#can't wait for today's super long stream it's going to be so much fun!!
todareistodo · 1 month
happy "philza minecraft's hc s4 world is 5 years old what the fuck" day to everyone celebrating!!
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larkawolfgirl · 2 months
Honest Family (DBZ)
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Fandom: Dragon Ball
Relationships: Piccolo & Son Pan, Videl Satan & Son Pan, Son Gohan & Son Pan, Videl Satan & Son Gohan & Son Pan, Videl Satan & Son Gohan & Son Pan & Piccolo, Videl Satan/Son Gohan, Piccolo/Son Gohan, Piccolo & Son Gohan
Characters: Son Pan, Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Videl Satan, Son Gohan
Additional Tags: Family Dynamics, Family Fluff, Fluff, Family, Queerplatonic Relationships
Summary: Part 4 of Being Honest
A fun day at the park gets Pan thinking about the dynamics of her family.
Read on ao3
I squished my face against the cool windowpane, watching the cotton candy clouds float by. My little heart did a happy dance knowing that soon I would be in the park with Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Piccolo.
I turned to my yellow stuffed bunny. One of his button eyes was loose, but Mommy said she’ll fix it soon. “Did you know Uncle Piccolo is back from his trip, Mr. Fluffles?”
"Pan, honey, are you ready?" Mommy called from downstairs. She always smelled like flowers and sunshine, and her hugs were warm like French toast sticks. Daddy was strong like a superhero and smart like the books with big words. And Uncle Piccolo? He was green and tall and didn't smile much, but his eyes were kind like a giant teddy bear's.
I hopped away from the window, my feet pitter-pattering on the floor as I scurried to get my little yellow backpack.
"Park, park, park!" I chanted to myself, imagining all the fun games Uncle Piccolo would play with me. Sometimes he pretended to be a grumpy dragon, and I was the knight with a stick-sword. Mommy and Daddy would watch us, clapping and laughing.
Running into the living room, I spotted skin the color of my favorite crayon. “Uncle Piccolo!” I shrieked scurrying to wrap my small arms around his leg.
He gave a rumbling laugh that reminded me of happy thunder. “It’s good to be back,” he said, running pointed nails through my hair.
“I wish you’d stop going away.” My lower lip trembled. Daddy always gave in when it did that.
 Of course, Uncle Piccolo was harder than that. He knelt down so that he was at my level. “I have to go out there to stay strong and vigilant. The same way your Mom and Dad have to go work.”
I dropped my head. “I know.”
Daddy quickly scooped me up into his arms and placed a kiss into my hair. "Is my little knight ready to conquer the swings?"
I giggled and nodded, the excitement bubbling inside me like fizzy juice.
"Uncle Piccolo, are you gonna be the dragon today?" I asked, looking at him with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Perhaps," he said, and I knew that meant yes. He always said 'perhaps' when he wanted to surprise me.
Daddy grabbed the giant picnic basket heavy with enough sandwiches and cookies to feed a small army, or so Mommy said, and Mommy grabbed her little purse with important things like dinosaur band-aids and bug spray. We headed out the door, my hands in Mommy and Daddy's. Uncle Piccolo walked beside us. He didn't hold hands because his were big and different, but he was still part of our special circle.
The park was waiting for us with slides swings and laughter and sunshine. Today was going to be the best day ever because I was with my favorite people in the whole wide world. No one could have a better family than mine—not even the dragons.
Mommy helped me take my shoes off. The grass tickled my toes as I ran, giggling, toward the big green slide. Uncle Piccolo's superhero cape fluttered behind him like a giant leaf in the wind when he chased me. "You can't catch me," I squealed, darting away just as his long fingers nearly grazed my shoulder.
He could easily catch me if he tried (Uncle Piccolo is super fast!) but he always pretended to be slow.
"Do you remember the lesson of the dragon, Pan?" Uncle Piccolo called out, his voice cool and smooth like the pebbles by the stream.
"Be quick! Be smart!" I shouted back, remembering the last time we played and he told me stories of dragons that were clever and fast. Today, I was the dragon, swift and bright, and Uncle Piccolo was trying to catch me with his wise old tricks.
"That’s my girl!" He laughed, a sound not many heard, but it made me feel bubbly inside.
I scrambled up the steps of the slide, my little feet pattering. When I reached the top, I looked down. It was high up here, like being on Daddy's shoulders when we watched the stars. But I wasn't scared. I couldn’t fully control my flying power yet, but Uncle Piccolo was waiting at the bottom, his arms open just in case.
"Trust your family," he called up to me, his face all serious but kind. "We are always here to catch you."
Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I jumped off the side of the ledge. And then there was nothing holding me down. I was light as a dandelion puff on the breeze. My arms outstretched like wings as I lifted higher. “I’m doing it!” I squealed in delight as I rose up to the top of the tallest tree.
Mommy and Daddy were both smiling at me. Even Uncle Piccolo had that proud look to him. But he also looked super serious like he was concentrating really hard.
Suddenly, a gust of wind swirled around me. It was chilly and tickled my nose. Trying to hold it back, I wiggled my nose, but that only made it worse. “Achoo!”
My arms wobbled like jelly and my body did a sort of wobbly dance as I began to drop, drop, drop.
I tried to fly again, but it was too scary to focus. The air whistled against my ears and the ground was down, down, down.
But instead of hard earth, strong arms caught me. Uncle Piccolo cradled me safely, his green face relieved but still proud.
This was normal, but Mommy and Daddy rushed over just in case. Mommy bit her lip as she moved my hair aside to look at my face. “Such a brave girl,” she cooed.
“See, you can trust us,” Uncle Piccolo rumbled and even though it sounded like thunder it made me feel safe rather than scared.
I nodded as he set me back down on the soft grass.
“Looks like you almost had it today,” Daddy said with a huge grin.
I puffed out my cheeks. “Next time, I’ll stay up longer!”
"Of course, you will," he agreed, ruffling my hair which felt funny and nice.
"And I'll be right here, just in case," Uncle Piccolo promised.
We played more games—hide-and-seek, tag, and one where I tried to copy his funny stretches and poses. It was like a dance, but he said they were warrior moves to keep strong and ready for anything. Mommy and Daddy played some too!
"Always be prepared, Pan," Uncle Piccolo advised as I tried to make my body bend like his. "Mind and body, both must be sharp."
"Like when Mommy teaches me letters and numbers?" I asked, finally getting my leg to stick out straight, just like his.
"Exactly," Uncle Piccolo nodded, a small smile hiding somewhere in his face. "Your mommy and daddy make your mind sharp, while your daddy and I help your body. Together, we make you strong."
"Strong like you?" I asked, pushing out my chest and trying to look tall.
"Stronger," he answered.
"Promise," he echoed. And I believed him because Uncle Piccolo never ever broke promises. Just like Mommy and Daddy, he was teaching me important things without even using a book or a chalkboard. Just by playing, laughing, and being with me in the bright park.
“Push me!” I called out, dashing to the swings. As soon as I sat down, he was there pushing gently against my back. He was always like that, never making me go high unless I asked. I always asked. But this time I decided I wanted to look around instead of watching everything whoosh as I zoomed back and forth.
A little boy tossed a ball back and forth with his mom. Next to them, two dads cheered on their daughter as she climbed the jungle gym higher and higher. And on the bench nearby, a mommy and daddy handed out sandwiches to a bunch of kids. Everyone seemed to have fun, different kinds of families.
"Uncle Piccolo, we have Mommy, Daddy, and you. That's three! But..." I scanned the park again, scrunching up my face in thought. "I don't see any other kid with three."
"Is that so?" His deep voice rumbled softly as he looked around with me.
"Am I... special?"
"Very special," he agreed.
Daddy said we were special because we were something called Saiyans. Uncle Piccolo was special too which is why he got to have bright green skin, sharp claws, and no appetite. I was glad that I got to eat like Mommy; cookies were my favorite. But it looked like our family was different in another way.
“Because I have you Uncle Piccolo.”
He stopped pushing the swing. “Many children have uncles, Pan.”
I shook my head. “Nuh uh, not like you.” I kicked my legs one by one.
He gripped the chains of the swing and I could see the muscles in his arm flex. “Why is that?” His voice sounded kinda funny.
“Because you live with us, teach me lots of things, and you and Daddy are close just like him and Mommy.”
“Did someone say something mean to you?”
I scrunched my face up. “No. Why would they?”
Uncle Piccolo relaxed and let go of the swing. “They should not. Our family is not their concern.”
It felt like I was missing something, like the piece of my Barbie puzzle that went missing last week.
“You feel like another Daddy,” I said, kicking my feet properly so that I began to move the swing.
“Is that right?” His powerful hands met my back with a gentle push.
“If you feel like a daddy and aren’t like normal uncles, then why am I not calling you Daddy too?”
I waited for him to make a joke that him and Daddy couldn’t both be called Daddy because it would be confusing. Instead, he crouched down beside me to make eye level. I could tell this was a serious conversation, so I stopped swinging again.
“Well, Pan,” he began, choosing his words carefully. “Being a parent is more than just spending time at your house. It’s your mom and dad who take care of you every day. I go away to think and train.”
“That doesn’t matter,” I insisted.
His lips twitched up the tiniest bit. “I will always be here for you, in my own way, Pan. But it is different. Your Mommy and Daddy have a special relationship.”
“So do you and Daddy.”
There was a pause. “Yes, we do. But that is different.”
I tilted my head, feeling as confused as I was when I realized my favorite dress no longer fit me. Mommy said I grew bigger. Maybe this was something I would understand when I was bigger still. For now, all I needed to know was that we were family, and that was the best thing to be, no matter how it looked.
"Okay, Uncle Piccolo," I said, satisfied for now. "Come on, let's have a snack!"
I settled in next to Mommy who put an arm around my shoulder. It made me warm and gooey like a hot peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Daddy said something that made both of them laugh. Daddy’s arm was around Mommy the way hers was around me, and she leaned into him like flowers bend toward the sun.
We drank juice and ate different kinds of sandwiches and cookies until I felt ready to burst.
