#and if there is supposed to be a skip button and it’s just missing
quillyfied · 1 year
Okay, folks, been testing this “can’t edit a blog unless you follow 5 tags and 3 blogs” thing, and I have some data to report:
1. If you do it on desktop (Firefox on a Mac for me), you can skip the process by clicking on the Tumblr icon in the corner. This takes you to your dash and you’re all set to curate your experience and make sure you look human to other blogs!
2. Trickier on mobile (iOS); heard that there was a skip button but I never saw it.
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Wouldn’t let me tap or interact with anything until I did this. HOWEVER!! There is still a workaround! I discovered it on accident and then made a third fake account just to verify!
3. I made my third fake blog. Once I had the password set and the blog name picked, I closed out of the tumblr app, then reopened it. It opened right onto my dash! Success!
Now: I absolutely believe there are new users who also either don’t see a skip button or are befuddled at this process, because it isn’t very intuitive, I don’t think, so it’s possible there are new genuine followers getting blocked because they’re inexperienced and look like bots.
However. I think there are also just a bunch of bots. Because you don’t need a real email address to set up an account.
If anyone smarter than me could screen grab where a skip button is during this process, I’m intensely curious about where it is and why I’m missing it (the answer is I’m oblivious and often miss things right in front of my nose).
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The four times you fell asleep on Ghost and the one time Ghost fell asleep on you - four.
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 4.7k
synopsis: Price decides to have a movie night on base. You and Ghost have The Talk.
warnings: occasional swearing, man written by a woman (may have slightly idealised Ghost), miscommunication, emotionally constipated Ghost and reader, the episodic mentions of Ghost's groaning and blonde eyelashes, brief appearance of Keegan Russ, mentions of smoking
notes: this was not supposed to be this long, but ideas just kept coming and coming. As I have mentioned before, this was initially intended to be a filler chapter for the "grand finale" (aka the one where he falls asleep on you) - so this is why the ending may seem a little bit rushed.
reader's callsign is Bambi (she/her)
find it on ao3 part one part two part three part four part five
“So you want to have a movie night here, on base?”
“A movie night, tonight?”
“Can we bring snacks? And drinks?”
“What are we going to watch?”
Seated at his usual place in the mess hall, Captain John Price found himself struggling to hide the proud, fatherly smile that threatened to spread on his face. He was surprised by the enthusiasm with which his idea of a movie night had been met, yet there you were, all curious and excited about it. You were seated between Soap and Gaz, your food momentarily forgotten as you started planning the entire evening around his proposal. You three were so caught up in debating whether you should mix in all types of popcorn with nachos that you did not notice the insistent glances of the passersby. Or the aggressive glares that Ghost was shooting back, his balaclava only highlighting the coldness of his features.
It was the second day after your night out at the pub and after thinking about the events over and over again, he accepted, with resignation, that his innate need to protect you and keep you from harm's way had only grown stronger. Ghost was a man of few words and certainly, not one to publicly display his feelings, so when you came to him in the morning and thanked him for taking care of you when you got wasted, he just shrugged it off with a piss-poor remark that you would do the same for him. He did not miss the blush that spread across your face when you answered that you absolutely would, if there would ever be such an occasion, and left him with an awkward pat on the shoulder. Which was kind of ironic since, two nights before, you climbed him like a beanstalk and clung to him like a koala.
And there he was, longing for any kind of interaction from you, like the touch-starved mess that he'd become. He would have placed himself next to you at the table, but he didn't want to give Price more satisfaction - the older man had already figured out enough about the intensity of his feelings about you, the Polaroid that Simon now kept safely tucked in his wallet being proof of it.
And what was this with Price's sudden idea of a movie night? Ghost knew the Captain insisted on having a united team whose members can trust each other, after all that's why he handpicked you all to join, but another gathering besides the night spent at the pub was way too much for his social battery.
At least you had all accepted his quiet persona from the beginning, not attempting to push his buttons more than it was necessary.
Until you fell asleep on him in the lounging room.
And then again at the safe house.
And then again at the pub.
"Ghost, do you copy?"
Your delicate voice pulled him out of his thoughts, only for him to be met with the questioning look that was etched in your face.
"I know that look!", Soap quickly chimed in, a daring smirk on his face. "Who's the lucky woman, L.T.?"
"Or man- which is totally fine too!", Gaz added with an equal devious expression.
Both of them shut up when Ghost shot them his signature threatening look, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the tender smile on your face slightly falter. Before giving anyone the chance to further ruin the moment, he willed his eyes on you, softening his voice as much as he could:
"I'm sorry, Bambi. 'were you saying?"
"Would you like to join me later on a trip to the supermarket for snacks? I don't trust these two menaces with such an important task!"
He gulped loudly at the sight of the pleading look in your eyes, not entirely sure if you were just playing him, or if the doe eyes were really making a return. At that point, Simon had already memorized your features, being able to draw them with his eyes closed, but his heart still fluttered upon seeing your large and round irises, brimming with innocence and tenderness.
Additionally, he could feel Price's unwavering gaze burning into the back of his head. And he had a feeling the Captain would force his ass into the first available car and drag him to the supermarket with you.
"Sure - we can take my car... plenty of space for groceries", his words trailed off at the sight of the satisfied grin you gave him, your eyes brimming with joy. "We could go after the combat training if it's ok with you..."
"Absolutely! Thanks, Ghost, you're the best!"
You rose from your seat and placed your hands on his shoulders in what was meant to be half a hug before jogging out of the mess hall, a hot blush spreading across your cheeks.
The memories of the previous night were still blurry in your head, but you could recall the unique feeling of your cheek being pressed against a chest - Ghost's chest, the distinct smell of him still lingering on the black t-shirt you had neatly folded and placed on your bed. You did not plan to wash it any time soon.
You had thanked Ghost for taking care of you, but after the morning coffee chat you had with Soap, you actually felt the need to apologize for being such a burden. Of course, Soap had been just as intoxicated as you, so you couldn't place too much trust in his words. However, the recent teasing about the person that occupied Ghost's thoughts, made you feel uneasy about the whole situation. Were you being too clingy and touchy towards him - did you cross any of his boundaries? You hadn't even realised when you'd let your guard down in his presence, but it was certain that falling asleep on him without any negative reaction from his side, marked a significant step in that direction.
But now you had a chance to figure things out in the way adults do: by openly communicating with him. And the trip to the supermarket was the perfect cover-up for it.
You just had to keep to yourself until then - maybe try to limit your interactions with him as overstepping his boundaries was the last thing you'd wanted to do. It couldn't be that hard, right?
It was barely noon, and Ghost couldn't figure out what he'd done so wrong to make you avoid him like the plague. Did you get upset at him for not returning the hug? Did he not seem excited enough about the trip to get snacks?
Did someone put something in your food and you suspected him?
He thought it was nothing at first. After all, it would have been unusual for you to sit next to him at the morning briefing as you usually had a spot next to Gaz. But then you did not even seem to acknowledge his presence at the shooting range, barely muttering a greeting when passing him on the way to the lockers.
And now, ironically enough, you chose to spar with one of the Ghosts- none other than their scout sniper, Keegan Russ. On the one hand, it was actually a good move: you could learn and trade tips and tricks with a sniper as good as he was. On the other hand, Simon did not like the way his hands seemed to linger over your body every time you mounted an attack, or how his chest puffed when he was trying to walk you through some new move. Like him, Keegan always wore a balaclava in public, but unlike him, the younger operator did not seem to care about hiding his emotions: everyone could tell that he was smirking as he extended his hand to help you get up after he'd mercilessly tossed you on the mat.
Yet the next thing he knew, he was the one making contact with the mat, his back absorbing most of the impact. The sudden reversal in the sparring match left him momentarily disoriented, his eyes still searching for you and your new combat partner. It wasn't until he spotted Soap's concerned expression, the Sergeant hesitantly hovering above him, that he showed any intention of getting up. The Scot subtly followed his line of sight until his eyes landed on you and Keegan. You were beaming at him as he seemed to tell you a story based on the frantic way his hands moved, his icy blue eyes fixed on you as he spoke.
"Seems I got ya good, L.T.", Soap said as he helped Ghost back on his feet, giving him a slight pat as an apology. "Do you want to call it a day or-?"
He could barely hide his smirk before receiving a growl and a criminal side-eye in response. And he let his guard down as the next thing he knew, his arm was caught in a firm grip and his body flew over Ghost's shoulder, landing on the training mat with a loud thud. He could not stifle the groan that escaped him and closed his eyes in resignation. Once again, he learnt the hard way not to mess with the big man with the scary mask.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, MacTavish. We're here to train, not to ogle at others!"
"Copy that, sir!"
"I'm just telling you, Keegan, you've got to man up and talk to her!", you said between breaths as you dodged his incoming shots. "You wanted girl advice from a girl? Now you have it!"
"How can I know it won't just scare her off? Should- should I take off my mask, do you think that she'll see that as a clear sign that - you know?"
"It'll definitely be a step in that direction..."
Your words momentarily trailed off as you stole a glance at Ghost who was currently caught up in his own sparring match with Soap. He'd traded his usual skull mask for one of his balaclavas, and he wore his usual black t-shirt that allowed you to fully take in his tattoed arms, rippling with muscles and scars. Maybe limiting your interactions with him was a bad idea. Not that you had something against teaming up with Keegan - you two needed to do some catching up - and it was just the right time for it, but you felt you could have learnt a lot from the Lieutenant.
And at that moment you didn't mind being pinned to the ground by him, just like he did with Soap.
"So did you convince him to take his mask off?"
Keegan's question took you by surprise, as did his left foot, which interlocked with yours and sent you falling face-first. You could tell he was smirking under the balaclava as he helped you back up, and a grin also spread on your face as you shook your head in acceptance:
"Why would I ever do that?"
"Because I can feel his death stare on me right now and... I saw the picture from the lounging room. I think it was rather cute, you know?"
"No, I don't..."
The words came out slowly as your mind was trying to figure out what he could be talking about. The only pictures you had with Ghost were the ones taken after important missions, the ones with the other members of Task Force 141 and whoever may have been involved. And it was safe to say they could not be described as "cute".
"Oh come on, don't play dumb - the Polaroid picture from the lounging room? The one where you-"
"Sergeant L/N, 'you ready to go? I'll meet you at the car in 10."
Despite having interrupted your conversation, Ghost did not seem fazed by it. He didn't even wait for your confirmation- just turned his back on you and started walking towards that door with a certain smugness in his gait. As he took in the scene, Keegan's smirk widened under the mask. He may have needed girl advice, but boy- scratch that -special forces operator advice was a topic he was well versed in.
"I wouldn't make him wait if I were you", he resumed shrugging his shoulders and giving you a sympathetic look. "And thanks for the advice, I'll keep you posted on the situation!"
It took you 7 minutes to get changed and jog to Ghost's usual parking spot and he was already there, smoke in his hand. Even so, you felt the need to mutter a quick apology before getting in and fastening your seatbelt. Ghost was quick to follow, hopping into the driver's seat and starting the car.
He internally sighed when the radio began playing. It was going to be a long ride.
You, on the other hand, rested your head against the window, your mind brimming with questions about the mysterious picture that Keegan had mentioned. It was true that you had not checked the wooden panel for any new additions- at one point, you had completely forgotten about it, but it seemed some people took it seriously.
Involuntarily, your gaze slipped to Ghost. The Lieutenant was focused on the road, one hand holding the steering wheel while another rested on the gearstick. He was unusually calm and collected, unlike the chaotic driver you were used to. Did he know about the picture too? Was it bothering him in any way?
The car came to a sudden stop, brakes screeching on the hot concrete as he steered into an empty parking spot. You shot him a confused look as he turned off the engine and turned towards you, his chocolate eyes filled with questions:
"I've had enough", he began in a gruff tone that softened when his eyes landed on your face. "Come on, Bambi, out with it!"
You raised your eyebrows at his question, even if, deep down, you knew it was time for The Talk.
And you were so not prepared for it. So you decided to play dumb.
"Out with what? Do you want me to get out of the car or-?"
"You know what I'm talking about!"
His tone was even and his eyes too gentle for your liking. Part of you had wanted to get him all riled up so that you could justify the outburst that you were on the verge of having. Yet he only raised an eyebrow in question, leaning in the driver's seat and crossing his arms:
"You've been acting weird all day- ignoring and avoiding me. And you kept staring at me for the past quarter of an hour yet now you won't even look me in the eye! You've got to give me a hand here, Bambi because I have no idea what I did wrong!"
It was the second time in the past week that you'd heard him talk that much in one sitting, yet you were busy managing your stress levels, which were currently shooting through the roof. Turns out, you were not ready for The Talk. Communication was overrated anyway-
"You- you didn't do anything wrong and...", you answered incoherently, your mind trying to make sense of the words that were leaving your mouth.
"OK, fine! I-am-sorry-for-being-such-a-burden-to-you-and-intruding-your-personal-space-and-falling-asleep-on-you-without-having-your-permission-and-"
"What the hell are you talking about? Who- who even implied that you are a burden to me? Was it Russ- do I need to have a chat with him?"
"Oh no, Keegan had nothing to do with it. He was actually asking me for advice about this nurse he met and- you know what? Yeah, let's not go there..."
"I fully agree", Ghost nodded in compliance, partly amused by the unexpected oversharing side of you. "But, Bambi, you... You could never be a burden to any of us. Do you understand that?"
A sudden wave of clarity swept over your thoughts after you talked about it, and with it also came the furious blush that made you bury your face in your hands:
"God, I'm so embarrassed now..."
"Hey, hey, look at me!"
Ghost tried to control the faint shaking of his gloved hand as he placed it on your shoulder. He had figured out something was wrong, but would have never thought that you would see yourself as a burden, that you would intrude on his personal space? Why would you even think of such nonsense in the first place?
"If this is about you getting wasted at the pub, then you've got it all wrong!", he decided to continue when you lowered your hands and exposed the upper half of your face.
"Fucking hell, Y/N, would you quit looking at me with those doe-eyes? You have no idea what you are doing to me right now..."
He did not realise he said it out loud until you widened your eyes even more and proceeded to hide your face in your hands again, muttering a string of apologies. He let out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in disbelief. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he would have to spend the afternoon like that, having this kind of talk in his car, in a random parking lot. Yet there you were, two operators, seemingly with no communication skills and a penchant for hiding your faces in masks and hands.
With careful moves, Ghost removed his gloves, trying to ignore the stark contrast between his fingers and yours. He then extended his hands towards yours, gently pulling them away from your face. The sight of your E/C eyes made him let out a soft sigh:
"I did not mean it like that... there is nothing wrong with the doe-eyes. There's a reason they call you Bambi after all.."
You let out a dry chuckle, your eyes still glued to the ground as you were relishing in the warm feeling of his touch. His hands haven't left yours- in fact, he pulled them into his lap and was currently playing with the metal ring you've quickly slipped on before leaving.
"I don't know who or what made you think you intruded on my personal space. You didn't."
His pause made you raise your eyes back to his face, momentarily losing yourself in his chocolate orbs. Your doe-eyes may have been one of his weaknesses, but his blonde eyelashes were going to be the death of you, you were certain of that.
"And you falling asleep on me? It - I can't believe I'm actually saying it out loud and correct me if I'm wrong in any way - it made me feel good, to know that you felt safe enough to put yourself in a vulnerable position when I am nearby- and not once, but thrice now..."
"Wait- you mean twice, right?"
His chuckle made you widen your eyes in disbelief. He was definitely smirking under the mask.
"Ghost, when was the third time?"
"I just told you all this deep and emotional stuff and this is what you decide to focus on?"
"Well, I am not good at dealing with emotions, as you can see!". The blush was making a rapid comeback.
"The point is", he resumed his idea, "that you have no reasons to think you are a bother to me. You are not. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir!"
Ghost rolled his eyes as he turned the engine back on and gently let go of your hands, the remnants of your touch still warm on his fingers. He rolled out of the parking lot with ease, trying hard not to replay the awkward conversation that just took place, when your voice chimed in:
"Does this mean... hypothetically speaking, if I were to fall asleep during the movie night, and I were seated next to you..."
"Should I be concerned about your sleeping schedule? Or actually, the lack of it?"
You let out a brief sigh of relief as you got out of the car and headed towards the base, Ghost closely following you with two heavy bags in his hands. He refused to let you carry the bags under the pretence of having already trained hard enough today, but you knew it was just his specific way of reassuring you that things were good between the two of you.
As awkward as it had been, The Talk seemed to have cleared out any miscommunication issues you may have created inside your mind, and it certainly made you not feel bad about the moments you had drifted off on his shoulder. Or arms. Or whatever else place.
And as he was headed towards the kitchen, you made a bee-line to the lounging room, which, to your luck, proved to be empty. You turned on the lights and stopped in front of the wooden panel, your eyes quickly moving from one Polaroid picture to another. It had been a while since you last checked them as there were several additions that you hadn't been aware of: a blurred selfie of Soap and Gaz, a still shot of an unknown operator sipping his tea, a picture of Price, dozing off on his armchair and there it was, a snapshot of you, fast asleep on Ghost's shoulder, the Lieutenant staring at the camera with a blank look.
"I couldn't stop Soap from taking it."
You involuntarily flinched when you heard Ghost's amused voice. He must have snuck up on you as he was currently standing on your right, his eyes fixed on the picture at hand.
"Keegan mentioned it during combat training. I didn't even know it was there", You shrugged your shoulders at him.
"Does it bother you?"
There was something indescribable in his tone that made you halt for a second and look up at him. The glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes was not missed on you and your mind recalled the details of your previous conversation.
"It made me feel good, to know that you felt safe enough to put yourself in a vulnerable position when I am nearby"
"No, I actually kind of like it. Don't you?"
