#camp nano april 2019
wander-wren · 2 years
so, this is nice to see. like. sometimes it just feels like i’m not accomplishing anything, right
my ao3 wordcount for 2022, as of today:
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that doesn’t include at least 120k of original stuff, if somewhat sleep-deprived memory serves. that doesn’t count the 20k oneshot rotting while i put off finishing the last scene, or the 60k fic that’s just getting started. it doesn’t include ideas i started and pushed aside halfway through.
i hate to risk sounding like i’m bragging but damn. it’s not a lot. it’s not anything, to most people, especially being that it’s free labor.
but that’s half a million words there, easy, and i know all of them are good. i have faith in my competence.
whatever else comes out of this year, i did that much. and i know wren from last november wouldn’t have dreamed of a 500k year, let alone a 500k year i wasn’t even trying to pull. the only person i ever have to impress is my former self, right?
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oradall · 5 years
Descriptions are hard if you haven’t daydreamed a scene 345678765432 times apparently 
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ownworldresident · 5 years
Holy crap what a month *stares wide eyed at the laptop screen after 6000 word day* I got a certificate, and this to prove it -
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Will definitely be doing Camp NaNo in July and NaNo in November (50k! Yikes!)
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writeouswriter · 5 years
Me, 3 seconds into Camp Nanowrimo: welp, time to switch projects
My brain, spluttering incoherently after planning for a month: whaaatttt????
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writerofscribbles · 6 years
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WIP Introduction - camp nanowrimo april 2019 // THE WRATH KING 
genre - - dark adult high fantasy 
type: book one of planned duology
status - - detailed outline phase, working through the details of the story and its characters. 
main themes - - found family, becoming monsters, what makes a monster?, unity, tradition vs. innovation, revenge
major features - - blood magic, dark beings, frankenstein-like twisted creatures, heavy religious influences, found family trope, questing elements, queer characters, court intrigue, sex, murder, drugs 
Following the end of Izaro’s brutal and bloody civil war, the House of Red has regained control and placed a crown on their kingslayer’s head. With the tyrant out and the Wrath King settled firmly into position, the kingdom is about to be rebuilt for a new age of peace. But whispers carry in from the East, rumors of a great shadow flutter through the castle walls. Death has risen from the Silver Wastes and the Red Priests tell of a darkness coming for them all. 
AINLE  ARAVYRE, like his fellow brothers of the Crimson Legion, is finding it difficult to return to a ruined and broken land. Winning the war is not the end, as he previously believed. Instead, he is thrown headfirst into politics, a war of words not swords. Weaponless in the game that surrounds the throne and priests, the Wrath King sends a restless Ainle to a mission into the great East beyond. 
LADY NOLA SWANN hates court life. With her sister being the future Queen of Izaro, Nola must behave and bite her tongue in order to keep them in favor with the Wrath King. But when dark assassins creep in through the walls at night, dripping off the ceiling like oil. And she must protect her sister from the devils that creep around the corner, even if that means being less ladylike. To be honest, she’s okay with that. 
PRIESTESS RESLI is the sole survivor of a horrific attack on her and her fellow Scarlet Sisters. As a fledgling Priestess in the center of the Capital, she has much to learn about the games the House of Red plays. But hellbent on finding the hooded figures who massacred a part of her family, Priestess Resli goes searching for the ones who linger in the dark, the only ones who might be able to help her. Even if it means travelling far from her home into a land that is despised by any good Izarorian citizen and faithful servant to the House of Red, the former stronghold of the House of Silver. 
LUCIEN DARKNIGHT hides in the shadows, awaiting his chance to enact revenge on the cult that murdered his mother. However, in order to get close to the man who gave the orders, he must be indoctrinated into one of the four learned Houses as an apprentice and become a true part of the sect he hates. As he ventures deeper into the dark world of blood magic and the ancient secrets of sorcerers and Magi, Lucien finds the entanglement stickier than he first perceived. 
excerpt below the cut 
“How can I help you, Your Majesty?” Ronan found his gaze tangled with the inky blackness of the Scarlet Father’s gaze. It was so easy to be pulled in, tugged by an invisible force, as if the Scarlet Father held his thread between his fingers and pulled him close.
