#cannabis online
weedlynewscanada · 1 month
The Green Wave: A Look into Cannabis News for 2024
The world of cannabis is always evolving, and with each passing year, we witness groundbreaking changes that reshape the industry and how we interact with this versatile plant. In 2024, the cannabis scene is buzzing more than ever, with updates that promise to excite health-conscious consumers, organic lifestyle aficionados, and CBD enthusiasts alike. If you've been following the latest trends on Weedly or shopping for your herbal essentials on Weed Online, you're in for a treat with the most recent wave of cannabis news.
Forging Paths in Wellness: The Rise of Formulated CBD Products
In an industry that never sleeps, the innovation surrounding formulated CBD products has taken center stage. Tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals, these products are not just about relaxation anymore. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, support for better sleep, or an organic boost to your daily wellness routine, the market is now abundant with options grounded in scientific research and endorsements from familiar faces in the wellness community.
Celebrity endorsements have played a significant role in catapulting these products into the spotlight. Well-known figures in health and wellness circles are not only voicing their support but are also actively involved in product development, ensuring that every tincture, capsule, and topical is crafted to perfection. This partnership between science and star power underscores a year where accessibility to quality CBD products has never been easier.
The Organic Uprising: Canada's Commitment to Clean Green
Canada continues to lead the charge in the global cannabis market, setting unprecedented standards for organic cultivation practices. In a move that has thrilled organic lifestyle followers, Canadian producers are now pioneering methods that guarantee eco-friendly cultivation and processing, ensuring that every product that hits the market is as pure as the intentions behind it. This commitment to sustainability is not just good news for the environment; it's a monumental step towards promoting organic products that consumers can trust implicitly.
Community and Cannabis: More Than Just Products
Beyond the advancements in products and cultivation practices, the cannabis community is growing stronger and more vibrant. Events and forums bringing together CBD enthusiasts and industry professionals have become the norm, fostering a space where knowledge, experiences, and innovations are shared freely. This thriving community presence is a testament to the cannabis industry’s dedication to not just customer satisfaction, but to creating a sense of belonging and unity among those who share a passion for green living.
Staying Ahead: Why Keeping Up with Cannabis News Matters
In the fast-paced world of cannabis, staying informed is key to making empowered decisions about your health and lifestyle. With regulations, products, and industry standards constantly evolving, dedicating time to follow the latest news ensures that you're always at the forefront of the green revolution. Websites like Weedly and Weed Online not only provide a platform for purchasing your favorites but also serve as valuable resources for the latest developments, trends, and events.
The Path Forward
As 2024 unfolds, the cannabis industry's trajectory is clear: innovation, community, and sustainability are at its heart. For health-conscious consumers, organic lifestyle enthusiasts, and CBD aficionados, there’s never been a more exciting time to explore the benefits of cannabis. From scientifically formulated CBD products to Canada's leading role in organic cultivation, the green wave is surging forward, promising a future where wellness, nature, and community converge in harmony.
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superogollo · 11 months
Comprar cannabis online: una guía completa para principiantes
En los últimos años, ha habido un creciente interés en la compra de cannabis en línea. Con la legalización y regulación de la marihuana en varios países, ahora es posible adquirir productos de cannabis de forma segura y conveniente a través de internet. En esta guía, exploraremos los conceptos básicos de comprar cannabis en línea, desde los beneficios hasta los aspectos legales y las mejores prácticas. Si eres nuevo en el mundo del cannabis y te preguntas cómo puedes adquirir productos de forma discreta y segura, ¡has llegado al lugar correcto!
Beneficios de comprar cannabis en línea:
Amplia variedad de productos: Cuando compras cannabis en línea, tienes acceso a una amplia variedad de productos, que incluyen flores, extractos, comestibles, tópicos y más. Puedes explorar diferentes opciones y encontrar la que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades y preferencias.
Comodidad y conveniencia: Comprar cannabis online te permite hacerlo desde la comodidad de tu hogar, sin tener que desplazarte a un dispensario físico. Puedes realizar pedidos en cualquier momento del día y recibirlos directamente en tu puerta.
Información detallada del producto: Los sitios web de venta de cannabis suelen proporcionar información detallada sobre cada producto, incluyendo su contenido de cannabinoides, cepa, sabor, efectos y más. Esto te ayuda a tomar decisiones informadas y encontrar el producto adecuado para ti.
