#can not BELIEVE how many wips i found good lord
dblsoul · 5 months
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houseki scribbles from 2020
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jenerousjenocide · 10 months
Familiar Face
Fifty years had passed since the Netherbrain was defeated; it took Astarion five years after to become the lord of Baldur’s Gate. Within that timespan his old companions departed from the city, following new adventures in quiet hope their paths would never cross again. Only one agreement was made among them, set by the leader themselves that carried the entire team on her back single handily.
“Keep it within Baldur’s Gate.”
A warning, no less, a boundary they set to ensure the entire realm wouldn’t be overrun by vampires, although Astarion would be lying to say the thought didn’t cross his mind every other day or so.
The temptation was always there, and it would be so easy.
As much as Astarion would never admit it, he did respect his dear old friend more than he let on. A/N Nobody asked for this, but here it is I'm back on my BS. Also this is basically a WIP, its eventually going to be sexy. It'll be fine. Feedback is encouraged, I have written anything in eight years and it probably shows. AO3 Mirror - Next
Baldur’s Gate, once a city of innovation and progress, stood as the capital of Faerun. For centuries it was built up from the ground with those in power struggling with balance between right and wrong, the noble and the peasants and ensuring the Upper City and Lower City remained as separate as can be in terms of gold and assistance from guards or authorities.
It was no longer the case after so many decades of building it up, only for it to come crashing down one evening.
Citizens had believed their troubles were over the moment the Netherbrain was defeated, in fact they did have a few months of peace, and all seemed so bright and hopeful for the future. Festivals and parades crowded the streets for days, cheering on the heroes that rescued the city from destruction and the lives of all the innocents threatened by the damage caused.
Strangers worked together to rebuild, fix each others homes and offer food, aid or supplies to anyone in need. Nobles made large donations to better assist the poor struggling to get by and for a while it all seemed too good to be true.
Something in the shadows was lurking, bigger than anyone could have imagined and somehow the true secrets were kept hidden from the citizens for years.
Authority figures began stepping down from their roles seemingly without an explanation, providing vague answers for those with questions that one could only deem reasonable. This continued until only one remained, a new figure that seemed to have risen to power overnight yet was able to make his name and reputation known as one of the heroes that saved Baldur’s Gate all those years before.
Lord Astarion Ancunín.
It was a slow transition at first, but it felt as though his coronation as Lord was the shifting point in which everything seemed to come together. For his benefit, at least.
It began with smooth talking his way into meetings, debunking rumours spread among residents that he was a vampire spawn because why or how would a feeble vampire be able to walk among the living so freely? He saved Baldur’s Gate from disaster; it was easy to gain the trust of majority of the population.
The plan really kicked into gear after inviting each noble he could come across to a private dinner. A bite to eat with life altering consequences, and they soon became his loyal subjects one by one.
Like a puppet master stringing together a performance of a lifetime, they obeyed his every command and retreated to his palace to no longer serve as the nobles they once were, but as servants and spawns as Astarion deemed fit.
Just as the city was changing under his thumb, the palace once owned by Cazador Szarr also changed. The gaudy paintings taken down and replaced with marble statues or fine antiques. Some of which found by servants during their evening hunts for more followers to fall under their master’s spell.
Astarion swore he was nothing like Cazador, the wretched bastard was cruel and unforgiving, embarrassing and torturing those he turned for his own cruel entertainment and ensuring he was able to strike fear into every one of them. No, Astarion didn’t punish his servants for no reason, and he didn’t force them to feed on vermin the way he did for two centuries.
That isn’t to say he didn’t have his rules, and when punishment was due it was carried out carefully and with a message along with it. If the punishments were met with resistance, Astarion wasn’t above himself to deal the final blow, ending the insubordination in it’s tracks before it can pick up traction and spread through his coven like a filthy disease.
He knew they would never be able to overpower him if they somehow managed to lapse free from his command, but keeping the peace was within everyone’s best interest to keep invasive thoughts and memories from clouding his mind.
Fifty years had passed since the Netherbrain was defeated; it took Astarion five years after to become the lord of Baldur’s Gate. Within that timespan his old companions departed from the city, following new adventures in quiet hope their paths would never cross again. Only one agreement was made among them, set by the leader themselves that carried the entire team on her back single handily.
“Keep it within Baldur’s Gate.”
A warning, no less, a boundary they set to ensure the entire realm wouldn’t be overrun by vampires, although Astarion would be lying to say the thought didn’t cross his mind every other day or so.
The temptation was always there, and it would be so easy.
As much as Astarion would never admit it, he did respect his dear old friend more than he let on.
She picked him up from the side of the road after he pulled a knife on her, didn’t immediately drive a stake through his heart when he attempted to bite her while she slept. She listened to him prattle and complain about his troubles and concerns, his trauma and story behind the ugly scars that adorned his back.
She promised to stand by his side and help him take down his cruel master in the place he called home. She fought battles that weren’t even hers to fight and with obvious hesitance helped Astarion ascend into the powerful lord he was. Even within his power drunk mind that day, he knew the dynamic of their relationship changed completely and would never be the same again.
He could see it in her eyes when they would speak following the ritual. A look that once projected adoration and love now turned fearful, pleading and cold.
With an offer of immortal life by his side, their relationship ended completely.
Of course, he was insulted by her rejection, but he had no real need for her any longer if he were to become as powerful as he needed to be to bring the city to its knees. He thought she was in it for the long run, but he ended up getting exactly what he wanted in the end.
Perhaps his initial plan of seducing her to ensure she never turned on him worked too well, but with the consequences of their actions it was obvious that becoming a vampire spawn was not a life she wanted to live. Even if it meant being by his side for all of eternity until the world came crashing down around them.
It didn’t hurt entirely, but the sting was still there as he pondered what could have been had she said yes.
Nonetheless it was too far gone in the past to even bring it up anymore, the golden days were long gone and so were his companions. Astarion couldn’t spend his time pondering what everyone else was up to, they wouldn’t dare return to Baldur’s Gate, and he decided to keep things slow and steady while building his coven from the ground up.  
It had been so long, surely she was old or dead by now, judging by human lifespans.
The idea of it was enough to make his usually composed expression cringe with a slight pang of his dead heart. She could have lived forever young, but the possibility she was long gone did bring up a familiar sting.
Not that she was his anymore, he internally scolded himself for allowing himself to linger on the memories and possibilities for too long.
There were more pressing matters to focus on, especially with his ascension anniversary coming up and the grand extravaganza he did annually for the mortal citizens of the city to commemorate the day he gained true freedom and power.
The preparations were going smoothly, his spawn working endlessly to ensure everything was perfect down to the last detail. Roaming the halls, Astarion could only give his directions and opinions regarding where things should be, he wouldn’t dare lift a finger to help decorate.
The sound of his footsteps echoes through the ballroom hall, vampire strung about doing their job to get the preparations completed and keep their dear master content with their efforts. He pretended not to notice how a few of them wince when he walked closer, chalking it up to pure respect and that a little reminder of who’s in charge doesn’t hurt.
Everything was falling into place; the stage was set and soon the ballroom will be filled with people immortal and mortal alike. A subtle feast for those less fortunate to be cast under his vampire spawn’s charms, but a night to remember for the remaining attendees to keep face as lord of the city everyone loved once before.
The Golden City stands before you, imposing and tall like all those photos and stories you’ve heard before. It didn’t quite live up to expectations, a menacing storm overhead unmoving, as if warning those trying to enter to turn away and never return.
There had been no news of Baldur’s Gate for years. Everyone you spoke to mentioned it was still populated and ruled over by one man, a man who helped saved the city from destruction long ago, but regarding progression or innovation there had been little word. You always dreamed of seeing the city with your own two eyes, but as you stand before it you can’t help but feel a sense of dread tug at your heart.
You draw in a deep breath, as if preparing to hold it in your lungs to avoid any toxic fumes the air might have lingered around. Despite the darkness, you do see citizens wandering about and going on with their daily business.
Perhaps you spend too much time reading and listening silly fairy tales.
You travelled a good way to get here, fleeing from your home in Waterdeep and avoiding any questions regarding your adventure. You’re positive nobody witnessed your escape due to the lack of yelling and restraint being placed on you.
For the moment you’re free to explore, get your fix of the city and get back home before anyone is the wiser.
The first step into the city was easy, navigating was a whole other ball game.
One big difference between your hometown and the city is how big it makes you feel. Waterdeep was familiar, you had your family and friends and somehow everyone knew everyone’s business at some point or another- In the City it’s the complete opposite, the feeling of being so small and insignificant imposing itself on you until it feels like it’s the only thing you do know.
Maybe it wouldn’t be such an awful idea to turn back.
 “Don’t forget the Palace doors open at sundown! Our Lord would be honored to have any and all citizens come join the festivities taking place. A night of dancing, drinking and mingling with Baldur’s Gate’s finest.”
The voice was coming from the center of town, a well-dressed man standing in the middle handing out invitations to residents walking by. The practiced smile on his face greeted everyone who made eye contact with him, he was charming to say the least.
Before you even realized your feet were already moving you towards the center, reaching out as the young man offered a warm smile and the invitation. Noting the smile didn’t reach his eyes, you take the invitation and read the contents.
Midnight Masquerade Come one, come all! Lord Astarion invites you to a night of dancing, drinking and dining.
It couldn’t hurt to have at least one night in the city, in fact you were taught that it was rude to decline invitations. You could pop in for a little food and wine and leave before the night was even over.
You tuck the invitation into your pack and adjust it steadily on your back. You needed to find an outfit to fit in, and quickly before the party was ready to start.
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
i found your account a couple of months ago and have been quietly enjoying EVERYTHING but it is time to come explode in person with all my love for you and your writing 🤭
1st my venor BABIES. the way i am being the pastor (vicar? pastor? person who stands at the front) at their wedding and no one can stop me because they're growing old together in my head, the pottery date????????? i'll die if someone takes me on a pottery date it was so cute 🥺 my life has been measured in days till next venor chapted and there's no better way to wish my life away
sunday smut book club??????? i don't know how to explain it but it itched my brain so good because it was so interesting and so well written. i've never read a fanfic writer fanfic and it was such a funky lil experience
i love everything, even what I haven't read yet I know it's another 5 star piece of writing, you're so great and i can't believe i get to read it for free
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and they were like "aw cute"
anyway i adore you and i'm gonna be sick over how cool and funny you are, thanks
atp the venor babies would have a massive wedding cuz so many people are screaming at me to let them grow old together and TRUST ME, there is no other way their story could end. that's true love, y'all. it's true love. they are never letting each other go 😭
AND SUNDAY SMUT BOOK CLUB !! THANK YOU !! i was kinda nervous about posting it since it's very much not the type of smut/pov people are accustomed to, so i'm glad you liked the vibes! it was really entertaining to write
i hope you genuinely do enjoy the other fics of mine that you read! 🥹 lord knows i have way too many wips to share with the world eventually too
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ghosts-of-love · 10 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @impossiblyizzy , thank you!! <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
BBC Ghosts
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
adored - (755)
lost then found - (539)
how much longer will it take to cure this? - (392)
the quick and the dead - (359)
adored 2 (electric boogaloo) - (339)
5. Do you respond to comments?
good lord i really try, but the best i've been able to do is get to minus [redacted] recently (but no longer, alas, by a considerable amount). but please know that i read every comment in my emails as soon as they come through and think about them always!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't really write angsty endings! i guess out of touch, out of time is melancholy because they know things can't really change so that's as close as i've gotten to a non-happy ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lost then found and adored!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i haven't (yet! now you've got me worried ahaha)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i certainly try haha. in terms of kind, i'm not sure what kinds of smut there are, i tend to just write the same two men boinking and hope for the best.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no crossovers from me!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of! (please let me know if this happens)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! it's such a huge honour I still can't believe it!!
Боготвори меня by pilfer_rinse (@pilfer-rinse)
adorado by Almu_de_Nada (@disclaimer-performatico)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i haven't but would love to!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
patcap i think! but have also been clown-conversing with my friend about jean valjean/javert because we both read the same amazing fic at the same time haha
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
fucking...all of them. i am determined to finish the quick and the dead so that doesn't count. But i'm worried i may never finish the uni fic i'm writing or three weddings and a divorce party.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm i think i am quite good at keeping people in character (as much as they can be in AUs and such like!) and keeping things light/funny even when emotional.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i know at the moment i am struggling with description of places/things. or i feel like i'm not taking the time to use fun language techniques, similes, metaphors etc and instead am being quite robotic in how i'm getting from A to B.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have tried it before but i've only stuck to languages i've studied before so i already had a grounding in them, you know? I fully support including writing dialogue in another language if you want to do it!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
les mis (the fic has since been deleted)
20. Favourite fic you've written? 
I honestly can't choose, which makes me very happy actually, that I'm finding so much to love in all of my fics!
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it!! <3 <3
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themindarchive · 4 months
How to Accidentally Pull a Dragon.
An Original story idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while after i noticed there aren't many romance stories where it's the woman who is the more "Dominent/pursur/knight in shining armor" of the relationship.
So, using an old pathfinder character as inspiration I came up with this.
6'5" muscle mommy monster hunter with a dark past but with the help of a loving and supportive family has healed form majority of her trauma meets 5'4" ex noble turned cleric/healer that escaped to another country with his younger sister, giving up their citizenship to his home country in order to avoid arranged marriages to the unmarried members of a very toxic and abuse noble house blackmailing his family.
Mutual Pining, Dragon Shifter FMC as part of an influential and long lived Supernatural The Adams style family, FMC is blatantly flirting while the MMC doesn't believe she would ever want him. Found Family helps Birth Family. Progressive Noble family stuck in a Conservative Kingdom. Woman in stereotypical male role. Man in stereotypical female role. Man who has a weakness for a woman who can crush his skull between her thighs. Woman who has a weakness for men who gets genuinely excited about something they love and go on a hyper fixated rant about it. "Royal Family" that only pretends to act like royalty/nobilty one specific event of the year so they often forget about it. WIP. World Lore Pending.
More in depth under the cut.
Male MC: Percy Lockheart formerly known as Percival Delacroix is the chief healer and occasional secretary of his biological mother's hunting guild. He and his sister are the product of a secret polyamourous relationship between his father and his "legal" mother who still live in Citrine, his patriarchal home kingdom to the south, and his bio mother a citizen of Andromeda, a country to the north "ruled" by three separate "Families" known as the Great Houses, one of which she was a part of.
At about the age of 15 his families "scandalous secret" had been uncovered by the *insert pretentious and vaguely threatening noble family name here* and used it to blackmail his family into agreeing to marry off Percy and his younger sister to the two older, abusive, manipulative, spoiled and as of yet unmarried members of the family due to the previous.
Upon finding out, Percy's bio mom offers to do the one thing that could at least keep Percy and his sister from being forced to marry these two very abusive and manipulative older nobles.
Taking them over the border with her and making them full citizens of Andromeda through being blood related to her.
His more progressive family, wanting to at least make sure his two youngest could be saved from horrifically abusive marraiges, agrees.
Even though Percy and his sister have a much better life than they would have had back there, he could never completely shake the guilt of leaving his family at the mercy of those who blackmailed them. A guilt that still stuck with him, making him into a man who has a hard time believing he deserves the good things that are happening to him.
Female MC: Valient Bloodstone "The Grey Warden" is a famous monster hunter that spends majority of her time on the road, hunting monsters either to save lives or for coin depending on the situation.
At the age of ten, in order to protect her younger and ailing sister after their mother was cut down in front of her, she allowed herself to be taken by one of her father's old enemies, a vampire lord and was used as a child gladiator.
At the age of 15, a group of monster hunters showed up to the vampire lord's lair, eradicating her abuser and freeing her. With no other idea's on how to live her life, she studied under the hunters who rescued her, taking something that was once a skill set only for killing innocents, to saving them instead.
She ended up making quite the name for herself, so much so that the family she had been taken from were able to track her down and reunite with her, giving her the love and support she needed to heal from her past.
Now, as her body begins to show signs of slowing and the damage she has been inflicted with beginning to catch up, she is on the verge of retiring, using the more simple and "safer" hunts to save up for the next chapter in her life.
A school for monster hunters and rangers like herself.
The day the two of them met was like any other day.
Valiant or V as most knew her had come in to the guild to turn in her most recent bounty. Riding in on her construct horse, she prepared for a much needed rest, having spent the last year helping her father deal with some trouble on the Citrine/ANdromeda border that ran along the deg of his lands.
Using the money her father had given her for the help and the money that she would soon get for her bounties, she planned on taking a good two weeks off for some self care and much needed repairs.
She had earned it.
Percy was working as the record keeper and bounty receiver in place of the regular one who was on maternity leave. Upon hearing the The Grey Warden themselves were there(A figure he looked up to in his youth) volunteers to meet with them personally to settle the bounties they brought in.
He goes down to meet them only to find out that V, whom most assumed was a man due to their size, build, and the flattening effect of most armor, was in fact a very muscular woman.
And Percy had a weakness for large muscular women who could throw him over their shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
So of course, he folded like a god damn arm chair.
V on the other hand, though often attracted to smaller men with soft gentle eyes like Percy had, wasn't drawn to Percy beyond a professional or platonic relationship until the day she got him talking about *Insert Hyper fixation here*.
For she had a deep and profound weakness for men who got genuinely excited about talking about something they loved that they went on whole rants about it.
She had always loved the way their eyes lit up and the wide happy smiles on their faces.
It was what made her mother fall for her father and she did not fall far from that tree.
Unfortunately, due to the immense survival's guilt and the low self esteem that it caused in Percy, all V's attempts at flirting, both subtle and blatant, fell on deaf ears despite how desperate he wanted to believe them.
It was something that V recognized in herself all to well before her family had found her. The recognition set her anger a blaze for whomever hurt him, and her heart to breaking for what he thought of himself, despite being a folk hero level healer in his own right.
Fortunately for V but Unfortunately for Percy, his obsessive "betrothed" was not familiar with the concept of "No." and shows up to try and threaten/blackmail/manipulate him into fulfilling his duty to his family by forcing him to announce their engagement at an upcoming gathering he would be attending due to his status as the first born son of the Matriarch of The House of Wyld.
V see's the first interaction between them as she returns from a hunt and afterwards gets the whole story from him.
As soon as she is able to resupply, she bee lines it back to her families land and tells them about what's going on. They make a plan to help him and his family make at the upcoming peace gathering, a festival/ball that happens once a year during Citrine's "Season", as an effort to keep the peace between the two countries.
Both him and his younger sister who married the soon to be patriarch of the The House of Arcanis, prepare for the ball, fearing for what their "betrothed's" families would do if they refused their request.
They feared sparking a war between the two countries, something they didn't put past them to do over this.
But they both knew how exactly that war would end.
The Dead fields on the far west Citrine/Andromeda border where the undead and tortured souls of soldiers still walked, was perfect proof of that.
Unbeknownst to Percy however, he had been traveling, flirting with and pining over the First Born child the house the Noble's did recognize.
The House of Night.
The House of Night was a prestigious house, even to those in Citrine, because it was home to nearly all of the most influential and powerful heroes/leaders of the country. The house also often operated as the the countries "face", equivalent to Citrine's royal family, that pretends to go along with the games the nobles of the Citrine play, often beating them at it.
At the ball, Percy and his sister are among the first to arrive, their new titles and names being announced to the ball room with many whispers and shocked gasps.
But when the House of Night shows up it is Percy's turn to gasp in shock as the announcer reports "The Grey Warden" as one of it's member's.
Shocked, confused, and afraid he leaves the ballroom to try and process what he just saw, only for V to find him in the midst of a panic attack.
A calm explanation followed by a passionate confession ends with Percy being picked up and slammed against a nearby wall as V practically devours him in the dimly lit hallway.
However, much to Percy's dismay, V breaks away from him as soon as it is announced that his betrothed and family have arrived.
After a little bit of help from V's father and sister to get them back presentable again, they explain to Percy "the plan".
The Plan being, V and Percy return to the Ball from the same and separate exits they used and keep separate until it is clear that his betrothed is going for him.
At that moment, V will walk over and ask him for a dance and while they are on the floor, the two Patriarchs of the family, her father and his husband, will make a subtle show of going over to Percy's family and speaking with them in a clear, we are negotiating some terms, type of conversation.
And since everyone in attendance knows how high up the social ladder her family is, just getting the families direct attention is enough to elevate Percy's family beyond where his betrothed's family could touch them.
After the ball, the two families have lunch where instead of negotiating something that was already going to happen at this point, (V malewifing percy up) also find a way for Percy's family to either act as ambassador's and thus have diplomatic immunity or straight up move to Citrine like Percy did, with V's family as their sponsors.
It is pretty much straight to the happy ending after that with an obligatory "You begged him to kiss you, He begged me to fuck him, we are not the same" style scene for a final confrontation with Percy's former "Betrothed."
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sockablock · 3 years
When Essek's old alter ego is suddenly asked by Da'leth to work at Soltryce Academy, nine semi-retired adventurers are thrust back into a web of danger, intrigue, and wizardly shenanigans. (Surprise, surprise! I’m back with another Shadowgast WIP)
Chapter 1: The Worst-Case Scenario
Caleb watched Essek hover back and forth like a miniature, panicked storm cloud.
“This is ridiculous! It must be some kind of joke. We haven't had any contact for years, and now he expects me to believe him? What is he playing at?”
“Breathe, Essek, breathe. You will not solve this mystery by wearing a hole in—above—the carpet.”
“What?” Essek looked down, then stopped floating. “Oh. My apologies. I’m a bit…well, you know.”
“I would be too.” There was urging in Caleb’s voice. “Take a seat, Schatz. Let me see the letter.”
Essek obliged, handing over a crumpled scroll right before collapsing heavily into his chair. The fire of a cold late-autumn evening cast their den in gold and orange light.
“Does he explain himself?” Caleb turned the scroll the right way around. “Does he say why?”
“Has Da’leth ever done that?” Essek snorted. “All he wrote was that I—rather, that Thain, had been selected. And I only have two days to respond.”
Caleb waved his hand, and a glowing orb appeared. He brought it closer to the parchment. “May I?”
“To the esteemed Lord Dezran Thain of Nicodranas—good grief. He really isn’t subtle.”
“Tell me about it,” Essek said.
“Perhaps,” Caleb continued, “you are aware of the ongoing investigations into the Cerberus Assembly. If so, then perhaps you have also heard that Archmage Tversky and Archmage Margolin will be leaving our ranks by the end of the week—ah yes, Beau was quite proud of that.”
“She should be,” Essek said miserably. “It’s about time. Read the next part.”
“And so it falls on the surviving members of our organization to fill these vacant roles. We believe, for the safety and stability of our country, that the next Archmages of Conscription and Dysology should come from within the Empire; however, it has been brought to our attention that adding a Nicodranian mage to our ranks could be quite valuable. Such an alliance would strengthen our ties to the Menagerie Coast, as well as assuage any concerns that the Empire is isolationist or inflexible. Therefore, as we have been friends for some time—really?”
Essek made a face. “I would not have called him my ‘friend’ in any form, but we have known each other for a few decades. Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately,” Caleb commiserated. He smoothed out the letter and found his place again. “—I wished to have the pleasure of informing you that on behalf of the Cerberus Assembly, you, Lord Dezran Thain of Nicodranas, have been extended the honor of replacing Archmage Margolin in his secondary capacity—as the distinguished and peerless Headmaster of the Soltryce Academy. Oh. My gods.”
Essek groaned. He had his head buried in his hands.
“You Identified this already?” Caleb managed eventually.
Essek nodded. “I wish I hadn’t.”
Caleb continued to stare at the letters. The fluid, curving script seemed to blur all together. “That’s…gods,” he said again.
“I…can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now.”
Essek snorted. “Actually, if anyone could, it would be you.” Then something occurred to him. Suddenly, the hearth shone an odd color in his eyes. “This was delivered to our home. To this house, in Rexxentrum. Yours. That…bastard.”
Caleb was quick to understand. He took a deep breath, then reached over for Essek’s hand.
“Maybe it was just enchanted to find you wherever you are. Like a Sending spell.”
“I’d hate to think otherwise. That would mean—”
Caleb interrupted him out of mercy. “Every inch of our tower is warded from divination. Besides, you’ve adopted an endless array of personas. I don’t even think we’ve been seen together with you as Thain, not since the party years ago.”
“Still.” Essek rubbed his eyes. “The timing makes me think he knows something. That, and the fact that it’s for Thain, I mean—what has Thain accomplished? I don’t even remember telling anyone I was a mage!”
“That, ah…that might have been Jester’s fault. She really enjoyed adding to your personas. You needed a past, after all, otherwise you would have just appeared from nowhere.”
“So she told everyone that Thain was a famous wizard?”
“The best lies are often true,” Caleb shrugged. “Though I admit that she might have gone a little overboard. You know how much she likes to praise her friends.”
It was a testament to Essek’s troubled mood that he barely acknowledged this. Caleb squeezed his fingers. “They said…they did say you could reject them. And their political reasoning is not unsound. Maybe that is all there is to it—the Assembly needs someone to be the Headmaster, and they thought of you.”
Even after so many years of trying, Caleb’s reassuring voice still left some things desired. Essek shut his eyes.
“My love, the very idea that the Cerberus Assembly is even thinking of me is a nightmare.”
 “Fair enough.”
“I just want to know why,” Essek muttered. “Why now? Why me? What is he after?”
“I don’t know,” Caleb said. “I wish I did.”
Essek suddenly turned toward him. “I—I hate to ask this, but can you find out? You know…ask our old friend the newest Archmage.”
“Ah.” Caleb’s face gave a complicated shuffle, one common these days when Astrid was mentioned.
“If you don’t want to—” Essek hurried.
“No, no, I can…try.” He scratched his chin. “She’s just been less open, lately. She’s not…pleased by how thorough the Soul is being. Beauregard is relentless.”
“It has been seven years. That’s a lot for your kind, but probably just enough for Da’leth to finally realize they mean business—” Essek blinked. “Do you think that’s why he picked me?”
“We don’t know that he’s behind this,” Caleb said lamely. At Essek’s expression, he relented. “Alright, alright. I’ll stop suggesting otherwise.”
“It’s not unappreciated, I just prefer to be direct. It is clear that Da’leth is trying to use me again. This time, in order to hurt you and the Cobalt Soul. There is no point in believing otherwise.”
