#can't wait to see him animated !!
rose-void-789 · 2 months
So I said I was going to explain so hear me out. I was looking at this twitter thread and realized something, guys, this is a queer ending.
Do you all remember Korrasami? This is that ending! Korrasami wasn't explicitly canon til the end, and even then, that scene had to still be confirmed romantic afterward. Yes, looking lovingly at another while entering another realm is romantic, but it's not a kiss, it's not a confession, and while so many saw it without confirmation, it could so easily be shoved aside as platonic.
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how this seemingly generic ending made Bones handle the anime adaptation differently. We can think about alternative endings, about phrasing but maybe it just has to do with that final scene. Horikoshi didn't need to have Katsuki reaching out his hand the parell at the end was towards Izuku receiving his power. Didn't need to emphasize Katsuki's involvement with the project, but he did. He did all this. And Bones knew they couldn't shy away from what even the Japanese fanbase has deemed a marriage proposal. They knew they had to emphasize Katsuki's importance, and haven't you noticed how much more they have done so. Korrasami's cannon moments aren't filled with blushes but the closeness of their relationship. Queer ships, especially before them, had their moments in the in-between in looking at the analysis we make. Call it cope, call it whatever, but I refuse to believe these moments don't mean something. He could have so easily ended the series with All Might giving him the suit. Katsuki didn't have to reach out in the end. If he wanted an opening ending he could have had the whole of 1A there reaching out for him or even just skip to the ending scene with everyone. He could have had Ochako, but no, he emphasized Katsuki. You realize that if Ochako had reached out and told him to go with her, there would be no denying the implication there. There are a couple of things I wished from the ending, but we ultimately won. If Korrasami was never confirmed that ending scene would still be pretty romantic. If all a ship needs to be canon and make sense within the story is the author's approval, I think that ship is at least heavily implied.
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kaycapo · 2 months
Victim is absolutely horrifying.
I know it's already known that he's pretty much evil, but it's so much more than that. (This is a long rant. Keep reading if you're interested.)
I mean, just look at the way he treated Chosen. Instead of trying to get information out of him immediately and then fighting if he refuses, he instantly just started beating him. Some can argue that he was weakening him so he would be too weak to fight back when he was questioned, but I doubt that. Agent easily could've just removed all his powers, but he didn't. He removed some, sure, but he let Chosen keep some. Victim could've tried to talk to Cho at the start. He might've spilled, and then the whole fight would've been avoided. But instead he just started beating the crap outta him for, to Chosen at least, no apparent reason.
It seems like to me Victim wanted Chosen to fight back. If he didn't, why not remove all his powers and tie him up? Then he could beat him to 'weaken' him if he wanted. But he didn't. He let Chosen fight back.
I'm guessing he had it that way because he enjoyed having power over someone. He liked the feeling of Chosen desperately fighting back, only to be beaten again and again until he was eventually defeated by him. That's how it went with him and Alan. He had no power, and was used as a toy where he was destined to be defeated, no matter how hard he fought back. He made that same situation with Chosen because he doesn't want to feel like a victim anymore. He wants to be in control, like Alan. His obvious enjoyment of Chosen's struggle is part of the reason of what makes him so scary.
He also did some unnecessary things, to say the least. I mean, whipping Chosen? Why? He also whipped the ground right next to Chosen as he was crawling away, probably to evoke fear. And even as Chosen froze himself, he didn't stop, instead he created clones of himself to hurt Chosen more. He saw Chosen was most definitely scared. (Probably terrified, who wouldn't be after being whipped and beaten down by someone you just met with your powers suddenly being weakened and some taken away?) But he didn't take that as a que to stop and start questioning him. Not only does he like having power over someone, I think he also just enjoys physically hurting people. And probably likes seeing them scared, considering he was trying to make Chosen afraid. He's most definitely sadistic. It's not a surprise, considering his past. He probably developed other phycological issues, like sociopathy.
