#can ot4 even just of them please do something
arcadia-of-pluto · 22 days
Twist of Fate; Chapter Eleven
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Parings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 2,728
Rating; 18+ for mature content and swearing
Themes; isekai, eventual smut
Notes; It's finally ToF weekend!! I'm posting this a little later than usual since I posted a one-shot today as well. Also, I think I'm going to try and cap out my chapters well before the 7k mark. If I go higher than that, I worried Tumblr will get too laggy and I won't be able to edit the chapter with italics and bold like I usually do. I'll also be making a main masterlist soon once I've written some more one-shots. I'll try to work on them in-between ToF and maybe post them during the week, I just got a little too excited today and posted my one-shot instead of waiting until the week 😭 but I have a three day weekend so I'll be able to probably write more in ToF and push past chapter 20!
Now anyways, here's one of my fav chapters
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The little girl leads you to a quaint seeming casino, graffiti covering the buildings next to it and its name shone in multicolour neon lights, “Elysium”. Once you step inside, you notice its lavishly decorated from the red leather chairs that surround a poker table to the fancy lamps and expensive looking art that adorn the walls. “Auntie, an outsider- I mean, a really nice lady is here to buy something!” The kid eagerly skips toward a young woman who was hunched over behind the bar. Under the dim, yellow light, you notice she was fiddling with some cards.
“What do you want?” The woman asks, not even bothering to look up at you. Seems like she didn’t believe you were worth her attention so far. “A list of people who are attending Onychinus’ protocore auction and a map of the venue. How much?” You ask as you walk toward the counter, ruffling the little girl’s head as you step past her. This finally makes the woman face you, and she looks you up and down with interest, then makes a gesture with her hand, “Fifty thousand.” Yeesh. Expensive much? “Just for two pieces of intel?” You question with a raised brow as you sit down at the bar. She wags her finger as she tilts her head to the side, “Fifty thousand per word.”
“I..” You trail off, unsure if it's even worth it at this point. “Since you’re new and pretty, I’ll give you a 5% discount. What do you think?” The lady offers before the little girl speaks up, “Make it 10%.” When the lady looks at her in confusion, the little girl smiles up at her, “She bought a flower for five more than I asked for. Please, auntie?” “Thanks, sweetie.” You look back down at the little girl, petting her head once more, “She’s really sweet. Is she your…?” The woman sighs and shakes her head, “An orphan we’re watching over. Any other questions will require a payment.” “Even if it’s your names?” You know fraternizing won’t be enough to get an even bigger deal, but you’d still like to know their names. They don’t seem like bad people. “Just call me Violet and her Lily.” She says and you assume its code names. Or maybe not. More flowers though. You wonder what the N109 Zone’s obsession with flowers is. Violet meant watchfulness, and Lily meant innocent and pure.
After this, Violet glances over at the door to her right, sighing before she pushes it open. You could hear chatter mixed with the sound of rolling dice, spinning roulettes, and card shufflers. “You also going to Solon Hotel tomorrow? Do you have an auction invitation?” You can hear a female customer say, and then you hear a male customer reply, “Doesn’t matter if I get one or not. For something as big as this, you gotta try and get a piece of the pie, right? I heard there’s going to be a treasure. If you manage to get it, you could easily sell it for hundreds of thousands!” “Do you want to go? Then ask Sylus! I heard if you give him what he wants-” “Only if I can find Sylus in Onychinus. Haven’t you heard? While he was away, big changes happened in their ranks…” You’re unsure if you should be hearing this since you’re not exactly paying for it, but that does explain why it seemed like no one lived in that house you were in for a really long time. You strain your ears to listen to more of their conversation, but that’s when Violet closes the door.
“Did you hear them? Now, you should understand why “these two pieces of intel” are so expensive. I’m sorry, kid. I can’t just give this kind of information away for dirt cheap, especially when it’s about one of the N109 Zone’s big shots.” “What if I want information about Onychinus?” You ask nonchalantly and she freezes for a moment before leaning in the whisper in your ear, “Missy, don’t pry into things you shouldn’t know. I still got business to take care of .” You let out a sigh and nod your head, “Alright, I understand. Thanks for letting me know, Violet.” It makes sense. If she tells you something too secret, then it could lead to her losing her job or even her life. You can’t fault her for trying to be careful. You turn back to Lily, playing around with her for a bit as you listen in on the other customers' conversations.
“...Sylus hasn’t been around for a long time. Do you think he really went missing?” One man asks and the other shrugs, “Maybe he’s dead. Didn’t you see how arrogant Sherman’s punks have been lately? If Sylus was with Onychinus, they wouldn’t even dare to be so bold.”
You rest your chin on your palm, listening to the rumble of the spinning roulette and then the sound of cheers and screams. Someone must’ve won big, it seems. You sip on the drink you got from Violet at the bar, trying to appear like a normal patron as you eavesdrop on the conversations happening all around you. It seems Onychinus has been having some internal issues lately…and if Sylus hasn’t been seen around lately, how come you’ve seen so much of him? Recalling his pompous and contemptuous face has you chuckling to yourself. You can’t believe you almost miss him. If he had died, he would’ve dragged the entire N109 Zone down to hell with him. That’s just how he is.
“Miss, I have another flower. It’s for you!” You hear Lily’s voice before you see her. “Oh sweetie…” You hold back a pout of endearment as you notice how she’s on her tiptoes, trying to lean against the bar to reach you. She holds a black flower in both of her tiny hands, a black Calla lily, which was a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of a transformative journey. A fitting flower indeed. You take the flower from her, putting it behind your other ear, and smile at her, “Do I need to pay you for this one too?” “Nope! I gave it to you just because I wanted to.” She giggles before you decide to ask a few questions, “Did you grow up here? Does everyone know Sylus?” “Oh yeah! He’s a monster with huge wings that never dies. And- And, he has horns! If I don’t listen to Auntie, Sylus will find me and feed me to his man eating birdie.��� The way Lily spoke was so animated, it was almost cute. She seems like just a regular child despite growing up in the N109 Zone.
It seems like everyone is afraid of Sylus and yet, they keep trying to make deals with him. Kind of like how people are afraid of demons but still try to make deals with them in movies…Though, Sylus did take the initiative to propose a deal with you. Maybe your evol can be used as a valuable tool against him- at least to guarantee your survival. You’re suddenly ripped from your thoughts as the familiar sound of gunfire fills the once cheery, lively room. You flinch, immediately moving your hands to cover Lily’s ears rather than your own. You quickly turn your head toward the entrance of the casino. “We got a party tonight.” One of the men rasps out, gun muzzle billowing out smoke. The door, which they kicked down, falls to the ground with a loud thud, the bolts on it useless and broken as a pair of leather boots steps on top of the wooden door. “Don’t be nervous. Onychinus’ important guest got lost. I’d like to ask everyone to cooperate with our search.” You can quickly notice that this man isn’t working with Sylus- even if this man is from Onychinus. He seems much like a snake, his voice dripping with venom.
Another person with a pair of sunglasses walks in. He’s flanked by half a dozen gun-toting men dressed in black. The sound of guns being loaded with bullets can be heard before you hear the guns being cocked as if threatening the patrons to try anything stupid. “Block the door and search the room. Everyone’s about to be entertained.” The same man, let's call him Snake for the sake of telling them all apart, says.
Gunfire and the sound of tables and chairs getting knocked over intermingle with N109 Zone slang that you don’t understand. In the hidden utility room, you hug Lily tightly as you look out the secret window that’s facing the lobby. “Ooh, there’s so many people. Today’s a good day for bus- mmph!” You quickly cover Lily’s mouth with a panicked whisper, “Do you have a death wish? Hide and don’t speak.” You add a “please” shortly after that, feeling like you’re being a tad bit harsh but it seems like she doesn’t even realize the danger you’re both in at the moment. The lobby floor is soaked in blood, and the mice hiding under the floorboards scamper away in fear. How you wished you were a mouse right now. Whistling, Snake casually strolls over to the bar, rings the bell, and then shoves a photo in front of Violet.
“I suggest you bring out our guest. Mr. Sherman’s not going to sit around and leave her unattended.” He says to her and one of your hands clenches into a fist, wanting to just give yourself up to protect the two people you had just met but you pause for a moment to think logically. Sylus is the leader of Onychinus, so why were these people acting as if Mr. Sherman was the leader instead? This Sherman guy doesn’t seem like shit, considering he didn’t even come out to get his ‘guest’, unlike how Sylus came to personally get you. “I’m sorry, she’s not here. I’d remember a pretty face if she actually showed up.” You can see Violet shrug from the secret window and now you’re starting to feel really bad. Even if she’s protecting you with a motive in mind, you still wanted to keep her and Lily safe. “Gonna keep your mouth shut? Fine.” Snake scoffs and turns to face his comrades. His broken, wire-bound jaw opens as he lets out a hoarse cackle, “Pry open their mouths one at a time. Someone will spill the beans sooner or later.”
“Missy, they’re looking for you, right?” Violet whispers, knowing that you and Lily were hiding in the secret room. “Are you going to hand me over to them?” You ask with baited breath, really hoping she wouldn’t just give you up. You tried to sound calm but inside, your thoughts were racing. All of this had almost made you completely forget that you were in a game; well, this was your life now, apparently, and you were in danger from here on out. Your free hand tightly clutches the tranquilizer in your sleeve, ready to stab Snake with it and pretend that it was a poison and you had the antidote for it as long as they let you go. That being said, you haven’t tested this thing that Xavier claimed could “paralyze an elephant” since there were no zoos in the N109 Zone…”Anyone who’s Onychinus’ target is valuable. I can get a better price if I find the right person,” Violet finally responds to you with a small shrug. A smile tugs at your lips as you shake your head, unsure if she was saying this as a front or if that was her true feelings.”Stay where you are. I don’t want to hand you over like this.” Violet says, firm on her decision to not give you up. Either way, even if she sold you to someone else, you wouldn’t be upset with her. You realize this is how people survive in the N109 Zone.
Suddenly, a crow soars in and dives toward the search party’s leader, its razor-sharp wings aimed at him. “What is that!?” You hear Snake yell out and you take this as your chance to escape- be it a dumb idea but still, it’s worth a shot. You roll and crawl out of the utility room. As you try to sneak away quietly, someone yanks you by the collar of your shirt. You panic, trying to scramble away from the person and you turn around to aim your gun.
Though you pause, noticing a familiar face in the shadows, his chin slightly raised. “So when someone saves you, do you always point your gun at them to express your gratitude?” Sylus. Several bullets grazed him only to dissipate into dust. The people who fired the shots are promptly strangled by something and they slump to the ground, dead. “Your underlings aren’t exactly obedient..” You comment, suddenly being reminded of the fact that this Mr. Sherman guy thinks he’s the leader of Onychinus for some reason. Sylu’s mouth twitches at your mockery as if he wants to say something but in the end, he just purses his lips, “Focus on yourself first.” At the sound of Sylus’ voice, Snake suddenly begins to panic and tries to leave, but a cloud of energy particles gathers around him…Several wanderers quickly materialize. Roaring, they rush straight for us.
“Are they calling for backup because they can’t win? How is this not cheating?” You scoff, brows knitted together in annoyance before Sylus grabs your wrist and holds you in his arms. “What-” He slides his finger over the trigger of your gun, aiming the weapon at the figure in the center of the room. “Do you expect people from the N109 Zone to be nice and polite?” Actually…Yes, yes you do. Violet and Lily were nice enough. “I see you made a few friends while I was gone,” Sylus comments, noticing the two different flowers tucked behind either of your ears and plucks the forget-me-not, rolling the stem between his two fingers. He tucks the flower behind his ear with a small murmur under his breath, “A fitting flower..” But before you can have a chance to ask what he means, Sylus swings your body around, taking shots at every wanderer charging toward you both.
The room is a complete mess with broken objects and overturned tables and chairs strewn about. Wanderers keep appearing one after another and you fall back to the window, thinking about how likely you both could make a run for it. “We can’t wipe them out…Our only option is to retreat,” You say between breaths as you try to get your breathing under control. “Do you really believe “retreat” is a word in my dictionary?” Sylus asks with a raised brow. While you’re anxious and tired, Sylus is infuriatingly calm and smug. “Ohhh, so you like being a freeloader, Mr. Sylus?” You raise a brow, waving your gun around with an annoyed sigh, “Didn’t you see me fighting for my life earlier?”
“Since when was I required to investigate the files the Hunters Association had on you?” The white haired man looks down at his hand to pick at imaginary dust under his nails before continuing, “Consider this training practice. Get ready.” Sylus ignores your protests and grabs your hand to aim your gun at the switch box on the wall. “You won’t get any help.”
A gun is fired and the lights go out. Then, Sylus quickly vanishes. You stand there for a moment in silence, blinking a few times before you realize you’ve been left behind again. Curses spill from your lips and you run a hand through your hair. “Are you fucking serious?” You groan under your breath and suddenly you hear Sylus’ voice once more. “Let’s make a deal.” You suddenly turn around and notice he’s behind you once more. “Aren’t you going to leave? I can’t resonate with you.” You were getting more annoyed by the second, but Sylus continues, “If you’d like to attend the auction tomorrow, stand your ground for five minutes.” He steps closer to you, leaning his head down to whisper in your head, “And should you have the audacity to die on me-” He lifts his hand and puts a communicator in your ear. Then he speaks in a surprisingly gentle tone, “You actually will meet your end.”
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It's really short today, especially considering I just wrote 12k for a one-shot, but what can ya do 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll more than likely post chapter twelve way later on today or even tomorrow...and I also might post chapter thirteen. I'm not very good at keeping a strict schedule. I like to be spontaneous 😎 ...sometimes. but yeah, more flower language. The black Calla Lilly was a big game changer since it's meaning actually fits mc in every way, shape, and form. It's honestly insane.
I also gave the shopkeeper and her charge names since I didn't want to write "she" and it get confusing. That's also why I specifically named Snake. But also! I named the two after flowers, because I read a manwha where there was a group of sex workers all named after flowers and they had a little girl with them who was also named after a flower. Their village was being raided and they all protected the little girl until they died, and the little girl was taken in the be a fake crown princess– but yeah, basically I thought flower code names and run-down, shady areas go well together!
Taglist: @orphicmeliora, @yoongi-tunes, @mitzkooni , @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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It was supposed to be Miles/Hobie/Miles because @pleasetakethis post didn't leave my brain to rest, but Pavitr wanted to be included as well, and now it is not OT3, and not even slash, just pre-slash for an OT4 I've not seen before... Oops.
