#canadians produce the most waste
alifelearned · 5 months
Every April London, Ontario experiences a huge outflux of students as they finish their semesters and head home for the summer break. This always leads to literally TONS of perfectly usable items being trashed when they could otherwise be donated. Living next door to a property where this was a particularly glaring issue, I simply couldn't stand by without acting. Thus over the last 5 years I have found ways to progressively save more and more of these perfectly usable items by bringing them to the thrift store. This year I was successful in bringing 27 loads of reusable items from the students waste straight to charity. Here's hoping I'm even more successful with these waste diversion efforts in future years!
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gottalottarocks · 6 months
Are you an American? Frustrated by the political process? Do you feel like you have no voice in our government? Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of public comments. 
This is where federal agencies propose new regulations asking for public feedback:
Here's a step by step on how to navigate this:
Look through the proposals on the explore tab and filter by "Proposed Rule". These are the regulations that have been proposed, but not finalized. 
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If you click on these, they are pretty dense, text heavy explanations of the proposed rule changes. I definitely do a lot of googling when trying to understand what I'm reading. Also there are a lot of different topics here and I definitely don't comment on everything.
This is how you make a public comment. For example, for this proposed rule:
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Start a new document and write the subject and docket number. Your comment NEEDS to have the docket number for them to count it most of the time, and the correct subject some of the time.
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^^ this is ambiguous, but add the docket ID and subject just to be safe, it should look like this:
Ref: Docket ID No. NSD 104
Provisions Pertaining to Preventing Access to Americans' Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and U.S. Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern
Then address to the person at the very very end of the page. 
Scroll all the way to the end:
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^^this is the person you address to. 
Then introduce yourself. If you have experience related to the proposed rule, talk about that. For rules related to the environment and public health I say that I'm a geologist with a master's degree and I work in environmental remediation. Otherwise, I just say I'm a concerned citizen. 
Then I say hey I agree/ disagree with this proposed rule and here's why. Oftentimes there will be lists that the federal agency is asking for specific feedback on.
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Commenting on these will have a lot of impact. 
Here's an example comment I forgot to post for a rule regarding methane emissions in the oil and gas industry:
Administrator Michael Regan The United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460
Ref: Docket ID No. __ Waste Emissions Charge for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems Dear Administrator Regan, My name is __ and I am writing to you as a geologist and graduate of ___.  I currently work in ____. Thank you for your interest in reducing methane pollution, which I believe to be one of the most important aspects in reducing the harm caused by the climate crisis. Within the short term, methane is a much more powerful force of global warming than carbon dioxide. It breaks down faster than carbon dioxide— but it traps significantly more heat that should be bouncing back into space. When scientists talk about taking our foot off the gas pedal in regards to the climate crisis, methane is at the forefront of our minds. Natural gas is often proposed as a solution to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions (since it produces less carbon dioxide than coal plants), but these methane leaks are a serious threat to public health. Not only is methane hazardous, it’s ability to cause short-term superheating is contributing to the rapid increase in wildfires within the U.S. and globally, further degrading air quality. Last summer in NYC skies were orange, caused by ash from Canadian wildfires. As someone who sets up air monitoring equipment every day to ensure the surrounding community is not impacted from the disposal of hazardous waste, I have a unique opportunity to see on a day-to-day basis how air quality is degrading. I strongly support the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed waste emissions charge. For EPA’s implementation of the fee to fulfill Congress’s goals, the final regulation must continue to include key requirements including: ·       Regulatory compliance exemptions must only become available after final standards and plans are in effect in all states and that these plans are at least as strong as the EPA's 202 methane emissions proposal. Operators filing for exemption must also demonstrate full compliance across their facilities; ·       Strong and clear criteria must remain in place for operators seeking an exemption based on unreasonable permitting delays; ·       When operators seek an exemption for plugged wells, they must clearly demonstrate that their wells have been properly plugged and are no longer polluting; ·       Transparent calculations and methodologies to accurately determine an owner or operator’s net emissions; and ·       Strong verification protocols so that fee obligations accurately reflect reported emissions and that exemptions are only available once the conditions Congress set forth are met. I urge the EPA to quickly finalize this proposal with limited flaring, strengthened emissions standards for storage tanks, and a pathway for enhanced community monitoring. Thank you, ___________
And then paste your comment in or upload a document and submit! You will be asked to provide your name and address. Also the FCC will only take comments on their website, but the proposed rule will be posted on the federal regulations website I put above and they should have a link to the FCC website within that post. 
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Hi! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what do you know about reusable covid-safe masks? I've never stopped wearing the fabric masks, but I'd like to step up my protection. I'm also just worried about all the trash single-use masks will produce -- I want to be environmentally responsible too -- but a lot of mask resources don't seem to specify much on reusability/washability. I'd be really grateful for anything you can send my way.
First off, reusable filters don't offer enough protection. You need at least n95 rated material, and washing it breaks it down and removes its electrostatic charge, rendering it less protective. There's no 100% earthy-crunchy green way to give yourself adequate covid protection. What elastomeric masks do, however, is reduce the amount of waste in reducing filter size. This also brings the cost of filters down in most cases. Some companies exist that recycle masks too, but I only have links Canadian examples and I don't know where you are.
There's a lot of elastomeric masks out there. 3M has over 3 dozen n95 or p100 models to choose from. There's even forced-air options if you wanna go for the absolute best protection, but in all but the highest risk and research covid scenarios, it's major overkill.
Because I don't know you or your measurements, I can't tell you what mask will 100% fit you. Personally, my everyday wear is a big-nose model Flo Mask, and for high risk scenarios, I break out my MSA Advantage 300. There's dozens of models and levels of protection out there ranging from full face, forced air respirators to the thong-like B99 B2 that only barely covers my mouth and nose. The zero covid reddit might be a great place to ask people for recommendations based upon your concerns with fitting an elastomeric to your specific face type: low/high bridge, shallow/chubby cheeks, and chin size all impact which elastomeric is likely to get and keep a good seal in use. You might have to buy 2 or 3 before you find *the one* is a problem you may encounter, but of all the elastomerics I've seen, Flo Mask has the best general fit and would be a good starting point.
