#might need to submit a bug report
quillyfied · 1 year
Okay, folks, been testing this “can’t edit a blog unless you follow 5 tags and 3 blogs” thing, and I have some data to report:
1. If you do it on desktop (Firefox on a Mac for me), you can skip the process by clicking on the Tumblr icon in the corner. This takes you to your dash and you’re all set to curate your experience and make sure you look human to other blogs!
2. Trickier on mobile (iOS); heard that there was a skip button but I never saw it.
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Wouldn’t let me tap or interact with anything until I did this. HOWEVER!! There is still a workaround! I discovered it on accident and then made a third fake account just to verify!
3. I made my third fake blog. Once I had the password set and the blog name picked, I closed out of the tumblr app, then reopened it. It opened right onto my dash! Success!
Now: I absolutely believe there are new users who also either don’t see a skip button or are befuddled at this process, because it isn’t very intuitive, I don’t think, so it’s possible there are new genuine followers getting blocked because they’re inexperienced and look like bots.
However. I think there are also just a bunch of bots. Because you don’t need a real email address to set up an account.
If anyone smarter than me could screen grab where a skip button is during this process, I’m intensely curious about where it is and why I’m missing it (the answer is I’m oblivious and often miss things right in front of my nose).
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auroravictorium · 10 months
how to bug netflix 101
a few ideas/tips to put pressure on netflix to reconsider their decision, given the fact that a select few shows have had their fates reconsidered:
Keep Shadow and Bone & Six of Crows trending! Character names, 'No Mourners, No Funerals', Leigh Bardugo, and other key words might help too! And remember that the threshold to keep stuff trending gets higher the longer that words/phrases trend, meaning we have to keep it active!
Spam the Netflix title request form at https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest
with Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows, etc. At the very least, it'll inconvenience them.
Sign the petition at https://www.change.org/p/save-shadow-and-bone-a3b37712-c648-4b87-9bfc-8b8cd685c623
Fill their social medias with calls to renew. Again, at the very least it'll be annoying/inconvenient, but at least our voices will be heard.
If you feel so motivated, you can submit anonymous tips to publications and ask them to pick up the story (though there is no guarantee this will work). IGN, the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and Deadline all accept anonymous tips without having to register or provide personal information.
UPDATE (16 Nov.) Send emails to the following people and let them know (respectfully) that we're unhappy with their decision and that they will be losing money as a result!
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At the very least, Netflix has continually refused to listen to fans, even though we have shown that fandoms have the power to bring in lots of revenue; they seem to have forgotten who pays for their service and gives them the money they need to pay for the shows nobody has asked for.
Even worse, Netflix is holding the work of the writers hostage by owning the scripts yet refusing to produce them. Either Netflix needs to return the scripts to the writers, or they need to give the scripts to a platform who will actually use them and finish the story!
Industry-wide, there has been a repeated pattern of streaming platforms buying the right to a book or a series and then holding onto it without producing it or canceling it without finishing the story. This is similar to what 'patent trolls' do, filing for a patent without any real intent to use it. This is grossly unfair to the authors, not to mention the cast and crew whose livelihoods depend on a show surviving for longer than a season or two.
Leigh Bardugo deserves better. The crew deserves better. The cast deserves better. We the fans deserve better.
No mourners.
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I enjoyed writing book 1, I love those characters and I know I will enjoy writing book 2 as well. This book was my first self-published game and I take pride in that even though it didn't do too well financially in comparison to the games I publish with Hosted Games. 😅
Could you talk a bit about your experience and the difference between publishing with Hosted Games vs self-publishing? Like the pros and cons? I feel like you're one of the few writers on here who has experience of both, knows the numbers behind the scenes, etc.
Oh, this is going to be a long one, but I’ll do pros and cons to make it easy. Please keep in mind that this is my personal experience, and it might not be the same for every author.
Pros of self-publishing.
You get the full cut of your sales: as some of you may know Hosted games takes 75% of the sales of your game, and you get 25% (this amount is after the platforms takes their cuts, Apple cuts is 30%, Steam cut is 30% and Goggle cut is 30% however, if you are a small indie Dev, Apple and Google cut go down to only 15% which is great.
No content revisions, no content restrictions: Hosted games sometimes will ask you to change the title of your game or change some content, when you self-publish you only have to follow the platform rules, and make sure to answer the appropriate questions for the platforms to properly rate your games. Depending on content, Steam will block your game for certain country, also Adult-only content gets less views since people need to sign in to see them. So, keep that in mind.
No queues: Hosted games once you submit the game to them, they put you in a queue and they decide when the game will be published, with self-publishing as soon as the platforms give you the green light, you’re ready to publish and sell your game.
You can do Steam-key giveaway: You have access to the game dashboard so you can request keys from Steams and do giveaway.
Cons of self-publishing.
Less reach. If you’re a small author like me, your game will not sell much because you’re doing your own advertising. Small authors = small following and fewer eyes on your game for people to buy it.
You need to pay for the platform fees: Google is $25 one-time payment. Steam is $100 for each game you put on their platform. And Apple is a $99 yearly subscription, so if you don’t keep paying that $99 your game will be removed from the platform, which is a pity because the release month is the only major sale you get, after that, your revenue falls to $100-60 every month which is the case for me.