“There’s a crumb on your cheek,” Daddy said. He reached over, but instead of wiping it away he jabbed at my tummy. It tickled. His fingers wiggled like spider legs over me, making me giggle uncontrollably. I squirmed and kicked out my legs, but I didn’t want him to stop.
Daddy was laughing and so was Mommy. Then I saw Uncle Piccolo, who was standing with his back against the nearby tree, also had a small smile tugging at his lips. He wasn’t one for big, loud laughs, but I could tell that he was happy too.
After a while, Daddy got up to talk with Uncle Piccolo while I stayed and snuggled with Mommy. We watched the fluffy clouds go by trying to see any shapes. I saw a bunny, a whale, and a spaceship!
I looked over and saw that Daddy was holding Uncle Piccolo’s hand the way he often did with Mommy. They were both laughing. It was easy to make Daddy laugh, but it was super duper special to see Uncle Piccolo giving a full laugh.
“Look at them, Mommy. They’re so happy.”
Mommy chuckled and rested her head on top of mine making me feel cozy. “They are, aren’t they?”
“Mommy, I thought Mommies and Daddies held hands, but Uncle Piccolo says he isn’t another daddy.”
Mommy sighed. It seemed like none of them knew how to answer me. “What your Daddy and Uncle Piccolo have is special, but it isn’t the same as what your Daddy and me have.”
“But they laugh together and hold hands and everything!” I exclaimed excitedly.
“Yes, they do. It’s complicated. You will understand more when you are older.” I couldn’t see, but I could hear the smile in her voice.
“I will because I’m going to be just like you!”
Her arms squeezed me tight. “Like me?”
“Uh huh!” I nod so hard my pigtails bounce. “You’re super brave and kind. Like that time you stood in front of that big doggy to protect the little baby duckies.” I puff my cheeks trying to look as brave as Mommy did.
She laughed and it sounded like my music box. "Standing up for those who need help is very important. But you have to be careful too.”
"I will!" I promised, stomping one foot to show I mean it. “Because I’m also gonna be strong like Daddy and wise like Uncle Piccolo!”
Daddy came over and bent down to ruffle my hair. “Is that so?”
“Yep!” I bounced my head up and down. “Because my family is amazing!”
Daddy squeezed my leg with a huge smile on his face. “We are pretty amazing.”
I lowered my voice trying to be serious. “Daddy…I already asked Mommy and Uncle Piccolo, but why is Uncle Piccolo my uncle and not another dad?”
Daddy put his hands on my shoulders. He looked really serious. It made me nervous since he was usually all smiles. “In a way Piccolo kind of is like another dad, but…it depends on how you want to define what a dad is.”
“I love him the way I love Mommy. Don’t you love him that way too?”
“Not exactly. We have different kinds of love for different people.”
“Like how I love ice cream and Mr. Snuggles, but I eat ice cream instead of hugging it?” I asked, trying to understand.
“Exactly. I’m your Daddy because I helped make you, but Piccolo takes care of you just like a Daddy does. So, you can think of him that way if you want, but do you want to know a secret?” There was a hint of a smile now.
I nodded my head enthusiastically.
“Uncle Piccolo is a special name. That’s why he’s your uncle.”
I beamed. “It’s special?”
“Yeah,” Daddy said, voice sounding all soft. “That’s what I used to call him.”
There were still twisty tangles in my thoughts like how the strings got when I tried knitting with Grandma. I didn’t understand what Daddy meant by defining what a dad was, but what I did understand was that Uncle Piccolo was special and that his name was even more special.
“Then Uncle Piccolo is definitely Uncle Piccolo! And he’s the best uncle ever!” I declared.
Daddy’s smile turned all big and I could see Uncle Piccolo smiling too. When I turned my head, I saw that even Mommy was smiling. I had to be the luckiest little girl in the world to have a family different in all the good ways. I wanted to stay in that moment forever, with the sun shining down and laughter surrounding us.
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paradeoflaughter · 2 years
Under the cut cause I ramble on about shit and am sad.
It's 1AM and I have to get ready to go to work in 5 hours but I'm wide awake and have been crying cause my mom isn't around to do wedding stuff with me. This year marked the year I've spent more years without her than I did with her and yet all this wedding stuff is making it feel like it was just yesterday. It's been a long time since I've sobbed over missing my mom and yet here I am.... I found a couple of blog posts from other motherless daughters planning their wedding and it made me realize one of the reasons I've been putting off doing wedding planning even though we've been engaged almost a year now - I don't know what I'm going to do without my mom. Sure I was only 16 when she died and we certainly weren't in that friend stage yet but that doesn't mean I don't grieve the fact that she can't go with me to pick out my wedding dress or be there for the big day. I honestly have no idea who I even want to go with to find a dress. My best friend is my fiance and I can't go with him. My dad got remarried but she's not my mom - I don't think of her as a mom. My future mother in law is wonderful but she's also not my mom. My family is super supportive but they also just don't feel right to go with. I don't have any super close girl friends. Like I have some girl friends but a) one of them lives in another state and the last time I sent her a text opening up about stuff I felt vulnerable about she didn't even reply, b) the other sort of close girl friend I have is leaving the country soon and I don't know if she'd even want to go with me, c) the other girl friends I have I don't really ever talk to outside of when I see them at group stuff so that just feels weird too. I've been toying with the idea of just going alone but I don't know if I'm just going to end up feeling really sad and alone and just start crying and it being super awkward for the people at the bridal shop. I still feel iffy about covid shit anyways so I'm not even looking forward to trying on dresses and wearing a mask and being worried about getting covid from dress shopping.
I can't wait to be married but I wish I was more excited about the planning part. I used to dream about planning a wedding and how fun it would be and now I'm just sad because I don't have my mom and I'm anxious about covid that is still very much a thing no matter how much people want to just go back to their pre-covid lives.
I'm also really not looking forward to this weekend. It's my grandfather's funeral and there's gonna be a ton of people there I haven't talked to in ages and I kind of just stopped talking to cause I was covid depressed and then there's my family who is probably just gonna bombard us asking about wedding planning stuff even though I've been too sad to plan anything. (In full transparency we also bought a house earlier this year which was super stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to plan a wedding at the same time but now that we're more settled the only thing holding us back is me and I don't know what to do) and it's gonna be inside and I don't want to get covid. I've avoided it this long and I really don't want to get sick.
It's now 1:40AM and what the fuck am I doing with my life. I'm gonna be so tired when my alarm goes off even though I'm not tired now.
It's crazy how earlier today I was in such a good mood and then I was watching someone's stream that I'm a sub and vip in and they didn't say hi or respond to anything I said and I know from past experience they've said that sometimes they say hi to someone in their head or just think they've already said hi when they didn't actually so it was probably nothing personal at all (like I'm a VIP that they chose to give me themselves) but it still always makes me feel so left out when I talk in someone's stream and no one acknowledges it and deep down I wonder if everyone blocked me. I'm almost 33 why the fuck do I even care about this shit.
I just want people to like me and I also miss my mom. What a complex.
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thecontumacious · 2 years
hi!! hello!! how are you? i hope you're having an amazing day/night :D i just saw that you're taking requests again so i have an idea that has been rotting my brain and because i really like your writing (you have me giggling and kicking my feet but i never said this) i thought it would be a good idea to ask you about it !!
anyways- my request is luxiem finding their s/o (who's usually on the quiet or less energetic side) dancing their heart out in the kitchen at like 3AM :'))
feel free to skip this request if you want to!!
The World All to Yourselves
a/n: I'M BACKKKK and it's summer holidays so i'll be going a bit crazy with reqs >w< god this character text limit thing is such a pain in the ass my hand is all cramped up from having to constantly reformat this TT
DISCLAIMER: concerning what had recently happened with vox and his community, i want to remind you again that this fic, existing fics and future fics are purely fiction and should not be seen as something to be projected irl. it's merely to entertain and also considered fanart. remember, this applies to not only vox. this applies to ALL of nijisanji and considerably, all other fandoms.
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your boyfriend was on a business trip to meet up with the rest of the luxiem members for an off collab. and as much as he pleaded that you tag along, you heavy heartedly refused his offer with your work piling up on your shoulders like a mountain. it would take a week, he said, but it felt super long to you both.
you can see why he begged you to come with him. but well, duty calls and you can't exactly have everything you want in life. he would replace missing time with frequent calls when he's not streaming, video calling when possible with the rest of the members.
pain was visible in his eyes as he could only see you through a phone or laptop screen, so you always tell him that it won't be long that you'll reunite again. you keep reassuring him too that he'll have a lot of fun with the other members.
everything finally comes to an end and today is the day your v-tuber boyfriend will arrive home. unfortunately though, the flight he had to catch was scheduled for midnight and out of concern, he specifically asked you not to pick him up for safety reasons.
thus here you were, swirling your drink of choice in your hand as you looked out the kitchen window. the stars above twinkle every now and then as they watched you wait with anticipation for your beloved to come home.
you sigh, putting the glass aside before grabbing your phone. the house is too quiet, definitely because your boyfriend was not present. so, what do you do while waiting?
you open your music app.
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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fun as the off collab was with his beloved co workers, the strain on his shoulders heavily needed attention and tbh, so did his entire being after going so long without your sweet kisses and tight hugs
he really was going to bound you arms and legs next time this happens
an entire week without your adorable self under him
bah, not good :<
so he rushed his way home, thankfully earlier than he anticipated
knowing you, you were probably still awake so he snickered upon coming up with the idea of surprising you
he quietly shoves the key in and pushes the door open, pulling his suitcase with as little sound as possible
vox mostly expected you to be busy clunking around the apartment in your pajamas, watching a movie or a youtube video
not you shaking your ass to 'hope in the dark'
energetically rapping his part nonetheless
vox smirks, realizing he'd just discover the very rare moments of you like this
he knows you don't hide yourself from him, but seeing you truly be yourself with no one around?
it felt like falling in love with you all over again 
the cheeky demon lets go of his luggage near the door and makes himself comfortable by leaning in the kitchen doorway, just enough that you won't notice him immediately
arms crossed and a soft smile plastered on his handsome face, all the while you're still jamming through luca's verse
"throughout the night party time~!" you melodize, spinning around 360.
vox struggles to hold back his erupting laughter as you bop your head wildly to the drop, your feet stomping in sync with the beats
another idea lights up in the demon's head and he tiptoes his way over to you, just in time to get to his part of the song
"hey lady, how do you feel?" he sings
you turn around with a yelp, eyes wide and your heart on the floor
vox smirks, but he doesn't stop. "you can be anyone you want."
he pulls you by the waist until you're up against him. "don't be afraid and live your life."
his hands make it to your face and brings you until you're within a one inch proximity with him. "the world is full of hope."
blood raises to your cheeks and you suddenly don't remember what lyrics are next. but did it really matter at this point?