He let out a grunt as confirmation and you tried to fight the smile that threatened to spread on your face. You opened your mouth to tease him about it when Price, Gaz and Soap entered the lounging room, already having changed into civilian clothes. You quickly forgot what you were about to say when you noticed that Price was holding a DVD in his hands- and not just any DVD:
"We're going to watch 'The Bodyguard'?"
The captain busied himself with setting up the DVD player, but you could tell there was a smile on his face:
"What can I say? Your toast inspired me, Bambi!"
You shot a questioning look at Gaz who seemed equally as confused as you were, but then looked over at Soap who was chuckling under his breath:
"I may have left that bit out!", he confessed with a guilty grin, as he sat down on one of the sofas, Gaz joining him quickly.
"You don't remember the toast?", Ghost asked amusedly, having already taken his usual place on the couch. "You called Price 'the cool dad of the group' before blasting out 'I Will Always Love You' on karaoke."
Letting out a long sigh of defeat, you sat down next to Ghost, shaking your head in disbelief. That part of the night was still an empty space in your mind, and listening to bits of it did not help you remember anything about it. Yet you were not surprised by the music choice - it was your usual shower song so why not sing it when totally intoxicated as well?
"You also thanked Simon for taking care of you during the missions and letting you fall asleep on him", Price added quickly before Ghost could interject, a glimpse of his proud dad smile dancing on his face.
You raised your eyes to Ghost in a sheepish look, only to see him roll his eyes and extend his right arm on the couch, almost as an invitation for you to come closer. The lights were turned off and the movie started, but that did not stop you from raising an eyebrow in question. He merely nodded in your direction and you understood the message, trying to scoot over as quietly as possible. You hoped he hadn't heard the small sigh of satisfaction that left your lips when you cuddled up into his side, slightly leaning your head against his chest and taking a deep breath. You knew the movie by heart, it having been an integral part of your childhood, so instead of paying much attention to it, you redirected your efforts towards focusing on the multitude of sensations created by the close contact between Ghost's body and yours.
His familiar scent enveloped you like a comforting blanket, but it was the steady rhythm of his heartbeat that made your eyelids heavy. There was something uniquely special about the whole situation- the intimacy and fragility of the moment mixed with the consistent cadence of his breaths and the occasional vibrations that would resonate from his chest, were lulling you to sleep.
And when you felt his fingers starting to trace circles on your back, you nestled your head in the crook of his neck and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. It seemed that lately, the only good sleep you got was in Simon's arms.
--- bonus scene
The movie had long ended, yet none of you made any attempt to get up and start cleaning after you. The lounging room was still dark, the faint light from the TV casting shadows on the opposite wall. Soap was loudly snoring, perched on his usual place on the sofa. Price had also dozed off in his designated armchair and Gaz was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, a blank look on his face.
Still leaning against Ghost's chest, you were trying to fight the last remnants of sleep that were still lingering around. You were aware that eventually you had to get up and go home, but Ghost's heartbeats were steady and reassuring and the weight of his arm on your back was comforting and warm enough to keep you trapped in between dream and reality.
You were debating whether you should open your eyes or not when, all of a sudden, the room was flooded with light, the unexpected brightness blinding your senses and making you let out a deep groan. You could feel Ghost shifting below, his arm leaving your back and you ended up opening her eyes when he whispered into your ear:
"Get up, Laswell's here!"
You eventually peeled yourself from Ghost, your mind having difficulties processing the piece of information - what was Laswell doing in England? Wasn't she supposed to be in the US, gathering intelligence and coordinating missions?
Yet there she was, in flesh and bone, already heading up the door as she signed you to follow her.
"I can't tell you how glad I am I've got you all here already", she turned to Price as she hurried towards the long hall and into the main briefing room. "It's better than having to call each one of you in the dead of the night.."
"Kate, slow down- what is going on?", John asked in a calming tone, throwing apprehensive looks at the files she was holding in her hands.
"Alright - is everybody here? Bambi, Soap, Gaz, Ghost?"
Laswell locked the door before going back to her usual place. Still dumbfounded from being woken up so suddenly, you looked up at Ghost, but the warm look in his eyes was long gone, replaced by the stone-cold one he sported during missions. You could tell that, internally, he was already preparing for whatever news Laswell was about to deliver. And the grim look plastered on her face, as she turned on the video projector, was foreboding enough:
"A shipment of biological weapons we've been tracking just went missing. We have good reason to suspect that our scouts have been compromised."
taglist: @neoarchipelago, @thecorruptedlovely, @mitchlow, @fieldsofbats, @thaprilks, @stars-andfreckles, @that-napa-know-how, @preistinajamjar, @iamaliceinwonderland, @allaboutirem0, @lilpothoscuttings, @01trickster10, @yyiikes, @joanne-uwu, @dorck26
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fancyfeathers · 7 months
What a Camera Cannot Capture (Yandere Harbinger Lyney x reader)
the inspiration for the came from the voice line from Lyney when he was talking about how he was Arlecchino’s successor. So here you go, older Lyney who has become a Fatui Harbinger.
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The performance by the well known magician Lyney had just reached its conclusion minutes ago, you were now getting your coat on and getting ready to leave, the last person to leave actually. You were buttoning up the buttons on your coat and reached into your pocket to grab the scarf you had shoved in there only to find it was not there. 
“Looking for this?” You heard the voice behind you, almost with a sing-song tone. You spun around to see the star of tonight’s show, Lyney holding your knitted scarf in his hand. How did he- oh wait, he’s a magician, sleight of hand was his thing. He tosses it back to you and as startled as you were, you caught it as he chuckled. “I wasn’t going to steal it, just playing with you.”
“I figured, but thank you for giving it back.” You replied as you wrapped it around your neck. You turned to the door once more but he called you back.
“You know, I’ve noticed you at almost every show, same seat in the front row.” He spoke as he circled around you, a skip in his step. “Don’t tell me I have an admirer, is that the case?”
“No, no, not in the slightest.” You laughed at his question, but he didn’t laugh with you, if anything he seemed sad. “I’m a photographer for the Steambird, my boss wanted me to get photos for an article covering Fontaine’s entertainment industry.”
“Well then, I hope you caught my good side...” His eyes drifted down to the camera case you held in your free hand and he smiled as his eyes drifted up to your face. He reaches over and before you knew if he was spinning you around and dipped you, his hand on your waist, his face only inches from yours. “…Like this”
He stood you up and spun you out of his embrace and you felt so flustered and your face must have been twenty shades of red. “Y-ya, exactly.”
“Well then, mon chérie, you must be off I suppose.” He walked over and opened and held the door for you. “Do consider paying me another visit at another show sometime, perhaps I could show you around backstage, the behind the scenes.”
“Perhaps, Monsieur, perhaps.”
“What do you mean your camera is missing?!” You sat in your boss’s office, feeling like a rotten child being yelled at. You had gotten back from the show last night and this morning when you went to get your camera out the case this morning to look at the photos it was gone.
“I-I don’t know, I opened it and it was gone.”
“Well you better find it because without it we lose this article and you lose your job, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.”
After that you ran out of her office, nearly in tears as you made your way to the Aquabus Station and took the Navia Line to the Opera Epiclese. You curled up in your seat, praying to whatever god could hear you that you would not lose this job because if you do, archons know what you’ll do then. Once the aquabus reached its stop you literally ran to the Opera Epiclese, your hair getting messed up with your speed and the wind blowing against you, people probably thought someone was dying by the way you looked. You opened the doors to the opera house and rushed into the theater proper. You looked around the opera seat, scouring for where your camera may have fallen. By the time you were finished looking through the seats you must have looked like an absolute wreck with your rush, panic, and tears. 
You sat down in one of the seats and wondered what you were going to do. Then you hear voices from backstage, they clearly talked like they thought no one was there. You walked up the stairs onto the stage and walked over to the doors that led backstage. The door was slightly ajar and you slipped in and ducked down under a piece of furniture and listened, call it a reporter’s curiosity.
“My Lord, please excuse me but I doubt that camera has possible evidence against us.”
“I know but it was better to be safe than sorry.” 
That voice… It was Lyney. What in Teyvat was going on?
“Shall we dispose of the photographer behind these photos? Tracking her down would not be difficult.”
Your breathing stopped… dear gods, they were talking about you. 
“No no, that won’t be necessary, she meant no harm by it, besides I have other plans for her.” You heard the voice of Lyney speak, followed by footsteps approaching you but not quite near you, making you think you were still hidden. “You can come out now, mon chérie.”
You could not breathe after you heard that, it felt like you were choking on your own fear. 
“Now now, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” You felt your shaking legs push you up for the ground and you finally got a clear view of everything. The two other people next to the magician make you feel sick, two Fatui agents. Lyney gestured you to come here and you stepped forward, every step made your legs feel like they were led. You stood in front of him, not making eye contact, you felt terrified. Lyney looked to the two agents and addressed them. “You two may leave now.”
There were mutterings of acknowledgement before the shuffling of feet, leaving you and the magician alone. You felt Lyney’s hand reach down and tilt your head so you would look at him. “Let’s get you relaxed, come on.”
He took your hand and led you further backstage until he reached a door and opened it with a key. He held the door open for you while you stepped in, it was his dressing room. Lyney slipped in after you and you did not even notice the sound of the door locking as Lyney urged you to sit down while he got some tea for the two of you. You sat down on the velvet couch in the large dressing room while Lyney prepared tea for the two of you. Your eyes drifted around the dressing room, it was so beautiful, and so many flowers that must have come from Lyney’s fans. Then you noticed as Lyney brought the tea tray over and set it between you, you saw on his mirror that it was lined with articles, more specifically photographs from the articles, your photographs you have done, even some photos of you. 
“I wish my father could have met you.” He said as he handed you a cup of tea and slowly you brought the cup to your lips and took a sip. “She died before she got the chance. I always talked to her about you though.”
“…how long have you been watching me?” You questioned, parting the cup from your lips.
“Straight to the point I see.” He gave a light laugh and sighed while he counted in his head. “Six years, almost seven.”
You nearly spat out your last sip of tea at that, but forced it down as a look of shock and horror came across your face. “S-seven.”
“Just about, since I started about a year and a half before father died.” Lyney spoke as if nothing was wrong when this was clearly messed up. “I’m guessing you have quite a few questions, so please go right ahead.”
“You’re a part of the Fatui?”
“Ah, yes I am.” He answered as he picked up a macaron from the tea tray to eat, but ended up setting it on your plate. “I was raised in an orphanage run by my father who was a harbinger and I ended up joining them with my sister when I got older. Now since my father passed I have taken her place.”
“You’re… a harbinger.”
“I am, but I’m not going to harm a single hair on your head.” He spoke as you raised the macaron he set on your plate to your lips, not trying to refuse and anger him. You started to feel dizzy and almost sick, your hands started shaking so badly and the pastry fell out of your hand and onto the floor. “Oh dear, are you not feeling well? I didn’t expect it to work that fast, I guess I should have taken Dottore’s word on that.”
“W-what… what did you give me?” You tried to stand up but Lyney’s hand came onto your chest, urging you to lay down on the couch.
“Shhh, just relax, it’s a harmless sleeping drug. You’ll wake up in a few hours.” You rampantly shook your head no, you were scared earlier about your job now you’re scared for your life. “Do you have any more questions I can answer before sleep takes you, my love? If you have any when you awake I’d be happy to answer then.”
“Why me?”
“Oh mon chérie…” his hand came up to stroke your cheek as your vision started to fade. “You’re just so beautiful, your curiosity, your passion for your work. See when my father ran the House of the Hearth she had my mother by her side, albeit a bit unwillingly on my mother’s end, but they ended up being happy in the end. Now that I’m the father of the House, don’t you think I should have a wife at my side?”
Your head felt like it was full of cotton, you could not even think as your body fell limp, your breathing shallow as you struggled to stay awake. 
“Just relax my love, I promise everything will be okay when you wake up.”
A photograph can capture the visual, not what disappeared. So what will happen when the magician makes the photographer disappear?
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 1 month
Please Please Please - Rafe Cameron Short Story (Part 1 of 6)
+18 Minor DNI
Older MobDealer!Rafe x Female Reader
🪄 re-uploaded because I had to make a new account.
⭐ republished ⭐
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+18 Minor DNI
3333 words
Warnings contain spoilers: domestic assault, cheating, swearing, name-calling, gaslighting, threats, and mentions of killing partner, general violence. Every chapter after this, will have Rafe as the focal point.
📖 Loosely based on the song and music video Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter 💕
✨“Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.”✨
*blue font is present day
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Reader’s POV:
Red wine, Tony’s favorite, Cabernet Sauvignon specifically. Tokara Telos, the first bottle of wine we shared on our very first date. Fitting for our two year anniversary. Slowly swirling the glass you watch the rich red wine cascade down the side. You look at the oven, eyeing the clock, watching a second hour pass. Nine… Dinner was set for seven. Where the hell is he? Maybe he texted me? Maybe he’s in a business meeting gone long or wrong?
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Unread to read. Your heart skips a beat as you watch the three dots impatiently; Tony finally acknowledging you, letting you know where the fuck he is and what the hell he’s doing.
The three dots disappear leaving behind the disappointing chain of messages.
Is he with someone else?
I hate that that’s where my mind goes first, since he’s assured me time and time again he’s faithful and I’m paranoid. It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when there’s so much to doubt. Every excuse just sounds so fabricated with him, corroborated by his goons so I don’t have a leg to stand on.
Then there’s the talk around the country club… It’s just whispers, no real proof, but I swear it’s so goddamn loud. I’m rarely at the Island Club, but when I am, I can see the eyes on us. The cutting watch of women who Tony could possibly be seeing on the side; gossip shared just out of earshot. Everyones’ pity and focus always seems to be directed at me.
It’s embarrassing to feel like everyone knows my drama but me. No one opens their mouths. Ya know why? They’re scared… Scared of him. And I don’t blame ‘em. I’d be scared too.
So here I sit. Getting stood up by my boyfriend while he’s out doing god knows what, with god knows who, because he can. He can do whatever he’d like, break my heart, bruise my ego, because deep down I know there’s nothing I can do… The day I met him was the day I lost myself.
“Vlad,” you call from the kitchen, your voice bouncing off the walls of the lavish estate. “Vlad?”
“Miss?” Tony’s driver comes around the corner with a broad smile, taking in the smells of whatever lingers of the now cold pom de terre. “Smells delicious, Miss. I didn’t know you were a cook.”
“I’m not,” you sigh through a labored laugh. “Just thought I’d make what we had on our first date,” you hum, hearing the drunken slur in your own voice. Vlad cocks an eyebrow, clocking it instantly. “Umm… Dinner was supposed to be at seven,” you sough, gesturing with your glass toward the clock. “Do you know where he-”
“How was lunch with Anna?” He cuts you short, quickly changing the subject, leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
“Where’s Tony,” you return, trying your best to level your wavering tone, dismissing his “pleasantries”.
“The office-”
“What office exactly?” You snip, knowing it’s the Law Firm or The Country Club. Vlad’s gaze casts to the floor. He shuffles his Italian leather boot anxiously, not as good with his “excuses” as the other men on Tony’s payroll. It’s a wordless answer nonetheless - The Country Club. “Can you take me there? I want to make sure he has some dinner. I’m assuming he’s been there all day. The meeting just went long?” You ramble, without a verbal answer from him, gathering your things to leave as the older man flounders.
"Miss…” He cautions you, taking his turn with a faltering tone, making matters worse for Tony.
“Is there an issue?” You ask as you lift an eyebrow in his direction.
“Mr. Marietta is in an important meeting. As you know, they’re not usually the safest situations, and he demands your safety. Tony expressed to me that he would be home late. Would you like me to call him and ask when he’ll be coming home?” You roll your eyes, chuckling in disbelief as you stroll past him.
“I am perfectly capable of that,” you breathe as you snag a new bottle of red wine, heading out the door.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦
The Country Club comes into sight, the gaudy neon sign flickering from a distance. The parking lot is packed, littered with cars; always jam-packed on the weekends. Kooks, Pogues, and tourists alike all brought together for their shared love of pussy.
“Park there,” you guide from the backseat as you spot Tony’s blacked-out Maybach truck parked under the streetlight. Vlad locks eyes with you through the rearview mirror.
“Would you like me to call him before you go inside, Miss?” You shake your head ‘no’ as you look out the window, drawing a deep, nervous breath before pushing out.
What am I walking into?
“Y/n?” Luis, Tony’s bodyguard and bouncer, calls from his seat outside the door. “What are you doin’ here?” He looks in all directions for watchers-on anxiously, the blood drained from his face like he’d just seen a ghost. Only a handful of people even know that Tony owns this shithole. To virtually everyone on the Island he’s just another Kook King. The Marietta to the Marietta and Klaus Law Firm. This is simply a front for something bigger, something Tony can use to wash his dirty drug money; a front. “You just missed Tony,” he lies through his gold-capped teeth.
“He’s here,” you smile as you step toward the door, grabbing the handle. Luis rests his large palm on top, looking down at you blankly. “He’s in a meeting, Miss.”
“And-” You ask as you twist the knob, but Luis doesn’t budge. “Move.”
“Get the fuck out of my way,” you snap. Luis’s jaw tightens as he shakes his head ‘no’ standing firm. “You said he wasn’t here. Now he’s here and I can’t go in? That’s my fuckin’ boyfriend,” you hiss.
“I have orders, ma’am.”
“Orders?” You scoff.
“Pussy,” you spit, turning on your heels, heading back where you came. Plan B. You pick up speed, clipping down the asphalt before he can intervene, following the line of men waiting outside, before slipping through the front door.
Your head hangs low as you walk through the dim, seedy hallway, pushing past patrons sauntering in and out of the gentlemen’s club. The main floor. I’ve never been here… The office is the farthest I’ve gone. You catch a few familiar faces from the Island Club, their eyes doubling in disbelief and shame for seeing you here and being seen themselves. Music blares as you storm toward the back; beautiful women dancing on the stage in nothing but Pleasers for the swarm of men gathered around, flicking and raining ones on the stage.
