imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Here me out
Frank coming home from shift
Jodie holding a blanket, tucked up In her arms
"Oh your back! Want to see the baby?"
Frank pausing "baby?" Walks on over
And it's an onion with a green cloth around with googly eyes
He just straight up sighs and kiss her forhead
"See he's got your eyes"
It had been a long evening, as Jodie slouched on the sofa wrapped in a blanket. That day, she had been forced to stay home from work, even though she had felt fine, yet the cough rattling in her chest said otherwise.
So, she'd been alone, mooching around and watching some television and when she had gotten bored of that, she had switched to the radio... and when she had gotten bored of that she had turned to a puzzle book - even then, she had gotten bored of that. So she slept.
For the past hour, however, she had done nothing but staring at the ceiling.
Still, she was bored, and being sick was making her feel even more naff.
Then, a thought hit her, inspired by something Alex had told her a while back.
What was it that Frank had called himself, again? A hollow laugh, rattling with that deep cough, filled her lungs as she slowly rose from the sofa and traipsed into the kitchen. The blanket hung from her shoulders as she found what she was looking for. In a drawer of miscellaneous scraps, she also found a wonderful addition.
It was at this point she heard the front door open, heavy footsteps moving further into the hallway.
Quickly, she ensured that her little bundle of joy was secure and safe, nestled in the crook of her arm. She even bobbed it up and down, gently, as though soothing a silent cry.
Moving to meet her partner in the hallway, she beamed, tiredly, "Frank darling, you're back! Want to see the baby?"
Frank was taking off his boots, leant down to do so, but the unmistakable look of questioning furrowed his brow and creased the corner of his nose. He queried, "baby?"
Jodie nodded, succeeding expertly at keeping a straight face, the sincerity in her eyes gentle and warm. When Frank walked over, coming to stand by her side, his larger hand cupping over hers that supported the infants head, he let his curiosity drop into a levelled stare. There was amusement in his eyes, as he desperately fought to keep the smile on his face nonexistent.
As his eyes flickered to Jodie's face, whose facade was cracking, and then back down to the google-eyed onion, Frank heaved out a sigh. It was all he could do to quell the laughter bubbling in his chest. With a soft shake of his head, the hand that had been over hers came to cup her cheek, thumb running over her cheek bone as he planted a kiss at her temple.
Then, he began to walk away, but not before muttering, "he's got your eyes, I see."
When Jodie turned, Frank was already ushering himself away quickly, a mischievous smile on his face as though he knew he was in the shit.
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samantitheos · 5 months
shameless characters responding to "i want a baby"
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+ bonus kev, cause he's baby
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scarriestmarlowe · 9 months
hey guys! discuss.
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y2ksnowglobe · 9 months
Dndads Dad characters and what I consider to be their most notable parenting crime
The amount of seriousness for any of these is highly variable
Barry: Using a giant hamster water bottle type thing to hydrate the soulless bodies of your grandkids. Bill: Not letting his son murder him. Cern: Getting your kids involved in the doomsday cult you're a member of. Darryl: Honestly? Being a slightly more boring version of my own dad. Frank: Not super canon, but like...he'd give the "Eat some peanut butter to stop being depressed" advice. Gartok: Enslaved his kids. Glenn: Pretended to not like minions with an intensity that it made him look really bad in court. Grant: Probably should have taken Lincoln to a therapist right after the cat incident. Henry: Seems to have forgotten he has a daughter. Jodie: Gave his child a flashbang. Lark(?): Didn't tell Normal about the bulletproofing in the mascot outfit. Poor kid was probably wondering why all the cheerleading moves were harder now. Marco: So unsure of himself that he's able to be convinced he signed a permission slip for his son to go to Seattle. Nicky: Suggests friend murder way too easily as a problem solving method. Ron: "Who's your daddy now?" Scam: Hermie is a teenager because that's the funniest age for him to be. Sparrow: Did not stop Normal from being Vinny the Vulture during a heatwave. Terry Jr.: Offered Scary some kale chips that one time. Willy: Honestly? It's the I have two fish and two plates...lemme just stack these plates together and eat both of the fish moment. That's just such an inexplicable, what the fuck? moment for me.
