#can't tag everyone. oh well
dolokhoded · 7 months
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what's the buzz, tell me what's a-happening ???
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humming-fly · 1 year
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the new chapter of @post-it-notes7‘s In Your Dreams be like 
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eternalstarlights · 23 days
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Hello everyone! I just want to thank everyone who has followed me for another fun year. It is now the 8th year for me!
I have been roleplaying on Tumblr for a long time but then I had to take a long hiatus for personal reasons. I am super grateful to everyone who decided to follow and roleplay with me when I came back.
So thank you for following and interacting/rping with me! Thank you for being patient and thank you for all the fun times we have been through together! Thank you for helping this blog be alive!
Also, just a note, a lot of you have multiple blogs so I am only going to tag one of your blogs.
@arcgeminga, @theircurse, @praeteritus-memories, @demon-blood-youths, @diverse-hearts, @talesofmuses, @imaginaerum, @hxdrostorms, @eclipticis, @burncdheart, @galaxy-0f-muses, @featherchan, @grislyintentions, @shouxryuuxha, @deiscension, @hopeful-hugz, @lunargifted, @fallesto, @frost-eyed-autumn, @purpletsuki
Happy 8 years of rping with each other! ^^
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domoz · 1 year
Or, alternate funny version to the previous: any combination of Uchiha watching Tobirama fight and discussing their observations (gossiping/oogling shamelessly), after peace exists and they SHOULD technically probably help him, but... Tobirama can clearly handle it, no need to get in his way
I once read that a drabble is 200 words or less. I will never beat those allegations.
The ability to share memories with the sharingan really isn't meant to be used this way, but that's never actually stopped anyone.
"I swear to you," Says Madara with a snicker, "He slapped himself in the face with a water whip. Acted like it never happened, but I saw it."
The scene is a bit more endearing than that, when Madara shows it. Tobirama is sparring with his students and one of them can't quite dodge in time. That jutsu can break skin and cut through muscle if it hits right, but rather than hurt one of his students that badly, Tobirama jerks it back. He breaking the whip's momentum but loses a good portion of control and,  indeed, slaps himself in the fact with it. He looks rather akin to a wet cat.
Madara and Izuna both break out into another fit of laughter, but Hikaku just shakes his head fondly.
"I've seen him do that on purpose, actually." He says after the laughter has died down a bit. It's not exactly the same -- the memory he calls up had been recorded on accident. It had been in those early days of peace, when seeing Tobirama move water about had made him call up the sharingan on instinct, back when they'd be so concerned that he'd break peace that he wasn't allowed to go off on missions alone.
I'd been rather rote mission -- dealing with bandits who had thought they could take advanced of the disorganization of a new village. It had had been hot, the summer temperatures soaring high and uncomfortable, and they'd both been sweat soaked and sticky by the end of it.
"Excuse me" Tobirama had said the moment he'd cause sight of a source of water. He'd let himself jump in ankle deep instead of standing on top, raised an arm, and proceeded to dump an honestly excessive amount of water over himself. Of course, his mastery over water let him pull water out of his clothes until he was just the right amount of damp without any effort-- Hikaku had been and still is jealous over it -- and even back then, eyes lingered on where wet clothes stuck to well-defined muscle.
Thankfully no one comments. The sharingan's tendency to show the exactly what was seen means they've all shared unintentionally embarrassing moments. Plus, Hikaku knows he's not the only one who's done that exact thing.
"Oh, sensei will do that for us, if we ask!" Chimes in Kagami, thankfully too young and oblivious to understand why his cousins are giving Hikaku the side eye. He launches into a memory of his team begging and pleading to be allowed to train on the water on another hot day. His sensei had crossed his arms, unimpressed, and said he knew that the lot of them had all mastered water walking already…
…But that if the lot of them managed to prove they could do their D-rank mission without complaining, he would think of a way to cool them all off. In Kagami's young memory, the cool mist Tobirama had raised from the pond of the garden they'd been weeding had been the most refreshing thing he'd ever felt.
