#camp tv gwen
syahaz · 2 years
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Just a rare moment of Trenton and Heather getting along… FOR ONCE
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suferdadz · 10 months
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Total Drama Camp Tv Drawing
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Pre-Tweens :)))
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lightningmccqueer · 6 months
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camp tv girls please save me
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Tiktok keeps getting me hooked on Total Drama and Disventure Camp every year, with every season, with every theory and extra... I guess you never outgrow your childhood obsession with a fake reality of teens.
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axel-ambassador · 9 months
Courtney's Audition Part 3 (Final Part!)
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Courtney's now part of the band, with a cute little parallel to Courtney noticing Gwen for the first time!
This was a fun little comic for me to work on my writing. If you guys have any questions about this band au, shoot me an ask! I'm more than happy to make more of this.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 of 3
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alecodys · 1 year
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i dont think ive drawn these guys for four years
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tdlauren · 3 months
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miss u every day camp tv gwen
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This Rooster Teeth/YouTube original series is about a bunch of kids at a summer camp called Camp Campbell. Created by Jordan Cwierz in 2016. I just have to say what a genius. This show has the perfect humorous plot and characters. Not for children! Please don’t watch if triggered easily! 
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syahaz · 11 months
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Trenton and Heather being mcsweeties cuz I crave their crumbs so I had to cook them myself sigh. :')
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frogskelton · 30 days
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So quick version of a poster for ep 1 of all stars rewrite and because I think the theme of all stars with rehashed challenges was boring, I’ve changed it. ( Just wanted a little drawing while I talk about the episode) READ FOR REWRITE STUFF HERE:
Ghoulish Guinea pigs
(Soon) Alejandro
Clownish caterpillars:
The episode: (barebones version)
The camper enter the new sight and settle down and take notice the cabins r actually livable and and even have a tv with a bunch of movies on vhs (grated, not very good ones, but a million times better than the last cabins). They have a few hours to get ready and so on one team Zoe puts on a film called “Pony house,” curious if it actually works, while Noah stand over her shoulder grizzling (he was meant to come here with Owen but he got a broken leg and had to cancel, and Noah was contractually obligated to still go). During this the tv screen continuous flickers and a strange face appears sometimes and the characters will say strange but of dialogue that seem like they don’t belong. Noah and Zoe r thinking it’s pretty expected Chris is give them busted up stuff.
Lindsay is frustrated that she is on the same team as Heather saying to her about how she might of won last season and good for her, but she has still hurt lots of people and Lindsay doesn’t like that she’ll be sharing a room w someone who treated her very poorly and hopes the other girl (zoey) has watch season one plenty of times to see what Heather is rlly like. Heather is taken aback for a sec and attempts to brush it off.
While this happens Brick goes out after hearing a noise, similar thing with Scott on the other team. Though, the focus is on Duncan and Gwen’s relationship falling apart as Gwen questions if she is rlly willing to continue hurting Courtney like that this.
Soon Chris calls them over and tells them to come back with their missing teammates. So, cue montage of them looking for them as strange occurrences happen, primarily around technology.
Eventually Brick and Scott r found trapped in a weird shed where a bunch of old tech from the show got dumped (e.g, Chris bots, screen, old cameras, THE DRAMA MACHINE, and so on)
Scott’s team gets out w him just before Zoe is trapped in the room (alone) as all the appliances corn alive. initially she tries to fight them as Mike is all sad at the door, unable to get in as he is dragged away from the door as they Damn this season and whatever is going on. Zoe us out numbered by the amount off Chris bots n stuff. Though she hears the drama machine saying something weird, the same thing the ponies from her film were saying and decides to attempt to interact with it, distracting whatever is controlling the Chris bots and giving her a chance to break the robot, stopping the haunting and finding Alejandro stuck in there.
She, carrying Alejandro returns to where and Chris and the Campers r excited she is alright and surprised about Alejandro.
Chris does his thing of u won the challenge (this was not the intended challenge, but it’s a bit late for that.)
At the camp fire Duncan is booted, he goes in to kiss Gwen, but she regrets saying that she does want keep hurting people and while she doesn’t love Duncan, not enough to keep hurting all the people she loves.
Furthermore, Alejandro is left resting, heather sees him and feels sad that this is how everything went down and this is how he is doing, while she has been living the highlife.