Basically, even disposable masks will prevent you using even more resources and plastics and such by keeping you healthy and out of the hospital. Someone who uses and throws away 2 or 4 masks every couple weeks (depending on your specific needs, could be a little more if you like sweat at work a lot or something) is far less impact than a ICU stay for covid. Also, you could help prevent covid *and* offset everyone's mask waste by eliminating Taylor Swift since she flies two private jets to all her events which spread more covid than any other superspreader event. (For legal reasons, I am joking)
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randomvarious · 1 month
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Today's compilation:
Back to the 70's 1995 Soul / Disco / Glam Rock / Pop / R&B
Well, folks, it looks like the prolifically cheap and scammy ways of the dubiously iconic K-tel label were not just confined to the US, because here they are with a pretty disappointing look back at some 70s hits for the UK market too. If you ever thought that K-tel's hoodwinking style of loading up their releases with combinations of significantly inferior re-recordings and low-quality originals was some sort of uniquely American success story of budget-mass-produced capitalistic shoddiness, you'd be wrong, because apparently Brits have been forced to navigate this gambit of theirs too.
But at least credit where credit's due: K-tel did not mail in this selection here. They may have chosen awful versions of songs for the most part for this CD, but damnit, those awful versions were of hits that were actually big in the UK; and a whole lot of them weren't very successful Stateside, either.
So if you, for whatever reason, ever want to subject yourself to K-tel's deceitfulness, but you want to do it more Britishly, here's a comp with a bunch of weak re-renderings of authentic soul, disco, and glam rock hits that were popular across the pond in the 70s. Most disappointing moment here for me personally was not being able to learn how they attempted to replicate the iconic echo-popping wood block sound from the bridge of disco diva-porn star Andrea True's "More More More" that later went on to seed the success of Canadian 90s one-hit wonder alt-rap group Len's "Steal My Sunshine." The jaunty keys from that bridge that Len used are there, but the wood block piece is just skipped over entirely in this rendition. Very tragic 😔.
But not all of this is a total waste, though. Sonically, the original hit version of Barry Blue's "Do You Wanna Dance" may sound like it was captured with a discount store cassette recorder here, but it's still a fun and clap-happy piece of catchy party-time glam rock; and The Peppers' "Pepper Box" is a silly wad of French instrumental disco bubblegum with quirkily squealing p-funky synths on it, and I think it's something that could've maybe served amply as a theme song for some sort of British Soul Train equivalent; also not a re-recording.
So, once again, overall, a really bad product from K-tel, but still a couple decent glints on it. My suggestion to you is that if you want a good, eclectic dose of the 70s UK pop music landscape, seek out the original versions of all these hits instead.
P.S.: The version of "Do You Wanna Dance" that I'm posting here sounds a lot better than the one that was used for this CD. It's essentially the same version of the song—i.e. not a re-recording—but it's just of a higher sonic quality 👍.
Barry Blue - "Do You Wanna Dance" The Peppers - "Pepper Box"
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
X-Men: The Animated Series (As the X Turns)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney. I swear I’m too small fry to sue]
(Thanks to Miguel Sac)
This week’s review covers what was at the time the greatest animated series done by Marvel (sorry, but the greatest overall animated series up to that point was Batman), but first a bit of background.
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(Thanks to Marvel)
When Marvel was creating its Silver Age lineup, nearly every super hero was created due to some sort of accident (Spider-Man was bitten by a spider infused with radiation, the Hulk was caught in an explosion of gamma radiation, Daredevil was hit in the head with a canister filled with radioactive waste, the Fantastic Four were exposed to cosmic radiation (there was a LOT of radiation in the 60s), and Tony Stark made Iron Man in order to save his life after stepping on a land mine)
However, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wanted something different, so the X-Men were Mutants, born with their powers. There was no small parallel between the struggle of Mutants trying to gain acceptance from the regular humans they defended (who feared and/or hated them) and those of blacks in the 60s suffering under segregation and “Jim Crow” laws.
The series wasn’t popular. I know it’s hard to believe, but...
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(Thanks again to Marvel)
It wasn’t until 12 years later when the team expanded beyond the original 5 (plus Professor X) that the team gained popularity (no doubt due in no small part to Wolverine joining their ranks) The struggle between humans and mutants was still there, but over time other “oppressed” subsets of society (such as the LGBTQ+ community) began to see the X-Men as beacons in their struggle for acceptance.
The 1992 series was actually the second attempt at an X-Men series. The first was attempted in the 80s only got as far as the pilot.
(Thanks to Heroes Network)
Yes, they gave the very Canadian Wolverine an Australian accent. According to Google, Crocodile Dundee was popular at the time and the producers wanted to latch onto it.
For whatever reason, this pilot wasn’t picked up, which is a shame. It looked like it had promise.
But enough backstory, on to the series!
For those who don’t know, the X-Men are a group of heroic mutants who defend the very humans who fear and hate them.
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The team is led by their founder Charles Xavier (AKA Professor X), a powerful telepath who runs a “School for Gifted Youngsters” that secretly teaches young mutants how to control their abilities and use them to benefit society. Due to an accident in his younger days, he is paralyzed from the waist down. He “has a dream” of a world where humans and mutants can co-exist peacefully.
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Xavier’s field commander (since he can’t exactly go into battle in a wheelchair) is Scott Summers (AKA Cyclops) who fires energy blasts from his eyes. Unfortunately he lacks the ability to control them, so Xavier had special lenses made for him that can stop the beams. His visor is one such lens (he wears special sunglasses when not in costume)
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Scott’s girlfriend is Jean Grey (AKA...well, in the comics it’s Marvel Girl. In pretty much every other version she doesn’t have an X-Men code name), who is an even more powerful telepath and telekinetic.
However, Scott isn’t the only one vying for Jean’s affections...
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Logan (AKA Wolverine (AKA James Howlett in the comics)) is a Canadian native who has heightened senses, a massive healing factor that can recover from any injury (and apparently slow his aging, as he’s over 150 years old in the comics!) His skeleton was also infused with adamantium, a nigh-indestructible alloy, by the Canadian government for some reason.
He is also very likely the most popular character in Marvel Comics (at least until Deadpool came along)
Rounding out the team, we have...
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Ororo Monroe (AKA Storm) is an African native who has the ability to control weather. She is also second in command in the field.
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Rogue (no actual name given) is from the southern US and has the ability to drain the strength and powers of anyone she has physical contact with (you can imagine what that does to her love life) Somewhere in her past, she held contact with a hero known as Ms. Marvel, putting Marvel in a coma and permanently giving Rogue Marvel’s heightened strength and flight abilities (in the comics, Ms. Marvel (AKA Carol Danvers) would eventually recover and become the third Marvel hero to carry the moniker Captain Marvel (but not the first hero to ever have the name))
Rogue has a flirtatious (if somewhat tragic, due to her abilities) relationship with...