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manygeese · 2 months
ok I’m cooking guys. stardew valley au with Piper as the farmer
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ravenousgoblin · 4 months
Dungeons and daddies characters that I think wouldn’t care if I called them “girl”.
1. Glenn Close. You can’t tell me that as a bff or significant other of Glenn, if you ran up to him to spill the tea and were like “GIRL” or even “bitch guess what” he wouldn’t immediately get excited and be like “omg girl whaaaaat”
2. Henry Oak. We all known Henry tries his best to embrace all and all his hippie shit, however I believe this is because of a few things. Henry isn’t afraid to be in touch with that femininity, henry has canonically had at least 1 bf and has slept with at least 1 other male alongside his wife, you can’t tell me Barry Oak and probably quite a few other Oakvalians aren’t homophobic and transphobic and that they wouldn’t refer to him as terms trying to be derogatory but Henry takes them in stride and says fuck you.
3. Nicky. Whether we’re assessing Nicky pre or post Jodie, I don’t think it matters. I am a firm believer in transmasc Nicky and I think while he is a cutie lil trans boy I find it hard to believe he wouldn’t love the idea of being included when you are spillin the tea or being a silly and call him ‘girl’.
4. Scam Likely. Girl, Scam be scammin and Scam, while usually referred to as male, is a cousin of the library, a horrific eldrich being. Scam is Heckin shapeshifter brother. I think, like Nicky, he would just enjoy being included. Me and Scam be sippin tea every Wednesday at lunch and he calls me “bitch” “whore” and “babe”. I call him, or them rather, “babygirl”, “girl”, slut”, and “bestie”. They also love when you tell them they’re serving cunt
5. Taylor Swift. Now, I hate this. Taylor I believe would love it, HOWEVER, I take 1d20 psychic damage minimum when Taylor opens his mouth, so I wouldn’t hang out with him, let alone call him ‘girl’
6. Normal Swallows-Oak-Garcia. Now, with this, I think that it only lasts a little bit. I think that while Normal is trying to find who is he without Teeny the Teen, he questions a lot about himself, sexuality and gender identity at the very least(see: obsession with Hermie). With this I think he would absolutely try out some different pronouns and such, even tossing the idea of she/her or she/they etc around. Overall I think he sticks to he/him, but he definitely tried it and asked to be referred to as such while he was going through this period of finding himself and is OVERJOYED when you comply and treat him like the girlypop he is for as long as he is comfortable with before reverting.
Some honorable mentions are: Paeden, Yeet Bigly, and Mark Likely. However, they were not included for specific reasons.
Paeden was taken into consideration, however, two factors disqualified him. 1. He has the soul of Frank Wilson and I don’t think any of the omega daddies would let you get away with calling them “girl” and 2. Paeden is very proud of who he is, both as Paedon and Frank and would prefer you refer to him as what he sees, which is fair.
Yeet Bigly was taken into consideration, however, I believe Yeet would only allow his sister, Killa Demall to do it. They are very close and I think they gossip all day long and have a great time, but I think only Killa could get away with it. It’s special sister privilege.
And Mark Likely was taken into consideration, mainly because of the relation to Scam and The Library, eldrich beings and such. However, not all eldrich beings are girlies(see: dood) and I believe Mark Likely having taken on the form of my bf Dennis Anderson and also staying as identifying as he/him(as far as memory serves) as Mark Likely, I don’t find it likely that Mark would be a girly. That is not to say that he would be mad, just that he would ask you not to.
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tisgifrants · 1 year
the 8 passengers mom is finally arrested!!!
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i just wish the kids to be healthy and eat all they can and get the proper treatment because she and that jodi woman are big dunces
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mikyapixie · 12 days
3 years ago today Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog was released on DVD!!!
This was the crossover of my dream!!! I loved every second of it!!! Especially the ending when Muriel give one last riddle to Scooby & Courage & give Courage a hug brought me to tears!!! It was like the last hug with her OG VA RIP Thea white!!!🥹🥹🥹
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expirisims · 2 months
That's One Tasty Sandwich
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It's a bright and beautiful Summer morn!
