the dark pool before us.There I held it, the water so cold upon my skin the marks have yet to fade. And Reimer thrashed, and kicked, and made such sounds as I have never before heard of the dying. And he was still." I'm guessing, that "dying" by the black water of the Dark only achieved Rayner being one with it now. His essence somehow preserved in the liquid. (Also death to become a full-fledged Avatar, yes yes...) Cause that liquid is how he hops bodies right? It was coming out of his mouth and flowing towards Callum Brodie.
BASIRA: "But I mean – didn’t you say he got blown up in World War I as well?" And that's the only reference we get to that dead soldier in MAG 7. Though his tags said "Joseph Rayner".  In MAG 7 Jon said the recognizes the name from somewhere, but now he's not sure himself there.
BASIRA: "Ah, Jon. What’s this?" [SHE PICKS SOMETHING UP.] JON: "Hm? Oh. That’s… I, th, uh – that’s my rib." BASIRA: (Pythagorean theorem, volume of a cone) "Right." [SHE PUTS IT BACK.] JON: "Yep." BASIRA: "And… the jar of ashes." JON: (stress.exe) "Not – not, m,mine – I mean, it belongs to me, I, I, I guess, but it’s not – stationery is in the, uh, other drawer." 'No, Basira, this is my human remains drawer...' xD Also the fan transcript, lol! Stress.exe xD (got my headcanon to the survival of the jar of ashes in my post to MAG 123 btw - Martin salvaged it after the Flesh attack.)
JON: "I hope you’re not suggesting that Santa works for the People’s Church." BASIRA: (exasperated) “Jon.” Yeah, Jon. Santa is an Avatar of the Eye, did you not pay attention to "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town".
BASIRA: "I bring all the guns from Daisy’s old stash, you bring the spooks you used to mess up that delivery guy." [LONG PAUSE.] JON: "What – That’s it? Christ, I thought my plans were half-assed." Afsdjfld, I forgot this was an actual conversation, lmao!
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Mostly I'm just curious, but would it be possible to publish this ask and have people comment or reblog with their post-200 headcanons? How does the world look after the apocalypse? How are Melanie, Georgie, and Basira doing? What happened to other Avatars like Callum Brodie or Jordan Kennedy? And of course, what happened Somewhere Else?
Hell yeah, what do you guys like to imagine? Reblog with your answer ☝️
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pooks · 2 years
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poor Callum is so confused and Cecil doesn't help (he's like "what the fuck's going on here??")
( @sm0kebreaks i did another one, i just love your cecil design and your welcome to somewhere else is so wonderful and chaotic)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 years
Chase Brody
-Obviously Chase is the biggest goofball of the bunch, he is the 5th oldest/2nd youngest ego. He is a big kid at heart and loves to play around. But he can be serious when he needs to be. 
-Chase did suffer severe depression and he did get a divorce from Stacy and hardly sees his kids; he did put a bullet in his head. After being saved by Henrik and seeing how his actions affected his brothers, it was a huge wake-up call. He does his best to get better and do better, but he does often relapse and turns to alcohol. 
-The others keep as much alcohol hidden away as possible. Can’t take the risk.
-Chase and Marvin are incredibly close. Chase was just fascinated by his magic and followed him around like a puppy. Marvin at first found it annoying, but later realized as Chase’s mentality began to deteriorate, he felt deeply worried about him. So it’s fair to say Marvin took Chase’s suicide attempt the hardest. He was a big help in getting Chase to recover. 
-Chase finds himself the main target for Anti. He always finds his stuff missing and Anti teases and taunts him a bit too much, so much to the point of nearly relapsing or breaking down. Especially if his taunts become too personal. Chase doesn’t feel much sympathy for Anti because solely of this.
-Chase does get to see his kids, but not as much as he’d like. They come over every other weekend, and when they do he tries to make it the best time ever. They all play games, do fun things with the other egos, and eat lots of junk food. Chase is always sad to see them go and fights tears as he watches them gloomily return to their mother’s car. Marvin is always there to give hugs should he need them. He usually does. 
-Chase has an older son and a younger daughter. Son is named Callum, age 8, daughter is named Noelle, age 6.