“Yes,” you gasp as you watch a stripper step out from behind the back-of-house door; catching it before it swings shut. Just a few paces and you’re there. You slide in your key and open the office door without a second thought, ripping off the bandaid.
Nothing… The office is dark, only the light of Tony’s laptop glowing in the empty post. Maybe he is gone. You step toward it, letting your heart rate settle as you circle his desk.
The corner of your lips curl into a trembling smile as you see a framed picture of the two of you on his desk. A post-it note affixed to the top with a reminder for tonight’s date.
Maybe I am paranoid… You pull out his large leather desk chair, taking a seat. Drawing a deep, needed breath, you let your shoulders fall, releasing some of your tension. It doesn’t explain why his truck is still here… Your eyes flash open, returning to the worry at hand landing on a bar napkin. Red lipstick.
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Your stomach sinks as you hold the note, your eyes flicking to the laptop screen. Oh my god. Your heart shatters as you watch a blonde bounce on Tony’s lap, his lips locked on hers.
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“I know,” you sigh as you relax your head back onto the cold brick wall of Kildare County Jail, looking up at the ceiling.
“Did ya kill 'em?” The woman asks in a gruff tone as she crosses her arms over her chest, tits spilling out of her tattered, lace bralette as she snaps her gum. “S'that why you’re in here?”
“Thought about it? But no. That’s not why I’m here.” You open your heavy eyes, taking in your surroundings, contemplating all the choices that landed you here. The worst of it, ever being with him in the first place.
“So, what happened next?”
There’s a brief separation as Tony draws away from their kiss, staring toward the door of the Champagne Room. Luis… He must have figured it out. Tony pushes the stripper off his lap, gathering his clothes as he frantically dresses.
Here we go.
You hear the muffled bang of the first door and the gritting of his key working the lock on the second. You watch as the knob twists, light flooding the room as Tony pushes into the office coming toward you fast. Tony grabs your shoulders, and you fight him off. “Don’t fuckin’ touch me,” you snap.
“Baby, please. You gotta talk to me? What’s going on? Why are you so upset? Please just talk to me,” he pleads like he’s done before; times when I gave him the benefit of the doubt; times when I believed I could be the problem here. “We weren’t doing anything.”
“Tony!” You cry. “Are you fuckin delusional? I saw you fuckin’ that stripper with my own two eyes.”
“Princess, she was just dancing. It was a lap dance. Alright? You have to believe me.”
“Just a lap dance…” You scoff looking down at his undone belt, zipper down, dress pants pitched from his hard-on. He follows your eyes, hastily zipping and fastening his pants closed.
“I don’t know what you think you saw-”
“We’re done,” you chuckle tiredly as you step back, throwing open the side office door. Tony immediately reaches for you, clawing for your arm. “Let go of me,” you struggle.
“You’re not leavin’,” he asserts, pulling you back inside.
“I am. I’m done with you. It’s our anniversary, Tony. Look at where you are. Look at what you’re doing. How could you do this to me?”
“Do what? It was just a dance. I just got out of a major deal. Alright? I was about head home-”
“Liar?” He questions. “Did you just call me a liar?” He asks as you feel the sting of his blunt fingernails digging into your arm.
“I know what I saw…”
“Princess… Even if I was lying. What the fuck are you gonna do about it. Huh? You’re mine, bitch. I own you. Where are you gonna go? What money do you have? How are you gonna afford this lifestyle you’ve become so accustomed to? Spending my hard-earned money like the gold-digging slut you are. You should be grateful,” he snarls as he steps toe-to-toe with you using his free hand to tug his leather belt from the loops of his pants.
You look up into his dark eyes as cruel words spit so readily from his wicked lips like he’s had time to prepare. I’ve seen this side of him, only once. He’s an evil man, and I know that. But this sort of cruelty has never been reserved for me. Until today. He grips his belt a little tighter in his fist making you take a few steps back but he stalks closer.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” he threatens.
“I am,” you whisper as you try to remain firm.
“I don’t think you understand this relationship we’ve got goin’ on, sweetheart. You go when I say you go,” he growls, tracing the belt along your bare thigh. “Do you think you’ll have a life after me? You think I’ll allow that shit.” He winds up smacking it against your skin. You gnash your teeth in pain, holding back tears, the most horrifying part knowing he could go far harder. “You know too much. You’re a liability. You have nothing. You are nothing without me. And you will be nothing without me.” Chills fall down your spine at his words and the crazed look in his eyes, his pupils blown from coke, pleasure, and rage.
“M'not scared of you.”
“You’re not. Huh? My tough girl.” He leans in; lips draw to your neck, kissing your pulse point, your rapid heartbeat calling your bluff as you inhale Cassidy’s cheap perfume lingering on his skin. You pinch your eyes shut as his large hand threads into your hair, tugging slightly while the other soothes your stinging thigh with his rough palm.
“I came from nothing, Tony. I’ll be fine.”
He scoffs as he uses his grasp on your strands to shove you away, letting the back of your head and body bang against the side door. Tony buttons up his still-undone shirt; bright red lipstick stained on the collar as well as his neck, a dark hickey forming to boot. Tears roll down your cheeks as you stand there defeated in your date night dress, your perfect makeup now streaming down your cheeks as you look into his soulless eyes.
“Fuck you, Tony.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” he chuckles as he pulls a cigarette out from behind his ear, placing it between his lips before snapping his lighter. “You leave, and I’ll find you. I own Figure 8, princess. Hell, I own this whole damn island. You better not make it too hard on me, baby doll. It’s our anniversary, after all. I’m sure you got somethin’ pretty for Daddy under that little dress of yours. I know you like it rough… but you might not make it out this time,” he laughs as he tosses his belt roughly toward his desk, the picture of the two of you clattering and shattering on the floor.
“Are you threatening me?”
“Me? Never… But if my hands are wrapped tight enough around that pretty little throat of yours and you don’t have enough juice to shout our safe word that’s on you, angel.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’ll give you a 5 minute head start, love. That seems fair?”
You grab the door and pull it open, taking a few steps before turning around again, pressing your back against the cool door, holding it shut as you look for an out. Luis is gone from his post, most likely keeping watch on the opposite end, Vlad in the parking lot, open water on the other side. There’s no way I can go back home. No family close by. No car. No escape. Looking out into the busy parking lot, you watch a squad car slow-roll through the back of the lot. Perfect.
Thank you, Luis. You reach down, snagging his Louisville Slugger perched against the weathered barstool. "Miss?” You hear his bodyguard’s frantic voice as he rounds the corner. You run into the lot as fast as your feet can take you, swerving around cars; dodging Luis.
You slam your eyes shut, swinging hard, nailing Tony’s Maybach truck, shattering the glass. The car alarm blares, echoing through the large lot. “Y/n!” Luis yells, but you swing and swing again.
“Y/n!” Tony barks from the door. You point the bat in his direction, twirling it before knocking off the wing mirror and sending it flying. A second siren fires, the sound of the police cruiser blares through the night, competing with the truck as it gets closer and closer.
You nail the glass, shards spilling into the truck as the cruiser pulls up, moving to the front of the vehicle you make your delinquency visible, quickly knocking out each headlight while the deputies climb out of their vehicle. “Get on the ground. Get on the ground now!” They holler.
“Deputy, this… this is a misunderstanding,” Tony assures as he enters the lot, softening his voice again.
“No, it’s not. And if I had a knife, I’d slash your tires, asshole.” The officers grab for you, expecting a fight, ultimately getting the latter. You cross your arms behind your back, smiling at Tony as they lock you in cuffs.
"Well, shit,” the older woman chuckles as she pulls you back to reality.
“Mhmm… but I’m a liability. After that little stunt I pulled, I know I’m living on borrowed time. Jail is the only place I could leave and be safe for the night. It’s just a band aid though; a temporary fix. I’m sure he’ll bail me out any minute, but who knows what’ll happen? I want to show him I’m not afraid.”
She purses her lips, debating whether to ask the million dollar question. “Are you?” She asks somberly.
“I wish I wasn’t-”
“L/n, someone just bailed your ass out. Let’s go,” an officer calls from outside the cell. The woman beside you taps your leg, giving you a little nod.
“He lays a finger on you, honey, I got no problem comin’ back here.”
“Thank you,” you whisper before turning toward the officer, giving her a wide, fake smile.
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You rise to your feet, fixing your dress as you walk to out-processing. “To the left.”
Shupe matches your gaze from his post, giving you a wary glance. “M'am, are these your belongings?” He asks as he holds up the plastic bag of goods. You give him a soft smile and a nod. “Sure you got nothin’ you wanna tell me, Miss F/N L/N. Now’s the time,” Shupe warns. “You know, it’s Tony who posted your bail. He’s waitin’ for you outside-”
“I’m fine. Just fine, Deputy,” you assure as you fish your lipstick out from your clutch, slicking it on in the reflection of the privacy glass. “It was nothin’. Just a misunderstanding, as I said.”
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“Just fine? Trashing Mr. Marietta’s Maybach truck was nothing? Just a normal night for the two of you?” He asks sarcastically.
You look at him and smile, dead-eyed and defeated. “It was our anniversary, actually.” Shupe’s eyes widen at yours, the occasion making your story even more unbelievable. “Have a great day, Deputy.”
“This is not a beauty pageant,” the female officer grunts, shooing you toward the exit.
I don’t know if I made the right choice… but I’m not gonna snitch. If I want to survive, I’m going to have to be strategic.
“I’m cooperating. Ain’t I?” You hear a deep voice echo down the hallway.
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Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.
His eyes match yours; even from a distance, you can see how blue they are. His entire demeanor shifts, softening as a smile pulls on his pretty lips. A smile so beautiful, you can’t help but return the same.
There’s something magnetic about him, an intensity drawing your focus to him like a moth to a flame. He winks, and in that instant, everything changes. There’s no mistaking the connection swelling between you.
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“Hey,” he mouths; your breath catches in your chest, pulse-quickening as time slows to a snail’s-pace. He looks at you until the last minute before being shoved inside his confinements. The metal door slams shut, jarring you from your daze, the bustle of the jail building from the solace in your mind.
Who was that?
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It was momentary… a fleeting beat. The calm before the storm. You get pushed along, shoved toward the exit, and away from a sweet dream, thrown straight into a nightmare.
Part 2
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redclercs · 1 year
i only see daylight ✩ charles leclerc
— or, three times charles showed you love is golden.
✐ charles leclerc x gender neutral reader
✐ requested. inspired by taylor swift's song 'daylight'.
✐ warnings: lowercase intended, small mention of reader being insecure of their looks, 1k words.
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i don't want to look at anything else now that i saw you
"why are you looking at me like that?" you ask, eyebrows tightly knitted. you've done your best to avoid asking the question, but charles' stare is making you self-conscious despite your best efforts. intrusive thoughts swarm your brain now and then, telling you he's too good for you in many, many ways, but the most evident one might be how plain you look compared to his beautiful exterior.
"do you think the moon is jealous of how beautiful you are?" he's so sincere your heart hurts a little, and yet, a smile spreads on your face imitating his own.
you laugh, shaking your head, as he's still staring at you.
"i'm being serious," charles joins in your laughter, all contradiction to his spoken words. "you're the most beautiful thing i've ever laid my eyes upon."
you've been told you're pretty in different instances of your life, you've been called 'cute' 'adorable' and on very very strange occasions, beautiful. but charles calls you all of that so often, that you're shocked the words haven't lost any meaning. he speaks from his heart every time he talks to you.
the awkwardness has seeped out of your body, replaced by the warmth of knowing you're loved in a way many people spend their lives desiring.
all of you, all of me, intertwined
it's your racing heartbeat that wakes you up. you lie in bed, eyes open and blood rushing to your ears, waiting for another sound to come from outside the bedroom. you are supposed to be alone, but you swear something fell in the kitchen.
you're frightened, but you know you have to deal with whoever is rummaging through your cupboards at 2 am. grabbing your cell from the nightstand, you dial three digits for the emergency line and skip the 'call' button, this is a dumb idea, but you are going to the kitchen.
it takes you three minutes to find one of charles' golf clubs, and you get a pinch of regret about using them as a weapon, but deep down you know he won't mind. tiptoeing your way down to the kitchen, your heart is about to burst out of your chest. this really is a dumb idea, you could just be endangering yourself further.
"ah putain!" a male voice whisper-yells, followed by the sound of another pot crashing to the linoleum. your boyfriend is angry and disheveled, and he has never looked better in your eyes.
"what are you doing?" you question, leaning the golf club against the wall. there's this happiness that only he brings you by just being in the same space, that your fear is gone. there's surprise in your heart too, pleasant surprise, he is supposed to be on the other side of europe still.
charles straightens up so fast he gets lightheaded, but it doesn't stop him from crossing the kitchen in three long strides, arms open and with a huge smile that shows his dimples clearly. "mon amour!" he's still whispering, although you're awake and currently being asphyxiated in his embrace.
"i thought you were taking the eight am flight," you mumble against his shoulder. he carries with him the smell of the plane, which is not unpleasant, but it hides his normal scent; the one that makes him feel like home.
"i couldn't wait to see you," he's peppering your head with kisses, his hands roaming down your sides as he takes you in, as if he's missed you for years and not just a weekend.
"hmhmm," you love being in his arms, you just don't love the lack of oxygen that's getting to your head.
charles lets go of you, not without leaving a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
"and what were you doing sneaking around like a mouse in the kitchen?" you look at the pot still on the ground and the wooden spoon resting on the stovetop.
"well," he's sheepish now, scratching the back of his head. "i was hungry. i hate plane food."
you laugh and he takes this as a chance to hold you against him again. sleep has abandoned you completely, you are too giddy now that you're with him.
"and what exactly were you planning to cook?"
charles shrugs, "whatever i could find, to be honest."
you make yourselves busy with preparing a three am snack, quickly falling into synchronization after so many meals prepared together in this same kitchen. sometimes in silence, others like right now, there isn't a pause while charles tells you everything about his weekend away, there isn't a thought in his brain that doesn't make its way to his mouth when he's with you.
it's three am, you're both sleep deprived and you can't picture yourself doing this with anyone else or for anyone else.
i once belived love would be black and white
in your experience, there were only two possibilities when it came to a disagreement: i’m right and you’re wrong.
fighting with charles is uncommon, your disagreements over petty things can be solved in childish ways, a game of rock, paper, scissors, pulling the short straw, etc. these stupid little issues end with a laugh and short mockery of whoever lost, and the agreement to don't bring it up again. which is the harder part, teasing each other in a lighthearted manner is a love language too.
you still remember the first time you had your first big fight with charles. the reason it started has slipped to back of your mind, insignificant. but you remember the crying and the yelling.
the thought of your love being over was the worst stab, straight into your heart. things like these had happened before, your previous relationships never bounced back from your mistakes. it always was all right or all wrong when it came to you.
charles hadn't yelled, he had waited patiently for you to finish and when you were a mess with reddened eyes and a clogged nose, he hugged you and told you he loved you.
yes, he was mad at you too. but his temporary anger didn't cloud his better judgment, words cannot be taken back, and hurting you wasn't something he could forgive himself for.
“pause, okay?” charles says sometimes, others it’s your turn to freeze the frame, when things are getting too ugly to be sane about them.
and you pause. because there is right and there is wrong, but there are no absolutes between the two of you, except maybe when it comes to loving the other.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hi! this is my first request on this blog, so thank you so much to the anon that requested this. I hope they and everyone who stumbles upon this enjoyed it!❞
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
Can you do one about Kmi Raikkonen, based on Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift? but with a happy ending hahaha. That song for some reason gives me Kimi vibes!
melted your heart (kr7)
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the fia gala glittered like a disco ball, the air thick with champagne and perfume. y/n, a seasoned formula 1 reporter, weaved through the throng, dodging elbows and practiced smiles. then, she saw him. kimi räikkönen, the iceman himself, stood stiffly in a charcoal suit, an island of quietude in the frenetic sea.
"kimi! looking… sharp," y/n said, the usual quip dying in her throat at the sight of him. a rare smile flickered on his lips, a fleeting glimpse of mischief.
"bwoah," he replied, his trademark deadpan. they fell into their usual interview dance – short answers, pointed questions. but as the night wore on, the formality chipped away. a slow song drifted over the crowd. y/n, never one to miss a chance, extended a hand. "care to dance, iceman?"
kimi hesitated, then surprised her with a nod. they moved awkwardly at first, but a shared laugh broke the tension. y/n found herself drawn to the warmth in his eyes that contradicted his cool demeanor. the playful banter flowed, a stark contrast to his usual interviews. "you know," y/n teased, "you're actually kind of fun when you loosen up."
a slow smirk played on kimi's lips. "maybe you just haven't found the right buttons yet."
suddenly, an idea struck y/n. "so, kimi," she said, feigning seriousness, "what happens after a reporter interviews the iceman?"
a glint appeared in his eyes. "depends on the reporter, i suppose."
he said, "let's get out of this town drive out of the city, away from the crowds"
the night blurred into stolen glances, shared laughter, and a spark that y/n couldn't ignore. finally, as the gala wound down, kimi surprised her again. "how about we ditch this circus?"
a thrill shot through y/n. "where would we go?"
"anywhere but here," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
heart pounding, y/n followed him out into the cool night air. he led her not to a car but to a motorbike – sleek, black, powerful. "hop on," he said, offering her a helmet.
he's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad, but he does it so well
hesitantly, she climbed on, adrenaline coursing through her veins. with a rev of the engine, they roared away, the city lights blurring into streaks of color. they arrived at his hotel, the ride leaving her breathless, both from the speed and the unexpected turn of events.
six months later
the paddock buzzed with pre-race activity. y/n, now sporting a paddock pass with kimi's name on it, spotted him across the way, deep in conversation with antonio giovinazzi. as they approached each other, kimi leaned in and murmured something to antonio, who winked at y/n. a familiar blush crept up her cheeks.
