#can you stop and think about why he might be wildly popular with girls and gays or is that too much reflection on people who aren’t like you
Seeing ppl on reddit be like ‘I don’t understand why douman is so popular he’s completely irredeemable’ makes me want to pay a legion of straight women to make posts there about how they find kiara’s appeal completely incomprehensible because she’s a reprehensible human being (they are not personally attracted to her and therefore are unwilling to be sympathetic)
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Please Stop, It's Already Dead
We’re almost a year into Zeb Wells’ run on Spider-Man and we finally got answer as to what the f*ck i going on. The mystery box has been opened and it’s full of f*cking stupid. Stupid, stupid, answers. Answers that just don’t work for the characters that we all know and love. Bro, like, i had a whole goddamn essay written about this, about how Zeb Wells has literally thrown out decades of growth and characterization for some half-hearted shock plot to basically troll the fandom but then i saw the leaks for issue twenty-six and what the f*ck? The death of Ms. Marvel? Really? You’re about to fridge Kamala Khan? Word? The most popular and visible Muslim character in f*cking comics, and you’re going to kill her off just to f*ck with Peter Parker even more than he’s already been f*cked over? What the f*ck is even going on anymore? What are you doing Marvel? How is this a good idea? How are these the optics you wan for your flagship comic book and most profitable hero? It’s like you hate money right now.
Listen, I'll be the first to admit that i didn’t care for Kamala when she was first introduced in the comics. Ma came about during the whole “All New, All Different” debacle and i just couldn’t stand any of that sh*t. It didn’t help that she was pushed so goddamn hard, to the point of sheer annoyance. I couldn’t pick up a Marvel comic without a f*cking Ms. Marvel mention for, like, two whole years. It was obnoxious how prominent this chick was in  comics but, as time went on, i got over it. Kamala is a thing. I’m good with that. It helps that she is unapologetically Pakistani and Muslim. That sh*t is f*cking dope and we can always have more represenation like that. Then she got a show. Yo, Iman Vellani did the impossible and changed my opinion of Kamla altogether.That was top-tier, RDJ-as-Iron Man casing right there. I am still wildly indifferent to Kamala in the books but Ms. Marvel in the MCU is the sh*t. It’s a crime more people didn’t watch that show but i think she’ll steal all of her scenes in the upcoming Marvels flick. Which, coincidentally, is also written by Zeb f*cking Wells so that might end up being a sh*tshow, too. which brings me back to my point: Why the f*ck are we fridging Miss Marvel in the goddamn first place?
Ma is poised o be a breakout star of one of the most anticipated (some would also say infamous) MCU entries to date. What the f*ck is the motivation behind such an ill-advised comic book death? Now, unlike a lot of people out there in the blogsphere, i don’t think this is desperate and lazy “plot twist” is racist or sexist. I can definitely see why people would say that but this, to me, stinks of corporate mandate. This is the Marvel suits making the call, probably to get buzz going for the aforementioned Marvels film because, so far, word is that thing is a goddamn mess. Which isn’t surprising considering that Wells wrote that thing, too. I Just want to hammer that fact home: Zeb Wells wrote the Marvels and is now killing off Ms. Marvel in the comics, for reasons. You would think it be counter-intuitive to kill off a third of your leads in said flick just for hate clicks but you know the old adage; All publicity is good publicity. I don’t think Marvel as a whole, needs anymore bad publicity, though, and this sh*t is the worst kind.
Wells isn’t even killing her off in her own book, man. Kamala Khan’s death, as temporary as it will probably end up being, is just to give “development” to Peter Parker. Her death is a f*cking plot device, devoid of purpose or narrative weight, and that is the greatest crime being committed here. Bad writing aside, do you know how disrespectful this is to the character? How condescending it is to her fans? It’s wild to me that the higher ups gave the green light for this bullsh*t but, i mean, they did hand Wells the reins to the most popular superhero in the world. And continue to let him f*ck it up. Why not throw a little brown girl sacrifice on the dumpster fire, too? Like, it keeps getting worse and I don't know how that's even f*cking possible. How is this Spider-Man run so bad? How does Wells keep making the absolute wrong choices? I don't even understand how someone who calls themselves a professional writer, can craft such an abysmal narrative and put their name on it. Proudly. You should hear this asshole in interviews. HE rally thinks he’s doing something great with this book right now. The delusion and hubris is real. It’s sh*t like this that’s letting manga absolutely massacre the US comics industry.
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smokeybrand · 1 year
Please Stop, It's Already Dead
We’re almost a year into Zeb Wells’ run on Spider-Man and we finally got answer as to what the f*ck i going on. The mystery box has been opened and it’s full of f*cking stupid. Stupid, stupid, answers. Answers that just don’t work for the characters that we all know and love. Bro, like, i had a whole goddamn essay written about this, about how Zeb Wells has literally thrown out decades of growth and characterization for some half-hearted shock plot to basically troll the fandom but then i saw the leaks for issue twenty-six and what the f*ck? The death of Ms. Marvel? Really? You’re about to fridge Kamala Khan? Word? The most popular and visible Muslim character in f*cking comics, and you’re going to kill her off just to f*ck with Peter Parker even more than he’s already been f*cked over? What the f*ck is even going on anymore? What are you doing Marvel? How is this a good idea? How are these the optics you wan for your flagship comic book and most profitable hero? It’s like you hate money right now.
Listen, I'll be the first to admit that i didn’t care for Kamala when she was first introduced in the comics. Ma came about during the whole “All New, All Different” debacle and i just couldn’t stand any of that sh*t. It didn’t help that she was pushed so goddamn hard, to the point of sheer annoyance. I couldn’t pick up a Marvel comic without a f*cking Ms. Marvel mention for, like, two whole years. It was obnoxious how prominent this chick was in  comics but, as time went on, i got over it. Kamala is a thing. I’m good with that. It helps that she is unapologetically Pakistani and Muslim. That sh*t is f*cking dope and we can always have more represenation like that. Then she got a show. Yo, Iman Vellani did the impossible and changed my opinion of Kamla altogether.That was top-tier, RDJ-as-Iron Man casing right there. I am still wildly indifferent to Kamala in the books but Ms. Marvel in the MCU is the sh*t. It’s a crime more people didn’t watch that show but i think she’ll steal all of her scenes in the upcoming Marvels flick. Which, coincidentally, is also written by Zeb f*cking Wells so that might end up being a sh*tshow, too. which brings me back to my point: Why the f*ck are we fridging Miss Marvel in the goddamn first place?
Ma is poised o be a breakout star of one of the most anticipated (some would also say infamous) MCU entries to date. What the f*ck is the motivation behind such an ill-advised comic book death? Now, unlike a lot of people out there in the blogsphere, i don’t think this is desperate and lazy “plot twist” is racist or sexist. I can definitely see why people would say that but this, to me, stinks of corporate mandate. This is the Marvel suits making the call, probably to get buzz going for the aforementioned Marvels film because, so far, word is that thing is a goddamn mess. Which isn’t surprising considering that Wells wrote that thing, too. I Just want to hammer that fact home: Zeb Wells wrote the Marvels and is now killing off Ms. Marvel in the comics, for reasons. You would think it be counter-intuitive to kill off a third of your leads in said flick just for hate clicks but you know the old adage; All publicity is good publicity. I don’t think Marvel as a whole, needs anymore bad publicity, though, and this sh*t is the worst kind.
Wells isn’t even killing her off in her own book, man. Kamala Khan’s death, as temporary as it will probably end up being, is just to give “development” to Peter Parker. Her death is a f*cking plot device, devoid of purpose or narrative weight, and that is the greatest crime being committed here. Bad writing aside, do you know how disrespectful this is to the character? How condescending it is to her fans? It’s wild to me that the higher ups gave the green light for this bullsh*t but, i mean, they did hand Wells the reins to the most popular superhero in the world. And continue to let him f*ck it up. Why not throw a little brown girl sacrifice on the dumpster fire, too? Like, it keeps getting worse and I don't know how that's even f*cking possible. How is this Spider-Man run so bad? How does Wells keep making the absolute wrong choices? I don't even understand how someone who calls themselves a professional writer, can craft such an abysmal narrative and put their name on it. Proudly. You should hear this asshole in interviews. HE rally thinks he’s doing something great with this book right now. The delusion and hubris is real. It’s sh*t like this that’s letting manga absolutely massacre the US comics industry.
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quirkless-accident · 2 years
Hero Too
When Danny woke up, it was to a cold, dark room he's never been in, filled with the sounds of desperate and afraid children around his age or younger than him.
He doesn't remember exactly how he got here. One second he was walking home from school, late again because of his usual bullies, and the next thing he knows he's waking up here with a sharp pain in his neck.
"Where are we?" He asks nobody in particular through the dryness of his throat.
"We-we were kidnapped," the kid next to him answers. Danny can't see much in the dark, but he can hear that the kid has been crying recently. His voice is stopped up in a way only tears and allergies can cause.
"Us? Why?" Danny asks, confused. Nobody outside of his family would ever want him. He's just some quirkless nobody who wants to go to space. He's only ten, but he's known the world is not kind to people like him since he was four.
"I think-I th-think it's to take us somewhere else," the other kid gets out around his stuttering. "I heard one of the guards talking about fighting underground."
"That doesn't make any sense," Danny tells him. He feels the other kid shrug his shoulders before leaning tiredly into Danny's side.
"Unless they mean underground in the same way heroes are underground."
"What do you mean?"
"Some heroes don't like people so they're never on the news," this new kid explains. "They fight in the middle of the night in dark and scary places, and save people that way."
"How come I've never heard of them?" Danny wondered allowed. He's always been obsessed with heroes, Thirteen being his favorite of course. His passion for heroes and saving people almost matched his passion for space. He's just so in awe of somebody having the power to help others. It's something he's always kind of wanted, at least in a physical sense.
"They gotta keep themselves secret," the boy leaning on him explains. "They can't be popular like All Might because then all their secrets won't be secrets anymore, and then they'd have a harder time fighting."
"Huh. That sounds...Kind of nice, actually. Do you wanna be a hero when you grow up?"
"Yeah! Just like All Might!"
"I think I wanna be a hero too, now. But maybe I'll be one of these underground guys."
Shouta Aizawa was straight up not having a great time.
For two weeks now he's been on this case of quirkless kids all over the city being kidnapped, and he and Tsukauchi have really been the only ones working on it. It makes his blood boil, knowing that there are people in this police department so willing to turn a blind eye to innocent children over genetics they can't control.
He's in the middle of talking logistics with Tsukauchi when the doors to the police department are slammed open.
Shouta could recognize the Fentons anywhere. They're well known for their top of the line support gear, but even more wildly popular for their opinions and experiments concerning the supernatural. And because they own that gaudy building with the neon sign that lights up the entire block.
Maddie Fenton makes eye contact with him, and she marches over to him looking like a thunderstorm incarnate. Her teal eyes flash dangerously, and it's not hard to see her rippling muscles under her jumpsuit. Shouta straightens at the sight of her, and even more so at the sight of her husband just a step behind her, huge and lumbering and just as angry, just as worried.
"Are you Eraserhead?" Maddie demands. Shouta nods his head and carefully sets down the papers he's holding before turning fully to face the Fenton parents. There's a small red headed girl who peaks out from behind her father's leg, looking up at him with the same bright eyes as her mother.
"What can I help you with?" he asks them, keeping his voice in his usual careful monotone.
"Our-our son was taken," Maddie says, and her voice cracks as she speaks but she firmly holds his gaze, unphased by her vocal cords betraying her. "And nobody is doing anything about it. I have been screaming myself blue trying to get anybody in this godforsaken place to care. it took me nearly forty minutes to be directed to you. So-please. Just help me find my baby."
Shouta glances back at Tsukauchi, who comes around and stands next to Shouta.
"Ma'am, does your child happen to be quirkless?" The detective asks. At the parent's hesitant nod, Tsukauchi moves back around to the other side of his desk. "Please, tell me everything you know."
"Izuku," Danny whispers.
"We should-we should be heroes."
"That would be cool. Maybe we could open up our own agency together. Call it the-the All Might Jr. and Thirteen's Rover Agency."
"No, not like that. Well, maybe. But that's not what I'm talking about. You said earlier only one guard usually shows up to check on us, right?" Izuku nods into his shoulder. "Well, the way I see it, is, there's a bunch of us, and only one of him. It wouldn't be hard to surprise him and take his keys or something. Besides, we're all-we're all quirkless. There's no guarantee that the police will help, or any of the heroes."
"Except All Might. And Thirteen," Izuku replies quietly. "But then what, Danny?" Izuku asks. He lifts his head off Danny's shoulder and turns to face them, though they can really only see the dim outline of each other. "If we get past the guard, what happens after that?"
He's not opposed to the idea, Danny can tell. He's just scared of the unknown, and Danny is too, but he's more afraid of the unknown that comes with being moved away from his family. That certainly outweighs the fear of another guard or two running down the hall.
"I think-we can make a plan. But we'll probably need everyone in here to help."
"Yeah. So, here's what I was thinking..."
Daniel "Danny" Fenton was kidnapped two days ago on his way home from school during one of the busiest times of the day, which meant that it was probably done at the mouth of an alley way, and that they had means of a quick escape.
There are only a handful of alleys like that in the area Danny was taken, and Shouta gets lucky on the third.
There's a latch under the huge dumpster that he manages to crawl under and through. it's locked, but it's also older and rusted, and it doesn't take much effort to break. So with the help of his lithe frame, he squeezes through and drops down into the sewer.
It's an area he recognizes from one of his first missions on his own. He knows there's a door to his left that leads to a whole underground network where a dog fighting ring took place, and when that was taken down, an illegal quirk fighting ring.
It makes him sick to his stomach thinking that might happen to all of the quirkless kids that were kidnapped.
He quickly updates Tsukauchi, and without waiting for backup, he goes in.
Danny makes sure he's the first one the guard sees when he opens the door. The light is blinding and makes his eyes sting, but he holds his ground.
"Who are you?" He asks. The guard looks down at him, unimpressed.
"Eat," he says, before throwing a Tupperware container of some unknown food down at Danny's feet. The lid pops off and some of the contents scatter.
"I asked you a question," Danny says, crossing his arms and popping his hip out in the same way Jazz does when she demands an answer.
"Listen," the guard says, taking a couple steps inside. He absolutely towers over Danny's small frame. "I don't have time for useless runts like you. So you're going to eat," he growls, pointing at the food on the floor, "or you're going to starve. I don't particularly care which one happens."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"That's it, you little-"
Before he can finish his sentence, he quickly grabs his crotch in pain, and drops to his knees. Danny and the other kids waste no time in taking him down to the floor, biting and punching and kicking until the man is nothing but a groaning mess.
"That was a good kick," he tells Izuku, who had snuck up behind the man while Danny was talking to him.
"Let's grab his keys and see if we can find the way out," Izuku says.
Out in the bright hallway, it's easy to see how many of them there are now. It's not just a cacophony of cries coming from some faceless source. There are a dozen of them, all dirty and a little scuffed up. But now that they're all out of that room, despair is turning into hope.
"I woke up when they brought me here," one kid says. "I think I sort of remember the way."
"Come on, then," Izuku says encouragingly. The kid nods, and joins them at the front of the group.
"Let's get out of here."
Shouta has taken down his fair share of underground groups. Drug dealers, fighting rings, illegal support equipment manufacturing, you name it, he's taken care of it.
But this has to be the oddest fucking thing he's seen out of all of them.
He's taken down a handful of guards here and there before they can alert the others to his presence, but to find a single guard or two already knocked out and beaten to hell is a new one. And he knows for a fact he's the only hero on the scene at the moment.
He quickly shakes off the surprise though and heads further into the hallway. He follows the trail of unconscious bodies.
But then, when he quietly rounds a corner, he's immediately met with twelve small, pissed off children.
There is fire in their eyes and anger fueling every motion their body does. It's why the little dark haired one lunges at him without looking, almost taking him by surprise. He tries to ram his head into Shouta's crotch, and he can't help but realize that's probably how all of those other guys went down. Shouta steps back and grabs the kid by the shoulders, holding him at arm's length as he gets down on all of their levels. He's never seen such angry blue eyes before.
"Hey, hey, it's alright," he tells him, voice as gentle and soothing as he can make it. The kid, however does not look convinced. "I'm a hero. My name is Eraserhead."
A little green haired kid perks up from the side. He looks like the most skittish thing to walk the planet but he steps up and speaks up anyway. "Eraserhead? Like, the underground hero?"
"Not very many people have heard of me," Shouta tells him, genuinely impressed.
"Where's your card?" the boy his grasp asks.
"It's in my pocket. I can show it to you, if you want. But you have to promise not to try and hit me again. Deal?"
"And if you're lying?"
"Then you can hit me all you want. I promise."
Shouta releases the boy and slowly reaches into his belt and pulls out his wallet, and then his hero license. He hands it over to the dark haired boy, who glances at it before handing it to the green haired one. He hands it back with a nod, and a relieved smile, and the dark haired one relaxes immediately.
"What are your names?" Shouta asks them before tucking his license away again.
"I'm Danny, and that's Izuku," Danny says. The other children give their names, too, but it's obvious it's these two who are have been leading the charge.
"It's nice to meet you. Now, follow me. The way I came in through it this way."
He takes hold of Izuku and Danny's hands, and with them going, all of them follow. They thankfully don't run into any more trouble on the way out. It looks like the operation hadn't quite started yet, and it was just in its beginning phases.
The entire way there, the boys talk about the hero agency they're going to open up when they become pros, occasionally asking Shouta for his input since he himself is one. It's would have been almost fun if it weren't for the circumstances.
"I understand All Might Jr," Shouta tells them when they're near the exit. "But why Rover for you?"
"Because those are the machines they send to space, and I'm gonna be an astronaut one day!" Danny says excitedly. "I'm gonna play with aliens and help Thirteen beat up bad guys!"
"Well, I know for a fact Thirteen would appreciate your help, Rover."
Danny's eyes absolutely sparkle at being called his potential hero name, so he concedes and calls Izuku by All Might Jr. The sparkly eyes he gets in return make it worth it.
Eventually they exit, going back in the way Shouta came, though the dumpster has thankfully been moved. The police and paramedics are there, taking the kids from Shouta as he helps them all out.
He speaks with the boys and their parents as they exchange contact information so Izuku and Danny can hang out once everything has calmed down.
And when they're done, he puts a hand on each of their shoulders.
"I'll see you when you get to U.A. okay?"
He's expecting an earsplitting scream of excitement to burst his eardrums.
Instead, he's nearly strangled by how hard they hug him. He hides his smile in his scarf as he hugs them back, ruffles their hair, and waves goodbye before going back to Tsukauchi.
Five years later, on the first day of the new semester. Izuku Midoriya broke his finger with his outrageously powerful quirk, and Danny Fenton can fly and shoot lasers out of his hands.
They remember him. It's obvious by the look in their eyes that they remember him, so it's no surprise when he gets a knock on his office door after school has ended.
"Rover, All Might Jr," he greets dryly.
"Eraserhead," Danny greets, and although he's nervous, he grins at Shouta all the same. "We, uh..." Izuku steps forward, placing a hand on Danny's shoulder.
"We have some explaining to do."
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hops-hunny · 3 years
When He Sees Me
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.3k
Request: N/A
Summary:(Y/n) always thought she was too rational for love, until she wasn’t. (Based off of the song When He Sees Me from Waitress)
Warnings: Slight negative thoughts and angst but vast majority fluff and pining! Oh and positive use of the word fat.
A/N:  Fred is a little OOC in this?? But I honestly just imagine him as the type of guy to be sorta whipped if he really falls for someone.
I stick with real things
Usually facts and figures
When information's in its place
I minimize the guessing game
(Y/n) had always been a rational girl. In her younger years at Hogwarts, as all her friends began to giggle and blush at their crushes, she kept her nose in her books. Although she was curious of what they were experiencing, the thought never lasted long in her mind due to what her mother had told her from a young age.
(Y/n) was about the age of 6, sitting on the floor near the couch as she colored humming to herself softly. She had noticed her mom was in a bad mood due to her being sprawled out on the couch many upon many empty bottles of alcohol littered the table. She wasn’t sure why her mother was so upset but ever since they had seen her father at the park with her babysitter last week her mom had been in this mood and her father hadn’t been back.
“(Y/n) dear, promise me something.” her mother muttered to her half asleep. The girl turned around smiling at her mom. Her mom gave her a weak smile back as she pet the top of the girls head. “Never give your heart to a man. He’ll only leave it in pieces.”
At the time, the girl obviously had no clue what she meant but the older she got and the more she saw the people in her life get their hearts broken time and time again she had developed a clue. So, she simply focused on anything that wasn’t romance. School, plants, knitting, you name it and that’s what she gave her attention to. Even though it wasn’t a conscious action, it still affected her deeply.
I don't like guessing games
Or when I feel things
Before I know the feelings
How am I supposed to operate
If I'm just tossed around by fate?
Like on an unexpected date?
Although her friends described it to her many upon many of times, she still found herself absolutely clueless of what feelings of love was like. That's why when she saw him, she was confused by what was happening.
“Oh he’s simply lovely! He does this funny little things with his hands where-” Although (Y/n) was focused on her coursework, she was still listening to Diane as usual. She liked to listen to her friends retelling of experiences with lovers, soaking it in like a cheesy romance movie. She looked out the window needing a quick break from her work. Her breath hitched quietly as she placed a soft chubby hand over her heart feeling as it raced wildly in the chamber of her chest. Her body had a tingling sensation all over that she had never felt before as she felt herself get dizzy.
“W-who’s that?” she said in an airy tone, causing her friend to follow her gaze. There he stood, laughing and joking around with his friends pushing each other around. His ginger locks blew in the wind slightly and his skin glowed in the soft afternoon sun. 
“You mean you don’t know who that is? That’s Fred weasley! He’s like one of the most popular guys in our year. I can’t believe you just asked that.” She snickered some, teasing her friend. She stopped once she noticed the girl who was usually quick to snap back was unusually quiet. She smiled softly at her expression, noticing that look in her eyes. Whether (Y/n) knew it or not yet, she was absolutely enamoured with none other than Fred Weasley.
“I don’t like him. He makes me feel funny.” she said, however the way she looked out the window still said otherwise.
“Funny how?”
“I don’t know, just funny.”
“Like laugh funny or like funny funny?”
“Obviously not laugh funny, are you an idiot?” She asked, glaring at her blonde friend. She looked out the window once more. She noticed him look back causing her to gasp, eyes wide with shock. He winked at her causing her to scoff, pick her things up before shutting the library blinds and run off to who knows where.
Diane laughed to herself as she began to pack her own stuff up to go after her friend. She sighed before running quickly out the library to catch up.
“Ah, young love!”
With a stranger who might talk too fast
Or ask me questions about myself
Before I've decided that
He can ask me questions about myself
He might sit too close
Or call the waiter by his first name
Or eat Oreos
But eat the cookie before the cream?
“For the last time Diane, I’m not talking to him!” she said, slamming her book closed as she tossed it on the table in front of her. Her, Diane and a few of her other friends found themselves in the common room as they usually did on friday nights talking and gossiping about anything that came to mind. Today’s topic of discussion was the girl’s apparent “crush” as they called it. Considering she had nothing to base off of whether that’s what the funny feeling she had mentioned earlier in the week was, she decided to trust her friends in them saying that’s what it was.
“What? Oh come on, give me one good reason why you won’t.” Molly said, facing her friend her sharp green eyes boring into (Y/n)’s (e/c) ones. 
“Oh I can give you a PLETHORA of reasons why not!” the (y/h/h) girl exclaimed as she stood up. She began to pace, trying to rack her brain for good reasons on why not. “Aha! What if he butters both sides of his toast? Or-or what if he asks me too many questions on why I’m talking to him? Or if he’s as popular and well known as you say, what if he takes that as an excuse to ignore personal space boundaries and gets handsy?” 
“He’s a teenage boy, not a serial killer. Someone’s been watching too much muggle crime specials.” Molly said as she rolled her eyes, sighing as she leaned back into the couch. (Y/n) glared at her friend, letting out an exasperated sigh as she facepalmed. It wasn’t like she didn’t wanna do anything about these feelings. She most certainly did. Whatever would get rid of them the quickest is the route she wanted to take.
“Well, you could always let him know another way!” Ronnie said as they looked up at their friend. “You’ve got so many skills and talents, why not take advantage of it?” Although Ronnie wasn’t very talkative, whenever they opened their mouth they always said something that made perfect sense.
“As per usual Ronnie, you’re the voice of reason. Merlin bless Ronnie for all of eternity!” (Y/n) exclaimed dramatically as she got on her knees, pretending to worship her friend like a god. 
(Y/n) had been doing just that, making herself known to Fred without making herself known. The (y/h/h) girl had wanted to be anonymous about it, leaving things without her name however Diane pointed out the fact that (Y/n) had “the presence of a ghost” and that “even ghost had more of a presence then her” which meant that even if she did attach her name to the things left Fred would have no idea who it was. Because to be frank (Y/n) was, well, a nobody. 
She noticed this little ‘talent’(if you could even call it that) first year when her teachers would mark her as absent despite her being in the front row of the class and having some of the highest marks. She seemed to fly by unnoticed by all but her small group of friends which they all found funny, especially with Diane being one of the most popular girls in their grade if not all of Hogwarts. 
So, she started off small. She’d leave little notes for him in places she knew he’d find them, usually his first or last class of the day, and his seat in the great hall. She would watch him as he’d read them, flushing sometimes as he read them. However, his usual response was to read them out loud to George, bragging about how a pretty girl was leaving him notes.