Privacidad y discreción: Comprar cannabis en línea te brinda privacidad y discreción. Los productos se envían en paquetes discretos, sin ningún logotipo o indicación del contenido. Esto es especialmente beneficioso para aquellos que prefieren mantener su consumo de cannabis en privado.
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Aspectos legales a tener en cuenta: Es importante tener en cuenta las leyes y regulaciones relacionadas con el cannabis en tu país o estado antes de comprar en línea. Asegúrate de que la compra y posesión de productos de cannabis sean legales en tu área. Si bien muchas regiones han legalizado el cannabis para uso recreativo o medicinal, las leyes pueden variar.
Consejos para comprar cannabis en línea de forma segura:
Investiga y elige un dispensario en línea confiable: Antes de realizar una compra, investiga sobre el dispensario en línea. Lee reseñas, verifica su reputación y asegúrate de que cumplan con los estándares de calidad y seguridad.
Verifica la seguridad del sitio web: Antes de proporcionar cualquier información personal o financiera, asegúrate de que el sitio web tenga una conexión segura. Busca un candado o "https" en la barra de direcciones para asegurarte de que tus datos estén protegidos.
Comprueba las políticas de envío: Asegúrate de entender las políticas de envío del dispensario. Algunos ofrecen envío gratuito o descuentos en pedidos grandes. Verifica también si entregan discretamente y si proporcionan un número de seguimiento para rastrear tu paquete.
Lee las descripciones de los productos y reseñas de otros clientes: Antes de agregar un producto al carrito, lee detenidamente la descripción y las opiniones de otros clientes. Esto te ayudará a tener una idea clara de lo que puedes esperar del producto.
Comienza con dosis bajas: Si eres nuevo en el consumo de cannabis, es recomendable comenzar con dosis bajas y aumentar gradualmente según tus necesidades y tolerancia. Consulta las recomendaciones de dosificación proporcionadas por el dispensario.
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Comprar cannabis en línea puede ser una opción conveniente y discreta para aquellos que desean acceder a productos de cannabis de calidad. Al seguir estos consejos y cumplir con las regulaciones legales, puedes disfrutar de una experiencia segura y satisfactoria al comprar cannabis en línea. Recuerda siempre consumir responsablemente y consultar a un profesional de la salud si tienes alguna inquietud médica. ¡Disfruta explorando el mundo del cannabis en línea y descubre productos que se adapten a tus preferencias y necesidades!
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stokes-theorem · 1 year
How much does a weed dispensary make
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As per Maryjane Business Everyday's Cannabis Business Factbook, the typical weed dispensary makes $974 in income per square foot of room. For point of view, this is marginally higher than an Entire Food varieties and considerably more productive than the common drug store.
The Pot Business - Dispensary Overall revenues
There is no question these days that pot is one of the biggest development enterprises in the country. As per Weed Business Everyday's 2021 Yearly Cannabis Business Factbook, deals are supposed to climb 31% in 2021 to a sum of $48.4 billion across the US, with California and Colorado alone representing more than one-6th of the complete deals. Maryjane Business Day to day anticipates that this development will go on considerably, prompting a sum of $84.3 billion in deals by 2025.
With large development numbers like that, it is no big surprise that many individuals are hoping to enter the business, frequently by beginning a pot dispensary. In any case, exactly how productive is the typical weed dispensary? That question can be somewhat more mind boggling to reply.
Dispensary Benefits
Normal Dispensary Productivity Review
Our best figures about the productivity of the typical dispensary come from a 2016 review directed by Maryjane Business Everyday. This overview recommends that 18% of dispensaries would agree that they are "truly productive," while 41% would agree that they are "humbly beneficial." Another 29% revealed equaling the initial investment, while the leftover 12% said they were losing cash.
Expecting these figures are as yet exact, that implies that most dispensaries are to some degree unobtrusively productive, with around one of every eight retail tasks really losing cash.
California Market Proposes Long haul Weed Dispensary Benefits
In any case, terms' meaning could be a little more obvious. That is a piece harder to make certain about. From one perspective, we have a 2017 Statista examination that proposes the typical dispensary could produce as much as $1.8 million in benefit from around $3 million in income. Nonetheless, this figure takes away just working costs from the income segment and ignores other key viewpoints, similar to tax collection. Somewhat, this is sensible as some pot markets - particularly those that are clinical just - may stay untaxed.