"…He's too soft on you." Madara says, without any real heat.
"He's something." Izuna responds dryly. "Sometimes I forget, none of you have ever seen what it's like when he really wants to get something done."
Without warning, Izuna calls up the memory of a fight. No… A spar, but a bloodthirsty one. Probably one of the first ones they'd had since they were allowed to again, after peace was called. A mixture of pent up frustration and the fact that they were no longer supposed to kill each other had both of them showing off -- Izuna was prone to do it, regardless, but this was the first time he'd seen Tobirama opt for techniques that were more flashy than practical. A water dragon with mutliple heads split apart into multiple, chasing Izuna through the trees, each one eating one of the multi-fireballs Izuna hurls out to counter them.
Tobirama did not hesitate, leaping out from the steam and twisting his fingers. The droplets of water in the air shimmered and twisted until everything was an indistinct haze.
Not that it stops a sharingan. But something about the scene -- the way the light hit the mist, haloing Tobirama with a sort of rainbow -- or maybe the way he's smirking -- makes Izuna pause.
Oh, he thinks.
Oh, thinks everyone else.
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 months
It has been *erases chalk number* 0 days since I faced peer pressure to watch the clone wars (2008)
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3,9,14,19 for Jodie and Woods!
Hellloooooo darl! Lovely to see you here, a pleasure as always <3 I hope you're having a good day and I just gotta say, I had an initial look at these questions before I start fleshing out the answers and damn! they're really good questions!
I won't natter too long though- again, thank you for being here, Liberty! :')
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace etc.)
Ok! So, yes and no - there's a limit; Frank is absolutely fine if she steals his jumpers or even his t-shirts. They're a lot bigger on her and he's amused by how much it looks like it drowns her, but he also kinda likes that it's a comfort.
None of Jodie's clothes would fit him, so... even if he wanted payback he'd look like a teen having gone through a growth spurt. Jodie isn't exactly precious about her clothes, but she'd prefer if they weren't torn lmao.
Depending on the AU, Jodie does end up with his bandana. But... there's a reason for that, one I don't want to ruin because it will be upcoming in much later chapters of Call of Booty <.<
In the canon universe, though? Frank would not let her wear his bandana - I feel like it's something he's carried with him through most missions, if not all of them, that we've seen him participate in and I reckon it's a little like a good luck charm? I'm not so certain that Frank is superstitious or believes in that kind of thing (I don't get that vibe) but the bandana he wears around his head seems to be only for missions yk? If Jodie was ever to try and wear that, Frank might have a problem. Luckily, she respects that and wouldn't push it.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Ah, I love this question. I now get to reveal that later on in their relationship, Jodie does get caught pregnant and they end up parents to a lovely little girl.
However, their opinions on the matter were very, very different to begin with.
Frank, I feel, was enamoured with the idea of being a parent, a father, a lot quicker than Jodie had time to process being pregnant. Though the two had never had the conversation about children, he wasn't against it - he sees how Alex and Sarah are with David and he enjoys being an Uncle, so what really are the differences between that and being a father? Of course, he had his own worries and anxieties; would he be good enough etc. but yeah, he was happy with the idea of being a dad.
Jodie was different. I knew, for a fact, that she would not be able to cope with the idea of motherhood due to everything she had gone through in her life. It would have been the kind of thing she thought she'd only ever dream of. Or, the rhetoric of 'in another life', you know?
There's a lot of internal conflict within her regarding this and I do have every intention of writing this at some point in the future, but the general gist of her thoughts on children are this: I do not deserve the chance to be a mother. Something so innocent could never come from me. I will only ever fail them. And these are only the beginnings of her thoughts on this.