It was a weird thing to notice. It would have been a weird thing to notice in normal situation as well, but the one Miles was in?
It was more than just "weird".
Might have been disassociation, maybe that would explain why, while noticing the differences between him, and this terrifying version of him, Prowler him, a part of him had to note that of course he had to have the better hairstyle too.
Confident, scary as fuck, and so much more than scared little him, who felt like a bug under the microscope.
"Didn't answer. Why would I care about your father dying?" The other version asked, moving his fist away. Miles inhaled shakily, not finding his words. Seeing how everything changed, seeing that it was-
He was the fault of it.
He just shut down. He couldn't say anything.
"Huh, I guess the cat got your tongue," Miles - Prowler Miles, 42, The Other Miles - smirked. A clawed finger caressed Miles' cheek, more gentle and careful he would have thought it was possible.
"Leave us alone, Uncle Aaron," the Prowler asked, his eyes never leaving Miles'. The Spiderman's heart beat faster and faster, his mind conjuring scarier and scarier possibilities. He wasn't cruel, he wasn't a villain - but he knew what he would go through for something he set his mind on. And if there was one thing he believed all the Miles Moraleses were similar in, it was his determination.
"You sure, kiddo?" Uncle Aaron - not his Uncle Aaron - questioned, but he didn't wait for an answer. He just left the two boys alone.
"Now, kitten, what would you do to convince me to let you go?" The smirk on his face was strange and unfamiliar. The whole outfit, the hair, the confident body language... He couldn't have been farther from being Miles' mirror image.
"Please," he begged. Lightning sparkled from under his fingertips, but he feared that if he would use it on the bondings, he would be the one injured. He couldn't get injured - he had to deal with Spots and had to save his father!
"A-a," Prowler shook his head, his clawed finger digging into Miles' skin. He could feel a drop of blood sliding down his cheek, and he froze. "That's not an answer. Let's start again. What. Would. You. Do. For. Me. To. Let. You. Go?"
Spiderman swallowed, and nodded. "Wh-whatever you wanted. I... Please, let me go. I need to save my d-"
"Whatever, you say?" Other Miles smirked victoriously, and Miles' stomach dropped.
But he didn't back out. "Whatever you wanted."
"Good boy," Prowler growled. His head shot up, as if he was feeling something, but the spider senses didn't react. 42 looked back, his eyes narrowed. He lifted his right hand, and Miles flinched, preparing himself for the hit. Yet, instead of pain, the dangerous claws sliced through the ropes binding Miles to the box bag like they were not strong enough to keep a Spiderman still.
"I want you to get back here, as soon as you save your father." The Other Miles ordered, and as if it was nothing, he stepped back just in time two familiar forms broke through the glass.
"Miles!" Twin shouts came, and the figures rushed to him, one helping him stand, the other ready to defend them.
"It's okay, guys," he said weakly, still not looking away from the other version of him, as 42 didn't look away from him either. "I'm okay."
"Codswallop," Hobie huffed, his protective stance not relaxing.
"Miles, flower, you are not-" Pavitr hoovered over him, like a certified mother hen, and Miles' heart soared. He still had people who cared for him.
"As touching your little reunion is, I was under the belief that you had to hurry," Prowler drawled, amusement shining in his deep, dark eyes.
"He is right. I... I need to go. Please, let me save dad," Miles pleaded.
"Are you sure you are alright? Can you handle it?" Pavi asked, touching the side of Miles where he wasn't full of claw marks.
There was only one possible answer to that. "Yes."
"Good. Leg it, luv!" Hobie shouted, and pulling Miles from Pavi's hands, he lifted the two of them in the air.
"Don't forget your promise," heard Miles, and turning back to his other self, he nodded.
He would not forget. Whatever waited for him, he would come back. Because sure, Pavitr and Hobie would have been able to get him out, but not this quick and easy. He was thankful for Prowler Miles, and he was going to thank him. Properly.
Now, he had Spots to take care, the multiverse to protect, and his dad to save. But until that, he could appreciate the warmth of Hobie's hands around him, and Pavi's overprotective form fluttering around them, ready to get him to his original universe.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
You're absolutely right about poly ships, but in general with supporting ships I think "would people searching for JUST this pairing be interested?" is a good litmus test. That's often what I ask myself when trying to decide if a B-couple should be tagged as their own ship or should go in additional tags.
By the way, if a couple just shows up briefly or otherwise has a really small role such that people there for *JUST* that couple wouldn't be interested, PLEASE put it in additional tags rather than ship tags for the love of god! So many people don't seem to understand this is an option, and perhaps those kinds of people aren't the kind to read your blog, lol, but I still want to say it. Someone in the replies was talking about a poly fic that constantly updated with a bunch of chapters, clogging their ship tag where it's just two of the people in one of the poly ships, not a focus itself. My tag has like FOUR different regularly-updating, multi-chapter fics right now where it's tagged as "background ship" clogging it! I hate it so much. This is especially common and agonizing if you're in the fandom for one of the less-popular canon ships, since they're so often in the background of some more popular couple. I was in a fandom where an only-really-popular-as-support F/F canon couple was my OTP, and most of their tags was fics focusing on the more popular M/M and F/M couples where my OTP were there for like, maybe a paragraph at most. And people never tagged it in a way that made it clear if it was that or something that might genuinely feature them. Agony! I know you can use "otp: true" but I'm not averse to a good fic with multiple ships where my OTP actually matters in it!
On that note, I wonder if it's ever polite to maybe make a note of it in comments? I'd probably do that anonymously, but especially when you see people who are relatively new to AO3, I wonder if they just don't realize that that's what they should do in these cases. I wonder how many people just don't realize that "putting ships in the additional tags" is an option, and are thinking of tagging more in a Tumblr "indicate the ship is there so people who don't want to see it at all avoid" way than a "tags are for finding it if you WANT it" way.
Yeah, for real.
In most of my fandoms, side ships shouldn't be tagged most of the time just because of the typical posting dynamics. Fics that really merit that b-plot ship tag are rare.
In other ones (BTS, I'm looking at you), there's shittons of fics featuring like three separate ships, all of which have significant page time even if one is the lead. Even the "rare" ships aren't that rare unless it's a specific OT4, so it's not that annoying to me when something else is in the ship tag.
But The Untamed? Get your damn juggernaut tag out of my rarepair so I can use otp:true!!!
And yes, tons of people think AO3 tags are for warning people away or for tagging every single ingredient, not for making a fic findable.
They are wrong and they should feel bad.
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mhrarepairmonth · 3 months
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Rules & Guidelines (pretty much everything you need to know)
Prompts ✦ AO3 Collection ✦ Asks/FAQ
Hey ghouls! As MH Rarepair Month creeps closer and closer, here are some rules, guidelines, and everything you need to know for this event!
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns that may not be addressed under the cut!
What is Monster High Rarepair Month?
This event is dedicated to super rare romantic pairings from all generations of Monster High. The 'spirit' (pun intended) of this event has its roots in crackshipping, any ship that has less than 10 works on AO3 is permitted. (see the fandoms tagged for g1, g2, g3, the g3 movies, and general 'toys' fandom tags to see if your pairing is eligible)
Monster High Rarepair Month will run during the entirety of September, with prompts being delegated on a week-by-week basis.
How do I participate?
Just create something about an ultra-rare pair! Whether it’s fanart, fanfic, edits, headcanons, meta, poetry, analysis, gifs (gifsets if you’re feeling fancy) - anything and everything you can think of is welcome! Following the prompts is encouraged, but if you’re really inspired by something outside of the prompt list or want to combine them in any way, that’s cool too! (PS - if you have a really niche crack pairing you've been waiting to show off, this is your time to shine!)
Please use the tag #mhrarepairmonth in your works as it will be tracked! You can also mention this tumblr, mhrarepairmonth, in your submissions if you want to be extra sure it gets reblogged!
Feel free to add your work to our AO3 collection! It's by no means required, but it's fun to have everything all in one spot.
All submissions will be reblogged to this blog by the end of each week. Late submissions are also permitted, whether it's by a week or even longer! :)
What pairings count?
As mentioned above, ships should not exceed more than 10 works in the above MH AO3 fandom tags. We’re counting counterparts from each generation as separate characters, so if there’s a ship with >10 ships but they’re marked under the Monster High (Toys) fandom tag, take a closer look and see if the pairing from whatever generation you want to create for is eligible! Some exceptions to our >10 fic limit may apply, see this post for more information.
Polyships/OT3s/OT4s+ are allowed, provided they also follow this rule. Get creative - maybe you'll even create an entirely new relationship tag in the process? :)
Since this is a ship-focused event, your work should be focused on a romantic pairing; even if the characters aren't explicitly dating, they should hold a romantic interest in one another. Incestuous pairings and selfshipping will not be included in this event.
Are crossovers allowed?
Unfortunately, crossovers from fandoms outside of Monster High won't be permitted (sorry EAH we love you 💔) Feel free to cross over the various generations of MH characters, though! As long as your pairing follows the rest of the rules, go crazy!
Other Rules
1. Follow general fandom etiquette; The principles of being kind and respectful of others’ works and don’t like, don’t read apply (for the latter, where applicable). Ship/character bashing will not be tolerated, and most importantly: tag your work properly!
2. Works that have been plagiarized or generated using generative AI will be excluded from this event.
3. NSFW works will be allowed - non-con/dub-con and adult/child relationships will not be permitted. Please be sure you follow Tumblr’s guidelines regarding explicit content. Worst case scenario, you can post your submission elsewhere and just link it here so it can be shared :)
4. Whitewashing, racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sexism and any other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated. However, works that explore these themes (i.e, internalized homophobia) will be accepted, provided they are tagged with the appropriate warnings.
5. Have fun! Rarepair month is supposed be a fun and silly event to explore or create really rare pairings.
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Ashton Irwin's Thighs Masterlist
Ash is on the floor (ao3) - tinyglitterrose ot4 M, 4k
Summary: "Are you hard?", Luke asked bluntly and immediately he had the attention of three australians.
Play it cool, just play if off, Ashton thought to himself, as if he was not panicking right now.
"No? What the fuck, Luke?", he tried to sound arrogant and even rolled his eyes at the blonde, but the other man wasn't having it.
"No, no, you're hard, I saw that", then he giggled, "You have a boner, Ashy, I saw it"
Ashton shook his head violently, but Calum interrupted him before he could object again: "Do you really?"
--- basically an Ashton centered foursome with plot.
Come On My Thigh (ao3) - orphan_account michael/ashton M, 871
Summary: Michael is horny and he rides Ashton's thigh.
 That's it. Michael riding Ashton's thigh.
Complete Mess (ao3) - no_clue_who luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: Ashton looked amazing. Ashton always looked amazing but right now, Luke couldn’t think because of how good he looked. Ashton had decided leather pants were the best move for tonight, leather pants that wrapped around his thigh oh so nicely.
He couldn’t handle the sight of Ashton. Every time they saw him, they needed to do something.
Ashton wasn't helping, the permanent smile on his face had turned into something to tease Luke.
or how not to do a late night performance
Coy Fish - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton E, 19k
Summary: “Please don’t fuck our yoga instructor.” Michael massages his forehead, eyes squinting shut. “We’ll lose our discount.”
But that certainly won't keep Calum from trying.
i think they’re cute, though (ao3) - cliffakitten luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Honestly, there should be some kind of warning for shit like this: Your amazing, adorable boyfriend has recently bought glasses and looks fit as fuck, you’re going to want to do unspeakable, dirty things to him. Please attempt to control your imminent hard on.
– Or Ashton has new glasses and Luke really wants to fuck him in them.
Leather Lover (ao3) - no_clue_who luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: Luke knew they had a problem when he saw Ashton in the dressing room and in the leather pants. How Ashton was running his hands over his thighs and fixing how they landed on his hips. He watched him buckle and unbuckle his belt a few times before pulling their eyes away to fix up his makeup. Luke looked over at Ashton through the mirror and watched him run a hand over this thigh once more before smiling at Luke.
or how not to deal with leather pants
like a prayer (for which no words exist) (ao3) - satellitesunset (awkwardcaterpillar) ot4 E, 2k
Summary: It's overwhelming, being kissed, grazed, and revered in a manner not unlike worshipping like he's something divine and holy, someone worth praising and devoting to, he's both the saint and sinner, the painting and temple being venerated.
- or ashton-centric ot4 gang bang
something (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Luke brings his hand up to rest against the swell of Ashton’s right thigh, fingertips pressing lightly into the skin through the thin layer of cotton between them. There’s no heat or want in his touch, simply seeking out the ease of an interaction so casual, kneading his flesh like a pleased cat. It’s a familiar interaction, with Luke always wanting to be as close to another person as possible, but always seeming to find his spot against Ashton’s legs when he can.
Yet there’s just a little bit of something more there, something in the way that Luke’s fingers press down and his cheeks round out from his smile and his eyes flutter shut. Something.
touch (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Everyone who’s seen Ashton knows how large his hands are. They’re massive, with palms nearly as big as the entirety of his face and slender, long fingers all dressed in cuts and blisters from drumming with all his might. Even in their teenage years, Ashton’s hands have always been mesmerizing to Luke, especially comparing the size difference between their hands. Ashton’s has always dwarfed Luke’s in a way that no one else’s ever has before and probably never will again.
One thought that has somehow never plagued his mind is how absolutely devastatingly large Ashton’s hand looks on his thigh.
Your Hips, My Hands, You Swing, and You Dance (ao3) - lashtonaf luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke ends up meeting a pretty & giggly boy at the club, and they get acquainted quickly ;-)
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alarrytale · 6 months
I'm just thinking about how it's over seven years since we got a photo of H & L together and wondering why. The others from ot4 have all been spotted in some combination, so people accept that they're friends.
H & L could easily have been papped together out in a big group in London or at the same LA party even twice a year and this whole awful Harry Hates Louis thing that solos on both sides push would never have developed.
Please don't say 'they can't trust each other when they're together and would give themselves away' because they were fine pretending to be distant in group settings in 2013/2015. These men are in their 30s now. They know the game, and they can play it, and fans would all have been so much happier and less hateful to us Larries. 🪼
Hi, anon!
Don't worry, i'm not going to tell you that they can't behave around each other. I will tell you that they're closeted, that they have completely, if not opposing, images, they're not in a band anymore and they are on unsynchronised album/touring schedules meaning that when one is home the other one's away.
