#campaign 3 episode 55
grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 55
I WILL get a,look at Midst eventually, guys, I promise ...
Creator Clash! Yes! I saw it! It was crazy! Marisha you rule, it doesn't matter if you didn't win, you were still awesome anyway and we're all SO PROUD of you!
And then there's Ashley, once again making us wonder just how secretly kinky she really is ... O.O
So yeah, are we FINALLY back with the endangered trio? PLEASE?!!! Aaaaaah, bollocks ...
Never mind, I'm really getting to like Deanna and FRIDA anyway, so ...
So IS IT a real marriage, or just like a symbolic thing. Oh boy ... the "banged it out" conversation ... yeah ...
Ah yes. Planerider Ryn ... yeah ... we can hope. It's really all we CAN DO right now, clearly.
Oh yeah! The wounded girl! Nice to see her up. Oh wow, Deanna! Wow! That's so sweet of her.
Yeah, I did wonder if Chetney was gonna raise eyebrows. 27! Nice Deception, Imogen! Even if it wasn't REALLY Deception. Well ... okay, he did rip them off, but still ...
Yes, good point, Chet ... no sticky fingers, Fearne!
Sponsorship ... oh boy.
Fancy dude! Who was that? Hmmm ... history check? Nope ... oh gods, here we go, Fearne being Fearne ... Lord Desavon Kevash? Hmmm ... oh boy, and he is just SMITTEN ...
Dear gods that is an abysmal joke ... clearly the guy has a very rudimentary sense of humour. Oh here we go ... 26? Fuck ... Nice, beard ring. Cool.
The King and Queen! Oooooh ...
Dwarf Queen is a CUTIE, I like her already. Elf King is ... interesting. Like elves tend to be, I guess ... and also old. REALLY REALLY OLD ...
Oh yes! A favour! Nice ... just what they need ...
Royal Insight Check? WHISPERS!!! YAY!!! Now ASHLEY'S doing the WizzKids plug ...
I'm sorry, WHAT?!!! Is FRIDA making s move in Letters?
Oh boy, a bull ... interesting choice, Chet. Glad it works, at least.
Ooooooh, backstory for magic bull statue! Nice ... oh, so it WAS a kind of protector? Cool. Wait ... MORE?!!! Intriguing ... oh, corrupted forest? Hmmm ...
Deanna: "So you know about the Applebee's Soulcycle?" Wow ... everybody starts laughing ... Travis: "Long may it reign." Matt: "Sorry, you just Bluescreened me for a second ..."
Crap ... so teleportation is ... OFF?!!! Crap ...
Yeah, Chet, ASK!!! ASK!!!
Wow ... okay, just giving it ALL away ... here we go ...
Sam: "Is the Queen checking Chetney out?" Travis: "Well some things you don't NEED to check."
30 on an Insight check? Fearne, HOW?!!! Holy fuck ...
Oh yeah, BOONS ...
Drixlix! Yes, FUCK that guy ... screw him ... sell him down the river. Yes! Give them the evidence! FIST PUMP!!!
Ah, Ludinus, here we go ... oh SHIIIIIIIIT! Wow ... oh, that is DARK ... oh, so the god hatred was ALWAYS there, was it? Great ...
Oh shit ... Ruidus AGAIN!!!
Aramond Turestral ... hmmm ... sounds like a bad man already ... oh boy, is this a quest setup for later? Lovely ... in a really foreboding way ...
Wait ... Chetney's just ... fuck, is getting right? HAS Ludinus done this before?
Oh fuck ... the Solstice is STILL HAPPENING?!!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiit ... yeah, the Tethered Moon is a REAL THING then ... fuck ...
Yes, the temples ... oh yeah, the Changebringer maybe, get FCG there ...
Oh so they ARE going to go to Molaesmyr ... okay ...
Yay! Another MAP! Sweet ... cool ... oh ... nuts, no map? Bummer ...
Awwwww ... lost love ... sweet gay memories for the Elf King ...
Crap ... Shadycreek Run ... lovely ...