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Remy LeBeau (AKA Gambit) is a Cajun from Louisiana who has the ability to charge small objects (he prefers playing cards) with explosive energy.
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Hank McCoy (AKA Beast) is a genius-level intellect with heightened strength and agility. His powers were further amplified due to a lab accident that enhanced his mutant genes. This accident also gave him his current appearance.
[Quick note: in the comics, Hank, along with Scott and Jean, were three of the five founding members of the X-Men. For more info about one of the other founders, check out this review]
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Rather than Kitty Pryde as the inroad for the audience (as was the case in the failed pilot), the producers created a new character named Jubilation Lee (AKA Jubilee), who can create plasma bubbles (that she calls “fireworks”) that she can control and explode. When the series begins she’s just coming into her powers and isn’t actually part of the team yet.
Of course, if you have heroic mutants trying to save the humans you need evil mutants trying to destroy them.
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If Charles Xavier is the mutant version of Martin Luther King Jr., then Erik Lehnsherr (AKA Magneto) is Malcolm X. He has the ability to manipulate magnetism (though he has manipulate non-ferrous metals as well, such as the adamantium in Wolverine’s skeleton) Magneto sees a war between humans and mutants coming and is determined to ensure mutants win.
Magneto and Xavier are friends and want to save mutants, despite their very different approaches.
He is also the leader of an organization known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (way to give away which side you’re on, Magneto) I won’t cover the rest of the members, as many only make a handful of appearances.
However, Magneto and his ilk aren’t the only threats to the X-Men, as humans have their own weapons, including...
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...Sentinels, three story tall robots programmed to detect and capture/eliminate mutants.
The series was fairly unique at the time, especially for US animation, in that it was aired as an ongoing story. Most episodes were built off of events in previous episodes. In addition, the action at times took a back seat to the drama within the team, either through the love triangle of Scott, Jean, and Logan or the tragic relationship between Remi and Rogue, and Xavier’s struggle for mutant acceptance among humans.
The series is available on Disney+. If you would like to see an episode (or storyline) reviewed, let me know.
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Save-On-Foods: A Leader in Food Rescue
Save-On-Foods has made significant strides in reducing food waste and ensuring that unsold food is put to good use. Through partnerships with food banks, charities, and farms, the company has been able to divert a substantial amount of food from landfills.
Here's a breakdown of their initiatives:
Food Bank Donations
Millions of Meals Provided: Save-On-Foods has donated enough unsold food to provide over 70 million meals to people in need through food banks and charities across Western Canada.
Prioritizing People: The company recognizes that much of their unsold food is still perfectly edible and can be enjoyed by those who need it most.
Supporting Local Farms
Animal Feed Donations: Unsold food that doesn't meet the company's quality standards or isn't suitable for human consumption is donated to farms. This includes produce trimmings, extra ripe produce, and even flowers.
Supporting Canadian Agriculture: By providing nutritious food for animals, Save-On-Foods is supporting local agriculture and contributing to the overall health of the farming community.
Partnerships for Impact
FoodMesh and Loop: The company collaborates with innovative social enterprises like FoodMesh and Loop to create efficient systems for matching rescued food with local organizations and farms.
Data-Driven Approach: Through these partnerships, Save-On-Foods is able to gather valuable data on unsold food, allowing them to make informed decisions and improve their food rescue efforts.
A Commitment to Sustainability
Ambitious Goals: Save-On-Foods has set ambitious goals to reduce food waste, achieving a 50% reduction by 2019.
Ongoing Efforts: The company continues to strive to divert as much unsold food as possible from landfills, currently keeping over 93% out of the waste stream.
Save-On-Foods is clearly demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. By prioritizing food rescue and supporting local communities, the company is making a positive impact on the environment and the lives of many people.
Visit Save-On-Foods to read more!
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lesverts1 · 26 days
Revolutionizing Agriculture: Exploring Hydroponics in Canada
The Rise of Hydroponics in Canada
Canada’s agricultural sector has traditionally been limited by its climate, with most regions experiencing long, harsh winters and short growing seasons. This has historically forced Canadians to rely on imported fruits and vegetables, particularly during the colder months. However, with the advent of hydroponics, these challenges are being addressed in an innovative and eco-friendly manner.
Hydroponics involves growing plants in a controlled environment, where their roots are submerged in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. This method allows for precise control over the growing conditions, including temperature, light, and humidity, which are essential for optimal plant growth. It also eliminates the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests, ensuring healthier and more productive plants.
Benefits of Hydroponics for Canadian Agriculture
One of the most significant advantages of hydroponics is its ability to produce fresh, high-quality produce year-round, regardless of the weather conditions. In Canada, hydroponic canada where winter temperatures can drop well below freezing, this is a game-changer. Hydroponic systems can be set up indoors, in greenhouses, or even in urban settings, allowing for local production of fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Moreover, hydroponics uses significantly less water than traditional farming methods. In a country where water conservation is becoming increasingly important, this is a crucial benefit. The closed-loop systems used in hydroponic farming recirculate water, reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact. This makes hydroponics a sustainable and eco-friendly option for Canadian farmers and gardeners alike.
Hydroponic farming also requires less space than traditional agriculture, making it ideal for urban areas where land is scarce and expensive. Vertical farming, a popular hydroponic method, maximizes space by growing plants in stacked layers. This is particularly beneficial in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, where the demand for locally grown produce is high.
Economic Opportunities and Challenges
The hydroponics industry in Canada is growing rapidly, hydroponic garden with new businesses and startups emerging across the country. This growth is creating jobs and stimulating economic development, particularly in rural areas where traditional farming may no longer be viable. Additionally, the demand for locally grown, organic produce is driving the expansion of hydroponic farms.
However, the hydroponics industry in Canada also faces several challenges. The initial setup costs for hydroponic systems can be high, particularly for large-scale operations. This can be a barrier for small farmers and entrepreneurs looking to enter the market. Additionally, the technology and expertise required to operate a hydroponic farm can be complex, necessitating specialized knowledge and training.
Despite these challenges, the future of hydroponics in Canada looks bright. With advances in technology and increasing awareness of the benefits of sustainable farming practices, hydroponics is poised to play a significant role in the country’s agricultural future.
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poultry-1 · 1 month
The Role of Poultry Cartons in Sustainable Packaging
Egg cartons play a crucial role in the poultry industry, ensuring that eggs reach consumers in perfect condition. Among the various materials used for egg cartons, cardboard stands out for its sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and protective qualities. At the forefront of this industry is Poultry Cartons, a company dedicated to providing top-quality cardboard egg cartons that meet the needs of both farmers and retailers. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of egg cartons, the advantages of cardboard options, and how Poultry Cartons is making a difference.
