#can totally see how new users would be duped by this
quillyfied · 1 year
Okay, folks, been testing this “can’t edit a blog unless you follow 5 tags and 3 blogs” thing, and I have some data to report:
1. If you do it on desktop (Firefox on a Mac for me), you can skip the process by clicking on the Tumblr icon in the corner. This takes you to your dash and you’re all set to curate your experience and make sure you look human to other blogs!
2. Trickier on mobile (iOS); heard that there was a skip button but I never saw it.
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Wouldn’t let me tap or interact with anything until I did this. HOWEVER!! There is still a workaround! I discovered it on accident and then made a third fake account just to verify!
3. I made my third fake blog. Once I had the password set and the blog name picked, I closed out of the tumblr app, then reopened it. It opened right onto my dash! Success!
Now: I absolutely believe there are new users who also either don’t see a skip button or are befuddled at this process, because it isn’t very intuitive, I don’t think, so it’s possible there are new genuine followers getting blocked because they’re inexperienced and look like bots.
However. I think there are also just a bunch of bots. Because you don’t need a real email address to set up an account.
If anyone smarter than me could screen grab where a skip button is during this process, I’m intensely curious about where it is and why I’m missing it (the answer is I’m oblivious and often miss things right in front of my nose).
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diablo 2 resurrected cheats mod QSE#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 All Diablo 2 Resurrected D2R cheat codes & how to use cheat engine or trainer for unlimited stamina, mana, God-mode, one-hit kill, gold, health. Cheats, cheat codes for Diablo 2: Resurrected. Here you will find a working trainer (+10) [Game Version: v+], which will simplify. There are plenty of ways to cheat in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Most of the cheats you find below are cheats that existed all the way back in Diablo. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Cheats For PC · Secret Cow Level. Just like the Secret Cow Level in the original Diablo II, the Secret Cow Level is in LoD as well. 9 Me and most of my friends generally used to play Diablo 2 most of the way through, then use trainers or such to alter characters, or mods to alter the game. Even if they are only used for solo offline progress. Or use mods. A full account ban for solo cheating on Diablo 2 seems… rather… excessive…. Imo, a loot filter mod is ok Altering drop rate, exp, max level limit, area level, are cheating. Maybe you should what you agreed to, then come back to us and tell us what your answer is. Most, if not all, games, and products, have a tos, which, in fact, is a tool to hold hostage the user. Your comment provides no information, nor does it enlighten anyone. I agreed to play a game I bought many years ago and currently have installed along side a graphically but identically same game. I wish to alter said game… client side. Offline, anything should be allowed. Also blizzard posted on there tweeter account stating and encourage modders to try making mods for D2R. Typical, companies release half-made games then expect the player community to fix everything with mods. However, they realize they have no control over what you do with the game on your own system, so they stay silent about it. No need to cheat online. You can just buy the best runes and gear on websites, even on ebay. Trading is the downfall of any game. It opens the door for bots to collect all the best gear, and then sell it online to make a hefty profit. It also opens the door to duping. Blizzard was smart and eliminated trading in D3, not sure why they left it in D2R. The cheating here is all due to Blizzards actions. As for playing offline, there is no restrictions really, as far as I know. It would be nice if a moderator posted and determined if this is so. Mods of most sorts are permitted in Single Player. So item filters, extra monsters, stronger monsters, new items using existing item models , larger stash are okay. Different monsters, re-skinning your character, new zones are not okay. Actually reskinning characters and monsters shold be totally OK since it happens client side. Changing of monsters behave or character stats are of course not OK but they do happen server side. Mods And Cheats General Discussion. As I understand, offline is safe. Just make sure not to cross them online. But I too, would like to see a blue post regarding this. In SP offline. MP modding is not supported by blizzard. I also miss the days of Open Battledotnet….
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moonrise-island · 5 years
Turn any Nook Miles Island into a Tarantula Island!
This is based on this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/nerdcubed/comments/fnxom3/turn_any_animal_crossing_island_into_an_infinite/
I was testing it out and thought I’d post about it with pictures!
1. Make sure it’s night (and ideally raining)
It must be night for this to work since tarantulas only spawn at night. Their spawn rate goes up if it’s raining but it’s not necessary. According to Critterpedia, tarantulas are available 7pm-4am, November-April. I’m playing in the Northern Hemisphere so this might be different if you are in the Southern Hemisphere!
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2. Go to a Nook Island and remove EVERYTHING
Remove weeds, pick/dig flowers, break rocks, cut down trees and remove their stumps. This lowers the spawn rate for other bugs. Doing this in March, I had only 2 other bugs spawn: wharf roaches and tiger beetles. It’s important to constantly scare away other bugs to improve tarantula spawn rates.
Also your island layout may affect spawn rates and overall make your life easier or harder. My island was kind of annoying because I needed to use the Vault Pole and Ladder to repeatedly cross the river and go up on the cliff.
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3. Catch tarantulas
Once everything is clear tarantulas should start spawning. Sometimes they spawn quickly, sometimes it’s dry for a bit. Constantly circle the island to load/unload other parts of the island so new tarantulas can spawn (not sure how the game actually does this under the hood lol)
It’s actually very easy to catch tarantulas, and you don’t need to make any fancy traps:
Approach the tarantula slowly
Hold out your net by holding A
Walk towards the tarantula until it goes up on its legs, then stop walking
Once it goes back down approach it and again stop when it stands on its legs
Repeat until you are close enough to catch it
See how it’s on it’s hind legs --v
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Despite this though, I still fainted I would say ~7 times. In total I caught 28 tarantulas (I found another bug on the island that I didn’t have in the museum yet), and I think there’s no way to leave without one empty inventory slot.
I sold them at Nook’s Cranny the next day for 8,000 bells each for a total of 224,000 bells, quite the profit! It took me around 1.5 hours, though I wasn’t too focused on it and was just chilling listening to music.
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HOWEVER: Apparently Flick buys tarantulas from you for 50% more, making the selling price 12,000 bells each, with a max profit (with 40 inventory slots) of 480,000 bells! That’s a lot! I haven’t tested this yet but my bf sent me this picture from somewhere on tumblr:
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BONUS TIPS/ISSUES: From reading the reddit thread, some people have posted other tricks and issues, though I’ve not tested any of them:
Covering the stone parts with dropped wood etc. prevents wharf roaches from spawning. (Another user says they just spawn underneath so I don’t think this works)
This doesn’t work in Southern Hemisphere (could be a time of year thing)
If you have any comments/tips/etc. please let me know!
Also I’m still looking for a way to get bells that is easy and consistent like beetle farming in New Leaf. If anyone finds a way (without glitches, duping, etc.) let me know!
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Jude & Ali
Jude: Hey
Jude: can I stay at yours tonight? I need a sec to think
Jude: I don’t know how I’m gonna tell mum & dad or anyone how badly I’ve fucked up
Ali: Of course you can
Ali: but should I expect 🚓/🚑/🚒 to follow closely behind?
Ali: not sure which ranks highest on the bad scale so give me a clue
Jude: it’s not like that, I’d take it over how it is but
Ali: Ah, that kind of fuck up
Ali: You can go to mine now, I’m not in yet but you have your key and god knows how many cats will keep you company whilst you think
Jude: bus ride’s 👍 for it & they’ve probably seen worse
Jude: you can’t really see owt yet to look at me & maybe there won’t be anything to see anyway
Jude: might be it’s a mistake, I did or read it wrong idk
Ali: Oh bus drivers are the masters of seeing and not saying a thing
Ali: Opposite of taxi drivers in that regard, which if you’re after quiet contemplation is welcomed
Ali: If you need a listening ear however
Ali: How many periods have you missed, love?
Jude: 2 but that don't have to mean
Jude: it can mean loads of things & tests can be wrong, right? I only did the one
Ali: False positives are rare but not totally impossible
Ali: You’re not on any medication that could interfere, UTIs, kidney or ovary issues can but again you’d know beforehand
Ali: Chemical and ectopic pregnancies, maybe
Ali: That leaves user error, sometimes when the urine evaporates it leaves a very faint line that can be confused for a positive on a test that shows 2 lines, was that the kind you did? The timing is important but it’s more likely you’d get no result or negative, as you know
Jude: NOT comforting rn nan!
Ali: No, probably not
Ali: I don’t think that kind of lie is comforting for very long if at all either but we can sit in it whilst it is
Jude: it's already not when I know you're right & that means so's this test
Ali: I’m sorry about that
Ali: what would be comforting right now then?
Jude: just tell me what to do
Ali: In the long run or in telling your mum and dad?
Jude: obviously you can't tell me what to do in the long run
Jude: I can't even think that far ahead when this doesn't feel real
Ali: it’s too big for you to get in, what, an hour, less
Ali: it won’t feel real for a while yet, that’s alright
Ali: You can keep this to yourself for as long as you need, I won’t tell anyone, or bring it up again if you don’t want to talk about it after this
Ali: There’s no way telling won’t be scary, and really hard
Ali: but it shows that you care, about them and what they think, the fact you are scared
Ali: and you know they love you
Ali: even if it’s as disorientating for them as it is for you right now, or even a fraction of that, they will come around to supporting you and being there for you
Jude: I can't avoid mum forever & I'd have to for her not to work it out
Jude: she's always sussed any secret I've tried to keep
Jude: it's scary that this happened to me when I'm so careful
Jude: Toby takes the piss about how paranoid I am
Jude: God, how am I gonna tell him?
Ali: It’s unfair
Ali: and rarely talked about how not foolproof contraceptive is, whatever the method
Ali: That’s at least easier, he knows what you’ve been up to
Ali: though I’m sure he’ll feel as baffled and duped as you do
Jude: we're not like Jac & Sav, he's gonna hate me for this
Ali: It’s a very new relationship
Ali: but if he doesn’t want to be with you, do you think he’ll at least support you, in whatever you choose?
Jude: Yeah
Jude: but he can't support me that much, I need mum & dad
Ali: Of course you do
Ali: and you can tell them, whenever you’re ready
Ali: there’s no words but the facts, that’s all you can say
Jude: idk how I'll get my head round this
Jude: I'm not ever gonna be ready to tell them I ruined everything like this
Jude: it's exactly what I said to Jac I wouldn't let happen
Ali: You can’t control these things to that degree
Ali: it was an accident, right?
Ali: nothing needs to be ruined, everything is salvageable
Jude: that's not gonna calm anyone down though
Ali: No
Ali: do you want the truth on how likely a calm response will be?
Ali: their immediate response, anyway, that’s hard
Jude: maybe I'll just get rid of the baby without telling them, Toby won't say anything & you could go with me
Ali: We could do that
Jude: I'll 🗨️ to him but then
Ali: Good idea, once you’ve done that, get back to me
Jude: Don’t worry, I know all about the different types & when they do it, I won’t leave it too long before I speak to him
Ali: Good stuff
Ali: The pills are considered preferable, I’ve been told
Jude: I wanna do it in person but even if I talk myself out of seeing him a few times before I go ahead with it we’ll still have time to get them & do it at yours
Ali: Of course, as long as you’re aware of how long you have, then you can take the time you do have to do it as well as you can, with the minimum amount of stress instead of the absolute max that comes with the blind panic
Jude: Thanks nan
Ali: No need to thank me
Jude: there is, for not having a go like everyone else would’ve if I’d told them
Ali: It seems you already feel bad enough
Ali: and it’s not my place to judge, not to mention I can’t see it would do any good, or not as much good as, hopefully,
helping you will
Jude: I’m not sure if I feel enough of anything but I just found out, I guess
Ali: Shock’s pretty standard, it’ll come
Jude: when?
Ali: that isn’t on the clock
Ali: the more you think on it
Jude: rude, I’d like to still be in shock when I have to talk about this again, if I had any say, like
Ali: good luck 😏
Jude: no stretch to say I've got 0 rn
Ali: You’ll be okay
Jude: will I?
Ali: Yes
Ali: I promise
Ali: Whatever you do and whatever happens, you’ll get through it
Jude: is crying on a bus stage 1 of getting through it or am I fucking this up already?
Ali: If you aren’t crying on a bus at least once in your life you aren’t really living
Ali: but seriously, that’s very much the normal response
Jude: good timing to have really lived before my life's over
Ali: Your life isn’t over
Jude: it might as well be cos it's not gonna go back to normal
Jude: whatever I do
Ali: you feel like that now, you won’t always
Jude: idk nan, that sounds super fake
Ali: I obviously did it one way, but I know people who did it the other
Ali: we’re all alright, pretty much
Jude: okay I'll choose to believe you're not just saying it to make me feel better
Ali: Obviously I would, that’s my job
Ali: but I also mean it so do believe me
Ali: is there anything you need that you won’t be able to find at mine?