Heeeyy! Kyle has been making use of the planters I placed in his new house! He'll need that to progress in his science career, at least for the next few years. I have some major changes both for some of my sims and for the whole town in general! Those will be coming down the pipeline next round!
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Looks like Andrae is off of work again. I'm guessing it's the weekend. [it's been a really long time since I actually played this week, I'm about an entire sim year ahead as I write this :) ]
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That face! Bahahaha! That must be one stinky diaper!
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Daniella is off to the Family Center! Gosh that takes me back to my own childhood. We were feral, LOL! We spent literally the entire day on our bikes!
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So poor Andrae, finally got dressed and headed out to get a little alone time. He must be exhausted!
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Looks like Brianna is too engrossed in her chess game to notice.
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Precious is making lunch; hmm...will this compel any sims to come home?
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Yep! Right on cue!
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Everyone began to wind down early. Andrae just went straight to bed again, Precious settled down with a good book, and Daniella went back to her painting!
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Aww...She's dreaming about home!
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And Andrae is up for his child care shift! Boy, I bet these sims wish there was such a thing as sleep training in the game!
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And we end the night with some town notifications! Hmmm...I'm not much for renaming babies born in game, I like to imagine my sims went through names while pregnant and chose on their own what to name their kids, but I just HAVE to change that baby's name to Frank...
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @alypink to do this mood board and snippet of writing tag game! So here goes!
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Unknown Soldier
Before her stood the man that had been with her since she was a child. Eyes that had once regarded her warmly, fatherly, now did so with cold synergy. She did not know what went on behind those eyes, she could never read his thoughts, nor could she even begin to understand the complexity that was him, Perseus, and so had given up trying years since. That had been until she had come across a wayward file, written words never intended for her own eyes to see and it had been the first glimpse into the kind of man that he was, the kind of man that shaped a child into a soldier and promised her everything, but gave her nothing. 
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Call of Booty
Admiral Adler was unable to hide his agitation when regarding his temporary position grounded at the base, worsened by his daily routine being confined to his office which overlooked the growing wharf and storehouse. He was always saddled with new documents, new charters, new paperwork, workers and soldiers coming to ask him question after question. It was his duty, for the time being, but he couldn’t deny that there was a desperate itch that wracked his body every time his gaze wandered from the task at hand, drawn back to the glistening sea. He swore that it beckoned him, whispered encouragement to go back to his ship and sail out to the horizon.
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Smooth Operator
“Sure,” he said, his elbow now resting on the table and his knuckles just resting at his temple as he leaned, his eyes steadily watching how she moved. She was beautiful, in a way that seemed effortless for her, from her reddened lips, the long lashes, the slight creases of dimples at the corners of her mouth when she spoke. Even as she stood, hip cocked out to one side as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, all he could think about was how attractive she was.  What caught him the most, though, were her eyes. They were a dark brown, with small flecks of honey, and when they were on him he felt a warmth rush over him. They were soft, kind, with a slight sense of tiredness clinging to the hue. He didn’t want her to look away. 
Ok, so first and foremost, I would like to say that none of these images were made/taken by me and were also not edited by me in any way - I did find them on Pinterest/Google Images which had a huge lack of sources for them or sent me to Pinterest as a source. If these images are yours and you don't wish for them to be used then please dm me and I will take them down immediately. Likewise, if you are happy for me to use them, dm me so I know they're yours and I can put you down as credit!
I always panic when I have to put pictures/photos on a post and I can't find any credit- so please please... talk to me if they're yours.
With that said, I would like to thank @/alypink again for the tag! I really enjoyed showing you snippets of the upcoming writings that I have, which I'm hoping to put out soon!
I'm actually not sure who to tag- UH!
You know what, I'll tag you, the reader. If you've got some works that are currently in progress and you wanna show em off, then take this as a sign!
Please tag me so I can see what ya got!
~ Goose
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amyintherapy · 1 year
If anyone else is kinda hyperfixated on the 8 passengers story, Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrante stuff, there are multiple episodes of Mormon Stories podcast on YouTube that are very long but really good listens/watches. Well, calling them "good" is strange given the heavy nature of the topic but, hopefully you get what I mean.
