#can't believe this happened uggh
starview-cafe · 2 years
Welcome to the View... again!
//I am an absolute stupid idiot. An imbecile. A dumb-dumb, even. I am so incredibly stupid that it hurts. It PHYSICALLY hurts. Allow me to explain. 
Some quick backstory... when I created my other account (@cosmic-coffee-core) I used a temp email because... well because it’s the easiest way to quickly create a tumblr account.
I returned home from work today to find that tumblr had randomly logged me out of my other account. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem because, normally, any person with a functioning brain would have... you know... remembered the email that they used to create their account. Or saved it to their computer’s memory. Or wrote it down on a piece of paper. Well. Let me tell you what I did. 
Nothing! I didn’t do any of those things! I didn’t do anything that would help me regain access to the account should I ever had been logged out from it! So that account is lost! To the void! Forever! And there’s not a thing I can do!
All I am able to do is create a new account, which I did. It’s this one. And KEEP RECORD OF THE EMAIL that I used to create the new account. Which I also did. So, here we are now. 
Luckily, I can reblog all the old posts onto this new blog. Since we hadn’t gotten THAT far into it, it won’t be too much of a problem. However, I did lose some of the asks in the inbox. Some of them I DID save. Most of them, surprisingly. But I did get one really good anon yesterday that unfortunately has fallen victim to my stupidity.
Anon from last night, if you happen to see this, please feel free to resubmit your ask because I was looking forward to answering it! If you submitted anything to cosmic-coffee-core before yesterday, I DO have your ask saved, however, I don’t have all the usernames saved. Sadly at this point I’m just going to have to work with what I’ve got and treat all like anonymous asks, unless you remember what you sent and want to send it in again!
If you’re still reading, would you be able to maybe share this message around so it has the best chance of reaching all of my previous followers?
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touchoffleece · 1 year
Day 1: Discovery
Nadine *Lounging on couch of rented Hostel researching the excavation site they are headed towards* Chloe: CHINA!! *bursts into room holding a small box cradled into her side* Nadine *Jolts up scared at the sudden noise* Chloe: You will NEVER guess the amazing treasure I found! Nadine: This better be good Frazer... Chloe: It absolutely will. It'll make scaring you absolutely worth it's value in gold, promise! Nadine: You did not scare me Frazer. Chloe: *Wink so quick you would think you imagined it as she sits on the couch next to Nadine* Sure I didn't China. Nadine: Uggh, what is this treasure then? *trying to peak at the guarded box* Chloe: Well, as I said, I have found the greatest treasure ever! Nadine: That's a load of- Chloe: Or at least the greatest in a long while. *smiles at Nadine's irritated look* Nadine: *Unimpressed look* ... Chloe: Have a look. *slides over box* Nadine: *Unboxes the lid with care* Chloe: *Still smiling and smile growing bigger* Nadine:...It's a mirror? Why...? Is this some sort of relic? Chloe: *Absolutely beaming now* Dunno about that, but you're the one who's brought 'relic' and it's associations into play. Nadine: *Furrowed brows* What? Nadine, you're sounding like Sully. Chloe: *Goes in for a cheek kiss* Nadine: *turns at the shift at proximity* Accidental kiss happens. Nadine pushes Chloe back, accidentally sending her flying towards the arm of the couch. Nadine: *Places box down and stands up red faced* Fraze?!- Chloe: *Chuckling* Talk about a kiss for the records... Nadine: Chloe?! Explain yourself. Chloe: *Rubbing back smiling at Nadine* I can't believe I'm having to spell it out for you Nadine. The 'greatest' treasure I found is you.
Nadine:... Nadine: Ohh... Chloe: Sorry, thought I was being coy. Nadine: Don't be-sorry that is! Chloe: *Raises eyebrow* Nadine: Don't be sorry. You were-this was all pretty coquettish, so uh...you did well. Chloe: *Chuckles standing up from the couch * Oh yeah? Nadine: *weakly clears throat and makes her way back to the couch* Yeah and...if we're partners meaning to share the wealth of our discoveries...*Grabs box from it's temporarily forgotten place* I want you to know you're an invaluable treasure to me too. Nadine: *Hands box back over to Chloe* Chloe: *Takes box* I said you're my greatest, *Peaks into the inside of the box enough to see the mirror* not invaluable... Nadine: Hmmph *Crosses her arms* Chloe: But...*Tosses box onto couch next to the standing couple* glad to know the feeling is mutual. *Steps towards Nadine* Nadine: *Pulls Chloe into a kiss* Ao3 Link:
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Bitch alert!
