#my one braincell is owned by them apparently lol
bulletsxlattes · 6 months
This weekend I decided to read Tim Drake: Robin or whatever it's called because I wanted to see what Tim was up to. I dont particularly like new comics. Ok no, im being too kind. I stopped reading comics all together because I hate them. I only read new earth bby. Granted, New Earth comics have their flaws, I just feel there is better chance to run into good writing as opposed to current comics where I have to wonder how people get away with what they publish. But that's besides the point.
Or perhaps, it's adjacent. I digress.
So I read the comic. All ten issues. Perhaps, I was feeling generous or particularly masochistic. And I have to say: I absolutely hated it.
I know, big surprise.
I don't like Bernard. I knew he was a stale cardboard cut out the moment I read the original special where he made his reappearance. Im not even going to talk about how he used to be, who he is now is just boring. He's such a typical love interest - so safe and without risk nor real flaws. The issue with his internal dialogue was so...amateurish. all the cooking mentions, what actually happens in the issue was so ridiculous.
Im not gonna mention the art in the first issues, everyone knows it was...art. it was some kinda art. But art nonetheless.
Tim was written like such a dumbass, its a SHOCK to me he was ever referred to as detective by Ra's. Lol. And look I know Tim can be stupid. But he was so baffingly stupid, I even felt insulted for his stale saltine of a boyfriend when he assumed Bernard had to be even stupider than him.
That issue at the restaurant, i couldn't fathom how tim could come up with such excuses to run away. Not only that, he runs away during moments that are pretty crucial to his relationship. Like, if bernard was as stupid as Tim thinks he is, he would have broken up with him because hes never there. But now that we know Bernard has at least one braincell, its the only thing that he has going for him, even if its ridiculous, he should break up with him for being so brashly looked down on. The dude has no self respect.
I feel there is some issue with the writing when it comes to depicting intelligence that is greater than your own. Its tricky, i know. But its so apparent, I just - Tim was just SO out of character it was making me angry to read it. His mistakes were so obvious and grave. And the mysteries/crimes were also so basic. I roll my eyes at every mention of sherlock holmes tbh. I didnt mind the actual villain cause im a sucker for pseudo romantic /obsessive vibes, but to make it all a sherlock/moriarty thing was just as stale as bernard.
Anyway, that's all I'll whine about. I'll erase it from my brain now. Thanks.
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krethes · 1 year
Snippet Tag!
This is a sneak peek at Chapter 8 of Neon Moon. Writing this section was something I went back and forth on, because unlike most of what I write: I've introduced some characters that are directly from my life. See if you can guess who. (It's not hard.)
An enormous dog stood amid the grazing cattle, occasionally looking around but ignoring the horses and their humans. "Wait! Whose dog is that?" Sirius was pretty sure he'd never seen that one before. The ones he'd seen were small, sleek things: fast and agile. The dog there was big: tall and broad, with thick sable fur, a mane-like ruff, and a tail that curled over his back.  "Oh him?" Remus smiled. "That's Carrot. He's one of ours. But he's a livestock guardian so he doesn't really do the house dog life like this pampered girl," he explained with a nod at Marea, still balanced comfortably on the rolled up blanket behind Az's saddle.  "Guardian? What's he guarding against?" Mary asked, looking around for any apparent danger. "Bears?" "Well, yeah, actually." "Wait, what-" "Let him finish, Mary!" Lily chided.  Remus just shrugged. "There are bears and mountain lions and cougars out here, plus some coyotes and there's been some wolf sightings lately. Haven't seen any myself and they're mainly up in Tahoe, but urban sprawl has 'em coming down this way more and more." Sirius looked back out at the dog, who finally looked at them, and when he locked eyes with Remus, he wagged his tail and slowly ambled up to their little band. "Can I pet him?" Remus laughed. "He's prob'ly gross as hell, but have at it. He doesn't do any tricks, though. When he's not havin' to make his own decisions out here, he gives all his braincells to his brother Vimes, who should be around here- ah. There he is." Sirius turned to Flo's squeal, where a slightly smaller dog the same color as Carrot was nosing around at her horse's side bag, where Sirius knew the oat cakes were kept.  "Ay, gordo, basta ya!" Remus scolded. The other dog—Vimes—took several steps back, his ears splayed out to the side, and ambled away with one final longing look at the bag. "Sorry 'bout him. He's a fatass. …Affectionately, I guess." Remus rolled his eyes, but hopped off of Az to give both dogs a scratch behind the ears when they came back up to him.   Vimes didn't seem to want anything to do with them now that treats were off the table, but Carrot's tail gave a slow, lazy wag as he submitted to Sirius's petting. His head was soft and a little droopy—from a copperhead snake bite, Remus said—and he was pretty manky, but Sirius wiped the dog grime off on his jeans in a very brave show of manliness.
Some context below the cut. C/W: pet loss
Carrot & Vimes were the first dogs my now-husband and I adopted as a couple together, back in 2013. We went in with the intention to adopt ONLY Carrot (then called Pecan) but when we saw him running around with his littermate Vimes (then called Mesquite), and ignoring their 4 sisters, we couldn't say no. It was a dumb idea because lol littermate syndrome and lol college schedules, but we loved the hell out of these dogs.
Before we'd gotten them, Carrot had been bitten TWICE by a copperhead in the face (didn't learn the first time I guess), they'd had sarcoptic mange, and had been skunked twice and put under two rabies quarantines. Carrot's face was always a little droopy.
He was my heart dog. Stupid as fuck, good god...not an intelligent thought in there, but he was a loving, protective, wall of a dog at 110 pounds and nearly 3 feet at the shoulder. A DNA test said they were Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, White Swiss Shepherd, and a whole lotta "we dunno, mixed breed", and Carrot looked just like a Pyr who had been dipped in some German Shepherd paint.
He passed away last August, right around the time I was writing Chapter 1 of Neon Moon. He was nearly 10, so definitely a senior citizen for a giant breed, and I still miss the hell out of him. Vimes is still alive and kickin', diabetes and blindness be damned, lol.
In the photo, Carrot is on the left and his grumpy brother Vimes on the right.
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It feels apt to say that those who love us never really leave us, and I hope that by sharing a little bit of this dog with y'all, he can continue to be remembered in the hearts of my readers.
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galacticgraffiti · 11 months
20 Questions!
thanks for the tag @corvod (i dont know why it won't let me tag you help) (I also have to put this under a readmore I am incapable of short answers)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 20 works right now... so many are unfinished I am hiding my face.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
331,532 (gahdamn)
What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write exclusively Star Wars, but I have somewhat lost motivation for that, at least for now. Currently, I write a lot for BG3 and I'm working on some TLT stuff!
What are your top five fics by kudos?