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whimsicalbean · 5 months
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Jodie Comer The Times 2020
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havinganormalone · 6 months
I've been following this case since they were arrested back in August. What is so frustrating and heart breaking is how long people had been blowing the whistle, and how thoroughly the system had failed. Or worse- how the Mormon church enabled and funded this abuse. I have a lot of thoughts about abusive systems that I'll detail under the cut. It's a very rambling path on this high-control clusterfuck.
Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt, the two perpetrators who have each pled guilty to 6 charges of felony child abuse, were brought together by the Mormon church, they were enabled by systemic issues in the way the Mormon church operates and their regressive views on sexuality, and this abuse could have been prevented if the Mormon church had more oversight and was held accountable for the way they operated.
People had been calling out Ruby Franke for years for her strict -abusive- parenting style. I mean, when you post about letting your neurodivergent child go without food, about forcing your son to sleep on a beanbag in the living room for months, about dragging your feet taking a child to the ER so you can clean your house, to a youtube channel with 2 million subscribers, you aren’t exactly being low key. But despite the many, many times people called CPS, she was allowed to continue to escalate her abuse. In fact, it sort of had the backfire effect, with CPS being called so often that they started to tune it out. They had thousands of people blowing the whistle, but an overworked CPS system has to filter stuff out.
Her accomplice Jodi Hildebrandt had been the Mormon church's top referred therapist for years, despite the fact that her license was temporarily suspended in 2012 for her unethical treatment of Adam Paul Steed (more on this later). Despite the fact that Jodi's niece (nonbinary, they/them) Jessi Hildebrandt had reported to the police how Jodi had abused and tortured them as a minor, doing things like forcing them to sleep outside in the snow, forbidding Jessi from talking to others, and accusing Jessi of crimes so frequently that Jessi has said it took years of therapy to believe they were not inherently evil. (You can see echoes of this abuse in the way Ruby's daughter refused medical treatment for her injuries for hours, stating to authorities that they were her fault and she deserved them.)
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While the Mormon church did remove her from the official referral list after the 2012 incident, she was still the #1 recommended therapist by individual clergy in the Salt Lake Valley along the Wasatch front. For those who are unaware of Mormon bureaucracy, each individual parish is headed by a bishop, who would meet and counsel with members. If a couple came to him with concerns about the husband viewing pornography, the bishop can recommend the couple to marriage counseling. He chooses the therapist, with no oversight. The church has a referral list of counselors they trust (the same one Jodi was on and then removed) but basically it is up to the individual bishop to choose, and if he (always a he, women are not allowed to be bishops) saw Jodi's name on the list in the past and didn't keep updated, or heard about her from other bishops, he's going to keep recommending her. And then when the young couple can't afford it (Jodi was allegedly charging upwards of $2k a month), the bishop can choose to pay for it from church funds. This was how Jodi was unofficially on church payroll. She never worked for the church, but by getting client referrals from bishops, she was able to charge thousands of dollars and funnel money from the Mormon church coffers.
If you want proof of just how much money Jodi was raking in, feel free to check out the $5.3 million home she was torturing children in. She's selling it to cover legal fees. For a while there, you could take a virtual tour of the home that included the bunker room where she had Ruby Franke's 12 year-old son duct-taped and rubbed a mixture of honey and cayenne pepper into his wounds. You might be able to find archives of people doing the 3D tour on TikTok.
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There are also several rumors online that Jodi helped the church develop their Addiction Recovery Program (ARP). I have yet to find solid evidence of this, and have some doubts about those claims, simply because this predatory practice has been around so long that even if Jodi had put together the specific model the Mormon church uses, she is far from the one who developed it. Regardless, both the methods Jodi uses in her ConneXions classroom, Jodi's old company LifeStar, and the LDS (Mormon) Church's Addiction Recovery Program are all alike in the way they pathologize human sexuality.
