#can c!sapnap be a god too
poisonous-lemonade · 1 year
Anyways I will be sending you a lot of quackity prompts because I’m a huge simp (hope you don’t mind)
But anyways
Quackity x male reader but he has a FAT CRUSH on reader but reader is completely oblivious and quackitys friends tease him but reader is STILL OBLIVIOUS ASF
Anyways I understand if u don’t wanna do it dw
A/N: Woah there Bee, take a breath, these will take a while, but they will be done
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Quackity Quandary: How to Get Noticed by an Oblivious Crush
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"Quackity, Jesus, man, is he that bad?" Badboyhalo asked as he sat across from him, a cup of coffee in his hand.
See, Quackity had this problem, well, his crush had this problem at just completely being oblivious to his advances, every advance shut down because he couldn't pick up on them.
"Yes, Bad, it is that bad!" Quackity groan, his face in his hands.
"He can't be that oblivious, I'm sure he has to pick up on it soon," Bad thought, giving Quackity a reassuring smile as he sipped his drink. "Besides, you're meeting up with him, right? For a date?" Quackity groaned at the reminder.
"Yeah, Bad, that's the problem, Y/n, he-"
"Y/N thinks that Quackity just wants to hang out with him and doesn't see it as a date." Skeppy laughed from next to Bad, causing Quackity to roll his eyes with a loud groan.
"Oh! Well, I, I guess that's not good, but I'm sure it'll turn out fine!" Bad stumbled over his words with a small nervous smile.
"Yeah, but Quackity is too pussy to do anything about it," Sapnap said, walking in from the kitchen.
"Hey! Language-"
"Besides, Y/N thinks that you're just teasing him, you know, playfully flirting with him." Sapnap pointed down, sitting down next to Quackity, ignoring Bad's light scolding.
"But how can I get that to stop!?"
"You don't, you just learn to deal with it and move on." Skeppy shrugs, stealing a glance at Sapnap. "Or, you could-"
"Just tell him." Sapnap finished Skeppy's thought before both burst out laughing.
"Hey! Come on guys! Don't be so rude!" Bad scolds with a small scoff, reaching to hold Quackity's hand. "Ignore them, I'm sure he can't be as bad as you say."
"Oh, he is! Remember that one time!?" Skeppy playfully teased with his laughter. "It was so funny, Quackity and Y/N were just "hanging out" and then Quackity-"
"Hugged him and Y/N just said, "Stop hugging me, I'm trying to pick out George's birthday present"?!" Sapnap finished, both continuing to laugh painfully as Quackity's face turned red.
"You said you wouldn't bring that up! And you told Skeppy?!" Quackity groaned, Bad also trying to hold back his laughter and be a good friend.
"I'm sure that was just a one-time thing, I'm sure it was just really close to George's birthday and-"
"Bad, just stop, please." Quackity cut him off with a deep sigh, fixing his beanie subconsciously. "It wasn't-"
"2 months, actually," Skeppy spoke up through laughter, causing Bad to stifle his laugh more harshly this time.
"Oh, well, that, uh, that's-" Bad let out a small huff of a laugh, covering his mouth before continuing to laugh. "I-I'm so, so sorry, that's just-" Bad cut himself off as he continued to stifle his laughter.
"Bad! Come on! Help me, man!" Quackity groaned. "God! Why does he have to be so, so him!?" Quackity stood up from the couch, walking out of the house as his friends still laughed, although it had died down a little. "Forgot this, I'm leaving."
"Wait, Quackity! Come back! We still need to talk about the time you fumbled to bag so hard!" Sapnap laughed before he was cut off by Quackity slamming the front door shut.
He was sure if it wasn't him in this situation, he would laugh too, but it was him so he couldn't help but feel a bit of playful betrayal, it was the only way he could describe it. So he sighed, picking up his pride as he walked home, his ride was Sapnap but there wasn't any way he was riding home with him now. But God he wishes he did.
"Quackity?" A voice said with a confused brow raised. He stopped and looked up from his pity party to catch the eyes of you with his.
"Y/N?" He asked, almost frozen in shock before shaking himself out of it. "What, what are you doing? Walking, I mean?"
"Well, Bad texted me, said to come over to his because you needed to tell me something? Did something happen in between that time?"
"Bad texted you!?" He asked with a small but quite sharp breath. "When!?" He asked.
"Um, not long ago, like 20 minutes?" You said with a small shrug, walking closer to Quackity. "I'm guessing it didn't work out then?" Quackity sighed and shook his head.
"No, no, I guess, you, you are right." He said, cursing internally as he finished his words. "I should get going, I need to get home."
"Well let me walk you, I really only came over because of you so I might as well walk you home." And there was your stupid way of talking about him like you loved him.
"No, no, it's fine, I'm sure Bad is still waiting for you."
"He can wait, I want to make sure you make it home safe." You had a way with words that Quackity couldn't describe and it physically hurt him trying too.
"No, Y/N, it's fine, I got this," Quackity said, shaking his head and walking around you, a bright blush filling his cheeks as he continued to walk away.
In all honestly, he wasn't expecting much or anything at all, but it just had to be you, it had to be you he ran into, it always lead back to you, and like everything else, you had to have the last words.
"Alright, I love you, text me when you make it home safe."
Quackity paused at Y/N's words, snapping his head around to see that you were already walking away like those words did not just leave your mouth. Was it always that easy? What the fuck!?
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sethdomain · 1 month
looking at dsmp character if they can be a himbo
wether they are beefy or not is up to my design interpetation
-c!Foolish (3/3)
-c!Will Ash (0/3)
I think cwill is like the total opposite of what A himbo is. He's not kind, he's very very hostile to people, he's not beefy and is a very smart individual. So no.
-c!Sam (2/3)
-c!Techno (2/3)
Same case as Sam this dude is fucking smart, a strategist fucking genius.
-c!Puffy (2/3)
Is she beefy in my interpertation? Yes, is she kind? very much so, but stupid? I dont think she checks that, she's one of the people that knows wtf is up with the eggpire bro.
