#can he kill more vampires this season? as a treat? (to me)
angelthemanspanker · 7 months
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics like you described genuinely put me off Buffy fandom for years, it was absolutely everywhere, in Spuffy fics, in faith/buffy fics, it felt like I couldn't read a fic without the obligatory 'Buffy apologises to whoever the fuck for being so mean' and I just stopped, it was so baffling
For real its so weirdly pervasive. It genuinely blows my mind bc I totally get the urge to use your fic to call out a character/plot point you don't like, more power to you. Like I'm constantly imagining rewrites of the scenes where Xander is at his most insufferable but no one in-show is verbalising obvious holes in his bullshit (my big one is that besides a one off line from Buffy that everyone in the show ignores and a DELETED line from Giles is that NO ONE calls him on his absolutely infuriating "I was jealous of Angel being with the girl I like and I'm gonna have the gall to pretend it was bc I saw him turning evil coming" BULLSHIT)
But like. Buffy? You came out of this show and the person you had beef with and want to call out is BUFFY? THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? The protagonist of all time? Bc she's mean sometimes :( people try to apologise for trying to kill her and she's so unsympathetic :( she carries out her responsibility as the Slayer whether she wants to or not even if the person she's targeting is a character I like :( why won't she apologise. why won't she apologise. why does she insist on taking up space. why can't she just be nice all the time. yes my ao3 tag is princessspuffy why do you ask. yeah I know their relationship is abusive but I think Spike would forgive her :)
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inmyhorrorsera · 1 year
S5E5 "Local News" thoughts
Vampires being scared of the dumbest shit and making a situation worse than actually is ("Brain Scramblies", "The Curse") its one my favorites recurring plots.
This one doesn't top "The Curse", but it's not a fair comparison considering S2E4 is probably one of the best episodes this show have ever made.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that Guillermo is so caught up in his own drama that he forgets his mother's literal birthday!! I also love when the show remind us that he can be selfish and scummy and not the poor innocent angel some of yall wanted him to be for whatever reason.
I repeat my love for Colin making all these traps to defend their lives. It's so refreshing seeing him being part of the group and not the typical "the vampires are crazy and Colin rolls his eyes at their stupidity".
Guillermo's mom with her best intentions placing the crucifix necklace on him who cant tell her how much it hurts: something something catholic son who was afraid of coming out for 30 years and now he has another (worse) secret that he's afraid to share something something.
I miss when Laszlo and Nadja were always on the same page. Saying that I NEED to see better pics of Laszlo's plans he had scattered all over the room.
Biggest laugh of the night: The dolly suddenly having blonde hair too (i have the stupidest sense of humor).
One-sided Guidja real.
So Nandor IS upset at Guillermo not being there to prevent him of doing stupid shit. The smallest nandermo crumb so I can't die of hunger.
I love that the Guide had tv lady as a snack, one win for my lesbian loser.
Here's the thing: I don't feel that bad for Guillermo. Honey, you wanted this. You chose to become a vampire. You actively seek it. Even your "friend" with +500 years of vampiric experience told you it isn't that great of an existence but you ignored it and continued to wanting this and rushed behind the back of your friends and family to become one. So… reap, sow, etc, etc.
I miss his cool vampire slayer era, this season his role has been mostly "being anxious".
I know its tv budget, but those CGI traps and balls of fire looked so bad 😭
Anyway, where's the Djinn??
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heliza24 · 7 months
I want to talk a little bit about Daniel in the Interview with the Vampire show, because the new trailer material has me stuck thinking about him, and also I’ve never written about how meaningful he is as disabled character to me before.
I don’t see many people thinking about show!Daniel in these terms, but he’s a canon disabled character. And I think the way he is written is just SO good. The acerbic wit, his relationship to doctors and his medication, his rueful acceptance of the way his disability has changed him. It is all so correct!! It’s really incredibly rare to have not only a disabled character written this well but specifically a chronically ill character written this well. His illness is always present; it doesn’t get forgotten about by the story. It gives Daniel insight into the vampires (more on this in a min), but it also gives Louis and Armand leverage over him. When Louis triggers his Parkinson’s symptoms? Deeply not ok. But that’s what made it such a great scene, and really made Louis feel dangerous and threateningin that moment. Armand and Louis arranging Daniel’s meds is a sign of great care and also great power over Daniel. It’s the perfect way to communicate the complicated power dynamic in their relationship.
I also just fucking love that this show takes place in 2022 and doesn’t erase the pandemic. Covid is a very present concern for Daniel and I cannot describe how validating that is for me as someone who is clinically vulnerable to Covid and who has had to really limit my life and take a lot of precautions because everyone else has decided to stop caring whether they pass on Covid or not. The fact that Daniel gets on a plane to Dubai is a BIG DEAL. He’s risking his life to talk to Louis and Armand before he’s even in the room with them. He really wants to be there. I have to make a similar calculation every time I travel, and trust me, getting on that plane knowing getting sick could spiral you into even worse health or kill you is really hard.
I think making Daniel disabled and including the pandemic is kind of a genius level decision on a thematic level. Of course Daniel is now facing down his mortality, which gives him a whole new lens on the vampires and the fact that he once asked them to turn him. And the pandemic further highlights his fragility, and is also possibly being used as a cover for drama that’s happening in the vampire world. But I think it also really sets Daniel up as a foil to Louis.
There’s a lot of analysis of the vampire chronicles that reads vampirism as a metaphor for queerness. But I would actually propose that it’s a much neater parallel for disability and illness in a lot of ways. So many of Louis’s initial experiences after being turned resonated with me, as someone who became chronically ill in my 20s. My appetite and relationship to food completely changed, much like Louis. My relationship with the outdoors and the sun changed, because of dysautonomia and allergy reasons. I was very mad, and very depressed, and I too have missed out on birthday parties and big life events like Louis did because I was too sick to go. Hell, you can even say that the way that Louis is treated as evil by his family, that the way vampires literally can’t be a part of society during the day, is reminiscent of ableist exclusion and ugly laws. (Ugly laws were laws that forbid disabled people, especially those with visible differences, from being out in public, and they were on the books in many American municipalities until the 1970s.) You can look at Lestat being an out and proud vampire in the first few episodes on the season and imploring Louis to leave his shame behind as a queer thing, but you can also view it as a disabled thing. Disabled people are portrayed as monstrous so often (and in a way that has gone relatively unexamined compared to say, the queer coded villain trope) that sometimes it’s just easier to embrace that label: I’m the monstrous Crip, but at least I’m not ashamed of or disgusted by who I am anymore.
I do think the real strength of this adaptation is that while you can find parallels between queerness or disability or other forms of marginalization with vampirism, ultimately it’s not a one-to-one parallel. It speaks to the real world but ultimately it is a gothic horror story about supernatural monsters. So I don’t mean to say that vampirism directly equals disability, because it does not. But I do think that making Daniel disabled was an intentional choice to help draw out some of those parallels, and I think the text is richer for it.
So Louis and Daniel have had these kind of parallel experiences of uncontrollable and difficult things happening to their bodies. It sets them up perfectly as foils, and even, I would argue, as the A plot and B Plot protagonists. This is one of my favorite ways of kind of examining the structure of a TV show (or maybe it’s that most of my favorite shows seem to be structured this way?). When TV was all episodic, it would be common to refer to the A plot (mystery of the week), B plot (interpersonal drama happening as the mystery gets solved) and C plot (any overarching plot tying the season together) in an episode. Now that stuff is serialized, there’s often a main protagonist, who has the main dramatic question and the most agency, and then there is often a secondary B plot that explores similar themes and mirrors the A plot, or presents a second main character who is the ldifferent side of the same coin” to the main protagonist. (My favorite example of this is Flint and Max in Black Sails, and I’ve also made the argument that Wilhelm and Sara fit this pattern in Young Royals.) In IwtV, Louis is obviously the main protagonist of the show, especially in the A Plot, which is the stuff taking place in New Orleans/Paris. But I would argue that Daniel is the protagonist of the B Plot set in Dubai. At the very least they’re intentionally set up as mirrors of each other:
They are both unreliable narrators, who are struggling with the way memory contorts (through memory erasure, illness, deliberate obfuscations, and just the passage of time). The most recent teaser trailer, where we hear Louis saying “I don’t remember that”, with panic in his voice, further underlined this similarity between Louis and Daniel to me. I don’t know if it means that Louis has also had his memory tampered with, as I’m assuming Daniel has, but I do think it means that Louis is going to be struggling with feeling out of control of his own narrative more in season 2, a thing that was already starting for Daniel in season 1.
They are also both locked into power struggles with people more powerful than they are. The fact that Louis is under Lestat in the flashbacks and above Daniel in the Dubai scenes in terms of power/status makes it all the more interesting. And, if we want to go ahead and assume that the Devils Minion’s years have happened in the past by the time we get to Dubai— it’s possible that both Daniel and Louis are united in being the less powerful partner in their own respective fucked up gothic romances.
They’re also both the audience’s entry point into their respective stories. Louis’s narration guides us into the world of vampires. Daniel’s questioning satisfies our human curiosity in Dubai.
I think one of the things that makes the show so special is the way that these two protagonists interact. In a lot of shows the a plot and the b plot stay pretty separate. I love talking about Black Sails for this because I think it’s such a good example; Flint and Max never exchange dialogue the entire show, even though they’re so clearly affecting each other the whole time. But the way that Louis and Daniel clash in Dubai is so exciting. We see them both wrestling for control of the narrative. It’s thrilling to watch and it just hammers home the theme of how complicated and changeable stories can be.
I am SO excited to see how the Dubai scenes play out in season 2 because of it. I really can’t wait. I’m really hoping we’ll see Daniel and Louis’s relationship evolve in surprising ways, and I’m holding my breath that we’ll get a lot of Armandaniel material to work with. (I have a whole other post drafted that’s much less smart than this one and is just me waxing poetic about Devil Minion’s theories which I may post at some point. You have been warned.)