Caleb brushed Essek’s face. “No, that would require him to think he could use you in the first place. But that is impossible, because Thain does not know Widogast.”
“He does, though.”
“Yes, but is Da’leth aware of that? He cannot be.”
“I thought we put an end to that.”
“Only to statements of idle hope, not facts.” Caleb was now holding both his hands. “The truth of the matter is that…yes, perhaps the Martinet does want you for some devious plan—”
“Oh, lovely—”
“—however, any plan he has cannot be based on our connection. We have been doing this…being us, for seven years now, Essek. If he were going to play against that hand, he would have done so already. This must be something else.”
Essek huffed. “What, though? What reason does he have? I haven’t been important to the Kryn for years. I resigned, I’m virtually a stranger there, and I certainly don’t have any more secrets for sale.” He paused. “Well, ones that Ludinus would desire. I’m useless to him.”
“I highly doubt that,” Caleb said. And his voice, while kind, had a faint edge to it. “You are right in that there probably is some motivation here. It might be related to the investigation in other ways—after all, two members of the Assembly are leaving. That makes four upheavals in under a decade. And if the Soul and the crown are both pushing for the appointment of more partial Archmages, then it might very well be the case that Da’leth just wants someone he can control. In your case, through blackmail.”
“Hooray for me.”
“He probably wouldn’t, though,” Caleb said. “Since, as you said, this is a situation of mutually assured destruction.”
Essek grimaced. “I have been somewhat wishful in that department. Even with your support, it is still my word against the Martinet.”
“Our word. That includes the Cobalt Soul.”
Essek shook his head. “You’ve seen how well he’s stood up to them so far. Can you honestly say that my safety is a sure thing? Don’t lie to me, Caleb.”
There was a pause.
“Essek, I will do everything in my power to protect you.”
"I know." He patted Caleb on the hand.
Outside their tower, far away, the evening bells of the Rexxentrum began to ring. One, and then two, and then almost a dozen, loud and bronze across the dimming sky.
“There is one way to find out for sure what Da’leth is planning.”
Essek sighed. “I know. But I don’t like it.”
Caleb leaned back in his seat. “Neither do I.”
The cry of the great bells waned. In their den, all around the wall, points of magelight flared to life—flickering and purple harbingers of night.
“Will you do it?” Caleb said.
“I don’t know if I have a choice.”
“You do,” Caleb said. “The worst-case scenario is that Da’leth tries to talk, and we…deal with that.”
“We’ve been trying to deal with him for years,” Essek said. “And…maybe this is bold of me to say, but the worst-case scenario isn’t that—it’s not knowing. Maybe I can…maybe I can find the answers here. If Da’leth thinks he is controlling me, if he trusts me to do his bidding, maybe I can finally learn something to break his hold.”
“As long as he never truly controls you,” Caleb said. “That is a risk I cannot accept.”
This time, Essek was the one to offer assurance. He gently pressed a kiss to Caleb’s hand.
“You forget,” he said wryly. “I am a powerful wizard. Haven’t you heard my title?”
“Shadowhand?” Caleb said. He did not look fully mollified, but he managed a chuckle. “I thought you were retired.”
Essek smiled. “I was, my love, but now it seems that I have a new role. Starting soon...you will be sharing your home with the next Headmaster of the Soltryce Academy.”
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Beautiful Revelations
Pairing: Gruvia (I know its been a hot ass min)
Fandom: Fairy Tail 
tags: @shellielyzabeth @be-dazzled @nostalgicxslumber @unvalley @tigerfire54
Note: It has happened. I have written 200 fanfics and idk if I should be proud or slightly scared. (feel free to skip this omg why is it so long) 
I want to say thank you to everyone who has read, liked, reblogged or interacted with me in any way. I have always had a feeling that no matter what I write, I wouldn’t matter. But every comment and sweet note left made me realize that even if its just a smile or enough to make someone hit the like button, I made a small difference or added something to the fandom. Most of my fics are quick drabbles full of spelling mistakes, random thoughts and love for the characters. I know I don’t write very long stories or finish my wips (why are we surprised) but even though Im not someone people look to as a big author, each of you have made me feel special. There have been many times, this year especially that I had decided to give up writing. “Im not good enough and no one will even notice” Thats what I told myself if I decided to just back away. But every so often I would look and see that someone new or old had read my work. Every time someone reads something I wrote, I go back and read it too. I look at all the tags and see every comment and I stop and smile and remember how much joy it brought me when I first posted. 
When I first started writing, I thought that I wouldn’t have a place. Yet in a very short span of time, I was welcomed with open arms and people started to tune in regularly for my fics. I had been given many nicknames such as Gruvia goddess, angst queen, satan (yes I know the fic0 and well even Star. 
During my darkest moments, my mind lingered to my writing and to my internet friends. without hesitation I could message someone and feel better and be given the reassure I need. I can't even begin to say how much it means to me that people actually enjoy my writing and even me as a person. 
I thank each of you for giving me a joy that was considered a luxury at one point and allowing me to write whatever I wanted and you took it with love and made me happier than I have been in years. To all the people who made art or wrote me something, it means so much to me. 
Im not saying that this fic is my greatest but I think it has a special place because It shows the growth over time. 200 fics is a lot and whether or not they were all good, it doesn't matter because I did that and I can say that im proud. Im sorry for all that sappy shit but I wouldn't be where I am without you all. 
-Star <3 
ps: im not dying or stop writing fics im just happy lol 
  “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a               heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever
It was the nights like these that she hated most. The cold would creep through the blankets and make her shiver as her eyelids hung heavy. She could be ready to rest, let the sweet dreams guide her but instead those dark intrusive thoughts toyed with her like a fly on a freshly woven web. They would sprout out of nowhere, tangled with thorns and hold her mind hostage as it injected its sickly venomized thoughts for the night.
She always wondered how she got this far. She was one of the highest members of Phantom Lord, her abilities had rarely been matched. If she desperately craved, she could walk down the hallways and strike fear into the other members, no one could touch her. Hierarchies became a custom here. Once you made it to the top after clawing your way with blood, sweat and probably more blood, you were a god. Yet she walked in and in the next few minutes she was at the table with the master, already receiving a promise that she was special, a delicate and useful ally for the guild.
Special. What a swollen lie that turned out to be.
Maybe that's why she never bothered to search for a light, something to cure the rain. For every life she had bruised or ended, she wanted to feel the pain that followed. She needed to know the consequence of her actions, to be held accountable for ruining another family or taking something from the innocent. Instead she was celebrated.
The days turned to months and she found herself years later not knowing what anything meant anymore. Life used to be black and white. She would walk the side of the kind and good and now she was treading through a swarm of a morally gray compound.
These restless nights, she loathed them but then again, suffering was something that came naturally to her. The only person to ever knock her down was herself.
She climbed out of bed, fuzzy slippers over her feet as she walked to the bathroom. Her headache had worsened and she stared into the mirror. She had looked at herself a thousand times but… have her eyes always been that blue? No, she was tired and her vision was fuzzy, she was fine. Cold water came to her hands as she turned on the facet and splashed her face. Everything was the same as it always was. Expect for today.
Her order was simple. Defeat whoever stood in her way and make sure the Phantom Lord got Lucy Heratfilia. Why did they want some mage? She didn’t know but she was never one to second guess her orders. To go against what she was told was a waste of time, she would have been dead by the end of the day if she did. She had once believed that they accepted her with open arms, that Phantom Lord truly cared about her well being. It was a lie. A bitter sweet lie she allowed to remain in her head.
Hundreds of opponents had come before her. She was accustomed to the way of a battle and had harnessed her skill at a young age. The pure power of the rain pushed her further. She had an unlimited amount of power around her, unlike others, they would run out of fuel. She began to crave that god-like power. Allow the storm to rage on, all she had was herself and the droplets that followed. She understood she was an outcast. Love was never an option, not for someone who brought gloom everywhere.
But this afternoon, fate was a funny thing. She walked onto that rooftop, winning was the only thing on her mind, but he was there. A man who didn’t back down, a man who saw her as an equal.
Her heart began to race. It was forgien and she wasn’t sure if she liked it. She had felt attraction before but this, this was different. Something as small as a single glance had already spun her mind into a muddled mess. It would have been better if she turned around, if he didn’t engage in the fight. Then maybe she wouldn’t be thinking of him like this.
Love at first sight. That wasn’t real. No one could possibly have that happen. What could drive someone's emotion so wild that they become attached to a person in such a short time? And yet it happened. He stood there waiting for the next move and she could only gaze at him with rose colored glasses.
An enemy. A traitor. That's what she would be if she dared to let him escape. She couldn’t hestatite, she never did and now she was frozen in her spot as ice magic danced around her. Peoples magic and abilities never intrigued her, but this, this was beyond anything she had seen.
The light reflecting off of the ice as her droplets froze before her eyes was breathtaking and she hardly noticed that she was losing the battle. She never thought rain could look, dare she say, beautiful? But in this state of its frozen glory, it was all she could think about. She envied those who never had to stay in the rain, a jealousy she didn’t want to admit had festered over the years and she gave up trying to despise the element. But before her was something much more than the state she was accustomed to. Ice. The solid purity of her own and she had wondered what it would be like to hold it in her hands.
She had water locked him, pulled out all of the stops and even with that, he stood again and again. He had screamed that the water was boiling, burning his skin but never before had the water gone above warm. It was usually ice cold on the tipping point of freezing but she could feel the warmth surrounding her.
It shocked her just the same. She had heard people talk about feeling the sun kiss their skin, the warmth spreading as they walked, this was the closest she had felt to that. This warm rush of water was beyond what she had known and yet even as it tinged her hands it felt good, it felt freeing, it felt right.
It burned in a way she had craved for so long. Something other than the fridgeness she had grown used too.
She stared at her reflection in her mirror, tears brimming her eyes. How could one person she just met bring her something she had never felt before? She shut the light out in the bathroom and walked back to her bed, passing her window, she stopped and turned.
Above in the sky was the moon. A soft white glow surrounded the orb that she had never seen before. It was breathtaking. A cosmic power the normal people of the world didn’t dare to worship now became a luxury. The sky was clear and she could see the stars, she could sense them all. How could she have lived her entire life never once seeing the moon and the sun? She had been cursed to live in the rain forever.
But he-he made it stop.
When he grabbed her arm, it was like time had stopped. As if everything she had ever known was washed away and all she could see was a bright light encasing him. She was content knowing her death was coming, there was hardly a reason for her to live. Perhaps she wasn't even living, just surviving day after gloomy day.
He pulled her to safety, her back against the roof as she panted heavily. Those clouds above her moved like a curtain for a show, parting just so that she could see the enchanting mystery she had always craved.  
She had never known a blue sky till then. The brightness was almost unbearable as she stared into a sky she had never known. So many emotions flooded her head but it was clear as those ice crystals that her heart was beating for him. She was his enemy, they made that clear from the start but he hadn’t hesitated to save her. He showed a mercy she had never come across.
Another tear fell as she sat on her bed.
“He saved Juvia.” She whispered to herself. A horrific thought came to her. Would she have saved him? She didn’t want to know the outcome because deep down she believed she was good. Beneath the surface of unremosle power, there was that scared little girl who never had anyone to care for her.
The amount of days she sat in that orphanage alone sewing her dolls and praying that the rain stopped one way or another, it was as if she couldn’t remember it. He had done the impossible. He showed her the sky she hadn’t seen. He had shown her kindness.
A thought came to mind as she stood and packed her things. No more would she be known as “the rain woman”. No more would gloom be her only trait. She was determined to find something much more appealing than those bowing by fear. She wanted love. She wanted that warmth of the water constantly and the feeling of the sun on her skin. She understood it now. There was a power strong than her, stronger than any wizard that surrounded the other guild.
She had vowed to be done with love. Promised herself that no man could hurt her again. She was trembling at the thought of being vulnerable once more. The only time she felt warmth was the scorching burn of a fiery rejection and words that burned like lava. It was too much for someone to handle. So she pushed it down, locked the key and threw it as far as she could. The temptation though. The idea of letting her guard down for someone, someone she barely knew? How she fantasized of that moment. She had once believed that someone of her past had done that, but they were all the same. Ashamed of the rain, the rain she caused, the pain she brought.
And after their fight when she collected herself and tried to run back towards her guild, he stopped her.
“For what it's worth I think you’re an incredible wizard. You may not want to believe that your guild is dark and bad but, Fairy Tail is always open.” He had said it with such sincerity that she wasn’t sure if it were true.
“Juvia thinks your magic is just as powerful.” She had said before he gave her a smile and turned away to go back to his other guild mates.
And here she stood, a suitcases packed in the night and a note left on the desk. This guild didn’t deserve any words. Not when they feasted on her ability. Harvested those negative emotions and almost made her fall into the deep end.
She knew what they would say. They would call her a coward. A traitor and a worthless wizard, at first it was enough to stop her. Make her stay and perhaps bring back the clouds. However what he said stuck in her mind.
“I would rather die fighting than let your guild have Lucy! She is one of us and we don’t leave anyone behind.”
Without hesitation he made it clear that every member of the guild was valued no matter how long they had been there, they were a family. If something like that would have happened, if she were threatened, her guild would let her die without a second thought.
Never again would she allow someone to have a hold over her. She spent too many years sheltered by pain and deviation to go on like that.
She grabbed her bag and closed her door.
Juvia stood in front of the door. The morning would be better to do this but it was beyond dark outside and she didn’t want her intrusive thoughts pulling her back to her old guild. Softly she knocked, maybe hoping that he wouldn’t hear it and force her back to the isolation of fear.
The open clicked open and her eyes widened slightly as a sleepy Gray leaned against the door frame, shirtless and rubbing his eyes.
“Juvia?” He blinked and watched as her cheek puffed out in red. He looked down to see that he was only in his underwear and let out a yelp as he grabbed a blanket off the chair. “What are you doing here?”
“Um Juvia thought.” She paused and looked towards the ground. “Actually Juvia apologies for disturbing you.” Her back was to him and she began to walk away.
“Wait!” His hand caught hers and he pulled slightly. A jolt of warmth spread through her, burning her like a thousand suns as well as the chill of ice from his own temperature. She looked back at him, eyes wide and lips parted. “Juvia, please just tell me.”
“Such kindness.” She whispered to herself. Her heart rate sped up just like it did earlier and she swallowed a breath. “Juvia was wondering…why did you save her?”
His hand dropped her as if he were shocked that she would dare question his action.
“I wasn’t going to let you die. Enemies or not, I don’t think you deserved that fate. I don’t believe that you are this evil person your guild made you out to be. To be honest when you fell, you look like you didn’t care what happened and I guess I saw myself in you.”
“You saved Juvia because you know what it's like?”
“To feel lost and hopeless I guess.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Sometimes it's hard thinking you deserve to live, that it would be better to harbor all the pain of your past. I don’t know everything about you but that look in your eyes. I couldn’t let you go knowing that there was a brighter future ahead.”
A tear dripped from her eye. Her smile was soft as hugged her arms to her body. “You knew Juvia would join the guild.”
“Well I wouldn’t say I knew, but I was hoping that you would. If you still want to, that is.”
“Juvia would be honored.” She bowed respectfully towards him.
Gray smiled and bowed back. His eyes faced the sky looking towards the moon. “Have you ever seen it?”
“Tonight would be the first. Juvia thinks the stars are remarkable.”
“Lucy knows alot about them, I think you two would be good friends.”
Juvia shook her head as regret twisted in her stomach. “Juvia accepts your kindness and compassion but she doesn’t know if the rest will. Juvia was her rival, she understands if everyone doesn’t see her as a friend.” She frowned slightly.
A laugh came from the ice mage's mouth. “That's the thing about Fairy Tail, no matter where you come from or what your past may have held, there's always going to be a friend waiting.”
Juvia nodded. “Thank you Gray. Juvia will talk to your guild master tomorrow.”
“Like I said before. You’re an incredible wizard, you’ll be just fine.” He winked.
“Have a nice night.”
“You too.”
She watched as he entered his house before turning around and walking towards her hotel. Her shoulders felt lighter and she held her head high for the first time. This was her step in the right direction, this was where her new life began.
Time had slowed and allowed her to pause. A beautiful revelation she never knew could exist came to mind as she just realized that she was in love.
She looked down at her leg in the mirror. The voices behind her had faded to the background as she became entranced with the mark of Fairy Tail.
“The blue suits you.” She turned to see Gray standing there with a smile as he was focused on her guild mark.
To say that she was grateful was an understatement. Her mask she wore like a crown had shattered. It unravels in his hands as the months went on and all that was left was the person she wanted to be. She could finally let go of her ghosts, her darkness and begin to forgive herself.  
“What do you think?” He asked her as the white sky fell with snow.
Gray had told her of a special spot he used to go to when the first snow came. Past the forest was a clearing of grassy hills that would soon become a winter wonderland. Laid out on one of the hills was a blanket and a few lanterns.
She held her hand out and felt the tiny snowflakes collect on her hand. He sat behind her, one arm snaked around her waist while the other hand rose above hers and created a small flurry of snowflakes.
“Breathtaking.” She gushed. This was the first time she had seen snow fall. Her eyes followed the ice magic as it formed a heart and blew into the sky joining the other flurries. She turned so she could meet his eyes and his normal content face was replaced with a smile.
He leaned forward until their noses touched briefly. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He said and she only had a moment to process his words as his lips landed on hers and her eyes fluttered close.
Her hand went to his cheek as she leaned towards him, her energy matching his and all she could hear was the thumping of her heart. She would be embarrassed to say that she might have dreamt of this moment a little too much but it didn’t matter now. All she knew was that her beloved felt the same.
For once she was happy to hear a cry. That little whimper bubbling from the baby's mouth, her baby, she was in disbelief. Perfection was a rarity. No one was perfect, but the being with a tuft of dark blue hair and grey eyes would beg to differ. A child was never in her future. The thought came up randomly but the idea of raising a family wasn’t even a question.
During her missions in her old guild, she would walk past a family. She would see happy faces on everyone and would only be filled with envy and hatred. Disgusting was what it was. How could you love someone else when there was no love for you?
But times change. She would see others holding their child's hand and feel a warmth in her heart at how the children beamed up at their parents. She could sense the love all around them and would smile herself, hoping that it might become a reality for herself.
She would wake in the middle of the night, not from her demons but for her new reason to live. He would babble and tug at the locks of her hair and giggle when water magic danced before his young eyes.
It was nights like these that loved the most. The soft rays of moonlight casting shadows through her window as silk sheets wrapped around her bare form. She used to spend nights alone, only her pillow to catch her tears and now delicate fingers trail her backside as she listens to the thumping of his heart. His chest rises and falls as her own follows the rhythm. Her eyes flutter close as her tiredness grows untils it's interrupted by a cool press of lips under her ear.
A peaceful sigh leaves her lips as she tilts her head up to meet dark eyes gazing at her. Flushed cheeks was something she wore often and she lifted off of him to move further up and meet his lips with hers. He pulls her back to him, hating the emptiness between them and adores the way she shivers when his thumb traces her guild mark.
Their love was honest and raw. She had learned that nights like those in the past would haunt him as well. They would keep him up and plague his thoughts with images of death and destruction. But now, they lingered in the shadows, always there but something brighter and beautiful guarded them to peace and she focused on the way he breathed her name then the tears that dropped.
There was an overwhelming amount of happiness that she had gathered after all the years she spent in Fairy Tail. She found friendship and family bonds. Love in all forms that she cherished deeply. Her powers were seen as a gift to help others and lend a hand, not twisted into medled lies that she had spent so long untangling.
Her lips pulled from his slowly and their breaths settled between them. When she looked at Gray she found something more. She had freedom and rebirth. Forgiveness and lust wrapped into something more than love. Their bond was stronger than she could have ever dreamed and when he left kisses over her skin she wanted nothing more in life than to stay frozen in this moment.
He did the impossible. He opened a door, shined a light through her darkness and allowed her to accept the fact that she did deserve to live. She could cherish moments and keep them as her own without the threat of corruption. Her life was now her own to command and she did it with such grace and beauty that Gray couldn’t imagine her being any different. 
“I love you.” He promised and there was no doubt in her mind that he meant it.
“I love you too.” She responded.
The beautiful truth was that she was finally at peace and loved herself. 
I hope that you all enjoyed and thank you for being so lovely <3
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gameofdrarry · 4 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Soulmates
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 survival is a talent by ShanaStoryteller Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  367490 Tags: Soulmate AU, Indian Harry Potter, Black Hermione Granger, canon? i don't know her, Slow Build, Lucius Malfoy is a bad person but a good father, Parselmouth Harry Potter, Smart Draco Malfoy, I'm offended that's a tag OF COURSE he's smart, sometimes bad things happen, but this fic isn't out to hurt you, Secret Relationship, Slytherins and Gryffindors being reluctant friends, Plotty, suprising lack of focus on soulmates for a soulmate au Summary:  In the middle of their second year, Draco and Harry discover they're soulmates and do their best to keep it a secret from everyone. Their best isn't perfect. ~ “Are you trying to get killed, Potter?” Malfoy drawls, stalking forward. Quick as a serpent himself, he reaches out and grabs the snake just below the head. It thrashes in his grip, but is no longer able to bite anyone. “This is a poisonous snake, and I doubt anyone brought a bezoar with them.” Harry glares. He opens his mouth, and feels the beginning the snake’s language pass his lips, and this isn’t what he wants, what’s the point of insulting Malfoy if he can’t understand him – Malfoy’s eyes widen. He slaps his hand over Harry’s mouth, “Potter, what the hell–” ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Vortex by xanthippe74 Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  20625 Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, POV Draco Malfoy, Down and Out Draco Malfoy, Azkaban, Knockturn Alley, Redemption, Poverty, Angst with a Happy Ending, Auror Harry Potter, brief mention of past suicide attempt, brief mention of past self-harm, Past medical abuse (over-prescription of Calming Draught), Non-graphic off-screen injury Summary:  “Don’t worry, my dearest one,” Draco’s mother told him when he confided his worries to her. When he was old enough to feel the pangs of adolescent longing, but still too young to sense the storm gathering around them. “Magic will overcome any distance or obstacles to bring two soulmates together when the time is right. Circumstances will arise that steer them in the right direction; strange coincidences will make their paths cross again and again. Then the most wondrous moment arrives, when you both realize that your soulmate, your perfect match, stands before you, and from that day forward your hearts will be one.” Ten years after that conversation, the idea of perfectly-matched soulmates feels more like a curse than a blessing to Draco. Who would want a soulmate who was a schoolyard bully, a Death Eater, and a convicted felon? Certainly not Harry Potter. And Draco is determined to take this secret to the grave. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Tie My Heart to Yours by Craftybadger1234 Rated:  Mature Words:  36661 Tags: Rape/Non-conHogwarts Eighth Year, Potions, Red String of Fate, Soulmates, Depression, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Child Abuse, Angst, Getting to Know Each Other, Mild Sexual Content, Mildly Dubious Consent, Fluff, Bisexual Draco Malfoy, Happy Ending Summary:  For fun, Slughorn has the eighth year students brew a potion to reveal their Red Strings of Fate. Harry doesn't know what to think about being tied to Draco. Or how to make a relationship work between them. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Highly (in)Compatible by daisymondays Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  36828 Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romance, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Post-Hogwarts, Denial of Feelings, anxiety mention, References to Depression, Panic Attacks, Forced Dating, Enthusiastic Consent, POV Draco Malfoy, Humor, Magical Theory, Soulmate Theory, HP: EWE, Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Forced Proximity Summary:  Draco’s been shagging The Prat Who Lived on and off for a few months when his soul mark starts to change. Draco’s had to accept a lot of adjustments to his life, but accepting that Harry Potter could be his soulmate is one step too far. It can’t be true? Can it? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Tale of Woo by Veritas03 Rated:  Mature Words:  25330 Tags: N/A Summary:  Harry’s a bit of a mess, despite a successful Quidditch career. Draco’s not too much of a mess, but believes his life is as good as it’s likely to get. Both want something more. Fate is going to help them out with that. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 With You, Always by acupforslytherin Rated:  Mature Words:  14542 Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Hogwarts Era, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Non-Explicit Sex, Dreams, Lullabies, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, hearing, TasteofSmut 2020 Summary:  All his life, Harry repeatedly hears one same calming tune in his dreams. No one seems to recognize the mysterious song, until one day, Harry catches Malfoy humming it when he thinks he's alone. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Not By Duty Are We Bound by Dreaming_of_a_Bright_Sky Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  17176 Tags: Graphic Depictions of ViolenceAU, Soul Bond, Hurt/Comfort Summary:  Draco Malfoy has saved Harry's life so many times that it's joked about (and even bet upon) by the Aurors Harry works with. When Harry finds out how and why, it forces him to see a reality that he'd been blinding himself too. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 All Our New Years by Frayach Rated:  Mature Words:  2525 Tags: New Year's Eve, Soulmates, Minor Character Death Summary:  It takes too many New Year's Eves without each other but eventually they get it right. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Changing Tides by carpemermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  109687 Tags: Bisexual Harry Potter, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Dumbledore's Army, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Partners, Auror Draco Malfoy, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Patronus, Gardens & Gardening, Cultural References, POV Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts Fifth Year, POV Alternating, POV Harry Potter, Wandless Magic, Coming of Age, Mutual Pining, War AU, Romance, Falling In Love, Humor, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Healing, Post-War, Ministry of Magic, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Soulmates, Community: hd_erised, Sexual Fantasy, Wet Dream, Snogging, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Non-Penetrative Sex, Emotional Sex, Hand Jobs, Professor Harry Potter, Person of Color Harry Potter Summary:  Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life. Instead of doing what’s expected of him fifth year, he joins Dumbledore’s Army and learns how to defend himself, how to make his own choices, and how he can be something greater than his father’s example as he grows into his own man rather than his father’s shadow. The choices he makes change both his and Harry’s fates, intertwining their paths until they converge. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Everything a Word Can Mean by OTPshipper98 Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  2355 Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Sectumsempra Scars, Pre-Hogwarts, Hogwarts Era, Post-Hogwarts, Foot Massage, Nicknames, Cuddles, Happy Ending, Drunken Confessions, Getting Together Summary:  In a world where magical people are born with the nickname their soulmate will call them by tattooed on their skin... what does it mean that the word on Harry's chest is the thing he hates to be called the most? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Danse Russe by Frayach Rated:  Explicit Words:  140119 Tags: Novella, Soulmates, Angst, HP: EWE, Explicit Sexual Content, World Travel, not a wip Summary:  True Love. Soul Mates. They're just words until put to the test. Harry and Draco have a bond that was forged in the hell of the post-war years and pulled them both back from an abyss of nihilism and self-destruction. Nothing can break it, or so they believed. But True Love can demand sacrifices too great to bear and deeds too terrible to justify. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A breath worth of life by Explicit Rated:  Explicit Words:  39791 Tags: H/D Hurt!Fest 2020, Soulmates, Terminal Illnesses, Death, Preparing for Death, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, breaking up, Loneliness, Depression, Self-Hatred, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Suicidal Thoughts, Heavy Drinking, Therapy, Grief counselling, Vomit, Hospitals, Cruise, Pirates, Treasure hunts, parenting, blended families - Freeform, It Takes a Village to Raise a Child, Magic Theory, Healer Hermione Granger, Cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Accidental Bonding, love is the most powerful magic, Breathplay, Domesticity, Weddings, proposal, vactioning, hermione deserves all the awards, Kópakonan saves the day, Italians do it better, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Draco is father of the year, Ron is father of the year, Harry is not even in the competition, PoC Harry, POC Hermione, Long-Haired Draco Malfoy, long-haired Harry Potter, Short-haired Draco, Short-haired Harry, questionable medical ethics get handwaved here for the sake of fun, close encounters with ponies puffins sheep and other assorted fauna, Trans Luna Lovegood, Casual Sex Summary:  ‘...that moment when everything clicks into place, when the circumstances are right, your magic aligns, and you touch your soulmate. You'll know then, Draco, my darling.’ His mother used to look at his father with such devotion then. ‘It will feel like breathing fresh air for the first time, you'll know you'd been living on borrowed time until then but no more. There is an entire lifetime in that one breath.’ Finding your soulmate is the one way a wix can hope to live past thirty, but if he can’t have that with Astoria, Draco is ready to check out, let his magic eat him up and be done. Harry, on the other hand, isn’t about to leave any stone unturned or path unbeaten until he finds the one person meant for him before that fated birthday rolls around. After every failed attempt he grows more and more convinced that whatever Voldemort did to him might have made him unlovable, but he will go down fighting if he has to. Hermione still thinks the whole thing is cancer but what does she know? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Today, Forever by PalenDrome (nerdherderette), PotterArt Rated:  Explicit Words:  60958 Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Voyeurism, Frottage, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Rimming, Anal Sex, Auror Harry Potter, Veela Draco Malfoy, Winged Draco Malfoy, Veela Mates, Bonding, Soulmates, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Draco Malfoy/OMC (brief), Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Case Fic, Minor Violence, Minor Character Death, Magical Theory, Magical Biology, Muggle and Wizarding Technology, Digital Art, Embedded Images, Harry/Draco Big Bang 2018, Community: harrydracobang Summary:  As if his recent divorce and sleepless nights weren’t bad enough, a rash of escalating crimes against purebloods forces Harry and his team of Aurors to protect the riskiest target in all of Wizarding Britain. Of course, Draco Malfoy would still be ridiculously infuriating and impossibly gorgeous. As well as a Veela. Who happens to be Harry’s mate. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Dragon Heartstrings by JET_Playin Rated:  Explicit Words:  23825 Tags: Soulmates, Red String of Fate, Explicit Sexual Content, HP: EWE, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Angst, Fluff, Romance, Implied Relationships, Top Harry, Bottom Draco, Falling In Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Tall!Harry, Misunderstandings, Oblivious Harry, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:  Draco has seen the strings for almost as long as he can remember, but they don't mean anything. Anything at all.... ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Love and Paranoia by sunnyeclipses Rated:  Explicit Words:  48547 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Addiction recovery, Near Death Experiences, Overdosing, Relapsing, Drinking, Partying, Drunkenness, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, wall punching, Concern Over Someone Else's Weight, Soulmates, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Caretaking, Pining, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Explicit Sexual Content, Self-Esteem Issues, Auror Harry Potter, Down and Out Draco Malfoy, Domestic, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Minor Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Minor Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Hurtful Comments About Drug Use, Brief suicide ideation, Christmas, Pets, Sharing a Bed, Weddings, supportive friends, Forced Proximity, classic literature, H/D Erised 2020 Summary:  When Harry finds out his soulmate is none other than Draco Malfoy, he genuinely expects his life to go to shit. It doesn't help that Draco is an addict, coasting on reality-altering highs to feel something happy, something pure just once more before the comedown. What Harry doesn't expect is to care so much that it tears him apart at the seams. A story about love, drugs, and getting better. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Every Me and Every You by bixgirl1 Rated:  Explicit Words:  69300 Tags: Forced Proximity, bed sharing, Legilimency, Veritaserum, Snark, Magical Theory, Tropes (please read author's note!), EWE, Falling In Love, Frotting, Mutual Masturbation, Rimming, magical sex, Really just all the sex, Gift Fic, UST, RST, Soulmates Summary:  Harry liked his life just fine, thankyouverymuch — so it was bad enough when a sly fairy cursed him to leap into alternate realities. But seeing Malfoy in all of them? Definitely way too much. And worse yet: needing the bastard's help to figure out how to get out of of it. It was a disaster waiting to happen, really. Well... probably. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 you've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass Rated:  Mature Words:  20730 Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soul Bond, Red String of Fate, Heavy Angst, Terminal Illnesses, Major Illness, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:  When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want. He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try. ❤️ Read on AO3
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how many wips do you have? like what are they all, and not the number of wips in a fandom? what are all the names?
