#can they just all be gay together so I can sail on a happy ship
theredengineapologist · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! 💙❤
Of course, I had to do something Jameward for the occasion. Even though this meme is literally called "Understand my Ship in 5 Minutes", I still wanted to include some commentary/headcanons because I've been DYING to talk about them forever. So if you're interested, read on under the cut!
(Also, please note that the interpretation of the characters depicted here is specifically for my AU, TTTE: Sudrian Boys)
NAMES: For the sake of making sure their names fit in the boxes, I used the last names they picked for themselves before they got married. When they do eventually get legally married, they'll combine their last names together (a conclusion they got to after much bickering). So respectively, they will be James and Edward Hughes-Pettigrew.
James is GAY. GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Sorry not sorry, but there is not a woman-liker bone in his body.
Edward, on the other hand is bi. Part of me thinks he tends to prefer the company of men, but maybe that's just because there's significantly more male engines on Sodor. Also he is nonbinary. This will be something I explore later. But to summarize, Edward never felt entirely male in the strict sense that humans define it. However, he felt the need to be the consistent, steady, "old reliable" his peers saw him as, so he never questioned what others chose to call him. This changed when "The Great Shift" happened (aka, the engines learning to shift into a human-like form). Edward saw an opportunity to experiment with his presentation, and so he had a brief stint where he tried going in the opposite direction, presenting as a woman named Alice. As fun as it was, however, he found that it didn't feel quite right either. To him, "Edward" was where he felt most at home. He's not a man or a woman, he is just "Edward". Edward uses "he/they" pronouns because those feel the most neutral to them.
HORNY LEVEL: I will not be elaborating.
AWKWARDNESS LEVEL: I don't think Edward and James ever really had an "awkward phase". Before they got together, they always felt comfortable with each other as close friends would. They never really had that thing of "oh I want to tell him I like him but I also don't want him to know". Edward always knew he liked James, he just didn't say anything because he didn't think James was interested. And once James admitted to himself that he liked Edward, he confessed and it was all smooth sailing from there. To be honest, not much changed when they moved from "close friends" to "boyfriends". They still act like close friends, just with added kissing privileges.
JEALOUSY LEVEL: At the point where they're at in their relationship right now, both James and Edward are pretty secure, so it's rare for either of them to act jealous.
From Edward's perspective, he knows that James is young (relatively speaking) and very attractive, so it's hardly surprising to see that other people would try to flirt with him. There's a small pang of jealousy that comes from him thinking James would have preferred someone younger or stronger, but that quickly goes away once he sees James return to being on his arm and very proudly proclaiming he's already spoken for.
From James's perspective, he thinks Edward is the real catch between the two of them. Plus, it's not often that other people would try to shoot their shot with the silver fox. So when other people do try to get a little too close for comfort, James would certainly be stewing in jealousy. If the feeling gets to a certain point, he'd probably make himself known. But once they get home, the situation gets explained out, and they're cuddling on the couch with a blanket and some tea, James finds he can let go of the jealous feeling relatively quickly.
BIG SPOON/LITTLE SPOON: Majority of the time, James is the little spoon. He likes to be held and Edward LOVES holding him. James's favorite thing is when Edward keeps their hand on his chest. But occasionally, they do switch places, especially if Edward has a particularly hard day. Sometimes Old Iron wants to be cuddled too.
LENDS/BORROWS CLOTHES: Both of them tend to steal borrow clothes from each other, but under different circumstances.
At home, it's relatively commonplace to see Edward walking around in one of James's pants, shirts, or even his prized red coat. But more often than not, these are cases of Edward just picking them up of his own accord and James just letting him have it.
Outside, it's James who more actively does the borrowing and Edward who does the lending. James likes to go out ✨IN STYLE✨ without taking into consideration pesky things like the weather. So when James (inevitably) gets cold at night, Edward is the one to lend him his jacket.
PET NAMES: They don't use pet names often, but they do use some of the more basic ones on occasion. For James, Edward would sometimes call him "Jamie", "darling", "dear", or his personal favorite, "love". James usually calls Edward by his full name because Edward prefers it, but sometimes he might slip in an "Eddie", "baby", or a "kitten" in there just to make the old man flustered.
AFFECTION THROUGH WORDS/ACTIONS: This one might seem paradoxical, but let me explain.
James is more receptive to affection through words because he's used to being dismissed. In his worst moments, he can be pretty down on himself as his insecurities eat away at him. At times like these, Edward knows exactly what to say to help James pick himself back up again. It's especially meaningful because Edward absolutely means everything he says. He's not the type to lie just to make James feel better. He's honest and straightforward. If James did something wrong that needs calling out, Edward will tell him (politely of course). So when Edward tells James that he's wonderful or that he's a "really splendid engine", he 100% means it. And you can tell from just the look in his eyes that Edward loves his red boyfriend SO DAMN MUCH.
Conversely, Edward is more receptive to affection through actions. Edward is always the one out caring for everyone else and tends to forget to care for himself too. But at the same time, he's very much the type to never ask for help (even if he needs it). James knows this, so he goes the extra mile to help take some of the load off. If Edward is especially tired one day, James will step up and do Edward's share of the housekeeping without being asked. He'll volunteer to go supervise Bill and Ben so that Edward can take a day off. He'll fix up a warm bath for Edward after a hard day. Anything to make sure Edward is taken care of, James will do it. Not only that, but James is also the one planning most of their dates. ;)
Edward NEVER had any plans to confess to James. Romantic relationships are uncommon amongst engines since there's no real use for them. Plus, he didn't think James would be interested in a plain old iron like himself (as he views himself anyway). So Edward was just content to just feel his feelings and never act on them.
James, on the other hand, took several years to both realize and accept that he was in love with Edward. But once he got to that point, he confessed fairly quickly. Sure, there was a normal amount of hesitation and worry that Edward might not feel the same. But he was about 90% sure that Edward loved him back so he didn't end up worrying that much leading up to the confession.
CAN'T DRIVE LOL: Even as engines, they can't drive themselves. Plus, they know trains are the superior way to travel. So if they ever need to go somewhere while shifted into humans, they just catch one of their friends' trains. I don't think they've ever even sat in a car before.
COOKING: Edward loves to cook (especially baking). It was one of the first hobbies he picked up after learning how to shift and he would often make meals to share for the entire Steam Team. James, on the other hand, can cook, but not nearly as well as Edward. He doesn't know as many dishes as Edward. Even the ones they both know, James's, for some reason, aren't as good. The only time James would ever take over cooking is if Edward is feeling too exhausted to do so. There's a mutual acknowledgement between them (and also the rest of the Steam Team) that Edward is the superior chef (and he also enjoys it more). So if he can help it, James prefers to leave the cooking to Edward.
PDA: James absolutely LOVES PDA. He will take literally every opportunity he can to dote on Edward in public so that the entire island knows that they're together, much to Edward's embarrassment. Edward secretly loves the PDA too, and he appreciates how proud James is to be his boyfriend (and later husband). But Edward would never admit it. He tries really hard to at least appear decent in public. That said, when the opportunity arises, Edward does like getting to flip the script and fluster James in front of onlookers.
OVERPROTECTIVE/CHILL GOING: Both are more than reasonably protective over each other, but for different reasons and under different circumstances.
James gets into accidents relatively often, usually as the result of his own dumbassery. So Edward has gotten to a point where he's not too concerned if James winds up in an accident again. He'll still worry a little and warn James to be more careful next time, but Edward knows after a trip to the Steamworks that his boyfriend will be good as new again.
It's when they're shifted into humans when Edward becomes more protective of James.
Because of the way James looks, it's unfortunately not uncommon for James to get harassed while shifted as a human. When this happens, Edward goes into full protective mode to make sure his beloved stays safe. Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often. But it does happen often enough that Edward feels like he has to keep close watch of James while they're traveling after nightfall.
James, on the other hand, always has a bit of worry for Edward at the back of his mind. He knows Edward is capable of handling himself, but he also knows that Edward is old and doesn't recover from accidents as quickly or easily as he does. He worries that if the damage is too great, Edward could be scrapped. So if Edward were to end up in any sort of accident, James would go ballistic. He's puffing over right away to make sure his beloved is okay and may or may not have a fierce word with whoever caused the accident. The same thing goes when they are in human form. If Edward were to end up in some sort of fight, James would put himself in harms way to make sure Edward is protected (even though in human form, Edward is actually physically stronger than James).
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: Neither of them had any relationship experience before each other, they were each other's firsts. You can maybe argue that Edward has slightly more experience because he's had crushes on other people in the past, but fleeting attraction that is never pursued could hardly count for true experience. Their whole relationship is something that James and Edward are navigating together. It's new and at times a little scary, but there's nobody else James and Edward would rather be with than each other.
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virtie333 · 3 months
Well, hello! First of all, thank you to my regular readers who followed me over to this ship. Second, for those who don’t know me, I usually write for straight monogamous relationships, namely Damerey. But I’ve been wanting to sail on this ship for a long time, and finally got the guts to visit.
It must be noted that while Finn and Poe are in a committed sexual relationship at the beginning of this story, I myself do not know enough about gay sex to be comfortable writing it. Yet. Therefore, this first foray of mine will be focusing on Rey and what her boys can do for her. I may venture further into their relationship in the future.
As always, all sexual relations are consensual and loving!
Explicit Sexual Content, Polyamory (MMF), Oral Sex (both M and F receiving), P in V (all are on Star Wars version of birth control), Multiple Female Orgasms (It’s my party!), Creampie x 2, Way Too Many Emotions Just under 7k Words
Also found on AO3
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Rey was dozing as she sat on the floor, her back against the sofa, the holomovie that BB-8 was projecting in front of her nearing the end, when a soft sigh of pleasure jerked her awake. Grimacing slightly, she glanced over her shoulder at the two people cuddled on the sofa behind her, knowing what she would see. Finn sat with his head resting on Poe’s shoulder, a smirk on his face, as Poe sat with his eyes shut tight, his jaw slack, his breathing heavy. A blanket covered their laps, but Rey was pretty sure she knew what was going on underneath.
With a soft sigh of her own, she turned back to the movie. She wasn’t mad. How could she be mad? The two people she loved most in the galaxy had finally realized they loved each other and had settled into a committed, faithful relationship. They were still her best friends and still in her life, sharing an apartment just down the hall from her own. She was so very happy for them.
But there were still times they inadvertently made her feel so alone.
It wasn’t their fault. They did an amazing job of including her in everything they did, and they never made her feel like she wasn’t wanted. She was busy enough that they had plenty of private time without her, so when she was with them it always felt like the three of them were whole once more, as it had been during the war, when they first bonded with each other. But when it was late, and they were all tired, the two men tended to get handsy with each other, and while she knew they made an effort to not make her uncomfortable, she was far too attuned to the both of them to not notice what was going on.
The last few months since the war’s official end had been busy for all of them. Finn had set off with Lando Calrissian and Jannah to start looking for his birth family as soon as he was able. Rey had hated seeing him go. She had formed a strong attachment to the former stormtrooper, and had even thought there might be more than friendship once upon a time, but when Finn’s attention had turned to Rose, Rey had stopped thinking like that about him. Eventually, he and Rose’s relationship had turned into just friendship, but then the war had ended and he had headed off to seek his past. She supported him completely, but missed him while he was gone.
Fortunately, she still had Poe. When the newly formed Intergalactic Alliance had asked her to join their efforts as they tried to establish a new, peaceful government on Coruscant, she couldn’t help but say yes. Temporarily. When Poe had also accepted their request for his help, she had been overjoyed, knowing she wouldn’t be alone. And Poe had indeed stayed with her through it all, joking that he was protecting her from unscrupulous politicians and making sure she wasn’t taken advantage of. She knew it wasn’t a joke; he really did scare off anyone that even thought about using her for their own political goals. They acquired apartments next to each other and spent most of their free time together, already planning for the day when they could leave the newborn government and do what they really wanted. Poe wanted to start a flight school and Rey, of course, wanted to start training young Jedi. Poe knew the perfect planet for both schools.
The day they learned that Finn had found his home planet, and that both his parents and his two siblings had been killed years ago trying to defend him and other children from the First Order, they had both immediately taken leave and come to him. They brought him back with them to Coruscant, and without almost any discussion at all, he had moved in with Poe. Rey had been so happy to see the two of them finally settle together; it was inevitable, she had thought. They were meant for each other.
Just as she was meant to be alone.
Rey closed her eyes and tried to focus on the words and sounds coming from the movie. She tried to tell herself she wasn’t jealous. How could she be jealous? It’s not like she had ever had a physical, romantic relationship. Why should she miss something she had never had? But maybe… maybe that was her problem. Maybe she was just… horny. Maybe she should take a lover, someone to help her discover the intimacies of sex without the emotional attachment. Could she do that? Could she trust someone enough to become physical with them?
