#candy pokemon go bug
nazariatakus · 2 years
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Man tbh I'm at a weird crossroads with Pokémon. I love pokemon it is one of my most major special interests etc etc but I think I've become, like, a beta-genwunner. I don't really like the creature design direction starting ~gen 6 or so and SWSH/SCVI as games just really are alienating me from the series. Pokemon has so much potential to be one of the most fantastic open/semi-open world games of all time but they keep rushing the games and making stupid decisions (see: dexit) that do nothing but polarize the fanbase.
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internal-bleating · 2 years
ya'll im fuckin LIVID
Was trying to evolve a Ducklett earlier on Pokemon Go, and I got an error while doing so and the game FUCKING ATE MY DUCKLETT AND THE 50 CANDIES I HAD TO EVOLVE HER
Niantic, you owe me 50 ducklett candies and a CP 642 Ducklett
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bogleech · 1 year
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These are now in my opinion the first five most maximum Halloween Pokemon, if you could only actually use all of these in one game like god intended. See you got the bare essentials of pumpkin, ghost costume, skeleton and bat but the bat is also a scorpion (and on the down-low a buried horror movie reference) so it's more Halloween than any of the other bats and you certainly can't go without some kind of bug creature presence (even if it's not a bug type), while the newly unveiled Dipplin is a seasonal fall junk food that also has worms in it so personally I think that's as mandatory as having a pumpkin. The final spot, if this were a Pokemon team, is up in the air because until they come out with like a witchy psychic spider or a candy corn demonic owl or something there's a lot of equally valid candidates for 6th Halloweenest
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You could arguably fold your bat and skeleton presence together into Lunala but then you would still need to find a place for an arthropod and unfortunately none of the Pokemon's spiders have a spooky enough theming yet.
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boosmidnighthour · 9 days
Uh... nickname headcanon time? I guess?
For a while, I needed to have Ninjago nicknames ready in my brain whenever I wrote. Then I would have to remember the ones the fandoms made up. Then I decided "fuck it; just make a list so that it's ready to go."
So, here's random list that I have slowly gathered up. As you can see, I list the character, and then I'll put the nicknames that they'll call the others below that. Some nicknames I am well aware exist, but don't like (example: "Pebble" for Cole) or my creative juices die for characters I rarely write about (literally anybody that's not the OG 4), so this is not a comprehensive list of every nickname within the fandom. Just ones that I like and would like to use at some point.
If you have any other ideas, comment below. Have fun!
Divider created by drawloverlala!
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Zane: Frost/Frosty, Frosted Flakes, Snowflake, Tin Can (rarely), Pinky, Snake Jaguar/Jaguar (occasionally), Frostbite, Ice Cube
Jay: Zaptrap, Motormouth, Zip/Zipper, Loud Mouth, Jaybird, Bluejay, Lightning Bug, Sparky, Bluebell (bruise), Chatterbox, Fruit Loops (paired with Kai), Jitterbug
Kai: Flicker (lava), Hot Head, Emerald (lava), Lover Boy, Firefly (lava), Sunshine (lava), Fireball, Fruit Loops (paired with Jay), Firework, Hair Gel
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Not one to give nicknames unless in a relationship with them or as an inside joke.
Cole: Rocky (occasionally, Rocky Dangerbuff), Honey (glacier), Angel (glacier)
Pixal: Detective (occasionally)
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Sometimes goes into a southern dialect thanks to his upbringing. (Ex: dearie, hun, etc.) (Zane may eventually start picking up on it himself. Nicknames may also be game references.
Cole: Rocky, Earthbound, Cake Pop (bruise)/Cake Pops (bruise, with child), Boulderbrain
Zane: Bucket o' Bolts (rarely), Mr. Mint (Candy Land), Vanilla Ice (rarely), Ice Bucket, McFlurry, Frostbite (techno), Icee, Gumdrop, Jack Frost
Kai: Air Head, Firefly (plasma), Fireball, Firestorm, Star/Shooting Star (plasma), Hot Shot, Sunshine
Nya: Stardew (jaya)
Lloyd: Goldilocks
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Cole: Rocky, Big Guy/Big Lug/Big Boy, Sweetheart (lava), Fruit Basket, Magma, Boulder/Boulders, Beefcake, CoCo (lava), Dirt Clod
Zane: Sweetheart (opposite), Nitro (nitroglycerin), Z, Bird Brain
Jay: Lightning Bug (plasma), Baby/Babe (plasma), Glow Bug, Loud Mouth/Blabbermouth/Motormouth, Sparky, Sparkplug, Lover Boy, Thundercloud (plasma), JayJay, Bird Brain
Nya: Blastoise, Lapras
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Pokemon nerd. Is slowly getting Kai in on it.
Zane: Glaceon
Jay: Jolteon, Thunderbolt
Kai: Blaziken, Flareon, Charizard, Torchic
Lloyd: Leafeon
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Nya: Dewdrop (amberphoenix)
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How is it that I came up with more ideas for Nya and Skylor than Lloyd? I mention them even less than I do him. I might eventually add to this, but only if I get significantly more ideas.
I'm just gonna tag all the ships because they're mentioned. I don't even like a few them. Sorry!
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pokepuff2988 · 5 days
You know the hyper-fixation hitting different when you make them Pokemon teams.
King Candy (Fairy): I made him a fairy type trainer, as the fairy type is often associated with sweets and other such foods. The fairy type also tends to fit his aesthetic, of shine, frills and pin- SALMON, i mean salmon. There is no other reason why he's this type (🏳️‍🌈).
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Slurpuff: It's literally the "Meringue Pokemon", a french dessert / candy. It's also pink and white, and has a general silly vibe to it.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark type to cross-over with Turbo's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Probably makes more sense on Turbo's team than it does here, but I wanted to have atleast one Pokemon the same on each team. Fantasy vibes, so kinda fits with the King idea? I feel King Candy could get away with that one as part of the disguise.
Alcremie: The "Cream Pokemon". Essentially same reasons as Slurpuff, to fit with the whole candy sweet thing. (I feel like he'd have the Salted Cream variant, red and white, but I couldn't figure out how to change it on the website)
Rapidash: Fantasy vibes, but also because of Skittles, the uni-candy-corn that was going to be King Candy's familiar/pet before being scrapped from the movie. (also, the hair looks like taffy and the horn like one of those Oreo ice cream cones)
Mawile: Large teeth and metal, huh? Themes of eating and deception? Pretending to be something you're not? Sweet face, but vicious? Never heard of that before. (CYBUG CANDY CYBUG CANDY CYBUG-)
Dachsbun: Last food based fairy type? Again, fits same role as Slurpuff and Alcremie, to sell the disguise.
Non-fairy/ Other options: Mimikyu (fairy, disguise, vibes too creepy for KC), Mr. Mime (fairy, jester, vibes too creepy for KC), Vespiquen (royalty), Bisharp (knight), Nidoking (royalty), and Politoed (described as leader of frogs)
TURBO (Dark): I made Turbo a Dark type trainer, as the Dark type is all about trickery, disguise, thievery and dirty tactics, which Turbo exemplifies. Also, the Dark type is generally seen as the """Evil""" type.
