#can take a lot of damage
firelordgrantham · 2 years
"Heard of Dawn?" Grrakil asked her coworker. "My daughter is reading it and loving it."
"Oh yeah", Buuuurv'a answered. "It's about that femalien who falls into a love triangle between a Lyk'ant'rop and a Human?"
Grrakil raised one of her three eyebrows.
"Wait a minute, what do you mean, a Human? I thought it was a romance, not a horror story?"
"Yeah, we're not in the same litterature we had when we were young, Grrakil. Now Humans are no longer used as monsters, or not entirely. Apparently, a lot of younglings think it's very attractive to be dangerous, resilient to most poisons, able to fight even with a limb cut off, etc."
Grrakil shivered.
"Oh my gosh I remember my encounter with a human" she says. "I'm not supposed to talk about it y'know, military secret and all... but it was terrifying. How do I prevent my daughter from romanticizing blood-thirsty, predator-evolved species?"
Buuuurv'a didn't answer. She didn't have an answer. She had met humans too, although not in a war like Grrakil, she had been an attache at one of the few embassies before the Great War which had diluted them all. She had heard of stories. The humans themselves were romanticizing even more blood-thirsty, predator-evolved species. Apparently there were monster-fuckers everywhere.
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noxious-fennec · 7 months
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C!Q + vylette's fit from Jawbreaker
(aka an idea I've had for every conceivable holiday for months and decidedly couldn't put out on an appropriate date)
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lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
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kinktober day 7: swapping clothes
yippee yay xie lian in red! follow 4 more hua cheng bait 🚩
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martyrbat · 2 months
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please block and report this new scammer (link here to make to easier)—the person theyre impersonating is Yasmeen Ouda and his GoFundMe is still at 11,905 CAD out of its goal of 50k!
Yasmeen's GoFundMe link
His Twitter
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
do NOT think about every piece of gaster-related dialogue we have so far do NOT. it will KILL you. because it's like. are you there? are we connected? the second field. the second connection. have you been looking for me? how wonderful. you are about to meet someone very, very wonderful. this next experiment seems very, very interesting. something i think you will find very, very interesting. i have been looking for you as well. thank you for waiting so long... thank you very much for your time... once more i thank you for your patience in these difficult times... thank you for your time... thanks for your feedback! be seeing you soon! because the time that you will meet her... is fast approaching. after all, you and i, we have both been waiting such a very long time. what do you two think? survey program. (thanks for your feedback! be seeing you soon!) welcome. (welcome.) please read these final warnings. then, take it in your hands. beware of the man who speaks in hands. then the future is in your hands. then the future was covered in darkness. dark, darker, yet darker. the darkness keeps growing... what is its favorite flavor? pain. (is that a cut on your face, or part of your eye?) the pain itself is reason why. you acknowledge the possibility of pain and seizure. well, there is a man here. there is even a man inside this one. there's something here... something in the shape of a man. he might be happy to see you... (what do you think?) then he needn't be there. well, there was not a man here. it is as if it was never there at all. your own name. your own name.
as soon as you put it all together, you realize that underneath it all gaster has an underlying theme of connection in what little dialogue we have from him. that's what deltarune is- a bid for connection with the only beings who can truly know him now. he's trying to reach out to us and he knows we've been looking for him and thinking of him and he thanks us several times in his limited dialogue and he wants to know our name... and he's in pain and he's pulling himself up through hell to give this to us. that's what i'm saying. i need to fucking lie down
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I hate mythic quest (I love mythic quest)
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spaciebabie · 7 months
honestly bro I think the funniest thing Abt being autistic is that I can't tell when people are trying ta be friends with me it just like doesn't click. ppl will all of the sudden start talking ta me and I'll be like, "hm why is this person talking ta me so much all of the sudden do they want something I mean I guess I'll go along with it"
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anthyies · 6 months
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kind of a milf. reblog
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
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I think I’ve solved it. Everything. Our marriage, my return, our newfound loves...
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
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Whew look at you go! Had a small problem with aphids a lil while back, but after a whole lot of diligence they were banished. Still have some of the damaged leaves visible but look at all the healthy new growth!
