#calzona fluff
redslilstories · 2 years
Am I your girlfriend?
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka. me ;))
Summary: Set sometime in New York. A cozy night between two old loves. Callie ponders something. Does trouble ensue?
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Grey's Anatomy". They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended! All mistakes are mine.
Merry Christmas, guys!
“Oh! Oh, right there! That's it... Ohh, God...” she moaned, as her body writhed on the living room couch. Her senses fully enraptured in the touches of strong, skilled hands.
It was a feeling she had long forgotten; and now she was growing dangerously addicted to it again.
“Shush, sweetie,” her companion admonished with a low chuckle. “You're gonna wake Sofia. Who knows what she'll think we're doing here”.
What they were doing was nothing spectacular, really. Just Callie massaging Arizona's foot after a long day at work.
A day that among other things had her standing at an operating table for ten hours straight.
It had put some strain on her today. Sometimes she found her foot hurting more than her residual limb. She wouldn't say there was an advantage to only having one foot. There couldn't ever possibly be. But she couldn't help but acknowledge that occasionally the superb prosthetic she wore and which was being well-maintained by Callie worked better than her own body.
“That girl sleeps like a rock. Just like her mother!” the blonde protested playfully, pointing out the adorable similarity the 12-year old shared with her birth mom.  Nothing in the world could rouse those two once they were asleep. Which on the negative side of course bore the problem of getting them out of bed on a school or work day. “And can you blame me?” she inquired about her inability to stay quiet just now. “Your hands are magical”. Truthfully so, as she could feel her muscles relax significantly under Callie's expert touches.
The brunette chuckled at the compliment. “Admit you missed them,” she said knowingly, and put some extra effort into her ministrations.
“Not gonna lie,” Arizona sighed in agreement.
Seven years she had been without them. Seven years without Callie's divine hands. Without having Callie this near. Without being where she knew she belonged.
Of course she had missed this. Had missed her! And now that they were back together, sharing all these absolutely mundane moments of life with Callie again... it was heaven.
And Callie could only agree.
They both had been with other people through the years. Had loved other people. And even lived with other people for some time.
But nothing, no relationship had ever felt as right as this.
And she was so overwhelmed to be back with Arizona. So grateful for this new chance and their courage to actually let it happen.
She wanted to climb the highest mountain and shout out to the the entire world that Arizona Robbins was hers once again.
That she was once again her...
“I'm wondering something,” she announced as the thought grew in her head.
“What?” Arizona encouraged and opened her eyes to look at the other woman. The fascination of watching Callie in though had never lessened. She often felt herself amused and aroused at the same time at the intense look Callie had when mulling things over, and the tiny crease her eyebrows formed at that.
The intense look with the creased eyebrows turned towards her “What... What are we exactly? The two of us?” the brunette spoke in all seriousness. What were they to each other, or to other people, in their new relationship?
And just like that Arizona's amusement faded. Callie's deep thinking sometimes conjured up... Where had that question just come from?
“We're... we're a couple. We're in a relationship,” Arizona frowned and leaned up on her elbows to look up at the woman, who not only currently held her foot, but also constantly her heart in her hands.
They were not yet living together again. Though they spent most nights together at Callie's place. Spending everyday life together and all these wonderful moments little that you could only have with that special someone.
The special someone that Callie truly was for her, despite everything they had to go through long years ago.
And of course spending this new stage of their lives with the person that was most special to both of them – Sofia. Their daughter had taken this development like the most normal thing in the world. Like it had been clear to her that this would happen again one day. That her parents would be together again one day.
And as clear as things were to Sofia and herself, Arizona thought they were clear to Callie too...
That the state of their relationship was nothing to question.
“No. I mean, yes! I...,” Callie shook her head at the confusion she was causing. That had come out way more serious and insecure than she had intended. “Of course we are,” she assured, stroking Arizona's shin in reassurance. “I just meant, what are we to each other? Like... am I your 'girlfriend'?” she stressed the word.
“Oh,” Arizona raised her eyebrows, finally the true reason behind Callie's question dawning on her.
True, they were many years older now than when they had first started dating. So maybe Callie didn't want to be referred to as her 'girlfriend' anymore.
“Well, you wanna be my middle-aged lady friend?” Arizona joked in mischief.
“Okay, that was enough foot rub for you,” Callie declared mock-offended, and dropped the extremity in question unceremoniously into her own lap.
“Hey, I'm sorry,” the blonde quickly apologized, sitting herself up fully, while Callie cleaned her foot as well as her own hands from remnants of massage oil. Arizona gained a bit of relief from the brunette's exaggerated pout. Because it showed her that she was not really miffed. Or if so, at least only a tiny bit. “I personally like calling you my girlfriend,” she argued.
Of course considering they had been married already, referring to each other as 'girlfriends' once more might at first seem strange. However, right now it was what they were, as far as conventional dating terminology was concerned.
“I could call you my partner, but that sounds like we're running a business together”, she grimaced, and Callie agreed. “But if you like it better, I'll gladly refer to you as my Care Bear, my Cuddle Monkey?” she tried and relaxed all the more when Callie smiled at this.
“Cuddle Monkey, huh?” Callie wondered, looking into Arizona's twinkling eyes.
“If that's what you like,” Arizona repeated.
“Okay, then you are... my Baby Blue Eyes,... my Sweet Cheeks,” she smirked, the back of her left hand moving up to track just those features of Arizona's pretty face. “My... Honey Buns?” Callie went on, knowing they were steering away from the intention of her original question, but this was fun.