The Evolution of Egg Cartons
The journey of the egg carton began with the need to transport eggs safely without them breaking. Before the invention of egg cartons, eggs were often transported in baskets, leading to significant breakage. In the early 20th century, the first egg carton was invented by Joseph Coyle, a Canadian newspaper editor, in response to a dispute between a farmer and a hotel owner over broken eggs. This simple yet effective invention revolutionized the way eggs were handled, stored, and sold.
Over time, the design and materials of egg cartons have evolved. Initially, cartons were made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, and cardboard. Today, cardboard egg cartons are the preferred choice for many due to their balance of durability, environmental benefits, and cost-effectiveness.
Types of Cardboard Egg Cartons
Cardboard egg cartons come in various sizes and designs, catering to different needs.
Standard 12-Egg Cartons: The most common type, ideal for retail purposes, holds a dozen eggs securely.
6-Egg and 18-Egg Cartons: These variants cater to smaller or larger quantities, offering flexibility for different market demands.
Specialty and Custom Designs: Some producers require unique packaging solutions, such as cartons for organic or free-range eggs. Custom designs can include different sizes, colors, and branding options.
Poultry Cartons is dedicated to promoting sustainability in all aspects of its business.
Eco-Friendly Practices: The company uses sustainable practices in its production processes, from sourcing materials to reducing waste.
Use of Recycled Materials: Poultry Cartons prioritizes the use of recycled cardboard in its products, helping to conserve resources and reduce landfill waste.
Community and Environmental Initiatives: Beyond their products, Poultry Cartons engages in initiatives that support environmental conservation and community development.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cardboard Egg Cartons
Are cardboard egg cartons recyclable? Yes, most cardboard egg cartons are recyclable. It’s best to check with your local recycling program to ensure they accept them.
How long does it take for a cardboard egg carton to decompose? Depending on environmental conditions, a cardboard egg carton can decompose within 2-6 months.
Can cardboard egg cartons be used for crafts? Absolutely! Cardboard egg cartons are a popular material for various DIY crafts and projects.
Do cardboard egg cartons protect eggs better than plastic? While both materials offer protection, cardboard is generally considered better for the environment and can provide sufficient protection for eggs during transport.
How can I customize my egg cartons? Poultry Cartons offers customization options including logos, colors, and design elements to align with your branding.
Egg cartons are a vital part of the poultry industry, ensuring that eggs reach consumers safely and in good condition. Among the various types of egg cartons available, cardboard stands out for its sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and protective qualities. Poultry Cartons is a leading manufacturer in this space, offering high-quality, customizable cardboard egg cartons that meet the diverse needs of the industry. By choosing the right egg cartons, businesses can enhance their product offerings, reduce their environmental impact, and build stronger connections with their customers.
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localboo · 1 month
Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle: Plastic-Free Products and Handmade Candles in Vancouver
In an era where sustainability has become a global priority, many Canadians are seeking ways to reduce their environmental footprint. One of the most effective steps in this direction is the shift towards plastic free products. These eco-friendly alternatives are not only better for the planet but also encourage healthier living. From reusable grocery bags to stainless steel water bottles, the market is brimming with innovative products designed to replace single-use plastics. Embracing these changes not only helps in reducing waste but also supports a cleaner and greener environment for future generations.
Vancouver, a city known for its progressive attitude towards sustainability, has become a hub for eco-conscious living. Among the many artisanal offerings, handmade candles Vancouver have gained popularity. These candles, crafted with natural ingredients like soy wax, beeswax, and essential oils, are a delightful addition to any home. Not only do they create a cozy ambiance, but they are also free from harmful chemicals found in conventional candles. By choosing handmade options, you’re not only supporting local artisans but also contributing to a healthier environment by avoiding synthetic materials and packaging.
Exploring All Canadian Brands: A Commitment to Quality and Sustainability
When it comes to supporting local businesses, there's no better way than investing in all Canadian brands. Canadian companies are increasingly prioritizing sustainability and quality in their products, making it easier for consumers to make ethical choices. Whether it’s fashion, food, or personal care items, Canadian brands offer a wide array of products that meet high standards of craftsmanship and environmental responsibility. By choosing to buy local, you’re not only boosting the economy but also reducing your carbon footprint, as locally produced goods require less transportation and often come with eco-friendly packaging.
Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste: The Future of Oral Care in Canada
Oral care has seen a significant shift towards natural and effective alternatives, with Hydroxyapatite toothpaste Canada becoming a popular choice. Hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral, is celebrated for its ability to remineralize and strengthen teeth. Unlike traditional fluoride-based toothpaste, hydroxyapatite is non-toxic and safe for everyone, including children. Its benefits extend beyond cavity prevention, as it also helps in reducing sensitivity and promoting overall oral health. By opting for hydroxyapatite toothpaste, Canadians are embracing a healthier, more natural approach to dental care that aligns with the growing demand for clean and safe products.
As Canadians continue to prioritize sustainability and health, the demand for plastic-free products, handmade candles in Vancouver, all Canadian brands, and hydroxyapatite toothpaste is on the rise. These choices reflect a broader commitment to living in harmony with the environment while supporting local businesses. By making small yet significant changes in our daily lives, we can contribute to a more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.
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mapleimmigrationblog · 3 months
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Immigration Spousal Sponsorship in Canada!
Obtaining a Canada immigration spousal sponsorship is no less than a daunting adventure. It opens the doors for your spouse to numerous new opportunities and allows them to build a fulfilling life in Canada alongside you. However, the most important part of this process, securing the spouse's open work permit, can certainly take a toll on you and lead you toward constant frustration. You must be able to navigate the application process seamlessly and avoid even minor mistakes that can lead to delays or even rejection. Therefore, we are here to guide you through the process so that you don’t have to face rejection.
Mistake No. 1: Incomplete application or incorrect information
People often make the mistake of providing incomplete or inaccurate information in their application forms. This is a major sign of concern for the immigration officials and they immediately flag the application. You must always ensure that all the details, including names, dates, and addresses, exactly match the information on your supporting documents. Do conduct multiple checks for any kind of discrepancies before submitting your application.