You may be trying to take over my desk, but I couldn’t ask for a better art companion. The moss in the planter is happy with the frequent watering and shade, but the impatiens is trying to devoir the terrarium moss now too
My oxalis is thriving still, too. But it has its own space above me and isn’t trying to reach out and say hello as much.
Okay, this has been your semi annual habitat update. Back to painting.
Also, hello new followers! Thank you for liking my art.
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hey so do you think wtv keiko had to deal with growing up with yusuke could be considered a type of parentification
#god chapters where barely anything happens except a character's realization about things can be hard ...#im writing another keiko pov chapter and it's hard because well!!#keiko was never really a main focus in the series and as time goes on she gets even less of a focus so i have to fill in these spots#in her personality and views that aren't really explored. im taking a lot of liberties lets say#and idek if it's gonna read as in character cos of that#anyway im tryna say that like. pre series keiko was basically this presence in yusuke's life and he saw her as a pain but he cared#she was there to scold him and cajole him into going to his classes and she was his only friend#now we know atsuko was negligent and idk how involved the yukimuras were in his life but i feel like keiko#whether directly or indirectly was given this duty like you have to keep him outta trouble#you're smart you're mature he needs someone like you. this responsibility just kind of put on her before she can understand the weight of i#and she can't really comprehend that weight until it's abruptly taken from her. yusuke dies and there's no one to shepherd#i feel like keiko should get to be mad about this. this realization of the nature of their dynamic. keiko planning things around yusuke#who's never done that in his life. not because he's purposely being thoughtless but bc he was never the one to have to plan#to think about what their future looks like. he just kinda drifted along and keiko tried to do damage control. it wasn't fair#yusuke is keeping secrets from her she is scared of high school and that he'll die again without her knowing why and it's unfair#so she should get to be mad also because girls getting to be mad is one of my favorite things 👍🏼#the realization that yusuke won't be lost without her so she shouldn't hinge her life on the expectation that he will be#she worries about yusuke a lot i think. especially after he comes back from the dead. and i think kuwa's presence would help ease that#dread in her heart. it doesn't have to be just me. there's someone who can be there with him always and it doesn't have to be me#the guilty relief of not having to be the sacrifice. but kuwa doesn't mind so maybe it's okay this way#idk just rambles about my fic while i puzzle out how to word it#character analysis#yukimura keiko#yu yu hakusho
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thedreadvampy · 11 months
btw about Neil Gaiman I periodically agree with the 'Neil Gaiman is annoying' stuff bc I feel like both he and Amanda Palmer seem like people who I would go insane stuck in a room with bc we have very different ideas about art and suchlike. and I also do think that the career trajectory he's on lately is cynically redoing his greatest hits and pretending that was the dream all along when it clearly was not. which is at best meh.
having said which
as far as I can tell by far the most common complaint about Neil Gaiman is "Snow, Glass, Apples is problematic/gross/it's got incest and rape and frames the child as the aggressor"
which strikes me as a weird complaint to pull out of a 40 year body of work tbh when that short story is pretty clearly coming from a place of 'how far can I push this'. like you don't have to like the story. I don't really like the story. but it is. a horror story.
like and this is the thing with particularly 90s alt horror right? a lot of the interest is in transgression and sitting in the worst possible perspective and seeing what happens if you pull those strings. like I really like Clive Barker for example but there's a good chunk of his short stories that I'm like I'm not picking up what you're putting down Clive this seems Kinda Off. but that willingness to write some trite or Bad Message horror fiction that doesn't land is imo a side effect of being willing to try writing uncomfortable and unpleasant fiction at all. which is what horror is for, among other things, it's for creating discomfort as a form of catharsis or engagement.
like I am not a huge fan of the type of sex-horror that pops up in a lot of Gaiman's work and other contemporary horror writers - to me I don't find it upsetting or horny it just ends up feeling kind of edgy and tryhard - but I'm also a bit like. it does seem like a lot of people's beef with Neil Gaiman is that In The 90s He Was A Horror Writer
and this approach to Problematic Horror in Snow, Glass, Apples I find kind of microcosmic of how The Discourse often approaches art in this kind of 1:1 way. if you write a story which seems to line up with rape apologia it can only be because you agree with it. if you write a story about transphobia you're a transphobe. if you write a story that makes me genuinely uncomfortable you're attacking me.
