#anyway thank you for the ask I enjoyed it so muuuuuch!!!
imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
3,9,14,19 for Jodie and Woods!
Hellloooooo darl! Lovely to see you here, a pleasure as always <3 I hope you're having a good day and I just gotta say, I had an initial look at these questions before I start fleshing out the answers and damn! they're really good questions!
I won't natter too long though- again, thank you for being here, Liberty! :')
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace etc.)
Ok! So, yes and no - there's a limit; Frank is absolutely fine if she steals his jumpers or even his t-shirts. They're a lot bigger on her and he's amused by how much it looks like it drowns her, but he also kinda likes that it's a comfort.
None of Jodie's clothes would fit him, so... even if he wanted payback he'd look like a teen having gone through a growth spurt. Jodie isn't exactly precious about her clothes, but she'd prefer if they weren't torn lmao.
Depending on the AU, Jodie does end up with his bandana. But... there's a reason for that, one I don't want to ruin because it will be upcoming in much later chapters of Call of Booty <.<
In the canon universe, though? Frank would not let her wear his bandana - I feel like it's something he's carried with him through most missions, if not all of them, that we've seen him participate in and I reckon it's a little like a good luck charm? I'm not so certain that Frank is superstitious or believes in that kind of thing (I don't get that vibe) but the bandana he wears around his head seems to be only for missions yk? If Jodie was ever to try and wear that, Frank might have a problem. Luckily, she respects that and wouldn't push it.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Ah, I love this question. I now get to reveal that later on in their relationship, Jodie does get caught pregnant and they end up parents to a lovely little girl.
However, their opinions on the matter were very, very different to begin with.
Frank, I feel, was enamoured with the idea of being a parent, a father, a lot quicker than Jodie had time to process being pregnant. Though the two had never had the conversation about children, he wasn't against it - he sees how Alex and Sarah are with David and he enjoys being an Uncle, so what really are the differences between that and being a father? Of course, he had his own worries and anxieties; would he be good enough etc. but yeah, he was happy with the idea of being a dad.
Jodie was different. I knew, for a fact, that she would not be able to cope with the idea of motherhood due to everything she had gone through in her life. It would have been the kind of thing she thought she'd only ever dream of. Or, the rhetoric of 'in another life', you know?
There's a lot of internal conflict within her regarding this and I do have every intention of writing this at some point in the future, but the general gist of her thoughts on children are this: I do not deserve the chance to be a mother. Something so innocent could never come from me. I will only ever fail them. And these are only the beginnings of her thoughts on this.
I won't lie, the pregnancy and a short time after birth was the toughest time for both of them because Jodie couldn't even bring herself to look at the baby. But, when she holds her for the first time, that's where it flips; she still have the anxieties, but there's a fervent, intense sense of protection that comes over Jodie and though she still struggles with motherhood, she vowed there and then to try and be better.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Ahaha, again, depends on the AU.
I feel like in the canon universe, they don't clash as much as they do in the Call of Booty fic. Of course, this is because they're different versions of the base personalities, right?
But, in general, here are a couple things that they compliment each other with and clash over:
Jodie is less likely to 'lose her cool' compared to Frank. So when he starts to get annoyed by someone easily, she is a good counter to that; she'll usually either pat his arm or his tap her fingers to his wrist in a little gesture that he's rising and he'll calm down a little after that.
They tend to clash when either of them feels the other is underestimating their capabilities, especially Jodie. I feel like Frank, after the campaign and especially when they are together, is quite covertly protective of Jodie in the workplace. He sees the lasting effects of Perseus and the brainwashing and he just... he doesn't want her to experience anything like that again. But, rather than seeing it as he's trying to protect her, Jodie feels like he thinks she's not capable, or broken - something along those lines. So they clash over that kind of thing.
Within the pirate au? Damn... yes, they're probably gonna argue a lot, but that's because they've lived very different lives and have differing morals to begin with. She's a little more feisty in this au, too, because she hasn't had the life experience of losing everything, being controlled or brainwashed... but that also makes her kinda naive and it makes Frank want to pull his hair out.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
If I'm honest, they're indifferent to PDA. They neither hate it nor love it - I think it would come down to it being situational. Of course, I feel that, given certain situations, Frank might ramp it up a little and in response Jodie would be a little surprised but be alright with it.