*Mahiru was walking over the disposable department as Mahiru was tossing garbage in*
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Okay so I got the gym taken care of, now I think Ami say she's getting the snacks... what else do I-?
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Wait... is that...?
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*Katsuo landed back first on the garbage dump and then fell to the ground* uggh...he-heelp...
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I...I got push out the wi-window, I...I can't feel my legs...
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O-Oh go what?! That sounds bad, I'll get a teacher, just ho-!
???: You...You took a photo didn't you?
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*turns around and saw one person standing there...* Natsumi...?
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...Mahiru, you...you took a photo, didn't you? You... you saw me push him out the window, didn't you...?
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*rushes over as pushing Mahiru to the wall and takes out a knife* Say one fucking word about me and I'll slash your neck you freckle-faced bitch, GOT IT?!
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*puts a knife close to her neck* SAY IT BITCH!!!
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*slowly retracts the knife* ...I doubt it, I bet you did take the photo, huh?
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I...I didn't, I...
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You better not or I'm going to make sure my fucking clan rips your whole damn family to shreads!
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...Fi-Fine, I...I won't...
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*puts the knife away* Good, now make sure you tell anyone that he just accidentally fallen out the window and I came to check on him.
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???: I-I heard screaming, wh-what is...?!
*some students came in and saw Katsuo*
Boy: Dude the fuck, what happen here!
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So-Someone call the hospital, I..I can't feel my legs...
Boy: He-Hey Mahiru, Natsumi - what happen?!
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Simple, he accidentally fell out the window and I came to check on him, Mahiru was here as well; this was an accident...
Girl: Re-Really? Is that what happen...?
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Of course it was, that is what happen, right Mahiru?
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Right Mahiru...?
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...Ye-Yes, he fell out the window by accident.
Boy: Damn... I can't believe that happen, I'll get a teacher! *rushes away*
Girl: M-Me too, I'll call the ambulance! Stay here while I get help.
*after the 2 left; leaving Mahiru, Katsuo and Natsumi alone...*
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Natsumi... you seriously can't do this, you lie about all of it.
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And why not? After all, I always get my way and I'll make sure this isn't found out.
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And if I heard one fucking word that I cripple someone, I'll rip your body apart and ship them to other parts of the world, I'll make sure this DOESN'T get found out even if it means I get to make your life hell for it!
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...Got it.
'After that, Natsumi started to torment me; even her cronies started to bully me too, I just... I was scared, re-really really scared...'
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I agree with all the anons saying that Jikook’s bond is especially scrutinized an despised. It’s so hard to completely block the haters on Twitter out sometimes. I unfortunately came across some of the subgroup talking about how they’re glad JK isn’t friends with Enwoo anymore because he was hanging out too much with Jimin (who they think is using JK’s friends for attention). Even though we did see a clip of JK interacting with Enwoo, they are convinced that JK can sense how Enwoo is a ‘fake friend/snake” because he seems to hang out more with Jimin. It’s like everything that has ever been associated with JK that Jimin touches becomes invalid. Suddenly The JK&Enwoo friendship is no more because Jimin had a hand in it?? Just say that Jimin is not your favourite member and go, no need to drag him down and/or disrespect JK’s friendships as well.