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Weavile: The fastest dark type (excusing any legendaries or special forms), which I feel Turbo would value greatly on his team. The red and the smug face also hint to his design.
Zoroark: Oh, so your whole thing is disguises and you're literally the "Illusion Fox Pokemon"? AND you're red? On the team.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark to cross over with King Candy's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Personally, I think Morgrem fits Turbo more (a short asshole), but the shiny of Grimmsnarl fits more and I don't believe Turbo would be caught dead with anything considered inferior, like a not-fully-evolved Pokemon. Only the best for the king, after all.
Sharpedo: FAST. It's a torpedo, and it's described as "the bully of the fear" and as being to "swim at speeds of up to 75 mph" which, while not as fast as a race car, true, is still pretty fast, and I think he's admire that.
Spiritomb: Something something death imagery, something something back from the dead, something something your misdeeds will not go unpunished.
Thievul: THIEF >:( Getting his grubby hands all over Sugar Rush, all over that code that's not his. Also red and also Thievul deserves more love.
Non-dark / Other options: Revaroom (CAR POKEMON. WHY AREN'T YOU DARK TYPE), Rotom (Possessing and transforming machines, like a virus...maybe I should've made him a ghost type trainer-), Parasect (TURBO IS THE FUNGUS /ref but also parasite themes and bug), Bisharp (Vibes mainly, also Pawniard looks like him), Rapidash (speed, and to pair with KC), Gengar (creepy smile glowing eyes wombo combo), Mimikyu (disguise, somehow didn't fit the vibe?), Banette (something about something from your childhood being replaced by something horrible. also, yellow eyes and teeth), Darkrai (something about childhood nightmares) and Hypno (yellow? i dunno, i'm a Hypno fan, I gotta get her in somehow).
Let me know what Pokemon you think King Candy or Turbo fit best :)
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
I’m not denying that SV was a poorly made mess, but I think it did one thing incredibly well: it’s the Pokémon game that most feels like a Pokémon game.
-It promotes bonding with Pokémon. It lets you make your Pokémon run around and gives you some interaction options, as well as making individuals unique via Tera types. The exp candies let you train as many of them as you like fairly easily, and the Tera shards, nature mints, and bottle caps let you max out an individual you’re particularly fond of.
-It feels like a story about young people going on an adventure, making friends, and growing as people, and that’s the most interesting part of the story. You get more asks on Ghetsis than Cheren, or Lysandre than the Kalos rivals (and let’s not even mention Cyrus), but how many asks do you get on Arven, Nemona, Penny and Kieran compared to Turo and Sada? As someone who adores Pokémon villains, I really like how they didn’t steal the show this time.
-The open world teeming with little guys to run around and fight and befriend was wonderful.
Again, not saying they shouldn’t have put more time into the graphics and fixed the bugs, I just think they really nailed the tone.
I like SV, but only the story feels like a good point. Things like Pokemon bonding and exploration with lots of Pokemon were in a bunch of other games, and arguably done better (especially the bonding, like in XY's amie system). The open world is fun but it's also pretty empty so I'm not sure how many points I can give them for that.
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
 Lonely Hearts Club Band | Bob Floyd
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Bob Floyd x reader
a/n: I liked this idea more in my head but it was my resolution to finish at least one of the ideas in my drafts so you guys are stuck with this one because I miss working in a record store!!!!
summary: Bob tries to find something to distract from the loneliness, he finds her instead
warnings: brief mentions of death, fluff, mentions of grief
Many people knew Bob Floyd but they never really knew about him. Even those who thought they did.
They knew he was a Cancer, that his coffee order was a flat white and that his dog was his best friend. Bob never really seemed much deeper.
It wasn’t that he was afraid to let anyone in. Bob wanted nothing more than to spend hours talking about nothing and everything in between but he came to accept the fact that maybe romantic love wasn’t on the cards for him.
Physically, Bob didn’t think he was completely repulsive but socially? He was always the guy in the back, and no one gravitates towards that guy.
He was always gonna be the geeky band kid who went to prom with friends because he couldn’t get a date, the one who was never asked about what he did on the weekend, the one that everyone he worked with called a wallflower but really, they didn’t actually ask him anything about himself.
So, to feel less lonely, he started collecting things. He started with normal kid things, he had a pretty sick rock collection, Pokemon cards, Spiderman comics. His dad helped him put shelves all over his room to display them. They finally made him an interesting person. 
As he got older he graduated to records.
He was 13 when he bought his first record. He had saved all his birthday money and his Dad promised to take him to the small record store on the corner of the block after his piano lessons. All it took was a little bit of begging and agreeing to stop playing the drums after 8pm.
He still remembers the smell and the shrill ring of the bell as he opened the door and the way his eyes widened beneath his glasses, like a kid in a candy store, as he gazed at the songbooks, cassettes and vinyls that spread from one end of the store to the other.
Truthfully, he didn’t know where to start. So he asked his pops for help. He knew everything. Bob thought he was the smartest guy in the world and trusted every opinion he had. That’s how he ended up with his first record, “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”. 
From there, it was a sordid love affair. He collected every vinyl he saw and played them until the grooves were worn in. He bugged his dad relentlessly, begging him to teach him every song he knew on the piano until his hands were cramped and he was playing ‘Hey Jude’ in his sleep. 
When his dad passed, not long after he had left for the navy, Bob played the piano during the funeral. He hadn’t touched any ivory keys since. He was all by himself to face the world. 
Curiosity had well and truly killed the cat.
“Will you hang with Rocky while I go take a look around” he questioned, gesturing behind him. “Take your time, we’ll do another round of the block.” Bob didn’t even wait to catch the last part of sentence while he pushed the door open and stepped inside. There wasn’t a shrill bell as he stepped in; but the air smelled like coffee and old vinyl sleeves and he could hear the faint croonings of Sam Cooke echoing through the store.
“Will you hang with Rocky while I go take a look around” he questioned, gesturing behind him. “Take your time, we’ll do another round of the block.” Bob didn’t even wait to catch the last part of sentence while he pushed the door open and stepped inside. There wasn’t a shrill bell as he stepped in; but the air smelled like coffee and old vinyl sleeves and he could hear the faint croonings of Sam Cooke echoing through the store.
It wasn’t busy but people filtered in and out of each section, some armed with songbooks, some with records. Others with both.
Bob headed straight for the classic rock section. He still had some vinyls at home, though his collection was much smaller than what it used to be. He still made a habit to listening to them as much as he could. He’d spend most of his mornings off cooking and doing laundry while The Beach Boys played throughout the all too quiet house. He still had a piano. He didn’t play anymore but it was a memory he always liked to look back on fondly. 