But yeah, it'd be subtle little displays of affection when in public.
So I enjoyed writing this so much I did the cardinal sin for an English person and forgot to drink my tea, now it's cold, but that really just means I was enjoying myself XD
THANK YOU LIBERTY! I'm always thankful for your asks and I hope I didn't write too much and bore you! <3
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hii, is your request open??🥺🥺
I love your post so much I was so happy when I found your blog, mostly because you have so many bsd fic skdkdkfkc I enjoy every piece of your work🤌🤌
Anyway, if your request is open can I ask for yandere Nikolai, sigma and fyodor with a s/o that had low pain tolerance? Like let's say s/o trying to escape the yandere but they got caught and the yandere punish them.
I'm sorry if my request don't make sense though feel free to ignore this if your not comfortable with writing this🥺
I wuv u so much I hope u have a good day mwah mwah
Thank you so muuuuuch and my requests are open :))
I just took a short nap and a dream about flowers, I think and now I feel weird.
Thanks for the request!!!
'•.¸♡ Don't you try and escape ♡¸.•'
Yandere!character x gn!reader
Warning! Extreme possessiveness, mentions of pain.
Feat. Nikolai, Sigma, Fyodor
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Nikolai could care less if you have a low pain tolerance, he needs you to know that you can never leave him, he owns you, he's the only one who can give you what you want.
He will be a bit more careful as to not kill you but as long as he knows you'll live you can expect a shit tone of pain.
His punishments are harsh and painful, sometimes you may think he will kill you but you always survive and that is the worst part of all.
He also torments your thoughts but not as much, he's mostly about physical pain and he will probably restraint your freedom further if you try to run away from him, the only man who could possibly give you the freedom you need.
Sigma doesn't want to hurt you, he only wants to keep you to himself, out there outside of the casino/his place (depending on how you have behaved and how much he trusts his customers and employees) there are people who will try to take you away and how knows what they might try and do, so he only hurts you when he has to and for you to understand how the outside world is cruel and how he will keep you safe.
If you have a lower pain tolerance he will try to be as careful as he can when punishing you, he also treats you as if you were made of glass usually.
He doesn't want to hurt you when you have behaved well, what kind of monster would he be then? Hurting you whenever he wishes, that is what he's protecting you from and not what he's trying to do.
Fyodor is certainly the worst, you know he can throw you or kill you whenever he gets tired or you miss behave to the point of no return. But then why does he keep you around? Why are you there? Well, he keeps you around because he loves you, he keeps you safe from everything round, he is the only one who can give you what you want, he's the only one who can give you the satisfaction you need, no one else will love you as much as him.
Besides what is love without pain? Without suffering there is nothing only constant pain which one gets used to until the pain feels the same and we don't realise what we feel is pain and suffering.
Oh, of course Fyodor cares about your pain tolerance, it only means what kind of suffering is best for you and when to inflict the type of suffering you need.
But why would you ever want to leave? What is the point in leaving him? He will keep you safe, give you what you want, no? He is doing it all for you and never for himself as stated at the beginning, he loves you and isn't using you for only one thing, no he loves you and needs you around, he told you himself so why would you try to escape? He's doing all of this for you so why escape? Just be a good partner and do what you are there for and hide your scars and bruises when guests are round.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm listening to a song about not needing love in a sarcastic way which I think is fitting.
I'm watching Moral Orel at the moment and it is one of the funniest shows I've seen
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy life when/if you can, sleep well.
-love, Az.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Back at the Stuart-Waddell household! Today is a day for all the kids to head off to school. So I’m just going to let them vibe for the hour until school. Roxana is feeling sad thanks to her hurt sentiment about losing her relationship with Selena and Omar is perfectly fine. ...though I don’t like either of the whims he has. It’s getting a promotion for a career he can’t advance expect in job stages and trying for a baby with his infertile wife. New whims are to complete and aspiration goal, also not really achievable, and to travel to the park. Doable! Though it has been a bit since Roxana did some freelance work, I don’t really feel the pressure to do so. Also I am having Roxana linger by herself for a bit, since she has a whim to become playful and I finally have the timers low on her romantic moodlets for being around Omar to do so. Annnd now she’s sad again. Dang it. Welp, let’s just go to to the park after a cry. Maybe that’ll help.