I do have two wishes for Daniel in the new season, and they’re 1: that he gets to have romance/sex, because disabled (and older!) characters are so often seen as unworthy of being desired, and I would like to see that challenged and 2: that he continues to refuse to be turned/is not offered a vampiric cure for Parkinson’s. The magic cure for a disability or chronic illness is probably my least favorite disability trope, because it serves to erase disabled characters and representation from the narrative, and I want to see my experiences continue to be reflected in Daniel’s. That means that whatever ending Daniel’s story has will probably have at least a bit of tragedy baked into it, but I’m ok with that.
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This doesn’t get a title because I’m confused
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Disclaimers: The only character I own is the reader insert!
Author’s Notes: I think I got possessed, I don’t even like Sam 😭 like in the slightest 😭
But pretend season 8ish Sam has season 2-3’s hair for the sake of that’s the season I’m on lol.
Icons by @gosling-girlx !! She’s a genius!
Anyway, all notes are appreciated!
Content/Content Warnings: 18+ ONLY! Minors do not interact, this is NOT for you.
This fic is extremely spicy, sort of can’t-stand-each-other sex. Reader’s AFAB & uses she/her pronouns, only physical description is of her being shorter than Sam. There’s oral (both m and f receiving) and unprotected piv which frankly only exists in the books- wrap it before you tap it!! Oh also they’re both pretty mean to each other… you’ll see.
Again, I think I got possessed when I made it-I sincerely can’t stand him- but hope you enjoy it!
**************************************************** Working with the Winchester Brothers is a gig like no other. Cas and I are more tagalongs in the operation these days, Cas demoted to resident healer and I to stay at home mom, apparently.
One accident (authors note: one possession & a year long recovery for a spinal injury retained from said possession) had apparently rendered me useless to the boys. It’s not all bad- I’m relatively close with the older one, Dean, since we’re both hoes for a good time and good movies/music. And before the accident, I was happy to kill evil sons-of-bitches with Dean any day of the week.
And of course, Castiel is a right sweetheart- showing him new human things is the sweetest experience in the whole wide world.
But you know what ruins the laughs and the nice moments? The younger brother. Sam “Little Shit” Winchester.
I don’t know how he found himself upon the moral pedestal he crafted for himself, but lord I want to remove his kneecaps and slap him with them. Little baby giraffe looking shit.
I don’t like the way he acts, plain and simple. Between the way that he treats Dean and the way that he talks so condescendingly to me- I’m about two seconds from starting a fight every time we’re in a room together for too long. He seems to feel the same way. It’s helpful in a hunt- both of us are smart enough to concentrate that anger towards our monster of the week instead of each other in the field- but now, when there’s no field to take the anger out on? Dean’s had to break up at least 3 almost-fights, and I’ve only been back on my feet for a couple months.
The boys looked especially pissy coming home today- they’d grumbled something about a “stupid fucking vampire bitch,” and went their separate ways, Sam to the med bay and Cas trailing Dean like a golden retriever.
Great. Looks like I’m on Douchebag Duty.
“What’s your problem?” Sam snaps as I tug the thread on his stitches a little too roughly.
“My problem, you dick? I’m the one that’s stitching you up right now, why don’t I just let you bleed out?” I retort, yanking on the surgical needle with the string attached to a particularly nasty cut on his upper arm. Cut’s an understatement- it’s really a bullet wound. I’m just too proud to have pity for the jackass.
“Yeah, your problem!”
I set down the needle at that, my fists clenched at my sides. “You’re a whiny little bitch who can’t sit still and shut the fuck up for two minutes! That’s my problem.”
“I think you’re a little too high and mighty there, princess,” he scowls, standing up to full height, presumably so that he can use his stature to literally look down at me.
“Yeah? Look who’s talking, Mr Morals,” I seethe, staring up at him. I snatch the needle, on my tiptoes, and hastily finish the stitching on his scar, while standing up.
“Out,” I spit as I cut the thread.
“No,” he retorts, glancing down at me through long lashes and stupidly overgrown bangs.
“What? Is five minutes away from your big head too much to ask?” my hands are on my hips. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of staring up at him, so I stare at whatever’s eye level. He’s wearing a bloodied white tank top, which is not doing much for the whole vibe we’ve got going on right now.
He bites his lower lip, still looking down through his annoyingly long lashes. And my dumb ass is attracted to it, apparently.
“Get. Out,” I say, anger laced in my words.
“No,” he says through clenched teeth. I start to turn away, as if giving up, before pulling a Dean Winchester and turning back around on my heel, punching him in the abdomen. He grunts, keeling over. “Ow!”
“You should’ve listened, you ass,” I say, looking down at him. He looks pathetic, his eyes gone wide and pretty in pain. I shouldn’t be into this, not one bit.
Keeled over, Sam is at eye level. Our gazes lock, his hazel eyes boring holes into mine, searching for something. I don’t dare waver, looking back at him with just as much intensity until he surprises me, leaning in and crashing his lips to mine. He roughly grabs my face, holding me close as he forces his tongue into my mouth, exploring. I hate how easily I give him access, I hate the way I let out a gasp against my will. By the time he pulls away I’m already leaning back in. He smirks, humoring me for one more kiss.
“How do you like me now?” he says cockily, lips plush and pink from the kisses, hazel eyes blown out by lust.
“I don’t,” I mutter, pushing him back so that he’s forced to sit on the med bay bed. His legs are spread wide, and of course I fit perfectly between them, much to my distaste. I kiss his jawline, using mostly my teeth so that it scratches as I go, especially once I start on his neck, biting and sucking dark marks everywhere I see fit. He’s into it, little breathy whimpers further fueling my unfortunate attraction to him.
“Take off your shirt,” I tell him, stepping back and smirking at how this time he leans into my touch instead of the other way around. He thoughtlessly pulls the hem of the ruined fabric over his head, throwing it to the side, exposing an obnoxiously fit physique and an anti possession tattoo. There’s little scars everywhere, and something deep down urges me to kiss every single one of them, but that can be later.
“Take off yours,” he tells me.
“Why?” I ask, trying to play smart.
“Cause if I have to be shirtless you do too,” he says.
“Says who?”
“Says me.”
“Better think of a better retort next time, Winchester,” I say as I take off the oversized concert tee I had been wearing.
“Bra too,” he orders, cocking his head to the side as he looks me over.
“Who made you the boss?” I ask, already unclasping my bra.
“I did,” he says, far too cocksure.
“We’ll see about that,” I grin, letting the lacy fabric fall to the ground as I lean in to kiss his damnable hot mouth. This time I take control, taking pride in the little noises he makes.
“I’m gonna suck your dick,” I say crudely, not bothering with pleasantries.
“Go right on ahead,” and I can tell there was meant to be spite behind those words, but it quickly fades away into sighs as I start kissing down his pecs, his abs, lightly scratching anywhere I can find with my nails. I hate how hot the heat between my thighs is, but at this point, I can’t help it, especially as I sink to my knees, nose perfectly level with his crotch.
I take his belt into my hands, grazing over the obvious tent that lies underneath it. He throws his head back at that, biting back a curse.
“What’s the matter Sammy?” I tease.
“Shut up,” he grumble, words morphing into a proper moan as I graze over the tent again.
“Uh huh,” I agree, tugging off his leather belt and yanking down the zipper of his jeans.
“Boxers? I had taken you for a ‘Tighty Whities’ girl, Sammy,” I mused, doing my best to work him up even more.
“Sto-,” he starts, immediately losing his words as I free his cock from his confines, pulling his boxers down to his knees.
You know, just cause a guy’s a big guy doesn’t always mean that everything’s proportionate. Sam’s six foot five-ish, long and lanky with lean muscle. And naturally, because everything about him is meant to spite me, his dick also fits the physical bill. My mouth waters, and the only prospect that excites my overly-horny self more than having it in my mouth is having it in my slick soaked pussy. And I will, if I have anything to say about it.
“Oh Sammy, you’re a big boy, huh,” I taunt, running a hand up and down his shaft slowly. He moans in agreement, no more fight left in him. It’s too easy.
I let go of it, ignoring the bead of pre cum leaking down as I move to kiss his thighs, grazing my teeth on them like I did on his neck. He seems to like it, legs moving in towards my mouth. Finally I move my mouth towards where he obviously wants me most, rubbing the bead over his tip with my thumb. I’m a little wary about taking the whole thing, but I’m sure as hell going to try.
I start simple, kitten lips around the base, licking a long stripe up the underside before wrapping my lips around the head, and he moans, a little too loudly. I brace my hands on his thighs before taking a deep breath through my nose and forcing myself down far enough that my nose is touching neatly trimmed hair. Thankfully my gag reflex is still gone-it’s been a minute- as I hold him there for a moment, before starting to bob my head up and down, testing the waters. He whimpers and whines, and it’s pathetic, and I’m far too into it, unable to do much else than keep up my ministrations.
One of his big hands find the back of my head, fingers weaving into my hair. I don’t think he does so with intent of forcing me to move, but the idea is so hot that I lock eyes with him with my mouth on his cock.
“What? You want me to fuck your mouth?” he asks, panting. And once he says it out loud I get impossibly wetter, and I moan yes, unable to nod at all with him buried as far as he’ll go.
“Damn, you’re a slut,” he grins, and I moan in agreement before he starts moving my head slowly. Forward and back, forward and back, before I lock eyes with him and he gets the hint to take it harder, hips starting to thrust meeting my throat as his hands push. I just keep sucking, doing my best not to choke as involuntary tears leak out. But it doesn’t hurt, not at all. If anything I’m just doing all I can to not start rubbing on my own sensitive spots.
Before I know it his whimpers get louder and his whines get needier, and he grits out “I- I’m going to-“
So I release him with a pop, taking a hand and rubbing up and down his length furiously before he bursts. Once he does, with the most pathetic whimper yet, I get my mouth right back on him, taking every drop of his hot release down my throat. When he’s done I stay there, opening his mouth so he can see that there’s nothing there.
“God, you’re such a slut,” he mutters, echoing what he said before as he catches his breath and pulls me up by the hair- gently.
I shrug cockily, moving back as he stands up.
“Strip and have a seat,” he lazily demands as he puts his perfect cock away.
I roll my eyes but comply, taking off my remaining clothes so that I’m left in all my glory.