His long fingers comfidently flipped through the records, trying to find some of his favourites he forgot to bring with him. “You son of a bitch, there it is!” he smilled to himself pulling out the sleeve, handling it the way someone would handle a baby. He browsed a couple of other sections while making mental lists of ones that he wanted to add to his collection. He let eyes flit along the walls of songbooks and merchandise as he made his way to the register with the record safely under his arm. He stood at the counter humming alog to himself while he waited to be seen. He could see someone shuffling around a sideroom and he let out a gentle cough to alert of his presence. Then he saw you.
You know in romantic movies where the love interest appears and a cheesy 80′s song plays in the background? That’s how Bob felt. 
“Did you find everything you needed today?” you smiled. Bob thought you had a very pretty smile. It lit up the whole store.
He thought he could hear birds chirping when you smiled. You coughed gently, snapping him out of his trance. 
“I have a revolver” he blurted out, referring to the album, which was still half hidden from you. Not his best phrasing. “You know, if you didn’t have such a trustworthy face and an album under your arm I’d be pretty worried right now.” you grinned cocking an eyebrow playfully. Bob felt the blush creep to his cheeks under your gaze as he stuttered out an embarrassed sorry, handing the album over to you as he fished for his wallet.
You kept sneaking glances of him as you rang him up. The way he fished for the cash and pushed his glasses up his nose as he smiled at you endearingly. “That’s $25, whenever you’re ready.” “Oh no, it said $31 on the t-” “Oh yeah, that’s just a pricing mistake. Happens all the time.” you waved him off nonchalantly. You were lying of course, but the handsome man in front of you didn’t need to know that.
Your fingers brushed as he handed you the crisp bills in exchange for the bag. He had nice hands. Gentle but firm, you imagined.
He wanted to say something but he didn’t have a single thought that wouldn’t make him sound like a total weirdo. He just stayed there smiling at you, for what he thought was a second. It was clearly longer as the tapping on the glass broke him from his trance. “I think your friend is looking for you sir.” you smiled softly as you leaned over the counter and pointed toward the window. He caught a whiff of your perfume and swore he had died and went to heaven.
“Oh yeah, work stuff.” He nodded as he pushed his glasses up a little. A nervous habit. Was it hot in here? Was he the only one sweating? God what if you could tell he was sweating?
“You have a nice day now sir, don’t be a stranger!” you chirped watching the the handsome stranger awkwardly half run to the door, all six foot of him. “You too” he turned on his heel in a split second. “It’s just Bob.” “Okay, just Bob.”
You had a feeling you’d be seeing a lot more of ‘just Bob’ now.
“You lied to me.” Bob said approaching the counter, leaning a muscular forearm on it. “Bob?” you turned around questioningly upon hearing the slight drawl you had found yourself thinking about over the past few weeks. “You gave me an employee discount, I kept the receipts” “Look at you Nancy Drew.” you mocked as you continued wiping down the counters.
It was near closing and it was only the two of you in the store. If it was anyone else you would have done your best to hurry them out, but you didn’t mind his company. He’d become somewhat of a regular stopping in once or twice a week, usually buying all the classics everyone started with, you gave him the employee discount every time. Last week it was Queen, A Night At The Opera. This week who knows? He had his favourites though, usually The Beatles and their respective members.
“I brought you a coffee, as a thank you. I hope you like cappuccinos.” He offered the cup to you and you accepted graciously with a wry smile. “A cappuccino is good.”
He went to turn on his heel but you called his name out and he turned back questioningly, almost as if he thought he was hearing things. “We have books- I mean, you like The Beatles right?” you questioned as you dug through the stock below the counter. He popped his head over, looking down on you curiously as you rustled through boxes. “Yeah, Sgt. Pepper’s was my first record” he confided nostalgically, chin resting on his hand. You let out a little hmph of triumph as your fingers curled around exactly what you were looking for. “We got a song book! I remembered you like them so I held it back for you. You said you played piano right?” you leapt to your feet as Bob leaned back, avoiding a collision.
“Oh…” he scratched the back of his neck avoiding your eyes. He felt awful, you were clearly so excited to give this to him and here was, keeping you past closing and probably about to offend you. “I haven’t played in years really… not since my dad passed. It was kind of our thing.”
Bob hated this part of conversations. The part where people’s eyes filled with pity and they started talking down to you like an upset child, but you weren’t.
You grabbed a sharpie from the cup on the desk and opened the book, scrawling digits on the cover before you slid it across the counter. Making your move across the chess board. Throwing the ball in his court. “That’s my number. If you ever want to get back into it. I give piano lessons to some kids after work on Wednesdays but I’m sure I can squeeze you in.”
So he considered it.
Bob thought nothing bad could happen in your presence. Not with the way you smelled like vanilla. Or the way your lipstick stained your coffee cups. Or the way your hair always looked so soft. Not with the way your smile alone lit up the darkest corners of a room. You were like a halo of light in a big, dim world.
He could hear you shifting back and forth on your heels, waiting for any sort of acknowledgment on the offer.
“Can you do Thursdays?” You squinted your eyes in mock concern but couldn’t fight the smile bubbling to the surface. “I’ll ask my guy… see what I can do.” “Then I guess I’ll text you when I’m home” he smiled coyly, raising the book in acknowledgment.
“I take vanilla… in my cappuccino.”
Of course you do.
You paced around the the living room, the only sound being your shoes on the hardwood floors and your quick shallow breaths. Bob had called when he left to let you know he was on his way and all of a sudden you weren’t feeling so sure about this. What if you embarrassed yourself? What if you had been too insistent and you had upset him? You ran your hand through your hair, tousling it until it was somewhat presentable before the knocking on your door echoed in your hallway.
“I told you to just walk in, you know?” you said pointedly letting Bob in. “I don’t know about you, but my mama raised me with manners, miss” he teased with an exaggerated twang, trailing behind you.
His eyes followed every last detail as you showed him around your home. There were pictures lining every wall. With friends, with family, on vacation, in the store… you name it and you probably had it framed somewhere. No sign of a boyfriend though. Not that he had a chance but it’s nice to have a little hope. Ever the eternal optimist.
“…but you didn’t come here to see my bedroom.” you trailed off, nudging him from his trance while guiding him to the piano in the living room. If he was honest he would tell you he only caught the end of that sentence but it’s okay to not be honest sometimes.
Bob was a beautiful man. You studied his features in the warm light of the room as his eyes flit across the notes on the page in front of him. His eyes were honest and when you looked in them you were drowning and you didn’t care about coming up for air. When he smiled he smiled with his whole face. His eyes crinkled, his cheeks dimpled and a lopsided grin adorned his cherub like face. He lit up the room like the sun lit up the morning sky after the long, cold, dark winter nights.”
“You have pianist hands” you blurted out while he half heartedly banged out another Billy Joel song on the ivory keys. The ‘lesson’ was long over and the room was filled with laughter as he attempted to play some of the worst covers you have ever heard. “These are million dollar hands I’ll have you know! I’m not sure how the navy would take that compliment” “Oh shut up. You know what I mean.” In an act of courage or stupidity, maybe both, Bob gently grabbed your hand resting on the keys and held it up to his. “They’re so small” he pouted, only half mocking you. “Maybe you just have freakishly big hands, bully someone your own size Lieutenant.” you leaned in slightly, pushing his hand back. 