-c!BBH (3/3)
Is he kind? YES HE VERY MUCH IS BUT KIND IN A kind(evil) WAY, is he beefy? yes i can comfirm that, is she stupid? IS THAT NEEDED TO BE ASKED??
he's not endorsed by the lesbian so he's instantly disqualified
is he beefy? yes, kind? debatable, stupid? he built a nuclear bomb
twink and smart
he might gets lesbian and is stupid, but he lacks manner and beef. Honestly the kind part is debatable, i'd argue he's actually good natured but it tends to be overshadowed by his chaotic nature
he's stupid and jacked, but kind? no
he's just a weird guy and a god... he knows things
-c!mexican dream(3/3)
you know what maybe he is a himbo... Like he's abbrassive but that doesn't mean he isn't kind. I think mexican dream is actually kind to people and i like to thing he's jacked. Also he's very stupid.
too twinkish... but checked kind and stupid
LISTEN I THINK HE'S HIMBO, HEAR ME OUTTTT. He's not exactly very intelligent, slimecicle is like jacked so his character automatically is also jacked and also very kind. Like out of all the nevadas he's the most optimistic and welcoming one.
I think niki check listed kind but even that is debatable.
c!sapnap(too mean)
I dont think he check listed the kind part.
c!connoreatpants(decent man)
he's just a decent man.
ok im tired bye feel free if u want to add on into this thing, wether debate argue about my choice or anything whatever
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voted4exile · 2 years
understanding, not forgiveness
/dsmp rp
The biggest misconception about Tommy’s Last Stream is that c!Tommy forgave c!Dream. This never happened!
From the moment he steps into the main cell, c!Tommy does everything to keep both c!Dream and c!Punz from leaving. From challenging the two, to taunting c!Dream, to questioning his motives, to asking for his perspective of the server, c!Tommy tries many things. It’s clear that he’s not really interested or listening to what c!Dream or c!Punz has to say. All he cares about is stalling for c!Tubbo.
Tommy: K. I’ve muted. I just need to stall. I just need to stall them. [19:09]
Tommy: What do I say? Just to keep him here. What would keep him here? What would keep them here? Um… [19:58]
Tommy: Come on, Tubbo, faster, Tubbo. [25:40]
Tommy: Come on, Tubbo, come on, Tubbo, come on, Tubbo. [28:38]
After the last time he quietly calls for c!Tubbo, c!Dream goes on about how he was pushed to hit back, how he did evil things, and how c!Tommy could have been stuck in limbo forever. But c!Dream has the means to bring people back, and he doesn’t want life to be temporary.
That’s when c!Tommy chooses to discard items in the lava to put his armor away. He faces c!Dream and apologizes.
Tommy: You know what, Dream? I’m sorry. Because you’re right. Maybe you were having more fun. Maybe you were happy before I joined. But you can’t control who comes in and out. And- And- You know, you can have all these little areas, and that’s fun, but we’re all in this Dream SMP together. But you spent your entire life trying to get power, and before this revive book, you were the same alright. Before you had this power that you’ve always craved and you’ve got now, alright. You were the same old. I just don’t know how you can live with yourself. [30:25]
This apology might be genuine or it might be another tactic to stall. Just two minutes ago he was asking for c!Tubbo to hurry, so it’s more likely that he is saying whatever he can.
Not too long after, c!Dream kills c!Tommy, sending him to limbo. c!Tommy witnesses c!Dream’s first moments on the Dream SMP. When he is revived, he comes back, reeling from the pain. But once he gathers his bearings, he tells c!Dream about the vision he had. A vision of a happier c!Dream with c!George and c!Sapnap, living a simple life. c!Tommy realizes c!Dream wasn’t always evil and that what he really wants is something simple.
Dream: Well, we can go- We can get back- back to that. Once we understand the server, once we understand how life works and everything, then we- everyone will be- Y’know, they’ll be…
Tommy: That’s why you’re doing this, isn’t it? You just want it to be simple. *scoffs* Dream. I thought you were complicated. I thought- God, I thought you were a villain, Dream. I thought you were. [38:32]
This isn’t c!Tommy forgiving him, and c!Tommy is not saying c!Dream is innocent. He makes it clear that what c!Dream is doing is still wrong.
Tommy: I’m saying I think I understand you. And I don’t- I don’t think we’ve ever had a moment, since I joined, of being on the same side, the same page. But Dream. That’s okay. But this? Your way of doing this, of having to kill everyone else? That’s- You- That’s not right. This. This! A fucking torture trap! A Saw trap! Where one person has to survive? That’s not okay. But this, Dream. This- What you have inside you? You just want friends. Aw, me too, man. I get that. I get that! [40:26]
c!Tommy is being genuine when he says he understands c!Dream. It’s no longer about stalling. Unlike before, he has stopped calling for c!Tubbo to hurry up. He’s actively listening to c!Dream. He even tells c!Dream to “Speak up” when c!Punz talks over him. Most importantly, he actually asks c!Dream to call off the plan so they can leave the prison. 
Tommy: It’s not too late, man. You don’t need this. This life of prison, of killing, of torture, you could- You can stop this now. And we can leave this prison. [42:08]
This moment best supports that c!Tommy is being genuine. He is offering c!Dream an exit from both his plan and the prison itself. It’s no longer about keeping c!Dream in the targeted nuke zone.
Dream: Why can’t it just be simple again? Why can’t it just be like that forever? We can live forever, and we can- everyone can be… friends. And… I feel like it just- everything got- just so jumbled.
Tommy: Along the way... I’m with you, man. I’m with you.
Dream: Is it not too late? We can work together, and we can figure out-
Tommy: *hears sirens* Oh no. [43:25]
Unfortunately, the two have reached an understanding far too late. The nuke is about to hit, and c!Tommy apologizes. 
Tommy: I’m sorry.
Dream: You’re sorry for what? You’re sorry for what, Tommy?! Punz, I think we need to get out of here.
Punz: Yeah, yeah. We- We gotta- We gotta fucking go. We have to fucking go.
Tommy: Guys. It’s too late. It’s the whole prison. I just- I didn’t-
Punz: You’re fucking lying.
Tommy: I didn’t know. [44:50]
c!Tommy is sorry because it’s too late for them to escape the nuke that he had c!Tubbo launch. He didn’t know there was another option, that he and c!Dream could actually come to an understanding. 
Not once does c!Tommy forgive c!Dream for what he has done. Understanding is not forgiveness. This wasn’t redemption either. What c!Tommy was offering c!Dream was an opportunity to make things right. But it was far too late.
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Okay so I need to talk about the idea I had (it’s a concept that’s heavily inspired by the newest Epic saga so it is bound to change but hehe) for the dnd con au:
Okay so at some point the party go to sea, whether on a mission or running away from someone they go to sea and Dream is essentially the captain since he has the most experience (Puffy taught him stuff)— so they basically grab a crew and go to sea to find what they’re loooing for!