okay. fuck you. fuck you so much. fuck you.
i’m putting this under a read more cut no one else deserves to see this shit. a lot of these are requests, and for those i will just write out the request itself
domestic polycule fluff with tem, jessa, and will because im not a coward
- hehe hoho i request destiel hehehe
- request 61/? cai cai cai cai i need you to rewrite the destiel scene but yk. GOOD. not like i'm in the know about the spn fandom or anything, it's been years for me. but DO IT
Bright Sessions
- caleb/adam grisha AU
- mark bryant vs. united states aka sue the AM
- caleb/adam college fluff
Umbrella Acaademy
- request 31/? i want a ben and klaus drabble please spare me some brotherly bickering
- AND SO BEGINS NIGHT 4 with request 13/? oooh oooh can i get a raymond and allison playlist??? i think their vibes together would SLAP
- hi there night 2 is technically morning 3 but who's counting not me anyway request 5/? can i get a ben moodboard? gotta rep my tua bb
Percy Jackson
- request 9/? can i get a percabeth moodboard or quote edit?? like god they're the og couple goals take me back to high school cai
- For the 100 follower things :D Jercy getting caught in the rain
- request 29/? a drabble about literally anything to do with pjo. i’ll be happy with anyone and anything i’m love these children
- *somersaults in like I’m a real fancy acrobat* hello ello ello may I request some camp half blood chaos possible involving *does a flip* ✨side characters✨ <3
Penumbra Podcast 
- request 52/? drabble about the penumbra podcast. this is for ren bc ren likes it and i don't actually know anything about it. juno? i think? that's the one ren likes. write it for ren
- Tpp ghost hunting / buzzfeed unsolved au
- sad juno smut
- final resting place fic go brrrr
- request 6/? i'm going to my roots y'all can i get a spider-man playlist? if not a playlist then i'd honestly be happy with literally anything involving spider-man
- request 15/? i'm going crazy this is recorded evidence of me actually losing it ANYWAY can i get a quote edit for something from iron man? literally anything that man says is gold so cai's choice :D he deserved better in endgame i'm still bitter
- request 42/? do another spidey thing that differs from the other spidey thing
- request 73/? you have Opinions. rant about infinity way and/or endgame. go.
- request 74/? quote edit for deadpool!!
- spideytorch relationship character study
- peter parker as a tired grad student monitoring the young avengers (send help)
Six of Crows
- okay listen i wasn't going to request anything bc i worry about you but also? if you want to/have the time hit me with a playlist for our girl nina zenik
- request 43/? fuckin give me the ending anya should have had. she is alive and with her new son and having a great time
- request 45/? inej moodboard?
- request 47/? will you make literally any meme of your choosing for six of crows?
- request 48/? write a drabble for kaz, my favorite bastard
- okay so i don't actually like nina or mattias that much but i still wanna hear about your thoughts (and also see if you'll change my mind)
- kaz brekker turning 18 fic. birthday party, everyone singing, whole shebang. i need it stat
- religious trauma fic aka i started shipping kaz/alina/inej and i can’t stop
- kaz trauma soup (he has D.I.D. and you can’t prove me wrong)
- my two redacted fics for @grishaversebigbang​
- wesper fake dating
- six of crows bright sessions crossover: everyone gets therapy
- uhh... s1 gang having a nice time? melanie getting to have some Pride™️? some "fun" horror thing?
- request 7/? spare steph and jason bonding? please sir? spare some for a humble child such as myself?
- okay so this was meant for night 3 but i had midterm shit SO this is honorary night 3 let's DO THIS request 8/? i want a moodboard of extremely out of context magnus archives shit like i mean confuse the FUCK out of me i don't go here i know Nothing about it
- request 11/? OKAY so i need tim stoker meeting tim drake now i need my timmy to meet your tim plus i want to see character differences no i'm not trying to create a tim stoker in my head so i can read a's fic while NOT thinking of tim drake whaaaaaat you're crazy
- request 18(i think)/? i need a quote edit of every time within the first like. 15 eps of tam where jon is like “sounds fake but go off” thank u bb
- request 40/? i challenge you to write a tma drabble based only on the episodes i've heard. i'm currently halfway through episode 23
- Jon being lovingly bullied into taking a break. I'm aware this has been written a million times but it is one of my favorite things.
- spiral!sasha AU
- extinction martin go brrrrr
- high school era timsasha. they've both been friends for years, and everyone always asks when they will be a couple. they decide to fake date, to prove everyone wrong and show what a bad couple they would be. turns out that's a bit trickier than they thought
- after sasha comes back, tim is broken. he can't let go, scared that if he looks away for even a minute he'll lose her again. sasha suggests shibari as a way for him to give up control
- sasha pov mag 19 au, sacrificing herself to save the others, knows that if she gives herself up to the not!them it will let the others live
- this is the "tim finds a polaroid of sasha" trope
- early archives days,, long nights in research,,, clothes sharing,, somft. late nights and falling asleep at their desks warm and safe in the other's presence
- two parts: timsasha as kids, each picking a constellation that is "theirs". just soft kid antics. tim at sasha's grave glancing up to see their constellations
- continuing your job’s a joke (you’re broke)
DC Comics
- my redacted fic for @batfam-big-bang​
- request for you to get a decent amount of sleep? serious answer, dickkori, SAL's Venus
- request 4/? timsteph morning after 👀 mayhaps?
- a concept: nonbinary stephanie brown
- teehee hi mom, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but can i request damian angst for your accomplishments 100 followers?
- hi you can ignore my first request if you want, or you can ignore this one. but bls possibly write some bikini ra’s? -the bikini bitch
- request 27/? jay is asking through me for a jondami playlist but tbh i also want it so win win yk?
- "I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does" with bruce and jason? im just craving bruce being a good day to jason for once
- “I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” with steph and jason as dumbass disaster bi best friends pretty please?
- request 32/? timsteph patrol date!!!
- request 33/? timsteph *gala* date? mayhaps??
- request 37/? tim drake drabble but make it Edgy cai
- request 39/? drabble of a prank war between tim and damian
- joyfire cuddly fluff please? or like just any outlaw fluff if joyfire isnt your thing (feel free to add every member of the outlaws, dont feel like u gotta stick with jason, kori, roy i love them all)
- barbara and robin! jason fluff? bonding over books or something?
- request 62/? i need a drabble about the chaotic trio jason, tim, and steph i'm love them ty
- request 63/? batfam x mcu crossover. batfam meets ironfam. give me ALL the cliches. ALL OF THEM
- request 64/? young justice x young avengers - jay cuz idk SHIT about the young avengers
- request 66/? jondami moodboard pls and ty
- request 67/? timsteph moodboard!!!!!!
- request 69/? HEHEHE kinky 😏 i would v much like a timsteph drabble of the almost first time. does that make sense? like i don't want you to go all the way NSFW cuz i know that's against the rules and i'm a rule follower. but like they *almost* go all the way. this could be fade to black or some shit i don't care just make it a lil steamy and have Fun
- i request damian angst! all of it
- hmm... maybe i request? jondami?
- mayhaps,,,,some batfam,,,,,committing crimes? ily be gay do crime <3 - lu
- How about a ficlet with Steph and Cass?
Found Family Bingo Prompts
- no powers au
- tunnel
- first day
- join the club
- hurt/comfort
- experiment
- playing favorites
- hold on
- possession
- 10 o’clock
- singing
- road
- snitch
- curfew
- timer
- fantasy au
- zombie au
- dreams
- campfire
- are you okay
- movie night
- games
- scared
- a request: Write A Drabble, Coward
- is it too late to request a moodboard for me?
- request 20/? i’m going off book because i’m in a Chaotic Mood™️ can you just absolutely vibe check me like go off cai demolish me
- request 21/? i formally request that you pick a favorite cai. i don’t care what that favorite pertains to, just pick a favorite something
- request 23/? roast me
- request 24/? can i have a buzzfeed unsolved spoopy playlist but spoiler alert it’s not spoopy bc shane doesn’t believe does this make sense it has been a Day™️
- request 25/50 i want a jake and amy fic make it Soft cai i’m love them b99 is so good
- request 28/? i know nothing about the lord of the rings so make something that will confuse the shit out of me
- request 34/? malvie and jaylos moodboards 😈
- request 35/? a moodboard for the bbb mods!! perceive all of us!!!
- request 36/? moodboard for the tua mods too???? mayhaps??
- request 41/? doctor WHO? idk but i want a drabble of him and the one character i know from doctor who which is rose
- request 46/? make an alignment meme with our group, have fun!!!
- request 49/? i want you to kin assign me a character from every fandom you can/want to. go feral
- request 50!!!!/? this is a special request. the most special request. can you make a bastards tbh playlist? i want our vibes encapsulated. i want us in music form. i want to hear those songs and be like "that's me and cai" and smile.
- requests 51/? i know jack shit about good omens. explain it to me in the most confusing way possible. make me know less by the end than i know now
- request 53/? can you write a mel aesthetic? i'm Curious
- request 54/? give me a list of book recs cai i want some good book recs pls
- request 56/? edit a picture of US together too
- request 58/? oooh can i have a disney edit? like. hm. i just really love disney and i want anything to do with disney. like a quote or an aesthetic or an aesthetic edit i just want disney.
- request 59/? i would v much like a recipe for carbonara. i've never had it but it sounds fucking delicious
- request 60/? ooh hey can i get a makeup tutorial? i know you like makeup, i'm shit at doing makeup. teach me
- request 65/? i need the most emo playlist you can make that vibes with dear evan hansen thank you
- request 68/? i want a superwholock moodboard. this can be serious, with the actual fandoms in mind, or literally what the era felt like. the insanity. the horror.
- request 70/? ooh ooh ooh do you have a good bread recipe?? i wanna get that bread
- request 71/? i want a playlist with the vibes of summoning a demon. please don't ask questions. i don't have answers. and if i do, no i don't.
- For the requests, how about writing something based on a friend?
- request 75/? MMMM i want literally anything to do with natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
- request 76/? i want some healthy recipes. help a girl out
- a feral bbb quote or two?
- you perceive my plant but now I dare thee to perceive mine own visage
- okay this is a two for one request. 1. you did the bee movie script so now we need a shrek two script edit 2. sleep please
- Pansexual mb for my lil queer soul?
- my (probably) final request is just for you to ramble about something, i don't really care what
- HI ILY CONGRATS AS WELL CAUSE IM LATE BUT CONGRATS. could i request a pirates of the caribbean (or just pirates) or whatever you what to do, free range.
- mood board for the beluga whales who got brought to the animal sanctuary in Iceland please?
- 100 follower request: Moodboard for my stuffed cow Oaky?
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contraststudies · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me, @tawnyontumblr​! I’m very bad at doing these writer meme things, so here goes nothing.
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
45 and counting!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
376,429. Holy moly that is a fuck ton of words (I only properly started posting on AO3 last May iirc).
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Four: Critical Role, Good Omens, Hades, and Kill La Kill.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
This list is bookended by two PWPs, which I find hilarious given that I seem to have misplaced my smut brain cell sometime in the last couple of months.
On The Matter of Traffic Violations (Good Omens, E)
“Officer Fell,” Crowley says, and leans forward, enough to give Fell a good view of his décolletage. He tilts his head in the way he knows people find deliciously coquettish, glad that he’d had the foresight to apply some mascara before heading out. “I’m so very sorry about this,” he says, looking up at the officer through his lashes. “It’s late, you know, no cars around… Didn’t notice how fast I was going, that’s all.”
[Or: Crowley flirts his way out of a traffic violation.]
Unbinding (Critical Role, T)
This is a great honor, Essek reminds himself, trying not to recoil as fingers run through his hair, working through the tangles. A braid is made of three strands, symbolizing the inextricable bond between the soul, the den, and the Luxon. A recognition of an achievement by the drow who bears it. With each braid, the soul is bound ever closer to its den and to the Luxon.
It is a lesson Essek learned long ago, but one he is never permitted to forget.
[Or: the story of why the Shadowhand wears his hair cropped short.]
No Church In The Wild (Good Omens, E)
The stem of the wineglass in Aziraphale’s hand snaps cleanly in two, but no one seems to hear it—every eye in the room is trained on the redheaded dancer sashaying to the gleaming silver pole, centre stage for all to see.
Oh, Aziraphale thinks faintly. Good lord.
[Or: the one where Aziraphale gets assigned to the red light district.]
abide gold with me (Critical Role, T)
“Okay, Cay-leb,” Jester says, stretching out the syllables affectionately. “You sit right here so we can watch you and Essek try an orange for the first time.”
The Primal Scene (Good Omens, E - a collab with @lookitsstevie​!)
Harriet notices that there’s a crack of light at the end of the hallway coming from the door to the library, and her mood brightens considerably. Perhaps the tutors are still here, putting together their lessons for the next day before they leave for the night. She leans down to pick up a piece of cloth that’s fallen on the rug. Her breath catches in her throat when she realizes what it is – a necktie with a familiar tartan pattern.
She nearly drops the tie in shock at the unmistakable sound coming from the closed door of the library. A sharp, quickly stifled moan.
[Or: Harriet Dowling accidentally bears witness to divine ecstasy.]
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try. I really do. My friends (and maybe some of my readers) know that this is difficult for me, mainly because any sort of recognition reduces me to a gibbering pile of tears. I’m working on it though, even if it does take me a million years to respond to anything on AO3. 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
God, which one do I choose. I have been referred to as an angst gremlin for a very good reason. I’m gonna go with The Remains of the Day, a Good Omens fairy tale AU I wrote loosely based on Bluebeard.  
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE. I wrote philtatos, a crossover of Good Omens and The Iliad/The Song of Achilles. It’s the only crossover I’ve ever written, unless we’re counting Variations of an Arrangement, which could loosely count as a crossover of the book/radio/TV versions of Good Omens.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have not. And hopefully never will.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, and it’s usually of the angst with a happy ending variety.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hm. How do we define stealing? Just kidding. The short answer is no.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Got one in the works for Critical Role!
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes was actually the first ship I ever really got into, and they’ll always have a special place in my heart even if I never wrote anything for that fandom. Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens of course, and more recently Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss from Critical Role.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Variations of an Arrangement. I loved writing it, and I still want to finish it one day, but it took a lot of brainpower to write and keep track of the plot and I feel like it’s beyond me, at least right now.
15) What are your writing strengths?
I… hmm. Judging by the way people are always yelling at me in their comments, I guess it’s that I can write stories that make people feel things very deeply.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
I repeat words so often, it’s embarrassing. I use too many “-ly” adverbs. Also, I find myself using the same turns of phrase across several fics lmao.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Language is a tricky thing. I don’t want to bore you with discourse. I try not to write dialogue in a different language (especially if it’s not one I speak myself) unless it’s absolutely called for, or if they’re just basic phrases and I’m 100% certain I won’t be getting it wrong. I have read fics where this was done very well though, and I’ve found that it really adds to the atmosphere in those cases.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was for this old anime called Princess Tutu. I danced ballet when I was younger and loved it so much – I believe I was only twelve at the time?? But I think the fic may still be floating around on FF.net somewhere.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I wrote philtatos in a four-day fever dream. It’s not the most technically perfect fic I’ve ever written or anything like that, but I think it’s the one that reveals the most about who I am as a person. That is an incredibly cheesy thing to say, I know. I always joke that posting that fic felt like offering my still-beating heart on a silver platter to the void, but there you are.
For Critical Role, surprisingly enough it’s this ficlet I wrote called sinners, a small bite of Shadowdrei where I was parsing my ideas on Astrid and Eadwulf’s dynamic and where they stood when it came to Bren/Caleb and Essek. I didn’t realize how fully formed my thoughts were until I wrote that. Fascinating what your own writing will show you about the things that are in your mind.
Tagging with no pressure whatsoever: @naromoreau @jenanigans1207 @saretton @theseedsofdoom @musegnome!
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wannabeauthorclive · 4 years
The Survivor character intros and moodboards!!
(I would have made a image banner but tumblr has a 10 image max)
First up, Silver Sterling and Captain Black moodboards cause I want them with the rest of the moodboards!
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Everyone else is under the cut cause there’s a lot.
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Real Name: Salia Crotchet 
Crew position: First Mate and Quatermaster
Role in story: important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: lesbian and ace (she/her)
Likes and personality: loves music, plays violin, kind but not weak, will not resort to violence until it’s the last option, loves to travel and see the world, has a huge sweet tooth, 22 years old
Short backstory: her father was a lord and was super strict and wanted her to marry a man and have a heir so his blood line would keep going. She was completely opposed to that and ran away at 14 (she was gonna be married by 15)
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Real Name: Anita Nyzio
Crew position: sailing master
Role in Story: important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: bisexual, genderfluid (he/him, she/her and they/them), and asexual
Likes and personality: mapping out journeys, planning, black belt in karate, will always get back up after falling, supportive, looks mean but is a softy, compassionate, 21 years old
Short backstory: Their father was a mapper and was working on mapping out the world, and brought them along to learn. Before Black was Captain, they were captured to help the previous crew sail at night and find the quickest routes,  but after Black became Captain, they became apart of her family. 
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Real Name: Sam Soberski
Crew position: gunner
Role in Story: important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: straight cis guy (he/him)
Likes and personality: he hides everything behind a smile and laugh, loves to swim, super sharp aim, knows how to use almost every weapon, funny, tries to cheer everyone up, hardly ever knows what he’s doing, 21 years old
Short Backstory: He was a weapon maker and hated it, and when Black and her crew came to port, they bought swords from him and he bargained and asked if he join their crew. He had to fight Braveheart and Ironside, and if got back up again and fought well, he could join. She also put him at gun point and he put her at gun point in return and that was that. If he had the guts to put her at gun point, he could join. And so he did. 
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Real Name: Milja Lakoma
Crew Position: Cook
Role in Story: Important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: pansexual and non-binary (they/them)
Likes and personality: bubbly, super nice and welcoming, big ball of joy, dessert is their favorite thing to cook, they love the colors of the sky and the sunset, realistically optimistic, friendly, loves and is amazing at throwing knifes, super smart, 20 years old
Short Backstory: They tried to be a baker, but when nobody bought anything, they had to close down shop. But when their last bake sale happened (to get ride of all the desserts), Ironside bought everything and offered her to be their cook on the ship, with a decent kitchen and food options, Lakoma said yes. 
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Real Name: Tonya Gilliespie
Crew Position: Boatswain
Role in Story: important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: pansexual, aromantic, and trans women (she/her)
Likes and personality: always focusing on the then and now, loves jewelry, especially necklaces and anklets, does gymnastics and she jumps on ship masts a lot, RBF, gives super good advice, doesn’t care what others think of her, makes a lot of her own jewelry, 21 years old
Short Backstory: Her parents kicked her out of the house when she told them that she wasn’t a guy. She had to go live at a friends house, but then her friend couldn’t live the pressure that her parents put on her. Her friend ran away and was found dead. Having no where else to go, she sneaks onto a ship parked in port. Lakoma found her hiding in the pantry and told Black. Black was gonna make her walk the plank, but decided against it when she saw the marks on her wrist. Tonya quickly became family. 
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Real Name: Camilla More
Crew Position: Surgeon
Role in Story: Important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: pansexual and polyamorous (she/her)
Likes and personality: loves reading, healing herb potions and medicine, very laid back, loves fall colors, has an autumn personality, will do anything to save someone else, loves her twin brother even thought they fight and bicker, 22 years old
Short Backstory: Her and her brother, Forester, grew up with their parents. Their mother was a surgeon and their father was a carpenter. But they died in a fire and they became orphans. They weren’t able to find work despite their skillset. Walking down the docks, they find Soberski bleeding out. Canta goes into panic mode and starts to stitch him up and heal him. After that, the obvious choice was to let her join the crew. 
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Real Name: Jasper More
Crew position: Carpenter
Role in Story: important side character
Sexuality and gender identity: aroace (he/him)
Likes and personality: He loves adding intricate designs into his carvings, he puts lots of work into everything, he loves the smell of wood, believes that you can fix almost anything with a little bit of time, building and sculpting are his passion, he loves Canta and the rest of the crew as his family, trustworthy, levelheaded, 22 years old
Short backstory: He grew up with his parents and twin sister, Canta, until their parents died in a fire. They would have lived on the streets if they didn’t find Soberski bleeding and if Canta didn’t help him. He only joined the crew cause his sister did and they needed someone to patch up their boat after a big fight. 
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Real Name: Ira Flexor
Role in Story: Important side character, Silver’s love interest
Sexuality and gender identity: lesbian (she/her)
Likes and personality: loves hiking and nature, believes in true love and soulmates, gives off a childish personality but is super mature, enjoys manipulating people, she dreams big, loyal, formal, and encouraging
Short backstory: She grew up with rich parents and met Silver when they were both around 10. Silver stole from her parents and Ira saw but didn’t do anything. They met again and again until they actually talked to each other when they were around 14. As soon as she could, Ira left home and joined Silver on her adventures. 