Aww, bless ... LITERALLY. Deanna blesses the Royals ...
Ooooh ... fancy armour! Sweeeeeeet ...
So what's the plan? Shopping? Stuff? Lore hunting? Tailors?
Wow ... is Deanna JEALOUS of the vibing between FCG and FRIDA?
The Duskmaven? Hmmmm ...
Whoa, here we go, is Aabria gonna be able to capitalise on Calamity insider knowledge?
It's official. FRIDA is crushing hard on FCG ... and Deanna's trying to be supportive? They're so sweet ... awwwwwwwwwwaw ...
Deanna: "We only get the one life. Unless you're ME." XD
And she's still so protective of them ... :3
Okay, split up time ... allowed for shopping, that's not a problem.
The Vellum Steeple. Here we go.
Okay, what was Sam's flask nonsense this time, I didn't get a good enough look at it, that wax a VERY quick flash ...
An Elven mile Troy Baker? Hmmmm ...
Kinash Serovoldin? Okay ... sounds more like an elvish Brad Pitt to me, remember when he was in Legends of the Fall? A bit like that ...
Deanna: "Are they weak to anything? Other than gruff charm, I mean."
XD I'm loving it, Deanna is totally crushing HARD on Kinash. Aabria: "That's it, I'm out!" Travis: "Are you horny on main right now?"
AABRIA gets a Whispers ... oh cool, beanie plug! So cute ...
Nuts ... the Ludinus dossier is THIN ... not good ... The Eve of Crimson Midnight? Hmmmm ... oh, Ludinus, you SNEAKY FUCK ... evil dude ... Gildhollow Tower ... okay ...
Matt really is setting Ludinus up as a total Exandrian Palpatine, isn't he?
Meanwhile, at Jaquoby's ...
Oh yeah, this us totally a tech head's workshop all the way ... meanwhile the flirting begins ... :3
Wow, FRIDA is SO BAD at this ... oh boy ... and the FCG backstory is SUCH a mess in context ... wow ... "killed the Pussy" ... yikes ...
Jaquoby Macyl ... oh, I like him immediately.
Wow, he is LITERALLY giving FCG a mangled kettle to eat instead of a cup of tea. XD
Suspension ... FCG: "If it gets uncomfortable then I can hold FRIDA's hand." AWWWWWWWW!!!
So cool ... FCG is armouring up! Sweet!
"Faithful Care Giver" ... oh yeah! :3 that is ADORABLE!!! Everybody's losing it with cuteness and so am I ...
Time for a break!
Gathering at Catlyn's ... but first a heart-to-heart between Imogen and Chetney ... hmmmm ...
Heavy stuff ... oh boy ... Insight versus Deception ... a draw? ROLLIES!!! Wow ... Imogen OWNED that one ...
Payphone cable ... oh yes, blast from the past indeed ... many Millennials and later may not get that reference ... I am SO OLD ...
WTF just happened?
FCG: "I feel like I'm gonna be a little bit stealthier. By one point." XD
A chocolate box assortment of exotic scrap metals ... I love it!
Aha! Temple if the Dawnfather! Cool!
Aabria saying "Bless you!" to Sam when he sneezes makes an interesting change to Ashley telling him to "Stop it!" XD
So other priests and clerics are CUT OFFfrom their deities? Hmmmmm ... so Deanna's one of the lucky few ... that's so worrying.
Catlyn's Clothier? Sounds fancy ...
Oooooh, snobbery ... and THAT puts you in your PLACE, little miss arrogant! XD Nice one.
Deanna is apparently BLACKING OUT through sheer excitement at the fashion possibilities ...
Chetney wants a VELVET TRACKSUIT?!!! Oh gods ... and the eternal question as posed by the Incredible Hulk, how to deal with the SUDDEN SIZE CHANGES!!!
Imogen is going practical but also totally BADASS ... essentially she wants Arctic Dark Phoenix vibes ...
FCG's all shiny now ... they want a dark blue duster coat? Cool ...