This ask was sent a few weeks ago I think, but I hadn't had a chance to post it. I apologise for that, anon. Yes, you are absolutely right. Everything jikook does is analysed and generates in many people an urge to disprove it, explain it or o7ify it. In the same way, jikookers are scrutinised and required to behave in a way that other shippers or supporters are not. Every time something happens between Jimin and Jungkook that makes their shippers and supporters talk about it, many people come out to criticize, insult or explain why what jikook did, didn't mean anything or at least not what their shippers/supporters understand. The haters in this fandom think they know what their favs need, think and believe. And that applies to everything: Friendships, work, relationships, even their careers. Fans and shippers know better than they do, what they need in all aspects of their life. The biggest problem is that these self-appointed heroes don't care what their favs say. What they literally have said. What they have done. That is irrelevant. That particular narrative that the subgroup has, that everything related to Jimin is bad and everyone related to him is bad, how does that apply to Tae, for example? Tae loves Jimin. He has said so. countless times. Is Tae a snake too? One of the many problems the subgroup has is that many or all of the "reasons" they have for hating Jimin in one way or another hurt Tae and Jungkook. This brings me back to my first point: Their supposed favs are irrelevant. What they believe, think, have said and done is irrelevant. The hate, and dislike towards Jimin is not because they are tkkrs, it's because they simply hate, and dislike Jimin. Being tkkrs is the excuse they use to do it because it makes sense in a certain way. Think of it this way: Person A: Uggh I hate Jimin, I wish he would leave the group. Person B: Why? He's really talented, he's a good person, a great friend. Everyone who knows Jimin can only say good things about him. Person A: ahhh I'm tkkr. Person B: Ahhhhh that makes sense. See? Hating Jimin just because it doesn't make sense because there is no reason to do so. Hating Jimin for the sake of it would only show your envy towards him and what a terrible person you are but hating Jimin with the justification that you are tkkr does make sense because Jimin is the "obstacle" of that ship. What they don't understand or one of the thousands of things the subgroup doesn't understand is that tkk's obstacle is not just Jimin. It's Jimin AND Jungkook and to some extent Tae, because Tae will always choose Jimin over everyone else, maybe not over Hobi but almost.
The subgroup hates Jimin because they simply can't stand that Jimin is almost perfect. The subgroup hates Jimin because he damages the toxic fantasy - not reality - that they insist on believing in. Hating Jimin is all about them. What they want and believe and not about tkk.
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elliebean714 · 2 years
Through The Years
Edward Nashton x Wayne!F!Reader
Diversion From Canon
Summary~ Y/N And Eddie Move In Together
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10 Pt11 Pt12
An~ Three quarters of the way through this series. Yall ready for this to end?😭 I've obviously never bought a house before so this is 💫inaccurate💫 this is bad and pretty boring but I needed to get something out, don't worry though, the next part is ULTRA cute.
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<5 Years Ago>
<27 Years Old>
You had been dating Edward for two years, you had recently begun discussing moving in together. You reached the mutual decision that you would both buy a house together closer to the outskirts of the city.
Ever since you came to the agreement, you spent a lot of nights together, scrolling through all the houses for sale. You currently sat on his laptop, looking through all the options whilst he quietly worked on some riddles beside you, smiling to himself as he wrote.
After searching through all the options, you found the perfect one, you instantly fell in love with it. Concealing your excitement, you show him the listing.
"Hey Ed? This ones cute." You moved to show him the cozy home on the screen. The house was an average sized yet cute home, painted a warm beige with a lush garden out front.
"Wow." He smiled brightly, he imagined his life there with you. Those sweet domestic moments together, cooking, dancing, cuddling, his eyes filled with tears at the thought.
"You like it?" You enquire softly, grazing his hand gently.
"I love it." Edward whispers
The week later you both decided to visit the house, wanting to see it in person. The morning of your visit, you and Edward were equally excited to check out your dream home. You both woke up giddy, exchanged a sweet, romantic kiss before getting up to get dressed, stealing kisses between each piece of clothing you put on.
"You ready?" You asked him once you were both completely dressed, with your coats on and everything you needed when you left the house.
He nodded enthusiastically, kissing you softly before opening the door, following you out and closing it again, locking it behind him.
The owner guided you both around the property, as you and Edward explored the house together you fell more and more in love with it. You both had already decided to buy the house before you even visited it but viewing it in person firmed the decision for you both.
Months later, you and Edward were almost finished moving into your dream home, only needing to move the last few pieces of furniture before the rest of your lives would begin.
"I'm so excited!" Edward squeaked into your ear as the movers lifted everything into their truck.
"I am too Eddie Baby!" You kissed his cheek softly, before you both entered your car and begun driving towards your new home.
"I can't believe this is finally happening!" He exclaimed, "Why did this take so long my dear?" He gently picked up your hand, placing a delicate kiss to it.
"Uggh, I'll never know. But it's over sweetheart." You soothed, smiling lovingly.