After I wrote this, i realized how many people were ace and aro. Look who’s imposing their sexuality onto their characters and is going to have them be a found family -- not me. I would never. Never. That’s exactly what I’m doing. 
I absolutely LOVE how the moodboards came out!! And I have an overall theme for all of them and I’m all for it! The quote that is by itself or whatever, is their motto/quote thing that I wrote and is going to be referenced all through Over Land and Sea!
WIP Taglist: @baguettethebooklover @a-completely-normal-girl @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @hysteriwah @tiredlittleoldme @the-writing-avocado @vellichor-virgo @radiomacbeth @wildwrites @crowewritesstuff @crystallized-ink​@strangerays​ @authortango (please send an ask if you want to be added or taken off, it’s really hard for me to look through everyone’s tags to see if they asked or not. Thanks!)
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
Content Tag Game
Tagged by EXO sister-wife Kat @yeoldontknow​ <3 1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
3. how long have you been writing? on this blog?
uhhh I definitely wrote half of several harry potter and lotr fanfics in HS but that was ‘the dark times’ many moons ago. so as an adult this is my only fandom! just stumbled into kpop and stumbled onto fanfics in the most backwards way possible (was sent a meme of a 1D ‘imagine’ and was like hey I wonder if they have these for kpop and then I found them and they were not a meme, but were fucking incredible AND NOW 4 YEARS LATER (started August-ish 2017???) here we are hahaha)
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
oh dear god i just remembered I have an AO3 account..... WHOOPS, shit 😅 might need to, y’know, update that at some point. jfc adhd object permanence is something else.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
Personally it’s sci fi/fantasy, but here in the fanfic space I’d say..... uhh slice of life, romance, angst but make it a happy ending?? fanfic is a way for me to share all the sort romantic hopeful feelings I have about love and life and friendship and purpose 💕
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
Used to be a pantser when I started this (and when fics used to be like ?? 3k-5k) now that fics in general are longer for one-shots and series my good lord I need an outline. Especially for exo mall which is *insert meme of crazy guy with the bulletin board* a lot for my brain haha
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
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8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
I’d say mine are usually 5k or so?? some series were shorter per chapter, depending on subject matter. I tend to write like... interconnected long as frick oneshots, so i don’t count those as chapters ☠️
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
uhhhhh good question haha. my book was 95k and I think exo mall is like *dammit math* 140k or something that has significantly gotten out of hand. I have two more fics so it will probably be like 180ish when it’s done?? not including the drabbles to come haha 
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
I loved No Quarter and torturing Kat with her husband, also staying up all night to finish Chanyeol’s exo mall knowing kat had NO idea it was coming was a BLAST. Kyungsoo’s exo mall was one of the most ‘in the flow’ writing experiences i’ve ever had. I wrote this Baek oneshot at like 3am when i couldn’t sleep once and tbh it felt like I wrote it in a dream. ja;slkfjasd I love so many of these this is like a trip down memory lane, so I’m going to be a wh*re and say two more haha.  This is the most honest and close to ‘real life’ thing I think I’ve written on here (and also one of the only sex scenes I didn’t lose my goddamned mind trying to write a;sldkfja;sdf). And lastly Ablaze, which was the longest thing I’d written (I think) and let me know that hey? maybe I could write a book someday <3
11. favorite request you’ve have written and why (if any?)
This request for Exo Mall Baek was such a joy to write! And for some reason this Taeyong drabble makes me wish I had the time/energy to write it into a full story, it gripped me so much when I wrote it, like a movie had fully downloaded into my brain out of nowhere.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
For sure! I’d say found family is a big one. Trusting that you’ll find your place even if things don’t make sense or you feel unsure. Believing that love is worth the risk and fear of trusting someone ;laksjdfal;sd. That love can be big gestures and super intense, but that after that fades away it’s the small daily moments that matter most - the people who stay and listen when you’re sad, holding hands and forehead kisses, taking care of people when they’re sick or scared or just need company, showing up to try again or to communicate even when things are hard. 
Someone commented on a fic of mine ages ago that I helped them see that real love (of that small, daily, consistent kind) is possible and MAYHAPS I cried because underneath it all, that’s what I’d want people to take away - that love of all kinds is scary, but it’s always worth it in the end <3
13. current number of wips?
Surprisingly just ... 3? wow how time has changed hahaha. I have Jun + Baek for exo mall (plus some drabbles but that will be something people write in about, so I wouldn’t consider them wips) and then I maaaaay continute on here with the Jun + Min regency baes series. We shall see :)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
1. I can’t NOT write Baekhyun as the biggest cheesy dork in the entire world 2. That I’ll always have endless fantasy world to live in. I have to try actively to not start new WIPs because it’s so damn easy to be inspired. If I’m ever bored I know that I can jump into some story and let myself be carried away for a while 3. that who and how i am in real life is not usually the same person that i am when it comes to the vibe of my writing, and that that’s totally okay <3
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“I wish it had been with someone like you, though,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Someone like me?” he says, raising his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
You look down at the floor, trying to figure out how to put how he makes you feel into words. “Yeah, someone strong, and steady. And safe.”
He lets out a laugh. “Safe? That sounds awfully similar to boring.”
“No, no. You don’t understand,” you say emphatically, coming to stand fully in front of him, grabbing his other hand as well. “You never ask me to be anything but who I am. You’re patient, kind, caring. For the longest time I thought that falling in love would be stifling. That it would… I don’t know, take my independence. Take my spirit. Make me into someone I don’t recognize.”
You step closer, holding his face in your hands. “But I can’t think of anything I want more than to be with you. You make me the best version of who I am. I don’t know how it is for you, being with me. But when I’m with you, it just feels like… home,” you finish gently.
- from Kyungsoo’s exo mall because THIS is how I feel about falling in love now, and this story was me working out what I believed about the process (like a goddamned emo bish haha)
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
For a moment you allow yourself this weakness. It won't destroy you to admire the strong lines of his body, the intensity and focus in the set of his brows, the deep, warm color brown of his eyes as they - oh lord, he's looking directly at you. As he notices you watching him his lips press into a small smile, inclining his head towards you.
'Oh no,' you say, mortified. In a breath you've blinked and drawn your arm through Maggie's, weaving your way through the crowd and dragging her with you.
'What's wrong?' she hisses in your ear, slightly off-kilter from the drink and revelry. 'You're going to tear my arm off.’.
'Sorry, he -' With a hand you push through the front doors, gulping in the cool night air and breathing deeply to steady the erratic pace of your heartbeat. 'Maggie, what's happening to me? He looked at me and I felt so... naked. I can't explain it.'
She realizes you aren't in actual distress and laughs. 'Good. About time you fell in love. I'm delighted.'
- From perhaps a future chapter of Jun and Min regency baes series....
17. space for you to say something to your readers.
Thank you so much. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. This fandom brought writing back into my life after such a long time away and I had no idea I would love it so much. The friends it’s brought me and the kind words that made me cry or cheered me up on a shitty day or made me laugh out loud and the watching other writers grow on their journeys. Getting to hear how something I made could help you feel less alone or less sad on a shitty day is all I’ve ever wanted from sharing all this. Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing parts of yourself with me <3
Tagging anyone who sees this who would like to do it, even if you don’t consider yourself a “real writer” yet (yes you are, stop doubting yourself!!!!) 😘
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
WIP Whenever
So, for two days I’ve been trying to get out all of the feelings I woke up with Friday morning for Caleb and some of his post-war stuff.  Things I’d decided months ago I really wanted to deal with for him, but took a sudden, MUST WRITE NOW! urgency all becaose of a photograph I saw that I suddenly realized connected to him and that part of the story (this all happened Thursday night - yeah, my muses had a FIELD DAY while I slept).  (very rough draft, but a workable draft nonetheless)
So, even as rough as it is, I’m willing to share the feels because lord help me, I love this Irish boy.  This post is a continuation of a snippet I shared with @shadoedseptmbr yesterday - was it just yesterday?  feels like FOREVER ago now! lol  That snippet can be found here.
Setting:  Old Neddy’s Pub, Shannon, Ireland; post-Reaper war, mostly post his first post-war fic (not sure yet if this is part of that same fic or a shorter continuation of it - depends how much of this second part blows up on me I guess)
Characters:  Caleb Shepard, Kaidan Alenko, Athair Connor
Pairings: mshenko
“And you really don’t mind?”
“I can’t say I ever gave it much thought before now,” he replies after a moment.  “Not…in so many words, anyway.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested.”  His dark eyes twinkle brightly.  “Next great adventure for us, right?”
Caleb is left speechless, breathless almost, at his easy acceptance.  “Just that easy?”
“Not everything is as complicated as uniting the galaxy against the Reapers, Shepard.”  Chuckling, Kaidan releases one hand and reaches for his drink again.  “I think we’re about due for something ‘easy,’ don’t you?”
Caleb nearly chokes on the sip of his beer in his mouth. “Easy?  I never said anything about this being easy.”
“It won’t be as bad as you think.  Besides, Mom’ll be around to help navigate us through the worst of it.”
Mom.  Caleb sets his glass back onto the table and stares over at Kaidan again.  “That’s another thing.  Your Mom.  She hasn’t even met me yet.  What if –?”
Kaidan pulls their joined hands over and uses it to prop his chin on.  A smug smirk twists across his lips as he watches with amusement.  “You know, maybe you shouldn’t resign your commission. You get all sorts of nervous when you aren’t on active duty.”
Caleb’s eyes narrow.  “You aren’t nervous at all about this?”
“Not at the moment.”  Kaidan downs the last of his beer.  “Cross that bridge if and when it’s time to.”
Caleb opens his mouth to make a smart reply, but the words get caught in his throat.  Bridge. A shudder works through him and he drops his gaze to the table, noticing as he does so that his free hand trembles just a bit.  
Kaidan catches on quickly, immediately squeezing his hand and leaning in closer.  “I’m right here.  You’re here. The kids are safe.  You are safe,” he murmurs, repeating it several times.
Caleb nods, taking deep breaths, but above all, keeping his hand in Kaidan’s.  After a minute or two, the images fade and the world slowly rights itself once more. “Thanks.”
“Sorry about that.”
Shaking his head, Caleb replies, “No, my fault. I –”
“Not your fault,” Kaidan insists.
The sound of someone clearing their throat right next to them interrupts the conversation, and Caleb glances over to find Athair standing there.  “Am I interrupting?”
Kaidan starts to ward the priest off, but Caleb shakes his head. “Not at all, Athair,” he replies, squeezing Kaidan’s hand once more before releasing it.  “How can I help?”
Kaidan creates space and the priest slides into the seat beside him.  “I believe this may be one of those instances where I may be able to help you, son.”
Caleb frowns, eyes darting over to Kaidan briefly, but he looks as confused as Caleb feels.  “How is that, Athair?”
The priest nods across the room at the table where he’d been sitting.  Caleb’s gaze follows to find the woman whose face he does not recognize still seated there, alone.  When Caleb turns back around, Athair is waiting for him.  “This may come as a shock –”
Caleb snorts softly.  “You’ve known me my whole life, Athair.  I doubt anything can shock me much more than I’ve already experienced.”
There is a moment, just a small one, where the priest simply stares back at him, eyes flickering between sympathy, pain, and something that strikes Caleb as joy.  “Do you recall when we met all those years ago?”
Another shudder ripples through Caleb at the memories that return again.  He can’t speak just then, but he nods.  Something about the way Athair holds himself, the slant of his smile, the brightness in his eyes – something warns him that whatever it is the man is about to share will knock him off his feet.  Good thing I’m sitting down.
“Ruairí showed me the files you recovered, Caleb. I’ve spent the better part of a week assisting Saoirse and Aine as they went through them.”  
Athair stretches his hand across the table and drops something in front of Caleb.  As Caleb reaches for it, the man also presses something cold into his hand, closing his fingers around it.  It doesn’t take much effort to recognize it; another, new St. Sennan medallion, chain and all.  Caleb stares at it for a moment.  While he asked for a new one, if possible, shortly after their arrival, this is the first time since that it’s come up again.  The timing on that strikes Caleb as odd.  “What’s this?”
“You know what that is.”
Meeting the man’s eyes, he rephrases the question.  “Why now, then?”
“You know his history as well as I, Caleb,” Athair chides gently.  
“Aye, that I do, but that doesn’t explain –”
Athair nods at the second item.  “Read.”
Caleb’s gaze shifts to the datapad as he does just that.  Absently, his fingers start toying with the chain of the medallion, swirling it around on the table into a metallic whorl.  And while he senses the two men across from him as they shift in their seats – no doubt Kaidan giving the older man a questioning look, maybe even asking aloud – Caleb doesn’t hear anything outside a soft ringing in his ears as his attention is focused solely on the datapad in his hands ....
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siuilaruinofthegale · 3 years
ello my most sirius friendo (your ask reminded me why i liked the post, which was to be a reminder to send u an ask LMAO)
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
(if you're here from the K/S tag the K/S is at the end of the ask)
- 🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
SNICKIE you're doing this on purpose. I'm running out of WIPs you haven't seen lmao
“HEY! ALL YOU GUYS! WE’RE GONNA ALL BE NINJA, BUT I’M GONNA BE THE BEST NINJA EVER, AN’ I’M GONNA BE HOKAGE! BELIEVE IT!” He cringes into his seat, peering over at the boy. He’s standing in front of all the other kids, hands on his hips. Iruka hadn’t thought a small child could be so loud… which is saying something.
And then Sasuke, little and pointy and dark-haired, shoves his way to the front. “You can’t be the best ninja ever!” he half-shouts back, crossing his arms and frowning. “’tachi-nii is the best ninja ever!”
Naruto blinks, like he hadn’t considered this idea of someone else already being ‘the best’. Then his face sets a little harder. “Then I’m gonna kick his butt once I’m out the ‘cademy, an’ he won’t be the best any more!” he exclaims.
“‘tachi-nii’s busy doin’ important stuff!” Sasuke says with a stomp. “He’s not gonna fight you, he’s a real ninja doin’ real ninja stuff! What’re you even gonna do as Hokage?”
Naruto almost swells up, this time with pride instead of anger. “I’m gonna keep everyone’s precious people safe, no matter what, ‘cause everyone’s precious to someone!”
[this is a snippet from melodies, wherein two (2) babbies meet]
- 🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
This isn't a bad question, per se, but I may not be the best person to ask this of xD Most of the time these days, unless I'm writing something incredibly new (i.e. smut or a new fandom), I'm automatically proud of what I've written. Perhaps I'm growing arrogant in my old age, but I fancy myself fairly decent at this writing stuff, and as such I'm known to bang out a few lines and grin wickedly, no matter how simple the lines are.
If pressed, though, I would say I'm proud of how many people I've made cry. That sounds quite cruel apropos nothing, but... a lot of the comments on red strings and lilac skies are about how the end made them cry, and not just because of the sad bits, but because of the happy bits. One person said I made them cry because I wrote an autistic character with love, that I gave them hope for their son's future because of it, and that's... that comment honestly floored me. It took me days to recover.
And -- here I may verge on arrogance again instead of mere pride, but seeing people react so strongly to a single character, to certain scenes and sentences and concepts, makes me eager to be a published author. One of my end goals for my writing has always been "to help people", and I've always said that if I manage to help only one person, it would be worth it. If something that started out as smut and saltiness about tropes can do so much for people, how much more will my books be able to help them?
p.s. in retrospect I'm really proud I finished rs&ls too, I'm bad about not finishing. endings..... the devil.
- 🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Ah... I don't know if I have anything like that. I have a bad habit of either scribbling out a note and forgetting it entirely, or stewing over something until I sit down and write 90k words of smutty nonsense about it. (literally how rs&ls got started, I kid you not)
Perhaps the closest thing wouldn't be quite a Work-In-Progress, but... a Was-In-Progress? The first thing I ever finished was the first b book in a 'epic' fantasy series about two women who become friends when they're captured by slavers, and then later escape, and Things Happen. It wasn't good. I feel bad for the people I asked to read it. The plot rambled SO BADLY. There was no plot. IT SUFFERED. After letting it sit for a year, I realized how bad it was, and how weird it would be to start the series at that point. So I basically threw a dart at a board and picked a new point in the larger plot to start at.
I got... I don't know, 170k words in before I realized I was rambling again, and lost, because I didn't know how to get where I was going. So I set the series aside to finish it later and started on WTI. It's intended to truly be an epic fantasy, the sort that sits on the shelf beside Lord of The Rings and A Song of Ice and Fire and deserves its place there, but I didn't have the skill to write it then. I'm not sure I do now, however much I've improved.
Because I am a benevolent answer monster, I'll give you a series synopsis, though.
Manaia was a peaceful woman once. That was before the slavers took her, before her beloved moon goddess bought her, before she fled the temple-palace hand-in-hand with one of the heretical fish-women of the islands... before she found her entire village burnt to the ground and her husband's bones in a shallow grave.
There is no peace for her now. She burns, day and night, nothing left of the woman she once was. Manaia will have justice, and then she intends to have vengeance. She intends to scour every slaver from existence... but Areya, her companion who worships a strange god, constantly holds her back.
Manaia might succeed... but will she be ready for the truth behind the slavers she hates so much?
- 💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
tbh I forgot everything I've ever written when I read this question
for melodies: Kakashi walks better in heels than Sakura does. Not that Sakura does it badly, he's just very good at it. It goes hand-in-hand with him being a very good drag queen. Nobody ever asks Sakura to be the one in a dress if Kakashi's there.
for red strings and lilac skies: you've heard this one, Snickie, but it's still an amusement. It didn't fit for me to put it into the last chapter of rs&ls, but...
the Naruto world is early 90s-ish in technology. That means that when Sakura and Kakashi are raising their children, Pokemon and NinjaBoys come out. The twins love it, and then they take to calling Shikamaru "Uncle Shikachu".
He hates it.
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midnightprelude · 4 years
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Happy Wednesday! Tagged by @elveny and @noire-pandora! Tagging @hollyand-writes, @nug-juggler, @dalish-rogue, @lethendralis-paints, @lavellanvibes, and anyone else who sees this! :D Like Anders says below, show me yours and I’ll show you mine. XD
Have a WIP feathered lad!
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And some writing! Double dip!!!
Lord help me, I love them. 🥰 Dorian here is @oftachancer’s, from Underneath the Bough.
Dorian tutted under his breath. “Justice can be found by many paths. Yours was chosen by you. You really ought to take more credit for your strengths.”
Anders quirked a brow, studying him. “And what do you think those are? I’m... curious.”
“Fishing for compliments in the most obtuse of manners,” Dorian chuckled, tongue in cheek.
“Will I reel one in, I wonder?” Anders wrinkled his nose. “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”
He exhaled a sigh like a laugh. “I enjoy that game, in particular, although it is oft considered a little forward for wooing. Unless you’re a rake. Are you?” Dorian wiggled his brows. “A rapscallion? A ne’erdowell? A mischief maker?”
“How dare you!” Anders’ hand flew to his lips to hide his grin behind his fingers. “I am a perfectly proper fellow and have never once in my life done anything remotely untoward! A rake. Honestly.”
“My mistake, my lord,” Dorian demurred, smirking. “Then I shall preemptively rescind my offer to tumble you in the wildflowers.”
Anders gasped, narrowing his eyes. “What is it about my countenance that makes you believe I should approve of such things? Wildflowers are for admiring from afar, not for rolling about in.”
“Admiring and plucking,” Dorian chuckled. “You’re quite fond of plucking, are you not?”
“If there is some jest you are making, dear sir, you would do well to clarify it for me. As I’ve said, I’m not at all versed in matters of impropriety.”
“No, but I am.” Dorian set the basket down, scooping Anders up over his shoulder to grasp his bottom. “I am a terrible rake. Good mothers hide their daughters.” He nipped at Anders’ hip. “Dear sir.”
“Oh, help, I’m being accosted!” Anders wriggled in his grip, unable to keep from laughing madly. “My precious virtue! Whatever am I to do?”
“Whatever you do, don’t drop my bouquet or there will be hell to pay.” He smacked the back of Anders’ thigh gently. “You’re so light. You need to eat. What is in this basket?”
“Lunch,” Anders chuckled, clinging to the flowers, kissing Dorian’s back and tugging at the belt on his vest. “Among other things.”
“A mystery.” His palm was warm, softening as he smoothed it down Anders’ thigh. “I do adore puzzles. Puzzles and challenges. You are both.” He eased Anders back to his feet, rumpled and grinning. “A puzzling, challenging delight. A warm, wise heart. Steady, sure hands. Eyes that melt and burn in equal measure. Generous and kind and demanding.” He nudged Anders’ nose, stealing his breath with gentle kisses that deepened as he drew him close. “A veritable panoply of strengths.”
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jessikahathaway · 5 years
Under the Covers
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung X Reader
Genre: Romance, Spy!AU, Action
Warnings: Graphic depictions of sexual intercourse (Drunk), guns and violence, birth (not too graphic), Character Death, Blood (Not really any gore). If I forgot anything please let me know!
Words: 23.4k 
Sorry I have been absent but please enjoy this spy!AU that’s been in my WIP forever and a half. Love you guys! ~ Jess
The day had been dull, hours ticking by slowly mocking you. You’d recently been put on probation because of irrational thinking out in the field... So, now you were working in the boring section of the office, filing papers and trying to be on your best behavior. 
It wasn’t your fault! 
Your partner was being a damn coward and wasn’t willing to take the shot! You had to or the damn criminal was going to get away with everything... You didn’t mean for an innocent to get caught in the crossfire.
Accidents happen, variables get scewed and people get hurt. But how many more would’ve been at risk if you hadn’t done what you did? At the end of the day somebody has to take the burden, and if it had to be you then so be it.
Although, being forced to live this life day to day was incredibly mundane... How did the office agents do it? Did they enjoy the monotone, unlively plane they were existing in? You were having a hard time believing that. Life was so short, why play it safe when you could lay everything on the line. Risk it all. 
You were a field agent from the International Espionage Agency, stationed in Seoul, South Korea at the moment. This is where you were receiving your punishment. The Seoul office was one of the calmest ones in the entire Agency. Some thought it was due to lack of talent, others thought it was due to the sheer drop in crime rates since the Agency was founded there. There was nothing to do, no one to fight. And not nearly enough booze.
A sweet desk assistant, Lisa, you think her name was, approached you. “Ma’am? Director Jin wishes to speak with you, if you’d follow me please?” she requested. You jumped at the chance for a change in scenery and followed behind her quickly. 
The clacking of keyboard keys resounded in your brain as you and Lisa meandered through the desks and identical office cubicles. People whose eyes were glued to their screens as if it were their last breath. You shuddered to think if this were to be the rest of your life. Had your blunder been that bad?
Lisa finally led you to a deep mahogany door that stood taller than you deemed necessary. However, interior decorating had never been your strong suit. She knocked softly, a deep come in followed. “Please enter,” she announced, opening the door for you. Awkwardly, you nodded your head before dipping inside of the room. The center of attention had never been your place. Much preferring to stick to the edge of walls and ducking behind counters and desks as bullets flew past your head was where you longed to be. 
The door shutting behind you made you jump slightly, before you stood face to desk with Kim Jin, Director of the Seoul Espionage Agency. 
“Sir,” you said, bowing in respect.
“Please, sit,” he offered, doing so himself. You moved to comply and seated yourself in the plush seat provided. Jin cleared his throat before pulling open a file.
“Sir, if I may be so bold, under what circumstances am I here?” you questioned, trying to look at the folder in his hands. 
A sharp clap echoed through the room that made your skin crawl in nerves. “You were sent here for punishment, am I correct in this statement?” he asked, already aware of the answer. 
“Yes, Sir,” you confirmed. 
“And why did you receive punishment?” he quizzed again, sounding like a school teacher scolding a disobedient child. 
“Because of poor thinking in the field as well as doing harm to an innocent,” you answered back. 
“Correct,” he doted. You tried to keep your grimace in check, although it was getting harder by the second. “So, after all of that. Do you feel that you have received a fair punishment? Being sent to, “the most uncharacteristically dull” agency?” he said, finally lifting his eyes to yours. His glare was so dark you couldn’t keep eye contact any longer.
“Sir, I-”
“No bullshit excuses D3!” he growled, using your rank against you. Designated 3rd rank was your official title given by the agency. Field operative in the highest order. You were surprised you hadn’t been demoted. “I don’t know why your main office sent you to me, but ever since you got here you’ve been nothing but an eyesore in my office,” Jin stated.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” you offered lamely.
“If you were sorry then you’d actually do the work assigned to you. How many reports have you blown off or given to my other office workers, because you ‘don’t have the time’ for it? As I see it, you have plenty of time to fuck around on your phone or go out drinking in the afternoon? If you’re here on punishment, why are you acting as if you’re on a vacation?” he said, throwing pictures of your reckless behavior in your face. 
“I had to take that shot!” you defended. “If I hadn’t then the biggest drug lord in the Western Hemisphere would’ve walked right out of that damn store! I couldn’t let that chance go!” 
“You didn’t have to go through an innocent woman to get to him,” Jin growled dangerously. “You’re ten times smarter than that, I know you are. All of your testing shows me you knew better than that. You took the easy shot, not the best one,” he accused. 
“Where else was I supposed to shoot? Through my fucking knees? Sir, if there was another way I assure you that I would’ve found it!” 
“The door frame,” he stated. “It’s made out of a steel and titanium reinforced support system. It could’ve ricoheted and hit the target in the eye. No innocents harmed,” he stated, holding up the store blueprints you’d seen hundreds of times before that night. 
He was right. 
“What do you want me to do Sir? I can’t make it right, so what’s the point in rubbing my nose in it now?” you questioned, staring at the papers before you.
“I’m going a little off the rule book for you, considering how you are a special case indeed,” he stated. “Taehyung, you can come in now,” Jin announced.
The large doors opened to reveal a taller male, lithe frame and bronzed skin gracing him. His hair was a soft brown, gently billowing against the breeze the door created. You looked to him then back to Director Jin.
“Who is this, Sir?” you asked, peaking at the man he called Taehyung. 
“This, Y/N, is my best field agent Kim Taehyung,” Jin stated proudly.
