valdiis · 2 months
Quiz: Villain Type
Tagged by @gatheredfates
I decided to do this one for Aeluan specifically because he's my Lawful Good character and the thought of him being a villain amused me. I am completely unsurprised by the answer.
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Your Result:
For the Greater Good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
Quiz here.
Tagging @chocoblep, @canalstreetbaker, @briar-ffxiv, @shadesofblades, and @midnightmagicks.
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elgaladwen · 8 days
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This NPC always reminded me of @canalstreetbaker's character, purely because of the one-letter-off name, not her, but who knows, maybe they have things in common!
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heroicn0nsense · 1 year
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Finished commission for @canalstreetbaker
GAZE went to a fancy gala in their campaign, and was the belle of the ball. I love this character so much. Thank you Oz for trusting me with them again!
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aidoneus-forgeron · 3 months
Character Associations: Aidoneus Forgeron
Fill out 3 or more symbolic associations for each category!
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calculation: Aidon is a strategist and when it comes to anything other than people he's interested in, he can be very calculating loneliness: since the deaths of his squadron at the Final Steps of Faith, he's been very alone disillusionment: faith was once his bulwark, and now his faith in the Fury is rattled
black: most of his wardrobe is a nice, boring, uncomplicated black silver: the color of armor dark blue: the darkest of seas and the inner turmoil of the mind
armor polish: a knight is always prepared hot metal: as a blacksmith, this is a given pine: his cologne has strong woodsy notes, including pine
mechanical arm: his left arm isn't natural blacksmith's hammer: he hammers out his own armor empty bottle: he's surrounded by empty gin bottles
folded arms: a closed-off posture a frown: some think he doesn't know how to smile hands folded behind back: utter confidence (so long as he's not interested in you)
knightcore: naturally a lone tower: a symbol of his mind dark seas: a symbol of his emotions
Tagged by @briar-ffxiv. Tagging: @chocoblep, @canalstreetbaker, and @houserosaire (who has probably already done it, I can't remember)
Thank you!
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nightingale-company · 2 years
@chocoblep, @canalstreetbaker, @pocketfox, @wel-kynd - All y’all need to step up your game in producing content! (Of course, none of you use tumblr as much as I do, but that’s besides the point.) I just queued up a ton of content, but it’s AAAAALL Aeluan and Daephrin and Vy’thanis stuff because y’all ain’t made shit. Get on that!
Love, Val
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castellankurze · 4 years
STRENGTH : What is your character’s greatest virtue?
...”virtue” is a harder question to answer for Lady Blackstone than would be ‘asset’ or funnily enough ‘strength’ which are the kind of terms through which she’s more used to viewing herself.  Virtue?  She’s a woman of very little, and would readily be the first to tell you.
Perhaps it’s her slowly-emerging willingness to change her old ways, enlightened self-interest giving way, bit by bit, to a form of genuine altruism.  Perhaps it’s her motherly instinct jumping to the fore when she sees literal actual children like Unukalhai and Ryne putting themselves in danger to help others.  Perhaps it’s her thick ass.
Perhaps time will tell whether a creature of darkness can truly change her colors.
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starcunning · 5 years
canalstreetbaker replied to your photoset “#30ShadowScreenshots 18. The state of your retainers I believe the...”
My three retainers have scored me about 5 mil in the past three weeks. But I'm just cleaning out their bags.
what’s it like to have good and useful retainers?
i shouldn’t complain, i’m in a pretty comfortable position going into the expansion despite some unexpected expenses but that’s because treasure maps are shockingly affordable and the gil drops are not bad even if the crafting loot doesn’t go for premium prices anymore.
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catscratching · 5 years
canalstreetbaker replied to your post: ==About the Mun – one / NAME / ALIAS. Lydia is my...
Yo no such thing as an unhealthy amount of black sails
Thank you for validating my obsession. ;D
(srsly though on my third watch-through)
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eorzean-capitalist · 5 years
canalstreetbaker replied to your post: I used to be a healer.   Now I’m a tank. And I… I...
Welcome to the Darkside. You show real Grit coming here, but you’ll become a Bloodspiller in no time.
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@nineprotons we have a fellow punster here!
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catbatart · 3 years
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Commission of a Yuan Ti designed warforged for @canalstreetbaker! LOVED working on this robo snakeman!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
Which of my favorite specific character archetypes are you? - Jaxon Tavard
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the Lionheart
The loyal one, the stubborn one, the one who fights for others. The guarder, the watcher, the brave, foolish, valiant person who is not the same person by the end of the story.
Quiz Here.
Tagged by: @hiraethwyl (sorta! Thank you for sharing it!)
Tagging: @chocoblep @placesyoucallhome @valdiis @thefrostflower @adeerinnara-blog @canalstreetbaker @illia-ast @brambles-n-biscuits @sundered-souls @miqojak @talion-graves @yokasaris @sola-ffxiv @unatobajhiri & anyone else that wants to do it!