They also have a big, influential, and vocal larrie fanbase that would absolutely go off their hinges if they were pictured together. Being pictured together would also need to be balanced with something else to stay on status quo. That would mean more bearding, more stunting involving more pda, more yelling at larries on twitter calling us conspiracy theorists etc.
Also, what would their motivation be to be pictured together in public?
Do they need to convince themselves they're together? No.
Do they need to convince larries they're together? No, we already know.
Do they want to convince others they're together? No, quite the opposite.
Do they need the promo and attention on themselves? No, they've got stunts and beards for that.
Does H and L care about harries vs. louies in-fandom wars? No, not enough to make the neccessary sacrifices.
Do they care about larries? Yes, so they try to give us what they can while trying to balace the consequences.
So for them it's not neccessary to be papped together. It would bring more negative consequences for them than good consequences. The only ones wanting a pic are larries because we would be validated. We can be validated in other ways, ways that will not bring negative consequences to H and L. The umbro shirt and "i love it i hate it" are good examples.
Unless it will benefit L and H both in some way, i wouldn't hold your breath.
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astral-athame · 9 months
Which of the OT4…
is the best storyteller?
Smiles the most?
Has the most fashionable clothes?
Has a secret RP/Tumblr acc?
Is most likely to pee in the woods during a road trip?
Would be a classic Hollywood villain for Halloween?
Is the best hugger?
Would be your date to a wedding?
Okay! Absolutely feel free to correct me / give your own opinions / etc. BUT:
Best Storyteller: Jayn! Cass tells stories sometimes, too, but she's found that she's better at lyrics and poetry kinda writing (I imagine, with the kiddos, she's more likely to make up silly songs to get them to remember things or just for fun). But I feel like Jayn does the best actual story telling for sure! (Though Pogue does absolutely silly, almost nonsensical, stories sometimes~)
Smiles The Most: Cass! She's really good at smiling despite almost anything. I also think she's just easily amused and generally tries to keep a happy demeanor <3
Has the most fashionable clothes: That one's hard. I actually don't know... ^^; I don't think it'd be Cass- she doesn't care at all about what's in fashion, she just likes to wear things that are comfy or that she thinks look cool. I think Pogue is kind of the same way- he could afford to be fashionable, but he just wears what he likes and what's comfy (and, also, what he feels he looks good in). Though I can see him accidentally being pretty fashionable xD
Has a secret RP/Tumblr account: Both Cass and Jayn. And they're mutuals who read each others fanfics and leave comments on them and such... they just don't know they're each other xD Cass would 10000000% rp too, probably in a bunch of different fandoms. So if Jayn does, too, I can even see them crossing paths in rp without knowing it.
Is most likely to pee in the woods during a road trip: POGUE. I don't think I have to explain this, to me it's obviously Pogue xD Cass is gonna hold it until she can get to an actual restroom of some sort unless she has NO choice xD
Would be a classic Hollywood villain for Halloween: Hmm... I dunno about this one, honestly. I think I could see any of them doing it, especially on what you consider a "classic Hollywood villain". But PLEASE tell me your thoughts on this! I wanna know!
Is the best hugger: Cass gives the most hugs, but I feel like Caleb gives the best hugs. I just feel like his hugs are really warm and, also, he's 6'2" meaning he's about a foot taller than both of the girls so when he hugs them, he practically engulfs them completely xD (Maybe I'm also biased because we've discussed that Caleb is the only one in the group who is strictly a dom and that correlates to him being a good hugger in my head for some reason xD) I dunno about your thoughts on Jayn's hugging- but I feel like Pogue gives good hugs, don't get me wrong! But he gives a lot of side hugs, ya know? Like, the kind where he wraps one arm around someone's waist and pulls them kind of against his side. Also- I feel like there's a bit of awkwardness occasionally because his parents didn't hug him a lot as a kid, and his dad basically never did, especially not after he was, like, 5 or 6. So once he and Caleb start being more coupley, I feel like he's really awkward about physical contact with Caleb, even more casual stuff that he was fine with before. At least for a little while, anyway.
Would be your date to a wedding: Mine? Oh gosh, it'd depend on whose wedding! I'm out to some of my family and, generally, I prefer dating girls over guys, so probably Jayn or Cass if it's a wedding for anyone who already knows how not-straight I am. I'd lean towards Jayn because, as much as I love Cass, I feel like it'd be extra fun to go with Jayn <3 But if I had to go to the wedding of a more conservative family member or something who doesn't know that I'm pan (because I have some very religious family members...) then I'd take Caleb over Pogue. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to take Pogue... but I feel like Caleb would be better suited to the situation. I think he's polite and he's a good conversationalist. Pogue has long hair, too, and I know a couple family members who would make shitty comments about it wrapped in, like, the guise of a "joke" and I wouldn't want to subject him to that. But Caleb would be the kind of guy they wouldn't even think twice about except to say that he seems nice, or smart, or that he's handsome. So it wouldn't draw any unwanted attention. Also- going back to Jayn, I feel like she'd help me come up with an excuse to get out of there earlier if things got uncomfortable because I get high stressed at large social gatherings (which is why I'm not looking forward to Christmas ^^;). And Caleb would be able to handle it if I had a minor panic attack from not having a moment to get away from other people for long enough. I think he could cover conversation for us both pretty well so I could be quiet if I was overstimulated xD So, yeah! Jayn or Caleb! Jayn for a wedding I'd feel more comfy at, Caleb for one that I'd be more anxious about attending~ (Alternately, if you meant it as who would Cass take- she'd take all 3 of them and introduce all of them as her date and when people laughed about it or didn't take her seriously, she'd be like "No. Really. These are my boyfriends and my girlfriend and we're all dating / married" like... if they have a problem with it, that's on them xD Though if she only had a plus one and none of the others were invited so they couldn't all go, she'd chose whoever wanted to go, and if more than one wanted to, then it'd come down to whoever had the day off or could get it off most easily or they'd have to do a little rock-paper-scissors to decide~)
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2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 Michinaga and Neon
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
Neon: she was always near and dear to me but when I realized she was kinda a dumdum. I love a girl with no braincells. I love her so much.
Michinaga: I recently reread my initial liveblogs when I called him "freckleface bitchboy" before I learnt his name, and I always meant it affectionately, so yeah. Always. But probably during the Concentration Game especially, when we found out more about his past
7. A quote of them that you remember
Neon: I can't recall it word by word, but I really love the scene when she grabs her mother's wrist as she tries to hit her again and asserts that she WILL escape
Michinaga: that simple. "And?" when Beroba points out he is just like those riders he hated. That made me feral and mental for many different reasons
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Neon: her outfits are always so cute, I really can't pick one
12. Sexuality hc!
Bisexuals, the both of them. Michinaga probably has a slight preference to men, but he is still Bi Bi Bi
16. A childhood headcanon
Neon: gosh this is difficult. But I imagine her to be the kind of child who wanted to be adventurous, but they didn't let her, for like. Obvious reasons. But also the kind where if you didn't look at her for two seconds, she was climbing on a cabinet
Michinaga: I do not think he has anyone. Like. Not at all. He had Tooru from childhood, and they basically grew up together, not having anyone else. I headcanon that they were foster kids who had trouble finding their footing anywhere else, until their boss found them, got them a job, and the rest is history.
20. A weird headcanon
Neon: can't cook. At all. You know that one discord video where the guy tries to make instant ramen and fucks up spectacularly and the entire chat loses their minds? That's Neon feat. her polycule
Michinaga: he definitely had more mutations from the Jyamato Buckle from what we had seen. Maybe there was a reason for that many layers. There is so much body horror that can be put into this bad boy
23. Future headcanon
It matches with what I want for the rest of their polycule. Happy. Alive. Together. Remembering. Healing.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
Neon: DEZASTAR ARC. No I do not mean her being the Dezastar, that's all well and good, but even BEFORE it, the way she acted like she didn't even notice Keiwa was there? Uhm what? Sis you just saved Ace alongside him a little while ago what the fuck was that? Keiwa is your friend? Huh?
Michinaga: uhhh Takahashi can I get some uhhhh fucking payoff to the hints that he cared for Keiwa and even the "make me believe in you" bullshit he said to Ace. Now that he obviously seemed angry that Neon and Keiwa remembered, and his displeasure at Neon being dragged through the mud by Beroba, I am HOPING we get something out of it but. Please.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Neon: Poppy, because I think about that Ex-Aid crossover a lot and I think they would be Delightful. They could play DoReMiFa Beat together. Also maybe Izu for Artificial Girls purposes.
Michinaga: LET HIM HUNT KUROTO FOR SPORT PLEASE TAKAHASHI I BEG YOU, ZOMBIE ON ZOMBIE VIOLENCE, I NEED TO SEE IT. Also Rudi Wenders from Vamp because that would feel like headbutting a mirror. Also Olteca because they look so fucking similar, and I want to see what would happen.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
Again, I'm looking at this in an ot4 child context, but I think they'd both somewhat struggle. Neon because she doesn't want to suffocate them the same way her mom was overbearing, but she wants them to feel loved, unlike her... but she'd figure it out. Michinaga would be terrified of having a child, but like. He'd also figure it out. And hell hath no fury than Michinaga, if his child is hurt, he would be ready to go on a WARPATH, the others would have to hold him back. (Like they are all protective, but the rest are a bit more reasonable about it. Michinaga is ready to go scorched earth.)
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peppertaemint · 11 months
Oh my god sorry! I didn't know that! I of course assume that this is bs then. I'm sorry for bothering you with that question! I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I just wondered if that was true since I usually block OT4s and I saw that you kinda knew them and I had heard that they were, so I was really confused. So sorry that I asked, and so sorry that they are going through this. Fandoms can be so toxic sometimes. I'll probably log off for some days, but I'm really sorry.
Lots of love! Take care!
Hi Anon,
No apologies necessary. I just have to be really careful when I post here. It's easy to contribute to the harassment of others, even if you don't intend to. 💕
I'm posting this since the names aren't listed. It's always good to take a few days and log off. But it would be really interesting to know where you heard this?
These writers were targeted in a very specific way, mostly on their fanfics. I didn't realise that this was becoming some sort of rumour that is being spread around, which is quite alarming.
In the fanfiction community, it's pretty rare to come across people who are actually OT4 or something like that. Those kind of weird divisions happen mostly on Twitter, where people want to make an identity out of hating someone. And just in case you hadn't experienced it before, people use this kind of thing to hurt and damage others. I've been called a solo this, solo that, anti, racist, et cetera, when I can I assure you, I'm none of the above!
it's just a way to get fans to turn on accounts that are perceived as popular. And people usually do it because they're jealous. Why someone would be jealous of a blog or fanfic writer I have no idea. 💀 but that is what happens. I've seen it happen over and over again for years now.
So please take some time off, but don't give up. What I try to do is just not believe those report accounts & those people who just like to stir up trouble by accusing people of things. Most people have no interest going round accusing people of anything because they've got better things to do. 
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arofili · 1 year
StorkSwap 2023 letter
See my signup for DNWs/general likes/etc :) Here are my specific prompts for each request!!
Aragorn/Arwen/Éowyn/Faramir: My LOTR OT4! I love the idea of these two couples being one big polycule :) Having them all be cis, with Arwen and/or Éowyn pregnant, would be great, but I also love the idea of some or all of them being trans. Pregnant transmasc Faramir would be especially wonderful; I also love transfem Faramir if that is something you’re interested in. Regarding babies, it would be so cute to have baby Elboron (canon Faramir/Éowyn baby) and baby Eldarion (canon Arwen/Aragorn baby) hanging out together with their squad of parents—or with those two being a bit older, and hanging out with their little sister(s), Arwen/Aragorn’s daughter(s)!
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: This is quite possibly the Most Important tag in all of my requests—I love love love trans characters and trans headcanons, and trans pregnancy is one of my favorite things too. I don’t want any angst about trans characters being pregnant (unless specifically requested) and I love to read about transmasc pregnancy as gender-affirming! You don’t have to get super into a character’s transness if you’re not super comfortable with that, but I’d like to keep transphobia to a minimum both in and out of universe.
A&B compete to get C pregnant: I think I would actually prefer if baby parentages remain the same as canon (ie, no Éowyn/Aragorn or Faramir/Arwen babies...though if you wanted to do an Arwen/Éowyn or Faramir/Aragorn OC baby, that would be great! just keep Eldarion & Elboron’s parentages canon, please), but this could be very fun in a foursome situation with Aragorn and Faramir each competing to see who can get their “official” wife pregnant first. Or mess around with gender/sex and do some other combination of pregnant person/impregnator, if you’d like. If you want to do an OC baby, maybe Aragorn and trans!Éowyn compete to get Arwen pregnant? or something?
Polyamory - character smug about getting both their partners pregnant: Aragorn or trans!Éowyn being smug about getting both Arwen and trans!Faramir pregnant! And lightly teasing the other possible impregnator in the scenario for not getting there first :D
Character A and Character B Are Both In Labor At The Same Time: Arwen and Éowyn (or whoever you decide to be pregnant) having babies at the same time! Aragorn and Faramir (or whoever) are very stressed out/concerned...especially if this is the first baby for both couples!
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Or Arwen is almost due, but Éowyn is just starting to show, and Arwen tries to give her advice, except she’s not really *that* experienced, and also Éowyn’s pregnancy is progressing very differently...
A gave birth to first child so B gets to have second: Taking turns getting pregnant so three people can care for/pamper one person at a time!
Character has higher libido when pregnant: This is one of my favorite tropes! Lots of fun kinky pregnant sex, please!! Especially if the pregnant character is constantly horny and constantly in need of satiation, but can’t quite get it...even better if there are two pregnant characters getting each other off!
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Especially if pregnancy makes their clit Extremely Sensitive...mwah, chef’s kiss, etc
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because A is pregnant; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because both are pregnant; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: uhhh HOT? Would love any of these for Arwen and Éowyn, specifically.
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: Body worship / relearning each other’s “new” bodies <3
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Cute baby shenanigans! Could also work with older siblings chasing the baby :)
Baby’s first laugh; Baby’s first words: Just. parents melting over how cuuuute the baby is. Meaningful first words, maybe?
Baby wants food item they should not have: This could be fun with peredhel/elf misunderstandings. Maybe the food item is actually okay for baby elves, so Arwen’s not worried, but her human spouses are very concerned for their part-human baby! Or Arwen, not knowing what this kind of peredhel baby can handle, is overprotective while her human spouses reassure her that yes, actually, human babies can eat that, don’t worry.