Along the way they come across a big cavern and well, the party is interested and they go in.
And then they get attacked by a big monsterish siren that is named Nemesis (my dsmp god oc/variation based off of Niki c:)
And Dream has been to this area a couple of times long ago with Sapnap and George and he knows what to do so she doesn’t attack them
Which is to sacrifice some people into the water.
So admist the pandemonium of the party trying to help the crew so they can move the ship so they don’t get hit- as well as battling some of her sirens—
Dream “accidentally” pushes a few of the crew he’s travelled with into the waters and they get well- killed.
And nobody notices- Spooky and Fundy are too focused on trying to get the hell out of there
But Cala saw what happened
And she isn’t happy.
She says nothing about it until they’re safe and she kind of- gets angry! Rightfully so! Because he killed innocent people-
And Dream genuinely thought he was helping since he knew that they wouldn’t have made it.
And they get into their first actual argument and it ends with them having a physical fight on the ship since Cala is too upset and trying so hard to reason with him and her perspective kind of changes since she thought that “Pyre” wasn’t well- like that.
It’s a one on one fight and Cala tells Fundy and Spooky not to intervene-
And it ends when Cala accidentally hits a bit too hard and Dream- already spiraling because they’re fighting l shuts down and is stuck in his head.
They don’t talk for a small bit until Puffy saves their ship from some pirates and they end up reconciling- but she looks at him a bit differently now.
So yeah c:
( @somerandomcryptid tagging u uwu)
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
If butterflies are c!Dream's chat, then are they actively hunted/distrusted on the server? Like someone sees a butterfly, and their immediate first reaction is to try to smash it or chase it away? Also, consider: you can, if you look closely, see who is sympathetic to or allied with c!Dream because of how they react to the butterflies and how the butterflies react to them. You already mentioned c!Techno, but what about:
-Butterflies flock to the areas around c!Punz's tower, and there's usually one or two riding on his shoulder or hair, hiding in his clothing, flitting behind him as he goes places. They're of course considerate enough to not mob him all the time, so as not to give him away to the rest of the server.
-After c!Bad starts letting them hitch a ride with him on his guard shifts and sandwich runs, butterflies begin following him around, too. He leaves out saucers of sugar water and plants more flowers in his garden for them. He can't do much besides the sandwiches for Dream, but at least he can ensure that his chat doesn't go hungry.
-A butterfly or two can almost always be found fluttering around in c!Ranboo's immediate vicinity. They try to stay out of sight when c!Tubbo is around, though, they make him very nervous, and he will sometimes sic his bees on them if he sees one.
-During his first week on the server, c!Michael McChill saw c!Sapnap trying to charbroil a large, pretty green butterfly and saved its life. Butterflies don't go out of their way to find him, but they pointedly don't avoid him the way they avoid most of the other server members.
-There's always at least one butterfly keeping watch over c!George's house. Always.
if the butterflies want to live (and also want their owner to live), they'd definitely be smart to stay hidden. surely every butterfly on the server, even if they WEREN'T a part of dream's chat, would be killed quickly for fear that it was spying on dream's behalf. and since dream's allies are typically very secretive about their relation to him, they'd also have to kill every butterfly they see in public or risk looking suspicious. punz has already crushed a few under his heel while he was walking around, knowing that if he didn't, he might give away their alliance. and god forbid anyone sees the one that's folded itself into the crevices of his breastplate.
post-prisonbreak, sapnap could've easily used the butterflies as a way of tracking dream they don't gather on the outside of the walls like they used to while he was still imprisoned. they broke bad's heart when they did that. they were desperate to reach him. (when george broke a block of the obsidian on the wall, they were right there with him, ready to swarm into the hole he made. it was useless, of course.) but now they don't, so any onlooker assumes dream has left.
butterflies are usually considered the least frightening insect, but they'd get quite the reputation on the server.
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kisuminight · 4 months
With the DSMP Blade System AU, I'm more vibing than I am coming up with a coherent story. But if I did have to come up with a story that I wrote out, I'd probably end it on an emotional triumph instead of a one based in combat.
So the Egg gets beaten. In the process, c!Dream would find out that he is part of the shattered Aegis and that XD is looking to put his original Aegis Blade back together. He would also find out that c!Philza is an Aegis Blade.
So he'd turn over a copy of the code that he and c!Punz worked on, to make the Memory Patch something that goes out in a general Universal Patch. And Phil would mention that just one Aegis can't make changes to what is/will be in the Universal Patch (for security reasons) and that they'll need to contact another Aegis.
What Phil trying to say: "This is great, I'll look over it. We can't do it immediately but I'll reach out to my Goddess and we will see if we can get other gods and their Aegis on board."
What Dream hears: "This Plan is fucked unless you, personally, find another Aegis on this server."
And Dream doesn't know another Aegis. But he knows that he used to be one. And he knows from the Revival Book that Aegis!Dream was attempting to create the Universal Memory Patch himself. So, theoretically, if he lets DreamXD bring Aegis!Dream back, then their problems are solved.
Dream doesn't want to die. But he's picked up that he has several similarities with Aegis!Dream. It wouldn't be a real death, would it? No more a real death than any other Blade goes through, when they revert to their core crystal without the Memory Patch. One Blade to save every other Blade, and if he makes it a condition of giving himself over, Aegis!Dream would probably be much better at working out Phase 2 of The Plan than he and Punz ever could alone.
Normally Dream wouldn't bother to leave a note. But this is the last impact he is going to have and he can be assured that c!Techno will remember him. So he does. And Techno comes down the next day and finds a letter that isn't outright saying anything but basically reads like a suicide note and that's... a Problem.
So he rounds up the people he thinks can talk Dream out of this--the syndicate plus Punz and Sapnap, basically--and they go try and stop Dream. Who has almost a full day's head start. And there's only one place where DreamXD is absolutely going to show up--the End Portal. So now it's a manhunt, using their combined knowledge, plus Phil's ability to sense aether, plus Techno's passive to try and track him down.
In a sense, they fail. They almost catch him, but Dream is 15 minutes ahead of them when he activates the portal.
DreamXD is just chilling when Drista brings Dream to him. Dream offers him his whole goal. To let DreamXD take his core crystal, to fuse it with the other pieces he's collected to resurrect his Aegis Blade.
But DreamXD isn't sure that he wants that anymore. He's been speaking with c!George, making friends with George, bonding over how it felt to have a Blade that you loved and then lost. George, who was dreaming at that very moment, astral projecting himself into the End, this time, instead of DreamXD going to him. George who has watched this entire conversation, even though Dream can't see him, and will lose his Blade, again, if DreamXD regains his.