I won't lie, the pregnancy and a short time after birth was the toughest time for both of them because Jodie couldn't even bring herself to look at the baby. But, when she holds her for the first time, that's where it flips; she still have the anxieties, but there's a fervent, intense sense of protection that comes over Jodie and though she still struggles with motherhood, she vowed there and then to try and be better.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Ahaha, again, depends on the AU.
I feel like in the canon universe, they don't clash as much as they do in the Call of Booty fic. Of course, this is because they're different versions of the base personalities, right?
But, in general, here are a couple things that they compliment each other with and clash over:
Jodie is less likely to 'lose her cool' compared to Frank. So when he starts to get annoyed by someone easily, she is a good counter to that; she'll usually either pat his arm or his tap her fingers to his wrist in a little gesture that he's rising and he'll calm down a little after that.
They tend to clash when either of them feels the other is underestimating their capabilities, especially Jodie. I feel like Frank, after the campaign and especially when they are together, is quite covertly protective of Jodie in the workplace. He sees the lasting effects of Perseus and the brainwashing and he just... he doesn't want her to experience anything like that again. But, rather than seeing it as he's trying to protect her, Jodie feels like he thinks she's not capable, or broken - something along those lines. So they clash over that kind of thing.
Within the pirate au? Damn... yes, they're probably gonna argue a lot, but that's because they've lived very different lives and have differing morals to begin with. She's a little more feisty in this au, too, because she hasn't had the life experience of losing everything, being controlled or brainwashed... but that also makes her kinda naive and it makes Frank want to pull his hair out.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
If I'm honest, they're indifferent to PDA. They neither hate it nor love it - I think it would come down to it being situational. Of course, I feel that, given certain situations, Frank might ramp it up a little and in response Jodie would be a little surprised but be alright with it.
But yeah, it'd be subtle little displays of affection when in public.
So I enjoyed writing this so much I did the cardinal sin for an English person and forgot to drink my tea, now it's cold, but that really just means I was enjoying myself XD
THANK YOU LIBERTY! I'm always thankful for your asks and I hope I didn't write too much and bore you! <3
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University ever pushes you so low you have to go buy a couple of beers? /srs/neg
I'm gonna vent in the tags for a moment humor me for once /gen
#No but I'm serious this place is a nightmare /neg#Venting in the tags#humor me for a second. you go to this uni and they promise you a place that will teach you how to become an artist#on both like. morality and skill level. they feed you with bullshit for MONTHS. “oh mistakes are fine! they make you grow!”#or “oh this is a community we work all together there are no discriminations this is a safe place to learn and improve”#and we like. work on this projects - THAT WE ARE NOT PAID TO WORK FOR SO *WE* GET TO PAY FOR ALL THE MATERIALS AND SHIT FOR THEM.#to like “help the community” or whatevrr because “artists are born to inspire others and bring joy” and blah blah blah. BUT. LIKE. THE THING#THE THING IS. NONE OF THESE PROJECTS WILL END UP ON OUR CURRICULUMS. WHAT WE WORK 6-7 YEARS FOR ARE NOT SEEN AS REAL EXPERIENCES.#AS IF WE'VE DONE LITERALLY NOTHING FOR 6-7 YEARS. AND LIKE. THE PROFESSORS ARE SO RACIST AND DISCRIMINATORY AS WELL.