So each ep/challenge is based on supernatural/horror tropes n stuff. I’ve got all the new challenges written down in chronological order and both teams set out. Let’s just say this new finale challenge is a big improvement to all stars.
EVEN BETTER, the “doomed soulmates” plot for Aleheather is written down in episode by episode plan, which may be revealed when I have a little drawing to go w it. I quite like it, I think it goes well and is very endearing.
Actually just a forgotten thing, but when I was doing the redesign for Alejandro I just kinda forgot I could give him visible injuries, so that has changed.
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fraudulent-cheese · 2 months
Think you would change any of the finalists of any of the seasons? Think you mentioned a Pahkitew redo or something, would that be a part of it?
I'll start off by giving my opinion on all the finalists of each season!
TDI: Honestly, i wouldn't change it. Both Gwen and Owen are pretty relevant characters, they're fun as the finalists and it makes sense they'd make it that far tbh. I wouldn't swap them out for anyone else this season outside of maybe Leshawna if her elimination wasn't so cheap? That or change it to be like "oh yeah we should make them stay in this nice resort instead of that shitty summer camp" as motivation for nominating someone during Haute-Campture. Idk. Id be more in favor of finalist Leshawna if Fresh TV, you know, gave her more relevance outside of being Gwen's bestie towards the end? And just gave her character depth? Or an arc on her own? But she's the only other candidate in my eyes
TDA: I'VE SAID THIS BEFORE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: THE FINALISTS SHOULD'VE BEEN LINDSAY AND HAROLD. why was Duncan a finalist. Literally why. What does he do that's interesting enough to justify keeping him for the ENTIRE SEASON. If you wanted to do the Courtney list plotthread, just introduce it earlier on in the season and kick Duncan then! Or better yet, make one of the early rejoins be Courtney instead and have Duncan get eliminated pre-merge and Izzy come back post-merge! Im less against finalist Beth, but her character's plotlines aren't compelling to me at all this season :/
Lindsay on the other hand has a full character arc this season of coming into her own and trying her hand at leadership, has a rivalry with Courtney, and she still keeps her character throughout! And honestly i just think Harold's an entertaining character and him making it further than Duncan for at least one season would've been great!
TDWT: As the season is written? I wouldn't change the finalists at all. Heather and Alejandro are the most important characters of the season outside of the Love Triangle and Cody + Sierra and if you want my opinion, none of them should've been finalists. Now, if you do rewrite the season, i'd say Courtney (or even Eva if you make her rejoin mid season) deserved at least to reach the final three. Don't have much to say here.
ROTI: JO. OMG JO. JO SHOULD'VE BEEN A FINALIST. Again, i've made a post about this earlier (which i CANNOT FIND. WHY) But Jo should've been a finalist! They didn't need to give Lightning a vilain arc in the last two episodes just because! Im not super against Cameron being a finalist, but i don't like Lightning being one. Granted you could argue for different characters making for good finalists if you're going to rewrite the entire season (Anne Maria maybe? Or Zoey)
TDAS: Oh boy, TDAS. Sweet, sweet TDAS. Listen. Listen. In an alternate universe where Total Drama is a good show, Mike and Zoey could be good finalists. Unfortunately for them there is a large, looming Courtney-shaped shadow over that idea, made even worse by how both Zoey and Mike were used throughout the season.
Yeah if you couldn't tell by now, Courtney 101% SHOULD have been a finalist! TDAS should've been her season! It's the only season where she makes it past Duncan! She's a strong competitor, a compeling character, she's been put through shit the entire series, hell she could have interesting interactions with all the cast members! But no, Sundae Muddy Sunday happened instead.
As for possible finalists? Lindsay. And Jo. Yeah look if they're not gonna be finalists in earlier seasons you may as well make them finalists here. You could still make an argument for Zoey if the season were rewritten, but otherwise yeah this is probably the worst season for canon finalists :(
TDPI: Honestly with the direction they took, im... fine, with Sky and Shawn being the finalists. They're relevant characters, they have the more important arcs and outside of Scarlett and Jasmine, some of the most competent characters, enough to get here.
I'll take this as an opportunity to say i haven't landed yet on finalists for my PI rewrite? I know for a fact i want Sammy to be one, but im unsure about the other. All i know is that i don't think it'll be Shawn or Sky.