“Oooh!” Arizona grinned at the implications of the last one. “Wait, wait, I know... my Kitty Kat,” Arizona tried terms herself, while busy grinning at the their affectionate and dorky attempts. “My Fluff Muffin...”
Callie guffawed at the last one. “Oh, my God,” slapping Arizona's leg affectionately.
At this the blonde couldn't resist and leaned in to kiss the amused cheek tenderly.
“Please don't call me 'Fluff Muffin' in public,” Callie lived out the rest of her chuckles and rested her head against Arizona's.
That was when the blonde remembered that they were looking for a term to use with other people.
“Well, how about 'My woman' for that purpose?” Arizona suggested and looked at the brunette expectantly.
“'My woman',” Callie let the word roll off her own tongue. While some people might perceive it as offensive using this to refer to your significant other, she'd actually prefer it over 'girlfriend'. May it be because it almost came close to another special term.
“What?” Arizona wondered intrigued, seeing that little flicker on Callie's face.
And Callie startled at the blonde's perception, having hoped Arizona wouldn't notice.
But then again they had known each other for over ten years. So, Arizona could read her like a book. “I...,” she began, almost not bringing herself to form the words. But Arizona's warm eyes and gentle dimples made her proceed with what was only the truth. “I always thought 'my wife' sounded beautiful”.
There it was.
That fleeting thought that had crossed her mind for a second, maybe two.
It was a natural thing, considering what her and Arizona had been before.
But was it something they should ever be again?
Considering everything the thought of them as a couple alone should make them run.
And apparently Arizona had exactly that thought as she moved away from her, and looked about to fall off the couch in attempt to do so.
“Wait, d-don't go,“ Callie blurted, trying to stop her from running. Fearing she had just thrown everything they had rebuilt in the last years to the wolves.
“Not going,” Arizona reassured, as her hand reached an item on the floor. “I just feel like I want to wear some pants for this”. She pulled the piece on without putting her prosthetic on, indicating that she really was not planning on leaving.
“Okay,” the blonde exhaled deeply as she sat back up and faced Callie with a gentle and sincere look, and spoke softly, “Do you... Do you mean it?”
Callie gulped, as she pondered the question and how to reply.
As she wondered what she wanted her own answer to be.
As she wondered what Arizona might want her answer to be.
Did... was this something that Arizona wanted to be to her? Her face was so unreadable to her right now.
God, what had she just steered them into?
“I... do you want me to mean it?” she stalled.
“I... I'm,” Arizona stammered, most apparently unsure what to reply either. “Do you want me to want you to mean it?” she retorted. And despite the tension they both felt right now, the prospect of this game of avoiding an actual answer never ending made them both laugh wholeheartedly.
Callie slapped her hand onto Arizona's thigh and used the other to wipe her tears of laughter from her eyes.
And Arizona sat and watched her through her own joyful tears.
Finally the blonde clasped the hand on her thigh with both of hers. “Listen, Calliope,” she said lovingly, steering the conversation back to the elephant that had stumbled into the room. “I... I loved being your wife. I loved our marriage. The pride of being able to introduce you, this amazing woman, as my wife to other people. And...,” she sighed, “I hated how it all ended. That we hurt each other so much. That we weren't able to look at each other without disdain. And that was one of the most awful experiences in my life”.
She saw how Callie let her head sink and quickly continued.
“But I love the idea of us. Of experiencing all these moments with you, no matter how important or small. And I want us to have so many more, years, decades, heck, centuries together, alright?” she reassured.
“Yeah,” Callie smiled softly. She herself wanted nothing more than to grown old and wrinkly with Arizona. Cherish all the moments that could be ahead of them.
And maybe they should leave it at that.
Maybe they should do without labels and just focus on honoring what they had.
Hopefully decades of joy and love ahead of them.
Just when she had almost ended that topic for herself, Arizona surprised her, as she continued, “But I'm not saying no, you know”.
“What?” the brunette raised her eyebrows, not sure if she had understood correctly.
“I mean, not now. Because I think it's too early. ” she argued and Callie nodded in agreement. “But maybe in a year or two, we could talk about it again,” she promised. “Because it's not a horrible thought, per se. It's a thought that makes me grin with anticipation,” she confessed and did just that. “I just think we should give it time... Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect,” Callie signed deeply in contentment. Her fears of having ruined their new start by one scarily beautiful thought turning into delightful excitement.
“Besides for now...,” Arizona added with a look that soon made Callie excited for something else, “I like being your 'girlfriend'... or being your 'woman'...or, heck, Honey Buns. It's pretty, uh, it's pretty hot,” she grinned, as she casually climbed into Callie's lap.
“It's definitely hot,” the brunette agreed, as her hands instantly sought out the blonde's honey buns. “Come here,” she leaned up, desperate to taste some of that hotness. That fire and sass that had always been there with Arizona more than with anyone else she's been with.
And wife-y Arizona would never lose any of that. She knew from experience.
There were stories from their marriage. Stories you'd never believe if you only knew Arizona casually. Naughty stories that made her horny just thinking back on them.
Stories she would never let anyone else know, but was looking forward to fill an entire imagined book series with.
“What's that grin about?” Arizona asked challengingly, looking down into Callie's amused face.
“Think we can agree that you didn't really need those pants?” the brunette wondered, nestling at the waistband, ready to start writing.
The blonde chuckled at the welcome implications before leaning down and kissing her cheeky Fluff Muffin. “Play your cards right”.