“Can I play you one more?” He leaned his forehead against yours with pleading eyes. Jutting his lip out for dramatic effect. You rolled your eyes playfully. “If you play one more Billy Joel song I’m gonna get evicted.” “No. I promise. It’s one my dad taught me.” His face softened at the word and your heart sighed for him. “This ones for you papa Floyd” you said toasting your coffee mug to the ceiling. Bobs eyes followed forlornly. “S’ones for you pops.”
Your shoulders pressed flush together as his fingers worked across the keys. A soft, familiar tune came from them and you felt him hum along. “Hey Jude, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better…” his body pushed against you in encouragement, prompting you to join in softly while he sang.
The last time Bob had played this song was at the funeral but something was telling him it was time to move on. To make it the song he remembers without tears clouding his eyes while he hurries to the bathroom. It was hard to be sad while your head lay on his shoulder and you looked like angel. Sang like one too. Maybe his mama was right. Maybe angels were real.
He finished the song with a solemn smile as you lifted your head. “That was really nice…” you grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You wanted him to know that you were there for him.
Your touch sent butterflies to his stomach. He thought about every time your hand brushed his. Every time you called his name cheerily over your shoulder when he came in. Every time he wished he was going home with you. Every time he wished the lipstick stained coffee cups were littering his car.
“I think I want to kiss you” you hadn’t meant for it to come out so suddenly. You didn’t even know you were speaking until you stopped. Your cheeks were flushing red under his gaze.
He felt all the air leave his lungs. He thought about this a lot. Maybe he was still dreaming. But the soft press of your lips on his confirmed otherwise. Your hand cradled his face like he was made of glass. Bob had never been treated so gently. You pulled away but kept a hold on his cheek. He liked that. It reminded him he wasn’t about to wake up to his alarm. “Can you kiss me again?” you barely let him finish the sentence before you were pressed to him. His hands instinctively pulled you into his lap where you fit like pieces of a puzzle.
“Stay the night, I just want to kiss you” “Where’s the bedroom again?”
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crystalelemental · 2 months
When I was a child, there was something that really bugged me in Pokemon games. Why was it that some Pokemon showed up so late? I really like Misdreavus, but it's all the way in Mt Silver! Even smaller issues like Seel in FRLG felt annoying. I have to beat five whole gyms without this thing? Why even pick it up? This led, inevitably, to my first hacking device: a GameShark for Gen 3. I have a vivid memory of replaying FRLG, excited to hack in my own personalized and very normal starter, Articuno. Articuno was so great when you caught it! Surely it would be even better if I could use it all game!
Now...I did not have the internet at the time. And by Gen 3, I was perhaps overconfident about not needing a strategy guide. So while you may know what happened already, I did not know what was coming. Articuno sucked. Like, really bad. If you look at it, it turns out the answer is obvious: it only knows Gust and Powder Snow as attacks until Ice Beam at level 49. Which...hey, wait a second. That's only one level below what you catch it at to begin with! And it turns out, this was similar all over. Seel didn't learn anything but Headbutt until level 17, it was useless against Brock despite its typing. What is going on? Why do all these Pokemon I like when I catch them at the intended time suck so badly when I get them early?
At the time, I blamed it on the Pokemon being bad and just hacked rare candies. But over time, you begin to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the game was designed on purpose? That maybe there was a structure to the game at large that kept things in balance. With age, it stops being "this was badly designed because I didn't get what I wanted out of it," and starts to become its own thing. To quote a famous Nuzleaf, I believe all of this is happening for a reason.
Friends...let's talk Sword and Shield.
My team was Rillaboom, Thievul, Butterfree, Mr. Rime, Alcremie, and Dragapult kinda sorta, with additional showcasings for Carkoal and Perrserker. I say sorta kinda on Dragapult because I intended to use it, but it didn't fully evolve until after I beat Leon. Oops!
If the intro wasn't a giveaway, I want to talk gameplay first. While we'll get to the story issues, I think gameplay matters more to Pokemon, and is the bigger problem that keeps Galar low on my list. To get some small housekeeping out of the way first:
I will not be harping on graphics, I don't care. Yes I know performance isn't good, but it's mildly annoying at worst.
I will not be harping on designs, they're largely fine. The starters are one of the weakest sets, and the box legends might be my least favorite, but there are plenty of good ones to the region as well.
I will not say "game too easy," but I will be discussing factors that led people to that assertion.
I will not be talking about Dexit. While I hated it at first, having calmed from it, I think it's for the best. I liked when Gen 5 forced you to use the new stuff to generate new favorites, and if anything Dexit should go harder by removing Home so they can more severely tweak stats and movesets between generations.
My problem with Gen 8 gameplay my very well be my own preferred means of playing, but I'm going to attempt making my case with three examples.
First: Growth via TM progression. In my Crystal run, I ran a Togetic, and have a pretty rough time of it. Togetic was never particularly strong, but it had an arc, picking up Mud Slap for Morty, Sunny Day/Solarbeam/Flamethrower for several Kanto gyms, and then falling back on Psychic/Zap Cannon when the earlier set wasn't working out. Togetic had an arc of struggle, in which it had to find tools that made it work for each phase of the game, that came down to recently acquired TMs the game provided naturally. Barring Flamethrower, all of these were free acquisitions.
Compare this to Thievul is Galar. It also is pretty bad, despite access to Nasty Plot, because its best attacking move is Snarl. It needs TMs to learn anything else. But in Galar, TMs are no longer infinite, as TRs now cover the really good moves. And the only way to get them is random den drops, and random shop items around the Wild Area for thousands of Watts, when a full den gives only 300. Acquiring the specific TM it wants is next to impossible. Dens aren't guaranteed to be Dark type, and even if they are, you could get other dark moves like Crunch. The shops aren't guaranteed to sell Dark Pulse, and even if they are, how long will it take to farm 5000 Watts? There is no control over what the Wild Area produces, and thus no arc to be had for anything specific.
Second: growth via learnset progression. In Emerald, I ran a Mawile. Caught at level 37 in Victory Road, we needed several levels before it could learn the move that would give it relevance, and the EXP options were scarce. I had to use an EXP All, cutting the entire team's EXP gains just for Mawile to catch up, while trying to find optional areas with trainers left, and at times trying to keep Mawile in to win the fight herself. There's a struggle and a cost to the growth unit perspective.
Compare that to my Butterfree. Until it gained Quiver Dance, Butterfree contributed little beyond the occasional Sleep Powder lockdown. It took off once it learned Quiver Dance, but the means of getting there was just...have it in the team. Even on the back row, it'll be fine and catch up with no real issue. There's not much of a struggle to overcome, or a sense that you're building things. It just kinda happens to you.