TD2023 S1: Nothing wrong with Bowie and Priya as finalists i'll be real! Priya might be a bit predictable, but it opened up alot of avenues for different things to be explored within her character (that the show never took rip), and she honestly deserved to get far for this cast's first season. As for Bowie, he's pretty relevant all throughout the season and seeing a more antagonistic character make it to final two is really nice to see! No complaints!
TD2023 S2: ALL OF THE COMPLAINTS! ALL OF THEM! The final 3 kind of sucks this season because every option has at least one gapping flaw in it due to the writing over the season: Wayne is barely a character for half the season and only gets interesting moments before the finale, Caleb has the most dragged out and annoying romance subplot in all of TD (not just because it was boring and artificial but because it dragged down and arguably ruined one of the most interestin characters of it's cast) and Julia's just magically gotten amazing at everything, INCLUDING playing the game because these teenagers just keep! beliving her! and telling her things! for some reason! Urghhh
If i had to rewrite the season entirely i'd have an MK vs Raj final 2. You'd get the antag/vilain rep for a finalist position, and hopefully a more interesting character than Wayne (fuck you Raj's more interesting of the two by default.) Maybe Scary Girl could be a 3rd curveball option. Nichelle or Axel if they were given actual arcs. And characters. Whatever.
Sorry for ending this post on such a sour note! i just really don't like reboot season 2 everytime i think about anything outside of the Finale or Mkulia!
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hobiebrownismygod · 6 months
Hey Sil I gotta tell you abut my amazing au that I came up with when I was half asleep.
ATSV but like a summer camp?? Miguels like the fuckin principal and Jessica and Peter b are counsilers..
Everyone else is a goofy lil preteen like 11-12 and Hobie's the only kid pushing 13.
Pavitr adopts a fuckin racoon and names it fish because he saw it eating trash after luch and couldn't hekp but feed it something and it just kept coming back. Now he has a pet racoon he's (probably) taking home to maya auntie as a surprise.
and Miles n Miles 42 are brothers cus I gotta squeeze my boy in here somehow but 42 hates being outside because he gets like these terrible nosebleeds and would rather be eating a popicle and watching tv.
Gwen is the weird kid who tries to recreate moves she saw in movies and animes. She either recreates them perfectly or falls flat on her face (I love my girl failure)
Margo is the nerd who knows everything ands always the first to start a fire or build a shelter or whatever they have to do (I’ve never been to summer camp before)
Miles and Miles-42 get sick the first day there cuz they’re not used to the food (they need Rio’s cooking 💀💀)
Hobie probably tried to sneak out a couple times but got caught and now he’s the ringleader and pushes all the younger ones to join him in his antics
Pav’s probably vegetarian so everyone makes fun of him cuz he has to eat the weird veggie meals the camp serves and they look nasty
Jess is the girls counselor and Peter B. is the boys counselor and Peter B. is constantly going on about how he has the “best group” but at the end of the summer when they have some competition kind of thing he ends up losing 💀
this is literally amazing I love you for coming up with this Jayce 😭 it’s gonna take up my mind for the whole day thx
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lonleyhumanbeing · 4 months
One of my absolute favorite things about Camp Camp is how insane the adults are.
You have David, the happy go lucky nature guy who really just wants the kids to know that the world can be a nice place. Incredibly enthusiastic about his job.
Gwen, who got a liberal arts degree, an associates in meteorology and one in psychology, who is just here because she needed a job. In her free time, all she does is watch trash TV and read/write fanfiction. She also dated a fish man for a solid day.
Quartermaster. What else do I need to say.
Cameron, who is running from the FBI and at least 3 different international governments as well as Kentucky. He, for some reason has a torture chamber and a random lab.
Ms. Priss, who inadvertently got the entire town addicted to Detoxcin, and started a fight between the drug cartels and her campers.
And Daniel, who almost sacrificed 10+ kids and adults. Twice.
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constellaj · 7 months
hey do u have some kind of list of the major variants in your multiverse au? It’s super cool and I really like it :3 (btw I am the original anon who asked you about it and the anon who was praising your Gwen, Courtney and heather art lol. just call me spiral anon)
also do u have any like, horror variants. Not horror necessarily, more so just tragic ones (the sillies have been through the trenches). Thanks :D
OOH I've been meaning to get a list of my favorite multiverse guys together and this is the perfect excuse!! thank you spiranon!! I tried to trim this wall of text down best I could but it's SO LONG. buckle up!! as always mega thanks to @crystalfloe for developing and brainworming these fellas with me!!