#If they don't like you they WON'T EVEN GIVE YOU THE EXAM. BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY TO DEMONSTRATE IF YOU WORKED OR NOT. IT'S UP TO THEM.#THEY DECIDE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE AS IF WE ARE SOME SORT OF FUCKING COMMUNIST KINDA BULLSHIT WORKERS.#Someone fucks up? *WE* FUCK UP AND EVERYONE PAYS. Someone succeeds? *WE* SUCCEED AND EVERYONE GETS THE CREDITS.#THIS IS ALSO WHY NONE OF THE WORKS WE DO END UP IN OUT CURRICULUM BECAUSE ITS MADE SO THAT *THE UNIVERSITY COURSE* DID IT AND NOT *US*.#IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT AND I CAN'T EVEN GET OUT OF THERE BECAUSE IF I DO MY PARENTS WILL KICK ME OUT CUZ THEY DON'T WANT ME TO BE AN ARTIST#So I'm trying to STUDY for the exams and the “professors” are getting mad at me that I'm not staying 10 HOURS IN THAT MOTHERFUCKING ART LAB.#WORKING AT THEIR NONSENSE PROJECTS THAT WILL NOT END UP IN MY CURRICULUM.#“Oh if you're not willing to put all your efforts for the course this is not the place for you” BITCH I *AM* PUTTING ALL MY EFFORTS!#THIS EXAM IS *LITERALLY* PART OF THE COURSE!! WHAT KIND OF FUCKING BULLSHIT ARGUMENT IS THAT!!!!!#Istg I'm gonna cry I want to kms /NOT SERIOUS#I'm gonna cook dinner. chug my lemon beer. and try to study like a normal person and beg this shit will end soon#Don't worry I'm not going to become an alcoholic I just need something. anything and I'm ABSOLUTELY not gonna start smoking I hate it /srs#tw alchohol mention#alcohol mention#tw smoking mention#smoking mention#vent#tw vent#// mike speaks
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bugsbenefit · 5 months
scary that there's still Will bowlcut haters around. like... that's his core character design, it looks nice too. sorry to all the different hairstyle enjoyers out there but Will without a bowlcut simply wouldn't be Will to me. that's the side effect of them doubling down on that one single hairstyle for 8 years. they can style it different or make it messier sure, but he needs Some version of a bowlcut otherwise who is that
#Duffers did it to themselves#if they'd change the haircut Now i'll call the s5 hair department a flop no hesitation#not because it would look bad but simply because That's Not My Will that's just noah schnapp with a wig#also unrelated side tangent ik this is just about silly hcs but anytime i talk about Will's hair i get annoyed about how the#bowlcut became the minion meme equivalent of the fandom#i simply refuse to believe people actually hate bowlcuts that much that has to be some kind of moist phenomenon#i've never in my life seen someone irl make fun of bowlcuts or personally even noticed one as 'strange'#but go online and there's apparently consensus that bowlcuts are cringe or something? lmao?#you can probably imagine how surprised i was when i found the st fandom for the first time and everyone just kept talking about Will's hair#when it's literally a normal ass haircut#and meanwhile no one realized that Mike also had a bowlcut for 3 seasons. i swear 'Will bowlcut lmaoo' just became a meme#i'm convinced half of these people don't even know what a bowlcut looks like since they apparently can't recognize one#side tangent over this had nothing to do with what people are talking about actually 😭#my furstration about the way a fucking haircut out of all things became the funny stinger of the show apparently never goes away#and comes back out any time i type the word hair.... oh well#ignore the tags i was having a moment (flashback having nothing to say after a show besides 'the hairrr 😭')
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carryondrawing · 1 year
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Tiktok are currently going through a Onceler phase. Please I can't do this again.