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englishstrawbie · 2 months
sorry to bug again but if you get a chance I would love a 95 w/Arizona saying this to callie and callie responding with 42. i just feel like Arizona always has the big romantic speech so I would love to hear Callie say smt like that
Hey, thank you for your two prompts. 😊 I chose to fill this one and it took me right back into my Calzona feels! I hope you like it.
It is a little after seven o’clock in the evening when they touch down at JFK, although their bodies are still on West Coast time. Sofia is curled up asleep in the window seat, unbothered by the bumpy descent. The chaos of packing, the emotions that came with saying goodbye to her friends, and the excitement of seeing her Mama again – not to mention today’s wedding chaos – had taken its toll on her, and she had passed out a little after their meal.
It had left Arizona alone with her thoughts for most of the five-hour flight. She hadn’t been able to concentrate on the movie playing on the small screen in front of her, although she had left it running with her headphones on so that she was not disturbed.
She has been feeling wistful all day, her head full of the memory of her own wedding day seven years ago. It brings a smile to her face even now as she remembers the vision of Callie walking down the aisle with Mark, of the vows they exchanged and the first dance they shared. Everything felt light and joyful in that moment. Even though there had been so many moments since that felt heavy and dark, her wedding day has never been tainted. It has always been one of her favourite memories.
Moving to New York is for Sofia, but Arizona feels like the move is opening up a part of her that she has kept locked away since she signed her divorce papers. A part of her that she hid from Eliza and a part of her she was too afraid to show Carina.
The part that has always belonged to Callie. She wonders if it still does.
“Hey sweetie, we’re here,” Arizona says, rousing her daughter.
As they wait to disembark, a message from Callie pops up on her phone, letting her know that her plan to meet them at the airport has been interrupted by a last-minute surgery. Arizona shoots her a message to let her know they have arrived but promising to see her later. After all, Arizona will be staying in the spare room for a couple of weeks until she moves into her own place a few blocks away. She had tried to insist that she stay in a hotel, but both Callie and Sofia had been adamant.
After collecting their luggage, they jump into a cab. Traffic delays their journey and the sun is starting to set when they arrive in the Upper West Side. They have Sofia’s key to let them inside and they settle into their rooms, before Sofia crashes out.
“Mommy?” Sofia says as Arizona turns off the light in her bedroom. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” Arizona says with a smile. “Sweet dreams, baby girl.”
It feels strange to be by herself in Callie’s apartment. There are family photos scattered around the surfaces: of Sofia at every age of her life so far, of Mark, even one with Arizona in it – the three of them, taken Sofia’s second birthday. None of Penny, she notes, and she wonders if that relationship really is over.
The evening is warm and Arizona pours herself a glass of wine before heading out onto the small balcony, making herself comfortable on one of the cushioned seats. She pulls out her phone. There are no more updates from Callie, and she scrolls through their messages until she finds the one from earlier today.
I can’t wait to see you!
The feeling is reciprocated, Arizona’s heart fluttering with a nervous excitement at the thought of seeing her ex-wife again. She thinks about the advice that April and Richard gave her earlier that day: to stay open to possibilities; about how the hurt of their past doesn’t have to define their future.
If they have a future. It is not like she knows what Callie is thinking or what is behind the texts she sends. That is a question for another day, she tells herself. For now, the wine is making her drowsy, the day catching up with her as her eyes start to droop, and she is lulled into a light sleep.
A firm hand on her shoulder wakes Arizona a couple of hours later. It takes her a minute to remember where she is, blinking a few times before she looks up to see Callie standing beside her.
“Hey,” Arizona says with a tired smile.
“I’m sorry I’m home so late,” Callie says, sitting in the chair next to her. “How was the wedding?”
Arizona hums. “Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned.” She chuckles when she sees Callie’s eyebrows raise. “I’ll let Sofia tell you all about it in the morning. I promised her you’d go into her room when you got home.”
“I already have,” Callie says.
Her face lights up in the way it always has when she talks about her daughter and there it is again – that flutter in Arizona’s heart. She tries to push it aside.
“Did your surgery go okay?”
Callie rolls her eyes. “Another tourist who thought they could roller-skate around Central Park, even though they’ve never worn a pair of skates in their life.”
Arizona smiles, although she can’t stifle her yawn. “Sorry,” she says bashfully.
“You didn’t have to wait up for me, you know,” Callie says.
“I wanted to,” Arizona says, then blushes at what she has said. “I mean…”
She doesn’t really know what she means. Callie shoots her a look that she can’t quite read. Maybe it is the shadows or maybe she just needs some reassurance that what she is feeling isn’t one-sided.
“What happened with Penny?”
The question hangs in the silence between them for a moment.
“It didn’t work,” Callie says eventually. “I tried, but… I think I missed what we had so much that I was trying to recreate it somehow. I know what you and I had wasn’t perfect, but I missed it. I missed the joy and the warmth and the love. And I wanted that back, so I convinced myself that Penny was the one. But she wasn’t…”
She stops suddenly and Arizona can’t help but wonder if her next word was ‘you’.
“I’m sorry,” is all she says.
Callie looks over at her. “You are?”
Arizona meets her gaze and her heart flutters again.  
“I just want you to be happy, even if…” She hesitates, taking a long, slow breath. “Even if your happiness doesn’t include me, I just want you happy.”
Callie lets out a small laugh. “That’s the thing,” she says. “I don’t know if I can be happy without you. I’ve tried, but it turns out you’re pretty hard to forget.” She smiles. “It turns out… you’re the only person I’ve ever actually wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”
Arizona’s heart thumps in her chest and she wonders if Callie can hear it too in the stillness of the summer evening. She reaches out her hand and watches as Callie takes it.