You’re doing all the leg work yourself: There’s going to be a lot of watching YouTube videos to find out how to upload your games to Steam, and Google. Apple uses something called X-code and I had to buy a MacBook to recode the game in X-code in order to publish with them. Being a small indie Dev, your game might be rejected for the silliest reason such as you forgot to click yes or no on a questionnaire somewhere. Testing, bug reports, and complaints, they all go to you because you are the dev. Unless you have a team helping you, get reading to make time to fix every little issue because the platform will not fix them for you.
Remaining anonymous might be an issue: Apples need your real name in order to publish with them unless you have an LLC, your anonymity is out the door. Google requires your country and home address.
Pros of publishing with Hosted games.
More reach, more views, more sales: They are the go-to for those types of games and they have an established clientele so your game will reach more people.
They do the work for you: You don’t have to deal with the platform fees, rejections, uploading, bug reports, they do it all.
You can be fully anonymous: Although, you’ll have to disclose your legal name to them for tax purpose and money transfer.
Cons of publishing with Hosted games. (Those cons won’t apply for everyone)
I think the biggest cons is that 75% 🤣 but hey, what are you gonna do?
Changing content and name of your game.
Long queue.
No direct access to your game info, if you need anything you need to ask.
Other: People will pirate you game whether is you doing it alone or you publish with Hosted Games. Get ready to cry in a corner like I did.
Take away, I’m still planning on self-publishing and publishing with Hosted games.  At the end of the day, do what you think is best for you.
Number comparison: To give you an idea of the numbers:
Self-publish numbers Sold overall on all 3 platforms Goggle, Apple Steam.
Around 1,500 copies
Hosted Games copies Sold overall on all 3 platforms Goggle, Apple Steam.
Around 6,500 copies.
I’m working on a how-to self-publish guide, for all 3 platforms so I’ll post that when ready. 💕
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sonderwrit · 11 months
C90: See you next life
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Last chapter of World 2. After this is the crazy scientist arc of World 3, aka the "vacation novel world."
(starts off with same exit quotes as end of Arc 1)
[A true villain needs to be—]
Wang Yi: All right.
WY: It's time for me to get going.
WY: Qin Xian.
[and self-destructive.]
WY: See you—next life.
[After torturing the protagonist to hell and back, they’ll exit the scene fabulously]
[with a bang.]
Soldier: Adjutant…the city lord, he…
Qin Xian: Mm.
QX: He died in the line of duty.
QX: You guys go sweep the premises first. Even though we've taken care of the zombie wave, we still need to guard against mutants invading [the city].
Soldier: Yes!
Soldier: All units, listen up! Victory is in sight! Spread out and be on alert!
Qin Xian: (Wang Yi—)
QX: (You promised you'd stay.)
QX: (And I also promised, once everything was over…)
QX: (To tell you all about my mind-reading ability, the time I turned into a child, and all the things I saw in my dreams.)
Flashback: In the end…everything still disappears
Qin Xian (in child form): LIAR! 
QX: Liar—! I'll find you! I'll definitely track you down!
QX: (When I find you—)
S-0: Sigh, the Host's already left his body. (As expected from the strength of the explosives.)
S-0: Xiao Bai, I'll leave the last of these anchovies to you. (Because there'll be no more after this.)
S-0: Fuu…if I just disappear like that, will Xiao Bai be very sad?
S-0: I should leave her a memento.
S-0: Speaking of which…
Xiao Bai: Meow~
S-0: How long…do cats live again?
Xiao Bai (touching S-0's body): Meow…
Wang Yi: ….ouch. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—
WY: Being blasted into pieces feels awful, I thought I wouldn't wake up again.
S-0: Oof, hard work, Host.
S-0: I didn't expect you to leave with such a cruel method. 
S-0: It might've been less painful if you committed suicide earlier.
WY: ….
WY: Is there really no way for me to live on…in other worlds?
S-0: Logically speaking, it's impossible.
S-0: Humans are nothing compared to natural order. The reason I didn't stop the protagonist from saving you was because I felt he'd realize it was all useless when the time came [for the villain to die]. So I was too lazy to coax him otherwise.
WY: Although I'd guessed as much, I still really want to beat you up…
S-0: C'mon, don't…
WY: Speaking of which, isn't it really weird that Qin Xian can experience other people's memories? Didn't you guys find any problems on your side?
S-0: S-0 submitted a bug report ages ago back in the worlds of The Cool School Hunk is in Love with Me and Gardenia in the Apocalypse, but everything came back normal. I can only say that it might be a coincidence, so we need to test it again with one more [novel] mission to see.
WY: (What's the use of having you around)
WY: Then what's the next mission?
S-0: Oh right, I was just going to discuss that with Host.
S-0: Because System A-1 and Bai Mo haven't finished their task in the world yet, it's impossible to calculate your mission points right now. But judging from the current situation, the plotline's in a stable place, so Host doesn't need to worry. 
S-0: So for our next arrangement—S-0 was wondering, why not choose a [shorter but relatively safer setting] to take a break?
WY: !
WY: ….
WY: Is my crappy state that obvious? Even the evil capitalist System's starting to worry.
S-0: …?
S-0: That's not really it. 