Jude: what like the bravery to 🗨️ to my boyfriend & parents or?
Ali: I’m sure I’ve got some alcohol lying about
Ali: but not my recommendation so 🤫 on that or your mum will be really mad at me
Jude: I can't drink
Jude: that's literally the 1st thing they tell you not to
after 🚭
Ali: I was kidding, sweetheart
Ali: poorly timed, perhaps
Jude: YOU might be but I'm not NOT considering it as a 💡
Jude: I'm in the worst trouble so
Ali: you wouldn’t be the first
Jude: I don't mean that it's just
Jude: Toby's got the 1 track mind, why isn't he crying on a bus & having to break the news to me?
Jude: I don't wanna have to do this
Ali: You can’t worry about ruining his peace
Ali: of course you don’t wanna have to do this, but you still
have to, you got into it together, the minimal is getting out of it together too
Jude: I know
Ali: If he’s worth his salt, he’ll give you that and not too much grief, you can share in it
Jude: He is
Ali: Glad to hear it 😌
Jude: can I bring him over when I wanna do it? I don't know where else we'd hang out that I can even hear myself speak
Ali: Yeah, ‘course
Ali: I can make myself as scarce or present as you need/want
Ali: it might be… not nice but what you want, to just be you two, once you’ve got to grips of how it will feel and what will happen, which we can work out beforehand
Jude: you're not gonna be there?
Ali: It’s up to you
Ali: I just need you to tell your parents first if you can
Ali: I don’t think it’d be great for me to go behind their back, as it were
Ali: If you really can’t, I could talk to them for you, but it’ll be best coming from you
Jude: you're right, it's my mess
Jude: I'll do it
Ali: I’ll be on the phone if you need backup
Ali: again, I won’t just turn up with you straight away, but you know I will come if you need if it’s not going well
Jude: it's not gonna go well, but I can't blame them, it's not great news
Ali: yeah
Ali: but you know, worse than you can handle
Jude: Yeah
Ali: you’re doing great so far
Jude: very funny
Ali: I can do better than that if I’m trying, come on
Ali: you are, there’s no better you can do really, given the situation
Jude: I've not done anything but a test & that didn't even go the way I wanted
Jude: nobody is gonna give me a 🏆
Ali: no
Ali: but you can give yourself the 🤏 bit of a break, there’s not anything you can do on that bus right now, so take that time
Jude: but what I said about wanting a sec to think was total bollocks, I don’t, what’s gonna happen next is too scary to think about
Ali: it’s just because it’s unknown, it’ll be a lot less scary when you understand what’s going to happen
Jude: I can’t do it
Jude: it shouldn’t be me making this massive decision
Ali: you can, and you will
Jude: you’ve forgotten how long it took me to pick between school subjects & I’m only really bothered about one of them
Ali: I didn’t say it’d be easy
Ali: you’ll either do it or the 🕑 will decide for you
Jude: how long did it take you?
Ali: Honestly?
Ali: I just did it, I can’t say I gave it much thought
Ali: I just knew
Ali: but I didn’t think about anyone else, honestly, and I’m not going to say that’s right
Jude: I can’t stop thinking about mum & dad
Ali: That’s a good thing
Jude: but then how am I gonna know I’m doing what I want instead of just what I know they want?
Ali: Those two things might look or be the same, if they’re that intertwined
Ali: but when it comes down to it, if you don’t want to do something, you won’t be able to do it
Ali: no one is forcing you, that’s the important thing, even if your parents and other people have ideas, no one will be insisting you do anything, so what you do, will be something you can live with
Jude: you’ve made it sound way simpler than it is but okay
Ali: I don’t fancy making things sound or feel any more complicated for you
Ali: it’s a big decision, one of the biggest, I know
Jude: he’ll help me make it though, like you said & then I’ll talk to mum & dad
Jude: it’s a plan
Ali: It is
Jude: what do you reckon I should do?
Ali: I can’t tell you what to do, what would be best for you, only you can work that out
Jude: yeah but you must have an opinion still
Ali: I don’t think it’s helpful to give it though
Jude: I care what you think, it’s obviously gonna be helpful to hear
Jude: especially cos you have experience of this exact thing
Ali: It’s just, I’m trying to say whatever anyone thinks won’t matter, truly, when it comes down to it
Ali: so all it’d do would be placing expectation or needless guilt
Ali: you’ll do what you have to do and I’ll be there regardless, and I’m happy about that, whatever you end up doing, okay
Ali: that’s all that matters
Jude: okay, okay, don’t tell me
Jude: I love you too
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rharyx · 5 years
I had a dream where I was in charge of writing the next KH game, and I think I might’ve been onto something good for the little bit of it I remember after waking up.
So the dream started off with what I can only imagine being a scenario pretty close to the beginning of the game. Probably right after the prologue (where you play as Luxu in the past, btw).
Ventus is sick because of Ux shenanigans (and he’s the easiest character to use to tie the Ux era stuff to the current era stuff) and probably because Darkness is Vanitas, and something about worldlines, blah blah, KH stuff.
Anyway, regular healing magic won’t work on him, so Aqua and Terra ask Riku to bring Namine to their castle so she could sift through his memories to figure out what might’ve caused this.
After Riku and Namine get to LoD, Terra shows slight insecurity over Aqua referring to Riku as “Master Riku,” because he’s still not a Master himself, while a user of darkness is. His whole arc in the game was going to end with him realizing that his self-centeredness of wanting to be a Master so badly in BbS is what allowed Xehanort to control him so easily and ruin everyone’s lives. So by the end, he’s fine with not being a Master (even though Aqua offers to grant him the title since he’s technically already on that level).
Anyway, while Namine examines Ven’s memories, Riku calls Ienzo to see if he knows of any way to help (he’s in the gardens picking flowers with Ansem the Wise and Aeleus). Ienzo, as a scientist and not a doctor, cannot help much at all. But he tells Riku that someone who specializes in Cure/Flower magic could probably help out more.
Of course, that would be Lauriam, as he was attuned to Flower as a Nobody.
So Riku tells SDG about this, and they set off to the world where Ienzo suspected Lauriam to be on... Which is the world of The Princess of The Frog. This is then world he was living on before he was turned into a Nobody, so it’s where he was recompleted.
(Oh yeah, I guess Sora’s not dead anymore. Maybe he gets brought back in a spinoff game or something, I don’t know.)
Anyway, as it turns out, I’ve never actually seen Princess & Frog, so my dream being so specific about a film I know nothing about is kinda weird. But whatever. I googled what these characters’ names were after waking up, since all I’ve known about them are their faces, and everything’s good now.
So, by the time SDG arrive, Lauriam’s already been duped by Dr. Facilier, who’s promised to make his wish to “reunite with his sister” come true. Because as KH3′s shown us, Lauriam now [conveniently] remembers his past, so he’s been continuing his search for Strelitzia after being recompleted again.
Now, I’m not too sure how the plot of the world goes, scene-by-scene, but it takes place during the plot of the movie, and so Tiana and Naveen can’t be party members since they’re...frogs. So Lauriam is a party member. Eventually, Elrena joins you too. You explore the city, the La Bouff’s ball, and the bayou.
And you also go to a casino (or some sort of party. Is there a party that takes place in the movie?) in New Orleans at one point and run into “Luxord” as a human. Because why not?
The boss of the world is Facilier during Mardi Gras, using his dark magic to summon some Heartless (apparently he has voodoo spirits in the movie, so that sounds cooler) and after beating him, Lauriam’s pretty bummed about not learning anything about his sister. At this point, Sora tells him that he met Strelitzia’s star in The Final World, giving him hope that she’s not gone for good.
SDG take Lauriam and Elrena to the Land of Departure where Lauriam can work on Ventus, whom he now recognizes from Ux. (Namine isn’t very happy about “Marluxia” being around.)
Anyway, that’s how the first Disney world in this totally-not-real-but-should-be-real Kingdom Hearts game goes. I’m not one to write fanfic or anything, but my unconscious mind while dreaming sure does spin a yarn.
(Also later, you go back to that world as Kairi, because she wants to get to know the other New Seven Hearts, and Tiana is one of them.)
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stylebydip-blog · 5 years
Hop Into Shops
** Hop into Shops **
Do you guys ever feel stressed out by even the idea of shopping? Trust me, I know how intimidating it feels. Malls are overwhelming with all the choices that you have, and it feels like there is so much to see, you don’t even know where to start. Well, consider this your go-to guide on how to hop into shops. These are all the tips and tricks that I follow in order to make shopping an enjoyable experience!  
Get Inspiration!
A quick way to narrow down what you want to buy is to actually know what you are looking for. The easiest way I do this is by checking other resources to see what clothes I feel inspired by and what outfits I think look best. Here are some of the ways you can find inspiration:
-          Search what celebs are wearing  Using Google and Instagram, search certain celebrity’s street style looks and compile all of your favourite looks
-          Find your favourite fashion bloggers Find fashion bloggers that you can’t get enough of who speak to your style. From there, check who they are following to find even more people whose style you love. An extra bonus would be finding fashion bloggers who are local personal shoppers, as you can utilize their services (keep reading for more information on personal shopping!)
-          Weheartit.com Through searching on this website, users can look through a gallery of photos that match their search terms to put together a collection of images that inspire you and match the vibe you are trying to create
For the most part, all these outlets will mention where the articles of clothing were purchased from, so you can buy directly from the source.
If the outfit is out of stock, be sure to still check out the website to see if there are similar articles of clothing available. Chances are if you liked one piece of clothing, you would like other creations by the same brand as they tend to stick to similar styles.
Also, Google “brands similar to” followed by that specific brand so you can start making a list of all of these brands and look out for them in department stores and boutiques, or see if they have a location near you.
If a certain outfit is out of your budget, just screenshot it, and you can try and find clothing dupes either through reverse image search or by asking a sales associate in store if they have something similar.  
Use the People Around You!
Don’t be afraid to ask the sales associate for help. They are there for a reason. Most of the time, they have a passion for fashion, and they will be more than willing to help you. Between finding dupes for what you came in looking for and finding items with similar styles they will help you build up your shopping cart.
You can then create a relationship with this sales associate, so they continue to notify you about new arrivals that they know you enjoy because they have gotten to learn your style overtime.
If you enjoy shopping with sales associates, you will love personal shoppers. These people make their entire living off shopping specifically for you. Malls like Yorkdale offer personal shopping services throughout the entire mall, and stores like Topshop and Oak & Fort have in-store personal shopping.
When you find a store that you like, see if they have personal shoppers so they can help curate a wardrobe for you based on your specific style.
If you have a friend with an eye for fashion, bring them shopping with you. They will be able to help you look for clothes along with the associate. The more eyes searching, the better chance you will have of finding a great buy.
Also, you should be able to trust this friend to give you honest feedback. Not only will they help you find the clothes you are looking for, they should be able to tell you if it is working for you or not (and help find a better alternative if it isn’t).
Complete Your Outfits!
It is easier to buy full outfits while you are shopping. This way you know that you have a go-to look, rather than buying pants and going back home desperately searching for a shirt that works with it. It will make wearing your new clothes so much easier when you know that you have matching outfits.
Take pictures of the outfits that you style while you are shopping so you remember them all, and make sure that multiple things you are buying go together so that you can make even more complete outfits.
As a bonus, when you go back home, any matching pieces that you happened to already have in your closet can be used as mix and match options with your new clothes.
This is Your Closet!
Don’t forget these are YOUR clothes that YOU are going to be wearing at the end of the day.
If you aren’t comfortable in the outfits that you are trying on, do not force yourself to buy the clothes just because people say it looks good. When you know in your heart that you aren’t going to wear it, you probably won’t, so don’t waste your money.
Find the clothes that you like the look of AND make you feel confident. I can’t count the number of times I found clothes that were totally up my alley, but when I try it on, I didn’t feel confident in the way that I looked in the outfit.
But that is okay! You will find so many more options that you love on the mannequin and on yourself.
**Let’s Get Shopping **
I hope these tips gave you a good idea of where to start when you are on your next shopping spree. I know how stressful shopping can sound at times, but when you break it down by following these tips, you will become an expert in no time.
Shopping is something that should be fun, don’t forget that. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and really just take some time to discover what kind of clothes you really like to be as prepared as you can be.
Happy shopping, and don’t forget to tag me in all your purchases!
Xo stylebydip
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643-644: "Shaking Heaven and Earth! Admiral Fujitora's Power!" and "A Blow of Anger! A Giant vs Lucy!"
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Brutal.... :(
Were I to sum up 643 and 644, it would be: unexpected feels and reveals.
The feels came from poor Brutal. It was all going so well! Luffy found a new pal and then, BAM.