“You’re gorgeous, y’know that?” he compliments, a moment of tenderness as he crowds me against the bed so that I’ll take a seat. I blush, letting him hoist me up so that my ass is on the edge of the dinghy bed. “My turn,” he grumbles, voice low and hot against the column of my neck. He’s even rougher than I was, nipping at every square inch of skin that he meets, sucking dark marks down the side of my neck and over the tops of my breasts. I’m like a bitch in heat, responding to every touch in ways I can’t control- pornographic moans, leaning into his touch. He’s pulling on my hair to give himself more access, and I’m starting to worry that I’m soaking the bed. His mouth continues to work wonders, especially as he travels southwards, playing with my breasts.
He’s mean, outright biting the one and pinching the other, and it’s just what I need. I tangle my hands into his annoyingly long hair and tugging, not missing the way he moans into my chest.
Finally, finally, he gets down on his knees. He rests his chin on the bed, breath heavy on my heat. The sight of his head pillowed on my thighs as he looks up at me with those puppy dog, blown out eyes is enough to get me to come on the spot.
“This all f’me, princess?” he asks roughly, collecting some of the gratuitous wetness on two long, thick fingers.
“N-no,” I stammer, clutching his hair tighter. He bites back his moan in favor of a smug grin.
“N-no,” he mocks, turning to the side to bite the inside of my thigh, and I whine. “Uh huh, that’s what I thought.” His nose is eye level with my clit, and the only warning I get before he dives into my pussy is a small smirk that meets his hazel eyes.
He moans in between my thighs, setting my entire body on fire. I try to wiggle away from him, but it only takes one big, strong hand to hold my hips in place as he fucks his tongue into me, his nose rubbing on my puffy clit. It’s wet and it’s gross, but so, so hot.
He’s a little too good, knowing all the buttons to press that leave me tracking wetness all over his face, before taking two fingers and roughly pushing them into my core, giving me no time to adjust. They’re thick and long, and when he makes the come hither motion I know I’m fucked, doing everything I can not to gasp his name.
“S-s-oh my god,” I cry as he plunges his fingers all the way down to the knuckle every time, reaching deeper and deeper and rubbing on my g-spot. He’s too busy sucking on my clit to say anything, his attention overstimulating.
He adds a third finger, and that, combined with him tracing patterns on my sensitive bud, sends me straight over the edge with a an unintelligible cry.
Of course the bastard doesn’t stop, not until I’m physically shaking from the overstimulation, legs quivering, and on the brink of a second release.
He removes himself from my heat, laying his cheek on the inside of my thigh, looking up at me smugly.
“Good, huh?” he knows it was.
“Fuck you,” I mutter, voice weak.
“That’s what I’m getting to, princess. So impatient,” he taunts, standing up to full height again. Sam haphazardly wipes the slick off of his face with his forearm, not really caring how much he removes. He kicks off his shoes and socks before taking off his slacks and boxers in one go, revealing that gorgeous cock again. He stands before me, looking like some kinda statue of physical perfection. I have to physically close my jaw looking at him.
“Like what you see, princess?”
I stick out my tongue and blow a raspberry.
“Real mature, sweetheart,” he rolls his eyes. “You have a condom?”
I shake my head. “Don’t need one, I’m on the pill and I have morning after. Want you to fuck me and fill me,” I tell him honestly.
“God you’re a slut and you’re freaky? I’d never have guessed,” he mused, stepping between my thighs. I assume he’s clean as well since he doesn’t really… get out much.
“Yeah, that’s cause you’re not the brightest,” I tell him, scooting as close to the edge as I can without falling.
“Uh huh,” he says sarcastically, before picking me up and slamming my shoulder into a nearby wall, yet gently resting my back against it. Gentle with my injury, wow. Wouldn’t have expected it. I gasp, surprised by the sudden motion.
“Payback for the gut punch,” he explains.
“Oh yeah? I’ll punch you again if you don’t fuck me,” I say, a mean edge to my voice.
“Mkay,” he says, obviously not swaying either way as he aligns his tip with my entrance.
“Fuck me,” I order through a gasp, unable to wait anymore.
“Careful what you wish for there, princess,” he warns, before sheathing himself in me in one go.
Look, I can get laid whenever I want, especially back when I was on duty as a hunter. I’m no stranger to sex, and I have a decently high sex drive. If I can’t get some, then I always have backup- toys and vibrators, you name it.
But Sam? His dick was big in my mouth, but in my pussy? I feel like I’ve been split in two, my mouth is dropped in an o. But it feels so, so good.
“Move,” I demand after a few moments of adjusting.
“Say my name,” he cocks his head, pushing impossibly deeper so that he’s practically touching my cervix.
“Sammy,” I say with as much sass as I can muster, my voice high from the added pressure. I know he hates the nickname, it makes him feel like a baby. Because he is one.
“Nuh uh, princess. Say my name,” the pad of his thumb flits over my clit.
“Unh- Sam!” I moan, unable to stop myself.
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it? Now ask me to fuck you. Nicely.”
“Guess I’ll be on my way then,” he starts pulling out.
“No!” I whine.
“Ask nicely.”
“Sam, fuck me please?” I ask with as much sweetness and doe eyes as possible for me.
“You really are sweet when you’re horny,” he remarks, pulling back, before setting a brutal pace that has me raking my nails across his back and moaning his stupid name. He’s pounding into me with all of his might, sweat sheening on his brow.
It’s so hard that I can barely get any words out, and I hate it, but it just feels too good.
And of course, Sammy has enough words for the both of us.
“Fucking you dumb, huh? Got such a big attitude until I’m in you, just needed this dick,” he says, laughing meanly as I involuntarily clench at his words.
“What? You like me being mean to you? You get wet every time we fight?” a particularly hard set of thrusts accompanies each of the words in his third rhetorical question. I moan, not even sure of the answer. Probably? Maybe? Gah.
“Look at you, taking it like a good slut. You’re so tight and wet, and it’s all f’me,” his raspy voice starts slurring with lust. He brings one of his hands between us, finding my swollen clit and rutting on it, tracing patterns just as he did before with his tongue.
“S-Sam, it’s too much-,” I cry, unable to handle the overstimulation.
“Good,” he grins wickedly, before upping the ante both in thrusts and in rutting, unraveling me into a mess in his arms. I cry his name, helpless as I come down for the second time.
“So soon?” he tuts, not slowing his pace.
“Sh-shut up- ah-,” is all I can say as he gets impossibly rougher, chasing his own release.
“Gotta finish the job, princess,” he stutters, before growing more and more erratic. He’s got me on edge again as he does so, but mercifully comes before I can. I feel his hot release in me, filling me up just a little too full with his dick that he hasn’t yet pulled out.
Eventually he wordlessly puts me down, fingers plugging our mixed release in me. I can’t even complain- him keeping me full is unfortunately kinda hot.
“So…” he starts, looking down at me.
“Get out,” I interrupt.
“No,” he says, not moving.
This is going to be a long afternoon.
“Did you guys finally get into a bout?” Dean asks as we walk (re: stumble) out of the med bay and into the kitchen where he and Cas are sitting playing Uno, Bon Jovi playing in the background. “Oh- oh.”
Yeah, it’s pretty obvious the fight we got into. There’s no hiding it, even if we had tidied up our hair or faces- there’s scratches and bruises everywhere. Whoops.
“Are you guys in need of healing?” Cas asks innocently as Sam and I sit down a chair apart.
“No, Cas… these are, uh, special bruises. The fun kind. And they’re everywhere, apparently… damn, Sammy.” Dean comments as he surveys his brother and I. Sam coughs, and I reach over to punch him from my seat away. He grunts, and then we all go quiet.
“So… all in favor of never talking about this?” I ask after an uncomfortably long uncomfortable silence.
“Aye,” say the brothers in unison. Cas also agrees after Dean elbows him. “Fantastic.”
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raisedbythetv89 · 3 months
excuse the ranting here but just had someone try and argue that a fully evil literally on the hunt for the Slayer (bc he’s stalking his PREY to fight and hopefully kill) Spike - finding Buffy attractive (according to an interview James gave where he talks about that moment and said he embodied the kinds of predatory men who literally are “on the hunt” for real life women in bars) as anywhere NEAR the same level of creepiness as a SOULFUL aka SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD angel stalking and falling in love at the sight of an innocent and crying 15 year old Buffy….
Anti spike/spuffy ppl always try and use that interview to make Spike out to be “just as creepy” as Angel which is always just so embarrassing to me that they don’t grasp the basic difference between one was the most evil and literally is a predator to her prey but buffy is also a predator to spike’s kind so there is even still a balance of power between them even then and he’s literally just explaining how he played the scene to get the attitude and body language right as a predator bc he understands that’s what Spike is to Buffy at that time (literally had zero clue he would ever be a love interest of Buffy’s). And the other who is not supposed to be a predator anymore…. hides his identity as a vampire AND hides the fact that he’s been watching her for over a year is still acting as a predator but instead of stalking an experienced slayer to attempt to fight and kill he is stalking a freshly called still weak and vulnerable slayer who he wants to sleep with aka corrupt.
Angel is supposed to be GOOD yet is still acting like a predator. Spike IS EVIL and so is simply acting as someone who has killed two slayers should 💀💀💀💀 the fact that soulless evil Spike and soulful “good” Angel’s behavior can be compared AT ALL is bad for angel and angel alone bc spike is supposed to be evil and treating buffy as someone he is hunting and as an opponent. Angel is supposed to be HELPING Buffy….