To the park! And I had Roxana bring along a good friend of hers, Miko Ojo. For she needs to drink and it’ll be muuuuuch easier to hopefully drink from someone who’s a better friend of hers. And she’s playful now! Yaaaay! And offer accepted and the plasma was nice and tasty as well. Good good! And one for the “drinking from the youth” counter as well. And we found out her traits. Good, Neat and a Geek! Things they have in common! Let’s have the two chat some more. Omar is also thirsty at the moment so let’s find someone to drain their blood dry! Mele Kahananui! You strayed our path at the wrong time!
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Ooo, this sounds DEVIOUS. This would completely wipe all relationships this Sim has with others. Aliens also have a similar power to be wielded. I’m still going to ask for permission first. Public feeding here! No other Sim will mind because it’s consensual! Now let’s see, both have the whim to play chess so why not enjoy a game together? Hey, hey! Roxana actually won! Here I thought Omar would but I guess Roxana’s 8 skill at chess works well for her as well. Let’s see. Roxana’s next whim is to prank. Easily done. Hey Miko! You’re aboslutely the best. Totally. Nothing will go wrong with me hyping you up! Now both Omar and Roxana want to get snacks, and the kids are at home anyway, so lets head back home.
Needs management for kids time! And now I can spend time with them...expect Selena is sleepy. Dang it. Let’s quickly befriend another kid for her first. ...naturally, it’s going to be one of the scouts walking along the sidewalk, doing their scout thing. Taku Akiyama. Wait! I see Zayne. Let’s go with one of our neighborhood kids instead.
Let’s see. I keep trying to clear off the snacks whim from Roxana but it isn’t working. Alas. Well, let’s work on her aspiration instead. Still need to make five vampires, after all! Ah, let’s invite Chaim Hamphill over. He’s been around as a townie for ages and I remember him because he had the same job as my starting Sim and she hated his guts. Alas, Neighborhood Stories got to Minako. Annnd Selena befriended Zayne and is now the most social kid. Like all of the other social kids around. ...man I could use Growing Together’s extra child aspirations.
Onto Chaim Hemphill and turning into a vampire. Oh dear. One of his traits is Loving the Outdoors. This’ll be painful for him as he becomes a creature of the night! Now to befriend him real quick so I can bring him into this household. ...I could do that before but I guess becoming a vampire was a lowering of stats. Befriending done! Chaim Hemphill is now a part of the household!
Next things next, I want to spend some time with Harrison. And he wants to meet someone new! To the park! Where the teens do their late-night hangouts! ...thanks for walking to the mirror and researching debate to remind me that I need to do my usual university preperations by getting research and debate up to 3. I don’t do that for all teen sims but Harrison would. Seems no one is hanging around here this late so let’s head over to a library to do that. And there we go! Also it seems like the scientists and conspiracy theorists that like lingering around Strangerville’s library pop up even at these times so that’s convenient for someone just wanting to say hello to someone. Next whims are...to befriend Duane (already did) and to check in on Nadine. ...let’s have an early morning hello to Duane! Now after some chatter, we are good friends! Nicely done.
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This is the second time a fire broke out at this household! Wonder if Makoa has a fear of fire at this point. Which paradoxically, causes more fires to break out while cooking! Not that the boys care! They’re off in the water, playing! Anyway, hour until school so let’s hang out until the time comes when both have to leave the lot. And with that, it’s time for-
Neighborhood Watch!
Lanz Machina in the Keves Team household left his job as a Detective in the Detective career.
Nice. Good. He learned and quiet. He is a good cop, which is one that quits.
0 notes
bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Helllooooo!! If I'm not bothering you, may I request a Giyuu x reader, where they both attend a music academy (giyuu plays violin and reader sing) and they meet each just because Sabito invited giyuu to see a reader performance and, there, for giyuu it's first love sight? Thank you so muuuuuch! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
hellooo to you too!! thanks for requesting! i hope you enjoy~
“C'mon, I bought a ticket for you. I don’t want my money to be wasted.” Sabito whined, waving the ticket in front of Giyuu’s face.
“No. I don’t know who (L/N) even is.” Giyuu said, lowering his book and pushing away Sabito’s arm.
Sabito frowned, snatching the book out of Giyuu’s hands. “Well, (Name) is my friend! I promised to go, but I don’t want to alone. Come on.”