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it
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keeps-ache · 1 month
little soup cans are some of the neatest things we have, wish there were more soup-can-like things in this world
#just me hi#though canopeners need to stop being deadly weapons to some degree before that hfhs#'they're not deadly tho ?' well usually yes. but did you know that they can age Badly? i did not!#and the one I was using was dulled to an extent that it would Skip over a part of the can#(nearly the same spot every time lol) and when I thought I'd managed to fool it and had only#the tiniest bit of metal between me and some beans (pretty sure it was beans) I thought#'ohh I'll just pull up the can lid :)' Well the lid snapped off completely towards and Into my hand#and I had a bean-can wound on my pinky for about a week or so. I do not know how long it's been lol#//but soup cans are pretty cool I feel like they're kinda underappreciated !!#you can just have Soup ? Whenever ??? and it's Normal !! wow :D#sure making soup is pretty great. but that's a process man. and we're not even associates#[<- 'a process I am (not) intimate with']#like there is a little can of menudo in the pantry rn - medunito they call it isn't that just !! - and it's just there. it can be made in#like 10 minutes. is this Not the best thing ever ! ?#//I've also gotta figure out this sleeping thing that I've got going on (everybody has it going on)#I was maybe half a week into actually have a consistent thing going but the night I stopped was bc I am a sucker of a storyteller and we#were up til about. I think 4-6 a.m.#that's on me yes. my siblings vs. my desire to tell stories and rubber willpower hfbdh#a deadly match truly#and also I lost my snoopy watch (RIP snoopy watch you will be missed (I can't find it send help Waough)) and that was the only clock I had#in this room so now if I wanna know the time I have to go the living room - which is like a whole dang thing lemme tell you about it#/first I've gotta get up - easiest thing by far - and get to the door - assuming I don't get KO'd by my siblings' belongings on the floor -#get to the door. the door Is broken to some extent. opening it means a loud THDPD noise is sent throughout the entire house lol. and you#have to yank on the thing to get it open - so double effort there - and then you step out into the hallwayish area where you can then enter#the living room - oh so easy! but No! you then have to either turn on the kitchen lights and wake everyone with their door open or sleeping#in the living room for whatever reason Orrr you have to clamber over chairs pots perhaps a cat if you've got real bad luck that night to ge#up nice n personal to the clock so you can read the dang thing and see it's 11:23. which is like nothing so you stay up Anyway and do not#check the clock again because not only was that a hassle but also you released every creature that was in the room with you (that's a lot o#noise). but Yea the clock situation is ongoing hfbsh#'why don't you get a clock' that would be much too easy loll :) (last one disappeared and we keep forgetting lol) //ran out of tag space so
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strawberryseeded · 3 months
itadori yuji: unwavering humanity
sorry this is mostly rambling tbh i just need to get this STUFF out of my system !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive had this in my drafts for over a MONTH now so i just need it OUT
from the beginning of jjk, itadori wants to help ppl by allowing them to die a "proper death". during his time as a sorcerer, however, and particulary after (his first time lol) dying in the reform school, he realized how weak he was & how much he wasnt even in control of his own death. the curses were. sukuna was. and itadori learnt what it felt to be scared of his own helplessness.
but still, bc hes itadori yuji (a very stubborn guy who keep moving forward no matter what, without thinking, without an ounce of self-preservation), he still mantained this goal of helping ppl. this time, however, understanding that in order to do so, he has to (in typical shounen fashion) get stronger.
in the next arc, itadori meets junpei and mahito. we learn that junpei is a nice kid, but as we know, after much pain and sorrow plus mahito's manipulation and corruption, he ends up trying to kill his classmates. itadori once again faces the fact that there's a lot of evil in this world. there's people he can't save, things he can't fix. even more importantly, if it's about curses as evil as mahito, he wants to kill (itadori and mahito's enmity is really prolongued and interesting in general, constantly making each other evolve).
a bit later, he and kugisaki kill two death wombs (who they believe are curses at first) and after that he learns (from sukuna who just needs to make him suffer more, as a little treat <3) that it's bc he ate sukuna's finger that many spirits are awakening and causing ppl to die. he doesn't exactly regret his actions, but it all weights on him, painfully so.
on his way to save as many ppl as possible, itadori has become stronger, but he's also killed.
then comes shibuya (ha.....)
after losing people so close to him, allowing sukuna to end so many lives and being made fun of by sukuna and mahito for being so naive and (again) so weak, itadori almost gave up his goal. it's thanks to todo's ted talk that he got up again (as he always does).
itadori thru this arc learns to see himself not as a hero but as a cog in a machine. he's only human, after all: an individual (a weak one at that), but also part of something way bigger. his values, beliefs and desires are itadori's: born from his temperament and upbringing. individual. but the fact that he is human shapes him, the same way being a curse shapes mahito.
itadori finally understands that caring about people it's in his nature because he is human, but also that the why doesnt matter. and so, to save people, he'll kill mahito like it's also second nature to him.