“Ah listen to this one, Georgie! ‘Here’s a quidditch tip for you Fred. I noticed that when you’re on your broom you have a habit of going to the right which is why you often get stopped. Try switching it up sometimes! However, that’s not the only thing I’ve noticed. Somehow despite being in that dorky quidditch outfit, you still look just as fit as usual. Yours truly, (Y/n).’” He smirked at that part, a chorus of ‘ooo’s from his friends.
“Although she may be blind to say that, she does know her quidditch! Sounds like a catch if you ask me. I’m surprised she didn’t go for me, the better twin.” George said, choking on his toast as Fred smacked him on the back of the head.
Diane nudged her friend, glancing at her. She laughed as she saw her friend’s round face buried in a book to hide the overwhelming amount of shyness that was overcoming her. Even though this had become a regular thing, she still couldn’t stop the way her heart would race every time Fred would read one of the letters aloud. 
To avoid the notes becoming repetitive, she started to switch it up every once in a while. Baked goods, hand knitted scarfs and gloves, even flowers with meanings behind them made their way into Fred’s ownership. However, the more things he got the more not only him but other people became curious. Who was (Y/n) (L/n)?
But what scares me the most
What scares me the most
Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it?
What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it?
What happens then?
If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?
What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?
I couldn't live with that
Molly was currently trying to catch up to her soft friend, a sympathetic look on her face. “Why not? I think you should just go up to him and tell him! So many other girls have tried, claiming to be you.” she said, catching the other girl’s attention. She bumped into her as the (h/c) girl abruptly stopped. She turned to look at her friend with tears in her eyes causing her to look down at her agape.
“Do you wanna know why I haven’t just gone up to him yet? Do you really?” She said above a whisper as she looked up at her tall friend, silent tears making their way down her cheeks. “It scares me. It scares me even fucking more than what I feel for him does. Fred is just so..he’s funny, talented, popular. Who wouldn’t want him?” she choked out, looking away. “What if when he sees me, he doesn’t like me? Whenever he reads my notes or gets one of my gifts he always mentions how beautiful (Y/n) must be.”
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with that. Now I see what my mom was talking about.” she said as she walked off leaving Molly confused by the last part of her statement. She frowned hearing her friend’s words but she knew her better than to chase after her when she was upset. She turned the other way, walking quickly in hopes she’d make it to her lecture not too late. However, a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye didn’t go unnoticed but it did slip her mind when she saw her friend later.
So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind
This way I get the best view
So that when he sees me, I want him to
(Y/n) sat in the library at a table by herself. It was a friday, usually she’d spend this time with her friends in the commons. However, after the never ending pestering to just talk to him, to face him she told them she wasn’t feeling well and that she’d be retiring early. It wasn’t a lie, she had completely planned on getting some much needed rest but as she lay in bed tossing and turning her restlessness turned into frustration leading her to read a bit to clear her mind. Reading was what she enjoyed doing when she wanted to clear her mind or simply escape the insufferable reality she was living in. But after she found herself reading the first line to chapter three 10 times she placed her bookmark between her pages, looking out the window.
It was if the universe was taunting her from the sight in front of her. There he stood, talking to another girl from their year. She couldn’t recall the girls name but it wasn’t that important, she was beautiful. She sighed as Fred laughed at something the girl said, patting her head before walking away. ‘It’s better this way. He can’t see you which means he can’t reject you which means you won’t get hurt’ is what she kept telling herself. However if that was the truth, then why did she feel so empty inside?
(Y/n) laughed along with her friends as they sat in the empty common room. Everyone from their house was Merlin knows where at this time as they all shared their intimate horror stories.
“Oh come on, that did NOT happen.” she said through laughs, eating another chocolate from the box on the table. Her cheeks hurt from the amount she had been laughing. Diane was in the midst of telling what happened during her recent sexual endeavor with some guy from her herbology class.
“I swear he did! His face was green and everything! Next thing I know he was blowing chunks off the side of the bed. I offered to take him to the infirmary but he didn’t hear me through his tears so I just made my exit as swift as possible!” she said laughing as well, face red from how much she had laughed through the telling of the story. They all continued to howl with laughter, someone else’s laughing triggering someone else to laugh even more. (Y/n) was the laugh one left laughing as her friends all began to grow quiet. 
“G-guys? Why’d you stop? Who’s next?” she said, looking at Molly who was on her left and Ronnie who was on her right. 
“Um, don’t look how (Y/n) but Fred Weasley is coming this way.” Diane said, causing the girl to stop breathing briefly.
“W-what?!” she whispered loudly, eyes growing wide.
“Yeah and um don’t freak out, but he’s looking directly at you. No pressure though!” Molly said, giving her a rough pat on her back as she offered the girl a smile. The (h/c) haired girl glared up at her. As Fred grew closer, their voices grew quieter.
“Why wouldn’t that make me nervous?!” she said through gritted teeth as she pulled on Molly’s curls causing the girl to let out a quick ‘ow!’. She chuckled nervously. “Well, we have nothing to worry about! It’s not like he knows who I am!” she said as she relaxed some, closing her eyes as she leaned back. She heard footsteps stop in front of her causing her eyes to shoot open as she looked at the ground. Huh. Those shoes didn’t look like Ronnie’s shoes. Matter of fact, they didn’t look like Diane’s either. Or Mo- oh no. She looked up, arms folded across her abdomen self consciously as she looked up at the man in front of her. She couldn’t help but take in his appearance.
He was in a white shirt, some spots see through from what she assumed was a mix of sweat and water. His flaming hair was mostly dry but damp in some spots and he adorned a pair of sweatpants that made him look quite godly in her opinion. If she had to guess, he had just gotten back from quidditch practice. It was weird for her to be this close to him intentionally. The only time she found herself close to Fred was when they’d walk past each other in the hall or when their classes would go by each other due to a required location change for the lesson. Therefore she had never been able to see the freckles on his knuckles, the barely noticeable acne scars that adorned his forehead, or even the way his Irish spring’s shower gel smelled oh so heavenly.
“I’ve been all around the castle for weeks, months even. I think the main reason it took me so long was not only the fact that I haven’t really seen you up close before, but all the other birds claiming to be you. It was like that one muggle film, what’s it called? Cinderfeller?” he pondered for a moment looking off.
“I-it’s Cinderella.” Ronnie chimed in, giving him an awkward smile. They were all quite stunned. Although they all knew that this wild goose chase couldn’t go on forever, they didn’t expect it to be Fred of all people to approach first. They were sure (Y/n) would reveal herself on her own time but it seemed that they weren’t the only one’s getting impatient with the girl’s excuses and whys.
“Right, thank you. So I set off, making a list of every girl in our year in the castle- with the help of George and Dean of course- and we spoke to quite literally all of them. It was easy to weed out the fakes because they couldn’t answer questions related to some of the gifts I had received. So by the process of elimination that leaves you, love. Are you (Y/n)?” He said, crouching down to her level. As hues of brown met hues of (e/c) it was much too intimate for the girl to handle. She sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“W-well I am a (Y/n). I’m sure there’s plenty of others in the castle!” she retorted letting out a forced laugh, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. Was the common room always this warm? 
“If I recall correctly, weren’t you bragging the other day about being the only (Y/n) in the castle? You said and I quot-” a quick stomp of (Y/n)’s foot on Diane’s caused the blonde to quickly stop whatever she was in the middle of saying. Fred looked down at the (h/c) hair girl with a quirked brow and knowing smirk. She was caught red handed. Without another word, he quickly pulled her off the couch with ease, dragging her along with him. She tried protesting and looking at her friends for help but they all simply waved and smiled at her, making kissy faces and noises. ‘Idiots’ she thought as she rolled her eyes. Fred continued to guide her, the path to where they were going looking awfully familiar until they arrived at the astronomy tour.
“Listen Fred, I just wanna say I’m sorry. I know you were probably expecting (Y/n) to be someone who looks like Diane, or hell, even Molly’s dumbass but I’m not. I’m just me.” She began as she walked to the edge, looking off the balcony. “I know now that you’ve seen me you’re probably disappointed. I’ve seen the girls you hang around all the time and they’re bloody gorgeous and-”
“So are you.” he whispered, causing her to whip her head around quickly.
“Pardon?” she responded with glassy eyes. The girl wasn’t too sure why her eyes began to water from three simple words. They weren’t the usual three words that cause or evoke such an emotional response but they felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. Her eyes followed the lanky guy as he walked over to her, tucking a few pieces of hair behind her ear as he interlocked their hands. Long, skinny and defined calloused hands meeting her soft thicker but smaller ones.
“So. Are. You. Beauty is such a fluid thing. There’s no one way to be beautiful, lovely. Museums have many unique and beautiful forms of art and so does life.” He let his hands wander on her sides, gliding up and down her love handles, waist, and hips. He took one of his hands to tilt her head up oh so gently. “If you were a sculpture, you’d be made of the finest of marble by the most talented of sculptors. Hell, if I wasn’t so bloody bad with art I’d sculpt you myself but I don’t think I’d be doing you much justice. It’d be a monstrosity.” he said, shuddering at the idea of him doing anything art related. (Y/n) found herself giggling at that.
“If only you applied this verbiage to your coursework. Perhaps you’d actually be doing decent.” she remarked as she continued to laugh. Fred gasped a bit before joining in as well with his own laughter. As the laughter died down, he lifted a hand caressing her cheek, thumb sweeping across the smooth skin. She found his eyes to see they were filled with adoration. “Fred Weasley, are you whipped for me?” she spoke softly as if she had said it any louder, that he’d simply disappear.
“I have been since the first time I saw you.” He responded, his own cheeks flushing a bit with a light crimson. She looked at him puzzled a bit before her eyes widened slightly.
“You remember that? That was months ago!” she noted. He grinned at that, pulling her closer.
“Of course I do. Imagine my delight when I found out that beautiful girl who slammed the blinds shut on me happened to be the girl my heart was slowly going out to with every note and kind gesture you sent my way. Merlin is definitely on my side.  Although I must be honest,” he looked away for a bit before lookin back at her. “The list was a huge help, but I also couldn’t help but overhear your conversation in the hallway that day. However I knew then wasn’t the right time to approach you, I assumed you would’ve just been more upset over the fact I was eavesdropping a bit.” he mumbled. She opened her mouth to question what conversation before she recalled what she had said to Molly that day in the hallway.
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with myself. Now I see what my mom was talking about.”
“Hearing you speak so lowly about yourself upset me quite a bit. I wanted to plan out what I was going to say a bit more and also make sure it was actually you.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear me say those things about myself. I usually don’t say such things like that, I’m very confident in the way I look. To me, fat and ugly aren’t synonymous but I know everyone isn’t so open minded.” she admitted, dropping her gaze to the ground. “I’m also new to this whole feelings thing. You’re the first guy I’ve ever had feelings for.”
Now, it was Fred’s turn to become speechless. He couldn’t believe his ears, he had the honor, no, the privilege of being the first guy to be such a sublime goddess of a woman? He felt his ears heat up and he knew he had to look absolutely ridiculous. “I don’t blame you, I am one hell of a guy!” He said, flexing his arms as he flashed her a cheeky grin. (Y/n) scoffed some, shoving him away as she rolled her eyes playfully. She pondered for a second before standing on her tippy toes planting a kiss on his cheek...or at least that’s what she had planned. Fred being Fred turned his head last moment wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his lips into hers. She gasped softly, chills running up her spine again as her body tensed.
Even this was her first time having a kiss, she could tell this was a feeling she’d be craving nonstop. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Fred down to her height. The ginger boy smirked into the kiss, trailing his hands all along her soft frame practically melting at the feeling. His hands snaked their way down to her ass, cupping the pillowy flesh between his large hands causing the (y/h/h) to moan softly. The Gryffindor pulled away, biting and pulling her bottom lip along with him.
“So, I have a question for you then…”He started, pressing his forehead against hers. She felt the warmth of his minty breathe hit her face as she looked into his eyes expectantly. “Do I really have a tendency to go to the right when I play quidditch? Because in my opinio-”
“Fred! Really?!”
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
statistically significant | 2 | bakugou/reader
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length: 23,490 words | 7 chapters
summary: You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, m/f threats of violence, problematic behavior
note: I cannot overemphasize that this interpretation of Bakugou is based on season 1 Bakugou, which means he behaves very questionably at the beginning. Please heed the warnings!
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Present day
Miruko’s agency was large, much larger than you had expected.
From the street, it had looked unobtrusive enough, a moderately-sized office building with a modern-looking glass front. You could see into a large reception area on the ground floor, and open workspaces on the next few floors, conjoined desks piled high with paperwork and slightly wilted-looking office plants. If not for Miruko’s name emblazoned over the entry in bold, metallic letters, you could have taken it for just another office building.
Once inside, however, the building became much more than that. After checking in at reception, you were led deep into the building, and gestured into an elevator that took you tens of floors down. When the doors opened, they let out into a cavernous space, stretching under what must have been the entire block. The floor was equipped with a gym, several reinforced training spaces the size of office buildings themselves, and what appeared to be a surveillance room where footage from the training spaces could be replayed.
Your mouth dropped open. Did all hero agencies hide deep underground like this? How many other underground floors were there? How big was Miruko Agency, really?
Your guide had enough tact to ignore your inelegant expression, instead leading you towards a training room. A huge, clear window tens of meters across looked into the space, but you would bet anything that it was made of some material much stronger than glass, which was especially evidenced by what you could see going on beyond the window.
Rubble littered the room, scattered in towering piles that gave the appearance of a post-doomsday cityscape. You didn’t know if the room had been set up this way, or if the rubble was the result of the battle going on within; there were two heroes that you could see darting around the space, both appearing to be causing maximum chaos.
Closest to you, a woman with wild pink curls was emitting a powerful stream of some cement-colored substance that ate away at anything it touched, causing it to smoke and hiss and crumble. She melted a huge hole in a pile of rubble, and a man with a shock of golden-yellow hair leapt away from what had probably been his hiding place, backpedaling wildly.
You perked up when you realized who they were--Ashido Mina, the number twenty-nine hero Pinky, and Kaminari Denki, the number thirty-three hero Chargebolt.
Kaminari threw out a hand, and a crackling wave of lightning struck out at Ashido. The lights flickered out briefly, and even behind the window, you could feel your hair stand on end. You blinked past the powerful flash that had temporarily blinded you, casting about for Ashido who had surely been struck down, only to choke on a laugh when you caught sight of her flashing Kaminari the middle finger, sliding away from a huge chunk of rubble she’d dislodged with her acid to use as a shield.
“They’re idiots,” a voice intoned from your side.
You nearly jumped out of your skin, turning to find Miruko herself standing next to you, powerful arms crossed over her chest. Despite her words, a little fond-looking smile flickered at the edges of her mouth.
You schooled your slack jawed expression into a smile. “I don’t know--their personalities are mostly why they’re so popular, so they must be doing something right. I did a little digging into everyone’s results before I got here, and they stood out among a lot of the rest.”
Miruko’s gaze flicked over you. She was short, maybe even shorter than you, but her keen red eyes and very lethal-looking biceps more than made up for her stature. She was intimidating in person, an air about her that told you she could snap and turn on you at any second. Despite the fact that she had asked you here herself, you felt like she might seize you and bodily throw you out of her agency.
“And that’s why they’re idiots. Their results are buoyed by their personalities,” Miruko sniffed. “They need work.”
You prickled a little, feeling like you should say something in their defense, but the truth of it was, you were here to help them work on things.
Some weeks ago, Miruko had contacted the Public Safety Hero Commission with interest in the ranking model. Your version had been in production for close to a year, and you had recently been making scholarly noises about feedback loops, asking for permission to provide pro heroes with individual results breakdowns. Miruko had caught wind of this and demanded on site assessments for her “team of frigging clowns” as she had so eloquently put it. And so you had been loaned out, with the idea of helping to direct the training for the heroes at Miruko Agency, providing them a real time comparison of their training footage to the generic hero ranking model results.
If this trial run was successful, if you could help any of the heroes measurably jump ranks, then the Commission had committed to providing individualized results for the thousands of heroes employed today. The Commission had also expressed interest in your idea of creating and packaging smaller models that took less technical skill to operate, for heroes to use to direct their own training. They had even seemed receptive to giving you a small team of research scientists and software engineers to build such a product, so you would be looking at a pretty sick promotion, not to mention.
Miruko made her way over to the surveillance room, beckoning you after her, and you watched as she leaned over a desk, pressing down a button with one gloved finger.
A crackling sound echoed overhead and her voice followed. “Alright, brats, recess is over. Anyone not heading out on patrol, meet in the surveillance room now.”
The flickering light from Kaminari’s lightning fizzled out, and the door to the training room opened not long after, Kaminari and Ashido spilling out in a chaotic whirlwind of limbs and petty squabbling. They were the first to arrive at the surveillance room, and Kaminari visibility perked up when he saw you.
“Hey!” he exclaimed, interrupting himself on a gasp when Ashido’s elbow caught him in the ribs. “What the fuck, Mina--! Why are your elbows so sharp? Can you just not--?” He grabbed her elbow. “Stop, look, it’s stats girl! From the Awards!”
You startled a little, shocked that he had remembered you. That had been almost a year ago, and you’d only exchanged a couple quick comments in the stairwell.
Ashido looked up from where she appeared to be attempting to crack one of his ribs, her expression shifting into something altogether too interested. You flushed when a sharp grin broke out over her pretty features.
“Oh my god, you’re stats girl? I have been waiting forever. It’s an absolute honor to meet you.” She held out a palm, waggling her rosy fingers expectantly.
A rising sense of horror grew within you. Did...did Kaminari remember you so clearly because he’d told people about the incident? What exactly had he mentioned to her? Who else had he spread the tale to?
“Um, yeah that’s me,” you managed, trying to tamp down your embarrassment.
Ashido grinned wider, leaning forward. “I was totally convinced Denki and Eijirou made you up, except that Katsuki wouldn’t stop plotting revenge out loud for months. You’re, like, a legend. Do you do autographs?”
You gaped at her, your mind sticking on the phrase Katsuki wouldn’t stop plotting revenge out loud for months. A nervous, hunted energy crept over you. Revenge...for months.
Miruko’s rabbit ears twitched and she turned to you, frowning. “I wasn’t aware you’d already met some of my circus monkeys. Is this going to be a problem?”
You dithered nervously, not actually sure if it would be. You’d known Bakugou worked at her agency, considering you had done a fair amount of pre-work collecting everyone's results. But you’d honestly put off thinking about this. Bakugou had been in quite the rage at the Hero Awards, but that had been almost a year ago. And Ashido had phrased his revenge plans in the past tense… Surely he didn’t still hold as much of a grudge now?
Miruko eyed you suspiciously for a moment, but she was distracted when the scuffle of boots indicated the approach of other heroes, and a pair of burly men with curling satyr horns rounded the corner, one of them leaning forward to speak to her. Ashido sent you a wink when Miruko turned her back, mouthing something that looked suspiciously like later.
In the next few minutes, a small group of heroes assembled, ranging from relatively well-known heroes like Ashido and Kaminari, to a couple of heroes who ranked deep in the hundreds--you only knew some of their faces because Miruko had provided you with a list of her employees for preparatory research purposes. They formed a small crescent around the surveillance area, chattering lowly to themselves and eyeing you with speculative curiosity.
To your eternal relief, her most famously explosive employee was conspicuously absent, and you felt yourself relax when it seemed like everyone had turned up who was going to.
When it seemed like the crowd size was finally large enough to please her, Miruko barked a loud “SHUT UP” at them. The din of low voices instantly died down.
“Alright brats. Over the next few months, Y/N will be working here at the agency with us. She has been invited on behalf of the commission, and will be analyzing your quirks, your methods, and your recent work,” Miruko said. “She has individualized results pulled from the current hero rankings that can inform you how to improve. I expect you to take full advantage of this opportunity.”
She gestured to you, giving you a meaningful look as if she expected you to introduce yourself. You gave a little wave, glancing at the heroes around you.
“Um, hi,” you said. “As Miruko-san said, I can give you a little advice based on your current results breakdown. I also plan to analyze video of your training in the coming weeks, and build parallel models to simulate future results given your performance. We can compare those to the current rankings for an idea of how much work you will have to put into particular skills for you to move up in the ranks.”
A small murmur went through the crowd at the prospect of moving up in the ranks. Some gazes sharpened in interest.
You continued, “This is also a good chance to work on specific growth areas -- I can train smaller models on subsets of videos so you can compare your skills more directly with each other or with other heroes from other agencies. Please let me know if there is anything special any of you would like to focus on.”
Miruko stepped back in front of you. “Y/N is going to set up in the surveillance room for the next few weeks. I’ve already established checkpoints for all of you to meet with her, but I encourage you to meet with her more often if you can.”
There were a couple of nods, and a few interested whispers from somewhere at the back of the crowd. Miruko took a breath like she was going to say more, but then--
“Hard pass,” a voice growled from your left. Your hackles instantly raised, and it took your brain a couple seconds to catch up with your instincts. You whipped around wildly when you realized you knew that voice, and you almost jumped a full foot in the air when you caught sight of those familiar blonde spikes over another hero’s shoulder.
You hadn’t noticed his approach, but Bakugou had clearly returned from a fight only minutes ago. His hair drooped a little with sweat, there was dirt streaking the points of his high cheekbones, and his costume was shredded by a thousand tiny tears, like he’d been thrown through a glass window. And...was that blood on his gauntlets? Was it his?
You were torn between immediate annoyance and something like concern at the sight of him so obviously roughed up.
“The meetings are not optional,” Miruko’s voice took on a hard edge.
“I already know what this fucking nerd has to say,” Bakugou drawled dismissively. “And I don’t give a shit. I don’t need assists if I’m the one busy saving the fucking day.”
Your mood edged cleanly into annoyance. It seemed he hadn’t changed any, then.
Miruko’s face darkened. “It wasn’t a suggestion.”
Bakugou bared his teeth. They gleamed almost blindingly white against the dark dirt on his face. “No.”
A wild look entered Miruko’s eye at the challenge. “Everyone is dismissed. Except Katsuki,” she uttered in a low, dangerous tone.
There was a small pause. The heroes around you looked at her askance, and her features darkened even further. “I said scram. NOW!”
The effect was immediate. It felt like no sooner had you blinked than the hall was suddenly clear. The sight of Kaminari and Ashido wheeling around the corner was all the proof you had that the team hadn’t suddenly vanished from existence.
Bakugou snorted and propped himself lazily against a column, affecting a slouch, one pale eyebrow raised over his insouciant expression. It looked almost too perfectly arrogant, and you wondered if he practiced it in the mirror sometimes.
“I said the meetings are not optional, Katsuki,” Miruko hissed, taking a step closer to him. “You can ignore her suggestions all you want, but you will attend them.”
Close as they were, you could see she was almost a full head shorter than him, but the force of her anger seemed to make her larger somehow--she wasn’t towering over him, but she was certainly terrifying. Towering under, your mind supplied unhelpfully.
Bakugou, for his part, held his ground. His mouth curled disdainfully. “What’s the fucking point? The nerd’s just gonna tell me stupid shit. And I’m not going to listen.”
Your fingers twitched in irritation. Data wasn’t stupid shit -- it was mathmatical fact, almost as divorced from human bias as it was possible to be. How was it humanly possible that he hadn’t learned anything or grown even the littlest bit? How was it possible that he was just as infuriating as he was a year ago?
But fine. He could have things his way if that’s what he wanted.
Miruko’s face twisted in a scowl, and she took a deep breath like she was ready to start yelling. But you got there first.
“He has a point,” you said, giving him a hard look over the top of Miruko’s head. “I would hate to waste my time on someone who’s been stalled in the rankings for a year now. He wouldn’t know how to implement my advice even if I were to give it.”
You paused, letting an uncharacteristic smirk curl your mouth, trying your best to channel his disdainful energy. “Isn’t that right, Number Eight?”
Bakugou’s gaze sharpened over Miruko’s silver hair, twin pinpricks of red narrowing in on you. He abandoned his slouch, his body tensing like a hound that smelled blood. “What did you just say?”
You pushed down the petty satisfaction that rose within you at his reaction. He was so fucking prideful, so easy to bait.
“Hmm, cognitive delays,” you said, pretending to tap your chin thoughtfully. “Very worrying. Further evidence he wouldn’t be able to process the information, though. No, I think it’s best if we don’t meet.”
Bakugou pushed himself off the column, edging around Miruko as his mouth drew into a snarl. You were immediately reminded of the Hero Awards, that same overwhelming prickle of power edging over you as he stalked closer, the same scent like caramel and gunpowder.
Miruko’s eyes flicked between the two of you curiously, an eyebrow raised in interest. You hoped it meant she was interested enough in your data analysis to intervene if Bakugou tried to sauté you like an onion.
“If you melt through this blazer I really will sabotage the hero rankings and dip you all the way to number five hundred,” you threatened, edging away from Bakugou as he drew closer. “And also you owe me money for that dress.”
“I’m not gonna fucking give you shit,” he announced, looming over you when he’d decided he was close enough to intimidate. He was near enough that you could feel the heat of him, but he hadn’t put his hands to you yet. It seemed Miruko was enough of a deterrent to curb his bad behavior. “And I’m not gonna meet with you.”
“Good, then we agree,” you said, tipping your head back to look him in the eye. “You’re not good enough to do better anyways.”
Bakugou growled, the phrase clearly still enough to tick him off a year later. “Fuck you, I’m the best.”