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I'll divide them up by the original character, and clarify their pseudonym; because the 'verse is populated with the same characters over and over, many end up choosing pseudos for themselves that they go by! I'll also elaborate on the ones that have some particularly horrifying aspects, but off the top of my head some who have really been through the ringer are ZombieMike (haven't given him a pseudo yet), Two-Inches-Taller Trent, Indigo (Jose), Mortal Bat Heather and Sea Bridgette. please note that I loooove duncan (and also dunhar) so a lot of these fellas are, well... dunhar :)
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LOTS of Duncans! Let's get started! (duncans pictured above are not any real multiverse duncans) Zero rules the Duncan Underground with an iron fist. He has the power to up the "asshole levels" of any Duncan, spreading it like a zombie virus.
Declan comes from an Actor AU dimension, and has to rapidly adjust to a world where all his coworkers' fictional characters are real. He manages to settle down with a very stereotypical Courtney, and they're so mushy-in-love it's like a Hallmark movie.
Concorde is also known as "Normal Duncan". He's so abnormal that he actually spends most of his time hiding out at Club Vaquero, an underground nightclub exclusive to the multiverse's "weirdos". (more about club vaq later!)
Helix or Badger is also known as "Cop Duncan". He works with some powerful multiversal agencies to lock up and detain dangerous immortals. He has the ability to generate handcuffs and chains out of nowhere. He's an asshole and nobody likes him.
Fox is our newest addition to the multiverse! He's your standard Duncan, except he's accepted his soft side and lets it play out alongside his more punk-rock edgy end. He's got a huge multiversal network, with Bridgettes and DJs bringing him orphaned baby bunnies every other day to look after.
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Harolds: Harlow Princeton Orange is the other side of our newest multiverse addition. An actor on Camp TV before he was thrown out into the multiverse, he thinks of everyone as an annoying coworker who won't ever break character.
Samurai Bloodshed is the platonic ideal of a Harold. He ran the Harold Hub-City with his epic anime powers, until he was cursed by a Justin to be... a jock. Stripped of his nerd swag, he's now doomed to wander the multiverse as a mere shell of his former self. (or IS HE???)
Matrix, aka "Punk Harold", is another frequent patron of Club Vaquero. He hangs out in the dirty punk scenes, plays awful music, and causes problems everywhere he goes. The only person who might be able to stand up to him is... Concorde?
Invisible Harold is Harold, but invisible. That's it I just think he's neat.
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Alejandros: Siren is, well, a siren. With the help of Sea Bridgette, he flooded the entire Alejandro Resort, and turned it into an underwater, mermaid-filled utopia we're calling Alelantis. Unfortunately, he forgot to return a favor to Sea Bridge, so she turned her curse on him next. Transmuted into a scaly sea monster to match his powers, he ran (swam) away to hide in shame. Fortunately, this didn't perturb Marathon Tyler, who offered him a place to stay...
When most Alejandros were forced out of the resort, Silk fell into an open dimension (Angel Lindsay's dimension). Stranded in the empty wastelands below the angellic clouds, he's resorted to manipulating any other immortal who falls in on accident.
Naturo (yes we know that's not a real spanish word, we just think it sounds cool) controlled nature itself, using that power to enslave dimensions and threaten a total overtake of the multiverse. At least, he used to! His incarnation was killed, and he reset into someone we affectionately call Autistic Alejandro. This incarnation of Ale was carefully monitored since birth to prevent another Naturo situation; monitored by someone who he thought was his brother... (more on Indigo later!)
There's one more important Alejandro to mention! That's the Alejandro who's one half of Vaquero, the owner of Club Vaquero. Vaquero himself is a living fusion between an Alejandro (he's a pairhunter, more on them later!) and a Geoff. Yes this is the alegeoff fusion I've been drawing all along!!!!!! I fucking love Vaq!!!!!
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McLeans: Gold lives in a massive penthouse in the bougiest part of the multiverse, living his ideal celebrity life, with his fake and real Gemmys so thoroughly intermixed you can't tell which is which. He's not a bad person per se, but he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Silver (no relation), on the other hand, lives on a cursed island and is a classic whistle-blowing camp counselor. He spends his time recruiting multiversal campers onto his island, to compete in death-defying challenges. Seems nasty, but if you win, you get the ultimate prize; he has the ability to grant wishes.