(1) Veman'alor (Boba Fett x reader) (2) October Thots (various SW characters x reader) (3) Ad'ika (Wrecker x reader - my very first fic!) (4) Big Love Ahead (Halsin x reader) (5) Daddy's Home (Boba Fett x reader)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best to respond to comments, especially on AO3 because that's all the interaction with the author that people get, so I try to make them feel appreciated for taking the time. I'm horrible at keeping up with comment-reblogs on tumblr, even if I try very hard. My brain gets overwhelmed sometimes.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm I have a Boba Fett x reader somewhere that I remember being pretty angsty but I can not for the life of me remember where I shoved it. The most current one I have is I Am Nothing (Like You Thought I Was) in which I put all my feelings about Ascendant!Astarion and abusive relationships.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Nearly all of them - I can't make my characters suffer without making them happy in the end apparently. Also I never finish anything lol
Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple of comments that were, if not hateful, still unkind towards me. I block very liberally these days :))) If people don't want to understand that you can simply Not Read what you don't like then they can fuck off.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not exclusively (anymore), but a lot, yes. A lot of x reader, though I do enjoy writing about my OC(s) as well. Oddly enough, I really like writing about male characters even if I'm a lesbian.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't really. I admire people who have the braincells for it, but I settle in a universe and stay where I feel comfortable.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone once messaged me asking about it, but I never heard anything else so... no?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not! Collaboration is fun but so much work.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't really have one. Wait no, that's a lie. It's Gideon Nav and Harrowhark (I would die for them)- and thanks to Leo, it's now also Bloodweave (Gale x Astarion from BG3). I am consumed by them.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
So many. Way too many. I really wish I could finish them all, so I'm willing it into existence instead of telling myself I won't lol
What are your writing strengths?
I love dialogue very much, I think I'm decently good at dirty talk specifically lol. But what I like the most is worldbuilding in the sense of making an existing world my own.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Typing things out that seem so clear in my head lmaooo
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love it! I'm a huge language nerd, so I do it whenever possible, it feels more immersive to me that way. I appreciate translations being provided though.
First fandom you wrote for?
I think Star Wars may honestly have been it - I was never really active in a fandom before.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh damn a whammy at the end, huh? That's so hard. It's always the fic I'm currently working on the most, I think- so right now, it has to be Big Love Ahead. It feels so warm and comfortable to me.
This was so fun! I apologise to everyone who has tagged me in games and I haven't done them, I get real overwhelmed sometimes. No pressure tags for some mutuals @purgetrooperfox @certified-anakinfucker @baba-fett @ulchabhangorm @atriursa
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Michael Afton Propaganda
The main protagonist (at the very least for the first six games), turned into a rotting corpse because of remnant. The son of William Afton AKA the Purple Guy, they want to attempt to right their father's wrongs by truely killing William and setting the ghosts of Will's victims free.
So basically he started the franchise off by being his brother's bully, who bullied him to death. Not fun. But it's because of this that Mike's father decides to kill his business partner's daughter, which leads to him discovering this Remnant (metal that keeps things alive forever that's created by "heavy emotions"), making him kill even more kids and put them in metal animatronics to farm that sweet sweet Remnant. And so Mike follows his father to every restaurant location that he kills in as the night guard.
After his father accidentally kills himself by getting peer-pressured by some dead children, Mike decides to go to where his dead sister (NOT his fault, unlike his other sibling) is possessing one of the robots. Well she ends up tricking him into going into the "scooping room" where she and a bunch of other dead kids merged into one, scoop out his innards with a glorified ice cream scoop and become his new insides.
After the incident his little sister is like "uh sorry my dude here have some Remnant" and he's like "oh cool I'm not dead" except they're British so it's probably a bit different. Oh yeah btw, the main characters are British yet they live in Utah. Weird, but oh well. The robot spaghetti leaves his rotting ass to hide in the sewers because they already escaped the facility they were held in.
He goes and lives as a semi-dead corpse guy for a while until his father comes back, as his own possessed animatronic. So Mike follows him again and tries to burn his ass down. However, apparently his father had other plans and escapes. So because there is a bunch of dead people in robots just hididng out in the sewers, both Mike and the buissiness partner with the dead daughter team up to lure them into a new restaurant. Which gets burned down at the end. And everyone gets the ending they deserve. The end ;) (his father comes back but that doesn't matter lol). (Sorry for the rant this guy is what my 3 braincells focus on)
they scooped his organs 👍but it's fine he got better
Mans got his organs scooped out, worn like a sock by his equally dead sister, and then lived for forty~ years as a rotten corpse tryna fix his mistakes, dies in a fire, and possibly(?) comes back AGAIN as Glamrock Freddy (if we're talking Glammike) So he's died once, and maybe even died TWICE and come back.
I don't even like fnaf, but I just think this guy is neat :)  
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evelhak · 11 months
Old art #18: Self portrait
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Lol I found this one I had made for my DeviantArt profile in I'm guessing 2011, so I was probably 17. I was not that cute. Arina Tanemura was in my head. (Can you tell how much I had been reading Shinshi Doumei Cross, just by looking at that hair and face? Wasn't that some manga, huh. Would certainly spark... conversations these days. But even looking back, there were a few things that were quite captivating and great about it.)
Meet my whole cat gang. If you've been here a while, you already know Bell, she's the grey one. A little princess with two braincells and a bottomless stomach. Eats literally like a snake, without chewing. She's the pinnacle of self-centredness which she gets away with because she's just so dumb. Also very loud and fond of crocodile tears. Really, the complete lack of self-awareness is impressive. The way she walks through life sticking her butt and puke exactly where she pleases at any time she pleases reminds me of the people I was always kinda jealous of. The ones who can be as unapologetically annoying, shallow, selfish and boasty as they want and most people still love them. Probably because they are very pretty and perceived to be too stupid to be held accountable for their lack of consideration of others. Bell is also so pretty everyone compliments her face, her bones, her colour and the pattern of her fur. My drawing really doesn't do her much justice. Her beauty is very superficial and decreases significantly as soon as she moves or opens her mouth, because she just looks that dumb doing anything. But alas, I love her.
Then we have Aatu, the black one, who is Bell's kitten actually. Still small in this picture but he grew up looking a lot like his dad who was a neighbourhood cat and the biggest one I had ever seen. Very hairy, clearly some Norwegian forest cat in him. Aatu ran away when he was two, but I think in truth he just got hit by a car or eaten by a fox because he had zero self-preservation instinct and half a braincell. He went towards all animals and cars in oblivious curiosity as they approached him. He was attracted to the vacuum cleaner when it was on. He was literally not scared of anything. He thought he was a dog, an owl, a cow, and also human. He loved when you made him slide across the floor. He loved to be dragged around and ruffled in all ways. He didn't know how to hiss, growl or make any type of angry or dissatisfied sound. He was very, very happy. Apparently too happy and unbothered by anything to survive.
Then there's Nöpö, the big one. He died a few years ago at 17. He was our first cat. Braincell count would compare to a human. Very sensitive, very angry, dominating but also gentle, intelligent, pessimistic and depressed. The look of his build resembled that of a lot bigger wild cats, especially when he hunted. He wanted his own space, didn't enjoy people initiating touch, he would come to you instead when he wanted it. He was always like that but it got worse when Bell came into the house and was her charming self. Nöpö's nervous system clearly couldn't handle sharing his territory and had I been able to anticipate it, I wouldn't have taken Bell. Nöpö did everything with so much more care and attention. He needed time and space, he wouldn't even be able to eat with Bell, because she gulped everything down while Nöpö chewed each bite with care, and nothing would be left for him because Bell has no concept of moderation. So Nöpö would always need to be fed in a closed room. He would attack people and other cats frequently because he just had a very strong hunting instinct ever since he was born and didn't like anyone too close unless he asked for it. But he was also very cuddly when he wanted to be, and he didn't want his people to go too far away. He would come crying after me every time I went to get mail. Classic example of "Leave me alone, no wait, where are you going??" I miss that grumpy old guy.
This wasn't supposed to be about cats but there you go.