Third: Galar's Intent. I do not have a comparison point for this, but Mr. Rime. Probably my MVP! Once it hits Mr. Mime, it has Icy Wind, Psybeam, and Dazzling Gleam. With a Thunderbolt TM I had randomly picked up from an early den, it had excellent coverage that took down a majority of the region past its evolution. This was a fairly fun find.
I think that's the intent of Galar's structure: accidents. Surprises. The Wild Area lacks any sense of control, holding events locked to the day and forcing save commitments that refuse to allow soft resets for different outcomes. If you can roll with the punches, and accept whatever comes at you, this game probably is a lot of fun. That's probably why my wife likes it so much. But if you can't...well, you're like me, and this game is really difficult to appreciate.
I will, however, argue that it's not just me. The Wild Area's structure is awkward, being the sole home of a lot of different Pokemon, who will only show up under specific weather conditions and at very low rates. Look up how to find Dreepy some time. But the dens lack control as well, unless you manipulate the system's clock in the right way. Then, even if you find something you want, you have to hope for the random TM to drop too. I decided to use Rillaboom because I never once ran a starter, and part of Rillaboom was wanting TMs that required time manipulation to find in stock. If you come in wanting literally anything, the Wild Area is very likely to deny you. You have to come in wanting for nothing at all, working only with what's handed to you, to have a good time.
Which feels crazy disingenuous to me? Pokemon is all about the little critters you can find, and growing an attachment to things you want to catch. Not everything even comes from what's randomly found, sometimes you see something in an enemy team and get really excited for that thing. Like, imagine seeing something like Cursola in Allister's team, and going man, that looks cool! Regional Corsola and it gets an evolution, sign me up! So you go out into the world hoping to get it, only to find that it shows up exactly 5% of the time under one (1) specific weather condition in one (1) region of the Wild Area. Better hope that one area has the right weather condition or there is no way in hell you're getting that Corsola!
I just...I get that replaying Pokemon games is a thing, and that each experience can be different, and that having some random outcomes is beneficial. But Galar takes it way too far. I think their intent was to give players technical access to what they want right away, without making it actually available. See, this is something I heard and agree with: Pokemon is most engaging while you're building the team. Postgames have felt difficult for me to appreciate because my team is done, my moveset is done, I don't want to do the volcano in Platinum I just want to finish. You need to have a ladder to climb and a goal to reach for the game to remain engaging. But players are also impatient, and have gotten worse with this series over time. Learned movesets went from situations where Gyarados learns very little of value naturally, to learning its best Water move at like level 21. Players will tell you they want the feeling of being done early, but that provably kills the experience.
Another thing I'd do with hacking as a kid was bring in all TMs. Yeah, let's start HGSS with a Swinub that has Ice Beam, Rock Slide, and Earthquake, what could go wrong? It turns out everything at once, as you just clobber the entire early game with no resistance. There was no real challenge to approaching the game in this way, and the run turns stale fast because oops, Swinub had its best moveset right out the gate. I started a lot of runs in those days but rarely finished, and it's why nowadays I do have some compulsion about the purity of a run. It can actually take away part of the joy. And more than likely, the devs know this too. So if players demand the ability to kill that joy, but you want to sustain it, what's the compromise?
Make it all so random that it's borderline impossible to account for anything. Yeah dude, you can get everything right away! But you can't get anything specific at all. Which solves nothing and creates new problems. Because now there's no progression toward the endgame outside of learnset, and some learnsets in Galar are hilariously bad. You ever looked at Coalossal's moveset? Its best Rock move is Rock Blast at 54. Good luck not using TMs and making that thing work to any enjoyment. It feels like they overshot the mark, and for anyone who plays like I do, thinking about what Pokemon you want to run or trying to chart a course for the game, it's naturally going to be miserable. Galar still ranks really low for me, but I at least feel like I understand what Galar may have wanted to do.
Gameplay aside...it's time to talk about the aspect that got my wife laughing at me, and will probably have @alphakuriboh saying some things too. Story.
Much like XY, Galar is generally considered a low point for story. Doesn't make sense, antagonist is stupid, etc, you know the drill. However, I do think they Galar was cooking to some degree.
Rose is the main sticking point regarding story, because...again, the antagonist's actions are the only story we get in Pokemon. And he kinda pingpongs. Worried about a millenium from now, he refuses to wait 24 of god's own hours for Leon to finish his sports tournament, and unleashes hell. He acts sad about the state of affairs but resolved that he must do it, then after you beat him is back to borderline cheerful about how fun battles could be. You solve the problem, and Rose turns himself in, never to be heard from again. That is. An event, my dude.
Thing is, I think his actions make more sense given his character, and the theme of Galar. Galar's big theme is a sort of "passing the torch," best summarized by Opal. The old need to know when to step out of the way, but we're not done yet. Opal's stance and her actions tell the full picture. It's not that the old blood needs to disappear, but rather that at some point, the young need to take ownership of their future. They're the ones most impacted by the conditions going forward, after all, and it's important they be granted the ability to decide for themselves what they want.
Rose, as a character, denies that entirely. He manipulates the younger generations for his own ends, and his motivation is about maintaining his own view of things and his legacy 1000 years in the future. Yes, it's a far off problem that can be solved a bit later, but that's not the point. This is his problem, and it has to be solved his way. And most importantly, solved how he commands it. His lack of patience isn't about truly being so hasty. It's about forcing Leon back into compliance. Even if Leon didn't strictly say no, it wasn't a yes, and that's not how this goes.
Rose acts kind, propping up Leon as the unbeatable champion and giving Bede his position and mission. But his actions aren't altruistic. Leon now holds the same neuroses as Rose, taking everything on as his own responsibility. Accidents at the power plant? He'll talk to Rose, you all go on. Dynamax Pokemon going out of control? He'll take care of it, don't worry. Eternatus is unleashed? He'll catch it and take care of it. That last one is even what Rose wants! Leon falls completely into his expected role that Rose shaped for him. Bede also falls exactly into the role he expects, even if it results in discarding him and banning him from the competition as a result. Rose controls the youth in order to shape his vision of the future.
While I didn't play it, I imagine this is the intent with Shieldbert and Sordward, too. Control over the truth of the past alters what you think to do in the future, and so they are just another iteration on this idea, albeit less fleshed out.
Rose's future also lacks accounting for everyone's future. Spikemuth is in horrible poverty because they lack a power spot to draw energy from, or to Dynamax for spectacle from. Any future Rose builds will continue this inequality. His vision of preserving the future isn't a net positive for others, but that's not important. What's important is that it's his future. Which is why he lets himself be locked up. If the energy crisis was really the main concern, then your character catching Eternatus and beating Leon should result in another attempt. It never comes because at this point, whatever happens next is no longer his future. He can't care if it's not what he wanted.
The flip flop on his general mood state is a little harder to read with certainty, but I imagine the intent is one of cycles. I doubt he crafted this company from nothing, and his family likely had their own expectations of him that led to him perceiving every little thing as his concern and losing connection with the fun of things. It's a bit messy, but I'd be lying if I said the start of his fight with him gripping the Pokemon wasn't a cool individual scene.