"hm? not gonna continue singing, love?" he smirks, leaning in so your nose brushes up against his. "you had so much fun."
"h-how long have you been watching, huh??" you hiss, pouting as you looked away. but vox is quick to pull your gaze back onto him by using his fingers
"just enough to see you have all the world to yourself, darling," he sighs, leaning pass your face and into the crook of your neck. "you looked absolutely gorgeous by the way. a shame i don't get to see it often."
you curl your lip, face still bright red from the embarrassment. but all you could do was wrap your arms around vox
"welcome home, love," you whisper, resting your head on his shoulder as you tug onto his coat. "was the trip alright?"
"and you're gonna ignore my words, sweet thing?" vox pulls away and for a moment, you feel weak in the knees with the gaze that rained down upon you
then you feel him push you back until you hit the kitchen counters, his hand snug on the tabletop with you where he exactly wanted you to be
pinned against him, flushed and completely helpless
"hm? what is it, my love?" his finger goes to your temple and he gently slides it down your face
"ar-aren't you tired from the jetlag?" you whisper, his face inching closer again within seconds. "co-come on... let's get you to bed."
his hand drops and grabs something behind you, then realizing that he had taken your phone. he scrolled through it, making you raise your eyebrows
before you could ask, 'fly me to the moon' starts playing and somehow, this makes you much redder than when he pinned you against the counter
vox grins cheekily, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you both to the center of the kitchen
"let's dance a bit, darling. i've missed you," he breathes against your ear
you sigh and just follow along, admittedly wanting the exact same from how touch deprived you were this past week
vox grabs your hand and has the other placed on his shoulder before he starts swaying to the music
it was no surprise he knew some moves, being at least 400 years old
nothing else made a sound, nothing but the music and occasional creaking of the floorboards. the world seemed so quiet. like... it belonged to only you and vox.
you sink into his hold more, a smile creeping onto your face
you were at home in this crazy world, in the arms of your demon lover
"i love you," you mumble
you feel the rumble of his chuckle then slowly pulling away, grabbing your face into his hands ever so gently
he leans in for that long awaited kiss, passionate and lingering. "i love you too, darling."
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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mysta's body felt like it could collapse at any given moment, his nose stuffing up and the wind hitting his body a little too briskly tonight
"goddammit why do i always gotta be sick after these things??" he hisses to himself, stumbling down the hallway and half assed-ly shoving the key into the apartment
sure, he might feel like shit rn and the jetlag was too much for him to handle, but he's reminded of you once the smell of your apartment reached his nostrils
the tension built on his back dissolves almost immediately and mysta is quick to fantasize about cuddling you until morning
or forever maybe
he's about to call out to you, announcing his arrival when he hears your voice booming throughout the apartment, singing lyrics all too familiar to him
"don't hide what you wanna do, come on dadadadibadoo~" you muse. "get all things i want, i wanna do, wanna do, wanna do!"
mysta lets out a quiet snort, utterly shocked but also very humored by this new side of yours
compared to mysta, he was definitely the chaotic one in the relationship. he'd randomly sing lyrics out loud while you just laughed at his silliness
safe to say it's his turn now
maybe he should arrive unannounced more often...
mysta tiptoes to the source of your voice, the kitchen he thought
when he peeps through the doorway, you are indeed singing 'hope in the dark' like you had no cares for the world, all the while using a wooden spoon as your makeshift microphone
a wide, cheshire cat like grin reaches mysta's face and he can't hold back his laughter
it's only because you're not facing him that you hadn't stopped
"you don't have to say anything, because i can feel your all," you sing again, spinning around
the scene becomes too much for the detective can handle and his hand slips into his pocket, pulling out his phone before discreetly recording you
"throughout the night party time!"
mysta's eyes start to water, both out of amusement and the fact you looked so adorable at this very moment
there's only so much of you mysta gets to actually see on a day to day basis. and he understood that!
call him greedy or selfish though, because this is the side mysta would love to see a lot more
dancing like no one was watching (excluding him ofc) and singing one of your favorite songs, admittedly the one that prompted you to have fun and for once be careless of what the world tells you
at least, that's what 'hope in the dark' had personally taught mysta
unfortunately something pokes inside his nose, nudging his nerves and provoking the desperate need to sneeze
"holy fuck not now--" he hisses, but before he can attempt to hold it back, said sneeze comes and evidently ruins everything. "aChOO!"
you shriek, pointing your absolutely dangerous wooden spoon at the stranger who just sneezed behind you. "mysta??"
"aCHOO!" he wheezes, his nose stuffing up again. "ah dammit"
"could you have at least knocked, you ass? i could've beat you to a pulp with this spoon," you quickly reach over for a tissue, handing it over to your sick boyfriend
mysta giggles sheepishly, graciously taking it and blowing into it to hopefully clear up his sinus infection. "scary, babe."
"terrifying, if anything," you grin. you are about to pull him in for a tight hug when you noticed his phone, turned on and... on the camera recording?
your eyes widen with panic. "MYSTA WERE YOU--"
immediately realizing what you were fretting over, mysta laughs and pulls his phone away from you, raising it up high above so you wouldn't reach it
"ah, ah, ah, nope," he grins, you pouting as he was incredibly tall. "this is for me."
"MYSTA FUCKING RIAS DELETE THAT!!" you flail your arms while jumping, attempting to reach the damned device but to no avail.
you huff, crossing your arms. "fine. don't expect me to take care of that cold."
at that, mysta pauses.
you smirk, "well?"
"awee come on... just this one, please?" now he's the one curling his lip, pleading. you roll your eyes. he sighs, "okay, okay. just do this one thing with me okay?"
you raise your eyebrows as you watch him pocket his phone, walking pass you to reach for your phone on the countertop. he scrolls through your playlist and plays a song familiar to both you and him
"come on, let me dance with you this once. you dancing around made me wanna do the same," mysta smiles, his empty hand beckoning you to come closer
unlike before there's a soft glimmer in his eye, so you sigh, taking his hand
once the beat got even more erratic, mysta starts bouncing on his feet, bopping his head while his shoulders shook in sync with the music
mysta was many things, being a dancer was not one of them unfortunately
but... somehow, as his terrible movements continued, your grin widened and you had the urge to move with him
you can't lie. mysta's taste in music was fantastic.
after a while, you finally decide to lose yourself in the music, shaking your hips and head to the beat
"yeah!" mysta smiles, taking your hands so you moved together this time. "you're doing good, y/n!"
"can't say the same about you, mysta!"
despite the jab, he laughs wholeheartedly and does not proceed to stop
it felt like a small party between you two, the stars above watching you begin to sweat from the rapid movements. you and him mouth the lyrics too, making it all the more entertaining
when the chorus finally came around, you and mysta completely lose it and danced to your heart's content
you could tell he was genuinely having a good time, his face glowing brightly
and to mysta, he's never felt more at home at this very moment.
he knew that you were the one as you let all inhibitions and insecurities go, showing but your raw and beautiful self
he held your hand and pulled you in, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
you giggle, pushing him off, "you're sick mysta! don't spread your germs on me!"
"oh shit right," he laughed, sniffling. but all that is forgotten as you and him danced some more that night
that video in his phone staying there for who knows how long :)
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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when i say he ran, he fucking bolted to your apartment bcs out of all the luxiem members, he's definitely the clingiest
it should be no surprise that he's super excited to see you again (especially after you insisted to him many times that he should save the private jets back home in fear that he'll get too exhausted)
but it was late where you were, thus why luca had decided not to call you upon stepping off the kaneshiro's private jet
he could just imagine you snuggled up with augustus asleep, waiting for him to come home
he might not look like it, but even luca kaneshiro's social battery can start to dwindle a bit
a night in with you in his arms, watching some movies (or his vods) or play some games felt like it could beat anything else
"ahhh thank god i'm finally home," he grins, his hand reaching the knob to the already unlocked door
but luca pauses.
"gonna start the game of love, i wanna shake your body and soul~"
luca turns to his watch: 2:57 AM
"jesus, what are they doing still awake? singing this loud too?" he chuckles to himself, choosing to open the door anyway
he steps inside, you still singing your heart out to 'hope in the dark' in the kitchen
with your back turned towards him, of course you don't immediately notice luca watching you wiggle your butt to his group's song
he crosses his arms, a huge grin on his face
proud almost?
how could he not be? look at you xixixi
"どう��ようもなくキミの傍にいたい" you tune out again
luca then quickly steps forward, wrapping his arms around your waist while continuing to sing, especially since it was part of his song
"lonely lady shall we dance? i wanna make your heart smile," he sang along, spinning you around. "throughout the night party time!"
when luca starts dancing to the song, you can't help but be more amused than surprised by his arrival, covering your mouth as he continues to move while still holding you
"come on, hon, dance with me!" luca requests, swinging your hands around in an attempt to have you move too. shy and still quite startled by him coming in, you dance along minimally
"don't be shy, babe. you were dancing a lot more before i came in," he teases, evidently making you limit your movements even more
"sh-shut up, luca! you weren't supposed to see that," you mumble, pouting as you stopped dancing completely
luca sighs, grabbing your hands so that you fall onto his chest. "you were really cute though... i just wanted to have fun with you."
your face wasn't looking at him, but with his tone and his words alone, you knew that he was genuinely a bit disappointed
your heart ached to be honest, but you were also incredibly shy on dancing anymore since he caught you
his hands then make it to your hair, stroking it down all the while his other held onto your waist tightly. it was as though like you'd just slip away
it might've felt like that this entire week to him
ahhh poor baby
in an attempt to comfort his deflated heart, you lean back and press a kiss to his jaw, smiling, "welcome home, luca. i missed you."
you feel him chuckle, his hold onto you tighter. "i missed you more."
your fingers make it to his blonde locks and it was your turn to be combing through them. "i could feel it even from thousands of miles away, love. but i'm glad you're here with me now."