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norrington-hell · 2 years
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I posted 2,670 times in 2022
That's 297 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (2%)
2,613 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,658 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 426 posts
#lol - 402 posts
#the quarry - 296 posts
#travis hackett - 274 posts
#pirates of the caribbean - 212 posts
#fanfic - 168 posts
#laura kearney - 167 posts
#hackearney - 129 posts
#james norrington - 120 posts
#ted raimi - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#((im not going to talk about his hands. im not going to talk about his hands. im not going to talk about his hands. im not going to talk abo
My Top Posts in 2022:
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a collaborative effort between @norrington-hell, @queenlovett, @lovesomehate, @dngrs-untld-hrshps-unnmbrd, @jaguar-lady
126 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Hey! I'm a Redemption's Promise devotee but beyond RP and SecondStarOnTheLeft's Norribeth fics, I'm kinda lost. I ran across your rec post this morning and was wondering if you could point me to some of your favs (especially the James follows Elizabeth ones!)
First of all, thank you so much for reading and sending this ask! I'm flattered you consider yourself a 'devotee' to my work!
As for Norribeth fic recs, I can certainly give you a hookup for some of my favorites. I'm going to split them up into two categories, one-shots and multi-chapters, and I'll also color code them based on where the au diverges from canon. Blue will be for marriage aus, Green will be for ones that happen before or during the canon, and Red will be post canon fics where James lives. Purple will be for aus that are completely independent of the canon. I will be adding a few of my own in there to pad out the list (also because i am shameless).
Gavotte by Termagant (subduction)
It was a lover and his lass by vasilysa
Swann Dive by holmefan
Sailing on Another Board by infrarad
rules of engagement by kuryakin
My Gallant Crew by vasilysa
Scenery by holmesfan
Requiem by articfoxarticfox
Unraveled and Undone by articfoxarticfox
My Word by Liltith_diLibri
Positive Reinforcement by holmesfan
If a Pirate I Must Be by sleepylotus
With my Body, I thee Worship (Apparently) by bluethunder
This Weight Upon My Heart - snowybryneich
A Worthy Opponent by holmesfan
A Splendid Holiday by sleepylotus
Never Doubt I Love by vasilysa
Duetto di Desiderio by holmesfan
145 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Travis/Laura shippers be like
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279 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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348 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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440 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pokebonkus · 2 years
pokebonkus' pokemon time,
thisll be a long ass post so buckle in babes
First off is Cirus, my lucario, male. hes my absolute baby, my unit of a man, hes about 4' something and hes an absolute dumbass <3 he likes to snuggle and if i dont give him enough attention hell shove his snoot under my arm to get pettins. hes my first pokemon and i got him as a riolu
Sylveon, male - who im slowly giving the new nickname Snorple! - is a little bastard, but i adore him to no end. sometimes hell stand over my chest and stare down at me like hes plotting my ultimate demise. he also occasionally just palps people with his ribbons and its kinda funny cuz ill be minding my own business and suddenly my face is palped by soft fuzzy tentacles. Did you know theyre carnivores?
Manchester, a little male wooper i got from my brother (he got him from a random pokemon trade), is just a funky little dude. he sometimes just. gums on my hand. which is really weird but also cute. they have small teeth so his chompins dont hurt *too* much unless he gets too excited
Theres FEESH, who's a male clodsire (also from my brother). hes basically bonded with manchester and parents him. its super cute because hell let manchester bite on his little stumpy leggies and its so sweet, theyre also almost always cuddling
Geebole, my female garchomp, is basically my #1 pokemon, her and cirus come with me everywhere, and were working on getting both of them registered as service pokemon! theyre wonderful, and thankfully geebole has sand veil instead of rough skin so shes easier to pet! i got her as a baby gibble too <3 hence her name lol
Psybeam, male dusk lycanroc. i caught him as a regular ol'e rockruff, and as he got older he got a bit more aggresive and bitey. i was expecting him to end up evolving one night, but no! he evolved at like. 5pm on a tuesday and now hes my lovely orange baby! hes named after the move he apparently knows, psybeam, which i didnt know rockruffs could learn!
Hydreigon, they dont respond to any gendered term so i call them Big Bastard. still unnamed other than that, lol. took a lot of training and a lot of repairs to my parents house to get them to not be so bitey and destructive as a hydreigon, but thats why i started working with them early as a deino! honestly at this point theyre fairly sweet, despite the species reputation. theyre a bit tempermental though, and i have to make sure i have PLENTY of chew toys and things they can tear appart else they'll use my matress or something instead. i dont want to have to replace the tv again 😔
skeeby, female arcanine. fun fact, her tera is rock, which is kinda cool! i dont remember how i learned this, lmao. but anyway, when i caught her, she was a growlithe and she deadass attacked me the second i made eye contact. immediately ran and full blown tackled me before i could react lmao, but hey now shes my big ole warm ass cuddlebug! shes a fucking space heater and i love cuddling her on cold winters
Beef Jerky, female volcarona. not a whole lot to say about her, she has -3 braincells but keeps me nice and toasty :) shes also very good at scaring the shit out of me because she learned how to play dead (thank my brother...) and so shell occasionally just Do That with minimal prompting and ill walk out of my room and have a heart attack cause shes on the floor upside down. fucking bastard bug (beloved)
Minior!! Literally JUST got them (as of editing the post), they are so ROUND and shaped and YELLOW!!!!!! god my little beloved right here. not much is known about them yet, but i got them from @teambloodmoonofficial :)
These are just my non-shinies so far! and ill be sure to update with the other non shinies i inevitably get. ill reblog with my shinies, cause i dont *really* want this to drag on forever in just one basic post lmao
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seekingthestars · 3 years
big sis wanted recap of fun concert things so a messy-and-mildly-stream-of-consciousness list of a few of my favorite bits of power of love day 2 (love ver)!
hoshi missing his line to start singing "I Wish" and the rest of them collectively losing it as they tried not to break down entirely laughing at him feaiw coups, jeonghan, mingyu, and vernon were really going through it
hoshi in opening ment - first thing he says is "LOOK I WAS DANCING SO HARD MY SHOE BURST" and then shows it off and HIS SHOE IS COMPLETELY DESTROYED boy what were you doing ilu fjewaio
wonwoo trying to do his opening ment and being Suddenly So Confused when hoshi and dk took off running around the stage mimicking his run from Bittersweet mv 😂
bringing that back bc later in encore wonwoo taking off doing his funky little run around the stage when it was his turn to sing and evERYONE JOINING IN AND THEM JUST RUNNING IN A CIRCLE, they have one collective braincell <3
jun and minghao calling in but minghao not being there when the video turned on and suddenly the closet door opens and BAM there's minghao. hiding in a closet. picks up the iron and answers it like it's a telephone. eventually slinks out and closes the door and takes a seat. admits later that he was waiting in there for like 5 minutes bc they kept talking and it got super embarrassing HAHAHAHA svt completely lost it 😂
them talking about how jun's hair looked different and he was like "i can't say, it's a spoiler~~" and hoshi being like "USUALLY IN DRAMAS WHEN THE HAIR IS SHORTER IT'S WHEN THEY'RE YOUNGER–" and jun frantically trying to get him to shut tf up all the way from china jfiewoa
CHOIR INTRO FOR SNAP SHOOT STAGE WHICH WAS SO CUTE AND SO PRETTY AND THEN SNAP SHOOT STAGE WHICH IS ALWAYS A TRUE CHAOTIC AND FUN GIFT but even MORE SO this time bc in the middle of it they stopped and played Squid Game Style Red Light, Green Light and then afterwards seungkwan and dino had a dance battle fjieoaw
after horangi power hoshi being like "i gained so much power from my tiger friends!!!! now i can go save my brothers!!!!! carat give me POWER!!!!" and using his ~tiger power~ to open the stage doors and dk/seungkwan standing there looking sO UNIMPRESSED and everyone being like "what took you so long omfg" "he took so much time out here by himself" fjwaofjeaw
seungkwan patting vernon's head during the carry part of my my 🥺
heaven's cloud live again!!! i gained so much life through hoshi solo and heaven's cloud live today
hoshi generally being so lovely and hyper and energetic and woozi saying it sounded like he was drunk on stage 😂
this is definitely not a complete list but let me just say i absolutely lost my mind, i LOVED the show today SO MUCH, i adore the Love Ver setlist, everything about it is perfect and wonderful 🥺
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aaetherius · 4 years
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Lucifer + The expression of love through the art of self-sacrifice
                                                    ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☼ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
     One of, if not the only, way Lucifer knows how to express his love for someone is through self-sacrifice. As a Primarch, his understanding of love and other emotions that are more typically considered common of Skydwellers is loose at best (though he clearly begins to have some inkling of it come the second act of WMTSB, but also doesn’t know/fully grasp what he’s feeling at the time). However, he has always been capable of feeling love to a certain extent despite any claims he may have made to the contrary simply because his understanding of it was rather limited (prior to his revival where he’s slowly being exposed to love in its various forms and understanding what it means), and has always expressed that love without his knowledge - oftentimes dismissing it as an act of duty rather than affection. Lucifer has always felt certain things rather deeply and wholly, but, again, lacked a proper understanding as to why when it fell outside of what he deemed his purpose (or, in same cases, he wrote it off as it being his purpose). Lucifer has and always will express love, first and most foremost, in the form of self-sacrifice. 