Drista is watching too. She's been acting as his Blade for over 100 years at this point. Drista, who brought Dream to DreamXD without saying a word, serious and still like she never is. Drista, with whom the emotional bleed of the Resonance is tomb-silent and resigned.
"No." DreamXD decides.
At this point, the manhunt team come crashing into the End, all "Dream you idiot, you're not allowed to sacrifice yourself again!" and "Alright XD, you wanna do this? Then we're gonna fight!" And it turns into a very chaotic mess as Niki and Ranboo attempt to retrieve Dream out of the line of fire, Techno, Sapnap, and Punz go all in on the fight-XD bit, and Phil sidles over to Drista to head that bit off.
Final resolution would be that they all sit down and get the situation explained. Phil mentions that he forwarded the code to the Blood God's Aegis, and she is willing to help. Dream gets cornered with the fact that people love him and care about him and they're a little mad about past lies but that's not enough to make them leave. DreamXD gets a chance to confront what he lost and start the process of healing, finally. He teleports them all home, to the Antarctic Anarchist Compound, and then wakes George up and teleports him and Purpled to the group.
And like, there's still stuff that they all need to talk about. Reconciliations need to occur. Relationships that need to be sorted out. George and Dream absolutely need to have a shouting match about what they mean to each other and not be allowed to run away from it until they've both said everything and they've both said the truth. Punz is also going to make them crack open the ugly truths of how Dream made Sapnap feel, but also how Sapnap made Dream feel.
Dream and Punz need to get sat down to explain what all they've been doing/working on. If you think that DTeam + Syndicate won't shut down the Plan Phase 2, you're wrong.
When c!Bad and c!Skeppy finish recovering from the Egg, I think Dream and Punz will work with them, Techno, and Philza, to see if they can make it so that Blades can have an independent existence/be Awake without their Drivers (like in YWKON's finale), and still have a Resonance if they want one.
Life keeps going, with it's ups and downs. But this would be a sweet, happy note to end on.
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cdroloisms · 8 months
here i can sub in a cdream thought for the other anon! i sometimes think about how the results of the torture affect his ability to try new things after he's free, and his return to things he did before. do hand tremors make it too frustrating to try braiding his hair? does he stop writing as much? can he ever draw a bow as far, with damaged muscle fiber in his arms? will he ever run as far, as fast? is he demotivated from trying new hobbies, when everything is a thousand times more frustrating to learn in a body that might as well be brand new for all he knows how to live in it? i just Think. about that
god, yeah. when it comes to the physical implications of months of torture...there's a lot to consider. and we see stuff, too, in c!dream's behavior post-prison; c!dream's playstyle has never been quite as aggressive as cc!dream (just see like, manhunt as an example) but even so post-prison dream is just another level as far as defensiveness goes. the stacks upon stacks of golden apples, the way he flinches back at new people on multiple occasions (c!eryn, c!foolish), the way he hides behind a shield (c!eryn again, the whole interaction with c!sapnap and c!george that one night when they tried to blow up c!aimsey's stuff)--whether predominantly physical or psychological, it's evident he doesn't approach fights the same way he used to. and then, of course, there's just...the implications of him staying in the prison for most of his time after his escape, holing himself inside and apparently not leaving for days. i guess you don't have to put that much time and effort into learning to live your life again if you just...don't leave.
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rutadales · 1 year
Honestly that c!Dream & c!Foolish (& c!Sam) convo is one of the best things I've ever seen. A gift from the heavens. It makes me very happy to see it being talked about and I would love if you talked about it more 😁 (feed me.)
OHHHH where to start....
I gotta rewatch that stream sometime and just break everything down line by line but for now something that always sticks out to me is how cdream talks about cfoolish and the power he supposedly holds. Long post ahead
Dream says that he wasn't sure Foolish or the vacation home was real, that the premise of "incredibly powerful person with incredible wealth living peacefully in an incredible land" is inherently unbelievable. He thought Foolish, and his home, was a myth. Which, I think Dream says for two reasons, the primary one being to provoke Foolish. Needle him into potentially giving too much away. He also does this when he calls Foolish "quackity's bitch" before ultimately changing tactics. The second one being, Dream genuinely can't believe something like that exists. Probably more in a "something sinister is hiding beneath it all" way. Foolish and everything he represents is too good to be true.
Foolish is also completely able to hold his own verbally against Dream. This isn't Dream completely powerless in the prison or Dream naive to how people manipulate conversations, this is Dream at his peak when it comes to controlling an interaction. The whole set-up is at Dream's behest. He chose to go there to talk to Foolish. He picked the location, the time, and the other party. Foolish should be playing defense, and for the most part he is. He's just reacting to Dream's confrontation.
Keep in mind that this conversation is also just a power play against cSam. Calling them friends, ordering him around, practically daring Sam to even try to treat Dream how he did as the Warden. It's all very intentional. A lot of this is to show Sam that Dream is free, and he can go anywhere he wants, even to Sam's peaceful friend who hasn't hurt anyone. And he can tell Sam's friend exactly what Sam did, and there's nothing Sam can do to stop it. The single most lasting part of this conversation is the damage it does to Sam and Foolish's relationship. They are never the same after this. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain this is their last canon interaction, at the very least it's one of their last.
(quick sidebar; foolish is the one Sam went to to vent about the prison, to talk about how hard it is!! foolish went from "you're a good man" to "everyone is a scumbag" I AM GNAWING AT THE WALLLS OHHH MY GOD)
But, even though Foolish is playing defense here, he instantly plays at Dreams speed. He's very quick to levee what dream's done against him while at the same time doing what almost no one has done: listen. Foolish is receptive to what Dream is saying, and isn't shutting him down on principle. I think this is something only Foolish could have done; something I've said before and will say a million times is Foolish has this incredible capacity for forgiveness and kindness in a way that no one else on the server has. He's incredibly lenient and incredibly docile. He never hits first, and never without provocation. Foolish also has no history with Dream, unlike Sapnap or Tommy or Bad or anyone else Dream could have come in contact with. He's also stronger and more present than any of the other newcomers. Keep in mind Foolish joined, and then literally the next day Dream was in jail. He just missed him.