The credits began to roll and she opened her eyes. Now was her chance to escape. She yawned and stretched her arms up into the air. “I think I fell asleep,” she said. “Did I miss anything?”
“Naw,” Poe grumbled good naturedly. “It really wasn’t that good. We need to pick something better next time.”
“I told you,” Finn argued back. “We should have picked Beckett’s Last Stand. That one looked good!”
Rey looked back just in time to see Poe roll his eyes. She laughed, then pushed herself to her feet. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” she told them softly, her heart swelling with emotion as she looked at her boys, still cuddled together on the sofa. She really didn’t want to leave, but she knew she couldn’t stay. “Have a good night.” She turned toward the door.
“Rey?” Finn sat forward suddenly.
She looked at him, then at Poe, who was watching Finn with a furrowed brow. She looked back at Finn. “Yeah?”
Finn glanced at Poe, then he sat back, his expression almost sad. “Nothing. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Rey nodded and gave them a quick grin. Poe was looking at her again, his eyes huge in the dim light of the room. He almost looked… wistful.
She smiled again, turned, and left the apartment.
Tylan Montrose was on the same committee she and Poe sat on. He was tall, smart, funny, and very good looking. He was a few years older than Rey and had been a part of the Republic Navy when the Hosnian System had been destroyed. He had been visiting his family on Vernell when the cataclysm had happened, and he had stayed there to help protect his planet, but he had also been a part of the great force that had attacked Exegol, answering the call for help when it came. He and Poe had become good friends since their arrival on Coruscant, and he had shown a definite interest in Rey. When she had politely declined his offer to go out for caf, Poe, who had overheard, told her that she should have said yes. “He’s a good guy,” he had told her.
If Poe trusted him, then she could. Right?
So, she had found Tylan after their meeting and struck up a conversation with him. After a while, she had asked him to join her for dinner that night at the Rockani, one of her favorite restaurants. He had said yes without any hesitation, a huge smile on his face.
Rey had no clue what she was doing, but she must have been saying the right things that night, because when he saw her to her apartment after dinner and she asked him inside, there was once more no hesitation from him. Unfortunately, only minutes after he started kissing her, she knew it wasn’t going to go any further. She was uncomfortable and felt no desire whatsoever. When she pulled back, Tylan didn’t push forward.
“Too soon?” he had asked.
Laughing nervously, she nodded. “I guess.” She wasn’t sure she would ever be ready. Not with this man. Not with anybody.
He had left without any anger and Rey found herself sitting on the floor, her back to the front door, trying not to cry.
A knock sounded and she jumped. She had a bell. Only one person ever knocked.
Sighing, she stood and keyed the door to slide open. Poe stood on the other side, Finn right behind him. They both looked worried.
“He didn’t stay long,” Poe was saying. “Is everything okay?”
She huffed and turned to walk over to her sofa, sitting down on it heavily. “What? Are you guys spying on me?”
They followed her, and as they often did when they thought she needed comforting (they always knew when she needed comforting), they sat on either side of her, Poe on her left, Finn on her right.
“Of course not,” Finn was saying.
“We just knew you had a date with Tylan and were paying attention when he brought you home.” Poe was looking at her intently. “He… didn’t try anything you didn’t want, did he?”
Rey looked at him, giving him a smile with no humor in it. “Don’t you think you would have found him in two pieces on the floor if he had?”
He rolled his eyes and brought his arm up around her shoulders. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Just not your type, huh?” Finn asked, leaning into her.
She sighed, already more comfortable sandwiched between these two men than she had been with Tylan at any point during their date. “I’m not sure I have a type,” she said. “I just want…”
“What?” Finn whispered.
“Someone with a lightsaber as cool as yours?” Poe asked.
Rey laughed and turned to him. “There is no such person.”
Poe grinned. “True.” His smile faded and he looked past her at Finn. “But… there is us.”
Rey frowned at him, glanced at Finn, then back at Poe. “You?”
Poe nodded. “Yeah. Finn and I.”
Rey’s heart started to race. “I – I’m not sure what you mean?”
“We love you, Rey,” Finn said, bringing his face close to her. When she turned toward him, he brought his forehead in to touch hers.
“And I love you both, but…”
“You have each other.”
“You don’t think we’re capable of loving you just as much as we love each other?”
“I… I didn’t think you looked at me that way.” Her voice sounded small. Hopeful.
“We always have,” Poe said softly. “We’ve been wanting to ask if you felt the same for a while. I knew you felt that way for Finn, I just…” he paused, glancing at Finn again, then looking back at her. “I just wasn’t sure you looked at me like that.”
Rey stared at him now, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. “I do,” she whispered. “I always have. Since the first day I met you.”
“I told you so,” Finn said, a smile on his face.
Poe shoved Finn slightly with the hand that was over Rey’s shoulder, then focused on her again. “Do you trust us, Rey?”
He nodded. “Then let us take care of you.”
Rey felt a sudden tightness between her legs at his words, and she squeezed her thighs together, the shot of desire much stronger than anything she had ever felt before. She looked back and forth between the two of them, in awe of how they were both focused on her, looking at her the way she had only seen them look at each other before. Was it possible, she wondered? Was it true that she could really become a part of their bond in this way?
“Yes,” she whispered. “Please, yes.”
They ended up at Poe and Finn’s apartment because Rey mentioned that their bed was much bigger than hers.
Rey couldn’t believe how excited she was as these two men she loved and trusted more than anyone led her into their shared bedroom. Once there, Finn wrapped his arms around her and began to gently nuzzle her cheek. “You’ll let us know if we do anything you don’t like, right?”
Rey nodded, suddenly afraid. What if she didn’t like any of it? She’d touched herself in the past, but it had always led to less than satisfying results. Maybe she couldn’t enjoy sex?
Finn moved his face closer to hers and she closed her eyes as his lips made contact. He was so gentle, and so careful, and she liked it. It wasn’t at all like the kisses she had just shared with Tylan. She wanted more.
She brought her arms up around his neck and opened her mouth, inviting more from him, and he responded by opening his own mouth and letting his tongue touch hers. She shivered, loving the sensation, and began tasting him in earnest. He moaned, his arms tightening around her middle. All too soon, he pulled back, looking behind her at Poe. She also looked over, a bit dazed, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the older man’s bare chest. He had removed his shirt while she and Finn had been kissing.
He looked at her, a question in his eyes, and Rey reached for him, anxious to touch him. To taste him next. He smiled and drew her into his arms as she ran her hands along his bare shoulders.
“Poe’s gonna lead us through this, okay?” Finn said quietly from behind her. Rey looked at him over her shoulder. “I didn’t have a whole lot of experience before he and I became lovers, and none of it was really great until him.”
Rey looked back at Poe. “I have no experience,” she whispered.
Poe smiled softly. “I think you’ll figure it out pretty quick,” he told her. He looked at Finn. “This is going to be all about Rey tonight, Finn. Is that okay?”
“Absolutely,” Finn responded without hesitation. “I can’t wait to see her come over and over and over…”
“Finn!” Rey giggled, feeling her face heat. She looked at Poe, suddenly nervous again. “What if I can’t?”
Poe brought a hand up and stroked her cheek. “Judging by your reactions to us, I think you can,” he told her. “But even if you can’t, we’re still going to make this as enjoyable as possible for you. Deal?”
Rey nodded, and Poe’s lips quirked once more before he moved in to kiss her. Rey didn’t even hesitate this time, opening her mouth to accept his tongue, loving the feel as much as she had with Finn. As they kissed, she felt Finn’s hands on her hips, stroking her through her leggings, squeezing her. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to have them both touch her bare skin. She ran her hands down along Poe’s chest, enjoying the smoothness and heat of his skin. She looked down as her fingers trailed over his nipples, watching as they peaked at her touch. She looked over at Finn, realizing he, too, had removed his shirt. His dark chest was just as smooth as Poe’s but different. The contrast between the two men excited her. She wanted to explore them both completely.
Poe began to kiss and lick on her neck and she closed her eyes, letting her head fall back. Finn’s hands had worked up to the front of her body and were skimming up under the loose silky shirt she had worn for her date with Tylan. She held her breath as they reached her breasts, which she had left bare as she usually did when she wasn’t working. She let out a gasp as his hands cupped her gently, his large, rough fingers squeezing her firmly. A rush of moisture flowed from between her legs, and she wanted to be embarrassed, but she felt too good. Both of them touching her, standing shirtless with her tucked between their hard bodies…
She cried out, her knees feeling weak. She grasped Poe’s arm with one hand and reached back for Finn’s shoulder with the other to keep herself upright. “Kriff!” she swore. She never swore!
Poe lifted his head and she could hear his soft chuckle in her ear. “Yeah, I think you’re going to enjoy this, Sunshine.” He moved back more and she immediately missed his heat. “Let’s get you undressed,” he said, then looked at Finn.
She glanced at the man behind her, who was grinning and nodding. He also stepped back a bit, grasping the hem of Rey’s shirt and pulling it up and off of her in one smooth movement. Rey gasped again, looking at Poe in surprise, feeling far too exposed. He was looking at her breasts, biting his lower lip, and his appreciative expression actually soothed her. He looked up at her, maintaining eye contact with her as he stepped close once more. He reached for the fastener to her leggings on her hip, undoing it while he nuzzled her nose with his. He glanced behind her to Finn, and once more the two men seemed to communicate silently, as both reached for the waistband of her leggings and began tugging them down, taking her underwear with them.
Rey bit her lip as she reached out to brace herself on their shoulders, a laugh of pure joy bubbling up as they worked together to get her shoes and leggings off. Before she knew it, she was completely naked and the two men stood straight, both moving in front of her, both looking at her with hot eyes.
“Perfect,” Poe whispered.
“Kriffing beautiful,” Finn agreed.
Rey felt her whole body heat and knew her skin, so much paler than either of them, was turning bright red in various locations.
Poe smiled again, warm and inviting. “Why don’t you lay down on the bed, Rey?”
Taking a deep breath, Rey did as he asked, her legs still shaking. She crawled to the middle of the big bed, then lay down on her back, bracing herself on her elbows as she watched the men in front of her work at removing their boots and trousers. They were so different, she thought. The way they looked, the way they moved, the way they spoke. And yet, their hearts were almost identical. She felt tears form in her eyes as they gave each other a sweet kiss, suddenly knowing that was why she loved them both. They were both so very good, two extraordinarily kind people who had lived very hard lives and were now ready to live their happily ever after.
And they wanted her to be a part of it.
Her eyes were drawn downward as they turned to face her once more. Again, they were very different from each other, but both were rather intimidating. While she may have never had intercourse before, she wasn’t unfamiliar with male human anatomy, and both of these specimens were impressive. Finn’s was a bit longer, she thought, and the head was larger, but Poe’s was overall thicker. Finn was already almost fully erect, his dark cock standing stiffly out from a thin nest of black hair. Poe had more hair, and he was still only at half-mast. He gripped himself as she watched, running his hand along his length, and she knew it was age and experience that made him seem more relaxed, not lack of desire. She felt her pussy leak and she moaned softly, her hips rocking unconsciously.
Poe gave her a wicked smile and moved to the side of the bed on her right, still stroking himself. “Mmmmm,” he hummed. “You smell that, Finn?”
“Frick, yes!” Finn exclaimed, moving toward the opposite side of her.
They both climbed on the bed, stretching out on either side of her. “Let’s give her the perfect first time,” Poe whispered. Rey let herself fall back completely on the bed, and Poe followed her, taking her mouth with his once more and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. She felt Finn’s hand on her breast, and then his mouth. She arched her back and moaned into Poe’s mouth. She felt a hand, she wasn’t sure whose, gently grab her left wrist and direct her to Finn’s cock. She wrapped her hand around him, and as she did so the person directing her, Poe she determined, took her other wrist and directed it to his cock. Then he left her lips and moved down to mouth her other breast. She cried out, her hips jerking upward as they both began to suckle on her gently, her hands tightening on their cocks. “Oh, my stars!” she cried, as even more wetness leaked from her pussy.
Poe’s fingers found their way down her belly and were soon delving between her legs. “Shit, Finn!” he cried softly, lifting his head from Rey’s breast to look at his partner. “She’s so fucking wet!”
Rey watched as Finn brought his hand down to join Poe’s, and she almost began crying as they both fingered her, touching her where nobody but herself had ever been. “Oh, please!” she cried, tears leaking from her eyes.
“I want to taste!” Finn said, his voice rough. “If she tastes half as good as she smells…”
“Rey?” Poe was looking at her, one eyebrow arched. Asking for permission. At this point, she was quite sure she would deny him nothing.
“Please! Yes, please!”
Both men smiled and glanced at each other before sliding down the sheets. Rey automatically lifted her legs, spreading them wide, and they easily slipped underneath, placing her ankles on their shoulders, holding her open.