“Well,” Arizona says slowly, “maybe you and I can go on a date sometime?”
She looks over at Callie nervously, but she isn’t left waiting for an answer for long.
“I’d really like that,” Callie says.
Arizona smiles as she squeezes Callie’s hand, her head rolling back against the chair so that she can look out at the city in below them. With that one simple question, her heart flutters with the knowledge that they are both open to the possibility of finding love with each other again.  
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unhingedicedlatte · 2 years
"The Girl Upstairs" - a Slow-Burn deliciously put together, served with some extra layers of angst, fluff, banter and seasoned with sexiness ;)
Title of Fic: "The Girl Upstairs"
Author:  laok
Fandom/Pairing: "Grey's Anatomy", Arizona Robbins/Calliope Torres
Synopsis: Callie and Arizona are both 2nd-year-med students living in the same house off-campus during university terms. They do not get along at first - like, at all. Arizona lives upstairs from Callie and their first encounter happens when she throws a very loud student party, making Callie race upstairs and complain about the noise. Knowing our fierce ladies, it's not suprising that Arizona does not only not back off, but that they enter some kind of weird, but incredibly well written and believable "Who can annoy the sh*t out of the other one more thoroughly"-competition, with Callie watching horror movies as loud as possible during the most inconvenient hours and Arizona playing Disney songs at full volume. They develop very creative insults to haul at each other, their fights becoming a seemingly never-ending source of amusement to their respective friend-groups. However, they both share a passion the other one does not know about (because, like aforementioned, they are too busy getting on each other's nerves and behaving like rabid dogs whenever they encounter each other): They love to cook, with Callie even secretly running her own quite successful "Students-on-a-Budget"-specialized cooking blog she takes great pride in. When a nice stranger starts to leave encouraging comments on her blog regularly, Callie finds herself able to open up a little, although she is still going through a tough healing process after several heartbreaks she had to endure. "C" and "A" start to exchange e-mails, while Callie and Arizona find themselves trapped in a very uncomfortable situation when in one of their classes, they are paired as lab-partners and forced to work together. What begins as a total disaster, though, seems to very slowly unfold into something much more pleasant, maybe even... well, pleasurable?
I love me a good slow-burn and this one really manages to have it all: the enemies-to-lovers arc simply makes the pining, the yearning, the questioning, the misunderstandings between these two even more intense and the author of this fic has really done justice to both characters, managing to let them be very much Callie and Arizona while developing her very own, original story that could (and should, if you ask me!) easily be turned into a lesbian romcom with alll the right ingredients for our touch-starved souls and little hungry-for-happy-ends-hearts. Yes, it is a veery slow slow-burn, but that's exactly what makes this piece of fiction so special because of the way we really get to know Callie and Arizona on a deeper level, the author doing such a great job of giving insight to their fears, hopes and thoughts. I'll definitely enjoy this one again!
Rating: M
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morallygreys · 5 months
Hello all! I started writing fanfic in March and wanted a place to connect with other fic writers or other fans of Grey's Anatomy, so I made this blog!
So far, I mainly have plans to write Calzona, since the drought in content has really sucked. As time goes on, I hope to branch out into other ships and possibly other fandoms as well, but I'll admit I already have so many ideas for Calzona specifically that ill probably be stuck on them for a WHILE.
Comments and kudos are greatly appreciated :)
Before It Breaks Calzona Canon Continuation post S14, Angst, Slow Burn, Drama (CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF REWRITING, SO TAKING HIATUS, pls bear with me in these trying times 🩷)
Love Me Like The World Is Ending Calzona Zombie Apocalypse AU, Military!Arizona, Ortho!Callie
Hot and Cold Calzona sleepy cuddles, fluff
Speechless Calzona My take on Callie coming back from NY and giving a familiar speech ;) Angst with a Happy Ending
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
everything you write makes me cry. even your fluff makes me cry. i thought i was delusional or hormonal or maybe i just happen to feel extra soft every single time i read one of your fics. (which i've read every single one multiple times over so that's a lot of coincidences) but then i realized i've read thousands of fluffy calzona fics and i've never cried at them !!! so i've decided it's you. everything is laced with some sort of heavy emotion that makes me cry! i'm wondering if you do this intentionally ?
kind of? kind of not? i think part of it is, esp with arizonas pov, so much of her thought process and internal monologue is informed by the bad things that have happened to her, not the good. so that i think adds some of that heaviness. and i think also in some cases, it’s heavier bc we know what happens to calzona and how they fall apart. and that sort of light irony or foreshadowing, which i think makes things slightly bittersweet, is very present in the show and so often that is intentional on my part.
take for example my last s5 fic where calzona talk about callie not being ready for sex but maybe a junior high make out - obvs a very clear reference to s9 and it’s a serious convo in the s5 fic but the stakes are so much lower and it is essentially light hearted. but as readers we know the next time calzona talk about junior high make outs it’s bc arizonas in this incredibly dark place and how the pushing for physical intimacy is a part of what leads to the cheating.
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pearlcages · 1 year
do u find smut the easiest to write out of fluff, smut, and angst? i will say that your smut is super hot and fun and sexy and most importantly real ! which we don't see often in fic, let alone calzona fic (your angst is soul crushing too btw)
oh i definitely find smut the easiest to write. it’s the most intuitive to me for sure. i’ve spent a lot of my life studying flirtation and desire and the mechanics of those two subjects interpersonally— not, like, professionally, but just as a point of interest. i’ve always been that friend who’s better at flirting than talking!
i love that you think my angst is soul crushing because god i love to crush some souls. thank you so much for the compliments! <3
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drdelphinecormigay · 3 years
I like AU fics too, more recs pleaseee. Thank you!