But regardless of all that the argument is James said Sarah is beautiful so of course he played up that angle as well so canonically Spike thinks a 16 year old Buffy is pretty and these people really don’t understand the difference between the two 😭😭
First of all I personally have heard Sarah call herself “not the prettiest” at least 10 times in 10 different interviews - how often do you think the people in her life heard her make jokes or comments about her appearance??? To me that always seemed like James just paying a compliment to his costar who doesn’t understand how literally fucking STUNNING she is by basically being like HAVE YOU SEEN HER OF COURSE MY CHARACTER THINKS SHE’S PRETTY LOOK AT HER!! James literally rizzed his way into a main character and love interest like of course he’s gonna be charming in real life by paying compliments to everyone he can every chance he gets. He had sex appeal and a dream AND IT WORKED 💀 and we also see him have chemistry with practically every person on the show that’s just who he is 😹😹😹
But I also just cannot emphasize how much of a difference there is between finding someone attractive or thinking they’re beautiful vs actually ACTING on it and ESPECIALLY acting on it when you call her friend of the same age “just a kid” and say over and over again how wrong it is and that she’s too young AND THEN DO IT ANYWAY. Like it’s a supernatural show with vampires who are 100 & 200+ years old if angel hadn’t constantly acted like her dad and treated Buffy like a kid and everything is season 3 didn’t happen there could be sooooooo much more leniency with angel and buffy’s age differences and I probably wouldn’t care bc applying irl rules to the supernatural doesn’t make a lot of sense but angel always treats her like a child and says over and over again how wrong it is and THAT is what makes it a problem within this supernatural show bc Spike never treats her like a child or like she isn’t his equal ever no matter what age she is
But unfortunately it makes sense people who like a character whose main personality trait is !catholic guilt! (when he’s got a soul) don’t understand the difference between thoughts and actions and how we should only be defining ourselves and other people by their actions. Because we are not every single thought we’ve ever had both good and bad. If you think to do good things but don’t that does not make you good and if you think to do bad things but don’t that does not make you bad.
So evil Spike thinking a beautiful Buffy dancing with her friends is hot at 16 is not even CLOSE to the same as a supposed to be good angel activity pursuing a relationship with her by breadcrumbing the absolute fuck out of her, manipulating her like crazy and lying to her about practically everything and flirting with her under false pretenses after falling in love at the sight of her looking like a child with her lollipop on the school steps at 15 and then watching her cry in the bathroom mirror as he watches her from the bushes with a smile on his face and hope in his eyes and if you don’t understand that there is literally nothing I can do or say to help you
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Can’t wait for people to flip when they meet “Privileged French White micro-aggression compilation”’s mentor, Mr. macro-aggression colonizer superiority complex Marius “I married a thirteen-year old former sex slave and adopted him as my son” de Romanus. Marius is his own trigger warning. Wait until they hear about Marius’ disciplinary methods involving whips and willow switches. Or the fact that Marius sent his son-wife to a brothel to learn “important skills”. Or that when he told Lestat about Those Who Must Be Kept, Marius literally framed Akasha’s genocidal tendencies as “taming savages”. Oh boy, it’s not gonna be good.
Like… Who do you think Lestat learned his skewed world view from? Moving to America was probably a bucket of cold water to Lestat. I would like to give Lestat the benefit of the doubt, as his father was an asshole aristocrat. Lestat quickly learned how privileged he was, even as a disgraced marquis’ son. His genuine horror at how the racist fat cats treated Louis said everything to me. I don’t think anyone understands that Lestat is interested in doing better. He is. He’s working through it. He will fuck up, because nobody ever gave him a look outside his little world.
The thing is, vampires do end up in ruin when they stay behind as the world around them goes forward. Just like humans, when we get stuck in outdated ideals. It’s heavily implied at the end of the Blood Communion novel that Marius is slowly going mad. All vampires do, at some point, go through a period of madness. Some just come out of it better than others. In the IWTV novel, Louis eats grass and mopes around his brother’s rectory for a while after Armand hesitantly leaves him. Armand kills his own coven. Khayman loses his memories for a while and wanders the world, snacking on mortals’ bone marrow. Daniel becomes mute and obsessive, luckily finding an outlet in model trains. Poor Lestat lost an eye and had to be restrained, before he slept for a long while. Thorne got tied down for a while. Benji and Sybelle. Unm. Well, Benji ended up with a podcast and Sybelle delved into the piano. And Louis, of course, tried to kill himself once— but it changed his relationship with Lestat for the better.
Okay, so I went on a meta tangent, but the point is, Marius is an even bigger fuck-up than Lestat, and covering him is going to get pretty ugly. And even more existential. I hope viewers stop and philosophize, you know? Everyone stops to question the nature of mankind and how we fall if we don’t move with time.
And as far as Marius goes, hope Justin Kirk is prepared. 😅
P.S. I swear I’m not high, just tired. 🥱
(For those who think the "eating grass" is an euphemism here: "I was picking at the grass, and tasting it, though the taste was bitter and unnatural. The gesture seemed natural.":))
Marius... is going to be something. Which is part of the reason why I keep saying that Justin Kirk will be perfect if he is, because it needs a very seasoned actor with a lot of thick skin to pull him off (and, I mean, Justin does not shy away from difficult characters as we know *nods at Succession*).
It will be interesting to see what kind of wounds they will put their proverbial fingers in.
Like, the casual racism and superiority complex Marius employs has to clash with Armand's recast, too. Not necessarily with the choice (of Amadeo) per se, but with the circumstances. I am betting real money that there will be some very uncomfortable meta commentary on sex slave trade in combination with racism coming up right there (and I for one want them to make that commentary! Even though it will probably lead to more fandom drama.).
These vampires are children of their times, and they do change/adapt/grow, but... slowly. (I am not so sure about Lestat getting his world view from Marius, I think there is a reason why Lestat never became the pupil Marius wanted him to be, and I do think that Lestat might be willfully ignorant at times, which can come off a certain way, but his own backstory is more to blame here than Marius, imho.)
I do not need Marius to be a good character to enjoy the fuck out of him, on the contrary.
I am not sure if the show will go the "whip" way. They might insinuate. I think they will, as with other scenes let the mind of the audience do the rest, which will be more than enough, too. I mean, the audience can read up on it all in the book *coughs*. There's no need to go more explicit than needed.
But yes. I hope Justin Kirk is prepared :)))
And... I hope the audience is prepared as well.
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So thoughts on ‘Lestat version’ vs ‘Louis version’ of Claudia’s turning.
I think neither is the true picture because, say it with me kids!
All narrators in interview with the vampire are what?
That’s right UNRELIABLE.
That means none of what any of them say is ever the full truth.
But! I think the true turning of Claudia is somewhere in the middle of the original version we hear, and the Lestat version we see him tell on stage.
So let’s break it down
In Louis’s season 1 version, he finds Claudia when he’s trying to help people in the fires (that his murder and display of the alderman caused, don’t forget his display and murder of the alderman and planting a ‘whites only’ sign on him was the main trigger for the mostly black area of storyville to be fire bombed and destroyed and dozens of people being injured and or killed),
Louis finds Claudia in the boarding house she’s staying in with her aunt, so Claudia is truly clueless on how she became a vampire, last she knows, and she says such is feeling the fires burning her and that she was gonna die, then the black angel saved her.
Louis takes Claudia, not to a hospital, to his and Lester’s home. In all his irrational thinking, he took her to his house, not a hospital, not someone with medical knowledge who could help, he took her to Lestat.
Now here is where it becomes a foggy hazy mess.
In Louis version, it was a fairly tame, all though heated argument, of getting Lestat to change her and him, resisting and saying Claudia would just be left to the hands of fate. And in the end, through Louis calmly but pleadingly saying she could be their daughter and they could be a family. So Lestat much to his protests, turns Claudia.
Then we have lestats version. Which is arguably, more of Louis fault and uses Louis manipulation as the scape goat.
Louis brings Claudia in, and is irrational, unable to be reasoned with, broken and feeling his guilt and shame 100000 times more then ever. He begs, and pleads, and bargains with Lestat, telling Lestat everything he wants to hear.
“I’ll stay forever” “I’ll never leave you” “I’ll finally be who you need me to be”
Then when Lestat tries to explain, all be it far calmer then I think he actually was, Louis gets angry, says fuck you I’ll do it myself. And tries, miserably fails, because he doesn’t know how to make a vampire yet.
It’s in this you hear Lestat explain to Louis
“You have to drain her first” explaining to Louis, how to make a fledgling. Which, for someone so against this happening, why is he standing their and not trying to get Claudia out of the house, to a doctor, if he’s so calm and thinking rationally,
“I knew the great vampiric laws” “I knew it would be nothing but pain and turmoil” which shut up you didn’t care about any vampire laws before now.
You then see Louis, dragging Claudia’s burnt and dying body, across the floor to lestat, saying “think of her, our beautiful daughter” dropping to his knees and begging over and over and over for Lestat to change her. And finally after Louis begging and breaking down Lestat he changes her.
As you can see Lestat has much more detail, and plays up that he was the noble, law following vampire, knowing that Claudia would forever be in turmoil. Which we see after she has Madeline, someone who treats her like the adult she is, she’s fine, she has a place, she is a normal vampire being smart and enjoying it.
Lestat says she’s a defect, and explains he wouldn’t want this life for her as she is, but she is his daughter, every part of him he sees in her.
Now, how I think it really went is right in the middle
Lestat, protesting and off handedly says it’s a law, but Louis is irrationally guilt ridden, so he doesn’t hear that, he does tell Lestat that this could be the family he always wanted, and he will stay and he will be his companion always. I think Louis probably in a need to save this dying teenager, tried to change her, and Lestat had to explain that he has to drain her first, but because Louis can’t always eat people, I think Louis did plead for it to be Lestat, I think he never moved Claudia from the bed, she was in pain, and he didn’t move her so she wouldn’t be suffering any more then she already was, I think Lestat gave in, after Louis pleaded a final time and he changed Claudia.
I think the burns we see in lestats version were the real wounds Claudia had, I think Louis did down play the severity of her injuries. I think lestat did try to explain it was not just his fault for the fires, but he also felt all of Louis guilt and it helped in the process of breaking down the restraint he had.
Both of them, are to blame for what happened to Claudia, both of them are to blame for her ending. Both are to blame for causing her to hate them so much. Lestat saw all things of himself that he wanted to bury and hide away in Claudia, and Louis saw a quick fix to his problems and thought he’d have someone to validate him on Any and everything. Both failed her, and saw her as a throw away when they didn’t need her around.
Both failed to realize she was maturing mentally, both refused to see she was a woman, in a body of a child, they failed to realize she was suffering and wanted companionship, that she needed to be shown how to do it safely and securely. Claudia was the victim in this.