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal portraits! Little royal outfits! Tiny Gondorian ceremonial outfits! Would love to see older siblings very seriously dressing up their baby siblings <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: Eldarion is very cleverly the “son of the elves”; Elboron’s name could be interpreted as referencing Boromir’s name...how did they arrive at these names? Did they have other names too? And of course with OC babies you can go crazy with naming!
Gifting Baby Important Objects: There are soooo many heirlooms these royal babies could get! The Elessar, Arwen’s evenstar necklace if you go with the movies, any number of artifacts from Rohan, the halves of Boromir’s horn, etc...
Anairë/Fëanor/Fingolfin/Nerdanel: One of my very few incest exceptions, I find Fëanor and Fingolfin to be a very interesting pair. It’s the rivalry!! However, I hate when they abandon their wives to fuck each other, so I want Anairë and Nerdanel to also be involved in this relationship. Anairë is a holy woman; how does she feel about Fingolfin transgressing incest taboos? What is it that made Fëanor and Fingolfin break, and fuck instead of fight? And of course I’d love to see Nerdanel and Anairë getting it on too. Fëanor and Fingolfin getting riled up about cuckolding even when they’re in a foursome situation is extra juicy! (Though I’d really prefer to avoid any situations where Fingolfin has kids with Nerdanel or Fëanor has kids with Anairë. They can talk about it/kink on the idea, but no actual pregnancies in those configurations.) Probably it would be best if this OT4 came together after all their kids are born/mostly grown (though Argon and the Ambarussa could be young still)...OR it could be an OT4 situation where they’ve all four been together all along (again, do still want the parentages of their kids to stay canonical!) so Anairë and/or Nerdanel can get worshipped by their lovers while pregnant :) A bit of dubcon between Fëanor and Fingolfin is okay, but I don’t want noncon.
These two pairings on their own (Fëanor/Nerdanel and Fingolfin/Anairë) are also great. I’m always super here for t4t Fëanor/Nerdanel <3 Fëanor has a breeding kink no matter how you slice it and I think he’s the kind of person who would looooove being pregnant! Nerdanel too, but I’m especially into pregnant Fëanor <3 And I’d love to see itty bitty Maitimo getting super excited about having a baby sibling on the way!! (in the form of Maglor. pls don’t write Maedhros and Fingon as brothers.)
As for Fingolfin/Anairë, I see them as having been an arranged marriage that developed into true love. There might be some slight distance between them still that a pregnancy helps break down :) And Anairë/Nerdanel...what can I say, they are both hardworking ladies with exasperating husbands and they deserve to have some fun together, with or without said husbands!
My headcanons/preferences around these four are complicated, so if you’re writing them, don’t hesitate to hit me up on anon to ask questions! But I think the most important thing here is I want the parentages of canon children to remain canon, and I especially don’t want a Fëanor/Fingolfin baby. BUT anyone can have sex with anyone else in this foursome, so long as it doesn’t lead to a non-canon pregnancy. They’re elves, they have built in birth control, they can manage! And having sex with a person who’s pregnant with another partner’s baby is very hot and definitely encouraged. And fantasizing about non-canon pregnancies is also fine, I just don’t want it to actually happen.
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans pregnant Fëanor can be so personal,,, (see above comments. this is especially thematically resonant in the context of Míriel’s death...)
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Anairë and Nerdanel sharing pregnancy feelings! Especially if this is Anairë’s first pregnancy and Nerdanel has been through it a couple times already :)
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Fingolfin sees Nerdanel pregnant and is absurdly jealous. Probably pre-F/F relationship. Fingolfin decides to get Anairë pregnant in response? Perhaps he fantasizes about getting Fëanor pregnant...or guiltily wishes Fëanor had gotten him pregnant instead, even though he’s cis and that’s not really possible.
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is; Pregnant Sex; Pregnant Person is Highly Desirable to Their Partner: Desperate horny pregnant sex!!! Especially if it’s the pregnant person’s partner who is even more turned on than the pregnant person, and can’t get enough of their pregnant partner’s lush, sexy body.
Couple thought family was complete until surprise third or fourth pregnancy proved otherwise: Or fifth. Or sixth.........
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s): These are Noldor! This is FËANOR! Of course there’s going to be lots of bespoke jewelry for both the pregnant character(s) and the baby! This would be especially interesting if pregnant!Fëanor is crafting jewelry while heavily pregnant and he proooobably shouldn’t be in a forge...
Fear of Pregnancy After Mother’s Death; Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Fëanor after Míriel :( This could work both with pregnant Fëanor convinced he’s going to die...or with him inconsolable thinking Nerdanel is going to die :((( Hurt/comfort with a happy ending, please!
Fix-It - Parent who canonically died pre-birth/in-birth survives: What if Míriel DIDN’T die?? How would that change things for Fëanor? Probably he and Fingolfin would have been raised as brothers with less tension, and so wouldn’t be in any kind of relationship; some nice platonic brotherly bonding while their respective wives are pregnant could be very sweet here, with Finwë’s two polyamorous wives watching on fondly.
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: Anairë and Nerdanel!
Baby tags:
Baby Is A Mini Version Of One Parent: This is just Curufin, lmao.
Baby's first words: Fëanor is a linguist! He’s especially interested in this milestone for his child(ren) <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: ALL their kids are named after SOMEONE.... The -finwës are most obvious, but Nolofinwë Arakáno names his -kános after himself, Írissë is probably named after Írimë Lalwen...and then of course there’s Curufinwë Atarinkë and Nolofinwë’s youngest, Arakáno. What went into these names?
Making Toys For The Baby: Again, Noldor!!
Toddler Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling to Baby; Older Kid(s) Meeting New Sibling(s); Older sibling excited about new baby: Thinking about this specifically in the context of little Maedhros and baby Maglor <33 But Fingon meeting Turgon would be cute too!
Aredhel & Baby Maeglin: Soft mom hours <33 They deserve some good times! I’d rather Eöl not be involved here; I don’t particularly like him and I see him as abusive/controlling.
Aredhel/Pregnant Celegorm: I don’t think Aredhel ever wanted to be pregnant. But Celegorm might find it interesting! This cooould maybe be an exception to my “no cis mpreg” rule, if Celegorm is magically impregnated by Oromë, and Aredhel finds that hot? Or we could have a more simple version of t4t Aredhel/Celegorm, where she knocks him up. Maybe not entirely intentionally...breeding kink gone awry, perhaps?
Pregnant Aredhel/Celegorm: For this situation, Aredhel would be pregnant with Maeglin, and escaped from Eöl. Celegorm (and Curufin) take care of Eöl (preferably violently) and then care for Aredhel in the aftermath. Celegorm is basically Maeglin’s dad now :) NOTE: My Aredhel is always aromantic (“to none was her heart’s love given”) and I don’t want her and Celegorm to be in a romantic relationship—but a sexual and/or queerplatonic one would be great!
Fingolfin & Baby Maeglin: This would have to be an AU (maybe in the same one as the situation above?) but look, Fingolfin deserves to meet his grandson, and Maeglin deserves to have a doting grandpa!!! Also, the implied Aredhel & Fingolfin hurt/comfort is a plus <33
Bedtime Stories - not really child-appropriate but baby loves them anyway: Celegorm telling Maeglin inappropriate bedtime stories?? And Curufin (already a parent) trying to rein him in a bit, lol. I bet Aredhel would only encourage him!
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: This could work for a pregnant Celegorm situation—either magical pregnancy by Oromë (if they’re already in Beleriand??) or Aredhel/Celegorm dream sex while separated, or just they’re having sex while asleep and dreaming and oooops wake up with a baby in your belly!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Fingolfin and baby Maeglin!!!!! Also Celegorm with baby Maeglin, but mostly Fingolfin <333
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin and Maeglin <3333
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: It’s what Aredhel DESERVES. I guarantee Eöl wasn’t treating her right while she was with him...so if she escapes, Celegorm is going to make up for that!!!
Pregnant Maeglin/Celebrimbor: Poor doomed smiths! I love them very much. I usually imagine them getting together post-canon, after all their traumas, when they’ve been reembodied and are trying to live again. Aredhel is good friends with Celegorm and Curufin, so of course Maeglin will be introduced to Celebrimbor... You could also go the Celebrimbor in Gondolin route, but that’s not my preferred canon.
My Maeglin is always trans, so he’s the pregnant one in this situation. I think he’d have some hangups about pregnancy wrt his mother’s past (and possibly some dysphoria too; this is a situation where a bit of trans-related angst would be acceptable) but in the end he decides to keep the pregnancy and love his baby. Celebrimbor should be absolutely supportive and accepting of whatever Maeglin’s decision would be, but is excited to become a father himself! It would be very sweet if they ended up having a baby girl :)
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Maeglin deciding if he wants to keep the pregnancy and feeling out the not-quite-yet-a-soul inside him? Celebrimbor bonding with the baby pre-birth?
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Maeglin watching his lover (maybe not-yet-husband?) be very sweet and tender with their baby and realizing, oh, maybe I’m in love
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: I can imagine Maeglin as being super grumpy and fussy during pregnancy and Celebrimbor deciding to make him feel better by giving him oral. Or Maeglin demanding an orgasm and Celebrimbor happily getting to work!
Pregnant Bëor/Finrod Felagund: I headcanon Balan (Bëor) as trans, having 2 sons before meeting Finrod with a husband who died in the crossing of the Blue Mountains. He’s been widowed for a while when he meets Finrod, and ready for a new relationship! He’s older and a bit surprised when he gets pregnant again—but not nearly as surprised as Finrod, who hadn’t been intentionally conceiving a child! Peredhel shenanigans <333 My headcanon is that their peredhel son (the FIRST peredhel ever, maybe!!) is named Inglor, and he’s born among Balan’s people but moves with his dads to Nargothrond as soon as he’s old enough for them to travel. Eventually he grows up and has a kid of his own...Gildor Inglorion!
Accidental pregnancy - didn't realize species were compatible: They didn’t worry about birth control because they assumed they couldn’t have kids...and on top of that, Finrod assumed humans have the same built-in birth control as elves!
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Finrod talking to the baby in utero, which totally awes and charms Balan <3
Culture Clash - Babydaddy's Culture Treats Pregnancy Differently From Pregnant Character's Culture: Setting aside the biological differences, the cultural ones are fascinating too! What rituals/gifts/celebrations are traditional for Balan’s people? What Telerin/Noldorin things totally weird Balan out?
Half-elf baby: Inglor (or your OC) is quite possibly the FIRST peredhel EVER...
Happily pregnant trans character: Balan’s culture has absolutely no hangups about a man being pregnant. Maybe the Amanyar did, and Finrod is unlearning that—or he’s awed and impressed that other cultures don’t have the prejudices/assumptions he’s used to?
Hybrid Pregnancy - It's Unknown What Ways The Baby Will Resemble Either Parent: Genuinely they have no idea...especially when it comes to the fate of the baby’s soul :(
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Because it’s what Balan deserves. Also I think Finrod would be really into it.
Singing to a baby: Finrod and Balan met when Finrod took up Balan’s harp and played a song...passing that story on to their baby, through song, would be beautiful :’)
Pregnant Curufin/Finrod; Curufin/Finrod & Baby Celebrimbor: Trans Curufin whose babydaddy is Finrod is a favorite headcanon of mine <3 I especially love a very fraught relationship between Curufin and Finrod, where Curufin never actually acknowledges that Finrod is Celebrimbor’s father...which makes for a veeery awkward time in Nargothrond...
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Curufin reassuring unborn Tyelpë that he’s gonna have the best family ever (in the form of the Fëanorians). Maybe he confesses some complicated feelings about Finrod to his unborn child, which grown up Celebrimbor doesn’t remember, but does have some faint feelings about Finrod due to this...
Happily pregnant trans character: Curufin may not have wanted a relationship with Finrod, but he definitely wanted this pregnancy!
Making Toys For The Baby: Curufin is a NOLDO and his family are renowned craftspeople!! Of course they’re gonna spoil baby Tyelpë with all sorts of fantastic toys!!
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: This would be especially bittersweet if Finrod is witnessing a toddler Tyelpë experiencing something (maybe a Telerin holiday that the Fëanorians showed up to in Alqualondë one year?) and thinking, I think he’s my son, but I don’t know, and I can’t say anything...but at least I get to have this moment ;-;
Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Turgon; Turgon/Elenwë/Finrod & Baby Idril; Turgon/Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Amárië: This is another one of my OT4s! I usually love a very repressed Turgon who’s angsting over his feelings for Finrod, but this time I’d like to see him, Finrod, and Elenwë (and maybe Amárië too) in an established relationship. That doesn’t mean it’s drama-free, though! You could have some domestic bliss in Valinor, where everyone is pampering pregnant Elenwë or doting on baby Idril...or you could do something on the Helcaraxë, where they’re all dealing with the horrors of the Ice and having a child there with them, and with missing Amárië :( If Elenwë is somehow pregnant again (HORRIBLE timing) that’s even angstier :((( Would love a bittersweet slice-of-life situation here...maybe not outright canon-compliant tragedy, but this one can definitely lean into the angst. A focus on Finrod’s role in young Idril’s life would be fantastic—does she know about his relationship to her parents? Does she remember happier times and miss Amárië too? Or is she just too young to know about those things?
If you want a grasp on my favorite kind of dynamic for these four, check out my description of them here in my S4S letter. Also: I don’t think Amárië is the kind of person who would want to be a mother/be pregnant, so I don’t want to see her pregnant.
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Rambunctious baby Idril <333
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Finrod jealous of pregnant Elenwë! Maybe wishing he could get pregnant with Turgon’s baby too? (Usually I have Finrod as a cis male, but he could be trans here, and that could be an actual possibility...I would not be opposed to a Turgon/Finrod baby OC!)
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: If one of Turgon and Finrod are trans, dream sex while they’re in their hidden kingdoms leads to real pregnancy? Or t4t Finrod and Amárië having dream sex while separted, and Finrod gets pregnant?
Singing to a baby: Finrod is a singer, and he’d be wonderful at lulling little Idril to sleep :)
Tolkien - Three+ elves can collaborate to make a baby: Let Idril have three/four spiritual parents!!! (Bio parents should remain Turgon and Elenwë though)
Maedhros & Maglor & Baby Elrond & Baby Elros: Kidnap fam my beloved <3 I love a nuanced take on this dynamic (aka, no Elwing bashing, but also no Fëanorian bashing). Are E&E actually babies, or a bit older? They’re canonically 6 when they’re kidnapped...something in the difficult early days would be really interesting. Or maybe E and/or E reminiscing on their childhood when they’re older, with babies of their own?