"me too."
luca pulls away from you, his hands now meeting your cheeks. you felt ever so safe in them, even more so that he's been gone this entire week. you melt into his touch.
"man, you look too cute like this," he muses, his lip curling as you laughed. "i knew i should've just packed you in my suitcase."
"maybe you should've, luca."
"i'll hold onto that promise, y/n!"
you giggle away, but then it dies down upon seeing luca intensely gazing at you. you tilt your head, worried, "luca?"
"i know you're shy about this but you know... " he trails off, looking away. "c-can i dance with you? j-just this once, i promise! i won't force you to do it again!"
this man had just traveled half the world for work and the moment he comes back, he doesn't immediately rest. all he wanted at the end of the day was to share a somewhat solitary moment with you, dancing to music you and him favored
were you really going to refuse him?
nope. not when luca is the one asking.
you sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck. "alright, fine..."
and just like that, the familiar light returns to luca's lavender eyes. he's quick to grab your phone again and begins to explore through your playlist, probably looking for a song to dance to
"oh, it just had to be this song, huh luca?" you pout, your heart wrenching at the nostalgic feeling of the chosen song
"i thought 'hope in the dark' was too energetic. sooo i chose something slower! you and i love this song anyway," luca smiles, putting down the device as he pulled you tight against him once more
"i can't argue with you," you smile, starting to sway to the slow music. upon seeing you move under your own initiative, luca grins. happiness overflows from within his heart.
"i never knew you were the someone waiting for me," you softly tune, looking into luca's eyes. "cause we were just kids when we fell in love."
"not knowing what it was," luca continues, following you. "i will not give you up this time."
never. i never will. luca thought to himself.
"luca, why are you crying, baby?"
he blinks and you're right. warm tears fall from his eyes but the smile on his face never leaves.
"you're perfect for me is all. and i'll never ever leave your side, y/n," he rests his forehead onto yours. and what does he see? his future, his love, his world, his everything. all in his arms.
you may be shy, a bit timid and sometimes can't keep up with his wilder nature. but you're strong yet so comforting. the home he had been looking for.
luca leans down to kiss you, all his overflowing happiness sealed in the loving gesture. "i love you, y/n. so, so much."
tears start to prick your own eyes as you smile, "i love you too, luca. so, so much."
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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ike eveland wanted nothing more than to just collapse, preferably in your arms at this very moment
the offcollab was fantastic of course! but there's only so much ike can take so once everything had finally wrapped up, he was ready to hibernate
it didn't help that the airport was so quiet and the sky outside was dark
literally the perfect setting to fall asleep in
he honestly wished you'd come to pick him up, but it was the dead of night (almost morning even). there was no way he was gonna make you get out of bed just to get him
so with what energy he has left from the day, he hails a cab back home
even the sight of the building was enough to motivate him to at least change into pajamas later
ike finally reaches the door to your apartment, turning on the knob and pulling his suitcase in.
usually you'd be near the door to wait for him. but it's because of your absence that it makes ike long for you even more
he kicks off his shoes and is on his way to the bedroom to find you when he hears the familiar tunes to his song
and most importantly, you rapping to his part
"are you gonna go? canvas is still blank. but do it right you're gonna gain or pain. ideal and ambition, white darkness, hope in the dark~"
a chuckle stumbles out of ike's mouth and his once droopy eyes shot open for this moment. he tiptoes around and finds out you're in the kitchen
not only were you rapping, but your legs brought you all over the inches of the kitchen floor, happily dancing to 'hope in the dark' without much thought if you looked terrible
ike leans onto the doorway, crossed his arms as he watched you quietly
"wanna have a chance you will see what i mean, stay real, dance in the dark. make it a showtime it gives you luck. spend your life don't believe the hype!"
and ike doesn't even attempt to stop you
the exhaustion weighing on his back suddenly lifts off and he knows it's because of you
you and your little energetic movements at 3 am, you :<
there's a certain beauty unfolding before him. it didn't matter at all that you were in your old shirt, hair messy and your movements were not world class.
but the way you brought yourself made you look so much more attractive, like you were somehow enchanting him like the first time you met him
ike eveland at this very moment had never felt so happy and admittedly, proud that you agreed to be his. you, this beautiful being that had descended on to the earth just for him.
it's only when the song finishes that ike finally makes his presence known by clapping his hands gently
you shriek, backing onto the kitchen countertops
ike chuckles, "you sure had fun there, sweetheart."
blood rushes to your cheeks and you feel like jumping off a building right now
"we-welcome back, ike!" you smile sheepishly, bringing your hands together to hide the fact you were shaking out of embarrassment. "how was the trip home?"
"it was alright," he steps forward with the most innocent beam on his face. but don't be fooled. he does not have the purest of intentions now that he's caught you.
"i-ike, don't," you warn him, backing away even more
"don't what?"
"wh-whatever you're going to do!"
"i'm not doing anything!" ike laughs, raising his hands up. "you're being paranoid."
"not when my safety is on the line!" you pout. "now stay back until you can prove you're innocent!"
"sweetheart, i don't know what you're talking about. i am innocent. also, i just came home. all i want to do is just get some rest with you," now he's the one pouting
with that in mind, you groan, crossing your arms. you hesitate, but you open your arms anyway for ike. "alright, fine. come here."
he lets out a giggle as he wrapped himself in your hold, nuzzling into your neck like a bear cub finding refuge in its mother's fur
"thanks, sweetie," he mumbles. "i missed you."
"me too, ike."
"can i ask you a favor? just one, y/n."
your heart drops. but you breathe out, "what?"
"dance with me?"
you knew this day would come with this man
ike snickers, "i guess you were right in being paranoid."
"you're lucky i love you, you know?"
the man lets out another amused laugh, reaching for your phone. his finger swipes along your many selections of music, a mixture between yours and his favorite songs
then he settles on one
"awe man, this song? really ike?" you frown, ike placing the device back down
"i've always wanted to ballroom dance to this you know," ike admits, taking one of your hands in his and the other on his shoulder as per how ballroom dancing should be. then he looks you in the eye, joking but somewhat serious, "at our wedding, perhaps?"
"ike!" your cheeks return to being red once again.
"i don't hear any objections," ike ignores you, all the while grinning and pulling you towards the center of the kitchen. "come, älskling."
he's leading you, circling at the appropriate times and helping you step along. you might've stepped on his feet a few times, but honestly, the fact that you were trying for him made ike forget the pain
"ah, sorry!"
"it's alright, y/n."
as you struggle to keep up with ike, all he sees is your focused expression. adorable and absolutely too much for him to handle. he could imagine it, you know?
you and him dancing to the same ghibli song, but with time, he believed you'd be able to get the steps. yours and his hair grey, skin wrinkling with the years, but the same smiles and song.
"hm?" he turns to you.
"you were spacing out."
"oh," ike chuckles, squeezing your hand. "i'm fine. just having the time of my life."
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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(let's pretend that shu made it to their offcollab this time okay ;-;)
there really was nothing like the feeling of finally meeting up with your long distance friends/co workers.
and nothing like the feeling of not being able to interact with you in person for seven days straight.
shu doesn't seem like it, but he's clingy at heart and every time he has to end a video call with you, his finger finds it incredibly hard to actually press the end button
there were enough nights where you two would fall asleep in a video call together and have your phones dead by the morning (an inconvenience for you tbh since you had places to go to)
the other luxiem boys absolutely notice him getting distracted by the smallest of notifications popping up from his phone, ones that weren't even from you
so the moment everyone decided to wrap things up, shu is first to finish packing his things and bidding farewell
back to you
tired as he was the entire trip home, there was not a time he stopped thinking about you
were you asleep? watching a movie? playing on your phone? did you eat enough today? had enough water?
"i'm going crazy because of them," he mumbles to himself, a dazed grin decorating his face as he watched the sky through the airplane window
then, shu is finally in front of the door. luggage in hand and his heart open
he shoves the key in and turns the knob, letting himself in along with his suitcase in tow
"cutie? you awake?" shu calls out, softly at first afraid that you might actually be asleep. but when he expected to hear a 'welcome home, shu' or nothingness because you were asleep, his ears instead catch wind of... you singing to his part in 'hope in the dark'
"you don't have to say anything, because i can feel your all~" you melodize, and even from the sound of your voice, he could tell you were smiling. "throughout the night party time!"
then the sound of feet stomping on the floor in beat with 'hope in the dark'
you were many things
but shu never figured you were this silly
and to be doing this in the literal dead of night just-
the sorcerer lets out a snort, deciding to tiptoe to wherever you were. he needed to see this before he was never given this opportunity ever again
and indeed there you were, stomping your feet according to the song all the while sliding around and your head shaking at the right tempo
also was that a whisk you were using as your microphone...?
his heart felt like it was going to burst at any point and time just seeing you so adorable, shaking your head around like it was nobody's business
but most importantly, he was incredibly happy that you could spare yourself some time to simply have fun like this
shu is very well aware himself that time keeps running in this world. the universe won't ever stop for you. but with this in mind, it's very easy to forget to make time for yourself in this crazy place
make time to just forget about things for a bit, forget that your flaws and worries exist
so to see you, one of the most important (if not the most important) person in his life do this...
sigh, he has never felt more glad
and tbh?
he wanted to join in on the fun
shu knocks on the doorway and you immediately freeze up, turning around slowly with a pale face like you'd just hear a ghost creeping up on you
your lover merely chuckles at you, "sorry, is this where the party is supposed to be?"