A monster who murdered people, who saw zero remorse, who enjoyed it. But still a victim.
Louis, Lestat and Armand, let’s bring him in, are both the victims and the biggest victimizers of the story.
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beevean · 9 months
Rewatching NFCV with @woodchipp and @the-crow-binary has been miserable so far.
Not because of them, of course: we all need each other to bear the Peak. but holy shit I forgot how mindnumbingly boring the show is. it's way worse at a second watch because now I know how much it falls apart! We're only at S2E3 as of this post!
S1 is the best season, and even that is largely forgettable, especially S1E3 which wastes 22 minutes of my life to say "here's the bishop. he's proof that CHURCH BAD". But S1E1 may be the best or second best episode of the whole show thanks to Dracula and his performance... and isn't that sad, that the show peaks at the very beginning? The rest of the show is just... Trevor doing his stuff (while the framing mostly makes fun of him), talking, some fighting, and CHURCH BAD. As positives, I still like Trevor's mini-arc in this season, and the vague effort to be faithful to CV3 (Sypha being petrified by a cyclops, falling down a chasm to find Alucard).
S2 is terrible. Yes we're still less than halfway through. I already hate everything.
I hate Alucard becoming a legend to the point that the Wallachians name his Alucard (as in, Dracula's opposite) after only a year - why couldn't he name himself Alucard? Why complicate matters so much? Isaac calling him Alucard, and Dracula recognizing the name, makes absolutely no sense: how do they know about it? Dracula lost contact with his son one year ago and I doubt Wallachian human legends have reached him. And Isaac was in the Sahara until sometime after Lisa died!
I hate Alucard himself. He's a cunt. He does nothing but insult Trevor and the Belmonts without provocation, and it's not funny banter, he's mean! He's genuinely cruel! He hears that Trevor lost his family at 12, and he can only say "lol and lmao I had more of a childhood than you. anyway they were mentally ill and child killers, they sacrificed chickens and hoarded dead cats". And this piece of shit is the most popular character of the show??? he's not even pretty what are y'all seeing 😭
(it's also weird how he's all angsting about killing his vampire father, but he hates the Belmont for being vampire hunters. bro. bro you're also about to hunt a vampire. why are you defending a race of monsters so staunchly. not even a hint of, I don't know, a Belmont hurting him when he was a child because he was confused for a full vampire? Remember that logically, a vampire child is a child turned into a vampire, we have no other indication that dhampirs are running all around the world. I know that in the games he seems fully on board with "vampires bad and me bad for being half vampire", but you have the chance of making it better and you squander it?)
Sypha is also ruder than I remembered. I think she suddenly became more cheerful in S3 and that's why I liked her, but also girl, you keep criticizing Trevor for being rude and not consoling you, but you look at him with a perpetual resting bitch face and insult the Morning Star calling it an "ugly thing"? Why does Trevor even bother with the likes of you? How is Trephacard the most popular ship in the franchise?
I hate Isaac. Oh, I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, because I really wanted to understand why he became the fan favorite. But now? No, I'm sorry, he's overrated as fuck. He's so damn pretentious, his speech about how he wants a pure world without love is terrible from the lens of him being a Muslim who is devoted to the Devil, and his backstory is so tryhard and historically inaccurate that I almost prefer Hector's past being exposed through voiceover.
Oh, and Hector, I hate his scenes. Because he's actually treated with dignity. He's fine! I actually like the guy! I like the scene where he rebukes Godbrand (who as a character only exists to attract infodumps and to question Dracula) because "I have to work" - he sounds actually proud of his role, if not even competent, perish the thought. Also by reading the scripts online I forgot that he was the one who yelled "you do not question my loyalty!". Which I like a lot? I can hear the real Hector protesting like that out of pride, even if in private he would admit that he disagrees with the bloodshed. And the scene where he soothes the newborn Night Creature... yeah, this character used to be written with respect, and knowing how he gets tortured and disrespected and used for rape apologism by a sex pest hurts even more. Also, in retrospect, the scene where he stares at the fire while reminiscing about the day he set fire on his own childhood home doesn't go anywhere, even as the finale of S3 echoes it :^)
And Dracula, oh my poor man Dracula. He's already being presented as an ineffectual depressed old man spending his time staring at a fireplace, who can't even command his presence in the war room, who allows Carmilla to insult him and Lisa in front of everyone - it's so embarrassing how he gets the Red Eyes of Fury and then he simply... lets her go after he gets the flimsy explanation of "yeah I humiliated you because everyone is asking themselves the same question. I wanted to help <3" girl (Dracula), she's a mere regional ruler, as she herself said??? why do you need her so much that you allow her to do this shit??????? oh but then you posture to godbrand, he gets to be threatened because... he's not relevant to the plot i guess. fucking pathetic. what have they done to my man.
(and I hate Carmilla. but that has never changed. annoying smug ass #girlboss with the charisma of spoiled seafood. her way of manipulating Hector isn't even manipulation, it's just her telling him very plainly what she wants him to do. She and Lenore utterly suck at their job, and they only get their way because muh plot)
And then there's the infodumping. Oh my god these people won't shut the fuck up. Godbrand is like "why should we listen to two humans?" and Dracula dumps twice that he trusts Hector and Isaac for their human nature (which, again, it's a decent reasoning, but it goes on and on and even they should know, I get it). Alucard dumps about the apocalyptic scenario where Dracula wins and rules over a world without humans... but he only describes it as we look into his ugly face, instead of doing something more creative like actually showing what would happen. Hector gets this random flashback-through-sound, shoved there as if Ellis didn't know where to put it in the script; later on he explains to Carmilla the origin of Night Creatures, as if ever remotely matters. Isaac dumps about his jihadist philosophy about how by killing humans he and Dracula will create a pure world. Carmilla randomly reveals her Tragic Backstory after kicking Godbrand down the stairs, another scene I can't stand because it's all about what a #queen she is and how she's better than Dracula. At one point they seriously discuss about the myth of vampires unable to cross running water, which is a moot point anyway because Carmilla resorts to using a zombie bishop to bless the river!! No I will never let it go!!!
(also I love that in the one occasion where Alucard has the chance of describing his childhood, he retells the tale of Lisa meeting Dracula, something we've already seen and he was also obviously told about, not something he experienced himself. They couldn't even come up with another anedocte to actually tell us what kind of mother Lisa used to be. so lazy)
This show is half people sitting in a circle and talking, and half average fight scenes. Yeah at this point not even those impress me anymore. I'm serious when I say that Knuckles' fight scene in Divergence, also animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios, is of a better quality than what the show has offered.
And this is why I'm so reluctant to watch Nocturne. If the best seasons of this highly acclaimed show are so painful to sit through, how are we going to survive a sequel series that not even the fans liked it as much?
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Details
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, dom/sub dynamics, abuse, murder, childhood trauma (mentioned). Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
K.P. Masterlist
This fanfiction is born from my dissatisfaction with the way Kai was criminally underutilized in the TVDU. Honestly, I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me as season 6 went on. Thru Chris Wood's charming performance, Kai stole the show for me. I'll never forgive the showrunners for a lot of things, including underutilizing Chris Wood in this role & not allowing this broken king to have a real redemption arc.
On the topic of the showrunners, I'll never forgive them for how they did Bonnie Bennett or the Bennetts in general with how they were limited to magical plot devices for everyone else's use without any appreciative focus on their power & how it could really benefit them. Even though I love Bonnie & Kai, my otp endgame for her has always been Bonenzo, but I also adore Klonnie ❤️.
My AU changed and added plenty of lore around his coven & certain events. The plot follows the life of Bonnie's younger sister, Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz. I go on to describe her below, but I'd like to state that she acts as Kai's antithesis as an innocent, fledgling witch. She's also Bonnie's support system. I always hated how the show often ignored that Bonnie lacked family around her that were unconditionally there for her. Bonnie's mom left when she was small, she lost her grams in season 1, and her father was a non-factor in her life until he returned... just to get killed off in front of her.
I wrote Rose & Bonnie's dynamic keeping in mind everything I hate about older sibling/younger sibling dynamics, like the one between Buffy and Dawn in BTVS. Bonnie deserves family that consistently supports her, encourages her to prioritize her well-being, and actually tries to lessen the existing load on her shoulders.
Another thing I kept in mind when adding Rose to my TVD AU is not to have her replace or take away Bonnie’s space in the plot. Now, I do give her Bonnie's plotline of being sent to the prison world in season 6, but this is essential to the story, and the way Bonnie was treated that season made me so sad that I have no problem taking traumatic experiences from her (of which she has more than enough) and giving them to Rose.
Okay... if you made it through my rant, congrats. I also want to offer my inbox as a place where anyone can offer up requests, scenarios, ask questions, even if you want to roast my cruddy writing... my inbox is open.
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🌹Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz:🌹
Born: March 18th, 1994 (18yrs)
Gender: Female | Height: 5’1” | Hair color: Brown | Eye color: Hazel
Race/ethnicity: Black and Latino/Hispanic
Species: witch (Bennett)
Titles: Rosy (Kai), littlest witch (by Kol), kid (by Damon)
Rose is a gentle and kind-hearted person, always looking for the good in people and situations. She can be a people pleaser and overall naive when dealing with people, often seeing the best in everyone and believing in second chances
She highly values family, so bonding with Bonnie means a lot her. Due to her naivety and weakness, she can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Like Bonnie she’s compassionate and tends to selflessly help others. Struggles with powerful spells due to her insecurity in her magical abilities
She enjoys singing, gardening (honing her nature-based magic, making potions & studying herbology), sewing and cooking (she bakes when she’s anxious)
She has a strong aversion to blood & violence so spending time with vampires took a lot of getting used to
Trilingual: fluent in Spanish & Portuguese
Despite her demure demeanor and virginal innocence, with her stuffed animal collection, enduring love of cartoons and a lack of dating, she’s a hopeless romantic that harbors the hidden desire to submit herself to a powerful dominant
Family: Bonnie Bennett (half-sister), Jamie Ruiz (half-brother), Abby Bennett-Ruiz (mother), Matteo Ruiz (father 🕊️), Sheila Bennett (maternal gm🕊️)
Rose was raised in Summersville, North Carolina. She was a child model until 13 when her father tragically died. She was the captain of her high school majorette dance team. Her life drastically changed when Bonnie arrived on her doorstep.