The reveals? Well, we have the “return” of Norland from Skypeia, for one thing. Flower Field also seems to be the location for the next Big Showdown. 
The Donquixote Family have also made some moves. Diamante has put Bellamy in an uncomfortable position and an... artistic new character has been introduced. As for Doflamingo himself, he revealed a past working relationship with Trafalgar Law (I knew it! I knew there was something there!)
Oh, and we have yet another ridiculously powerful Admiral. :D
Fujitora is My New Favourite Admiral
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This entire scene escalated quickly. It went from Dodgy Dealings to Dragon Ball in the blink of an eye. Not exactly an exemplary lesson in conflict resolution, but I am not complaining. 
Because it was awesome.
Law was understandably pissed off at being duped by Doflamingo. It wasn’t really Law’s fault. He’d planned the best he could with the information he had to hand. Unfortunately, it was just as Vergo had foretold: not knowing about Doflamingo’s past would be Law’s undoing.
Law refused to hand over Caesar. Doflamigo had reneged on his side of the bargain. “The deal’s off!”
Then Doflamingo said something interesting. “Is that how you talk to your boss after ten years of silence?”
Boss? Really?
I freaking knew it. I knew there was something between Doflamingo, Law and Vergo. It was the way Vergo spoke to Law back in Punk Hazard, calling him a brat, acting as if he knew everything about Law, about how he had improved but not enough. Doflamingo treats him in a similar way. Law is from North Blue, a territory in the New World. Dressrosa is in the New World. Was Law born in a territory claimed by Doflamingo?
I wonder what caused Law to go radio silence and desert Doflamingo? It must have been something horrendous. Maybe Law knows Doflamingo a bit better than he lets on.
Whatever the case, Doflamingo was adamant in retrieving Caesar. (Caesar’s starry-eyed moment was hilarious. I’d say he’s totally in love with Doflamingo, but the only thing I’d ship Caesar with is research funding).
There was a quick, “Yeah, I’ve heard all about you” exposition moment. Just to bring any viewers up to speed on Fujitora in case they missed that awesome episode when he sent an unfortunate bunch of fodders to a hole in the ground hell. “You were appointed as  Marine Admiral through the World Military Draft,” Doflamingo said. “I’ve heard a lot about you. They say you’re a monster who wields unquestionable power as well as Ryokugyu.”
First thing: World Military Draft? That’s a new one to me. Was Fujitora plucked from obscurity to become an Admiral through a military draft? Or was he retired in some capacity and they brought him back? Whatever Fujitora’s deal is, I’d be interested in finding out.
Second thing: what the hell is a Ryokugu?
Caesar’s presence at the Green Bit beach was of great interest to Fujitora and his Marines. Fujitora knew who Caesar was, which implies he has been briefed on all the Big Criminals or he does have prior experience working with the Marines. He is also familiar The Way Things Are, as he admitted they couldn’t arrest Caesar if he was working for Doflamingo (the perks of being a Shichibukai). He knows Doflamingo is a nasty bit of work but, as Doflamingo said, he has to be able to prove it. (I wonder if Fujitora is trying to do just that?)
Interestingly, it seemed like Fujitora also tried to throw Law a similar lifeline. Law is still officially a Shichibukai. His movements are crucial to the success of the Marine’s mission. If the Strawhats were working under Law, Fujitora was prepared to ignore the alliance. However, were it an alliance of equals, it would go against the Marines’ interests and Fujitora would be forced to arrest Law.
Law made some quick calculations. His original plan had failed. Even if he selected Fujitora’s Option #1, he would have to take the matter to Dressrosa and that would only make matters worse.
He chose Option #2 and fessed up to the alliance with the Strawhats.
“Welp, guess I’ll have to arrest you!” Fujitora said.
And a beautiful, big kaboom moment happened. Not only can Fujitora fire folk into holes in the ground, he can also crush them from above. A mighty meteorite came screaming down onto Green Bit. Caesar and the Fodders scarpered. Even Doflamingo was like, “FFS, is that not excessive?”
When the smoke cleared, only the three main fighters stood on conveniently preserved pillars of ground (hilarious, classic shounen trope. Love it).
Doflamingo was not pleased. “How did the Fleet Admiral train you, you damned stray dog!”
Fujitora remained supremely unfazed. “Thank you. I just wanted to test your skills. Now I’m going to arrest you, Is that okay, Law-san?” 
He’s such a polite guy. I like him.
But there’s just one thing. Doflamingo wants Law too. I don’t think he’ll let Fujitora get his hands on Law. If that happens, Law might spill the beans (I doubt he would but it’s possible). Then all Doflamingo’s secrets will be out.
The plot chickenz.
Flower Field Rendezvous Crew
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Well, I think I know where the Strawhats will reconvene once all the subplots have run their course.
Flower Field is the place to be, folks!
I’m kind of relieved Sanji is back on track again. Once he realised Law was in trouble, he called Franky to update him. I love how Franky was like, “Yo, Sanji. What’s up?” and Sanji was like, “Well, I’m in love,” and Franky just said, “That’s nice. Btw, I think I can find the factory but we can’t just destroy it and get away. It’s a much bigger task than we thought! Oh yeah, and I read the newspaper. Doflamingo sure fooled us!”
Even Franky was trying to steer Sanji back to the plot, lmao.
Then Franky mentioned he was heading to Flower Field with Sol and that Sanji should meet him there to catch up.
Sanji finally caught up with Plot and mentioned the ominous fact that he couldn’t reach Nami or any of the others on Sunny. Franky replied, “You still think she’s weak? Anyway, Brook and Monster Chopper are with her. She’ll be fine!”
I kind of think Sanji had a point here. It’s not about thinking Nami’s weak. It’s the fact she’s not answering the DDM. If I were Franky, I’d be like, “Yeah, something’s not right. Let me try and see if I can get her to answer.”
Violet then exited the plot stage left. Before she ran off, she handed Sanji a very useful piece of intel: a map to the Smile Factory (it’s disguised as a Toy House). Sanji told her to take care of herself and also where the Strawhats’ final rendezvous point is (Western Harbour). I’m still a teeny bit suspicious of her because there is still time for her to be caught by Doflamingo and sell out the Strawhats.
Then Foxfire interrupted (lmao) and announced Sanji had to accompany him to a place called Toy House right away. Turns out that’s where Kanjuuro is also being held.
Am I right to be suspicious about how easily this is all working out for the Strawhats at the moment? I feel like Doflamingo knows what they’re up to and is leading them into a trap.
Norland’s Back!
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Oh, how I missed your resplendent, chestnut barnet! That’s two sneaky Skypiea callbacks now (more on that later).
And why has Norland cropped up again?
Turns out he visited the Tontatta Kingdom four-hundred years ago, as a botanist. A crew of Evil Big Humans were destroying the Tontatta Kingdom and Norland, being an Absolute Lad, fought alongside them and helped them defeat the evil Big Humans. 
Usopp, being a smart guy, noticed the statue of Norland and totally took advantage. He had a chestnut-shaped helmet on and claimed to be Usoland, a descendant of Norland himself. The Tontatta people totally believed him and now they’re waiting on him hand and foot.
Robin was like, “Usopp, you are a terrible person,” and Usopp shot back with, “Well, it saved you too!” Fair point, Usopp!
It sort of backfired on him, though, because the chief arrived and announced Usopp’s presence on this most auspicious day must be fate. Why was that? Well, today was the day the Tontatta people vowed to fight the Donquixote Family! At Dressrosa, they will fight. The commander and fellow soldiers of the King Riku Army are expecting them at Flower Field. They begged Usopp to stand at the forefront of the charge and lead them. With Usoland, the Tontatta would be unbreakable!
I wish I could have seen Robin’s face at that moment.
But Flower Field, eh? I wonder if Sol the Toy and the Resistance movement have been working with the Tontatta People to muster up this rebellion? Signs point to yes, since Wicka was super keen for Zoro to take her to Flower Field.
At any rate, that’s Franky, Zoro, Usopp and Robin all headed for Flower Field. I bet they end up caught in the crossfire. So much for remaining undercover, eh?
Not the Worst Installation I’ve Ever Seen
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So... Giolla’s a bit of a character, isn’t she?
It’s like meeting Miss Goldenweek’s eccentric art teacher.
To be honest, I think Nami, Brook and Chopper got the raw end of the deal being left behind on Sunny. They’re the first ones to face off against a Donquixote Family member. And one with a pretty bizarre but cool power too.
Giolla’s introduction was pretty cool. Screechy violin harmonics hinted something sinister was afoot. Nami, Brook, Chopper and Momo peered into the dorm and were like, “wtf is this lsd nonsense?”
Then came footsteps; shoes oddly similar to the ones Doflamingo wears (there must be a Donquixote Family dresscode). A cloud of colourful smoke turned the place into coloring book land.
The Strawhats reeled back, horrified. Chopper wondered if it was the work of a Devil Fruit user.
“Bad Taste Fruit?” Brook suggested. (Lmao, Brook!)
The door creaked open and Giolla appeared in all her art-teacher glory.
Nami was like, “Who the hell are you and what have you done to Sunny?”
Giolla shrieked at her to shut up. The goons she brought with her answered Nami’s question. “This is Giolla-sama of the Donquixote Family!”
Uh oh, I thought. This could be a problem.
“I don’t like people with no artistic taste!” Giolla declared. “My soul is swinging. I see an image. My mind is about to erupt! It’s going to explode! An image of liberty and beauty.”
Then she transformed Nami, Brook, Chopper and Momo into 2D versions of themselves. Nami demanded Giolla turn them back, but, interestingly, Giolla countered she would only do that if they handed over Momonosuke without a fight. What is that all about? Hmm... I’m starting to think there is something going on with Momonosuke. Why would Doflamingo want Momo? I guess he was caught up in all the Punk Hazard stuff. Maybe it’s a “no witnesses” situation. Or maybe Momo ate a really good fruit meant for Kaidou and Doflamingo wants to sell Momo to Kaidou to make up for the cool Dragon fruit disappearing?
Whatever the real reason, the Strawhats obviously refused. Negotiations broke down. Giolla attacked again. The Strawhats hatched a plan to lure her away from Sunny but for all Giolla acts like an eccentric art teacher, she is no fool when it comes to battle.
Poor Sunny looks pretty... different at the moment. 
Nami, Brook, Chopper and Momo are also surrounded by Giolla and her goons. Have no idea how they’ll escape but I love how Brook is most concerned about how mad Franky will be when he gets back.
Press F to Pay Your Respects for Brutal
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Oh, the unexpected feels.
It was all going so well in the Colosseum. Luffy made friends with Brutal Bull when it challenged him in the ring. They had fun for a bit but once Luffy decided it was haki time, the fight was over. To my ABSOLUTE DELIGHT, Luffy did not punch out Brutal or finish him off.
They teamed up! Luffy made a new bull friend! It was so adorable watching them mercilessly mow down the other fodders. They were having such a great time.
Until Hajrudin, the Giant Fun Sponge from Elbaf totally ruined it all.
Brutal accidentally got his horns stuck in Hajrudin’s boot. Hajrudin’s big hammer came down. I gasped. No! Luffy was fine but Brutal had been crushed.
“His little bull back legs. He needs them!” I wailed.
Luffy knelt down beside Brutal and touched him gently on the shoulder. Without saying a word, I knew revenge was imminent and inevitable.You know when Luffy’s eyes shift from one to two circles that shit is about to go down.
Cape blowing in the wind, he stood up, sized up Hajrudin, and executed a haki-filled beatdown worthy of Brutal’s name.
I can’t help but wonder if this scene with Brutal was a sneaky anti-bloodsports commentary from Oda? Maybe if you squint? I mean, instead of torturing an innocent bull for fun, what Luffy did was be friends with the bull; fight *with* the bull. The one who did harm the bull received a Gear 2nd Armored Haki punch right to the face.
I kind of hope Brutal is okay. I have visions of him recovering from his injuries and spending his days trampling people in Flower Field for years to come.
Things aren’t looking quite as simple for Luffy, though.
It seems everyone on Dressrosa is trying to kill him! Diamante slipped Bellamy a note in the Donquixote Family private backstage room. Said note contained orders from Doflamingo: Bellamy is to assassinate Luffy. One last chance at promotion. Obviously, Bellamy is now conflicted about this, as Luffy cheered him on in the ring and inspired him to travel to Skypiea. (I’m leaning towards Bellamy attempting, then regretting and betraying Doflamingo.)
Cavendish Banana is also on the warpath (him fending off Bartolomeo’s food-thieving hands with a fork was hilarious. “MINE. MY FOOD. NO.”) Obviously, Cavendish’s reason for wanting to kill Luffy is profoundly shallow. “Luffy stole muh limelight, wah!”