"sh-shu h-hi!" you look at your whisk and immediately put it behind your back, a very embarrassed smile and cheeks extremely flushed. "welcome back, babe!"
"hi to you too, cutie," shu comes in the kitchen and opens his arms to you. "where's my welcome home kisses and hugs?"
"al-alright you big baby."
you know he's just teasing you, especially with that stupid whisk you just picked up :/ damn sorcerer just wanted to see you put it away awkwardly
so you place it on the countertop behind you and collapse into him, though a bit tense from the fact he literally caught you dancing in a frenzy like that...
"relax, baby."
ah he noticed
you giggle nervously in response, "i-i'm fine..."
shu pulls away slightly so he can properly see you. he sends you a knowing smile, "you're so cute, baby. there's no need to be shy. you seemed to have so much fun too."
he then cups your cheeks, your lips curling up from the mild pressure
"it made me fall in love with you again."
"i--" you look away, escaping his immediate gaze. "you're so cheesy, shu..."
"you like it though," shu tilts his head so that you're forced to look him in his purple eyes again. "oh hey! i have an idea."
he lets go of you and he pauses the music playing from your phone, changing it entirely it seems. his eyes hover over the list of songs and his eyes brighten at the sight of the one he found interesting
"oohh! salamander!!" you smile
"see? i knew you'd like the sound of it," shu chuckles, putting your phone down by the counter again before grabbing your hands and bouncing slightly on his heels. "come on! we haven't listened to this song in a while!"
but before you can protest anymore, shu sends you a quick wink and starts singing along to the energetic song. he absolutely does not forget to shimmy his way through too, making you laugh
this might've been because shu's natural charm or the fact that he's a sorcerer capable of doing otherworldly things, but you follow along
even mouthing the lyrics with him and matching his steps, your heart and laughter forgetting the tensity of your embarrassment from before
in shu's eyes, he's more than glad he got to see you again and this is the first thing he does upon stepping into the apartment
you and him together forgetting about the world. nothing but yourselves, the laughter and the present sleepy hours of the day.
once the song ends, you're out of breath from the dancing and somehow, this makes you look so much more beautiful, especially with the after effect of such euphoric moments
before shu could even realize it, he's pulling you by the wrist and placing his lips on yours, pushed by the moment
ah it's been so long... he thought, detaching from you for just a moment. shu laughs when your face is once again red.
"sorry, you just... looked so pretty. and i missed you so much."
DISCLAIMER: concerning what had recently happened with vox and his community, i want to remind you again that this fic, existing fics and future fics are purely fiction and should not be seen as something to be projected irl. it's merely to entertain and also considered fanart. remember, this applies to not only vox. this applies to ALL of nijisanji and considerably, all other fandoms.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Hi! I hope you're doing okay. For the Valentine's event I'd like to request a double heart💕 with bokuto, kuroo, akaashi and kenma (the lee can be akaashi or kenma, I can't decide between them so I'll leave it to you if you don't mind) Btw the idea of the platonic event was super cool ^^ Also, take care and have a good rest of the week💚🤍❤️
Ciao! Thank you sooooo much for this prompt! It was so much fun to work on! I couldn't decide between Kenma or Akaashi either, so I just said what the heck and did both! I hope that's alright! I hope you have a good rest of your week as well! Enjoy!^^
Two Idiots and Their 'Babysetters'
Lers: Bokuto and Kuroo
Lees: Akaashi and Kenma
"Umm what are you guys doing? Wait no!"
As soon as Kenma caught sight of those mischievous grins directed at him, he knew it couldn't mean anything good, and then they wiggled their fingers at him, and he decided his best bet was to get out of this gym right freaking now.
He scrambled upwards from where he'd been sitting with his back against the wall and abandoned his Nintendo switch in favor of booking it for the door, Kuroo and Bokuto in hot pursuit. 
By some miracle, he was somehow able to outrun the two taller guys long enough to reach the door, and a flutter of hope rose in his chest, only to be squashed down almost immediately when he slammed straight into Akaashi who had been coming in at the same time he'd been coming out.
Akaashi let out a surprised curse as the two setters went toppling to the ground, just as Kuroo and Bokuto arrived.
"Oh now would you look at that Bokuto~. Now we have two grumpy setters to make smile! Thanks Kenma!" Kuroo cooed, making Kenma stiffen and Akaashi squawk as he realized what was about to happen.
Before either of them could think to do anything else, the two guys pounced on them. Kuroo went after Kenma, while Bokuto targeted Akaashi.
"Kuroo no. Don't you dare- Aha! Nohohoho gehehet off!!!" Kenma squealed when his childhood friend started squeezing at his hips, and he quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment. He tried to kick the older off of him, but that proved to be a grave mistake on his part when Kuroo caught his leg and started pulling his shoe off. 
"Oh. So you want to start kicking me now?! You really need to cool it with the violent video games for a while Kenma, they might just get you into trouble~." Kuroo teased just before he started scribbling his fingers over his sole, sending the blonde into an instant fit of screeching laughter as he unsuccessfully tried to squirm away.
Akaashi wasn't faring much better.
"Akaashi-kun!! Does this tickle?! Huh?! Does it?! What about this?! Does it?!" Akaashi couldn't answer, to busy trying to muffle the stream of frantic and confused giggles that came out of him when the overexcited captain started poking and prodding all over his ribcage, the sound of Kenma's own laughter telling him that this was yet another one of Bokuto's little schemes with Kuroo. He really needed to steer him clear of that guy. He was a bad influence.
By the time the two captains had finally gotten their fill and decided to show their poor victims some mercy, both guys were red in the face and panting through excess giggles.
"There we go! Now see? Don't you feel a lot better now that you're smiling Kenma? Now, no more of that grumpy scowling today got it? Or else~!!" Kuroo teased, wiggling his fingers at his now exhausted best friend.
"Ugh… yeheheah, whatehehever, gohohohot it.." the blonde agreed reluctantly, shuddering slightly at the threat of another attack if he started getting moody again, the entire reason that Kuroo and Bokuto had come after him in the first place. Akaashi had simply gotten caught in the crossfire.
"Perfect! Alright! Now that that's settled, let's go get these two some water so they can recover. Can't have our setters getting dehydrated on us now can we?"
And with that, the two goofballs were off again, leaving the poor second years to recover. After taking a moment to catch his breath, Kenma spoke up.
"Sorry you got caught up in that. They're literal children." He apologized, deadpan as ever.
Akaashi merely chuckled.
He wasn't wrong there.
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simpingforsoftboys · 3 years
Not Everyone Gets A Happily Ever After
ft. Iwaoi, Atsumu Miya
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!Gender Neutral Reader!
Pt 2 to this
*Male readers just pretend that you and Tsumu have a mix of female and male friends each who can be both groomsmen and bridesmaids 
Anon thank you for requesting- I live for angst and this was super fun to write- even if I cried while doing so. IwaOi is my comfort ship but they’re not perfect. People make mistakes- in life, love, and everything and anything in between. Sometimes they repeat those mistakes, other times they learn from them, either way everything happens for a reason and sometimes it’s for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone winds up happy with the results- and that’s okay. 
Also I kind of made it into a song fic (listen to Sign of the Times by Harry Styles while you read)!
Just stop your crying
Hajime and Toru were sitting in the second row on your side of the aisle, pretending that they couldn’t feel the sharp gazes from your family and friends. They had some nerve showing up to your wedding, despite being invited, especially after spending five or so years treating you like an outsider in your own relationship. The reception itself hadn’t yet started, Atsumu had just stepped onto stage- his twin right beside him as the best man.
It's a sign of the times
Atsumu was looking incredibly dapper in his midnight blue suit, his blonde hair combed perfectly to the side. He looked incredibly anxious, whispering to his brother if he looked alright. Hajime thought it was a stupid question- obviously he looked great- but then again he supposed he would have done the same, had he been in Atsumu’s shoes.
Welcome to the final show
Toru’s gaze flitted to the front row where your parents and close friends were sitting. Some were commenting on his and Hajime’s choice to attend the wedding still, but it was your mother’s words that surprised him.
“I’m glad it’s Atsumu (s)he’s marrying, he’ll treat them right.” That woman had been like his aunty since childhood, hearing her say that caused another crack in his heart.
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
His suit’s collar felt like it was strangling him, Hajime reached up to loosen it slightly. Despite doing so, he still found that he had trouble breathing.
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
The trainer wondered if he and Toru would go to hell for breaking your heart- only to mend it again with false promises, for telling you that they loved you when it had been lust the whole time.
You look pretty good down here
Maybe they were already damned to an eternity in hell. 
But you ain't really good 
They were good liars- him and Toru- maybe that’s why they were able to lie to you, to themselves, and to each other. Lied about their true feelings, convinced themselves it was lust and not love. 
If we never learned, we been here before
It felt familiar, Toru thought, being here, like when he got invited to weddings in the past and he’d only bring Hajime as his plus one. 
“You wouldn’t enjoy it Y/n- so I’ll just bring Haji okay? We’ll be back in no time- I promise!” The brunette had told you mournfully, as if they weren’t going to be staying in the Bahama’s for a week in order to attend a wedding. Now that he thinks about it, all the fees were covered- they totally could have brought you if they wanted.
Why are we always stuck and running from
He pretended he didn’t hear the hitch of your breath once his back was turned to you, not wanting to deal with your water works. 
‘It’s fine,’ he had told himself, ‘(s)he’s just being dramatic.’ It’s not like it was the first time they’ve gone without Y/n after all. 
The bullets
The bullets
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Yes, it was a familiar sight. Sitting together side by side in a wedding venue, awaiting the arrival of the bride/groom. Yet, there was a stark difference this time. This wedding wasn’t for just some coworker or old friend, this was your wedding. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
Just stop your crying
Someone squeezed his hand- it was Hajime- his normally piercing olive green eyes were cloudy with unshed tears. They hadn’t even laid eyes on you yet and the two of them were already ready to start sobbing. Semi Eita- who had been one of your close friends in high school- gave them a judgmental look.