“Pleased to meet you,” he said, giving a small bow before lifting his gaze to Jin. “Hyung,” he greeted. 
“Sir, what does he have to do with me?” you questioned. 
“Listen,” he growled in a warning. You shrunk back into your seat before nodding. “You and Taehyung are to be partners in a new mission,” Jin explained. You couldn’t help the excitement that flooded through you. Finally, out of this fucking office and into the field again!
Jin must’ve noticed your excitement. “However, Taehyung will be taking the lead on this mission. You are to follow his orders to the letter, am I understood?” 
“Am I understood?” he asked darkly. You nodded numbly, not wanting to get into any further shit. “Good, Taehyung has already been briefed on this assignment. But a refresher won’t hurt you. Taehyung-ah,” Jin stated. Taehyung nodded in understanding and sat down in the chair next to you. 
You examined him closer and you were slightly stunned. He was rather beautiful to behold. His skin was smooth and seemed to glow in the sunlight. His hair appeared soft to the touch. Although he wore the signature D3 smirk. He knew he was better than you, and he planned on rubbing that in the whole time you two were partners. This was turning out to be more of a punishment than you originally believed.
“Are you aware of this man?” Jin questioned, setting a picture down on the desk in front of you. 
“Of course,” you stated. “That’s Zhao Feng Tong, White Snake of Chinese politics... But what does that have to do with our assignment?” you questioned. 
“Feng has been getting his mutts to attack Korean Intelligence forces. As well as some state side. The IEA requested that I assign my best man in taking him down. However, we are in need of cover. Your specialty is undercover work, is it not?” he asked, directing the question to you.
“Yes, Sir,” you responded. 
“Perfect, you see that is the only place my best man lacks. He has no cover. So, you are to become Taehyung’s cover,” Jin explained. You quirked an eyebrow in confusion.
“Excuse me, Sir, but how am I to do that?”
“Patience is a virtue, one you’re lacking my dear,” you silenced yourself yet again. “As I was saying, you are to be Taehyung’s cover. Feng has his claws deep within the local government of a small town out in the country. You and Taehyung are to be a newlywed couple that are just moving to the town in hopes of starting a family. Feng is known to come during election time, once he’s there you are to eliminate him. These people are very wary of newcomers. I expect you to play your role perfectly, Miss Y/N,” Jin stated. “Otherwise you will be released from the International Espionage Agency permanently.”
Married? To Kim Taehyung?
Oh fuck.
You woke the following week with a wedding ceremony to attend. Pictures and things of the like were necessary in order for the new home to be believable. Stories, memories things all newlywed couples had a plethora of.
Taehyung, however, seemed less than enthused. 
Something you’d learned quickly in the time you’d spend with Taehyung was that he didn’t play nicely with others. It was a common theme among D3’s, not enjoying partnership and just wanting to get the job done alone. However, this time your livelihood was resting on you performing well. And like fuck you were going to let that happen. 
You walked into Jin’s office that morning to be greeted by a very bored looking Taehyung. He was looking at his phone and Jin was typing on his computer. You cleared your throat to announce your arrival. Jin looked up and nodded at your arrival, Taehyung remained focused elsewhere.
“There’s the blushing bride, has Lisa contacted you about the photography and the shoots?” Jin asked, you nodded obediently, not wanting to get in trouble before your assignment had even started. 
“Yes, a car is waiting for Taehyung and I out in the lot. We’re going to get our wedding and engagement photos done today. As well as anything else you can think of that couples have,” you declared. Jin nodded in approval then clicked his tongue at Taehyung. 
“Tae, I expect you to be on your best behavior for Miss Y/N, this is her area of expertise. Play nice,” he warned. Taehyung nodded and stood up, placing his phone in his pocket. 
“Come on then, let’s get married.”
The day passed uneventfully, as did the following weeks. You’d been put through so many outfits and fake smiles that everything was simply exhausting. However, the real work was yet to begin. You were packing your clothes up. Some of them are worn in photo shoots to prevent suspicion. 
Your phone was removed and a new one took its place. Photos of you and Taehyung as well as simplistic snapshots every girl had on her phone. You were assuming Taehyung had been given a similar set up. 
Tomorrow, you were to move across the country with this man and live as his new wife, until election time... Which was almost four months away. Of course Feng would be around the town doing campaigning and things of the like, however, that wouldn’t be the time to strike. You’d have to be patient this time. Think things through. 
You can’t slip up again. Looking through the photos on your new device you found one of Taehyung that you had taken in the park where you were getting your wedding photos done. He’d found a wildflower that had peaked his interest for the time being and was admiring it. You took the opportunity to capture the moment, one where he wasn’t ignoring you or putting you down for negligence. He was simply existing in nature.
You made it your screensaver and shut the device off for the night. Turning your head to your nightstand you saw the glittering jewels of your wedding and engagement rings. The delicate silver and diamonds wove around simplistically. Nothing too extravagant, but enough to show you were spoken for. Taehyung also had a similar ring, just a touch understated. 
Images of the prior weeks of preparation made your stomach clench in nerves. You hadn’t been part of such a big operation that relied heavily on your trademarked skill in years. Would you still have what it took? Could Taehyung rely on you as Jin said he could?
These doubts were misplaced of course. You were you. An Designated 3rd Ranked Officer of the International Espionage Agency.
And you weren’t going to fail again.
The morning sun blazed in your eyes as you and Taehyung drove through the countryside in silence. Your ring glittered in the sunlight as the roads wound on and became more treacherous. Taehyung had picked you up early, before the birds had even begun to sing, and definitely before you were willing to wake up. 
“Get up, we leave in ten minutes,” he said, throwing your pillow on the ground. You heard his footsteps receding into your living room. No doubt to collect the boxes you had placed there the night before. 
Taehyung was hard to get along with. A gruff exterior made it difficult to approach him and he held an air of superiority that was hard to breathe in. All in all, Taehyung really irritated you. 
He held your freedom over you like a stick and was quick to put you in your place. Sometimes more than necessary. During your wedding shoot, he’d pointed out that if his bride ever wore the dress you were wearing he’d leave them at the altar. That stung a bit seeing as how you had felt rather confident in the dress up until that point. 
The photos following his comment were unusable. 
For a top operative, he was a massive dick. 
Although, for the moment, he was silent. Focused on the road and not on you, which was preferable. 
Until he opened his Goddamn mouth. “I’m killing Feng,” he declared as he rounded a sharp corner. 
“I’m aware,” you sighed, looking out the window. 
“I don’t see why we have to go through this ridiculous game,” Taehyung said, looking at his ring with contempt. 
“Feng is a creature of caution. He’ll be on high alert during election season... We need to infiltrate now and make our presence less interesting than if we moved in a week before the election. We need patience,” you explained. 
“You’re one to talk about patience,” he sneered. You bit your lip harshly, not wanting to get into it with him right now. 
However, one prod can be too many. 
“I heard she died.”
Dead silent. 
“Pull over,” you breathed. 
“What?” he asked, straining to hear you. 
“I said pull the fucking car over!” you screamed. Taehyung jumped in his seat before doing as you asked. Before the moving truck had even come to a complete stop you opened the door and got out, stumbling slightly on the uneven ground. 
“Come on, are you really going to pitch a fit right now?” Taehyung asked, getting out of the driver’s seat to follow you.
“I don’t give a damn if they fire me, working with you is next to impossible. I didn’t know someone could be so egotistical and rude until I met you,” you growled, stomping down the road. 
“Where are you going? We’re miles from the nearest town,” Taehyung stated, standing with his arms crossed. 
“Perfect, maybe I’ll die out here and it’ll save Jin the trouble,” you glowered, walking closer to the guard rail of the road. The crunching gravel behind you signalled Taehyung’s approach. 
“Knock it off, we’ve got a job to do and I’m not leaving till it’s finished,” he said, grabbing your wrist. You turned quickly and faced him, cheeks red in anger.
“Then do it without me, you’re the one who said you could do this yourself. Money where your mouth is time, prove it.”
With that you yanked your wrist from his hands and kept moving down the road. “Jesus fuck you get on my nerves. Jin will be pissed if I show up to that house by myself. Come on Miss Undercover, get your ass back in the truck,” Taehyung stated. 
“No, Taehyung. I will not be getting my ass back in the truck, you can forget it!”
“Fine, you know what? Fine. I give up, you stuck up bitch. Walk to the next town for all I care,” he growled, heading back towards the truck.
“You are such an asshole!” you screamed, turning to start walking in the opposite direction...
When you slipped.
The gravel beneath your feet gave way as you began sliding underneath the guardrail. You were high in the mountains during this portion of the trip, and the roads weren’t well taken care of. 
Gravel ingrained new lacerations on your delicate flesh as you tried desperately to save yourself from the fall. Your calves were sticky with hot blood and dirt was clinging to the open wounds like a bacterial infested beauty.
Quickly, you latched onto the metal of the guardrail and attempted to pull yourself up. However, your wrist burned in the effort, scratched up due to your fall. The hot, sticky sensation of blood running down your arm made your hands slippery.
“Taehyung!” you screamed, hanging off of the weakened metal in fear. 
There was no response. Blood was pounding in your ears at the thought of death so close. You’d never feared it until now... Because now it was a possibility. 
“Taehyung, please!”
“Y/N?” Taehyung’s voice echoed in mild concern.
“Help me!”
The sound of dirt crunching at the approach of Taehyung’s footsteps sent relief through your veins. Taehyung’s face appeared before you as he wrapped his arms around your elbows and hauled you up onto the road. You were trembling in fear and exhaustion and Taehyung fell backwards, you on his chest. 
You hadn’t realized it before... But you were crying. 
“Fuck, your arm,” he said, sitting up. “Looks to be superficial, I think if we just-”
A loud sob broke through Taehyung’s sentence. His eyes went from your arm to your face as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. Suddenly you were crying loudly like a child, unable to stop. All the frustration and pent up emotions of the past months coming forward in the form of water flooding your eyes. 
Taehyung watched in shock as you broke down in front of him. “Hey, Y/N, are you hurt somewhere else? What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to figure out how to make you stop. 
“I-I ju-st-” and before you could finish your sentence cries won out. Taehyung looked at you quickly and confirmed that you weren’t injured anywhere else. Although you were still crying. 
“Hey, shh,” he soothed, wiping your cheeks with his sleeve. “We’re not getting anywhere like this,” he sighed, looking down at his knees. 
Eventually, your tears stopped and you were able to speak without cries interrupting your phrase. 
“I’m sorry, I went too far,” Taehyung said, wrapping your arm in a bandage. You swallowed hard as nodded in acceptance. “Allies?” he asked. You took his hand as he pulled you to your feet.
“Allies,” you confirmed.
You pulled up to your new house roughly three hours later. Taehyung and you had come to a mutual understanding.
Help me help you. 
You still weren’t particularly fond of him, but now working with him didn’t seem impossible. 
The place you were going to be calling home for the next few months stood before you. A modest house painted a pale yellow greeted you and Taehyung. The garden out front wasn’t thriving, but all wasn’t lost. Then the shutters had been painted a soft blue, complimenting the structure wonderfully. 
Maybe living here wouldn’t be so bad after all...
“Now, remember what we discussed,” you stated.
“Newlywed couples are very affectionate. We’re nice people, but cautious. Flirtatious but not disgustingly so. We are in love, first and foremost,” he repeated. 
“Wonderful,” you smiled before planting a kiss on his cheek. Taehyung nodded before getting out of the truck.
“Oh Tae, it’s amazing!” you yelped, looking at the house before you. 
“I’d certainly hope so,” he stated, coming to wrap an around around you comfortably. You leaned into his touch, looking at the house in its entirety. 
“Can we go inside?” you asked, looking at the key in his hands. 
“Of course babe,” he said, walking forwards and unlocking the door, but before you could walk in yourself, Taehyung wrapped his hand around your wrist. 
“What?” you asked, disappointed. 
“It’s bad luck for me not to carry you over the threshold,” he said, grinning. Your heart thudded for a moment. Taehyung’s boxy grin melted you, unprepared for the attack. 
“Hang on, I don’t know if I-wah!” you said as Taehyung lifted you into the air. Seeing some of the neighbors come out at the commotion you quieted down. Slowly, Taehyung carried you bridal style into the home. Your heart stuttered lightly as you crossed over the threshold. 
“Here you are,” he said, setting you down. You flushed pink and cleared your throat. 
“Alright, looks like we need to start getting the big furniture first, then we can worry about the decorations later,” you blabbed on. Taehyung watched you with muted interest, appearing to be caring however you knew there were probably fifty other things he’d rather be doing.
“Can’t we rest? I was just driving for over eight hours,” he whined, sitting on the floor in defiance. 
“You can sit all you’d like but I’m going to start bringing boxes in,” you stated, turning and heading towards the truck. 
You examined the perimeter when exiting the building. The neighbors that had come out of their house when you and Taehyung pulled up had since hurried back inside. Perhaps they were merely minding their own business or watching. This was a tight knit town. People didn’t move in nor did they move out. People stayed the same here, you’d be a large topic of conversation amongst these people. 
Taehyung walked up behind you and rested his head in the crook of your neck. “What do you see?” he asked. 
“Nothing much,” you announced, a smile on your face as if he just said something endearing. “I’m certain they are playing the waiting game. Seeing how interesting we are, how cautious they need to be. Push and pull, when they push we pull,” you stated. 
“I hate waiting games...”
“Get ready for four months of waiting.”
The night air blew through the home in slow waves. You watched as the street was lit with a flickering lamp roughly twenty feet away. No one had shown up at your abode, and you didn’t think they would for a while. 
This wasn’t an American sitcom where the new neighbors move in and everyone starts baking pies. This was a strategic move on the townspeople and Feng’s part. Allowing time for observations and possible encounters was a key part in the beginning stages of any sort of stake out/undercover mission. 
Feng was already suspicious. You didn’t have to know anything about his involvement in the town for that to be a solid fact. His most devout following, holed up in a small town now being invaded by outsiders? Background checks were no doubt in progress.
And they’d find exactly what you wanted. Lives painted like pictures in a story book. Rocky beginnings for Taehyung, where he grew up on the streets but was adopted into a good home and cared for until he met you in college. Love at first sight turned into marriage. And here you were, married, a home to call your own. No doubt children in the future. Perfect, but Taehyung’s dent was what made it less suspicious. A crime record thrown in for good luck. You having one parking ticket...
One you definitely refuted. 
Before the two of you had went to sleep you managed to get your mattress in your bedroom and Taehyung unpacked a box of dishes. Although the emotional day had taken its toll on the pair of you. Grabbing your sheets you made the bed and you and Taehyung collapsed down onto the mattress happily.
Although, the same nightmare kept running through your mind...
The day you made your mistake. 
The day you hurt an innocent. 
The very reason you were in this mission right now, was because you were impatient. You wanted the glory of taking down a criminal, not caring about the life that would be at risk because of your greed. That day haunted you...
You were sitting up in bed, looking over your phone to distract yourself. Cell reception wasn’t the greatest here so you’d settled for scrolling through pictures. Photos of you and friends that had been given names and assigned cell phones as well. A mother and father, a sibling for good measure. So many people strung in this elaborate web of lies. 
You fell on a photo you didn’t recognize. One of you, drinking coffee in the office. You looked flustered, stressed and not wholly interested in what you were doing. Your eyes wandered to Taehyung who was sleeping in the bed beside you. 
He seemed peaceful, which was impressive seeing as how you were struggling to catch an ounce of sleep. 
“If you keep staring I’m going to think you want something from me,” Taehyung murmured.
You flinched at his voice, but otherwise remained passive. No wonder he looked so peaceful.
“Can’t sleep either?” You asked, locking your phone and setting it on the floor. Your bed wasn’t on the frame yet and your bedside tables are still in the truck.
“I don’t sleep much no matter where I am,” he sighed, sitting up and rubbing his face. 
“It’s quiet here,” you announced, eyes casting over the moving truck in the front yard and for sale sign gone from the lawn. Taehyung lazily rested his head on your shoulder. You did your best to subtle the flinch from the unexpected contact. You had to get used to Taehyung’s displays of affection. People could be watching you at any moment.
“These people here are creepy, almost like they aren’t real,” he whispered. 
“We technically aren’t real either. Fake lives made for us like a script for a play,” you concluded. 
“But we’re using our real names, isn’t that a big taboo for this sort of work?” he asked. 
“Perhaps, but, you respond naturally to your own name. Even a variation of it, if I were to call you Kihyun or something, your response would look forced. Unnatural. But calling you Taehyung,” you said, looking at him. 
Subtly he tilted his head towards you, waiting for you to continue. He acknowledged his name without registering it in his brain. Something very common that a lot of people don’t notice. But, it’s easy to observe if you know what you’re looking for.
“Interesting notion,” Taehyung mused. 
“Pseudo-Science. Barely science,” you joked. Taehyung breathed a laugh before pulling you back down into bed with him. You squealed unattractively while struggling against his embrace. Taehyung hissed in disapproval.
“You know, I’ve never seen a new bride so unwilling to let her husband hold her,” he reprimanded.
“Perhaps if you played the role of a husband better, I wouldn’t be so unwilling,” you scoffed. Taehyung just rolled his eyes and kept you in his arms. 
“Just shut up and go to bed, before you give me a fucking headache,” he complained. 
“Good night Taehyung.”
The next morning you woke to the smell of coffee brewing. You got up and found the mattress empty beside you. Taehyung was already awake and the smell of food also alluded to his state of alert. You grabbed your robe from atop the boxed besides your mattress and pulled it on, heading towards the kitchen.
Taehyung stood next to the stove with two mismatching mugs and silverware that definitely didn’t belong together. 
“Don’t you dare bring out my mother’s nice ceramics for this,” you warned, smiling and wrapping your arms around him. Taehyung bumped your hip with his while handing you a mug. 
“I put creamer in it, I hope that’s alright,” he smiled. You nodded and took a sip, already warming up from the chill of the morning. 
“It’s awesome, thank you,” you sighed. “Fuck it’s going to suck getting the rest of our shit in here,” you whined. Taehyung’s eyes bulged at your vulgar tone. 
“Perhaps we could hold off on that for a while and eat breakfast?” he asked, holding a plate up for you. Quickly, you took it and hurried towards the island to eat. Taehyung laughed as you jumped up on the counter and used the built in appliance as your couch. 
“This is so good,” you moaned, licking your lips. The thick coating of grease from the bacon made your lips shiny and Taehyung found himself staring, despite not wanting to. You wiggled a little, bobbing your head back and forth while you ate. 
“You’re, like, dancing on our island,” Taehyung said, rubbing his face in disbelief. 
“Food is good, sometimes you just gotta dance with the good things in life. Like this bacon, deserves a quality head shimmy,” you noted. 
“I’m glad I could provide you with head shimmy worthy bacon this morning,” Taehyung stated.
“My head shimmies are only for the most elite pieces of bacon, so consider yourself lucky,” you snarked. He laughed and began to eat his food as well. 
It was silent, save for the clinking of your utensils on mismatched plates. 
You were thinking to yourself about your performance. Had anyone seen you so far, they would assume you were a happy couple. However, you weren’t that touchy feely. Newlyweds normally couldn’t keep their hands off each other. If you didn’t increase intimacy, then no doubt your facade would start to crack. 
“We should probably have sex today,” you noted, hopping off the counter. 
The sound of Taehyung choking filled the room. 
“Babe?” you asked, hurrying over and rubbing his back. Taehyung’s face was red and he was obviously startled by your statement. 
“Jesus, fuck! Are you trying to kill me?” he asked, while you got him a cup of water. 
Well, a bowl of water is what you managed. He gulped down the liquid as his breathing evened. 
“Taehyung, we’re a couple. That just got married. We live alone. What else do you think we would be doing?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well, probably setting the house up? Starting to investigate a litte-”
“Taehyung, there are no doubt people watching this house. If we don’t act like we love each other, then we’re already doomed. We aren’t going to have real sex, just throw a blanket over us and then dry hump me or something,” you said, trying to think of ideas. 
“Really? Dry hump you? Under a blanket?” he said. 
Taehyung didn’t find the idea of dry humping you repulsive, it was just less fun than actually getting to fuck you. Because, oh boy, hate fucking you would be incredible. Although, it wouldn’t be the passionate love making that you were probably trying to convey. 
“Okay, but I can’t promise that I won’t get a boner in the middle of it,” he sighed. 
“Taehyung I will bite your ear off,” you warned.
“So kinky already, darling,” he breathed. 
“Okay, you stink, go take a shower,” you demanded, pulling away. Taehyung huffed and pouted, following you closely.
“Baby~” he whined, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Taehyung,” you smiled, however your voice was severely irritated. 
“Let’s have fake sex, then I can go take a shower, yeah?” he urged, pulling you against his body. 
To an on looker, it was no doubt a boyfriend or husband trying to coerce his wife into getting frisky. But you did want to get more of the truck unpacked. 
“Not now, shower then come help me unpack some more,” you stated, placing a hesitant peck on his lips. 
Taehyung frowned before pulling you in for a deeper kiss. You fumbled lightly on your feet, getting pulled closer into him. Taehyung wrapped your body up in his arms and moved his mouth against yours aggressively. He sucked on the delicate skin of your lips, so hard you were certain they’d bruise. 
“Ouch, Tae,” you winced. 
“Mmm, you actually kiss pretty good,” he murmured, moving back in to seal his lips against yours. 
“Loving, tender kisses Taehyung. Not trying to fucking eat my face.”
Taehyung moved away and tried to act playful when he smacked your butt before heading to the bathroom. You rolled your eyes before going to get the keys for the truck.
Again the morning was just as silent. They really must be scoping the situation out. Much like you and Taehyung were. There were a lot of variables right now. Many ways for the whole plan to go wrong. It made you uneasy. But this was your specialty.
Making a new life here was going to be difficult. However, right now wasn’t the time to be doubting your skills. There was too much at stake. You weren’t going to be the reason more people died and another criminal got away.
You started pulling in more boxes, managing to get the frame of the couch out of the truck and into the living room as well. You were sweating and your poor arm stung with a fresh scrape from the day before. You looked at the couch and decided that right there would be good enough for now. Running out to the truck you grabbed the couch cushions and throw pillows so you could sit down for a minute and relax.
After placing the last pillow down the sound of the water shutting off made you turn your head. Taehyung emerged shortly after with his boxers on and drying his hair with a towel. Rendered speechless for a moment, you cleared your throat before turning back to the box that was being used as an impromptu coffee table. Lots of picture frames sat inside.
Many of you and Taehyung and some of you with your family. Taking out your wedding photo you smiled. You knew that Taehyung was pissed in the photo cause you had just stepped on his toe in your heels.
Warm arms wrapped around your waist and you relaxed into his embrace. “Bathroom isn’t bugged, so at least we have that privacy,” he murmured into your neck. 
You nodded and set the picture down. Bending forward you grabbed a couple other frames and moved to place them in different areas.
“Didn’t you say we should bring in the rest of the big furniture before putting the fragile stuff up? We don’t want it to get broken baby,” Taehyung scolded.
“It’ll be alright. Plus I want to look at these now,” You pouted. Taehyung took a couple and started helping you put them up as well. 
You two started decorating and joking around. From the outside it was a happy couple having fun. However it was a strategic move. Making the two of you look non threatening was the most important role right now. Taehyung was set to start his job at City Hall in four days. You were to start working at home as soon as you could. 
But there was much more preparations to make. Like lunch.
“Baby, want some lunch?” You asked, turning to him. Taehyung shrugged and brought his hands to your stomach.
“Mm, not hungry for food babe,” he spoke as he brought you into his embrace. You wanted to cringe but forced your body to relax in his arms. 
“Honestly, you can’t keep your mind from what I said earlier,” you whispered.
“Hey, if we want to make it believable you should just let me fuck you here in the living room,” he growled.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, despite your best efforts. His voice rattled your bones and made you want to break. Newlyweds normally couldn’t wait to set up a bed nicely...
You could fake it here in the kitchen. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw a reflection of light. It was either a camera or binoculars. Someone was watching you both right now.
Bringing your mouth to his ear, you stated instructions. “Taehyung, there’s someone watching us right now. Reflection at 11:00 o’clock,” you informed.
“I noticed,” he said, furrowing his brow to make it appear as if you said something intimate.
“We need to do it out here,” you stated.
“This seems like a lot of work,” he moaned.
“Kiss me and I’ll continue,” you murmured. Taehyung brought your mouth away from his ear and connected it to yours. You moved against his body eagerly, rolling your hips against his. Taehyung groaned and buckled against your body, biting your lip as you whined into his mouth.
“How do we do this?” He asked as he came away for air, moving to kiss your neck and shoulder longingly.
“The couch, I’ll ride you. Your back will be to the observer. So, we’ll mime the action of you and I having sex. But really we’ll just be dry humping,” you explained.
“Okay, I’m going to pick you up and take you there,” he announced. 
You blushed. You realized you’d much rather Taehyung grind against you on a couch for an audience than carry you to the couch. You were a special agent, specialized in camouflage and undercover operations... yet you still fussed when your jeans didn’t fit the same. You still got mad at yourself for eating the whole tub of ice cream... again...
“Taehyung wait a sec-ah!”
You were hoisted in the air and Taehyung carried you to the couch. You clung to him like a child and you couldn’t help the unattractive squeak you made as he threw you onto the cushions.
“You’re not going to convince them you love me if you’re acting like a teenager with stupid insecurities,” he whispered. You pulled him in for a kiss to conceal the frown and no doubt rude remark that would escape if you allowed yourself the option.
His lips trailed your jawline, making you squirm underneath him. Taehyung grinned at your pathetic reactions to his actions. You gripped his shoulders, pulling him out of view of your observer... well the one you knew of.
“I’m going to take off my shirt,” you said. Taehyung nodded, holding your hips as he kissed your lips with longing. You reached for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, throwing it to the floor. Taehyung made an odd noise at the back of his throat, making you raise your eyebrow in confusion.
“God, I didn’t know you were hiding those under the stupid office uniforms, holy shit,” he complained.
“How far can I go?” He asked, coming in to kiss your neck.
“T-this is as far as I want, are you okay?” You asked, making sure his comfort was recognized too.
“Absolutely,” he breathed, coming towards your chest with open mouthed kisses. You tangled your fingers in his hair, encouraging him to move more.
