megaelod · 2 years
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the illustration i made for my canevas (available on canevas fatal’s shop)!!
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eternelle-chenille · 12 days
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0idea · 2 years
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In the wild 🐦🌼
Did this illustration for canevas fatal’s needlepoint kit which you can now purchase from their online shop!
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noushkanel · 9 months
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Deux hauts réalisés lors de mon stage avec les Gambelles, à partir de chutes de canevas brodés et de tissus
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happywebdesign · 2 years
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site4doc · 2 months
Exemple de Présentation Personnelle pour un Oral de Concours - PDF
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Découvrez un exemple de présentation personnelle pour un oral de concours. Apprenez à structurer votre discours, à mettre en avant vos compétences et à captiver le jury avec des conseils pratiques pour réussir. Cet exemple de présentation personnelle pour un concours oral propose un modèle structuré pour se présenter avec succès lors d'un entretien oral. Le document PDF couvre les éléments essentiels à aborder : parcours académique et professionnel, compétences techniques et transversales, motivations pour le poste et projet professionnel. Ce modèle de présentation personnelle pour oral de concours permettra aux candidats de mettre en valeur leur profil de manière percutante et convaincante face au jury. Les mots-clés principaux comprennent : présentation personnelle, oral de concours, entretien, modèle, PDF, structure, parcours, compétences, motivations, projet professionnel, candidature, jury. Le téléchargement de ce document en format PDF facilitera l'adaptation et la personnalisation de la présentation selon le profil de chaque candidat, afin de se démarquer lors de l'épreuve orale du concours. La présentation personnelle est un élément crucial lors d'un oral de concours. Elle permet de faire une première impression et de se démarquer des autres candidats. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer un exemple de présentation personnelle, en mettant l'accent sur sa structure, son contenu et des conseils pratiques pour réussir. Introduction Commencez par une introduction claire et concise. Présentez-vous en mentionnant votre nom, votre âge et votre lieu de résidence. Par exemple : "Bonjour, je m'appelle , j'ai ans et j'habite à ." Cette première phrase doit capter l'attention du jury et établir un contact visuel. Parcours Académique Ensuite, parlez de votre parcours académique. Mentionnez le diplôme que vous avez obtenu, le domaine d'études et l'université. Par exemple : "J'ai obtenu un en de l' en ." N'oubliez pas d'inclure des formations supplémentaires pertinentes qui renforcent votre profil. Expérience Professionnelle La section suivante doit aborder votre expérience professionnelle. Indiquez votre poste actuel, l'entreprise où vous travaillez et vos responsabilités. Par exemple : "Je travaille comme chez depuis . Dans ce rôle, je suis responsable de ." Cela montre votre capacité à appliquer vos compétences dans un contexte professionnel. Motivations Il est essentiel de partager vos motivations pour le poste que vous visez. Expliquez pourquoi ce poste vous intéresse et comment vos compétences peuvent bénéficier à l'organisation. Par exemple : "Je suis passionné(e) par et je pense que mes compétences en feraient de moi un atout précieux pour votre équipe." Forces et Faiblesses Abordez ensuite vos forces et faiblesses. Soyez honnête tout en restant positif. Par exemple, vous pourriez dire : "Une de mes forces est mon organisation, mais je travaille également sur ma tendance à être perfectionniste." Cela montre que vous êtes conscient de vos points à améliorer et que vous êtes proactif dans votre développement personnel. Objectifs Parlez de vos objectifs à court et long terme. Mentionnez ce que vous espérez accomplir dans le poste pour lequel vous postulez. Par exemple : "À court terme, je souhaite obtenir une certification professionnelle, et à long terme, je vise à devenir un expert reconnu dans mon domaine." Conclusion Terminez votre présentation par une conclusion forte. Réaffirmez votre motivation et votre enthousiasme à rejoindre l'équipe. Remerciez le jury pour leur temps et leur attention. Par exemple : "Je suis convaincu(e) que je possède les compétences nécessaires pour réussir dans ce poste et je suis impatient(e) de relever de nouveaux défis." Conseils Pratiques - Structurez votre présentation : Utilisez un langage clair et concis. - Entraînez-vous : Répétez votre présentation à voix haute pour gagner en aisance. - Utilisez des supports visuels : Des images ou graphiques peuvent rendre votre présentation plus engageante. - Posez des questions : N'hésitez pas à interagir avec le jury pour montrer votre intérêt. En suivant ces étapes et conseils, vous serez en mesure de créer une présentation personnelle percutante pour votre oral de concours. N'oubliez pas d'adapter votre discours à votre situation personnelle et au poste visé.