“That’s not what your ranking tells me,” you clicked your tongue, feigning disinterest. With the dirt and scratches all over him he looked wilder than ever and you would be a fool to ignore it, but Miruko’s presence made you bold. And something else, some latent streak of frustration and pettiness told you to keep going, to keep pressing the buttons that were getting this reaction from him.
“Your ranking tells me you haven’t even improved the tiniest bit in an entire year. At this rate, you’ll never even hit the top three, never mind be the best. I don’t think you could improve even if you wanted to,” you said.
Bakugou looked like he wanted nothing more than to tear your head off with his teeth. “I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
You opened your mouth to reply but there was a sudden motion at the edge of your vision, something pink and blurry and wild. You glanced past Bakugou’s shoulder to find Ashido leaning around the wall, waving a hand frantically and mouthing something at you. You squinted, watching her lips shape themselves carefully: make a bet.
What? Make a bet?
She wanted you to make a bet?
You looked back up at Bakugou, taking in the oppositional expression, the angry curl of his mouth, the straight slope of his nose, and those keen, blood red eyes glaring down at you. This was certainly the face of a man who wouldn’t be told what to do, who couldn’t be told what to do.
But despite your words and your inherent distaste, there was no denying he was actually your best shot, the cleanest pathway to your promotion. Bakugou was smart, driven, and absolutely lethal. If anyone could turn around a rank at top speed it was him.
But he couldn’t be made to do it. He had to want to do it.
Ashido waved in the corner of your vision again, enunciating with exaggerated facial expressions. Make a bet.
Things clicked into place.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t be so sure,” you looked away from Ashido, inspecting your nails casually, like your focus would rather be anywhere than on this conversation. “In fact, I would bet almost anything that you wouldn’t know how to implement my suggestions, even if you tried.”
Bakugou froze, red eyes passing over you curiously. For one heart stopping moment, you thought he was on to you, but he just leaned down instead, putting his face close to yours.
“I’ll fucking take that bet.”
You tried to push down your sudden swell of excitement, fighting to keep your expression neutral. You knew he wouldn’t cooperate if he thought you were happy about this.
“Fine. You have two months to jump a rank,” you said. “Or I win. And you’ll pay me what you owe me for the dress.”
Bakugou smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. This had the effect of emphasizing both the tears in his shirt and the swell of his biceps.You quickly attached your eyes firmly to his face--that was so not what you needed to be focused on right now.
“I’ll do it in one,” he said. “And then I win, you smug fucking nerd.”
You gazed at him steadily. “Agreed. Miruko’s number seven--you think you can beat your own boss with just a month of work? You’ll never.”
“You haven’t heard what I win yet,” he said.
You stared at him, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “You go up in rank. That’s what you win.”
Bakugou’s handsome face shifted into an uneven smirk. “Oh no. This is twice now you’ve opened your little know-it-all mouth and acted like you know what the fuck you’re talking about. When I win, you’ll tell me I’m the best and I was right all along.”
You suppressed an eye roll. If he moved up a rank, the point would very obviously be that you were right all along. Was he really so unreasonably competitive and spiteful that he needed to be told he was right?
Then you remembered he’d quite literally dragged you into a stairwell and implied he'd fry you to a crisp when he found out he was number eight. Of course he was.
Well, a few throwaway words were worth nothing compared to the promotion you’d be getting. He could have his sense of self satisfaction when you were knee deep in software engineers and fat stacks of money.
You took a deep breath, holding out a hand. “Okay. If you win, which is a very big if, then I’ll admit it. Deal?”
Bakugou considered you for a long moment, red eyes watching you closely, before a calloused hand engulfed yours. “Deal," he growled, a crooked grin flickering at the edge of his mouth. "Get ready to eat shit, nerd.”
You suppressed another eye roll, hoping to god this was going to be worth it.
This was going to be the longest month of your life.
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yutahoes · 3 years
Devil Inside
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pairing : childhood friends! Yuta x Y/N
genre : fluff, horror au, smut but not detailed
word count: 5.6k words
warnings: fuckboy Yuta, calling someone a 'goth girl', horror movies, Yuta becomes an incubus, too much blood, raw meat eating, flesh eating, human organ eating, slut shaming a minor character, calling Yuta a whore, killing, mention of male molestation, mentioned teacher-student intercourse, shirtless Yuta, mentions of breeding, mentioned kitchen sex, mentioned shower sex, mentioned rough sex, Y/N getting wounded, skipping classes, Yuta as a murderer, a cambion. In other words, this is disturbing and problematic.
a/n: Inspired by this set of pictures and the movie Jennifer's Body. This is my first time writing a horror themed AU and this is badly written. I just can't stop thinking about this so for me to do something productive today, I had to post this. 😂 This has uncomfortable theme so please read in moderation. I went crazy over this, sorry. Feedback is highly appreciated. 😘
You and Yuta had been friends since forever, stemming from the history of your parents being friends and all since college. Your home is his home and you have your own room in his house. Staying together inside one room isn't a problem, your parents trusted you both but growing up is different. 
You had to admit that you grew up leading a boring life, too bookish, and didn't even interact with your classmates. Yuta, on the other hand, has always been the life of the party, the school superstar, the popular guy. And that huge difference created a wall between your friendship. 
You didn't know when it started, it just did. He started hanging out with the cool kids while you were left in the shadows. You can't really get mad at him, that's growing up. And he didn't change when it was just the two of you. 
When your parents would go abroad for their business trips, Yuta would check on you every night. If you have eaten dinner, if you've locked all the windows, or if you knew the number for the police station or the fire station in case something happens. He's still the same Yuta. Your childhood friend, Yuta. 
"Did you do your assignments?" He asked, not removing his eyes from the TV where he's watching a horror film. This is something that he can't do at their home or his mom would freak out. 
You rolled your eyes, answering a 'Yes, abeoji' while opening the fridge to see what to have for breakfast tomorrow then whining since there's more raw food in there than easy-to-eat foods. "I'll probably skip breakfast tomorrow." You said more to yourself, already thinking to wake up early and just get some waffles from the shop near the bus stop.
"Just leave the back door unlocked, I'll cook breakfast for you tomorrow." Yuta claimed that made you look at him. 
You raised your eyebrow at that. "Weird that you're here." You started then sat next to him on the couch, "No date?" He showed a screenshot of her photo, a different girl than yesterday. She was wearing black, with black eyeliner, and a pierced eyebrow. "She looks like a goth. Is that your type now?" 
"She's hot!" He exclaimed and you just nodded at him. "And she wants to meet at 11 pm so yeah." That was a weird time to meet up. But you didn't react and just focused on the TV just as the jump scare happened. You quickly hid your face on the throw pillow, blowing heavy breaths that made the guy next to you laugh. You hated horror, hated blood, and you're convinced that Yuta is doing this to scare you. "I'll get going." He said, standing up. 
"Can you close the TV first? Or stop the movie, at least?" You said, face still behind the pillow. He laughed then closed the TV, engulfing you in darkness that made you more scared. The bloody face from the TV earlier flashing on your mind. 
"Sorry Y/N. I promised not to scare you like that again." You heard him say then felt something warm on the top of your head followed by a smooching sound. He patted your head, "I really have to go. I'll see you in the morning." 
You waited for the sound of the door closing before you removed the throw pillow from your burning face. He kissed your head, right? You felt that. Why would he do that? Does he know that you have a crush on him? Or is it just his manwhore ways? But why you? You screamed at the throw pillow, cursing at Yuta for being the charming guy he is. 
You cannot deny the fact that each day, your feelings for Yuta had to grow. Who are you to blame when he's getting more handsome each day? And you're just a girl who has a weak heart for him. The image was still vivid in your mind, the first time you watched a horror movie and you were already crying in fright ten minutes into the movie. "I will protect you, Y/N." And you believed that. Yuta is always there to protect you. 
A loud bang can be heard that made you wake up in your sleep. You listened for other noises and heard footsteps, someone is inside your home. The first instinct is to call Yuta but what if he's in another place, you cannot trouble him. So you just took the baseball bat he lent you for this circumstance, repeating in your mind the number of the police station. 
You quietly tiptoed down the stairs and saw the light of the refrigerator open. Is it a food thief? And how did he come inside your house? You can see a trail of blood on the kitchen floor that startled you. The bat was dropped on the floor when you saw someone seated in front of the refrigerator. "Yuta?" 
He was covered in blood, eating the raw beef as if starving. His eyes were blood cold and you stepped back in fright. He looks like a monster. What kind of a crazy dream is this? You have to do something to wake up. Anything to wake yourself up. 
And as stupid as you sound, you hit your head with the bat that was on the ground. 
You opened your eyes, the sunlight hitting your eyes and your head aching real bad as if something hit you. You groaned while stretching then remembered your dream. Yuta. Your kitchen. Quickly, you ran to the kitchen to see Yuta’s mom cooking something. “I’m glad you’re up. You’ll be late for class.” 
“Auntie, where is Yuta?” She shrugged, saying that he didn’t even go home last night. It was a normal occurrence, that’s part of Yuta’s social life. “I’ll just prepare for school.” When you glanced at the couch, Yuta’s baseball bat was there. Weird, isn’t it supposed to be in your room? 
You had a nice breakfast, thanks to Yuta’s mom, and enough time to go to school. The first thing was to get your books in your locker and walk to class, avoiding some of your schoolmates who block the way. Before you can get inside the room, you see Yuta passing by opposite your way with a new girl in his arms. You knew her, the cheerleader, the basketball team’s girlfriend. Wow, she reached the soccer team now. When your eyes met with Yuta, you were reminded of him seated on your kitchen floor. Filled with blood and with dead cold eyes. You shake your head. That was a dream. You shivered. A very vivid dream. 
It was a normal boring school day, a typical day that it surprised you when Yuta wrapped his arms around you then leaned closer. “I need your help.” A curious look was etched on your face. “Math. Help me study for the exam tomorrow.” You nodded, removing his hand from your shoulder. “Why?” He asked before putting back his hand on you. 
“I just don’t want your girlfriends to misunderstand.” Yuta chuckled then pinched your cheek. “Yuta, stop it. It hurts.” 
He smiled. That breathtaking smile which makes you weak for him. “Sorry.” He whispered then leaned to place a kiss on your reddening cheek, startling you. Your eyes widened at his actions. What is wrong with Yuta? “You do know that I like you more than I like those girls, right?” What? Your heart kept on beating wildly against your chest that you’re scared he might hear it. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.” 
Once you breathe in, without realizing that you’re holding your breath, you saw everyone’s eyes were on you. Oh no! This is trouble. 
You went home early, trying to stay away from your schoolmates. You don’t want to talk to them and explain that you’re friends with Yuta, that will cause some damage to him. But why did he do that? You tried raking your brains for an answer but you can’t seem to find the right one. So you just shrugged it and maybe ask Yuta when he gets to your house. 
It’s late at night. You finished reviewing the whole chapter for your exam tomorrow yet Yuta is a no show. You lightly glanced at the house next door, seeing that the living room lights were on. Their car isn’t in the garage, meaning his parents are not at home. Then you saw the silhouette of someone making out on the couch. Oh, his ditching makes sense now. You closed the door and made sure to close the light, ready to get a good night’s sleep. 
You opened your eyes in darkness, the clock reading that it’s almost 4 am. You felt thirsty that you decided to go downstairs to get a cup of water, halfway through the stairs you can see someone on the other door’s yard digging up something. Curious, you put on a coat and exited the backdoor to check on it. The same Yuta, covered in blood, and this time you knew you weren’t dreaming. 
“Yuta?” You called but he kept digging. Blood mixed with the soil and the most horrible thing you can see, limbs. “Yuta.” You called once again, even holding his shoulder to make him look at you. He kept covering the body with the soil, even covering it up with a large pot. What has he done? This isn’t the Yuta you know and it scared you. 
“Y/N.” He called that made you look at him. The warmth of his voice is still there. “Help me, please.” He sounded broken. “I’m really scared.” The first time you saw this reaction on Yuta. He looks so fragile, so vulnerable. 
There’s a part of you that’s still wary of him. You have questions in your head that you wanted to ask him and you waited for him to finish his shower, while you make coffee for both of you, as you collect your thoughts. When he sat in front of you at the kitchen table, he looked like the Yuta you knew except there’s pain in his eyes. “Yuta.” You called, rubbing the side of your cup. “What…?” But you don’t know what to ask him. 
“I killed Miss Jang.” Your eyes widened in surprise. The assistant PE teacher? “We had amazing sex and then…” You shook your head. He had sex with a teacher? Wow, his man whoring is of another level. “You don’t understand, she’s been touching me appropriately for the past couple of months so I just gave her what she wanted.” 
A gasp escaped your throat. “She’s what?” He just stared at you. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Do you think someone would believe me?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shook his head. “Because it’s embarrassing.” You scoffed then rolled your eyes at him. “So you killed her?” 
“I ate her.” 
“Yuta, I don’t need the details of your sexcapades…”
“I ate her organs.” Your eyes widened in surprise. What? “It’s a craving after having sex with someone. I just want to eat something raw and her flesh can’t even satisfy me.” That explains why he’s covered with blood. 
The memory of that night came to you, when he was eating that raw meat from the fridge. “When did it start?” He answered last night and you were more surprised that it is true and not a dream. “How?” He shrugged. “What do you plan to do now?” 
“I don’t know.” He held your hand that was on the table, looking at you with pleading eyes. “Help me, please. I don’t want to kill another woman again.” You sighed. This was Yuta. Your childhood friend. The guy you like. You nodded before thinking how stupid it is to do this. 
The news of Miss Jang being missing is the talk in your class the next day but what’s more surprising is some testimony of the guys who were molested by her, like Yuta. You watched as your friend fiddled with his thumbs, obviously listening to your classmates. He actually did them a favor but something isn’t right. Why is this happening to Yuta? 
A sexual thirst, a thirst for flesh. Your phone showed a result called an incubus, a demon that pursues sexual relations with women. But why does Yuta keep on eating flesh to satisfy his craving? You stood up and decided to ditch class just to have the answers to your questions, finding yourself in the back of the library. The collection of forbidden books.  
“What are you doing here?” You immediately hushed Yuta as you got hold of a black book, opening it to reveal different pentagrams and illustrations of spooky creatures. “What is that?” 
“An incubus.” You said then sat on the library floor, Yuta following you. “Demons who attract women for sexual pleasure.” Before he could say anything else, “I think that was what is happening to you.” 
You visibly saw him gulp. “You think I’m a demon?” No, you don’t. 
“Possessed by a demon, Yuta.” You flipped the pages of the book to see about the different rituals on how to summon a demon. “Did you join a cult? Or even got drugged and was offered as a human sacrifice?” You stopped. That night. That girl. “The goth girl, you saw her that night. Do you remember what happened?” 
“We had sex.” You rolled your eyes at that, of course. “I told her I’m a virgin because she likes guys like that. We had amazing sex, mind-blowing sex.” You sighed. “Then I woke up on your kitchen floor.” That’s all he remembers? Finally, your thoughts are confirmed, it isn’t a dream. You really saw Yuta that night. “You were lying on the ground as well and I had to remove my shirt before carrying you to your room.” 
The thought of the shirtless Yuta carrying you made the blood rose up your cheeks. “You were covered in blood that time and the trail…”
“I had to clean that up before you wake up because you’re scared of blood.” You stared at him warmly. He had to think about that? “You saw me?” You nodded, sharing that he was eating that raw meat when you saw him. “Did I scare you?” If there was one person you cannot lie to, that would be Yuta. He can easily see through you. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I won’t hurt you, I promise that.”
You held his hand, giving it a light squeeze. “I’ll help you, Yuta. We can remove that demon inside you.”
The only conclusion you can come up with is to meet with the same goth girl he met before. Yuta remembered having sex with her and he was eating that raw meat as if really hungry so she might be alive, Yuta didn’t kill her. And you have to hurry because each night that passes, Yuta has someone to bury in the backyard. It's a female prostitute one night, then a drug pusher, followed by the girl in class who bullied you. 
It's becoming a huge issue in town, the disappearance of young girls, that your parents had to come home quickly worried about your safety. "From now on, go home early." Your dad ordered. "I'll ask Yuta to walk you home every day." How would they feel if Yuta was the one doing all these? 
He was worried about you joining him in meeting up with the girl, even repeating to you that he'll kill himself if something bad happens to you but you assured him that you'll be fine. It's not you who needed help now, it was him. You need to put a stop to this before another one gets hurt. 
The girl was laughing cynically when you asked her what to do to remove the demon inside your friend. "A cambion." She answered and you curiously gave her a look. "That's the goal of an incubus. Once there's a cambion, he will leave the body he's possessing." 
A cambion? All you need is to have a cambion so the demon can leave Yuta. You searched what it was and just facepalmed yourself. Fuck this! Will he be saved? 
"You want me to breed someone?" You shiver at his choice of words but nod, nonetheless. "How can I do that when eating them becomes part of the sexual process?" 
You shook your head then ruffled your hair. This is getting you crazy. "You know, this is your fault for whoring around. If you just had a fixed girlfriend then this wouldn't happen…" 
"Then why did you reject my confession?" You blinked twice as if it can clear what you heard. Did you hear him correctly? "I told you I'll marry you in senior year and what is your answer? I'm not marrying you, Yuta." He said while copying your voice, leaving you dumbfounded. "I was heartbroken that time so I started dating other girls then maybe you can finally notice me." 
"I thought you were teasing me that time." Your voice got louder that your mom knocked on the door asking if you two were fighting. He shook his head, smiling at your mom. When she closed the door, you just stared at him awkwardly. Once again, you had to ruffle your hair. This is so frustrating! "Just, make a baby with someone." 
You waited, biting your thumb as the clock struck 3 am. You haven't had the right sleep thinking of what might happen to Yuta then you saw movement in the yard. Quietly, you went out of the backdoor of your house and saw him outside, blood on his clothes. "What happened?" 
He shook his head. "Same." 
"Where is her body?" You removed your cardigan to wipe away the blood from his face and his neck. 
He looks tired, hopeless. "I left her body on a roadside." You gasped at that. "I can't save myself. I'll be like this forever." He can't, he needed to fight himself. Fight his urges. But even you knew that it was impossible. 
There was a flicker of light coming from their kitchen, someone was going to see you. They're going to see Yuta with a bloody shirt like this. "Remove your shirt." You ordered and he looked confused so you just ripped it from him. Shit, you just realized how this looked like when two booming voices can be heard calling both your names. Both your dads. 
"Where is your shirt?" Your dad asked, arms crossed. You're inside your house, both your fathers and mothers staring at the two of you. "And you're wearing only that outside?" You glanced at the thin nightgown you were wearing and Yuta handed you a throw pillow. "Please wear your shirt, Yuta." 
"I ripped his shirt, dad." You heard both your moms giggle. "Can we please not make a big deal of this? This isn't what you think it is." 
Yuta's dad sighed. "Our only concern is why bother doing it outside? We let you sleep in each other's room." What? 
"Are you exhibitionists?" Your mom asked and you gasped. Is that what they're thinking now? Your head aches, you didn't have any decent sleep yet and this ordeal with Yuta is making you lose your mind. Can't you just all talk tomorrow, not at 4 in the morning? 
Yuta held your hand, lacing your fingers together. "I'm willing to take responsibility if something happens to Y/N." Surprised, you glanced at him. Nothing happened, he knew that. What the hell is he saying so suddenly? "But can I please stay with Y/N tonight, uncle?" 
It was a surprise when your dad allowed you both to go upstairs to your room but you had to wait until they're in their rooms before getting your cardigan and Yuta's blood-stained clothes from the yard. Yuta was still seated on your bed when you went back to your room, staring at you with his misty eyes. 
He pulled you close, arms wrapped around your waist while his head was on your chest. "I'm scared." His hold got tighter. "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." If you're frustrated with this, you realized Yuta might be in bigger pain than you are. You held his hair, threading your fingers along its strand. You've been together for so long but this has been the most intimate thing that you two had ever done. "You were right, this is my fault for hurting those girls. I used them for my self pleasure, to boost my ego. This is me getting punished for all of that." 
You held his hands, kneeling in front of him to see his face. "But you don't deserve this, Yuta." You held his cheeks as tears started falling from his eyes. "We'll do something, I promise." 
He pulled you up, letting you sit on his lap. The warmth of his eyes makes your heart beat rapidly inside your chest. "I love you, Y/N." Your eyes widened at the sudden confession, "I'm sorry for getting you dragged into this but I'm thankful you haven't left me yet." He hugged you, head on your shoulder and you can feel his warm breath on your neck. "I love you. I don't want you to leave me." 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. He's scared, you can feel him shaking. "I won't leave you, Yuta." You let him sob in your chest like a little child just wanting some warmth. And you realized, this might be just what he needed. 
Both of you skipped school that morning since you slept at 5 am, just laying next to each other. Your head on his chest, hands held together. It was him who first got out of bed, prepared himself, then placed a small kiss on our head before leaving your room. If only you could stay like this. But he had to go and fuck another woman tonight to satisfy his thirst, making your heart ache. Can you live like this? 
Your parents and Yuta were seated around the dining table when you went down for breakfast. "We were just telling Yuta that we have a business trip in Brazil." You nodded, used to it by now. "And because of the news around, it would be better that he stay here with you." Your mom suggested that it made you surprised. After last night, they're letting you live in one roof with a guy, unsupervised? 
"Mom. I can stay at home alone." 
"I know. But just to be safe." You're not even safe with their suggestion. "I know what you're thinking honey. You're a female and a male with raging hormones, it's alright with us." Yuta choked on the food and you hissed at your parents. 
Your dad coughed lightly. "We stacked some condoms just in case." 
"Honey, we agreed to let them have their freedom." You glared at your mom. "We really wanted a grandchild." It's your turn to choke at your food. Then it made you stop. If he breeds a human, the incubus will go away. This might just be your answer. 
"No, Y/N!" Yuta stated firmly after explaining what your plan is. "What if I hurt you?" 
You shook your head. You're not scared of that now but you're frightened for Yuta and the things that might happen to him if this continues on. The police started investigating the missing dead girls, it's only a matter of time before they can chase down Yuta. You held his cheeks, distress can be seen in his expression. "I trust you, Yuta." 
It was a crazy plan. When your parents left that afternoon, you stacked up some raw meat that the butcher thought you were throwing a party. Yuta didn't kill the first girl, the goth girl, and you're holding to that belief that Yuta can have some control over himself. When the night struck, you locked all doors to your house that would forbid Yuta from going out. 
"I'm giving you the last chance to back out from this, Y/N." You shook your head. "I'm sorry." He whispered, carrying you to the countertop of the kitchen. "If something bad happens, I'll kill myself. I swear." 
You giggled then wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Then we'll be like Romeo and Juliet." He laughed at your reference before moving closer to plant his lips on yours. Your first kiss with Yuta. His lips were so soft and he tasted so sweet that made your brain hazy. 
When he slipped his tongue inside you and his fingers dug on your waist, you knew there's no way you can get out of this. You can feel his warmth in every touch, in every part of your skin his lips touched. He slowly undressed you, making sure that he's still Yuta and whispering promises that he wouldn't hurt you. He didn't at first and you refused to believe that you made love with him at your kitchen counter. 
The grandfather clock signaled that it is midnight. Yuta just pulled you down from the kitchen counter, turning you around, and thrust into you that made you scream. No foreplay, no kissing. You turned to see his eyes, those dead eyes. His hand held your neck, the other digging in your waist. You prevent making a sound, not wanting to alert his parents next door. His teeth dig in your shoulder, an excruciating pain that makes you bite your lip to prevent a sound. This is how he kills them. 
You tried to reach for the raw meat nearby, desperately trying to move out of his hold. You pushed yourself away from the counter, causing him to fall to the ground. You watched as he took the meat and ate it as if starved, like the first night you saw him in this state. Every night, he's like this. An appetite for sex, an appetite for flesh. 
And it breaks your heart that you can't do anything to help him. 
He ate five portions of the raw meat and you mentally told yourself to get some tomorrow for what might happen at night. You covered him with a blanket as he lay down your kitchen floor, kissing his forehead. You wanted this to stop, wanted him to be normal again. You clean the wound on your shoulder as well as the scratch on your side, hissing in pain as you put medicine on the bleeding part. 
You woke up with his warm arms wrapped around you, a kiss on your wounded shoulder woke you up. "Did I do this? I really did hurt you." He grazed his finger on the spot that hurt as you shook your head. He nuzzled his nose on your shoulder and you felt his warmth. "I don't know what to do anymore." 
"But Yuta this is better. We know that you still have control over yourself." You sat on the bed and he traced the scratch on your side. "When the clock struck twelve, that's when you started having that hunger. We're slowly knowing things about you now. We can do this together, Yuta." 
He nodded, watching you stand up then head to the bathroom. You were supposed to close the door when you felt him enter the same room. The warm feeling is back when his hands touch your body, in contrast to the cold water cascading down your body. You skipped class again because of the pain in your shoulder and he went to school. 
If this continues, it's better to listen to both your parents and just get married. Live together in a far city where you can start a new life, maybe you can give birth to Yuta's child and it will end his suffering. As you put new meat inside the fridge, you heard a knock on the door. Yuta came in with a distressed look on his face. "The police are at school. They were starting to suspect a student at school." 
"Did you do anything?" He shook his head, hands clasped together. "Just lay low for a while." 
"What if they found out that it was me?" You shook your head, that's the worst-case scenario. And you promise not to let that happen. 