A week after you both got settled into your new home, Edward was still waking up in the middle of the night from his nightmares. He often woke you up with him, you'd comfort him and hold him for as long as he needed. Tonight he was careful, you deserved a night without having to deal with him. You always told him how he would never be a burden on you, he tried to believe you but it was difficult due to his insecurities and self doubts.
He quietly left the bed and began walking towards his private office. He kept a secret journal in a hidden compartment in one of the drawers in his desk. It held his darkest thoughts, his horrific desires, the sickest parts of him he'll never let you see. He opened it carefully and turned to a blank page to write about his dream, which would eventually evolve into his hatred for this city. Edward lost track of time, stopping his writing when he heard you open the door.
"Eddie Baby?" You come up behind him, he quickly closes the journal before you manage to see what he was writing, "What's that babe?" You ask, gently kissing is ear.
"Nothing." He answers, fast, standing and turning to hold you properly.
"Okay... well, what do you want for breakfast hon?" You inquire.
"I'll just have whatever you want." He answers as he started playing with your hair.
"Alright love." You smile and kiss his nose before you left to go make breakfast.
Once you closed the door behind you, Edward opened the journal to review what he had written, the endless pages of the usual things he wrote about weren't surprising, what was though was his shockingly thorough plan to cleanse the city. Based on the Renewal folder he'd found whilst living in the Wayne Manor with you, he had made a plan to fix everything.
Rereading the plan, he was very proud of it. Edward knew it had to be done by someone, the only thing stopping him was the thought of how angry you'd be at him, part of the plan included killing your brother.
Edward quickly shoved the journal back into the secret compartment before he exited his office to help you cook breakfast.
As much as he wants to go through with his plan, he won't risk it. He can't. He lost you once, and he'll never let that happen again.
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Requests Always Open 💫
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aetheternity · 4 years
As the world caves in. (Farlen x reader)
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Synopsis: Farlen is a new member of the Survey Corps and you're attracted to him the second you lay eyes on him.
You'd been talking with Hange about it all night into the morning. The new recruits from the underground. You couldn't help it, when you wanted something you just had to have it no matter what.
"You're telling me he's not cute to you?" You asked as you leaned your back against the table, looking at Hange upside down.
"You always worry about the wrong things." Hange replied, with a strained smile.
"Doesn't matter.." You replied, seeing the group of three entering as you spoke. The three of them really never separated. It annoyed you a little that you couldn't find an opening to get him alone. "I'm gonna talk to them before you do!" You smirked and with that you were up.
"Y/N!!" You heard Hange hiss but the noise was quickly dissipating as you walked further into the crowd.
You slowed your pace a little staring in the opposite direction of Farlen, Isabel and Levi perfectly placing yourself at the right angle. And-
His cup clattered to the floor with a pretty obnoxious thud. You grunted, that wasn't quite what you had in mind..
"Geez, you can't watch where you're going?" He huffed, reaching down to pick up the empty cup.
"Yeah! What's up with you!" Isabel added
You smiled, leaning in a little closer. "Oh.. sorry, I didn't see you there. But now that I'm looking I'm intrigued."
His blue eyes widened and his lips parted staring at you with slightly furrowed brows. "You're.. Farlen aren't you? And you're Isabel and Levi?" You asked even though you knew pretty much everything that Mike and Erwin knew about them.
"Who's asking?" Isabel huffed, crossing her arms.
"I'm Y/N, I've been in the survey corps for almost two years now. I've heard a lot about you guys." You explained "Though I was never made aware of someone so cute joining our ranks."
"Eww." You heard Isabel whisper. Levi just glared, eyebrow slightly raised.
"I-I uh.. Me? You think I'm cute?.." Farlen asked
Now Levi's stare was turning into one of disbelief angled at Farlen. "Hmm." You just hummed as a reply leaning in closer to him. "Uggh I can't believe I ruined your shirt.. and spilled your drink. I'll go get you another one, ok." You remarked and with a little bounce you were walking away to get him a drink replacement.
You managed to find the table where the three of them were sitting easily though as soon as you approached the conversation between them seemed to die off.
"Here you go and listen if you need any help getting the stains out-" You leaned into his ear feeling a spark run through you at the sudden jolt of his body from your presence. "I'm always around."