Rose was 16 when she & Bonnie would finally meet. Bonnie and Elena came to Abby for help with a spell. Rose was shocked to find that she had an older sister as Abby never mentioned Bonnie or the life she left behind in Mystic Falls. She was even more surprised upon finding out about her magical bloodline and that supernatural creatures walked the earth. Unlike Grams, Abby never mentioned magic throughout Rose’s life and even went as far to suppress her magic with a binding spell
After Abby is turned by Damon, she decides to leave her family to learn control and find peace as a fledgling vampire. Rose moves to Mystic Falls with Bonnie where she learns magic from her.
Magic doesn’t come naturally to her. Admittedly having a 50% accuracy rate with her spells. She struggles with her confidence & focus when chanting and spells drain her much quicker even when she tries channeling the energy around her. Despite this, Rose is determined to improve, valuing her one-on-one time with Bonnie and spending late nights on her own practicing & memorizing spells. She is determined to use her magic for good, prove herself and lessen the load on Bonnie as the resident Bennett witch of the group.
Her role in the Mystic Falls gang is the “Bennett witch in training” or “the bringer of baked goods” (according to Damon), since she often supplies their gatherings with fresh pastries. Everyone underestimates her power, even Bonnie. She tries to keep Rose out of danger unless she can’t help it.
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🔪Malachai "Kai" Parker:🔪
Born: May 9, 1972 (22yrs)
Gender: Male | Height: 6'0" | Hair color: Dark Brown | Eye color: Blue-gray
Race/ethnicity: white/non-Hispanic
Species: siphoner (Gemini Witch coven)
Titles: abomination, black sheep, the defective twin (his coven)
Charismatic with a charming smile. Upon meeting him, his charisma operates as a façade to hide his lack of empathy and his sadistic tendencies
Can be hard to read but that’s because he struggles with expressing his emotions which stems from his abusive childhood. He’s cold and relatively unfeeling with people, but once he lets someone in, he’s fiercely loyal and protective.
He can be observant, calculating and manipulative to taking advantage of someone and get what he wants
He’s a sassy man, often comes back with quick quips and has a natural sense of humor (typically dark humor)
When he’s comfortable, he never shuts up, has no filter and sucks with certain social cues. After being alone for nearly his whole life, will talk anyone's ear off without realizing they are not willing to listen
Kai can siphon all of a witch’s magic without killing them. He controls how the process feels - at its worst, a fast searing burn to a slight tingle. Overtime, a witch will regenerate their magic
High libido!!- He’s starved for touch and affection (though he would never admit that he needs anyone). Sexual desires reflect his sadistic personality as he enjoys dominating another person through absolute control and pain infliction
He likes raunchy comedies and media with half-naked women such as Bay Watch and MTV videos. A major foodie with constant cravings for sweet and salty snacks. He prefers snacking throughout the day but when he does bother to cook, it’s really good
He is fluent in old Latin, often found in grimoires and other ancient texts. When he was young he’d get his hands on old grimoires and study them, all the time to himself allowing him to hone his knowledge of witchcraft and technique
The Parker family is the head of the Gemini coven. Its patriarch, Joshua Parker is the coven leader. Kai is the eldest child, being half an hour older than his fraternal twin, Josette. Unlike Jo, Kai was born without the ability to generate his own magic, instead siphoning magic from lingering spells, objects, or other witches. When he was young, he would naturally gravitate toward the magic of his sister, so Joshua quickly decided to physically isolate Kai from everyone for fear of his son's "defect" hurting others.
As fraternal twins born of the coven leader, Jo and Kai would be set to merge on their 22nd birthday, where the winner takes the other's magic and coven leadership and the loser dies and is absorbed into the other but with the risk of Kai's siphoning ability giving him an edge in the merge, Joshua and Viviane continued having kids until she birthed another set of twins that would merge instead.
Kai's upbringing was lonely, spending most of his time locked in his bedroom up in the attic. Following his father's lead, most of his family excluded and demonized him. As he grew, Kai learned to internalize the cruel labels they gave him. If they wanted a monster, they would get a monster and on his 22nd birthday, May 9th, 1994, he would finally act on his boiling rage and resentment toward his family, unleashing the hatred he accumulated through a lifetime of torment onto his siblings when Jo refused the merge. To protect the twins, she would relent to merge with him but the coven was waiting and with the help of Sheila Bennett they banished him to a prison world of complete isolation.
Each year that passed only added to his hunger for revenge, left with nothing to do but plan his escape and seizer of coven leadership. He grew to take pride in what he had done to his siblings and his status as a sociopath capable of killing anyone who gets in his way without remorse.
AU-Specific Lore:
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Prison world Lore:
Prison worlds are created by Bennett blood sacrifice, meaning a Bennett must be bled to death so the gemini coven can channel her blood magic.
A prison world resets with the eclipse every 3 months.
Time works differently, so no one ages throughout their time there.
A prison world cannot create life so the only living inhabitants are those sent there or arrive via ascendant.
Kai is linked to his prison world so he can’t die. If something kills him, he’ll be out for a while depending on the damage but the magic will heal him back to life. Without Kai, the prison world falls apart so while he’s there, it sustains his life to sustain itself. Once he leaves, it ceases to exist.
The Ascendant - an ancient device created by the Gemini coven and a Bennett ancestor that only responds to a living Bennett’s blood magic. The ascendant is sensitive to magic in general, so even when the spell is done right, it will activate then fall apart. You only have one chance at the time of the eclipse to correctly do the spell, which Kai knows from experience because early on he tried collecting a vial of Bennett blood that he hunted down in a hospital and using Josette's magic he siphoned from a hidden dagger. Disappointment boiled over into rage when he did the spell beneath the eclipse, the ascendant disassembled, but he was not transported out.
The Gemini Coven Lair:
Exists as a interdimensional where the coven keeps ancient texts, grimoires, enchanted items (talismans, gems, ascendants, etc.), and materials for spells & potions
Infinite space that can be utilized by the coven leader: often includes a space for magic instruction, a library, spell casting, a gathering area for the coven, etc.
Accessed only by portal, which is summoned by a spell entrusted to high-ranking Gemini members
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bellaxgiornata · 10 months
What would you get our traumatized Irish Catholic boys for Christmas? And what about our traumatized Italian Catholic and cocky Vampire?
Ahh Soulie I love this question so much but OMG I had to THINK for this one!! Mostly for Owen and Henry because we don't learn too much personal stuff about Henry (plus he's a centuries old vampire so like...what the hell would you gift him?). And I think I'm only just starting season three of Boardwalk Empire so what I thought of for Owen is more of a funny gift. I'd probably have a better answer once I've seen more of him in the show if I'm being honest. But anyway, for those who're curious on my gifting ideas and thought process for Matt Murdock, Michael Kinsella, Frank Castle, Owen Sleater, and Henry (whatever his last name is 😆), I'm putting everything below the cut cause y'all know I'm longwinded 😅
Also feel free to join in on ideas in the comments because I'd love to hear what other gift ideas y'all would have!
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Gifting something to Matt Murdock seems like...an impossible task to me. Whenever I write fics, I honestly hate coming up with ideas for a character to gift him something 🤣 Why? Because this man doesn't remotely scream materialistic. I mean he barely makes any money at his law firm and is all too happy to be paid in bananas. And his only hobby is illegal and probably going to get him killed. So what the hell do you get Matt?
Personally, I'd gift him some sort of spa day or a long ass massage. He'd certainly need to be forced to take the time for himself and use it, but you know that man's battered and worn body would welcome a nice, long massage. Then maybe treat him to a nice dinner at a great restaurant because I always worry this man isn't eating enough.
Bonus gift: I'd give him a weighted blanket, too. I feel like it would help relax him on the nights he doesn't go out beating criminals.
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Okay, this one came far too easily to me for Frank Castle. I'd gift him a rescue dog. Why? THIS MAN NEEDS A DOG OKAY. Frank and a dog just go together in my mind.
I also think Frank would thrive and heal a little from the unconditional love of a furry friend. And he could certainly use the company from a canine companion. I just know a dog would bring a smile to this man's face and bring out that softer, non-murder-y side that we all know is there inside of him. And honestly, I worry about how incredibly alone Frank feels after losing his family. So a dog would be perfect.
Bonus gift: Possibly some new books to read because I imagine this man doesn't enjoy much television in his downtime.
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This one also came far too easily to me. I'd gift Michael Kinsella with a little vacation literally fucking anywhere calming and peaceful outside of Dublin. He desperately needs to get away from the stress of his family's business and just his crazy, shitty family in general. They're obviously not good for his health and I think he could seriously use the break. I'd also get him some less depressing books so his ass stops just reading Steinbeck and starts reading something else. You need some new books, Mikey.
Bonus gift: I'd surprise him by having his daughter Anna come along on the vacation. After eight years in prison, those two could really use some bonding time without Mikey's meddling family.
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This is where things started to get tougher for me. Like I said, I'm barely in season three of Boardwalk so I feel like I don't know much about Owen personally. He hasn't had that much screen time besides some killing, scheming, and sex. So this gift idea was a bit more on the entertaining/funny side. I think further into the series I could come up with something far better.
I'd gift Owen an expensive bottle of Irish whiskey and lots of condoms. I mean, it certainly seems like he'd use both of them. The man is...definitely a flirt who has every intention of following through on his flirting 👀
Bonus gift: I don't know, me? Do I count? You can have me for Christmas, Owen.
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Okay so Henry is the toughest one for me to answer this for. I mean he's a vampire and he's a few hundred years old and the movie doesn't give that much background or personal information on him. So what would I gift him for Christmas?
Considering he's a few centuries old, I doubt he's materialistic (certainly doesn't seem that way). I doubt he'd like a vacation because I mean...he's probably well traveled. We know he's got some morals since he doesn't feed on humans because he used to be one. So I imagine this vampire would enjoy literature and maybe art--things that connect him to the human side he lost. Though I assume he probably already owns and has read all the classic novels, so maybe I'd gift him something that's current that might resonate with him that he hasn't read yet.