“Then go with Makomo.”
“Makomo is in Yokohama with the piano club.”
Giyuu sighed, massaging his temples; he could feel a headache forming. “Fine.”
Sabito grinned, placing the ticket inside of the book before handing it to him. “Great! It’s at the school’s concert hall at six. You won’t regret it.”
Giyuu rolled his eyes, watching his friend exit the classroom. Honestly, he’d much rather be practicing the violin for his upcoming performance next week—however, knowing Sabito and his stubborn mind, he might as well go.
He just hopes that he doesn’t regret going to the concert.
You pursed your lips, eyes skimming over the lyrics on the sheet—making sure to memorize the lyrics as to not forget them.
“(Name)! Hey, hey, (Name)! Are you ignoring me?” A voice called, suddenly feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders and head.
“Sabito? What are you doing backstage? Get off me.” You huffed, flicking his forehead.
He laughed. “Hey, am I not allowed to wish good luck to my friend?”
You stuck out your tongue playfully. “No.”
Your eyes wandered over to the boy behind him, which you recognized to be Tomioka Giyuu—
Oh, jeez…why’s he here? Did Sabito do this on purpose? He knows I have a crush on him…
You bit your lip, trying to keep your cheeks cool as shifted your attention back to Sabito. “I appreciate you coming here, Sabito! But the performance is going to start in ten minutes, so I think you should get to your seats.”
“Are you kicking me out?” Sabito teased, ruffling your air.
“Yeah, I am. So buzz off.” You laughed, pinching his side.
“Ah, (Name) is so mean.” You heard him mutter as he exited the backstage, causing you to laugh.
You felt so much better now—almost all your nervousness and anxiety gone. The corners of your lips curled upwards into a smile, raising the sheet of lyrics to skim over once again.
“Hey, (Name)? You’re on now.” One of the backstage crew members said, nodding their head towards the stage.
“Ah, yes, thanks.” You said, folding the paper before shoving it in your pocket.
It was now or never.
“Giyuu, look! It’s time!” Sabito whispered, pointing at the stage—it was completely dark, except for the spotlight shining on the spot where the microphone was.
In no later than a second, you walked into the spotlight, a shaky smile on your features. It was evident that you were nervous—but, you managed to shake it off once the music started.
Giyuu let out a hum of acknowledgment, resting his head on the palm of his hand as you looked over to your direction.
As soon as you opened your mouth, however—
Holy shit.
He did not expect such breathtaking voice. The more he listened to it, the more he was taken. You had incredible control over your voice, not to mention your range was high—it was evident that you had talent.
Giyuu leaned forward, eyes watching you closely. The hand gestures, the emotions on your face, everything—
Just like you.
“..uu? Giyuu? The performance is over.”
Giyuu blinked, looking over at Sabito then the stage, before looking back at him. “I didn’t realize…”
Sabito grinned, slinging an arm across is shoulder. “Oh? Are you in love with little (Name)?”
Giyuu rolled his eyes, taking Sabito’s arm off his shoulder. “Yeah, sure.”
Sabito raised a brow, a knowing smile plastered on his lips. “Hah, sure. Anyways, let’s go congratulate her on her performance.”
The boy tugged on Giyuu’s hand, heading to the direction of the backstage. For some reason, it was as of Giyuu’s heart was beating inside of his throat at the thought of seeing you again.
“(Name)! You did great! I loved the song, it fit your voice perfectly!” Sabito beamed, walking towards you.
“Ah, stop. You’re just saying that.” You laughed, rolling your eyes. However, what caught your attention once again was Giyuu, who this time, was standing beside Sabito.
“Oh, hey! Those are some of my friends, I’m going to go greet them.” The said boy grinned, waving before rushing to the opposite direction.
Your eyes followed after him, brows furrowing. Was is he up to?
“…Sabito is right. You did well.” Giyuu commented, azure eyes boring into yours.
You swallowed, cheeks turning hot as you scratched your neck nervously. “O-oh! Thank you, Tomioka-san…”
“Would you like to perform with me next time?” He asked all of a sudden, causing your eyes to widen.
“Wow, of course! I’d, um, love to!” You smiled, clasping your hands together.