He stayed at your house, particularly your room that night. When the clock struck twelve, you were pushed on your bed with Yuta pounding on you real rough. The moment you felt his lips on your neck, you rolled to the bed and reached for the raw meat on the bedside table. You breathed hard, you can do this. 
The police were doing their best, you had to give them that. And it scares you that they'll narrow it down to you and Yuta doing these things. The disappearance of the women stopped but the deaths were a mystery that the police remained to look for clues. It's been a couple of nights since you've done this with Yuta and every day, a new wound would appear on your body. 
Your parents came back from their business trip when they noticed the amount of raw meat in your fridge and the wounds in your body. You tried to shrug it off, saying that it's just your clumsiness. Yet, they never bought it. You cannot ask Yuta to stay over so you keep your phone in your ear, watching his room for movements. The moment the clock struck midnight, nothing happened to your surprise. He kept saying that he's fine, that he doesn't need anything, that he's still Yuta. Maybe an off day.
You slept relieved but woke up with the sound of police sirens. You glanced at the window outside and saw the yard next door being dug out by your dad and some men in uniform, Yuta's dad watching nearby. How? You ran downstairs to check on Yuta but your mom quickly told you to stay inside. "We're sorry, we trusted you to a murderer." 
"He's not." You shouted trying to see from the window. Yuta was handcuffed, a large man holding him in place. He shook his head when your eyes met and the sight of rotten decaying bones caught your attention. 
Your stomach churned and you vomited on the kitchen sink, your mom helping you by rubbing your back. "He's such a sweet child. What happened to Yuta?" Your mom asked and you itched to tell her that it's not him. A devil inside him.
Your eyes widened at the realization. Nothing happened last night. Now, you're having this weird feeling in your body. A cambion. And you felt yourself fainting at that information.  
It's been years, seven years to be exact when that moment happened to your life. Yuta's parents moved to a different town but you still see them from time to time, as well as your parents. When they found out that you were pregnant with Yuta's child, they immediately sent you away to give birth abroad. Your son was three when you went back to the country and introduced him to his dad. 
"Daddy!" Your son cheered seeing his dad walking outside the huge gates of the visitor's area. The older was grinning wide, carrying his son to where you are. He kissed you on your forehead and your son giggled, "Daddy, mommy said I can go to a big school this year." He nodded, letting the young boy sat on his lap. "Grandma and grandpa are going to buy me my bag." 
Yuta giggled and you noticed how the two looked very much alike. It was the exact reason why your parents warmed up on Yuta and let you introduce your son to him. "I'm sorry. But when dad gets out of here, I'm going to pick you up from school every day." 
You can feel your eyes water at that. The younger boy wrapped his arms around his neck, "When are you getting out of here?" You both sighed. It's always his question. 
"Just another three years, then we can be together." There's a lot of pain in his words. "You and mommy can wait for me, right?" Your son nodded. 
He reached out to hold your hand that was above the table. You nodded at him. You waited this long, another three years wouldn't hurt. He engaged in another conversation with the younger boy and you gazed at him, he looks better than the first few years he's here. 
"Time to get back, Nakamoto." The police officer said and your son hugged his father's neck, refusing to let go of him. 
This has always been a problem every time you visit Yuta. "Honey, we have to go. Daddy has to get back." You said quietly, taking him from Yuta. Your son glared at the big man behind his dad and he just turned his head to look at the wall. "Honey, let's get ice cream." You said quickly and the younger smiled at you. The guard turned around, asking what happened that his head was hurting. 
Yuta gave you a worried look but you just shook your head, putting sunglasses on your son. "Say bye to daddy." You whispered and he obeyed you. "I'll come to visit you soon." 
He kissed you on the forehead, "I'm sorry." Again. you shook your head. No one warned you about having a cambion and the risk it takes to be its parents. "I love you." But right now, your son and Yuta are the most important people in your life. 
"I love you, too." And you're willing to throw everything in the past just to be happy with your small family. 
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is-nini · 4 years
Alpha Albedo x Omega reader.
You hum as you greet the classmates that passed you on the way class. You're a omega in your highschool but in this place being omega and alpha doesn't really matter that much, sure there will be some people who loves to bully omega's but as long as you don't mess with that person you're okay.
Today is your heat day and you came prepared, you have bought your pills and put it in your backpack. You're a pretty different omega you need to drink your pills two time. After breakfast and after lunch time.
You walk towards your class with no bother whatsoever and that's great! There's still a long time until the bell rings sooo you decided to see your beloved alpha, your boyfriend, Albedo.
As you about to walk out the door, you bump into someone, they wrap their hands around your waist and smiled at you.
You squeal with glee as he straighten you up and stroke your cheek.
"Yess yes, goodmorning and hello to you too love".
He said, making you giggle and hug him, you both started to talk about random stuff, while you and him walks out of the classroom you both fail to notice someone sneaking inside, they went through your bag and grab your pill, slipping away.
You and Albedo is just having a sweet time with you, he really really loves your scent it's so comforting but sweet. He has already scented you a couple of time and it never fail to put on a red shade on your face.
Albedo looks at the clock nearby and takes your hand, leads you to your class.
"Have a good time in class".
He said, slowly letting you go, you nod and smile at him, holding his cheek and kissing it when there's not much people in the hallway.
"You too".
He quickly peck your mouth and started to walk to his class. No one knew that Albedo was so sweet, and you don't mind. You're proud that he is only showing this side to you.
The class went normally, everything was fine but it's slowly nearing lunch time and you wanted to hold your pills so that when the bell rings you just need to drink it.
When you reached your hands in your backpack pocket, you slowly panic, where is your pills?! You swear that you put it here, the lunch bell rings, you become more panic, causing you to let out a scent that makes the alpha nearby wanted to mate you.
your scent alarms everyone nearby, there's not alot of omega at you school so it's hard to find someone who can help.
Your classmate and friend called out, you glance towards Sucrose as she instantly run towards you and try to cover your scent, but it doesn't work of course, luckyly both Beidou and Ningguang sensei passed by and smell the strong scent, they instantly go towards your class and strengthening their scent, warning the alpha students around you, protecting your body from alpha's around you that's staring and drooling at your scent.
"Go! Find Albedo Sucrose hurry please!".
Ningguang order Sucrose as she run to Albedo's class as fast as possible. When she finally got there she slam the door open, not really caring about the way people look at her in confusion.
Albedo looks at Sucrose as she runs towards him and grab his hand, pulling him to follow her, Albedo know this is urgent but he doesn't know what's happening, as they ran to your class he can smell your scent, you're hot and bothered scent he instantly opened the door and run towards you.
Beidou and Ningguang know that you're in a good hand so they let Albedo go towards you and hold you.
You cannot think of anything else, you just need Albedo, you want his hand, his kisses, everything, you need everything. Once you felt his presence and his hand around you, your instincts tell you to hug him, you snuggle closer to him, wanting his scent all over you, wanting his scent to drown you.
Albedo smile as he looked towards the two alpha teacher with greatfulness as he picked you up, you snuggling closer to him as he cooed at your cuteness.
Albedo never really help you, sure you both do it one or two times but that's because you wanted it. You usually bring your pills with you.. every omega should especially when they're in heat.
While walking down the hallway, the scent from Albedo is so overdominating, even though he has a baby face but don't be fooled easily, if anyone is disturbing you or anyone he love, he will not hesitate to torture them.
Albedo walks towards the nurse room, once he is inside, he puts you down on the bed you instantly hug his neck, making him almost fall on top of you, he use the both of his hand to keep himself up.
"So eager huh baby".
He teased you as you whimper and squeeze your leg together and rub it, trying to relieve some of the aching on your pussy.
Albedo notice this he pushed your hand away gently and crawl to the tip of your leg, he force your leg to opened, making you moan at the roughness and the wind that's blowing against your pussy.
You whine out, a little secret, Albedo has a daddy kink, any names that means authority like master makes his heart beats out of his chest and you know that.
"Trying to make me break your body?".
He asked, rubbing his thumb on your now wet underwear, he smirked at your moan and mewl as he rubs it faster. You moan and squeal a high pitched sound as he stopped suddenly.
You squeak out, he just grab your underwear, your skirt has been pushed over your hips without you noticing, he pulled your underwear down roughly, maiing your leg went up a bit.
Taking the chances to grab your leg and pulled it up so now your knee is bending over his shoulder, half of your lower part of your body is lifted up as he lick and started slurping your pussy aggressively.
you moan out as he keeps licking you, eating your pussy out, you're body can barely moved. He keeps your hips in place as he is eating you but your leg is free so you wail your leg around not aggressively enough that you would kick Albedo, your head shaking left and right as Albedo play woth your pussy and mind, your hands grabbing the bed's cover as you moan out loud, you body is arching and jolting from his mouth.
You taste so sweet aren't you? Your little pussy is throbbing wildly Albedo then suck your clit harshly, making your leg almost went off his shoulder, but before that can happen he grab your leg as he sucks harder, you're pussy is throbbing harder as you squirt hard on his mouth.
That's not enough! You need his dick inside you so you grab his dick, makimg him moan against your pussy, the vibration making your pussy tremble again, Albedo notice this and sigh, thinking how cute that pussy will be full of his dick.
You rub his cock as Albedo slowly puts your hips down, he slapped your hands away, making you whine.
"Sorry baby, no touching or you won't get this inside you".
Once he pull down his pants, you drool and keep staring at it. How thick and girthy it is, how it will stretch your cute little small pussy.
"Insideeeee pleasee daddyyy~".
You whine out, he shush you as he slowly push his cock in to your pussy.
"Sweet little pussy for daddy hum?".
He said but went to deaf ears as you moan and mewl, moving your hips, grinding on his cock.
Albedo growl as you moved your hips, you're pussy is sucking him in so badly, it's hard to move, a couple of pumps from his cock makes you cum, but that doesn't mean that Albedo is done, oh no.
He will make you cum over and over again until you're begging him to stop.
While you were being fucked out of your mind Beidou and Ningguang is interogating a girl.
"You KNOW that there is camera, why would you steal it?".
Beidou said, as she glare at the now scared girl. Apparently Albedo is a very popular alpha at school, he is clever, handsome, loyal, he's a gentleman, everyone wants him in a good or bad way. Some people just don't get the hint and goes as far as to almost let you being raped by other alpha.
"I-i-i'm s-sorry".
She stutter out, she did know there is camera but she forgot. Beidou and Ningguang sigh.
"We'll bring you to the headmaster office".
Ningguang said while the girl is begging to not go there. There is absolutely no way headmaster Zhongli will let anything like this slide, not when his favourite omega is almost raped because of her mistake.
She pleaded to them but they just walks out of the office, giving her one last glare and slam the door, the whole room is spinning and changing.
"Unfortunate soul.. a beta that's jealous of a omega.. what punishment shall i gave you?".
A dark voice called out.
"P-please! Please! I'm sorry! I will not mess with your favourite omega anymo-".
Her mouth was shut as he pleads turn into muffled sound, Zhongli smirked at her. Zhongli might have a gentleman like personality but when someone mess with his favourite omega.. they'll see hell before they die.
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 29
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @alastair-appreciation-month
Previous Chapter: Chapter 28
Next Chapter: Chapter 30
The drive to Inverness was long and uncomfortable. Will was driving his car, with Gideon in the passenger seat and Cordelia, Lucie and Tessa pressed in the back. It was a small car, and the three of them in the back only just fit, with Lucie pressed against Cordelia. Not that she minded that exactly, and Lucie didn’t seem to either. Cordelia concluded her hips were too wide for this seat, little to be done about that.
Lucie tried to distract everyone by telling them about one of her stories, but even Lucie couldn’t hide how nervous she was, and got confused halfway through the story several times. Cordelia knew that rarely happened, Lucie could keep track of pretty much everything she wrote. Every once in a while Tessa scolded her husband for going over the speed limit, to which Will replied that they were in a hurry.
When Lucie was done with her stories, they began to discuss strategy instead. Who would approach Tatiana first, how would they fight her, how to make sure she didn’t escape using dark magic?
‘If she escapes into the land in between, I can follow her,’ Lucie said. ‘And the spell needs to be finished in this world, not the land in between. That’s what Jesse said. So if she escapes into the land in between, and we keep her occupied there so she can’t get out in time, then she’ll miss the window of opportunity.’
Time moved differently in the land in between, and almost always returning from there meant more time had passed in this world. If Tatiana fled into the land in between at the last moment, she would not make it back in time and that would win them at least a day.
‘We’ll need to stop her from speaking too,’ Lucie said. ‘Do we have any tape?’
Cordelia at some point fell asleep during the trip, she must have been more tired than she thought. She woke up when the car stopped. They were on a parking lot in what seemed like the middle of a city.
Cordelia got out of the car, and walked around a bit, trying to get the stiffness out of her body. She practiced some of her movements, without the sword for now as she didn’t want to draw unwanted attention. While Lucie’s parents and Gideon were looking around for the best way into the hotel, Lucie joined her, stretching too.
‘My butt hurts,’ Lucie said. ‘I am not taking the middle seat on the way back.’
The middle seat of Will’s car was a bit harder than the rest so Cordelia could imagine why Lucie might prefer not to sit there.
‘I think you’re the only one who fits there,’ Cordelia said.
Lucie was the shortest, both Cordelia and Lucie’s mother were quite tall and had long legs. Lucie was probably also the only with hips narrow enough to fit there.
‘Fair point,’ Lucie said. ‘Before we go in, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.’
Cordelia frowned, she wasn’t sure this sounded good. As if Lucie was about to confess something bad.
‘I know you probably don’t feel the same way, but I guess if something goes wrong today, I would rather you knew. I’m in love with you. I didn’t realize until recently, but I guess I’ve loved your for years.’
It was not what Cordelia had been expecting. Even if Alastair had told her Lucie probably liked her. Even if it was what she’d been longing to hear.
‘I do feel the same way,’ Cordelia said. ‘I only realized about a week ago, but I do like you too. I just never thought you’d feel that way about me. Or well, Alastair did but I think I was scared.’
Lucie’s eyes went wide, he cheeks turned a rosy pink. ‘Alastair knew?’
‘He read some pages from the beautiful Cordelia and he did not know how else to explain it,’ Cordelia admitted. ‘I just didn’t dare believe.’
‘I think for most of the time while writing it, I didn’t realize it myself either. But I always thought you were so beautiful and brave. I just had not yet considered I might love girls. Can I kiss you for good luck before we go in?’
‘Does that work?’ Cordelia asked.
‘I don’t know,’ Lucie said. ‘In stories it happens sometimes. It makes for romantic scenes, but often I’d expect the main characters or at least the main couple to survive. But when it’s real life, it might just all go to hell and this could be our last chance.’
‘It won’t be your last chance,’ Cordelia said. ‘You have too many stories you have to finish.’
Lucie laughed. ‘If I can’t die while I have an unfinished story I’ll probably live forever.’
Cordelia put her arm around Lucie’s waist, pulling her closer, and kissed her on the lips. She’d only kissed one other person before, which had been Lucie’s brother James. While he was not a bad kisser, it was different. Lucie’s lips were softer and tasted off her lipstick, and she was shorter than Cordelia so she had to bend down a little.
‘Oh, you have a little smear,’ Cordelia said when they broke apart. ‘Your lipstick.’
Lucie started laughing. ‘Probably. But I feel like I can face Tatiana with smudged lipstick. I understand now why they do good luck kisses. This worked.’
Cordelia had to agree. She felt better, more confident. At least she’d told Lucie. At least now they both knew how they felt about each other.
‘Let’s try it again,’ Cordelia said.
After several more kisses, Lucie’s parents still weren’t back, and Cordelia decided to call her brother. She wanted to tell him he was right and Lucie was in love with her, and she wanted to tell him she’d arrived in Inverness safely. When he didn’t answer his phone, Cordelia called Jem instead, to let them know they had arrived at least.
‘Is Alastair there?’ Cordelia asked. ‘I’d hoped I could speak to him.’
‘I’m on my way to the cottage right now, but I can give him your phone as soon as I arrive. How are you doing?’
‘I think we’ll be confronting Tatiana as soon as we can,’ Cordelia said. ‘Is everything alright there? How’s Alastair?’
‘Tired and stressed out,’ Jem said. ‘But he’s coping as well as he can. I’m surprised he’s doing so well, to be honest, but I find Alastair can be very hard to read. He always seems to be hiding how he really feels, and contrary to popular belief I cannot read minds.’
Cordelia had to agree, for a long time Alastair had hidden all of his feelings, his relationship, what Father really was like. She’d always sort of suspected he hid things from her, but could never have guessed the extent. Even now, the habit of hiding was difficult to break, and sometimes Cordelia still found herself trying to hammer down his walls.
‘And Thomas?’
‘No improvement, but he’s not getting worse either. Sophie and Alastair helped him go back to bed and he’s sleeping again. I’ve arrived, I can give you Alastair.’
‘Why didn’t you pick up your phone?’ Cordelia asked as soon as she’d confirmed he had the phone.
‘I can’t find it,’ Alastair said. ‘I think I left it in my bedroom, but I don’t want to leave Thomas to look for it. Did you make it to Inverness?’
‘Yes, we’re there now,’ Cordelia said. ‘You were right, by the way, about Lucie.’
‘About what exactly?’ Alastair asked.
‘That she likes me,’ Cordelia clarified. ‘Which was nice to figure out before we potentially die.’
‘You’re not going to die, Layla,’ Alastair said. ‘Have faith in yourself. I know you can do this. Good luck.’
‘To you too, dâdâsh,’ Cordelia said.
Cordelia put away her phone when Will, Tessa and Gideon came back, arguing, Will and Tessa both gesturing wildly. Gideon looked tired most of all, and didn’t participate in the argument as much.
‘Why do I have to be the decoy?’ Will asked. ‘Why can’t I go up there myself?’
Tessa sighed. ‘Because you’re best suited for the job.’
Will smiled. ‘Oh, tell me why then.’
‘Because you’re the best chance we have at charming an old woman receptionist,’ Tessa said. ‘Gideon’s too awkward and I’m not sure she’s interested in women.’
‘Thank you,’ Gideon said drily.
Will grinned. ‘Oh, I will charm her. I will charm her with such force she’ll be lying on the floor trying to remember her own name.’
Lucie looked mortified, Cordelia started laughing, picturing the scenario in her head of Will trying to flirt with the receptionist.
‘I actually did that once,’ Will said. ‘Jem and I needed to break into another hotel where someone had trapped a couple of fairies.’
Fairies, as Cordelia knew it, lived in the woods and tended to be small. They could get up to mischief, but weren’t dangerous. Part of what Will and Jem used to do was also protect creatures like that from humans who intended to harm them, and it was an important part of what Cordelia wanted to be like. She knew some of her ancestors had only focused on protecting humans, and killed indiscriminately, and she was determined to do better.
‘Ah, good old times,’ Will said. ‘The old lady didn’t know what hit her, and Jem had every chance to sneak inside and break out those poor fairies.’
‘So, do that again,’ Tessa said. ‘We can’t all go in at the same time, it’ll draw too much attention. Lucie, you’re with me. We won’t draw too much attention together. Cordelia, you can’t wait for too long after that. You go in alone. If you get caught, pretend you were looking for a bathroom. Otherwise, pretend you belong.’
Cordelia guessed she was bound to attract the most attention either way with how she looked, but there was nothing to be done about that.
She waited outside with Gideon while Will, Tessa and Lucie went inside. Gideon looked weary, and anxious. She understood how difficult it was for him, if it were Alastair who’d gone down such a path she would keep hoping for far longer than she should. She couldn’t imagine what it was like, to watch a sibling lose themselves and become evil and be able to do nothing. Because Tatiana had shut everyone out. So while Cordelia acknowledged her pain, she also believed Tatiana had had a hand in digging her own grave, by allowing revenge and hatred to consume her rather than seeking support from her brothers who would have welcomed her back any time.
‘Go,’ Gideon said, as he looked in through the window, while looking through his phone.
Cordelia suspected he wasn’t actually looking or reading anything as he was holding his phone upside down, it just made him look less out of place. The lobby of the hotel was nice enough. Nothing fancy, it was the kind of hotel most people could afford, but everything looked clean. Of course, the real place the judge the cleanliness of a hotel was the bathroom, but Cordelia had no reason to go there.
Will was chatting up the receptionist, who was a little older than he was, but not an old woman either. From a distance, she overheard him asking questions about the city, exaggerating his Welsh accent to show he was not from around here, but was not an Englishman either.
The receptionist’s attention was on Will, and Cordelia tried her best to act natural as she walked past her and into the corridor. A little farther, Tessa and Lucie were waiting. Both acted casual, as if they were supposed to be there.
‘I’ve texted Will,’ Tessa said. ‘He’s the getaway driver in this plan, and if we’re in trouble, someone should text him or call him or whatever works in the situation and he’ll drive the car front.’
‘He’s probably not too happy about that,’ Cordelia said.
‘But he won’t be able to get himself inside without drawing attention, and he has the car keys,’ Tessa said.
Cordelia suspected Tessa also knew Will was likely to antagonize Tatiana even further, whereas she and Gideon might have a chance to calm her down. She clutched her necklace, ready to take cortana into her hand the moment they stepped into Tatiana’s room. When Gideon joined them, the four went looking for the room number Jesse had given them.
‘Nine hours until midnight,’ Tessa said.
Gideon nodded, shaking on his knees. Had he said goodbye to Thomas, Cordelia wondered? Would he be able to live with himself if Thomas died and he was here and not with him? Thomas would undoubtedly claim it was fine, as he always did. He and Alastair were alike in that manner, although Alastair was a bit more convincing when he pretended to be fine. But perhaps Thomas would want his father to be with him as he died.
‘She should be in here,’ Lucie said, pulling on the door. ‘Locked.’
‘Let me,’ Cordelia said, cortana in hand.
With a single motion she cut her way through the lock, opening the door and revealing Tatiana, who was dressed in old fashioned dark brown clothes, and looked like she hadn’t slept in a couple of days.
She was startled by their presence, but recollected herself quickly, grabbing a dagger and holding it in front of her.
‘How did you find me,’ she hissed.
‘You have to stop, Tatiana,’ Gideon said, putting his hands in front of him. ‘I can’t imagine how hard it was to lose your son, but that does not justify killing others to bring him back.’
‘No, you can’t imagine. I would do anything for my child. You could never understand such a thing, and that’s why Jesse will live and Thomas will die. Turn back, or I’ll kill you too.’
Cordelia took a step forward, cortana in hand and ready to attack if necessary. The sword had one dull edge, a chance for mercy, and an edge so sharp it would cut through anything. She didn’t have to kill Tatiana, but she would stop her.
‘Last chance, surrender,’ Cordelia hissed. ‘You lost your siren, you can’t win.’
Tatiana laughed. ‘Oh, can I? Good luck finding your way home, Carstairs.’
Before Cordelia knew for sure what was happening, she found herself in a forest. Not just in a forest, in the air between the trees and falling fast. Cordelia grabbed onto a branch of a nearby tree before she could fall any faster, pulled herself up and secured her position before scouting where she was. Tessa had gotten lucky, she fell onto a branch a bit lower, but had found a relatively easy route down to the ground.
Gideon wasn’t so lucky, he did crash into the tree before making his way to the ground, yelling in pain. Cordelia couldn’t tell from here if he was alright, but at least the tree had broken his fall somewhat. She was too high up to jump down without hurting herself, and in a difficult position to climb. She didn’t see Lucie anywhere.
She felt the branch creaking under her weight, and she slowly moved closer to the tree’s stem. There was another, thicker branch below her, but making it down would not be an easy exercise. She was trained in climbing, of course, otherwise she would have gotten stuck like a cat in there, or she’d fallen all the way down. But she was also heavy and most trees couldn’t hold her weight. She was a little out of practice, and right now that could be dangerous.
She hung down from the branch she was currently sitting on, hands twisted together above while hanging underneath. She could find the branch underneath her with her feet, and found some stability. From here it would be easier to get down, but she’d have to lower herself onto the branch first. She moved her grip from the branch above to the stem of the tree, carefully balancing herself until she was sitting on the branch. She let out a breath she’d held on to all that time when she was in a secure position. Now to make her way down. The branches were closer together, and she could get a little lower, and then she’d have to jump.
Beneath her, Tessa had fallen as well, but she’d made her way to her feet and seemed unharmed. Gideon, she wasn’t so sure about. Tessa was bent over him. Cordelia returned her focus to the tree, making her way to a lower branch, and putting her foot even lower. From here she could climb down until she was hanging about half a meter above the ground, from which she dropped, bending her knees to absorb the impact.
She ran over to Gideon and Tessa. ‘Are you alright?’ she asked.
‘I am,’ Tessa said. ‘A few scrapes and bruises, that’s all. Gideon has a broken arm. It needs support, but I’m not sure how.’
Cordelia undid the cardigan she’d tied around her waist, thankfully she’d forgotten to take it off. ‘Can you use this?’
Tessa sighed. ‘It’ll do, I guess. Where are we?’
‘The land in between. Where’s Lucie?’
‘I haven’t seen her. Lucie!’ Tessa yelled.
Cordelia also called her name. No response. Where was she? Cordelia suspected the three of them were in the land in between. The only time they’d escaped that place without Lucie’s magic was after killing the werewolf, which would mean walking until they made their way back into the real world. If that were even possible, they might very well be trapped.
‘I don’t think Lucie came here with us,’ Cordelia said.
Thomas slept most of the day, and Alastair made sure to be there with him whenever he woke. That became less and less frequent though, and Alastair was growing worried. Just after Thomas had gone back to sleep, a car pulled into the driveway. Who would be coming here?