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Télécharger cet  exemple de présentation orale pour un concours PDF Read the full article
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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The great Seabiscuit leads local horse Aneroid by a nose to win the Brooklyn Handicap at the Aqueduct race track on June 26, 1937.
Photo: Joe Caneva for the AP
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nemyzilla · 28 days
my body when I’m trying to sleep:
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paolinegrx · 6 months
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yaknook · 6 months
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last weeks cool stuff #1
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stilouniverse · 1 year
Enrico Caneva "La flora preistorica. I giardini del Giurassico", Töpffer edizioni (OLTRE)
Prefazione di Walter Landini con 180 immagini a colori Töpffer edizioni (OLTRE) In libreria dal 15 settembre Da centinaia di milioni di anni le piante, veri campioni di adattamento, si evolvono per adeguarsi agli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici del nostro splendido pianeta. L’esperienza pluridecennale di paesaggismo e lunghi studi sui resti fossili delle piante più antiche sono alla base…
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eternelle-chenille · 6 months
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assowebtv · 2 years
“È necessario fare chiarezza sulle attività estrattive nel territorio di Caneva: gli esiti del monitoraggio promosso dall’Amministrazione comunale, infatti, si scontrano con quanto dichiarano le imprese che si occupano degli scavi. Dopo le azioni intraprese dal Comune è necessario che la Regione, con i suoi uffici, intervenga per dipanare la matassa di una situazione che, al momento, crea…
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I have an idea! What about reader smuggling a cat into the academy and asking Xavier to keep it in his shed? Xavier doesn't like the idea, but he grow fond of the kitten and takes it to his room becasue it's gonna be cold outside in his shed and it would be so cuteee
This took so long, please don’t let it flop. Please keep sending requests for tomorrow! It’s gonna be my birthday and I want to post a lot
my taglists are here + you can requests here at any time
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‘’Absolutely not.’’
‘’We could keep him in your shed until the end of semester and—’’
Xavier shook his head, refusing to hear any more. ‘’No. Absolutely not.’’
You cradled the small stray kitten against your chest. ‘’Look at his cute face, we can’t leave him without a home. He chose me to be his mommy. He needs me, he’ll die outside. He’s gonna get eaten by the monster— Do you want to live with the guilt of sending this cat to his death, Xavier?’’
You were pushing for the dramatics, but you weren’t entirely wrong. There were so many possible dangers outside for a kitten. And with the monster still out there, it wasn’t safe.
Xavier glanced at the kitten, watching him rub his face against your hand. The semester was ending in less than two months — seven weeks. If he said ‘no’, you would keep him in your dorm and there’s no way you won’t get caught. He sighed, giving in. ‘’Alright… But I am not taking any responsibility for this cat. If Weems finds out, it’s all on you.’’
The biggest grin formed on your lips. ‘’Got it.’’
In the morning, you went to Jericho and got some things like cat food, a collar, a few small toys, a blanket with paws all over and a bowl for water. Xavier even helped you set up a box to turn into a bed. You were surprised by his involvement, but didn't complain. It was sweet of him.
‘’You’re going to be so loved, little kitten—’’ you mused as you sat on the floor of the shed and played with the feline.
Xavier was sitting before you, painting the box for the cat he didn't like. ‘’You haven’t told me what his name is. I have cohabit with him and I don’t even know my roommate’s name.’’
‘’He doesn’t have one,’’ you admitted, watching the black kitten aggressively play with his toy mouse, rolling on himself and hitting it with his paws. ‘’Salem is overused, so definitely not that. Maybe…Licorice?’’
‘’You can't name him after one of the worst candies, he's gonna get bullied.’’
‘’He's a cat, who's gonna bully him?’’
‘’What about…Girlfriend Stealer. Murder Mittens—’’
You threw the mouse toy at Xavier and he laughed.
‘’Don't listen to your cat dad,’’ you told the kitten, ‘’he’s just jealous that my attention is on you and not on him.’’
Xavier raised his eyes from the painting to glare at you. ‘’I am not his cat dad.’’
The funniest thing about cats is that if you voice your dislike for them, they will purposely rub against your legs and beg you for pets and attention.