I also agree with you both, Oddcoupler222 is def one of the best! I honestly can't count the times I've reread their fics- ugh just sooo good!
*clears throat*
- Shooting Straight (Callie is a footballer, Arizona is the physio AU. A lovely combo of fluff and angst and women playing sports, need I continue?) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13747152/1/Shooting-Straight
- Eat or Be Eaten (Mafia AU. Callie is The Boss and Arizona is an escort - it starts off quite heavy on the M however the storyline kicks in in chapter 2 and it is just so well planned out and written. This one I could only find on tumblr, Idk if they’ve put it on ff or ao3) https://30secondfics.tumblr.com/post/51285457445/request-eat-or-be-eaten-1-of-6
- Cheap Beer and Polished Metal (by the same person as eat or be eaten, their writing is v good!) https://30secondfics.tumblr.com/post/42568933470/cheap-beer-and-polished-metal-a-u-2-of
- Blaze (firefighter AU, where can you go wrong?) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9743779/1/Blaze
- Bailero (this one is by the person that wrote evoking passions, it’s incredibly written however is incomplete and also very long and quite heavy on the business/tech jargon. Still certainly worth the read!) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8703090/1/Bailero
- Calzona DC (this one is heavy on the American politics and also has a few strange things going on at times, however I can’t deny I enjoyed reading it!) https://www.wattpad.com/700550759-calzona-dc-chapter-1
- That Summer (farmer vibes AU, I do quite love some of the ‘small town’ ones) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7678820/1/That-Summer
- there’s this one and it’s really bugging me that I can’t remember what it’s called for the life of me but it’s where Callie is a doctor and Arizona lives in a small town and Callie ends up having to do community service because she crashes into her letterbox or something like that? If anyone knows what I’m talking about please let me know on here or DM or anon or whatever because I can’t find it!!!
I probably could think of more, there’s definitely a few that spring to mind, but I enjoyed all of these! Also anyone reading this that hasn’t read everything every written by oddcoupler222 this is your sign
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First, look at this
Then, read this:
“I’m home!”
Callie nudged the front door of their house open with her hip after wrestling with her keys; arms laden with a warm, slightly squirmy little body and a shopping bag full of purchases. The bundle in her arms let out a soft whine, nose sniffing at the air, and the brunette made a gentle shushing sound, nuzzling her face into soft golden fur.
“Hey, did you remember to pick up the—“
Arizona rounded the corner into their front hall and stopped short at the sight in front of her – her wife with an armful of…a dog?
“Okay so hear me out.”
Callie cautiously looked over at the other woman, a huge grin spreading across her face as the puppy in her arms nosed and licked at her chin, ears flopping playfully around his head.
“Calliope Iphegenia Torres—“
“So I get to the grocery store and there’s this fundraising…adoption type thing happening outside. The humane society had a bunch of cages and there were these adorable kittens and a bunch of dogs and then they had this pen, and it had these puppies just playing and rolling around—“
“No. Absolutely not—“
“And I just stopped to look, I swear, and then this little guy looks right up at me,” she laughed as the puppy licked her cheek again and squirmed in her arms, craning his neck to sniff in the blonde’s direction, “and Arizona, look at this face!”
“Callie, you didn’t…we don’t have time for a dog. Do you know how much work a dog is?”
“I know, but…look at this face.”
The puppy made an adorably huffy sound and barked happily, and big, brown eyes looked toward Arizona, their sweet puppy look almost too much for the blonde to handle. She held her hand out toward him and was met with a wet nose nudging into her palm, and she couldn’t help the soft laugh that bubbled up from her chest as she rubbed his velvety soft head.
“He’s adorable. But we really can’t keep him. There’s no way.”
“But Arizona….”
An undeniable pout crossed the taller woman’s features, and she turned to the squirming, golden bundle again, making a kissy face as she nuzzled her nose into a soft snout. She shifted the puppy in her arms a bit and pressed her cheek to his so two sets of sweet, pleading eyes were now directed towards her wife, and she knew that their adorable faces would be damn near irresistible. Callie wasn’t below manipulating her way into this with a well-placed, heart-stopping look – and Arizona knew it, too.
“Please keep me?”
“Oh, that is not fair…”
Nearly barrelling over her mother, Sofia skidded in her sock feet on the hardwood floor, her eyes going wide and a look of utter delight crossing her face as she immediately reached up to pet a wayward paw. The dog barked again in surprise, squirming and trying to lick at the new tiny human, and although Arizona tried to be strong, she could literally feel her resolve crumbling with these two.
“Mommy, it’s a puppy! Is he ours? Where did he come from? Are we keeping him?!”
Callie could only grin as she released the dog onto the floor and Sofia plopped down beside him, pulling him in for a flurry of excited puppy kisses and hugs and tail wagging. The little girl’s giggles were really what did Arizona in, and as she watched the delight on her daughter and wife’s faces, Arizona let out a resigned sigh, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips as she shook her head slightly.
“We sure are.”
The puppy let out a bark and bounded away from the small arms of his new captor, bouncing off at a trot to explore his new environment, and Sofia scrambled up from the floor, running after him with another happy laugh.
“I’m so mad at you right now.”