Mistake No. 2: Missing required documents
When you are an immigrant, you are needed to produce special documents that support your claims and the submitted application. Every non-resident is suggested to keep a separate set of all the documents in one place, as they may be required to be produced in front of the officials now and then. If you lose certain documents by mistake, that could hinder your application process significantly. You may even be required to re-apply once you have the required documents in your possession.
Mistake No.3: Not meeting the eligibility criteria
Not meeting the basic requirements for the concerned application directly qualifies for a rejection. Before applying for the spouse open work permit, ensure that you and your spouse are rightfully eligible for the benefit. This will save you a lot of time, embarrassment, and wasted effort. The Canadian government offers strict guidelines and checklists to help you determine your eligibility; we suggest you adhere to them at all costs.
We would also suggest that you consult an immigration professional for personalized guidance throughout the process.
About Maple Immigration Services:
Maple Immigration Services is the leading Canadian immigration consultancy service that provides comprehensive solutions to all your immigration problems. Maple Immigration Services has vast experience of over 10 years and has served numerous clients through its proven system. If you are seeking professional assistance in the immigration and skilled worker program Canada, turn to Maple Immigration Services.
Visit https://mapleimmigration.ca/ now.
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3zsfBTz
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arrowmfgoffroad · 3 months
How Has CNC Turning and Milling Machining Changed The Manufacturing Industry?
In recent years, the manufacturing industry has seen significant changes due to advancements in technology. One of the most influential technologies that have transformed the industry is computer numerical control (CNC) machining. This method utilizes computer-controlled machinery to carry out precise and complex machining operations with ease and accuracy. In Canada, CNC turning and milling services have become increasingly popular due to their numerous advantages. In this article, we will explore how CNC turning and milling machining have changed the manufacturing industry in Canada.
The Rise of CNC Machining in Canada
Canada's manufacturing industry has been a vital contributor to the country's economy for decades. However, with increasing competition from other countries, Canadian manufacturers had to adapt to stay competitive. This led to the rise of advanced technologies like CNC machining, which enabled manufacturers to produce high-quality products at lower costs and within shorter timeframes. Today, Canada's manufacturing industry is among the world leaders in adopting CNC technology. This trend has been especially prevalent in the metalworking sector, where CNC turning and milling services are widely used.
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
One of the most significant advantages of using CNC turning and milling machines is the increased efficiency and productivity they offer. Compared to traditional manual machining methods, CNC machines can work at much higher speeds with exceptional precision. This results in shorter production times and allows manufacturers to produce more products in a shorter amount of time. Moreover, CNC machines have features like automated tool changers and multiple axes that enable them to carry out complex operations seamlessly. This not only saves time but also eliminates the potential for human error, ensuring consistent and accurate results every time.
Cost Savings
Another significant benefit of CNC machining is its ability to reduce production costs. By automating processes that would usually require manual labor, manufacturers can save on labor costs and reduce the risk of human error, which can be costly in terms of material waste and production delays. Furthermore, CNC machines can run continuously without breaks or rest, resulting in increased productivity and reduced labor costs. This also makes it possible to operate multiple machines simultaneously, further increasing efficiency and reducing production costs.
Superior Quality
With the precise control offered by CNC turning and milling machines, manufacturers can achieve higher levels of quality in their products. CNC technology allows for tight tolerances and exceptional surface finishes, which is essential for industries like aerospace and medical where precision is critical. Moreover, the use of CNC machines eliminates the risk of human error and produces consistent results every time. This not only ensures superior quality but also reduces the need for rework or scrap materials, saving manufacturers both time and money.
CNC turning and milling machines offer a high level of adaptability and versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. With the use of different tools and programming, manufacturers can produce a variety of products with just one machine. Additionally, CNC machines can easily switch between different operations without needing to be manually reconfigured, allowing for quick production changes and reducing downtime. This flexibility makes CNC machining ideal for small batch production, prototyping, and customization.
The use of CNC milling and turning in Canada has become increasingly popular due to its cost-effectiveness. While the initial investment may be higher compared to traditional machining methods, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. With reduced labor costs, increased productivity, superior quality, and flexibility in production, CNC machining offers a significant return on investment. This is especially beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses looking to improve their production processes while keeping costs under control.
One of the key advantages of CNC milling and turning in Canada is its automation capabilities. The use of computer programming allows for unmanned operation, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing efficiency. With minimal human intervention required, manufacturers can reduce the risk of errors and injuries on the production floor. Additionally, automation allows for 24/7 operation, increasing overall productivity.
CNC milling and turning machines use advanced technology to produce precise and accurate parts consistently. With computer-aided design (CAD) software, manufacturers can create detailed designs that are then translated into instructions for the CNC machines. This level of precision is crucial for industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical, where even the smallest deviation can have significant consequences. CNC machining ensures that parts are produced to exact specifications every time, reducing the likelihood of errors and waste.
CNC milling and turning in Canada offer versatility in terms of materials that can be machined. From metals to plastics and composites, CNC machines can work with a wide range of materials, making them suitable for various industries. Moreover, CNC machining allows for the production of complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional methods. This makes it a preferred option for prototyping and small batch production runs.
The benefits of CNC milling Canada and CNC turning Canada are undeniable. The advancements in technology provide unprecedented levels of automation, precision, and versatility. This has not only increased productivity but also broadened the spectrum of possibilities in manufacturing. From prototyping to large-scale production, CNC milling and turning in Canada are paving the way for industries to achieve efficiency and accuracy in their processes, fostering innovation, and contributing to the growth of Canada's manufacturing sector. Explore the potential of CNC milling Canada and CNC turning Canada for your business. Embrace precision, versatility, and efficiency in production. Contact us today!
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apology-melon · 5 months
Migraines - Balanced Brain Chemistry Provides Relief
Migraine suffers can find help with an old formula that keeps the brain clear of pain, fogginess, and memory lapses. Appears to reduce these symptoms and build clarity, concise thinking, and help recover maximum functionality. Reduces accumulations of stress by-products and thus diminishes the occurence of migraines. Also seems to help stimulate clear thought, memory recall, and top-performance in click here most mental gymnastics of work and school.
As a recovered victim of learning disabilities, stress disorder, and brain chemistry challenges, I was forced to find a simple remedy to the many symptoms of brain imbalance. Recovering from the grief of a fiancée's death at 19, I spiraled into all these symptoms with no apparent way out. ADD and ADHD were words that hadn't even been invented at that time. We began researching what caused these symptoms.