It also seems like he kidnaps innocent sticks. This is a bit of a reach, but hear me out. We all know Victim has a company, not some police force or something of those sorts. They also kidnapped Second, who was completely innocent in everything. The mercenaries attacked Sec when he was at first friendly, he was waving to them and looked nervous. What part of that screams 'danger'? Sure they saw Chosen with him, but when they started shooting, they weren't aiming to where they saw Cho. They were aiming for Second who panicked and started running around in obvious fear, again, no indication of being dangerous, but never stopped until Chosen came in to save Sec. So what do you think would happen if Victim took an interest in a stick that's, probably, innocent? They would be kidnapped most likely. I brought up the company and not police because of the cells. They were made to keep people inside, but I highly doubt they were 'arresting' people they believed were dangerous. So he probably took people who he thought might have something to do with Alan, or maybe for other, bad, reasons. He doesn't know Second and Alan are related, yet he was taken anyway. I can only imagine what Victim tried to do to the sticks he probably kidnapped. I wouldn't be surprised if he kept them for weeks or longer, until he threw them away once he lost interest. So that adds to how scary he is.
He's also selfish. He's completely happy to let others suffer just so he can get his revenge. I mean, I don't blame him for wanting revenge, after all he was killed. (Or deleted, whatever) But he's so blinded with rage and the need to make Alan pay, he doesn't care about who he hurts, innocent or not. He's making others suffer because he suffered himself. That is selfish. It's also makes him so dangerous and scary.
I honestly adore Victim as a character. He's so interesting and I love analyzing him. He's evolved from a simple victim, to a monster who has so much control and power over others. He enjoys creating fear and likes to bring others to submission. That alone makes him a terrifying and dangerous villain.
Sorry for the long rant, but I needed to get my thoughts out.
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prettyupsetnerd · 9 months
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> > i would sooo pick him if dunmeshi was a dating sim....
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materiaheartt · 8 months
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I want to try adding visible pulses but they are very very subtle-
Finally drew my hyperfixation character, he's always in the brain
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negrutou · 9 months
Okay, so I know there's a lot of speculation on what Kusuriuri and Hyper are, and if they're the same being or different or if they share the same body.
PERSONALLY, I think they're the same but operate on different planes of existence. Not to say Hyper can't be on the physical plane and Kusuriuri as we know him can't be on the spiritual plane. I just think they can't be on the same plane at the same time. We won't see Kusuriuri and Hyper together on the physical, and we won't see them together in the spiritual. I feel as tho they can operate separately on each plane (Hyper doing his own thing on the spiritual and Kusuriuri doing his thing on the physical) but if they work on the same plane of existence, only one can do it at a time.
When Kusuriuri "transforms" into Hyper, I see it as both a transformation and him hopping into the spiritual plane where the Mononoke typically resides. And when those two planes merge into one, that's when we get to see Hyper execute his fights; think "Bakeneko" episodes.
At first, I didn't question what I saw and took everything objectively on my first 2 rewatches. After the 3rd, I began to question what I was actually seeing. In the "Nue" episodes, we actually get to see the full transformation instead of Kusuriuri going full Hyper immediately. We see that his markings disappear, and the eye on his robes close, AND we see the markings on his clothing fade as well. We also see Kusuriuri "fall to the floor" after Hyper is summoned in "Umi Bouzu". To me, it's obvious that Hyper is Kusuriuri's "sealed" version. He operates at full strength in Hyper mode. However, if I recall correctly, we don't see the reactions to Hyper being unleashed. Kusuriuri always announces that the sword of salvation is unleashed before his transformation into Hyper... And then what? Hyper defeats the Mononoke and fireworks/glitter/confetti is falling from the sky and people are like "wow!!"
Plus, there's that jump cut in "Nue" after Hyper defeats the Mononoke, Kusuriuri is crouched next to the fragrant wood (Todaiji) and it's just split in half, looking as if he just bonked it. Perhaps while Hyper is operating on the spiritual level doing cool glitter/firework tricks against the Mononoke, Kusuriuri is just curb stomping the wood in the physical realm 🤷🏽‍♀️
So, is this 100% evidence that Hyper is on another plane of existence? No. I'm honestly just guestimating.
Specifically tho, Hyper in "Umi Bouzu" only wakes up AFTER the markings are transferred to him. Are markings symbolizing Kusuriuri's transfer to his Hyper form and "human" form. It seems like it!