Xavier was trying to paint, but Binx — like Thackery Binx — kept rubbing against Xavier’s leg and meowing for his attention. He even dipped a paw in blue paint and got it all over the floor. Xavier kept shooing him off, but Binx was obsessed with him. He even curled on his hoodie for a nap and refused to get off.
Two weeks later, you went to the shed to feed Binx his breakfast, but the kitten was nowhere to be found. You checked under all the tables, behind all the canevas and even in the shelving unit where he kept his paints. Sadly, there was no Binx.
You began to worry and panic, making scenarios in your head and thinking the worst. Where was he? Did he slip between Xavier’s legs when he locked the shed last night? It rained a lot during the night, if Binx was outside—
You grabbed your phone and call Xavier.
‘’Pick up. Pick up.’’
Unfortunately, the call went straight to voicemail.
It was 8am on a weekend, he must be still sleeping. Your problem couldn't wait until the woke up though.
You returned to the academy and snuck past the house master while some students were walking out to head to breakfast.
‘’Xavier! Wake up!’’ you hissed through the door between knocks. ‘’Bin— There’s an emergency! Xavi—’’
The door opened slightly, a very sleepy Xavier rubbing his half opened eyes appeared in the ajar space. Through his sleepy state, he pulled you inside and shut the door behind you.
‘’Binx is gone. I went to the shed to feed him and—’’ Your state of panic was cut when your eyes caught the small ball of black fur curled on Xavier's bed, sleeping soundly by his pillow. An immense relief washed over you.
‘’It was cold last night when I finished painting so I hid him in my jacket and brought him here. We might not get along, but I wasn’t gonna let him die of cold,’’ Xavier explained, his voice hoarse from sleep.
You walked past him, going right for Binx who stirred and meowed when you sat on the bed. ‘’I was so worried about you,’’ you said to him. ‘’I thought you had gotten lost in the woods around the academy or died of cold, but it was just your daddy who took you in for a night of cuddles.’’
Xavier groaned, crawling back on his bed and into the warmth of his covers. ‘’Again, I am not his cat dad.’’ He pulled on the comforter and turned his back to you. ‘’Since you found him, Murder Mittens is getting all the attention and cuddles. When I accepted him in my life, I didn’t think I would lose my girlfriend.’’
You wanted to laugh and call Xavier jealous, but then you realized he wasn’t wrong. Maybe his reaction was dramatic, but Binx had taken your entire schedule since you found him. All of your nights were spent with him in the shed, playing and petting him. Xavier was there too, but your attention was mostly on Binx.
Your eyes shifted away from Binx and went to Xavier. Seeing his back instead of his face made your heart clench. He had turned away from you on purpose — and it hurt. You put your hand on his shoulder, but he didn’t react.
‘’I’m sorry, Xavier. I didn’t realize what I was doing, but now I see it and I am so sorry. I don’t want Binx to replace you — no one can replace you. I love you so much baby, don’t ever doubt that.’’
His shoulders started shaking and you thought he was crying, which broke your heart.
‘’Baby, please forgive me, I—’’
You were falling so hard for his act it was getting difficult for Xavier to keep his sulking face. And your sweet words were not helping.
A small laugh spilled from his lips, betraying him.
That’s when you realized that he was not crying. He was full on grinning and trying to hide from you.
You slapped his side over the comforter so hard it echoed in the room, making Xavier laugh harder. ‘’You’re an ass, Xavier Thorpe! I was genuinely feeling bad for making you feel neglected and replaced— You were playing me all along!’’
He rolled back to face you, dimples poking through his cheeks. ‘’You think I would get jealous over a cat?’’
You shrugged. ‘’You’ve made your hatred for him pretty clear.’’
‘’I don’t hate Binx,’’ Xavier corrected with a sigh, reaching for the kitten and kissing the top of his head sweetly as he cradled him to his chest. ‘’He’s alright.’’
Wednesday taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo—uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n  @poppet05  @ell0ra-br3kk3r​  @rhaenyraswife  @teaganthemorningstar  @aphex2winn @moompie-blog  @ifevilwhyhot @oliviah-25 @spenglerslime @wetwilliam02 @yellowcupcakes​ @haileyismoo​ @theyslayallday @wrldofsage
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chihoshisai · 11 days
Double Arrangement
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Sabo x Reader
Part 1 Part 2
cw : royalty au, strangers to lovers, arranged/political engagement, reader is royalty, sabo is cold (but will warm up over time), fem reader // wc : 2.7k // A/N : Chapter was originally 7k words but has been cut in half because I judged it too long for tumblr, so part four will be longer
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Part 3
“Reduce the budget set aside for the ball, and the volume of dishes as well,” you told your elder brother. Having found your way into his office — furnished with more books than furniture, large windows and an overall navy blue color—  without seeing the need of an appointment due to your familial bonds, you watched as he stopped scribbling to give you an imposing look. He seemed to give you a moment to reconsider your words and take them back had they been spoken out of folly, and though you felt intimidated by his silent pressure you maintained your ground.