The basic rundown is that ANY interest in porn or masturbation is treated on the same level as injecting heroin on a daily basis. You are encouraged to treat yourself like an addict, regardless of the frequency of these behaviors. Even men who masturbate once a month are referred to the program. Actual therapists conclude pretty strongly that treating these normal human behaviors like addictions does not help. It increases the amount of shame you feel when doing them, and that shame can have negative impacts on your self-esteem and behavior, not the porn usage itself. It's a viscous self-fulfilling prophecy: porn only negatively impacts you if you feel bad for viewing it.
However, Jodi Hildebrandt made a career off of diagnosing and then treating people for pornography addiction. That cycle is what eventually led Ruby Franke to her. Ruby and her husband were initially referred to Jodi for therapy, and while the exact reasons have not been made public, the fact that Ruby forced her husband to move out a short while later paints a pretty clear picture. This is the exact cycle of control Jodi had done in the past: convince the wife that their husband is a dangerous sexual predator for normal sexuality, make the husband feel guilty, use that guilt to place an ultimatum on the husband so that the wife can force him to go no-contact while still footing the bill, and then milk the couple for exorbitant therapy for as long as this strained relationship can last.
It was this modus operandi that she used against Adam Paul Steed, a victim of childhood sexual abuse while in the Boy Scouts of America. If you don't know who Adam Paul Steed is, the short story is that his bravery in coming forward and refusing to be silenced about his sexual abuse in Scouts resulted in Idaho changing the statute of limitations on underage assault (previously capped at 5 years, which meant the period would expire before many victims had even processed their childhood abuse and had words to define it). This had a ripple effect of allowing thousands of victims of sexual assault in Boy Scouts to come forward about their abuse. So yeah, he's a hero who does not suffer abuse in silence.
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Flash forward years later to when Adam Paul Steed was married, and he and his wife were referred to Jodi Hildebrandt for therapy after it was discovered that Adam occasionally watched porn. Adam was forced into the same cycle of being told he is a dangerous predator, he is an addict, he isn't safe. Can you imagine what it's like for a victim of childhood sexual abuse to be told those things? And then as part of his therapy, Adam was essentially blackmailed into attending a support group that contained both men like himself, who occasionally masturbated, along with men who had committed incest and rape. In the eyes of the Mormon church and Jodi Hildebrandt, those sins are all interchangeable.
Being told he was on the same level as the man who had molested him as a child was Adam's breaking point, and that was when Adam put his foot down and refused to endure anymore. As a result, his wife divorced him, and Jodi broke client confidentiality to tell both Adam's bishop and the Honor Code Office of BYU (the Mormon college that Adam was attending at the time) that he was "the most dangerous person [Jodi] had ever met." This resulted in BYU kicking Adam out. He lost all progress on his college degree (BYU is notorious for stonewalling people kicked out when they try to transfer credits, often taking months to years to provide transcripts and making every effort possible to block students trying to transfer to other schools), along with his wife, infant daughter, and his reputation. This was the point at which Adam made a formal complaint about Jodi's breach of ethics in violating client confidentiality, which is what led to her 2012 suspension of her license.
But this did not stop the Mormon church from recommending Jodi. To them, Adam had gotten what he deserved for not being willing to overcome his "addiction." (If you really want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, there are also theories that this was intentional retribution for what Adam had done to the Boy Scouts, since for a long time they were the Mormon church's pet program. However, these are just theories that would probably be impossible to substantiate, so I won't go in depth on them here.)
Adam Paul Steed's story is an amazing one of resilience and integrity, and he continues to speak out against Jodi Hildebrandt. If people had listened to him a decade ago, a lot of this horror could have been avoided. He did an amazing 5 hour interview on the Mormon Stories Podcast that brought me to tears several times. Unfortunately, his ex-wife threatened a defamation lawsuit (even though she isn't NAMED in the interview), so that interview has been taken down. It's a darn shame there are no mirrors anywhere.
Anyways, circling back to the point. Ruby Franke is not a victim. A recent evidence dump includes her journal, where she gleefully describes the inhuman torture she put her children through. You can find a ton of breakdowns on Youtube, although I personally recommend Jordan and McKay's video, as they have been covering 8 Passengers (Ruby Franke's Youtube Channel) for years, and were some of those early whistle blowers. Ruby has claimed that everything was Jodi's idea. Quite possibly it was. That doesn't change the fact that Ruby was an eager participant.