Sophie opened the door to three young women. Of course, Thomas’ sisters were coming. Two of the girls had the same brown hair Thomas had, one a bit softer and rounder while the other was shorter and had more angular features. The third woman was Indian and Alastair remembered Thomas’ sister Eugenia had returned to India with her friend, and this had to be her.
‘We came as quickly as we could,’ Eugenia said. ‘Babs flew to Edinburgh this morning. Where’s Tommy?’
‘He’s sleeping,’ Sophie said. ‘You can check on him in his bedroom, but I think it’s best to let him rest and wait until he wakes up.’
Thomas’ two sisters left for his bedroom, while the Indian girl sat down on the couch next to Alastair. He’d been trying to read one of the family’s journals, but couldn’t concentrate. Not with the horrible knot in his stomach caused by worry.
‘You are Thomas’ boyfriend, aren’t you?’ the girl asked.
Alastair looked up from his work. He didn’t know who she was. He didn’t even know if she knew anything about what was going on. On the other hand, why would Thomas’ sister have brought her if she did not understand what was going on.
‘My name is Alastair Carstairs,’ he said.
‘Kamala Joshi,’ she said. ‘I’m Eugenia’s girlfriend.’
‘Right. I imagine Eugenia must have been worried,’ Alastair said.
He felt like he eased into the conversation a little. It wasn’t as stiff and forced as conversation usually felt for him.
‘We’d just returned from India when Eugenia received the call. She was very upset no one had told her about her brother being in danger sooner. But as I understand, your communication was cut off, was it not?’
‘What do you know of what’s going on?’ Alastair asked.
‘What Eugenia told me,’ Kamala said. ‘Something about her crazy aunt, a dark realm, and a deal with a creature that could bring back her dead son. I can’t say I understand everything. I’ve mostly tried to stay away from everything supernatural.’
‘But you do know,’ Alastair said.
‘A monster killed my parents,’ Kamala said. ‘I never found out what it was, but ever since, my eyes have been opened. At least somewhat, I can’t see the way Thomas or Barbara can. But when I first came to England, I rescued a fairy in the park from group of older boys who’d somehow seen her. It’s easier for children, I think, even without the sight. The fairy blessed me with a healing power. It’s minor, mostly I can heal injuries. I can’t cure complex diseases or anything like that. But it’s helpful, and Genie hoped I could help with healing Thomas.’
Alastair gazed down. ‘I don’t think so. His life is tied to someone else’s. If his cousin is brought to life, he’ll die, no amount of healing can save him then. On the bright side though, my sister is fighting Thomas’ crazy aunt right now. I am sorry about your parents.’
‘It was a long time ago,’ Kamala said. ‘I was six when it happened, seven when I was given my powers.’
Thomas’ sisters joined the two of them. They both greatly resembled Thomas, Alastair thought, and each other. He wasn’t sure which was which until the shorter, angular girl put her arm around Kamala. That had to be Eugenia.
‘Thomas is still asleep, I take?’ Alastair asked.
‘Yes,’ Barbara said. ‘He has a high fever, and I think he needs lots of rest. Much like when he was a child.’
Barbara soon turned her attention to Jem discussing something Alastair did not have the medical knowledge to follow. Barbara was a nurse, he remembered. She seemed knowledgeable at least.
‘So,’ Eugenia said, turning her attention to Alastair, ‘what do you want with my brother?’
Alastair was taken back, and it took a few moments to be able to formulate an answer, to push the words across his lips. Thomas had told him Eugenia could be fierce and both his sisters were very protective.
‘Genie, don’t be rude!’ Sophie called.
‘Right now, I want to save him,’ Alastair said.
Thomas woke up to find both his sisters sitting on chairs next to his bed. No. Oh no, what were they doing here?
‘Go home,’ Thomas said as he tried to sit up. He couldn’t. ‘Please.’
‘No,’ Eugenia said and Thomas cursed the stubbornness that plagued their family. ‘You’re in trouble, and we’re here to help. Kamala is here too, and she could use her magic on you, maybe that’ll heal you.’
‘Probably not,’ Thomas said. ‘It’s Tatiana.’
‘That’s where everyone else went, isn’t it?’ Barbara asked. ‘Dad went with uncle Will and aunt Tessa to confront her.’
‘And Lucie and Cordelia,’ Thomas confirmed. ‘Who are probably the most essential part of the plan. Lucie can command the dead and open gateways and Cordelia has a magic sword. They’re going to save me. Hopefully.’
Thomas hated that he couldn’t be of more help, that he was lying here in bed unable to do so much as get up. He’d slept most of the day, only waking up every once in a while and sometimes he feared he wouldn’t wake up at all.
‘Don’t lose faith, Tommy,’ Barbara said, stroking her thumb over his cheek. ‘You’re going to be alright. How are you feeling?’
‘Tired. Cold. Everything hurts. I shiver a lot. Like, actual, uncontrollable shaking.’
Barbara frowned. ‘Are you sure we don’t need to take you to a hospital? It sounds like you might have sepsis.’
‘It’s not that,’ Thomas said. ‘It’s the thief, Tatiana’s ritual. No amount of antibiotics can save me. Tatiana must be stopped.’
Thomas tried to stay awake for as long as he could, talking to his sisters, and later Alastair who came to join them. He was glad Alastair seemed to be getting along with both his sisters, even if Eugenia had been a little rude to him at first. Of course, he’d expected nothing less from her.
In the end he had no choice but to go back to sleep though. His eyes were falling shut, and Alastair, Barbara and Eugenia all noticed he couldn’t stay awake anymore.
‘Sweet dreams, nooré chesm-am,’ Alastair whispered in his ear before kissing him on the cheek. ‘Please wake up again.’
Eight in the evening. Sophie had tried to get Thomas to eat and drink a bit more, but he had not woken again. Alastair finally decided to try and wake him up. Nothing. Calling his name didn’t do a thing, nor did pulling on his shoulders. Perhaps he was in a deep sleep. Alastair could not quite convince himself. They quietly ate some of Sophie’s soup, but Alastair couldn’t take more than a few spoons. He felt tense and sick in his stomach. He needed to know Thomas was going to be alright, if Cordelia was doing well, if she was even alive.
Nine. Still no word from Cordelia, from any of them. Alastair had tried calling all of them. The only one who consistently picked up was Will as he’d been made the getaway driver. He’d been waiting outside for hours. He’d gone in and found everyone gone, confirming Alastair’s suspicions they’d gone into the land in between. He’d asked Will to call him as soon as he heard anything.
‘I’m going to check on him,’ Alastair said.
Thomas was still breathing when Alastair entered his bedroom. He was in a deep sleep, and Alastair couldn’t wake him up. He even threw the glass of water standing on his nightstand over his face. Nothing. Alastair grabbed a towel to dry him off, unable to leave him like this. No response.
Alastair blinked away some tears. ‘Don’t you dare die on me, Tom.’
A pause. Determination. ‘You’re not going to die tonight.’
Alastair returned to the living room. ‘He’s still sleeping. I don’t think he’s going to wake up. I need some air.’
Alastair went outside, but it wasn’t because he needed air. It had been too long. Cordelia was missing, something had gone wrong. If they’d stopped Tatiana, she would have let him now and they’d gone in hours ago. There was no way the fight could have taken this long, even if they’d gone into the land in between. Not to mention Tatiana could easily escape from there and finish the ritual.
Alastair felt as if he wasn’t inside his body anymore, as if he weren’t really alive. A terrible numbness at the thought that his sister was gone, that she’d failed. Perhaps she wasn’t dead, he told himself. Perhaps she was simply trapped in the land in between and time was passing much faster here for him. If that were the case, only Lucie could bring them back and he had no clue how long they had, if Tatiana was stopped, if Thomas was going to live.
He knew what ritual Gideon and his brother had interrupted all these years ago. With the knowledge from the Carstairs’ journals and the memory, Alastair had been able to piece it together and figure out how to summon the thief of souls.
He drew the circle and symbols in the sand. It wasn’t difficult. Just an incantation. He might have messed up the pronunciation of the words here and there, but he repeated the words Benedict Lightwood had said so long ago.
The thief appeared in the middle of the circle like demons often did.
‘Welcome to my circle, thief of souls,’ Alastair said. ‘I want to make a deal.’
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samingtonwilson · 5 years
Mac and Cheese
Summary: Bucky takes the last box of frozen mac and cheese, takes your phone, and makes you fall in love with him. The audacity of that man.
Prompt: “This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” 
Pairing: bucky x reader
a/n: i wrote this and was fully done formatting it and everything, like, 6 months ago. i didn’t post it because it’s approx. 82% nonsense but i figured why not post it now when it’s still 82% nonsense but im struggling to finish everything else. so taal, long time vegan, writes a story about mac and cheese and, listen, idk what this fic is either. can i write a fic without adding sam to it? no.
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Mac and cheese. That’s all you want. Disgusting, frozen, usually-quite-mushy-if-not-microwaved-correctly mac and fucking cheese. 
The kind with the layer of cheese on top. The kind with that real elbow pasta, not rotini or penne or seashell pasta— real macaroni. The kind you try to only eat one serving size of before you eat everything in the package. The kind you always gravitate to when your eyes are stained red, swollen, and too proud to be anything other than dry.
You take the subway. You switch lines. You endure the smell of the F train during rush hour when you aren’t sure where your thigh ends and the thigh of the woman sitting beside you begins. All for that one Trader Joe’s, out of many, in Brooklyn the hipsters abandon before six because the coffee shop next door closes at five.
Your feet ache in your boots and you’re pretty sure a rock has somehow lodged itself between your toes, it’s starting to rain and you have no umbrella, you don’t think your throat has ever felt so parched. 
But you tuck your phone into your back pocket and march into that store with the hideous overhead lighting that makes your skin look like it hasn’t seen a bottle of toner in days like you’re Hades, the box of mac and cheese is Persephone, and Trader Joe’s is Mount Olympus.
You aren’t planning on smiling at anyone in greeting. You aren’t planning on making eye contact with anyone. You aren’t even planning on waiting politely behind whoever is inevitably idly standing in front of the pasta section of the frozen aisle— you’re going to say, “Excuse me.” Like the badass, New Yorker, on-the-verge-of-tears bitch you are and you’re going to toss that mac and cheese into your basket like you’re Steph Curry at the NBA Finals.
Lines are long when you walk in, cashiers bored-looking and tired. The produce section is a jungle of stay at home fathers and people who make their own pressed juice, the salad display a mess of college students trying to eat healthy. 
Your eyes accidentally meet those of a toddler who is slyly plucking a grape from a bag he had no intention of spending his allowance on and you smile.
You hold your basket like a designer handbag and dilly-dally only for a moment to pick up some yogurt for breakfast tomorrow. 
And some inauthentic babka because there’s no way in hell you’re going to endure Zabar’s after this. 
And a package of olive oil popcorn, a bottle of three dollar chardonnay, and string cheese. 
But that’s it. Self-control.
You feel the chill of the frozen aisle before you step into it. You feel the magnetic pull of that box with only one step in its direction. You stop for just a second to grab the mini mango and cream pops.
You almost roll your eyes to yourself when you see that someone is indeed standing right in front of the frozen selection of pasta. He’s staring at two boxes— a red one in his gloved left hand and the one in his right hand green.
As you grow closer you notice behind his curtain of dark hair that his eyebrows are knit together and he’s frowning at a decision he must be forcing himself to make. 
Sophie’s Choice, but involving mediocre excuses for Italian food and no Nazis— hopefully. Because who really knows these days?
He wears a forest green hoodie under a black leather jacket, black jeans tight around thick thighs. Boots, too. You think you might swoon.
And you wait behind him. You tap your foot, shift your weight, and chew on your bottom lip. You don’t say anything.
He looks over his shoulder when you curse under your breath and set the heavy basket at your feet. He’s apologetic— and handsome— by the looks of it, blue eyes slightly widened and lips downturned. “Shit,” he says as he takes a few steps to the right. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug. You kick your basket with the toe of your boot until it lightly smacks against the bottom of the freezer. “No problem. It’s a big decision.”
His eyes lift from the boxes and he smiles. “Biggest one I’ve gotten to make in a while.”
Setting your hands atop the cold metal railing, you stare down into the freezer. You see farfalle with roasted tomatoes, rigatoni with pesto, ricotta and spinach ravioli, roasted vegetable lasagna, cauliflower gnocchi, chicken parm, and… an empty space. 
You tilt your head.
You lean away and crouch to read the description cards, looking for the bubble letters to tell you where on Earth your saving grace is. When you spot the card, you stand again. The indicated space is empty, your heart is empty, your will to live is—
A box of organic pesto tortellini is tossed back into the freezer and you look up. Your eyes might lose their prideful dryness at any moment, even in public next to that handsome stranger with the nice jacket and,
the box of mac and cheese.
You gasp audibly and leap backwards. You point at the box in his left hand.
With an expression of panic, he holds his hands— and the box— up in innocence. “It’s okay. I’m not—”
“What the fuck is that?” you shout to gain the attention of customers you don’t even perceive, waggling your finger at the box. Your wide-eyed stare, and bared teeth, and messy hair must be terrifying. You hope they are.
He looks down at his hand. An eyebrow lifts. And, confusedly, he asks, “The box?”
“Yes, the fucking box!”
“It’s mac and—” he meets your gaze again. You’re wearing your anger like armor. But you aren’t scared. Bucky thinks he might never have felt such relief at a woman’s anger. “It’s mac and cheese.”
You shake your head. Wildly. Your neck hurts. “It’s the last box of mac and cheese!”
He glances at the box, then back at you. He jabs his thumb over his shoulder. “They might have some in the back—”
You shake your head again. A hint of devastation cracks your voice as you say, “It’s Monday night. Trader Joe’s restocks Tuesday night. This is usually all they have left.”
“I—” He pauses. “Is this shit really that good—”
“No, it’s not but that’s not the point!” you’re shouting again. And crying. Oh, God, you’re crying. In public. “The point is my building is going co-op!”
He tilts his head. “Your building is—”
“And I have to buy my apartment if I want to keep it! And they don’t give raises at my job to women unless they’re willing to suck something I won’t say in front of that kid right there,” you nod toward a little girl in a pink raincoat with her pin straight black hair in pigtails who stares at you in bewilderment. You sniffle. “So I quit. And I’m proud of myself for it. Because I have integrity, and I have self-respect, and I have no gag reflex, so the rejection should kill my boss dead.”
He cracks a small smile when you let out a short, watery, pathetic laugh. Easily, he holds the box out to you. “I hope your boss is dead, too.”
You laugh again and don’t hesitate before taking the box. You wipe your cheeks with your sleeve. “Thank you. You’re nice.”
“Not a popular opinion, but one I’ll certainly take.” He’s smiling and it’s warm. “Sorry— about all that.”
“You’re apologizing to me? I just screamed at you in the Trader Joe’s freezer aisle over mac and cheese.”
He shakes his head and picks up his own basket when you grab yours. “Your building’s going co-op and your boss deserves to burn in hell. You should get all the mac and cheese you want.”
You reach into the freezer for that green box of tortellini he’d thrown in, tossing it into his basket with a smile. Steph Curry at the NBA Finals. “Still. I’m sorry for yelling and I hope the tortellini doesn’t suck too bad.”
“It’s frozen pasta. My expectations are low.”
You hum a laugh and walk past him to the crowded lines at the registers. “As they should be.”
It’s when you’re lost in the sea of customers and Bucky is deciding between frozen palak paneer and frozen lamb vindaloo with basmati rice that he feels a tug at the hem of his jacket. 
He looks away from the green and orange boxes, lowering his gaze to meet curious almond-shaped eyes beneath blunt black bangs. He smiles and she returns it. “Yes?”
She reveals her right hand, which she had hidden behind her pink raincoat, and holds a phone up to Bucky as far as her arm will let her.
“Is that your phone?”
She shakes her head and giggles. Loud, happy, and squeaky. “Yelling lady dropped her phone.”
Bucky’s eyebrows knit together until a woman, much closer to his height, steps behind the little girl. She takes the phone the girl holds out and offers it to Bucky when he straightens his posture. Her smile looks like the little girl’s. “We figured you would have a good chance at getting it back to her.”
He takes the phone and nods his thanks. Pressing the power button reveals a picture of you and a dog, a large, fluffy dog with its pink tongue hanging low. You’re smiling brightly and, oddly, it seems like the dog is, too.
“So you just took her phone? Didn’t even ask an employee to keep it there in case she came back for it?”
Bucky, watching the tray of pasta rotate in the microwave, scowls. “I would’ve if I’d known that was an option. And stop eating my fuckin’ chips.”
Sam tosses back another handful of kettle-cooked barbecue potato chips in defiance so the obnoxious crunching echoes through the kitchen. He smiles sarcastically when Bucky snatches the bag and rolls it up. Half is already gone. “You come up with how you’re gonna get it back to her?”
“Thinkin’ about asking Pepper to post a picture of it like it’s a missing child to that ‘Tweeter’ nonsense,” Bucky replies dryly. He’s glaring at Sam as he leans his hip against the counter. “You and I both know I haven’t come up with shit.”
Sam snorts and is smiling in amusement, deep brown eyes alight. Bucky hates the sight. “Tweeter. You’re so fuckin’ old.”
It’s been hours since Bucky took the phone from who he learned is little Vivienne and her mother, and he is no closer to getting it back to you. 
He’d tried looking for you at the store but there were too many people for a Trader Joe’s that Yelp claimed was the least busy in New York for that to yield results. So he returned to the Tower. He thought about asking Tony to look into the doohickey but figured an invasion of privacy should be the last resort.
He pulls the tray from the microwave with nimble vibranium fingers and sniffs the pasta before setting it down on the counter. He removes a bowl from one of the cabinets and dumps the steaming pasta in it, a sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan from a tub he’d bought— also at Trader Joe’s— a finishing touch.
“She’s cute,” Sam says when the screen lights up with an incoming text notification.
Bucky spins his fork between his fingers as he walks around the counter to sit on the barstool beside Sam’s. He glances at the phone as well. “Very cute,” he agrees. “She had a shitty day. Something about her apartment goin’ co-op. Whatever the hell that means.”
Sam frowns. “Means she’s gotta buy the place. And with New York real estate prices right now,” he shakes his head with a sigh. “She better have a well-paying job.”
“Quit that today, too.” Bucky takes a bite of the pasta and hisses as it burns his tongue. “Boss is a creep that asked for some action in exchange for a raise.”
“Jesus. Poor girl.”
The tortellini isn’t great. It’s a little bland, a bit too dry, and there isn’t enough filling— but it’s better than Bucky had expected. He takes another bite. “Yeah. And I took the last box of mac and cheese. Which is what she went to the store for.”
“I’m surprised your head wasn’t chopped off.”
Bucky smiles. “She yelled— a lot. Was crying, too, ‘til she said something and made herself laugh.”
Sam then begins teasing Bucky juvenilely for having a crush until both men are laughing and shoving one another to see who falls off their stool first, Sam only relenting when Bucky hands the potato chips to him again as a peace offering.
The bowl is in the sink and the chips are down to just crumbs when a loud ringtone— an instrumental version of an R&B song Bucky recognizes from Sam’s many plays of the original— shocks the two of them.
It’s from an unknown number and Bucky is unsure if he should pick up until Sam swipes answer and puts the call on speakerphone. “Hello?”
A sigh. Bucky doesn’t know if it’s one of relief or frustration. “I’m hoping whoever this is found my phone and didn’t steal it.”  
Sam shoves Bucky’s shoulder with a toothy grin and Bucky rolls his eyes. “The little girl you almost traumatized in the freezer aisle found it and gave it to me.”
Another sigh— the relief in this one is obvious— and you’re laughing. “It’s you— tortellini dude. Must’ve fallen when I crouched down.”
“Seems like it, yeah.”
“So are you gonna ask for my address or do I have to schlep over to Avengers Tower?”
Bucky and Sam exchange a look. “Avengers Tower?”
“You weren’t exactly in disguise— I realized who you are the minute I left the store. Would’ve recognized you right away but I was in my own head and you aren’t my favorite Avenger.”
Bucky smiles. “Yeah? And who is?”
Immediately, the phone is taken from Bucky’s hand. “Hi, baby, you’ve got Falcon.”
A gasp, a pause, then you laugh. Audibly stunned laughter. “You guys actually hang out with each other? That’s cute.”
Before Sam can reply, Bucky flicks his forehead— in reply to which Sam elbows Bucky’s ribs— and takes the phone back. “I can bring your phone to you whenever you’re free.”
“Awesome. I’m unemployed now so any time tomorrow is fine.”
You tell him your address before hanging up and he wishes you a good night. Your laughter is the last thing he hears before three beeps signify the end of the call.
Bucky takes the subway. He switches lines to the F train. He tries not to mind the overpowering smell of stale B.O. and deli meat leftover from rush hour, the skittering steps of a rat across the floor in the adjacent empty car. He ignores those who stare at him intensely enough to burn the fabric right off his skin. All for that one apartment in SoHo.
He thinks the gash below his ribs might still be leaking as the warm, moist subway station air blows past him. He can feel that cluster of bruises above his knee— the one from the pipe the hostile operative had ripped off the rickety walls of a nearly destroyed Hydra base— every time he takes a step, more so as he climbs the stairs.
He knows he must be quite a sight with combat boots and tac pants worn and dusty, a simple bomber jacket thrown over a ripped, sliced, stained compression tank. His mind is blank, his eyes shadowy, the ghost of something terrible lurking behind blue and grey. 
Posture stiff and muscles cold, steps crisp despite the ache, he follows the familiar path and manages to form the thought of turning around. Not bringing this all to a threshold— or, more accurately, a windowsill— he’s only crossed three or four times. He’s too weak, though.
It takes one rap of his knuckles against the third-story window for a lamp to flicker on, gauzy drapes pushed aside. You smile as he lifts the window open, stepping aside as he enters the apartment with careful grace. He feels less guilty when he sees that your bed is still made and your hair isn’t the tangled mess it usually is when he bursts in at a late hour.
“I have a door.”
“Okay, show-off.”
It’s when he steps into the light of the standing lamp in the room’s corner that your quiet laughter gives way to a soft gasp. 
He doesn’t like the widening of your eyes or the way you gently lift the right side of his jacket, fingers light against the torn fabric. But you laugh again, and it shakes in nervousness. “You know I’m not a doctor, right? Or a nurse? Or even a pharmacist with high self-efficacy?”
He nods and, despite himself, there’s a smile pulling at a corner of his lips. His eyes brighten a little. “It’ll heal itself.”
“Confidence. I like that in a burglar.”
Before he can take a step further into your bedroom, you click your tongue against the roof of your mouth and point at his feet. “Boots.”
He kicks them off with a sigh and a groan when the shifting of his knee sends a tremor up his leg. His jacket is tossed aside as well, and he catches the black t-shirt you throw to him. You’d washed it, folded it, and put it in your closet. 
Just a little more brightness. “You owe me mac and cheese.”
“Oh, I owe you mac and cheese? We’re really holding onto shit from four months ago?”
He nods again and pulls his tank off, withholding a wince.
Eyebrow raised, you cross your arms over your chest. You’re giving him a narrow look but, because you’re clearly struggling against a smile, it’s one of his favorites of the expressions you’ve ever offered him. 
You give him a towel next— pastel blue. “Shower and then we’ll see about me owing you something.”
He wants to say thank you, do more than smile. 
But he knows if he so much as opens his mouth while you’re looking at him the way you are, he’ll tell you he’s fallen in love with you over the last four months, that maybe he’s been in love since you screamed at him in the freezer section of Trade Joe’s. 
He’ll go to say thank you, but the words of a Byron poem he’d learned to impress a girl in his English class more than eighty years ago will come pouring out or he’ll simply kiss you like he wishes he could on the nights he can’t sleep or during the missions he can just barely endure. 
He’ll go to say thank you, and then tell you with no clarity whatsoever that you’re what he finds comfort in when he’s had a hard day. That the disgusting, mushy, nothing-compared-to-fresh mac and cheese is just an excuse.
But he just smiles. And nods. And takes a shower.
His hair is still wet as he stands across from you at the kitchen counter. There’s a bowl of steaming pasta between you, a spoon in his hand and a fork in yours. “You’re dripping onto the counter.”
With a cocking of his eyebrow, he shakes his head and you sputter a laugh, shoving his shoulder. “Bucky!”
He laughs then, fully and happily, as he reaches over to wipe the drops from your cheeks and forehead. You only smile back, the gleaming of your eyes making him feel warm all over.
“This shit’s terrible, by the way,” he says after a minute of staring.
You shrug a shoulder. “Told you.”
“And you fought me for it. Publicly.”
You shrug again and laugh. You lean your elbows atop the counter to match his relaxed posture, dragging a noodle through a particularly large puddle of melted cheese. 
Looking up, your nose nearly bumps Bucky’s and you hope he doesn’t hear your breath stall. You try to smile. “Makes me feel better when I need to fill that hole in my heart.”
“With cholesterol?” he jokes.
“Yes. It’s excellent. It’s like spackle.” As he laughs and you roll your eyes, you push off the counter to stand straight. “I’m glad you’re back.”
You hum. “I’m seeing an apartment I want tomorrow and need the rent lowered. And you’re the Winter Soldier.”
He considers that for a moment and you burst into laughter just as his eyes narrow into a fond glare. “You want me to scare them into lowering the rent?”
“Don’t think of it as you scaring them,” you begin, rounding the counter to stand next to him, hip leant against the marble, “think of it as you being an amazing friend and helping me.” A moment later you add, “By scaring them.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. He glances at the bowl to avoid the risk of staring at you for too long. “Fine.”