“Fuck, Poe! Look at her!”
“She’s dripping! All for us, Finn!”
Rey cried out, arching her hips up toward them, her heels digging into their shoulders, uncaring how desperate she seemed.
They heeded her unspoken request and dropped their heads, lips and tongues and teeth attacking her center. Her inner thighs, the super sensitive area between the crease of her thigh and the edge of her pussy, the lips of her pussy, her clit. They never stilled, working her over as she never, ever dreamed she would enjoy. As Finn toyed with her clit with his tongue, Poe inserted a finger into her cunt. She rocked against it, shocked how much she loved the intrusion and how much she wanted more. Soon, another thick finger joined the first, and Finn began sucking gently on her clit. She felt her body quicken shockingly fast, and the explosion took her by surprise. Her vision flashed white and she screamed, her hands coming down on top of the heads of her tormentors. She gripped Poe’s thick hair and her fingers tightened along the curved braids along Finn’s skull.
She felt her body go limp and she dropped her hands, opening her eyes to see both men smiling at her, almost giddy. “Told ya,” Poe said smugly.
Rey laughed, her body still trembling.
Poe turned to Finn and the two kissed, sharing her juices between them. Rey moaned at the sight, shocked that she could get so turned on again so fast. Poe pulled back first. “Keep her wet down here,” he told Finn. “I’m going in.”
Finn grinned. “Yes, sir.” Rey shifted, hoping she was ready for whatever Poe had planned. It was apparent as she watched them together that while she suspected Finn topped when they had sex, Poe was still in charge. She had to admit, she liked having him in charge.
He slid up to lie next to her again, then gently pulled her right arm upwards. “Lay on your side,” he said softly. As she did so, he positioned himself behind her and then reached down to pull her right leg up. She didn’t resist, but then whimpered as Finn immediately dived in to start licking her wide open pussy once more. “We want you wet and loose,” Poe whispered in her ear. He nipped her lobe, which sent a whole new batch of shivers up her spine. “No pain today. Not if I can help it.” As he spoke, he let her leg down to rest over his hip and he used his hand to direct his cock up to her weeping hole.
She felt him slide inside with no resistance whatsoever, the pressure was intense and amazing. “Oh, my Force!” she cried. “Oh, yes!” She felt Poe smile against the back of her jaw where his face was resting, and then his hips were moving. Back and forth he moved, sliding in and out of her. Finn continued to tongue her clit and she closed her eyes, so absorbed by the pleasure she was feeling that she felt as if she were floating.
“Oh Kriff!” she heard Finn mutter.
“Stay with us, Rey,” Poe growled in her ear.
She opened her eyes and realized she was floating. Not very high, but high enough her boys were having a tough time finishing what they started. She gasped a laugh and dropped back to the bed. “Sorry,” she huffed.
Poe chuckled, and she could feel it as well as hear it with his chest pressed against her back once more. “I’m taking it as a compliment. How about you, Finn?”
“Hell, yeah,” her best friend uttered as he continued his ministrations between her legs.
Poe’s thrusts got a bit harder and Rey could feel her body climbing once more, this time a little slower. But not much. She reached for her release this time, knowing exactly what awaited her and craving it. Her body spasmed even harder, and Poe’s arm tightened around her middle, holding her close to him until she came back to herself. It was an amazing, comforting feeling. She brought up her right hand to lace her fingers with his where they rested on her belly. She used her other hand to push gently on Finn’s head, asking him to stop, as Poe slid out of her.
Finn moved up again so that they lay face to face, and she smiled softly at him. He stroked her cheek gently, then moved in to kiss her. He tasted salty and a bit sweet. He tasted of her.
They lay there together for a long moment, letting Rey rest, but soon she became aware of Poe’s still hard cock poking her buttock, and Finn’s was bobbing gently between them. She looked him in the eye. “I want you, now.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, his dark eyes gentle but excited. She felt another gush of wetness between her legs at his husky voice.
“Oh, yes.”
Immediately, Poe moved away from her, gently pushing on her shoulder so that she once more lay on her back. Finn moved to Rey, his muscular body seeming huge as he kneeled between her legs and lowered himself over her. He settled on his elbows as Poe demanded softly, “Lift your knees, Rey.”
She did as asked, and felt the tip of Finn’s cock brush up against her clit. She arched up and cried out.
“You want me inside you?” Finn asked, his voice rough, his jaw tight.
“Yes!” she almost shouted. “Please, Finn!”
“Listen to your Jedi Master, Finn,” Poe grumbled, his expression almost wild.
Finn groaned and used his hand to aid in his entrance, then he slid in just as easily as Poe had. Instinctively, Rey brought her legs up further so she could wrap her ankles around his thighs as he began to thrust. She gasped and threw her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes. How did she never know how good this could be?
She opened her eyes to see Poe’s face next to hers. “You like that?” he asked, his eyes dark, his pupils dilated in excitement. “You like Finn fucking you?”
“Yes!” she groaned, then reached for him, grabbing him by the back of the head and pulling him down for a kiss. He devoured her mouth as Finn started thrusting harder. Rey once more felt her body ignite and knew what was coming. She pulled back, shouting “Yes!” into Poe’s mouth.
“Come again, Sunshine!” Poe demanded. “Come again for us!”
And she did.
Poe was the one who got up to get them some water a short time later.
She watched as he walked naked across the room, his penis still erect, the head red and weeping. She looked down at Finn’s cock as she sat up, realizing that he was still hard, too. As Poe brought back a large glass of water, Rey looked back and forth between them. “Are you..” She cleared her throat. “Are you going to… come?”
Poe just smiled at her as he sat on the edge of the bed, handing her the water. “Well, I would like to at some point,” he said, his voice teasing. “I’m sure Finn would, too.” Finn nodded his head vigorously. “I guess the question is where do you want us to come? On you, on each other, or in you?”
“In me!” Rey exclaimed without hesitation, then she looked down, embarrassed, as she took a sip of water.
Poe’s smile just got bigger. “I was hoping you’d say that. You’re up to date on your contraception shots, I assume?”
Rey nodded, looking up at him again, then looking at Finn as she handed him the glass.
Finn grinned as he accepted the water. “It’s gonna get messy,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
“It’s already messy,” Poe argued. “Have you seen what this woman is doing to our bed?”
Rey reached over and slapped his chest lightly with the back of her hand. “And whose fault is that?”
The three of them laughed as they passed the glass around, finishing the water. Rey noticed that their erections had softened a bit during their rest, but Poe had a solution for that.
He lay on his back and patted his thighs. “Ride me, Rey,” he told her.
She straddled his thighs and watched as Finn sidled up next to them, laying half on his side facing them. He and Poe kissed before Poe looked at Rey once more. “Take us both in hand,” he said. “You’ve got two of them for a reason.”
Rey giggled and rolled her eyes. “Very funny,” she said as she took him in her left hand and Finn in her right. She began to slide her hands up and down their cocks, her breathing quickening once more. She could feel them get stiffer in her hands, and she was not surprised when her body responded with even more moisture.
“There you go, Sunshine,” Poe said softly. She was already dripping on his thigh. “Now, when you’re ready, mount me.”
She nodded, let go of Finn, then shuffled forward and up, slowly impaling herself on Poe’s cock. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned. This position was different, but felt just as good.
“Good girl,” Poe said, and Rey felt her breath catch.
“Hmmm, she likes that,” Finn growled. They had both noticed her reaction to Poe’s praise.
Poe grinned. “Just like you like being told what a good boy you are?”
Rey looked at Finn who looked moderately embarrassed. He sat up a bit and leaned toward her. “I guess we’re both lucky we found our Dom, huh, Rey?”
Rey nodded, not really wanting to contemplate the fact that she liked being told what to do. But only by Poe.
“So, does that mean you’re going to keep doing what I tell you, Rey?” Poe asked, one eyebrow raised.
Remembering what Finn had said to him earlier, Rey bobbed her head. “Yes, sir.”
Poe nodded, then shifted his hips, making Rey gasp. “That’s my girl,” he whispered. “Now, lean over and put Finn’s cock in your mouth.”
Rey’s eyes immediately turned to the cock in question, then she looked upward to see Finn, an excited look on his face, lay back down, scooching up a bit so she had easier access to him. Licking her lips, she grabbed his once more fully erect penis and bent over it. Carefully, she wrapped her lips around the large head, curiosity and desire driving her on. Poe was rocking his hips up into her steadily, and as she tasted Finn for the first time, she felt another wave of immense pleasure wash over her. She began to rock her own hips to meet Poe’s thrusts and matched the movement with her hand on the base of Finn’s cock, squeezing him as she sucked on his tip.
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” she heard Finn groan, and she looked up to see him lean over and kiss Poe. “This is a kriffing dream come true,” he said, breathing hard against Poe’s mouth.
Poe groaned and closed his eyes. “If this is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up!”
His hips increased their pace and Rey couldn’t concentrate on Finn anymore. She sat up, her hands on Poe’s belly, rocking against him, seeking that amazing high she knew existed now. She reached for Finn’s cock again, trying hard to focus on him as well as her own pleasure, but the feelings were too intense. “Oh!” she cried. This felt different. Less like an explosion and more like a tidal wave. Her thighs started to tremor uncontrollably and she felt as if she was falling. “Finn!” she cried as she reached for him.
He sat up and pulled her into his arms. “Let go!” he told her. She did, letting the wave take over and crying out into Finn’s shoulder. She looked at Poe as she slowly came down, wondering if he had felt the same intensity she had.
He was looking at her with wide eyes. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he said gruffly.
She started to back off of him, only to realize he was still hard. “Poe,” she said as Finn let her go. “You didn’t come.”
He smiled. “I will, Sunshine,” he told her. “But I want Finn to claim you first.”
Finn’s expression was startled. “Poe?”
“You found her first,” Poe said with a soft smile. He pushed back and sat up. “But you better hurry. I’m not going to wait for my turn forever.” He gripped his cock, running his thumb over the tip and the bead of precum that sat there.
Finn looked at Rey. “Okay.”
Rey nodded. “Okay.” She bit her lip. “How..?”
“Can I..?”
“Oh, just take her from behind,” Poe interrupted. “You know you want to.”
Rey grinned at Poe’s outburst, then she softened her smile for Finn before turning her back on him, spreading her legs and leaning down to brace herself off of her elbows. She looked back at him over her shoulder. “Come on, General. Give it to me.”
As Finn groaned, Poe shook his head. “Oh, Kriff! We created a monster.” He shoved Finn’s shoulder. “Hurry up and fuck her!”
Finn did as told, moving up behind Rey and pushing into her in one smooth motion. Rey gasped, once again startled and pleased all at the same time by the different feel these different positions gave her. He was so deep like this. And he was so hard!
“I’m not gonna last long,” he huffed as he began to thrust.
Rey couldn’t form any words as the slap of his hips against her ass got louder and faster. Kriff! She wasn’t, either! His hands gripped her hard, his fingers biting into the flesh of her waist. He moved one, placing it flat against her back in between her shoulder blades, but he didn’t put much pressure on her. It was almost as if he was bracing himself, so he wouldn’t fall over onto her. Her fingers gripped the bedsheets tight.
“I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m coming,” he began to chant.
“Give it to her, baby!” Poe growled.
Poe’s exclamation was all it took for Rey to feel her body overload once more. It wasn’t as strong as before, but it felt amazing, especially when combined with the feel of Finn’s release inside of her. She could almost imagine his hot seed coating her insides. As she suspected, he fell onto her, but not heavily, catching himself before his full weight came upon her. He kissed her shoulder blade wetly, then turned to Poe, who was laughing joyfully. They kissed, then Poe leaned down to kiss her as well. “I can’t even explain to you how beautiful you two look together,” he said, his eyes huge.
Finn backed up, pulling out and pushing himself up to the head of the bed, falling back onto the pillows. “Your turn, General.”
Poe looked at him, then looked at Rey. For the first time that night, there seemed to be some uncertainty in his expression, and Rey remembered that they had not asked her if she wanted this sooner because Poe believed Rey didn’t love him the way she loved Finn. She smiled and turned over onto her back, keeping eye contact with him. She spread her legs wide, grasping herself under the knees, holding herself open.
“Your turn, General,” she repeated Finn’s words.
His chest heaving, his cock now rock hard, he moved to kneel between her thighs. He placed his hands gently under her knees, pushing hers away, holding her open himself now. Still looking her in the eye, he moved forward and slid into her without any assistance. Rey was super sensitive now after literally being fucked over and over again by these men and coming… five times now? But she wanted this. She wanted him. All of him.
“You feeling my cum in there, Poe?” Finn said with a grin. “Got’cha a little extra lube this time. Not that you need it with how much she wants you.” His voice had gotten deep and lazy as Poe started driving in and out of Rey. Long, slow thrusts. Finn’s words combined with Poe’s intense look was too much!