What we didn't know then was that stress overloads the brain with accumulated waste from burning up to 50% of the body's fuel. When we're thinking, the brain's neurons fire across the synapses to produce thought. Like other body cells, the brain cells are dependent on sufficient metabolic fuel and oxygen to work properly. However, when we put the brain on overload with worries and stress, the brain cells begin to lose efficiency due to accumulated waste products from accelerated fuel processing. The result can be brain fatigue, brain fog, lack of focus, lowering of concentration, abnormal behavior, with accompanying headaches and migraines.
Similar to muscles overworked, the neurons produce a by-product similar to the lactic acid that causes muscle soreness after strenuous workouts. In the case of the brain, this by-product begins to coat the cellular membrane with a substance that limits cellular efficiency. Waste product elimination slows and the membrane's coating multiplies. Cell membranes normally are only two molecules thick which allows permeability; waste coatings thicken and further limit this permeability. This thickening also limits the intake of food and oxygen so the cell must reduce metabolism. Cellular energy as well as your energy begin to wane.
We were driven to finding a cure for my chemical imbalance. What we found in 1971 was an article by Abram Hoffer, a Canadian psychologist, that indicated brain chemistry imbalance could be restored by the use of niacin, vitamin C and L-Glutamic Acid. His article explained that niacin helps the brain cells to fire with adequate strength to cross the synaptic gap between neurons. Vitamin C allows assists all our body's' cells to deal with stress.
The most amazing part of his discovery was that over-stressed brain activity produces cellular ammonia as a by-product from too much thought. Overwork causes the brain neuron's cellular membrane to become coated sufficiently with ammonia to limit their ingestion of oxygen and nutrition and their elimination of waste products. Cells become sluggish from lack of respiration (breathing in oxygen and fuel and then expelling waste) Don't you get tired when you're out of breath or constipated?
What Hoffer postulated was that abnormalities of brain chemistry could lead to learning disabilities, personality disorders, hyperactivity, and worse. Could it be that much of our psychological challenges as a society be simple imbalances of brain chemistry? Can an author clear "writer's block" or an artist get beyond their creativity lockup? Perhaps even more dire symptoms such as schizophrenia, bi-polar personalities and other psychological disorders are affected by nourishing the brain tissue.
A recent client had been plagued by migraines her entire life. She had no history of head trauma. She didn't smoke or drink alcohol to excess. However, she did have a heavy stress load from operating multiple retail businesses. She made endless lists of to-do's that kept her brain overly active eighteen hours a day. Periodically she'd reach a point of exhaustion and spiral into a migraine, back pain and serious indigestion. If left to run its course without intervention, the migraine and accompaning discomforts would require a couple to a few days to clear while she remained bedridden.
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market-insider · 5 months
Copper Scrap: Examining Strategies, Innovations, and Market Opportunities in the Global Recycling Revolution Market
The global copper scrap market size is anticipated to reach USD 105.90 billion by 2030 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.6% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Increasing use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation has resulted in technological developments in the wind generation sector. This factor, coupled with rising awareness and emphasis on clean energy and sustainability, is expected to drive the demand for copper in wind energy production. This is set to become the biggest driver for the market over the forecast period.
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Copper Scrap Market Report Highlights
Based on feed material, the old scrap segment led the market with the largest revenue share of 51.6% in 2023. These enter the scrap value chain largely through an unorganized route.Old scrap remains the most predominant supply source of scrap, and this is expected to remain same during the forecast period
Based on grade, the #2 copper segment held the market with the largest revenue share of 31.6% in 2023, and it is also expected to grow at a significant CAGR over the forecast period, due to its wide availability
Based on application, the brass mills segment is expected to grow at the lucrative CAGR over the forecast period, owing to high demand from applications such as hardware & plumbing, valves, casings, and decorative items
Copper is of vital importance in wire & cable applications, and these are key enablers for global market.
Asia Pacific dominated the market with the revenue share in 2023, owing to factors such as focus on reducing carbon emissions by a shift in attention toward renewable energy, amendments in trade policy, and investments across Asia Pacific region are expected to positively increase copper scrap demand
In December 2022, AIM Recycling, a Canadian-based scrap recycler entered into a 50:50 JV agreement with Kalischatarra (Kalisch Recycling), a Mexican scrap recycler. This will expand the former’s customer reach in Mexico
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Copper Scrap Market Report
Further, rising investments in EV manufacturing facilities across the world are expected to positively influence copper usage, consequently benefiting the market growth over the forecast period. For instance, in March 2022, Suzuki Motor Corporation decided to invest USD 1,320.2 million in its manufacturing plant in Gujarat, India. It is also planned to produce 125,000 EVs by 2025. In addition, over past two years, companies such as Daimler, Stellantis, and General Motors invested USD 47.0, 35.0, and 23.0 billion for their EV production facilities, respectively.
Stringent environmental regulations were introduced to mitigate environmental adversities. As a result, scrap dealers are required to obtain a certificate of conformity that indicates scrap yards and businesses comply with waste regulations. Further, Standard Rules SR2015No3 describes metal recycling and waste electrical and electronic equipment authorized treatment facility (ATF) excluding ozone-depleting substances. A license is required for all metal trading and is issued by the local authority. These regulations influence demand for copper scrap and impact market growth.
The European Union has set an ambitious target to become climate-neutral by 2050. Owing to this, the region is witnessing a significant boost in the production of EVs. For instance, in July 2022, Volvo announced an investment of EUR 1.20 billion (USD 1.22 billion) to set up a new manufacturing plant in Slovakia, and the plant is expected to begin production by 2026. Similarly, the rising focus of European countries on sustainable and clean energy generation is propelling the demand for renewable energy like wind and hydro, which is positively impacting copper.
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industryforecastnews · 5 months
Copper Scrap Market Size To Reach $105.90 Billion By 2030
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Copper Scrap Market Growth & Trends
The global copper scrap market size is anticipated to reach USD 105.90 billion by 2030 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.6% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Increasing use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation has resulted in technological developments in the wind generation sector. This factor, coupled with rising awareness and emphasis on clean energy and sustainability, is expected to drive the demand for copper in wind energy production. This is set to become the biggest driver for the market over the forecast period.
Further, rising investments in EV manufacturing facilities across the world are expected to positively influence copper usage, consequently benefiting the market growth over the forecast period. For instance, in March 2022, Suzuki Motor Corporation decided to invest USD 1,320.2 million in its manufacturing plant in Gujarat, India. It is also planned to produce 125,000 EVs by 2025. In addition, over past two years, companies such as Daimler, Stellantis, and General Motors invested USD 47.0, 35.0, and 23.0 billion for their EV production facilities, respectively.