S-0: Just then, S-0 also experienced a farewell. I seemed to understand that similar feeling of…exhaustion, maybe?
WY: …all right.
WY: Let's do as you say.
S-0: Oh oh, then let me briefly introduce the vacation world: the novel He Came from Horizon's Edge.
[Would you like to access the guide for He Came from Horizon's Edge?] [YES]
S-0: The entire story takes place inside a sealed research facility, a peaceful setting.
WY: Hah? You serious?
S-0: I'm serious, serious.
S-0: Because the role you'll be taking on is a lunatic obsessed with biological experiments who places his research above all else—
[Eccentric Researcher - Doctor Wang]
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thesims4blogger · 1 year
EA Announces Two New Kits Coming September 7th
There’s a new game update for The Sims 4, released ahead of the two new kits release this Thursday.
If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.
To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC: 1.100.147 / Mac: 1.100.147 / Console: Version 1.80
Sul Sul Simmers- This update brings with it a number of fixes to the Gallery which require a game update to bring to you all as well as information on what features and fixes we have been able to release through Gallery Server updates. It also comes with a new feature you’ll find in Create-a-Sim and Build Mode. And of course, more bug fixes. Let’s take a look what’s coming with this update. What’s New? The Filters in Build Mode and Create-a-Sim have been expanded to allow filtering of individual Kits rather than only being able to filter by all Kits. Some Gallery features and fixes are able to be released directly to you, more frequently, without a game update. Another benefit of the new Gallery is that we no-longer require maintenance down time to release those updates. This means that some features could appear and bug fixes could be fixed at any time. We have added a new section to the release notes called Gallery Server where we explain updates and fixes we have been able to release this way and you might have already seen in your visit to the Gallery.
Bug Fixes Base Game Duplicate items should not appear in the Gallery when scrolling through the creations anymore. This won’t affect duplicates if someone has uploaded the same item multiple times, so no need to check your settings. Reporting a comment on the Gallery will no longer hide the entire upload from your view but will hide the comment from your view as intended; the comment continues through the reporting system to be reviewed and actioned where needed. Reported Comments in the Gallery will not display if you enable the Hide Reported Content setting in Game Options > Other Favoriting items in the Gallery should correctly reflect with the green heart icon even if you restart The Sims 4 or delete your local files. Parenting can be tough, but having Baby Envy when the other parent brags about your baby shouldn’t be one of the reasons it’s tough.
Console Simmers using a controller will be able to use Free Cam and zoom the camera in and out without increasing and decreasing the game speed. While you are in Free Cam, click in the left stick on your controller to confirm the controls layout.
Gallery Server Trending Hashtags have been reenabled and should help you find new and interesting content. Downloads and Favorite counts should count higher than 1 now, in fact it should be accurate as well. Searching for Gallery creations by EA Account ID should return the results you were expecting. Web Gallery commenting has been re-enabled for those who like to browse the Gallery while away from the game – https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery Searching by Item Name should feel more like it used to when using multiple words. We have returned to AND operators instead of OR operators. City Living Those Sims pursuing the creative book writing route can now get published, if it’s good enough, by being able to use the mailbox to Submit book copy to literary digest. And don’t worry, mailboxes included in Snowy Escape are accepting publication requests too.
Growing Together Fundamental skills should no longer reset to skill level 1 after being maxed out. Sims no longer wait patiently for their turn enjoying the splash pad and water emitters as everyone plays in the water one Sim at a time, now groups of Sims can all Play in Water Together.
High School Years While in Game Options > Music > Alternative you might have noticed the track called corook by the artist sims. This has been updated to correctly list the track as sims by the artist corook. If you didn’t notice it, it’s too late to check now.
Horse Ranch When your adult Sims are on a horse and go reins down, the reins will no longer move in unexpected and honestly confusing ways.
Realm of Magic Morgyn Ember will start to use their preferred They/Them pronouns in new game saves if The Sims 4 is set to English.
My Wedding Stories yfShoes_GP11WedgeHeels_SolidMauve are now correctly tagged as sandals instead of heels. But don’t worry, they do still have a heel on them.
Simtimates Collection Your footwear choice no longer matches the colors of the full body outfit yfBody_SP38ShirtOpenBra even if your Sim is lounging in some bunny slippers. Female Sims with a masculine body frame should find comfort with a better fitting ymTop_SP38BraSheer.
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How Brazil’s Electoral System Helped Democracy Defeat Disinformation
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“Brazil’s democracy was attacked, but it survived,” said Alexandre de Moraes, the president of Brazil’s Superior Electoral Court, or TSE, in New York on Monday. With the stakes set high and amid predictions of election-related violence, the Brazilian electoral system stood out remarkably for treating democracy with the urgency and care it deserves.
To grasp what other democracies around the world might learn from Brazil and its recent election, we need to understand not only the country’s information landscape, but also some broader, global trends.
Strategic lying and the spreading of unsubstantiated rumors are increasingly features of electoral democracies, rather than bugs. Fake news and the claims they propagate are now commonplace across both mainstream and social media, mainly because so many political forces benefit from even some voters believing them. While the problem tends to be worse in bigger democracies due to their socio-economic diversity—starting with India, the very biggest democracy—even smaller ones, like Sweden and Finland, have had brushes with online lies and rumors intended to sway electoral outcomes.