Rey threw her head back. “Oh, please! Fuck me! Give it to me!”
With a soft roar, Poe obeyed and began thrusting hard. The slap of their skin, the squelching sound of his entry into her now saturated pussy, the grunts as he worked his hips into her… “Ahhhhhh! Poe!” Rey screamed, coming hard, her body spasming. She reached for Finn and he grabbed her hand, hanging on tight.
Poe’s body seized up as he began to fill her with his seed, his hips pulsing a few more times as he emptied himself. Rey fell limp. She let go of Finn’s hand and brought both of hers up to her face, rubbing against her eyes as she felt the tears come, overwhelmed.
She felt Poe slowly back out of her, but his fingers were up against her pussy immediately. “None of that!” he said huskily. “You stay in there were you belong,” he said as he pushed into her sensitive hole. He was pushing his and Finn’s combined cum back into her. Finn moved to help him and the two grinned at each other, kissing as they fondled her sore pussy gently. She giggled, knowing they were intentionally making her laugh, doing their best to keep her from becoming too emotional.
They looked at her, and their expressions made her want to cry again. It was a combination of love and awe, and she knew exactly how they felt.
Poe cleared his throat. “Come on,” he told her, moving to help her sit up and move back up to the head of the bed. Finn jumped off and headed for the ‘fresher, bringing back a couple of wet washcloths. Together, they cleaned up Rey and each other before settling on either side of her.
Rey was so, so tired, but even as sated as she was, she couldn’t help wondering if they expected her to leave and go back to her own apartment for the rest of the night. Force knows she didn’t want to.
As if he was reading her mind, Poe’s voice broke the silence.
“Move in here with us, Rey.”
For a moment, Rey truly believed she was imagining things, that her hopes and wishes were just manifesting themselves through dreams.
“You don’t have to,” Poe continued, his voice nervous now. “I mean, you’re used to living alone. Having your own space. I get it.”
Rey lifted her head and looked at Finn. “Do you want me to move in?”
He smiled and touched her cheek. “Yeah. But we’re not going to pressure you. We know it will probably cause a lot of gossip if you do.”
She scoffed. “As if I’m not already the brunt of gossip around here. Besides, we won’t be here much longer.” She looked at Poe. “Right? We’re still going to Yavin IV when things here are settled?”
Poe blinked quickly, and Rey could see the tears in his eyes. “Yeah, Sunshine. As soon as we can.”
“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I’ll move in with you.”
“I love you, Rey,” he said softly.
She reached up and ran her hand along his beard stubble. “I love you, Poe.” She turned to Finn. “And you, Finn. You both mean so much to me.”
“I love you, Rey,” Finn told her, his eyes shining now. He looked up and over her head at Poe. “And I love you, Moof Milker.”
Poe leaned over Rey and pushed his hand into Finn’s face. “I love you, too, Fart Face!”
Rey started giggling madly as she started tickling Poe.
He jerked back. “Hey! No fair!” He started tickling her back. Finn joined in and they wrestled with each other for a moment, but exhaustion soon overtook them all.
Curled up between her boys, it didn’t take long for Rey to fall asleep, knowing that whatever the future threw at her, she had finally found her happily ever after.
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riversofmars · 4 months
So I've finally finished listening to Echoes (yes I had this boxset preordered since it was announced, and yes I was incredibly slow to listen to it) and how do Liv/Helen shippers keep winning even when we've already lost (coz Liv returning to Tania at the end of Stranded)??
From episode 2: "Helen - she's my...she's everything I have left"???? I screamed??
Episode 3 where Helen went and got Liv's stuff from the TARDIS but also got her a book in case she can't sleep and a bottle of water and an apple???
Every boxset since Stranded has had Liv be ferally gay over Helen (and has obviously confirmed our favourite lesbian is in fact a lesbian ofc)
And I'm so confused by what Big Finish is doing playing with our hearts like this - but I will also gleefully, and gayfully accept whatever Liv/Helen we can get. Thoughts?
Honestly, I have no idea what Big Finish are thinking other than
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Who knows, maybe they have realised that Liv/Helen sells??? And that they made a mistake with the Stranded ending??
But seriously... I hope there is a point to it all. It really does feel like they're doing it on purpose, it's SO SHIPPY! Albie's Angels was just... HELEN CHENKA?! Come on. And you're so right. How easy would it have been to have Liv say "Helen is my best friend!". Having her break off mid-sentence is a conscious choice and you can't tell me otherwise. And that scene where Helen brings Liv all that stuff and then offers to go back? ADORABLE. They're everything.
Now the way I see it... For the ending of Stranded to make sense, it can only be one of two things really. Either Liv and Helen get together and Helen dies... and Liv returns to Tania cause she can't face being with the Doctor without Helen and she tries to bury her grief that way. It would be horrible and unfair, but it would make at least a little bit of sense, because why else would Liv Chenka, brilliant med-tech from the 30th century, want to be in 21st century London where she will be bored out of her mind and never see her sister again?? It just doesn't make sense for her character unless something fundamentally changed her like the death of the woman she loved. BUT LET'S NOT THINK LIKE THAT OR I'LL CRY.
The other option, and I'll hold on to this, is that maybe they all get a happy ending and there are two Livs somehow. We already know from the end of The Robots that there is a Liv duplicate out there. While that duplicate would only have the memories of up to Escape From Kaldor, that doesn't mean that something like that couldn't happen again. This is Doctor Who after all! Think of Rose getting her personal Doctor. Maybe they send a duplicate back to Tania so she gets to be happy too (and the Stranded ending that BF may have realised was silly will still work) and Liv and Helen stay together.
Honestly, who knows! But I will also hang on every scrap BF throw us. The Liv/Helen ship is sailing strong as ever and I think BF may have noticed and decided to cater to it.
I imagine it will be a while for another set for them (though I am curious as to Hattie's role in the Time War one, that will be interesting!) and I don't know if we will ever get a resolution for them, but in the meantime, I say let's be vocal about the ship on socials, hoping BF continue to take notice and give us everything we want. It seems to be working at the moment :D
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kunosoura · 3 months
top 5 ships
I'm not a huge nerd for like sailing/space flight/etc so when we're talking ships the ones I like the most are more for what they Represent. So in no particular order:
The S.S. Stormborn from Naddpod, I just love the story beat of an orphan learning about his parents and taking up his father's place on the helm of his old ship
The Bebop (and every scifi ship that's like "this is a piece of shit like fishing/shipping/industrial ship converted for use as both a home and a workhorse for a group of grey market mercenaries trying to eke out a living in the stars)
Arsenal Gear from MGS2. There's something about that completely impractical and overblown sort of scifi maximalism prompting people to make impractically huge floating fortresses that I simply adore.
In what is I guess the complete opposite of the last example, The Lookfar from Earthsea. One boat that can comfortably fit maybe two people and the endless potential of the seas stretching in every direction.
That one flying ship from pokemon the movie 2000 no thematic notes here I just thought it was sick as fuck as a kid
You're probably actually asking about my favorite fictional relationships (canon or theoretical), I don't do fandom type shipping stuff that much but here's what I got for you. Maybe not top five, no particular order, but I think about these a lot.
Madohomu. You might have seen this coming. Girl with something wrong with her x girl with something wrong with her. Aloof facade hiding mountains of pain x emotions worn on the sleeve in the face of incomprehensible horror. Incompatible self sacrifice complexes. No possible happy ending.
Narusasu. You probably also saw this one coming. It's a perfect tragedy. Naruto really was the only person who understood Sasuke's pain, and he used that influence to win him back to subservience to liberalism and away from in any meaningful way changing the system that had forced them both to endure isolation and nightmares as children. Then they fucked off to the least happy heterosexual marriages in the world. Sublime.
Franklin and Charlie from Merrily We Roll Along. You know that old saying about how some men ruin the lives of every woman they love because their soulmate is a man? Franklin Shepard is the gay Sondheim character, NOT Bobby (who I will go to my grave saying is and has always been intended as a straight man). He got caught in a raid on a Greenwich village and had to get counseling in the 60s ffs like that's like textual!!! When his first wife is brought up he's a little bitter in the easy ough bitch ex wife taking all my money way but apparently bringing Charlie up after their alienation is a surefire way to get him in a horrible mood. The story is to me all but textually about a man driving himself further and further into the closet so he can succeed in Hollywood.
aw man you guys can't make fun of me for this one you have to promise but I still find monica/chandler cute. Like yeah largely nowadays I consider friends to be an extremely dated show that is all but unwatchable because of how much it relies on a style of tv storytelling that has all but died out and how it stretched the few decent things it had over way too many seasons and also its shitty politics. But I still like the monica/chandler relationship. It's cute and they're sweet.
I don't know if I'd say this is an all timer for me but lately I've been really sort of savoring the dynamic between Ssrin and Anna from Exordia. There's so much sensuality between them whenever they're on the page together. Really saves that book from the endless mire of drama between those two gay ass cops.
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shioribara-eons · 1 year
Ahem, why I think, Killugon is canon. An essay I wrote :3 ⚠️ ANIME SPOILERS ⚠️
Here I am going to explain why I think shipping Killugon is good, and why it is not a bad or toxic ship, as well as reasons it is going to be canon. This can also be for my own reasons, because if i seem to not like this ship in the future, i have a reason to tell why i did. Also or all those (omg yr gross don't ship that go oners) I DO use other websites from which I resourced this info on, but I made sure to list the places they came from. I also use other anime to compare, just based off my own personal viewing experiences. I HAVE WATCHED ALL 148 EP OF HXH, BUT HAVE NOT READ THE MANGA (just keep in note).
I WANT TO MENTION THIS COMES FROM A X MY HERO BAKUDEKU SHIPPER, WHICH I AM VERY ASHAMED OF. I quite dislike the Fandom and show now, for reasons I am not quite sure of myself, but as I moved to newer and newer, (and less toxic fandoms) I was able to view the Fandom from an outsiders viewpoint. I won't say that I was not apart of that Fandom once, because then I would be lying to myself.
Alright, now Killugon time.
So I'm saying this to combat all anti killugon shippers, who beleave the ship is toxic. I have a strong true belief that as long as you ship a non toxic, and happy relationship ship, that has meaning or shows reason for the ship to exist in the film, or if they are underage and not SEXULIZED, and if they are minors and not being shipped with people much older then them, oh and dont forget sibcest is completely violated, other wise then it is an okay ship. It is even better if there are even more obvious hints to the creator wanting the ship to be canon. Many people may combat me and explain how Killugon isn't canon, and therefore you may not ship it. I do know why people may feel that way, and I am completely excepting of it, particularly because I believe it as well. Even in this case it is not. I will not deny this ship is yet to be canon, but I will not hide the facts that show how deep and likely this ship to become canon, (even just particularly) because of the facts I have resourced on this. Case in point, the sole fact I ship it, even when it is not canon, is because it is particularly supported by the creators. I believe if the creators agree in some shape or form of this ship being shipped, and don't hate or dislike the ship, it is okay to ship it. Even so, if they ship it, (which is heavily shown in the non Canon movies of hxh as well as hunterpedia) it is still canon in a viewpoint. Think of it like this, if a anime show has it's main show or manga, but does not romantically ship two characters together, but does so in a ripoff or side series, they are still canon. If they are shipped by the creator, or heavily done so, even if it is not in the main series it is canon to the creator, and going to be canon and the ship has been sailed. I say this because if the creator wanted it to be canon, and shows that, it shows that the idea of them being together is valid. In this point, Togashi shows some hints and things in different shapes and forms to show they may be canon. Many people think they are just friends, but I also think the fact it is a gay ship takes into strong account. Think like this, if gon or killua was a girl, and one of them was a boy, I feel a lot more people would ship them, because to some people it just doesn't feel right. Some people may be homophobic, or the other half is the result of our society and biases. If that wasn't like that, I feel the other half of this Fandom would feel otherwise. Speaking of which, I would like to mention that most of this group (NOT INCLUDING TOXIC AND OVER AGED SHIPS LIKE HISOGON AND PALMGON) (hisoka's pedophilic behavior and overagedness with while palm and gon's date, it still violated the overaged rule, as well as being dropped in a comedic manner and shown as just a occurrence to add comedy and was nowhere near a serious canon.) This Fandom mostly includes people who ship Gon and Killua, or don't at all. There are people who ship Gon and Retz, which of course is a completely valid ship as long as they are not sexulized, and I would not bother them. Otherwise it's half and half. Mostly because people are against age, even so that the editor of hxh did not want it to be canon mostly because of age. Don't worry, I have ways again of combating that. Again, as long as they are not sexulized, meaning cuddles and subtle, non sexual kissing, and wholesome acts, are okay on my end. Anything above that, I am completely against. If it is labeled sexulized, I will stay strong to my will and avoid and defend against this act. It is not okay, even if they are fictional. I know that I do have to mention they are fictional characters, but for me it's not the case. Dispite them being fantasy, the sole idea is not okay.