Deanna is build like a Pixar mom ... "dumptruck ass"? XD ...
Whoa ... just FIXED FRIDA's coat on the spot?
And Fearne is just GOING OFF totally ... ooh, corset ... poofy sleeves ... lots of leg ... and she's getting Deanna to knit her something ... yup, cleavage, business as usual for Fearne ... "Go to town!" Yes indeed ...
Deanna: "Can I have BIGGER UGGS?"
Oh, the little embroidered bull for everybody is such a sweet idea ...
Oh yes, get something for Laudna too! Perfect ...
Fearne wants something from the Willow TV show's wardrobe, apparently ... :3
Oh, so the bots are making it official, but not mzking a big deal out of it ... I love it ...
Chetney's tracksuit STRETCHES ... AND it has a custom hole on thd butt for when he grows his tail? Dear gods ...
Eisselcross? Oh, Deanna and FRIDA backstory ...
Stick together, guys! All together in the morning ... off to Molaesmyr ...
And now they're all shitfaced on champers ... XD
Oh, Fearne is TOTALLY doing crimes ... no, she's SPECIFICALLY going go the Temple of the Wildmother! Cool ...
Genuinely enchanted little place ... cute little statue too ...
Fearne tries praying to the Wildmother ... and she is REALLY BAD AT IT, too. Ye gods ...
Perception check? Hmmm ... 23? Okay ... nothing ... oof ... probably not a good sign ...
Wow ... Fearne wants Chetney to make a move on Deanna ... and now he's going dien a really erotic memory lane ...
Oh, so FEARNE is gonna make a move instead? Blimey ...
Ah, so it's just a girl's night slumber party? That's fine ...
Aabria: "Laura Bailey!" Travis: "No chill!" XD
Schrodinger's Tongue? Matt is hating it and I love it ...
Oh boy ... they are so cute and a little NAUGHTY too ... they are playing the others SO BAD with all these noises ... oh ... gods ... what? The wheel? Where the fuck is this GOING?!!! Aabria: "What is the MOISTURE?!!!" LOL
Morning hangover? Not with Lesser Restoration ...
Weavepiercer Gloves? Ooooooooh ...
Ah yes, Clmponrnt shopping, always important for mages ...
The Matron of Ravens' Temple ... and it's closed? Not a good sign ...
Goat shopping time, then ...
Whoa ... BIG goats ... cute, too, apparently.
Deanna gets a sweet and chubby one ... Gerry? Yup ...
Of course Chetney has to get the BIGGEST one. Wow ... like SUPER RIPPED ... bulldog walk? XD He is perfect. Musky. Yes. Of course he is.
FCG gas chosen a PRETTY one ... Fabio? SNORT ... of course ...
Imogen gets the veteran ... Bell? Cute ...
FRIDA picks the "Shaggy" (as in Scooby Doo) of thd herd ... Patchwork? Awwww ...
Fearne just wants z literal wooly SPHERE ... red panda coat? Awww ... Dornie Boy! Cute ...
Off towards the Savalirwood, then ... and that's it for tonight! Okay then ...
Nice place to stop.
But I really do hope we FINALLY get back to the lost trio next week! Seriously, guys! Please ...
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exandrianpunk · 1 year
Campaign 3 ep 55 second half
my thoughts and favorite moments :)
i have FeEliNgS about Imogen's 'relationship' with her mother
FRIDA consistently asking for snacks of metal scraps is adorable
i want to learn so much more about Deanna's relationship with Pelor and her 'connection to the divine'
severed? like completely cut off from divine magic?? but only some people???????
"even if you feel alone you don't have to be, there's always someone to reach toward" & "it's challenging when you've been the one people look to for comfort your entire life, makes it difficult sometimes to reach out when you need it yourself" okay ouch
the immediate cologne scent memory that punched me in the nose at the mention of Abercrombie & Fitch
the FRIDA x FCG relationship is snowballing very quickly but i'm not entirely opposed to it? it just makes me very worried for what the next few episodes might bring for the two of them...
i will be very happy if these new outfits are leading up to updated character art
Aabria is me every time i stumble into a craft store...