Meanwhile, out on True Wawanakwa, something very bizarre is happening. Chrises coalesce on this island, all fighting for dominance over a place they're convinced is "theirs". Every week, each Chris's team competes- and the losing Chris has to lose one of his carefully cultivated cast members. One of these Chrises is Lake, a granola-crunching, ADHD-ridden, dadbod-having hippie. Lake never executes members of his team, and instead hides everyone in a mystical glade; everyone on his team actually treats him like a genuine team dad. Just, y'know, be careful when dealing with him on the full moon-- he is a vengeful lake spirit, after all, and sometimes he loses control. I mean, how do you think Geoff turned into that tree? (Don't worry, Bridgette pours a cold one onto the roots once a month to keep him healthy.)
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Everyone else! These are characters that we really only have one or two instances of.
Mildred (Blaineley) is a bit of a horror villain shut-in. She keeps pocket dimensions full of contestants and harvests their essence, essentially selling it on the black market.
Carmine (Blaineley) is another horror villain, but more composed and some would argue more sinister. Her facility allegedly works to rehabilitate former dangerous immortals, but what she actually does is manipulate (and if she has to, mind-control via magical contract) them into working for her. Indigo (Jose) had this unfortunate realization after he took her up on her blackmailed job offer. Autistic Ale's original Jose was removed from the dimension and locked in a cryo chamber, while Indigo encouraged Ale to avoid nature, making his own decisions, and saying no. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the exact right mix of traits to allow Carmine access to the nearly omnipotent Naturo...
Rehab Hatchet runs a small island full of lost and confused McLeans. He wields a magical machete that can cut open your mind; it helps him perform reconstructive brain surgery, but it's fucking terrifying.
Shadow Gwen is a loner with a sentient shadow. Well, she used to be a loner, until a mermaid Lindsay and an annoyed Noah show up explaining how she might be the only person who can save Alelantis from crumbling away forever. Will she accept the hero's call??
Sea Bridgette, unfortunately, is paired with an Aftermath Geoff. Pairing is an obscure but dangerous concept. Two magical beings with their auras intertwined; this makes them both more powerful, but also more vulnerable. She's a mutant fish person, and he's at the peak of his asshole arc and only cares about appearances. Siren offered to humiliate her pair on international TV, and she was thrilled-- but then he was a no-show.
Angel Lindsay and Bat Heather are two halves of a coin. Lindsay reincarnated as the only magical immortal in a dimension full of mortals. When Heather betrayed her on the island, Lindsay let out a burst of magic that split the world in two. Above the clouds, in a polished city, all of the "nice people" with beautiful fluffy angel wings. Below, in a wasteland without food or water, all of the "mean people" with dragging, scraggly bat wings. While Lindsay lives her life as Her Hotness Admiral Princess Angel Lindsay, Heather is left to scrape together a band of post-apocalyptic survivors, and try not to think about the friend she lost.
Two-Inches-Taller Trent is a Trent who is slightly taller than the average Trent. He lived a happy mortal life being best friends with Mike-- until he was ejected out into the multiverse, sucked through a rift in spacetime that traumatized both him and Mike. Separated from someone he had nearly paired with, Trent became what's known as a pairhunter; an amorphous, unstable ball of energy that can't survive without their pair.
ZombieMike is the collective term for a set of alters who, at one point, hated each other so much that they physically split apart from each other to form their own dimensions. Mike, Vito, Mal, Manitoba and Svetlana each led their own individual lives (as different supernatural creatures)-- until they were pulled back out into the multiverse, and slammed together into the same body.
Contract Titan Courtney is desperately pretending she's not a pairhunter. So desperately, in fact, that she lures Duncans into signing autonomy-overriding contracts, pretending that her pair never left. If the contract breaks, though, she snaps and enters titan mode...
Mirror (Dawn) works for a containment agency, and has a very skewed view of how to treat people. She genuinely thinks she's doing you a favor, molding you into your ideal self, but in actuality she's warping you and shaving off anything that makes you unique.
Evil Zoey is, well, Evil Zoey. Sent to an immortal jail alongside a Mal who didn't know why he was there, she tried to manipulate him into being even worse... and then the two ended up breaking out together.
Punk Courtney sings lead for the cover band Court's in Session, and she mostly sings about how much she hates everyone. She has a massive following of Gwens... I wonder why?