Accidental Baby Acquisition - baby has magical powers; Baby has magical powers: Eldritch peredhil babies!!!!!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Mae falling asleep while holding the kiddos would be absolutely adorable <333
Half-elf baby: Fully-elven M&M figuring out how to care for part-elf, part-human, part-Maia E&E!
Kidnapping babies for ransom and having to raise them as your own: This is a very plausible interpretation of the kidnapdoption...would love to see M&M falling head over heels for their new charges, and realizing that they’re not really holding them for ransom, they’re raising them.
Singing to a baby: This is Maglor. C’mon.
Russingon with Pregnant Maedhros: Russingon is my OTP of all time, I’d LOVE to receive something about them—and transpreg Russingon is even MORE of a favorite <333 For pregnant Mae, I’m imagining some Valinor-times AU-ish drama, where the secret relationship aspect is a real issue, especially regarding Mae’s family (most of all his dad...) but I do also have some ideas for drama-filled Beleriand scenarios. The baby (or babies) could be either Gil-galad or Erien—or both, if you want them to have twins!
Pregnancy tags:
Accidental Soulbond - Also resulted in bottom partner pregnant surprise the first time they had sex; Unplanned pregnancy as a result of sex pollen; Breeding Kink: This shit is like catnip for me <333 Sex pollen and/or breeding kink going way farther than anticipated and ending up with a surprise pregnancy (a LaCE loophole, if you will) is sooo juicy and fun!! And of course that’s going to result in a soulbond/marriage, too <3
Friends with benefits while pining further complicated by unplanned pregnancy: Could be tied in with the above—Mae is pregnant and both he and Finno are pining like crazy, but are worried the other is only tolerating their romantic affection because of the baby, but no they’re actually in love!
Courting Pregnant Love Interest (Baby Theirs); A finds out about B's pregnancy and asks B to marry them and be a family (baby theirs): Again, similarish to above—whoops, Mae is pregnant, and now Finno is determined to Properly Court him and marry him!
Secret relationship revealed due to accidental pregnancy: Orrrr they’ve been together a long time, but now this pregnancy means they can’t hide things any longer! Cue family/political drama!
Pregnancy Revealed To Impregnator When Parents Are Reunited After Forced Separation: Fëanor (or someone) finds out about Russingon and forces them apart...maybe because he can tell Mae is pregnant? But Finno doesn’t know that yet! And he doesn’t find out until much later, when Mae is visibly showing, and he’s hurt that Mae got over him so fast and got pregnant by someone else...until Mae is like, no, the baby is YOURS....!! And eventually things get sorted out and they live happily ever after :)
Happily pregnant trans character; Pregnant Sex; Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: Super Duper Horny pregnant Maedhros is THE BEST EVER and also Fingon is SooOOOO turned on by Mae’s pregnant body and most of all Mae’ insatiability!
Self-sacrificing character forced to take care of self due to pregnancy: Mae is extremely self-sacrificing/self-sufficient and takes everyone’s problems upon himself, but now his family & Fingon are forcing him to take it easy...and learning to solve their own problems, lol.
Badass Character Remains Badass While Pregnant: Beleriand-era pregnant Mae refuses to back down, despite Fingon (and everyone around him) being extremely concerned about his health & the baby’s health.
A comes back from the dead and finds B has given birth to their child: Fingon returns from the dead, either miraculously and shortly after the Nírnaeth OR the “normal” way via Mandos—and finds out Maedhros had a baby while he was dead! If he comes back during the First Age, you know he’s gonna do his damndest to get to his husband and child, no matter what. And if he’s reembodied later...he’s gonna be an emotional WRECK. But maybe having Fingon’s baby changed Mae’s path/choices from what they are in canon? Maybe he could resist the Oath more because he had a bond with his child to cling to? Or maybe he still did the Kinslayings, but decided to submit to the Valar and return to Valinor when Eönwë commanded him and Maglor to do so, and so Fingon can actually reunite with him swiftly-ish!
Long lived character is reminded of long ago pregnancies/children during new pregnancy: Post-canon Maedhros, when he and Fingon are both reembodied, having another (probably OC) baby much later in life, and reminiscing about his earlier pregnancy/pregnancies from his first life <3
Baby tags:
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming; Falling asleep while holding the baby: Soft baby cuddling times <3
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Could be tame-ish Valinor adventures about hunting and climbing, or it could be Maedhros telling great stories about how wonderful Fingon is, especially regarding the eagle rescue!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: I have soooo many feelings about baby names for Gil-galad!! Why “starlight”? Is “Artanáro” a reference to Fëanáro and Ar(t)akáno? What’s his -finwë name? Did Finellach come from somewhere? Tell me everything!!
Telepathic Bond with Baby: Communicating with the baby over long distances, since Mae and Finno are necessarily in a LDR while in Beleriand...or maybe in Valinor they are exceptionally sensitive to their baby’s psychic needs.
Russingon with Pregnant Fingon: For a pregnant Fingon, I’d like to see something focusing on their time in Beleriand with Fingon as the High Prince/his father’s heir! The Russingon relationship here wouldn’t be a secret, though it might still be controversial, but overall Fingon is providing the crown an heir! This baby should definitely be Gil-galad, but I like Gil and Erien as twins, so she could also be involved if you want :)
Pregnancy tags:
Couple has fun and kinky sex while trying to conceive: For pregnant Finno I generally imagine them conceiving intentionally...and having lots of fun while doing so!!
Admiration of pregnant body: Body worship <333 I love a chubby Finno, and he’s even chubbier when pregnant, and I love Mae just absolutely loving every inch of his husband <333 Bonus points if Finno is short/small and they’re both kinking on the size difference!
Baby bump is BIG: BIG baby bump for a SMOL Finno!! Bonus points if he’s expecting twins :D
Pregnant Partner Wears Lingerie: Sexy fat pregnant Finno in lingerie makes Mae’s brain go BRRRRR
Cooking for Pregnant Partner: Good cook!Mae is a favorite headcanon, I’d love to see him doting on Finno and supplying him with as much food as he could possibly want, satisfying his every craving!
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: ...including the sexual cravings ;)
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans Finno being happily pregnant means THE WORLD to me <333
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Hopeful planning about the future <3 Daydreaming about a world without war, where they can live together as a family and be happy...
Canonical death averted due to baby or pregnancy: ...and maybe they CAN!! What if Finno being pregnant makes him more cautious during the Nírnaeth, and he survives? Doesn’t necessarily mean an angst-free win, but with Fingon by his side, Maedhros will be a lot more put together after their loss...
Resurrected Pregnant Character Unsure if Their Unborn Child Survived Their Temporary Death: OR maybe Fingon DOES die, but only temporarily, and Maedhros brings him back with the Power Of Love or something—and Fingon is terrified he lost the baby!! Bonus points if Mae didn’t even know he was expecting :))))) But PLEASE have a happy ending with the baby being okay!
A discovers they are pregnant with B's child after major falling-out with B: This feels more like a Valinor-times prompt to me—Finno and Mae have a huge argument, probably over the Sword Incident, and Mae goes with Fëanor into exile...and then Finno realizes he’s pregnant. DUN DUN DUN! Again, happy ending is a must, but I love to read the angst along the way!!
Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Given uhhh the whole Míriel situation, this is a Must for any Fëanorian who has a partner in labor....but Fingon is strong and confident and everything turns out okay in the end.
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Bonus points for TWO babies chasing each other!!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Telling (child-appropriate) versions of their exploits, such as the eagle rescue, the Dagor Aglareb, chasing off Glaurung, etc...
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal babies in royal outfits!!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: See above regarding names :)
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin deserves to hold the baby!!! (Also Fëanor, if he’s still alive he should definitely get to hold the baby too. And bonus points for Fingolfin and Fëanor competing to be the best grandpa ever and finally putting aside their rivalry for the grandbaby’s sake!)
Kingdom celebrates birth of the heir: Royal heir Gil-galad! Everyone loves him and is excited for him to be there!!
Sitting for royal portrait with child: Family portrait! With Fingon and Fingolfin and baby? Or does Fingon insist Mae be there too, even though he’s not the most politically advantageous husband/babydaddy?
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: Gil-galad experiencing the wonder of Himring’s snow? Or riding a horse with his dads? Anything cute and fun like that would be very much welcome <3
Kíli/Tauriel & Baby & Durin fam: My OG Tolkien ship <333 I adore a half-elven baby, even more when the other half is dwarf, not human!! They’re so sweet together and deserve so much more than what canon gave them. I’d like this to have minimal angst—an everyone lives AU where everything is fine, and even the more elf-resistant Durin family members have mostly come around to Tauriel...especially now that she and Kíli have had a super cute dwelf baby. That just seals the deal!
Kíli and Tauriel can be cis, with Tauriel pregnant, or they can be t4t with Kíli pregnant! I have a very soft spot for t4t Kiliel, I must admit, and I’d be thrilled to see a trans pregnant Kíli <3
Pregnancy tags:
Alternating between oral sex and kissing pregnant belly: Kíli and Tauriel just love each other and I’m positive they love each other’s bodies too <3 Especially I can see them kinking on the differences in their biology; ESPECIALLY a size kink, even more so if they’re t4t and Kíli’s something of a size king for Tauriel’s big elf dick <3
Communicating with Infant In Utero: This is totally normal for elves, but not for dwarves—unless it is? Maybe dwarves have a different way of communicating with the unborn baby?
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: More body worship!
Happily pregnant trans character: Pregnant Kíli who is ecstatic about being pregnant! Especially if dwarf pregnancy is rare/difficult, and so everyone else is also very excited for him.
Heavily pregnant A working with kids; B is enchanted as they watch: Kíli and Tauriel welcoming little dwarflings coming to Erebor for the first time? (Do not want Fíli to have any kids, though he can also be present, just not as a dad)
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Staying up late, under the stars, daydreaming about the future <3
Baby tags:
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s); Making Toys For The Baby: They’re dwarves!! Kíli absolutely is making things for his pregnant wife <3 It would be a great show of respect/acceptance if Kíli’s family made some for her too.
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming: Especially if Fíli or another relative is calming the baby, and the baby is comforted by them <3
Witnessing baby's first steps: <333
Baby gets sick for the first time; new parent(s) freak out: Especially if Tauriel is freaking out because elves don’t get sick and this is all new to her!
Baby's first words: What language is it in—Sindarin, Khuzdul, Westron?
Baby Looks Like a Mix of Both Parents; Half-elf baby: A baby that is obviously both a dwarf and an elf!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Kíli going on and on about how amazing Tauriel is, how she saved his life, etc <3
Character on parental leave is SO BORED and keeps sneaking into work: This definitely feels like Tauriel, lol. She brings the baby to the training yards!
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: In both dwarven and elven traditional clothing!!
Falling asleep reading to child: Especially if it’s one of Kíli’s family members reading to them <3
Gifting Baby Important Objects: The runestone, perhaps?
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Dís being touched and awed by her grandbaby <3 Bonus points for this being the moment she finally completely accepts Tauriel as a daughter-in-law!
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to whatever it is you write for me <333
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dreamings-free · 4 years
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serendipitouxs · 3 years
When they see you doing your skincare routine
;Them as your boyfriend
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Seventeen Hip Hop Unit OT4 Imagine
Type: Imagine
Pairing: Seventeen Hip Hop Unit member x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: I don't think there are any but if you find any, please let me know!
A/N: Why does the cover look so threatening helpp😭✋🏻 This one's pretty cute so I hope you enjoy reading it ^^
While waiting for them to get back home, you decided that finishing your skincare routine before their arrival would be a good way to pass time and be efficient. Well, it did turn out to be efficient, but not quite sure about the completion before their arrival part aa you heard the main door open followed up by your bedroom door opening with a click, revealing their sight landing on your beauty care state.
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๑ : Scoups
— Took him a moment to understand why there were 9 different products laid out on your dresser at once but eventually did catch up💭
— Gets excited as this is the first time he's seeing you do it
— Observant, asks you a lot of questions about the products you're using and their importance
— Asks you if these products are super expensive, and when you say no he gets shocked😨
— "This is so cool! You take such good care of your skin Y/nie"
— Buys you some products you'd asapasapasap
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๑ : Wonwoo
— "What are you– oh" looks at the products in front of you, understanding immediately
— Wouldn't wanna disturb you so he'd just lie on the bed scrolling through his phone, occasionally peeking at you
— Well, that was the case for a few minutes until he found your routine more interesting and just looks
— You can't really tell if he's fascinated by your routine or admiring your bare beauty, but we all know which one it is😌✋🏻
— He just found a new talent of yours cmon😭🤝
— "Your skincare is more detailed than mine and my siblings'. Woah, you really take care"
*writer cries in face wash and cream face routine👁💧👄💧👁🤝*
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๑ : Mingyu
— Since he'd been enjoying doing his skincare routine lately too, he was excited to see yours so maybe you both could do this activity together too
— His eyes are GLUED onto you, you don't even need to explain him anything cause he's a pro at this too😔✋🏻
— It was all fun and games until his pro side took over, and you could feel his borderline judgy look😐
— "Y/n remember you've been complaining about breaking out a lot lately? Yeah Well of course you will if you use moisturiser before serums you dummy- " literally scolds you about it ✨Asian mom style✨
— makes you fave him and helps you apply the products correctly while still explaining you the importance of correct order
— And of course you listen to him because a man with skin that ✨fine✨ obviously knows what he's talking about🤷‍♀️
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๑ : Vernon
— Notices but prefers to let you do your thing without bothering you
— Eventually has to ask you about something so when he comes to you he notices all the products spread in front of you
— After some time all his attention is on you and your routine without you or him even knowing
— Stares like a lost innocent puppy😭
— Very intrigued and impressed by how you perfectly keep up with such an intricate routine everyday (Y/N don't be shy drop the routine🤝)
— Runs away in tiny, leaving you confused but returns back with a bag of all his skin care product in no time ⌛
— "Y/nie you're so good at this, could you help me out with my skin care too?" Now who can deny this cutie's wishes😭✋🏻
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Blackpink HC / One Shots: Enemies to Lovers, College AU (1/2)
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Requested: Yes
Warnings / Misc. -- Bickering, Rivalry, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! Anon, I assume you wanted to see each individual relationship with the girls and not OT4 x Reader. If not, I apologize, but I hope you enjoy this regardless.
This post includes Jisoo and Jennie. If you would like to see Rosé and Lisa's, click the link below.