OH GODS what is Ashton going to think of FRIDA??????
loss of revival magic adds a whole extra layer of worry to everything they get into, but also a different way that they clerics have to think about what spells to prep and when to use them. very excited to see how that plays out
the perfect image of Imogen's mage hand holding the bottle of champaign just high enough that Deanna can't reach it
being friends with a cleric would be the best, especially for a chronically ill bitch like me
i have many questions about Fearne and her relationship to divinity...
Sam's little dance when Fearne is convincing Chet to 'make a move' on Deanna was adorable, he doesn't want to be alone romancing a guest pc
phantom tongue syndrome sounds horrifying i need that scraped from my memory immediately
there's so much potential for wholesome description/rp of their first night together but these mf's...
that's all we get at the Raven Queen's temple?? but i need more answers?????
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twinklestarss · 1 year
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“Faithful Care-Giver. It suits you.”-F.R.I.D.A.
Campaign 3 Episode 55: Hope Within History
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ludinusdaleth · 1 year
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-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 55, "Hope Within History"
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lightningst0rm · 1 year
I finally managed to catch-up on campaign 3 again (life's been busy) and after episode 55 and the new art, my brain has made a connection:
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bixbiboom · 1 year
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Campaign 3, Episode 55: “Hope Within History”
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threadcountart · 1 year
Missing him.
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Thank you to @maybetwice for letting me run Fearne’s characterization by them!
Image ID below 🍃
[Image ID: Two-page grayscale comic of the characters Orym and Fearne from Critical Role Campaign 3. The comic takes place right before Fearne’s prayer to the Wildmother in Episode 55. Orym has short dark hair, freckles, pointed ears, and he wears armor. Fearne has long wavy bright hair, freckles, two horns, and lightly furred hands. She wears a dress with a strap made of leaves and a long flowing cape.
Page 1: 4 panels drawn from Fearne’s perspective. She’s recalling a memory of Orym. In this memory, she watches him smile as he magically conjures a small bouquet of flowers before presenting them to her. Fearne’s right hand reaches out and takes the bouquet— wild grasses, chrysanthemums, and heliotropes. Behind the blooms, Orym grins in bright delight. The last panel is a jerk back to the present. Orym is no longer in front of Fearne. In his place stands a relief sculpture of a gently smiling Wildmother with her arms outstretched and hair fanning out. The bouquet is now a small haphazard handful of tiny flowers and salvia that Fearne pulled from the ground. The sculpture’s rectangular shape resembles a tombstone.
Panel 2: 3 panels. First, a wide-shot of Fearne standing in front of the relief sculpture with her back to the viewer. Zoomed out, the relief is surrounded by a circle of flowers— a shrine for the Wildmother. Snow gently falls around Fearne and the silent statue. A wind blows through Fearne’s dress. The last two panels show the lower half of Fearne’s face. At first her mouth is only slightly open as she calmly regards the shrine. Then her lips roughly press together like she’s suddenly holding back a swell of emotion. Orym is gone. Fearne doesn’t know where he is. All that is left of him that she can reach is the shrine of a goddess who once blessed his sword.
Watermark on both pages reads “@threadcountart” and “Do not repost” End ID]
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
Guys, episode 49 is in the top 10 longest episodes to date:
Campaign 2: Fond Farewells - 7:02
Campaign 1: Best Laid Plans… - 5:55
Campaign 1: Unfinished Business - 5:46
Campaign 1: Vecna, the Ascended - 5:44
Campaign 1: Temple Showdown - 5:32
Campaign 1: Tangled Depths - 5:30
Campaign 2: Fair-Weather Faith - 5:24
Campaign 3: Episode 49 - 5:20
Campaign 2: Dark Waters - 5:08
Campaign 2: The Cathedral - 5:03
Edit: I mean longest main campaigns, not including one-shots and side campaigns. Blood and Shadow from Calamity would overtake ep 49 by a minute and the finale would take second place at 6:07
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multi-lefaiye · 4 months
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wow did y'all hear about the netflix adaptation of my d&d campaign 'into darkness we march'??? kinda crazy tbh.