(is he fine with it? does he want to? thats not relevant anymore. he's only following his nature, moving in automatic-mode. like a predator when he sees prey. not evil, not selfish. just doing what he needs to, what he's made for).
after shibuya itadori changes. he's still him, but the way he kills curses and tackles his job as a sorcerer it's almost machine-like. it's kinda eerie. we know he's not a machine, obviously. by this point we know itadori well: his immense suffering caused by other's peoples deaths and pain, we see his scars. he's still very much human, and still very much itadori.
more than ever before he wants to help people.
the thing is... despite what he said to mahito about saving people "for no reason, just like mahito kills and makes people suffer for no reason", itadori's desire to help people says a lot about him.
from the very beginning this desire has profoundly affected the way he interacts with other people and also the way he views himself. he's only worthy and valuable when he's able to save people. it gives him a role to play, a reason to live, a way to connect with others.
(it always has: in one of the first chs (i think ch 3 in the manga?), when confronted with the reason for becoming a sorcerer, he finally admits that he wanted something only he could do. that's even why he joined the occult club (which was bound to shut down without him) but not the sports clubs even when he was clearly gifted for any sport he could play. yes, it was also bc he wanted to visit his grandpa at the hospital, but itadori wanted to be needed. to serve others).
even when it's hard, when he doesn't want to, when the price is so high...
for itadori it's not only an instinct, it's a choice.
and then the culling games happen... and sukuna takes megumi's body.
megumi's itadori's friend, itadori cares about him. and megumi saved him. and he is taken by sukuna bc of itadori's fault. bc of the vow he and sukuna made that itadori cant even remember.
itadori's no longer sukuna's vessel now, so his initial purpose of retrieving sukuna's fingers so he can be killed along him is over. by this point he's long realized not only that he can't save every single person, but that he cant avoid killing and hurting other ppl, can't control his own death, can't even protect people who are close and important to him. he's weak, he's "bad". guilty. but it's not like before; itadori doesn't want to absolve his sins, that's not why he does what he does.
itadori's only goal remains unchanged: to save megumi and fucking KILL sukuna once and for all. it's literally his life purpose; once a wish given by his grandfather, then a duty imposed by the jujutsu society. now, it's itadori's own will. he despises sukuna. it's absolutely personal.
more than ever, his capability to help and save other people gives him a purpose, a reason to live and keep moving forward. its what keeps him grounded and himself. what makes him so human, despite all the pain and all the evil, despite all of the powerful curses and curse users around him who thrive on hurting and taking. no matter how many times he's beaten to the ground, he gets up again, his ideal never faltering. he'll always care about and do his best to protect people.
this is the reason why sukuna cant really figure him out. why he says over and over again thru the series that itadori's boring and weak. sukuna was human once, a sorcerer as well, but the thing is... he was strong. insanely so. and the way sees it, being strong is everything, not a plus, but a must. being weak is equivalent to death, so helping the weak is pointless. being already at the top of the food chain, sukuna's only moved by and interested in power and strenght, and so, he doesnt really get itadori. he sees him as -basically- a pathetic insect, which is, funnily, part of the reason why he hasnt killed him yet (the other part of the reason is, as ive said, that itadori is tough as nails).
& maybe it sounds kinda cheesy but i do truly think that all of what i just said is the reason why itadori just might win. he literally represents the compassion and resilience of humans, even against pure evil. this unwavering humanity and love for other people, even when it's painful and hard, is what makes him so strong, in a way sukuna doesnt understand. this is why people love itadori yuji.
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hauntingblue · 3 months
YAMATO NEW NAKAMA PLEASE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️LUFFY PLEASE!!!!