In any case, maybe our best feeling of the drawn out productivity of a marijuana dispensary can be seen from California, where the market has developed since the launch of the first "legitimate" pot dispensary in 1998. In this market, as per a Leafly study, examination proposes that productivity will be between 10-15%, for which a free review can affirm, by assessing a drawn out benefit of 12% for marijuana dispensaries.
Could you at any point be Productive opening a Weed Dispensary  Business?
Assuming that you are thinking about entering the marijuana dispensary business, you need to consider the many elements to decide if you can be productive in this industry or not which can be tested, considering that the typical beginning up costs for a dispensary approach $800,000 at first. Also, marijuana business advances don't have the best terms, and frequently incorporate revenue with a lot higher rates than customary corporate America. Past that, you should rent or buy an area, set up security, enlist staff, cover expenses, purchase and keep up with stock and the sky's the limit from there.
Taking care of these expenses requires producing a critical degree of income to have the option to become beneficial, while at the same time lessening your working costs. While positively not feasible, this will require a scope of skill for which the American Marijuana Organization can give to you through our far reaching weed counselling administration.
To start with, you need to distinguish and zero in on great open doors. As numerous networks loosen up their limitations on pot organisations, new business sectors are opening practically day to day. Distinguishing which are the great business sectors and how to get them requires skill, experience, and access. Our group's methodology assists you with getting your working permit in business sectors that are probably going to be productive.
You can likewise save altogether on the off chance that you can haggle better terms on your business credits for which functional ability is basic. We can assist with directing you to an effective activity for greatest productivity and give you and your group the outlines for planning an engaging, functionable dispensary that will urge individuals to purchase and return for rehash business.
At the American Marijuana Organization, we decisively consolidate all parts of our way to deal with assistance you lay out a beneficial pot dispensary. On the off chance that you are anticipating beginning another marijuana dispensary, it will be pivotal to have direction from industry experts who know how to get you in a good position.
Individuals frequently say that bringing in cash while accomplishing something you love is the objective throughout everyday life, and for marijuana devotees, that could mean opening a dispensary. The nearby shops are dependably occupied with clients, and the marijuana business is indicating that things are not pulling back. So why not get in on a slice of the pie as well?
Assuming you're understanding this, you've likely done some fundamental exploration and have reached the resolution that settling in takes an extraordinary area, excellent weed item, dispensary POS, a strong group, and in particular, a dispensary permit
Here is the expense of opening a dispensary:
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While opening a cannabis dispensary is like sending off some other sort of independent venture, because of specific state guidelines and monetary obstacles to survive, it's much surprisingly costly.
The expense of opening a marijuana dispensary goes from $150,000 to $2 million. That incorporates key expenses of around $250,000 for yearly staffing, $100,000 in yearly lease, and $50,000 for direct front remodels. Obviously, everybody's spending plan is unique, and there are a great deal of factors with regards to capital necessities. A few expenses are in your control; others are attached to the purview you're in.
We should investigate the idea of these startup costs, and the different variables that impact how dispensary costs shift so significantly from one market to another. Then, at that point, we can survey a few instances of those marijuana retail costs in various US states.
Dispensary Permit Application Expenses: Charges Just to Get in the Game
While these expenses fluctuate from one state to another, a precise assumption is to spend about $5,000 for your permit application alone. Thus, before you even sell your most memorable gram, you're burning through a lot of cash just to receive an approval. This is quite possibly the earliest move toward opening a dispensary, and the normally non-refundable expense is notwithstanding your yearly permit charge, which can go from around $1000 to north of $10,000.
Land Expenses and Difficulties: Finding a Blocks and concrete
Area is everything, except it might be hard to come by. There are normally severe principles about how close a dispensary can be to a school, and frequently the way that nearby it tends to be to another dispensary. Finding a retail space that will permit a dispensary to work in the vicinity is just a portion of the fight. You likewise need to find a region with great perceivability and in a perfect world high people walking through.
You'll likely be compensated a premium for being in the weed business. Yearly land for pot store costs could run $100,000. Add to that the one-time cost of renovating the space to meet guidelines, match your image personality, and advance store stream. That could undoubtedly be another $50,000 direct front.
Pot Industry Banking Rules and Expenses
Weed dispensaries fall into a really hazy situation in the business world, as they are in fact unlawful from a government stance in the US. Along these lines, many banks would rather not execute with a dispensary for their underlying ventures as need might arise.
To get around this, proprietors will work with credit associations or even confidential maryjane banks on the off chance that they're available nearby. Tragically, this accompanies an expense as these associations acknowledge you probably won't have some other decision, and they can energise holding charges of to $2,000 each month.