(kidding, kidding, that's not real. these are edits i made. hi.)
jumped on the netflix edits train a few years late i think, but that's okay <3 these are based on my campaign 'into darkness we march,' aka the campaign my boy eden was created for.
created with these templates: [x] and [x]
anyway. transcripts for the episode summaries in the second screenshot under the cut! for now, though, tagging some people that i think would be most interested in these <3
@skitzo-kero @paradoxspir1t @anexor @invaderskoodge @moonflowerrss
@drawnecromancy @vacantgodling @chaieyestea @vampiresdrinkfruitjuice @void-botanist
aaaaaaand okay i might be forgetting people. hi hello
Episode 1: Waking Up in Hell, Part 1 (58 mins)
Three strangers from vastly different places and times suddenly awaken in the same place: a barren purgatory of death and ashes, with no idea how or why they're there.
Episode 2: Waking Up in Hell, Part 2 (57 mins)
Eden, Pevier, and Hyndrol reach the final fork in their path to escape purgatory, and in the process learn the terrible truth of the realm they’ve been condemned to.
Episode 3: Safe Haven (55 mins)
With Barley's help, the party arrives in Lezus, a safe haven for refugees fleeing from a terrible threat, and for the first time they begin to see how much the world has changed in their absence.
Episode 4: Bear Hunt (60 mins)
Aukan has tasked the party with to defend Lezus against the bear-kin, ferocious monsters known to eat travelers alive. In the chaos that ensues, Eden discovers that he has a mysterious benefactor.
Episode 5: Calm Before the Storm (58 mins)
Before departing for Olodicear, the party spends one more night in Lezus. Hyndrol makes some new friends, Pevier meets a familiar face who has some explaining to do, and Eden realizes that something is terribly wrong with Barley.
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Total F-bombs Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 64 Reunited
Per Character:
Ashton: 7
Chetney: 7
Fresh Cut Grass: 3
Imogen: 2
Laudna: 2
Total Fucks for Campaign So Far:
Fearne: 22
Orym: 55
Fresh Cut Grass: 69
Laudna: 170
Imogen: 184
Chetney: 473
Ashton: 929
Dorian: 18
Numbers collected from watching and following transcripts and are subject to when the curse is said in character. I'm only human so these counts might not be perfect if I didn't hear something or thought a f*ck was being said by the player not the character.
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milominderbindered · 2 years
wtnv cecil/carlos episodes complete list
look, bc 200 eps is a lot to get through, i made a list of all the episodes with important and/or particularly good cecil/carlos moments. sort of a relationship timeline sort of just notable stuff !!
Episode 1 - Pilot
(First meeting.  “And I fell in love instantly”)
Episode 3 - Station Management
(Carlos gets his hair cut)
Episode 8 — The Lights in Radon Canyon
(Carlos drops by the station, but tragically does not mention weekend plans)
Episode 16 — The Phone Call
(Cecil gets a phone call from Carlos)
Episode 25 — One Year Later
(Their first big moment)
Episode 27 — First Date
(as it says on the tin)
Episode 30 — Dana
(Carlos studying the house that does not exist)
Episode 31 — A Blinking Light Up On The Mountain
(Carlos makes Cecil dinner)
Episode 35 — Lazy Day
(Carlos has a busy day)
Episode 38 — Orange Grove
(An email from Carlos)
Episode 46 — Parade Day
(Carlos calls in)
Episode 49 — Old Oak Doors
(Carlos and Cecil reunite after a disappearance)
Episode 50 — Capital Campaign
(Carlos is trapped, but scientists are always fine)
Episode 51 — Rumbling
(Carlos reports from the desert)
Episode 52 — The Retirement of Pamela Winchell
(An update on Carlos)
Episode 54 — A Carnival Comes to Town
(Carlos calls)
Episode 55 — The University of What It Is
(Carlos’s university say hi)
Episode 56 — Homecoming
(Cecil misses Carlos)