Not to mention, in "Nopperabou" when Hyper is about to execute Ocho, and Ocho asks why the Nopperabou tries to save her, we see Hyper behind Ocho with the sword basically to her neck in this spirit realm. In the next scene, we see Kusuriuri in front of her and she has NO SWORD TO HER NECK BEHIND HER.
I'm sure there's more evidence of them being the same person on different planes/Hyper seems to be an extension or manifestation of Kusuriuri's sword. But I've been droning on too long.
Hope this made sense I'm just throwing shit at the fan rn.
Lemme know what you think tho, I haven't done my 8th rewatch yet so I'm going off memory rn.
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gojosattoru · 11 months
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★ HIGURUMA HIROMI ICONS ★ -> commissioned by @drxgonstone Heya sweetie I hope you like them and they are to your liking ^^ ! Thank you for your request! It was super fun coloring him!! ❤️❤️❤️
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radiosmile · 2 years
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Alastor the Radio Demon
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xiaofiaan · 4 months
i think it's really cool and awesome that the first full shot of percy we see in the teaser is right after the raven queen and subsequently anna & orthax coming up right after he burns the plans for the pepperbox. Kill Him.
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faghettiandmeatballs · 10 months
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I haven't been able to stop thinking about Wyll's new kiss animation
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eight-pointed-star · 5 months
i was wondering why kabru is... the way he is and it turns out he absorbed some of the elves' lesbian powers via osmosis when he was a kid. good for him
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
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I know Senshi's new here but this is so funny 😭 perception WARPED
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ibijau · 3 months
if I got a nickel for every time I went to see a sport anime movie without knowing anything about the movie and while expecting to get bored, only to be on the edge of my sit the entire time because those characters I don't know shit about are just THAT engaging, I would have two nickels
which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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Just posted my first fanfic in AO3!
Summary: Anya knew that her Papa was a liar, a trait he had exhibited from the very beginning. That is why she found a peculiar sense of amusement in being able to peer into his mind, as it allowed her to uncover the truths he dared not speak. Tonight, however, Anya wished she could turn off her mind-reading ability, as the unveiled truth threatened to shatter the fragile hope nestled in her tiny heart.
I missed Loid and Anya having their father and daughter moments in the manga. I hope that when Endo decides to tackle Anya's backstory in the upcoming chapters, we could get more of their relationship development. I just can't help but worry about Anya's reaction once she learns that Twilight would still be leaving them even if Strix was a success in the end. At times Twilight thought about leaving them after the mission, Anya wasn't listening to his thoughts (She's asleep the first time and she's busy playing with Bond in the second) So this fic came from that idea and also that line from Anya, that she said that she wasn't sure if her Papa really loved her because his mind is so complicated and Loid seemed to be affected when he heard this. I just want this man to vocalize his love for Anya and to feel guilty and scared because of her. I also hope that we can this side of him in the Code White movie.
I'm stuck at my novel so I decided to practice some writing through this fanfiction and I've got no more Hurt/Comfort Anya and Loid fics to read for I've already devoured them all so I just made one. I hope that you like this.😊❤️
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haru-chi · 10 months
Manga spoilers ahead
It just hit me now, is the manga taking a break for 3 weeks on purpose to be a poetic timing with the anime episode at the time, or is it pure coincidence ???
By three weeks from now in anime :
1st week we have Himmel and the sword of hero
2nd week Sein first appearance
3rd week we have the mirrored lotus story !!!! I repeat the mirrored lotus story!!!!
in the same week or the week after we'd have the upcoming manga chapter !!
so, you wanna tell me, we're gonna see Himmel's indirect confession of love to Frieren followed by Himmel realizing the impossibility of his dream of marrying Frieren yet again in whatever tragic and evil way the author had in store for us next chapter .. all at the same time or back-to-back !!!!
are they torturing Himmel or are they torturing us ?? they're doing this on purpose, aren't they ?? or is this just our destiny to bear ??
I'm not okay at all ><
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meownotgood · 2 years
thinking of blushy drunk aki tonight
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moonpaw · 2 years
people who actually believe that theory that usopp will die to prove he's a brave warrior of the sea is so ridiculous when oda can't even kill a giant who was in a flashback 22 years ago
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