After some time had passed and he conceded to your determination, he asked rather darkly. “What did you just say?”
“You heard me.”
The pen he had been holding got placed down, and his hands intertwined, signifying he now was according you his full attention. “What is your reasoning behind such a request?”
“I would like for us to take into consideration the likings of my fiance.”
He gave a rather offending scoff. “Does that include for the royal family to appear foolish as well?” His gaze on you remained sharp even while the ridicule of his words sent a puff of shame to your cheeks.
“Surely you jest.”
“Unfortunately dear sister the castle has a certain face and decorum to maintain. Surely your beloved can understand that?” He brought his chin to rest on the back of his joined hands, giving you silent instructions through his face to let the truth reach, and convince, your fiance.
You shook your head, standing your ground. “And as the trendsetter of the kingdom, we can also encourage and set a model for the nobles to follow. One that involves the decrease of abundant waste.” Your desire to appear more than a figurehead reflected not only in your immovable posture, but also through the beating of your heart, wishing to win your plea.
“It will not be easy.”
“Oh please,” you blinked to hide an eyeroll. “We all know everything is mostly for wealth display and no one ever eats that amount of food anyways. You're not powerless either and can make it happen.”
Your brother narrowed his gaze. “What is the reason behind your insistence? Is all well between you and your fiance?”
A pause occurred in which you pursed your lips, memories painting the blank canevas of your mind. “All will be if you do as I ask of you. Might I remind you, the event isn’t only about me after all.”
He sighed while shaking his head, but finally by the look of his untensing shoulders, he seemed to give in. “If we proceed, a valuable reason must be given to convince the nobles of the display.”
At the hearing of his words, you had to suppress your glee. “Say the union between royal and noble isn’t about showing off the wealth of one but balancing both on the same pedestal.”
Your brother mused on the idea for a second. “The family in question might find offense in this,” he gave as a last resort rebuttal.
You thought back on their words and ungrateful behavior towards a gift many would have appreciated and found value in. “Their problem, not mine,” you waved your hand as though their opinion was benign. “I don’t care as long as this will satisfy the one that matters.”
“Fine,” a compromising sigh heaved itself from his lips. “What more do you have in mind?”
You grinned, taking further steps towards his desk to partake in the sharing of your ideas, a slight nerve tingling down your stomach.
The castle busied itself beyond usual on the said morning — you were the first child to be engaged, first of the kingdom to soon administer such news to the populace. As such, it holded a rather significant meaning necessitating grand preparations, which you had personally asked to turn down a notch. As you heard the clamor and running steps of staff, the whispers of the maids, it dawned upon you that no one would criticize or point blame in your direction for holding such a downgraded ceremony. And you felt bad for your brother who shouldered the nation on his shoulders, therefore thinking of making it up to him someday.
Modesty was what you envisioned, what brought you to stroll down the gilded corridors of your mansion, towards the location of the event and to witness the fruit of your scheming. A secret meddling in which you had faith your brother would have upheld, considering he had never failed you once in the past. 
It was nearing midday, a time in which preparations were nearing their end and in which your liberty lasted before the excruciating hours of bodily prepping and glamoring for the ball happened. Finding the excitement of a child, you skipped, not without proper respect, over servants and flight of stairs to reach the main floor and ultimately the ballroom. 
What you saw, much in increase to the tying knot of your insides, your heart and your breathing, was… dumbfounding. Defeat was what you felt, while your eyes circled over many rows of yet to be lit chandeliers, falling from the ceiling like golden jewels when you had asked a single one to be placed in the center of the room. Horror choked you, when amidst those were encircled the signature wisteria flowers of the garden, with promises of soft fragrances throughout the night.
The worst of it all, what caused you to feel lightheaded and zydizziness, sharp and ruthless in its provoking your suppress anger, was not the amount of tables set, for they were the same as you instructed, but the lining of the nappe used. Its lace linen, far more detailed and precise, done by handy crafting skills that must have taken an eternity to unjustly paid workers, the bows attached to hang as a need for details and it's overall palette matching the golden beige of the room with subtle lilac flowers to reflect the colors cascading from overhead.