“T-Taehyung,” You whimpered as he bit at your bra.
“One day I’ll get you out of this,” he growled before hauling you up and onto his lap. The straps of your bra fell down onto your biceps and Taehyung’s pupils blew up.
You leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on his nose, cheeks and finally one to his lips. He adjusted his hold on you and you nodded. Grabbing your pathetic shorts you mimed moving them out of the way, then you moved to get Taehyung situated too.
“How should I...?” He asked, raising a brow.
“Just, I’ll dry hump you. It’s fine,” you breathed. He seemed like he was going to protest when you gripped right above his pelvic line. His hip jolted, miming the reaction of you taking him out of his pants. Giving a demure smile, you slowly shuffled forward to place your center against his lap.
Taehyung breathed in sharply, biting his lip hard. “What’s wrong?” You asked, placing a hand on his cheek gently.
“I’m fighting every urge in my body right now, so just hurry up,” he growled. A small shudder ran down your spine as his words took weight in your head.
Would it be so bad for you to give in and let him fuck you here?
Yes, yes it would.
“Sorry, sorry,” you apologized lamely, moving your hips against his gently.
“Fuck,” he croaked, gripping your waist tightly.
“A-Ah, Taehyung,” you whimpered, placing your hands over his. You looked up at the ceiling, as if you were in utter bliss.
“So good baby,” Taehyung encouraged, “keep going.”
“Fuck, Taehyung,” you growled. 
This was bad, your mind was starting to cloud with the burning arousal beginning to raise in your stomach. You really were starting to want him. The way his brow furrowed, it really looked like he was filled with pleasure at the moment. 
“I might come in my boxers,” he huffed out as you ground down particularly hard against him. 
“That’s fine, a real orgasm is better than a fake one,” you rationalized out loud.
“Shit, babe, Y/N,” he moaned, bringing you in for a sloppy kiss. You open your mouth and let his hot tongue slide in to greet yours. 
Kissing Taehyung was quickly turning into a drug you didn’t want to give up. Fuck, it felt so good. His plush lips against your own, practically forcing your mouth to mould with his. Taehyung was gripping your hips, almost as if he was using your body to get himself off. It was so dirty, raunchy and hot. Hearing his soft whimpers made you wet, cheeks bright red at the idea.
You cried out for real when your clit bumped the growing bulge in his boxers.
“That’s the hottest sound I’ve heard, fuck I love you,” he growled out. You squeaked out an ‘I love you too,’ soon after. Taehyung planted slobbery kisses along your collarbones and chest as he panted harshly against your skin. 
“Cum inside me, Taehyung,” you moaned out, feeling a climax brewing in your lower stomach. 
“Ah fuck!” Taehyung sobbed out, bucking his hips wildly against your own. You just needed that little push, something to get you over the edge. 
“So close, so close,” breathed into the air. Taehyung heard your silent pleas, because soon you felt the bulge of his hot erection directly against your little nub, sending you spiraling into the precipice of bliss.
Taehyung cried out your name, holding you closer to his frame. You collapsed against him, feeling your panties sticking to you uncomfortably. Taehyung shivered, his hot breath fanning across your cooling skin.
You shakily ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his sweaty hairline with a tenderness that could only be given in post-orgasmic bliss. Shit, what have you done?
“Tae,” you said, urging him away from you. 
“Hmmm?” he whispered, groggily. 
“You and I both need to clean up,” you said, coughing in discomfort at the end. 
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he said.
Helping you up you took a glance at the window in your peripheral. They weren’t watching any longer. “We’re clear,” you said, rushing towards the bathroom to clean yourself up. 
You shut the door and slid down in, trying not to let your heart beat out of your chest wildly. The sound of the other shower turning on again signalled that you were clear to exit, going to the bathroom before heading out to get another pair of panties and shorts on. 
You were certain you wouldn’t sleep at all tonight.
The day finally came when Taehyung began his first day at work. You fussed over him all morning. Tying his tie for him, making him a travel mug of coffee and breakfast for him. Taehyung had to admit, it wasn’t so bad having you for a wife.
“Baby, I really gotta go or I’m going to be late, on my first day!” 
“Okay okay, just one more thing,” you smiled before leaning in a placing a delicate kiss on his cheek. “Have a great day,” you encouraged. 
“I will, don’t miss me too much,” he teased. As he unlocked the front door you were both surprised to find two men standing there.
Taehyung immediately shut the door off a little more, protecting you from their view.
“Can I help you gentleman?”
“We’re here on behalf of Mr. Feng. He wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood,” they both presented Taehyung with some kind of campaign propaganda. 
“Thank you, I’m going to be late for work. Baby, have a good day. Gentleman,” Taehyung said, taking the flyer and shutting the door. You watched as Taehyung moved down the driveway, the men in suits following behind him like a funeral procession. Your eyes followed your husband until he was out of sight, making you shift with unease. 
This would be the first time you’d be apart since the whole mission began. For some reason your chest was tight, something you hadn’t been expecting. It was ridiculous. The only reason you were feeling this way is because you weren’t really alone. There was always someone watching. You were certain that was the cause of your unease. It had to be.
Taehyung texted you a few times throughout the day. Making your chest loosen slightly, knowing he made it there safely. Even if he was a jerk, that didn’t mean you wanted anything bad to happen to him. Well, nothing too bad...
You started your day by moving some more furniture around, getting the kitchen table put together and all set for later on in the evening. You were going to make dinner tonight before Taehyung came home so he had something to eat after a long day at work.
You couldn’t place it, but knowing someone was coming home to you was... comforting? Even if it was the pain in the ass Taehyung, the thought didn’t bother you as much as you believed it should. 
The rest of your day passed by uneventfully, doing some data analysis on your laptop for work. Something Taehyung no doubt picked out for you to do because of your detestment of data worksheets back at the office. Dick. 
But the company you worked for didn’t know anything but you were a newlywed needing some extra cash on the side while her husband went out to work for the day. Plus, this gave you another set of alibis if needed. She was on her computer at such and such a time. Because no doubt it was being tracked. 
You pulled up your messages and sent a quick one to Taehyung. He responded quickly, sending a few hearts after he told you he’d be home soon. 
Quickly you headed to the kitchen and began the real test. Cooking. You weren’t a bad cook by any means, but you usually cooked ramen noodles and things of that nature. So a full fucking chicken was a little intimidating.
Cutting the vegetables and starting the oven went smoothly. You buttered the chicken, slathering the meat in butter and garlic, throwing some thyme in there for good measure. You remember Taehyung mentioning that his mom used to make a recipe similar to this. One he loved. 
The idea of a small Taehyung sitting at the counter, begging for some food made your head spin. W-What are you thinking? This is just a mission, and Taehyung is just a guy who is assigned to be your partner. That’s all this is. All it ever will be. 
Taehyung came home just as you were pulling the chicken out of the oven. He came over and pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek before looking at the mashed potatoes, broiled vegetables and chicken that were being placed on the table by his wife. You bent over after dropping something on the floor. His mouth watered at the sight. The food also looked good...
“Baby, look at all this. Did you really make this stuff?” he asked, coming over and setting his briefcase on the counter.
“Yeah, it was a bitch and a half to make though, let me tell you what. This chicken here, if it weren’t already dead I would’ve taken my pistol and shot it,” you huffed, remembering the tying and stuffing and everything that made you aggravated with cooking the damn thing in the first place.
“Well, it looks great, can I have a seat?” he asked.
“Yeah! Go for it, I’ll get us some wine,” you said. Running over to the cabinet and pulling out two wine glasses.
“I see we’re going fancy tonight,” he said. 
“Well for my husband, anything,” you smiled.
“Thank you baby,” he answered as you set a wine glass next to him.
“Next, do you want red or white?” you asked.
“Red,” Taehyung said, marveling at the domestic nature of this interaction.
Is this what normal people did? Came home to a freshly cooked meal by their significant other and just talked about casual things? Not coming home to an empty house. Stitching themselves up after a bad knife fight. Watching as their blood went down the drain... Was this the marital bliss he heard about?
You came over with a bottle, popping the cork and pouring him a sample to see if he liked it. “How does it taste? Want a little more?” you asked. Taehyung took you in during this moment. You were beautiful. Cheeks flushed and looking flustered as you tried to play your role of dutiful wife. It made him want to paint again...
“Yeah, I’ll have a glass. It’s good, you should have some too,” he said as he watched the berry colored liquid fill the glass.
“I will,” you announced, sitting across from him and pouring yourself some as well.
Taehyung looked at you as you swallowed down some of the bitter sweet liquid in your glass, throat bobbing as it pushed the alcohol down and into your bloodstream. Cheeks turning pink he smiled as the two of you continued to drink. 
“Y/N, honestly, this meal was fantastic,” Taehyung said, looking at you as the second bottle of wine overwhelmed him.
“Thanks, I tried,” you stated, swallowing down the remaining wine in your glass.
Taehyung leaned forward on the table, looking at you with interest.
“What did you want to do before becoming part of the agency?” He asked, nonchalant.
You looked up at him, eyes bigger than your head. 
“Tae! What if-“
“No one is listening, believe me,” he said, grinning at you with his boxy grin.
“I don’t think-“
“Don’t be such a priss, tell me,” he urged.
“I’m not a priss!”
“Whatever, just, tell me something about yourself. Something interesting,” he pleaded.
“Fine, fine... I-I wanted to be a ballerina okay?” 
Taehyung’s eyes widened.
Then he snorted.
“Aren’t ballerina’s supposed to be graceful and shit? You tripped putting on your pants this morning,” he smirked.
“I’ll have you know that for seven years I danced five days a week for four hours a day,” you protested.
“Prove it,” he scoffed.
“Fine, I will,” you said, standing up. 
Slowly bringing yourself together you started a familiar routine you did all the time as a child.
Lifting your leg up you grabbed your thigh, straightening your leg above your head before lowering it to your other thigh, spinning slightly before getting up on pointe. Taehyung’s eyes were watching your every move. It looked like you needed a partner. He stood and grabbed your waist as you stretched your arms out. 
Jumping in his grasp you turned to look at him.
“Taehyung, what are you-“
“Just feel, keep going,” he said, taking your hand in his.
You weren’t sure if it was the wine or your own emotions taking over, but before you knew it, your lips had crashed onto his. Taehyung grunted in surprise. You wrapped your arms around his neck and urged him to kiss you deeper. Licking at his lips, begging for entrance. Taehyung didn’t hesitate. He opened his mouth and greeted your tongue with his. The wet smacking sounds had you throbbing beneath your jeans, something you were desperate to get out of. 
Grinding against his front Taehyung lost his breath to you. “Fuck, mm, like that babygirl.”
You whimpered when you felt his prominent bulge for the first time this evening. Shit your panties were sticking to you at this point. But Taehyung pulled away a few moments later. 
“We shouldn’t do this,” he murmured against your swelling lips.
“Why not?” You whined, gripping his hands as they settled against your hips.
“We can’t go back once we do this. Having interpersonal relations in the field, it gets messy. What if I get hurt or kidnapped? Then they have leverage on you,” he explained.
“Let me at least suck you off,” you complained. Taehyung groaned in the back of his throat. 
“Fuck, we shouldn’t,” he stated, brushing the hair away from your face.
“Please, please let me taste you,” you begged, your wine addled mind taking over. “Do you not want my mouth?”
“Fuck... Yes, I do want that mouth on me more than you can believe,” he said, running his thumb along your wet lower lip. Taking his thumb in between your lips you smiled and tugged on the flesh gently. Taehyung growled at your teasing before looking at you with his dark eyes. “Get on your knees for me,” he commanded. You nodded frantically before falling to the floor in front of him. Taehyung watched with rapt attention as you undid his slacks and brought out his semi-hard erection from his underwear. 
Your mouth salivated at the sight of his thick cock sitting in your warm palm. Taehyung hissed when you ran your hand over his sensitive length for the first time. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Blood rushing to your head, making it spin. But all you cared about was pleasing the man in front of you. Without much hesitation you gave a fat lick from the base of his cock to the head. Taehyung moaned, his head lulling back slightly. You brought the head into your mouth, suckling gently, moving your tongue around the sensitive area.
“Don’t tease me,” he snarled out, looking down at you with dangerous eyes. Complying with his demands you brought a majority of him into your mouth and throat, coughing lightly when he hit the back. He groaned in pleasure, finding your hair and pulling it into his fist. “That’s it baby, suck my dick like a good girl,” he praised, watching as strings of slobber started to form from your mouth to his cock. Bobbing your head back and forth, you built a rhythm for him. 
You hollowed out your cheeks, moving your tongue underneath his shaft and around to stimulate him. Taehyung huffed, trying hard not to come down your throat already. He was intoxicated not only by the wine but by you as well. Your beautiful eyes looking at him underneath your lashes. He could barely breathe when you looked at him like that. Those big eyes sparkling with lust and want.
Taehyung rolled his hips forward slightly, gauging your reaction. You moaned at the force promised behind those hips of his, as he pushed himself further down your throat. 
“Can I fuck your mouth baby? Would you let me fuck that goregous mouth of yours?” he asked, sprinkling praise in with his request. You nodded fast, relaxing your throat and giving him the thumbs up to go ahead. 
He didn’t wait a moment longer before he pushed himself into your mouth and down your throat. Taehyung whined at the tight feeling of your mouth and throat closing in on him, feeling like a vice against his cock. Pulling back out he let you suck in a couple breaths before picking his pace up again. You gagged on his dick, making noise and moaning in pleasure. Taehyung was lost above you, focusing on the sensations of your moaning against him.
“Mmm, fuck baby, just like that,” he breathed out, watching and drool collected on your chin. It was filthy, messy and perfect. You took him entirely, nose touching his pelvis and you swallowed hard. Taehyung cried out, gripping your shoulders and pulling out of your throat and mouth. You coughed at the actions, not suspecting for it to be so intense, but god if you didn’t want him to cum in your mouth. You needed it.
“Tae~” you whimpered, shuffling forwards on your knees to try to put him back in your mouth. But he stopped you.
“Listen baby, this is going to go one of two ways. Either you keep going and I cum down your throat, or I can shove this cock in that pussy and cum inside you that way. Which would you prefer?”
Your body shook with want at the second option.
“Inside my pussy,” you said, already moving to shrug your sweater off and stepping out of your jeans. 
“Come here then baby,” he said, opening his arms for you. You rushed forwards, bringing your lips to his before you could even think about anything else. Taehyung opens his mouth and licked your lips perversely. You opened your mouth at once, letting him take full control of the embrace. 
“Taehyung, bedroom,” you urged. He at least heard part of what you were saying, because the next thing you knew, your body was being lowered to the mattress in your room.
“Let’s take this off shall we?” he said, removing your tank top and looking at you in your bra. “Fuck baby you have pretty tits,” he growled. You moaned at the praise and eagerly un buckled the back and let the offending material fall off your arms and onto the floor. Taehyung was in action before you could blink, taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking on it harshly. 
The sensation sent tingles right to the tips of your toes, making them curl and stretch from his warm mouth on you. With his free hands he held your hip with one and groped your chest with the other, stimulating your body and causing you to arch up into his touch. Taehyung smirked against your skin, laving his tongue against your pert nipple, making you hiss in reaction.
“Such pretty noises you make for me, isn’t that right precious girl?” he said, trailing his lips down your body.
“Taehyung, please don’t tease me. Give me your dick, please,” you whimpered, rolling your hips up against him.
“Tsk tsk, little one. So greedy already,” he smiled.
“Please give me your cock, Taehyung, please,” you begged. “Want it so deep in my pussy, stuffing me full until I can’t breathe. Please please please, give me your cock.”
“Fuck, how could I deny such a sweet request. Alright baby, let me just warm you up a touch okay?” Taehyung pulled your panties down your legs, revealing your wet center to him. “You’re drenched babygirl, who did this to you?”
“You, Taehyung, you did,”
“That’s right precious girl,” he said as he lowered two fingers to your entrance. You relaxed when he ran his middle and pointer finger up your slit, before sinking them inside of you. Taehyung watched as you took him right up to the knuckle. He groaned at the feeling of you, tight and hot around his fingers. He could just picture how you’d feel around his cock and it made him throb with desire.
“Taehyung!” You cried, gripping the sheets underneath you desperately.
“Gonna come?”
“I-I don’t-hah-Taehyung,” you whined out.
“I’ve barely touched this sweet little pussy and I can already feel you clenching like crazy, do you want to come baby? I’d love to see what you look like when you come, I bet you look beautiful,” he said, picking up his speed.
“Taehyung, hngh, please,” you begged, looking at the ceiling with tears forming in your eyes.
“Come for me, come all over this bed darling,” he cooed, using his thumb to stimulate your clit before watching your body tense and finally-finally-release.
“Taehyung!” You cried out, back arching off the bed, shuddering in your orgasm as your mind went blank from everything except the feeling of unadulterated pleasure.
Taehyung smiled at your fucked out face, eyes misty with tears. 
“What a good girl, you came all over me shit, that was so sexy,” he growled. You whimpered and reached for him, wanting his hands on your body.
“Give me your cock now? Please Taehyung?”
“Whatever you want darling, absolutely,” he agreed, lining his cock up with your sopping entrance.
“Fuck!” You cried out when his cock finally entered you. It was so thick, filling you up so well. Taehyung gripped your hips. Letting you ease onto him so he didn’t hurt you. 
“That’s it, what a snug little cunt you have,” he grinned, pressing kisses to your shoulders while he pumped himself inside of you deeply. Taehyung has a hard time thinking clearly like this. The wine and you making him drunk. 
“Taehyung!” You cried out. “So big.” You felt his cock rubbing that spot inside you that made you see stars. Everything was blurry as Taehyung fucked his dick into you harshly. The lewd smacking sounds of skin on skin made your mind whirl with lust. Taehyung wasn’t in a much better state. Watching as he fucked you, tits bouncing and your ass hitting his pelvis in just the right way. 
But he wanted to see your face when you came.
“Lie on your side for me,” Taehyung said, easing out of you gently.
You hissed at the loss, but did as he asked, laying on your side. 
“Leg up,” he encouraged, nestling down beside you. You raised your leg as he instructed, moaning loudly when his cock re-entered you from this angle. 
“How is it? How is getting fucked by my big dick baby? Can you handle it?” He asked, laying his hand flat against your lower stomach.
“I can take it, I’m-I’m a big girl,” you huffed, head lolling back into Taehyung’s neck.
“I know you can take it, does my baby want it harder?” He questioned, giving a few deep thrusts against you, making your pussy clench down hard.
“Anything, I want anything you’ll give me Taehyung,” you pleaded. 
“Anything you say, well then, hold on,” he stated, running his hand between your legs and toying with your throbbing clit. He nestled his head against your cheek, kissing and nipping at your tender flesh.
“Ta-ae-hyung,” you whimpered out. “Feels so good.”
“You too, so fucking tight around my cock. Can barely move... I should’ve fucked you with three fingers to get you ready for this dick huh? Or do you like a little pain with your pleasure, huh?”
Crying out when he pushed against your little nub forcing you back on his dick. Taehyung smiled as you ground your ass against him, trying to get whatever you could from him like this. He didn’t care about tomorrow, all he cared about was you right now. A beautiful woman losing yourself on his dick.
“Taehyung, so close, right there. Yes!” You whined, gripping his hand for some kind of stability.
He interlocked your fingers, using his other hand to continue abusing your clit. “Right here baby, like this?” He questioned.
“Yes! Yes yes,” you said, tears forming in the corners of your eyes for the second time that night.
Taehyung breath came in soft pants against your neck as he worked himself up as well. Your velvet walls were doing him in. Normally he’d last much longer, but with you he couldn’t help but see bliss right around the corner.
“Baby gonna cum,” he warned you.
“In me, cum inside me,” you blabbered out, gripping his hand tightly.
“Fuck-shit!” Taehyung cursed, letting instinct take over as he fucked into you aggressively. It was hard to think straight. 
Not too soon after a shot of warmth encompassed your stomach. That sent you over, eyes blacking out as you slumped against Taehyung who was still cumming.
Giving a few more weak thrusts, Taehyung pulled out, looking at the mess the two of you had made. 
“Fuck you look pretty full of my cum like that,” he commented, kissing your shoulder softly.
“Mmm, Taehyung?”
“Yes baby,” he said, moving his head up to peer down at you.
“Washcloth, I-I don’t think I can walk right now,” you said, turning pink at the notion.
“I’ll be right back, hang on,” he said, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
As the light flicked on, you felt your eyes fall, heavy with the need for sleep.
“What the fuck are we going to do?” You yelled at Taehyung.
The pair of you woke up the next morning, dazed and confused. Taehyung was the first one to notice you two were royally fucked.
“I came in you, shit,” he said, looking at the obvious stain on the bed.
“Taehyung!” You cried out, smacking your forehead with your palm.
“Hey don’t get mad at me! You’re the one who initiated all of this!”
“Don’t pin this all on me, you could’ve rejected me!” You said.
“I tried! But you looked at me and then I-uh... Well... Here we are,” he announced.
“Taehyung, if we fuck up this mission I’m a dead woman. That includes me getting pregnant!”
“Can’t I just go buy you some plan b or something like that?”
“We’re married, if they caught you buying plan b then our facade is over!”
“Then I don’t know what you want me to do! I can’t undo what we did!”
You rubbed your temples, trying not to stress over the fact that you could possibly be carrying Kim Taehyung’s child.
“We have to go with this, just, remember our mission. Now hug me, cause we argued,” you said, opening your arms.
Taehyung moved forward, wrapping you up in his embrace.
“Whatever happens, we’re allies. I’ll cover your back if you cover mine,” he said, fingers splayed across your back.
“I got your six.”
The following weeks were surprisingly calm. Taehyung went to work and came home. You usually had a meal ready for the two of you. It was domestic ‘bliss’. 
Except for the fact that you and Taehyung wouldn’t barely look at each other. It was hard, feeling the anxiety and panic and not having anyone to bounce it off of. Taehyung was affectionate when you said to be, and the two of you acted your part when you were out in public but... things were different now. And there’s nothing either of you could do about it.
Taehyung came home a little later than usual, you sipping on some wine and staring off into space. He walked over and set his bag down, before kissing your head and pulling you in for a hug. 
“I have some good news,” Taehyung said. 
“Yeah? What is it?” you asked, not looking at him.
“I’m in the running to become mayor!”
Glass shattered on the floor.
“Oh shit,” Taehyung said, stepping back so as not to step on any glass.
You were frozen in place.
“Taehyung do you know what that means for these people? To Feng?”
“What? Like you honestly think I’ll win? You’re crazy,” he scoffed.
“Taehyung what if you do win? What’ll they do when this mission is over? What will they do when they find out their mayor-” he quickly moved in for a kiss. You wiggled against him for a moment before going still. Taehyung worked his mouth over yours with ease, something you weren’t expecting, but weren’t upset over either.
“God you are so annoying sometimes. Listen,” he said, moving so he could start cleaning up the glass you dropped. “If I get an inside position, show Feng that I’m serious about wanting to be loyal to him? Then I’ll get inside information that’ll be influential in his takedown,” he explained.
“Taehyung if you think they’ll give it to an outsider than you’re dumber than I thought,” you sneered.
“You don’t see them the way I do. Don’t interact with them the way I do. I’ve gained their trust, Y/N, something you haven’t done,” he said matter-of-factly.
“I’m a housewife, what do you expect me to do?” you said, placing your hands on your hips.
“The guys and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night. Be my date, and play nice with their wives. See if you can get any information out of them,” he offered.
“Okay, I can play the doting wife role,” you said to him, standing up.
“Hey watch out!”
“Ouch!” You hissed in pain as a shard of glass cut deep into your heel.
“Y/N, watch where you walk I wasn’t done cleaning yet,” he said, rubbing his face.
Then, his face went pale as he saw the crimson liquid coming from your body.
“Ow, fuck,” you whimpered, using the counter to balance as you looked at your foot in pain. Taehyung quickly swept up the rest before he was kneeling down to take a look at you.
“It’s pretty deep, I think you need stitches,” he said, examining your bloodied heel.
“I-I’m fine,” you whispered, trying to keep the dizzy spell from taking over.
“No, you’re not. You need to go to the doctor. Come on, the clinic is like not even a fifteen minute drive. Get your ass in the car,” he demanded.
“No, I’ll wrap it in gauze and it’ll be fine,” you declared.
“Y/N,” Taehyung warned.
“Taehyung,” you mocked.
“I’m not fucking around,” he said, standing up.
“Neither am I,” you countered.
“Fine, be that way you little shit,” he said before bending down and picking you up bridal style in his arms.
“Taehyung! Put me down!”
“Not on your life,” he said as he grabbed his keys and walked towards the door.
He got you in the car, a towel wrapped around your foot before he took off down the road.
The pair of you were silent as he drove, just going through the night without anything being said. Taehyung looked at your foot and picked up the speed a little bit. You looked out the window, not wanting to look down and see the bloody mess that was your foot. It ached so much, making you want to whine in pain. But you ignored it, keeping a poker face the whole time.
Taehyung pulled into the parking lot, undoing his seatbelt and coming over to your side. Before he could pick you up again, you held your hand out to stop him. “I can walk,” you argued.
“Don’t get stubborn now, just let me take care of you,” he said, sounding moderately annoyed with you. But you couldn’t help the fluttering that took over in your chest. Taehyung leaned down and brought you into his arms, fussing with you for just a moment before he started to walk inside.
“Hi, how can I-Oh goodness!” The nurse who was sitting at the front desk jolted as Taehyung brought you to the counter.
“Can my wife please get some help? She stepped on some glass at home and now I’m worried that she needs stitches,” he said, calm and collected.
“A-Absolutely, let me just page the doctor and Martha get them a wheelchair for her!” 
Soon Taehyung was settling you into the wheelchair, wrapping his blazer around your shoulders to keep the chill of the night out. The pair of you waited for less than five minutes before the doctor came out and greeted you both.
“Good evening you two! Taehyung! It’s great to see you,” the doctor said, giving Taehyung a firm handshake.
“I wish we could meet under better circumstances,” Taehyung said softly.
“Now, let’s get you back to an examination room and take a look at that foot,” he said, beckoning Taehyung to follow him. You felt him push you forward carefully, not getting too close to the walls or anything of that nature.