Click for Rosé and Lisa
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Kim Jisoo: The girl at the top of her class, breezing through her school years with little competition whatsoever. She was used to winning, and anyone that ever tried to challenge her eventually gave up.
You: Also used to being at the top of your class, you were the first person to actually give Jisoo a run for her money. You didn't shy away when challenged by her, and that took her aback.
Your rivalry was one rooted in academics.
When a new project was assigned and you were allowed to choose your teammates, everyone would flock to the two of you in hopes of getting picked.
Bragging rights were awarded to whoever had the longest line of people.
Impatiently waiting to see who scored higher on tests.
Rubbing it in when you did better, and vice versa.
"Ha! Take that, Jisoo. I got a 98."
"Don't get cocky, Y/N. I beat you by 6 points last week."
"Yeah, yeah," you brush her off. "Look who's on top now." You hold your paper up, smiling when she rolls her eyes.
Other competitions were held, and even the teachers caught on and would adjust their lessons accordingly.
"Class, today we'll be having a set of one on one debates, and an anonymous vote will determine the winner of each. The person who defends their opinion the most effectively will win. Jisoo and Y/N, you're up first."
Although losing was always annoying, it made you respect each other a little more.
You both loathed and revered each other, though you'd never let that secret out.
Fighting for the best scholarships and rankings.
Constant bickering and one liners in class
"Should I go ahead and apologize now, or is it okay to wait?"
"Apoligize for what?"
"Ending your career."
*unintelligible mumbling*
"What was that, Y/N?" Jisoo inquires, cocking her head to the side as she narrows her eyes at you.
"I said: you're going down."
She scoffs at that, unaffected. "Please, I'd like to see you try."
You ended up winning that day, and she was all *surprised pikachu*
School would always be interesting and eventful with her
Pretty much everyone else can tell that you have a thing for one another, but the two of you remain oblivious.
Turning Point
Both of you joined the academic team when you enrolled, which meant that you'd be going toe to toe with other school teams in pursuit of the winning title.
On one of your overnight field trips to face off against another school, you were assigned to the same hotel room.
"Mrs. Wilson, I can't stay with her--" You walk down the hotel hallway behind your instructor, hoping she'll see your point. Her reasoning for putting you together on the roster is beyond you.
"Y/N, it's only for a night. You know we can't afford to give all of you individual rooms; our budget's already small." She reasons, eventually turning towards you when she reaches the elevator.
"Alright," you relent with a sigh, putting your hands up.
What she says next surprises you. "Who knows, you might enjoy it." A knowing look shines in her eye, and a small smirk threatens to tug at her features.
The elevator dings just as you go to question her about it, and she bids you farewell before heading in.
You can do this, Y/N. It's just one night; how bad can it be? You ask yourself, taking your sweet time in going back to the room.
An Hour Later
In an attempt to kill some time and recover from the fatigue your long road trip brought on, you've been trying to relax and take a nap. In fashion with your typical luck, though, Jisoo is making that nearly impossible.
"Jisoo, turn it down!" You groan, tossing a pillow at her head. She sits on the loveseat at the foot of your bed, completely fixated on the images flashing before her eyes as she plays her video game.
"Shhh, stop distracting me." She says over her shoulder, making you huff.
You value your pride too much to ask nicely, so you suck it up and stick it out for a little while longer. When she lets out a loud shout a few minutes later, though, you've reached the end of your patience.
Wordlessly, you get out of bed and stomp over to the TV, standing directly in front of it.
"Y/N, move! I'll lose!"
You stay there with your arms crossed, and are soon rewarded by the game's voiceover announcing: "Game over."
She huffs and sets her controller down, clearly upset.
"Sucks when people don't listen, huh?" You challenge, still mad that you've been denied a proper nap for so long. Every time you'd be right on the cusp of being drug under, slipping in and out of glorious slumber, she'd do something to ruin it. You're cranky now, and being petty seems like a just punishment for her.
"I can't believe you did that," she shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "That was the championship match!"
"Oh well," you shrug, a smirk tugging at your lips at that new piece of info. Perhaps justice has been served after all.
With one more warning glance at her to tell her not to do it again, you go back to the bed and get comfy, settling under the warm blankets.
30 Minutes Later
"ON YOUR RIGHT, ABOUT TO ROUND THE CORNER!" Jisoo bellows out, smirking when she feels you stir behind her. You scowl, wiping the sleep from your eyes.
"Jisoo, I swear to God," you grumble, feeling the irritation rise in you all over again. You get up again and approach her, but she has a plan this time. In one fluid motion, she sticks her foot out in front of you, making you stumble and fall to the ground.
"What the--" as you prepare to reprimand her, you see something out of your peripheral. Aided by your new perspective, you spot the remote controller on the coffee table right in front of you, just an arm's length away.
When Jisoo notices that you haven't screamed at her yet, she looks down and realizes her mistake. A dramatic moment passes where you both lock eyes, before immediately diving for the remote. You manage to get to it first, quickly hugging it close to your body and rolling away from her. She pounces a second later, reaching her hands around you to pry it from your grip.
"Give it back, Y/N!"
You writhe underneath her until she manages to get the upper hand, straddling your hips in an attempt to pin you down. She sits back on her knees, gazing down at you as your chests heave from the effort you've exerted.
"Give it." She commands, holding her hand out expectantly.
You shake your head, amused that she thought that would be enough to sway you. "No."
"Then you leave me no choice." Her hands dart forward to your abdomen, and she begins tickling you mercilessly in order to make you surrender. Calls for her to cease her assault struggle past your lips, but you know it's futile. She's a determined person just like you, and she won't stop until she gets what she wants.
So, after taking a second to think of a way out of your predicament, a brilliant idea pops into your head.
You finally let her pry your arms open, smirking when she cheers and claims victory. In one fluid motion, just as she had done before, you wrap your leg around one of hers and flip her onto her back before leaning down to kiss her. She tenses up at first, but her hands end up working their way to your hips as her lips begin to move against yours.
Your plan is backfiring a bit; you only intended to shock her and buy yourself time to steal the remote back -- you never thought you'd actually enjoy the feeling of her kiss. You tilt your head to the side to get a better angle and slowly skim your hand down to hers, where the device is tightly clutched. Her other hand has come up to your jaw, which she's gently guiding as she steals another kiss from your lips.
Her distracted state made it easy to get what you were after, and soon -- much too soon for Jisoo's liking -- you pull away with a victorious smile. She doesn't know what to say; in all honesty, she's almost forgotten how to breathe with the way you kissed her senseless.
"I win." You grin, hopping off of her and shutting the TV off before crawling back into the bed. She stays in that same position for a couple minutes, laying on the floor as she tries to sort through what the hell just happened. She can't even be upset right now; she brings her fingertips to her lips, skimming them over the heart-shaped pillows as she smiles.
The Fallout
Things were a little tense when you shared the bed that night
Anytime you'd roll over and readjust your head on the pillow in your sleep, unknowingly positioning your lips dangerous close to hers, her heartbeat would pick up and she'd have to roll over again
You pretended to be asleep when she scooted back against you, pressing herself against your front in search of the heat that your body provided. You brought an arm around her, enclosing her in a soft embrace that had her blushing crimson
Subtle flirting at the competition the next day
Sticking up for each other when one of the other teams got a little rude
"Hey, don't talk about her like that!" Jisoo warns, glaring at the student from your rival school. His uniform is mussed and unkempt, leaving it as no surprise that he was the one to say such a thing.
"Why do you care?" He laughs back, spurred on as his friends snicker along.
The question catches her off guard; just days ago, she was the one bantering with you and testing your limits. Now though, when someone else is taking it too far, she can't help but feel angry. "Because she's my teammate. Now knock it off or I'll report you to your dean for unsportsmanlike behavior."
He scoffs, but eventually opts to grumble out another insult and turn away, nursing his bruised ego.
"Thanks, Chu." You quietly say, having witnessed the whole encounter from the row behind her. A small smile tugs at your lips at her actions, warming your heart.
"No problem, Y/N. But you'd better help me beat him; I'm not losing to that idiot." You laugh and agree, shaking her hand to seal your pact. She tries not to get too caught up on the smoothness of your skin or how it reminds her of last night, but her brain doesn't listen.
Needless to say, you beat them.
Your team stopped by a nice restaurant on the way back home for a celebratory dinner
Jisoo sat beside you
Cue the blushing and quiet flirting
It's a new side of her that you're not used to seeing. Now, instead of being all hardcore and witty, a simple look from you can make her blush
It doesn't always, though; sometimes she grows bold and lays a hand on your thigh for a moment, laughing at something you said
It's giving very much so gay panic™️, but you wouldn't trade it for the world
After the dinner, you go back to the bus and sit in your seats (which aren't together, surprisingly).
As you scroll through your phone, you get a text from Jisoo. Attached to the message is an invitation to one of her favorite mobile games.
"Hey, Y/N. Will you be my player 2? 🎮"
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Jennie Kim: The girl who practically ran the school, always getting her way and never having to lift a finger. She was royalty: the queen bee sat atop her throne, giving orders to the masses that they followed blindly. The whole situation seemed straight out of a poorly-written teenage movie, and it always annoyed you.
You: The girl who stuck to herself, only having a close group of friends that she talked to. You weren't popular, per se, but you weren't cursed to exist at the bottom of the food chain, either. Many people knew you, but you only associated with a select few.
You avoid the "popular" crowd a majority of the time, opting to spend spare time in between classes in the library or outside, doing homework
Jennie is the type of person that has people lined up, waiting for her to ask them to do hers for her. She gets to skip class and do whatever she wants, and she usually takes advantage of that.
She's never been mean to you directly, but you've seen her and her posse pick on people in typical mean girl fashion
You've never noticed the way that she usually targets people who've said bad things about you. She sticks up for you without you even knowing.
So, as you would expect, when your best friend called you and begged you to accompany her to one of the biggest parties of the year (hosted by none other than Jennie's brother), you were definitely surprised. Neither of you are the type to go to anything like that, but you know that she secretly wants to peek into that world of luxury.
"Pleaaaaase, Y/N? I'll do your laundry for a month."
The Turning Point
Your stylish boots crunch lightly against the concrete as you stand outside of the frat house, grimacing when you notice a boy stumble to the side of the house and get sick.
"We might have to bump that offer up to two months," you say to your friend, leaning onto her car as she checks her makeup in the side mirror.
"If it keeps you here for an hour or so, then fine." She smiles, taking your hand and leading you towards the building. Upon opening the door you're immediately greeted by waves of the strong bass of whatever song is playing. Their rhythmic thumps reverberate around the house, and you choose to seek some semblance of peace and quiet by heading to the kitchen. Your friend comes with, and the two of you push your way to the drink bar for refreshments.
"Thanks again for coming along, Y/N/N. You're the best." She leans into you, saying the phrase loud enough for you to hear over the music.
"I know," you hold your head up higher, self-assured. "You'd better go find Benji before things get too wild," you tell her, taking note of how the crowd is quickly growing in size. Benji, her longtime crush, is the only reason you really agreed to tag along; she's been head over heels for him for as long as you've known her, and you see this as the perfect opportunity for her to finally tell him. She needed some backup, and you always come through for your friends.
"Alright, I'll come find you later," she says, nervously smiling as she kisses your cheek as a farewell. You shout encouragement to her retreating figure, grinning wildly when you see her throw her hand up in the air.
Considering you made a drink for her just then before sending her off, you take the time now to make one for yourself. Your hands skim through the air overtop of the different bottles, searching for your favorite flavors and types to mix. As you go to reach across the table for one of them, disaster strikes.
You gasp as cold liquid lands on your shoulder, following gravity's command and rushing down your back and chest. A flurry of apologies follows suit, and you feel a soft hand on the small of your back as you go to turn around.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Jennie says, covering her mouth in shock. For a moment you're worried that she was dared to do this -- that perhaps her friends sent her off to ruin your outfit and embarrass you. When you find sincere regret in her deep brown eyes, though, all of those worries melt away.
"It's alright," you assure her, shaking your arms to get rid of some of the sticky drink that's trailed its way down. You set your half-filled cup on the table, no longer interested in getting anymore now.
"At least let me wash the shirt for you. I have a coat you can wear while its getting clean."
You furrow your brows at the offer, not expecting that from her. Not only has she apologized, which is practically unheard of from the prima donna, but she's willing to do something for another person?
"Uh, okay." You do your best to mask the confusion in your tone, but it's still plain to see.
"Follow me," she politely instructs, leading you down the hall towards what you assume is the laundry room.
She flips the light on and shuts the door behind you, walking into the closet to search for the spare set of close she keeps here.
When she emerges again, fluffy coat in hand, she begins stumbling over the words she was about about to say. Her eyes land on you, taking in the expanse of exposed skin now that you've stripped off the shirt you were wearing. She can't help but admire the sight; she subconsciously bites her lip, only being brought back to reality when you wave your hand in front of her face.
"Hello? Earth to Jennie?"
"What?" She eventually asks, shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts swarming in it. She's always had a sort of thing for you, but she never imagined you could look that good. It should be a crime.
"I asked if you have a bathroom around here, so I can, ya know... wash up a bit. Whatever you had to drink is pretty sticky." You chuckle, moving your arm to show her how far it's spread.
"This room over here," she says, approaching a door on the wall opposite you, "is actually a bathroom. Convenient, right?" She asks, flipping the light on for you.
"Absolutely," you perk up, glad to know that you won't have to strut down the hall in your sports bra to get to a bathroom.
She steps to the side and pushes the door open for you, nearly melting when you give her a little wave and shut it behind yourself. She's got it bad.
She takes your shirt and throws it in the washer before setting the knobs correctly, knowing the best combos by heart. She and her brother are close, so it's not uncommon for her to come by and help him with chores when he gets swamped.
A few minutes later you come out of the bathroom clean and dry, nervously fidgeting with your hands as she turns to look at you again. Having the Jennie Kim looking at you in such a way and having her so close is a bit overwhelming, and you're not exactly sure how to deal with it.
"Here," she says, reaching around you to slide her jacket onto your arms. Her face hovers dangerously close to yours as she does, making you hold your breath in anticipation. She pulls the jacket closed, adjusting it so that it lays right, and you look into her eyes.
"Thanks, Jen."
Her heart speeds up at the nickname, though she tries not to show it.
"No problem, sweet thing." She flirts, taking you aback.
Just as you go to say something more, the door blasts open and a couple of her friends pop in. "There you are Jennie! What are you-- oh," they say, watching as the two of you spring apart.