And with that you circled on your heels, hips swaying right back to your table. You plopped down in front of Hange trying to ignore the roll of her eyes.
"You can't try to get with any of them. You should know that the commander is not gonna be happy about this."
"Aw let him not be happy. The man never smiles anyway."
"Not a shred of life preservation exists in you does it?" Hange laughed
You turned to look over at Farlen your chin resting on your palm. A little shocked that he was already looking at you. You sent him a wink and his skin bloomed pink as he swiveled around. You almost laughed.
"No one in this very room has a shred of life preservation. A wise woman once said, take as you may a sexy man while you're still young and before you get defiled by titans."
"You definitely just made that up." Hange replied, setting aside her book and picking up her cup of water.
"Jeez Hange it's so late at night. Aren't you tired?" You asked
Your feet were kicked up onto her desk as you stared down at the notes in front of you. Your yawn was the thing that actually made her look up from the mountain of books stacked in front of her.
"If you're tired take a break."
The chair clattered against the floor as you stood arms outstretched above your head. "I'll be back in a couple minutes." You remarked
Helping Hange so late at night wasn't exactly your favorite thing to do but you did love walking through the empty corridors at this time. Staring out at the deep blue of the night sky with stars dotted over it like a huge tapestry. Air filling your lungs from open windows and the soft flicker of candlelight keeping you company.
Though tonight you heard voices. Slightly inaudible but definitely more than one voice. You slipped around a corner, tilting your head as the sound grew. After a little more walking aimlessly you could fully hear the conversation and each person individually.
You smiled a little when you recognized Farlen's voice on the other side of the door. With zero hesitation you pushed it open. Farlen's eyes immediately widened and his mouth hung open while Levi and Isabel's faces scrunched up.
"What're we talking about?" You giggled playfully
"Don't you ever mind your business!" Isabel huffed, her cheeks puffing cutely.
You smiled at her. "I can't help it.. the gossip around here is amazing."
Before you could completely register his movements Levi was forcing you out of the room, shoving your shoulders back against thick walls. You winced at the sudden pressure and the pain flowing through the back of your neck.
"This has nothing to do with you. You should butt out while you still can."
You blinked at him, his dark eyes honestly intense enough that for a second you did feel a bit intimidated.
"Levi.." Farlen tried
Levi backed up slightly and Farlen stepped forward a little. "How much did you here?"
You giggled looking down at the ground. "What? About your plan to kill Erwin and steal some documents from him?"
"Now can I take her out?!" Isabel huffed but Farlen just pushed her back.
His blue eyes wavered a bit and he stepped a little closer. "How do you know that?"
"Lucky guess.."
"Don't fuck with me."
You sighed in mock defeat. "I didn't hear your conversation. I've known there was something off about you guys since day one but if I wanted to talk I would've already."
"Why would you not rat us out? What possible reason could you have for keeping our secret, you know your precious commander could die and it'll partially be your fault." Farlen said
You rolled your eyes bringing a hand smoothly up Farlen's arm, squeezing his shoulder blade a bit before resting your fingertips against the back of his neck, thumb softly stroking his jawline.
"I wasn't lying when I said I think you're cute Farlen so I couldn’t bare to see anything bad happen to you."
Isabel made a sound like she was gagging and she turned away. Farlen's hand came up to yours gripping it with surprising roughness he pulled it away from his face.
"We have a mission here. You need to stay out of it." He said letting go of your hand.
Levi gave you one last glare before they were all turning but your words made Farlen look back. "You should know at no point will you ever have to trust me. But I doubt anyone you ever meet will come at you with this much intensity completely based on pursuing a relationship." You turned and now Isabel and Levi were watching too. "Hope you succeed." You said 
And with that you were gone. Surprisingly you felt a pang in your chest. You couldn't help the grunt that slipped off your lips into the quiet hallway as you gripped your shirt between your fingertips increasing your pace.
By morning the stack of papers on Hange's desk had diminished slightly and honestly you were surprised. The mountain seemed completely unmovable but now you could see Hange's face without having to move your head.
"Ok!" Hange announced causing you to flinch. "We did a sizable amount of work!" She patted your head giving you a light thumbs up.
"Without a lick of sleep." You yawned
"You're off tonight so you can sleep then." Hange retorted, heading to the door.