To combat disinformation, many organizations around the globe, including government agencies, media organizations and nonprofits, have emerged whose sole job is to fact-check claims made by candidates and their supporters during election campaigns. Yet, the corrections these organizations make to the public record tend to only reach people who are already committed to fact-based discourse and therefore less susceptible to disinformation.
In Brazil, the TSE is authorized not only to count the votes, but also to monitor and control the electoral information circulating within the country ahead of the ballot. Prior to the second-round election on Oct. 30, Moraes said that reports of misinformation submitted to the TSE this year had increased by 1,000 percent compared to the previous election in 2018.
Continue reading.
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hey hey, i've been trying to look at the list of books queued, but both the link in your pinned faq post and the profile header seem to take me to the faq post. apologies if i'm just looking in the wrong place but i think the link might be broken?
hello! it’s not broken as far as I know — based on past experimentation, it has worked fine on desktop, iOS, and some Android devices. (if you’re having trouble on desktop or iOS, let me know and I’ll do more troubleshooting, but having just tested it on both my laptop and my phone I don’t know what I can do since I can’t reproduce the issue.)
as the FAQ post says, if you’re on an Android device where it doesn’t work, you’ll need to open the link in your phone browser rather than through the tumblr app — the Android app apparently has difficulty on some devices with the in-app browser.
I don’t have an Android phone, but I’m assuming it works similarly to iOS in this respect. on iOS the way to open it in the browser app is:
scroll to where the link is
tap and hold the link
—> I get a little pop-up asking me what I want to do with the link (share, copy, open in Safari)
choose “open in [browser]”
on iOS it won’t let me do this with the link in the blog description (this just opens automatically in the in-app browser even if I tap and hold), but it works fine with the link in the body of the FAQ post.
if you’re unable to open the list link in your mobile browser at all, please let me know, and also probably submit a bug report to tumblr, because that’s a problem I can’t fix. for that matter, please consider submitting a bug report to tumblr anyway!
(also, if the process is significantly different on Android, I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know so I can give more specific instructions!)
let me know if you have any other issues!
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willenator · 11 months
Tumblr Domains Challenges
I decided to move my domain name from Google Domains to Tumblr Domains. Google Domains sold off their business to SquareTrade, but they still manage it for the time being. Since Tumblr Domains is the same price as Google Domains, and I used Tumblr for my blog, I figured it would be a good fit for me. Transfer my domain and then have my blog and domain hosted by the same company. Seems pretty simple, right?
Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case for me. I know that Tumblr Domains is new, and I'm sure there are some bugs they need to work out. However, Tumblr is owned by Automattic, who also owns Wordpress, and Wordpress has been selling domains for years now. I figured they were using their experience from that, but maybe it is handled by a different team. Either way, it has been an interesting start.
The first challenge I had was actually triggering the start of the domain transfer. I had grabbed the auth code from Google Domains to approve the transfer, and I kept getting an error code when I would click submit on Tumblr's end. After trying for a couple of days, it finally worked. I had actually submitted a support ticket about it on day two, but on day three it worked.
Like most domain transfers, I figured it would take a few days for everything to move over. I was able to start configuring the basic settings the very next day which was nice. After four days, I noticed I could still not access my domain by typing it into my web browser, so I reached out to Tumblr support again. A few days later it started working just one hour before they reached out to me. I only know this because I had connected my domain to a third-party email provider and it couldn't verify because they couldn't see the domain. All of a sudden, I got an automated email saying it was now connected and then I got the email from Tumblr support that they weren't seeing any issues on their end. I actually chuckled at that. Either it was pretty impressive timing that they checked on it right after it worked itself out, or they did fix something first and then reached out to me.
Okay, so now I have my domain working, but in the most recent response from Tumblr support, they told me that I had yet to verify my contact information, and my domain would be suspended after 10 days of registering it. So, I checked my emails, and I never received an email stating anything about verifying. The Tumblr support help site even lists what the subject line would read, and I tried searching for that in my email. Nothing. So, I am now waiting for another couple of days until someone with Tumblr support responds to me about this.
I have one other issue to report to Tumblr support, but I'm holding off on that one until I know I can keep using my domain with my Tumblr blog. That additional issue is DNS records. I need to add a handful of of records to get my email working with Tumblr Domains. However, it only lets me add three records after the initial one, and won't let me add anymore, which doesn't let me add all the additional records I need to fully make my provider work with it.
While it is a little frustrating, I would really like to make this work, and I'm willing to keep giving it a try. We shall see how this goes. I'm curious if others have had similar issues trying to use Tumblr Domains so far. I'm rooting for Tumblr and Automattic, and I'm only sharing this in case someone else is struggling as well. I think sharing information like this might help someone else. I'll post some updates to my blog as things continue to be worked out.
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mdhasansblog · 1 year
easy captcha job app
Creating an easy CAPTCHA job app involves developing a user-friendly application where users can complete CAPTCHA tasks. CAPTCHAs are used to distinguish between human users and automated bots, and these tasks usually involve identifying distorted text or selecting specific images.
Here's a simple outline of how you might create such an app:
1. App Design and Framework: Choose a programming language and framework for app development. Popular choices include Python (using frameworks like Flask or Django), JavaScript (using frameworks like React or Vue.js), or others based on your familiarity and requirements.