It's a sign of the times
‘Why are you two crying? You had plenty of chances before now. Get over it.’ His fiery gaze told them, it was then directed elsewhere- since the music had started and the groomsmen and bridesmaids began streaming down the aisle. It was a little later than usual, apparently there had been an issue with the flower girl- so they had the wedding party wait a moment.
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
Others were tearing up all around them, but Hajime and Toru remained ignorant to them. The ring bearer- a little boy- they recognized him as your siblings youngest son, since they had accompanied you to see him be born. The kid was about six or seven now, and he was every bit as charming as you were.
It will be alright
He strode down the aisle proudly, chin raised in a way that reminded them of you. When you were feeling particularly stubborn or prideful, you would raise your chin just like that. 
They told me that the end is near
Next up was the flower girl- or flower girls. Hajime didn’t recognize them whatsoever, they must have been around your nephews age. It was likely that they were from Atsumu’s side of the family. The girls scattered white rose petals down the aisle, it was a magical sight- watching them flutter to the ground. 
We gotta get away from here
They had been expecting this moment, ever since they agreed to attend the wedding.
Just stop crying
To his right, he heard Toru stifle a sob. 
Have the time of your life
It was you. Hajime couldn’t remember when he last saw that smile on your face. You were donned in white, smiling from ear to ear- hair done perfectly, eyes tearing up- but for a different reason from them. You were happy. Excited. Today was the day, not sparing them a glance, the only person who mattered to you was at the end of the aisle, waiting for you to join him. 
Breaking through the atmosphere
Taking a step onto the raised platform, facing Atsumu, you let the tears fall. Unbeknownst to you, Toru and Hajime cried alongside you.
Things are pretty good from here
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Remember everything will be alright
Toru’s entire body tensed up. Hajime placed a firm hand on the setter’s thigh, preventing him from even considering objecting. Semi cast the two of them a evil look, promising violence should they dare to object.
We can meet again somewhere
 "Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n, if it is your desire to take the vows which will legally unite you at this time, please respond, 'It is,’.”
Somewhere far away from here
Atsumu and you continue staring lovingly at one another, not even hesitating a second before saying “It is.”
If we never learned, we been here before
“Do you, Miya Atsumu, take L/n Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
The entire audience held their breath in anticipation- as if there were any reason to doubt his love for Y/n. Even Toru and Hajime couldn’t find it within them to wish he declined. Y/n deserved a loving husband- even if it was just one person- so long as he would dedicate himself to her/him entirely.
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Course I do.”
The bullets
Everyone’s gazes fell upon you.
The bullets
“Do you, L/n Y/n , take Atsumu Miya, to be your lawfully wedded husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
We never learned, we been here before
You’re wiping your tears away, that wide smile- Hajime realizes that in all his years of knowing you he has never seen you this happy- never slipping from your face. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“I do.”
The bullets
The ring bearer comes up, shining rings placed a top the red, velvet pillow.
The bullets
Toru’s never hated red as much as he does now. Not even when he was playing desperately against Japan during the Olympics.
Just stop your crying
“Atsumu, please take the ring you have selected for Y/n. As you place it on her/his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It’s a sign of the times
Your groom picks up your shining gold and diamond wedding ring/band and delicately slips it on your ring finger. 
We gotta get away from here
“Y/n, I’ve been enraptured by yer beauty since the first time I saw ya. Even before I fell for ya I’ve always admired how kind hearted and understandin’ ya were. There’s not enough words t’ capture or explain my love for ya. So I want to spend the rest of my life tryin. Yer it for me Y/n... so I can say without a second thought. With this ring, I thee wed.” He murmurs, salty tears spill from his eyes. He’s finally going to get the s/o of his dreams, he realizes. 
We gotta get away from here
Hajime and Toru hold onto each other with vice like grips. They realize it too. There’s no do overs.
Just stop your crying
“Y/n, please take the ring you have selected for Atsumu. As you place it on his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It will be alright
Your hand reaches for the single wedding band still resting on the pillow. It shines brilliantly between your fingers. 
They told me that the end is near
“Atsumu, you’ve been there for me time and time again. You lifted me off the ground when I was broken, kissed my tears away from my eyes, and helped me learn how to love again. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst and loved me through it all. And it’s with complete faith and love that I say this. With this ring, I thee wed.” Atsumu’s wedding band matches yours, and slides on his finger perfectly.
We gotta get away from here
If we never learned, we been here before
The vows had been short but sweet. Toru would have been able to recite a whole paper- had he stood in Atsumu’s shoes. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Seeing as the two of you have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, by authority vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife/husband. You may kiss your bride/groom!”
The bullets
But he’s not in Atsumu’s shoes.
The bullets
You yank Atsumu down and press a passionate kiss to his lips, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He reciprocates immediately- all tongue and open mouthed. Neither of you pay any mind to the fact that everyone is watching you make out. All you see is each other. 
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Neither is Hajime. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
There’s no second chances.
We don't talk enough
No talking it over.
We should open up
You weren’t L/n Y/n any longer.
Before it's all too much
You’re now Miya Y/n.
Will we ever learn?
Devoted to and utterly in love with Miya Atsumu.
We've been here before
Is this what it had been like for you?
It's just what we know
Watching the two of them be so in love- eyes locked on each other- with no care in the world about who was watching.
Stop your crying baby
About who they were hurting.
It's a sign of the times
They didn’t even get the chance to ask why you did it- why you stuck around for so long and loved them, despite them not feeling the same. 
Now they never would get that chance again.
We gotta get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
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seekingthestars · 3 years
big sis wanted recap of fun concert things so a messy-and-mildly-stream-of-consciousness list of a few of my favorite bits of power of love day 2 (love ver)!
hoshi missing his line to start singing "I Wish" and the rest of them collectively losing it as they tried not to break down entirely laughing at him feaiw coups, jeonghan, mingyu, and vernon were really going through it
hoshi in opening ment - first thing he says is "LOOK I WAS DANCING SO HARD MY SHOE BURST" and then shows it off and HIS SHOE IS COMPLETELY DESTROYED boy what were you doing ilu fjewaio
wonwoo trying to do his opening ment and being Suddenly So Confused when hoshi and dk took off running around the stage mimicking his run from Bittersweet mv 😂
bringing that back bc later in encore wonwoo taking off doing his funky little run around the stage when it was his turn to sing and evERYONE JOINING IN AND THEM JUST RUNNING IN A CIRCLE, they have one collective braincell <3
jun and minghao calling in but minghao not being there when the video turned on and suddenly the closet door opens and BAM there's minghao. hiding in a closet. picks up the iron and answers it like it's a telephone. eventually slinks out and closes the door and takes a seat. admits later that he was waiting in there for like 5 minutes bc they kept talking and it got super embarrassing HAHAHAHA svt completely lost it 😂
them talking about how jun's hair looked different and he was like "i can't say, it's a spoiler~~" and hoshi being like "USUALLY IN DRAMAS WHEN THE HAIR IS SHORTER IT'S WHEN THEY'RE YOUNGER–" and jun frantically trying to get him to shut tf up all the way from china jfiewoa
CHOIR INTRO FOR SNAP SHOOT STAGE WHICH WAS SO CUTE AND SO PRETTY AND THEN SNAP SHOOT STAGE WHICH IS ALWAYS A TRUE CHAOTIC AND FUN GIFT but even MORE SO this time bc in the middle of it they stopped and played Squid Game Style Red Light, Green Light and then afterwards seungkwan and dino had a dance battle fjieoaw
after horangi power hoshi being like "i gained so much power from my tiger friends!!!! now i can go save my brothers!!!!! carat give me POWER!!!!" and using his ~tiger power~ to open the stage doors and dk/seungkwan standing there looking sO UNIMPRESSED and everyone being like "what took you so long omfg" "he took so much time out here by himself" fjwaofjeaw
seungkwan patting vernon's head during the carry part of my my 🥺
heaven's cloud live again!!! i gained so much life through hoshi solo and heaven's cloud live today
hoshi generally being so lovely and hyper and energetic and woozi saying it sounded like he was drunk on stage 😂
this is definitely not a complete list but let me just say i absolutely lost my mind, i LOVED the show today SO MUCH, i adore the Love Ver setlist, everything about it is perfect and wonderful 🥺
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mrsedmercer · 5 years
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Chapter 22: ~Gossip~
Summary: Now that filming has officially wrapped, you and Tom can get to the interviews! Though your first one takes an odd turn. A turn you refuse to let end on a bad note.
Warnings: Trash talk towards a certain ex of Tom Hiddleston.
Read it on my Wattpad: Wattpad.com/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1412
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn @cherrygeek86
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After a couple more days, your friend returned home. The first couple days without them here really reminded you of home, and how much you missed it. You could really feel the homesickness creeping in. You're sure Tom had noticed it too, but you two never talked about it. Y'all still have amazing sex, of course, and your doubts nearly melt away anytime he looks at you, or smiles, or laughs, or blinks...
You may be in love with him. You're still not exactly sure, but something's there. Something stronger than before.
A couple more weeks went by. Filming was completely done, though you and Tom were asked to stay in the area for another month, just in case you needed to do reshoots. Tom's hair had really grown by the end of the month. You knew he was keeping it long partially for Betrayal, the Harold Pinter play he is said to star in. His beard was more ginger than you thought it'd be, though he'd always remind you that he always had a lot of natural ginge in his hair as a teen. You were so used to him with brown hair. You liked the beard, though. His jaw looked hella nice with it. You've just been kinda stroking it when you lay together in bed, among other things on him.
You and Tom weren't entirely done with the film, though. Now were some of the fun parts of starring in a film.
The interviews!
You and Tom had one scheduled later for today. You've never been in an interview like this before, so you were a little nervous. Tom was calming you down and explaining how it works.
...I mean, you were laying in bed naked with him, so it was easy for him to calm you.