Bonus gift: Maybe an engraved lighter? The vampire does seem to enjoy smoking. Or maybe something handmade and sentimental.
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
Just finished “Lies My Parents Told Me” and woof, that was rough.
Spike & Buffy are just bizarrely flippant about the fact that Spike’s trigger is still active. Like I am pro-keeping Spike alive, but given that he can be forcibly turned into a bloodthirsty killer at literally any moment, some precautions need to be taken!
Giles meanwhile is the only person treating the trigger with the seriousness that it deserves and is actively trying to fix it, but when he isn’t able to immediately solve the problem, he just jumps straight to murder?
Giles is like, hmmm, I cannot trust Buffy’s judgement about Spike as I suspect she may be emotionally compromised, so instead I am going to ally with Robin, who has point-blank admitted to me that his judgement around Spike is emotionally compromised
The audacity of Giles telling Buffy she needs to be a general while making and helping to execute on a major fucking decision behind her back
Why is Giles on the Spike hate train this season? I feel like he trusts Spike and likes Buffy working with him less this season than he did in season 5. Except this season not only does Spike have a soul, which makes a huge fucking difference in how we treat Angel, Spike went and got his soul of his own accord because he wanted to be a better person for Buffy. And Giles gives him zero credit for any of that. (Honestly no one gives Spike enough credit for that this season, though Buffy does at least try.)
I don’t like Buffy saying she would sacrifice Dawn to save the world if she had to. Not even because it bothers me that Buffy the person would say that, but because it kind of undermines the overall narrative of the show. S3 Buffy kills Angel to save the world. Cool, powerful statement about the character. S5 Buffy refuses to kill Dawn to save the world, saying that she doesn’t know how to live in a world where these are the choices. Also a powerful statement, and all the more meaningful because she has changed her mind since the last time. S7 she says she would sacrifice Dawn to save the world actually, and now I no longer care. None of these statements are powerful any more because apparently Buffy’s just generally wishy-washy about the whole thing.
Spike says he doesn’t feel bad for killing Nikki because he’s a vampire and she was the Slayer and that’s how the game is played; she chose it. No she did not! Like that’s the whole thing, the huge running conflict throughout the whole show, not to mention the big Shadow Men reveal just two episodes ago. The Slayer is *chosen*. One girl in all the world is chosen without her consent to have all this power just thrust upon her and then be forced to fight evil and protect the world.
In general just not a fan of the condescension dripping off Spike in that interaction, like oh my mom loved me but yours didn’t love you.
Oh my god, Spike, that’s his dead mother’s coat. You stole that coat off the body of a woman you had just murdered. Just let him fucking keep the coat.
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i dont understand people on the wwdits fandom hating on nandor / nandermo ship, yall act like as nandor was the only problematic bitch in the series. Like, they are all problematic???, that is what is great about the show??. Dont get me wrong i loooove to see sweet moments between the characters and of course sometimes i want to punch all of them in their faces for acting like asholes to each other (specially when nandor and nadja are mean to guillermo and collins robinson) but part of the escense of the show is that nandor, laszlo, nadja, guillermo and collins are ALL PROBLEMATIC, THEY ARE A PROBLEMATIC FAMILY, THEY ARE ALL MESSED UP PEOPLE. NONE of them can be actually called a "good person" (remember that guillermo killed both vampires and humans and never felt guilty about it, he even brought one of his childhood friends to the house so he could be eaten by vampires, he has stealed, has manipulated nandor and others to his own benefit, has considered killing nandor multiple times before anyone realized he was a vampire killer, and so on.
I didnt ship nandermo in the first seasons because the power dinamic between them was so inequitable, but after guillermo started being his killer self in front of the rest and gained self confidence the power dinamic between nandor and him totally changed. Nandor is a bitch with guillermo sometimes but Guillermo can be a bitch too and he is way smarter and more powerful than nandor and could easly overpower him (as he alredy did twice) .
If you want a show where the main characters are unproblematic and have all healthy and "normal" relationships this show is just not for you! it has never been since season 1!
This show is about messy crazy bitches who sometimes cant stand each other and have lots of problems but cant be whitout each other because they love each other (in their own problematic way). Even if i wish too that guillermo was treated better by EVERYBODY in this show (specially by nadja), i cant imagine a wwdits where they all arent at least a little toxic to each other. This is not a cute queer romantic story, this is a story about problematic toxic af, freaky queer bitches who love each other just the way they are even when they cant stand each other. Stop being so boring and expecting all queer media to be unproblematic af and all queer ships to portrait a perfect romantic ilusion between super sweet and caring characters who would never act selfishly or hurt each other.
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vestaclinicpod · 4 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 26th May ✨
None of the audio dramas I’ve been listening to have pulled punches this week. My head’s a mess! 
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E10.5) I was nearly crying within the first 30 seconds of Stephen’s message. God, how beautiful!! And what a heart-wrenching reply. It makes me so happy that they both have a place they feel like they belong but I don’t know where they’re going to decide to settle when they are FINALLY reunited. I have not forgotten Leo’s most recent bit of research though …. Them sharing a space might make them cat 2 or lower ☹️ what if they're reunited only to find they can no longer interact?! What if there were three super driven, smart and talented people working on this problem together? . . . and what if two of them kissed?? 
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (153) How is Valerie finally making a smart motherly decision (clearly spending time with Dr McGowan is good for her) and the smart decision is Lady fucking Ethel fucking Mallory??? I am BEYOND excited to find out what she’s been up to. I also love these Buck Silver scenes so much, I could listen to a whole show just about them, but the beauty of the Hallowoods is getting all that and more! 
Also, what the fuck, Voltaire? I think this has to count as one of the scariest scenes so far… right? I feel like I need to relisten to work out if Voltaire could be the Instr2mentalist from the timing of the killings. Vincent and Voltaire’s relationship has got me wanting to read In The Dreamhouse again.
🤴InCo by @itmeblog (S3E38-39) eek secret ambassador ships!! I wish Nova hadn’t disappeared so she could hear about this!! 
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (17) hmmm, Celia you are a duplicitous one… I don’t know what’s going on with you but it makes me like you even more. 
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXIX) OH NO. OH what a NASTY decision to have to make!!!!!!! POOR ALFIE. I think he made the right choice but STILL. GOD. Who just . . . has a vampire bear trap ready to go?? 
🧋 I finished part one of @hinaypod season one and what a treat! I love arcs where characters come into their power and Ashvin’s story is no different!! As much as I like him and Murphy together, Donner clearly tying himself in knots about it (and how much he cares for Mari also) is just - ugh. Put it in an IV. I’m really excited to see how the story progresses! 
I'm a little excited and a little scared for the TNT episode this week because it features yours truly as a little ghostie!! 👻 I'm trying to be cool about it but I also missed Travelling Light so so much this week so looking forward to that, whenever it might arrive! 🚀 
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
I hate any of the interview fans' arguing over "who's worse" because there's actually a lot that you can discuss re: how Lestat and Armand are both terrible for Louis in very different ways, but one thing I've noticed is that all of these arguments and discussions re: abuse nearly always ignore Claudia being a victim at the hands of both her parents. Not saying that Louis isn't a victim, but he's far from perfect when it comes to how he treats the people around him, especially his daughter whom he knows will never be able to be independent because of his own actions
Yeah, I personally *get* why the issues with Louis's relationship with Claudia were somewhat overlooked in s1, because it is also such a heartfelt relationship and Jacob sells us his love for her so clearly...
But Louis can love Claudia and be a bad parent, and I think this season is going to get into that more. Claudia is the biggest victim in this story--which isn't to say that Louis hasn't been victimized as well (and not just by Lestat, I would add; rewatching s1 reminded me of how homophobic and emotinally abusive Louis's mother was as well). And Lestat! And probably Armand, though I know less about the show version of him as of now. I think that the show is very much about the cycles of abuse and how there can be love within these horrible relationships.
And I fele that there's this strong need within people to believe that relationships are either loving or loveless, when that's just not true. Louis can love Claudia and fail her, and CHOOSE to fail her at points. It's absolutely true that he chose Lestat over her time and time again (.... and I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again this season; and it certainly looks like he's going to choose Armand over her). It's also true that Louis essentially condemned Claudia to an existence that does torment her, however good she is at being a vampire.
Lestat did his part, of course. But he wasn't going to do it until Louis begged, and I think Louis, even if it was only subconscious, was very much aware that Lestat would give him that if it meant keeping Louis. I don't think that Louis was entirely unaware of the emotional imbalance in that relationship. I think that the true triggering force in Claudia's transformation was absolutely Louis, however much we may joke about Lestat baby trapping him. Lestat didn't have that idea, at least not in the show. Louis wanted it. And by the way, Louis could've tried to turn Claudia before he took her to Lestat; it may have been fruitless, but I don't think that's the only reason why he didn't try. I think he very much wanted Lestat to be the person who'd take the blame for that.
And like, Lestat did become this common enemy that created this codependent bond between Louis and Claudia. Some of that is due to his own (horrible) actions, as well as the social inequalities that he was incapable of fully understanding. It's no wonder, and kind of inevitable, but I do think that Louis kind of fed off that bond in the way that real parents often do. To me, Claudia and Lestat have always played off as a very classic toxic mother/daughter relationship, while Louis and Claudia play as a very classic father/daughter toxic relationship. Lestat saw himself in Claudia and hated her and felt the need to compete for Louis's affection against her. Louis put Claudia on a pedestal and refused to see her as a real, flawed person and fell into this imbalance confidante relationship with her... And when Claudia fell off her pedestal, which I think only FULLY happened when Lestat was "killed", he reacted so negatively. Like, he loves her, but you can tell in the s2 premiere that the bond is broken. He hesitated when dream!Lestat asked if it was worth it. If SHE was worth it.