2. User Registration and Authentication: Implement user registration and login functionality. Users need to create accounts and log in to access CAPTCHA tasks and receive rewards.
3. CAPTCHA Task Generation: Integrate a CAPTCHA task generation library or API. Google's reCAPTCHA is a common choice. Tasks could involve tasks like identifying distorted text, selecting specific images from a set, or solving simple puzzles.
4. Task Display and Submission: Design an interface to display CAPTCHA tasks to users. Users should be able to complete the tasks and submit their answers.
5. Reward System: Implement a reward system where users earn points or tokens for completing tasks. These rewards could be redeemable for cash, gift cards, or other incentives.
6. Anti-Cheating Measures: Implement measures to prevent users from cheating or using automated scripts to complete tasks. This might include timers, behavior analysis, and IP tracking.
7. User Profiles: Create user profiles where users can track their completed tasks, earned rewards, and overall progress.
8. Payment Integration (Optional): If you're offering monetary rewards, integrate a payment gateway to transfer funds to users' accounts upon reaching a minimum withdrawal threshold.
9. Analytics and Reporting: Incorporate analytics to track user engagement, completed tasks, and other relevant metrics. This data can help you improve the app over time.
10. User Support: Include a contact or support feature where users can reach out with questions or concerns.
11. Testing: Thoroughly test the app to identify and fix any bugs or usability issues.
12. Deployment: Deploy the app on a server or a cloud platform, making it accessible to users.
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stayblogged · 2 years
This story is unavailable on Instagram - 6reasons
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Instagram is a well-known social networking platform that has gained popularity around the world. A lot of people use Snapchat to send snaps of their daily lives, just as Instagram users post stories to represent their lives. It is fun to do such activities. Through your ID, your followers can view the tales you post. Instagram stories, like those on numerous other social media platforms, including WhatsApp, expire after 24 hours or are removed automatically. If your profile is public, anyone can see your stories and posts; even if your account is private, people have to follow you to view your posts and stories. If the ID is private, you must do the same to access other people's accounts. Otherwise, you cannot watch their stories.
You might not be able to see someone else's tale for various additional reasons. But this is the first to be addressed. But sometimes you only see a blank message on the screen: "This story is unavailable". A situation like that could irritate you, especially if you follow the person frequently or eagerly anticipate their stories. If you are annoyed by watching this message over and over, keep reading because we will explain the causes of the problem and offer solutions.
What features are offered by the Instagram Stories option?
Instagram Stories is a feature that enables you to publish any image or video to your profile and have it immediately disappear after 24 hours. We had never heard of it. But for some years, it has been a very familiar option, even though most people know about it nowadays. Because the information we submit will only be available for one day (24 hours) after we post it, this feature not only makes it simpler for us to post our most recent updates on the platform but also increases our trust in what we contribute.
If someone else's account is set to "public," we are free to add any of their posts to our story. Instagram also gives us the option to include "close friends" in our stories. This feature allows you to create a list of your closest friends and share your story only with them. You can add all of your stories to this feature if you want only your closest friends to be able to view them.
What might be driving the warning "This story is unavailable"?
Many people have noticed and reported that when they try to watch any person's story, their device displays a blank screen with the message "This story is unavailable." It could make you angry sometimes, but you need to stay calm and focus on solving this problem rather than wasting your time. There could be various reasons behind this problem, some of which are mentioned below. So, check them first, and if everything is fine, we'll see the solution to this problem below:
If the owner of the ID removes it before you see it, you are unable to view anyone's narrative
You are unable to view anyone else's story if Instagram has a service issue or a bug
if the ID user deletes your information from their profile
This post will look at all potential causes of the "This story is unavailable" error on Instagram and try its best to give you a solution. So, let's take a look at the solution now.
Solutions to this message problem "This story is unavailable"
Here are some solutions listed below to solve the "This story is unavailable" problem:
The poster took down their post
This is what prompted the alert in the first place: "This story is unavailable," as no one can access a narrative that has been erased by the ID owner. If their story was already present in your timeline when it was erased and you attempt to view it, a blank screen will appear.
The story automatically vanishes after 24 hours
It might not be available if the story was uploaded more than 24 hours ago. Instagram stories are deleted 24 hours after they are posted. You won't be able to view someone's Instagram story later if you can't do it within 24 hours. After 24 hours, Instagram stories will automatically disappear. Additionally, if you don't refresh your timeline and the choice for their story is still present, a message informing you that the story is no longer available will appear if you attempt to view it.
If a user adds their tale to the highlights of their profile, you can watch it whenever you want. Under the profile, the highlight option is discernible.
The user has blocked access to Instagram stories for you
It may not be available because someone has blocked or concealed your access to their story. When someone disables your access to their story on Instagram, you are not notified. How did you discover they were keeping a secret from you, then? To verify their statements, you can use another account or consult a friend. Even though another account can view the content, the user has blocked your access.
Instagram deleted it due to a violation
This is true: Instagram has the authority to remove the story if any of its posting policies were broken. Sometimes it's possible that Instagram's AI accidentally erased it as a result of a mistake. You also see the "This story is unavailable" indication in that situation. That's why you always have to post any post under the rules of Instagram, make sure that your post is not violating any Instagram rules. The narrative can be withdrawn and made inaccessible if the AI detects a breach.