Bartolomeo said, “Well, my connection with Strawhat Luffy is much deeper.”
I gasped. 
Yes, I thought. This is the moment. 
What is the history here? Because I have watched this show since episode one. I have a goldfish memory but I’d like to think Bartolomeo would have stood out.
But do you know what?
Shaking my head, man. Bartolomeo, you are so rude. Such a meta character.
And by the way, there is also something up with Ricky and Rebecca. Don’t think I missed that little scene. I bet it’s something to do with Kyros. That whole thing about everyone forgetting why the statue is there is so suspicious.
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 364
os x
I had a difficult week, but I got some nice work done. There is a new way to add complicated tag seaches, and repository processing is now a lot easier to work with.
complicated tag searching
Users in help->advanced mode will now see a new 'OR' button on their search pages' autocomplete dropdowns. Click this, and you will be able to paste a logically complicated pure-text query such as "( blue eyes and blonde hair ) or ( green eyes and red hair )", and it will automatically convert it to a tag query hydrus can understand! (It converts it to conjunctive normal form, or ANDs of ORs)
This code is thanks to user prkc, who wrote a really neat parser to do the conversion. The system even supports XOR! Complicated searches will produce similarly crazy hydrus search predicates--which may in some cases run a little slow--so give it a go and see how you like it. This is mostly a first prototype to see how it goes in the real world, and I am happy to revisit it based on feedback.
thoughts on current big tag work
I spent a bit of time thinking about tag management and inefficiencies this week, planning what I want to do in this big tag overhaul job. I also did some statistical analysis of the public tag repository to see how different tags are distributed.
not sure how well this will embed, I’ll post it in follow-up if it stays small
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Of the nine million unique tags in the PTR, six million only apply to one file. These are mostly 'title:' tags and some misparsed garbage. These tags have long been a concern for me, and I feared they consumed a huge amount of space, but in truth (and of course, when you think about it), one-and-done tags are less than one percent of the actual file-tag mapping storage. They eat up a bunch of 'definition' space, but barely any 'content' space. About two thirds of total storage is taken up by good unnamespaced tags like 'hairband' or 'sitting' or 'twin braids'. Namespaced tags like 'series:' and 'character:' and newer sorts I have been tentatively approving siblings for, like 'clothing:', generally distribute a few percent each, perhaps 20 million each (out of a total 630 million or so). There are some non-descriptive tags I don't like much, like 'booru:' and 'filename:' tags, but there are no gigantic wastes of space in the PTR.
This is a pleasant surprise, but also its own problem: in the back of my mind, I had hoped I might be able to cut the PTR neatly in half by eliminating wasteful/useless tags, but it turns out the vast majority of tags, in terms of sheer storage, are good. I had considered adding a complicated serverside Tag List approved-tag filter as many boorus have, but I do not think it is worth the trouble at this time.
Therefore, I will focus my upcoming work on improving clientside control of what you see, where you see it, and how you see it. If you do not want to see 'booru:' tags, I want to make it easy to hide them. If you want all the new 'bodypart:' tags to display as unnamespaced, I want it to be one quick rule to set that. I want it to be simple to move a hundred million tags from one place to another, and to share them with other users.
The separate question of dealing with running the PTR and my current bandwidth throttle is a different problem that I have yet to plan out. I may add an IPFS plugin for the hydrus server, or server mirroring tech, or there may be another solution. I am a developer most of all, not a natural server administrator, so my dream scenario here is probably to freeze the current PTR and make its snapshot easy to modify and migrate about so users can run their own tag repositories and it is out of my hands. This would also neatly remove my single point of failure. My preference is to focus my time on improving how the servers work and improve administration functionality, but I am still thinking about it.
better repo processing
After thinking about tags and workflows, I decided to just go nuts and rework tag repository processing to no longer be a big application-blocking job! Somehow, it seems to work!
So, rather than making the 'dialog' popup that blocks the program, repo processing now works in a normal bottom-right popup. It streams work to the database in packets and no longer locks anything for long. You can still browse your files and do everything else in the program, with the only significant caveat being some operations like autocomplete tag results fetching may be a bit juddery. The program will no longer lock up for long periods while doing this work, and the cancel button will always be available.
As a result, the 'process now' button under services->review services is now available for all users, not just advanced ones, and loses its big warning. Please feel free to try it out.
The basic workflow and feedback is the same. It will still work through update files and report current rows/s. For this initial version, in most situations it will be slower than before, but in others it will actually be faster. As before, it runs best if left to work in idle/shutdown mode, where it will be greedier and work harder. I still recommend users leave it to work in normal maintenance cycles, but manual catch-up, if desired, is now much more pleasant and easily cancelled.
This is a first version of a big change. The pre-process disk cache run is no longer called, and work and break and transactions timings have been altered. Users on fast SSDs with good CPUs should not notice any big differences, but those who PTR-sync on HDDs may have trouble (or at least be better able to see the ~300 rows/s trouble they have been having all along). Please let me know how you get on and what sort of rows/s you see. Does it accelerate over time? Does it make your browsing or video rendering juddery? I will write a more intelligent throttle in the coming weeks that will speed this processing up when there is CPU available.
This is an important step forward on the tag work and my new unified global maintenance pipeline. I'd love to have the similarly chunky 'analyze' and 'vacuum' commands work a bit more like this as well.
I have been chasing an ui-lockup bug recently that may have been tied to long-running tag repository processing while the client was idle and/or minimised. If you got this (on restoring your client, you'd see black except perhaps a bit of a garbled screenshot in one corner), please let me know if this week happens to fix it.
the rest
The 'this video has an audio track, but it is silent' code from last week had a flaw (such files were detected as having audio) that slipped through testing. I have fixed this and extended the test to recognise more types of silent file. Thank you for submitting test files here. If you discover any more video files that detect as having audio--or not--incorrectly with this new code, please submit them.
Also, an odd issue where thumbnails of files that underwent a file metadata regeneration would not display archive/tag/rating updates until they were reloaded is now fixed. This bug had been in for a long time, but the rush of new files into the file maintenance system from last week exposed it.
I extended and improved some of the recent 'don't do work while page is not shown or gui is minimised' stuff this week. Duplicate processing pages should be more careful about when they fetch new duplicate counts (speeding up session load for users with several dupe processing pages), and the animation issue from last week that froze media viewers' videos while the main gui was minimised should all be fixed.
I also gave the autocomplete fast-typing logic another pass. Some users were reporting that typing 'blue eyes' might instead add 'blue ey' and similar. I cleaned up the 'should I broadcast the current typed text or the currently selected result?' test and I think I have it working better now. If you are a very fast typer, please continue to let me know how this works for you.
Query texts for some booru downloaders that contain '&', such as 'panty_&_stocking', should now be fixed!
The pixiv login script no longer works and has been removed from the defaults. They added some sort of captcha. If you wish to log in to pixiv with hydrus, please use the Client API and Hydrus Companion to copy your web browser's cookies to hydrus:
Logging in this way seems to work well for many situations, and will be the go-to recommendation for any site that has a login system more complicated than hydrus can currently deal with. I believe the Deviant Art login system may have gone/be going that way as well, so if you have had DA trouble, give Hydrus Companion a go.
full list
repo processing makeover:
repository processing is now no longer a monolithic atomic database job! it now loads update files at a 'higher' level and streams packets of work to the database without occupying it continuously! hence, repository processing no longer creates a 'modal' popup that blocks the client--you can keep browsing while it works, and it won't hang up the client!
this new system runs on some different timings. in this first version, it will have lower rows/s in some situations and higher in others. please send me feedback if your processing is running significantly slower than before and I will tweak how this new routine decides to work and take breaks
multiple repos can now sync at once, ha ha
shutdown repository processing now states the name of the service being processed and x/y update process in the exit splash screen
the process that runs after repository processing that re-syncs all the open thumbnails' tags now works regardless of the number of thumbnails open and works asynchronously, streaming new tag managers in a way that will not block the main thread
'process now' button on review services is now available to all users and has a reworded warning text
the 1 hour limit on a repo processing job is now gone
pre-processing disk cache population is tentatively gone--let's see how it goes
the 10s db transaction time is raised to 30s. this speed some things up, including the new repo processing, but if a crash occurs, hydrus may now lose up to 30s of changes before the crash
the rest:
users in advanced mode now have a 'OR' button on their serch autocomplete input dropdown panels. this button opens a new panel that plugs into prkc's neat raw-text -> CNF parser, which allows you to enter raw-text searches such as '( blue eyes and blonde hair ) or ( green eyes and red hair )' into hydrus
fixed the silent audio track detection code, which was handling a data type incorrectly
improved the silent audio track detection code to handle another type of silence, thank you to the users who submitted examples--please send more false positives if you find them
fixed an issue where thumbnails that underwent a file metadata regeneration were not appearing to receive content updates (such as archive, or new tags/ratings) until a subsequent reload showed they had happened silently. this is a long-time bug, but the big whack of files added to the files maintenance system last week revealed it
the 'pause ui update cycles while main gui is minimised' change from last week now works on a per-frame basis. if the main gui is minimised, media viewers that are up will still run videos and so on, and vice versa
a few more ui events (e.g. statusbar & menubar updates) no longer occur while the client is minimised
duplicate processing pages will now only initialise and refresh their maintenance and dupe count numbers while they are the current page. this should speed up session load for heavy users and those with multiple duplicate pages open
gave the new autocomplete 'should broadcast the current text' tests another pass--it should be more reliable now broadcasting 'blue eyes' in the up-to-200ms window where the stub/full results for, say, 'blue ey' are still in
fixed an accidental logical error that meant 'character:'-style autocomplete queries could do a search and give some odd results, rather than just 'character:*anything*'. a similar check is added to the 'write' autocomplete
fixed an issue with autocomplete not clearing its list properly, defaulting back to the last cached results, when it wants to fetch system preds but cannot due to a busy db
fixed GET-argument gallery searches for search texts that include '&', '=', '/', or '?' (think 'panty_&_stocking_with_garterbelt')
removed the pixiv login script from the defaults--apparently they have added a captcha, so using Hydrus Companion with the Client API is now your best bet
the client's petition processing page will now prefer to fetch the same petition type as the last completed job, rather than always going for the top type with non-zero count
the client's petition processing page now has options to sort parent or sibling petitions by the left side or right--and it preserves check status!
the client's petition processing page now sorts tags by namespace first, then subtag
the client now starts, restarts, and stops port-hosted services using the same new technique as the server, increasing reliability and waiting more correctly for previous services to stop and so on
the client now explicitly commands its services to shut down on application close. a rare issue could sometimes leave the process alive because of a client api still hanging on to an old connection and having trouble with the shut-down db
the file maintenance manager will no longer spam to log during shutdown maintenance
sketched out first skeleton of the new unified global maintenance manager
improved some post-boot-error shutdown handling that was also doing tiny late errors on server 'stop' command
added endchan bunker links to contact pages and github readme
updated to ffmpeg 4.2 on windows
next week
Next week is a 'small jobs' week, and I have a ton to catch up on. I want to do some more Client API stuff and just hammer out a whole bunch of small things. I'll also tweak the new repository processing as needed and start work on better local tag management, maybe exploring how best to add multiple local tag services.
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coinprojects · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://coinprojects.net/u-s-congress-submits-18-crypto-bills-in-2021-visa-buys-150k-cryptopunk-microstrategy-snaps-up-more-btc-hodlers-digest-aug-22-28/
U.S. Congress submits 18 crypto bills in 2021, Visa buys $150K CryptoPunk, MicroStrategy snaps up more BTC: Hodler’s Digest, Aug. 22-28
Coming every Saturday, Hodler’s Digest will help you track every single important news story that happened this week. The best (and worst) quotes, adoption and regulation highlights, leading coins, predictions and much more — a week on Cointelegraph in one link.
Top Stories This Week
Congress has put forward 18 bills on digital assets in 2021 so far
The U.S. Congress has been ramping up its efforts to provide a regulatory framework for crypto in 2021 and has put forward 18 bills concerning digital assets and blockchain tech so far this year.   
According to an Aug. 22 analysis from former Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation regulator Jason Brett, the current 117th Congress differs from its predecessor in that it has been focusing on regulation concerning decentralized assets as opposed to private stablecoins. 
It was also reported this week that the contentious $1 trillion infrastructure bill will see a vote in the House of Representatives by Sept. 27 — without any amendments to the controversial crypto tax provisions.