To me, Louis and Claudia's relationship is so reminiscent of this sort of... emotionally incestuous relationship that can happen with toxic parents and their children, but especially with mothers and sons and fathers and daughters. You can see her chafing at the restraint of it, and he responds by trying to "seal" it through these intense vows of love and loyalty, even though he KNOWS that there is a flaw in his thinking, a level of untruth to it. Even if he doesn't MEAN for it to be manipulative, it is absolutely manipulative and smothering. He smothers her and he then puts someone else above her, continuously. He isolates her, and then he puts her aside (close to him, but not THE CLOSEST) when someone else earns his love and dazzles him. She is a reliant source of love, or a reliant person onto which he can project his love, but she is not the FIRST choice. And she knows that. But she loves him, and so, like so many daughters, she keeps returning to him.
Louis absolutely loves her. And I think that her death will be what completely breaks him. I think he'll want to die. But I also think that part of that will be because of a broken heart, and part of it will be because of guilt. To paraphrase Succession, another show with toxic parents and kids who just can't fully kick 'em, Louis loves Claudia, but sometimes I think it's the wrong kind of love expression.
(And for the record, I also think that Lestat loved Claudia in his own twisted way, and possibly still does. But lol, it's an EVEN WORSE kind of love expression.)
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andreal831 · 7 months
The Depiction of the Werewolves in TO
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Once again, I made a quick, I thought funny, tiktok, which has upset some people because of my, you could say, lack of sympathy for the wolves in TO. But don't blame me, blame the writers.
If you know anything about me, you know Hayley Marshall is a top favorite character for me. I love her growth and the journey she went on to find her family. Which is why, when she did find them (excluding the whole betraying Tyler thing), I was upset by how they treated her. You have Jackson telling her he was disappointed in their interaction, you have Oliver taking advantage of her hospitality and betraying her, and then the rest of her family doesn't even greet her/talk to her. She is supposed to be this "princess who is promised," and yet they can't even take a second to get to know her. I get, they have been cursed and are just trying to enjoy their human moments while they can, but it just didn't give me anything to bond with.
Except Eve. I loved Eve. She welcomed Hayley, not as some long lost royal, but as family. Eve is the first, and really only, werewolf/family that we, as the audience, get to see Hayley bond with. We see her helping Hayley prepare for her baby as well as teaching her about their culture. It's implied others are helping as well, but we never get to see it. It all happens off screen. I just know, if Eve had been alive, she would have been by Hayley's side after she "lost" Hope.
Which makes it so much worse when Oliver kills Eve. And all for power. This is where my dislike for the New Orleans werewolves comes in. Any other time we meet wolves, there is a strong sense of loyalty. You hear, Tyler and Jules and even Hayley talk about the packs they have been with and you see them working together to avoid/fight off Klaus. But then we get to the Crescent wolves and learn that they have been trying to kill each other for power. Not just in the past, we actively see Oliver get his own pack members killed and then kill Eve with zero consequences. Yes, Oliver does die, but not because of that. He is still given a proper burial, something we don't even get to see for Eve.
Now, an argument people use a lot with the wolves is that they are the oppressed. But this argument, to me, comes more from the historical portrayal of werewolves and less from the sources material we are discussing. Throughout much media, the wolves are meant to represent the oppressed -- the poor and downtrodden -- who have been taken advantage of by the blood-sucking aristocrats, the vampires. But in TO, Jackson tells us that the werewolves were at the top of the food chain until in-fighting got the better of them.
And we see this in flashbacks to 1919. Lana Lebonair is working with the Mikaelsons and they are able to create peace in the city with the witches. After the Mikaelsons flee, we don't know exactly what happened, but we know leading up to the 1990s there had been enough in-fighting that the Lebonairs and Kenners had set up an arranged marriage in hopes to quell the civil war that had broken out.
Unlike in other depictions of werewolves, the wolves were not inherently oppressed. The first werewolf we ever meet is Tyler Lockwood, who was by no means strapped for cash. In 1919, the Crescents were living in the Quarter, partying right alongside everyone else. It wasn't until their own members made power grabs did they have issues.
In hindsight, we are told these power grabs are due to the Hollow and someone implied that Marcel should have investigated the werewolves civil war before cursing all of them. First, I don't necessarily support Marcel in everything he does. To me, in Season 1, he was very much like Klaus and it was not my favorite version of him. Should he have cursed an entire pack for the actions of a handful, probably not. But the way Marcel talks about it, it was not just a handful, the entire pack was at war with itself. And the curse only applied to those who had triggered the curse or did trigger the curse, so no children. Again, was there a better solution, maybe, but was it up to Marcel to realize a ancient spirit had possessed one of their leaders when not even his wife had realized? That may be asking too much. Especially after he was watching them try to butcher a baby.
Due to this curse, the werewolves do end up isolated in the bayou. The curse lasts for about 20 years so many of the young members miss out on much of their early adulthood. This is something the show should have gone in on more. In my story, I try to explore this idea that, because of the curse, the werewolves are really disenfranchised. However, in the show, we don't get that. The only wolves we deal with are the leaders who are essentially using their pack as a power play. Aiden is the only leader who seems to be aware that these decisions are impacting the entire pack, and he gets reprimanded for speaking out. Aiden is so desperate to save his pack that he goes to his enemies (Elijah and Marcel) to protect the children from the decisions of his own pack members.
To me, the beauty of the werewolves comes from their loyalty, from how they work together and support each other. The depiction of the Crescent wolves flies in the face of everything I typically love about packs. The leaders abandon each other, have little respect for each other, and for some reason they have a monarchy. Hayley and Aiden are the only leaders we truly see fighting for the pack, and they are often disrespected by the very members they are trying to help.
In Season 1, Hayley is torn between the people who took her in and the pack that she always wanted to find. She ends up in the middle of the conflict and the pack (Oliver) often throws that in her face and uses her as a pawn to try and manipulate the Mikaelsons while also disrespecting her over and over again. But the thing is, they didn't need a pawn. They never tried to open discussions. Hayley marches into a faction meeting angry that the werewolves were not included in the discussion, but they had never asked to be included. As Elijah points out, the meeting was to divide up the Quarter and the wolves do not live in the Quarter. If you are familiar with New Orleans, you know the nearest bayou is about an hour drive away. But when Hayley asked (demanded) to be in the conversation, she was immediately included. She then signed a treaty saying the wolves would help create peace, only for her to go back to the bayou to discover Jackson and Oliver were both working behind her back to make a side deal with Klaus for more power. Instead of building peace, they were again lobbying for power. The very thing that got them cursed in the first place.
Someone argued, 'of course they are trying to get power, they don't want to be cursed again.' And sure, but even when they get their power from Hayley, it doesn't stop them from being cursed by Dahlia. But maybe if they had made friends with the witches, they would have been able to get help from Davina earlier than they did.
It's easy to look at each faction and point out how they've been wronged, but as Hayley points out, they've all harmed each other. If they all wanted reparations for that harm, it would never end. The wolves seem to get the short end of the stick a lot, because, as Jackson says, they were never unified. The witches were and the vampires were. It's not up to the other factions to cut them a break because they couldn't get it together. At the end of it all, they needed to move forward and worry about the future of their people. Which is what Hayley and Lana do leading up to Season 5, when New Orleans was able to actually achieve peace. Not surprising it took women being in charge before the pack found unity.
I would also like to point out that in my post I had also called out Klaus and Marcel. I am not solely blaming the werewolves for the war in New Orleans. But it is incorrect to say the werewolves were innocent bystanders in it. Their history is just as bloody as the other factions. The only faction that was innocent was the human faction who truly did not get a seat at the table. And of course, in any war, the people who ended up paying for these power moves were good people like Sophie and Eve.
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saccharine-arts · 8 months
I feel like Orlox is quite underappreciated. If you count the shit he went though the first season alone, him killing Richters mother doesn't really make him that much of a villian. He probably is going to get enough beat downs from Erzabeth that he is going to be redeemed 10 times over, considering how she treats him as a pet and probably will do it again and again. I like anything that has to do with snakes, and considering that he literally turns into snake looking quetzalcoatl is even better. I just hope he won't loose another lover. There is already enough stress on the poor man. Protect him~
PROTECT HIM!!! Also you're so right, I don't even see him as much of a villain? He became an antihero for me, I'm such an apologist for him I'm not that mad about him killing Richter's mom lmao. I think their interactions and possibly having to work together more in the future is going to be super interesting.
The fact that Erzebet and Drolta had the absolute GALL to look at an Aztec/Mexica vampire who lived through the genocide and colonization of his people by the spanish, and try and sell them on their plan by telling him that he'd be their "guide to conquering the americas" and "we'll make a new world". LIKE?? It's almost funny the disconnect they have, and and how Olrox just lets them talk and assume what they want about him.
Olrox has more reason to kill Erzebet then anyone else in the series. It speaks so much to his character that he had so much cool control over his emotions with her and Drolta. That the most emotional we see him act is when Mizrak is threatened.
He's seen the spanish kill millions of his people. He lost his true love to a vampire hunter. You can tell that staying cool and analytical is a skill he's developed to survive. Waiting, observing, staying safe in the shadows. But then Mizrak shows up, reminds him of his lost love, and Olrox can't relive losing him again.
I absolutely adore characters (especially villainous or morally grey ones) whose greatest weakness/soft spot is love. I also love how he parallel's Dracula from the original show that way, and really like how we start off thinking he's going to be the Big Bad of the series, but he ends up being so sympathetic and having his goals align with our heroes.
I'm so scared of Erzebet knowing now that Olrox betrayed her to save Mizrak. If that happens and he gets put in danger I'm gonna go insane. MIZRAK YOU BETTER SAVE HIM BACK!!
I think it would be super cathartic and fun if either:
Olrox actually is a God. He ends up actually being Quetzalcoatl like how Erzebet becomes Sekmet. He's carrying a lost religion of a people who were murdered and colonized around with him always, when so few are around to remember him. And it can explain some of his interest in Mizrak and his faith, and some of his insider knowledge and lines about God and demons.
He keeps his cool and bides his time, working from the shadows, but when the heroes need him most he kills Erzebet. I want to see him get vengence on her for everything she represents and get to be really spooky about it.
Honestly wherever the writers go with him, there's so many good options it feels hard to go wrong. He's set up so well. I really want to know more about how he was turned. Also about his Mohican lover and how Richter's mom ended up killing him.
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