#do kaido and big mom end up in the same hole??? lmaoo yamato get luffy!!! hell yes!!!#now a military trial for all the beast pirates come on!!! everyone to udon jail#APOO IS STILL ALIVE???. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!#i understand law is not on a state to be a medic but marco.... pick up some slack....#toko :((( no fucking way they are coming out of the hole..... they aren't.... the better not....#HIYORI!!!! no reunion??? :((#tama first girl to adopt a mother... also why do they have the same eyes... also is nami not enough for you.... or luffy.... your uncle...#hiyori girl dont kneel.... thats your 8 year old brother.... tama backstory omg.... tama dont cry omg.... she's gonna make me cry too...#izo is dead for real.... he was shown on the dead people highlight reel.... omg.... kinemon looking like a proud dad...#that hiyori and momo reunion.... i need more... what was that....#episode 1078#talking tag#watching one piece#who tf is that talking to the cp0...#hawkins is alive.... oh now he regrets it.... now he is dead... well.....#can't believe izo is dead... marco saying he cant believe he is alive... WELL YOU FOUGHT TWO TIMES AND THEM DID FUCK ALL WHILE IZO DIED????#i am so mad at this man you dont understand. HIYORI DROPKICKED MOMO AJSHAJA YEAHHH!!!#luffy and zoro waking up at the same time... it started with them too... oof#in my bliss of luffy winning and gear 5 and all i hadn't realised my pink haired samurai hasn't appeared in a while... i fear the worst....#i love how luffy having a meal is animated like a fight... omg zoro too... using his three head technique...#nami being the first to hit momo akdjaks. well deserved also#yamato not bathing or eating for zoro and luffy and hiyori bathing zoro ajdhskjs. omg this looks like sanji is jealous FA-#nami having to think hard about who bathes where lmao sanji and brook need an execution#OTAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING AJDHSJSHSJ ME ASF ALSO SORRY. also where tf is robin. DID THEY TAKE HER??? oh nvm there is another group...#kid you are so right he is annoying. kill him. come on!!! SAKAZUKI DIE!!!! they just wanna make me mad atp... ALSO WHERE IS ROBIN??#episode 1079#why is there a country with a giant picture of sabo in their clock tower lmaoo#luffy looks so little beside yamato omg.... omg soul king brook ft kozuki hiyori rock version.... AND I DONT GET TO HEAR IT????#robin with her poneglyphs of course.... AND BROOK OWES HER TWO MORE!!!!#MOMOS GRANDFATHER???? AND HE TOOK CARE OF TAMA WHO HAS ORICHIS LAST NAME!!!
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this is what the next album will be called won't it /j
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hexusproductions · 1 year
He means everything to me now. Btw.
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moe-broey · 1 year
I'm too lazy to illustrate it (plus I think I'd get too caught up in the process LMFAO) but when drawing/adding personal touches to Lif's design I am channeling Lio Fotia Promare for his armor (ESP the Mad Burnish armor) Lewis Mystery Skulls (less aesthetic similarities reflected but like, kinda similar broad chested body type similar vibes and important heart motifs) (heart motif isn't pictured in this Lewis image but if you've seen the animated music vids you get it) and literally just any 2D animated Disney villain who is Shaped and Dramatic (and has a huge fucking cape or coat -- tbh the specific ones I think about are Maleficent and Cruella just from the dramatic/big cape standpoint, purely aesthetic)
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(fuck it after a lot of thinking Hades is a good one too)
#no main tags about it but. i need everyone to understand my vision.#ig maleficent is more sleek than i'd ever draw lif but it's about vibes. fucked up dramatic evil vibes.#when it comes to body language i am always imagining him moving around in that dramatic disney villain way too#like i adore the serious art of him that captures his canon very well i adore seeing his severe and threatening side#but to me when i portray him he is just a little campy.#i can't help it LMFAO everything i touch gets a little silly and gay AGSJHAKSKAK#THE FLOURISH. THAT'S WHAT I'M ALWAYS IMAGINING. THE EVIL FLOURISH.#and like v important he's still so serious. and angry and full of grief. a threatening foe and liability as an ally.