but artwork, especially art like horror that's not necessarily trying to provoke enjoyment as its main response, is necessarily hit and miss. and if what you're shooting for is discomfort then whether it works, falls flat or goes too far incredibly depends on your audience. and making good art - as in art that makes its audience think, art that opens the audience up to discomfort and catharsis and sticks with them and changes them - requires the space to experiment and tbh the space to fuck up. like they aren't all going to be winners and they certainly aren't all going to work for you as a singular audience.
personally I don't see the appeal of Snow, Glass, Apples, less cause it's nasty and more cause it's hack. ooh an edgy monstrous version of a fairy tale where there's lots of rape and cannibalism? you're soooo original Neil. but like. that's fine. I don't really vibe with like 70% of Neil Gaiman stuff I've read but I still like Neil Gaiman because the stuff that works for me really works for me.
idk I think there's a lot of folk on this website who shouldn't interact with horror cause they clearly aren't interested in being horrified. that's not everyone who dislikes Snow, Glass, Apples, but it's a real undercurrent to a lot of the criticism and tbh this kinda vibe is shit for art. making standout art What Is Good also requires being ready to make art which stands out for the wrong reasons. sometimes they'll be the same art to different people.
#red said#not to Cancel Culture this but isabelle fall springs to mind in a lot of how folks talk about stuff like this#like she wrote a transgressive piece exploring her own negative feelings about transness and her anger around a transphobic trope#and she made something which i found really resonant and interesting#and she got torn apart for it because it Might From Some Angles Agree With Transphobia#and I'm not making a direct comparison. because i think attack helicopter is a really GOOD story and i think SGA is gratuitous and hack#but that's the thing right? transgression and discomfort and speaking about unpleasant things in an openended way are KEY#to making art that engages directly with your own pains and angers and discomforts#and that's hard to mediate tbh. but it's also very necessary.#i think as well thinking about Gaiman this is also a thought I've often had about Amanda Palmer#who over the years has written a lot of songs about things i find genuinely uncomfortable or offensive.#and i can engage with 'it's fucked up to tell your ex they transed their gender At You' or 'your partner's suicide is not about you' bc yeah#but#you can't celebrate someone for making confessional music then get mad because you don't like everything they confess#if you only take about your socially acceptable thoughts it's not really confessional is it?#if you only talk about discomforting things that people are comfortable hearing about its not really discomforting#and you can only really discern what's Good Transgressive and what's Damaging Transgressive through doing i think#so if you want challenging art you are going to have to get some art which challenges you and you go hmm no i still disagree#is what i think#so yeah you can hate the artwork but when an artist is specifically setting out to make challenging art it's weird to hate them#for making 50 pieces of art you like and 1 you hate
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eggbagelz · 7 months
gale voice here feel the pulse of the magic in my heart that will eventually be the end of me. im on my knees before you like an animal showing its belly. im in excrutiating pain bc of the contact with the magic in my heart but please dont take your hand away please dont stop touching me
#gale of waterdeep#paydja plays baldur's gate#the relationship a lot of the companions have with their bodies is fucking fascinating#but gale and karlach's relation to their heart and to human contact is particularly compelling#i cant say who has it worse bc thats a stupid comparison to make when they both have hearts that could literally detonate at any moment#[ik that karlach cant do human contact at all and gale cant but im talking abt emotionally significant contact which is smth they share]#but rn im focusing on gale ill talk abt karlach later#hes so interesting like hes initially played as arrogant but i think that whole thing with mystra#really fucked him up bc he talks abt himself like hes. not a means to an end per se but u get the gist#you can see the way he talks abt sense and sensuality and emotional connection but as soon as you actually offer it via flirting or just#genuine compliments hes always surprised and always changes the subject#partially out of like. emotiona damage and partially bc he doesnt want to go boom#ANYWAY WHAT IM SAYING IS hes in pain bc of the contact being made with the magic that makes up his heart but#by god please dont take your hand away. please dont stop touching him. please#i hate this fucking game i hate it so much#chattering#sorry for the analysis it WILL happen again#im talking abt gale rn bc hes my favourite and currently the character i know the most about via gameplay#but there is PLENTY i can say abt everyone#god i keep saying this but its like why are you so good sometimes and also so bad. fucking Larian.