You grin. “You really take no convincing.”
A snort and he meets your gaze. “Only when it comes to you. I’m afraid you’ll start crying again.”
“So I could ask you for anything and you’d probably say yes?”
He shrugs a bit, then nods. Who is he kidding? You could ask for his right arm and he’d give it to you.
“Okay. Go on a date with me then.”
There’s a pause— in the conversation, in his chest. “A what?”
“A date. It’s like dinner, or coffee, or a movie, or something.” You grin when he takes half a step in your direction and his hands grip onto the counter at either side of you. “It’s this thing people do when they like each other.”
Something much more than like is in the sparkling of your eyes and the tilt of your head. Something that might match exactly what’s in his eyes whenever he’s around you. His insides burn at the thought.
“I know what a date is.”
“They had those back in your day?”
He nods and leans forward. “Not from the Stone Ages.”
Your lips brush lightly against his, hand set on his chest to feel the rapid beating beneath. You smile and he thinks he might melt. “Could’ve fooled me with that hair.”
Laughing, he presses his lips to yours a little harder.
Apartment littered with unpacked boxes, misplaced books, and askew furniture, you sit on top of the counter where Bucky works. He’s twirling a knife through his metal fingers, arranging sprigs of chives on the cutting board with the flesh ones. 
He smiles when he catches you staring at the pan cooling on the stove. “S’not done yet.”
You sigh. Loudly, heavily. “You took it out of the oven. That means it’s done.”
“It needs to cool for a few minutes or you’ll burn off your taste buds. You want to burn off your taste buds?”
“You want to burn off your taste buds?” you repeat in a high-pitched, taunting voice. You’re scowling and, somehow, look to be on the verge of snatching the knife from him to stab it through his chest. “Maybe I do.”
Less than a minute later, you groan and add, “I don’t care how good you are in bed. I’m about ten seconds from dumping you.”
Swiftly, he chops the chives and turns around to sprinkle a bit into the baking dish. “You know, most people would say thank you.”
“Most people don’t have to wait an hour while their boyfriend attempts to make mac and cheese when there’s a perfectly good box in the freezer that would take four minutes.”
“It’s worth it.”
In all honesty, he doesn’t know if it’s worth it. 
He’d asked Sam for a recipe and did his best to follow it despite the autocorrect which had changed “gruyere” to “grape year.” But he trusts it since Sam generally knows what he’s doing in the kitchen. Unlike Steve who had continuously attempted to chime in with useless suggestions such as, “Maybe don’t add the paprika.”
“Just trust me,” he urges as if replying to the growling of your stomach which has interrupted his search for the plates he could’ve sworn he’d unpacked. He’s crouched and searching the lower cabinets as he adds, “You’ll fall in love with me after you try it.” 
“Who says I haven’t already?” 
He stops searching.
He peeks his head above the edge of the counter and, his eyes wide, he sees you pulling two plates from a box placed on the small nook table. Your smile is small and a bit sheepish— the latter something he’d never seen from you. 
“You never took them out,” you tell him, the clatter of ceramic on the wooden surface loud when you set the plates down. As you approach and he stands to his full height, you sigh and roll your eyes at the look he gives you. “Yes, I love you. It can’t be that shocking.”
“It isn’t.” 
“Someone should tell your face that.”
Chuckling over the heavy thumps in his chest, he leans forward to kiss you but pauses just to say, “I love you, too, by the way.” 
When an empty dish sits between the two of you, Bucky’s stomach warm and full of over three-quarters of it, you stand from the table and walk to the freezer. 
Shooting a smile over your shoulder, you grab the familiar red box and toss it into the stainless steel trash can. Steph Curry at the NBA Finals. “I’m never eating that shit again.”
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geekywritings · 3 years
JUNGKOOK X READER Part 1 - The most awkward meeting
I got myself a list of writing prompts that I just couldn’t resist. So enjoy Part 1 of a Jungkook x Rader Mini Series I’m planning. If you have prompts for Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader or Yoongi x Reader you want, send them over! :D
The prompt for this part is: “ They jump into your car breathlessly and tell you to keep driving.”
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Damn, you hated red lights. Especially after work, when you just wanted to get home to your little flat and cats. But all the traffic lights of Seoul had somehow magically decided to stop you at every chance possible. 
You had currently stopped on your SIXTH one since you had left your job and were furiously drumming your fingernails against the wheel, before turning up the volume of the music you were listening to. It was just the right song to calm you down and so you started to sing along.
The last note ended on a scream however, when suddenly the door was pulled open and a stranger in a mask practically fell into the seat next to you. He was quick to pull the door shut behind himself and then breathed out a “GO!”.
In your panic, you just did as told, putting in the gear and starting the car as the traffic light changed to green. Just as you started moving, you saw a group of wildly screaming girls come to a hald where you had just been standing. You were tense, while the adrenaline started pumping like crazy in your body. Almost afraid to look at the stranger next to you, in case he took out a gun or something, you kept your eyes on the road, but still took a moment to lower the volume of the music. Now you could hear the stranger breathing heavily, suggesting that he must have been running.
“Thank you...”, he finally managed to say after a few minutes. “I don’t usually do that.”
“Do what?”, you asked, eyes still on the road, your body tense. 
“Jump into people’s cars. But I was desperate.” From the corner of your eye you could see him pulling down his mask and curiosity got the better of you. You turned your head and your jaw almost dropped. Next to you was one of the most handsome guys you had ever laid eyes on. There was also something really familiar about him, but you couldn’t exatcly put your finger on it.
“That’s assuring...”, you slolwy replied, eyes darting back to the road. Silence fell for a few moments, until you just had to ask. “Why were you running?”
Now it was his turn to look surprised, though you couldn’t tell why. “You don’t...oh... I was running from some crazy girls.”
Was that how popular guys were treated these days? Crazy world. Then again, he did look like a model or an idol, so some females were bound to lose their minds over him. 
“Can I drop you off somewhere?” All you wanted was to go home, really, but you could hardly just throw him out randomly or take him home. 
“Do you know where Big Hit Entertainment is?”
You shook your head. You had heard the name obviously, but didn’t know much more. 
“I’ll guide you.”
From then on, you just followed his instructions, navigating your car towards the fancy Gangnam-Gu district and feeling absolutely out of your element.
“Are you a trainee then?”, you asked, which earned you another confused look from your new passenger.
“You really have no idea who I am?”
Again you had to shake your head. “You do look kinda familiar, but...” You ended it with a shrug. As you stopped at yet another traffic light, he pointed towards a billboard on his side. You had to lean over a little to see it, but then your world turned upside down. It was a huge advertisement with seven handsome boys. BTS, it read, and in the center stood the very person currently in your car.
You froze up completely. “Hello?”, he called, waving his hand in front of you and then nodding towards the light that had turned green again. How long had you been out? Instantly you got the car going again, this time feeling even more nervous than when he had just gotten in.
How did one deal with an idol in their car?! 
“You really didn’t know.”, he said, suddenly sounding rather amused and giving you a cheeky grin.
“I don’t pay much attention to the k-pop world.”, you admitted. You had a busy job and your cats and yoga classes to fill your days and while you did enjoy music, you hardly thought about the artists.
He nodded in understanding and then turned to look at you properly for the first time. You could practically feel his stare and you wondered if you looked horrible. Working as a junior vet, you hardly wore fancy clothes, instead opting for white sneakers, jeans and a simple white shirt, with your hair pulled back. 
You reached the next traffic light, which couldn’t be anything other than red of course and you turned to look back at him, his smile only growing wider, making you feel even more self conscious. 
“I never had such an interesting ride back to the agency.”, he suddenly said. You raised your eyebrow at that. Interesting was a curious word to pick here. Awkward or surprising was more fitting in your opinion. 
“It’s certainly a first for me.”, you said.
“What? You don’t usually pick people up like that?”
For the first time your lips twitched upwards, a smile breaking through.
“No, usually such things only happen in dramas.”, you reminded him.
“Ah, so you don’t know K-Pop, but you know your dramas. Good to know.”
“Are you teasing me?”, you asked, slowly warming up in his presence, even though it was still awkward. 
“No, I would never.”, came the instant reply, but his cheeky grin said otherwise. 
“What’s your name?”, he suddenly asked.
“Why?” The question bubbled out of you before you could stop.
“It would be nice to thank my saviour properly.” 
You nodded and gave him your name, before concentrating on the road again. From the corner of your eye you could see him take out his phone, typing away.
“Do you have Kakao?”
Again a question you did not see coming and you had to concentrate extra hard on the road not to cause an accident.
“Yes...”, you started wearily and then slowly gave him your ID. Was this really happening? Was he adding you? A second later you could feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. OMG, he really might have! 
“I’d like to thank you properly, Y/N.”
“It’s no need. I’m glad I could help.”
You turned right, as he indicated to you, already absolutely lost. This was a part of town you never visited and the traffic was making you nervous. So many fine cars...
“My hyung’s would never let me live it down if I didn’t show my gatitude properly though.” 
When he spoke like that he sounded so young. Thinking back to what little you know of the group, you remembered that he was the youngest one. But his exact age? You really couldn’t recall. 
“You work as a vet?”
He must have been scrolling through some of your Kakao Story Posts, seeing as you sometimes posted pictures from work.
“Yes, I just started though after university.”
“You are my age.”
So that answered that question. But you were caught on something else.
“Are you stalking my profile right now?”
“No.” There was this incredibly charming cheeky grin of his again! No wonder he was an idol!
“You can just ask, you know? I’m sitting right here.”
For the first time he appeared shy though and put his phone away. “Maybe next time. The building up there is our destination.”, he finally said, puling the mask back over his handsome face. But even with his mouth covered, you could see the smile in his eyes, when you stopped the car.
“I’ll text you.”, he said and all you could do was nod. “I mean it.”, he added. “I might need another rescue. Or maybe a nice ride back to Big Hit.”
He was teasing you again, you realized, but somehow it made you smile widely. “I’m not a cab.”
“Of course not, Miss Junior Vet.” He got out of the car, but leaned inside once more. “Than you again, Y/N. Till next time.”
You followed him until his form disappeared inside the building, reality fully hitting you for the first time. You had just picked up an idol on your way home. A super hot idol. And he had talked to you. And added you on Kakao. AND promised to text you.
You shouldn’t get your hopes up about that last part, you knew, but still. Seeing as you were still parked outside of the building, you sneaked a look at your smartphone. Indeed, someone had added you on Kakao. But first, you needed to look something up. You googled BTS and instantly the search engine was flooded with information. Jeon Jungkook. That was the info you had been looking for, finally putting a name to the handsome face.
You would certainly not forget this day ever. But you had no idea that this was just the beginning...
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nekomapi · 3 years
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aesthetic: a halloween carnival with your besties
(may be reposting this from last year cause it needs more love and is still ON MY BRAIN)
👻 👻 👻
Daichi, Suga & Asahi
Asahi’s stomach is in knots as you enter the haunted house. This isn't lost on Suga and for some reason he just can't miss this opportunity. Humming to himself and nonchalantly eating his pink cotton candy, he sneaks up behind the gentle giant and during a quiet moment... screams bloody murder while gripping Asahi’s shoulder hard. Asahi jumps, his hand grasping his heart in terror, panting wildly. Suga doubles over in wild laughter, slapping his back. “Give the poor guy a break, Suga.” Daichi teases as you both are trailing behind the pair. Outwardly he seems unaffected by the eerie attraction, but your arm is linked with his and you can feel his body tense up with each corner you turn. He looks over to check on you and flashes a thin smile, lightly squeezing your arm to reassure you, though you think it might have been more reassuring to him. You also catch him keeping his eyes partially closed for most of the walk, probably to attempt blocking out some of the scares.
Tanaka & Noya
This pair couldn’t act tougher as you enter the haunted house, both puffing out their chests and declaring them as your protectors. After 30 seconds, they’ve already lost their composure and a costumed ghoul sends Noya flying into Tanaka’s arms, your modern day Shaggy and Scooby Doo. Their terror immediately fades off once they exit and spot a BBQ’d meat stand. After sharing multiple orders of skewers, you all proceed to ride every single rollercoaster, front row and screaming your faces off. You stumble upon a crowd of people at the "Test Your Strength" game and notice Yamamoto accepting challengers to beat his score. Tanaka smirks as he steps up.
Iwa & Oikawa 
Half of the night consists of Tooru being a tease to all his fangirls near the kissing booth. You and Iwa roll your eyes and have a blast passing the time playing paintball. You both sneak out of the field with your paintball guns and use them to pelt a few right into Tooru’s ass during a selfie he's taking with a few girls. He lets out a strangled yelp, and upon spotting you, playfully sticks out his tongue and hastily excuses himself from his fans. You and Iwa chase him to the other side of the carnival, straight into a line for ice cream. He buys you both one and you all eat your waffle cones on the ferris wheel. Tooru mentions how he can’t help being so popular and proclaims you both were just jealous everyone else was taking his attention. You and Iwa look at each-other, remembering your earlier conversation and knowing exactly the best way to shut him up. You dare him to volunteer for the Pie-in-the-Face booth. Laughing on the way, his pride accepts the challenge because,” Who would ever want to do such a thing to this beautiful face, Y/N-channnnnnnn?” He chokes immediately on his words once Iwa brings up the first motivated customer, Ushijima. Tendou sticks his head out from behind him and lifts his fingers in a peace sign. “Suuuuup, bitches.”
Kuroo & Kenma
You set up your blanket on the lawn for the horror film marathon. Kenma’s backpack was full of beer and snacks, not to mention the copious amounts of kettle corn you bought at the stand. You and Kuroo cuddle up in a blanket, getting wasted and reciting every line to the movie Scream. A few blankets away, Yaku keeps yelling at you to shut up and you proceed to throw kernels at him throughout the film, ducking under the blanket each time even though he obviously knows it’s you two. Kenma sips on a beer as he plays his nintendo switch, glancing up once in a while during a loud scare scene. When the movies over, you grab churros and Tets gives you a piggyback ride when your feet start to ache. Every girl eyes him down and you playfully smack the back of his head when he decides to make a joke about it. You beg Kenma to play some IRL carnival/arcade games with you and he obliges, winning an abundance of stuffed animals that you both make Tets carry around for you. 
Suna, Atsumu, Osamu 
Tsumu breathes a sigh of relief after finding refuge in the corn maze from his screaming fan club; he admits to be more terrified of them than any of the other haunted attractions. Samu eats his homemade onigiri and bickers back and forth with Tsumu on which direction they should go. You and Rin are very unconcerned as you pass the time smoking a joint he pulled out immediately upon starting the maze. You hang on his arm and play a word association game that Tsumu finds obnoxious because, “it’s not funny at all, yer both just high as a kite,” and you two endlessly snicker at yourselves. A surprising, yet also unsurprising discovery in the middle of the maze is Terushima. He's laying against some hay, tongue deep with some girl who works at the carnival. “Thatta boy, T.” You slap his back as you walk by, Samu’s face wrinkled in disgust and Tsumu laughs, internally cheering about how it’s one less girl for him to worry about.
Bokuto & Akaashi: 
Kou insisted that you all wear costumes. Akaashi went as a zombie and it took you a few hours to help them both apply face make-up, Kou’s skeleton taking the longest. That’s why you immediately face-palmed when he decides to play bobbing for apples about ten minutes upon entering. You and Akaashi couldn’t help but crack up as he had to walk around the rest of the carnival with flat hair and makeup smeared all over his face. You all get your fortunes read but immediately realize it was a bad idea when Kou absolutely freaks out from the ominous reading he received from the fortune teller. He spends a half hour sulking, spitting out incredibly dark ideas of what she might have meant and you and Akaashi scramble to find ways to cheer him up. The remedy? Bumper cars. You leave later that night, a bag of goldfish in tow that he won you at Ring Toss. Kou insists you name them both after him.
Tsukishima & Tadashi:
As much as you hate leaving the petting zoo, it is even more impossible to pull Yamaguchi away. Watching him snuggle the bunnies is making your heart sing, but your moment is quickly interrupted by Tsukki’s signature chuckles. The reason? He’s just witnessed Kageyama get bitten by a goat. You and Yamaguchi get matching face paintings and pick pumpkins in the patch to carve while Tsukki zones out listening to his headphones while chewing on strands of a funnel cake.
ICYMI. Shoyo will not stop freaking out about how much taller he can make himself look in the funhouse mirrors.
FYI, Sakusa left you on read at your invitation. There is not enough Purell to get him to a carnival and how dare you suggest such an idea.
🎃 xo n.pi
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EXT. The Roof (Winter) - Sunset
Not Just Attracted to Women!Peter Maximoff x Fem and Not Just Attracted to Men!Reader
Based off of a dream I recently had: Peter and Y/N have a conversation on the roof of Xavier's in mid-December. Peter accidentally lets it slip that he might not be straight, and he is afraid that Y/N will think less of him because of it because this is the 80s. Y/N reveals that she is also not straight, and is saddened by the fact that Peter could think that she could ever hate him- especially for that. She calls him wonderful. Feelings ensue. Also, a touch of Cherik at the end because I give the people what they want.
Warnings: Swearing, Peter cries, internalized homophobia (this is the 80s-ish and Peter uses the word 'queer' in a kind of incorrect and kind of offensive manner, but it was internalized homophobia and not actually intended to be mean to anyone but himself so I forgive him), a touch of angst but mostly fluff, Charles called you two "children" even though you are obviously not, Erik is happy that his son has someone that cares about him the way you do, Peter is insecure but not super blunt about it, Peter has been deprived of being adored his entire life, bad writing, I mention a serial killer twice, historical inaccuracy because the word queer was still a slur so yeah.
A/N: This is literally the first thing I have ever written so please be nice to me, I wrote this instead of an essay. I would love a comment of any kind, even if it's just a heart emoji or something, and constructive criticism would be highly appreciated. Also 'N/N' stands for nick-name.
(Ok, so, full discloser: the format is odd. The bullet points represent dialogue, and the only dialogue is between you two love birds. The first bullet point is Peter, the second is Y/N, the third is Peter, and so on.)
“I dunno, the whole ‘liking people’ thing has always been weird for me.”
“How do you mean?"
“Pppffftt- 'how do you mean,' what are you, Shakespeare or somethin’?”
“Yeah, because that’s the era when ‘how do you mean' would have been a popular term. Ok, what do you mean?”
“Just- when other people were liking people I never really was?”
He was gesturing wildly and avoiding eye contact, as always. He wasn't uncomfortable with eye contact, he just got bored easily in conversations, he needed to keep himself occupied. In this situation that meant staring at the red and green lights covering the rest of the roof, the snowy trees all over the yard, and a holly garland around the gate. Peter wasn't Christian, but man, did he love their Christmas decorations.
“Like… now? In school?”
“Well- yeah… but also when I was younger. And I never liked the right people? Or... liked them in the right way?”
“So you’ve never liked anyone.”
“No, no… I definitely have. It was just… weird! I don't-”
His hands dropped to his side in defeat.
“I don’t think it’s that out of the ordinary. I would tell you if it was. Also, if it was... 'weird', like you said, that wouldn’t mean it was necessarily bad.”
He hadn’t really heard what she said, he was too busy pondering what his next sentence would be. When she wasn't speaking, he was rambling.
"I had some of the normal crap… like in movies when they talk about the fluttery stomach junk. I've had that around a few girls I've been friends with, also that phase with the boy stuff, a-"
“Wait, what phase with the boy stuff?”
“Like- when you’re in middle school or whatever and you're gay for a second.”
His phrasing was a joke, but the statement as a whole was not.
“…‘Gay for a second’?”
"Is that- not-"
"I don't think that is... 'normal'... per-say..."
“Oh… Really?”
His heart sunk.
He suddenly looked almost embarrassed. He shifted his posture, seemingly trying to shrink into himself.
“Do you... wanna chat about it?”
Panic started to slowly rise in him.
“Um- forget I said anything.”
Something in him said to go on the "defense". He did not appear as calm as he was intending to.
“I’m not- gay! or anything. I like girls! I do!”
She put her hand on his arm.
“Hey- look at me for a second. We are not in court, and I never 'accused' you of being gay. That would be a very funny reality TV show, but not what is happening right now. Listen, theoretically if you were gay that wouldn’t be bad! And I wouldn’t be… whatever you.. think that I would be? I mean- however you are afraid I would act in a negative reaction to it? I would try to be here for you, and be as supportive as possible.”
He didn’t believe her.
“Ok, sure.”
“What? You’re going to tell me that you would honestly be friends with a queer person- be friends with me if I was... not... normal?”
She was taken aback by his tone, the word he had used, and the way he said it, felt like a weight dropping on her shoulders.
“Oh. would you… not?”
It was her turn to seem nervous.
“Would you- stop being friends with someone for liking someone that they… I don’t know… shouldn’t... would be the word I guess?”
Why, in this situation, was she nervous? Oh. His fear was replaced with guilt.
“So… are you… do you… why were you scared?”
“... Why were you?”
She expected a joke from him, something along the lines of “touché".
“Are you… gay?”
Yeah, he didn’t believe her.
“Really, I’m not. I’ve liked boys, but also... I've had feelings for girls. I’m not… straight. So I just want to let you know that it’s okay if you aren’t too.”
“I never s-“
She smiled at him with a bit of pity, she had been there. The self-loathing, the feeling of walking on minefields with so many people in your life.
“You are…”
She paused.
“I am… what?”
“Give me a second I’m trying to find the perfect word.”
“… Okay?”
That was not exactly the word he was expecting. Like, at all.
“That’s the word. Wait- let me start over. You gotta look me in my eyes as I say it, because it’s gonna be really poetic.”
“Uh… should I be scared?”
“No. Maybe a little. No.”
“… Okay.”
He looked at her.
“You are… wonderful.”
“Oh... Thanks?“
He looked away again, to be honest, he was a bit uncomfortable. He rarely received compliments, especially ones that seem so... genuine.
“I’m not finished, look back at me, just for a second. You are so wonderful- and I will support you as whatever you are! I want you to know that I can- I can barely even think of something you could do that would make me genuinely hate you- like… maybe if you Dahmer-ed people or like chopped up a-“
He found this was amusing, yet disturbing.
“Sorry- I just- the fact that you thought, even for a second, that I could hate you… is just-“
“I’m sorry”
“No! Stop it. Don’t be sorry.”
She stared at him expectantly.
“What do you want me to-“
“Take it back! The sorry!”
“Say you aren’t sorry”
“Ok. I’m, ya know, not sorry.”
“Good. You shouldn’t be”
“You’re weird.”
“Yuh-huh. Says the most likely, from the little information I've gathered, bisexual in denial who also happens to be the fastest boy on earth who had to slow down exponentially to interact with other people who also, also, happens sitting on a roof in the dead of winter with me.”
“What’s by smexual?”
Something about the way he attempted to repeat her words must have been hilarious, he thought, because here she was, sitting in front of him, in a fit of childish giggles. He would smile if he weren't so confused.
“No- that’s not- what I said- it’s… wait!”
“You’re tryna get me off topic!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Am not!”
“Are t- shit.”
“HAHA! Victory is a sweet dessert... wait is that even the saying? Still, I win you lose, nerd.”
“Ok, okay! go on.”
She was attempting to gather herself to give off a less jokey aura. It was half working, the "am not! are too!" argument a few moments ago made it hard for him to take her seriously, but he could tell it was important to her that he did, so he tried his best.
“You have to look at me again. just for a second.”
“I sw-”
“Just do it? Please?”
His attempt to put up a fight was thwarted by her small "please". He was pathetic.
He looked at her.
“Me… or- wait- I…”
“Are w-“
“Wonderful, yeah yeah. just get to the n-”
“… No?”
“When you say it it doesn’t encapsulate it. It sounds silly.”
“Ok little miss ‘you art thou wonderful’, how would you have me say it?”
“I am you wonderful?”
“You called me ‘little miss you are you wonderful’ what does that-“
“Ok! Would you just- shut up and call me wonderful one more time, please?”
She looked at him and blinked. That sentence surely came off as less ironic than intended.
“You are wonderful.”
She grabbed his face, in a half-joking manner. Her grab smushed his cheeks and she couldn't help but laugh a bit when she did it. Even though it was clearly a bit, he was still flustered.
She shook him a bit.
"Shut up 'cause I'm about to say some beautiful and true shit. You are wonderful. You are wonderful. You are wonderful. You are absolutely, unchangingly, and irrevocably wonderful and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, Maximoff.”
After saying what she would (in 40 years or so) recall as a painfully John Green-ish statement in her blunt and matter-of-fact manner, she let go of her semi-ironic hold on his pink cheeks. Were his cheeks pink because it was absolutely freezing, or because his heart was beating faster than he had ever (and would ever, mind you) run, you ask? No comment.
“Wow what.”
“You do say it better than I do.”
“Did you like how I stressed different parts of the sentence each time? I thought that was a nice detail.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Did his voice just... break a little?
“Uh- yeah?”
Was he a little... sniffle-y? She was now very concerned.
“Are you okay?!”
“Oh- um... yeah!”
No! No he was clearly not! He was sniffling!
“Really? 'Cause, you don't seem it.”
“It’s just- I just- wow.”
“Wow, what!?”
“That was just- uh-"
“Just what? It really wasn't that fancy, you seem much too impressed with me. Oh my God, was it terrible?”
“I mean it was really corny but w-“
“I swear to God if you say 'wow' one more time I may have to add ‘use of the word wow too much’ to the list of things that could make me hate you. Right next to the Dahmer stuff. That was a joke. Your use of the word wow is only mildly perturbing. Sorry."