I also compare a ship to real world to find if it is valid, either based on my own life or others. For me, I had a crush in 5th grade, when I was 12. Heck, I know people who had crushes at age 9, so it is fine. Even then, even if it is playful and wholesome, it's still considered a ship, even if it isn't a serious relationship, and are just shown getting closer in a subtle romantic fashion. Having crushes, blushing, having thoughts, and wanting to be closer to someone are all aspects that show a subtle romance, that is not serious, but a crush. Some can say love, but it is mostly not physically or mentally possible to "fall into love" at an age like 6, but teen love is a real thing. Look it up. At age 14, it is mentally and physically possible to fall in love. At age 14, I had a gf, and by the end of the anime, (starting at the anime they were 12) they were 14. Saying the manga is still currently going, one more year and they will be 15. The thing is with this though, is I still feel uncomfortable sexually shipping two characters that are minors, even if they are aged up in a au unless it is canon in the show or manga. I still steer away from that, I just still feel uncomfortable with the idea.
Anime from other shows can help too. Anya and Damian from spy x family are canon, whilst Anya being around a whopping 4 years old at the beginning of the anime, and Damian being 6 as well. This is shocking, for a canon ship, but is nevertheless real. Taking from that, a popular Fandom that is canon that I enjoy, Jibaku Shonen Hanako Kun, also shows 13 - 15 year old couple, a boy named Hanako and a girl Yashiro, mentioned and shown kissing and dating, and even mention being each other's boyfriend and girlfriend, then mentioned falling in love, so it's there, and we cannot ignore that fact that other animes have done the same, but for some reason people feel wrong with this Fandom. I will mention my favorite genre is romance, which might impact me, even when I have to watch shonens on my never ending to watch list, then end up shipping characters. I will say that combats that though, how teased to be canon this is. I actually tried my hardest not to ship them at the beginning, and kept in mind that they were just friends. Out of context, scenes that I saw just couldn't bring me to believe they were platonic. Even with context, it just makes it 10x more beleavable. I tried, but failed, and ended shipping them.
In point, according to the anime and everything that happened, I actually believe that love is something that they need. Killua never really experienced love other from Alluka, and never even touched romantic. While Gon has dated several times, it was not out of feeling, and he did it to entertain or give to people that visited his island. And his date was Palm was forced as well, not put of romantic interest. So neither of them have really felt that before, but at least Gon had family that cared for him when he grew up (aunt mito) but killua just had alluka and was tortured and hated on a daily life. Killua definitely had a big impact with his sister/brother and believes it's okay to love and stay by the side of Alluka. The most probable purpose why Killua is more distant with Gon then Alluka, is because of the main aspect of thier friendship in the first place. Throughout the series, we learn that Killua isn't just a emotionless assassin, but was also taught to abandon anyone who seems to take a liking to him, and to never have friends, love, and eventually he would betray and kill them. That was how he was raised. Dispite this, Killua still had his curiosity get ahold of him, and he started to explore places he wasn't supposed to. Even starting from the first time Gon and Killua met. Keep in mind this is the first friend Killua OR Gon had, and this is a very big deal to them. Saying that killua had previously ran away from home, he had obtained a new profound confidence to try things he was restricted from exploring before. He made friends, and started getting closer and closer to Gon, to practically being by his side 24/7. He started to laugh, and feel, and do things he had never done before, and that is deep. To Killua, mentioned canon, that to him, Gon is light itself, Killua had always seen Gon better then him. Like the sun, that is so bright, he must avert his eyes. This statement is definitely not platonic, a normal platonic relationship wouldn't say something like that. To compare somebody to light is taking it a bit far. Some fans speculate this was the moment, when Killua fell in love. Fun fact: Killua would always walk behind Gon, because he didn't think he was good enough to walk by his side. Also included the "was glad he had met Gon" aspect, as well as him clearly blushing whenever Gon complimented him or told him he was happy they were together. Canon, whilst they were stargazing on Whale Island, Gon had randomly told Killua how happy he was to be with Killua, and how he wanted to travel with him around the world, then he wanted to stay by Killua forever, often a romantic statement. But Killua's priceless blushing and emberrament from that statement made this even better. In fact, Togashi himself was asked on a scene with Killua blushing repeatedly at Gon, and answered:
"The two hamsters are suspiciously close. They often kiss (or look like it) each other, although they are both male...."
YES THIS IS ACTUALLY FROM TOGASHI NOT FAKE I DIRECTLY COPIED IT NO EDIT. (Cute how he calls them hamsters lol) This shows he does in fact ship them. Not included Mariya Ise (Killua's va) saying Killua is in love with Gon + she studied Killua's character and said that in phantom rouge his feelings towards Gon is overflowing. As well as the artist of hxh, Niyua making romantic sketches of the two. Togashi also mentioned that he wanted it to be a gay anime, but rethought. He loves trans and gay mangas and books, and once wrote a gay manga. Hunterpedia is a whole other thing. Id like to say it was an excuse for them to put the two together in a romantic relationship that was out of the show and hope people wouldn't notice. But I mean, if you are going to put the two literally kissing and saying that it was fate they would be together, having several shipped scenes, and making jokes that are quite suspicious, somebody is going to say something. Nonshippers casualy always combat hunterpedia with, its not canon, but I just think they just personality don't like the ship if that is all they can come up with to combat hunterpedia. My saying is, : "It may be cringe, but it is the feeding ground for Killugon lovers" if you want to know more about Hunterpedia, look it up, there is plenty for everyone and it is stupid how obvious it is in Hunterpedia. Also, the 2011 director actually referred to the two as husbands, and that Killua is the wife and Gon is the husband (funny right? We love that.) There is also a merchandise ironically called Gon x Killua. Also, if you read the lyrics to both 1999 and 2011, you will unsurprisingly find them to be romantic. The shinju lover's suiside pact is a whole other story. Killua mentions to meloreon that he will commit lovers suiside (uses the word shinju) and Togashi does use the term for regular suicide but only uses lovers suiside for gon and killua. Lover's suiside takes two people. They must admit their love for each other and agree to die together. If the love is not mutual between and death not agreed to by both people it’s not a lovers’ suicide. It’s just death. A lovers’ suicide would never under any circumstances be agreed to between friends. This is strictly reserved for those having strong romantic love for one another and are determined to stay together even after death. No japanese author would confuse these words / terms and there is no explanation for otherwise. ( some info takes from starlight Amino) "
"Palm is shown emerging from her cocoon in her new ant form. Unknown to Killua who is charging up with electricity, he is telling Merelon (lizard guy) to go find Knuckle and see if they [Merelon and the others] need to retreat. Merelon asks what they [Gon and Killua] will do. Killua tells Merelon that he plans to go find Gon next, that in the state Gon is in he won’t budge from Pitou and retreat won’t be option and that “worst case scenario, it will be a lovers’ suicide.” Killua immediately tells Meleoron that he’s kidding, but Merelon does not believe him. This translation of the conversation between Meleoron and Killua comes from the original Japanese version of the Manga. The conversation in English versions of the manga and the anime is different. In some English translations Killua says 'double suicide' or the phrase 'go down in flames together' is substituted. However the Japanese term is very specific. This term was not a slip of Togashi as he uses the regular term for suicide previously in the story, and here in this conversation Killua uses this specific term referring to himself and Gon." https://aminoapps.com/c/hunter-x-hunter/page/blog/lovers-suicide-everything-you-wanted-to-know/o3dL_X8mCduqjdoJ7j8o4beJrkNexBjmpMl (THANKS TO STARLIGHT I WOULD NOT HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN ALL THIS)
" Killua’s birthday is one that has a little more to sink your teeth into than the others. Because unlike hinamatsuri or Children’s Day, July 7th is a festival holiday with a myth attached to it. A tale of star-crossed lovers, almost literally, and one that is reflected in so many aspects of Killua’s life."
"https://olivemeister.tumblr.com/post/144588334745/killua-july-7th-and-the-significance-of-his - FULL HERE
MORE so, Gon and Killua has been compared to some couple in old love stories lmfao. Thanks to you, you make me sure that Gon and Killua are meant to be lovers. From your meta, Gon and Killua's stories are inspired by several old love stories lmfao:
• Hikoboshi (Gon) & Orihime (Killua) (Tanabata, their story is like, 90% similar too Tanabata, since their stories are inspired from Tanabata)
• Orpheus (Gon) & Eurydice (Killua) (the whole Zoldyck family arc, except that Gon can bring Killua back alive, and Orpheus is kinda dumb for me, based on the story)
• (a bit of) Romeo (Gon) & Juliet (Killua) (since the Zoldyck family theme is inspired by R&J theme, and from what I've known, Juliet's family is kinda oppressive right? CMIIW)
Idk if it's right or not. And the funny thing is, Killua is always inspired by women, it makes me think that Killua is actually the heroine of Hunter x Hunter but with male body lmao.
SO YOU CAN READ MORE OR LOOK IT UP, BUT IT IS VERY SIGNIFICANT TO THESE FACTS STATED. https://telehxhtrash.tumblr.com/post/635033639292452864/so-gon-and-killua-has-been-compared-to-some
Hisoka also had mentioned, in anime as well completely canon, as the two as a straight couple, when they were talking about Alluka ' power. Basically, in some cases ( I still don't fully understand all of allukas power rules yet there are like a million) but I know that if you don't follow the rules then you and your most loved one will die. But in this case he referred killua to gon as "his most beloved" to die as a straight up couple. Not even mentioning killua's jealousy moments, like when he stalked gon and Palm on their "date" and even admitted to feeling like a stalker. He also got jealous of Gon having another friend, Retz in the movie, and proceeded to shove her to the ground in anger. Also, that one train ride that literally STARTED THE WHOLE MOVIE of hxh, with Killua straight up staring at sleeping Gon, from night to day, so probably for multiple hours, then when Gon awakened, he asked if Killua was staring at him, and Killua responded by clearly blushing and protested very loudly he was not, then Gon, whilst blushing as well, answered by teasing him, saying it was "very suspicious" of killua. Not mentioning all the other times Killua randomly staring at gon with strangely soft eyes and a smile, almost like it means something. But all seriousness, the way he was drawn to look at Gon, was certainly going far. Look it up and see for yourself. He had also once asked Gon if he had been on a date, while Gon said he had, and this bothered Killua a lot, then Killua mentions he had not been on a date. But then, he internally dialogs that he was about to give in, and thinks about Bisky telling him that if he doesn't do somthing about running away from friends and danger he would have to leave Gon's side. ( I previously mentioned this about the way he was raised, as well as I should mention he had a needle stuck in his brain by his older brother, Illumi.) And he was afraid he would betray Gon, like I mentioned before, a main aspect of their relationship. In the movie, Killua had also tried to commit suiside by standing in front of a train, solely because he had believed he had betrayed Gon by running away, but he was saved by Gon, who told him that Killua could betray him a thousand times, but he would still trust him., Talk about a strong "friendship".
There is also the intirerty of that one wholesome moment once when Killua was taking care of unconscious Gon, Killua gave Gon his shirt to keep him warm, but it's not just that, they always seem to be carrying each other. There is also the idea that seems to pop up a lot that Hunter x Hunter, is basically just the two hunters being shipped. Their nen types are also compatible, just right next to each other on the nen wheel. Their astrological signs are compatible as well, Gon being taurus and Killua being Cancer. Their blood types are also compatible, Gon being B and Killua being AB. (Hehehe sole mates) There is also the love umbrella, “Ai Ai Gasa,” “Love-love Umbrella.”  You write your name on one side and your love’s name on the other. It’s what you draw when you have a crush on someone, or if you’re dating someone. The symbolism is basically two sweethearts sharing an umbrella, which is considered romantic in Japan. 
There are Killua and Gon’s names written under the umbrella in the hunterpedia, in the back. There is also the time where they were facing against Nobunana, where Killua was going to sacrifice himself so Gon could escape, (they were trapped and he Nobunana was guarding the door) and Gon responded by angerly telling Killua that he shouldn't joke around about dying, then proceed to tell Killua that he should die instead, and then they argued about who would sacrifice themselves for the other for a solid amount of time.
When Gon had thanked Killua near the Greed Island arc( I think) Killua responded by internally saying
"You've got it backwards. Gon, I should thank you. I'm the one who's glad, I met you."
Sounds kinda gay to me.
Also when they were playing a very violent version of volleyball with Ging's friend, Killua's hands were beat up from Gon using his Jajanken to lanch the ball, (killua had to hold it) and so another guy( idk his name he doesn't show up again anyways) says that he can take over for killua, but then Gon INSISTS that ONLY killua can be the one who holds the ball :) Also, Gon told Killua, after killua realized he didn't know what to do with his life, Gon told him
"Killua, you'll stay with me! I love being together with you!"