  Visa invests $150,000 in NFT CryptoPunk asset
This week Visa, Visa spent $150,000 on a tokenized JPEG of a pixel art punk, better known as a CryptoPunk NFT. The firm announced the news in an Aug. 23 blog post, with Cuy Sheffield, the head of crypto at Visa, teasing that the firm may be looking at a prolonged stay in the sector.
“To help our clients and partners participate, we need a first-hand understanding of the infrastructure requirements for a global brand to purchase, store and leverage an NFT,” he said. 
Visa purchased CryptoPunk 7610 — a female figure with a mohawk, green clown makeup eyes and lipstick. Obtaining an “understanding of the infrastructure requirements” in purchasing an NFT mustn’t have taken long, as all you need to do is buy it and store it in your wallet. It’s not rocket science. 
Budweiser also joined in the action by purchasing a fan art NFT for 8 Ether (ETH), worth roughly $25,000. The NFT depicted a Budweiser-branded rocket that would take five minutes to whip up on Adobe Illustrator. The beer producer also spent 30 ETH, or $94,000, on the domain name Beer.eth through Ethereum Name Service on OpenSea.
  PayPal launches crypto services for UK customers
Global payments provider PayPal announced the rollout of its crypto services for customers in the United Kingdom this week. 
PayPal first launched its crypto services less than a year ago, and this is the first time it has expanded crypto support beyond U.S. shores. 
The firm will initially allow customers to buy, sell and hold crypto assets including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether, Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). However, crypto transactions for PayPal business accounts aren’t supported yet.
  MicroStrategy splashes $177M on Bitcoin, now holds almost 109,000 BTC
MicroStrategy, led by Bitcoin apostle Michael Saylor, has snapped up another $177 million worth of digital gold. The latest purchase takes the firm’s tally up to 108,992 BTC, which cost a mere $2,918 billion overall. 
The average purchasing price for its BTC sits at approximately $26,769 per coin. With the price of BTC sitting at $47,584 at the time of writing, MicroStrategy’s holdings are valued at $5.1 billion.
It is a foregone conclusion that Saylor is “all in” on BTC at this stage. However, it is yet to be seen if he will respond to crypto skeptic Peter Schiff’s call out for a debate. Schiff faced off against Anthony Scaramucci this week over whether gold or BTC is a better store of value. After he won, he stated in jest: 
“I just gotta say one thing: Michael Saylor, stop ducking me, I know you’re out there.”
  Binance denies allegations of market manipulation
Major crypto exchange Binance came out swinging this week as it pushed back against allegations of market manipulation and trading against its users. 
The firm is currently facing regulatory scrutiny and, in an Aug. 23 Twitter thread, Binance seemingly laid the blame of assertions of market manipulation on publications spreading FUD, along with people impersonating Binance employees. 
The firm stated that, while it works on its compliance targets with regulators, it expects “fewer FUD-peddlers and individuals with malicious intent,” and went on to warn: 
“Binance reserves the right to take legal action to protect its interests and welcomes responsible whistle-blowing that protects the trust of our community.”
    Winners and Losers
    At the end of the week, Bitcoin is at $48,373, Ether at $3,233 and XRP at $1.14. The total market cap is at $2.08 trillion, according to CoinMarketCap. 
Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are Tezos (XTZ) at 46.33%, Avalanche (AVAX) at 33.86% and Celo (CELO) at 31.97%. 
The top three altcoin losers of the week are Audius (AUDIO) at -21.08%, XinFin Network (XDC) at -13.99% and SushiSwap (SUSHI) at -12.76%.
For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph’s market analysis.
    Most Memorable Quotations
  “As long as the statute says that software developers, miners, stakers must do the impossible, there is no lawyer who would advise them to risk operating in violation of laws whose penalties for non-compliance would easily bankrupt them.”
Lawrence Zlatkin, Coinbase global vice president of tax
  “In the last year, we’ve seen a significant shift in how the global financial ecosystem is thinking about new business models fueled by digital assets, and how this is playing a meaningful role in financial infrastructure.”
Linda Pawczuk, principal at Deloitte Consulting
  “We will want to wait for all the regulatory things. Of course, crypto is an area which is extremely interesting, and is the biggest buzzword and is doing exceptionally well. But we would want to understand more on the regulation side.”
Manu Jain, managing director of Xiaomi India
  “A trading platform that offers derivatives on digital assets to U.S. persons without registering, or in violation of CFTC trading rules, is subject to the CFTC’s enforcement authority.”
Dawn Stump, commissioner at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  “When you have a good crypto wallet like Novi will be, you also have to think about how to help consumers support NFTs.”
David Marcus, head of Facebook Financial and co-creator of Diem
  “Be wary of investment opportunities with low risk and high returns. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
Delia Rickard, deputy chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 
  “Binance has never traded against our users nor manipulated the market, and we never will.”
  “With our CryptoPunk purchase, we’re jumping in feet first. This is just the beginning of our work in this space.”
Cuy Sheffield, head of crypto at Visa
  “I think this cryptocurrency revolution and Bitcoin specifically, because of its scarcity, is going to transcend gold. It’s more portable, it’s impregnable in terms of the transaction over the blockchain […] and it’s being adopted quite rapidly.”
Anthony Scaramucci, Skybridge founder
Prediction of the Week 
  Bitcoin bullish cross on weekly chart paints $225K BTC price target if history repeats
Bitcoin regained the $50,000 price level this week, although the asset subsequently fell several thousand dollars as part of a price correction, fluctuating between $45,000 and $50,000 for most of the week. 
During the month of August, the moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) indicator on Bitcoin’s weekly price chart formed and continued through a cross of the indicator’s two lines, and jumped to green on its histogram (the bar part at the bottom of the indicator). 
What does it mean? Well, nothing is certain, but according to reporting from Cointelegraph’s William Suberg, the last time Bitcoin’s MACD indicator acted similarly (last fall), the asset’s price grew by more than five times in value in the following half dozen months. BTC could potentially rise above $200,000 if things play out comparably, according to Suberg.
FUD of the Week 
  Google bans 8 ‘deceptive’ crypto apps from Play Store
Google, the Silicon Valley-based tech overlords, took down eight fraudulent crypto apps from its Google Play Store this week. 
Fraudulent crypto-themed mobile apps have been popping up more frequently over the past 12 months, and they usually operate under the false pretext of offering cloud mining services. 
According to a recent report from Trend Micro, the apps were charging around $15 a month for their fake services and extra for “increased mining capabilities” — all while duping users into watching paid ads.  
The reportedly fake crypto apps included mining services such as BitFunds, Bitcoin Miner, Daily Bitcoin Rewards, Crypto Holic and MineBit Pro, to name a few.
  Poll shows Brits concerned over the prospect of a digital pound
According to a survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on behalf of Politico, 30% of British adults hold concerns over a Bank of England-issued central bank digital currency, or CBDC.  
For some reason, the notion of having a programmable government-backed CBDC that can track all of their spending habits doesn’t sound appealing to them. If they think that’s bad, just wait until they hear about the insatiable appetite for personal data that Apple, Google or Facebook has. 
There were 2,500 British adults surveyed in the study during early August, with 24% believing that it could be beneficial, while 46% were undecided.
  Coinbase users angry with customer support after funds disappear from accounts
Top U.S. crypto exchange Coinbase was facing backlash this week for terrible customer service in relation to users reporting hacks and being drained of funds.  
According to an Aug. 24 investigation from CNBC, thousands of disgruntled customers across the U.S. have lodged complaints against the company, and are unhappy with the lack of response from Coinbase when dealing with hacks and stolen funds.  
“Interviews with Coinbase customers around the country and a review of thousands of complaints reveal a pattern of account takeovers, where users see money suddenly vanish from their account, followed by poor customer service from Coinbase that made those users feel left hanging and angry,” CNBC stated.
  Best Cointelegraph Features
Blockchain is as revolutionary as electricity: Big Ideas with Jason Potts
“This is completing the revolution that was started with the internet.”
London’s impact: Ethereum 2.0’s staking contract becomes largest ETH holder
The aftereffects of the London upgrade begin to emerge as the Eth2 staking contract becomes the single largest Ether holder.
The new episode of crypto regulation: The Empire Strikes Back
A decentralized exchange reckoning is coming — and it’s bigger than the infrastructure bill — thus, the DeFi community must be ready.
Source link By Cointelegraph By Editorial Staff
#Altcoin #Binance #Bitcoin #BlockChain #BlockchainNews #BNB #Crypto #CryptoExchange #ETH #Etherium #RippleNetwork #XRP
0 notes
debtblog381 · 3 years
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For
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Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For Men
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out Forget
MAC Huggable Lipcolour will be available in twelve shades with a January 4, 2014 release date. MAC Huggable Lipcolour seems similar to products MAC has already released like Sheen Supreme Lipstick and So Supreme Lipstick however, I felt the formula was different. How To Use MAC Huggable Lipcolour? Exfoliate and moisturize your lips. Swivel up the MAC Huggable Lipcolour. Starting from the cupid's bow, apply the lipstick to your upper lip following it's natural contour. Glide it across the entire bottom lip. Blot your lips with a tissue paper to even tone the. That little splash of color is like a nap, doughnuts, ice cream and chocolate rolled into one. I almost want to hug it out with these pretty lippes, the appropriately named MAC Huggable Lipcolours ($20 each, coming to the MAC website May 7, and a week later to MAC counters and stores). Do you remember this line of medium-coverage lipsticks? Yup, the 12 Huggable Lipcolours have a completely new gel-based formula, and they make their big debut January 2nd at all North American MAC locations and internationally the same month (in all countries outside Asia). MAC claims the formula makes them mega moisturizing and capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound!
Free shipping and returns on MAC 'Huggable' Lipcolour at Nordstrom.com. Cover your lips in gorgeous hues with Huggable lipcolour by MAC. The high-shine formula features a blend of creamy emollients to give you a lasting, glossy color that leaves your lips smooth and sculpted. Its unique gel base allows each shade to smooth effortlessly onto your skin with a featherlight finish that lasts.
OK, so…what the heck is it about wearing lipstick that instantly makes me feel so much better? That little splash of color is like a nap, doughnuts, ice cream and chocolate rolled into one.
I almost want to hug it out with these pretty lippes, the appropriately named MAC Huggable Lipcolours ($20 each, coming to the MAC website May 7, and a week later to MAC counters and stores).
Do you remember this line of medium-coverage lipsticks? (Cue flashback to waaayback in 2013.) Of the 10 slick, moisturizing shades coming out next month, all of them, with the exception of Fashion Force, look new to me (as far as I’m remembering now).
They last from 2-3 hours for me and have that classic MAC vanilla flavor and scent.
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The MAC Huggable Lipcolours…
Bare Hug — a creamy, soft peachy orange
Soft Talkin’ — a warm peachy nude
I’m Game — a creamy raspberry (which, incidentally, sounds incredibly delicious to me right now)
Love Feeling — a deep, vibrant orange
I’m In — a warm rose
Play It Soft — a bright coral-red
Glamorized — a creamy, vibrant pink
Flaming Lips — a deep creamy red
Fashion Force — a soft tangerine
Dramatical — a bright cherry red (not pictured)
As you might imagine, Tabs is a big fan of these, mostly because of their name.
You see…he is extremely huggable as well. 🙂
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For Men
MAC Huggable Lipcolour Limited Edition Collection Swatches: Feeling Amorous, Rusty, Touche, What a Feeling, Rich Marron, Love Beam, Red Necessity, Cherry Glaze, Commotion
Okay so this has to be the most ignored LE MAC Collection in the lipstick history! Whats up beauty bloggers? Why no noise about this new launch? I can’t say about the rest of the world but Indian beauty scene is so quiet on these new MAC Huggable Lipcolours that I can’t help but wonder if I am the only one who seems to like these glossy lipsticks. The other day when I went to check if the Retro Matte is back yet, I saw these Sheen Supreme look-a-like tubes sitting at a corner and I asked the MUA if thats the Huggable Collection. You see.they didn’t have even a rack or stand to themselves! Okay seriously whats up? I collected the swatches of the 9 shades out of 12 I could find at the MAC Store in DLF Promenade. Two shades have not been launched in Asia.
As far as the reviews go, they seem to be quite good. The texture is very creamy and they glide on like butter. And give this gloss like shine. Even though these are quite creamy, they still seem to last a decent amount of time (according to Temptalia). The pigmentation varies with shades. But mostly these are sheer lipsticks and have to layered a couple of times to show up. The deeper shades are quite pigmented but the lighter shades lack pigmentation and look almost like the MAC Lustre finish lipsticks.
Swatches from left to right:
Rich Marron: is described as a “mid-tone nude.” Its a sheer nude brown shade and reminds me of MAC Hug Me.
What a Feeling: is described as a “mid-tone cool pink.” Its a lilac toned pink shade which would probably wash out Indian skin tones.