“…good. Here’s my number if you want to discuss it later. I have practice later.” Giyuu said, handing you a slip of paper with his number scribbled on it.
You took it, fingers brushing with one another’s—causing your cheeks to redden even more. “Sure! Thank you!”
He waved goodbye as you watch him leave the backstage.
You held the slip of paper close to your chest, sighing.
I can’t believe it! I can’t wait for our performance together!
word count: 912.
type: one-shot.
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kaiyeti · 6 years
Izuku: Thanks for coming with us, Tsu. It means a lot to us. Tsuyu: It's fine. Kero. Though you still haven't told me why we are at the airport. Inko: Well Asai-chan. Since you are part of the family we thought it would be time for you to meet the rest of it. *Inko smiled at the froggy hero, whom began to blush along with her son at the mention of being part of their family. However the blush and smiles disappeared as a larger monstrous looking began to shout and knocked a hero to the ground along with three officers.* Oh my! Izuku: A villain!? Tsuyu: Why is one here? Izuku: It doesn't matter we have to stop him. *Izuku said as her active ld his full cowl but just before he and Tsuyu could jump into action his mother stopped them both.* M-mom? What are you doing? Inko: It's best if you both stay back to avoid getting burned. Tsuyu: What do you mean? We have to help Kero. *Tsuyu spoke only to be surprised that her boyfriend deactivated his quirk. When she looked up at his face she became more surprised and confused at the bright smile on his face before following his gazes to a man walking up towards the villain wearing a black greenish suit with shaggy curly hair freckle and glasses.* That man. He looks an awful like- *She thought to herself it clicked on why they were at the airport and the meaning behind Inoka's words.* ???: Excuse me sir. *The man smiled tapping the villains back causing him to swing back with his giant fist which the suited man barely dodged. All the while putting on slightly odd looking gloves.* Whoa whoa now. No need to get anymore violent. Villain: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!? FUCK OFF!! * The monstrous man roared at the other, covering the man's face in spit.* ???: Now that is just rude. * The suit it man buttered as he removed a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his glasses as well as wiping his face.* anyway. I am just a simple man is coming home from a very long distance trip to see his family. Now if you can kindly turn yourself over to the authorities I will except your surrender without any harm. Villain: DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!? DIE!! *The villain roared once again, drawing back his fist as the man placed his glasses in his pocket as his handkerchief covered the bottom half of his face.* ???: Sigh, I warned you. *He sigh with a bit of smoke before The handkerchief he handled was incinerated as the villain was engulfed in a giant fireball. Surprised and pain the villain stumbled back trying to put itself out on aware of the man now breathing fire into the circles on top of his gloves causing them to turn bright red. Then with lightning fast moves the man delivered several jabs into the villain's torso before grabbing his arm and tossing him into the air. At this time the man brought both of his hands to his mouth as if holding a horn as he took a deep breath and blew a condensed fireball into the villain sending him a flying into a wall crashing into it. He then began to remove his gloves and put his glasses back as an officer walked up to him.* Officer: Sir. Well we do appreciate your help in apprehending this villain, I must remind you that it is illegal to use your Quirk without a-huh? * The officers began to tell the man until he held up a Wallet to the officer who read it and gasp.* M-MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL HERO NOVA DRAGON! I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS YOU WITH YOUR UNIFORM! Tsuyu: International hero Nova Dragon... Izuku you don't mean to say that- *Tsuyu started to ask before Izuku and his mother both run forward with tear filled eyes and big smiles.* Izuku/Inko: DAD!/ICHIGO DARLING!~<3 *The two shouted causing the older serious looking Izuku to turn his head and instantly matches his son and wife's expressions and sprinted towards them with open arms.* Ichigo: MY BEAUTIFUL GODDESS AND BABY BOY!~<3 *He shouted happily crying as he lifted the two with a hug.* I, Sniffle, MISSED YOU BOTH SO MUUUUUCH! Inko: WE MISSED YOU TOOOOO! *Inoka sobbed as she and her husband kissed* Izuku: We have,sniffle, so much catching up to do. *Izuku smiled trying not to cry and failing* Tsuyu: *At the same time Tsuyu only watched the happy crying family reunion and couldn't help but think two things.* Some he gets the crying from both of his parents. Well at least I know he is going to be really hot when we are older. Izuku: *Once the crying reunion calmed down the three split apart, though Ichigo still kept his arm around his wife's should and her around his waist, and Izuku moves to Tsuyu's side with a slight blush on his cheeks as he spoke to his father.* Dad. Th-there is someone is like you to meet. Th-th-this i-i-is... Tsuyu: Tsuyu Asai. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Midoriya-san, kero. *Tsuyu Greeted as she held out her hand to her boyfriend's father.* Ichigo: The pleasure is mine! *He smiled happily taking hold of Tsuyu's hand shaking it as he added.* And please Call me Ichigo. You're my daughter-in-law after all. Izuku: D-DAD! *Izuku scream in embarrassment with red cheeks.* Inko: Haha oh no darling Tsuyu is Izuku's girlfriend. Ichigo: Really? But he was asking me which engagement ring did I think He should get for her last time we video chatted six months ago. Izuku: DAD PLEASE STOP! *He groaned trying his hardest to hide his face.* Tsuyu: Mmm, I guess Izuku didn't beat me to the punch yet kero. *Tsuyu said with slight pink cheeks.* Inko/Izuku: Eh? Ichigo: Oh I like this girl.