"What about now??"
"Training starts right now. You head out I have to get these papers to the Commander."
You groaned loudly as you exited the cramped space. Though it felt nice to stretch the noises your back made when you did so were less than nice. You twisted your shoulders first to the left and then to the right as you walked, little details from last night flooding your memory.
It had been nice to not have them for a while. Your thoughts completely bombarded all night with paperwork and Hange's chatter. You didn't mind spending so much time with her, especially since Hange really was the only person in the survey corps you considered a friend.
Though your brain continually played everything over again on a steady loop. Farlen's words echoing off your skull.
We have a mission here. You need to stay out of it.
The same pang returned but slightly duller. You just ignored it. It took a few minutes to get your gear on and as soon as you did you rushed out to the clearing, feeling the wind brush past your face. The feeling soothing in comparison to the hot room you'd been in all night.
It only took a few minutes for you to get to the clearing. Immediately being called to do drills with your odm gear. You ran past Farlen who happened to be standing next to Isabel and this time you didn't say a word.
Two hours had passed and training was starting to slow as people jumped off their horses and sat themselves down to drink. You sat where you always did, on top of one of the fences to watch as everyone talked and sometimes laughed with each other.
"You don't hang out with anyone?" You jumped, hoping it didn't look as dorky as it felt. Farlen stood by your side, his soft blue eyes illuminated by the glaring sun that washed over every inch of territory around here.
"Hey." You replied looking back out towards the captains standing together conversing.
"Can I.. sit?" He pointed awkwardly to the fence by your side.
You nodded, bringing your water back up to your lips. You glanced over at him through the corner of your eye and he shrunk where he sat.
"Didn't know what you were gonna say before you came over here?"
"I don't.." Farlen sighed, playing with his fingers in his lap. "Look.. I.. it's good that you like me. I'm sorry. I've never had a girl or anyone feel this way towards me.."
"What makes you think I still do?" The flicker in his eyes as he looked back up to you made you waver. "Sorry I'm kidding."
He huffed with a playful roll of his eyes, looking back down to his hands. "Isabel and Levi don't want me to hang around you.. or to talk to you at all.."
It was hard not to say all the thoughts currently clouding your mind. Even if you knew you shouldn't say something you normally said it anyway but somehow you managed to suppress the urge.
"I.. I don't really know anything about girls or relationships or anything like that but at the moment I have to focus on my mission and once that's done.. me and Isabel and Levi are gonna leave this place.. I'm sorry."
You leaned closer to him. "What do you think of me?"
You giggled, "Now? In general? When we first met?"
He paused staring into your eyes. "Now.. I think you're.. close." You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "In general.. I'm not sure." He continued 
His hair clung messily to his forehead and you couldn't help but brush any stray hairs aside. His entire face seemed to not only flush color but heat as well. His gaze transfixed, not pulling away or moving closer.
"When we first met?"
He gulped, "Beautiful.."
"I.. thought you were beautiful."
Your smile was almost shitty as you reached over to his other cheek pressing a slightly longer kiss on it.
"You're not so bad yourself."
"I feel like you're trying to make this difficult." He hummed you were surprised when his forehead came down to rest on yours.
"If there's one thing I've learned from the Survey Corps-" You brushed your knuckles against his, slipping your thumb over the back of his hand. "It's do what you can while you still can."
You squeezed his hand once more separating yourself as Levi and Isabel started to approach. With one last shrug you were off.
There was a mission outside the walls tomorrow so you'd gone to bed incredibly early considering your usual track record.
Around what had to be 12 am you were awoken by a couple sharp knocks on the door of your shared room. Your roommate huffed in agitation and you slid out of bed. You wrenched open the door fully intent on letting the person on the other end have it-
"Hey.." Farlen exhaled as if he’d been holding his breath.
"Wh-" You paused rubbing your eye as you looked over at Isabel and Levi their scowls enough evidence that they were here against their will.
"I needed to see you again." Farlen explained
"Well, twelve am is the impromptu time for bringing your friends to someone's room." His face fell and heat rose to your cheeks. "Sorry, I get sarcastic when I'm sleepy."
"You were sleeping this early?" Isabel asked
You shrugged with a soft smile. "I don't have the endurance you guys do."