Stringent environmental regulations were introduced to mitigate environmental adversities. As a result, scrap dealers are required to obtain a certificate of conformity that indicates scrap yards and businesses comply with waste regulations. Further, Standard Rules SR2015No3 describes metal recycling and waste electrical and electronic equipment authorized treatment facility (ATF) excluding ozone-depleting substances. A license is required for all metal trading and is issued by the local authority. These regulations influence demand for copper scrap and impact market growth.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/copper-scrap-market-report
The European Union has set an ambitious target to become climate-neutral by 2050. Owing to this, the region is witnessing a significant boost in the production of EVs. For instance, in July 2022, Volvo announced an investment of EUR 1.20 billion (USD 1.22 billion) to set up a new manufacturing plant in Slovakia, and the plant is expected to begin production by 2026. Similarly, the rising focus of European countries on sustainable and clean energy generation is propelling the demand for renewable energy like wind and hydro, which is positively impacting copper.
Copper Scrap Market Report Highlights
Based on feed material, the old scrap segment led the market with the largest revenue share of 51.6% in 2023. These enter the scrap value chain largely through an unorganized route.Old scrap remains the most predominant supply source of scrap, and this is expected to remain same during the forecast period
Based on grade, the #2 copper segment held the market with the largest revenue share of 31.6% in 2023, and it is also expected to grow at a significant CAGR over the forecast period, due to its wide availability
Based on application, the brass mills segment is expected to grow at the lucrative CAGR over the forecast period, owing to high demand from applications such as hardware & plumbing, valves, casings, and decorative items
Copper is of vital importance in wire & cable applications, and these are key enablers for global market.
Asia Pacific dominated the market with the revenue share in 2023, owing to factors such as focus on reducing carbon emissions by a shift in attention toward renewable energy, amendments in trade policy, and investments across Asia Pacific region are expected to positively increase copper scrap demand
In December 2022, AIM Recycling, a Canadian-based scrap recycler entered into a 50:50 JV agreement with Kalischatarra (Kalisch Recycling), a Mexican scrap recycler. This will expand the former’s customer reach in Mexico
Copper Scrap Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the copper scrap market report based on feed material, grade, application, end-use, and region:
Copper Scrap Feed Material Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Old Scrap
New Scrap
Copper Scrap Grade Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Bare Bright
#1 Copper Scrap
#2 Copper Scrap
Other Grades
Copper Scrap Application Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Wire Rod Mills
Brass Mills
Ingot Makers
Other Applications
Copper Scrap End-use Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Building & Construction
Electrical & Electronics
Industrial Machinery & Equipment
Transportation Equipment
Consumer and General Products
Copper Scrap Region Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Copper Scrap Market
Ames Copper Group
Aurubis AG
Global Metals & Iron Inc.
OmniSource, LLC.
Pascha GmbH.
Perniagaan Logam Panchavarnam Sdn Bhd
S.I.C. Recycling, Inc.
Browse full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/copper-scrap-market-report
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fancoloredglasses · 2 months
[RERUN] X-Men (As The X Turns)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney and Saban Entertainment. Please don’t sue me]
(Thanks to Miguel Sac)
Due to a major update to the series 27 years after the series went off the air (and not due to any desire to update my posting style or videos being taken down), I’m dusting off this review and giving it the RERUN treatment. I won’t be linking to the original review, as nothing much really changed.
X-Men was, at the time, the greatest animated series done by Marvel (the greatest overall animated series up to that point was Batman), but first a bit of background.
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(Thanks to Marvel)
When Marvel was creating its Silver Age lineup, nearly every super hero was created due to some sort of accident (Spider-Man was bitten by a spider infused with radiation, the Hulk was caught in an explosion of gamma radiation, Daredevil was hit in the head with a canister filled with radioactive waste, the Fantastic Four were exposed to cosmic radiation (there was a LOT of radiation in the 60s), and Tony Stark made Iron Man in order to save his life after stepping on a land mine)
However, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wanted something different, so the X-Men were Mutants, born with their powers. There was no small parallel between the struggle of Mutants trying to gain acceptance from the regular humans they defended (who feared and/or hated them) and those of blacks in the 60s suffering under segregation and “Jim Crow” laws.
The series wasn’t popular (I know. It’s hard to believe, given modern eyes)
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(Thanks again to Marvel)
It wasn’t until 12 years later when the team expanded beyond the original 5 (plus Professor X) that the team gained popularity (no doubt due in no small part to Wolverine joining their ranks) The struggle between humans and mutants was still there, but over time other “oppressed” subsets of society (such as the LGBTQ+ community) began to see the X-Men as beacons in their struggle for acceptance.
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(Thanks to Dork Tower)
The 1992 animated series was actually the second attempt at an X-Men series. The first was attempted in the 80s only got as far as the pilot.
(Thanks to Heroes Network)
Yes, they gave the very Canadian Wolverine an Australian accent. According to rumor, Crocodile Dundee was popular at the time and the producers wanted to latch onto it.
For whatever reason, this pilot wasn’t picked up, which is a shame. It looked like it had promise.
But enough backstory, on to the series!
For those who don’t know, the X-Men are a group of heroic mutants who defend the very humans who fear and hate them.
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The team is led by their founder Charles Xavier (AKA Professor X), a powerful telepath who runs a “School for Gifted Youngsters” that secretly teaches young mutants how to control their abilities and use them to benefit society. Due to an accident in his younger days, he is paralyzed from the waist down. He “has a dream” of a world where humans and mutants can co-exist peacefully.
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Xavier’s field commander (since he can’t exactly go into battle in a wheelchair) is Scott Summers (AKA Cyclops) who fires energy blasts from his eyes. Unfortunately he lacks the ability to control them, so Xavier had special ruby lenses made for him that can stop the beams. His visor is one such lens (he wears special sunglasses when not in costume)
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Scott’s girlfriend is Jean Grey (AKA…well, in the comics it’s Marvel Girl. In pretty much every other version she doesn’t have an X-Men code name), who is an even more powerful telepath and telekinetic.
However, Scott isn’t the only one vying for Jean’s affections…
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Logan (AKA Wolverine (AKA James Howlett in the comics)) is a Canadian native who has heightened senses, a massive healing factor that can recover from any injury (and apparently slows his aging, as he’s over 150 years old in the comics!) His skeleton was also infused with adamantium, a nigh-indestructible alloy, by the Canadian government for some reason.