Episode 58 — Monolith
(Carlos asks Cecil to visit)
Episode 59 — Antiques
(Carlos calls)
(Cecil paints Carlos)
Episode 65 — Voicemail
(Carlos leaves Cecil voicemails)
Episode 68 — Faceless Old Woman
(Cecil is back from visiting Carlos)
Episode 70A — Taking Flight
(A Carlos heavy episode)
Episode 70B — Review
(Carlos and Cecil reunite)
Episode 71 — The Registry of Middle School Crushes
(A heist)
Episode 75 — Through The Narrow Place
(Cecil and Carlos have matching lycra shorts)
Episode 76 — An Epilogue
(Carlos makes a clever plan, and they go bowling)
Episode 78 — Cooking Stuff
(Carlos and Cecil are going to host Thanksgiving)
Episode 88 — Things Fall Apart
(Carlos calls, and they have nicknames)
Episode 89 — Who’s a Good Boy, Part 1
(Carlos tries to save the town with science)
Episode 100 — Toast
(A big step)
Episode 103 — Ash Beach
(Carlos & Cecil visit Old Woman Josie)
Episode 107 — The Missing Sky
(Another Carlos science mission)
Episode 108 — Cal
(Carlos & Cecil’s home)
Episode 111 — Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA
(Carlos with his scientists, and with Cecil)
Episode 119 - eGemony, Part 3: "Love, Among Other Things, Is All You Need"
(Scientists calibrate their instruments to the length of Carlos’s hair)
Episode 124 — A Door Ajar, Part 1
(Carlos doesn’t want to do science?)
Episode 125 — A Door Ajar, Part 2
(A memory of when they first met)
Episode 126 — A Door Ajar, Part 3
(Couples counselling)
Episode 133 — Are You Sure?
(Carlos’s hair is unusually perfect)
Episode 147 — The Protestor
(Cecil doesn’t know an astronomer, but he does know a scientist)
Episode 149 — The General
(Cecil and Carlos go on a ‘first date’)
Episode 150 — The Birthday of Lee Marvin
(Cecil and Carlos’s 6th anniversary)
Episode 153 — The Heist, Part 1
(Carlos does science at home)
Episode 154 — The Heist, Part 2
(Love is the most important news story)
Episode 155 — The Heist, Part 3
(Carlos is a person of interest, which Cecil has been saying for years)
Episode 159 — Cat Show
(Debates over whose last name Khoshekh should have)
Episode 163 — Bravo
(They go to the theatre)
Episode 165 — Charlie
(Remembering when Carlos was in Desert Bluffs)
Episode 166 — Delta
(Carlos bought….handcuffs….at Target….)
Episode 167 — Echo
(Cecil knows that Carlos liked him from the very first time he called)
Episode 176 — The Autumn Spectre
(Carlos meets Bloody Mary)
Episode 177 - Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen
(Carlos calls)
Episode 181 — C*****s
(Reminiscing… and a new addition)
Episode 182 — It Sticks With You
(A family hike)
Episode 192 - It Doesn't Hold Up
(Carlos falls asleep during movies)
Episode 198 — Them Woods Are A Maze
(They take a break from parenting)
Episode 205 — The Moon is Gone
(Carlos plays Elden Ring 23 hours a day)
Episode 208 - Cecil in The Big City
(Carlos and Cecil take a trip)
Episode 209 - The Black Coat
(It’s nearly ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 210 - Ten Years Later
(It’s ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 212 - The Campus
(Carlos calls in about his old University)
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kaermorhenatnight · 3 months
I recently reached 100 followers and I am so happy that so many people liked my little blog enough to follow 🥺Thank you so much 🥺 I don't know if anyone would be interested in this but if there's something you want me to write about (either a short fic, some headcanons or something like that) I am open to suggestions! I can write about Baldur's Gate, Dungeon Meshi, Critical Role campaign 3 (although at the moment I'm a few episodes behind because as much as I love it it's so emotionally draining for me because every time I think about those little guys I get a d4 of emotional damage), Black Clover, Shall we date? obey me game, I could maybe dust off my Witcher obsession (books and games). ONLY ABOUT ADULT CHARACTERS.