Switched the account to private
Whether the author of the story has since switched the privacy settings on their account from public to private. In such a case, only users they have permitted to follow will be able to see their stuff, including stories. If you haven't been permitted to follow someone, you won't be able to view their story or post. You can quickly see if somebody changed their account's visibility setting from public to private. When you open the user's profile, the phrase "The account is private" will be displayed. If the account is private.
Instagram's servers are not working
Sometimes the servers of Instagram go down and everything stops working, whether you want to watch anyone's story or try to watch any other stuff on Instagram. In this situation, the message also appears to say that "The story is unavailable". This could also be the reason you received this message. You just need to wait in that situation until the servers are got up again.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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avoautomation1 · 2 years
What is SAP ERP Testing?
Systems, Applications, And Products (SAP) are among the most popular ERP software providers globally, and it supports most Fortune 500 companies with its world-class ERP solutions. Every company customizes its SAP ERP application per different requirements to meet scaling demands. And every time a change is incorporated, it needs testing to see whether the application works as intended. So, implementing SAP ERP with changes ought to test known as SAP ERP testing. 
Here's What SAP ERP Testing Is
Each SAP module supports a particular business process in SAP ERP software like stock, sales, accounting, etc. In its default design, the software might lack the most specific features that meet a company's business requirements. So, software engineers usually customize the ERP software from its basic modules. So, SAP ERP testing is the method of testing different modules of the SAP ERP software to ensure proper functionality.
SAP ERP testing is necessary because, without proper SAP software or application testing, ERP modules are likely to carry errors. Bugs are sure to develop when customizing. Repetitive failure of SAP ERP projects arises when developers fail to perform ERP testing efficiently. Apart from pre-implementation testing, ERP software should also undergo testing after implementation. ERP software goes through constant updates, such as new module implementations or bug fixes. Here's a list of tests that SAP ERP testing includes.
Types of Tests in SAP ERP Testing
 Unit Testing
In unit testing, testers check whether functions or subroutines of a single module are individually working without a break. For example, interface testing, conversions, workflows, forms, reports, security authorization, and data transfer rules within the ERP system.
Integration Testing
SAP ERP systems are configurable. Software engineers perform integration testing to ensure that all SAP modules work correctly after integrating with different modules or third-party applications. For example, to monitor whether various SAP modules and components successfully communicate and exchange data after configuring into a single SAP system.
Performance Testing
Performance testing ensures the reliability, scalability, and resource usage of the ERP system. This testing understands how the system components perform in a given situation. For example, if a module positively responds to generated requests for account creation while testing, it meets the given benchmark. 
User Acceptance Testing
In user acceptance testing, software engineers see whether all the agreed-upon requirements are integrated into the product. For example, testing whether all three payment gateways are included in the system as requested by a financial enterprise. 
Security Testing
Security testing checks for application components potentially at risk covering operational security, product security, network security, portal security, access control, etc., and, for example, testing a transaction software to see that SAP users have access to data and transactions. 
Portal Testing
Based on customer requirements and business processes, SAP ERP systems have multiple portals. Testers perform portal testing to ensure that all portals work without downtimes/breakdowns. For example, testing KYC software to see whether the "SUBMIT" button correctly registers the entered user details.
At Avo, we provide the industry-best SAP ERP testing solutions covering all your requirements, and it does so quickly and without much testing effort. Connect with us to learn more about SAP ERP testing solutions that fulfill your needs. 
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yaldev · 2 years
Bombing Run (Optimized)
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“Remains of lunar projectile located: junkyard.” —Courage B-31, intelligence report to High Commander Bruzek
“Your Majesty, our seers have come to an agreement. Something horrible is coming. A force that would bring the Mirrorvoid to our soil. I beg you to consider surrender.” —Bishop of the Peak Ziggurat, letter to Queen Oda of Yokm
“I’m not racist or anything, but…” —General Demlow, muttering to High Commander Bruzek
“It’s like none of you can get this through your skulls! Out of everyone here, we’ve got the most to lose! Not Nilden, not Yokm, us! We have the factories, we have the engineers, we have the manpower. The rest of you are artists, farmers and magicians, and I know that’s taken far less investment. So yes, I will be the one leading any negotiations, and if anyone surrenders independently, Tokel will consider them at war with Oxado.” —King Sen I
“...if the Nildenese can’t even find an industrial use for a giant ball of iron dropped on their capital, maybe their culture isn’t worth preserving.” —General Demlow, muttering to High Commander Bruzek
“The world has changed, and I can no longer think only of Yokm’s interests. I am sorry.” —Queen Oda of Yokm, letter to the Bishop of the Peak Ziggurat
“To conclude: the Ascended Armed Forces are operated by imbeciles. They’re stuck in singular modes of thinking. They might update once a decade, but no more. If we didn’t have such an overwhelming advantage they’d blunder every battle we face, and if I had the authority I’d have half the Commanders demoted to target practice. I take it you won’t give me that authority, and it’s frustrating.” —High Commander Bruzek, report submitted to the Highest Ascendant
“This is the final confirmation we needed: as far as control is concerned, these aircraft are mundane. The invaders have created autonomous hovering guns that attack of their own accord. No pilots. They’ve animated the ground into an airborne weapon of war.” —The Combat Research Board of Nilden
“Bruzek, I think what you really need is a break. What do you say we wrap up this conquest here so you can take a vacation?” —The Highest Ascendant, phone call to High Commander Bruzek
“...” —Nildenese crystal bug (thriving)
“Esteemed adversary, I will remind you once again that you are waging a war against the rest of Humanity, which dwarfs your numbers tenfold. As noted in prior communications, we will soon be deploying a series of airstrikes to bombard key strategic positions with magic missiles. These attacks will originate from air-capable Ascended bases scattered across Yaldev. I have attached a visual representation of our intended routes in hopes of demonstrating the scale by which you are outmatched. It is mathematically impossible for you to succeed. The only factor is how many of your own people you will sacrifice, and how many weeks our citizens will go without new gadgets and cars. We await an indication that you are willing to surrender.” —The Solar Authority of the Air Force, letter to King Sen I
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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dritaent · 2 years
Duplicate cleaner for iphoto troubleshooting
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Here are the steps for Windows 10.Click Start, type powershell, right-click Windows Powershell and choose Run as AdministratorTo re-register or reinstall the Photos app, use one of the following methods:Option 1Execute the following command: Get-AppxPackage -allusers |. If the Photos app does not start or causes an error, you can repair it using PowerShell.