All this to say that conversation is basically this perfect storm, both giving and conceding more than they'd like and both taking what they really want. Foolish: a potential way to avoid death, Dream: a potential safeguard against quackity. The whole thing is like a game of chess, so strategic. If giving more time, I really think there lore could have gone some awesome places. Again, dream and foolish both fear the finality of death and both had ways to circumvent it. Foolish would have gone a long with the Plan I just know it.... Alas 😔
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
No because c!honq was the BLUEPRINT for friendship AND romance on the dsmp like Nobody did it like them!!
They were explicitly canon
They were friends before entering a romantic relationship
Friends to lovers anybody???
Secret pining while c!Quackity was with c!Schlatt on both sides???
Canon Walmart parking lot sex???
Karl under the floorboards at Niki's party crying because he thought Quackity was going to leave him for Wilbur?
They got engaged almost as soon as they possibly could have because they could not imagine a life without each other
I <3 Penis
c!Karl was El Rapids' biggest defender besides c!Quackity?
Literally just watch any vod with them interacting and they're so in love it disgusts their other canon fiance?
Quackity trying all throughout the El Rapids revolution to get Karl to put on armor and keep him from blowing himself up for the cause? But Karl doing it because he thought it would make Quackity happy?
Quackity BUILT LAS NEVADAS FOR KARL??? (And Sapnap, but this isn't about him)
The ONLY REASON Karl didn't move into Las Nevadas was because of LITERAL DIVINE INTERVENTION splitting them apart??
Karl fistfighting c!Bad and blackmailing the Egg and the whole 'Stay away from Q' diamond??? Because even when they were apart, Karl still loved him enough to fight a god??????
Kinoko Kingdom was also built for Quackity!!! They were both supposed to live in each other's countries free of any responsibility or warfare or trouble but then LITERAL GOD split them apart because they were TOO POWERFUL TOGETHER
When his memory started unraveling because of the time travel that he was forced to do, Karl spent so much time trying to force himself to remember but he couldn't
Even when Karl's memory tricked him into thinking he and Quackity hated each other, he still called Q his fiance
Quackity's previous and future (re)incarnations were in almost every Tales episode and they always flirted with Karl, proving they're literal soulmates
Again, the ONLY THING keeping them apart was GOD HIMSELF. If it wasn't for XD forcing Karl to time travel and thus forcing him to lose his memories, then Honq would've been married Forever ago
The literal last action that Quackity did before the end of LN5 and the opening of Las Nevadas was him sending a letter of apology to Karl (and Sapnap, but this isn't about him) hoping that they can reconcile. That is one of c!Quackity's last ever actions before the series' end. So.
Anyway, vote Honq
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dreamsclock · 1 year
I got more questions for the spiderverse/dsmp crossover:
1. Who did each Spiderperson lose?
2. What are each Spiderperson's extra powers?
1. every version of dream must lose three people: george, sam, and alyssa. he usually loses sapnap too, but this is touch-and-go.
alyssa is the first significant person he loses way before everything, and when she leaves the server, or dies, or disappears, it’s dream’s first hint that he needs to bring the server together. it’s what alyssa would want. it’s what’s right.
george is next — and it’s always accidental, never fully planned, because no matter what schemes dream makes, george always surprises him in every timeline by changing this. for c!dream, it’s the dethronement arc: for m!dream, m!george was killed by m!eret right around the time m!dream discovered the other timelines. for other timelines, it’s death, it’s betrayal, it’s falling into a deep slumber, becoming a god … either way, dream has to lose george. it pushes him into the final arc.
the final person every dream must lose is sam. brave sam, strong sam, sam who loves and cares about him. the difficult part is that this method of “losing sam” never changes. it always starts with the prison. it always ends with the breakout. their relationship changes across the timelines, and m!sam is the only person that m!dream cannot speak about. he has an unhealthy fascination with c!sam in our canon server, one he can’t quite let go of.
tommy also has to lose three people: very specifically, three mentors/heroes. it varies across worlds. it’s always wilbur, but the other two range between dream, schlatt, techno, philza, and some server members that change from timeline to timeline — captainsparklez, deo, etc. one time the mentor he lost was george. this fucked tommy and dream up, and, in that universe, tommy killed dream to avenge george’s accidental death.
it’s varied, but three things remain for any tommy.
he must lose three mentors across three different key moments in his life.
he must always lose one of them in an accident of his own making.
wilbur is always the first one he loses, and the one that can never come back.
other server members have their own canon events / losses too!! for sam, it’s always dream. for bad, it’s always skeppy.
2. to make up for the long ass answer above, this one is short !! each server is different. some are vanilla minecraft, some origins, some have admin dream, some are superpowered, some hardcore, some peaceful. it all depends. the main universes i focus on — m!dream’s universe, and our canon one with c!diskduo — don’t have any superpowers, other than the fact m!dream has access to the multiverse through a glitch in the revive book.
c!wilbur has the power of knowledge. of foresight. the void showed him everything: it’s why he’s never allowed to come back to life. but for some reason, c!dream brought him back. and he intends to find out why — and make m!dream’s life a living hell in the process.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
heyy do you think you'd be able to do something with c!dream's son or gn child confronting him about all that he did? thankss
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
Ok, I'll tie this one with another similar request about "Daughter!Reader unaliving C!Dream"
So, I hope you enjoy <3
Child!Reader confronts C!Dream
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: DSMP finale spoilers & mentions of unaliving
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You've been spending month's talking to the people of the SMP and catching up on all the stuff your father had done to them
Obviously the ratio of "nice things" and "bad things" about Dream were very much unbalanced
Which made you speechless, cause you shared blood with that man you called "father"
Can you even call him that, you wondered
He had spent every living moment away from you, leaving you in the hand of his best friend Sapnap and his two struggling fiancée's
Not even once had he come to see you, talk to you, apologize for being away doing god knows what while his own child was alone
So, in hopes of getting your revenge, you started planning
If he was so fond of this stupid server, instead of his own child, then you had to take it away from him
Make him realize what he really had done and suffer as his precious SMP crumbled right infront of him
After hearing what Tommy and Tubbo had in plan for you father, knowing fully well that him and Punz were most likely 5 steps ahead of the clingy duo, you made your own moves
You made sure to be 10 steps ahead of Dream, strategizing a flawless plan with guaranteed victory in your favor
The moment the due entered the prison was when your plan took action
You joined them a bit later, after making sure that everything was set for the "big surprise"
As you looked down, you glared at the disgusting scene infornt of you
Dream talking about being friends with Tommy, after everything he had done to the poor child and the people in his own server
What a poor excuse of a man.