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Touche: is described as a “light beige.” A sheer peachy nude. Again not for medium and dark skin.
Rusty: is described as a “deep auburn.” A warm brick brown shade.
Feeling Amorous: is described as a “mid-tone fuchsia.” A blue based hot pink. Liking it a lot.
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Commotion: is described as a “deep cool plum” A deep berry which looked a little vampy. Totally a fall shade. Applied unevenly. I like it ever since I got into such reddish berry shades!
Cherry Glaze: is described as an “orange red” A bright warm orange toned red shade. Reminds me of MAC So Chaud. A little less bright than Lady Danger. My favourite out of all!
Red Necessity: is described as a “deep warm wine”. A deep cherry red shade.
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Love Beam: is described as a “mid-tone warm pink” A light warm pink quite similar to MAC Lustering. Less brighter than Speak Louder.
Pros of MAC Huggable Lipcolours:
Very creamy and buttery
Hydrating and moisturizing. You can skip lip balm with them.
Glide on like butter. Literally!
I can see a lot of shades working for Indian skin tones.
Cons of MAC Huggable Lipcolours:
Uneven application of a few shades.
Pigmentation varies according to the shade. Lighter one are more sheer than the darker ones.
The main problem behind these lipcolours is the uneven application. Even while swatching I found the texture a little difficult to work with. Adobe photoshop free download. You need to be extra careful while applying or they can look blotchy. Commotion is the unevenest and creamiest out of all.
Dupes: Revlon Lip Butters
Price: Approx Rs.1600 (not sure)
Shades meant for Indian skin: Commotion, Cherry Glaze, Red Necessity, Love Beam, Rich Marron, Rusty, Feeling Amorous. Err.okay all of them except Touche and What a Feeling! My favourites are Cherry Glaze and Feeling Amorous.
PS – Happy Holi!
PPS – What’s the mystery here? Girls I don’t want to be left out!
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out Forget
Have you tried the MAC Huggable Lipcolours? Share your views with us.
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mybreadlover · 4 years
2 years of digital transformation in 2 months
2 years of digital transformation in 2 months
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This week, CEO Satya Nadella delivered office.com/setup’s quarterly earnings report to Wall Street—our first in the era of COVID-19. On the call, Satya shared some new numbers: In April, we saw more than 200 million office.com/setup Teams meeting participants in a single day, generating more than 4.1 billion meeting minutes. Also, Teams now has more than 75 million daily active users, and two-thirds of them have shared, collaborated, or interacted with files on Teams as well. As Satya put it, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. From remote teamwork and learning to sales and customer service, to critical cloud infrastructure and security—we are working alongside customers every day to help them adapt and stay open for business in a world of remote everything.”
To keep their teams connected in this world of remote everything, our customers need more than meetings or chat alone. Teams combine meetings, calls, chat, and collaboration into a single tool that preserves context and keeps everyone up to speed. Below, I dig into the role that Teams are playing to keep the world working and share customer stories about how Teams enable their work. But first, a bit more about those numbers.
About the numbers
Satya shared three important types of numbers in his call: daily meeting participants, daily meeting minutes, and daily active users. We see different vendors use these metrics in different ways, but we’re the only ones on the market that can release all three. The reason for that is simple: office.com/setup Teams are the only solution that offers chat, calls, meetings, and collaboration in one.
So how do we define each? Our daily meeting participants number is the aggregate number of people joining a meeting in a day—so if someone participates in five meetings in a day, they would be counted five times. Meanwhile, we measure daily meeting minutes by adding together the total time people spend in Teams meetings within a 24-hour period. For example, if two people are in the same 10-minute meeting, we count that as 20 meeting minutes. Finally, we define daily active users (DAU) as the count of unique users performing an intentional action in a 24-hour period in any of the office.com/setup Teams clients—desktop, mobile, or web. Intentional actions include sending or replying to a chat, joining a meeting, or opening a file in Teams. We don’t count passive actions like an autoboot, minimizing a screen, or closing the app. We also don’t count Skype Consumer or Skype for Business usage, since that’s a completely different app. Our DAU numbers are de-duped, meaning we only count each user once.
Powering the world’s work
Across education, government, healthcare, and business, office.com/setup Teams are powering collaboration for organizations of all sizes while meeting the highest standards of security and privacy. Around the world, more than 183,000 educational institutions use Teams. In the United Arab Emirates alone, over 350,000 students are relying on Teams for remote learning. On the business side, 20 organizations have more than 100,000 active users on Teams, including Continental AG, Ernst & Young, Pfizer, and SAP. Just last week, Accenture became the first organization to surpass half a million users, and we expanded our partnership with the NFL. We even collaborated with the League to help bring the first-ever virtual NFL Draft to life with Teams!
And after weeks of learning, working and living this way, we’re all developing new habits. Some COVID-19-era habits will prove temporal—I know many parents who can’t wait for the return of in-person play dates, for instance. But we believe the habits we see in Teams are more durable and will persist well beyond the current crisis. Data from regions like China and South Korea, where many people have returned to the office, but continue Teams habits they developed while working apart, back this up. For example, a report out this month showed more than two times the number of new Teams users each day in China compared to the end of January. And the number of daily active Teams users in China also continued to grow week over week.
In this era of remote everything, we have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. Teams are enabling this accelerated transformation by giving people a single tool to chat, call, meet, and collaborate. With Teams as their hub for teamwork, our customers are discovering new collaboration habits that we believe will persist well beyond this crisis. We are committed to continuing to build the tools that keep them connected and productive—through COVID-19 and beyond.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2ZbCDYQ via Blogger https://ift.tt/3eCov1m
0 notes
nehakukreti · 4 years
2 years of digital transformation in 2 months
2 years of digital transformation in 2 months
This week, CEO Satya Nadella delivered office.com/setup’s quarterly earnings report to Wall Street—our first in the era of COVID-19. On the call, Satya shared some new numbers: In April, we saw more than 200 million office.com/setup Teams meeting participants in a single day, generating more than 4.1 billion meeting minutes. Also, Teams now has more than 75 million daily active users, and two-thirds of them have shared, collaborated, or interacted with files on Teams as well. As Satya put it, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. From remote teamwork and learning to sales and customer service, to critical cloud infrastructure and security—we are working alongside customers every day to help them adapt and stay open for business in a world of remote everything.”
To keep their teams connected in this world of remote everything, our customers need more than meetings or chat alone. Teams combine meetings, calls, chat, and collaboration into a single tool that preserves context and keeps everyone up to speed. Below, I dig into the role that Teams are playing to keep the world working and share customer stories about how Teams enable their work. But first, a bit more about those numbers.
About the numbers
Satya shared three important types of numbers in his call: daily meeting participants, daily meeting minutes, and daily active users. We see different vendors use these metrics in different ways, but we’re the only ones on the market that can release all three. The reason for that is simple: office.com/setup Teams are the only solution that offers chat, calls, meetings, and collaboration in one.
So how do we define each? Our daily meeting participants number is the aggregate number of people joining a meeting in a day—so if someone participates in five meetings in a day, they would be counted five times. Meanwhile, we measure daily meeting minutes by adding together the total time people spend in Teams meetings within a 24-hour period. For example, if two people are in the same 10-minute meeting, we count that as 20 meeting minutes. Finally, we define daily active users (DAU) as the count of unique users performing an intentional action in a 24-hour period in any of the office.com/setup Teams clients—desktop, mobile, or web. Intentional actions include sending or replying to a chat, joining a meeting, or opening a file in Teams. We don’t count passive actions like an autoboot, minimizing a screen, or closing the app. We also don’t count Skype Consumer or Skype for Business usage, since that’s a completely different app. Our DAU numbers are de-duped, meaning we only count each user once.
Powering the world’s work
Across education, government, healthcare, and business, office.com/setup Teams are powering collaboration for organizations of all sizes while meeting the highest standards of security and privacy. Around the world, more than 183,000 educational institutions use Teams. In the United Arab Emirates alone, over 350,000 students are relying on Teams for remote learning. On the business side, 20 organizations have more than 100,000 active users on Teams, including Continental AG, Ernst & Young, Pfizer, and SAP. Just last week, Accenture became the first organization to surpass half a million users, and we expanded our partnership with the NFL. We even collaborated with the League to help bring the first-ever virtual NFL Draft to life with Teams!
And after weeks of learning, working and living this way, we’re all developing new habits. Some COVID-19-era habits will prove temporal—I know many parents who can’t wait for the return of in-person play dates, for instance. But we believe the habits we see in Teams are more durable and will persist well beyond the current crisis. Data from regions like China and South Korea, where many people have returned to the office, but continue Teams habits they developed while working apart, back this up. For example, a report out this month showed more than two times the number of new Teams users each day in China compared to the end of January. And the number of daily active Teams users in China also continued to grow week over week.
In this era of remote everything, we have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. Teams are enabling this accelerated transformation by giving people a single tool to chat, call, meet, and collaborate. With Teams as their hub for teamwork, our customers are discovering new collaboration habits that we believe will persist well beyond this crisis. We are committed to continuing to build the tools that keep them connected and productive—through COVID-19 and beyond.
from Blogger http://quicksolvocom.blogspot.com/2020/06/2-years-of-digital-transformation-in-2.html
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rosajspinksca · 5 years
Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Scams are everywhere. 
Just today, I received a message from someone overseas claiming to be a roofer in Springfield, MO, asking me to build him an expensive website. He assured me that he  would gladly pay with his credit card. Ah, but I know that he would later dispute the charges after he had already sold his newly designed website to some other chump. Fortunately, I know how to check IP addresses.
In our most recent article, we talked about the positive reasons that motivate so many businesses to turn to local web design companies or freelancers for their online needs. We want to carry that thought one step further as we discuss what may be the best reason of all to hire locally.
Advancing technology creates opportunity for good and bad operators alike.
As technology continues to advance, the more impact it has on how business is conducted across industries and the more websites continue to gain importance. Every successful modern business now pegs much of its success on how effectively their website performs in their market space. Websites now provide a primary avenue through which companies promote themselves and interact with clients. The return on investment that owning a good website has to a business is quite high, and that has caused a craze in demand for web design services.
This high demand for new and better websites has consequently led to an increased number of web designers. This is a good thing overall, but it also presents its own set of dangers. For the individual or company wanting to get a new website, it has become more affordable since there is a larger number of people offering this service. But, unfortunately, it has also increased the number of website design scams, and one can easily fall victim. So, we want to help you to be alert to potential scams. It’s sad to say that you can even encounter these pitfalls when you’re searching “web design companies near me.”
Table of Contents:
How Web Designers Scam People
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Our Final Take
How Web Designers Scam People
As a website design company with high ethics, we thought that we should help enlighten consumers on some of the more popular web design scams and how you can protect yourself from them. They include:
1. Website Hijackers
You can more easily fall prey to this type of scam if you already own a site and you’re looking for someone to make it better. Website hijacking occurs when you are locked out of your website by someone that you gave access to your site. The hijacker can then decide to infect files on your site with malware, to delete pages or to corrupt your content. How much worse the damages to your website will be just depends on the malicious intent of the scammer.
However, you can easily regain access to your website through the intervention of your host service provider. Your host can also help with the disinfection of the site and restoring a backup to a time when it was still in a good state.
2. Disappearing Web Designers
Ethics in web designing requires one to be continually available and to keep in touch with their clients throughout the web designing process. This allows both parties to discuss how the project is proceeding so that the result will be satisfying for both of them. However, some web design scammers will practice the opposite of this. Once you make your deposit for the work, they disappear into thin air. Usually, the deposit requested is substantial so that they make off with a large amount. Other scammers will complete your site and request the final payment before handing you the site. Then, once you pay up, you never hear from them again nor receive the final project from them.
That is why it is  always advisable to avoid direct payments to bank accounts. Instead, use payment processors like PayPal or Stripe. This makes it possible for you to recover your money through a dispute if you fall victim to this type of scam.
3. Undelivered Promises
In this type of scam, the web designer fails to do as you had agreed but still delivers the final project to you. They may promise to use specific design elements, such as themes, plugins, special fonts or images at a fee, but in the end, they don’t follow through. You can always contact the designer to redesign the site applying all the features you had agreed on. But if they ask for more pay, then know that you have been scammed.
4. Price Inflation and Hidden Costs
Make sure you understand the value your website will bring when you’re assessing investment costs.
Some web designers will deliver good work, but at double the price you would have paid with another designer. They can overcharge you for the themes, plugins, fonts, and graphics that they use. That is why you should carry out market research on the prices of web design services and the cost of acquiring additional features like plugins. Better yet, purchase the themes and other essentials on your own.