Reinstall iphoto on Snow Leopard I recently bought the disc for Snow Leopard & installed it on my MacBook Pro when my iphoto failed to work properly, I dragged the old iphoto app to my trash, inserted my only iphoto disc (from ’06 iLife) & using the “customize” button, installed it then did a software update. However, after using the iPhoto Library Upgrader, Apple’s recommended path for converting iPhoto 7 and earlier libraries to a newer format that iPhoto 8 and 9 can use, “The result is photos a. Photos can now be deleted from My Photo Stream by dragging to the Trash Photos can now be exported from Photo Stream using the Export command in the File menu RAW images manually imported from My Photo Stream are now editable Fixes a bug that could cause manually-rotated photos to appear unrotated when shared to. Generally speaking, iPhoto library photos can be lost due to accidental deletion, iPhoto library corruption, unknowing formatting of Mac partition/volume, system errors, or emptied iPhoto trash among other reasons.įaced with such vulnerable iPhoto library, you might be in fear of your photos missing from iPhoto library.
Note 2: If your previous version of iPhoto was iPhoto 7 (08) or earlier you’ll need to download and run the iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1 application on the library before opening it with iPhoto 9.5.1. Note 1: every day more users are reporting problems with iPhoto 8.1.2 so I’ve included it in the non compatible category. Generally, its additional files, such as preference files and application support files, still remains on the hard drive after you delete Apple iPhoto from the Application folder, in case that the next time you decide to reinstall it, the settings of this program still be kept. Now launch iPhoto ’09 and select your restored iPhoto library if prompted. Pictures/ (name of your iPhoto Library) - the tilde () represents your home user folder. Library/Documentation/Applications/iPhoto. Restore the following files from your backup: /Applications/iPhoto.app. If you already own iPhoto and it’s in your Store ID you may still be able to download versions 9.6.1.which is compatible with OS X versions 10.10.3 or later, but I’m not entirely sure it will run in 10.12.x. You probably have not previously accepted your bundled iLife. If it is not showing under purchased items list.
Click Purchases.Ĭlick on install button for iPhoto to reinstall it. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only.
Question: Q: How to reinstall iPhoto More Less. *not all Patreon tiers qualify for all rewards. They’re good.).Īmazon links are powered by the Amazon Associates Program. Pledge on PATREON now to get your name in the show credits and gain access to Krazy Ken’s exclusive Discord server!*.
įollow Ken on Twitter: Ken’s Tech Misadventures #101 Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Installation Sensation (on My First iMac). So, he decides to restore it to its former glory! This was the first computer he had ever cut video on, and it holds a special place in his heart. Krazy Ken goes on a nostalgia trip with an early Intel iMac and Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. As an Amazon Associate, we earn revenue from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Note: Some of the links used in the description and comments will direct you to Amazon. IPhone 11! Hands-on with realistic models.Ĩ0+ watchOS 6 features / changes for Apple Watch! How to use the iPhone Migration Tool in iOS 12.4 and higher. Review: Sonnet Solo 10G Thunderbolt 3 Ethernet Adapter for Mac. LiftMaster MyQ Home Bridge Garage door HomeKit and Siri control!Īrlo Pro 2 HomeKit support! Was it worth the wait? Will you use it?Īpple Arcade Preview hands-on with six games! IOS 13: Top Features & Changes for iPhone!Īll iPhone 11 Cases Unboxing and Impressions. WatchOS 6: Top Features & Changes for Apple Watch! IPhone 11 (Max Pro): how to force restart, recovery mode, DFU mode, etc. IPadOS 13.1: Top Features & Changes for iPad! IPhone 11 Top Features! Best bang for the buck? Review: Apple iPhone 11 Clear Case worth $40? IPhone 11 Pro & 11 Pro Max: top 25 features. Thanks to Intego for sponsoring 9to5Mac on YouTube! Save over 50% on the Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9. A look at over 15 new features for macOS Catalina.