When the pair of you were in the examination room the doctor started the questions.
“Kim Y/N.”
“Marital Status.”
“Are you pregnant?” he asked. You bit your lip for a second before answering.
“I-I’m not sure,” you said, worrying your lip with your teeth. You chanced a look at Taehyung in the corner, but he seemed as calm as he was driving here.
“We’ll get a blood draw done then, just to double check. But there are certain antibiotics we don’t use if you’re pregnant so we’ll steer clear of those ones okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Now, take me through what happened,” he said.
“I dropped my wine glass and stepped on the glass on the floor,” you said, wincing at how stupid it made you seem.
“Well certainly did a number, so I’ll get that glass out and flush the wound. And I’ll need to get a few stitches in there. Next we’ll do your blood draw then a shot of antibiotics and steroids and you should be all set my dear!” he said, smiling.
“Thank you,” you said, gripping Taehyung’s jacket tightly.
“I’ll be right back, just sit tight,” he said, leaving the room.
“You seem nervous,” Taehyung said, sighing.
“Of course I’m nervous, who isn’t when someone is about to stab you in the foot repeatedly?”
“Please, the needle is so thin you won’t feel a thing,” Taehyung scoffed.
“Shut up, it still hurts,” you whimpered out.
“I’m right here,” he said, reaching over and taking your hand in his. You stared down at your joined hands, not so sure what to think.
Then the doctor came back, a tray of utensils in his hands.
“Alright, the nurse will come back with your shots. But we’re gonna do the stitches first,” he explained putting some gloves over his hand.
You tensed as he approached, Taehyung adjusted himself so that he was directly behind you. His head brushed your shoulder as you stared down at the doctor. 
“Baby, look at me,” Taehyung’s low voice echoed in your ear. On instinct you turned to face him. Taehyung rested his forehead against yours, rubbing soothing circles into your wrist. “Just focus on me baby, no one else is here, just us two.”
“Tae,” you whimpered, gripping his hand. 
“It’s alright, shh, it’ll be alright I’m here,” he said, kissing your forehead and bringing your head into his neck so you wouldn’t look.
“On the count of three I’m going to pull the shard out, I want you to take a deep breath on three for me okay?”
You whispered an answer, too focused on how good Taehyung smelt and how warm his body was against yours.
“One, two, three,” the doctor said, calm as could be.
You yelped in pain, Taehyung right there to soothe your cries.
“Look at that, you did so well baby. It’s alright, he just needs to clean you up,” he said softly.
A burning cold and numbing took over your heel as Taehyung continued to keep your focus on him and him alone. Whispering sweet nothings into your ears and placing gentle kisses to your head and face. The doctor continued his work diligently and before you knew it, the gauze was in place and you were almost ready to go. 
The doctor performed a quick blood draw and Taehyung stayed with you through the whole thing. Holding your hand and rubbing your knuckles as he drew even more blood from your body that evening. Once he had what he needed the doctor bid the two of you farewell, saying to drop by the pharmacy for your medications.
“Thank you hyung, it means a lot that you helped her out,” Taehyung said, standing to give the gentleman a fond farewell.
“Anything for you Taehyung, after getting that grant for the clinic, I’ll help you in any way I can! Now, Mrs. Kim please be careful to not walk on your foot for at least two weeks. Taehyung you should take a few days off until she’s settled into a routine. Nice to meet you Mrs. Kim, Taehyung landed a keeper,” he said before exiting the room.
“A grant for the clinic huh?” you said, raising your brows at him.
“Yeah, part of my job is delegating where the money goes,” he said, shrugging off your many questions.
“Fancy pants over here,” you said, scoffing.
“Yeah yeah whatever,” he replied, never letting his fingers leave yours.
A few seconds later a nurse came in with a tray of shots lined up.
“Hi sweetheart, we’re just going to give you an antibiotic, painkiller and a steroid, does that all sound okay to you?” she asked in a kind voice.
“Yes, that’s fine,” you agreed.
“Okay I just need you to drop your pants for me. Are you her husband?” she asked, looking at Taehyung.
“Yes,” he said.
“Would you help her get up on the table and then step outside please,” she requested,
Taehyung nodded, getting you up and out of the wheelchair and up on the table without much fuss. It was when he turned to leave you panicked a little.
“Tae, you’ll be right outside right?” you asked, biting your lip.
“Yes baby, I’ll be right outside the door, just a few pokes and we’ll head home,” he said, kissing your hand before stepping out of the room.
“That’s quite the man you have there, Doctor Namjoon said he was very sweet while putting in your stitches,” she said, wiping your butt with alcohol swabs. 
“He’s a keeper,” you smiled.
A couple pokes later you were out the door, Taehyung behind you.
“Now the painkiller we gave her is pretty strong, it’ll make her a little loopy, so just keep your eyes on her,” the nurse said.
“Got it, thank you so much for your help,” he said, before wheeling you out into the parking lot. 
Your head was spinning lightly from the painkiller, making you giggly. Taehyung picked you up and set you in the car buckling you in for good measure.
“Taehyung~” you laughed.
“Yes?” he asked, looking at you in confusion.
You burst into laughter at the sight of his face. Taehyung simply sighed before putting the car in gear and taking off. 
The ride was mainly your laughter and Taehyung trying not to smash his face into the wheel. But when you got home Taehyung carefully pulled you from the vehicle, careful not to bump your foot or head when extracting you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck easily, cupping the nape of his neck with your palm. He didn’t falter as he carried you into your home, shutting the door with his foot. He kept you in his arms, carrying you all the way to bed, setting you down gently. But before he could remove your arms from his neck, you brought him in for a gentle kiss.
It was different than all the others you’d shared.
It wasn’t passionate or steamy, no lingering touches or wanton desires fueling your actions. You wanted to express your gratitude for him. Just saying thank you because you couldn’t put your thanks into words. He’d changed so much since you first met him. Even though he was still closed off and could be a massive dick sometimes, you were still excited to see him when he came home. Loved hearing the genuine compliments about your food. It was all Taehyung. And you wanted to know more. Any little detail he’d slip you’d take it. Because you really weren’t sure if you wanted this mission to end as much as you did before...
Pulling away, Taehyung breathed against your lips softly.
“What was that for?”
“Just... Thank you, for what you did tonight and-and thanks for coming home to me every night and putting up with me and I really want you to know that-”
“Sure, what else would allies do? If I was cold and cut off to you in that hospital it would blow our cover, I did what I had to do. Namjoon is pretty good at detecting bullshit so sorry if I laid it on a little thick. But he bought our act, so good job to you too,” he said, scratching his neck.
It was like a glass of cold water was dropped onto you. 
That’s right. That’s all you were to each other. You weren’t actually husband and wife. The marriage was a sham and you would get it annulled the second the mission was over. At least that’s what you wanted before...
“But I’m going to take a shower, so rest up, I’ll call work in the morning and let them know what happened. Night,” he said, standing up quickly before closing the door behind him.
Tears stung in the corner of your eyes, but you forced them back. You wouldn’t cry over him, not like this. Not now...
But before you knew it, tears were racing down your face as you cried yourself to sleep. Dreaming of a marriage to a man who’d never think of you like that.
You were sick again this morning.
Taehyung felt the bed shift as you got up and hobbled your way to the bathroom to puke up whatever dinner you’d made last night. This had happened for the fourth day in a row. You getting up, getting sick then coming back to bed as if it never happened. You hadn’t said a thing to him about it, but he knew. And he couldn’t help the way his stomach clenched when he thought you could be pregnant.
This morning was the last straw. 
He sat up and waited for you to walk in and when you did his heart lurched. You looked sleepy, and like you were parched. But most of all, you looked scared.
“Taehyung,” you said, looking down at the floor nervously.
“We need to get those results,” he said dismissively.
“No shit sherlock,” you snarked. “But ever think that I might have the flu or something?”
“Influenza is coughing, what you’re talking about is a virus.”
“Okay doctor, sue me. My results should be at the clinic. We can go there and get them,” you said.
“I’ll pick them up after work today, is that alright?” he asked, raising a brow at you.
“Yeah, whatever works I guess,” you said.
It was silent.
“Taehyung?” you asked, coming towards the bed, your heel almost back to full strength after the incident a few weeks ago.
“What do we do if I’m... well if I-uh,” you stammered.
“If you’re pregnant? Well... We’ll deal with it, I guess,” he said, sighing and rubbing his forehead.
“They wouldn’t be an it, Taehyung, they’re a baby, a person,” you said, getting a little worked up.
“Listen, we’ll deal with it when the time comes, this mission is over in a month and then you can go and-well...”
“You aren’t suggesting what I think you are, are you?” you said, hurt flashing across your features.
“Y/N, think about it. We’re spies. Espionage Agents. Do you think our lifestyle is one suited to having children? Leaving them with a nanny all day and then not knowing if your parents are going to come home, them leaving you in the care of strangers while they move you all over the world? It’s the loneliest life I could imagine,” Taehyung said, eyes not meeting yours.
“Taehyung were your parents...?” you trailed off, not wanting to believe the truth.
“My parents were D3s with the IEA. They died when I was thirteen, I didn’t even know they were gone until three weeks later when the agency showed up at our door. I know that life, Y/N, I know that hurt. I don’t want anyone to feel that way. Not because we were stupid,” he breathed.
“What if I kept the baby, left the agency...” you thought aloud, trying to calm your racing thoughts.
“Y/N, think about what you’d be doing. You never really leave the agency. They always know where you are, threaten you with what you did in your past over your head. When you sign up, you’re in it for life,” he explained.
“Taehyung I couldn’t do what you’re asking, I can’t,” you said, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Listen, we don’t know for sure. Let’s wait until we know the facts before we start making scenarios up in our heads.”
Taehyung was driving home, your test results in the passenger side.
He couldn’t open them. As much as he hated to admit it, he was scared shitless too. What was he supposed to tell you? How could he get you to see, that this wasn’t a good situation. But, nothing was set in stone until you opened that packet.
Walking up the driveway he saw you in the window, putting some finishing touches on dinner. His heart swelled with something. Something he’d never known before. He couldn’t place this feeling, but he didn’t hate it... He didn’t hate you.
As much as he tried, you wormed your way into his mind frequently. What you were cooking for dinner, how your heel was feeling, if you really were pregnant with his child or not. All of these and more were taking up space in his normally focused brain.
But when he walked in the door, he discovered a glorious sight.
You, in a dress that he hadn’t seen before. Yellow and covered with flowers at the bottom it was flowy. But what he noticed first was that it accentuated areas of you that usually were understated.
Like your stomach. A tiny little bump visible to his eyes suddenly knocked the wind out of him as he dropped his briefcase, making you jump.
“Taehyung! You scared the piss out of me,” you complained, placing your hand over your heart, feeling it beat wildly against your chest. You saw his distress and immediately came to his side. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling faint? Did you eat today? What have I told you about skipping lunch-”
“I-I’m fine,” he said, shakily holding onto the wall and pulling himself together.
“Are you sure? You look pale,” you said, cradling his face in your palms.
Moving away from you he nodded.
“Yeah... Just... Your test results are there,” he said, pointing at the coffee table he collapsed into when he saw you.
“I’ll look at them, you sit down and eat. You worried me,” you said, moving towards the coffee table slowly.
Your heart was going insane inside your chest. You weren’t sure how you’d react to either situation. But Taehyung had already sat down, waiting for you to open it.
Carefully you ripped open the envelope, pulling out the papers inside with delicate fingers. You looked through your bloodwork, noticing nothing of severe importance. But then your eyes landed on the pregnancy test results. 
Pregnant: Yes.
The little circle of red around the three letter word made you want to hurl. But at the same time, you were oddly at peace with the idea. It had taken a lot for you to come to this conclusion, but, if it was meant to be then... So be it. 
“What does it say?” Taehyung asked, looking at your calm demeanour. 
“I’m pregnant,” you say softly. Taehyung’s head snaps up, looking from the paper to your stomach where his child was for certain growing now.
“Fuck,” he said, sitting back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling.
“What do we do Taehyung?”
“We need to call Seokjin, immediately,” he said, standing up.
“You’re right,” you said, nodding slowly.
“I’ll call him now,” he said, standing up.
You wait patiently as Taehyung puts the call on speaker phone.
“Yah, do you know what time it is you little punk, why are you calling me?” he asked.
“Hyung, we’ve got an emergency,” Taehyung said, leaning closer to you.
“What is it?” he asked, mildly concerned now.
“I’m pregnant, sir,” you said, biting your lip.
“You’re... what?”
“Hyung she’s pregnant and...”
“And let me guess, you’re the father Taehyung,” Seokjin said through the phone, distress in his voice.
“Yes, hyung that’s right,” he said, pink tinging his ears.
“Get her out of there Taehyung, that’s an order,” Seokjin said, not sounding at all like he was joking.
“Sir, I can still-”
“I’ll be sending a envoy to come and collect Ms. Y/N by the end of the week. Taehyung if anyone asks you where she went, she went to stay with her sick mother for a while. That should provide you with enough cover until Feng is in town,” Seokjin instructed.
“Yes sir,” you said, head hanging low.
“And Ms. Y/N,” he said, making your ears perk up.
“Yes, sir?” you responded.
“I’ll accept this as your resignation from the company. Goodbye you two.” With that he hung up, leaving you and Taehyung bewildered.
“What?” you screamed.
“Taehyung you motherfucker!” you shrieked, taking off your shoe and chasing him around the house with it. 
“Y/N! Please hang on a second!”
“What am I going to do you son of a bitch?!”
“Hey listen, I’ll-ow!” he hissed when you chucked your shoe and it hit him square in the butt. 
“No you listen, I just lost my job because of this! What am I going to do, Taehyung? I’m alone, pregnant and scared out of my fucking mind. What. Do. I. Do??”
“You aren’t alone,” he said, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“Taehyung when they force me to leave the agency because of this I get a limited amount of money, not nearly enough to support me and a baby,” you said, rubbing your temples.
“I-uh, I can pay child support or... something like that,” he said, coughing at the end to hide his discomfort.
“Taehyung,” you said, already stressed at the idea.
“I’m serious, I’ll send you a check every month. How much do you think you’ll need?”
“You aren’t listening to me,” you said, exacerbated.
“What do you mean?”
“Taehyung, what if I don’t want to take money from you?” you said, placing your hand on your hip.
“I’m confused,” Taehyung complained, continuing to look up at the ceiling.
“I’m so fucked,” you murmured, looking down at your stomach in concern.
Taehyung glanced over at you. Eyes brimming with tears as you cradled your stomach in fear. He felt sick to his stomach. You were both to blame for what happened. He should take responsibility, ease some of your worry. But what would he do? Could he be a good father for this child? Could the two of you work together to make this okay? Did he even want to try?
Yes, he did want to try.
Because you were his wife. Through an agency or not it was still an honest to God marriage on paper. So, you both kinda fucked up, but how you handled it would be paramount for the child.
“Let me help you,” he said, standing up.
Looking up from your tummy in shock, you weren’t sure if you believed him. “What are you talking about,” you said.
“I’ve got your six if you got mine,” he announced, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
“Taehyung a baby isn’t easy. It’s a lifetime commitment. We’d be bound together for life,” you explained.
“Sounds good, I accept this mission,” he said, smiling.
“Let me take care of you, and in the future if something happens, take care of me,” he reasoned.
“Tae this isn’t-I don’t know about this,” you whimpered.
“Trust me, Y/N, trust me this once,” he asked, walking over to you.
Staring into his eyes you didn’t see a hint of a joke or humor in them. He... He was serious?
“Okay Taehyung, I’ve got your six if you’ve got mine,” you sighed.
The envoy was dispatched to your location a few hours ago. A female agent, playing your sister, would be picking you up and taking you back to the IEA. Taehyung had been almost glued to your side the previous days, saying that he didn’t want anything to happen to you.
“Taehyung,” you groaned, laying in bed around twenty minutes before the car was supposed to arrive. He came into the room, looking at you with a neutral expression.
“Yes?” he asked, eyes locking with yours.
“I-I’m nervous,” you said, twiddling your fingers.
“The envoy will take you to the airport and then you’ll have a meeting with hyung, he’s not so bad. Especially since you’re pregnant. Hyung might be a jerk sometimes, but he’s not heartless, you’ll be safe Y/N, I promise.”
“And the second Feng is dead?”
“I’ll be on my way back to you,” he said firmly.
“Thank you Taehyung, for everything,” you said, feeling emotional.
“Don’t cry, jeez,” he admonished, coming to wipe your tears with his sleeve.
“Sorry, I’m just going to miss you,” you sniffled. Taehyung smiled softly at your tone, placing a gentle hand on your stomach.
“I’m going to miss you too, and your food. Honestly did you refrigerate some of that broccoli soup you made? If you don’t I might starve to death,” he complained.
Giggling you nodded your head. “Yes Tae, there’s at least four servings in there, just don’t eat it all in a row, I don’t want you to get sick,” you warned.
“Yes dear,” he said, rubbing his soft fingertips into your skin. “How big is the baby right now?” he asked, keeping his eyes locked on your little tummy.
“I’m about eight weeks so around the size of a kidney bean,” you explained.
“Our little bean,” he said, smiling.
“Yeah,” you grinned back.
The sound of a car door shutting came from up front. The two of you turned your heads and sighed. “Come on, I’ll get your bag for you,” Taehyung said, lifting what was supposed to be a little weekend bag filled with the necessities. 
You nodded and let Taehyung do the heavy lifting while you went to gather a couple things from the bathroom. Your sister, played by Yeri of accounting, came walking up smiling brightly. The two of you embraced quickly, hugging for a long time before Taehyung huffed like a little kid.
“Okay, off my wife,” he said, pulling you back for a second.
“Sheesh Taehyung, didn’t expect you to be so possessive,” she joked.
“Alright baby,” he said, ignoring Yeri all together, “I promise the second this is over I’ll come to get you,” he said smiling.
“Okay, I’ll hold you to it,” you beamed back.
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you in for a sweet kiss. Taehyung and you hadn’t really been as touchy feely recently, so to finally have his lips on yours felt amazing. Wrapping your arms around him contentedly you could hear Yeri gagging in the background.
“Come on kids, time to go,” she said, clapping her hands.
Breaking apart Taehyung tucked your hair behind your ears, “I’m gonna miss you,” he said, genuine sadness creeping into his features.
“I’ll miss you two, we both will,” you said, holding your stomach. Taehyung knelt to the ground and placed a kiss on your stomach.
“You both better behave,” he warned, shooting you a heated glance before standing up to give you a final hug.
“See you later, Taehyung!” you said, getting into the car.
Taehyung waved as the two of you drove down the road.
Time for phase two.
The drive between you and Yeri was quiet.
“Thanks for coming to get me,” you said softly, looking at your thumbs.
“Don’t mention it,” she said, waving her hand.
“Does the whole office know that I’m...” you trailed off, thoughts wandering.
“Pretty much everybody knows, sorry, Director Kim came out looking like he had just gone through an emotional rollercoaster. We all were kinda thrown for a loop when he said an envoy needed to be put together and stat. Everyone kind of murmured when Hoseok from HR spoke up about the reasoning for paperwork. And it sorta slipped that you had a bun in the oven,” she explained.
“Aw man,” you said, rubbing your face with your palm.
“I’m sorry that you got fired over this,” she offered.
“I knew that if I fucked up this mission in any way that it would get me terminated. Just didn’t think fucking would be the problem that got me fired,” you sighed.
“So, you and Taehyung huh?” she asked, eyes focused on the road.
“Oh, we’re not... like, serious or anything,” you scrambled.
“Serious enough to stick with you for a baby, that's a big time commitment,” Yeri commented.
“Well, we’re partners, we watch each other’s back and help when the other one needs it,” you repeated what Taehyung had told you nights prior.
“But with a baby? I don’t know Y/N, I’d just keep your eyes on the skies and head on the ground for right now. Try to readapt to civilian life,” Yeri suggested.
“I don’t see why we couldn’t work,” you mumbled, leaning your head against the window.
“Taehyung isn’t exactly a people person, how do you think he’ll react with a little people showing up in his world. Crying at all times of day, demanding feedings and toys and affection. It’s going to be overwhelming for the both of you,” she said.
“I-I get it, Yeri.” 
“Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to be such a jerk about it. You know Taehyung better than probably anyone at the agency. If you believe him, then I don’t see why the two of you can’t make it work in a healthy manner,” she soothed.
But the damage was done.
A sense of unease settled over your stomach as you felt your heart clench painfully. Nothing was keeping Taehyung from going out and getting another woman. Someone prettier, a better agent who wasn’t so sensitive, someone who could handle him and his intense personality with ease. Not you who would bicker with him every chance you got.
“Y/N, put your head down,” Yeri demanded suddenly.
“What? Why-”
A gunshot ran out over the road, taking out Yeri’s review mirror. The car swerved as Yeri tried to keep it from becoming an easy target. 
“Fuck!” Yeri screamed, hitting the guardrail on the other side of the road. 
“Yeri! Please be careful!” you said, holding your stomach in fear. 
“I can’t do much when someone is shooting at us Y/N!” 
“Who would be shooting at us anyways?!” you screamed, grabbing the bar above the window to stabilize yourself.
Another shot rang out, hitting a tire and causing a blowout. The car wobbled, fishtailing as the back end was no longer stable. You gripped onto the bar tightly, remembering your training and attempting to remain calm.
“Yeri, do you have a gun in here?” you asked.
“Yeah, glove box, why?” she asked, trying to drive with a blown tire.
“Because I know exactly who these people are, and they fucked with the wrong person,” you said, pulling the pistol out of the glove box and throwing the magazine in before rolling down the window.
“Y/N! What the fuck are you doing!”
“Saving our lives, maybe,” you said, pulling yourself up and out. Wrapping your leg around your seatbelt stabilized you, giving you better aim. 
Firing you nailed the passenger who was shooting in the head, watching as if flew back against the seat. Glass shattered from the bullet’s entry into the windshield. Next you aimed for the driver, shooting threw the broken windshield, hitting him in the throat. The car swerved behind you, hitting the guardrail and flipping before coming to rest on it’s side.
Smirking you pulled yourself back into the car, looking ahead of you. Only for your stomach to drop.
Dead ahead were three more cars, waiting.
Yeri slammed on the breaks, sending you forward into the dash. 
The two of you were fucked, blocking your only path out with a blown up car. Yeri seemed to notice because she pulled out her holstered weapon, aiming at the guys standing outside the car. The next thing you knew, the windshield was shattering, Yeri’s head slumping forward against the steering wheel, laying on the horn.
“Yeri!” You cried, gripping her shoulder and shaking her aggressively. 
The men swarmed the vehicle, grabbing at you and pulling you out of the vehicle kicking and screaming.
“Let me go you fuckers! I’m going to kick all of your asses!”
Once they finally got a good grip on you, you were held kneeling in front of...
“Doctor Namjoon?” you asked, eyebrow raising.
“Y/N, how pleasant to see you here,” he said, kneeling down to your level.
“What are you-how-when...?” you asked, confusion taking over your entire being.
“Well, you see Y/N, Mr. Feng would like a word with you and your husband.”
“Mr. Feng, the one who supplies our town with everything it needs. The one who built our clinic, the one who set up the adoption center in town, would like to speak with you and your husband. We wouldn’t want to keep the good man waiting would we?” he said, standing up and motioning to the other men standing around you.
“Wait, Doctor Namjoon! There must be a mistake, what did we do? Why does Mr. Feng want to speak with us?”
“Because your husband has just won the election for mayor.”
Taehyung couldn’t believe the news.
He was now mayor.
Finally he could take down Feng and restore peace.
His co-workers were blowing up his phone non-stop. But there wasn’t a single message from you. Not that you had to message him or anything, but... it’d be nice to hear from you. Taehyung was caught up in his thoughts about you he almost didn’t hear his phone ringing.
The caller ID was yours.
“Hello? Y/N? Where are you? Did you make it to the airport alright?”
“Taehyung!” You screamed.
His blood ran cold at the desperate sound in your voice.
“Hear that little man? We managed to get ourselves a visitor,” a sinister tone echoed over the phone.
“Feng,” Taehyung growled.
“Now now, Taehyung, wouldn’t want to upset me. I’ve got two for the price of one after all,” Feng’s low voice warned.
Taehyung felt sick. You and the baby were in danger.
“What do you want?” Taehyung asked, desperate to save you.
“A resignation letter, brought to the address in the message that will follow this call,” Feng demanded.
“And if I refuse?”
“Two birds with one bullet,” he said, laying it out.
“Is she safe?” He asked, gripping his pant leg, anger suffusing his entire body.
“For now, the clock is ticking Taehyung.”
And with that, there was a click and the line went dead.
Taehyung flew into action, grabbing his bag and throwing on different clothes. 
“I’m coming baby,” he promised into the air, hoping to God you heard him in your heart.
Your body ached, hands tied behind your back without any care to blood flow or being able to feel your fingers. 
You were tied to a flimsy wooden chair, feet taped together. Feng and his men were surrounding the area, everyone seemed to have a position. You tried to find points of weakness, something to exploit, but there weren't many flaws in the way these men were placed. If Feng was good at something, it was security.
Looking around at the several areas of escape, you were disappointed to discover men stationed at every one of them. Of course, it would be a rookie move for them to leave any exit open around someone like you. Although you weren’t sure if they knew your true identity or not.
The likelihood of them knowing wasn’t high. They hadn’t pressured you or asked you any questions since your arrival. They’d merely tied you up and left you to wait. It was agonizing to sit still for the longest time, your hands burning from the rope being tied too tight.
The men around the warehouse were all milling around, all keeping their eyes on the doors. Feng was not a patient man, something you’d figured out. As he stood there, staring at the entrance where Taehyung could come through any moment.
“Boss, we should just kill her then kill him. We have the numbers on them,” one person spoke up, looking bored at the back.
“And what good would that do me? Taehyung is respected in the community, if he dies then the people won’t trust me anymore. Do you want my people not to have faith in me anymore? Do you want me to constantly be battling like this against stupid people who try to work against my tide? I am going to rule China one day, and it won’t be because idiotic people like you tell me what to do,” Feng growled out.
“S-sorry sir,” he whimpered out.
“Shut up and go check the perimeter,” Feng said, barking a few more orders before the men scattered like pool balls.