She was panicking "just a bit".
“I’m sorry, I mean I’m not sorry. Sorry. Shit! sorry! I mean I’m not!”
And he was absolutely... full-on crying at this point.
He was looking down at his mittens. Not that this is important, but they were very pretty mittens.
“Look at me, you klepto.”
He didn’t.
“You know- I’ve been hearing a lot of that 'look at me' stuff from you today. I mean- the klepto part is new-“
He peaked up at her.
“Talk to me. Please, you're kinda scaring me, let me help.”
“I’m not sad!”
“You’re crying!”
“Yeah but not from the sads!”
“… The ‘sads’?”
“You know- when you get sad! It just means being sad! I don't- that’s what Wanda calls it, not me!"
He wiped his nose, tears still running down from his puffy eyes to his reddened cheeks.
“What are you crying from?”
“No one’s ever called me wonderful before.”
“I'm sorry! I did a few minutes ago and you didn’t cry!”
“No! You can't 'sorry' me if I can't 'sorry' you! And- yeah but that doesn’t count!”
“Because it only felt big when you said it the certain way!”
“What way!?”
“You look at me, you grab my cheeks-“
“I'm sorry about that by the way I was j-“
“No! It’s really ok! Do it whenever! I mean don’t do it whene- shut up!”
“I’m not even talking! You're the one talking!”
“You look at me, you grab my cheeks, and you go: you are wonderful.”
“No one ever called me that before!”
"Peter, I- well- they- they should! They should! More often! Then the amount that it happens now! I think. In my opinion."
"Or really looked at me like that!”
“Looked at you like what, Peter?”
“Like I was somethin’!”
“Well, you are… ‘somethin'! Whatever that means! And- I think you deserve to be looked at as such!”
“You just-“
A strangled sob escaped from his throat. He didn't know how to explain.
“Ew. I hate that nickname.”
He crossed his arms over his chest like a toddler, trying to completely ignore the fact that he was an emotional wreck.
She opened her arms and gestured for him to come closer. He was hesitant at first- but gave up all the reasons he shouldn't move to be closer to her in exchange for the promise of comfort she was offering him. He crawled over to her and curled up in her arms. The way she held him made him want to cry more. Who does she think she is- holding him like he was worth holding? With her chin sitting on top of his hair? Letting him do that gross cry sob with the spit and the snot into her only winter coat? Rocking him, and shushing him, and petting his stupid, silver hair? She was warm, too! The audacity of this woman.
When Erik brought Charles into his office to grab a chess set, they saw the two in the window. For a moment Charles considered telling Peter and Y/N to get off of the high platform, seeing as the two were the reasons the "no sitting on the roof" rule was enacted in the first place (neither of them were coordinated whatsoever). Charles quickly dropped this notion when he saw the look on Erik's face, Charles could tell it made him so happy to see Peter be held like that, cared for like that. Erik's expression made Charles want to both tell Erik that he is the most precious thing in the world, and make fun of him (look at Mr. Metal, gone completely soft). Possibly he could do both at the same time. But for now, he is just going to pretend he didn't see the two outside of the window, and have Erik grab them their game, go to the living room, and pretend not to have read Erik's mind when he inevitably asks him how he always manages to pick the white chess piece at "random".
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To Tame A Wild Heart
Combined fanfic with @mguqiis WC 5.3K 13 pages long! This will be a complete fanfic I have 3 different ones I will be posting here.
Satoru Gojo the college campus hottie, his reputation of him getting around proceeds him. Every girl wants a piece of him and many have gotten a piece already. Then one day you transfer into one of his classes and he sets his eyes on you. He wants you but you’re unobtainable, that drives him crazy making him want you even more. No one ever, ever says no to Satoru Gojo. Every single one of your friends warned you about him but you didn’t listen…. You thought you were special to him and could tame him…. Maybe you can….
Chapter one: Welcome to Freshman Year
It was the third week of school and you were able to finally transfer into Advanced Placement Writing for your major. You made your way into the classroom and went all the way to the top away from everyone. To your classmates and friends you were (F/N) (L/N) but to the internet, you were known as Yoru-Chan famous smut writer of the series When a God Falls. You pulled out your laptop to work on your latest book, instantly getting sucked into your writing the world around you disappeared.
~Takara looked deeply into Fudo's endless ocean blue eyes as he pounded into her. “F-Fudo I m-missed you soooooo muchhhhh!” She moaned out as she slammed down on his cock hard.
“I missed you too my love.” He leaned up to kiss Takara deeply, she wildly attacked his lips as she entangled her fingers in his soft white hair.~
You faintly heard the bell ring, suddenly someone was tapping you on your shoulder bringing you back to reality. You looked up at a young man with white hair and the most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen…. “No fucking way…. Fudo?” You mumbled to yourself as you got lost looking at him.
The young man just smiled at you. “Hello my name is Satoru Gojo.”
“Oh-oh hello my name is (F/N) (L/N). It’s nice to meet you Gojo.” You replied shyly.
“Please call me Satoru.” He smiled at you again. “So whatchya working on?”
“Oh! Its n-nothing just a story of mine.” You said dismissing the subject.
“I would love to hear about your story.” Gojo said as he leaned in closer to you.
“M-maybe another time….” You said shyly as your cheeks turned red.
“Okay class listen up!” Started the professor. “Today we are picking partners for your projects! By the end of the year I want an entire book written minimum of fifteen chapters!”
The class groaned in annoyance.
You were sitting on the edge of your seat very excited for this.
“Come on guys don’t give me that! This is going to be a fun assignment! Anything goes in your book!”
Your eyes widened in wonder. “A-anything?” You said to yourself.
Gojo looked at you. “Pssssst (Y/N).”
You glanced at him. “What is it Satoru?”
“Will you be my partner?” He flashed you a sexy smile.
You turned bright red. “Uh-uhhhh wh-why do you want to be m-my p-pa-partner?” You stammered.
Gojo took your hands in his. “Because I see how excited you are for this project and I want to be partnered with someone who has a passion like I do for writing.”
You took your coat, hat and glasses off revealing your beautiful body and captivating (E/C) eyes. You had a cute punk look going for you wearing a black skin tight shirt with holes cut in all the right places, cut up jeans with fishnets peeking out of the holes and combat boots.
“Damn little hottie has a body. Now that is something I would like a go at.” Gojo thought to himself as he looked you over his ocean orbs stopping on your big breasts.
“So what do you say?” He looked at you.
You tucked your long (H/C) hair behind your ears. “Uh-uhhh we-well.” Your eyes darted around and noticed a group of girls were coming your way. “What is he super popular or something? I mean he is absolutely gorgeous.” You thought to yourself. “Wait Satoru Gojo I have heard about him! He’s a Sophmore and I heard he gets around with the girls on campus…. What am I about to get myself into?...”
“Y-yes I will be your partner!” You said really loudly drawing attention to yourself.
Gojo smiled at you. “Wonderful!”
You and Gojo looked over at the group of girls, they looked like they wanted to kill you.
“AHEM!” The professor cleared his throat gaining the classes attention again. “As I was saying anything goes in your stories! You’re adults now I want to see you push your limits step out of your comfort zones! Write something gruesome! Write some smut I will allow it!”
Your eyes almost fell out of your head when the professor said that.
“Okay now go pair up and start discussing your books!”
Gojo turned to you. “I can see the wheels turning in your head (Y/N)-chan, what are you thinking about for our book?”
You tapped you chin. “Hmmmm.” You took out a notebook and a pen. “Well what kind of books do you like to read?”
“Oh! I love fantasy, folklore, sci-fi…. Hmmmmm oh!” Gojo motioned you to move closer to him. “My guilty pleasure is the web novel series When A God Falls by Yoru-Chan.”
Your eyes grew wide. “No way….” You mumbled.
Gojo's eyes lit up. “You know the series? Oh my God I am obsessed with Yoru-Chans writing it’s amazing! Plus Fudo reminds me a lot of myself.”
“That’s for sure you certainty have his charming personality and good looks.” You muttered to yourself.
“What was that?” Gojo asked.
“Oh nothing…. So I’m taking a wild guess you want smut in our story?” You said smugly.
He placed his hand on your leg. “I was hoping we could write from personal experience.” He looked at you his ocean blue orbs filled with lust.
You removed his hand from your thigh. “I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am but I don’t jump into some random guys bed that easily Satoru. Are you extremely attractive? Yes you are, but you’re going to have to try harder than that mister.” You stuck out your tongue revealing a piercing.
He raised his eyebrow. “So there is a chance?” He said smugly. “Then challenge accepted! I’m taking you out to dinner tonight!”
“W-wa-wait just a minute.” You said getting very flustered as you fiddled with your hands.
“What you don’t want to be taken out by the hottest guy in school?” He said smugly.
“I mean I do but this is moving all so quickly.”
He smiled at you again. “Baby girl I am Satoru Gojo I do not take things slow.” He placed his hand back on your thigh.
“Well I’m not the type to move fast, I have heard about you reputation Satoru you never get into a relationship with any girl and I am not looking for a random fling.” You said removing his hand yet again.
He grabbed your hand and leaned in close to you. “Like I said (Y/N) challenge accepted.” He winked at you. “Now do you have any other classes today?”
“No this is my last class.”
“Perfect! Do you have any plans this weekend?”
“N-no?” You stammered.
He smiled at you.
“What are you scheming Satoru?”
The bell rang for class to end, Gojo held out his hand for you to take, you did so.
“This weekend my dear you are mine.” He smirked at you. “Let’s go out for lunch then back to my apartment. Sound good to you?”
“O-okay that sounds good.” You packed up your bag, Gojo wrapped his arm around you making you freeze up. Your heart was trying to beat out of your chest.
Gojo took you out to a very nice sushi restaurant for lunch.
“Damnit why of all people Satoru is…. He is the spitting image of Fudo….. Literally the man of my dreams and he’s a player….” You thought to yourself letting out a frustrated sigh.
Gojo tightened his grip around your hand making you look up at him. “What are you thinking up in that beautiful mind of yours?”
You shook your head and laughed. “Boy you are so smooth, it’s laughable how hard you’re trying to get in my pants.” You patted his hand.
“When I set my eyes on someone I like I won’t give up until I make them mine.” He held your hand.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh so very charming. How many girls have you used that line on?” You said sarcastically. “Too bad I see right through you Satoru. Those sweet compliments and a sexy smile might work on every other girl… that just means they’re easy to get into bed. I am a much more complex woman who isn’t as easily swayed just by your good looks.”
He leaned in close to you. “So what do you want?”
“A-a love like Takara and Fudo.” You started.
“Ohhhhh so you do read the series!?” Gojo got all happy.
You blushed. “Y-yes I do read it.” You said shyly.
“Hm? There’s more to it isn’t there?”
A small huff left your lips, though the pink which scattered your delicate cheeks stayed. “There isn’t. You shouldn’t pry in others’ affairs.” You said defensively.
You let out a small sigh, thinking to yourself. “This is absolutely ridiculous. I’m ridiculous!” You had the urge to smack yourself at the nearest wall, but right now wasn’t the best time and place.
“There’s something off with how she suddenly reacted like that…” Gojo thought to himself.
“How about we just go to your apartment?”
“Aren’t you eager ‘Ms. I’m different from other girls!’?”
“Not particularly…” You turned your nose up.
“I-It’s not what you think!” You said in a huff.
“What I think? Sweetcheeks, just what do you mean by that? How scandalous of you-“
“No! It’s not like that!” You backed up.
“I mean, why else would you go to a guy’s place?” Gojo moved closer to you.
“I said its not like that!”
“Keep it up and I’ll seriously continue to think you’re some closet pervert.”
“P-Please don’t!” You stammered as your face turned redder by the second.
“Her face is so red, can’t help but tease her.” Gojo thought to himself and chuckled.
You stepped into his apartment looking around surprised. “It’s so clean.” You said in amazement.
“I'm kinda offended by that (Y/N),” He replied sounding kind of hurt. “you make it sound like all I do is get it with girls!” He walked over and took your jacket.
“Isn’t that exactly what you do..?” You scoffed mumbling to yourself.
“Huh? Said somethin’?”
“N-Nothing! Nothing at all!”
He turned around and walked closer to you.
You backed up into a wall slightly intimidated by Gojo's God- like features.
He put his arm on the wall and looked deep into your eyes. “Now that we’re alone… Wanna tell me just what about that book got your panties in a twist?”
“W-What do you mean?” You shuddered averting your eyes from his gaze.
“You know exactly what I mean. Why else would you smile when I mentioned it? Or the way you just dismissed it when I asked about it? You’re definitely hiding something, (Y/N).”
“N-No I’m not! I…” You started getting defensive again trying to hide your nervousness.
He tilted your head up to look at him. “Yes you are (Y/N).” He leaned in closer to you. “Look at the way you’re acting right now.”
“Shit… he just looks so much like him. It’s just to hard to resist…” You Thought to yourself.
“Cat got your tongue? Should I help you fix that?”
“Fudo I-!”
“...Did you just call me ‘Fudo’?”
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You thought to yourself.
“Why on earth did you call me ‘Fudo’? Don’t tell me you’re in love with the main character!?” He smirked at you getting an idea.
“Don’t be so shy love.” He gently grabbed your butt picking you up as he leaned into your neck.
Your skin was getting hotter by the second as Gojo pressed his body against yours. “F-fuck why is he doing this!? This is exactly like the first time Takara and Fudo met!” You thought to yourself your breathing getting heavier as Gojo pressed his soft lips against your neck.
“F-Fudo wh-what are you doing?” You wined out.
Gojo stopped and looked at you with his ocean orbs. “What ever do you mean Takara?” He leaned in close to your lips.
“F-fuck why are you doing this?” You shook your head coming back to your senses. “No Satoru please stop. This isn’t what I want.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? You were really getting into it (Y/N).”
“Getting into what?” You asked looking confused.
“Roleplaying? I’ve never tried it before but roleplaying this book would be a lot of fun and seeing as you look a lot like Takara who is totally hot-“
“Roleplaying? You mean like acting out different characters?”
“Uh yea? What did you think I-“
“I mean I did model Takara after myself….” You mumbled a bit too loud and Gojo heard you.
“Woah wait just a minute! What do you mean you ‘modeled Takara after yourself'?”
“Huh?” You looked at him. “Oh shit…. Ummmm.”
“Okay (Y/N)! Spit it out!” Gojo yelled as he tickle attacked you.
You flailed about. “Noooooo Satoruuuu stoppppp!” You wiggled in his grip as he tickled your sides, you started to laugh. “Hehehe Satoruuuuu!” You continued to flail trying to free yourself, you managed to knock Gojo over landing on top of him.
Gojo locked you in a bear hug. “Ha I caught you! You’re not getting away until you tell me what in the hell you’re talking about.” He came dangerously close to your lips. “Now tell me my dear (Y/N).”
“Uhhhhh.” You studdered becoming a hot mess in Gojo's arms.
Gojo looked deep into your eyes giving you the puppy dog stare pleading with you. “Pleaseeee?” He kissed your cheek.
“Damn you Satoru.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “I….. Am Yoru-Chan.”
His eyes widened in amazement. “No fucking way seriously!? You’re Yoru-Chan!?” He let go of you giving you a dumbfounded look.
“What!? Why is that so hard to believe? Do you want me to show you some of the new book?” You asked taking out your lap top.
“I just never expected the writer of a famous internet smut novel be a cute little punk girl…. And a Freshman in college at that! The way you write about sex and describe it is like how someone with year’s of experience would write…. My closet pervert theory is standing with you!” He laughed teasing you more.
A frustrated sigh left your lips as your cheeks flushed a deep red. “H-hey now! I am not a closet pervert! For your information I am still a virgin!” You yelled as those words spilled out of your mouth you realized what you just blurted.
Gojo looked at you wide eyed. “You're a virgin and you write like that!? Oh my God….” He took you in his arms. “well then why don’t you write from personal experience?”
“Hey cool it Fudo!” You growled pushing Gojo off of you.
He smirked. “You really did model Takara after you, shy but defensive personality. This is going to be fun! Okay I want to take you out to dinner and a club after. I’ll walk you to your dorm so you can get clothes for the weekend.”
“Uhhhhh I don’t know if that’s a good idea my roommate Utahime is not a fan of you at all…. She might get really pissed off.”
Gojo raised an eyebrow. “It’ll be fine! I insist a beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be walking around on your own.” He smiled at you and handed you your coat. “Plus you don’t know how to get back here from your dorm.”
“Okay you got me there.” You admitted as he helped you put your coat on.
Gojo opened the door and a girl was standing there. “Oh! Yuki what are you doing here?”
Yuki looked at you. “Uh Gojo we had a date today?”
“Oh.” Gojo laughed nervously. “Sorry Yuki I need to cancel I have an important project that’s most of my grade in AP Writing and (Y/N) is my partner.”
Yuki laughed. “So why not ditch the nerd and let her write it?” She gestured to you. “Then we can go out! You’ve never cared about school this much before or ever hung around a goth girl. Gojo what’s up with you?”
“Excuse me who are you calling a nerd and giving labels to?” You butted in. “How would you like it if I said you looked like an escort.” You said looking at Yuki who was wearing a skin tight leather dress with a plunging neckline.
“Well I would like to be escorting Gojo out on a date!” She said angrily not even getting what you just called her.
You looked at her dumbfounded. “Well I am sorry Yuki but he is working on a project with me and taking me out tonight. I'm sure you have plenty of other men you can go out with. Why not message one of them?”
“Why I ought to!”
Gojo locked the door behind him and walked away with you. “Oh! Yuki don’t bother messaging me ether, this young lady will be taking up most of my time now. Bye!” He wrapped his arm around you.
“That little whore just thinks she can come in and take my favorite man from me! Oh she has another thing coming!” Yuki stormed off in the other direction.
“I'll be taking up most of your time now? Really Satoru? I heard you never spend more than a week with the same girl.”
“Well maybe I’m trying something new.” He smiled at you. “Now which dorm is yours?”
You pointed to the left. “The freshman dorms are over there.” He took your hand in his walking with you to the dorms.
People were gawking at you as you walked hand in hand with Gojo.
“Tch look at the new arm ornament Gojo has this week.” A girl with blue hair scoffed. “Poor girl will learn soon enough that he is going to leave her just like he does to every other girl. Poor little naïve Freshman doesn’t know what’s coming! Haha!”
“Sa-Satoru I feel like I’m being put on display…. And I don’t like it at all. Everyone is staring at us!” You said becoming flustered.
“Shhhhh it’s okay (Y/N).” He wrapped his arm around you again and kissed the top of your head so everyone could see.
“I don’t know something seems different about him with that girl…. He would never wrap his arm around a girl or kiss their head like that.” Said one of the girls friends. “Pfft imagine someone like her catches the heart of Satoru Gojo its laughable!”
All of the girls laughed.
A beautiful tall blonde approached you and Gojo. “Hey Gojo what’s with the charity case?” She asked pointing at you.
“What the fuck!?” You growled. “Is there some sort of issue with who I am and how I dress!?”
“Calm down (Y/N) you’re beautiful just the way you are.” Gojo smiled at you completely ignoring the girl as he walked past her.
“B-but Satoru both girls who approached to talk to you made fun of how I dress….. Now I’m never one to be insecure about who I am however, the two girls looked like models compared to me…. I’m not the usual type of girl you go out with am I?”
“Hmmmmm now that you mention it no you’re not, but that doesn’t matter to me. Like I said (Y/N) when I girl catches my eye I don’t give up.”
“And what about a girl- Hey!” You yelled as someone pulled you away from Gojo. “Utahime what are you doing?”
“(Y/N) can I talk to you?” Utahime glared at Gojo as he followed. “Alone!” She stormed off with you.
“Wait at least let him in the building!” You pulled away from Utahime to let Gojo in. “I told you she didn’t like you.” You sighed. “I’m in room 345 on the third floor just meet me up there.” You said before Utahime pulled you away again.
“What was I doing here again?” You thought to yourself as you stared at your overnight bag trying to ignore Utahime.
“Seriously (Y/N)! You can’t just stay with Satoru Gojo! He’s bad news!” Shouted Utahime bringing you back to reality.
“How many times have you told me that..?” You rolled your eyes as you walked over to your closet to grab clothes. “Hmmmmm now what should I wear?” You asked yourself as you looked through your mostly black wardrobe. Your eyes fell on your beautiful purple corset dress. “That’s perfect for tonight! Hmmmmm now what else? Maybe I should start dressing more like Takara, Satoru would like that….”
“I’ll keep repeating myself if I have to, (Y/N)! Satoru Gojo is not to be trusted if you want your heart broken!” She said trying to convince you not to go. “Please be smart about this and take my advice! Don’t go!”
“We’re going to study.” You said as you packed up a couple of skirts and cute tops to go with them.
“Shut up, you’re sleeping over for the weekend!” She yelled as she took out your sexy night gown and thongs. “Look at yourself (Y/N) you were just saying that Gojo would like it if you dressed like the character of your book!? Wait does he know that you’re Yoru-Chan?”
“I’m going, Utahime. There’s nothing you can do about it.” You finished packing your bag.
“(Y/N)! I’m warning you! He is a player!”
“Yeah, yeah just text me if there’s an emergency, okay?” You patted her shoulder as you turned to leave.
“That’s if you’re not already on your knees for him!” She scoffed. “You better fucking answer.”
“H-Hey! That’s not funny!” You said getting flustered.
“Then don’t go!” Utahime pulled on your arm.
“But mooooom, it’s an assignment that’s most of my grade! I have to go!” You said sarcastically as you opened the door to leave.
“Did you just call me your ‘mom’?— hey! (Y/N)! Come back here!” Yelled Utahime as you snuck out. She followed you out into the hall and saw you walking away with Gojo, his arm wrapped around your waist. “Dumbass.”
“So, Yoru-chan.” Gojo started.
“P-Please don’t call me that in public Satoru….” You said shyly as your cheeks flushed pink.
“Hehe, can’t help it. Still need to process someone as beautiful as you wrote such interesting stories.” He pulled you into his arms.
“S-Satoru!” You squeaked as he gently groped your butt.
“Fiiiiiiine, I’ll stop!”
“Thank you for walking me to my dorm and back.” You smiled at him
“It’s the least I should do for my precious Takara.” Gojo said flashing you a sexy smirk.
“You said you’ll stop the teasing!” You said getting a bit defensive.
“Kinda lied.” He chuckled as he unlocked his door.
You rolled your eyes. “What have I done?” You mumbled.
“Hmmmm you caught the eye of hottest guy on campus, that’s what you’ve done!” He said happily.
“Yeah too bad this gorgeous man is total player!” You said getting upset. “You know just my luck the man of my dreams-“
“Wait I’m the man of your dreams?” He looked at you confused.
“Well Fudo was modeled after the man of my dreams and you’re the real life Fudo sooooooo….. Yeah you kinda are.”
“Well if I were to truly become the man of your dreams….” Gojo held you in his arms. “what would you want me to do? Other than the obvious cutting out every girl I have ever hooked up with.”
“Hmmmmm well lets go out tonight and I will tell you after! Wait are you seriously willing to change for me?” You looked at him astonished.
He sighed. “Well seeing as Takara is the woman of my dreams and I have found my real life Takara, yes I am!” He kissed your cheek.
“You do know it is going to take a lot of proving yourself for me to trust you Satoru.”
He kissed your nose. “Challenge still accepted beautiful! I’m not giving up on you (Y/N)!”
You sighed. “Well I guess I don’t have a choice now do I?” You laughed.
“Oh you’ve had plenty of chances to leave but you haven’t yet, so I think you want this just as much as I do (Y/N).” He leaned in close to your lips.
You started to get warm and very flustered.
“Am I wrong my dear?”
You gave him a kiss on his lips. “Is that enough of an answer for now? I’m still not sure myself….. But I do know I don’t want to leave….. I’m looking forward to this weekend.” You smiled at him.
He smiled back and he took out his phone as he sat on the couch. “And to start I’m deleting all my social media and making a new Facebook that you will have the password to!” Gojo said as he started to delete apps off his phone.
“Woah hold on Satoru are you sure? You’re making it sound like I’m your g-girlfriend…”
“Well don’t you want to be (Y/N)?” He asked as he pulled you into his lap. “Don’t you want to be the girl who tamed Satoru Gojo?”
“I-I mean yes I do…. But like I said you have to do a lot of convincing for me to say yes, you are off to a good start!” You replied as Gojo handed you his phone to set up his new Facebook. “Okay the password is TakaraFudo, annnnnnnd done! What photo do you want to use?”
“I was hoping I could take a photo with you?” He asked smiling at you.
“Um sure! Why don’t we take one all dressed up for our date tonight? I don’t look very photogenic right now.” You laughed.
“You are absolutely beautiful right now!” He replied as he wrapped his arms around you taking a cute photo of the two of you. “See?” He showed you the photo.
You looked at it. “Yes I know I am beautiful, but I want to look even better! Hey can you send me that photo please?”
“Sure what’s your number?”
“It's 080-5555-2567.” You glanced down to see Gojo put you in his phone as ‘My Beautiful Takara'. Your phone buzzed and you looked at the message with the photo ‘I’m putting this as my background on my phone <3 you are so beautiful!’ You smiled at the sweet message and put Gojo in your phone as ‘My Wonderful Fudo'.
“What am I doing….?” You thought to yourself.
“Would you care for a drink (Y/N)?” Gojo asked you.
“Do you have mango sake? That’s my favorite!”