This was, truly was not what was previously agreed upon. After your eyes had analyzed the room with your chest heaving in an anxious way, they scavenged the personnel present for the traitor who had allowed this foolery. 
He was there; your brother — standing further in the midst of the room, his lavish clothing allegorating his importance next to the servants he spoke with, and finding place next to the similar garments of your mother. 
Seeing her, you quelled your rising anger, fearing a stern reprimand and coldly let the sounds of your heels announce your arrival.
“Sister, you're here,” your brother greeted with a well hidden guilty face.
You clenched your jaw, returning politeness through gritted teeths. “Mama. Brother.” 
“How do you like it?” Your mother looked you dead in the eyes, giving you a faint smile, leaving you self-conscious of the feelings that were currently suppressing themselves inside you. She wanted without a doubt for you to feel your happiest and satisfied with things.
“It’s more detailed than I expected,” you gave her a stiff, forced smile. One that you gave whenever you felt empathetic of her feelings.
“Well of course, dear child,” she waved your remark with a shroud hand. “It is a ball, it must look as such. You wouldn't have believed the state of the room when I first got in. It looked quite drab.”
The comment landed on your heart rather bitterly and with no words left to offer, you gave a chuckle. 
“Isn't it about time you went on to prepare yourself?” She pointed out, joining her hands together in a stout manner to look at your attire.
You nodded, refuting her words far from being a possibility. “Before that, could I have a word with his Majesty?” You purposefully called your brother by his title, a silent threat that had not failed to stiffen his shoulders.
“Of course, I will leave you children to it,” your mother gave a slight smile, feeling happy of the celebration no doubt, before she trailed away to further attend to the room's composition.
Once out of earshot, you shot an angry glare at your brother. “This is not what we agreed on,” you whispered viciously, tilting on your heels to face him.
He, making no attempt to show emotions on his face, returned a devoid expression by staring away from your eyes. “As you can see, mother's had a hand in it. There wasn't much I could do once it came to it.”
You pressed your joined palms until a sharp pain prevented you from losing the grip on your temper. “I came to you so this could be avoided.”
“Count yourself lucky sister, this is the best she could do with the budget restriction. And even then, for a ball thrown by the royal family it still falls under the label of simple.” He gave you a look, one that impelled you to shut it and accept facts as they were.
Yet, frustration still swelled inside you like a ripped apple, and as it spread you couldn't stop your tongue from running. “For God's sake, you're the king.” The words left as a high ushered whisper.
“And she's our mother,” he harshly spat in your face, startling you enough to recoil your neck to the back. “I did my part as best I could and you are welcomed,” he heaved a dry sigh to the side. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have a list of tasks awaiting me other than dolling myself up for hours.” 
Your elder brother walked past you, exposing you to stand amidst the room, laying bare, bitter and out of options. Refusing to cast suspicion on yourself after your talk, you turned your heels away, making sure not to cause eye contact with another soul in the room and exited its vicinity. 
There was nothing to be done, your brother had been right in the sense that defying your mother would be as easy as seeking immortality. Therefore, with tainted red feelings as companions, you coursed through the palace, your expression grim all the way to your room. Your sole consolation was, perhaps with enough convincing, that Sabo would come to believe you if you claimed to have arranged for things to be otherwise.
If your words were your consolation, you realized, as the door of your chambers trapped you inside with its closing, that you still retained power — no one could enforce an attire on you. Not your brother, nor your mother who had, after many years of proven worth, allowed you the choosing of your gowns at your own discretion. 
As such, when your lady-in-waiting and maids came to fuss over you upon your entering, a smile had found its way on your face. 
But not for long — many times in the past, ever since the first crack of dawn broke through the sky, punctual in its glowing duty, you had been forced, dragged, entailed to sit through a full prepping routine. This time was no different, if only for the hour of the day. By prepping we’re talking massages, haircare and skincare. Every inch of your body, from the thinnest strands of hair to the nails of your toes was touched, handled, with attention and care meticulously.. 