"It's too late for apologies, father." You said as the trio looked up at you
"Y/N.. what are you doing here?"
You chuckled "Why I'm here to join the party. You didn't think I'd be left out of your life forever now did you?"
The red sirens started going off right on cue, the trio panicking as a grin grew on your face
"What's going on? What did you do?!" Dream screamed, demanding answers.
The panic and fear in his voice was music to your ears, finally you got what you wanted.
You explained your plan in every single detail. How you researched abut him for months, how you fooled the clingy duo into coming here and how you and Jack used Tubbo's nukes to desteoy the server
"Are you stupid?!?" He panicked once more, but his cockiness pushed through one last time as a last act of confidence "How are you gonna get out of this alive, huh?"
You just smirked and pulled out a familiar statue from behind you... the totem of undying. A gift given to you by your good 'ol friend, Technoblade
"How does it feel dad?" You mocked, jumping in front of Dream "To lose everything you've been working so hard for. Do you feel Anger? Fear? Regret? Cause those are all emotions you put me though for my entire life since the moment I was born! And now I'll have the front row seats to you and your dear old server demise" Your laughter scared the Dream and Pun away, quickly in search of a way to escape
Tommy had already given up a while ago, already accepting his destiny
Turning towards the entrance you cane from, you left one last comment for your father to hear "Just like L'manburg..." you smirked
"It was never meant to be."
You relished as ypu watched the world around you blow up into pixels
Not once had the thought of other innocent people lives, who were now gonna be gonw with your father, cross your mind
It was pretty selfish of you
Maybe you really were your father's child
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Top 5 quckity moments??????
I assume you mean c!Quackity?
5. His conversation with c!Bad after being taken to the Egg. From c!Karl's message being the thing to snap him out of his stupor, to the sheer panic in his voice, to his declaration that he indeed wants power but never at anyone or anything else's behest, to him desperately trying to reason with c!Bad, to his insistence that they can use the Egg for good (???)... GOD it makes my brain do jumping jacks
4. Okay. We all know about c!Schlatt's funeral. We all know about the cannibalism. And I almost put that here, too (so consider it an honorable mention). But I don't think enough attention is paid to him trying to bring Schlatt to life for "political reasons" immediately afterward. Oh, this little bastard and his complicated grieving processes...
3. I could honestly fill this whole list with only scenes from the Manberg arc, but I'll highlight Plan Ass specifically as an S-tier c!Quackity moment. He went back to negotiate with and swindle the man he was scared would kill him (while allegedly pregnant with his child!) all to dissuade c!Wilbur from sending the country he loved up in flames...
2. Much like Manberg, all of Doomsday could go here (for him, at least. My feelings about the event itself are... somewhat more ambivalent). Him singing the anthem and remembering the second verse, him asking c!Niki what's wrong and trying to persuade her to help, his incandescent hatred for c!Dream, "SaPnAp HoLd Me I'm ScArEd..."
But my favorite part without a doubt is his pre-battle turnaround. Man was so close to getting the hell outta dodge, but he was persuaded to return by the words of someone he wanted to execute only 24 hours prior. Then, he spent half the battle trying to return the book. And THEN, after all was said and done, he reached out to that person as a possible ally. Where are my boober friends to talk about this with me PLEASE-
Also, "let the horse run free" still makes me tear up a little. He loved that bag of bones so much. It was a reminder of happier times...
1. The entire day's events of September 14, 2021. On the same day he tried to torture two men to death, he jumped into lava without hesitation to save his best friend's life. And both times, they slipped away from his grasp.
If that doesn't neatly summarize his character and the reasons I love him, I don't know what does.
Honorable mention: every possible variation of the scene I made up in my head of c!Fundy leaving Las Nevadas and c!Quackity not killing him despite the contract's threats
Honorable honorable mention: that one six-hour c!Foolish stream I'm fucking obsessed with. That's a better c!Foolish moment, though. So that's another potential ask at least partially filled out
Honorable honorable honorable mention (hey he's my specialest guy don't @ me): literally every time he's ever interacted with c!Tommy or c!Tubbo
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thedroloisms · 2 months
the video and fallout hurt and it wasn't all his fault because clearly dream lashed out really hard there too.
It was his fault because he could have just. not made that video 🙏🏽 purposefully putting the words dream desperately spoke into the void into quackitys mouth to make dream look fucking insane comes across as pretty malicious to me. also, why are people so set on tommy wanting to reconcile with dteam? because he farmed clout off sapnap whilst at a creator event? I reckon he’s fine as is 😭
Any thoughtless joke could’ve just Not Been Made, but then it wouldn’t be characterized with being thoughtless, would it. Idk what to say, I think that you’re entitled to being pissed at Tommy yourself if you think the joke crossed a line for you and if you think Tommy’s sense of humor is consistently ass, that’s a fair judgement that you can make. But I’m not gonna sit here and claim that Tommy’s joke in his irony video where he repeatedly makes a fool of himself in front of the camera in skits where he played Philza as an egotistical rapper that fucks bitches and thinks he’s a god and Mr. Beast as a selfish prick who screams at someone for asking for money when he doesn’t have a camera on him to film it for views as being the video with The Worst Joke about Dream like the entirety of the // tommy neg era didn’t exist. You’re entitled to take that video as a serious proclamation all you want; I can’t and won’t stop you. But it’s also just as if not more understandable to think that Tommy has had a long standing trend of making thoughtless jokes about Dream and any prior being upset about this that Dream might’ve been harboring simply simmered over when Tommy made another stupid joke and hit a very sore spot, or to just straight up dislike how Tommy kept joking about Dream in that manner or what have you.
Idk Dream himself has stated he wants to reconcile with Tommy lmao I think people just hope the best for them and their relationship? “Farmed clout” is a funny way of saying it too when the c!inniters have been more active than ever and riot when Tommy doesn’t keep away from the Bad People (tm) and isn’t under their control.
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You mentioned Hubert in the Sir billiam the 3rd post like once, is he still undead in this au? And are Sir Billiam and Techno related at all in this au, or they completely just like, two random half(?) orcs, no relation? Cause like in noir au you made them Nephew and Uncle (I think) so I was wondering if you did something similar here or if they're completely unrelated?
And like I'm assuming the mascarade arc is based on the masquerade stream give the whole Sir Billiam thing so is Karl there? And on a following note, just in general what the heck is up with Karl, you've mentioned him a bit but not very much I am very interested in how you are translating him into dnd au
That's about it for now c:
Hehehehe yes yeeeeees some Masquerade Arc Questions :3
1. Hubert and Ranbutler are gonna be very interesting in this au. For Hubert he is a Shadar Kai Fey Wanderer Ranger! Shadar Kai are very fun— since they are elves that are between life and death! So he wouldn’t be *undead*, but he would be something that’s for sure!