“I had another dream,” Ronan said, wandering around the room. Restless, tired, and wanting a peaceful sleep. His fingers brushed against the high black lacquered table in the corner. Knives hung from the single bare wall, but the Scarlet Father had it painted pearly white to show the gleam of the gleaming black knives, silver symbols carved into each one. Ronan glanced back at the Scarlet Father, who was a statue, waiting for a command. Waiting for Ronan to say more.
And a cord was pulled inside him and the memory of the dream poured out. “I was standing in a dark forest. I could see nothing but the silhouette of the trees,” Ronan looked up, drawing his hand across the air, as if he could feel the cool spring breeze and the warm evening scent. It tickled the back of his throat. If he focused hard enough he could feel the grass beneath his bare feet, winter’s bitter sting pushed away by the dewy night. “It was warm, so warm.” Ronan whispered, eyes falling shut.
He could hear the faint rustle of the Scarlet Father moving across the room. Ronan turned towards the noise, eyes still closed. A match struck, herbs hissing as they burned in his incense lantern. Light gleamed across his face. He could feel the faint flicker of warmth from the few candles the Scarlet Father lit. Warm, spicy scents invaded his senses, curling around the twisted vines in his mind and coaxing the dream from the depths of his psyche. It lay, hiding in the tall grass of the dreamscape, but the Scarlet Father had done exactly what he needed to in order to tug it forward.
Ronan opened his eyes, he no longer needed to focus on remembering. It flooded forward, a torrent so hot and heavy it knocked him breathless. “I was naked,” he murmured, hand coming to rest on his chest. Flashes of hot desire, passion, lips lingering on secret places. Blood pulsed, dripping down his fingers, running in rivulets down his chest, down his back, from his temples. Salty and hot and metallic, mingling with the wet grass and the coil of lavender incense and smoke. “I was free of everything. Duty, time, magic,” Ronan looked at the tiny flame on a small white candle. “I had nothing but myself,” he whispered.
The dream continued to unwind, the ribbons coming loose. “I had no scars, none of my bloodmarks,” Ronan looked at the inside of his arms, covered in thick scars. The branded scar between his shoulder blades pulsed with power, with magic, it gave him strength in the unity of him with his brothers. “What does it mean, Father?” Ronan asked, hating how soft and cracked his voice sounded. Fragile, as if the lightest breeze would break him in half.
He finally met the Scarlet Father’s dark eyes. The candlelight flickered strangely over his dark skin, so deep and shadowy. The Scarlet Father was quiet, face smooth and lacked any emotion. He looked at his tapestries, one with a wolf being strangled by a snake, a snake eating his own tail. “It means that you will be tested, my child,” The Scarlet Father swept forward, placing a gentle palm against Ronan’s face, the other gripping his wrist to lead him into a chair. “It means that you must be strong and you must never forget your duty as King of Izaro.”
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scriptuurient · 5 years
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MARISELA has always believed in ghosts. it’s as natural as breathing and quite a bit more fun. when she’s not in class, she’s writing about them. see, her mother always puts her interests first and money just isn’t an object. it’s a simple matter to travel to haunted sites, investigate their stories, catalogue them on a blog that’s becoming quite popular these days. 
CLAIRE thinks the whole thing is bullshit, naturally. even growing up in new england, even hearing the stories her entire life, even with what she knows she’s seen in the woods – even if she lies to herself about it. when her father encourages her to show the ghost hunter from california around the state during her summer break, she’s more than reluctant. but it isn’t like she really has anything else planned except maybe relaxing for a change. 
VERMONT has its share of secrets and it keeps them well. a person can only follow so many of the dirt roads, can only discover so much of what is hidden. you grow up with superstition if you’re born there. you don’t go into certain parts of the woods after dark, you pay the trees respect, you pretend you didn’t see the shadowy figure leering out at you from the shattered window in the abandoned house. had that house always been there? no. yes. only the townsfolk could tell you, but they have secrets of their own and their sullen eyes follow your every move. 
THE GIRLS find much more than they bargained for in the clinging humid heat of a vermont summer. mari thought that belief would be enough to sustain her. claire thought that denial would be enough to save her. the trees, and the things among them, couldn’t care less. 