Or in other cases (it's said differently in the things I watched)
"Killua will stay with me. Being together with Killua is fine by me."
Both sound adorable.
Even if that wasn't enough, Killua responds with clearly blushing and looking up at the sky, and internally says "I'll stay with Gon for now."
So the sole facts that come from these are here, and we cannot deny it. But many have different viewpoints and are all over the place. I feel that even if it did become canon, people would still disaprove. Compared to a lot of animes with ships, I would say this is one most likely to come true even just subtlety.
I want to say the MAIN REASON I SHIP THIS SHIP is not necessarily for my own individual enjoyment, but for the relationship in general. If they were a toxic relationship outside all the Fandom aus, then it wouldn't be right. But I feel I do have reason to ship them, because I like the idea of exsploring the aspect of Killua feeling love and friendship for the first time, which he has never felt before, and the idea of him learning about these feelings, would bring Killua's personal character development to next level. As for Gon, I think having sombody always there to help him, especially because he starts to learn about this dark world of hate and death (when Kite died) and for him to have some other form of comfort that would aid him and his development as well. This idea of relationship of healing really warms my heart, and makes it feel a bit different from other ships based solely on personal enjoyment, because it shows a much darker, but more meaning to the ship. It makes the ship what it is, and I believe that is what holds Killugon together. It's the aspect, or idea, or want to explore this beautiful friendship. The one thing I do want to avoid personally, is getting my hopes too high for this ship. But based on the YouTube videos I've seen, and things I resourced, if you look into it it just gets hard and harder to deny. Every single thing I've seen has debates usually ending in yes, they are canon and Killua has a crush on Gon (or it could be a one sided crush just Killua) or something called.... a platonic crush? What? Okay but for real, the hints shown strongly debat but also combat itself at the same time. There are no clear signs which Killua is attracted to one gender or other, so we would never know unless Togashi confirms somthing.
Yes, they are about I would say 90 maybe 80% likely to be canon, ONLY BECAUSE it's a Shonen , not a romance and was not heavily focused on that, BUT many shonens like that have sailed ships so could possibly change dramatically, also people might hate the show if it was canon, as well as it not validly canon in the show, BUT Togashi as well as other actors (voice actors and animators) 99.99% SHIP them, which raises it's chances to be sailed. SO YES, Killua does have a crush on Gon, shown in many was that cannot be denied wrong, but it's all in the way people view it. But I think it is wayyyyy too close to be called platonic. At times, it does feel like a romantic anime based on Killuas reactions toward Gon. The only thing holding this ship back is whether Togashi wants to go back to his old days and continue his writing for gay animes. And this hints shown are just too strong, like they want us to ship it, which could possibly be their intention. I don't think they would add in the things the way they did if they didn't want Killugon shippers. Also remember, the manga isn't over yet.
All in all, yes, this ship is nearly to be sailed, even just subtlety, and it is an very healthy ship, canon fact wise.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction fics that take place on a cruise ship as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
⊹ I Was Made for Loving You by LHStylinson
(M, 127k, kid fic) Harry is on a cruise with his son, and meets a blue eyed man who happens to be a famous voice actor and singer for children’s animated movies.
⊹ You Make Lovin' Fun by @homosociallyyours
(E, 109k, girl direction) Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. 
⊹ It's a Better Place (Since You Came Along) by @phdmama
(E, 51k, magical au) When Harry Styles, a mid-level talent, Finder, and small business owner, sets off on the vacation of a lifetime with his best friend, Niall Horan, he has no idea the changes his life will undergo over the next nine days. 
⊹ Sail away with me by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun
(E, 47k, fake/pretend relationship) Louis and Harry are part of the entertainment team on board a luxury cruise liner. They hate sharing their four berth cabin with two other guys and would do anything to get a cabin of their own.
⊹ Drifting, Weightless by @dinosaursmate
(E, 41k, canon) Harry and Louis are exes with benefits until they're not, and the Mediterranean Sea might just be the perfect place to work through some unresolved issues.
⊹ Found My Hallelujah by crimsontheory / @ireallysawanangel
(E, 34k, hurt/comfort) Newly single, with the cruise tickets in hand, and his bags already packed, Harry brings along his sister instead. And maybe the cute bartender on the ship might just be the person Harry needs to help him put back together all of his broken pieces.
⊹ Whatever Floats Your Boat by larryftnoctrl / @the-larry-way
(NR, 24k, fake/pretend relationship) When Harry's mother convinces him to attend his ex's wedding, he must enlist support in the form of his handsome and charming best friend, flatmate and convincing fake boyfriend, Louis. 
⊹ It's You or No One by @softfonds
(E, 20k, movie adaptation) When Zayn suspects that his husband is being unfaithful, he sends Harry, a club singer, in his place on a cruise ship. 
⊹ Angel of Small Death and the Murder Scene by @lousmoonshine
(E, 20k, historical) So, naturally, it can only be the worst thing that could have happened to Louis when he gets stuck with Detective Styles trying to solve a murder during his supposed to be relaxing vacation over the seas.
⊹ Sail Your Sea, Meet Your Storm by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou
(E, 15k, strangers to lovers) The strangers to enemies to friends to pining to lovers fic where Louis is cynical, Harry is charming, and they have seven days to get their shit together.
⊹ play it back, spinning faster by  orphan_account
(E, 15k, vacation) All Louis expects from his Caribbean cruise is many frozen alcoholic drinks and an even tan. 
⊹ What Happens Next by @lululawrence
(NR, 5k, friends to lovers) a fic where Harry has to pick up the pieces and ends up on the couples cruise that should have been his honeymoon...with his best friend Louis.
—Rare Pairs—
⊹ Gay Cruise by Alice_Novelland
(E, 12k, Louis/Harry/Zayn/Liam) Harry and Louis go on a gay cruise where they have lots of; wonderful romantic moments, passionate sex and cute titanic references. They also run into Liam and Zayn.
⊹ Solo Holiday by orphan_account 
(T, 10k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Louis goes on a singles' cruise. He meets Nick.
139 notes · View notes
absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - a new #1 for me from Thailand
Nov 2022 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 1&2 of 11 - Apparently VIPs get the next episode early. So I watched both. It’s a good story and a great set up and it opens with one of my favorite under appreciated Thai actors: Plustor (as Vee) in a side bartender romance with younger Game. Sunshine bisexual himbo + older tsundere = YES! Gimme! Main character, Mum, is your bog-standard player. (I weirdly love how they translate clubs & bars as “pub” in Thailand - and yes, I get that it ties to the history of the area.) Kinda fun street fight. NO SINGING. Game is BL’s new bisexual king! I will brook no arguments on this matter. Omg kisses already? This is a well paced story! OhmFluke man, can’t knock the visuals, their eye connection and sympathetic chemistry work is good. I never believe they wanna bone but I do believe them falling in love. ALL HAIL QUEEN MINT. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 4 of 12 - This is such a fantastic show. I’m so glad they got OhmFluke back to play sides and support roles, it’s really making the found family aspect shine, especially in contrast to Win’s real family. This one is very complicated and deep and kind of modern. Very much the opposite of UWMA but in a good way. WATCH ALONG HERE.
My School President (Fri YT) 1 of 10 - it’s Love Sick + Korea and Japan's influence. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but this is me: I never met a high school BL I didn’t want to grant a fair shake. At the very start we get self with a whistle and NO SINGING. Yay! Fantastic beginning. Our tiny music club president/idiot is definitely giving me Noh vibes & our suave student president definitely giving me Phun vibes - bonus this time no girlfriends! It moves this out of Love Sick arena, which was all chaos bisexuals, and into just completely gay. I’m happy with that and I like the dancing and the marriage on his mind. New candidates for one braincell friendship group from GMMTV (they love this archetype). Tinn is already pining and so completely gone. On a completely different aside, I really want a lesbian romance between Gun’s maa and the principle. I have a tiny ship sailing off to one side. 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI)10 of 12 - holy crumbs outta nowhere, Batman. Lots of relationship chat not enough shirtlessness, but since I’ve been binging Oh! My Sunshine Showering Night it’s no problemo. Also yes, Nahi does look and act a lot like Joanan, Ai totally ended up dating his mother. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 8 of 12 - Champ’s storyline is dull, although I like the actor. Yay, JaFirst got together!! Cute line, “can we skip being friends and just be in love instead?” LOVE THEM. Please can we take Mean out of that wig now? Why are the straight’s so boring? The Name stuff continues to upset me. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 3 of 12 - When these two are sweet together, they are really very sweet and I actually kind of like it. I think Noey uses ter because he’s younger, and doesn’t want to use phi. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 9 of 12 - while 609 and Between Us are v good, this is currently my favorite BL airing by a mile. The conversation between the young one and the bar owner made me hoot with laughter. “Are you trying to speak the language of adults?” probably one of the BL’s best put-downs. All the dialogue really: “Are you gonna make him tie himself in a red bow and send himself to you?“ “That’s nice. Can I choose another color?” It’s so fucking cute. The courting with food, and everybody taking photographs of how happy the dentist is. I can’t even with this show. Add the cutest smiles kisses, this is GREAT. I did in fact clap. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 9 of 11 - Man, this show really makes me laugh so hard. Especially the cat character. I love how they called out the fact that they actually have customers for a change. Jealous Milk made me cackle so hard it scared the actual cat on my lap. How are they going to end this happy? In Strongberry we trust. Just repeat the mantra ABL, just keep repeating it. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 7 of 8 - It takes me a lot to work up the courage to watch this show on Fridays. It’s so sad and traumatizing. But it’s also so good I can’t stop. I have to watch Tooth on either side of it to comfort myself. All that to say, it’s as we all expect: Michan is holding so hard onto Koichi that he has anchored him from death through shear force of will. Also… SWITCHES? Although, does it count if it’s necrophilia? Asking for a friend. 
Oh! My Assistant (Korea Thurs Viki) 1-2 of 8 - This has a very JBL feel (including the title), don’t get mad if I get confused. Anygay, this is a very silly show that acts like it comes from a very silly yaoi. Out gay younger seme (we stan) pretending to be tsundere is smitten by chaos bi uke puppy. And they gave us a very interesting new take on crash into me. It’s racy but in that way Korean does racy, like Love & Leashes. Cheeky racy. 
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - This is such a complicated show about profession, ego, reputation, safety, and trust, but not much about romance. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to Leo portraying evil (see most of his guest MV’s and half of VIXX’s) but I can’t trust his character, and I’m not sure if I’m meant to. Is that the romance? Or is this a romance about an editor’s love for a writer’s work? Or for the writer himself? And is there a difference? Meanwhile, I’m getting a bad feeling about the ending of this one. And yet... How much did I love the dialogue around love and possession? So much. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid) 
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) 10 eps - ?
Why You... Y Me? (Thai Weds YT) 10 eps - It's not primarily a BL, but another meta show about BL shipping, with side BLs. @heretherebedork is watching it, ask them about it. 
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In Case You Missed It
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai (16 eps) seems to have ended HAPPY! This is a soap opera so next time I have a day off I may binge and trash watch.
GAP the series (Sat YT) is a classic office set romance. WATCH IT! It’s GL and this studio needs our support! I’m enjoying it but not chronicling my journey. (Also, the stairs are back!)
I decided to binge watch Oh! My Sunshine Showering Night. What a wild ride. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Dec 9: Semantic Error movie (Viki) - the repackage, rumored to have some added footage
2022 still to come?
Dec 19: Chains of Heart (movie? theaters?) trailer Suspense thriller about a forest ranger, smugglers, memory loss, and lost love. Stars Haii (Cirrus in TT2) and Poppy (Porpla in YYY). Adapted from a Y-novel of the same name by TJ Tommy. I don’t know if this is still releasing or if C19 impacted it. Delayed until Feb 2023.
This Week’s Crimes Against Fashion
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Between Us punishing their crumbs. 
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I LOVE HIM. (609) 
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I love them! (Between Us). 
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Magic crumbs (Ai Long Nhai) 
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Truth (Ai Long Nhai) 
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Also me. 