Always be sure to ask for the final total cost of your completed site. It’s also a good idea to ask for a price guarantee. As a point of reference, our company guarantees our estimates, bids, and price agreements. We know that our customers want to know how much a website costs. So look for simplicity and clarity in pricing.
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Now that you are aware of how you can be scammed; it is equally essential for you to gain knowledge on how you can protect yourself from such scams.
1. Avoid making full payments for incomplete projects.
You do not want to end up spending thousands of dollars on a site that has not been done. Ensure that your web designer has completed the project before you pay. Another alternative is for you to set up a milestone payment, which will encourage the designer to work on every bit of the project to receive your payment after hitting the milestone. 
A good practice which our company uses is 50% down with 50% due upon completion once the site is live online and you are satisfied with it. This way both parties are invested. We use this model because there are also those who take advantage of web companies or who won’t pay upon delivery.
2. Get it in writing.
If you do not want to fall victim to undelivered promises, ensure that you get a legitimate estimate, an email with design and price intent, or a signed contract with your website designer. The correspondence or contract should indicate all the specifications of the project, themes paid for, fonts, graphics, time under which the project should be completed, and how the payment will be made. With this in place, your web designer will be legally bound to serve you well, and if they breach it, you can take legal action against them.
3. Do your homework.
Most people get scammed by website designers because they go for the first option that they meet in the market. No matter where you are, we can pretty much guarantee that there is a fairly high number of web designers near you! That’s precisely why you need to take your time before settling on one. Verify their past projects with other clients by checking if the websites they claim to have designed are real and how good they are.
You can also set up a meeting with them and discuss your site. By doing so with more than one web developer, you will be better able to determine the best option for your needs and you’ll lower your chances of getting scammed.
4. Work with a quality CMS that you are familiar with.
One of the ways that web designers can scam you is by designing your website using a sophisticated CMS (content management system). Without the knowledge of how that CMS works, you will be easy to dupe. It is advisable to decide on a designer that uses a standard open-source CMS like WordPress.
Here at our company, Ozark Web Design, we have switched over to using WordPress exclusively for precisely this reason. Often a customer desires a site they can edit themselves. WordPress is the largest and most respected CMS in the world, with easy and intuitive user interfaces available. This way, the customer can easily find another company or freelancer to take over their site should they ever wish to do so.
WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the world because of its ease and powerful features. It powers approximately 1/3 of all the world's websites.
Final Take
No one is completely immune to fraud, and scams have morphed into an ever-present, global pain in the butt. So being equipped with the right information is the first step toward protecting yourself. As a local business owner myself, I much prefer doing business locally as much as possible. Not only for the sake of the community, but I like the idea of being able to go see a person face-to-face if they try to bilk me out of money! Plus, if you are locally connected, you can likely help prevent others from using the local business of someone who is less than scrupulous.
So finally, don’t compromise on the cost of getting a good website because, in most cases, “cheap” should raise a red flag. If you want a good website, you will need to spend a reasonable sum of money because a good site will deliver money and value to your business. But if you choose to go cheap and get scammed, it will cost you even more money.
Web Designers Near Me: Reasons to Hire Locally
November 6, 2019 No Comments
Thinking of getting a website, or even moving your services online for your customers to access them more easily? Well, that’s a solid business step that you should take. The proliferation of mobile devices and the continual move to integrating
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7 Tips to Find the Best Web Design Company for Your Needs
October 17, 2019 No Comments
A great looking website can help your business. But a great performing website can make a world of a difference to your business. Whether you sell products online or provide services, your company’s online presence is often your client’s first
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How to Make Memes for Your Business and Use Them Effectively
October 5, 2019 No Comments
I mean, really, who doesn’t love a good meme? After all, most people use social media for entertainment. B2C marketers (business-to-customer) and business owners will do well to remember this and use their social media channels accordingly. And to that
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The post Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed appeared first on Ozark Web Design.
source https://ozarkwebdesign.com/web-designers-near-me-how-to-avoid-getting-scammed/ from Ozark Web Design https://ozarkwebdesign1.blogspot.com/2019/11/web-designers-near-me-how-to-avoid.html
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ozarkwebdesignseo · 5 years
Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Scams are everywhere. 
Just today, I received a message from someone overseas claiming to be a roofer in Springfield, MO, asking me to build him an expensive website. He assured me that he  would gladly pay with his credit card. Ah, but I know that he would later dispute the charges after he had already sold his newly designed website to some other chump. Fortunately, I know how to check IP addresses.
In our most recent article, we talked about the positive reasons that motivate so many businesses to turn to local web design companies or freelancers for their online needs. We want to carry that thought one step further as we discuss what may be the best reason of all to hire locally.
Advancing technology creates opportunity for good and bad operators alike.
As technology continues to advance, the more impact it has on how business is conducted across industries and the more websites continue to gain importance. Every successful modern business now pegs much of its success on how effectively their website performs in their market space. Websites now provide a primary avenue through which companies promote themselves and interact with clients. The return on investment that owning a good website has to a business is quite high, and that has caused a craze in demand for web design services.
This high demand for new and better websites has consequently led to an increased number of web designers. This is a good thing overall, but it also presents its own set of dangers. For the individual or company wanting to get a new website, it has become more affordable since there is a larger number of people offering this service. But, unfortunately, it has also increased the number of website design scams, and one can easily fall victim. So, we want to help you to be alert to potential scams. It’s sad to say that you can even encounter these pitfalls when you’re searching “web design companies near me.”
Table of Contents:
How Web Designers Scam People
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Our Final Take
How Web Designers Scam People
As a website design company with high ethics, we thought that we should help enlighten consumers on some of the more popular web design scams and how you can protect yourself from them. They include:
1. Website Hijackers
You can more easily fall prey to this type of scam if you already own a site and you’re looking for someone to make it better. Website hijacking occurs when you are locked out of your website by someone that you gave access to your site. The hijacker can then decide to infect files on your site with malware, to delete pages or to corrupt your content. How much worse the damages to your website will be just depends on the malicious intent of the scammer.
However, you can easily regain access to your website through the intervention of your host service provider. Your host can also help with the disinfection of the site and restoring a backup to a time when it was still in a good state.
2. Disappearing Web Designers
Ethics in web designing requires one to be continually available and to keep in touch with their clients throughout the web designing process. This allows both parties to discuss how the project is proceeding so that the result will be satisfying for both of them. However, some web design scammers will practice the opposite of this. Once you make your deposit for the work, they disappear into thin air. Usually, the deposit requested is substantial so that they make off with a large amount. Other scammers will complete your site and request the final payment before handing you the site. Then, once you pay up, you never hear from them again nor receive the final project from them.
That is why it is  always advisable to avoid direct payments to bank accounts. Instead, use payment processors like PayPal or Stripe. This makes it possible for you to recover your money through a dispute if you fall victim to this type of scam.
3. Undelivered Promises
In this type of scam, the web designer fails to do as you had agreed but still delivers the final project to you. They may promise to use specific design elements, such as themes, plugins, special fonts or images at a fee, but in the end, they don’t follow through. You can always contact the designer to redesign the site applying all the features you had agreed on. But if they ask for more pay, then know that you have been scammed.
4. Price Inflation and Hidden Costs
Make sure you understand the value your website will bring when you’re assessing investment costs.
Some web designers will deliver good work, but at double the price you would have paid with another designer. They can overcharge you for the themes, plugins, fonts, and graphics that they use. That is why you should carry out market research on the prices of web design services and the cost of acquiring additional features like plugins. Better yet, purchase the themes and other essentials on your own.
Always be sure to ask for the final total cost of your completed site. It’s also a good idea to ask for a price guarantee. As a point of reference, our company guarantees our estimates, bids, and price agreements. We know that our customers want to know how much a website costs. So look for simplicity and clarity in pricing.
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Now that you are aware of how you can be scammed; it is equally essential for you to gain knowledge on how you can protect yourself from such scams.
1. Avoid making full payments for incomplete projects.
You do not want to end up spending thousands of dollars on a site that has not been done. Ensure that your web designer has completed the project before you pay. Another alternative is for you to set up a milestone payment, which will encourage the designer to work on every bit of the project to receive your payment after hitting the milestone. 
A good practice which our company uses is 50% down with 50% due upon completion once the site is live online and you are satisfied with it. This way both parties are invested. We use this model because there are also those who take advantage of web companies or who won’t pay upon delivery.
2. Get it in writing.
If you do not want to fall victim to undelivered promises, ensure that you get a legitimate estimate, an email with design and price intent, or a signed contract with your website designer. The correspondence or contract should indicate all the specifications of the project, themes paid for, fonts, graphics, time under which the project should be completed, and how the payment will be made. With this in place, your web designer will be legally bound to serve you well, and if they breach it, you can take legal action against them.
3. Do your homework.
Most people get scammed by website designers because they go for the first option that they meet in the market. No matter where you are, we can pretty much guarantee that there is a fairly high number of web designers near you! That’s precisely why you need to take your time before settling on one. Verify their past projects with other clients by checking if the websites they claim to have designed are real and how good they are.
You can also set up a meeting with them and discuss your site. By doing so with more than one web developer, you will be better able to determine the best option for your needs and you’ll lower your chances of getting scammed.
4. Work with a quality CMS that you are familiar with.
One of the ways that web designers can scam you is by designing your website using a sophisticated CMS (content management system). Without the knowledge of how that CMS works, you will be easy to dupe. It is advisable to decide on a designer that uses a standard open-source CMS like WordPress.
Here at our company, Ozark Web Design, we have switched over to using WordPress exclusively for precisely this reason. Often a customer desires a site they can edit themselves. WordPress is the largest and most respected CMS in the world, with easy and intuitive user interfaces available. This way, the customer can easily find another company or freelancer to take over their site should they ever wish to do so.
WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the world because of its ease and powerful features. It powers approximately 1/3 of all the world's websites.
Final Take
No one is completely immune to fraud, and scams have morphed into an ever-present, global pain in the butt. So being equipped with the right information is the first step toward protecting yourself. As a local business owner myself, I much prefer doing business locally as much as possible. Not only for the sake of the community, but I like the idea of being able to go see a person face-to-face if they try to bilk me out of money! Plus, if you are locally connected, you can likely help prevent others from using the local business of someone who is less than scrupulous.
So finally, don’t compromise on the cost of getting a good website because, in most cases, “cheap” should raise a red flag. If you want a good website, you will need to spend a reasonable sum of money because a good site will deliver money and value to your business. But if you choose to go cheap and get scammed, it will cost you even more money.
Web Designers Near Me: Reasons to Hire Locally
November 6, 2019 No Comments
Thinking of getting a website, or even moving your services online for your customers to access them more easily? Well, that’s a solid business step that you should take. The proliferation of mobile devices and the continual move to integrating
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7 Tips to Find the Best Web Design Company for Your Needs
October 17, 2019 No Comments
A great looking website can help your business. But a great performing website can make a world of a difference to your business. Whether you sell products online or provide services, your company’s online presence is often your client’s first
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How to Make Memes for Your Business and Use Them Effectively
October 5, 2019 No Comments
I mean, really, who doesn’t love a good meme? After all, most people use social media for entertainment. B2C marketers (business-to-customer) and business owners will do well to remember this and use their social media channels accordingly. And to that
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The post Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed appeared first on Ozark Web Design.
source https://ozarkwebdesign.com/web-designers-near-me-how-to-avoid-getting-scammed/
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ozarkwebdesign · 5 years
Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Scams are everywhere. 
Just today, I received a message from someone overseas claiming to be a roofer in Springfield, MO, asking me to build him an expensive website. He assured me that he  would gladly pay with his credit card. Ah, but I know that he would later dispute the charges after he had already sold his newly designed website to some other chump. Fortunately, I know how to check IP addresses.
In our most recent article, we talked about the positive reasons that motivate so many businesses to turn to local web design companies or freelancers for their online needs. We want to carry that thought one step further as we discuss what may be the best reason of all to hire locally.
Advancing technology creates opportunity for good and bad operators alike.
As technology continues to advance, the more impact it has on how business is conducted across industries and the more websites continue to gain importance. Every successful modern business now pegs much of its success on how effectively their website performs in their market space. Websites now provide a primary avenue through which companies promote themselves and interact with clients. The return on investment that owning a good website has to a business is quite high, and that has caused a craze in demand for web design services.
This high demand for new and better websites has consequently led to an increased number of web designers. This is a good thing overall, but it also presents its own set of dangers. For the individual or company wanting to get a new website, it has become more affordable since there is a larger number of people offering this service. But, unfortunately, it has also increased the number of website design scams, and one can easily fall victim. So, we want to help you to be alert to potential scams. It’s sad to say that you can even encounter these pitfalls when you’re searching “web design companies near me.”