He is also very likely the most popular character in Marvel Comics (at least until Deadpool showed up in the early 90s)
Rounding out the team, we have…
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Ororo Monroe (AKA Storm) is an African native who has the ability to control weather, but suffers from severe claustrophobia due to childhood trauma. She is also second in command in the field.
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Rogue (AKA Anna Marie) is from the southern US and has the ability to drain the strength, powers, and memories of anyone she has skin-to-skin contact with, whether she wants to or not (you can imagine what that does to her love life) Somewhere in her past, she held contact with a hero known as Ms. Marvel longer than she ever had, putting Marvel in a coma and permanently giving Rogue Marvel’s heightened strength and flight abilities (in the comics, Ms. Marvel (AKA Carol Danvers) would eventually recover and become the third Marvel hero to carry the moniker Captain Marvel (but not the third hero to ever have the name))
Rogue has a flirtatious (if somewhat tragic, due to her abilities) relationship with…
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Remy LeBeau (AKA Gambit) is a Cajun ex-thief from Louisiana who has the ability to charge small objects (he prefers playing cards) with explosive energy.
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Hank McCoy (AKA Beast) is a genius-level intellect with heightened strength and agility. His powers were amplified due to a lab accident that enhanced his mutant genes. This accident also gave him his current appearance.
[Quick note: in the comics, Hank, along with Scott and Jean, were three of the five founding members of the X-Men. For more info about one of the other founders, check out this review]
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Rather than Kitty Pryde as the inroad for the audience (as was the case in the failed pilot), the producers created a new character named Jubilation Lee (AKA Jubilee), who can create plasma bubbles (that she calls “fireworks”) that she can control and explode. When the series begins she’s just coming into her powers and isn’t actually part of the team yet.
Of course, if you have heroic mutants trying to save the humans you need evil mutants trying to destroy them.
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If Charles Xavier is the mutant version of Martin Luther King Jr., then Max Eisenhardt (AKA "Magnus", AKA Magneto) is Malcolm X. He has the ability to manipulate magnetism (though he has manipulated non-ferrous metals as well, such as the adamantium in Wolverine’s skeleton) Magneto sees a war between humans and mutants coming and is determined to ensure mutants win.
Magneto and Xavier are friends and want to save the mutants, despite their very different approaches.
He is also the leader of an organization known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (way to give away which side you’re on) I won’t cover the rest of the members, as many only make a handful of appearances.
However, Magneto and his ilk aren’t the only threats to the X-Men, as humans have their own weapons, including…
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…Sentinels, three story tall robots programmed to detect and capture/eliminate mutants.
The series was fairly unique at the time, especially for US animation, in that it was aired as an ongoing story. Most episodes were built off of events in previous episodes. In addition, the action at times took a back seat to the drama within the team, either through the love triangle of Scott, Jean, and Logan or the tragic relationship between Remi and Rogue, and Xavier’s struggle for mutant acceptance among humans.
The series ran for 5 seasons (from 1992-1997) The fifth season had a reduced number of episodes and lower animation and color quality due to Marvel having serious financial issues (this was the time that Marvel started selling movie rights of their franchises in an effort to stay afloat)
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As a result, Jubilee's appearance changed slightly, making her more Asian in appearance (her ethnicity was never discussed in the series, so it's possible she was always Asian, even though her features didn't reflect her heritage)
However, in 2024 Disney green-lit a sixth season (under the title X-Men ’97) that picks up where the series left off. Most of the surviving voice cast returned (Alyson Court, who voiced Jubilee, felt that an Asian voice actor should be in the role. Her request was granted, and Disney cast her in a different role instead)
The series is available on Disney+. If you would like to see an episode (or storyline) reviewed, let me know.
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packagesolution · 6 months
Wrapped in Potential: Aluminium Foil's Impact in Canada
Aluminium foil, with its remarkable versatility and wide-ranging applications, plays an integral role in Canadian households, industries, and beyond. From preserving food freshness to enhancing cooking convenience and supporting sustainability initiatives, aluminium foil is a staple in the Canadian landscape. In this blog post, we'll delve into the multifaceted impact of aluminium foil in Canada and explore its diverse uses and contributions to everyday life.
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Preserving Freshness and Flavor
One of the most prominent uses of aluminium foil in Canadian homes is for preserving food freshness and flavor. Whether it's wrapping leftovers, covering dishes in the refrigerator, or storing snacks for on-the-go convenience, aluminium foil acts as a reliable barrier against moisture, odors, and contaminants, helping to extend the shelf life of perishable items and maintain their quality.
In a country where food waste is a significant concern, aluminium foil serves as a valuable tool for minimizing waste and maximizing the value of food purchases. By creating an airtight seal and protecting food from spoilage, aluminium foil empowers Canadians to enjoy their favorite foods for longer periods while reducing the need for frequent trips to the grocery store.
Enhancing Cooking Convenience
In addition to preserving food freshness, aluminium foil enhances cooking convenience and versatility in Canadian kitchens. Whether baking, grilling, roasting, or steaming, aluminium foil serves as a heat-resistant barrier that helps to distribute heat evenly, prevent sticking, and lock in moisture, resulting in delicious and evenly cooked meals.
For Canadians who love to barbecue, aluminium foil is an indispensable tool for creating foil packets filled with vegetables, seafood, or marinated meats, allowing for easy cleanup and flavorful results. Similarly, in the oven, aluminium foil can be used to line baking sheets, wrap potatoes, or cover casseroles, simplifying meal preparation and cleanup in busy households.
Supporting Sustainability Initiatives
Beyond its practical uses, aluminium foil also supports sustainability initiatives in Canada by promoting resource efficiency and waste reduction. Aluminium foil is recyclable, meaning that it can be collected, processed, and reused to produce new aluminium products, thus conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing.
Moreover, aluminium foil's lightweight nature makes it an eco-friendly packaging option for transporting and storing food products, as it requires less energy and resources to produce and transport compared to heavier packaging materials. By choosing aluminium foil packaging, Canadian businesses can contribute to efforts to minimize packaging waste and promote a circular economy.
In conclusion, aluminium foil plays a vital role in Canada, offering practical solutions for preserving food freshness, enhancing cooking convenience, and supporting sustainability initiatives. As Canadians continue to prioritize efficiency, convenience, and environmental responsibility in their lifestyles, aluminium foil remains a trusted ally in the kitchen and beyond.
With its versatility, durability, and recyclability, aluminium foil has earned its place as a household essential and an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries. As Canada strives towards a more sustainable and resilient future, aluminium foil will continue to shine bright as a symbol of innovation, resourcefulness, and everyday ingenuity.
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