(last week) 
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ragingstillness · 11 months
Ok so I just finished the episodes and by a cruel twist of fate I once again have to work in the morning so here’s my quick thoughts:
Calypso’s bday was clearly a pride celebration and I love that for them
I actually picked up on it surprisingly fast, like literally when Frenchie left the galley to go prepare for the party
Izzy’s voice is of course always tops, we knew Con could sing but man he really belted it this episode
Ned Low is a dick and deserved what he got
I now stan Hellcat Maggie
Not surprised murder turns Stede on, frankly it was smtg I was always expecting
While their previous two kisses have been sweet and romantic I was happy to see one with some passion
Izzy, Jim, and Wee John in drag mean everything to me
Poor Roach, he seemed to be enjoying his torture
Wish we’d seen whatever torture there was that “turned Izzy on” lol
Can confirm, people who play violin are assholes (source: I am a violinist) /jk
Ngl the episode felt a tiny bit rushed idk if that was just me
Ricky’s a dick and his speech immediately made me think of a gay priest who is denying himself and condemning homosexuality (for which specific priest, just take your pick there are a lot of them)
As much as I like Ed trying to encourage Stede not to “kill in cold blood” I think that ship has totally sailed on both their parts. Even if you don’t claim Stede’s killing of the Badmintons as “cold blood” he did totally set that ship of French aristocrats on fire
I like that the show’s acknowledging that jumping right into sex especially after trauma is not necessarily a good idea no matter how much some part of my shipper heart is like ugh why are they fighting again let them be happy
The second episode in particular Stede spends kind of acting like a dick and knowing Djenks and his team this is on purpose but it’s still unpleasant to watch
I feel like Stede’s fallen into the trap of now that he’s back with Ed he thinks everything is going to be fine and he’s turned Ed into this idealized figure again and is ignoring the actual things that Ed says
That being said, I do agree with him that Ed is being a coward by running off to become a fisherman as if he wasn’t a bloodthirsty pirate who still hasn’t made up for his actions to the crew.
Ed becoming a fisherman is clearly a “I was happy fishing for the first time in a long time I want to hold onto that feeling” decision
Essentially both Ed and Stede are running from their faults and pasts and I think they need to talk it out
Ed seems to be trying to say to Stede that he wants to have time to love himself before falling headlong into a relationship but he missed the mark a bit
Izzy briefly plays Lucius’ role in congratulating them on sleeping together and giving Stede advise
It fits him like an over large suit but I understand they needed a character to fill that role and Lucius has his own plotline now
I do think Izzy is being remarkably calm and that might not last, he’s probably bottling it up
Has the Jim/Olu/Archie polycule expanded to include Zheng? I’m so confused by it all. I don’t disapprove in any way I just feel like some of the relationships in that square are qpps and some are romantic and I can’t really nail down which is which
Fang and Roach bonding I kind of ship them a little
The Paper-azzi hysterical
Jackie’s new outfit: yes queen
The Swede’s new look: bitchin’
I feel like most of the cast have gotten hotter over the season. Shows what a few modifications in costuming can do (note, I said in costuming not in body or face or anything I’m not shaming anyone)
At one point I straight up thought Izzy was a ghost the way he kept popping up near Stede and Ed and giving commentary, idk if that was intentional
Izzy is still dealing with his alcoholism and I’m glad they didn’t pretend that’d be solved in a few days
RIP Ed’s leathers, you were hot
I knew there was smtg up with those clocks but I thought there was some sort of secret message in them not that they’d explode. That might be just because I considered it an anachronism. The earliest I can find evidence of a time bomb with a little googling is 1776 but that may be wrong
Who was firing on the republic? Was it Ricky or did the bombs somehow set off the canons on Zheng’s ships?
Stede deserved the beat down he got he was being a misogynistic dick
Also, it’s about time Stede detached from Ed long enough to realize that he hasn’t spent enough quality time with his crew to get them to stay with him when there are other options
Not surprised Ed didn’t kill Ned Low but a little surprised Izzy didn’t, as Izzy’s canonically killed everyone Ed couldn’t
Izzy mentioning how Ed shot him when he told him he loved him and Stede responding as if he’d heard that before I would have loved to see that scene
In general these two episodes felt a little rushed but idk if I’m perceiving that correctly I’m too tired
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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that-glitter-chick · 1 year
Mighty Ducks the Animated Series Headcanons
Wildwing: Bi, Aromatic. Type, Canard & Tanya. His heart belongs to his childhood best friend Canard, but I think Tanya could’ve made him happy too, if you want to go that route.
Canard: Gay. Type, Wildwing. It’s always been Wildwing. He thinks he’s being subtle but everyone can see it, except Wildwing of course.🙄😑🤷🏻‍♀️
Nosedive: Straight, but open minded if the right guy came along. Type, he thinks it’s “gorgeous and sexy” (typical teenage boy), but it’s really “fun and quirky”. So basically thinks it’s Lucretia when it’s actually Tanya lol. For guys, someone caring and wise like Duke or Grin, but they’re too old for him, so they’re just friends.
Duke: Pan with a female preference. I blame Falcone for scaring him emotionally and making him hesitant to try men again. He is a little attracted to Wildwing but there’s the age difference and the whole he’s the leader thing, it’d be too much drama.
Tanya: Same scenario as Duke, Pan with a preference for males, because Lucretia messed with her head and heart so badly in the past. She keeps herself busy so she has an excuse not to try again.
Grin: Ace. Ace-est of the Ace. King of Aces. Ace-Zilla. Mountain of Ace. You get the idea.
Mallory: Straight as she shoots. I like to think she had a little crush on Canard back in the day but it was really just misinterpreted respect and admiration. She’s subconsciously attracted to “bad boys” (*cough*Duke*cough*).
Thrash: Pan, Asexual. In a polygamist relationship with his two roommates, one guy and one gal.
Mookie: Lesbian with a steady live-in girlfriend she’s been dating since Junior High. If they ever broke up, Mookie would ugly-cry.
Phil: Closet Gay. Not even the Ducks know. He dates but only when out of town and eventually all his relationships end sadly, because of his unwillingness to be open about them. He’s worried being outed will ruin his business aspersions (keep in mind, the show was set in mid to late nineties after all, things were even harder for the LGBTQA+ community back then, especially in California).
Captain Kleghorn: Straight, widower turned voluntary bachelor. He has lady friends he invites to important events and goes dancing with, but it’s very clearly a “just as friends” thing for lonely seniors.
Lucretia: Lesbian, but knows she’s extremely attractive to most people with an interest in females and uses it to her full advantage. Seduces for fun and/or profit. Curses herself for actually falling for Tanya, because that ship has not only sailed, it sank a LONG time ago.
Falcone: The term “Disaster Gay” looks like a tailored made suit on this fella. He’s still down to F, but Duke ain’t stupid. Not happening, nope!
Dragonus: Gay. I mean, come on! Tim Curry is his voice actor, that accent is too delicious to waste on Heterosexuality lol. Dragonus was extremely popular on his homeworld but his egotism and violent streak ruined all his relationships.
Wrath: Ace by choice. Tony Jay made him sound just so done with the universe in general lol! I headcannon that Wrath is so old, he’s seen and done everything and has better things to do with his time than date.
Chameleon: Pan. I tend to think all shapeshifters are Pan. I mean, when you literally can become ANYTHING… 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like to think he has a little crush on Siege, but the big bulldozer is too stupid to notice, and Chameleon is ok with that.
Siege: Straight, but he’s an idiot, so he’s got no game.😛
Wildwing/Canard. They’ve been in love since they were Ducklings, but both we’re afraid of ruining their friendship, so they dated other people. Eventually they got themselves in a row (get it? Because they’re Ducks? 🦆😜) and end up together. No one is surprised.🙄😑😅 Ship names preference is Team Captains, but I also like Leadership, always was a sucker for a good pun.😁👍🏼
Nosedive/Tanya: No one saw this coming, not even them, but it oddly works so well for them. Like an opposites attract kind of thing. Grin calls it “Karmic Convergence”, which makes protective big brother Wildwing very uncomfortable lol! 😅 Duke and Mallory are also protective of Tanya, whom Duke thinks of as a little sister and Mal as her best friend, so there’s a lot of “Shovel Talking” going on at first. Grin and Canard just try to stay out of it but privately approve of how the couple balance each other out. I’ve never heard a ship name for them, so I’m inventing VanderFlash, a combo of their family names, Vanderflock and Flashblade. It just sounds cool.🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Duke/Mallory: Blatant “Hostility is actually Mutual Reluctant Attraction” if I ever saw it. Practically canon. They, like Nosedive and Tanya, are opposites who attract, except Duke and Mal are chaotic lol! Again, I can’t recall any ship names. Please educate me if you know any really good ones💜😊😘
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narhinafan · 2 months
shipping in Boruto is so fucking stupid. We should focus on the story not who Boruto fucking fucks.
I mainly dislike Shipping for that reason. I see people care more about who Naruto fucks than his fucking happiness or his story.
It's funny how people think a ship being cannon makes the story bad. How did NH worsen Naruto? By giving Naruto a beautiful and devoted wife and a good ending? (I bet most people forgot that Kiba can use Shadow clones)
Most people who ship SnS know it's a toxic relationship, no wonder they are the worst humans to exist. Sns is my brotp, stop ruining it with your gay fetish shit (Because to me, Naruto is my closest Friend).
People who shop NS wanted a god awful shonen wife trope while Ignoring that Sakura loves Sasuke and sees Naruto as just a friend. Don't get me started on the Girlfriend/Sai excuse because if this is how you validate your ship than it's not a worth while ship.
Look you can ship the fuck you want but some ships don't deserve the light of day in cannonical continuity.
Shipping is just another way to enjoy the series of course it shouldn't ruin the story either.
Like there are times I feel the ship ends up running things SasuSaku a prime example we got a trainwreck of a relationship, Gaiden was not the best story overall I think the writing could have gone much better if they didn't force SasuSaku or were willing to go down a darker path. While in Boruto Sarada's potential is just wasted badly and her character isn't that good, but they seem intent on keeping in the plot. While other better written characters don't get as much focus nor achieve their full potential. There are also ships that honestly add to the plot if they happen as it gives an excuse to involve a good character more, but also more writing opportunities.
Of course in most series the pairing shouldn't make the series itself bad I have had plenty of series where the ship I liked most didn't sail and while I do think they missed many good opportunities still enjoy the series and find the writing well done overall. However those are in cases where I find the ships that happened at least reasonable with good writing behind it.
For example if NaruSaku happened that would ruin Naruto quite a bit as the series has been about a boy was starved for love and never knew proper affection getting with someone who treats him harshly, but also in love with someone else. Like you said it does not deserve the light of canon the writing of the pairing is just bad it paints an unhappy future for our MC which is not what we want.
NaruHina however is a give and take relationship where both get what they need from each other plus and makes up for all the suffering in their back stories. The ship itself works out perfectly and is a good way to wrap up the stories of two characters with similar sad back stories by making them end up happy together. Their pairing and love story compliments their back story and overall plot. Having Naruto who in chapter 1 was more or less completely alone end up with a family of his own with someone who truly loves him and gives him everything he never had growing up as a ending was masterful writing.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Eclipse Episode 10
@thegalwhorants @wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @grapejuicegay thanks for holding my hand
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Of episode 11? Yes I fecking am.
Thoughts in brief (lol) I started taking these while I went fyi so they may feel a bit different from the previous lots idk
The way Akk changes his WHOLE POSTURE when Not!Max says the school motto is telling me everything I need to know here
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with bonus award mention! Scholarship goals yada yada
GUYS THUA WAS SHAKING (I've done him dirty)
"What happened today has shaken me, whatever I used to uphold or believe in...has changed" - Thua
Okay so I still think he stole the diary and instigated the protestors but I am less convinced he's behind the other stuff but then WHO IS? also the message after the fire made me think it wasn't him too
Chadok thinks its Akk, is it actually Namo???
Everything about Akk and Ayan on the beach
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"Mes managed" "Your time and his are different"
Then the fricken bedroom scene????????
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and Akk agrees, and he's SO HAPPY but it's not been dealt with yet right he hasn't grappled with his identity
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See this is what I mean, he hasn't let go of anything yet he's trying to carry it all and he's going to break I can FEEL IT (I am ALSO PROJECTING WAY TO HARD ONTO AKK IF YOU WEREN'T AWARE - This show basically opened up my DO NOT READ journal from feckin highschool and put it on my screen AH)
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for the record I also thoroughly enjoy all the Khan Thua stuff that is going on, it's SO GOOD. It's just that because EVERYTHING IS GOOD (AND I AM PERSONALLY DYING FROM AKKS EVERYTHING) I keep forgetting to mention them
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And now they're both at the protest
WAIT DID THUA NOT KNOW ABOUT KHAN being bruce wayne???
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Can I please go back to my regularly scheduled unrelateable highschool characters because this:
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Good on Thua for clarifying about the kiss
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at least Ayan is hearing this
reference to the armband and upholding the honour AHHHHH
oh god Aye came in
He's So scared
oh he's gone after Chadok, I get the urge but it's NOT GOING TO WORK
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That ship has sailed teacher chick
The breath Ayan takes to try and regulate yelling at the female teacher
Ayan: "I'm worried about you Akk" YOU AND ME BOTH
is he finally going to tell him about his uncle????