"so," kimi began, once they were alone, a teasing glint in his eyes, "care to join me for a post-race drink… as my official girlfriend, perhaps?"
nothing lasts forever, but this is getting good now
y/n's smile widened. "about time you asked," she retorted, her heart skipping a beat.
eight months later
the air crackled with post-race adrenaline as y/n weaved through the throng of reporters, microphone in hand. kimi, already halfway changed out of his race suit, watched from the sidelines, a furrow etching itself between his brows. her target? sebastian vettel, her old friend and kimi's sometimes rival on the track.
"seb! a quick word for sky sports?" y/n called out, her smile bright as she reached him. sebastian, ever the charmer, flashed his megawatt grin. "always happy to chat, y/n."
kimi's scowl deepened as their interview stretched on. the two of them seemed to be having a grand time, reminiscing about past races and cracking jokes. y/n's infectious laughter rang out, and kimi felt a pang he couldn't quite place. was it jealousy? surely not. kimi raikkonen, jealous? absurd.
finally, the interview wrapped. y/n turned to thank sebastian, lingering a touch too long for kimi's comfort. as she finally made her way back to him, kimi surprised himself by pulling her into a tight hug, burying his face in her hair.
"hey there, iceman," y/n teased, wrapping her arms around him. "rough race?"
kimi mumbled something unintelligible against her shoulder. she chuckled, the sound warming him from the inside out. "come on, spill. what's got you all frowny?"
kimi finally lifted his head, his blue eyes narrowed in a playful glare. "you and vettel seemed awfully chummy out there."
someday, when you leave me i bet these memories follow you around
"oh, kimi," y/n feigned hurt, "are you jealous of seb? that's just adorable."
kimi scoffed, but the blush creeping up his neck betrayed him. "bwoah, no. why would i be jealous?"
y/n squeezed him tighter. "well, whatever it is," she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "it's not a good look on you. how about we celebrate your podium finish with some ice cream? your treat, of course."
kimi, unable to resist her playful smile, surrendered. "fine," he grumbled, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "but only because you asked nicely."
two years later
y/n sat curled up on the couch in their swiss chalet, a mug of hot cocoa warming her hands. snow swirled outside, creating a picture-perfect winter wonderland. a low rumble from the fireplace was the only sound, except for the occasional muffled curse word from upstairs.
"having trouble with the ice cream machine again?" she called out, a smile tugging at her lips.
kimi stomped down the stairs, a scowl etched on his face. "stupid contraption," he grumbled, collapsing onto the couch beside her. y/n snuggled closer, her laughter filling the room.
they had built a life together, a quiet haven amidst the whirlwind of formula 1. despite their contrasting personalities – y/n, the extroverted reporter, and kimi, the stoic champion – they fit together perfectly.
five years later
y/n watched from the pit wall, her eyes glued to kimi's car as it tore down the track. this was his final race, the culmination of an incredible career. as the checkered flag waved, a lump formed in her throat. tears welled up in her eyes as she saw him emerge from the car, a wide grin replacing his usual stoicism. he spotted her in the crowd, their eyes meeting across the distance.
later, in the quiet of the team's celebratory dinner, kimi raised a glass. "to the woman who tamed the iceman," he said, his voice thick with emotion.
even if it's just in your wildest dreams
y/n raised her glass in response, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. "to the man who showed me the warmth beneath the ice," she whispered, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for the @steddiemicrofic July challenge.
Pretty Amazing
July Prompt: One | Word Count: 1,111 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Past Loss of Parent | Tags: Established Relationship, Parenthood, Passing Down Heirlooms, Slice of Life, Domestic and Soft
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"What are you looking for, exactly?" Steve asks, slightly swaying with Ellie tucked in his arm. He looks good like that, holding a baby, and Eddie stops and looks at him for a second. They really have a baby. 
He's staring at Steve in a daze, "Eddie?"
That shakes him out of it.
"A book," Eddie finally answers, as he starts digging through the boxes again. He was sure it was here, thinks he saw it before they left Hawkins, all those years ago. He thinks he remembers packing it, since it's one of the few things he has left from his mom. Something she made, just for him.
But he's not sure if he's seen it since they moved.
He just put it away for safekeeping and now he can't fucking find it. Maybe it's still at Wayne's. That would make sense, he supposes. 
"What kind of book?" Steve asks, "Do you want me to put her down and help you look?"
"No!" Eddie says quickly, he doesn't want that. He wants Steve to hold her forever. He'll find it. Or he won't. But Steve should keep doing exactly what he is, until the end of time.
Eddie looks back at them, and smiles, "It's a book my mom made for me. I want Ellie to have it."
Steve laughs, his eyes crinkling, "Honey, she's a week old."
"One week, and two days," Eddie corrects, and Steve laughs again. He's so fucking happy, they both are. It had taken a long time, and a lot of heartache, but she's finally here. Beyond perfect, and worth the wait.
"One week, and two days," Steve concedes. 
Eddie goes back to looking, as Steve and Ellie watch him from the doorway. Well, Steve watches. Ellie's sleeping, missing her dad searching through boxes like a crazy person.
He finally finds it in the last place he looks. Wrapped in tissue paper, bubble wrapped, and then wrapped in a t-shirt he thought he'd lost on their road trip, since he hasn't seen it in forever. Apparently it's right here, being used as packing.
A little overkill, maybe, for a fabric book.
But it's safe, right in his hands. 
"Found it!" he yells, and Steve shows up in the doorway, Ellie still sleeping in his arms.
Eddie takes it out to the coffee table and lays it down. It's a little dingy, a little worn, but it was his, and now it'll be hers. 
"Show us," Steve says, and Eddie does. He opens the cover of the thick book and is greeted with his name in felted bubble letters. Maybe he can cut out two Ls to match, and cover up the Ds, so it has her name instead? He has time to figure that out.
But he flips through the pages.
"I googled it. It's called a quiet book," Eddie explains. 
There's a plastic button sewn to the page, with a pocket that goes over it, where you can push the button through the buttonhole, over and over again. 
On another page, there's a felted grandfather clock, with a little mouse running up the side, and moveable hands you can turn to set the time. 
A felt shoe, with attached laces, waiting to be tied into a bow.
A zipper, on a little tent in the woods. A bear lurking behind the trees.
Page after page of things that his mother made with her own two hands, just for him to learn from.
"This is amazing," Steve says.
"Yeah, it's to, like, teach dexterity?" he says, voice lilting up at the end, like that's a question.
"No, well, yes," Steve says, "but it's amazing because your mom made it for you and now Ellie can learn from it, too."
Eddie swallows. Yeah. That is pretty amazing.
Five years later
"One, two, buckle my shoe," Ellie says from the floor, as she works the strap through the large buckle sewn onto the page of the quiet book. 
Eddie watches her from the kitchen, cup of coffee in his hand before he heads out to work. She's so smart. And weird, and hilarious. He watches her talk to herself as she flips the pages, doing some of the activities, skipping others. 
Steve's washing the breakfast dishes at the sink as she's matching shapes to stitched outlines, attaching them with velcro. 
"What shape is that?" Eddie asks, and she turns to look at him, like he's an idiot.
She holds it up in the air, "A square."
"Really? I thought it was a circle," he says and she huffs at him, going back to her book.
Moving on to snapping and unsnapping the buttons of a little felt raincoat.
Then, moving notes up and down a scale, pressing the velcro into the felt, "F-A-C-E. Face," she says.
He knows she's just memorized that, doesn't really understand that it's a music scale with notes, but hey, maybe someday she'll have a head start. 
They had to replace some of the velcro, and a few long-lost pieces of felt, but for being over forty years old, it looks pretty damn good.
She turns to the next page, and there's the clock. He walks over and squats down behind her, and reaches over her shoulder to turn the little hand to the one, and the big hand to the six.
"One-thirty," she says, before he can even ask.
Holy shit, that's new. He was expecting her usual one-six.
Steve can read his mind, has always been able to, and says from behind him, "She figured that out yesterday." 
Eddie turns and smiles, then he nudges the little hand again.
"One-thirty-seven, stop, it's time for the next page," she scolds, and turns the page on his fingers.
He laughs, but lets her move onto the next one. The shoelaces. She hasn't gotten this one yet, and it makes her mad, so she usually skips past it.
Eddie goes over to watch next to Steve, as he's leaning against the counter. He's gotta go, and soon, but he has a few more minutes.
"Daddy has to go to work at seven-fifteen," Steve says, and Ellie heaves a sigh that is far too exasperated for someone her age, but she flips the page back and turns the clock with her little fingers. 
Then looks over at them, expectantly. Eddie walks over, and checks, and sure enough.
"You've got it! And that's my cue, girlie," he says, dropping a kiss to the top of her head, then walks over and kisses Steve goodbye. 
"Learn to tie that shoe," Eddie teases, as she's fumbling with the laces, trying. 
He knows she'll figure it out, and soon. 
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemicrofic and follow along with the fun! ❤️
Notes: If you're curious about what these books are, google "felt quiet book" and you should get several good examples.
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woag character design notes
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[i.d.: a drawn line up of the half life vr ai characters, from left to right, gordon, dr. coomer, tommy, bubby, gman, and benrey. /end i.d.]
yeah i skipped some guys , i dont draw some of them enough to have much unique designs and some of them are a png of a dog
trust me i am just surprised as the rest of yall that i am doing hlvrai art . design notes below (very long, mind your step)
wow this guy dont got no head
i didnt want to give gordon a face because of how unexact the person is as the fandom engages with it. is it wayne rtvs? (well as presented to an audience, yes) is it gordon freeman? (well as seen from an in game perspective, yes) is it a whole new guy entirely? (well as
i cut the confusion and took it a whole new direction: guillotine
hlvrai being treated as a very broken game is fun to me as a design perspective, so if you (the audience) are not supposed to see his face, what happens when you see it anyways? missing texture time
there are eyes drawn over because i did not have confidence in my expressions at first and then it grew on me
i think if i were to draw (and i have drawn) an actual person under the mask i would still censor the eyes because that is where the vr headset sits!!
(i do not like putting an actual flesh to gordon though)
though i really like seeing how other people interpret gordon hlvrai it is not . my gordon ? we are talking about the same guy . but this is my gordo . i made this one . this guy my guy . maybe i should draw other gordon designs
i can draw the hev suit from memory and it is also the entire reason why i can render metal confidently
i liked how people changed the lambda to read ai :] i also have no clue if i wrote the lambda correctly
(i did, i just checked)
dr coomer:
as much as i draw/drew him i find it more fun to not stick to one set design :)
so a lot of my takes on dr coomer tend to jump from idea to idea, especially from what other people are doing, though they could be fitted to the left and right designs!
the left design is mainly based off what i saw in fandom spaces
we see rounder shapes, making for a more friendly and welcoming appearance
i think of this as straying from the more professional uniform of the actual scientist models
enter swimming shorts and bright yellow socks, for some reason
so now he kind of looks like a cool science teacher :)
it might be the lab coat
the right design is mainly based off thumbnails for hlvrai itself
these use a more angular appearance
i want to push how comically buff he is because of strength he shows at times, especially since his left design seems to completely down play it as a comically not buff man who is still very strong
the shadows on right design coomer get so much more harsh and exaggerated because i have comic books on the mind :)
he really does look like a dehydrated comic book character huh
stick bug (he gets it from his dad) (this thought process is explained at gman section)
i pushed a lot of the saturation of colours in her design because i think tommy gets to be a little silly with it
fun art story of the day! when you color, try messing with hue! you might notice you can get away with a lot as long as your values are about right
i like pushing this with white because you can get away with a lot of things reading as “off white”
old faithful for me is cool shadows with a warm transition colour to keep things visually interesting
i keep making white objects the trans flag
happy pride
tommys design looks a little like a school boy, with the tucked in button up shirt+suspenders+shorts+jacket tied around the waist . and the primary colours . but like it is really fun to dress up so brightly
i actually was strongly inspired by medieval babies if that is a weird descriptor? i wanted him to both be a middle aged man but also a young adult
do not be like tommy, who has their finger on the trigger of the gun while not even looking at where it is pointing and good god he is squeezing the trigger . top ten firearm safety of all time
the absurd part is that i think bubby is tall . he is just between tommy and gman who are exaggeratedly lanky .
i wanted to make bubby a pointy kinda guy, so he is the only one actually wearing the lab coat proper . and the only one actually wearing dress socks but not even wearing dress shoes
i wanted to give him a novelty tie but i was running low on ideas and running high on boreds so we dont get a tie
he does have crocs though!! in attack mode!!
i do think we all kind of saw his model and collectively decided it works for him because i have honestly not seen major divergences from his model?
stick bug
i wanted to stress the more spooky and unknowable nature of him and took it in the dark souls direction of “make bigger than player character”
maked too bigger
he cannot walk through any doorways but you will have to crane your neck to look up at him
in the opposite direction of tommy, i pulled a lot of the saturation in gmans design
it feels important to make them both not fully match the rest of the slightly less broken npcs because there was so much work to make them look cool so i have to respect that
actually a lot of gmans and tommys designs are made in opposite to one another
gman has a largely stationary face and very stiff line work
while tommy is pushed to expressive as possible
thats pretty fun, way to go me
benrey also has two designs
and in both of these i keep getting too lazy to use a reference so  the vests are super plain (forgetting the badge and black mesa logo) . i think the helmet is supposed to be darker actually .
the design ethos of benrey was “built like a brick shithouse”
a friend of mine took this cooler and interpreted it as a shield/wall/barrier as a physical (and narrative) obstacle
again the first uses fandom designs
most notably the overcast shadow (seen in video thumbnails but i never noticed it or understood why so many people did it until someone pointed it out to me)
i think hlvrai is such a great medium because it acknowledges it is a game and is able to play into that to great effect! i think the shadow is fun to imagine as solid black as a small reminder of the impossibility of the space :]
benrey is a smug cat in the body of a human . to be honest . and this is the full range of emotion i have ever drawn him with
the second was mostly because as fun as taking creative liberties are, i just really wanted to see benrey as is: the half life security guard model in all its slight wonk :]
i actually do prefer this design . it is a little more uncanny because i choose the worst translations of the model . i like it because it is a little more uncanny !
that can be said for like . every single design in this line up huh .
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Family Planning 2
Part 1
When he got home that evening, he called both Tommy and Carol to let them know he wouldn’t be able to pick them up the next morning. All in service to the big reveal tomorrow. The fake stomach had been smuggled out of the theatre department and only now did Steve take it out, alone in his room.
He put it on with surprising ease and looked himself over in the mirror, snickering to himself. Then he put a shirt over it and widened his eyes at how realistic it looked. His arms slowly wound around to cradle his stomach. He let himself imagine that it was actually his, that it was actually his and Eddie’s. 
“Yeah right”, Steve scoffed, like he was trying to convince himself as he took it off. 
The next day, Steve was having breakfast with his parents when he heard someone pull up to the driveway. Not just someone. It could only be-
“Who is that?”, Steve’s father Richard frowned at the van out front.
“That’s my Home Ec partner. Gotta run!” He gobbled the rest of his cereal, put his bowl in the sink, kissed his mother’s cheek and then ran out the door. Once he got in the passenger side, Eddie took off, not even waiting for him to have his seatbelt on.
“Jesus, why are you in such a rush? Is that anyway to treat someone who’s expecting?”
“Sorry, just excited”, Eddie said, putting the pedal to the metal.
Steve could understand. He was kind of feeling a buzz too, but he wasn’t about to admit it. On the way to school, he worked on slipping the fake belly over his real one. 
Eddie wasn’t exactly a virgin. He’d messed around a couple of times before. But even so, seeing Steve’s bare torso, his belly button and happy trail, he kept from swerving only just because he was turning anyway. He kept his eyes on the road, resolute, after that. What a stupid way to die, ogling a guy who’d never given you the time of day. Because of his focus, he didn’t get to see Steve’s new look until he parked.
It looked so…natural. He swallowed, eyes moving slowly up his body to meet the omega’s. 
“Are you ready?”, Steve asked.
Eddie grinned. “It’s showtime.” He got out first and then went over to Steve’s side, clearing his throat before he spoke. “Watch your step, baby.”
Steve’s ears burned at the pet name. They had made this grand plan, pretending to be expecting parents. But he hadn’t really visualized what that would look like in practice besides the dropped jaws of their peers. Eddie held his hand out to help Steve out of the van, all part of the show. And when he finally stepped out all the way it was like he could hear the hush come over the parking lot.
Everyone who caught sight of them was trying to do the mental gymnastics to make sense of what they were seeing. Eddie snickered as he put an arm around Steve’s shoulders, enjoying the spectacle. They walked passed a few cars before getting to Tommy’s truck, where he and Carol were leaning against the bumper.
“What the hell am I looking at?”, Carol said, eyes bugging out of her head.
“This has gotta be some kind of joke”, Tommy glared in confusion.
And even though Steve was their friend, their befuddlement kept them from approaching. As it did to others. Everyone just stared on. Only a few knew that they’d been paired for the Home Ec project. Plenty knew about the lunchroom incident but didn’t exactly know how Steve was involved. Eddie walked Steve to his locker and only then did he take his arm off his shoulders.
“Time for Papa Bear to bring home the bacon. Don’t miss me too much.” He bent over to kiss Steve’s false belly and then skipped off. For all his bravado, there was a part of him that was nervous that Steve might think he went too far. Best to get out of whopping distance in that case.
No one had ever kissed his stomach before. But then again, Steve supposed no one had a reason to. Even though he hadn’t really felt it, the place Eddie kissed tingled all the same. He quickly checked himself before going off to class. It wasn’t like he liked the man. They’d barely spoken to one another. Maybe he was a little easy on the eyes, nice hair anyway. But the man’s fashion sense left a lot to be desired.