When they realize who you are, they laugh among themselves. "What're you doing in here with her?" They ask, looking you up and down before ultimately appearing unimpressed. Jennie glances at you again, and you can see her going through some sort of inner turmoil.
"Thank God you guys showed up; she won't quit talking. I was just about to leave." She laughs, regaining the bitchy aura that she's known for. You set your jaw and nod, remembering why you choose to stay away from people like them.
"Wow, Jennie. You really had me fooled," you bite back, a bit shocked, but not surprised. You keep your eyes on hers as you take her jacket off and let it drop to the floor in front of her, grabbing a spare towel from the hamper on your way out the door. Her friends scoff at you, wondering what such a nobody like you thinks they're doing treating Jennie like that. You brush past them and send her one last look, conveying all the emotions you feel with a mere glance.
She's disappointed in herself, and she hangs her head as the girls scoop the designer material up and hand it to her.
45 Minutes Later
Just 15 more minutes, Y/N; totally doable. You reason with yourself. Jennie left the laundry room soon after you, leaving it vacant for you to put your shirt in the dryer and retrieve it when it was done. Now, clad in the warm material, you sit outside by the fire. Stars are shining brightly in the night sky, illuminating it so beautifully that your mind is taken off of what happened. They twinkle for you, and the sight puts you at ease.
What has that pleasant feeling dissipating in a second, however, is the sound of Jennie's voice as she exits the patio door.
She's talking to her friends about some boy that's in love with her, as the whole school seems to be, and you roll your eyes. With the moment officially ruined, you decide to head back into the house and spend the rest of your sentence there.
Once you stand up from your seat and turn around to take your leave, her friends notice you. "Jesus, you're really obsessed, aren't you? Are you following her or something?" One of them, a snarky blonde from earlier, asks.
You laugh at that. "Hardly," you glance at Jennie, though she avoids eye contact. "I'm sure you'd like that, though. Give you something to talk about other than your split ends." She reels back at your boldness, prepared to start a fight.
"You bitc--"
"Stop," Jennie finally steps in, cutting the girl off. She moves between the two of you, putting a hand on your chest and looking into your eyes.
"Jennie, I don't know what her problem is," the blonde squeaks out, trying to defend her actions.
"The problem doesn't lie with her," she tells her, leaving her puzzled. Jennie continues, "I lied earlier; I'm the one who invited her to the laundry room because I spilled my drink on her." You narrow your eyes at her following her statement, wondering where she's going with this.
"We probably would've kissed, too, if you hadn't walked in."
Your heart speeds up a little at that, but you're still hurt by what she did earlier. Having her be one way with you in private and another in public is never a good sign.
"I'm done with you guys. You turn me into something I'm not," she looks between the small following that's accrued, letting them know how she's been feeling for the past bit. The majority of them are stuck up and entitled, and seeing the hurt in your eyes put things into perspective for her. She likes you, and she wants to be better because of that.
"I don't understand, Jennie," one of them asks, sounding like she's on the brink of tears. Are these people really that invested? You know the hierarchy of popularity is confusing, but they make it seem like she's breaking up with them.
"We're not friends anymore. Not until you get your heads out of your asses and start being nicer."
The crowd clearly doesn't know how to react at her sudden change in attitude, but they mutter out various responses before some of them break away.
You look down at her and glance to the house, wordlessly telling her to follow you so that you can have a moment alone to talk. You lead her over to the patio and stand against the wall.
"I'm sorry," she says, sounding relieved to finally get the words out. Her previous actions have been weighing heavily on her, and she's been doing some introspection. It's not entirely all of a sudden, though; she's been questioning why she still hangs out with them for a while now. This encounter just confirmed her desire to leave them.
"I shouldn't have lied like that. I know it hurt you." She looks away, feeling disappointed again.
"Yeah, it definitely wasn't fun to have my crush talk about me like that." You nod, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"Crush?" Her head raises up, doing a terrible job of concealing the hopefulness she feels blossoming.
"Crush." You lightly smile at the way she blushes at your simple confirmation. She's too adorable for her own good; it's really no wonder than she has everyone on their knees for her.
"Thank you for apologizing," you say after a moment, nudging her shoulder gently. "It's more than your posse usually gives, so I appreciate it. You'd better mean it, though." You cock your head at her expectantly, a hint of warning in your tone.
"You have my word," she smiles, determined to make sure the opportunity you're giving her doesn't go to waste.
The Fallout
In the following weeks, she cut ties with more and more toxic people, causing a bit more drama to stir up, but she didn't care. You were by her side through all of it, as were your friends, and she saw what true community looks like. She had so many people at her beck and call back then, but none of them cared as much as your close knit group. They were in it because of her status, not because of her.
Walking her to class
Both of you sticking up for each other if people try to start stuff
Helping her correct her bad habits if she starts to get judgemental with someone or slips back into her old ways
Being patient with her
Her spoiling you randomly to show how thankful she is for you
"Miss L/N, we have a Candy Gram for you. Sent by Jennie Kim." A staff member says upon entering the classroom, walking the package over to you. You grin widely as you open the note attached to it.
"Come see me after class, Y/N/N. I have something for you."
You were excited for the rest of class
You rode your bike back to her dorm, parking it outside before knocking on the door.
"Hey, Jendeukie. What do you have for--"
You're abruptly cut off by her lips pressing against yours as her hands pull you in, turning you to mush. You sink into her arms and kiss back, reveling in the feeling of finally having this moment with her. You've been waiting for it ever since the party.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," she softly admits, resting her forehead against yours. "I hope I didn't overstep." You can hear the nervousness in her voice, and you smile at how cute she is.
"Quite the opposite, actually. Come here," you pull her in again, lifting her up into your arms as you walk into her dorm. She squeals at the sudden move, but the sound is quickly muffled as you lean in to kiss her again.
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Anxiety (2) Masterlist
part one
124º (ao3) - katesnotcool calum/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Ashton feels helpless to all that is bad. In his eyes, God doesn’t believe he deserves to live in a happy world. But if he can’t be happy, then why keep going?
All My Friends (ao3) - Headgehog_Louis007 michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Having an anxiety attack on your birthday is less than ideal, but it helps when your boyfriend knows what to do, and spending the day with your favorite people makes you feel better.
a piece of peace of mind (ao3) - sparklyjimin T, 1k
Summary: it feels like forever since they performed for fans, and the prospect of going on tour feels a lot like coming home to luke.
then again, he's just spend two years struggling with being isolated from others, and maybe facing a crowd again all of a sudden is going to be a little much for him to deal with.
Breathe (ao3) - lucasshem luke/ashton N/R, 4k (WIP)
Summary: Where Luke and Ashton are soulmates, but Luke has anxiety.
breathe deep and hesitate (ao3) - mimi_reads luke/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Now all the view accomplishes is making him feel more depressed. He looks down and sees cars speeding by or shapes moving behind windows, watches the people 24 floors down navigate the streets. So many signs of life, of people who are enjoying their night and aren’t feeling like absolute and utter shit.  Looking up doesn’t offer Luke much more comfort though.
Coffee Eyes (ao3) - 1loulu5 michael/calum M, 1k
Summary: No one was stalking him anymore, everything was fine. It was just his anxiety acting up again.
...But what if it wasn't?
Michael has a stalker.
Days Like This (ao3) - LunaT2345 G, 2k
Summary: Ashton's having a bad day. Calum will always be there to help pull him out.
Empty Wallets (ao3) - gayrightsalec calum/ashton G, 2k
Summary: this is my first 5sos fic after rejoining the fandom for the third time since 2014. there are no major trigger warnings, but please note the tags. thank you for looking!
for the prompt 'Can you come pick me up?'
Hold Me Close (ao3) - LunaT2345 luke/ashton G, 5k
Summary: Five times Luke and Ashton took care of each other
I love the way you scream my name (ao3) - mlstyles257 ot4 N/R, 5k
Summary: The boys had purchased the Sybian months ago. But their lives were so hectic, that they haven’t gotten around to using it yet. First, they were working on their new album, then they were on the road on tour, before finally, after months of the toy collecting dust in their closet, they had free time. Michael was the one to stumble across the toy while…doing some research. He immediately sent the link to Ashton and Calum with a simple caption of ‘for Luke’. Safe to say, they bought it pretty quickly.
Luke is a little anxious to try out the new toy, but with a little reassurance from his boyfriends and a demonstration from Calum, he agrees to give it a go.
inhale it in the morning sun (ao3) - invisibleperiwinkle michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: michael and luke have been best friends for seemingly their whole lives and that seems to be how long michael has had a crush on luke while on vacation with luke's family michael needs and escape so what happens when luke finds micheal sitting on the roof
i've been wishing i could breathe underwater - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Okay, so the instructional video on scuba diving hadn’t been the most reassuring thing to watch for a group of novices. Ashton’s brave face had melted away as the polite lady narrating the video had informed them about how they could sustain permanent ear damage if they didn’t equalise enough. Luke gets that they need to understand the risks, but still.
Even the scuba mask isn’t enough to hide the fear in Ashton’s face, and that’s saying something.
Promises are meant to be kept (But its so hard) (ao3) - notgonnamessthisup N/R, 2k
Summary: The story about how Ashton chooses sobriety but is incapable of being vulnerable so he tries to keep it a secret. His friends find out
the situation is like a mountain that's been weighing on my conscience - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 2k
Summary: Luke is closeted and nobody outside of the band, and close family, knows that he has a secret husband. During promo for Youngblood, Luke suffers a panic attack when the interviewer asks a personal question. Cue, Ashton to the rescue and comfort.
The U.S. is for us. (ao3) - KaybeeBabee luke/ashton G, 376
Summary: Luke gets an anxiety attack.
Through The Wall (ao3) - tinyglitterrose luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: "Ashton, you are aware that I fucking fucked you in the ass, right? More than once? I fucked you, Ashton."
or Ashton likes to let himself be taken by random men on weekends and Luke finds out by accidently becoming one of Ashton's customers.
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lululawrence · 3 years
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lululawrence's September 2021 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Happy 28th once again! September is nearly at an end, and to celebrate the Larry-versary (or whatever it is about Sept 28 that they seem to love so much), I'm very excited to share the fics I've read this past month with you. They were seriously some top notch fics and some of my favorite fics I've read this year. I tried not to ramble too long in this rec post, but if you are interested in hearing me go into detail about what exactly I enjoyed about these fics, you can find this month's podcast here.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
Know a Trick or Two by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren (44k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, HP AU, MPreg, single mum Harry, single mum Louis, Louis is a famous quidditch player, Harry's a muggle, one night stand, inappropriate use of magic, ot5 friendship, I'm trying to figure out how to explain all of this, lmaoooo, the world-building is super cool and the characters are all amazingly done, I love the friendship and the scenes from the kids' POVs, it was just such a super cool and unique and amazing fic)
Winds Blowing Westerly by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (650, G, Niall/Louis, canon compliant, the night after, post-hiatus, it is so short and soft and hazy and the emotions are perfectly on point and wonderfully navigated and how the fuck did she manage to fit all of it into so few words??, i LOVE it)
I Love The Very Blood Of You by @chloehl10 / lovelarry10 (129k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Vampire AU, Harry is a caretaker for his sick mom, cancer tw! please keep yourself safe, blood donation services for vampires, strangers to lovers, vampire hunters, rogue vampires, forbidden love, vampire/human relationship, like honestly this is such a complex and epic plot and it keeps things moving and the characters keep developing and changing and evolving and the relationships between everyone do too and i loved the various side characters and the way it all worked so perfectly together to have so many various and different peaks when it comes to the conflicts, i would use it as an example in a lit class of the various ways you can have conflicts and peaks that all build up to a larger one and i'm rambling so i'll stop now, just know i loved it lol)
Rising to the Occasion by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (4k, G, OT4 friendship, canon compliant, post hiatus, Celebrity Bake-Off, this fic is just as fluffy and silly and wonderful as you would expect a canon compliant fic taking place in the bake-off tent to be, i absolutely adored it and even the end notes are *chef's kiss*)
Hold You Now by @solvetheminourdreams / solvetheminourdreams (131k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, American Harry, British Louis, ex-friends with benefits, closeting, bestie Niall, Harry is a PR rep who used to work at the same firm as Louis, angst, flashbacks, angst with a happy ending, I don't even know how to try to summarize this fic, it had so many emotions all the way from that fizzy feeling of excitement at the beginning of something with someone to the hope of something more to the devastation when it all falls apart and the heart dropping complete pain of realizing they're marrying someone else to the hope of possibility, and every single moment of it feels real, or at least it did to me, this fic was just epically gorgeous and wonderful and wow)
So Much Love Hidden Beneath This Skin by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (10k, T, Niall/Harry, Heartbreak Weather fic fest, Song Fic, based on Put a Little Love On Me, Ex-BFFs to lovers, closeted character, homophobic and abusive family (only referenced and in the past), hurt/comfort, healing, repairing relationships, this fic is so painful and lovely, the bond between them is so genuine and wonderful and watching them be able to stitch themselves back together again was absolutely wonderful)
Compass to my Soul by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (31k, T, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, alpha Liam, beta Zayn, omega Niall, omega Louis, mostly canon compliant, so I guess... canon divergent?, Louis is a part of the band but not their pack, touch depri, forced coming off of stimms, omega drop, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, self confidence issues, use of alpha voice, anxiety & anxiety attacks, I'm not sure that's explicitly what they are but i want to tag it because it's like, legitimately something you should be warned about, it's written in a very visceral way, this fic is my DREAM A/B/O FIC, i waited very long for it to come around and be birthed into the world, and it was somehow even BETTER than i ever anticipated, emmu is magical)
the next bit was spanners to my plan by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (6k, T, Nick/Louis, canon compliant, post-hiatus, accidental sex, repeatedly, lmaooooo, banter, texting, talking out feelings, in a stilted and hilarious and very grimmy/louis way, i don't even know what to tell you other than this fic is like a prime example of why i love tomlinshaw fics so very much omg)
eucalyptus by @hershelsue / docklands (46k, E, Harry/Louis, 1D A/B/O fest fic, A/B/O dynamics, single mum Harry, florist Harry, pediatrician Louis, shifters, wolves, pregnant off a one night stand, alpha Louis, omega Harry, this fic is wonderful, the plot is so unique and cool and kept me on my toes because i literally never knew what was going to happen next, and the way it all works out is so so fun too, and the eventual smut is nice and kinky with highlights on the lactation kink and breeding kink so enjoy that too haha)
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athera · 3 years
(Mamamoo OT4) Dumb Baby
Warnings: This is 3000 words of pure filth, except there’s nothing pure about it, kinda dumbification and a little bit age-play, but not really age-play, more like nicknames and humiliation, DEFINITELY 18+, spanking, toys, anal/anal training (that isn’t at all accurate and should not be practiced in real life), really nothing in this should be practiced in real life without research and trust and safewords. This is purely fiction. But again not pure at all.