   At his very core, Lucifer is designed to be selfless, and often struggles with the idea of doing anything for himself. His knee-jerk reaction to anything happening to the people he cares for or how to show them he cares is by dismantling his own worth. And this doesn’t have to be in extreme ways, though it often is (his willingness to allow himself to be torn apart without resistance to ensure Sandalphon’s safety is a very clear example of the most extreme aspect of this). It can; however, manifest in much smaller ways as well. For example, the willingness to overlook his own well-being for the sake of others, his willingness to accept a miserable fate for himself if it ensures the safety and happiness of others, his willingness to take on inconveniences or burdens - his overall willingness to do anything and everything for other people at the expense of himself.  
     This idea of love in the form of self-sacrifice is first expressed towards Lucilius. While he disagreed with the other’s method and motives, Lucilius is still his creator and he has never once hated him despite having taken his life. There is very little he wouldn’t have done for Lucilius when he had believed the other was striving to better the world (this extends to Belial, as well, though not to the same extent). He willingly allowed himself to be used for their plot until their motivation become too clear for him to ignore, even as suspicions began to sink in because he cared little for his own well-being if he would find a way to appease Lucilius’s feelings of self-doubt. However, it became clear that no matter what he did, he was incapable of doing just that. And, thus, despite how much he cared for Lucilius, he was still forced to kill him in order to protect the world as a whole - at the expense of his own feelings on the matter. 
       And then that love through self-sacrifice begins to manifest in the form of the nameless wars he fought against other worldly beings attempting to break into and destroy the Skydom because that love for Lucilius was forced upon the word after he lost his creator (without Lucilius, he has no one to express that love to and, thus, it fell on the world instead). And he felt obligated to give everything he was for the world he had chosen above his own creator - a world that did not and, for the most part, never will know he existed or the lengths he was willing to go to for the sake of people he had never and would never meet. It’s also, in part, atonement for taking Lucilius’s life and for what happened to Sandalphon. He is willing to place himself in harm’s way; willing to fight an endless war where he never gets the chance to rest because he feels love for the Skydom as a whole so deeply that he’s willing to do anything for it, yet doesn’t understand that his reason for doing so is out of compassion and affection rather than an unyielding urge to see his purpose for existing through.
      The most obvious example is, of course, his willingness to die for Sandalphon. He thinks about others before himself and always will - he rarely tries to come up with alternatives to his self-sacrificial tendencies because his life and his existence as a whole matter very little to him in contrast to the people he cares for. Therefore, when he believes there’s a chance Sandalphon is in danger, he has no qualms about giving up his own life to protect him - he doesn’t even second guess the choice because it’s within his nature to do exactly that because he doesn’t know how to express love in any other manner other than at his own expense. To him, dying for someone he cares for comes without thought and he never once considered the consequences of doing so because, to him, his own life is inconsequential in contrast. He has always and will always place far more importance on himself than on other people. 
      This is also why, even in verses where he’s been revived and has been present to witness what his actions of self-sacrifice has made others, especially Sandalphon feel, he doesn’t regret dying and knows, he would die again and again if it ensured Sandalphon’s safety and happiness even if he’s well aware of the fact that losing him has caused the other pain because his expression of love at his own expense is so ingrained into his very core that he can’t stop from thinking in the manner he does. And, while this is the more extreme end of it, there are other ways this is apparent. Even when Sandalphon has taken over and is stronger than him, he will always be willing to place himself in harm’s way for the other’s sake. Sandalphon’s feelings will always come before his own, even when it comes to small things that seemingly have no reason behind them and also extends to his complete willingness to do anything Sandalphon asks of him. Lucifer’s love language is self-sacrifice, and always has been - he is simply, for the most part, unaware of this or is in the process of just beginning to understand this. And this applies to all forms of love, not simply romantic love. And this is, clearly, not the healthiest way to express himself and he does very much need to learn other ways to do so. But, in other words, the more he’s willing to do for a person, especially at his own expense, the more he cares about them. 
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Lol. Sure, why not?
“You know,” Tim drawled as he sipped his drink, smirking at his boyfriend across from him. “I think this is the best date you’ve taken me on so fa—“
At that, the door to the restaurant was kicked open. Instantly, Tim and Kon tensed and got ready to jump into action, only for them to both just gape at who, exactly, had just barged in. Said barger almost instantly zeroed in on them, marching over with hands on his hips.
“And how many dates has my traitorous brother taken you out on, Huh?” Jon asked petulantly. Kon didn’t know whether to cry, laugh, or run away while he had the chance.
“Uh,” Kon floundered, absolutely caught off guard. Not that that seemed to be a problem, because Jon just started up talking again, the whole restaurant looking at them;
“When were you gonna tell me that you’re GAY?!”
“Uh. Look, Jon, buddy,” Kon tried to save himself, but couldn’t quite come up with the words fast enough. Jon places a hand over his heart, looking for all the world as if he was truly heartbroken. Dramatic asshole.
“I thought we were FAMILY! How could you do this to me? The horror! The injustice of it all! My brother is GAY—“
“Jon, seriously, can we at least not do this in public?” Poor Kon was starting to look pale and twitchy, so Jon sped his act up.
“—and he doesn’t even tell his gay brother that he’s gay!” Everyone else in the restaurant, who had been filming this on their phones and nervously chattering about homophobia and if someone was gonna step in, suddenly went pin-drop silent.
“What.” Kon forgot about the beginnings of his terror, now completely dumbfounded. “Wait, you’re gay too?”
“Yeah! Which is why I’m angry!” Kon put his hands on his hips again. “Damian’s mom had to tell me that our dad is Bi, because I thought he was straight and was agonizing about how to come out to him! And she also told me the huge dramatic tale of an apparently ten-year-long love triangle between her, Damian’s dad, and our dad. It was nuts.”
Kon wrinkled his nose, Tim copying the expression. “Wait, our dads? Ewww.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jon nodded before continuing. “So I was mad at Dad, because he never told me he wasn’t straight! And I spent weeks agonizing over nothing because of it! And then Dad tells me that YOU’RE gay too?! The treachery! The mutiny! You copycat! You didn’t even have the DECENCY to tell your brother that you were GAY so that he didn’t have to worry about being the only non-straight in the family!”