Now before I get too positive, I do think Galar's story is also rife with problems. Primarily, its refusal to engage the player in anything. We feel utterly disconnected from anything going on with Rose or the region, because Leon's taking care of it instead of us. It does hinder the feeling that we're doing anything particularly important or special.
I also feel like some of their decisions were rather...poor, regarding passing the torch. Mostly Magnolia, if I'm honest. I think the decision to not even use your first old female professor to play up her 20-something granddaughter is...telling. God forbid female professors be old, they have to be super young and pretty. I just think it would've been more interesting to have Sonia acting as assistant to Magnolia and piecing together what your player character does instead. It gives Magnolia more spotlight, and gives Sonia like...an actual function beyond turning to you all the time to ask what you think, rather than posit ideas of her own.
Lastly and most vitriolically...what is the point of Marnie? No really, why is she here? Spikemuth's situation is understood, but Piers carries all the interesting stuff. Refusing to Dynamax as a statement about the inequality and the value of its residents is fantastic, and Marnie just throws it out the window. She holds no convictions, and at no point in the story does she really do anything. She's around for the ride until Piers shows up and has an actual emotional stake in things. His own passing the gym leader torch to her doesn't even feel valuable because she's so disconnected from his philosophical stance. I think Marnie should've been the one out here making that statement by refusing Dynamaxing while climbing the League's ladder, and Team Yell benefits from this as their interference can be interpreted as concern that their one chance for a Champion is playing risky by not using Dynamax for some political point. She just feels pointless.
The less said about postgame the better. That entire sequence is just tedious and annoying and completely missed its mark dramatically.
Unlike Kalos, Galar remains low on the list. I'll admit, I have been harsher on the game than was strictly called for, but I maintain it's one of my least favorites. Its entire design is just so functional antithetical to what I like in these games.
Next...I'm gonna be real, I have no idea. I'm kind of in stasis right now. I don't feel like replaying Gen 9, that's too fresh. I considered White 2 but didn't love White 1, so I'm hesitant. I considered ORAS, which...might be next. And for my own console time...it's either BDSP or I pick up one of the games in my backlog. We'll see what I feel like doing tomorrow.
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Even More Headcannons
Exactly what it sounds like
They are the house that hands out full-sized candy bars on Halloween
Mac always makes them dress up in a theme
They've done the Teletubbies, the Wizard of Oz (Duke was the Wicked Witch, she was not happy about the green makeup), The Golden Girls, the I'm In Love with the Villainess girls and her personal favorite, the South Park kids
She was Kenny, Duke was Kyle, Veronica was Stan and Chandler was Cartman
Sometimes Betty and Martha will join in on the theme
They tried to get one of them to be Noo-Noo the year they did Teletubbies but they both refused
JD swallowed his pride and went as Noo-Noo
JD hides in their bushes and scares the kids
Mac and Duke always eat too much candy and get stomachaches
Duke's snake is named Cornelius (if you get this reference you're awesome)
Chandler's cat is named Heather
She thought it would be funny (Heather Cat-ler, get it?)
Heather the cat sits atop her cat tower and hisses if anyone gets too close
But whenever Mac walks in she jumps down and starts purring
Basically she's just Chandler in cat form
Mac's Rabbit is named something cutesy like Munchkin
Catler hates the rabbit
She's just jelly that Mac isn't giving her attention
Whenever Duke annoys Veronica she'll pick her up and won't put her down
Duke is like 5'3 while Veronica is 5'11
Chandler is 5'5 and Mac is 5'9
Most people think Chandler is the tallest but its bc she always wears heels
Chandler is actually a huge scaredy-cat
She's afraid of rides at amusement parks, snakes, spiders/bugs, dogs, heights, blood, ghosts/the undead/zombies/etc., the youtube videos Veronica watches at 3am, and of course being abandoned and left alone forever but that last one is more bc of trauma than anything
She's really insecure about her fears, she's supposed to be the strong one who stares down her competition
Elaborating on the dog thing, if a dog ever comes close to her she'll scream and climb on whoever is close
JD totally has a dog but its like a golden retriever with a heart of gold named Spot and he uses it to scare Chandler
JD and Duke do chaos gremlin things together sometimes
One time they all got together and played UNO
They took all the +4 cards from the deck and hid them in their pockets and made Chandler sit between them
They would only use the +4 cards on her and she got so fucking mad
(She sat in the middle so even if things got reversed one of them could always +4 her)
Chandler may or may not have set the deck on fire
Veronica started watching One Piece and she was pretty much dead to the world for like 10 days or however long it takes to watch it all the way through
She was completely unresponsive to anything the Heathers did and it scared the hell out of them
Mac loves Pokemon and has like 10,000 plushes
Her favorites are the eeveelutions
Chandler and JD are slushy buddies and will often go to 7/11 and just talk about their trauma and shit
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beesinjello · 4 months
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Hi I'm Bees!
[She/her] - 🩷💜💙 - INFJ
I plan on posting my art and ocs here! I don't really do much fanart, but when I do I'll probably put that here too. I hope you enjoy it!
I'm new to tumblr posting on here, so it will take some time for me to learn lol. If you have any tips please let me know!
I was told the mobile app sucks, does everyone think this is this true? It's what I'm going to be using lol
I used Instagram as my main posting place for some time, but because of the AI problem and how difficult of a situation it is, I'd like to try making this my main place!
Some things I like!
Stickers, pins, and keychains
Tattoos + piercings
Tulips 🌷
Analog Horror
Aliens + Space
Things I don't like
Pelicans. Evil little things
Foods; tomatoes, oranges, pickles
Grape and banana flavors/candies
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thefinalbracket · 2 years
Hey there! Tired of seeing no one you care about win long winding brackets? Sick to death of polls not catered to you? Do you just like answering questions and being right?
I have a list of the sixty-four (64) most powerful bitches on the planet, and I’m going to have YOU ALL vote on who the hell would win it all! This isn’t about popularity, it isn’t about glory! It’s just the unapologetic motherfuckers killing each other!
The bracket will be up shortly! If you want a full list of every single participant, I’ll be putting it under the readmore! LET’S KILL SOME HOES!
Introducing our cast:
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mushroom-for-art · 4 months
synbe my beloved? perhaps?