I have currently a few smut fics in progress, so you can bother me about them so I finally finish them
Zevlor x reader, BG3
Gortash x reader, BG3 (this one I'm not sure about because it quickly drifted away from canon Gortash, Tav!reader really thinks she can fix him and she might be right)
Zora x reader, Black Clover anime
Yami x Charlotte, Black Clover anime
Ashton Greymoore x reader, CR (I love this punk so much, fic is set in ep 55 and I started writing it when this episode came out so yeah, it's been some time...)
Mammon x reader, Obey me
Beel x reader, Obey me
Please someone poke me with a stick to do something about those wips xd
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exandrianpunk · 1 year
Campaign 3 ep 55 first half
my favorite moments and thoughts :)
trust me y'all, I love these characters and Deanna and FRIDA are lovely and super interesting, but I'm so deeply missing Orym and Ashton and Laudna and I'm so intrigued to see how they'll get back together and make sure their timelines align
starting off strong with a temperature play joke before the recap is over, I see how this is gunna go
Travis and Aabria made the exact same face when Laura suggested "re-banging it out" I love them
I wonder how re-learning somatic components of spells can work after injury...
I would love if Deanna had knit a gift for the diarchy, like matching scarves or something would've been adorable
this body language assessment by FCG is giving major 'tistic vibes I love it I spent so much time doing this growing up
I really hope the king's story is true and they really just found Umudara and wanted to honor one of the protectors of the forest
imagine if all the people who had previously been revived through certain divine magics just dropped after the solstice
the idea of teleporting away with no way to communicate back if something went wrong is horrifying to me
Apogee Solstice is the new Benedict Cumberbatch - can only imply the name by using other words with similar syllables
THE MOON IS GONE GUYS THE MOON IS FUCKING GONE the solstice just hasn't stopped wtf???
I have so many questions about why the Ruby Vanguard uses symbols of the Raven Queen and if her starting as mortal and ascending has anything to do with it...
I can't tell if Sam is just genuinely not catching FRIDA's little moments of showing affection towards or interest in FCG... but it's slightly heartbreaking to see
watching Travis react to shit is my favorite - his excited dance when Aabria asked about knowing if the Raven Queen was mortal, him freaking out and trying to confirm with another cast member when Deanna mentioned Eiselcross
FRIDA being worried Deanna would be mad about their crush on FCG 🥺
"I love you with my whole heart" "I love you with my entire core" 🥹
I love that Q made Aabria a beanie
"you could just ask his corpse later" is the exact energy I have towards Ludinus, they just need to get him gone asap and deal with the rest of the shit after
"just a couple of bots" "just a couple of Aeormatons"
this whole conversation outside of Jaquoby's is everything I've ever wanted
"if I was your special person would you try to kill me?" "of course not... I think knowing that I had someone would probably make me a little more calm in general" 🥹
"first kiss of campaign 3" and let there be many more
"THERE'S NO TONGUE" just let the Aeormatons get freaky Matt 🤣
"my favorite Aeormaton" FRIDA is too cute
FAITHFUL CARE-GIVER I literally squealed
I'm usually far more aromantic than this but there's something about these robots
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twinklestarss · 1 year
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Campaign 3 Episode 55: Hope Within History
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ludinusdaleth · 1 year
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imathan's past partner.
-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 55, "Hope Within History"
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bixbiboom · 1 year
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The weekly schedule is out!
✨ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, April 11th-13th: The first, second and third episodes of Midst, the newly acquired audio narrative now under the Critical Role Productions banner, will be rereleased on YouTube and most podcasting platforms. Episodes 4 and 5 will also be available to subscribers at »Midst«.
✨ Thursday, April 13th, 7pm PDT: Campaign 3, Episode 55 of Critical Role streams on Twitch and YouTube!
Check out the details »HERE«!
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