“I didn’t know you were gay too! And I never even told Dad, how does he know?!”
“Apparently he knows everything!” Jon threw his hands up. “He’s the one who told me to crash your date today after the prank I pulled on him yesterday for not telling me he was bi!”
Tim, who was half-sunk into his chair and only still watching this fiasco out of morbid fascination, just deadpanned at Jon and said; “There’s no cure for Stupid, your honor. He only has one braincell and it forgot how to multiply.”
“Hey!” Kon protested, slamming his hands on the table. “You’re my boyfriend! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“I can’t help that I’m dating a punk himbo, Conner.”
“And I’m dating Damian!”
Tim looked over, horrified. “I fully expected this, but also— is it voluntary? Do you need a way out?”
Jon rolled his eyes. “He’s sweet, shut up.”
“Oh my god he’s brainwashed you!” Tim was obviously just being dramatic (he loved his brother, regardless of how they didn’t often get along) so Jon ignored him and turned back to his own brother.
“Anyway, you must suck at this whole dating thing. I heard Tim say this was the best date you’ve taken him on and, full offense intended but,” he swept his arm around to indicate the restaurant. “This is a Wendy’s.”
“At least we’re not getting mugged this time though,” Kon said with a shrug.
“This is also only the third date in four years that he’s taken me on. I started all the others.”
Later, Tim was at the Batcomputer and Marinette was handing him his first cup of coffee for the long night ahead. He looked down at his phone when it beeped, and let loose a tortured groan. Marinette just raised an eyebrow at her adopted son.
“Uh? Problems in paradise?” She asked when she saw that the sender was Kon’s contact in Tim’s phone. Tim groaned again.
“Not exactlyyyyy,” he hedged. “You told Jon that Clark is bi.”
Marinette blinked, having actually forgotten about that after Damian had showed her the video Jon had gotten of Clark. Then again, the video ended abruptly ... as if Jon had intentionally cut something out at the end.
“Jon was catastrophizing at the dinner table— oh yeah you weren’t there because you dragged Kon out for a date that night— anyway, he was having a crisis and I needed to get revenge on Clark for something. So yeah, I told him the whole story.”
“Well,” Tim growled. “Clark told Jon about Kon being gay. And somehow he knew exactly where and when we were having our date.”
Marinette caught on, unable to hide her large grin. “Oh nooooo,” she breathed. “What did he do?”
Tim grumbled and brought up the YouTube video of the whole interaction. Marinette damn near laughed herself into a coma over it, and it had already gotten over a million hits too.
“Oh my god,” Marinette had to catch her breath. “I didn’t realize Kon was just as much of a himbo as the other two of them! I thought he had to have more sense, I always thought that being a punk requires more than just the bare minimum level of intelligence.”
“Apparently not.”
“Wait,” Marinette seemed to realize something, putting her hand on her chin in sudden thought. “Wasn’t... didn’t Luthor make Kon the same year Jon was born? They’re technically the same age even though Kon is physically older, right?”
Tim’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god,” he breathed. “Luthor must have accidentally cloned Jon’s only braincell into Kon’s body,” he jokingly “realized”. “They are twin dumbasses!” He blinked, and held his phone up. “Oh shit, Jon covered Kon’s apartment completely in pride flags!”
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hello dear!!! imma make a tooth rotting fluff imagine request in which kenma, sakusa, wakatoshi and kageyama(you can add others if you want uwu) have a secret relationship with reader chan and somehow their team finds out and they start to freak out since their relationship is a secret? lol this is too long but im just craving fluff. thankk youuu!!!!
I saw your requests, goregous- sorry it took so long!! I love you, hope you guys enjoy!! 
Thank you for 2.5k followers-you guys make me want to combust (in a good way)!!!
Getting Found Out in a Secret Relationship  (Kenma, Sakusa, Wakatoshi, and Kageyama)
“Experiencing the Unexpected” 
“...You’re positive no one’s going to come in?” 
“Relax. Kuroo left the clubroom keys with me, and everyone knows I skip today’s practice.” Kenma responds quietly, leaning his head on yours as you stop looking nervously at the door, your boyfriend swiping his thumb over your conjoined hands to calm you down. You fiddle with the pastry in your hand as Kenma chews the other half, content with finally getting some private time with you. Avoiding you or at least pretending to care less about you was more straining than he thought. 
“Why don’t we just tell him? Kuroo and the team wouldn’t bother you forever-”
“Then you clearly don’t know them well enough.” The setter huffs as you bite back an amused grin, planting a small peck on Kenma’s cheek as the setter’s eyes widen mid-chew, glancing down at you smiling a cute smile to yourself. 
“Then whatever you’re comfortable with, love. I won’t rush you.” 
“Can I say something?” Kenma mumbles shyly, finishing off his half of the pastry and basking in the quiet of your environment as you lick some frosting off your thumb, turning towards him with an arched brow. 
“I really really like you, Y/N.” Kenma says quietly, and your eyes widen a fraction before a huge smile breaks out onto your face- he only ever had to say the most heart-wrenching things at the randomest moments. Your smile only grew when a timid hand cups your cheek, your own hand running through Kenma’s long hair affectionately as he shyly peppers kisses across your cheek- 
your giggles apparently loud enough for both of you to fail to hear the fiddling of the lock. 
“Kenma, you bastard! How many times-?” 
You shove Kenma off right away, a red hue to your cheeks as you catch sight of the rest of the team standing behind their captain wide-eyed and bewildered at seeing their anti-social setter in a locked clubroom kissing a girl- 
Through your blushing haze, your mouth hangs agape at Kuroo not even reacting, winking at you once with a grin in greeting before grabbing Kenma by the collar.
“You’re skipping practice again?!” 
Yaku sweatdrops. “Oh. So we’re pretending like Y/N wasn’t locked in a room with Kenma voluntarily?” 
“Were they...cuddling?” 
“Lev, I’m sorry I didn’t shield your eyes on time-” 
“...you knew?” Kenma ignores his idiotic teammates, more focused on the fact that Kuroo hadn’t even batted an eyelash before the captain simply shrugs, spinning his own set of keys on his finger. 
“I have my ways.” 
“That means you stalked him.” 
“I prefer the terms, quietly followed-” 
“Can we please focus on the fact that Kenma was showing genuine human emotion to a girl out of his league-” 
You turn to your boyfriend amongst the bickering teammates, lopsided grin on your face as Kenma groans into his hands. With your own red hue on your cheeks, you hug him, observing the chaos before kissing his cheek- sending the team into another gasp of shock as Kenma sighs, looking at you with a why? expression on his blushing features. 
“Cat’s out of the bag then, huh?” 
“...a pun. We just got found out and your first reaction’s a pun.” 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me.” 
“I know! I did because I want to.” You shoulder your bag with a small greeting smile on your face- one that had the stiff boy’s chest tighten just a little bit as Sakusa merely nods once. You arch a brow at the high rise of his chest, coy grin tugging at your lips-
“Did you run here?” 
“Of course I didn’t.” 
You laugh a little, taking note of his still-wet hair and sloppily shoved gym bag, walking up to him to straighten his mask for him. “You’re teammates aren’t the least bit suspicious?” 
“Ha. Those idiots don’t know how to be suspicious.” Sakusa says, thankful they had all gone home already as you sit down on the nearby bench to help re-pack his gym bag that you knew was obviously bothering him. You laugh a little, knowing where to put what in the way Sakusa liked- and a rare tender feeling spread across his chest as he tugged his mask down before he could convince himself otherwise. 