Especially since the Egg is influencing him :3 (The Egg is the reason he is that specific ranger-)
But he’s very scary, one of Billiam’s closest servants and would kill someone if needed but hides it with polite smiles and being obedient.
Ranbutler would be a Half Elf Rogue Assassin! Hes- silent. A lot of the time unless he talks but is very loyal to Sir Billiam, even though he treats him horribly. He doesn’t remember where he used to live at, but he knew it was somewhere in a more rustic area of the Badlands and that’s it. It’s been a while for him since he was taken during the war.
Billiam and Hubert have been in this world for a long time while Ranbutler is still new to everything basically!
2. Billiam and Techno are related! The way I’m framing it is that Billiam is probably a distant relative of his that Techno thought honestly died long ago (but then again Techno lived longer than he should too due to The Blood God’s Blessing) but he honestly never thought much of Billiam. He’s heard bits about him way back and was just like “yeah that guy sucks” bc well- he’s a rich pompous bastard HDJDDJ
The reason I wanted to make them related in the au is to show like how different these two are— especially bc Techno could have easily became Billiam since Techno was chosen that path but he decided to be his own guy. And even though they’re different Dream especially sees key differences- like even though Billiam is a half orc he sees stuff that reminds him of Techno.
3. Yes! The Masquerade Arc is based on the Tales Stream! The same for the Pit arc too! The way how it goes would be different actually! This would be a way for the Party to prove their trust to the Kinoko Kingdom— King George asks them to assist their Grand Wizard Karl with a problem and Karl explains to them that this masquerade party he went to years ago had some very weird shit in it and he heard it’s been happening ever since still- and he basically forges them invited and tells the party to go in and figure out what’s really happening since he doesn’t know what he saw was real or not. And once they complete that mission then Karl can help them get on Sapnap and George’s good graces!
That doesn’t mean some characters from the initial masquerade won’t show up as some.. interesting guests after all ;)
4. I am so glad you asked about Karl bc he is my favorite. Karl is a “Winter” Eladrin Chronurgy Wizard!
Eladrin are very fun for me bc they change by the seasons from how they are emotionally as well as just in general— but he would be a winter one due to how well- detached he is. Detached and lost.
Karl is basically a very powerful time wizard who was trying to help make things not go to shit during the war time wise. Even though Dream had nothing to do with messing with time magic, some of the wild magic during the war was getting intense and fucking with time itself so Karl had to go back in time and do missions on his own to prevent it from happening.
He originally was a Fall Eladrin actually! But then over time the more he was doing what he needed to do he was becoming forgetful and became well- the Karl everyone knows now.
He’s still nice! He’s just— spacey and not trusting. He has an archive of all his adventures and what happened as well as other journals but he doesn’t like to read them since they don’t feel real. He never leaves his tower in Kinoko Kingdom and Sapnap has to check up on him constantly.
Him, Quackity and Sapnap used to be together right after the war but a year before the whole story began with Cala they had a messy fight since Karl didn’t remember Quackity at all and Quackity wasn’t in the right headspace.
Karl and Sapnap are still together but it’s- distant. Very distant.
He’s just a very secluded wizard in the tower who’s scared that if he goes out he’ll lose whatever memories he has left.
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Cold Nights And Fox Friends
Word Count: 1,432
TW's: Accidental Fearplay, Intentional Fearplay (brief), Mentions Of Death (brief), Referring To Someone As "It" (also brief)
Characters: C!Dream, C!George, C!Sapnap
Summary: Dream gets caught out in a winter storm and needs a place to stay for the night. He finds a place, alright. It's just not as...vacant as he'd hoped.
Cold fic! Everyone stay warm for the holidays! <3
Dream was so cold. So cold that he couldn't even feel the white, icy matter pressed against his skin as he shuffled through the waist-high snow. He gave his numb wings another pitiful flap before allowing them to droop back down behind him. No dice. His eyes scanned the wintry landscape around him. The snow left a fuzzy, white blur over his vision. Of all the times to get kicked out of his place, why'd it have to be on the night of a blizzard?
If he squinted, he could just barely make out what the more cynical part of him was apt to brush off as a mirage. There was no way he could have stumbled across a live fire in the middle of nowhere, was there? He approached with a cautious spark of hope igniting in his chest. It was quite possibly the only thing keeping his legs moving.
He dared to shuffle ever closer. A cave. He wasn't very fond of caves. Too many predators made their homes in there. However, he was far more fond of caves than the whipping, wintry winds slashing away at his skin.
He hardly even hesitated as he stepped up to the mouth of the cave-a decision it didn't take long for him to regret. The instant his foot touched the stone, it was quite clear that the fire hadn't miraculously appeared there by some act of God. Rather, it was made.
Made by two beasts who laid there bathing in the heat given off by the flickering flames. Dream retreated back a step. Maybe he would have better chances of surviving out there in the cold. In the end, the decision was made for him. The wind had shoved him onward and covered up his tracks to ensure he'd only succeed in losing his way if he tried to set out once again.
He swallowed thickly. He carefully approached the burning logs with his head on a swivel. With any luck, the pair of canines would remain lost in their peaceful slumber and he could simply leave either when his wings thawed or the storm subsided. Whichever came first.
Unfortunately, there was one thing Dream forgot. He would consider himself many things. Strong, swift, cunning. What he never considered himself was lucky. And with no random bout of fortune on his side, he soon found himself trapped in an intense, amber gaze.
The fox lifted its head slowly, pointed ears aimed directly at him. It let out a soft snarl. Its snow white companion stirred but never woke. The fox's eyes never left Dream as it growled a little louder. Hardly even a twitch from the other. It almost seemed to roll its eyes before letting out a sharp bark that ricocheted off the cave walls, echoing straight back into Dream's ears. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who heard it.
The white fox's head snapped up. Its blue eyes were narrowed as it glared at its orange counterpart. It wasn't long before both predatory gazes found their way to Dream. He raised his hands up placatingly. Obviously they were intelligent enough to build a fire so maybe they were intelligent enough to hold a conversation?
"Um, h-hi," he greeted them sheepishly. It was a bit hard to fit words around his relentlessly chattering teeth. "Great weather, huh?"