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wizardnuke · 7 months
i love dnd..i love playing heavy utility/support/backfield and i love having three to six attacks in a turn and an insane ac. at heart im a support player ill get my hands on whatever we're missing in a group
#looks at a druid a fighter and a bard fighter. okay cleric time.#i LOVE playing cleric turns out.#though abjuration wizard is still super super fun its a different flavor of support#it's not buffs it's 'i am going to transfer literally all that damage to myself and war caster style succeed my witchbolt concentration'#doing insane amounts of damage while taking damage (+ with temp hp and then just a lot of hp. im taking the tough feat as soon as possible)#aabria iyengar was right these abjuration wizards are craaaazy. but war domain clerics also fuck hard#my abj wiz is very much an experiment in 'what if someone who is not at all suited to this life tries to adapt as well as she can'#the point is that she isn't a cleric. do u understand. she's not a cleric and that's the point it's the. hbbbgbfhb. she's out here#functioning as a combat medic on some aasimar features + healing kits/potions + arcane ward. Look At Me#i also really enjoy playing nonreligious characters in these worlds where deities 100% exist not in a 'fuck the gods' way but in#a way somewhere between 'i'm all i need' and 'i called and no one answered' and 'may or may not go on an insane power hungry spiral and#try to get a touch of godhood' which is in part very due to my own agnostic and people-loving heart and 'haha what if i icarused this girl'#a resentful caution towards gods an immense respect towards religious companions and 'when your god isn't here to help. i will be'#anyway REACTION arcane ward you don't take damage im fine. next turn reaction shield ward's back up. the thing is.#she will drive her hp down. the ward isn't much like it goes past that temp hp. it's 14hp that shit goes down and carries to her hp#but it never drops. any leveled spell puts hp back into the ward. a 1st lvl shield puts it at 2hp and she can use it again#she is not suited for these conditions but my god it is fun to watch. i care her.#i explained that subclass feature to a player that's not in that campaign and said. like. yeah she can take damage. when her ward drops to#0 it carries to her. any leveled abj spell puts it back up. and she can use it and drive her hp down again.#do u understand what i am explaining to u! do you get it! she is and has always been a punching bag!#she was a very valuable asset to the army and the group she was drafted! into. because when she's there. people just don't fucking go down#aside from her. aside from her. AAAAH. she's so cool. she is very smart i am still riding the high of critting every turn w witchbolt and#reacting to ward a party member against a crit that would have dropped him by taking the hit herself. and she didn't break concentration#badass
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cxpperhead · 7 days
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When stealing things for his employers, it's not unknown for Copperhead to simply swallow them, especially if they are valuables like gemstones. It's easier and more convenient to carry them this way than waste time stuffing them into a bag that's likely to get snagged on something or get snatched away by a pesky vigilante.
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recitedemise · 8 months
𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲, 𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹, and that, rest assured, is NOT just ego talking. Under Mystra's doting guidance, Gale Dekarios, or the esteemed Gale of Waterdeep, was well and truly a nigh on frightening wizard. Having then been a proud owner of the title of archmage, this man's pure arcane might was not to be underestimated. An archmage, or an exceptionally high-classed spellcaster, is no classification easily obtained. One must study hard, rigorously, poring themselves utterly into tomes and practice, and even then, those practitioners of magic that whittle years for mastery? Not even a quarter of them can dream to hold that coveted distinction. Gale, being a conductor of all the elements, was one of the few, both respected and notable. Even now, Gale, though unable to tap into that power he once had, is incredibly well-versed in high arcana. Truthfully, it hurts him to know he's information he can't use, but you should have seen him work when he still possessed the skill... All that secret lore there for the reckoning! All that half-forgotten knowledge there for his use! Not only had Gale known spells most wizards and sorcerers alike could hardly think to conceive, but he was able to warp them with a flick of his fingers, too. In fact, this very man manipulated nature to his control. Casting firebolt with thunder? Or freezing flesh with flames? He was able to do it all, and he'd even the knack for turning spells back to sender, a mere counterspell turned caster's regret. Now Gale, stripped of power, yearns for this strength again. The netherese blight sucks at it. Knowing what he had been, it makes the coping with who he's become infinitely harder, truthfully—and that's saying nothing of his orb or his new illithid companion.
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