*There @insanelydrixie ENJOY!*
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vld-writing-for-all · 6 years
Hey so um I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for me? I have an eye disorder, which means I can't see at the sides, I am night blind, and I will eventually go blind😞 anyway so I was think could you do headcanons for the paladins + Matt Holt about their reactions to being told that their s/o had this condition, and how they would help them deal with it (like guiding them around when it's dark etc ) thaaank yoooooou so muuuuuch
I’m really sorry to hear about your condition, and I hope I accurately portrayed it in the headcanons. Sorry if it’s not spot on, and I hope you enjoy!
•Shiro• -V protective-He asks about your eyesight when he notices you waving your hands around trying to move at night-When you tell him, he instantly goes to your side, and helps to guide you.-He always makes sure to stand by you and support you so you that you can get around easier-Since you can’t see well, he becomes even more observant so he can tell you what’s going on. -Always makes sure he’s in a position where you can see him before talking to you so he doesn’t startle you-Holds your hand at night and guides you by gently placing his other hand on your forearm.-Really just wants you to be safe
•Hunk•-Very sweet about it-When you tell him, he immediately gives you a big hug and tells him that he’ll help you out f you ever need anything.-Will gladly guide you around at night and will get things for you need anything-If it’s a really pretty night out, he’ll try to describe it for you best he can so you can enjoy it as well.-Tries to make sure you always have a source of light like a flashlight by you at all times just in case he’s not there.
•Lance•-Is really surprised when he first found out.-He can’t even imagine what it would be like, since he has to rely on his eyes a LOT for his shooting.-Always willing to help guide you around, and will jokingly hold his arm out like a gentleman and point out things and describe them when you guys are walking.-He’s playful about it, but if it makes you upset he’ll immediately stop.-He just wants you to be safe and happy, and will do anything to support you.
•Keith•-First finds out when he taps your shoulder from behind and startled you by accident-You tell him about your condition and he just sort of goes “oh”-He doesn’t ask many questions about it, but later that night, he does a ton of research on it to figure out what to do and what not to do to help you out the best he can. -Holds your hand at night, and during most of the day. Hell always let you know if there’s something he thinks you wouldn’t see.
•Pidge•-When she first finds out, she asks a ton of questions. -She wants to know how to help!-She will definitely try to make a device or something that could help you see better.-In the meantime, she’s more than willing to help guide you. -She’s not super observant all the time, but she’ll try for you!
•Matt•-Very similar to Pidge in the way that he’ll try to create a device that helps your sight-Also a little jokey about it, but like Lance, will stop if it bothers you. -Makes sure that if he can’t be with you you have a way to get around.-He would hate to see you get hurt by bumping up something.-If he’s not there to guide you, he’ll work with pidge and Hunk to build you a little robot guide.
Thank you for the request!