Steve’s thoughts were cut off when his homeroom teacher choked at the sight of him. Everyone else in the room stopped talking. Steve entered with his head held high but for a moment he wondered if this was how it would be if he actually got knocked up. How long would it have taken him to show? Would people stare this much? He vaguely recalled a girl last year who got pregnant. Of course, she dropped out and Steve had no idea what became of her until he happened to see her at the grocery store, carting a pup along.
She seemed content. Although he now realized he had no idea what happened to the person who sired her pup or who they even were. The double standards had always been apparent to Steve but even more so now that he was stepping into that role.
At some point during class, he started resting his hand on his stomach. It just felt natural. And then he began to rub it. It wasn’t hard to imagine it was all for real. It was just hard to wrap his head around having a baby himself. Steve had never gone steady with anyone. What kind of alpha would he eventually be with?
The thoughts ran through his mind for the remainder of homeroom, when Eddie showed up to come and ‘pick him up’. 
“Did my two darlings miss me?”
“It wasn’t even half an hour”, Steve rolled his eyes. He was aware that Eddie didn’t attend his own homeroom because that was usually when he went out to the abandoned picnic area to sell his party favors. Bring home the bacon, indeed.
Eddie escorted him to his next period, which he shared with Carol and Tommy. Of course, they were already there and before the period officially started, they grabbed Steve and made an exit. Loitering in the halls when they should be in class wasn’t out of the ordinary, especially for a teacher that droned like Mr. Parsons, but he could tell this wouldn’t be their usual hang out session.
“What’s the deal with that?”, Carol cut right to the chase, pointing at his torso.
The hallway was empty, everyone either in class or loitering elsewhere. Steve just shrugged while smiling. He knew jokes like this weren’t their thing, which is why he didn’t bring it up before the reveal. They were more into the kind that were at other’s expense.
“It’s just a gag. And a way to not fail Home Ec this year.”
“Did Munson put you up to this?”, Tommy crossed his arms.
“He came up with the idea but clearly I had nothing against it.”
Carol’s face was green. “You look ridiculous. What if people actually think you’re pregnant?”
“Then they’d be stupid”, Steve said. No one went from flat stomach to showing in a day. It was such a change that his shirt almost didn’t fit him.
Tommy shook his head. “You had like, one detention with him and he’s got you all flipped around, doing his bidding.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “It’s not like that. And it won’t even be that long. We’ve got a plan.”
The rest of the day went by with the same gawking and staring that had begun in the morning, especially when Eddie sat at Steve’s table during lunch. If looks could kill, he would have been double dead by the way Carol and Tommy were glaring. Steve paid their attitudes no mind and treated it as if Eddie always sat there.
At the end of the day, Eddie took Steve home and he took the belly off on the drive back. They looked at each other, rather pleased with themselves.
“I can’t believe the looks on all their faces”, Eddie beamed.
“I think some of those jaws are still on the floor”, Steve said.
“Ready for the big climax tomorrow?”
Steve took a breath. “As I’ll ever be. Think this’ll actually get us back on track for the assignment?”
“That or we get suspended. But! Engels won’t wanna deal with me for a whole other year and you’ve got the untouchable quality of being on a sports team, so they’ll probably let us off with an essay.”
“God, I hate essays”, Steve rubbed his face. “Why makes us write five hundred words when I can say it in like 12?”
“You think five hundred words is a lot? That’s adorable.”
Steve scowled at him and Eddie gave a very dramatic wince. To the point where he fell back against the driver side door with his hand to his heart.
“There it is! The Royal Evil Eye!”
“Shut the hell up”, Steve scoffed.
“If it makes you feel any better about our situation, I don’t mind helping you with that essay. We’ll probably be spending many afternoons in detention after tomorrow.”
Steve didn’t know when the prospect of such a punishment didn’t seem like such a drag anymore. With Eddie around at least it wouldn’t be boring.
“It’s the least you can do”, Steve said as he opened the door. “If you’re gonna be my alpha, take responsibility.”
The next day started the same but this time, both Eddie and Steve were a little nervous. Yesterday was like a pre-show compared to what would go down today. They had Home Ec today and if their teacher hadn’t heard about Steve’s new predicament, she’d find out the moment they walked in.
Steve skipped homeroom that morning, going with Eddie into the theatre department where one of Eddie’s friends, Gareth, was helping them with this final stunt.
“Okay, are you guys really sure you wanna do this?”
“Just tell me you got it rigged to max pressure”, Eddie said.
“Dude, the whole classroom is going to be a splash zone”, Gareth assured him.
“How do you know how to do all this?”, Steve asked.
“You know those guys who do effects in horror movies? That’s gonna be me one day.”
The period for Home Ec came and Ms. Engels’ eyes got wide watching Eddie walk in with his arm around Steve’s waist. There were snickers coming from the other students as it was clear she had NOT heard that they had a bundle on the way. 
“Just what do you two think you’re doing?”
“By my watch, I’d say arriving to class a full minute early”, Eddie said just as the bell rang. “Oh, mine must be a little fast.”
“You were told to show that you can handle the responsibility of parenthood”, she began to scold as they took their seats, this time right next to each other.
“What’s more responsible than this”, Steve said. “I’m all ready to become a mother.”
She glowered. “Teen pregnancy is a serious issue.”
“Then why don’t we learn anything useful?”, Eddie challenged. “All this school has taught us is ‘don’t have sex, oh but in case you do, here’s a bag of flour’. How does a bag of flour teach us anything about babies?”
“I’m calling the principal”, Ms. Engels said, going to the phone on the wall. “Detention will be the least of your worries.”
Eddie stood up. “Careful, you don’t want to put stress on my Stevie. He’s due any minute now.”
“Principal Woolsley, the Munson boy is at it again. I need you in my room this instant.”
“I’m warning you”, Eddie said.
“Are you threatening a teacher!?”
“Eddie!”, Steve gasped. “That baby’s coming!”
“Oh you’ve done it now Engels!”, Eddie shook a finger at her and then helped Steve to stand up like he was actually going through labor.
The rest of the class watched on, engaged in the spectacle. Eddie went right over to Ms. Engels’ desk and in one sweep, brushed everything off her desk and onto the floor. There were gasps and shrieks and guffaws and Eddie lived for it as he brought Steve over to lay on top of it.
“Okay, honey here we go. Just breathe and push with me.”
“This is completely unacceptable!”
“And push!”
Steve’s face only showed glee as he pretended to push the baby out, waiting for Eddie’s cue. He really was some kind of showman, hamming it up for his audience. He waited for the tension in the room to rise before he went around to Steve’s front, peering between his clothed legs.
“I think I see a head! It’s time to really push!”
A few heads craned like they’d actually be able to see a pup crowning when Steve was still wearing his jeans. It was the suspense of whether or not something, anything would come out. Eddie went back to Steve’s side and held his hand, grounding him. Steve took a breath and they let Gareth’s work explode.
Right into Mr. Woolsley’s face.
The tomato sauce was pretty thick, filled with chunks that would’ve been a pretty good stand in for viscera. But even through it all, they could see the man’s red face. His voice was scarily even as he spoke.
“I’m calling your parents.”
Part 3
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blossiewossie · 6 months
— An Angel's Kiss
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pairing : itadori yuji x reader genre : best friends to lovers, angst rating : pg word count : 1.8k
— contents : kissing. angst. death mentioned.
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You thought the hardest thing to confess was your love for him. How do you confess to the love of your life that you might not make it to tomorrow?
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"How are you today?" asked a voice.
Turning your gaze from the window overlooking the streets below to your left, a small smile graces your lips as you see who came to visit you.
"I was starting to wonder when you'd get here," you say. Groaning lowly, you place your hands on the rails on each side of your bed and attempt to pull yourself up a little.
Without missing a beat, your best friend races from the door and carefully grabs your shoulders before gently lowering you back down to the bed, making you let out a soft "oomph" as your head hit the pillow once more.
"C'mon, ____! You know you're not supposed to do that!", Yuji says in a panic.
His hand frantically searches the side of your bed until it lands on the little remote. He steps back while pressing a button, which in turn raises the top half of your bed. As it comes to a stop, you huff and cross your arms indignantly.
"I could've just sat up, y'know", you chastise him, sticking your tongue out to make your point. He chuckles as he returns the remote to your bedside while you thank him quietly.
"I'm sure you were here when the doctor said you weren't supposed to do exactly that," he said, now resting his hand atop yours with a squeeze.
Huffing, you turn your gaze away from his and look down at where your hands meet, his warmth encasing your coldness. You felt your heart skip a beat as you looked back to his eyes once more, wondering if he somehow knew what you were thinking.
Yuji glanced at your heart rate monitor quizzically, before asking out loud why it was beating so fast and if he should contact your nurse about it.
Blushing, you slip your hand out from under his to pull the blanket down a bit and inform him that you were just a bit warm.
Looking back at you, Yuji tilted his head before nodding and waltzing over to the window you were just looking at. He starts twisting the knobs while telling you about his day, recounting everything he did before coming to see you. Sliding the window open just a crack, he nods to himself and comes back to your bedside before settling into the chair to your left.
"...and then I told grandpa that I was coming to see you and here I am!" he ends his sentence with wide grin.
Your eyes take in his bright smile and you swear you could hear your heart swoon from within your chest. As he delves into another topic, you half-listen to him speak as you revel in your feelings, wondering when you should bite the bullet and tell him.
You don't even know when you fell for him, but what you do know is that you fell hard.
Maybe it was back when you first met him, when you were adjusting to the family's big move and a new school. You had found yourself sitting alone at a lunch table, glancing around anxiously at your peers as they sat with their friend groups. You were on the verge of tears when someone slammed their lunch tray next to yours with a plop! and a hand was basically shoved into yours.
"My name's Yuji! What's yours?", he had said, eyes sparkling with joy and big smile on his lips. You had reciprocated the hand shake with wide eyes, before letting him know your name. Thus your friendship had blossomed from that day forth.
You couldn't understand why he had done it. Maybe he took pity on you. Maybe he knew how you felt that day. Maybe he was just being kind. But whatever that reason, you were glad you had met him.
Maybe you started falling for him when you went to your high school prom. Back then, you were an awkward teenager, too shy to approach anyone to be your date. He had encouraged you to follow your heart, but you didn't know how.
In the end, you were ready to skip prom altogether, until he showed up to your door with the same big smile and a small poster with the words Be My Date? scribbled messily on it. You had thrown your head back with a laugh before agreeing, linking arms and skipping back to his car to take on prom together.
Maybe you had fallen for him the night you came down with a fever again. Your parents had gone out to celebrate their anniversary and you had insisted that you were fine. Little did you know that they had contacted Yuji and told him you were at home ill once more, and while they had expected him to just call and keep you company, he decided he had to do more than that.
You had heard the doors downstairs open and close, calling out to your parents and asking if they had forgotten something. The door had opened to reveal him there, standing with his hands barely hanging onto the stuff he was holding.
He had a basket full of your favorite snacks and electrolyte-filled juices, a stuffed cow, a grocery bag full of medicine, and two balloons — the latter making you cough with laughter as they read Its a Boy! and Congratulations!. He had whined to you that they didn't have any Get Better Soon! ones while you continued laughing, ignoring the heavy pounding on your skull.
That same night was when you found out that it wasn't just a fever. It was something much worse, and you had ended up in the hospital throwing up blood with a worried Yuji by your side.
He was always by your side. And now here he was, once more.
Somehow, deep down, you knew it. You couldn't pinpoint the feeling but it was there. You just knew you didn't have much time left.
You had made peace with the idea of death. You heard the cries of anguish every day at the hospital, feeling your heart grieve for the families losing their loved ones.
You had intrusive thoughts about who would grieve your passing the most and how many people your loss would affect. The afterlife had never intrigued you because you didn't like the idea of being somewhere where your loved ones weren't. You liked it here, in this world. You liked being here... with Yuji.
"Hey. Where'd you go just then?" you heard him ask.
Blinking your eyes slowly at him, you feel something wet trail down your cheeks. Yuji looked at you with concern, bringing his hand up to your face and wiping the tears.
Seeing him act so gently, so kindly, made your tears stream down faster.
"Hey, hey," he cooed softly, moving now to sit on the bed by your side. Wrapping his arms around you, his hand nestled the back of your head and gently put your head into the crook of his neck as he rocked you both slowly. "What's wrong, angel?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just thinking" you had sniffled back.
"What you thinking about that's got you crying?" he asked tenderly, holding onto you tightly.
"I have a confession."
Hearing that, he stopped rocking and slowly pulled you both apart, looking down at you intently. His eyes stared back at your teary ones, determined to listen to what you had to say.
Licking your dry lips, you held his gaze as you opened your mouth and spilled your heart out to him.
"I love you. I-I love you more than a friend. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but please let me finish."
He nodded at you to continue, his hold tightening just a little bit.
"I don't know when I started feeling this way, but I did. I do. I-I've loved you for so long and I can't help but fall deeper every time I see you. I want to hold onto you forever and never let go. Every time it's time to say goodbye, my heart hurts. It calls for you."
Inhaling a deep breath, you let out a sigh of relief, feeling a burden lift off your shoulders. His eyes never left yours once, not even when you slowly took his hands off your form and laid back down on your raised bed.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, having trouble with finding the right words.
You gave him a sad smile in understanding. You knew it was a shot in the dark that he'd feel the same way about you. You couldn't possibly expect him to-
"My heart calls for you too," he says finally, with a small smile.
Your eyes widened as your heart rate shot up once more, making you both glance at the monitor again. With a short laugh, Yuji turned back to you, his left arm reaching up to scratch the back of his head, a nervous quirk of his that you've come to adore.
"I didn't know how to tell you how I feel. I was going to wait until you got out of here, at least," he said earnestly, making you smile sadly.
You thought the hardest thing to confess was your love for him. How do you confess to the love of your life that you might not make it to tomorrow?
As your lips parted to say something, you suddenly feel his smooth ones on yours, silencing you. Closing your eyes and gently holding his face, you move your lips with his, as your heart is engulfed with pure bliss. One of his hands rested behind your head as he deepened the kiss, while his other one held you close, almost as if he was afraid to let you go.
All too soon, you both pull apart, softly panting at intensity of the kiss.
Yuji smiles once more at you, his eyes closing with glee as he says, "I can finally say I've been kissed by an angel!"
Returning his infectious smile, you open your mouth to say something when suddenly, you felt a wave of extreme fatigue slowly overcome you. Your lips slowly close shut as you attempt to move your limbs and realize it was near impossible.
Keeping your eyes solely on Yuji, you take in his handsome face, his kind eyes, his bright smile. You notice him ask you something, a quizzical look on his face as you don't respond. Glancing towards the monitor near you, his radiant smile turned from one of glee to a look of horror as he yelled for something at someone.
Not a sound reaches your ears as you look on, the shapes and colors around you morphing into bleak versions of themselves. You try to keep your eyes on him, on your best friend, who you've poured your heart to, but you could not recognize him from the twisting shapes prancing around.
Your breaths come out slower and slower. Soft sensations around you let you know that multiple people were now in the room, some may even be touching you but you don't seem to feel them. Your eyes slowly close as you breathe out one last time. Peace. This is what peace felt like.
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bokutosbabe · 4 months
Lover’s Game
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a/n — on my haikyuu shit bc of the new movie, and who better to write for than the loml atsumu?
content — atsumu x fem! reader, fem bodied reader, set in the time skip, stripping game involved, it’s kinda like strip poker but with wins and losses, slight nsfw(stripping obvi),kinda suggestive, i think that’s it lmk if i missed anything! not proofread
synopsis — when you started dating the MSBY Jackal’s very own atsumu miya in high school, you knew he was competitive, but when you beat him in smash bros? the game you two had agreed to already seemed like a bad idea.
✿.。.“Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?”.。.✿
“ HAHHHH??" ” your boyfriends scream rang out in your ears, seeing the tv filled with the victory pose of Princess Peach with the ‘1st place!’ placed next to her.
You’d never played smash bros before, having grown up as an only child who played sports most of the time, but beating your very kinda competitive boyfriend on your first time while playing the only character you knew?
Atsumu wouldn’t, no he couldn’t , have this. He had spent his whole life holding the “reigning super smash bros champion” title over Samu’s head, and he could not be beat by a newbie! especially because he didn’t want to be the first one to have to do the punishment the two of you had agreed on.
“ ‘yer cheatin’!!” the dyed blonde accused as he pointed a finger at you , cheeks puffed out like one of a child. “i am not! quit being a sore loser!”you yelled back at him- pointing back at him as well. “yeah huh!” “nuh uh!” “yeah—”
“just take your shirt off! we already agreed!”you huffed as atsumu shook his head. “you just said ‘some’ item of clothes! so…”the male took off his sock.
his. freaking. sock. you rolled your eyes before hitting the next button,“fine. shut up and grab your controller you bum.” you did love your boyfriend, but now that you’d tasted sweet victory? you never wanted to let go of it.
Round two went to atsumu
“hah! i’m the best!”he laughed as he watched you slowly take off your bra from under your shirt. maybe if he decided to be a horned up mess you’d win faster.
Round three - atsumu
off went your own sock while atsumu proclaimed you only had ‘beginners luck’
Round four - you
you watched as atsumu pulled his shirt off with one hand, your tongue sneaking out to wet your lips. “quit bein’ a perv you freak.” he teased, but how were you not supposed to look when your PRO VOLLEYBALL PLAYER boyfriend took off his shirt like he was in a porno?!
Round five - atsumu
fine. if atsumu wanted to continue to brag, you’d simply make sure his brain short circuited. you stared him straight in his amber eyes as you slipped off the thong you’d been wearing under your skirt.
Round six - you
“that’s not fair, you were teasin’ me!”atsumu accused, finger back in your face as he slid off his shorts. “you’re a bad loser, miya…”and woo weee if that didn’t get him riled up.