"She's not like us Isabel." Farlen muttered
"Is that why you like her?" Levi questioned though it sounded more like a statement.
Farlen's face turned probably the brightest red you'd ever seen. "Oh so you do like me?" You said smirk evident. 
"I've.. I said it before.."
"Not in those words." You moved closer and Isabel grunted.
"It's getting gross again.." She remarked "I hope you didn't bring us here to watch you make out with her."
"No! Shut up!"
You hummed. "Shame, though if you'd come alone we could've done a little more than make out." Your fingers played with the top button on his shirt shifting over to the collar, gaze never faltering from Farlen.
"Tell her already." Levi huffed, eyebrows pinching together.
"The mission is tomorrow. After the mission we're.. leaving we'll have succeeded in our mission." Farlen said You tilted your head backing away a bit."We'll be citizens though. Which means maybe.. you could come visit sometime?"
For the first time since you'd met them Isabel and Levi actually looked apologetic.. Isabel more her big eyes soft. Levi's face mostly the same as always though his eyes wavered.
"If you choose to come to us because you wanna visit Farlen, then me and Levi bro will be cool with that. Right Levi bro?"
Levi sighed but didn't say a word. You looked back to Farlen, his features twisted with concern as he took in your expression.
"I hope you'll be happy up here on the surface."
"Wait, what.."
"What kind of life did you want up here Farlen?" Your fingers crept into his hair pushing the strands aside to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Your free hand squeezed his wrist.
"A life where I'd be free with Isabel and Levi."
"And now?"
".. Now I want you too. I wanna see where it could go.."
You rested your head on his shoulder. "Do you think it's possible?"
You felt his chin swiping back and forth against the back of your head and you sighed. "You're right."
With one final squeeze to his chin you tugged yourself away from his warm grasp. "Good night guys." Your door was opening and then closing just as quickly.
It hadn't been raining when you guys first set out but by the smell of things you could tell it was gonna get dangerous out here soon.
"Split up in your groups! Don't lose sight of each other!" Erwin shouted over the onslaught of rain.
You could hear distant shouts and some fading gallops as the groups quickly followed orders. People are gonna start dropping fast you thought. You looked straight ahead catching Farlen's gaze as it fell back on you.
Right now the only people surrounding you were Isabel, Farlen and Levi. Gripping the reins on your house you trekked along with them keeping an even pace. The other's from your group had basically vanished and as much as Farlen's eyes boring holes into the back of your neck made you wanna do the same you stuck close.
Fate would do terrible things to those who strayed from the group.
"I'm going to grab the documents. Now while the storm is distracting everyone." You heard Levi yell to Farlen.
"You better not get hurt!"
"You got this Levi bro!" Isabel called in her normal playfully brash way.
Levi huffed and with a final "stay safe" he was speeding off.
"Should he really be going off by himself in a storm like this?" You asked, pulling your horse up next to Isabel.
"Don't worry Y/N, Levi bro is one of the toughest guys to come out of the underground. He'd never be beaten by titans or Erwin."
Farlen turned to look at you, "What if I stayed?"
"Huh? Stayed where?" Water was pouring down the hood of your cape into your eyes but you blinked it away.
"I could stay in the Survey Corps. We could stay in the survey corps!" Farlen announced
Isabel shook her head chaotically. "That wasn't in the plan Farlen!"
"You're not staying in the Corps for me!"
"If you have the option of a better life you should definitely take it."
"How will I know which version of life would be better for me? Nothing is completely decided yet and we can still talk to Levi and-"
"ISABEL!" You yanked at your horse’s reins not even slightly prepared for the way you were thrown off. Your horse skidding in the collected mud.
Isabel's scream was silenced almost immediately as a huge titan with long black hair gulped and then regurgitated her head, swallowing down her limps with ease.
"Piece of shit!" Farlen yelled
"Farlen no!"
Farlen landed on the grass with a hard thud. His eyes wide and mouth hung in a wide O. A gasp fell off his lips and you looked to him a shooting pain flooding your right side. You heard his gasp once more eyesight hazy.
"Farlen.." You breathed out suddenly taking in the harsh reality of spreading pain. Blood running cold down your legs. "You're even beautiful now."
(Omg guys thank you for almost 450 followers. 🥺 I really appreciate it.)
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