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pangeasplits · 8 years
I have read your works! And I love 'The Stars Incline us, they don't bind us' so muuuuuch. If this is not too much to ask, can you make cherik fic rec? Thank you! Keep writing, awesome!
thank you very much, i’m glad you enjoyed my stuff! :3 
since this blog is exactly 5 years old today, what better occasion is there to do cherik fic rec post, as lurking around cherik fic rec tumblr posts waaay back in the day is actually what originally brought me to tumblr in the first place. the following list is in no particular order, and odds are i like multiple fics by the authors included but i was determined to limit myself to one from each (though in some cases, this was a veeeery close call, haha).
anyway, the actual title of this list is coincidentally the main criteria i used in the interest of not having it stretch on for miles, which is to say:
Cherik Fics Pan Has Reread An Embarrassing Amount Of Times Throughout Her XMFC Fandom Tenure:
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage by MonstrousRegiment
Erik Lehnsherr is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles Xavier. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
“You’re the only person in the world who knows what I am.”
Boden’s Mate by kaydeefalls
“Shaw has information that we need, and we need him alive to extract it,” Moira says, and there it is: the job is on the table. Extraction.
XMFC/Inception fusion AU. Erik is an extractor, Alex is his point man. They’re assembling a team to go after the most dangerous mind in dreamsharing: Sebastian Shaw. But unless Alex and the team can keep him in check, Erik’s desire for vengeance might just rip the whole job apart around them – and then there’s the shade that haunts his dreams…
Malastare Racer by ikeracity
Ignoring strict instructions from Master Emma to stay hidden, Charles and Erik decide to enter themselves into the Gorian Podracing Classic. Because they’re idiots like that.
Star Wars AU!
The Secret of the Knights Templar by madneto
Erik is a CIA agent who has been tracking down black market dealer and occultist Sebastian Shaw for the past ten years with no real end in sight. When he stumbles upon an unexpected lead that will put him one step ahead of Shaw at last, archaeology professor and Templar enthusiast Charles Xavier becomes unwittingly entangled in the fray, and Erik suddenly finds himself with a brand new partner who is the only one who can truly help him on what’s become a quest to find the Holy Grail. But Charles is even more than Erik bargained for, especially after they’re forced to pretend to be a married couple as a cover while racing to find the Grail before Shaw does, and both Erik and Charles find they’ve possibly bitten off more than they can chew.
Powered AU vaguely inspired by Indiana Jones and James Bond movies.
Their Mouths Always Lie by keire_ke
Charles adheres to most police protocols like they are a personal code of conduct. Erik gets things done and over with, for better or worse. Raven knows what she’s doing, most of the time. The serial killer kills, regardless. Police AU.
Try, Try Again by and_backagain
Except that this has happened before, he thinks with a start, and something in his throat closes up as he revolves on the spot, already knowing what he’s going to see. Charles’ back is arching as he falls, his eyes wide, and the crumpled bullet falls to the sand beside him like a calling card. X-Men: First Class Groundhog Day!AU.
The Courtship by dvs
A story about a courtship that began five hundred years ago.
Beloved of ravens by khaleesian
978 A.D. Charles never uses his power, Erik never hesitates. Can a man be both the void and what fills it?
Limited Release by rageprufrock
When Alex Summers broke out of supermax to rescue his stupid kid brother, he had no idea it was going to be so fucking complicated.
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold by Etharei
Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited.
Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.
In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)
The Tower and the Hurricane by dreamlittleyo
(Post-XMFC AU.) Five years after Shaw’s death, Erik’s predictions prove painfully accurate. Violence rages on both sides of the human/mutant conflict. In a world ravaged by war, it doesn’t really matter who’s more at fault. Charles struggles to teach his students a better way, but what choices will he make when peace really isn’t an option?
The Masked Man (Who Has Everything) by Traincat
The one where Erik is Batman, and Charles is kidnapped roughly once a week.
At the End of Day and Night All We Want is More by cm (mumblemutter)
It’s already too late. (Alien/Prometheus AU)
If You Liked The Book, You’ll Hate The Movie by paperclipbitch
Modern-Day High School AU. It’s not until Hank realises half the class are glancing towards the back of the classroom with something like nerves and something like schadenfreude that he finds out Alex Summers is back.
Pantheon by Yahtzee
In the year 96 AD, all Rome is aware that their gods have begun to Mark certain people with their gifts – the healing power of Apollo, the metal control of Vulcan, the deathly touch of Pluto, or the mental powers of Minerva. When those gifts fall to slaves or barbarians instead of the Romans themselves, strict control is necessary.