Round seven - atsumu
maybe calling your boyfriend the name by which he associated with his brother wasn’t the best idea. to you, he was “tsumu” or “atsumu” never was he “miya.” “since ya wanna be like that- you deserved to lose.” he said, nostrils flared as you took off your shirt- watching as his favorite part of you came spilling out into the open.
Round eight - stalemate.
no one got the chance to even select their new characters before atsumu was picking you up and throwing you on your shared bed. with the both of you only wearing one sock as he was covered only by his boxers and you only by a skirt.
“i’ll show you how much of a sore loser i can be, baby.”atsumu smirked against your lips before snaking his hand under your skirt.
maybe you should’ve started playing video games with atsumu much sooner.
✿.。.“ it’s just a game but really, I'm bettin' on all three”.。.✿
and that’s it for my fav guy ever😻
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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tacitoru · 22 days
pleaser (2) - gojo satoru ; geto suguru
pairing: gojo satoru/reader/geto suguru
summary: You wish someone would have told you how lonely college would be. Classmates and other students outside the newspaper staff keep you at arm's length. People tend to give you a wide berth. It's no big deal - for a journalist, you are laughably not a people person. Small talk makes you want to crawl out of your skin. Relationships are tedious. People are finicky and prone to lying. Unreliable. Getting close to the star players on the university's basketball team was only supposed to be a means to an end. And then it's a little more than that.
rating: explicit (eventual smut)
tw: basketball!au, enemies to lovers, journalism
wc: 4k
ch: 2/5
read on ao3
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“Your eyes will get stuck like that.” 
Your editor-in-chief is not at all surprised to find you sulking. Shoulders slumped, arms crossed as you glare petulantly across the foyer of the student union. You don’t play aloof very well.
She stands shoulder to shoulder with you and follows your gaze. 
In the distance, two basketball players donning signature sky blue jerseys draw a crowd near the student government office. They stand out among the sea of milling students like skyscrapers. The swath of unnaturally white - surely he wasn’t born like that? - hair on the tallest one is even less helpful in helping him blend in. A few passerby stutter in their steps trying to catch a glimpse of their faces. The young men have their backs to where the pair of you observe, in the middle of addressing the small audience. A mix of student government and faculty, the source of your ire stands amongst them. Kento Nanami stands at the head of the crowd with his smartphone in one hand and a tape recorder in the other held just slightly above the sea of heads. His blond hair and crisp blue button-up make him easy to pick out from the gang of suits. 
When snark doesn’t draw your full attention, Utahime calls your name instead. “You look like you’re about to cry.”
Furrowing your lips, your frown deepens. “Who the fuck even carries around a real tape recorder anymore? Does he not have the app on his phone?”
Your pseudo-boss shoulder checks you. Never one to miss an opportunity to play morality police. “Don’t be obnoxious,” she admonishes in what you think she thinks is her gentlest tone. “Not everybody has a smartphone.”
“He’s holding one, Utahime,” you snark back. 
The animosity catches you both off guard. You’re not typically one to be confrontational. In all of your years on the university’s newspaper staff, you’d suppose you’re akin to a fly on the wall. A floater, you’ve moved from section to section at the dismissal of the lead editors each year. It wasn’t that you were an incompetent writer so much as it was that no topic seemed to really stick with you. Student leadership wouldn’t let you go if they could help it - it was easier to keep and train staff members than to recruit. But they would never promote you - there was always somebody who fit the bill just a little bit better, who wrote with a little more flare. You were nearing the end of your senior year anyway. It was too late to even consider.
You’ve never really minded - never minded anything at all, really. The fact that almost all of the leadership was a year younger than you. Or the fact that you were consistently assigned fluff writing. That you had been skipped time and time again for any chance at covering anything more important than the carpets in the library being updated from green to gray, or minor changes to a dining hall’s dietary restrictions.
A perfect passive participant on staff, you follow all the rules. Do every story they assign you. More often than not, it’s the ones nobody else wants to bother with. They offer you some sort of loose camaraderie in return; a pat on the shoulder, a lukewarm invite to be a plus one to a holiday party. All of the necessary tools for social survival in college.  The news, cultures, and opinion columns shuffled you around semester by semester like a cumbersome stage prop. Comfortably standing in the shadow of your peers. You never ask for anything.
So you decide to be a little nicer to Utahime, to whom all this attitude must be coming out of left field.  
Never taking your eyes off the crowd, you ask with a little less bite, “Did they tell you when the press conference is yet?”
They , as in the athletics department, had been keeping zip tight on the details of the university basketball team’s newest arrivals since they had touched down in the States over the weekend. The pair of you watch as the shorter one, a young man (albeit still a full head taller than most of his audience) with black gauges and his hair pulled into a bun, delivers a short comment that causes a laugh to ripple through their onlookers. You think you see even Nanami, of all people, crack a smile. It’s hard to tell for sure from this distance.
It wasn’t unusual for the staff on the student newspaper to share tips and ideas or track events on campus together, but it’s irregular for you to be among them. There was no need to ask for help when your stories were practically written out for you. Today however, you had kept a keen eye out for your fellow writers on campus, ear to the ground all morning as you sought out some kind of - any kind of - hook that could solidify your claim to what was sure to be one of the most memorable feature story of the year: the athletics department's annual exchange student program.
“Do they allow players to wear gauges on the court?”
“You’re asking me a lot of questions for somebody that’s not assigned to this beat.” Utahime sighs. The awkward moment rolls off her shoulders with an ease you’re becoming familiar with. “I’m not giving you a press pass.”
“I - okay?” You wilt a little, shoulders slumped as Utahime takes the next question right out of your mouth. “I didn’t even say anything. That’s not even what I asked.”
“You didn’t have to. I can see it all over your face-,” You duck the graze of her knuckle as she moves to brush a faux tear, but the unimpressed look on her face remains. “But no. I haven’t heard anything from the coaches yet.”
You try and fail to hide your disappointment. You refuse to pout in front of your boss. Utahime had a softer spot for you than most of your fellow staff members - as a writer who had been on staff for so long with little to no promotion or department to call home in all four years of your college career, whispers of questions around the validity of keeping you on staff started to circulate well into the winter semester.
“Why were you so interested in doing this feature anyway? I got the feeling you didn’t like writing for this kind of stuff.” You never ask for favors; she tells you as much. “I’m just surprised, is all.” 
From your peripheral, Utahime looks at you curiously, a hand on her chin. Maybe it was because she was a year younger than you, and pitied the disposition she found you in after being elected into the chief position. But even that softness only went so far.
You shake your head, still watching the crowd from across the lobby. The taller basketball player, the white-haired guy, sticks out among the crowd like a dandelion, bending and swaying to an invisible breeze while he crowds into the space of his teammate. You crinkle your nose - his posture is surprisingly terrible.
“Kind of stuff?”
“Y’know, just - sports? Your strong suits have been more like…like, what kinds of water bottles have been popular on campus! Oh, or that listicle you did of all of the best fall-themed soundtracks-,”
“-that we published in the spring -,” 
Utahime waves you off. “That’s not the point.” 
She launches into a reassuring ramble, throwing a hand up when you don’t start to look any more appeased. The motion seems to catch Nanami’s attention from across the foyer’s open floor. He doesn’t crack a smile, but waves at the pair of you with his phone-holding hand, polite as ever. You wave back. When he turns away, your pout melts into a grimace. Tuning Utahime out, your eyes wander back to the head of the crowd, only to choke on your gasp. You’ve also inadvertently caught the attention of one of the exchange students - and he looks pissed . 
From where he stands, the white-haired wonder boy has twisted the whole top half of his body to bless you with the ugliest look of contempt you’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing in your short life. He only rights himself when his dark-haired teammate corrals his focus back to the congregation ahead of them with a gentle hand on his shoulder. It’s enough of an interruption to make you turn your whole back on the entire debacle in embarrassment.
Utahima continues to do her best impression of placating you, hands folded above her chest as she pleads. “- And, you know, it would just be a lot easier for everybody, really, to give this to somebody who already knows if players are allowed to wear gauges on the court, and other frivolous shit like that instead of wasting time asking me.”
You make a noise like a laugh through your nose, thinking of what she considers your strong suits. “Okay.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the objects of your interest begin to make their way out of the front of the building, enticing their crowd of university staff and students along with them. An underclassman tries to give the white-haired man a high-five in passing. He dismisses him with a shrug. Your resolve wavers. You follow all the rules. You never ask for anything.
“Look,” Utahime begins in a tone that makes you think uh oh. “It’s not that I don’t think you’re a capable writer. I hated turning you down so publicly at the staff meeting, and there’s no doubt that your contributions to the paper have been -,” she searches for a word “- impactful to our student body. But I need somebody who’s going to do this feature, um, quietly. I mean look how much attention those two are drawing and it’s not even time for lunch yet.” 
Two girls run straight into each other, phones clattering to the ground, their eyes glued to the spectacle making its way out of the building. You can’t help but snicker, a little less forlorn. Requesting to cover the feature story for the exchange students had been the first time you had stuck your neck out for yourself, only to be succinctly rejected in front of your peers. Utahime hadn’t even the decency to pretend to hesitate. At least you’re not the only one making a fool of yourself today.
Utahime fixes you with a look that makes you straighten up a little, all business.
“I want to get this right the first time, and it’s already going to be hard between the fangirls, the fanboys , and the limited press access during the season. Can you promise me that you won’t try to butt in?”
In lieu of answering Utahime’s question, you ask, “You’ll let me know when they do, right? When you hear back from them.”
Somehow, she manages to glare harder.
You suck your teeth, sigh, and relent, “I promise.”
The editor-in-chief doesn't look entirely convinced, but the severe expression on her face relaxes nonetheless. “There’s no need to worry,” Utahime’s phone buzzes in her pocket and she turns on her heels as she checks the notification, effectively closing the conversation. “Nanami will do this piece justice.”
The two exchange students stride towards the exit, seemingly now caught up in their own little world as they chuckle amongst themselves, hardly minding the entourage that follows. The afternoon sun floods the glass double doors with a bright light, and you watch after them as they push through. 
“But that’s what I’m worried about,” you mumble, resign, and follow her into the office.
You wish someone would have told you how lonely college would be. 
Classmates and people outside of the newspaper staff tended to keep you at arm's length once they learned of your extracurriculars, mostly for fear of one day seeing themselves among the crisp pages of the biweekly print. It was all in vain; in your four years being juggled between columns, you had never aired out anyone’s dirty laundry. You were diligent in your moral code, however gray. People tended to give you a wide berth nonetheless.
It was no sweat off your back - for a journalist you are laughably not a people person. Small talk made you want to crawl out of your skin. Relationships were tedious. People were finicky and prone to lying. Unreliable. Their stories, however - actually, maybe just as much so, but that was an entirely different thrill. And yet as graduation crept closer, your lackluster portfolio mocked you far worse than your meager contacts list. Submitting job applications felt like shooting blanks at a target while blindfolded. You needed a miracle - and fast. 
It’s just your luck that the evening you are the last to lock up the student newspaper office, two miraculous things happen at once: the lead sports editor forgets his press pass at his desk just as two of Japan’s highest-ranking athletes in men’s college basketball officially announce their transfer to your institution as part of some long-running good-will exchange program.
The first anomaly is sports editor Kento Nanami’s sudden bout of forgetfulness. In his rush to make it to the press conference early, he had left the badge on his desk. You’re nice enough to promise to drop by the auditorium where it’s being held, telling him as much over text. Your peer responds with the same level of dryness you’ve come to associate with him.
Thanks. Read 6:46 PM.
The whole thing already felt like a bad omen.
Enter anomaly number two, the two Japanese exchange students joining your school’s record-holding Division One basketball team for the year. The news had spread like wildfire across the campus of your large liberal arts college before it had even reached the newspaper. It was never a matter of why the exchange program was happening.
The university boasted an extremely impressive men’s basketball team that dominated the American college league in every sense of the word. Armed with a history of individuals who went on to become some of the highest-paid athletes in the NBA and a team of coaches with a tremendous wealth of experience, your sleepy liberal arts school has made a name for itself in the world of college-level athletics. It was inevitable that other institutions would want a piece of the pie, and Tokyo University had long established their in.
It was never a matter of why, but who.
They’re gorgeous. Inarguably so. A pair of athletes in a league of their own amongst their peers both in the States and on their home turf, both parties of which you’ve witnessed trip over themselves in a clumsy dichotomy of disdainful and overbearing eagerness already in the short time you’ve spent observing the team. Youthful, dripping raw athleticism, handsome beyond words, and worst of all, they know it - the smarmy one with shocking white hair tells you as much when you meet for the first time in the elevator.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
Satoru Gojo had every right to be brash and vainglorious. More popularly referred to by his last name, the famed shooting guard from Kyoto boasts an impressive track record under his belt, stats that put even the shiniest American college basketball players to shame. His inhuman height and athleticism make him a living nightmare to oppose. The strongest , the tabloids and play-by-play sports podcasts had labeled him. Even Nanami, of all people, had described him as a monster on the court. The lead sports editor is not the type to give compliments lightly - if that could even be considered one. But if Satoru Gojo is scary on paper, he’s fucking terrifying in person.
Heat crawls up your neck, and spills onto your cheeks, your gaze quickly returns to the floor. “Sorry,” you mumble, embarrassed. Without even having introduced yourself, you’ve somehow managed to tick him off twice in the span of a few days. 
It seems as though the universe has a sense of humor tonight. You had rushed across campus to the auditorium, press pass held in your iron-fisted grip in an attempt to beat the clock. Only to end up in the elevator crammed between the very two people you’d been hoping to catch a glimpse of on your way out. While you had been hoping for some sort of miracle to be tossed your way, this..this was…
Caught off guard and underprepared, you feel brittle like a leaf in the wind under the shared weight of their gaze. Later, when you playback the recording on your phone in your pocket, you pretend not to notice when you hear your voice shake.
Suguru Getou, the other exchange student and equally formidable athlete, admonishes his teammate softly. The one who, now that you’re standing close enough to confirm, does indeed wear black gauges. His hair is loose from its bun today, inky locks tossed carelessly over one shoulder.  They both don the university’s signature jerseys once again, the cleanest they’ll probably be all season. “Satoru, please.” 
Satoru . You make note of the use of his given name, spoken gently and laced with amusement, like a parent scolding a wayward child.
You might almost believe Suguru to be sympathetic if he also didn’t look one slick comment away from laughing at your discomfort. 
“What?” His teammate flat-out whines, having complete disregard for politeness - and personal space, apparently. He reaches over and flicks the piece of plastic clutched in your hand suddenly enough that it makes you flinch.
“Ain’t this a press pass? I’m just sayin’. They’ve got, like, a whole hour to do this shit.” Gojo gripes, scratching his head. In perfect English, they talk around you. Over you, like you’re just some physical inconvenience in the middle of a conversation they were already having. You probably are. Recognizing this doesn’t make your heart race any slower.
Out of the corner of your eye, the elevator ticks closer to the mezzanine floor, where you know Kento is waiting for you. This is your chance, this is your chance!
Like an idiot, you stumble over your words, trying for something between a convincing protest and solid introduction, quickly shoving the pass into the pocket that’s empty. “No, not all! Um, actually, I did have a few-,”
The elevator dings, announcing your arrival. Internally, you swear. Twice your build and stature, Gojo shoulders you on the way out without a second glance, nearly rocking you off of your feet.  Over his shoulder, he wags his finger at you. “Ah, ah, no head starts.”
Suguru is at least polite enough to offer a smile, albeit one you can’t determine if it's sympathetic or pitiful. He gives you a once over, so quickly you might have imagined it. “Good luck out there.”
Stepping out into the hall, you watch half-stunned as the two teammates swagger in the opposite direction of your destination, off to where you assume their coach and athletic staff await. 
Could you have possibly fumbled the ball any harder? You fiddle with your phone on the way to where Kento said he was last sitting, pausing your recording.  Fumble? No, that’s football. What’s the basketball equivalent..?
Your colleague paces anxiously in the top row of the mezzanine, waiting for you to pass off his badge. If you had been paying close enough attention, you might even say he was nervous for once. Any other day, that’d be something you’d revel in. But tonight, caught up in your train of thought, you miss the look that crosses his face when you hand him the press pass without so much as a greeting. 
“Are you okay?” He asks warily, more so out of obligation than kindness. You remember with stark clarity where he had been sitting at the staff meeting when Utahime rejected your request to cover the story - his stoic, unflinching expression when she announced it had been assigned to him. You had hardly been able to look him in the eye since. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“What do you call a fumble in basketball?”
Kento goes from overly cautious to puzzled. “...A fumble?”
From where the pair of you stand at the height of the auditorium, the press gathered on the lower level look like a hungry, writhing mob. You observe them as they prepare for your esteemed guests, each armed with microphones and totting cameras with flash attachments the size of your fist. They face a backdrop littered with sponsorship logos, two seats, and an unimpressive table decorated in your school’s colors and laden with more microphones.
Kento moves to head to the elevator, only to hesitate at your contemplative look.
“Does this…” he sighs and starts over, fiddling with the pass slung around his neck. “I can’t bring you with me down there.”
“I know.”
“Or to any of the games.”
“I know.”
“Or interviews.”
You glance up, facing him full-on for the first time in days. Scanning his features for any sign of mockery. “...Okay.”
“But between this and the rest of the sports for this season, I’ve got my hands full.” On stage, the head coach appears to greet the slew of reporters, thanking them for coming out tonight. He begins to say a few words about the exchange students and the history of the exchange program. Kento’s eye twitches - you can feel him getting antsy. “I’m fine taking notes, but I could use some help with the drafting.”
A feeling wells up inside your chest. Amid all of the dejection, the disappointment, the worry - a glimmer of hope had appeared. Somebody was finally giving you a chance.
He offers his hand but you’re slow to take it. Eyes narrowed, you tell him rather than ask, “And I get credit.”
“Partial,” he acquiesces. “And we’ll be on the front page.”