OH GOD NO, He did but AKKs Crying HeLP
the neCKLACE
"right now you need it more than I do" CAN I HAVE AN AYAN PLEASE
OKAY real quick
if they use Akks attachment to Ayans uncle to break the schools hold on him without causing him to have a total breakdown I will be okay with this
Next episode doesnt LOOK scary but I AM STILL SCARED
Still confused whether the necklace WAS the uncles or if it was GIVEN by the uncle
Is everyone on the same side now?
Is anyone going to clue Wat in about the fact that his two besties are now in gay relationships? (Like he'll be chill but he should be told)
How much pressure is teacher chick under?
I'm just planning to react again fyi probably with less screenshots
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alunaloverworld · 6 months
How my shipping started when it comes to relationships
It all started in Pokemon. The shipping relationship. I read Misty and Ash's ship in Bulbapedia and thought that they would make a great pairing but after watching the advanced series, I just thought of them as friends. And then when it comes to May and Ash, I ship them too when I was young but when I watch the Diamond and Pearl series I can only see them as friends. I also shipped May with Drew and thought they were a better couple because they complement each other more than Ash and May and they had the same dream of becoming Top coordinator. During the Diamond and Pearl series, I shipped Dawn with Kenny because Kenny had a crush on her plus they were childhood friends making more sense for a relationship and since Dawn had feelings for Kenny, I would say the ship sails but not confirm the relationship. The only relationship I could see with Ash was with Serena because they were childhood friends and yes they are supportive of each other's dreams and help each other out in need, and I thought that was much more likely a relationship happening in Ash than all the other girl companions he had, but he's still a kid. Didnt watch Sun and Moon except I know for the fact that all the girls there would think of Ash as nothing more than just friends. Even Goh is the same for Pokemon Journeys. And since most of the Pokemon relationship shipping I ship tends to be straight and not gay like Yaoi or Yuri which is Japanese for boys boys, girls girls relationships, I end up like couples for boy-girl relationships.
The next relationship I shipped was Cardcaptor Sakura where Sakura and Syaoran Li relationship since they were rivals but in the end Syaoran likes Sakura because of her cheerful attitude and positive that made me support them plus its canon due to the fact Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, so that makes me even more happy to know its canon compare to Pokemon which is not confirmed. I still love the pairing and the fact that now they support each other.
Another relationship I ship was Uta and Kakeru because yes Kakeru was more of a jerk to Uta because he kept teasing her when she was little and even had a crush on Uta he later becomes kind to her and have a relationship which becomes canon in the last season of Onegai my Melody but did not see them get married which is ashamed, but still grateful that the ship was canon the fact that they're dating.
Another relationship I love was shipping Kashino and Ichigo from Yuemiro Patisserie because I love tsundere with cheery characters falling in love, which I always end up shipping. Plus Kashino and Ichigo get married at the end is cannon showing that the relationship blossoms into a happily married couple showing that they had their dream fulfilled as a patisserie and have their own shop together.
Another relationship I shipped which I did not know was going to become canon was Yes Precure 5 which was Kokoda Kouji and Yumehera Nozomi even though I kept fantasying them getting married despite their age gap, I still shipped them because Nozomi was still young because she had a crush on him and wanted to become a teacher just like him which she did, plus they got married at Otona Precure which made me happy that it was cannon, making my dream come true.
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tibby · 2 years
Saw, Subtext, and My Ultra-Conservative Baby-Boomer Dad
My Dad will be 64 this autumn. My Dad is a die-hard Republican. My Dad was a Southern Baptist pastor for nearly 30 years. And my Dad is a Saw fan.
He’s always had horror movies he enjoyed (I grew up on John Carpenter.. it was kind of Our Thing), but he’s mostly a passive fan. The kind who is willing to wait until a movie watching opportunity presents itself, and decide that that’ll be the day he watched it.
So when my Dad called me a couple weeks ago, voice a little tremulous, begging me to send him a link whereby he could stream Saw (2004) and bypass the library DVD waiting period, I happily sent him the best one I’d found. He didn’t want to wait, he wanted to watch it NOW, and I could respect him for that. It was a pleasant surprise, him being interested in the movie so much he had to watch it NOW.
Today, I finally got the chance to ask him about it.
I was bouncing on my toes, excited to be fangirling about my fave show with my own father. “What did you think, Dad?”
I didn’t expect him to get a little choked up. His next words blew my mind.
He said, “Sweetie, I’m old. Set in my ways. I was taught, and adhered to, a certain way that people should be with each other. I preached it, and I voted in light of it, and I taught it to you and your sister. But I watched this movie. And I watched these two men fall in love with each other. And the only thing I could think was, ‘These two souls are meant to be together’. Lawrence Gorodon and Adam Faulkner-Stanheight are… soulmates. Over my years as a pastor, I’ve seen couples get married.. And couples get divorced.. It happens. But I’ve never seen two people who were more perfectly designed to fit together, and it broke my heart to see it not happen for them. I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass.”
Given that it was a brave moment, I blurted out, “Dad, I’m gay.”
And he turned to me and smiled, tears in his eyes, and said, “Just… be happy.”
Don’t fret that the press “has yet to discover” the “subtext” inherent in Saw. Don’t fret that Leigh Whannell still denies it. Because if my Dad can see it, then it’s crystal clear. My almost-64-yr-old-Dad ships Chainshipping. My SOUTHERN BAPTIST PASTOR Dad ships Chainshipping.
To the point that he internalized change in his thinking about same-sex relationships, and happily accepted my (rather abrupt) coming out.
Keep the faith.
This ship has sailed; and my Dad, of ALL people, is right on fucking board.
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blackbatpurplecat · 2 years
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I posted 1,268 times in 2022
57 posts created (4%)
1,211 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,266 of my posts in 2022
#comic - 489 posts
#batman - 343 posts
#catwoman - 228 posts
#batman x catwoman - 203 posts
#fan art - 200 posts
#gifset - 197 posts
#purple catwoman - 196 posts
#black catwoman - 146 posts
#bruce wayne - 112 posts
#jim balent catwoman - 106 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#hey tom king didn't you write selina hating being pregnant and hating the baby? at least be consistent with your bullshit
My Top Posts in 2022:
You watch ONE little gay pirate show and all of the sudden you’re obsessed and can’t stop going back to episode 1 once you’ve finished episode 10.
Why did no one tell me? Why wasn’t I informed that this would happen? I’m in the mood to draw, to write, to edit videos. This wasn’t the deal!
I promise you’ll feel totally normal afterwards. It doesn’t change you at all.
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10 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Does isn't bother you that Batman and Catwoman never last long?
It's always the same,they are together for a while,they break up,they give Selina Kyle a bad relationship and then she returns back to Bruce again only so that then she can leave and move on again,either make the relationship permanent or do the opposite,she gets her own stuff done well and gets no ties to batman
Oh it absolutely bothers me! Especially over the last few years it's been infuriating me. I think the worst low in recent years was the wedding fakeout, that one was such a ruthless middle finger to the fans.
Unfortunately, DC have been quite successful at slowly suffocating my interest and burning passion in the characters and the ship with all their bad writing and bad decisions. No content is watering my BatCat plant so it's withering. There's been nothing positive for me to feed on so BatCat is absolutely no competition when other ships I adore e.g. have gotten their happy ending (MCU), are sailing towards their happy ending (OFMD), or are about to get more new and good content (Gargoyles).
At DC, it's always always always the same, rinse wash repeat. And it's getting tiresome for this fan who's been watching/reading DC content for decades. It's probably alright for new fans as they haven't seen the repetition often enough yet so everything's still new and exciting.
The characters don't evolve, they don't grow, they don't learn, it's always the same, just dressed up differently. (That aspect makes Cat-Tales so fascinating because those stories show us what could happen IF the characters developed and learned.) If it was Lois & Clark, it wouldn't be as bad because their default state seems to be dating/married so they are happy which is good for them and great for their shippers!
Personally, I'm still longing for an Earth-2 comic book or a sequel to the Telltale Batman games. That would definitely water my crops. But as for now, I'm resigned to the fact that we will never get anything new. There's only fight, kiss, break up. Rinse Wash Repeat.
10 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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12 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Alright, Mr. Waititi.
I bought my ticket.
I'm in my seat.
I'm wearing my Our Flag Means Death t-shirt.
It's about to start.
Hit me with your new super gay movie!
12 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What makes you like Selina's purple costumes the best? And how would you rank her Catwoman costumes throughout the years from best to worst?
Hi Anony! 😊 So lovely of you to drop by!
I wrote a little piece on the Balent suit a while back, I'll quote myself here to explain why I like it the best:
I love purple. [...] The purple outfit is just the prettiest to me. The color, the gloves and boots, the cowl, it’s just gorgeous! And in a way an expression of what Selina is: very feminine, seductive, playful, and classy. Purple is the color of royalty, female cats are called “queens” - Selina’s the queen of the night, the world’s best thief. It just IS her color.
Also if you go up against the big bad Bat, what’s the best way to defeat (or in her case, escape from) him? Short-circuiting his brain! So all he sees is a curvy lady in skin-tight leather, wearing an inviting yet dangerous smile, throwing innuendo at him… Tell me that he can still concentrate on his mission, I dare ya!
[...] it’s also so much more… subtle. Yes, it’s skin-tight but it covers her up entirely and leaves something to the imagination. It might be just me but I prefer this over the cleavage that practically jumps at you. [...]
(I once tried to explain it like this: current Catwoman is a like stripper, raw and sexualised; 90s Catwoman is a Burlesque dancer, sexy and playful).
The suit’s even very funtional. Purple is harder to spot in the dark or when the light from bright neon signs on buildings reflects off of it. She’s wearing comfortable and light boots she can run and get a hold on edges with (yes, I’m talking about the version without high heels), not those heavy motherfuckers she could never be silent or soft-footed with! [...] And no goggles means no glass that can crack and get into your eyes. (or make you look like a bug)
Tl;dr: The Balent suit just expresses Selina's personality the best and, on a personal note, is the most aesthetically pleasing one.
Now over the past decades, we've had doooozens of Catwoman suits. I don't know if I can rank them all. 😅 I doubt anyone's ever done that.
But I can do a personal top 10 list if that's okay with you!
#1 - Jim Balent's 90's suit
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As I said, it's just perfection. I love it!
#2 - Batman: The Animated Series suit
See the full post
13 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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i too think it's matt duffer which is hilarious. but anon, deeply concerning?? the mileven kiss is clearly s3 era, theyre babies, theyre leaning apart just like they actually did in s3.
its time to stop pretending that mike and el DID have a relationship. internalised homophobia or not, its entirely possible that mike simply fell out of love with el. honestly, this was what all my GA friends and family thought, and they didnt need any further explanation than that. i would love for it to be more complex, but i would be happy if not. cos actually, that IS complex. mike genuinely having liked el and been struggling with queerness as well as conformity IS complex enough.
matt duffer created this show. he chose to portray mileven and run through that storyline, so however it ends, im sure he does not feel deeply concerned or sick looking at fan works that appreciate some character moments for two of his original creations.
Yeah, I think it's a disservice to pretend that Mike and El's relationship has no impact on the show. I know we all have Byler goggles, but the show has been following the Mlvn storyline, literally how we got here. It's in the show, it's featured on merch, it's heavily talked about. But the narrative and the plot is going elsewhere, if you watch the show!! What have we all been doing analyzing all this time if we've chosen to pretend Mlvn isn't relevant at all? It's not a ship war, it's a television show with character arcs. They were put together for a reason. For Mike's kindness, how he found this tortured, lonely, scared girl and took her in. He was a kid. He wanted another friend. He's a young boy who already had identity issues, his journey wasn't the same as Will's journey. They can both be gay and get there at different paths. He did think he liked her - we watched that. Because everything in his life told him that's what was happening, that's what he felt. He did want a girlfriend. That's why it's so confusing when he starts to internalize and wonder and figure out it's not actually what he feels. Why don't I love her?? At least not like that. We're literally in that part of the Mike journey, but he took the journey while in a relationship with El, just the wrong one. Mike is queer but he doesn't really know it, or he doesn't acknowledge it until later. Will knows he's queer and he deals with himself despite it.
Not controversial! That's what makes the Mike arc so interesting. I think sometimes it feels like parts of the fandom genuinely think his friends and family forced him to be close to El and date her and he's just struggling with how to break up with her. That's... not what internalized identity and forced conformity means haha.
Back to the great MD pinterest mystery. He made the show! And the characters! And the relationships! I think a little board with all sorts of fanart with all sorts of pairs and friendship depictions isn't the end of the world. It's like rewatching the series and being shocked to find the Mike and El storyline happening hahaha. Nothing but love as I type this, my friends. I say all of this with kindness as a way to hopefully assuage some fears or worry if this has caused it. Our good ship sails onwards...
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