“Hm?” You question, not looking up from sorting his towel from his shoes before pale fingers gently tilt your head upwards- taking you off-guard as Sakusa makes an exception and plants a chaste kiss on your forehead, clearing his throat and tugging his mask back up quickly. You smile, cherishing the rarity of the moment before-
“Bokuto-san, he might hear us!” 
“...He definitely heard you, are you slow?” 
Sakusa hangs his head, a slow burn on his cheeks as he tugs you behind him from your seat on the bench, glowering at the floor as his three annoying teammates pop their heads timidly around the corner of the practice gym. 
“Oh heeeeeey Sakusa.” Atsumu laughs a little too loudly as Bokuto follows in suit, looking around as if he were lost as Hinata mimicks him, and you peek over your boyfriend’s shoulder to muffle a laugh into the back of his jacket. Sakusa glances at you, eyes softening a little at your actions. 
“Fancy seeing you here!” Hinata waves to you mostly as Sakusa sighs, eyes looking up darkly. 
“You’re all vermin.” 
“What, it’s not like we followed you because we were suspicious of your secret rendezvous with Y/N even though I totally called dibs first-” 
Atsumu clamps his mouth shut at the glower in his friend’s eyes before clearing his throat. “A joke. It was a joke.” 
“Waaaa Y/N, we’re your friends too! Why keep it a secret?” Bokuto whines, suddenly next to you as Sakusa wonders just when the excited ace made his way over, holding you by the shoulders as Hinata clenches his fists, orange eyes asking in the same fashion. Atsumu blinks, suddenly all alone as you stutter- attacked at all angles at once. 
“You would mess with Kiyoomi at practice if you knew.” You scold, and all three take on an offended expression that had you giggling. “What? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t.” 
“No use, Y/N.” Sakusa tugs you out of the herd, finally reaching his limit for the day. “Let’s just go home while we can still count our braincells-” 
“Wait. You two live together?!” 
“Show us your place! Show us your place!” Bokuto and Hinata chant as Atsumu crosses his arms with a winning smirk as you put a hand on your boyfriend’s chest, pouting all the while before Sakusa facepalms. 
“Fine. Bring your germ-infested pets into the flat, Y/N.” 
“You’re tense.” 
“Yeah? Wouldn’t you be?” You look at the entrance to the gym a second time before Ushijima shrugs, holding you a little closer as he nuzzles his face into his shoulder. He hadn’t meant to keep you a secret, but it was crucial that no press ever found out and harassed you about the details of the intimate life he wished to keep hidden. 
“Practice doesn’t start until another hour. They have no reason to come in here yet.” 
“Still, it’s risky- we can just...” 
“Y/N.” You stop fidgeting at the authoritative tone of your boyfriend’s words as Ushijima’s arms tighten around you a little more, and you blush at the position. Your back was pressed up against the broad boy’s chest, sitting in between his legs comfortably as he simply soaked in your presence while mumbling into your hair.  
“I haven’t seen you in awhile. Did I miss you more than me? Is that why you’re more focused on my team walking in on us than this time we have together?” 
You groan at the tug of your heart, pouting up at your boyfriend as you turn a little to do so. “Come on, don’t guilt trip me like that!” 
“Stop.” You whine, and the corners of Ushijima’s lips tug a little before he gently cups your jaw upwards, brushing your nose with his as you gulp at the proximity. 
“You missed me, didn’t you?” 
“S-Stop stating the obvious.” You blush, agitated look in your eyes as Ushijima simply allows a small smirk onto his lips- your cute response prompting him to close the distance. You smile into the kiss, feeling his arms hold you a little closer as you basked in the rare affection you ever got to share away from prying eyes- 
The sliding of the door had you shoving out of your boyfriend’s hold as your now-widened eyes caught sight of a head of red hair. A familiar one, at that- as you hide your face into Ushijima’s neck. 
“Tendou. I saw you.” Your boyfriend’s voice wasn’t even embarrassed as you hear the door creak open again, his friend’s voice filling the gym in a slightly teasing tone. 
“I didn’t want to interrupt, carry on!” 
To your horror, a second voice sounds as Semi Eita kicks the redhead out of the way. “You’re perverted and annoying? The good traits just keep coming, huh?” 
“S-Semi-senpai, is that not assault?” 
“It’s only assault in any other case that isn’t Tendou.” Shirabu responds to Goshiki as the team all file in, and you blink at the fact that your boyfriend didn’t look the least preturbed at the situation- merely sighing as if this were a minor inconvenience as he rubs your thigh, attempting to calm you down but simply making the situation worse. 
Shirabu takes a purposeful step in front of Goshiki with a sigh as Tendou over-dramatically gasps, prompting you to shove Ushijima’s hand away as Semi crosses his arms, the only one still seemingly sane. 
“Y/N L/N’s your girlfriend, Ushijima?” 
You feel his head nod. 
“Cool.” Semi shrugs before going to set up the net as Ushijima finally releases you, and you stand before bowing deeply in apology- for what at the time, you didn’t know. 
“Why would you say that in a disbelieving tone, Tendou-” 
“I...I need to get a girlfriend to become the best ace...!” 
“I’d appreciate it if you all don’t let the public find out.” Ushijima ignores the strange antics of his team as they all shrug and nod, and their captain glances down at your still shocked figure before turning you to face him seriously. 
“...They know about us.” 
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” 
“Tobio! You did so well-!” 
Your eyes widen a little when the blue-eyed boy picks up the pace towards your waving figure in the halls of the tournament, sighing as he leans his forehead on your shoulder, hands still shoved in his pockets as the upper half of his torso is now parallel to the floor. His gym back drooped with his movement as you still in shock at the public display- when your whole relationship had ever happened behind closed doors. 
“Someone might see...” You say softly, and Kageyama grunts in reply, basking in the feel of you as you blush, running your hand softly through his raven hair. 
“You have no idea. When I saw some asshole talking to you in the stands during my game and I couldn’t-” 
“Breathe.” You laugh a little as Kageyama lifts his forehead off your shoulder to stare at you seriously. “Where’s your team?” 
“In the stands over-eating.” He shrugs, hands snaking around your waist, causing you to yelp a little as the blue-eyed boy buries his face in your neck. “God, I missed you.” 
“You can miss me in a more private place, you know.” Your eyes dart everywhere before smiling into Kageyama’s hair, relaxing the slightest bit as Kageyama brushes his lips against your cheek as he pulls back. 
“I want to show you off. Why do I want to keep this secret again?” 
You blush at the affectionate words, wondering if the time you had to avoid each other was taking a toll on him, before cupping his cheek carefully- 
“That’s what we’d like to know, Romeo.” 
“Ooh, that rhymed Ryuu.” 
You watch as your boyfriend’s face slowly melts into one of realization, his head slowly turning to see all of the Karasuno volleyball club staring with some sort of food in their hands- watching as if this were the most interesting film of the year. 
Kageyama’s soul seems to slowly leave his body, and you offer a wave of your hand a bit awkwardly as Tsukishima nudges Hinata with his shoulder, chewing on a granola bar snarkily. 
“I told you so. Cough up five bucks.” 
“How does Kageyama-Kun have a girlfriend?! Does she even know him?!!” 
“Is...is that a legitimate question, Hinata?” Yamaguchi, mostly dragged along in the plan of following a suspicious escaping setter after they won their match, scratches the back of his neck. 
“Now, now- Don’t crowd.” Suga laughs, walking up to you and slinging a friendly arm over your shoulder before lowering his voice. 