The clamor beneath you begins to grow louder, and your colleague lurches back like he’ll jump over the balcony if that's what it will take to make it down there on time. Steel-eyed, you snatch Kento’s hand in yours before he can take anything back. 
The crowd below you erupts into a thunderous roar of cheers. 
<< prev.
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rhettabbotts · 2 years
happy birthday, mr. president - bob floyd
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pairing: president!bob floyd x wife!reader
summary: after a hard week, the last thing bob wanted to do was attend his birthday party. so instead, he plays out one of his biggest fantasies with you.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: 18+ only. SMUT. bob eating you out in the oval office. slight bondage. slight degradation. dirty talk. mention of cameras. edging. p in v. unprotected sex. breeding kink. riding. title kink? (calling bob mr. president). drinking.
a/n: brought to you by me rewatching scandal and losing my mind. also haven’t stopped thinking about @therebeccaw’s beautiful president bob moodboard <3 also for @lt-bradshaw! thanks for bringing up president bob on the dash last night.
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Bob hated parties. No matter how many balls and galas he attended, it never got any easier. He fussed with his bow tie for the umpteenth time before finally giving up, letting out a huff of frustration as he buttoned his cufflinks. 
His head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door opening and the sight before him made him weak in the knees. You floated into the room with such grace, completely ignoring the gobsmacked look on his face. You fiddled with the back of your diamond earring, struggling to fasten it in place. 
“Baby, can you zip me up the rest of the way?” You asked nonchalantly. You moved to stand in front of him, finally catching his cobalt eyes in the cheval mirror. 
“You look beautiful,” Bob professed. His hands curved around your front to rest on your stomach, pulling you tight against him. His eyes darkened as they traveled over your body, lingering on the way the bodice hugged your breasts, pushing them up enticingly. “How am I supposed to make it through the night with you looking like this?”
“You’ll live. Now, zip me up so I can fix your tie.” 
His bottom lip jutted out slightly in a pout, causing you to playfully roll your eyes. As he moved the zipper up the last couple of inches you couldn’t reach, he pressed a kiss to the top of your spine. 
“Do we really have to go?” Bob questioned as he rested his chin on your shoulder. One hand moved back around to your front, sliding up your chest and groping you through your dress. 
“It’s your birthday. You can’t miss it. Behave, Bobby. You’ll have me all to yourself this weekend when we go to Camp David,” you asserted. “It’s just for a couple of hours. You’ll survive.”
“Highly unlikely,” he muttered as you busied yourself with his tie. You had it knotted in no time, looking pleased with your work. 
“There. All done,” you said, patting his chest before turning away. He caught your wrist, tugging you back to him swiftly. He looked down the bridge of his nose at you, eyes squinting in the way they did when you defied him. A challenging look that made you burn with desire. 
“Can we do that thing we talked about a few weeks ago?” He spoke quietly. Between the grip he had on your arm and the way he was looking at you, you were ready to say screw the party and tear his shirt buttons off with your teeth. But you knew you couldn’t do that. You didn’t get the luxury of skipping out on these things anymore. 
“The thing…”
“It is my birthday, you know,” he quipped, the corner of his thin lips twitching up into a devilish smirk. You were about to respond when Charlie knocked on the door, letting you know guests had begun to arrive. 
“Mr. President. Ma’am. We’re ready whenever you are.”
Bob dropped your wrist, linking your fingers together and squeezing your hand once. He let go to slide on his suit jacket and you brushed out any wrinkles that appeared, straightening the pin he wore on his lapel. He took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, craning his neck from side to side. 
“C’mon, darling. Let’s get this over with.”
You slid your arm through Bob’s, holding on tightly as you walked through the corridors of the White House. You knew he still got nervous being around so many people. But he never let it show. He was poised, a true leader. The road to the White House was not easy but you believed he was doing what he was always meant to do. Be who he was always meant to be. It made your heart swell with pride to see your husband succeed. 
“Quit starin’,” Bob muttered, sneaking a glance at you. You pinched his arm in response. 
As the doors opened to the East Room, applause erupted and you felt Bob tense ever so slightly. He was whisked away by a few senators, a champagne flute placed in his hand as they tried to schmooze him into passing their bill. He looked over his shoulder apologetically and you waved him off. You knew how these things went. You’d find your way back to him eventually. 
It took exactly forty-five minutes before Josh, Bob’s chief of staff, came up to you. He pulled you aside and leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“We’ve lost him.”
You tried to bite back a smile, surprised he lasted as long as he did. 
“I know where he is. Thank you, Josh. Do me a favor… keep the West Wing off limits.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
You wandered through the long hallways, taking your heels off halfway to the Oval Office. For the duration of the walk, you considered what Bob had asked for earlier in the night. He had mentioned that he wanted to try something different. You had discussed everything beforehand so you knew exactly what would play out. 
You would stumble into his office, he would take you over the desk. He’d be trying his best to avoid the cameras, but if you didn’t… The thought of sneaking around, the thrill of potentially being caught, it turned you on tremendously - and Bob knew that.
There was a soft glow coming from the large room as you entered through the side door. Bob was sitting in his leather chair, feet propped up on the cherry wood desk. He was nursing a glass of scotch, the amber liquid swirling around in the crystal as he finished his sip. His tongue darted out to catch a rogue droplet from the corner of his mouth. He looked so powerful sitting behind that desk. He could bring the whole world to their knees if he just asked. 
“Good evening, sir,” you said meekly. Even after a year in the White House, it still made you nervous coming into the Oval Office. Bob’s neck craned towards you and there was a lazy smile on his face. The lamp cast shadows over his face. From where you stood, you could see the sliver of grays at his temple. They started appearing more and more as the days went on, much to Bob’s dismay. Stress, you would inform him at the end of a long day.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he slurred. He straightened himself in the chair, setting his feet on the floor before standing. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as his dark eyes devoured you without saying a word. 
“I’ve been looking for you. You promised me a dance.” Your husband hummed, taking one last swig of his liquor before rounding the desk. His tie was hanging loose around his neck, the top two buttons of his crisp white shirt undone. 
Your mind ran wild with salacious thoughts as he unbuttoned the cufflinks. The slight clatter of them being haphazardly set aside was the only noise that filled the room. He rolled up his sleeves messily, veiny forearms being put on display. Your mouth dried up looking at his hands, wishing they would reach out and touch you already. 
Bob walked slowly towards you, pinning you in place with his gaze. 
“Mr. President,” you breathed. 
“I like it when you call me that,” he indicated. “Say it again.”
“Mr. President,” you purred this time. He circled you, stopping behind you like he had earlier in your room. “We shouldn’t-“
“I think we should. I think it’d be a wonderful idea.”
“But the cameras…”
“Let them watch,” he muttered in your ear. “Let them see you beg your president to let you cum.”
You whimpered at his words, pressing back into his warm body. You were already begging, a silent plea for him to take you. He wasn’t going to give in to you that easily.
Bob started shuffling the both of you towards the desk, pressing you forward until the edge dug into the tops of your thighs. You could feel how hard he was in his slacks. You knew he needed this. It had been a hellish week and he spent his birthday in meeting after meeting, leaving no time to see each other until you were crawling into bed. 
His strong hands gripped your hips and spun you around to face him. His expression was devious, you knew what his plan was. He whipped the tie from his collar and you obediently held your wrists out. 
“Good girl,” he said, pressing a searing kiss to your lips. As he pulled away, you chuckled softly. A smudge of red lipstick adorned his mouth. 
“I think you just like me tying your ties, mister,” you said. Bob had expertly knotted your wrists together with the black satin material. His response was a cheeky grin and a shrug of his shoulders. 
Maneuvering you onto the wooden surface was a small feat, he manhandled you with such ease it made your head spin. Papers scattered everywhere as he shoved them aside. He pressed against your sternum until you were flat on your back, bound wrists dangling above your head. 
He made slow work of kissing down your body, mouthing at your cleavage. Sucking small love bites into the tops of your breasts. He dropped to his knees with no preamble, diving under your dress and moving up until he landed between your thighs. He pulled your lace panties to the side and buried his face into your soaked cunt. 
The first flick of his tongue against your clit caused your hips to buck and your mouth to fall open. Bob knew how to eat you out like no other. He sucked and licked and nipped against your most sensitive parts until you were a quivering mess. 
Your mind wandered back to your previous thought about how he could bring the world to its knees. And yet here he was, the most powerful man, on his knees for you. It made your breath hitch and your thighs shake. His wanton moans vibrated through your entire body. You couldn’t see him, not with the way he had his head shoved under the skirt of your dress, but you felt every move he made. Every shake of his head, every indention his fingertips were leaving. 
You were babbling nonsense. You weren’t even sure if it was words. Variations of ‘Bob’ and ‘Sir’ and ‘Mr. President’ spilled from your lips and it seemed to make Bob that much hungrier. 
“Bobby, please. Please, I’m so close. I’m so-“
And then he stopped. 
He pulled away so quickly your hips chased his mouth and you whined desperately. His hair was a mess, loose curls that were once slicked back flopped onto his forehead. His cheeks were flushed, his lips wet with your desire. 
“You bastard,” you mumbled, trying to steady your breathing. You had been right on the edge. But you knew that’s what he wanted. You knew what he had in store. 
He said nothing as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He said nothing as he moved you off the desk and around the back of it. He said nothing as he nearly broke the zipper on your gown, practically tearing it off of you. A small pleased noise escaped him as you stood before him in your underwear, wrists tied and breasts on full display. 
“Such a dirty slut, aren’t you? Letting me take you in here where anyone could walk in. You like that though, don’t you? Yeah, I know you do.”
He moved to sit once more in his chair, thighs spreading wide as he palmed over his cock. A whimper caught in your throat when he pulled himself out. You’ve said it a million times before but Bob Floyd had a pretty dick. And you would never tire of the sight.
“Want you to ride my cock, pretty girl.”
Bob pulled you into his lap and onto his cock without much warning. The stretch never failed to make you gasp, no matter how many times it had been. He settled you until he was to the hilt, full of him. He reached down to untie your wrists and you tangled your fingers through his hair instantly. 
You couldn’t move much on your own so Bob took matters into his own hands and bounced you. Hands holding your hips tight enough you were sure there would be bruises by tomorrow. It was quick and messy, your thighs were burning and you couldn’t hold back your moans. 
“Gonna fill you up. Gonna finally make you a momma. We'll have little babies running around this place before you know it. Fuck, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest man alive,” Bob rambled. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the room and you silently prayed Josh listened to you before. 
Your nails clawed at the part of Bob’s chest that was exposed, slipping your hand inside the half buttoned shirt to scrape against his nipple. It caused his eyes to roll back and his hips to stutter. 
“Moan for me, Bobby.” He did. Loud and unabashedly. 
The fast rhythm had both of you close in no time. His mouth attached to your breasts once more and that was it for you. You clenched around him tightly, throwing your head back and nearly screaming as he continued the brutal pace into you. It took him a few more thrusts before he was releasing inside of you, filling you full of him. 
You slumped against his chest, hot breath washing over his damp skin as he rubbed up and down your spine. 
“I can’t believe we just defiled the Oval Office. We could be arrested,” you joked. 
“Not the first time,” Bob said. “Thank you for indulging me, honey. I love you to the moon and stars.”
“Happy birthday, Mr. President,” you giggled. A weak groan tumbled from his lips as his dick twitched inside of you. 
“Don’t do that to me right now.”
“Is that an order?” You challenged, rolling your hips teasingly. 
“You little brat,” he muttered against your lips, picking you up and walking you over to one of the couches. It was a long and glorious night. 
Several weeks later you stood in the en suite bathroom, with four positive pregnancy tests sitting on the counter. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting tickled. 
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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Jones and Leia
(Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You agree to match Steve’s Indiana Jones costume, but it’s definitely not what he was expecting. WK: 2.3k
Warnings: Smut, unprotected P in V, jealous/possessive Steve, hair pulling, slight dom!Steve, I think that’s it? If I missed any lmk. 18+MINDI!!!!
A/N: This was supposed to be a blurb but it ended up being a whole ass one shot OOPS. But I dedicate this one to my darling Gia @onegirlmanytales I took her wonderful thot and ran with it.
You smirked to yourself in the mirror as you put the finishing touches on your costume. Your boyfriend had practically begged you to be the Marion Ravenwood to his Indiana Jones. You finally agreed to match with him, but you never specified exactly what that costume would be. So when you show up to this party in your perfect replica of the outfit Princess Leia wore on Tatooine in Return of the Jedi, you were hoping to blow his mind.
You gave yourself a final once over, putting on your strappy sandals and grabbing a long coat to wear until you got there. You were still definitely going to freeze your ass off but Steve’s reaction would make every shiver and goosebump worth it.
Normally Steve drives you when you go places together but tonight you told him you were going to ride with Robin who had just recently passed her drivers test. She knew all about your secret costume, she even helped you put it together and keep it a secret from Steve. Which was no easy task when the three of you lived together. You were hardly able to convince him to meet you there under the guise of ‘needing extra time to get ready’.
When you pull up the party was already in full swing, it was mostly people you went to highschool or community college with. Some guy in your math class was throwing it at his parents lake house. You and Robin made your way into the party, weaving through people all dressed in various Halloween costumes. You kept your coat on and buttoned while your eyes searched the crowd for your boyfriend.
You see him before he sees you, he’s standing in the kitchen talking to Eddie, sipping on a beer and laughing.
You have seen the pieces of his costume, but you haven’t seen it on him yet. His tan shirt has one arm ripped off, every button aside from the bottom two are pulled off, leaving his chest and most of his stomach exposed. The hair on his chest that you loved to run your fingers and tongue over was on full display, you could see half his happy trail while the other half was covered by those two buttons. The remainder of the shirt was tucked into his brown trousers that fit him perfectly. The belt and whip around his waist accentuating his already peachy ass. You wanted him to take a bite, you wanted him to use that whip on you. His usually perfectly styled hair was underneath the signature brown hat, accentuating his jaw line.
You momentarily forget your own mission so you can stand there and admire your boyfriend. When he laughs at something Eddie says his eyes light up and he throws his head back revealing that column on his throat you loved to leave little kisses all over.
He must have felt you staring because he looks your way and his lips curl into a huge smile.
“Baby! You’re here!” He holds his arms open for you, beckoning you over. You return his smile as you practically skip over to him.
“Hi Stevie.”
He wraps his arms around your shoulders and engulfs you in his embrace. Your face leans against his bare chest and the smell of everything Steve invades your senses. He smells like home.
“I missed you honey bee.” He places a kiss on the top of your head before grabbing your shoulders to hold you at an arm's length, looking at you up and down with his eyebrow raised. “Where’s your costume?”
“It’s right here.” You gesture to yourself, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Pft. What’re you supposed to be, a flasher?” Eddie snorts and you turn to land a smack on his arm.
“Hey! Ow! That’s ABUSE!” He dramatically grabs his arm and falls back against the counter like you pushed him.
“You are so dramatic, oh my god.” You roll your eyes at him before looking back to Steve. “My costume is under the coat, silly, it’s cold outside.”
“Oh, well can I see?” He looks at you with pouty lips and big brown eyes.
“Yeah Stevie, of course.” You smirk at him as you reach for the buttons on your coat. Slowly popping each one open before finally pushing it off your shoulders.
“Wha-?” Steve actually gasps when his eyes drink you in.
“Do you like it?” You do a little twirl for him so he can get the full effect.
“Do I- of course I like it. In what universe would I not like this? Holy shit baby girl, wow.” He looks you up and down, biting his lip.
“So I was pretty much right, you’re basically dressed as a flasher.”
“EDDIE! Shut. Up. You’re ruining my reveal moment.” You glare at him but he definitely isn’t looking at your eyes. He’s drinking you in and it makes you squirm.
“Dude. Stop messing with my girl. She looks amazing.” Steve looks memorized and you can’t help but giggle, this is exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
“Never said she didn’t.” Eddie said in a sing-song voice, walking off with a wink.
“You look amazing too Steve.” You place your hands on his chest and lean in so you can whisper in his ear. “I only wish I was the one to tear this shirt off of you.”
Steve groans, it was going to be a long night. Especially if you were going to keep teasing him dressed like that.
The night has been a rollercoaster for Steve so far. His mind keeps jumping between his nearly irresistible lust for you and full blown jealousy. He wasn’t the only one that couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Every guy here was checking you out, even the ones with dates. The worst part was that you didn’t even notice, prancing around in that little metal bikini, the only thing keeping your ass from being fully exposed was that piece of flimsy purple cloth.
He stuck close to your side all night, never taking his hands off of you and sending every guy who walked by a death glare. But you had left to have a “girls moment” in the bathroom with Robin over ten minutes ago and he was starting to get anxious. He normally wouldn’t worry about how long you’ve been in the bathroom, sometimes you and Robin would be in there for ages even if there wasn’t a line. But he was feeling extra protective and on guard tonight so he started weaving through the crowd toward the bathroom.
He walked down the hall and his steps came to a halt when you came into view. Some dude dressed as Dracula was chatting you up while he stood way too close to you. He watches the guy reach out and put his hand on your shoulder, the way you flinch at the contact and he immediately sees red.
He storms over to you with his nostrils flared and his fists clenched, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close.
“Can we help you?” Steve’s eyes bore into the other man’s, his jaw clenched and his voice almost a growl.
“Yeah man, I was just telling her I like her costume. Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wa-“
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you were doing.”
“Dude seriously I wasn’t-“
“Shut up dude, to me it looked like you were touching my girl and making her uncomfortable. Stay the fuck away from her.” He points a finger at the guy, jabbing it hard into his chest.
“Whatever bro, you’re trippin.” The guy scoffs before turning on his heel to walk away.
“Baby, are you okay?” Steve turns towards you with concerned eyes and takes your face in his hands.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You give him a reassuring smile.
“Good. Now get in the fucking bathroom.”
Your eyes widened at his request, if you could even call it that, the look on his face said it was more of a command. Instead of responding you just walked into the bathroom with Steve close behind you.