Arizona crossed her arms, eyes narrowing slightly despite the smile on her face and her obvious new-found puppy love.
“No you’re not,” Callie grinned, leaning in to press a kiss to the blonde’s cheek, “admit it, you love him.“
“Mama! The puppy peed in the kitchen!”
Arizona rolled her eyes slightly as their daughter’s words carried down the hallway, stifling a laugh as Callie wrinkled her nose at the idea of cleaning up the inevitable mess.
“You know what just happened right? We just had another baby. Puppies are babies.”
“Mama!” Sofia’s shouts rang out again from the general direction of the kitchen, “He’s eating the chair!”
The elder brunette’s eyes widened slightly and she leaned in again, dropping a quick kiss on her wife’s lips before she hurried off to find the newest member of their family and see what trouble he was into.
“We always wanted another one. He has your eyes!”
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gillmenoww · 8 years
1,562 words of fluff is happening so far
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gabsrambles · 8 years
Prompt: “Your smile is not as bright as it used to be” for calzona 
“Your smile is not as bright as it used to be.” 
Arizona knows that voice. That voice is nestled in her, deep down, settled in her marrow. She’d recognise it anywhere.
Eliza has been called away, back to the hospital. They managed to scrape some time for the date they’ve been dancing around for weeks now, so they ducked across the street for a drink. She’d smiled and laughed, and that hole in Arizona’s chest has just grown bigger even as she’d tried to fill it in. 
When her pager buzzed, Arizona smiled and nodded and tried not to go rigid when Eliza’s lips brushed Arizona’s cheek. Arizona had turned back to the bar and taken a sip of wine, anything to still the conflict crawling up her throat.
And now there’s a ghost haunting her.
Arizona can’t even bring herself to turn around. 
“You didn’t even see it,” she says into her wine.
“Oh, I saw it.” And then Callie is sliding into a seat next to her, her knee inches from Arizona’s, and all the air has left the room. “It’s nowhere as bright.”
There’s an ache in Arizona’s chest. This bar, this person, whose hair is short and looking at her with eyes Arizona had thought she’d drown in one day, all of this is like an echo from a time when they used to put their heads together and giggle. When Callie’s breath would wash over her lips and warmth would spread everywhere, to the tips of her fingers, until they’d slip away into the bathroom she’d followed Callie into all those years ago.
It’s an echo that hurts. 
But still Arizona makes herself smile. It’s easier, with Callie next to her. “What are you doing here?”
There’s already a beer in Callie’s hand, and Arizona wonders if she’s been here the entire time, watching from a corner. Her thumb flicks at the label, but those eyes stay on Arizona’s. She suits the haircut. More than Arizona wants her to.  She looks good. Callie always does. 
“New York didn’t work out.” There’s nothing in Callie’s eye that says she’s upset about that. And Arizona wants to be mad--she went through hell for Callie to go to New York. Through everything they’ve put each other through, fighting over Sofia was the worst. Those words she leave her angry, red slashing over her cheeks.
But instead she asks, “It didn’t?”
Callie gave a shake of her head. “No.”
“Where’s Sofia?”
There’s a smile on Callie’s lips, like Arizona asking after their daughter has left her warm. “With Grey. She wanted to see Zola, so they’re having a sleepover.”
Callie’s back and that hole feels smaller. It shouldn’t. Not for this. But it does, and that ache just grows stronger in her chest, creeps up her throat. Suddenly, Arizona can’t breathe.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” 
And she manages to get off her stool without catching her prosthetic. The air there is cool and Arizona presses her fingers into the basin, lets her head drop down when she hears the door swing closed behind her. 
She isn’t supposed to feel like this.
The door creaks, like it always does when it opens, and she looks up. Callie is blinking at her in the mirror, her smile gone and that wrinkle between her eyebrows there. The way it always is when she’s concerned. Arizona turns, pressing against the basin, her fingers digging in like she needs something to hold her up The words rise up to tell Callie to go. Some deep seated need for self protection, because when it comes to Calliope Torres Arizona has never had a single form of defense.
Instead she shakes her head. “Callie.” The crack in her voice is so loud. Her name falls from Arizona’s lips like it was always meant to be there.
And then Callie is there, her hands in Arizona’s hair, her mouth soft and demanding and warm. And Arizona doesn’t push her away. Her fingers grasp the lapels of that leather jacket, pull her in tighter, the cold of the metal behind her digging into the small of her back. Callie’s hands are everywhere, in Arizona’s hair, fingers stroking down her jaw, her neck, one finally resting over her pounding heart.
Kissing Callie in that dirty bathroom is like coming home after being gone for years. It’s like the entire world just ended and started all at the same time.
It’s like she’s doing exactly what she’s been supposed to be doing.
When they break away, Callie’s pupils are blown wide and she’s smiling so hard Arizona could break at the sight of it. But she doesn’t. Rather, she laughs, utterly incredulous, the sound bouncing off the walls and Callie’s grin just grows at the sound of it. Something is damp on Arizona’s cheek but she doesn’t even care. 
“It’s always been you.” 
Callie’s words are like a balm, are something that stitches up that hole completely and Arizona tugs her in and kisses her again. Groans into it and tries to pulls Callie even closer.
She tastes like salt. Like home.
She tastes like Arizona’s everything.
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Color in my World
by Cassie_Bones
When you start to see colors you have exactly one year to meet your soulmate or you lose them forever...or that's what they say, at least. Alex has never really believed in it. Not until she notices a change during a particularly long study session. But it could just be her tired eyes...right?