Table of Contents:
How Web Designers Scam People
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Our Final Take
How Web Designers Scam People
As a website design company with high ethics, we thought that we should help enlighten consumers on some of the more popular web design scams and how you can protect yourself from them. They include:
1. Website Hijackers
You can more easily fall prey to this type of scam if you already own a site and you’re looking for someone to make it better. Website hijacking occurs when you are locked out of your website by someone that you gave access to your site. The hijacker can then decide to infect files on your site with malware, to delete pages or to corrupt your content. How much worse the damages to your website will be just depends on the malicious intent of the scammer.
However, you can easily regain access to your website through the intervention of your host service provider. Your host can also help with the disinfection of the site and restoring a backup to a time when it was still in a good state.
2. Disappearing Web Designers
Ethics in web designing requires one to be continually available and to keep in touch with their clients throughout the web designing process. This allows both parties to discuss how the project is proceeding so that the result will be satisfying for both of them. However, some web design scammers will practice the opposite of this. Once you make your deposit for the work, they disappear into thin air. Usually, the deposit requested is substantial so that they make off with a large amount. Other scammers will complete your site and request the final payment before handing you the site. Then, once you pay up, you never hear from them again nor receive the final project from them.
That is why it is  always advisable to avoid direct payments to bank accounts. Instead, use payment processors like PayPal or Stripe. This makes it possible for you to recover your money through a dispute if you fall victim to this type of scam.
3. Undelivered Promises
In this type of scam, the web designer fails to do as you had agreed but still delivers the final project to you. They may promise to use specific design elements, such as themes, plugins, special fonts or images at a fee, but in the end, they don’t follow through. You can always contact the designer to redesign the site applying all the features you had agreed on. But if they ask for more pay, then know that you have been scammed.
4. Price Inflation and Hidden Costs
Make sure you understand the value your website will bring when you’re assessing investment costs.
Some web designers will deliver good work, but at double the price you would have paid with another designer. They can overcharge you for the themes, plugins, fonts, and graphics that they use. That is why you should carry out market research on the prices of web design services and the cost of acquiring additional features like plugins. Better yet, purchase the themes and other essentials on your own.
Always be sure to ask for the final total cost of your completed site. It’s also a good idea to ask for a price guarantee. As a point of reference, our company guarantees our estimates, bids, and price agreements. We know that our customers want to know how much a website costs. So look for simplicity and clarity in pricing.
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Now that you are aware of how you can be scammed; it is equally essential for you to gain knowledge on how you can protect yourself from such scams.
1. Avoid making full payments for incomplete projects.
You do not want to end up spending thousands of dollars on a site that has not been done. Ensure that your web designer has completed the project before you pay. Another alternative is for you to set up a milestone payment, which will encourage the designer to work on every bit of the project to receive your payment after hitting the milestone. 
A good practice which our company uses is 50% down with 50% due upon completion once the site is live online and you are satisfied with it. This way both parties are invested. We use this model because there are also those who take advantage of web companies or who won’t pay upon delivery.
2. Get it in writing.
If you do not want to fall victim to undelivered promises, ensure that you get a legitimate estimate, an email with design and price intent, or a signed contract with your website designer. The correspondence or contract should indicate all the specifications of the project, themes paid for, fonts, graphics, time under which the project should be completed, and how the payment will be made. With this in place, your web designer will be legally bound to serve you well, and if they breach it, you can take legal action against them.
3. Do your homework.
Most people get scammed by website designers because they go for the first option that they meet in the market. No matter where you are, we can pretty much guarantee that there is a fairly high number of web designers near you! That’s precisely why you need to take your time before settling on one. Verify their past projects with other clients by checking if the websites they claim to have designed are real and how good they are.
You can also set up a meeting with them and discuss your site. By doing so with more than one web developer, you will be better able to determine the best option for your needs and you’ll lower your chances of getting scammed.
4. Work with a quality CMS that you are familiar with.
One of the ways that web designers can scam you is by designing your website using a sophisticated CMS (content management system). Without the knowledge of how that CMS works, you will be easy to dupe. It is advisable to decide on a designer that uses a standard open-source CMS like WordPress.
Here at our company, Ozark Web Design, we have switched over to using WordPress exclusively for precisely this reason. Often a customer desires a site they can edit themselves. WordPress is the largest and most respected CMS in the world, with easy and intuitive user interfaces available. This way, the customer can easily find another company or freelancer to take over their site should they ever wish to do so.
WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the world because of its ease and powerful features. It powers approximately 1/3 of all the world's websites.
Final Take
No one is completely immune to fraud, and scams have morphed into an ever-present, global pain in the butt. So being equipped with the right information is the first step toward protecting yourself. As a local business owner myself, I much prefer doing business locally as much as possible. Not only for the sake of the community, but I like the idea of being able to go see a person face-to-face if they try to bilk me out of money! Plus, if you are locally connected, you can likely help prevent others from using the local business of someone who is less than scrupulous.
So finally, don’t compromise on the cost of getting a good website because, in most cases, “cheap” should raise a red flag. If you want a good website, you will need to spend a reasonable sum of money because a good site will deliver money and value to your business. But if you choose to go cheap and get scammed, it will cost you even more money.
Web Designers Near Me: Reasons to Hire Locally
November 6, 2019 No Comments
Thinking of getting a website, or even moving your services online for your customers to access them more easily? Well, that’s a solid business step that you should take. The proliferation of mobile devices and the continual move to integrating
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7 Tips to Find the Best Web Design Company for Your Needs
October 17, 2019 No Comments
A great looking website can help your business. But a great performing website can make a world of a difference to your business. Whether you sell products online or provide services, your company’s online presence is often your client’s first
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How to Make Memes for Your Business and Use Them Effectively
October 5, 2019 No Comments
I mean, really, who doesn’t love a good meme? After all, most people use social media for entertainment. B2C marketers (business-to-customer) and business owners will do well to remember this and use their social media channels accordingly. And to that
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The post Web Designers Near Me: How to Avoid Getting Scammed appeared first on Ozark Web Design.
from Ozark Web Design https://ozarkwebdesign.com/web-designers-near-me-how-to-avoid-getting-scammed/
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 466
I had a great week. The duplicate filter now supports filtering by pixel duplicates, and videos now fit better in the media viewer.
better duplicate search
Now we have pixel duplicate data stored in the database, I can search it. The duplicate filter page now has a dropdown that lets you select 'must be pixel dupes', 'can be pixel dupes', and 'must not be pixel dupes'. It does exactly what you think, and with luck it should be pretty fast no matter what you select.
Note that you may not have all your old pixel dupe data calculated yet. I started it for everyone last week, but even if it is doing 10,000 files a day, if you have a big client it will take a little longer. It may also still be working on the ICC profile queue. Hit up database->file maintenance->manage scheduled jobs to see how it is doing. You can rush it there if you like.
As I was working in this system, I discovered that at some point I had started recording at what search distance potential duplicates were matched. This is to say if you were set up to search at distance 4 and two files were matched as potential duplicates with a distance of 2, it would save that 2 into the database. I am not totally sure how retroactively accurate this data is, but I've added a control for it to the filtering panel too. You can now tell the filter to only present files that are 'exact match' at distance 0 and it should work mostly ok.
Some pretty complicated database work went into this. The most complicated search joins seven different things together. I know it is fast on my test machine, but if you have a really large client with a lot of searched dupes, some search types may be unbearably slow. Please let me know how you get on, and I'll optimise what I can.
The audio/video scanbar in the media viewer is now embedded inside the media frame. It shows and autohides when your mouse moves closer and away. It now means you can now go borderless fullscreen on a 16:9 display and finally have a 16:9 video fit perfectly!
I have wanted to do this for a really long time, but some of the layout code here is really awkward, and getting widgets to pop on top of each other can be tricky. Thankfully it turns out Qt has a nice way to do it, so I've now hacked this together. There is still a small amount of jank--the scanbar and volume control are currently separate objects, so sometimes they'll show/hide in separate frames, and you might also see the scanbar nub pop in a frame late, but I can work on these issues in future. I will also add some options so you can change the size of the show/hide activation area around the scanbar. But for now, I am pretty happy with this.
If you are a keyboard user, please check out the new shortcut in the 'global' set that flips on/off a 'force the animation scanbar to show' mode. I don't really want to bring back the old always-on hanging-below scanbar, so I hope this will be a good enough substitute. But let me know, and if you really hate this new scanbar, we'll see what we can do.
full list
video scanbar autohide:
the scanbar that shows below audio and video is now embedded inside the video frame, and it show/hides based on how close your mouse is to it
I've wanted to do this for a long time, since it will allow you to watch 16:9 videos at true 100% in borderless fullscreen, but the hackery of how the media viewer works behind the scenes means this took more work than you'd think and is still a little jank. there's a small amount of flicker when it pops in and out, which I will work on in future. in any case, please have a play with it and let me know what you think. I expect to add some more options, like for the activation padding area around it, and I will be tidying up more layout stuff throughout the media viewer
if you are a mostly keyboard user, please check out the new 'global' shortcut to flip on/off a 'force the animation scanbar to show' mode
I don't really want to bring back the always-on hanging-below scanbar that just takes up space, but if you try this new embedded scanbar and really hate it, we'll see what we can do
more duplicate filter search options:
the duplicates page now has a dropdown on the search for 'must be/can be/excludes pixel dupes'!
the duplicates page now has a number control on the search for what distance the pair was found at! I am not sure how accurate this thing is in all cases, but it seems I started tracking this data some time ago and forgot I even had it
these new options are remembered in your session and _should_ remain fast in most normal cases. I put time into some complicated database work this week to get this going, please let me know if you have any trouble with it
when the export filename pattern in the export files dialog means many of the files share the same base and hence need to do 'filename (5)'-style suffixes to be unique, the number here is now calculated much more efficiently. opening this dialog on 10,000 files with an oft-duplicate pattern should now be a jolt of lag but not many minutes
when you choose to 'separate' a subscription with more than 100 queries, you are no longer forced to break it into half
when you do break a subscription in half, it now makes sure to sort the query texts before separating
if you are in advanced mode, the 'selection tags' list on the left of every page can now switch its tag display type between 'multiple media views', 'display', and 'storage'. this is experimental and a bunch of stuff like 'select files with this tag' won't work yet
janitors' petition pages now start with their tag list in 'storage' mode, so you can see the actual tags being changed rather than with siblings and parents calculated
rebalanced some janitor mapping petition weights. jannies _should_ see a smoother balance of 'lots of small petitions' vs 'a few larger petitions' amongst petitions all with the same reason and creator
boring cleanup and little fixes:
when you set the checker options in the edit subscription dialog, the queries now recalculate their file velocity better. previously, they would just set 'unknown' and recalc on the next run, but now they will actually recalculate if the query container is loaded into memory or otherwise put a status that says 'will calculate on next run'
removed the 'should be namespaced' reason from the manage tags quick petition reasons. this is now all handled by siblings, tidying up storage tags manually is busywork
when you click 'copy traceback' on an error popup, it also copies the software version, your platform, and if you are on a frozen build or running from source
the logger now prints version number for every block, just before the timestamp
cleaned up a variety of media viewer UI code while working on the scanbar, fixing some misc display bugs
moved pixel hash storage responsibility from 'file metadata' to 'similar files' module
the similar files system now searches pixel hashes when it is called to do any similar files search. they count as 'exact match' distance
when a file gets a new pixel hash, it now sees if any other files have that same hash. if so, it now gets queued up again in the similar files search system, ensuring this match is not missed
misc nomenclature cleanup--since we now have both 'pixel hashes' and 'phashes', phashes are now referred to as 'perceptual hashes' everywhere
massively refactored the primary table join that drives potential duplicates search. it should work a bit faster now and it is much easier to work with
I added pixel dupe and distance search to the standard search results version of the join and the 'system:everything' version, which has several optimisations
silenced some shutdown handling in file maintenance that was being printed to log as an error
fixed some 'broken object load' error handling to print the timestamp of the specific bad object, not whatever timestamp was requested. this error handling now also prints the full dump name and version to the log, and version to the exported filename. I was working with a user who had broken subs this week, and lacking this full info made things just a little trickier to put back together
fixed some drag and drop handling where it was possible to drop thumbnails on a certain location of a page of pages that held an empty page of pages but it would not create a new child media page to hold them
misc serverside db code cleanup
fixed python 3.10 type bugs in window coordinate saving and Qt image generation from buffer (issue #1027)
next week
With Christmas coming up, this will be the last full work week of my year. I want to have just a simple cleanup and small-fixes week so I have a fairly unambitious and 'clean' release before I go on holiday.
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