The white beast seemed wholly unamused. It continued to glower at him with the intensity of a thousand suns, daring Dream to continue rambling just so it had a good reason to do away with him. The sparrow sighed.
"Look, I promise I'll be out of your fur as soon as I can. It's just really c-cold out there and I can't even see my hand in front of my face. P-please I would be b-b-beyond grateful if you let me stay."
He offered the pair the most charming smile he could muster. The corners of his lips spasmed with even the slightest movement.
The pair of foxes exchanged a long glance with one another. The conversation was silent, practically telepathic. The only indication of deliberation was in the subtle twitches of their faces. Ultimately, the orange fox's pleading puppy dog eyes seemed to win the argument.
The two nodded in unison. The platinum fox's head dropped back down atop its paws while the other turned to look to Dream. The nod was brief but it was all he needed.
He let out a sigh of relief, practically melting beside the fire.
"Th-thanks," he muttered. He curled up as tightly as possible, hugging his knees close to his chest. The heat was heavenly once he actually began to feel it. The radiation gradually worked its way up to his skin to gradually thaw the parts of him that were frozen solid.
He dared to shut his eyes just to soak in every second of bliss. He was so engulfed in the heat that he failed to notice the click of claws against stone behind him. The fuzzy warmth wrapping around him nearly startled the soul straight out of his body. He sat bolt upright with a gasp, gawking at the orange fur encircling him.
He traced the tail back to its owner, who only laid there drowsily gazing at him, oblivious to the heart attack it had nearly just caused. There was a soft sigh from behind him.
"Don't touch that thing, Sapnap," a drowsy voice chastised. Dream whirled around to find an almost human boy reclining by the fire. If the blue eyes weren't enough of a clue as to who this was, the white, triangular ears atop his head surely did the trick.
A shifter. Just like Dream.
The boy managed to convey just as much irritation in his shifted form as his animal form. Bored eyes squinted down at Dream, his lip curling ever so slightly in disgust.
"Oh, come on."
Dream's hair stood on end at the sound of the second voice far too close for comfort. He dared to pivot on his heel to find yet another shifter towering over him.
"Look at how cute he is!" the second shifter cooed.
"He won't be as cute when he gives you the plague," the platinum-haired shifter was quick to point out.
"Birds don't carry the plague."
"Everything carries the plague, idiot!"
Dream nearly got whiplash from keeping his attention divided between the bickering pair.
"Uh...I don't feel sick," the sparrow interjected. He immediately regretted saying anything at all. The two stared at him. For just a moment, he wondered if they were thinking about tossing him out on his rear just for having the audacity to talk to them.
A hard pressure gently ruffled the mess of golden locks atop his head. He flinched away from the touch but it seemed to follow him.
"See, George, he's the picture of health."
The white-haired shifter-George, Dream presumed-scoffed.
"If I told you I was dead, you'd start mourning," George retorted.
Dream chuckled, cutting his own laugh off abruptly when George's focus sliced back to him. The fox shifter didn't seem quite as cross with him as before, tight expression going slightly slack.
"But I guess he can stay," George grumbled, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from the small shifter. He turned over on his side. In a blink, the human-ish boy was no more. In his stead lay a fox that Dream would almost assume was already fast asleep if he didn't know any better. Sapnap giggled.
He finally removed the blunt of his claw from Dream's head, opting to trace a line up and down Dream's arm with it instead.
"He likes you," Sapnap remarked quietly.
"That was him liking me?" Dream demanded, matching the fox's volume. "I'd hate to see what he does to people he doesn't like."
Sapnap only tittered. He pulled his hand away all at once. Dream nearly toppled over, mortified to realize he'd been leaning into the soft touch to the point that he was using it to keep him upright. Sapnap's head tilted skyward. His mouth opened wide as he showed off each and every sharp canine the size of Dream's head.
Dream gave into the contagious nature of the yawn. When he opened his eyes, the orange fox had returned. Its heavy eyelids fluttered shut. Dream followed suit not long after, bracing his arm beneath his head as he laid down on the cool, cave floor.
An orange tail coiled loosely around him. And maybe this wasn't the safest place for Dream to spend the night but in that moment, he'd never felt warmer.
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localsharkcryptid · 5 months
For the bingo, c!Dteam. Sapnap, George, and Dream
Ah the full trio let's GO! All these are color coded as well cause I CAN
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George, good ol goggy, I can't say I have too many thoughts about him alone (my xdnf/XD thoughts are for another day cause OH BOY) but I do absolutely love the hardcore mushroom aesthetic. In general I don't have a set design for him yet in my mind but the options are plentiful and FUN, though usually I take my buddy moff's route and go for a mooshroom vibe. I do think he's a interesting character though I'm just not as well versed with him. ^^
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Sapnap my beloved little idiot, I'm very partial to him cause of my own design thoughts (which are pretty average/stereotypical but I do give him a fun blade tail :]) and headcanons but personally I think Sap's lore is VERY underappreciated!! It's really good and has a very interesting progression too it that feels very realistic for what all goes down in the end!!! He's a guy who's so often caught in the middle of personal conflicts and god it's interesting, also don't even get me started on him and Punz being narrative foils to eachother cause MMM GOOD SHIT. Also he's fuckin stupid/pos for making the death pact with XD, going off of the death pact rules the real reason Sapnap finale didn't happen was because of Dream & Punz testing the revival book, the MOMENT Dream lost his final life man just dropped dead. Great job guys.
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And last but not least, the most controversial one of them all, Dreammmm!!! My view of this guy has done a full 180 since I joined the fandom (thanks dreblr) and I can truthfully say that I love his character these days! I think there's so much to be done with the fact that we never see his pov and how he's written that's so underutilized. He's an insanely compex character and honestly it's now a red flag for me if I see people just not even try to characterize him with any form of complexity. There's sooo much going on with him and he deserves so much better in terms of fandom treatment. Also in general his character is so fuckin INTERESTING with his like psychology and how he thinks, his overarching story is so so good.
My personal design for him is a chimera, he has feline, mammal and serpentine traits in my mind for a fun best of all world type of design - and one that inherently plays into how he's often viewed within the story from the other characters (ya know unbeatable monster and all that shit - not unlike the nature of The Chimera, though in Dream's case it is very much a facade). I still don't actually know what his smile mask looks like with my design but eh I'll get to it eventually! Also for a silly headcanon I will share, I have the idea that post prison arc he has a little Siamese cat named Boots for company, who will also be getting his own post cause boots means soooo much to me.
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