If not for your position requiring for you to be handheld, like the nurturing of a garden by others since birth, you probably would have felt overstimulated — there was no need for you to lift a finger, as you let yourself lay about, giving idle thanks to the perhaps honest compliment of your staff. This time, the endless routine was what bothered you more than feeling the dry, moist or damp hands of your selected personnel. Laying down for a facemask while a pedicure was being done, bathing in a rose and citrus scented bath, sitting for a scalp massage; it never ended nor did you see its necessity. Rather you doubted it, shuddering at mental images you formed of Sabo had you the willpower to tell him of your day. For that reason, it would undoubtedly remain as a hidden fact, even if he did suspect how much water, products and whatnot was used, lost, wasted. 
You couldn't hide the results of the ballroom, but your own self-care was different.
By the time the ginger colors of dusk warmly embraced your room, a reminder to the time to come, you stood; detailed undergarments on your shoulders awaiting for the final piece of clothing to be brought.
“Are you sure about this dress, your highness?” One of your maids asked, holding the item in question in a way that revealed its full length. A satin pastel lilac ankle length dress, detailed with short puff sleeves and golden flower embroidery on its core. It was a simple dress, one that wouldn't entice a second look your way. One unfit for a ball, let alone royalty. 
“Yes. Put it on me please,” you had, with Sabo's taste in mind, chosen it for its modest aspect. And to your eyes, it didn't fail to strike you as pretty. In fact it would, were it worn for another occasion. 
Your maid did as ordered ; slipping the fabric with ease on your body, attaching a simple white pearl necklace decorated with a metallic golden bow,  placing similarly colored Huggies earrings and a brooch attached to the side of your hair.  
After the fitting of lilac heels, your prepping had come to an end, much to your relief and the fragrant way in which your muscles relaxed under your skin despite your growing anxiety. You stood in front of your mirror, turning only your neck to scrutinize the final result — the impersonating of a lowly born noble daughter at best was the image exuded. 
However, it didn't register as such to your mind, instead thinking whether the golden embroidery might have been a notch too much and would displease Sabo. Worse have him criticize your taste. Lost in your musing, you ignored the subtle silent fretting of your maids that lined up in a corner of the room, frankly aware that your current attire far from undermined all you had ever worn.
What came to interrupt your moment, was the knocking on your door. You turned your head momentarily from the mirror, feeling the beat of your heart increase for you knew who stood behind it. “Come,” you commanded loudly.
Seeing your mother enter, you returned your attention to the mirror, her silence broken only by the clacking sound of her heels. Your years of experience told you that the longer it lasted, the angrier she was or worse, the backlash would be.
She circled you like a hawk, her eyes piercing layers of thick skins, edging you to falter. “Is this your way of opposing this mariage?” She asked, having stopped to stand on your left, her gaze ever so burning you.
“I would never dare do such a thing,” you kept your look straight, staring only at yourself in the mirror.
“Frugality has no such place at a ball,” her words, uttered dryly, seemed to have dried along the air entering and exuding from your lungs. 
“Call it simplicity, mama.”
She surprised you, only enough to compel you to look at her from the mirror, by scoffing at your claim. “Simplicity? I will not let you embarrass yourself,” she spoke sternly.
At this, having not found her support, you broke free from the spell of the mirror to face her. “What else can they do but gossip? Let them if they want to,” you spoke briefly of the guests without care. “Is this ball not in honor of my engagement mother? I at least wish to wear what I want,” your chest heaved from the air it had finally found.
“How stubborn you have grown,” she looked you up and down rather pitifully. “Yet still remains a child,” she looked away to step aside to face the servants. “Mount her hair in an updo with more accessories.”
“It is a command,” she gravely looked at you, much to shroud the voice in your throat. “Add braids to her hair, perhaps it will help salvage the mess,” she ordered towards the staff, before giving you a last look. “Let lessons be learned tonight if necessary.”  
This time, she excused herself completely from the room, the closing of the door resonating like the drums of insecurity that roused deep from your stomach. There was no doubt you had disappointed her, and yet, maybe out of pity or mercy, she had let you do as you pleased; not forcing you to change out your gown. You stared at the door, dreading what would await you beyond its path following the first objective reaction you had received.
“Princess, we must do your hair by order of the Queen Dowager,” one of your servants politely asked of you. 
You nodded, with no better choice but to obey.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Applicants crowd around a stage in a Bowery theater in hopes of being chosen by the Bowery Comeback Association for a chance to start life anew, January 26, 1948. The association announced a plan whereby it would give one man each month a chance to climb back to respectability by providing new clothing, a shave, a haircut, a decent hotel room, and spending money to help him find work.
Photo: Joe Caneva for the AP
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