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OC Aesthetics: Roan Eraellan, Half Fae, Half Phoenix, Deaf Gay Prince
Meanwhile Roan knew this city inside and out if only because he had ran from the guards so often. What he lacked in hearing he more than made up for in foolish choices and swift feet and an unnerving ability to logic his way into evading the city patrol.
Tagging: @incandescent-creativity @idreamonpaper @cadewrites @caelisis @livvywrites 
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leave-her-a-tome · 5 years
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Setting low word count goals is a wonderful idea and I recommend it to all of you
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pheita · 5 years
No Rest for the Wicked: Chapter 1 Page 4
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The throbbing of her head was the first thing Feena noticed as she woke up. Grumbling and groaning she rolled on her other side. She knew from the very beginning she will have a hangover the next day but thankfully it wasn’t as bad as she expected. A little later she fished for her cell phone to see how late it was with her eyes narrowed against the light. Even if she already assumed it was too late for breakfast at the hotel. When she saw it was already close to noon she simply fell back into the soft bed. Eating wasn’t high in her priority list anyway. First she needed to get her body to work the way it should and follow her plan to get up, what proved itself more complicated than she thought because the sore muscles were the bigger problem. Endlessly stretching later she somehow managed to move out of the bed. She was on her way to the bathroom when an envelope was pushed through from under the door. An annoyed sigh later she tried to get it up. With stiff finger it took her longer than she wished for until she held the letter in her hands. Taking a shower was more important to her so she ignored the letter for now. Nothing was important enough to not wait twenty minutes. The bigger the surprise when she read the letter was an upgrade for a better hotel room. Her first instinct was to call the reception but decided to sort this out in person when she had to leave the hotel to get a delayed breakfast somewhere else. So she stood in front of a concierge about half an hour later and handed him the letter with a questioning glance. “I think this is a mistake.” “I’ll take a quick look.”, the young man smiled professional friendly and typed away on the keyboard in an incredibly high speed, “You are Miss Fischer?” “Yes, that’s me.” “Everything is alright. The owner instructed us to upgrade you one o the suites on floor 9. The housekeeping gets the room ready this second. You can move within an hour.” “The owner?” Blinking she took the letter back. “Yes, Mr. Adams personally ordered the upgrade. This happens rarely.” “Ok, I have no idea how I qualified for this upgrade but I gladly accept it. I am going to get some late breakfast and catch the keycard for the suite once I am back.” “Of course, we will have everything prepared for you by then.”
With growing curiosity Feena pushed the luggage cart with her big suitcases. One of the few disadvantages of traveling with big luggage is the need for these carts where ever she was. The concierge told her you only can reach the ninth floor after you pulled the keycard through the reader inside the elevator cabins contrary to floor two to eight. Her hands shook a little as she pulled the card through the reader next to the floor buttons.
The look of floor nine was incredible unspectacular since the floor looked exactly like the lower floors. The more she found herself surprised to see there were only four rooms on this floor. Only a few steps away from the elevator was the door to her new room. The term suite already said this room would be bigger than the classic standard room but Feena wasn’t prepared to find a small apartment. Right after she stepped into the room she stood in the middle of a living room area with a comfortable leather couch, a wooden table, a big flatscreen TV and an armchair that belonged to the couch. There were openings to both sides of the area. On the table stood a vase with roses and a small note in front of it with her name. With a frown she stepped closer and found a letter underneath the note. Dear Josephina, after our conversation yesterday night I took the freedom to upgrade your room since you will be staying for two more weeks. The staff has the order to only bill the room you booked. Room Service and any kind of spa offerings are on the house. I would be delighted if you would join me for dinner tonight at the restaurant at the hotel. I got the impression there is more to tell and to hear after yesterday. Please be assured there are no strings attached. You are free to ignore this invitation. In case you want to accept, please be at the restaurant at 8p.m. You only need to give the waiter your name.