These two women were sociopaths who were allowed to operate unchecked. Or worse, were allowed to operate when the checks we have in place failed. They had a propensity towards abuse and exerting control over others that manifested long before it got to the point of forcing her daughter to repeatedly jump into a cactus to "discipline" her. My hope from this case is that it forces us to ask two things:
-How can we better enforce the safety checks we already have in place that failed in this case?
-How can we establish new safety checks to prevent this kind of behavior from ever happening?
While I don't claim to have all the answers, I think a good place to start would be by installing restrictions on exploitative "family channels" on social media. Clearly we need to be more skeptical of the kinds of person that would use their children to earn a buck. Allowing people to earn money from exploiting their children like this offers them the means to shield themselves from consequence. Ruby's money and influence was a huge buffer that allowed her to get away with this for so long. By restricting the income a family channel can make, we would go a long ways towards limiting the power a would-be sociopathic parent can earn. Youtube could demonetize any videos that contain an uncensored minor's face. Brands could not offer sponsorships to child-centric channels. Local government could be allowed to act on publicly available information, ie Child Protect Services could establish a child is in danger based on the exploitation in videos.
Another good place to start would be better restrictions and oversight on how a religious institution operates with for-profit companies. I obviously have very strong FEELINGS about the Mormon church's stance on... essentially everything. However, even allowing the church to continue their toxic attitudes towards sex (a freedom of thought that should be extended to all people), the damage that mindset could do would be limited if churches were not allowed to make mental health referrals with no oversight. This sort of relationship has long allowed things like conversion therapy camps, troubled teen centers, and other dubious for-profit enterprises to flourish. Maybe religious institutions could still financially support their members that were seeking help and needed assistance, but they would have less say on who the member went to. A non-partisan list of curated therapists or resources that members were allowed to choose from, rather than clergy only allowing them to seek help from people who will echo un-scientific and destructive viewpoints, would eliminate the Jodi Hildebrandt pipeline we saw in this case.
Sorry this was long and rambling, this was not 1/10th of my thoughts about this case and the systemic problems with the Mormon church, so it probably is hard to follow. I just needed to vent it somewhere.
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planetofsnarfs · 7 months
Former mommy vlogger Ruby Franke once said, in one of her many, many mommy vlogs, that she would never accept being “canceled,” and anyone who didn’t like the way she treated her children just hated “responsibility.” 
Yesterday, a judge sentenced Franke, who pleaded guilty to four counts of child abuse this past December, to one to 15 years for each count, to be served consecutively. The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole will determine the exact amount of time she will serve, though it will not be more than 30 years as that is the maximum allowed for consecutive sentences in the state. 
Some might say that’s a little more than “canceled.”
Ruby Franke, like many Mormon ladies in Utah, had a family YouTube vlog documenting every day of her life with her husband and six children and dispensing parenting advice. It was called “8 Passengers” and it was hugely popular among the kinds of people who watch family vlogs. How huge? Two and a half million followers huge. 
Then, one day, she bragged in a video about how her daughter Eve’s kindergarten teacher texted her to tell her that she didn’t have any lunch, and could Ruby please come bring her one, whereupon Ruby informed the teacher that it was Eve’s responsibility to pack her own lunch, and if she didn’t have any she would just have to go hungry. Ruby added that she hoped no one gave her daughter anything to eat. 
This got a lot of traction outside her usual audience of family vlogger fans, from people who didn’t think it’s actually great parenting to starve children. 
Not long after that, she recorded a video with her son Chad who revealed that, a month after he came home from a “wilderness camp” for troubled teens (which sounds a lot like that horrifying one Paris Hilton was sent to), he played a silly prank on his little brother, waking him up and telling him to pack his things because they were all going to Disneyland. His punishment? He wasn’t allowed to have a bed for the next seven months and had to sleep on a bean bag. 
Ruby laughed and laughed the entire time like what she did was real cute. 
This didn’t go over well with viewers, and eventually someone started a Change.org petition to demand that the Utah Department of Child and Family Services do a welfare check. They started calling as well, and eventually they checked on the Frankes and, well, didn’t do jack shit. While they didn’t do anything, 90 percent of Franke’s sponsors on her YouTube channel did. They left.