Then a gladiator from Judea meets an enslaved scribe from Britannia, and the repercussions will shake the Empire itself.
Swimming with Sharks by Not_You
Erik used to be a shark. Now he’s not, and has to figure out how to be a good human father to his twins. Charles is willing to help.
To Do List by Black_Betty
Somehow, Charles and Erik have become one of those couples who rarely see each other because of their busy schedules. They’re SO busy, they haven’t had sex in weeks. Erik has had enough, and forms a coordinated plan of attack. Charles is less than helpful.
On Hearts and the Finding of Lost Treasures (The Tombs and the Raiding Thereof Remix) by luninosity
The first time he met Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr was—reluctantly, angrily, and decidedly against his will—impressed. This may’ve had something to do with the fact that Charles had just given him a sunny smile and somersaulted a foot over his head.
Watching the Stars Slide Down by groovyphilia
Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier is ridiculously wealthy, and is used to being paraded around for show at his mother’s high-society Christmas parties. He’s always been rather sporting about it, and dutifully rubs shoulders with the elite every year in the glitz of the mansion ballroom.
This year, he meets a man by the name of Erik Lehnsherr.
Utopia by Takmarierah [Note: WIP but I had to include this fic]
It’s been five years since the beach, and four years since Charles was captured by the Brotherhood. Since then, he’s been kept in a safe house while Erik finally achieved what Shaw failed to do.
Now that most of humanity has been eradicated, Erik’s summoned Charles back to his side, promising a cure and political influence in exchange for Charles’ help - but Charles knows it’s only a matter of time before he asks for more.
Neither Rhyme Nor Reason by unveiled
Charles liked to tell people that the first time they met, Serik punched a kitten. (Or, the one where Erik is an angry Vulcan, Charles is still a telepath, and grief still shapes their lives.)
Incy Wincy Spider by Tawabids
Erik Lehnsherr is a renowned homicide detective, with his husband Charles at home and his partner on the job, Moira MacTaggert. When a twisted serial killer starts targeting mutants, Erik and Moira are the perfect team for the job, especially since Erik himself is the mutant poster-boy of an NYPD trying to improve their image.
But what they don’t yet know is that the serial killer is an old soul out of Erik’s past, and his next move is to pull Charles into his web.
The Amazing Adventures of Cat-Man by so_shhy
Charles is the non-powered, butt-kicking, high-tech teen sidekick of a cheesy superhero. Erik is the sidekick of the corresponding cheesy supervillain, and makes Charles’s life even more complicated than it already is.
Spy Games by manic_intent
Burn Notice AU, with Erik Lehnsherr as the spy and Charles as the trigger-happy ex boyfriend. Erik is burned for unknown reasons in Mexico and wakes up in New York City. Somehow, he needs to raise $500,000, in order to find out -why-.
Aaaand a shameless plug, since you brought it up, and since to this day ike and i still look at this fic and ask each other “wtf how” (and also we reread each other’s bits and yell at each other):
The stars incline us, they do not bind us by ikeracity, Pangea
Intergalactic Federation pilot Lieutenant Charles Xavier is assigned last-minute to a high profile mission: transporting over two thousand prison inmates from an old and overfilled prison complex to a newer, higher-capacity prison stronghold located on the outer reaches of the galaxy. Just as he’s settling down for a long and uneventful ride, things take a turn for the worse after the inmates riot and stage a hostile takeover of the ship, leaving Charles to find himself at the complete mercy of cold-blooded killers and facing the chilling prospect that he might not ever make it back home alive.
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uriurijihoonie · 7 years
hiii it’s also intramurals week in our school lol but i’m kinda busy since i’m part of the games and stuff anyways can I request for thermometer +hoshi ? it would be nice if its angst ( like the couple fighting idek) at first but they have a happy ending💓( i’m sorry if i ask too much lol I really love ur stories 💕)
Hiiii~!! Ahhh, intramurals is fun! I only stayed at home during the intrams week since I’m not even sporty to begin with (I only joined the board games haha!) but I hope you had fun playing and enjoyed yours!! :))
Anyways, it’s actually helpful to me that you specifically indicated what you wanted to happen (since sometimes my imagination is ugh) so here’s the result !! It’s too long I’m cryiiiing but I hope you’ll like it!! 💕💕 And thank you so muuuuuch! 💕
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