-Chase’s room is incredibly messy. Clothes hamper stuffed full, socks and underwear tossed about, pizza boxes and food wrappers shoved under the bed, soda cans stacked on the windowsill and his nightstand. It’s amazing it doesn’t smell as bad as it looks. He sleeps with a bunch of pillows and a noisy fan to blow on him while he sleeps. Some are even stained, but not with food or soda. Those pillows in particular are squashed-looking and warped from being held so tightly at night. 
-Chase also sleeps with a stuffed toy Callum and Noelle won for him at a county fair. It’s a little lion in a tuxedo and tophat. He calls it Larry.
-Surprisingly, Chase’s favorite food is fish. He doesn’t like all seafood and can be picky, but he is open to try stuff. That’s how he learned he did not like the look, smell or taste of oysters and nearly puked everywhere. But he likes salmon, cod, grouper, red fish, tuna, even sardines, much to the other egos’ dismays. 
-Chase is all on board with pretending to be Jack while he’s “in a coma”. Sometimes, since they look so alike, they swap places. No one can really tell the difference. Only way to tell is who either of them puts on Chase’s snapback. Chase puts it on with his left and takes it off with his right. Jack does the opposite. Even when trying to do it how Chase does, Jack instinctively uses his right hand first. 
-Chase has the body of a fairly fit man his age, plus a dad bod. He’s in the middle. Of course, when his parental instincts kick in, he goes into overdrive and he’s able to show incredible strength.
-Chase Brody is the king of pulling pranks. From joy buzzers to plastic wrap to even prank phone calls, there is nothing he can’t do. He of course would never do something that could potentially hurt the others. It’s all in good fun and good spirits. Once he pulled the feather and shaving cream gag on a sleeping Marvin. He got sooo mad and chased Chase around the house trying to turn him into a slug. Chase did the same to Jackie, but the hero ended up sneezing and knocking Chase back into a wall. He says it was still worth it. 
-Chase always encourages the others do stuff together, either game night or movie night, something to do. The elders always say they’re busy or don’t want to, but Chase is very persuasive. He’s got the puppy-eyed look down to a T. And when that doesn’t work he’ll try tickling them till they nearly piss themselves. Game night will either be board games or card games; and everyone takes turns picking movies for movie night. 
-Chase is ticklish everywhere. Nuff said. 
-Chase loves all kinds of animals. His top 3 are beavers, iguanas, and sharks. He’s a big lover of animal/nature shows and binges Shark Week every year. 
-Chase also hates having the beard. 
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silly-tma-headcanons · 5 months
okay you know what i want to elaborate on that previous hc i sent
callum is 100% a pjo kid meanwhile oliver got into the books as a sort of way to escape reality to
they bond over this and oliver lets callum borrow his books so he can read the whole series without having to bug his mum about it - but only if he behaves for a week or two
everytime there's an event or something at callum's school, he asks for oliver to come with. oliver goes solely to appease callum
callum's mum approves of oliver a lot (another hc that she was incredibly protective over callum after the whole rayner incident)
callum looks up to oliver because he's cool and is kinda how callum wants to be
oliver answers the school's calls when callums mother is at work. he hates this. the school thinks he's callum's step-father and he hates it.
oliver sort of showed callum the "ropes" of being an avatar - telling him how he could potentially Feed and what abilities he might have (most of it was guesses since he doesn't have the slightest clue what a dark avatar can do, but callum looked to him for advice so. can't leave the kid hanging)
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^ looking at you like this (the fact it's less than 50px is part of the charm fyi)
oliver does have the vibe of older sibling like. 10-15 years older. and i love that.
callum makes fun of him for having dated graham "book eater" folger. oliver excuses it with "we all make mistakes in our first relationships".
oliver loves being able to say "you'll understand/I'll tell you when you're older" about literally anything, especially when it's avatar related.
nobody starts on callum at school because they're all batshit terrified of oliver.
oliver gets VERY defensive over callum. oh he's a bit shit at being an avatar? fuck you man, that's his brother, if you've got an issue with callum, take it up with him!
please come back if you think of more oh my goodness
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silly-tma-headcanons · 5 months
oliver and callum are like brothers. don't ask where this came from idk either
OH MY GOODNESS YES. I love that. going insane over that.