"I promise you, the interviewers I've had have always been very polite. They're very kind people." Tom reassured you, softly caressing your bare arm as he held you against his chest.
"I just hope I don't make a fool out of myself.." You admitted, nuzzling his chest some. "And I hope that I'm not ignored...but I also want some attention, y'know?.." You chuckled a bit. "Oh man, I really didn't think I'd get to this point..."
"What, the interview? Or laying here naked with me for the 20th day in a row?" Tom asked jokingly, making you chuckle again.
"The interview, smartass.." You nudged Tom, making him laugh a bit."I just hope I get it right."
"Well, there's no real way to get an interview 'wrong', unless you're just rude.." Tom replied. "Which I highly doubt you'd be."
"But what if I get a question wrong? Or can't answer a certain question because it might be spoilery?" You asked with a slight pout.
"Then I'll answer it for you." Tom smiled. "Interviews like the ones we're going to are pretty edited when they air. Any fumbles will surely be edited out. I promise you.."
You gave a little smile, giving him a soft peck on the lips. "Your voice is soothing to listen to.." You admitted. You genuinely felt better already, just because of his voice.
"Oh?.." He smiled at you, pecking the side of your head. "You like my voice?.." His tone changed, becoming slightly mischievous.
"Hey, relax, big dog.." You spoke up, turning your head to look at him with a smile. "I'm still sore from before.."
"It's getting harder everyday to resist.." Tom admitted with a smirk. "But you're right.."
You smiled, carefully moving away and getting out of bed.
"Maybe when we get back.." Tom added, getting out of bed to get dressed as well.
You just rolled your eyes playfully and laughed. You love that he's always wanting to be all over you. You hope he keeps the bedroom eyes to himself at the interview, though part of you wants to see it if he can't help it.
You guys got dressed and headed to the location where the interview would take place. Movie posters or anything haven't been publically released yet, so the only photos of you two on that back wall just a single still straight from the outside set.
You got to meet the interviewer after a short wait. It was a woman, which is pretty common, and she seemed super nice. She really got along with Tom, though everyone seems to get along with Tom. You could tell she was a little more focused than him rather than you, but you understood why. He was a much bigger celebrity than you were. You were fine if she chose to ask him most of the questions.
When the interview started, she introduced herself to you two, giving both of you a friendly handshake. Her name was Sarah. The chairs you got to sit in were a little small, but they weren't uncomfortable.
"Hi! It's very nice to meet you two!" She greeted you both with an on camera hand shake, giving a big smile. She had bright purple lipstick on that didn't really match the rest of her makeup, but you didn't judge. Maybe that's just a style or something.
The questions that were asked were, as expected, mostly directed at Tom. There were a couple questions you were both able to answer, though, like what to expect from the movie, what both of your favourite on set moment was, if there's gonna be any steamy bits. You happily answered that last one, remembering in the back of your head how odd the scene was to actually film.
Having actually slept with Tom beforehand, you could tell in the moment that his pants and moans were indeed an act, though you'd be lying if you didn't get a little heated during the whole thing. The crew just thought it was excellent acting, thankfully.
One of the last questions were about that iconic sudden kiss at the clothing shop a couple weeks back, when unbeknownst to anyone else, you had been in a bad argument with Tom beforehand, and that kiss was proof of your feelings for one another being real. Being genuine.
It seemed like a pretty harmless question, until...
"Do you feel like this new relationship will have consequences on future opportunities?" The interviewer asked Tom, who was a little confused by the question.
"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.
"Well, I mean, for example, if I may compare this to your previous relationship with famous singer Taylor Swift..." Sarah began. As she said that, you felt an anxious pit in your stomach. You felt a little sick. Really? Why mention her? Why now? This was going so well before this.
"...While she is not known for being in the acting biz, like the wonderful (Y/N) here, she was definitely more up on your level as a celebrity.."
You could see Tom was trying not to get upset by that, but you recognized that look in his eye. That look of disappointment.
You decided to take control of this interview for a change.
"Look, I don't know that chick personally, but when was the last time she wrote about something other than her ex's?" You asked, leaning forward some. "I mean, she has dozens of songs, right? Lotta albums sold? How many dead roses are in her closet by now?"
You could hear the few crew members in the back either hold back from laughing, or clearly break out in quiet chuckles amoungst each other.
"Am I wrong?" You looked around with a chuckle. "You wanna know what Tom doesn't have to worry about? Me throwing away his gifts and signs of affection for a new word document on my expensive laptop.."
You could tell the interviewer was rather shocked to hear that, though it was hard to tell if she was personally offended or impressed. Tom was clearly hiding a smile. He was definitely impressed, and was shifting around to stop himself from laughing. That meant a lot to him.
"That's a wrap!" Someone on set called, allowing the interviewer to give one final awkward goodbye before walking off with her paper. Tom looked at you, giving a slight chuckle.
"I really hope they leave that in.." He admitted, making you smile brightly.
You made sure to ask the right person for a copy of the full, unedited interview just before you and Tom would return home. You couldn't wait to tell the stream chat about this tomorrow.
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foxjasminnie · 6 years
Fated Blood Chapter 3
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Pairing: Reader x Yanjun
Genre: Fantasy, Fluff,possibly some smut
Photo credit to yanjuns weibo
The music pounded loudly as y/n matched her moves to the rhythm,creating a sensual yet powerful choreography. Her old teacher Yixing always lectured her about balance, so she quickly became a expert. That was the reason she loved her job, teaching young vampires who wanted to become celebrities how to express themselves through movement like yixing did. To one day have a student think of her as the way she was inspired by him. Little did she know however that her every move was being watched intensely. She had a feeling someone was there but as she glanced around all she saw was herself i the mirror.
He couldn't help but not interupt, he was enjoying the view too much. Watching her body wave down to the floor, his thoughts couldn't help but take a naughtier turn. He wanted nothing more than to slowly remove her clothes and bit into her pale neck.
'Dancing with your silhouette, in the places that we met. Ooh trying to find you in the moon'
Echoed through the room as he emerged from the shadows with an all too cheeky grin.
"You don't have to find me in the moon, I'll always be right infront of you babe." Yanjun winked
"Well well well look what the cat dragged in, if i didn't know any better i would say you have become my stalker Mr Lin."
She laughed checking out the young male. He was dressed in a long white sleevless top with exposing his perfectly shaped muscles and tight black jeans. The look certainly complimented his dark red eyes. Although caught off guard by his sudden prescence y/n couldn't help but admire his him. She couldn't denie he was a beauty but the words of Xukun echoed into her head, disrupting those thoughts from going any further. He's a casanova.
"I'd like to think it's our fated blood bringing us together, instead of me."
"What are you doing here anyway? This isn't a playground, i have a student comming any minute."
"He's already here gorgeous" he beamed his dimples towards her.
"Of course he is."
Y/n rolled her eyes at the situation but then decided she could have some fun herself with this situation. If she was going to play with him she knew exactly what choreography to teach. First however she decided to torture him with an intense 15 minute warm up and work out, which left the young vampire trying to catch his breath.
"Too much work for you cutie?" She teased
"Never, but i know i can tire you out in a different way."
Yanjun winked and quickly chugged a small vile of blood he pulled out from his pocket. Within the next minute he was fully recharged and worse than ever.
"See babe, I can go at it lots of times" he winked again causing y/n to roll her eyes.
She switched the music to start playing Trouble makers 'There is no tomorrow'. Yanjun caught onto the choreo at a fast pace and before she knew it was adding his own flare to the dance. She didnt expect him to be this good. The firey gaze on his face as his body matched the beat to her own, which took her as a surprise. She had always been comfortable with Xukuns body complimenting hers and yet just as comfortable around Yanjun.
As his hand slid down her thigh in the dance break, her heart started to beat fast and a small blush creeped up onto her cheeks. She had never been this flustered with Xukun, what was wrong with her today? As the dance ended he dipped y/n back and pulled her body close to his, resulting in a light gasp from y/n. His eyes were staring intently down at hers as he moved his pale pink lips closer to hers. Just before they could meet y/n had snapped out of her frozen state.
"Well you've had enough fun for one day mister." She laughed.
" Damn and i thought the beauty was finally falling for the beast. I have to say, you definitely have to be a 9 out of 10 because I'm the 1 your missing." He winked
"You would be so lucky for that line to ever work." Y/n smirked.
Y/n had no idea what had come over her. She was meant to be using this time to tease and play around with him and yet she was the one blushing. Damn the blood still pumping inside my veins, she thought. Yanjun was just standing silently studying every part of her with one of the cheekiest grins. He knew his plan was starting to work and it was full proof. Thanks to the information from a reluctant Ziyang. But Yanjun had dirt on him that even he had to give in and help. Whilst Y/n was turned around tidying up the studio Yanjun quickly made his way behind her,wrapping his arms around her chest.
"Don't you know the meaning of personal space?"
"You seemed to be enjoying mine earlier."
Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Your class is over, time for you to go."
"I'm waiting for my takeout" Yanjun exclaimed.
"What takeout? You don't even eat human food." Y/n stood there confused.
"Our future"
Yanjun smirked as he whispered his response in her ear. Sending shivers down her spine.
"Guess you'll be waiting a long time, that takeout is non existant."
"I can wait an eternity for you princess, i have all the time in the world."
Y/n faked vomited at the cheesiness, before struggling out of his grasp. Much to his dissatisfaction. Guess the battle is still to be won. He thought.
"How do you have so many lines? And how do they even work?"
"I'm irresistible that's why."
Yanjun let his dimples shine again well aware that they were one of his best weapons and y/n couldnt help but think they were adorable.
"Look, i prepared a romantic picnic for us,will you give me the honour of a date just this once? I promise you won't regret it."
Y/n's mind went back and forth between both the positivies and negatives of the situation. On the one hand she did have nothing to do until Xukuns rap practice finishes. On the other it meant being left alone with Yanjun and she wasn't sure if her beating heart could take anymore shocks.
"You seem to get a lot of my charitable deeds of the day. But fine let's go."