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valdiis · 2 months
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @briar-ffxiv. <3
LAST SONG: Too Sweet by Hozier. It's been on fucking repeat in my head for days. (Warning: there's close-ups of ants and earthworms in that video, if you're bug-averse.)
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Working my way through Good Omens (again) and Loki with friends, watching Sailor Moon Crystal on my own.
THREE SHIPS: Uh... You mean, like, not my own? @deathflare has given me horrible Erenville/Meteor brain. Then, I guess, Crowley/Aziraphale (look, I'm totally behind the idea that platonic ships don't get enough love, but you can't tell me they're not pining for each other). Aaaand... Eredis/Nancy, which is a ship no one but maybe @starcunning will know (other than the ship writer, of course); I love star-crossed lovers.
FAVORITE COLOR: Teal! I even dye a streak of teal hair at the nape of my neck.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: Cherry Dr. Pepper. I'm actually totally off non-diet sodas, but I really wanted to try this, so I broke my rule to taste it. It's a bit too sweet, but all regular sodas are now. I'm about to head to a local custard place for a tasty chocolate treat because I'm feeling calorically irresponsible today.
FIRST SHIP: Oh gracious. Um. Gambit/Rogue, except I really wanted to be Rogue. I even grew a white streak in my hair in my twenties. (I was eight when I started watching X-Men on TV.)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Savannah, Georgia, USA.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Happily married since October 2016, together since March 2010. @canalstreetbaker is my rock.
LAST MOVIE: I don't even remember. I think the last thing I watched, period, was the first episode of Bridgerton. Maybe the last movie was Sing 2? I don't know.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Other than this thing? I'm reading a cute merman romance novel on my Kindle, writing with a couple friends, and trying to get the motivation to pick back up my cross-stitch or my embroidery and actually finish something. Oh, and I've got some art to hang on the walls.
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chocoblep · 3 years
#17: Get in, Loser
The Vaeltore Home, just before leaving for their honeymoon...
“I know what I’m doing with this, Arli,” Darian grumbled, poking about in the innards of an Allagan repair node. “It doesn’t just automatically know what it’s doing. I have to teach it, and the core is malfunctioning. It keeps forgetting things it’s been taught.”
"Maybe it’s a memory issue,” Arli said, and Darian laughed softly.
“You know I appreciate the pun, but that’s not an incorrect observation. I think the data bank that stores all of that information is on the verge of dying--ah, here it is.” Pulling the data drive out of the node, he turned it over in his hand and then set it on the table next to him. “I need a working one to test this against,” he mumbled.
Arli looked up from the chair she’d been lounging in nearby in a position that he would have thought uncomfortable. “Maybe we’ll find one while we’re traveling,” she suggested, a wide smile on her face.
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Arli looked up at him with a Cheshire grin. “Who says we can’t do a little shopping while we’re here?”
He’d begun to wonder if they were ever going to get home. They’d been here long enough and Arli was doing her part--he was with her, of course, helping her along, but he had his very specific uses, too. So it was that when they were given the chance to delve into the Crystal Tower’s depths, they’d excitedly taken it.
He’d been like a kid in a candy store. There were nodes everywhere, some of them functioning perfectly. The ones that weren’t functioning correctly were mostly beyond repair, but he’d found a few, including a repair node, whose malfunctions were of a more mechanical nature.
“This one,” Darian said, looking at the node.
“You’d think it could repair itself.”
“Its problem prevents it from doing so, I think, judging by the giant dent it’s got,” he said, powering the thing off and opening it up. “The data drive seems intact, though… I wonder how much tech this one has learned to repair…”
“Well, they’re not going to miss it, right? There’s a ton of fully functioning ones around.”
Arli looked down at Darian. Darian looked up at Arli. He slipped the drive into his coat’s pocket and grinned. When he closed the panel again and stood up, he turned toward her. “So, let’s see if we can requisition anything that’ll help us get home.”
“As long as we can dodge the sentries.”
“You mean take care of the sentries. You know, I’ve always wanted a sentry. Maybe I should build one when we get back home.”
Arli looked up at him with a cheshire grin. “Who says we can’t do a little shopping while we’re here?”
( @canalstreetbaker )
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heroicn0nsense · 1 year
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A round of finished post card commissions!
GAZE for @canalstreetbaker
Anise for @artikgatoato
Penelope for @zippy-elly
Aidin for /littlefishstyck on Twitter
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meilon-soda · 3 years
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Commissioned art for @canalstreetbaker many thanks for trusting me with another fun piece! I really enjoyed painting these ocs and painting their clothes 😆✨💜
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barnaby-wyznfarr · 4 years
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A chibi illustration I made of @canalstreetbaker‘s miqo’te, C’arliani Khilo!
I’m currently accepting illustrations like this on a commission basis. Please feel welcome to contact me at andreakoupal (at) gmail (dot) com, if interested.
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