Shadow au Maybe is just
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | ATTRACTION
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | AFFECTION
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | INTEREST
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | LOYALTY
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | TRUST
Trust is higher because literally they are fused and combined with each other through the crystals literally cannot not trust him he holds the entirety of her entity in his hands and can just be inside her brain holding her essence like damn could probably kill her! But he won't cause that's him wife!!! Never not interested attracted to and affectionate for her hubby with extra loyalty because like spoilers but she's stupid devoted to him, I think even with their connection through the crystal he still always intrigues and captivated her because even connected he has his little quirks and can sneak off and leave the radius of their bond and do sneakies she's not aware of he will always surprise her<3
Canon Maybe has a pair of binoculars and is currently wondering who that stranger is outside 🔍 (no binocular emoji crimes) (before at first meeting/after getting to know him)
●●○○○ / ●●●●● | ATTRACTION (who is that kinda handsome stranger outside I dont know him but he kinda good looking but also who the fuck are u)/ will tell him openly how attractive she finds him (when she's got the confidence), and not just the physical attraction, nothing more attractive really than a man who tries and heals and is full of love (the fact she also thinks he's eye candy is a bonus)
●●○○○○○/●●●●● | AFFECTION (while not knowing him she's very familiar with shadows and has a weird kinda relationship to the concept holds nostalgia familiarity and empathetic sympathetic affection for him because are you okay? Affection in the caring sense not the nuzzle sense if that even makes sense)/ now she will nuzzle that mother fucker get down here so we can nose nuzzle u fuck <- Maybe @ Syn lovingly
●●●●●/●●●●● | INTEREST (Sir are you OKAY she is so interested who is this man frfr is he here to start a fight with darkness she is shouting to her creator I do not answer XD)/ still just as interested in him but now like just for him and not the sir who are you please don't deck my sister aspect, thinks he's strange in a nice way he's different to her really they probably have very little in common or overlap and yet they click it's nice
●●○○○/●●●●● | LOYALTY (doesn't know him but DOES feel a duty of care for him he is a mewtwo like her the same species and potentially inflicted by shadow and desperately needing help she didn't take an oath of care but like! Still has that loyalty to her morals to care for him would feel a deep sense of like commitment to stay by his side during his recovery! Like damn you are not okay I want to make sure you're going to be okay though!)/lmao ur not getting rid of her Syn sorry she's like a wart, much like shadow au there's the very real chance she would choose him over her own kin given the circumstances
○○○○○/●●●●● | TRUST (I wish I knew how to make that emoji because I'd make the circles maxed out grey circles because upon first seeing him she WANTS to trust him so so badly wants to really hope there's a pokemon in there a pokemon who will accept help and isn't just rabid and lacking any sense or soul she wants to believe and trust him that he won't hurt her won't try to steal her life ya know wants to believe he's trustworthy)/her goober, loves and trusts him whole heartedly but will still get the jeebies if he tries to hand her something because my love please, please I swear if this is a bug. Syns probably brought her half dead things before, just hmm I love u here's a rattata so you can drain its life force and be strong. Maybe just ilu but please stop bringing me half dead animals XD I don't wanna put my hands out and receive a pachurisu but thank you for the thought.
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ohthehypocrisy · 11 months
Bug Type Boogeys for Pokemon Unite!
Halloween is all about the fantastical frights of the season. From the dubious ghosts to the rare werewolf, Halloween is all about letting out your inner monster and going to town on a big bucket of candy.
But there's nothing scarier than what can be constituted as a real fear. Yep, there's nothing worse than real monsters that live under our feet, the creepy crawlies of the underworld, bugs.
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So, in addition to ghouls and goblins, let's give it up for the gross grubs we call Bug Types and see if any of them have what it takes to join Pokemon Unite!
Now, if you're a fan of Ariados, Parasect, and/or Heracross, then you should know that I've made hypothetical movesets for them in Pokemon Unite on my blog here. Give them a read when you've got time.
Now, the winners of this poll and the next poll might show up again later this month for one last Halloween poll, so if you really want to know who's the spookiest pokemon that could join Pokemon Unite, now would be the time to vote on it. No tricks, only treats.
See you all next week.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 26 days
Me roasting Hoenn.
Treecko: I bet this pokemon licks its eyes.
Grovyle: You had a very weird meme.
Sceptile: Do those back seeds hurt?
Torchic: The boys have small specks on their butts.
Combusken: Some pointed out that it looks like a certain body part, and now I can't unsee it.
Blaziken: The first fire/fighting starter that everyone "loves".
Mudkip: The most overused pokemon meme.
Marshtomp: It looks like it can't think.
Swampert: One razor leaf and you're dead.
Poochyena: Only known for chasing Birch.
Mightyena: Aka, Diet Houndoom.
Zigzagoon: I hope we get a tanuki pokemon that actually looks like a tanuki one day.
Linoone: Apparently, tanukis evolve into badgers.
Wurmple: Slightly more interesting than the other regional bugs due to its split evolutions.
Cascoon and Silcoon: It sucks that which evolution you get is determined by something completely out of your control.
Dustox and Beautifly: Living proof of pretty privilege.
Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo: Did you know these pokemon are based on kappas, a yokai known for drowning people?
Seedoot: This kind of looks like a mario enemy.
Nuzleaf: Why does it have nipples?
Shiftry: How are you able to do anything with those leaf hands?
Tailow: It's just a bird.
Swellow: You're mainly known for one of the biggest ass pulls In the anime.
Wingull and Pelliper: Why are you in every region after your introduction!?
Ralts: And the winner for most ridiculous haircut goes to...
Kirlia: Your haircut has gotten slightly better, but only slightly.
Gardevoir: Poor thing was rule 34ed beyond repair.
Surskit: Ah. =)
Masquerain: You have to be the most forgettable gen 3 pokemon.
Shroomish: I can't unsee the clip where someone flipped its face upside down and made another face.
Breloom: AKA: The kangashroom.
Slakoth: I wish people could be as chill as this guy.
Vigoroth: The caffeine addict pokemon.
Slaking: Oh my gosh, it's the man behind all those live action Disney remakes!
Nincada and Ninjask: They went from having a super cool type combo to having the most overused bug combo ever.
Shedinja: Don't go looking at its back.
Whismur: Why does it have a butt hole!?
Loudred: It's so ugly!!!
Exploud: Why would anyone want to train such a loud pokemon!?
Makuhita and Hariyama: It's sumo time!!!
Azurill: This pokemon created the first pokemon trans icon.
Nosepass: How big are its boogers?
Skitty: Too bad You're only known for being able to breed with a whale.
Delcatty: Look at that neck pillow.
Sableye: I feel like if it could talk, it would sound like Stitch.
Mawile: How heavy is your mouth hair?
The Aron line: Why would you create metal termites!?
Meditite: It looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Medicham: Now it looks like a pingas!
Electrike and Manectric: I would've never known that these were supposed to be dogs if people didn't tell me.
Plusle and Minun: These pokemon only exist to show off the new(at the time) double battle mechanic.
Volbeat and Illumise: Zzzz....
Roselia: You should've been a gen 4 pokemon.
Gulping and Swalot: Their names are such a dirty mind test.
Carvanha and Sharpedo: Apparently, piranhas evolve into sharks.
Wailmer: Not nearly as memorable as your evolution.
Warlord: And you're only known for being able to breed with a tiny cat.
Numel: The slowpoke for camel lovers.
Camerupt: You're Maxie's ace pokemon, and you're still forgettable.
Spoink: I would hate to have to bounce all the time to stay alive.
Grumpig: Miss Piggy without her makeup.
Spinda: If you're trying to catch every spinda variant, then you have no life.
Trapinch: This was the bane of my existence in X and Y.