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silly-tma-headcanons · 5 months
callum is a mama's boy
also i have this hc that he has double swords in every au i've ever made (+normal tma) solely because i was playing around with a hunger games generator, he got double swords, and it wouldn't leave my mind
he is ABSOLUTELY a mama's boy.
he loves his mum, bless him.
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silly-tma-headcanons · 6 months
callum has only heard of tim, but thinks he sounds quite cool. had they met, I think tim would've related callum to danny, in a way
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Tma characters that I think are trans women:
Peter Lukas (Starts biting my own arm off) (she does not know) (isolation theme)
Mike Crew (shes awesome) (takes no hrt just vibes) (she/he/they probably)
Georgie Baker (she slayy) (she vibe) (Im obsessed with her)
Helen Richardson (this one is just canon)
That one coffin gal from episode two
Gerry Keay
Tma characters I think are trans FEM but do not id as women:
Jonathan Simz (Weird nonbinary girlfreakthing)
Melaine King (Self-explanatory honestly)
Helen Richardson again
Sasha James
Jane Prentiss
Tma's various nonbinaries:
Timothy Stoker if she had lived past the unknowing (haha! Got your gender cracked by an evil clown who killed your brother looser)
Oliver Banks (she is sooo cool honestly Im obsessed with them. Another day another slay, king)
Gertrude Robinson (no explanation needed)
Martin Blackwood (he left his gender behind in the lonley 🙏 rip king)
Mr Pitch (mostly because eye think its funny)
Jurgen Leitner (funny again)
The spider from a guest for mr spider
Nikola Orsinov
Basira Hussain (girl-ways)
Daisy (dog)
Wouldn't it be funny if I put Callum Brodie on this list
Callum Brodie
Annabelle Cane (yeahg)
Tma characters whom I think are transmasc but dont id as men:
Jonah Magnus (yeah) (you know) (you know the drill)
Gertrude Robinson again
Micheal Shelly (uh huh)
Oliver Banks is also here
Julia Montauk
Martin Backwood again
Tma characters whom I think are trans men:
Agnes Montague (bites my own arm off)
Gertrude Robinson (yeah. Again. Hes got complexities, okay)
Rosie (uh huh) (yeah) (I know him personally)
Simon Fairchild (funny) (honestly hes just like me forreal) (slash j)
Tma characters whom I think are cis (sorry guys)
Jude Perry
Elias Bouchard (..maybe in another universe. Wink wink.)
Maxwell R*yner
Jered Hopworth
Breekon and Hope but not like, their men or anything. They were just born agender like the humble mollusk
If I forgot someone just assume their nonbinary. Okay. Thanx 👍
very respectable. may i humbly present. my own assorted headcanons
genderfluid transfem jonah magnus. but like. it changes very slowly. takes like a decade to load a new gender. also alterhuman.
absolute opposite of that simon fairchild. gender changes by the hour. insert terminal velocity joke here. almost pangender in nature
trans man peter lukas. idk i just like this one.
transmasc non-binary lesboy melanie king. i know in my soul.
it's the portion of the post where i project. cistrans not!sasha, cistrans nikola orsinov, cistrans jane prentiss. goodbye
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gerrydelano · 3 years
Is Pharos by Right standalone or do I need to read certain fics in order to understand the other ones?
it’s a series, but it stands on its own! all our ~GTCU nonsense~ is more of a multiverse thing where we just share lore, headcanons and designs. sometimes there are things we mention as happening in all our stuff (ex: callum brodie and gerry flicking a ninja star back and forth on a bus happens in EVERY universe of ours) but they’re mostly just little easter eggs meant to make things feel more concrete and just for fun! we just like being able to spot things we recognize and solving puzzles, so we wanted to do something where other people can point at something and go HEY I KNOW THAT THING! it’s just really satisfying.
if you do want to read any other ones, here’s what order you could take them in, but it’s not necessary at all, nope! i like to think it will enrich the experience, but it’s entirely optional.
as for pharos by right, it’s already a long boy, and i’m only just now closing in on the end of the second installment out of my intended seven. i know some people like to wait for something to be fully Done before they read, but knowing how long this is gonna take me to finish, i think it’s prrrobably safe to even just take it one full installment at a time if you wanted. altogether healthier than trying to shotgun whatever gargantuan number of words it ends up being by the end LOL.
if you ever get around to it, i hope you dig it!
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