#someone you love but don't fully trust.#i feel like i. don't always capture the full scope of complexities in my work. too busy staying silly ig LMFAO#fe lif#<- one main tag actually. but only so i can find this later on my blog if i need it 👍#THINKING THIS OVER AGAIN the reason i gravitate towards maleficent is bc of the Sharpness in her design#like dr facilier/the shadow man could fit v well here too aesthetically and hades thematically esp#but also full disclosure i haven't watched any classic disney movies in years LMFAO#literally was just frantically looking up 'most iconic classic disney villains' to look at their character sheets#bc i was SO hard pressed by the maleficent inspo. i feel like she is the EPITOME of dramatic disney villain#and i happened upon cruella and was like OH FUCK YES BIG FUCKING FUR COAT!!!!!!!!!!!! implementing this forevwr now#pouring over model sheets i almost feel like dr facilier is a bit too flamboyant actually?#like he's too playful actually. fantastic vibes but not quite for lif.#i think hades captures the silliness/exaggerated rage/movementa i think of and cruella also captures this#AND she has the big fur coat. i desperately wanna watch 101 dalmatians now LMAO#just to see how her coat moves and the weight of it.#but also i think maleficent captures the Classic dramatic and severe villain i was also imagining.#she has a lot of seriousness to her too. plus big cape. and drama. ect.#CATEGORY 5 AUTISM MOMENT. I KNOW. I NEED TO STOP THINKING I WANNA DO SALMON RUN
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lunapwrites · 1 year
15 Questions | 15(?) People
So I am not tagging 15 people, I get anxiety tagging like. 5. BUT I will give this a go lol.
Are you named after anyone? My great-grandparent.
When was the last time you cried? Hmmmmmm couple of months ago.
Do you have kids? Nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? What's sarcasm?
What's the first thing you notice about people? From a distance, their hair. Close up, their eyes.
Scary movies or happy ending? Kind of neither? I want to be left having an existential crisis. Like with Whiplash, do we really want to call that a happy ending? What category do you put Don't Look Up in?
Any special talents? I'm good at air hockey? Otherwise, I can whistle through my teeth.
Where were you born? IN WEST PHILADELPHIA-- no but seriously.
What are your hobbies? [gestures at blog]
Do you have any pets? I have two dogs and I will talk about them endlessly if you get me started. I am that obnoxious pet parent that puts pictures of them on the fridge. I painted portraits of them that I hung on my wall. I would take them everywhere if they were remotely capable of existing in a safe and sane way off my property. Unfortunately they are just as neurotic as I am.
What sports do you play/have you played? Wew lad. Alright, so I went through a small phase where my mother was trying me through several activities to see what I would stick with (none) but, I have done tee ball (less than one season, badly), ballet (about a year or two, it was awful, never again), soccer (football to everyone else; I did that for 3 years and i did like it but meh), and crew (competitive rowing. also liked that but again, meh.) my parents were also attempting to see if maybe i would get into horseback riding, but NOPE. i was not interested.
How tall are you? Like. 5'2"? Ish? I think earlier I calculated that out to about 158cm for the metric crew.
Favorite subject in school? English and History, typically.
Dream job? I used to really want to be an English teacher, but the way that profession exists now (at least in the states), I really uh... can't do that the way that I always envisioned it. So instead I run a Discord server that more or less does the thing and work my day job on top of that haha. But I think overall, I'm mostly just looking for whatever I can live with that will give me enough money to buy the things I need and still have enough freedom and flexibility to enjoy my life outside of it. I don't want to be that person that lives to work, but I also don't want to be a person that works to live. I just want to work, and to live, and for those things to be separate lol. Small ask, I know.
Anyway, this was fun! Anyone who'd like to join in from here, feel free. Consider this me tagging you.
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