Yanjuns face lit as he took ahold of her hand and lead her to the picnic location with his super speed. He didnt see the need for his car as it was a short distance away. The area was breath taking y/n thought. The soft moonlight reflecting of the dark blue lake; with pink cherry blossoms dancing around the area. She was shocked to know a area like this was so close by and she had never discovered it. Not far from the lake was a chequered blanket laid out with a brown picnic basket. She knew he was a flirt but she didn't expect so much romance either. Next to the basket happend to be her favourite bottle of red wine. She was shocked that her just happend to get her favourite type. Not many people knew her tastes and she decided that either it was suspicious or a strange coincidence. He gestured for her to sit down a she unpacked the basket that contained a bottle of blood for him and sandwhiches for her.
"I'm impressed." She smiled.
He smirked as he took ahold of her hand and pulled her close to him again. He then moved his hand up her arm.
"Did you know that the distance from your arm to your shoulder and the distance from this shoulder to your arm,is the same length."
Yanjun smirked as his arm was now wrapped around her holding y/n close to his chest.
"I changed my mind, I'm leaving. I can't take the greasiness."
She laughed trying to move away but his grip got tighter than before. She cursed not having full strength due to her mixed blood. Little did she know that Yanjun could hear just how fast her heart was beating. It had been so long since he had heard a heart beat that he enjoyed listening to her rhythum. It just made her all that more special to him.
Yanjun went to get the wine glasses out of the hamper but was unaware that they had broken earlier in transit. As he lifted it out he noticed his palm had been cut and that red liquid began to drip from it. He looked embaressed by this event as y/n stared at his hand. Not a smooth move he thought.
"You should clean that up."
"How about you do it for me princess." He winked
"I don't like drinking blood." Y/n shifted her gaze away.
"I don't like the taste of my own blood."
He laughed as he started to remove the last remaining shards from his palm without flinching. Y/n stared as the ruby liquid was now sliding from his palm and down his arm. She was never one of the metallic taste but he looked so pitiful sitting there. The last time y/n ever drank blood it was Ziyangs and she remembered all too well where that ended up. Against her better judgement however; she brought his palm to her lips and gently ran her tongue across the wound sealing it and then cleaning the stream that had travelled down his arm. It was strange his blood was so sweet tasting that she had to restrain herself from biting into him. She smirked as she let go of his hand.
"If you like it that much, you can bite me here and leave a hickey." He winked
"You owe me for this...and the whole bottle of wine." She laughed as she gazed into his eyes.
"Your such a tease and i love it." He smiled "I'll do whatever you ask of me angel."
They spent the rest of the time drinking from the bottles and getting to know eachother better. Y/n was careful not to reveal too much about herelf. Only how she was used to life in the human realm and as much as Justin was annoying,he was her world. She was a fool when it came to her brother. On the contrary Yanjun explained that he wasn't sire what he wanted in life and that he was trying to find some fulfilment. He had a high status in society but he grew up often left alone or with the servants. His parents too busy to deal with him. Y/n couldn't help but feel sorry for Yanjun. He had everything except happiness and was lonely. Maybe he was just misunderstood she thought.
As they continued their conversations various cherry blossoms had fallen around them. Yanjun couldnt take his eyes off y/n. She was the most beautiful girl he had seen in a long time.The way her long bangs shaped her small face and the soft pink tone on her skin. He had been with other half vampires before but something captivated him about her and he just didn't know why.
As a petal landed in her hair,Yanjun instantly went to retrieve it;shortening the distance between them. She blushed as one of his hands stayed on her cheek and the other now holding the flower.
"It's such a beautiful flower."
She smiled admiring it. However Yanjun's gaze didn't leave hers as he flashed his dimply smile.
"Not as beautiful as the one infront of me."
He felt the warmth in her cheek increase and giggled. He thought she had finally fallen enough for him to close the gaps between their lips quickly. Y/n put uo her arms to push him away but as his slightly cold lips touched hers it was as if she was drugged. He gently tugged at her bottom lip begging for permission before letting his tongue meet hers. He pulled her body closer to his so she was lying ontop of him as his hand travelled down to her waist. His pale pink lips soon after leaving hers;as he trailed them down her jaw and neck. She moaned slightly at the sensation. It had been so long since she had physical contact with anyone that she forgot just how good it felt. Her hand rested upon his chest until she could feel the point of his fangs on her neck. Which is when her common sense kicked back in and she pushed away from the young vampire. He looked confused as she got up from him and laughed it off.
"And there was me thinking we were finally going to get to the fun bit." He whispered in her ear.
"In your wildest dreams Yanjun." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh but I've already met you there." He smirked "Told you i'm irresistable."
"More like it has been a while and I'm sure it would of been the same with anyone."
Y/n stuck out her tongue as Yanjun held his hands over where his heart should be; pretending he was wounded by her words. Before he could retaliate a soft pinging noise could be heard;resulting in y/ns attention leaving Yanjun. This in turn caused him to pout. He hated not having her attention on him. He tried to see the message to see who had broken his spell but all he could see was the senders name. KUN KUN♡. That boy always gets in my way. Yanjun thought. He watched as her face lit up and couldn't work out why it would never do that for him.
Y/n was greatful for the distraction so she had time to calm down and compose herself again. She didn't want things to to further than what they already had. She knew where it would lead. So seeing Kuns name on her phone brought her heart much needed relif and joy.
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A/N sorry it took so long writers block has been a big pain considering i never really thought i would take this story further. Let me know if you guys are still enjoying this ^^
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finsterhund · 4 years
The boredom gets to me.
Lake trip got cancelled, then postponed to today, except ex roommate didn't want to go to the safe lake and me and my friend only wanted to go to the safe lake so we didn't end up going at all but that was okay because Will and Paula did a Paper Beast stream and it was fun.
Other than that things have been extremely boring and I've been getting sick from the heatwave.
It's too hot to play Paper Beast because of the headset, it's too hot to play Minecraft because ice pack laptop gets hot way quicker now.
It really becomes apparent that without spending money there's not much to do during the quarrentine. I've drawn a bit, I keep trying to write but never get anywhere, and mostly I'm just feeling lonely and wishing I had a dog. I have to be careful not to think too much about that late at night otherwise I'll miss my bedtime and then cry myself to sleep at 4AM. I joke about how I am explicitly forbidden from listening to "Tiny's Song" after 7PM, because that's a surefire way to make it worse.
I have another psychiatrist phone call in a couple weeks and I'm hoping to talk about trauma and misery loops, or whatever it's called when your brain keeps dwelling on loss.
Computer quest seems to be going well, but of course I've put as much money as I can into it for this month. Frustrated that I can't do anything more until I get paid again.
Got to go to the thrift store a few days ago. Impulsively got Lady because she was 5 dollars and we all know she's a spaniel so obviously I was weak of will, soft of heart, dumb of ass. You know the drill. This boy does not simply see a cosmically significant stuffed dog just sitting there and not do something about it.
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I also picked up a seemingly brand-new collar with several tags attached. I collect used and discarded dog tags (I will go into this in more detail in another post) and I intend to start bringing as many back as I can whenever I get to go to thrift stores.
I'm frustrated that I keep making plans that I'll only be able to follow through on once all this is over. My computer is the only big thing in the works that isn't held back by the virus.
I wish the other one in town would open again. Stupid virus.
I keep phoning my mom to talk to her puppy. I was going to visit to see the puppy and also bring my childhood toys back home and also develop the Spot negatives. But no. Ruined. Stupid virus says "Andy likes Spot, and his old toys, and puppies. Let's make sure he doesn't get to see them" stupid virus.
I have a TON of important things planned where traveling or going to high risk stores/places that are definitely closed is required.
The last Spot I ordered online before I put my foot down and said "no more buying comfort items online until you get your new computer" seems to almost be arriving. Should around the same time I have my phone appointment. I'm also waiting on the lost DHL puppy (still, it's been so long) and another that I think also is lost, and a rare copy of Heart of Darkness that's taken forever to ship and is presumably in Alaska now (why I don't know)
I intend to spoil that Spot to an extreme amount to make up for the eBay stuffed dog drought that will presumably go on for three months. Although the fact that I do no longer have to hold onto all the money to use at once and have now switched over to giving it in installments to my friend who's doing my custom build does mean I have a better understanding on how much money I have available each month. It's their responsibility to count and keep track of the big unintelligible numbers now. I'm free!
Although I do still intend to keep the paper with all the "100"s written on it in use. Using a visual aid to help with my dyscalcula has actually felt super good. Wish teachers would have been more open to helping me do this during school.
I do wish I had more inspiration to draw and write. Not getting too much interaction with what I'm doing online so it doesn't feel like a way to socialize and I'm actually desperate for more socialization during this time.
The quest for an extremely large floppy stuffed dog that looks like Spot has been postponed due to the computer quest. Similarly I am barred from buying anything else from Awwful Adopts, Lil Sprout Care, and Blvucci. Will showed me a browser extension that blocks certain website access from your browser. I use it to bar me from aimlessly searching stuffed dogs on eBay for four hours.
Hold me to this promise. No Awwful Adopts, No LilSproutCare, and no Blvucci. If I brag about getting the Blvucci glow in the dark hoodie and it wasn't because I won a free one, you are all encouraged to spam mean names into my message inbox and hit me with things.
I have materials to make custom sized collars and bandannas for my stuffed dogs but I just don't feel up to learning to sew. I know how to do 1. A ladder stitch and 2. Several types of knots. So all I can technically do is fix small holes in stuffed animals.
It's technically my bedtime but I don't feel able to sleep right now so I'm just writing this update.
My friend made art of Spot for me and it is very nice so I'll share it tomorrow.
Keeping my mind active talking about my day and my plans stops me from thinking about sad things, but it also prevents me from sleeping. I just wish that there was something to look forward to tomorrow. It's gonna be another hot do nothing stay home day.
Maybe soon we will get to go to the lake.
Anyways, I'll try updating you all more. Maybe post more memes and things that have mostly been going on over at twitter dot com. I keep forgetting to post things here because of how broken Tumblr is on desktop now.
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