“But in all seriousness, you’re not in danger or anything- right?” 
“Suga!” Daichi tugs his friend back as Kageyama puts his face in his hands before taking a deep breath, and for a second you think he’s really going to handle the situation really well- 
You blink when he grabs your hand.
“Tobio, we don’t have to-” 
General works: @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @takemetovalhalla @yams046
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warm-meelk · 3 years
I found something in the notes of my phone and apparently I found a thing where I wrote Relationship Dynamics of the OM Characters and my MC (Dairy). I don't remember much the process of writing it but it seems pretty funny and okay writing (I am not a writer so pls aaaa) so I might as well share it here.
It's not complete yet but I might edit it when I'm a lil bit free and I would probably add drawings with it as well when I feel like it!
Under the cut yo!
Lucifer + Dairy : Dairy literally MAKES the trouble and Lucifer has to clean their mess up, he's annoyed by it so he would always scold Dairy. (Friendship)
❣️ Lucifer literally is so STRAIGHT FORWARD with Dairy that they just wanna go "MM.. NOPE. HEY YO can I just leav-- *oh no why are you pulling me into your room*" (Romantic)
Mammon + Dairy : ABSOLUTE CHAOTIC STUPID DUO NGL. Would cause trouble together but still have morals regardless. (Friendship)
❣️ They are both HELLA TSUN but flirts with each other and tries to break the other.
"Oh yeah? You don't like me?? Sounds like a dumb lie considering you picked ME FIRST. Y'know ya love me"
"Pff Mammon you're a coward. Oh you're not? Then try kissing me, you dumbo. What? You like free stuff right? I'm offering you a free kiss right now- HA PUSS WUSS" (Romantic)
Leviathan + Dairy : They would play games and talk about anime a lot. Probably scream at their fave characters at each other and then binge watching an anime series together till they pass out. (Friendship)
❣️ DAIRY IS A BULLY TO LEVVIII not in a mean way but they like teasing the otaku and getting a flustered response from him. They think it's cute of him. Can be annoying but when you get him to shut up because of just a simple kiss on the nose, it feels great for Dairy. (Romantic)
Satan + Dairy : LOVE FOR CATS BABY!!! Satan reads a book and looks up from his book to see Dairy enjoying playing with a cat. HE WANTS TO PLAY ALONG WITH THE KITTY TOO!!! (Friendship)
❣️ Dairy likes it when Satan breaks from his genius and calm composure and gets angry. They think it's a sexy side of him. HAHAHA They would def adopt a cat together and treat it like their own child. Perfect. Satan thinks Dairy is a lil too chaotic but he forgets all about it when it comes to the topic of cats with them. (Romantic)
Asmodeus + Dairy : "SWEETIE!!! Wear this pretty dress~" "aha nope."
Definitely would go to starbucks and talk shit about other ppl lol (Friendship)
❣️ HE'S WAY TOO HORNY STOP IT. But it's nice to give gentle brushes of his hair and Asmo pampering Dairy with love and also treating them like a dress up doll, Dairy appreciates it when Asmo helps with fashion and makeup. Asmo will receive a kiss on the cheek for that. (Romantic)
Beelzebub + Dairy : Beel would take out Dairy for food and stuff and Dairy would come along but the problem is that they are only hungry on the eyes but their small body couldn't take in too much food so they just--
"Beel... I can't finish this food--" "I got this *NOMNOM*" (Friendship)
❣️ Dairy likes to watch Beel eat, it makes them hungry and happy at the same time. Dairy can't cook for shit but when they do cook sometimes and Beel says it's delicious then they just go soft for him. ALSO HE HAS BIG BOOBS SO DAIRY LIKES TO LEAN ON HIS CHEST-- (Romantic)
Belpheghor + Dairy : literally the laziest people in the house of lamentation. These two can practically sleep ANYWHERE and both decides where to sleep. They agree on sleeping in the hallway? Oh they will do so. Also they are same braincells when it comes to slandering Lucifer (w/ Satan) (Friendship)
❣️ The two can be sleep deprived so when they do they would probably hold each other so close into a hug and just fall asleep. Dairy likes leaning into something soft when sleeping so they like someone holding them during their sleep. And if Belphie is the one resting, Dairy would probably gently pet his head. (Romantic)
Diavolo + Dairy : TOTAL GOOFBALLS. Diavolo suggests something stupid, Dairy would go with it. And vice versa when Dairy suggests something stupid, Diavolo would go for it too. Dairy also admires Dia on how he has the duality to be a goofball and then be the smartest and wisest person in all of Devildom. (Friendship)
❣️ Oh god Dairy would so love to kiss Diavolo's face all over. They have the himbo energy and Dairy is very into that apparently. Diavolo may be formal at times and Dairy is known to be chaotic and rowdy and informal, but if Dia would ask Dairy to join him in a slow dance then hell yes they would accept his hand and follow his lead. (Romantic)
Barbatos + Dairy : "Dairy would you like to taste this new fresh batch of cookies I made and the tea I just prepared?" "HOW COULD I REJECT SUCH AN OFFER??" Dairy has huge admiration for Barbatos when it comes to his hobby and passion for baking and his calm composure. (Friendship)
❣️ Barbatos taking Dairy by the hand and making them feel like a princess that which his eyes are only on them. OH GOD DAIRY IS SWOONED FOR THAT. They respect Barbatos a lot and if he honestly asked for something he wanted for once then Dairy is here to give. (Romantic)
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onbeinganangel · 2 years
i would love to hear about your kandreil wip pls 👀
omg hi reese!!
okay so full disclosure here i read AftG for the first time like a week-ish ago but the brainrot has fully settled and i cannae let it go
i have no idea what the fanon vibe of andrew is so i’m just writing with my heart here… 😌 those three just have the most ridiculous codependent relationship i have ever seen and they need a little push to BANG IT OUT and sort themselves a wee bit
this one will be set basically around neil’s graduation, i think?? so obvs andrew and kevin have graduated and they live together already!! andrew keeps coming back to see neil though + kevin is always still around because of wymack (or is he???? maybe he has another reason 👀)
but i want a post canon (quiet, snarky, terrible at communication and yet) very emotionally intelligent andrew just helping neil realise that neil is in love with kevin too and then being very casual, typical i-dont-care-about-it-really (he does, so much 🥺) and going “well yeah i was just waiting for you to realise on your own but you were taking ages, josten, and i’m tired of waiting” lol
i love neil dearly but he has all that baggage around relationships and letting himself go and honestly i think he would never notice!! and kevin would probs try to confess his love via exy metaphors and they’d all just go over neil’s head lmao can you believe ANDREW is the one with the braincell here? i can’t either but apparently that’s what i’m writing
i just… they’re all sharp edges and deserve so much softness 🥺🥺🥺 i want that for them!! let them rest
✨ask me about one of my wips✨
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true-blue-sonic · 2 years
Howdy Blue! What are your thoughts about Moebius, aka the Anti-Mobius, from Archie Pre-SGW continuity as well as the characters that come from this "world of the opposites"?
Also... What are your headcannons about/How do you imagine a hypothetical Moebius' Silver and a Moebius' Espio? (Or even the whole "Moebius' Chaotix" group and a "Moebius' Gold")
Good Evening!! ^_^
Good evening ^-^ To be quite honest… my thoughts on Moebius and the anti-characters that come from it are few and far between; I don't feel particularly strongly about Archie in general, let alone the pre-reboot, basically😅 I didn’t grow up with them and afaik Holland doesn’t sell any Sonic comics to begin with, and when I became a fan and started checking out the extended franchise it was right around the time the reboot and all the chaos was happening… The two different lores and the massive amount of characters and history of one immediately turned me away from it, basically. That being said, I believe Moebius is a world where characters have flipped traits compared to their Mobius counterparts except somehow always evil too, so it’s interesting to think about that!