It was at this point that Franke started portraying herself as a Good Conservative Mom who was being canceled by Bad Liberals Who Hate Responsibility.
“The reason we got canceled was because I was demonstrating, as I have done from day one, what a responsible mother looks like,” she said in a 2021 interview with The Wrap. “And it scared the living bejesus out of these kids who do not want to be held accountable. So that is the motive for the hate being thrown at me. I’m the antidote to their acting out, and they know it.”
Yeah, either that or they figured — correctly — that if this is what this woman thought was okay to put on camera, that whatever was happening off-camera was 10 times worse, or at least had the potential to get there. 
Eventually she abandoned family vlogging in favor of family counseling and joined forces with Jodi Hildebrandt, who was also charged in connection with this case. No one heard much about her until Franke’s 12-year-old son escaped Hildebrandt’s home (where he was staying) and ran to a neighbor for help, emaciated and covered in wounds and duct tape. 
Police arrested Franke, and not for the crime of being a responsible mother.
Via New York Times:
From May to August 2023, Ms. Franke, a mother of six, created a “concentration camp-like setting” for two of her children, who were 9 and 11 at the time, Eric Clarke, the Washington County attorney, said during the sentencing hearing. She regularly denied them adequate food, water, entertainment and beds, and isolated them from others, he said. Ms. Franke, 42, also forced her children to do physical tasks in extreme heat, without shoes, socks or water, Mr. Clarke said. They were forced to stand on hot concrete in the summer heat for hours and sometimes days at a time, he added, and were beaten and regularly bound by their hands and feet. The injuries were so severe that the children required hospitalization.
If you’re wondering where the duct tape came in, it is because Hildebrandt and Franke “treated” the areas from where they were handcuffed and legcuffed with “homeopathic remedies” and then wrapped them in duct tape. 
Franke later revealed in court that she also believed that her children were “possessed” and that extreme discipline was the only thing that could save them. this was a belief, she said, she got from Hildebrandt. Indeed, much of her court statement involved blaming Hildebrandt for more or less brainwashing her into believing that child abuse was what her kids needed. 
Hildebrandt is her own kind of monster, so this would be believable if not for everything else Franke thought was a great idea before May of 2023. So much for all that accountability she once loved so much.
It is possible that if, instead of assuming Franke was being “cancel cultured” for “demonstrating … what a responsible mother looks like,” the police and DCFS actually took the complaints seriously in the first place, those kids never would have been hospitalized or otherwise further traumatized. Wouldn’t that have been nice?
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badmovieihave · 2 months
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Bad movie I have Inside Man 2006
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casbooks · 2 months
Book 23 of 2024 (★★★)
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Title: We Owe You Nothing: Expanded Edition: Punk Planet: The Collected Interviews Authors: Daniel Sinker ISBN: 9781933354323 Tags: Music, Punk Rating: ★★★ Subject: Books.General Non-Fiction.Music.Punk
Description: Revised and expanded edition of the punk classic (more than 15,000 copies sold), with six new interviews.
The first compilation of the riveting and provocative interviews of Punk Planet magazine, which was founded in 1994 and charged unbowed into the new millennium. Never lapsing into hapless nostalgia, these conversations with figures as diverse as Jello Biafra, Kathleen Hanna, Noam Chomsky, Henry Rollins, Sleater-Kinney, Ian MacKaye, and many more provide a unique perspective into American punk rock and all it has inspired (and confounded). Not limited to conversations with musicians, the book includes vital interviews with political organizers, punk entrepreneurs, designers, filmmakers, writers, illustrators, and artists of many different media. Punk Planet consistently explored the crossover of punk with activism, and reflected the currents of the underground while simultaneously challenging the bleak centerism of popular American culture. The expanded edition of We Owe You Nothing is updated with six more interviews and a new introduction, bringing the definitive book of conversations with the underground’s greatest minds up to 2007. New interviews include talks with bands like The Gossip and Maritime, a conversation with punk legend Bob Mould, and more.
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