Day Four of Sanvers Week 2018
Words: 3040, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sanvers Week 2018
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Grey's Anatomy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Sanvers Week 2018, Soulmates AU, grey's anatomy tie in, so much stuff happens guys, mostly alex sees COLORS, You'll see what I mean, wink - Freeform, lotta fluff, some supercorp, and calzona, and slexie, and a Whole Lotta Gay
from AO3 works tagged 'Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer' http://ift.tt/2EtvDer via http://ift.tt/HeCC5o
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redslilstories · 5 years
Bout of Nervousness
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka. me ;)) Summary: They had an agreement. An understandable one initially. But Arizona felt it was time to change something about it. Will Callie be brave enough to agree? Pairing: Callie/Arizona Rating: T Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Grey's Anatomy". They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended! All mistakes are mine.
A noise could be heard outside.
A little bird that had to be sitting somewhere near the window and was chirping animatedly.
It didn't even take a look, but only a trained ear to figure out what kind of bird was singing its song to the world here.
When she was little, her dad had taught her enough about birds to be able to identify this one as a starling. Most likely using the quiet of the early morning hours to tell the other critters in the area that this was his place and they better stayed away.
Interestingly enough his chirps sounded like a car.
But that was not that surprising.
Growing up in a big city, sounds like these were very natural and familiar to these little guys. And maybe the birdie even liked them.
She, however... didn't.
Okay, the little guy's song was fine. But not when it was waking her from a content sleep!
Callie Torres loved her sleep.
Craved it.
And even though this was better than being woken up by her pager in the middle of the night... this was really not ideal.
She went to cover her free ear with her pillow to shut out the sounds of nature and maybe try to go back to sleep. But not only did she now find that there was a weight on her pillow; she also found that she herself was being pinned down by the waist.
Callie blinked her eyes open and took in the pale arm curled around her body over the thin sheet securely, the person attached to the possessive arm pressed lightly into her back.
This was unusual. She was not really used to being the little spoon. Which was not to say that she didn't welcome this novelty. It felt oddly pleasant. Scratch the oddly. It felt amazingly pleasant.
She turned carefully and soon caught sight of the most beautiful woman to ever step foot into her life and into her heart.
The sleeping face was completely serene. Only the perfectly shaped nose twitching once or twice in an involuntary way, as the woman dreamt. The lips slightly parted as breath whisked in an out. The trace of dimples, deepened by decades of smiles framing them in just the right way. The eyes that held so much love behind the currently closed lids. Closed lids adorned by eyelashes that were so accentuated by the soft beam of morning sun that she could easily try and count them.
And then she realized.
Morning bird sounds outside.
Morning sun filtering in.
"Crap...Crap, crap, crap," she whispered, her voice a low mumble, as she carefully untangled herself on her way to scramble out of bed and get dressed.
She found her panties and bra and quickly put them on. Grabbing her pants, she has no chance than to watch her keys tumble out and fall to the floor with a metallic thud.
Instantly she heard stirring behind her and cringed.
"Hey... What's going on?" wondered the sleepy voice and she turned towards the woman who looked surprised to find her out of bed.
"I fell asleep! I need...," she pointed towards the door, hoping her lover would understand their secret agreement.
Arizona knew about this the agreement. This stupid agreement. "You were gonna leave without saying goodbye?" she questioned, and Callie could see the hurt look in her eyes.
"No!" the brunette instantly negated, as she, still struggling with her pants, bent down to kiss the other woman. "I was gonna wake you when I was done dressing. Because you know... you and me and nakedness? It would be too distracting to follow through with this scheme."
"Right...," Arizona shook her head with a wry smile as Callie continued to look for her clothes, still needing her shoes, socks and, most importantly, her shirt.
"And you know I have to leave before Sofia wakes up, so..."
"I let you sleep," the blonde's voice behind her sounded again, and Callie, having just slipped into one of her shoes, turned back to Arizona to question this when the woman's very absent outfit came into view and made her go weak in the knees.
"See, distracting nakedness...," she grinned. So distracting in fact that she almost missed the tiny detail of Arizona only standing on her right foot. Not having put her prosthetic on yet. "Whoa! Come here!" she rushed to grab her around the waist in worry. "What are you doing?"
"I can hold my own pretty good," the blonde calmed her with amused eyes, as she still gratefully found support in Callie's arms. "Did you hear what I said?" she wondered, making Callie think hard about what had been on her mind before the nakedness.
"Sleep...?" she questioned and Arizona nodded, looking deep into the soulful eyes.
"When I noticed you had fallen asleep after our little 'get together'", the blonde smirked, "I wanted to wake you. But... you just looked so peaceful and happy. Sleeping in my arms with that adorable smile of yours. So... I didn't want to send you out into the cold and lonely night. Plus, I know how you despise being woken in the middle of the night, so...," she shrugged her shoulders, playing like she didn't have a choice anyway.
"But...," the other woman wanted to argue. They were dating for three months now. Sleeping together for two. At both their places. Yet until now neither of them had spent the night. One of them going home after - always. It's what they were doing. What they had agreed on. For now.
And there was a reason.
"But... what if Sofia sees me here? We didn't talk to her yet. And... she's gonna have questions...," she argued.
"Then let her ask, Calliope," Arizona returned encouragingly. "We have to tell her someday."
"I know," Callie agreed. "It's just..."
"You're scared," Arizona guessed. "And believe me, I am too," she nodded understandingly and put her hand on her lover's back in support. "But... we're so happy right now. And we're on a good way, right?"