As soon as he was in the door he slammed it shut, pushing you up against it with one hand on your hip and the other holding your jaw.
“Where. Is. Robin.”
“Uh - that cute girl that works at the bookstore asked her to dance so I told her to go and I was on my way to find you.” Your voice was squeaky and your legs were shaking at the way he was handling you.
“Figures. I knew I couldn’t leave you alone tonight without some asshole trying to flirt with you. I wanted to break his hand when I saw him touch you.” He pressed his body against yours, pulling you flush against him with his hand still cradling your jaw, keeping your eyes on his. You had never seen him this jealous, he definitely gets jealous sometimes but he’s usually pretty secure in your relationship. But right now? You had never seen this side of him.
“Stevie, I don’t care if that guy was flirting with me, I only want you… look at you.” You run your hands down his chest, hooking your fingers in the belt around his waist. Trying to pull him impossibly closer.
“Look at me? Look at you. You’ve been driving me insane all night. In this little tiny outfit, every guy here looking at you like they want to eat you alive. When I’m the only one who gets to do that.” He rubs his nose against yours, still cradling your jaw and his breath tickles your lips.
You lean in for a kiss but the hand holding your face snakes up into your hair and pulls your head back before you can connect your lips with his.
“Bend over the sink.” He abruptly takes his hands off of you, stepping back to allow you room to walk past him.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you walked towards the sink, bending over the counter in front of it. You see Steve come up behind you in the mirror and he looks fucking feral. He must’ve thrown the hat off after you walked by and his hair was in disarray, but in the sexiest way possible, like when you grab onto it while he fucks you into the mattress kinda sexy. The ripped shirt is fully hanging off his shoulder now and you just want to bite into his clavicle. Brown eyes flecked with green never leave yours as he pulls the belt off his waist and undoes his pants.
“If this whip wasn’t flimsy and fake I’d smack your ass with it until it was red.” He growls, gripping into your hips and pulling you backwards toward him.
You can’t see it but you can feel his hard cock rutting against your ass through the thin fabric that drapes from your bikini. Steve flips up the fabric and thanks whatever god there is that the crotch of the bottoms are cotton. He rips them to the side and shoves his cock into you in one motion.
Normally he would take his time with you, make sure you were prepped for the stretch of him. But right now he needs to be inside you. He could see how wet you were the minute the fabric was out of view so he knew you could take it.
He started rutting into you hard and fast, his hands were gripping your hips so tight you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow but you didn’t care, in fact, you hoped there would be. He grabs onto the braid that you meticulously styled earlier that night and wraps it around his fingers, pulling your head back so you were eye level with the mirror.
“Fucking look at yourself while I ruin you.” His thrusts get deeper and faster and your eyes start to roll back into your head until you feel a warning tug on your hair. “I said look at yourself. Look how sexy you look baby, whose pussy is this?”
“Yours! It’s yours Steve! Only yours!”
“Yeah it fucking is, this is my. Fucking. Pussy. You’re mine.”
“Yeah - yes - yours.”
He’s tugging your hair and fucking you so hard all you can do is hang for dear life while trying to keep your eyes on the mirror. His hand that isn’t in your hair snakes around to rub your clit and can feel yourself getting close already. You were a drooling moaning mess and Steve fucking loved it. He wasn’t rough with you often, he liked to make love to you and treat you like a princess but whenever he did get you like this it drove him crazy. He could tell he wasn’t going to last long. He’s been half hard all night looking at you like this.
His lips latch onto your throat, sucking hard, marking his territory and when you feel his teeth graze your skin that’s the final straw. Your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave, your legs would’ve given out if Steve wasn’t holding onto you.
“OH FUCK! I’m - cumming I’m cumming! You feel so good Stevie, fill me up so good, I want your cum dripping down my legs so when we walk out of here everyone really knows who I belong to!!”
“Holy. Shit. F- UCK!!” He came hard, ropes of his cum filling your pussy so much it started to drip out around his cock. He pumped every last drop into you before pulling out of you and turning you around by your shoulders.
“Fuck honey.” He cradles your face in his hands and places a kiss on your lips that is much softer than how he was just fucking you, loving.
“Wow. I should get you jealous more often.” You giggle against his lips. “That was really hot Steve.”
“Yeah? You liked that? That’s good, because I’m not done with you. Let’s go home.”
After you found Robin and made sure she was okay if you guys left Steve took you home and made good on his promise. Leaving marks all over your body and fucking you until he physically couldn’t anymore.
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thisnoah · 1 year
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Hiii! This is my first time doing something like this, but I'm Noah (or 林武达) with the beloved bucket for @springbon-t-art "The Missing Coworkers" event :D
The favorite ending(s) that comes to mind first are endings like zending or the skip button. I just think it's really interesting when the game highlights how little authority the Narrator really has despite the role he tries to play. The whole game is how the Narrator can't make Stanley listen and just play out the story, like how there can be unreliable narrators or third person oriented or anything where the narrator isn't omnipotent. The Narrator is only as powerful as the story allows him to be, like how in the confusion ending the game can't handle the Narrator becoming independent and saying he isn't going to restart this time, so the game just automatically restarts and erases all of the Narrator's memories. The Narrator isn't even there anymore at some point in the epilogue and skip button, which could imply mortality or something to that degree. I just really like it when the Narrator becomes a character who is capable of developing despite how you're supposed to be the protagonist, but he's stuck being a passive character by virtue of the game's design.
He's just so silly to me, little British man who just wants his story to go smoothly
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tb3ih · 1 year
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KISSES LIKE SATIN, childe/reader.
SYNOPSIS... pearls unlaced and strewn about the floor, fabrics newly discarded on the furniture, oh how you love the burn when TARTAGLIA sinks his inscisors into your skin, breaking it open and letting constellations spill in (He is the Sun, but you were born of the Moon).
⋆ warnings, model!tartaglia & fashion designer!reader, enemies to lovers, hardcore workplace & BANDAGING WOUNDS tension, fluff and a bit a LOT of spice, influenced heavily by the Goddess Herself, lana del rey (this is entirely self-indulgent), also mentions of previous relationship trauma, but it's non-specific!
⋆ notes, exploration of romance in-between luxury brands and lavish living, also coping with the fact that i've been enamored by yet ANOTHER boy who might just be the death of me. accompanied by bad for business by sabrina carpenter.
⋆ tags! @yakshahs @xngelholix @rinoomi @rainsoughtflowers @14shroud
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"YOU'RE absolutely ridiculous!" there is no budge in your expression, pure frustration and borderline hostility apparent in your eyes as you examine the ginger before you. grin just teasing lazy and eyebrows raised in non-chalance, TARTAGLIA was lucky he was the face of this brand, otherwise you're absolutely sure you would've given him a nasty right hook about now.
the time on your watch read 10:34 am, approximately and entire hour and twenty-four minutes past the scheduled time for the photoshoot. hair roussed and button up mussed, the model had sauntered into the backstage room looking like he'd just wandered out of another girl's bed and remembered he had some kind of commitment today.
it was the annual teyvat fashion convention. only one of the biggest in all of the nations.
which, again, was just another agenda item.
"awh, miss l/n, don't be so harsh, i overslept, honest!" you ignore the skip of your heart when the corner of his lips curls into a boysih grin, eyes only narrowing as his eyes seem to peek into your soul.
damn him.
"illya!" a taller blonde appears next to him, black clipboard tucked into her arm, her attention shifting to show disdain at the sight of your brand's top model before settling back to you. "when was mr. tartaglia supposed to arrive?"
she doesn't miss a beat. "8:45 am, miss y/n."
"and when was he to take to the runway?" your eyes narrow at the ginger who's smile doesn't waver.
"9:00 am, sharp, miss y/n," she replies curtly, checking her clipboard.
"ah," you hum, chuckling humorlessly. "how many pieces do we have left?"
"twenty-seven designs in queue, miss y/n."
"how many are his? fifteen?" you turn, stopping a model to adjust the styling of his scarf before dismissing him. "get me an expresso, make it triple, illya. and please, direct mr. tartaglia out of my sight and to his dressing room. he better be on that runway in four minutes or i swear to the archons i will level this entire show."
it's tartaglia who speaks this time, offering a slight bend at the waist to tip you his imaginary hat, "as the princess commands."
you turn curtly to leave before he can see the pink that lightly dusts your complexion at the nickname.
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"LOSE the chain." your eyes examine the piece with extra scrutiny, narrowing at the culprit which seems to be disassembling the entire outfit. scowl at how well tartaglia wears it, the long slacks making him appear more intimidating. the low cut v-neck stops just above his abdomen, teasing you with a peek of what you suppose to be his sculpted chest...
tartaglia clears his throat, the shade of blue in his eyes shifting when they catch yours, the curl of his lips telling you he didn't miss a beat of you admiring him. but you reveal nothing, lifting your chin before circling him once. "pearls and black iron chain."
someone hands you both and you approach him, bringing both up to his collar to compare it in the light. you hate to admit that he's one of your most valuable models, the combination of his hair and eyes and his demeanor as a model being the reason you sell out at just hours after ever show.
those damn eyes.
you hold the black chain out drop it into an assistant dresser's hands, focusing on latching the pearls around his neck. one final once-over and you're now positive on the look. "he's good, now get him in line to walk, i want him behind diluc."
you move to adjust his belt, styling it to hang loosely where his shirt tuck breaks. "you know, if you wanted to look at me, you should've just asked." his voice is low enough that it catches no one else's attention.
you scoff, "please, i'm sure you've got supermodels lined up down the block just to get a glimpse of you on the catwalk." when you look up, he's looking down at you, head turned to watch you fix his belt and the back of slacks. your fingers are featherlight so as not to make more contact than necessary. "i have enough model photos and issues to last me a lifetime, but i appreciate the kind offer."
you ignore the small curve of his mouth as he smiles at you amusedly and you dismiss the fluttering feeling in your stomach. "well, i'm not sure any these apparent supermodels bites back as cruelly as you," he replies lowly.
you cough at the comment, eyes narrowing up at his and taking a curt step back from him. you can still smell his cologne from where you stand and you wave a hand at a fashion assistant to signal you're done looking him over. "just do your job."
"sweetheart, i wouldn't dream of anything else." he's caught up to the other models before you can bite back a reply. and you shake an odd feeling from your head.
the caffine's probably the reason your heart's pounding.
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YOU'RE pinning a ruby onto a shirt collar when you hear the knock on your hotel door room. the living room of the suite is where you've set up all your upcoming designs, sketches and fabrics strewn about in a collective fashion disaster as you try to piece together next season's collection.
sighing, you set the container with the rest of the precious gems down on a nearby coffee table before dusting the silk of your pajamas lightly and making your way to the door.
you scowl, opening the door to reveal a tall, wavering, ginger, blue eyes softening just a bit when they meet yours. "hi uhm, is now a bad time?"
you're about to say something spiteful when you notice the wrinkles in his collar don't look like they'd been made out of good intent. the knuckles of his hand are red and there's red smeared in splotches on his shirt. you look around the hallway behind him, ushering him in quickly so as not to let anyone see the disheaveled model.
"now before you say anything—"
"ajax, it is 1:43 in the morning, just what the archons are you doing outside of my suite?!" your voice is sharp in tone, but not loud enough to be heard from another room. something in his eyes catches you off-guard and his lips pull into a full smile, boyish and wide. "now is not—what? is something funny?"
his voice comes out a little breathless, as if he'd seen a shooting star. "no you... you said my name..."
"don't i always?" your voice is a little quieter and the room doesn't seem as big anymore.
"well... it's just..." he flexes his hand and you watch him wince, if only for a second and you remember why he's here.
"i'll meet you in the bathroom," you say, offering no question before moving to the bedroom to look for the healing kit. when you walk back in to the bathroom, he's already taken the liberty of attempting to wash out the blood stains in his shirt.
"you won't get the stains out with water, it has to be professionally cleaned," you comment, watching his broad shoulders turn to face you where you stand in the door way. "zhongli's going to throw a fit when he hears you've ruined something imported from liyue."
tartaglia laughs a little softly to himself, the sound causing your heart to pick up it's pace just a little. "ah well, i suppose i've got a habit for ruining things, huh?"
when you meet his eyes, they hold none of the confident charm you're used to, nothing teasing about the way his lips seem to curl in apology deeper than just the ruined button-up.
you try to wave off the feeling, motioning for him to forget the shirt and relax against the marble countertop. "we need better shirts anyway, it's from two collections ago."
holding out your hand, he rests his hand in yours, allowing you to examine the wounds on his knuckles. "you'd feel better if you saw the other guy," he says quietly. when you look up at him, his eyes are on you.
you clear your throat, "well, i don't feel good at all, you have a jewelry showcase tomorrow and i can't have you looking like this." you take a towel and wet it with warm water, carefully dabbing at his knuckles. "what happened?"
tartaglia swallows, voice quiet when he replies. "i saw kaeya at the bar."
your movements pause, eyes blinking quickly to clear the sudden rush of memories. "ah."
it's quiet other than the sound of a clock ticking quietly in the other room as you continue to clean away his hands.
"i know what he did to you." he sucks in a sharp breath, "and i, truly, am sorry. i wish there was something..." something in those azure hues shifts and you know he truly means what he's saying. there's a faint whiff of dandelion wine on his breath and you have to restrain yourself from saying anything that you'll regret.
your laugh is a little too dry, too soft. "well, it's in the past now, right?" you set down the dirty cloth and pick up the healing ointment. "there's nothing to get so angry about, now is there?"
he's quiet and you know he's focused on you handling his knuckles. you reach for the bandages, but he's already got them in his other hand to give them to you. your "thank you" is barely above a whisper.
"you're so gentle," he starts, making you pause to look up at him. there is a small upturn of his lips and you have to suck in sharply to remember to breathe. the look is so genuine, so raw, and you're not sure what to do with the erruption of butterflies in your stomach. his skin is radiating heat and you need to get away before you get burned.
you push away from him, steadying yourself against nothing. "i can't do this, not with you, not right now."
he's bad for business. but he's close you could just reach out—
his complexion is marred with confusion, eyes falling on the distance now between the two of you. "y/n..."
"why?" you choke out the word, years of memories bubbling up in the back of your throat. fashion deisgn school, late nights spent out in the cities, even the ocean breeze between tangled sheets. "what do you want?"
"it's not... i'm not..." the ginger is searching your eyes, struggling to piece together some reply to your reaction. "i'm sorry—"
"stop saying that," you plead, pain building in the corners of your eyes. "you don't even know what you're apologizing for."
he lets out a frustrated breath of air, running is unscathed hand through his hair. "but that's exactly the thing, i do. i know exactly what i'm apologizing for." his expression is determined, gaze set on you in the middle of the bathroom now. "i never should have left you like that."
you blink hard and fast, memories threatening to spill down your cheeks in hot, salty trails. you remmeber that cold, posessive hand on your waist, the spiked dandelion wine, those azure locks while you were taken to places you'd only read about in the tabloids. "you didn't do anything, ajax, please—"
"that's exactly my point!" something in his voice is breaking, but so is something in your chest. "archons, y/n, i've known you since we were kids, i was there, when you first moved to the neighborhood, when we graduated secondary school, even the first day day you came to advanced design class, i. was. there."
his chest heaves a little as he tries to catch his breath. "i watched that asshole tear you apart and didn't move an inch to try and piece you back together." tartaglia pushes lightly off the counter, only inching just a bit cloaser to you so as not to startle you.
you only have a few feet before you hit the other wall.
"every day for the past near decade of my career, the only thing you have done is stress me out and test my pateince," you reply, this time with something hot bubbling in the back of your throat. nothing is making sense anymore. "why? why do you insist on making my life so hard?"
all the backstage mischief, the tardy appearances to fanshion shows, even the silly misdemeanors at afterparties. there was no end to how much this boy provoked in you, good and bad.
"y/n..." he's closer now, the look in his bright blue eyes never letting you look away from his. you're backing up subconsciously, praying the room might magically expand at your approach. "i'm still that dumb, immature, ten-year-old boy who fell in love with you on the playground. you couldn't even acknowledge me in the room after what kaeya had done to you because we were friends. i thought maybe..."
his voice trails off and you watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows, the next words seeming to crash into you as deeply as his gaze.
"even if it was with contempt, at least you were looking at me."
the reminder of the wall brings you to look up at him. he's closed in on you and you're not sure you even want to escape. you were supposed to hate him.
"why are you telling me this?" you feel as if you're heart's about to burst and he's so dangerously close.
his hands are so gentle when they hold your face, directing your eyes to meet his. "because if i don't tell you now, i'm not sure i ever will." his thumb strokes gently at your cheek. "after today, i thought you might fire me for my behavior so figured now's a better time than ever."
his smile is so full when he speaks, that same boyish charm, only in a different light. "i am so wholy, and genuinely in love with you, y/n."
you're definitely sure he can hear your heart pounding in your chest. the tears you'd been trying so hard to hold have begun to spill down your cheeks, dusting your complexion with a light tint of rose as his confession sinks in. his hands wipe them away gently, the warmth radiating off of him comforting and coaxing you as you cry.
"so please, sweeheart," he whispers, "don't push me away anymore."
the breath of a distance between you two is a question, one that your head and heart seem to both agree on answering. you breathe out an "okay," and it's a split second before planets seem to collide.
his lips are softer than velvet on yours, gentle and patient as he lets the worries weighing your heart spill from your closed eyes. tartaglia does not wipe them from your cheeks this time, his hands having moved to secure a hold around your waist. your hands find his hair, slipping through the soft locks like cashmere.
your name escapes his lips in a low groan when you tug a little and you find yourself smiling a little against him. he is so terribly close to you that you can feel his warmth blooming between your ribs, spreading throughout your limbs and soothing aches you never knew you had.
such a sweet boy to heal something he didn't break.
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© tb3ih mmxxiii all rights reserved.
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