Hyejin POV
Moonbyul moved me in between her legs on the couch, and put her hand under my skirt, pulling my wet panties to the side. Sticking 2 fingers inside my pussy, she started to lick my neck.
"You're so wet Hyejinie it's cute, if you wanted someone to fuck you, you could've said so. Any of us would be more than happy to take care of you." My legs were spread and my pussy was on display while Moonbyul played with me. Wheein and Solar walked in the living room and saw us immediately.
"Aww is our baby Hyejinie feeling needy today?" Solar came up to me and left a kiss on my lips. I felt so small and embarrassed under their gazes, meanwhile Moonbyul kept playing with my pussy.
"She looks so cute when she's like this, a dumb baby who needs us to touch her naughty places." Even Wheein, my dearest childhood friend, loves to use my body and humiliate me like this. Even despite the embarrassment, I actually love this feeling of being humiliated and toyed with by the people closest to me. I start to grind into Moonbyul's hand and I feel myself salivating.
"Mmn, unnie please.. more" I mumble, panting already.
"Aww our dumb baby knows how to say please. Look at her grinding into your hand like that, she's such a naughty girl."
Wheein says getting a closer look between my legs while Yongsun kneeled directly in front of it getting close.
"Baby wants more? Okay how about this? Feel good?" Yongsun asked pressing a finger to my tightly clenched asshole, the tip barely penetrating me but it felt painful.
"Unnie, it hurts.."
"Aww baby says it hurts. We should fuck her there lots so she gets used to it and it won't hurt anymore." Yongsun said looking at Wheein who nodded her agreement.
"That's right. She'll start to need it in her stinky asshole everyday. Isn't that right Hyejinie?~" Wheein cooed at me. I nodded trusting my unnies blindly. I was theirs after all.
"Such a cutie!~" Moonbyul said next to my ear as she pulled out of me, at the same time, Yongsun pushed her finger in my ass completely. I whined, humping the air, while my asshole clenched tight around Yongsun.
"Hahaha! Our baby is so desperate for us." Moonbyul said as they all laughed at me, my face turned red but I could feel myself getting wetter as they began to strip me and Yongsun was moving her finger inside my tightest hole. She pulled it out and it hurt me again so I whimpered her name which made her coo at me and say it's okay. They pulled off my skirt and panties. Wheein put my wet panties in my mouth and told me to suck on them and keep quiet while they play with me, so I did, tasting myself.
Yongsun unnie showed off her strength and picked me up in her arms which made me squeal and put my arms around her.
"Aww what a cutie! You like being carried Hyejinie?"
I nodded and a muffled yes left my mouth. She smiled at me as she carried me into my bedroom and placed me on the bed and went to grab my toys while Wheein and Moonbyul started sucking on my nipples and brought the fingers down playing with my clit together. I was moaning and whining around the makeshift gag when Yongsun came back into the room. She was naked and wearing a 9in strap on.
"Moonbyul, Wheein-ah, grab a strap." They got off of me while Yongsun crawled over with a bottle of lube. "Hyejinie we're going to be training your asshole today but I promise it'll feel good later and you'll be able to take it anytime like a good girl." She said to me, pulling legs up so my feet were hooked over shoulders, starting to apply lube generously on my asshole and pushing a finger inside before spreading some all over her strap on. She lined it up with my tight hole and started pushing into me, when the tip popped in suddenly my eyes wide wide and I screamed around my pink panties. It hurt too much, and it was so thick, the biggest strap on we had and it was also Yongsun's favourite to fuck me with. I began to tear up and so Yongsun stopped and start to touch my clit instead, she also started cooing at me to calm me down. Moonbyul came over and began to talk to me.
"It's okay Hyejinie, you just need to trust us okay? Give yourself up and it'll start to feel amazing. You're our dumb baby after all, everything will feel good with your unnies." Yongsun began pushing in again while she distracted me and put a hand on my throat. "That's right, our dumb baby. You remember how this all started, years ago right? You were so horny you couldn't hold yourself back and began touching yourself in the living room. We walked in and you still didn't stop. Yongsun had to pull you over her lap and give you a good spanking, but even that made you soaking wet. I made an offhanded comment about you looking like "such a dumb baby" over her lap and you instantly started cumming like crazy." I felt my pussy start to clench around nothing and I was getter wetter and wetter, meanwhile Yongsun was half way into my asshole and Wheein came over to the other side of my body to listen to the story. "We were surprised and you became such a whiny mess and you couldn't think for yourself so we had to do it for you, you really became a dumb baby. Ever since then she's been so submissive when we aren't on camera, always horny and spreading her legs for us. She always climbs into one of our beds because she can't handle being alone without her unnie beside her. Always sucking on our fingers, having us feed her, what else Wheein-ah?" She threw the conversation over to Wheein who had taken over Yongsun's hand on my clit.
"Didn't this dumb baby wet her bed recently?"
"Oh that's right! She was scared being alone at night, probably because she has to think for herself for once, and she pissed all over her sheets. She didn't even get up, she laid there crying until Yongsun noticed and cleaned her up. But we all heard her getting spanked for wetting herself like a baby. We even considered buying her diapers." They weren't even looking at me, the 3 of them looked at each other and spoke of me and my humiliating moments while they played with my body. It was so degrading, but I couldn't bring myself to care. "Ah, I almost forgot to tell you guys, last night Hyejinie was in my bed and she started sucking my nipples." Yongsun let them know what happened last night.
"Woah really? She's becoming more and more like a big dumb baby every day. She used to only suck our fingers." Wheein was clearly amused by the new information.
I felt Yongsun's hips touch the back of my thighs. I had felt myself getting fuller and fuller and now, unnie was in my ass up to the hilt.
"Look, our dumb baby took it all in her stinky asshole!" Yongsun laughed lightly as the others looked her skin on skin with me, sure enough I took it all in.
"Look how wet she is too! This bad girl was trying to fight it but she's so turned on! I bet she loves it in there." Wheein stuck a finger inside me before pulling it out and slapping my clit lightly a few times.
"It's a good thing you brought this in Yong." Moonbyul said while she held something against my pussy. She pushed it in and I felt it's vibrations immediately set to high.
"Yeah I figured she would like that, and she always looks to cute with a vibrator inside her. I bet she's loves having something in both holes." Yongsun moved my legs down onto either side of her and pulled me gently into her lap, her hand stroking my back. I could feel the strap on somehow reach deeper inside me like this. My full pussy was resting against her abs, keeping the toy inside me while it drove me crazy. "Mm her shithole is so tight I can barely move. It's a good thing we used plenty of lube." I was moaning and twitching on top of my unnie and it was hard to hear through my panties. But then Wheein came around to face me and pulled them out of my mouth replacing them with her wet fingers. "Is our dumb baby feeling good? Are you gonna cum for your unnies? You can but we aren't stopping playtime. We're all going to take a turn training that tight asshole." Her fingers were moving wildly in my mouth, before she pulled them out and pushed her tongue in my mouth. Moonbyul came up behind me pinching my nipples so I was sandwiched between my unnies.
When Yongsun started to bounce me on her cock, I moaned loudly into Wheein's mouth. The feeling of double penetration, my clit rubbing on Yongsun's abs, Moonbyul's hands on my breasts and Wheein's very skilled tongue I couldn't even think straight anymore. I was cumming hard and Yongsun's thrusts never stopped. Wheein pulled her lips away from mine.
"You came didn't you dumb baby?" My clit was twitching and throbbing everytime they called me that, I had no idea why I liked it so much, I just feel better when they do. For the last 3 years they would call me that everyday and at least one unnie would play with me most days.
"Answer you dumb baby, are you so dumb you can't talk anymore?" Moonbyul asked pinching my nipples harder.
"Yes! I came! I'm a dumb baby who cums from an ass fucking!" I squealed and they all started laughing at me again which also made me cum again.
"She did it again! So desperate. Bad girl." Yongsun spanked me twice, while they kept laughing.
-A few days later-
I don't know how many times they made me cum that night but they didn't stop the next day. After we woke up they pushed me over the dining table and pushed a dildo in my ass. They would come up to me every couple hours and play with me down there as a part of my "training", the only time my ass had to relax was at night when we were asleep. This morning when I woke up I could hear everyone else has already woken up so I crawled out of Wheein's bed and went to grab a dildo and lube and walked to the kitchen. This was a routine now, I knew to bring it and bend over the counter for my first round in the morning. So I bent over and Moonbyul started to put lube on the 7in dildo. She began to push it inside me easily.
"Our dumb baby has gotten so good at letting things in her butt now. She doesn't even flinch or groan. Look at her getting wet already." The other 2 walked over and after they all thrusted it inside me for a while, they sat me down at the dining table while without removing it.
We ate breakfast together and when we were done, we cuddled on the couch, I felt myself drifting when a hand started touching my bare pussy.
"Aww so wet, she really has gotten used to having things in her butt." Yongsun laid me down on the couch and folded my body so my legs met the sides of my head and my pussy and ass were on full display. Then Yongsun sat on my face facing my holes and the other girls.
"Time to have fun." The two immediately went to my ass to thrust the dildo in and out while my clit started to be lightly stroked by Wheein's finger.
Yongsun pushed herself further on my face and I stuck my tongue out to start rimming her asshole,which was still tight especially compared to mine which would have a noticeable gape once they pulled out. I made sure to lick up my unnie's ass well, it has a taste I have become used to over the years and can even enjoy.
"Yesss that's it, you can lick my butthole so good. I know you love the taste so go on dumb baby, lick it as much as you want." She began to pinch my nipples as grips with she moved her ass back and forth on my tongue, grinding my face."
"Our dumb baby loves to eat ass, she practically fell asleep with her tongue buried in mine last night. I made sure to spank her for dozing off on the job." My childhood friend loves to expose and humiliate me, but she always was gentle afterwards, they all are, which makes me grateful.
" I heard that last night, sounded like she was moaning through it. Our dumb baby really is a slut." Moonbyul spanked my ass a few times to get her point across as I moaned into my unnie's asshole. As I began pushing my tongue into her tight hole, Moonbyul took the dildo out of my ass and shoved it deep into my pussy in a single movement. I moaned and thrust my crotch upwards as they laughed.
Moonbyul left to get more toys and Wheein was thrusting the dildo in and out of my pussy. I could hear how wet I was and feel my asshole gaping open, which has become a normal occurrence over the past few days. Wheein started to spank my ass making me moan into unnie's butthole. I had my tongue inside her now slowly trying lick around her tight asshole before I started trying to thrust my tongue in and out before she got up off of me and told me to open my mouth before spitting in it. She slapped my cheek lightly, then moved on to replace Wheein's hand in spanking me. Telling her to thrust the dildo in me harder, so Wheein climbed on me and sat on my stomach before she began thrusting roughly. She was also keeping me from bringing my legs down in that position. Yongsun started spanking me and I moaned lewdly and without anything to muffle my volume. I always loved Yongsun's spankings, she does it the best and it feels the most humiliating and degrading coming from our leader.
A minute later, Moonbyul returned with some more toys and put them on the coffee table beside the couch. She chose a vibrating 8in dildo and pushed it in my gaping ass easily, she set it to high right away and I came, squirting. I let out a scream as my juices landed all over Wheein and Yongsun, Moonbyul moved away before any hit her, landing on the ground in front of her instead and all over our couch.
"She squirted! She's been doing that a lot recently." Moonbyul noticed.
"Maybe we should start having this dumb baby ask before she cums." Yongsun suggested as she began to spank me harder for squirting on her.
"I can't believe she squirted from pushing a vibrator in her ass." Wheein said and pulled the dildo out of my cunt. I thought it was over, since they might want to wash my juices off them, but Wheein brought her hand down hard on my soaked cunt. "Dumb baby, you're such a slut. From now on ask permission before you cum." She kept smacking my cunt hard without a moments rest. "You're gonna have to say "Mommies please let your dumb baby cum like the slut she is." anytime you're about to cum." She hit me hard during the degrading words, harder than Yongsun who was still spanking my ass, watching my cunt twitch as it was hit. A particular hit on my clit made me squirt again, it landed on Wheein's face and clothes mostly. Yongsun laughed then scolded me.
"What. Did. We. Just. Say. Dumb. Baby." She spanked me so hard on every word it echoed around the apartment and her handprint was burned into my ass. I screamed and moaned loudly so Moonbyul came and sat on my face like Yongsun had.
Yongsun stopped spanking me and began pushing the vibrator in and out of my shithole. Wheein wouldn't stop slapping my dripping pussy and Moonbyul was grinding her ass and pussy on my face while playing with my tits. I was so overstimulated and I could feel their hands all over my body.
"Our dumb baby."
"Look at her clit twitch when it's hit."
"She wants to be used over and over again by us."
"Sit on her face harder, let our dumb baby taste her favourite shithole."
"Mm is my asshole her favourite? Come on dumb baby start licking like a good girl. Mmn that's it. Good girl. Licking my asshole like a kitten drinking milk. Are you our kitten? Wait no. Lion cub. Awww our dumb lion cub."
"Hahaha! Lion cub! I love it. That's right our lion cub loves eating ass."
"Lion cub is also a masochist. How many times has this dumb baby cum today? It's not even noon."
"This dumb baby could cum for hours and still not be satisfied. It's a good thing there's 3 of us to play with her everyday."
"Look at her. She just keeps cumming all over herself and us."
Wheein was right, I was cumming again. I'm their dumb baby and I love being used like this. I don't know how many times I came that day. We only took a 2 hour break around dinner before I got in Wheein's lap she started fingering my cunt while my ass was stuffed by that vibrator again. She fingered me slowly for 10 minutes and right before I was about to cum she pulled out and stuck her fingers in my mouth. I whined out a "why?" while she moved her fingers around my mouth.
"You need to learn to ask permission to cum Hyejinie, so for the next couple days you're gonna learn what it's like to be edged and denied. We all agreed on this, it's for our dumb baby's own good."
Wheein put her hand back on my pussy and started to rub my clit. I knew the next couple days were going to be extremely difficult for me, but as long as I had my unnies everything would be okay, I’m theirs after all.
Honestly, I’m sorry for whatever this is.
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