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longenterprises · 2 years
Toontown offline loading game services
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It is recommended you acquire these packages with the usage of pip. Resources for this repository can be found here:
This software requires a modified version of Astron to function with the latest version: Link: RESOURCES This issue will be addressed at a later date. This software requires a modified version of the Panda3D game engine to correctly function. If Javascript is enabled, page refreshes every 30 seconds. As long as the main website, account server, and at least one game server are online, you can hop into ToonTown. Requirements You must compile dependencies yourself, ask for assistance if needed. TTR is officially reported as being OPEN. When you are ready to merge your changes, submit a pull request for review. An unsuspecting Scrooge McDuck accidentally unleashed the evil robots and they are attempting to turn the colorful world of Toontown into a black. Toontown is under siege from an evil band of business robots called the Cogs. We talk about what we are about to do before we do it! All changes, except for emergency bug fixes, should be done in either a separate branch, or a fork - not to the master or release branches. Disney's Toontown Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created for kids of all ages. Contributingĭon't just start contributing. No profanity allowed, please keep it professional.
Feel free to fork this repository if you desire to add your own content. This means that the plan is to removing all modifications Toontown Infinite had planned for the gameplay, as well as restoring all broken features from Toontown Online, excluding the Toon News feature. The idea behind this project is to restore Toontown Online to its original state. If you require any more assistance, feel free to contact me on Discord: Jake S.Toontown is a free, non-profit game inspired by Disney's Toontown Online. Windows users: Try re-registering Windows’ urlmon.dll as described here.Īs a last resort, Uninstall Chrome and reinstall the latest version of Chrome.
Try Chrome Canary (a newer version of Chrome under development) to download files. If you no longer see an issue with downloading files, your browser profile could be corrupt. Try downloading the file from another web browser like IE, Firefox, or Safari and see if you run into the same issue.Ĭreate a new user profile. Try downloading the file from another network connection. Restart your router or internet connection. If you can download files when the firewall is off, you may need to create an exception in your antivirus or firewall settings. Try changing your download destination folder within Chrome.Ĭheck to see if any antivirus or firewall programs on your computer may be blocking the download by turning them off temporarily. If you no longer see the error message, you might have an issue with a Chrome extension. Try downloading the file in a Chrome incognito window. Make sure you have the latest version of Chrome installed. Restart Chrome - exit and relaunch Chrome, then try your download again. If you would like to keep using Chrome, you could once again try disabling your anti-virus and try again, but if that fails there is a list compiled from Google Developers that can help you out: The easiest step you can take for this is to disable your anti-virus temporary and try it in a new browser. I will presume you are using Chrome as that's the sort of error it would produce.
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longmondo · 2 years
Centos bugzilla
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#Centos bugzilla how to
#Centos bugzilla software
Be sure to describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the problem and how reproducible it is: does it fail every time, every second, third, fourth, random time, or whatever. Add as much information as you can, including error messages and screen captures that illustrate the problem. If none match, fill in the information requested in the Description field. If one matches, click Add Me to the CC List to receive emails when changes are made to the bug. When you type a short problem description in the Summary field, Bugzilla displays a list of other bugs that might match yours. The following image shows how I filled out the required fields (and a couple of others that are not required). This will narrow down some of the choices on the next page. You'll need to select a classification for the bug to continue the process. Log into your account and click on New in the menu bar or the File a Bug button. Please do not do this unless you have a real bug to report.
#Centos bugzilla how to
To demonstrate how to submit a bug report, I'll use a fictional example of creating a bug against the Xfce4-terminal emulator in Fedora. I strongly suggest not creating an account unless you intend to submit bug reports or comment on existing bugs. After you verify your email address, you can fill in the rest of the information to create your account.Īdvisory: Bugzilla is a working website that people count on for support. On Bugzilla's main page, click Open a New Account and fill in the requested information. The Red Hat Bugzilla website requires an account to submit new bugs or comment on old ones. 10 command-line tools for data analysis in Linux.Go to the Bugzilla site and click on the Advanced Search tab. You can search the Red Hat Bugzilla site without an account. If it appears that no one has encountered this problem before (or if they have, they haven't reported it as a bug), I go to the Red Hat Bugzilla site and begin searching for a bug report that might come close to matching the symptoms I encountered. I also try to check the various distro listservs. I always start with a search of relevant websites, such as the Fedora wiki, the CentOS wiki, and the documentation for the distro I'm using. Start with a searchĮven though it's tempting, never assume that seemingly anomalous behavior is the result of a bug. Bugzilla is a popular tool, and I use the Red Hat Bugzilla website to report Fedora-related bugs because I primarily use Fedora on the systems I'm responsible for. It's an easy process, but it may seem daunting if you have never done it before. Product maintainers use a lot of tools to let their users search for existing bugs and report new ones. But a way I can return some value to the Linux community is by reporting bugs. I am not a C language programmer, so I don't create fixes and submit them with bug reports, as some people do. As a long-time Linux user and sysadmin, I have benefited greatly from GNU/Linux, and I like to give back.
#Centos bugzilla software
Sometimes this leads me to discover bugs in the software I use, including Fedora and the Linux kernel. I spend a lot of time doing research for my books and articles.
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