Yours sincerely Samuel Adams
The astonished huff was the only audible noise in the room. “I am gonna think about this.” She threw the letter back onto the table and went to discover the other parts of the suite. To the left was a small kitchen including a fridge, cooktop and microwave next to the Nespresso that seemed to be standard in every hotel above a certain price range. To her astonishment the fridge was only stocked with water, juice, as well as some healthy cereal bars but no alcohol or candy bars. The basic spices stood aside. Slowly she strolled over to the other side of the suite where she found a bed that way bigger than queen size. On the opposite side of the bed was another flat-screen TV. Next to the headboard of the bed was a small walk-in closet next to the bathroom. Carefully she touched the mattress to see how stiff it was. In a haste she pulled her hand back as the bed moved oddly. It took her a moment to realize it was a waterbed. With a slightly naughty smirk she threw herself onto it. Satisfied humming followed by a deep sigh that echoed from the walls. Only reluctantly she got up to take a look at the bathroom. “Holy shit!” With big steps she hurried over to the bathtub in the corner, passing the big shower. Giggling she picked up the manual that told her it had a jacuzzi function. Her gaze got up to the shelf next to the tub where she found a couple of assorted bath oils ready to use.
A small early Easter surprise.  This time Josephina’s pov.  Have fun! @madmoonink @i-rove-rock-n-roll @broad-skies @syb-writes-still @whollyart@writingwordsanddrawingpictures @pen-and-sword-writing @c-g-nyx-writes @scrubbish-rubbish
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galactic-pirates · 6 years
Camp NaNo (April): Rumbelle Style
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Yes it is that time again! I confess I wasn’t sure about doing it this year but why not? I love my fandom :)
For anyone that doesn’t know Camp NaNo is different from regular November NaNo in a couple of crucial ways:
You can set your own word count goal (the minimum is 30 words which is just 1 word a day)
They allow you to track time and pages, in addition to words. So you could write a screenplay, edit a story, plan a story, write poetry, whatever you want really.
They have these things called cabins
It is because of these cabins that I am making this post. This will be the fifth Rumbelle cabin I think? The cabins are for 20 writers and they have like a messageboard thing allowing communication on the NaNo site. I’ve always found it’s easier to write knowing I’m among friends, rather than sitting alone banging my head against the keyboard.
So got a fanfic you want to finish? Doing A Monthly Rumbelling? Just wanting a boost in the writing stakes?
Camp NaNo is a lot more relaxed than regular NaNo, as I said above you can work on different kinds of writing, or different parts of the writing process, or even on lots of projects at once. Camp is really about just making progress on things, and getting stuff done in a supportive and friendly environment. So there’s no real barrier to joining in the fun :)
If you would like to join then sign up and create a project on the Camp NaNo site. Then reply/reblog/message me with your NaNo username and I will send you a cabin invite. You must create your project first or the invite won’t work. Any questions or anything let me know :)
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atthenian · 5 years
who’s doing camp nano this month? i wanna make friends with other people doing it!
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awritinglen · 5 years
Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 7
# of words today: 847
Remaining: 20,427 out of 25,000
Total word count: 4,573
Favorite Snippet:
“Hey bud, just a tip next time you want someone to help you this isn’t how to do it. You have to be pleasant not just cute.”
“Oh, hopefully there will not be a next time for once I have found my meaning or purpose I will not have to do it again.” 
End of Day Message: I didn’t reach the 1k goal for the day but that’s fine. Today I was able to really get the plot going in the story and maybe its too early but it’s still the 1st draft so I’m not stressed <3
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writeouswriter · 6 years
I saw a lot of these around so I present to you my terribly amazing amazingly terrible contributions.
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This one is for some things that show up more than twice across my various WIPs. If you don’t get a bingo, that’s cool, since I barely can either.
And this one is for my (probable) Camp Nanowrimo Project:
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tsainami · 5 years
camp nano 03/04/2019
0 words for day two and 901 for today. that makes a total of 1854 words written overall. two lines from it below:
Touch darkness and it ate you up. It was the law of nature and the Void that both divided and contained all things.
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raeofalbion · 5 years
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I meant to post this a couple days ago, but I’ve been tired, woops.
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Most of that’s editing, but I did get a good amount of little scenes done for other projects, so I can’t be too upset. I just really wanted to finish something from scratch, but...idk. I just don’t seem to have the energy I used to with writing? Still, I’m glad to have made some progress.
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neirawrites · 6 years
A quick question: what's this camp nano thing and how is it different from nanowrimo?
Thanks in advance
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