Vibrava and Flygon: The "Why aren't these bug/dragon type" pokemon.
Cacnea and Cacturne: I'm gonna add these pokemon to my list of reasons to never go to the desert.
Swablu and Altaria: Mmmm... cotton candy...
Zangoose: Don't leave this pokemon alone with your pet snake
Seviper: Shiny killers, shiny killers, shiny killers!
Lunatone and Solrock: Shouldn't you two be in the super star daycare?
Barboach: More like barbitch!
Wishcash: This pokemon eats masterballs for breakfast!
Corphish and Crawdaunt: Mmmm...crawfish...
Baltoy: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Claydol: Ah, yes. Biblically accurate pokemon.
Lileep: You'd think the first rock/grass type would look more interesting.
Cradilly: Don't lie. You also used to think Cradilly's eyes were its teeth.
Anorith: Stop staring at me with them big old eyes!
Armaldo: A another shiny ruined by the saturation of the 3d era.
Feebas and Milotic: Ugly duckling but with fish.
Castform: How does it feel to have gone years without shinies for your alternative forms?
Kecleon: How are you able to hide from opponents when the stripe on your belly doesn't change?
Shuppet and Banette: You two really need therapy.
Duskull: You're just a bully.
Dusclops: I don't like how it feels like it's staring into my soul.
Tropius: Are those bananas removable, asking for a friend.
Chimecho: Who are you again?
Absol: The emo pokemon.
Wynaut: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Snorunt: It looks so puntable!
Galie: Why do you look so pissed, man?
Spheal: I can't roast perfection.
Sealeo: Your mustache looks like cut-up paper.
Walrein: Who else used to think this pokemon was a pseudo legendary?
Clampearl: Give me them pearls!
Huntail and Gorebyss: Everyone keeps talking about how Remoraid evolving into Octillery makes no sense, but what about these guys?
Relicanth: How have you survived for so long while also being able to die from a single vine whip?
Luvdisc: Boring pokemon, cool shiny.
Bagon: How are you able to do anything with those practically nonexistent arms!?
Shelgon: Another cacoon pokemon.
Salamance: I'm glad you can finally fly, but is shooting all those beams of energy necessary?
Beldum: Just stay in the ball, damn you!
Metang: Hide your Nosepasses.
Metagross: I've got nothing. This is such a cool pokemon.
The regis: I can take you all down with one fighting type!
Latias and Latios: The only difference between their megas is their eye color!
Kyogre and Groudon: Someone clearly has an unfair advantage.
Rayquaza: Its mega has to be the most op thing in the franchise!
Jirachi: I wish Gamefreak would just give us a fire/fairy type already!
Deoxys: The ultrabeast before ultrabeasts.
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andthetapeworms · 1 year
Lately I have been hyperfixating on Steven universe again and the pokemon nerd will always be rooted deep inside me so I'm going to assign all the Steven universe characters pokemon types (i hope no one did this yet)
First one up is Steven, I'll say normal and fairy. Fairy on behalf of Rose/Pink, and normal since he's half human
Next up is Pearl, she's a fairy and fighting type. I think all pearls would be the same type as their diamonds, so pearl is also a fairy type, but also a fighting type. I don't think she came with that type, I'd like to think she somehow gained it some time during the rebellion
Amethyst would be a rock and fighting type, i think that all quartzes would be a ground type instead of a rock type, but since she's off color, she gets the rock typing.
Garnet is a rock and fairy type. I wanted to do rock and fighting, but I needed to put a fairy in there somewhere for Ruby and Sapphires love obviously! (The former "cotton candy" Garnet design just screams fairy.) I think she's good without the fighting type though, because if you've played any Pokemon game, you'd know that fairy types are RIDICULOUSLY powerful..
Ruby is definitely fire and fighting. What else would she be?
Sapphire would be an ice and psychic. I'm saying psychic, because of her ability to see into the future
Bismuth, I feel, would be a rock and steel type. It just makes a whole lot of sense. Almost every rock and steel type Pokemon that we currently have is insanely physically powerful
Lapis is a water and flying type! for some reason I can't shake the feeling off that the flying type doesn't fit her, but she has wings, she can fly, as can every other lapis, she's a flying type
Peridot is a ground and steel type, I was wondering if psychic would fit more but I don't think her metal powers could really be considered psychic, so steel it is!
Jasper is a ground and fighting, it just fits. She RADIATES Garchomp vibes.
Malachite would definitely be a water and dark type.
Aquamarine is a bug type since she is an insect. I accept no criticism for this (haha jk, she's water and dark)
Nephrite is a rock and bug type! I think she was a pure rock type before her corruption, and being centipeetle gave her the bug type, and even after she was uncorrupted, she kept that type, kind of like how the quartzes keep their horns.
The rutile twins will be a pure rock type. I can't see them having any other type. Maybe a rock and ground but idk!
Fluorite is a fairy type, i really can't see her having any other type than that! It fits her perfectly :)
Padparadscha is another one I'm kinda conflicted about, I know she'll definitely have the normal type, but idk if she'd also have the psychic type. I mean, she definitely has some sort of power, it just doesn't work the way it should. So I'll say normal and psychic.
Rhodonite is another fairy, i don't know if she'd have a second typing, if she did it'd be rock for sure
Blue zircon and yellow zircon would both be pure rock, i really don't see them having a secondary typing.
Doc and army would both be fire and fighting type! It fits them both
Navy would be a fairy type, i can't see her being anything like a fighting type. She might also be a dark type but whether or not it was inherently malicious of her to do what she did in room for Ruby is up for debate (but i like to think she's a sociopath with no morals)
Leggy, i think, might be a normal and rock type .. ? Idk she doesn't seem like she'd have any other type, she's just too confused, she just kinda.. exists
Eyeball would for sure be a dark and fighting type, can't see ANYTHING else fitting that girl
The heaven beetle and earth beetle would both be bug and rock! Very little.
Spinel is a fairy and dark. Like Pearl, she originally was a pure fairy type but gained the dark type. I could kinda see her losing her fairy type after gaining her dark type all together, but she was still silly and cute! She was just too hurt. Even after reaching a much better place mentally, she wouldn't lose the dark type
Yellow diamond would be an electric type, which is cliche, but don't forget she literally has electricity powers!!!
Blue diamond would be water, which is, again, cliche, but water really is her whole thing! She makes people cry, and those happy pill clouds she's rocking in future are, assumably, made out of water like normal clouds are!
White diamond is a psychic and dark type. SHE SCREAMS PSYCHIC AND DARK! it fits her so well! Whenever she's using the new power she has in future that lets people connect with her, she would gain their typing temporarily!
I think yellow and blue pearl would both be the same types as their diamonds! Electric and water respectively!
Volleyball (or pink pearl, or white pearl, wow she has a lot of names) is a pure fairy type. I think while she was under white diamonds control, she was also psychic and dark.
(If there is any one I didn't do that you would want me to, mention them in the replies or notes and I'll edit this and add them :])
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