Marathon Tyler is a recurring Tyler who is just, always out on a jog throughout the multiverse. His jogging route encompasses every location you could possibly imagine. I'm not sure he's ever completed a run.
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CONCLUSION: This isn't even a fraction of the guys we have LMAO so sorry for the long list and the long paragraphs. I've cut it down as much as I can so if you have any questions about anyone, please ask-- I probably left something out!
Also feel free to ask if there's any variants of [character] I left off-- I'd be more than happy to ramble some more!!
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finelinevogue · 2 years
I don’t think Yn would be in the bottom three but I wouldn’t doubt ekin su or someone else in the bottom who stayed (like when Tasha/andrew and ekin/jay were talking) would bitch about how they can’t believe they’re least favourite and not Yn….
yeah i do agree with you!!! actually let’s play this out some more..,.
Gwen and Aria’s POV:
“Can’t believe I was in the bottom 3.” Ekin-Su was still sulking.
“Love get over yourself. Of course you were in the bottom 3.” Gwen rolled her eyes at the TV.
On the screen all the girls were in a circle on the beanbag. It was clear there was some tension in the air and things were about to explode.
“Well someone had to be.” Paige said.
“You tell her Paige.” Aria cheered on.
“Yeah, but I was expecting Y/N or someone.” Ekin-Su pointed towards Y/N who was casually sipping their water. The music changed to a dramatic tone and all the islanders looked a bit taken aback.
Gwen and Aria were shocked too.
“Is she joking?”
“Bitch, Y/N was the highest voted.” Aria laughed.
“Me?” Y/N questioned.
“Yeah. You just don’t really bring much into the villa, y’know? Like I feel like we need to be getting rid of people who add nothing.” Ekin-Su started her rant.
“Hang on, you haven’t been here from the start you can’t just pick on Y/N because you’re angry that they’re still with Harry - even after the re-coupling.” Gemma defended Y/N like the good friend she is.
“Yeah you tell her Gemma!” Gwen cheered.
“Y/N and Gemma’s friendship is so sweet now.” Aria said.
“Yeah. Y/N is just friends with anyone and everyone.”
“Except Ekin-Su.” Aria added.
“No one is friends with chuffing Ekin-Su.”
“Yeah but I think that there’s something between Harry and I, so why would I put myself at a disadvantage by not perseueing that?” Ekin-Su argued, attracting the attention of the boys.
“Yo, what’s going on over there?” Dami said, making all the boys look over towards the beanbags from the camp fire.
“Shit.” Harry said, getting up first and then all the boys followed.
Meanwhile Ekin-Su was still screaming.
“Well, Harry and I are now official. I think you should know that.” Y/N said, wanting to add that before the conversation went any further.
“And you probably only did that because you know that you couldn’t get any other guy in here.” Ekin-Su shouted, and the other girls gasped in shock.
Gwen let out a shaky breathe. Aria was about to rip the cushion apart with her hands.
“I don’t want to be with any other guy.” Y/N furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.
“Only because you’re too insecure to let Harry go.” Ekin-Su scoffed.
“Fuck me.” Tasha muttered under her breathe.
“Ekin you’re clearly just insecure yourself about being in the bottom three. Just leave Y/N alone.” Gemma spoke up again.
“All I’m saying is that the villa would be no different if Y/N wasn’t in it and I think the public were wrong about me.” Ekin-Su finished her piece, picking up her glass to drink from again.
Y/N was filmed smiling weakly at the group, before dusting off their legs and walking off back into the villa.
“Oh Y/N.” Aria pouted.
“Harry better go check on them.” Gwen said sadly.
“Um. Yeah, that wasn’t too nice to hear. I, um, maybe Ekin-Su had a point I’m not even sure anymore.”
“Baby no!” Aria whined, wanting to reach into the Tv and hug Y/N so tightly.
Outside, Harry had heard everything and walked up in front Ekin-Su.
“If you’ve come to throw a strop over your girlfriend, I have no care to listen.” Ekin-Su said defiantly, to which all the girls rolled their eyes at her.
“I’ve come to defend my girlfriend because people like you think that you have the right to talk shit about them. I don’t know what your intentions were when you picked me for re-coupling, but it was never going to happen between us then and certainly fucking isn’t happening now. You’ll apologise to Y/N later, but for now just leave them the fuck alone.” Harry said angrily, before walking off in the direction of the house.
“Obviously I really like Andrew… But Harry tonight… Phew. Wow. That was hot.”
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