“Uhhhhh, yes I think I do! I’ll be right back with that for us!” He got up and went to the kitchen.
“What am I getting myself into? God he really is so smooth I’ve barely known him a day and I’m already acting like a fangirl! Come on (Y/N) you’re better than this....” You sighed. “But he’s so handsome ugh, I need to get my head checked! Here I am saying I’m not like other girls but yet I agree to sleeping over his apartment for the weekend.”
“Ohhhh Takaraaaaaa! I mean (Y/NNNNN)! Sake is served!” Gojo said happily as he bounced in with the tray of sake.
You laughed. “Why thank you Satoru.” You cheered Gojo and took a shot of the sake. He poured you another shot.
“To us!” Gojo held out his cup.
“T-to us!” You cheered him again and downed the shot.
You and Gojo we’re going shot for shot, Gojo kept making up the dumbest things to toast to but he didn’t care he wanted to get you drunk so you would loosen up. About an hour passed by and you were feeling pretty good.
“F-Fudo.” You hiccuped. “I-I-I think I’m goooooood I’ve had tooooo mu-much to-to drink.” You said slurring your words.
“Hm? How drunk are you?” He asked leaning in close to you as Gojo wrapped you in his arms.
You let out a small nervous hiccup. “Drunkkkkk enough to doooooo this!” You wrapped your arms around Gojo's neck as you straddled him and kissed him passionately.
Gojo pulled you in closer deepening the kiss as he slipped his hand under your shirt.
You broke the kiss. “H-heyyy wh-what do you think you’re doing Fudo I-I mean Satoru?” You swatted his hand away “Behave! Just because I kissed you it doesn’t mean I’m giving in that easily….” You blushed. “I-I just really wanted to kiss you….”
He smiled at you. “Okay, okay I’ll behave…. For you.” He looked at you like he wanted another kiss.
You chuckled. “What do you wanna kiss me again-“
Gojo cut you off planting another kiss on your lips. He gently nibbled on your lower lip making you moan allowing entry. Instantly he invaded your mouth dancing with your tongue. He gently groped your butt making you moan again.
“Well she certainly is a horny drunk…. I wonder how far she will let me go?” Gojo thought to himself as he slipped is hand into your shirt again swiftly unhooking your bra, this time you didn’t stop him.
You broke the kiss. “Sa-Satoru you said you would behave!” You said giving him a disgruntled look.
“Heh, I lied.” He smirked at you. “Come on baby girl I can see how badly you want to give into your desires….. I see it in your eyes…. You’ve been fighting it all day....” He leaned into your neck gently kissing it. “You want me so badly right now.” He whispered teasing you.
“Sa-to-ru.” You wined out. “Yes I do want you!” You blurted out. “Fuck!” You held your hands over your mouth.
Gojo got all excited kissing you as he attempted to take off your shirt but you stopped him. “Wa-wait just a minute Satoru! I’m not done…. Yes I do want you, however I am not quite ready to give myself up that easily. So BEHAVE! Please?”
“But whyyyyyy?” He asked pleading with you.
“Have you forgotten I am a virgin? This is a big deal for me….. I always thought I would be giving it up to someone I was in love with, someone who I had been dating for a long time…. Never have I ever thought that I would be contemplating hooking up with a guy I just met…. God I really am easy!” You said getting frustrated.
“I don’t think your easy.” Gojo kissed your lips. “Not to sound bad…. Well this is gonna sound bad however I say it so I’m just gonna say it. The fastest I ever got with a girl was five minutes after I met her….”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah your right that sounded horrible…. Man-whore.” You said teasing him.
“H-hey now…. No you’re right…. Anyways what I am trying to say is most girls I meet give themselves up within a few hours of meeting me… I’ve been with you almost the entire day and you’ve stopped every advance I have made on you, which is fine I’m enjoying this immensely. I have noticed you’re letting me push your boundaries further every time I make a move on you.”
“Y-yes I am letting you push my boundaries I’m starting to become comfortable with you…. I’m starting to trust you.”
“I feel special.” He smiled and tenderly kissed your lips. “I” He kissed you again. “Can't” and another kiss. “stop” and another. “kissing” yet another kiss. “you.” He kissed your lips five more times. “I just want to spend the whole night kissing and holding you.”
You snuggled into Gojo and looked at your phone. “Uh Satoru it’s almost 8 o'clock. Don’t we have dinner and a club to go out to?”
“Oh shit we do! I lost track of time looking at your beautiful face. Let’s go get ready! I hope you brought a dress because we are going out to a fancy restaurant.”
@sassyeahhhh @mguqiis @milktaro-inc
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toweroftickles · 3 years
UNCATEGORIZED FILES: Completely Random Ticklish Character Examinations
Exploring the multiverse for ticklish test subjects is surprisingly tedious sometimes. There’s so much data to sift through, tons of organization, and you’re often stuck with the same popular victims.
It’s fun to go after underutilized, unknown, or obscure entities. As of yet these personality profiles cannot properly be sorted within existing folders.
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Mary Smith (Mary & The Witch’s Flower)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Belly, Knees
A kind but proud witch student…skillful, protective of own image. Can’t stand being tickled - considers it humiliating and frustrating. Post-release, will immediately curl up into a ball, or cover her stomach with her arms and pout.
Sad-sounding laughter that really lers you know that she hates it. Helplessly begs for it to stop.
Will react with fury, and fight back.
Tickle Talk: Playful teasing with plenty of giggles, if she’s the one who starts it. If enacting revenge, however, she taunts aggressively and angrily to embarrass her playmate as much as possible.
When allowed the use of magic, imaginatively utilizes tickling finger spells, as well as object manipulation and stasis.
Teased about how ticklish she is by her boyfriend Peter. Tickle fights common.
Add. Notes: Comparisons to (her contemporary) Kiki are all but inevitable - not quite as ticklish but much less open to enjoying it. Direct side-by-side comparison may be beneficial for studying the impact of magic on sensitivity.
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Razor Lemay (Starlink: Battle for Atlas)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Abs and Belly Button, Upper Ribcage
This no-nonsense metal band pilot is highly resistant - use stronger restraints in future. A violent thrasher. Headbanging skills came in handy when freeing herself.
Never ceased to let me know that I’m a “sick weirdo.” Consider this possibility.
Though toned and muscular, her skin is surprisingly soft. Weak to any kind of tickling.
Most effective tool: backscratchers
Has an airy laugh that is mostly gasps and wheezes; runs out of breath quickly.
Used the phrase “oh my god” more than any other subject studied so far. Offered up nonstop torrent of swearing, violent threats, and begging for mercy.
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Jojo McDodd (Horton Hears A Who)
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides, Feet
Hates it. Becomes embarrassed and angry when tickled. Will frustratedly sulk rather than fight back or seek revenge.
Usually groans through teeth but can’t prevent the odd chuckle from slipping out. Skilled at holding his voice in. Press the matter further.
Involuntary reflex - noodly arm flailing if not restrained.
Very responsive to poking and light, fluttery touches.
Often depressed. His mother, Sally O’Malley (who, according to him, is also quite ticklish - investigate) used to tickle him in attempt to cheer him up, but abandoned this years ago upon realizing it bothered him.
When his younger sisters want to pester him, tickling is a go-to option.
Add. Notes: With their long, fuzzy, highly-animated fingers, natural mischievous mirth, and piano-playing aptitude, the Who species has evolved anatomy well-suited for tickling others.
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Schell The Spacewitch (Yooka-Laylee)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly, Armpits
Considers tickling to be her “one true weakness” - doesn’t hate it, but it renders her utterly incapacitated.
Has one of those hearty laughs that carries well over distances.
Feathers are very effective.
Will eagerly return the favor - once used feather tickling as an interrogation method on a fellow spacewitch.
Interplanetary adventures have put her in conflict with various alien plants and monsters, some of which accidentally tickled her with tongues or tentacles or the like - take samples for further lab testing.
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Sphinx (Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Feet
The adventurous and heroic sort, he’s a little bit cocky….tickling is a good way to make him slightly less so.
A surprisingly effective technique is to tickle his stomach with his own tail. Good results.
He himself occasionally uses his tail this way to flirt with girls.
Not excessively ticklish, but ticklish enough. Will at least squirm and try to pull away.
Doesn’t show much strong emotion…more vaguely weirded out by this than anything else.
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Pipirika (Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
Most Ticklish Spots: Toes/Balls of Feet, Ribs, Inner Thighs
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Inner Elbow
Loud and rough, unrefined. But also very friendly, excitable, and loves to laugh.
Like all Imuchakk people, huge in stature and musculature. Between her large size and insistence on always going barefoot, she’s a tempting target.
If you ask if she’s ticklish, or for permission to tickle her, she’ll gladly say yes and volunteer with a big smile on her face.
That said, she frequently seems to find herself much more ticklish than she remembers.
She likes it but she’s a kicker. Hard to pin down and will not hold still. Tough restraints essential.
Will always seek playful vengeance or start a tickle brawl. Loves to tickle her brother and friends. Often giggles and laughs more than the people she tickles.
Hearty, rumbling belly laugh. Very cute.
Can’t keep a secret; will tell others if you like tickling. (Not out of malice - she thinks it’s hilarious.)
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Fire (Adventurers: Masters of Time)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Lower Tummy, Belly Button
Self-described as “a total tickler. You better watch out!”
Her default attack when trying to escape an enemy’s grip is to tickle them. Has done it more than once. It’s canon. So there.
Claims to have used her school’s time travel computer specifically to visit and “play tickle pranks” on famous historical figures. Seemed very excited by the multiversal capabilities of the Tower.
Spunky and playful. Very energetic. Tickle Talk: mean, merciless, and will make fun of her victims for being so ticklish and weak.
Apparently aware that her constantly-exposed belly invites tickling. Will dare others to start a tickle fight with her “because you’ll lose.”
Most vulnerable to rough tickles (especially brushes).
Always laughs wildly and tells her tickler to stop, but seems to enjoy it at less-intense levels.
Add. Notes: I like this girl. She could be very useful.
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Saki Amamiya & Airan Jo (Sin & Punishment/Smash Bros.)
Most Ticklish Spots (Saki): Feet, Belly, Lower Ribcage
Most Ticklish Spots (Airan): Toes, Sides
Virtually inseparable couple. Could not tickle one without the other.
A highly skilled gymnast and gunner, Saki will jump out of his skin when tickled. Airan will lash out physically or curl up into a defensive ball.
Saki is the more ticklish of the two. He’s a live wire of sensitivity; a poke can cripple him. Has a high-pitched giggle.
Airan has a low, wailing laugh. Quickly tears up and complains about how much her tummy hurts when tickled.
Airan sometimes tickles Saki awake in the morning and teases him when he squirms.
Both hate being tickled: feel it’s a silly, embarrassing vulnerability.
Neither are particularly touchy/physical and never really tickle each other. Don’t think about it often.
Saki eventually develops Ruffian physiology after an experiment with his blood - effects of this on ticklishness unknown.
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Tess Darrett (Pole Position)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Upper Back, Under Chin
Rarely far separated from her stunt rally cars and spy technology. Exceptionally difficult to apprehend.
Resourceful and skilled in combat. Exercise caution.
Once captured by a criminal organization and interrogated with feathers to make her reveal the access codes to her stunt car computer AI, Wheels. Strong willpower - laughed and laughed but refused to talk.
Otherwise is only ever tickled by her younger sister Daisy (who reportedly is also very ticklish, and has also been interrogated to force her older siblings’ hands).
Not usually a tickler. Avoids going after her younger brother, because he’s not ticklish and would definitely get her back.
Typical sibling relationship: her brother used to pin her down and tickle her when they were kids. She hates it.
Add. Notes: If a woman who is deeply entrenched in the seedy underworld has big 70s/80s hair and often wears a jumpsuit, just assume that she’s tough but with a soft side and also very ticklish. (See also: Fujiko Mine, Carmen Boom, April O’Neil.)
I might indeed be a sick weirdo. This merits further study.
Breaking character…yeah, IDK what the hell this is and I’m assuming none of you care. Just kinda wanted to blow off steam. I like weird characters that nobody else really cares about.
And why the hell do I even write some of my blog entries this way? Deliberately making things “less fun” seems kinda like a bad idea.
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Hi yes of course I’m so sorry that angst made you cry 😭 but hopefully this will change those sad tears to happy tears!
To others with requests I’ll get to those! I wanted to do something not sex related cause that’s what most of the requests are 😅
Pairing: Sero Hanta x fem!reader there was just no way
Enjoy your meal~
Sero Hanta. Two semesters away from being a college graduate and applying his techniques from all his schooling into his pro hero work: soulmate-less. 
He remembers turning ten years old and seeing the magical red string on his pinky show up one day. The excitement he had at knowing he had a soulmate outmatched most of his friends at the time. He knew from his parents that little tugs on his pinky meant he and his soulmate were nearby and the tugs would increase, not to the point of pain, when they would finally meet.
He felt the first tug on his pinky a week or so after he got his string, telling him that there was indeed someone on the other end. But he never felt a tug after that. Sero didn’t let that shake him as he entered high school at UA. 
However, it did start to bother him greatly.
One by one, it seemed that almost everyone he met in his three years there found their soulmate in someway or another. Whether it was in class, at a festival, at an internship, or even on the job. Everyone had someone. Except him. 
Never him.
So by the time Hanta had turned 18, he had given up on his soulmate; the defeating blow coming after doing some late night pre-graduation research. 
Some people don’t even meet their soulmate
Sometimes if there hasn’t been any tugging for awhile, their soulmate could be dead and the string fades away.
Sometimes soulmates aren’t romantic and the person on the other side meets someone who isn’t their soulmate; very rare but it does happen.
He wanted to vomit. There’s no way they’re dead otherwise his string would have faded. But it might as well be that considering the odds of him meeting anyone new.  Sero exhales deeply as he shuts off his laptop and goes to bed. 
Although, there was a slight spark of hope in him when he decided to pursue his hero studies further before becoming a full fledged hero by applying to a hero university. However with his luck, it seems entirely unlikely. 
He slams his pillow over his head and tries to sleep away the sinking feeling at still feeling nothing on his pinky
(Y/f/n). New hero law student at one of the best hero universities in the world and finished her undergrad early at the top of her class: soulmate-less.
She can remember the moment when she turned ten and that mysterious red string appeared on her pinky, feeling an immediate tug. It made her heart soar at the possibility of finding a love like her parents. However, her parents’ story wasn’t usual in the world of soulmates. 
Her mother’s original soulmate had died in a strange accident and she thought she would never love again. But then a couple months later a new purple string showed up and she found (Y/n)’s father. An unusual story but a lovely story nonetheless. She feared that her soulmate would die and she would have to suffer the same fate as her mother.
But no such color appeared, and tugs on her pinky were all but non existent. 
It was depressing for the budding young hero lawyer, but she knew what her goal in life was and that was to help heroes and civilians alike under the law. It’s not that she didn’t want to become a hero, but being a human lie detector she felt her quirk could be used to better society and help out the good people and put away the bad.
That’s why she knew she had to go to Japan, soulmate be damned! 
She knew of All Might, the notorious school U.A. and their students, along with the infamous League of Villains. Nothing like that happened where she was from so everything about that intrigued her. So naturally when applying to finish out her law degree, of course she’d choose a place where all the action was! She couldn’t wait to get her hands dirty. 
With his final class of the day ending in the early afternoon, Sero left the lecture hall and went directly to the hero agency he’s been part timing at. Since he was still a college student, he couldn’t commit fully to being a hero so he took whatever patrol hours he could on top of the work he did (and don’t forget those smoke sessions to take off the load from school). He’s met with one of best friends from school, Kirishima, who also works at this agency established by his other best friend, Bakugou.
“You’re late, soy sauce face.”
“Sorry dude,” Sero chuckles, “couldn’t get on the early bus here.”
“Yeah yeah. Just get ready for patrol with Shitty Hair.” The ashy blond scoffs and walks off, returning to a phone call he was having.  Sero rolls his eyes as he heads to the locker room to change into his hero uniform, ignoring the twitching of his fingers. It’s still so weird how some people do and don’t recognize him at school as Cellophane. But that’s the way it has to be.
“Hey man, I don’t know if Bakugou told you this but we’re getting someone new.”
Sero pauses in putting on his hero outfit to look at the taller and buffer male. “Oh really? Another sidekick?”
“Actually no,” Kirishima beams, “some kind of lawyer type. It was decided after some hero managers and publicists were talking and the need for a hero lawyer, even one in training, would be good for us.”
“I totally get it,” Sero agrees, “considering Bakugou’s temper? Not surprised at all.” He finishes getting dressed and places his belongings in his locker. “So when are we meeting the unlucky bastard that has to look after us?”
“Either today or tomorrow. Either way, I think it’ll be great. You studied some hero law stuff, yeah?” Sero nods and the two men head out for patrol. “Maybe you two can talk and have something in common! You may never know.”
They turn the corner and begin on their way. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’m okay not having to meet my soulmate. I’ll just be single forever. It’s all good.” His fingers start to burn in a weird way but he shrugs it off.
The red head grunts, unconvinced. “Sure man. Whatever you say. Let’s hope patrol is relatively quiet, yeah?”
“Heh, when is it ever?”
After getting settled into the apartment, you had gathered your belongings and hurriedly made your way to the nearest bus stop. You had your first meeting with the new agency you would be working at for hands on experience with hero law. It wasn’t necessary for your degree, but when you saw the opportunity arise, you grabbed it. 
Once aboard the bus, you sit down by the window and mentally go through your bag. You have your school credentials, any and all letters of recommendation, your resume and CV, plus a good head shot should they need it. You are on your way to meeting one of the rising heroes of Japan, Dynamight, at his agency. Since it’s a relatively popular agency filled with well known heroes, it makes sense that someone like you would be needed. You had wondered why they didn’t have someone who was already a certified and bar-passed lawyer, but you’re not going to complain. 
The bus ride went along pleasantly, not really looking at the people around you and focusing more on how to sell yourself to your upcoming clients. You’ve met with your advisor and she is letting you work with her firm via the hero agency. You’re pretty excited to say the least. However, the whole time you’ve been in Japan, a little over a week, you’ve been feeling that pull on your pinky.
Not wanting that to ruin your mood, or your bus ride, you ignore it and think it’s one of those rare phenomena where it’s moving wildly on its own. You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized the bus had stopped moving and the passengers were all sitting closer to you. 
The poor bus driver shakes in fear and the two villains that have entered the bus, striking fear into the passengers. You spot the supposed leader who’s yelling into someone’s face when you gather your courage and stand up.
“Hey! Leave them alone, they’re not doing anything to you!”
Your loud voice caught the attention of the villains, one whose quirk has some sort of telekinesis as you feel your body being unknowingly brought toward the front of the bus.
The man has his face up close to yours and you can smell the nicotine on his breath, making you cough. “You got something to say to me little girl?” His cohort comes over to inspect you carefully, noting the money and jewelry they’ve already procured and you eye them sharply.
You cough in his face and continue, “yeah I do. What makes you think you can just come up in here and harass us?” You motion your back hand to the scared passengers to leave, remembering the doors in the back. You also didn’t know that the bus driver had already pinged for help from the nearby agency, alerting its patrolling heroes.
Both Sero and Kirishima feel their phones buzz with an alert. They look to each other and start heading toward the coordinates provided. There was a bit more sense of urgency to this for some reason that Sero can’t quite place. 
The closer they get, they see some fleeing civilians. Kirishima stops one and politely asks her what’s happened. 
“These two villains jumped on the bus and hurt the bus driver! They were stealing things until this young woman stood up to them. She told us all to leave but I’m not sure what’s happened to her!”
The two heroes nod and follow the direction of where the lady pointed. They run off toward it and stop a block away to assess the situation. Only a handful of cops are around as it has quickly turned into a hostage situation. The woman earlier was right, and that makes Sero’s heart race in fear. 
“I can sneak up to the side of the bus, head toward the back to check for an entrance.”
Kirishima hums and adds, “right, I can attack from the front, provide a distraction and if necessary close combat.” He breathes to collect himself, knowing they’ve done this a thousand times over. “Let’s do it.”
Sero nods and leaps into position. He takes his place on the side of the bus without alerting the villains or the hostage. The cool metal of the bus helps him to clear his mind and think carefully. His nerves must be getting to him because his fingers, more like his pinky, can’t stop twitching. He’s done this before, so why is this time different.
He almost gives up his position when he hears your voice.
“You’re just some low life petty criminals. I’m not too worried about you two.”
There it is. That little tell when you know you’ve got someone in your clutches. The mind based one seemed to falter and you knew he was going to act out in anger. And you were betting on it.
“Shut up stupid woman. You think I won’t do something to hurt you? Take you down a peg, huh? Because you look like you need to be tamed.”
Your time practicing cross-examining is paying off because that last statement terrified you. Villains are shameless and you know they’d have no problem defiling you in front of the police here; plus you were interrogating him. It got the people out and if you die saving some people then it would have all been worth it.
The two young heroes listening for the right moment give each other a look and both move in to do their parts. The loud red head getting the attention of the villains using his charm and personality to distract them while Sero sneaks into the bus, light on his feet to avoid detection.
Something in you sends shivers down your spine because you don’t even have to see him to know that he’s there. You, almost on instinct, duck down in order for Cellophane to apprehend both criminals and for Red Riot to keep them face down on the floor. You feel tape being wrapped around you and pulled toward the back, but the sensation should’ve come from your waist, not your pinky.
“Are you okay? That was extremely brave standing up to those guys and getting everyone out.”
His voice was unexpected but it drew you in, almost like it’s something you’ve been waiting for your whole life. The hero in question looks down at you and you feel him flinch. He takes off his helmet to get a good look at you and the moment seems to go on forever.
It’s not until you look down at your pinky’s is when it finally hits the two of you.
You had met the other end of your soulmate line. And there he is. His eyes go wide and you immediately get lost in their shape and shade. Is this the feeling your mother described when first meeting your soulmate? Magical? Indescribable? Gosh what is he feeling?
“You, you’re....”
“My soulmate...” you finish.
Sero hadn’t realized that he still had you wrapped in his tape from rescuing you but he doesn’t want to let you go. He spots the tears falling from your eyes and gently places his hand against your cheek and wipes them away. It’s like his hand was made for holding your face and he doesn’t want to let go. He wants to keep holding you like this because for so long, he had resided to being single but, you’re here and you’re real.
“Yo Cellophane, put your helmet on we’ve gotta talk to the police and- oh my god no way.”
The two of you are interrupted by Red Riot who had returned to check on his friend after he hadn’t come out with you, the hostage, yet. The two of you look to the buff man and then back at each other, and cute and embarrassed chuckle leaving your lips.
“I guess we should leave, I have to give a statement and all.”
“And get your injuries checked. Sorry if I pulled you too hard.”
“No no it’s fine! Uh, what’s your name?”
“Ah, uh, Cellophane. But my friends, and now you my soulmate mi amor, can call me Sero Hanta.”
He kisses your hand then and if you were in a courtroom you would’ve lost the case at the way your composure is failing you. It takes everything in you to not faint, because everything you had read was true about the first time you meet your soulmate. Out of this world. 
You’re brought back to reality, when a police officer comes in asking what the hold up was. You two were forced apart and Hanta reapplied his helmet. Even with it on, he can’t stop looking at you. And now that his soulmate is finally within arms reach he doesn’t plan on letting you go.
The four of you, including Red Riot and the cop, walk out of the bus. The cop directs his attention to you and gruffly asks. “So what were you doing on the bus? Why did you stand up for those civilians when you aren’t a hero?”
You looked at him incredulously. You understand he’s doing his job but what kind of question is that? “I was on my way to a meeting at Dynamight’s agency. I was preparing my reading notes as their knew hero lawyer and representative and I saw this happening! How was I supposed to stay back and do nothing?”
As the cop writes down some of your statement, the other two accompanying you are dumbstruck. “Wait, Kiri starts, “you’re our new lawyer?!”
Your eyes widen when you put two and two together. “No way, you work for him?”
Sero lights up, “work for him? We’ve been best friends since our days at U.A.! Who would’ve thought I would meet you today huh?”
You turn to him again, still shocked at the mere audacity of meeting your soulmate today, or ever. Stuck in a war with yourself, you reach out and tangle your fingers with his, just to have his touch once more. “I had given up on finding my soulmate,” you softly admit, afraid to meet his eyes.
He takes his helmet off again, away from prying eyes and focuses his attention on you. “So did I, corazon.” He had placed a hand onto your cheek like earlier and rubbed comforting circles on your soft skin. You hadn’t realized how close the two of you had gotten until he whispers, “May I?”
You nod, and gently lean into his kiss. If meeting each other was the appetizer, then kissing for the first time was like a meal and dessert. It was so chaste, yet so filled with emotions locked away that are now begging to be overflowed into the light. You two pull away, looks of awe and maybe love adorn you faces as you attempt to lean in again.
“I hate to break up the love fest,” Kirishima interrupts looking bashful. “But we’ve got some paperwork to fill out and all that so, we gotta go. And hey, we can take you to the agency after we’re done at the station, I’m sure Dynamight’s eager to meet you.”
Despite everything that had been happening, you had completely forgotten about your meeting, and hurry to call your new employer. You’re on the phone for only a couple minutes, but it gives Kirishima and Sero time to talk.
“So, who would’ve guessed you finally meet your soulmate today huh?”
“And I was right there too!”
“Are you listening to me?”
Hanta was listening, but was too busy looking at you and already thinking that he can’t wait to fall in love with you.
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