"Yes, yeah!" Callie nodded emphatically. "We are!"
Arizona smiled at the eager agreement to their current state. The state of bliss and ecstasy. But she knew they could still do better.
"I want to spend every possible minute with you," she emphasized as she let her hand move up and her fingers play with the brunette's hair. "I don't want to keep on sneaking into your house when Sofia is asleep to be with you and then leave very early in the morning so she doesn't catch us. And I don't want you to sneak in and out either. I want to wake up with you every morning. See your adorable grumpy face when the alarm goes off far too early for your liking."
Callie smiled at this. It sounded so good. So, so good.
"And I want all of us to eat breakfast together again. Laugh and talk together. Get Sofia ready for her school day. See you off to work with a little kiss. Simply... be a family again. It's my biggest wish," the blonde concluded with tears forming.
Callie exhaled deeply at the words. Her own tears threatening to spill. Arizona had laid out all her arguments. And none of them were refutable.
If only it wasn't for her tiny little voice of fear plagueing her with all sorts of scenarions of how this could go wrong again. Could drag them all down the abyss again.
One could call it the voice of reason. But it could also be the voice of holding back.
She looked into Arizona's intensely hopeful eyes. And she realized that this voice in her head would always be there. She just had to prove it wrong.
Because... she really did not want to miss out on the best possible future she could have with Arizona.
"Okay," Callie finally nodded with a gulp.
"Okay?" Arizona repeated, making sure. Her eyes searching Callie's face, memorizing every bit of her slowly opening up to the idea.
"Okay!" came the more vehement affirmation.
"Yes!" Arizona rejoiced and kissed her new... old lover... life partner... once more. "Oh, I love you!" she whispered, realizing it was the first time since getting back together that she had said this.
"I love you too," Callie felt a tear escape her eye as she held Arizona close.
Holding onto this next terrifying, yet so exciting step for them.
"I guess it's time to do this," the other woman resolved, as they heard rustling from the direction of their daughter's room. The eleven year old slowly waking up herself.
"But maybe not like this," Callie motioned to her disheveled appearance and the blonde's completely undressed deliciousness.
"Agreed," Arizona laughed as Callie helped her sit down on the bed and continued the hunt for their clothes.
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ao3feed-sanvers · 7 years
Color in my World
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2EtvDer
by Cassie_Bones
When you start to see colors you have exactly one year to meet your soulmate or you lose them forever...or that's what they say, at least. Alex has never really believed in it. Not until she notices a change during a particularly long study session. But it could just be her tired eyes...right?
Day Four of Sanvers Week 2018
Words: 3040, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sanvers Week 2018
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Grey's Anatomy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Sanvers Week 2018, Soulmates AU, grey's anatomy tie in, so much stuff happens guys, mostly alex sees COLORS, You'll see what I mean, wink - Freeform, lotta fluff, some supercorp, and calzona, and slexie, and a Whole Lotta Gay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2EtvDer
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Send me a ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Listen, Calzona was one of my faves! It had a canon bisexual character, fluff, smut, two hot women, and all the Shonda Rhimes angst you could ask for! But I quit watching greys after Lexi died and then for real stopped watching it when Christina left so thankfully I missed the most of the ending of that one! As far as I’m concerned they’re making the working life work and living a beautiful life with their little girl, and Mark and Lexi stop by for weekly dinners!
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suchanldiot · 7 years
About my favourite fic. Its called finding the light. A calzona fanfic. 100% recommend if yoy ship them. The author never continued the story but it didnt end in any cliffhanger. Its mostly just fluff and thats why I like it so much. It made me so happy so I used to read it alot. But this was long ago and I read it recently too but it now reminds me of my ex and makes me sad
Oh that’s so cool! Confession: I’ve never really watched Greys so I’ve never gotten into Calzona but that’s so awesome that the fic was so good and you enjoyed it. Tbh, if you loved it that much, I wouldn’t let some stupid ex, who won’t mean anything in 5-10 years, ruin something you care about that much. Screw them. And thanks for sharing nonnie
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
lena, i've been thinking about how to approach callie being sad and pining after az. i think it can be either s13 or s14. so for s13 it could be that she comes back to seattle and sees az with eliza. so at first she's angry but then slowly becomes resigned bc she's like damn, maybe she moved on. though idk about this bc i feel like the eliza situation has potential for pissed off jealous callie who despises eliza. "this second grade version of me has the audacity to date my own wife!"
for s14 it could be az being so skittish and almost cold when she's in ny, which is the total opposite of what callie was expecting bc maybe callie thought their texting was indicative that az was interested again. and then she's completely crushed? but really az is just trying to protect herself-- it gets super messy. what do u think ?
no yeah i agree with both of those.
callie would absolutely hate eliza. like completely irrationally hate her and make it everyone’s problem. arizona would probably be kinda oblivious to it and “what do you mean, callie doesn’t care who i date were divorced”. i think also the professional aspect would be kind of important. eliza’s not only stolen her wife but also her job. i’m sure callie would be entirely reasonable about the whole endeavor. low key, a calzona version of when meredith was dating derek and mcvet would be fun - more fluff than angst but fun nonetheless. (also callie rarely pursues arizona so that would just be a bonus)
i think overall, callie should be pining in nyc. i don’t think arizona, even though she was in a better place when she left seattle, was really in the right place to jump back into a relationship (unless she and callie had been talking more behind the scenes in which case i think it could work) “tourniquet” kinda gets at this idea of callie thinking she and arizona were both ready to try again only for arizona to push back.
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