You sat there, silently observing everything going on. They had a standard set up, something two D3s could liquidate easily. But with one of you being compromised, it made it a little harder. Hopefully Taehyung had a plan.
“Worried that your husband won’t come for you?” Feng sneered, looking at you with disgust.
“When my husband shows up, you all should be very concerned about what you do next,” you warned, glaring harshly at Feng with as much venom as you could muster.
“Taehyung is a man of politics and sweet talking, not action. Although, he must have some action to have you end up in this state,” he scoffed.
“I’m known to be a man of action.”
Both yours and Feng’s heads snapped in the direction of the voice.
“Taehyung,” you breathed, so relieved to see him here. But at the same time fear coursed through your veins. This was a volatile situation with lots of variables, you both had to play this perfectly for it to work.
“Y/N,” he answered, coming to walk forward.
You felt cool metal touch the side of your temple and Taehyung halted in his steps, staring at the gun pointed to your head.
“I believe you owe me something, Mr. Taehyung,” Feng said, holding out his hand. 
Taehyung retrieved something from the inside of his jacket, holding it up before setting it down on the floor and kicking it over towards the two of you. Feng bent down to pick it up when you struck.
Lifting your tied legs up you bashed your heel over his head, causing him to collapse onto the ground. Taehyung rushed forward, quickly removing your bindings around your wrists and feet.
“Taehyung we don’t have much time, a majority of the guards will be back soon after checking the perimeter. Once they see your car they’re gonna book it back here,” you warned.
“I know, you act like this is my first rodeo,” he remarked, sounding mock hurt. 
Finally the restraints came off, falling to the ground in a heap. Taehyung didn’t hesitate to pull you into his embrace, quickly claiming your lips with his.
“Mmm, Taehyung, not now,” you said, pulling away after a few pecks. 
“What the fuck is going on here?” A guard asked, raising his gun and pointing it at you. Taehyung immediately put his body between you and the gun. 
“Feng is just taking a nap,” Taehyung pulled out his gun and shot at Feng, three times. “Permanently.”
“You son of a bitch!” 
Bullets started raining down on the two of you. Taehyung interlocked your fingers, taking off down the warehouse floor. You could hear the metal bullets flying past your ears, making them ring in irritation.
Taehyung continued to pull you down the alleyway, running fast as he could. Your legs burned with the effort to carry your body. You were frightened, adrenaline pumping through your veins at the idea of something happening to you. Taehyung or the baby. But you couldn’t think that way here, it was flight or fight time. And it’s time to fight.
Grabbing Taehyung’s gun you fired off a few rounds, hitting a couple guards towards the top of the railing. But with you standing still, you got a nick in your shoulder, a bullet grazing your delicate flesh.
Taehyung ripped the gun from your grasp and pushed you in front of him, sending your body hurtling forward. “Taehyung let me handle this,” you screamed.
“If you handle it that way you’ll wind up dead, and I won’t have that!” He yelled.
“Taehyung trust me,” you begged, going further ahead.
“I trust you with my life, but not yours,” he said, moving towards the car. Bullets flew past the two of you, one hitting the car tire dead on, having it pop like a balloon. Taehyung cursed as he sent a few rounds off back into the warehouse. You watched as a few men dropped like flies. His aim was deadly, no wonder he was one of the top operatives of the team.
“We need to find transport,” you said, looking at Taehyung.
“I know, but my car is around back, we’d have to fight our way through,” Taehyung said, looking dead ahead.
“Let’s do it,” you said, grabbing his hand and interlocking your fingers.
“No, I can’t risk you getting hurt,” he denied.
“Taehyung give me a gun and let’s get them. I’ve got your six if you’ve got mine,” you said, smiling brightly.
A few moments later, a pistol was place in your hand and Taehyung started moving ahead.
“Cover my back, I’ll go in first, you get any that I miss. Extra magazines are in my pockets,” he instructed as the two of you walked down the suspiciously empty hallway.
A few steps in Taehyung fired his first round. You both kept moving, hands interlocked and moving as one. You two were partners, and you both were going to get out of this unscathed if the other had anything to say about it. Taehyung felt your wedding band rub against his fingers and a new found strength gripped him. 
He wouldn’t fail.
Not today.
You saw movement in the room next to you, taking aim as you fired the round, watching as a man collapsed behind the door. A smirk left your lips as you saw the crimson fluid spill from under the door. Another one bites the dust.
Taehyung fired again, making sure to clear the rooms before heading down the hallway. Suddenly, two men appeared from the hallway in your direction. You squeezed Taehyung’s hand, he instantly flipped the two of you around, firing off two shots in their direction. You heard the distinct thud of bodies hitting the floor when you also took three shots at men coming towards you the new head of the movement.
Two went down easy, the third struggled on the floor, aimed and shot, shooting through the ceiling right in front of you. Running forward you crushed his wrist with your heeled shoe, shooting him through the head for good measure before Taehyung came back, bringing your hands together once more and taking the lead.
“They just keep coming,” you exclaimed, fingers already hurting from the recoil of the gun.
“Hang in there, just a few more, then we’re home free,” Taehyung said, shooting down the hall once more.
“Okay,” you agreed, letting the years of your training take over your body.
“That’s my girl,” Taehyung smiled, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles for a moment before pushing forward through the building.
The pet name sent liquid fire through your veins. You were his girl, you were the one carrying his child, no one else. It was the two of you against the world right now, and you were going to win.
“I see the door, I’m not sure if there’s an alarm on it or not, but be prepared to run,” he said, approaching the metal door with an air of caution. He checked around the seal, not seeing any wires or things of that nature that would trip an alarm, nor did he see any sensors that could also send a signal back to the main area of the warehouse.
“I think we’re in the clear. The car is right around the corner when we get down the stairs, okay? You go ahead of me alright. In case this door does trigger an alarm, I want you to get in the car and go. If I’m hit or I go down, you go without me, you understand?”
Panic suffused your body. Leave? Without him? Never.
“No, I won’t go unless you’re there with me,” you argued.
“Listen, if I go down there’s no way you can get me in the car by yourself. You’re carrying precious cargo baby, best not to risk anything,” Taehyung explained.
“Tae I’m not going to leave you,” you said, shaking your head.
“Baby listen to me, I need you to make it out of here. If I lose you now I-I don’t know what I’ll do,” he said, looking at you with concern.
“You won’t lose me, and I won’t lose you. We’re getting out of here together, Taehyung,” you said.
“Then let’s go,” he announced, opening the door. The two of you bolted down the stairs, not waiting for the alarm to trip or anything of the sort. Your heart was hammering in your chest, blood pounding in your ears. God, it had been so long since you felt like this.
The fear, the adrenaline.
It all made you realize what a crazy few months this had been. Originally, you hated Taehyung, hated what he represented. Everything you couldn’t be, just a reminder that you had failed. But in reality he was always there. Like no one else had been. Sure at the beginning it was by force, but after a while, you enjoyed having him around. He ate your dinners with gusto, complimented your appearance, was there for you when the rest of your world fell apart. 
Sure he could be a dick, but there’s a good person under all the bullshit. You wanted to discover that person. The one you had a glimpse of during these months. The one who smiles at every dog, who doesn’t like bitter things, who needs to sleep holding onto you.
Taehyung was the only person you could rely on, and you for him. The pair of you made a pact, all those months ago. Help me, help you. And the two of you were in it for the long haul now, a child on the way changed how you saw your life going. You never expected to be a mother.
But if it was with Taehyung, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe the two of you could make it work in a healthy way for everyone involved...
You saw the car, parked just off the road and in the ditch slightly, enough so no one would see it. Another shot rang out as you two booked it across the open dirt clearing around the warehouse.
Making it to the car you flung the driver side door open, when you realized Taehyung wasn’t standing beside you.
“Taehyung!” You screamed.
Looking behind you, Taehyung was there holding his side as if he had run too fast, but you saw it.
Everything slowed down. You watched as he brought his hand before his face, staring at the crimson liquid coating his fingers. His eyes looked to yours, clear orbs that stared into his soul. Fuck, he fucked up. And he fucked up bad.
“Go on baby,” he said, falling to his knees.
“Taehyung, no!” you screamed, running over to his side.
“Y/N, get in the fucking car and go now,” he said through gritted teeth.
“No, I can’t just leave you here are you crazy?” you said, holding his side as well.
“Y/N, I’m serious. Leave me now, they’re coming,” he said.
True to his word you heard footsteps coming down the stairs that the pair of you had just run down yourselves. It sounded like a death march approaching you two. Taehyung was shuddering, white button up during red with proof of his injury.
“I’ll fend them off,” you said, holding his head with your other hand.
“No, you won’t. Go now, while you still can baby please,” he begged.
“Please don’t make me do this without you,” you cried, tears streaming down your face.
“I’m sorry, I wish I could... Be there for the both of you,” he said, placing his hand on your stomach. “Daddy loves you... Both of you,” he whispered. Before he went limp in your arms.
“Taehyung, no! Please please come back, I love you too please!” you screamed.
“There they are!”
“Get the bitch!”
With a final kiss you bolt up, firing a few shots at the men before you took off into the car, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
Throwing the car in gear you peeled off down the road, hearing furious screaming behind you. But all you could hear were those words that’d haunt you for the rest of your life.
“I love you too, Taehyung.”
“It’s been five months, Y/N, you need to take it easy,” your friend, Park Jimin, said, helping you stand from your seated position.
“I’m only seven months, I got two more to go,” you said, rubbing your swollen belly with affection.
When you returned to the agency without Taehyung, Seokjin immediately knew what happened.
“Was it short?” he asked you as you appeared before him.
“Yes, he didn’t suffer,” you said.
Daddy loves you... Both of you...
Thinking about him still hurt, made your head spin with the memories of everything the two of you did together. 
His body laying in the dirt alone, as you ran to the safety of the vehicle.
Tears sprung to your eyes and Jimin rushed over, shushing you and rubbing your back.
Taehyung apparently had written a will out while the two of you were living in Feng’s little compound. Saying that anything and everything was to go to you. His apartment, his stocks and his trust that his parents left for him. It was all under your name now.
You could easily support your child and send them to any college you wanted without lifting a finger, but you knew that couldn’t work. So you got a job at a local convenience store. Something to pass the time while the baby twirled and kicked in your belly. 
People that came in and cooed over you, asking how you were and how the father was. You put on your brave face and told them he passed, but you were still doing well regardless. An old grandmother approached the check out one day...
It had been slow, no one really coming in except for a few college students and a couple middle aged men. Your feet were heavy with the weight of your pregnancy, but other than that, the day was alright.
Slow days like this were always a little harder on you. It gave you more time to think. Think about the past, the daunting cloud that was the future hanging over you. You must’ve looked distressed because a little old lady came up to the counter, a simple bottle of water in her basket.
“Are you alright dear?” She asked, looking at you with concern.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you said, wiping your eyes lightly to get whatever emotion was there out of them.
“Are you sure about that?” She questioned, looking deep into your heart.
And before you knew it, the floodgates opened. 
“No,” you whimpered out, tears falling freely from your face. 
“Oh my sweet, come here,” she said, opening her arms.
Running around the counter you took the embrace. It was the first time since Taehyung died you felt this level of comfort. Jimin tried his best but, nothing compared to the touch of a mother, someone who knew what you were going through. 
“You don’t have to talk about it, I know that pain. My husband passed before the birth of our third child. I know how badly you must hurt, but my dear, we must live on to celebrate their memory. There's sadness that comes with every passing, but we need to be happy for them. Be joyous in their memory, so that they can live on in us.”
You’d never cried that hard in your life you were certain.
But the old lady you’d never met just hung onto you, keeping you close and patting your head until your cries stopped. 
“Y/N, are you listening to me?” Jimin asked as he sat at your feet, rubbing them after your long day at work.
“Nope,” you said, popping the p for effect.
“I was saying, that we should make a nursery soon. You can’t put it off much longer. The baby is going to be here before you know it,” he said, rubbing out a knot that had been bothering you since near the beginning of your pregnancy.
“I can’t touch his stuff, Jimin, I can’t,” you whisper.
“Then I can-”
“Go in that room and I’ll cut your hands off Park Jimin,” you warned.
“Okay, okay. Then we should at least set up the cradle in your room,” he said, trying to compromise.
“Fine, but can we do it later, I’m super tired right now.”
“Yeesh, you’re such a little baby. Fine we’ll hold off until you have your next day off. Then we’re doing it,” he said.
“Okay okay, whatever,” you complained.
Jimin’s phone rang. You whined at the loss of his hands on your feet but let him go take his conversation. You looked down at your big, swollen belly and rubbed your hands over the flesh there. You didn’t want to know the gender of the baby yet. You weren’t sure what you wanted, but you knew that if they looked anything like Taehyung, your heart would break in the best way. 
Big eyes like his, that boxy smile, broad shoulders and large hands that held yours just so. Tears made their way into your eyes as you thought about him. After five months it still hurt. Not to wake up and have his arm over your waist. Hearing his soft singing in the shower. Not having his snarky comments and kinda rude attitude was even something you missed.
You just missed him...
“Hey, Y/N-oh shit, are you alright?” he asked, coming forward and touching your knee comfortingly.
“No, Jimin. How am I going to do this by myself? I can’t raise a child without him. I’m going to fuck it up, it’s going to go so wrong and I... I don’t know if I can do this,” you whimpered.
“You can do this. You aren’t alone. You know that Joy and I will do everything we can to help you out. Trust in us, we’ll be there every step of the way,” Jimin said, trying to comfort you.
“I miss him... So much,” you cried out, tears flowing freely down your face at this point. Jimin pulled you to his chest, trying to shush you, to comfort you in any way that he could. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Taehyung. 
After a few minutes you finally calmed down. Jimin explained he had to leave and with a kiss on your forehead he was gone.
You sat on the couch, trying to watch some TV but nothing was getting rid of that feeling. The feeling in your gut that you knew. It was familiar. But you couldn’t pin it down.
Getting ready for bed you brushed your teeth and washed your face. Getting into bed you wrapped up in the blanket. It had been increasingly difficult for you to fall asleep as your pregnancy progressed. Too big to lay on your stomach and back you had to settle for sleeping on your side, something you weren’t used to. And trying to sleep without someone next to you was difficult.
Tossing back and forth all night you didn’t really fall asleep.
You kept hearing noises and having nightmares. 
Watching TV did little to ease your nerves.
You’d been spending time like this recently. So tired you’re desperate to sleep but you know in the back of your mind that sleep is so far away. 
Giving up you decided to go on a walk.
You lived in a decent neighborhood, mainly filled with older couples with no children, so you decided that a nice brisk walk in the fresh spring air would do you well. Struggling to pull on your shoes you heard it.
A rustling outside in the bushes. You waited a few moments before you heard it again. It was large, possibly a young bear, but you weren’t sure a bear would be this far into the suburbs. Again, you listened, this time a cough rang out as you waited.
A person.
Running to the bedroom you opened your bedside drawer and pulled the gun that sat under the false bottom. Gripping it tightly in your hands you moved slowly.
You knew how ridiculous this must look, but you were pregnant, alone and not taking any chances. Worst comes to worst you shoot a bear and call the cops saying you thought you were being robbed. You had a license, nothing would come of it. 
But bears don’t cough like that...
Slowly you approached the door, gun aimed low. You walked with purpose, keeping your posture straight as to be prepared in case someone came up behind you. If this was a robbery, it was likely not just one person. You didn’t want to call the police just yet, because maybe it was dumb kids deciding to take on a defenseless pregnant woman. Easy pray.
However, as you approached the door you heard the rustling stop.
You laid your hand on the door knob, preparing yourself for the onslaught of what could be beyond the cherry hardwood. 
Quickly, you pushed the door open, aiming your gun at-
“What the fuck?” you asked, looking down at a black and brown cat that had situated itself on your front doorstep.
“Meeeooowww.” It drawled at you, looking up and into your house with interest.
“No. Shoo,” you said, waving your gun carelessly into the night.
“Meeeoowww,” it said again, gazing at you with such tender eyes that it made your stomach drop.
“You need a place to stay, is that it?” you questioned, looking down at the animal.
It merely meowed again and moved passed you, strutting into your house like it owned the place.
“Sure, come on in,” you joked, walked back inside only to be stunned by what you saw.
The outline of a man, standing in the middle of your home.
Instantly the gun went up, locking onto his head with deadly precision.
“Who the fuck are you,” you growled, waiting for the intruder to turn around.
The gun clattered to the floor.
“What...?” you asked, staring into the face of the man you thought you’d never see again.
Taehyung stood before you, hair much longer than the last time you’d seen him. He looked thinner, but not grotesquely so. You couldn’t help yourself, you walked forward.
“This is a dream, a really cruel dream,” you whispered to yourself as you reached him.
“Baby,” he whispered, as if he was in the same place you were. Star struck.
“Taehyung what are you...” you said, reaching out and touching his face. There were a few scars here and there, but it was the same face, the same man you’d fallen in love with, standing before you.
“Feng’s top operatives are dead, the whole system is shut down, all thanks to us,” he said, as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
Taehyung’s head whirled to the other side as your hand collided with his cheek. Coming back with a confused look on his face he faced your anger.
“What the fuck do you call this?” you asked, glaring at him.
“What do you mean?” he said, holding his cheek in offense.
“What are you doing here, you’re dead Taehyung,” you growled.
“No, Y/N, I’m right here, I didn’t die,” he said, moving towards you. 
You placed your hand out in front of you, stopping him in his tracks. “Please Taehyung, don’t do this to me,” you begged.
“Don’t do what? Can’t you see me? I came back for you, for us,” he announced, like a grand scheme that had all gone to plan.
“What us, Taehyung? We never really had an us,” you explained, thinking back to your memories with him.
“The us we wanted to have,” he said quickly.
“Is that even possible for us, Taehyung? Did you think about that? About all these men that are going to be chasing you? And you brought them right here? To me?”
“No, baby, listen. I killed each and every one of them. I made sure that no one would hurt what I want to build with you,” he said.
“And what is that, Taehyung?” You asked, wanting to hear him say it.
“A family, Y/N. I want to build a family, a life with you,” he divulged, looking like an embarrassed school boy.
“Do you really think that’s possible? That your work won’t follow you-”
“I quit the agency,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. 
“You what?” you asked, looking at him in disbelief.
“I quit, Y/N, I’m done with espionage,” he said.
“You’re never done with the agency, you told me that yourself,” you accused.
“No, please hear me out. I wiped my record, everything. They don’t have access to anything anymore. Hyung won’t try to find me, I promise,” he begged.
“You can’t make a promise for someone else Taehyung,” you reminded him darkly.
“How can I convince you that I want this, that I want you more than anything?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, dropping your gaze to the floor.
“Please, tell me how to fix this,” he pleaded, cradling your face in his hands.
“I don’t know if you can, Taehyung. It’s all so messed up,” you said, tears starting to well up in your eyes.
“God, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I did this. This is my fault,” he said, rubbing his face.
“It’s not just your fault, Taehyung, I didn’t help the situation any,” you said, trying to ease his pain.
“I was so hell bent on getting revenge... I could’ve stopped but I didn’t. I didn’t stop until every last one of them was gone, and it took me too long. I mean, look at you,” he said, gesturing to your stomach. “If I had waited any longer our child would be born and I... I could’ve missed that because of wanting revenge. I’m disgusting.”
“Taehyung stop.”
“Y/N it’s my fault that you’re like this. It’s my fault that you had to suffer and it’s my fault that we-”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed his lips with passion you hadn’t felt in a long time. Taehyung took the opportunity to wrap his arms around your hips, pulling you closer than you were before. Your stomach pressed against his and your baby swirled and kicked and tumbled inside of your stomach. The air wooshed out of your lungs as you felt them wiggle around. Never had they been so active before.
Taehyung pulled away, looking at you with sheer adoration. “I can feel them,” he said, holding the side of your stomach gently. “Can I?” he asked, looking at you with desperation.
You nodded your head, looking down as he fell to his knees in front of you. Taehyung’s hands pushed your shirt up to expose your full belly. His eyes misted up as he wiped at them furiously. “You’re so beautiful, honestly,” he said, placing his lips against your soft skin.
“You’re so full of shit,” you said, laughing. “I’m the size of a whale,” you complained.
“No you aren’t. You’re pregnant, with my baby, fuck that’s so hot,” he groaned, tilting his head back.
“Yes, fuck...” he said, resting his head on your belly. Your baby kicked, making Taehyung’s head pop up quickly. “They kicked! Oh my God, Y/N!”
“Yeah, our baby tends to do that, a lot at night too,” you told him softly.
“Really?” he asked, looking genuinely excited.
“Mhmm,” you said, gazing at Taehyung’s sparkling eyes.
“Y/N,” Taehyung swallowed hard, “can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you agreed.
“C-Can I stay... with you?”
“N-evermind! I’ll get a hotel room or something. Maybe Jin-Hyung will let me stay with him for a while but-”
“Taehyung,” you shushed. He quieted almost immediately.
“You can stay,” you said softly, “I want you to stay.”
“Really?” he said, astonished.
“Yes, but I’m laying down some ground rules,” you said.
“Of course,” he announced.
“You have to sleep in the same bed as me,” you started. Taehyung simply smiled. “You have to rub my feet when I ask, the first time I ask. And I want you to wash my hair for me,” you said, adding on that last one just to make him annoyed.
“Okay,” he agreed easily.
“And,” you said again.
“And?” he waited patiently.
“And I get to pick the first name of the baby,” you said smirking.
“Can’t we atleast get a list of names we both like together?” he asked, pouting.
“Fine fine, we can do that,” you agreed.
“So I can stay?” he asked, looking for any hesitation in your eyes.
“Yes, Taehyung, you can stay. I want you to stay,” you said again, moving to wrap him in your arms tightly.
“So we’re doing this, officially?”
“I thought it already was?” you asked, holding your hand up to reveal your ring, the one you hadn’t taken off since Taehyung ‘died’.
“You didn’t take it off?”
“How could I? It was one of the only things you ever gave me, besides this,” you said, pointing to your stomach with a laugh.
“I’m not going to apologize,” he said, smiling.
“Don’t want you to,” you said, grinning back.
“Let’s go to bed, my pretty wife,” he said, taking your hand and leading you into the bedroom.
The pair of you laid down, not even wanting to change. Taehyung comfortably wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back towards his body. 
It felt like being whole again, everything was right with the world.
And everything was going to be okay.
Everything was not okay.
“Taehyung I swear to fuck if you hit one more goddamn bump in this road I will slit your throat,” you growled, hanging onto the bar above the window for dear life.
“Baby I’m going as smoothly as I can,” he argued.
“Bullshit, it’s like you’re doing it on purpose!” you accused.
“Y/N,” he countered.
“Do not Y/N me right now Kim Taehyung or I will fucking kill you!”
It had started about an hour ago. 
Your baby was quiet, Taehyung and you sleeping soundly when you felt it. A distinct cramp coming from your well... down there.
Readjusting yourself you thought that might help and make it go away. You’d been cramping a lot lately, something the doctor told you was totally normal in your stage of pregnancy. But if it got any more intense then you should probably come in.
Then a sharp stabbing pain made you jolt up in bed. Taehyung was quick to get up too, looking blearily at you in concern.
“What’s wrong baby?” he asked, rubbing your shoulder soothingly.
“Nothing I just-ah!” you gasped, feeling another sharp pain shoot through your body.
“Y/N?” he asked, turning to face you more directly.
“I-I think I’m having contractions,” you paled.
“Are you sure they aren't braxton hicks?” he asked, trying to narrow down the issue.
“No. These feel completely different than those, I-I wanna go to the hospital,” you said, moving to stand up when a rush of fluid went down your leg. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he said, staring at your soaked legs.
“Get the car.”
That’s how you wound up driving to the hospital at three in the morning on a Tuesday. 
Pulling into the parking lot Taehyung came around quickly to help get you out of the car. You took his arm, legs feeling wobbly as you tried to stand. Taehyung helped you the whole way, listening to you curse him out while you made your way across the parking lot.
It was a blur from there. Taehyung’s voice the only thing you could clearly make out.
You were in a wheelchair and you could feel the urge to push, you needed to push.
“Taehyung,” you whimpered, reaching for him desperately.
“It’s okay, Y/N, you’re going to be okay,” he said, wrapping his fingers around yours as you made it to the room. 
Doctors were in a flurry around you, people poking and prodding at you, adjusting this and moving that when you finally had enough.
“Stop with all the fucking around and just help me push for fucksake!” you screamed.
Everyone stopped and the doctor towards the back seemed to catch on.
“She’s dilated she needs to push,” he said, coming forward and adjusting your legs in the stirrups so that you could have better leverage.
“Okay sweetheart now take a deep breath and push,” the nurse behind you said. 
Pushing was so hard, it was like nothing you’d ever felt before. 
It was as if no matter how hard you pushed nothing would happen.
“Taehyung,” you whined, making a grabbing motion for him. Soon a big hand was wrapped around yours, warmth enveloping you as you felt the urge to push again.
“Come on baby, push, just like they said, you can do it,” Taehyung encouraged.
“I can’t. Taehyung it hurts too much,” you whimpered, grabbing onto him desperately.
“I can see the head! You’re doing amazing!”
“See? They’re almost here baby, just a little more,” Taehyung said, tears in his eyes.
“Do you got my six?” you asked, looking at him with misty eyes as well.
“I got your six baby, till the end,” he nodded.
One more big push and you felt instant relief. 
“Sir, do you want to cut the cord?”
Soon Taehyung’s warmth was replaced by a small body being placed on your chest, crying was all you heard. Instinctually, you brought them to your breast, letting them latch on and drink their fill.
Then a small kiss was placed to the top of your head.
“Baby she’s beautiful,” he cried, nestling his head into your hair.
“She? It’s a girl?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Yes, it’s a girl,” he acknowledged. 
“Oh my God,” you cried, wrapping your arms around your baby, coddling her to your chest. 
“What’s the name?” A nurse from the back asked, probably getting a crib for her ready.
“Rose,” you said, instantly knowing the name was perfect for your child.
Taehyung made a small whimpering sound from behind you, and you knew he liked it too.
Turning slightly you brought him to your lips, a sweet kiss being shared between the two of you. 
“I love you Taehyung,” you said, wiping a single tear from his eye.
“I love you too, Y/N, both of you.”
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