Some main traits of Silver are his sense of justice, selflessness, good heart and his determination… maybe an evil Silver could be entirely selfish, only out for his own goals instead of protecting the world at large, and those goals will not be benevolent goals. If it’s a flipped personality compared to our Silver, he would perhaps also be quite cowardly? Our Silver never backs down from a physical fight with his PK and never stops fighting until thoroughly beaten, so maybe anti-Silver is more reliant on shrewdness and trickery to defeat his opponents without needing to actually face them in battle and fleeing at the first sight of trouble. I really gotta think the concept of an Evil Silver through more, I’m very curious what it would look like!
Regarding the Chaotix, they have a playful family-like vibe in the face of financial hardships to them; it would be interesting to have them be really rich in Moebius instead! But they wouldn’t be having any of the closeness as we know it; for some reason I can see anti-Charmy be some haughty little brat with an overbearing Better Than You attitude. Lmao, and apparently pirates and ninjas don’t like each other; anti-Es could be a pirate then😂😂 Personality-wise, Espio is closed off and sticks to himself; it would be intriguing if anti-Es is the more vulnerable and open person of the trio instead, who often is the victim of the other two’s behaviours (whereas in canon I see him as the Holder Of Braincells 9 outta 10 times, not that it makes him immune to any pranks, lol). Hmm, and what is the opposite of a detective? Vector in canon is loud, likes money, and can be remarkably clever and grounded in that 1 leftover time- Actually, now I can only imagine them running an organization where anti-Charmy is the boss, and anti-Vector and anti-Espio are getting commanded around by him. As opposed to the Chaotix’s more honesty-inclined policies and sometimes allowing people to go without payment, that definitely would not be happening with the anti-Chaotix!
And as for an Anti-Gold… :3 :3 Gold as I envision her is very cautious with her powers, always concerned about privacy and not invading other people’s minds; it would be amazing if an Anti-Gold willingly and nonchalantly tormented people with her powers instead. She could be always snooping through their thoughts and severely punish those who dare think anything she does not approve of! And she would be a cruel leader over her subordinates, kind of like the Council of the Gold we know is right now. Privacy would be a non-existent thing in that world, and anti-Gold would not be afraid to use her whole arsenal of powers to stir up fear in the hearts of her population!
These were really fun to muse over, thanks for the question! ^-^
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kursed-curtain · 2 years
2 and/or 21 for Valanice (pick whichever princess you prefer to be Valanice)
Ooh, can I do both? I wanna do both, honestly. I'll try both. (Also just... Just know I don't think about the princesses as often as I probably could. There's a lot of info in chapter 3!! I have a very bad at remember) (and also I have fear of misinterpreting characters and these are some I don't think about often)
Emotional/moral weak points:
Blunt, speaks her mind often, there's little to no filter with her
She reminds me of Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing (or it's probably the other way around)
^ So a very frequent user of more eloquent, witty speech. Could very much banter for hours but also some people (me) need a translation when she speaks
Would be very bad at trying to find the right words to comfort a child. She's not used to speaking with them on a more personal level
Turning points in their life:
Other than the obvious main plotpoints
Realizing whatever the heck 'freedom of choice' is because father was apparently lenient this whole time?? Now she doesn't have to feel that obligation to say yes to every little overwhelming extracurricular. Sometimes it do really be like that as a kiddo lol. (I found this out a lot later in my life than she probably did lol. Good on her!)
^ she was the one who chose a lot of her own curriculum. She's got freedom of choice but she's not about to be reckless with it
Emotional/moral weak points:
Aminals, cute fuzzy or adorable creatures, gotta stop for 'em all! Selfless to a T
She leans a bit (a lot) on the good side of the moral spectrum, leaving her vulnerable. But too bad to any manipulators out there, Neese actually has braincells
Slightly bad at reading the room, especially if it's in a drastically different mood compared to her. She lives in her own headspace
Turning points in their life:
Other than the obvious main plot points
Getting her first pet that specifically she owned & had all the responsibilities for. Not one she had to share with an entire family, no, this one was different. She didn't get a lot of actual indoor walk-around-the-castle kinda pets
This made me realize I really should work with the princesses more, I don't have a lot on my mind
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 years
Sokka for the "send me a character" ask meme thingy?
ooh i hardly get to talk about sokka so thank you for asking me about him! i love sokka <3
favorite thing about them: his ingenuity. sokka is obviously intelligent, but i think what sets him apart from the rest of the gaang is how he's able to strategize and think in ways that no one else would. it's what makes him such a great inventor and strategist, and i love that he always thinks so out of the box. it just adds such depth to someone who would otherwise only be comedic relief guy.
least favourite thing about them: it hardly needs to be said but obviously his sexism in the first quarter of the show. but then suki got him to chug his respect women juice so we're all good :)
favourite line: goddamn it he has so many good ones!! i think it would have to be a tie between "cactus juice. it's the quenchiest!" and "my first girlfriend turned into the moon" because it's so fucking hilarious
brOTP: i love the two idiots one braincell dynamic he has with both aang and zuko, so probably them. though i do think he and zuko would make a good ship as well
OTP: sukka! they're just so wholesome and cute and i love how head over heels sokka is for her
nOTP: i don't really have a ship that i absolutely hate (with the exception of incest and pedophilia), but i'm not the biggest fan of to/kka. i enjoy the fan content, and i don't hate the ship at all, but i just don't see sokka ever viewing toph as anything but a little sister in canon. that's just my personal opinion, though!
random headcanon: sokka finds space sword after the war. it's real. it happened. you will not convince me otherwise. he did not build that cool ass sword just to lose it forever, thank you very much.
unpopular opinion: i don't know if it's popular per se but sometimes i see this idea that sokka feels inferior to katara, particularly in parallels to zuko where it's like "older brothers who feel inferior to their more talented younger sisters!" but the difference is sokka's feelings of inferiority aren't about katara, but about the gaang as a whole because they're benders and he's not. his whole arc in sokka's master is learning that he is worthy regardless of his lack of bending, because he has his own unique talents that are just as valuable and necessary to the group as aang's, toph's, and katara's.
in contrast, zuko's feelings of inferiority stem from a lifetime of his father pitting him and his sister against each other, and his own frustration at falling short in comparison to her. zuko's arc is about realizing that he never needed to compete with azula at all, that his father was wrong for forcing them to do so, and that he did not have to be as good as, or better than, azula to earn his father's love. it's also about him seeing his worth and value, yes, but in a way that inextricably ties into his relationship with his father, while sokka's does not.
whoops i didn't mean to go on a rant but apparently i have more feelings on this than i thought lol.
song i associate with them: loyal, brave, true by christina aguilera (yes the one from the mulan remake we shall not speak of). specifically the lines:
"who am i without my armor? / standing in my father's shoes / all i know is that it's harder / to be loyal, brave and true"
it reminds me so much of sokka's struggles in trying to live up to his father, how he wants to be a soldier and a leader even while he's still a child. how, beneath the bravado and the humor, he's so deeply terrified of failing to protect the people he loves because he thinks he's not good enough.
favourite picture of them:
Tumblr media
i think this moment encapsulates everything sokka is: someone who cares incredibly deeply about the people in his life, and will give anything to protect them.
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