Progressing Expenses to Work Your Pot Dispensary Business
Whenever you've gone through the primary arrangement of money related obstacles, you're well-positioned to become functional. Prior to the first day of the season, recollect that you'll require a completely consistent POS framework, a security framework, and stock to sell.
The gadgets could run you about $25,000, and in states where it's unlawful for dispensaries to develop their own blossoms, loading your shop with quality items could run at the pace of $1,500 per pound.
Other functional expenses incorporate your publicising spending plan. Contingent upon your area, and the number of contenders you have, this could run into the $25,000 territory in practically no time.
It's never an ill-conceived notion to have a lawyer on retainer for any business, as well as having vigorous insurance contracts would it be advisable for anything to occur. Considering that the weed business is weak in numerous ways, these yearly expenses could approach $50,000.
To maintain any business effectively, you want devoted and completely prepared representatives. The size of your shop will surely direct the number of individuals you need on staff, yet expecting you have a couple of budtenders, a boss, and a senior supervisor, you can anticipate that your yearly finance should run near $250,000 assuming that you're paying them at industry standard rates.
What amount does it cost to open a dispensary in California?
In California, you'll pay $1,000 to apply for a dispensary permit, and whenever endorsed, you'll pay an authorising charge somewhere in the range of $4,000 and $120,000, contingent upon the assessed worth of your activity. You'll likewise have to figure land, which can cost between $50,000-$100,000 every year, as well as other startup costs. The cost for many everyday items is high in California, and you can hope to pay workers somewhat more than public midpoints, with budtenders each costing around $30,000 - $40,000 each year.
The typical direct front speculation to open a dispensary in California is somewhere in the range of $80,000 and $250,000. Continuous working costs will cost you somewhere in the range of $30,000 and $70,000 every month.
What amount does it cost to open a dispensary in Massachusetts?
The assessed direct front expense of opening a dispensary in Massachusetts can go somewhere in the range of $325,000 and $1 Million. Progressing functional costs like representative compensations and rent or home loan instalments will average around $70,000 to $100,000 each month. Business land costs can fluctuate decisively contingent upon where your dispensary is found. Obviously, opening a dispensary in Boston would be fundamentally more costly than in a country town in Massachusetts. Albeit the application expense for a pot retailer permit in Massachusetts is just $300, when supported, the yearly permit will cost you $5,000. Massachusetts has brought down expenses for social and monetary value candidates and has presented unique projects for them.
What amount does it cost to open a dispensary in Oklahoma?
Getting a dispensary activity going in Oklahoma costs somewhere in the range of $80,000 and $140,000 direct front, with progressing month to month costs of $30,000 to $40,000. The typical cost for many everyday items and the lowest pay permitted by law is low, so you can likely recruit great budtenders at a deal. Land in Oklahoma is additionally a lower cost than in states like California or Colorado, however you might in any case confront similar difficulties tracking down a decent area and a willing property manager. The application charge for a clinical weed dispensary permit is $2,500.
What amount does it cost to open a dispensary in Missouri?
The clinical maryjane industry in Missouri is still new and loaded with a potential open door. The assessed direct front expense of opening a dispensary in Missouri is somewhere in the range of $85,000 and $150,000. Progressing costs like pay rates and rent or home loan instalments normally around $30,000 to $50,000 each month. Somewhat higher than Oklahoma costs, however the cost for most everyday items and business land costs are still very low.
The application expense for a clinical cannabis dispensary permit is a non-refundable $6000, and the yearly permit recharging charge is $10,000.
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Where To Buy Medical and Recreational Cannabis Products Online?
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Medical and recreational cannabis is widely used today because of its advantages to people's health. Some brands or companies sell various cannabis products to meet society's demands.
Cannabis is now available online rather than only in physical stores. Instead of walking around the shop while looking at the displays, you only need a phone or laptop. Just visit the website of your choice, like flowerpowerbotanicals.com, and browse the products.
Once you find your preferred item(s), you may add it or them to your cart. Afterward, you can check out and confirm your order. But where should you buy medical marijuana online?
How to find the best shop that sells medical and recreational cannabis products online?
Your health shouldn't be at risk when you use products in or on your body. Hence, you must know where to get the best cannabis products for you and your overall wellness. So, here are some things you should consider:
Ingredient transparency - Always learn about the products that you use since there are companies that use fillers and toxic chemicals. Transparency is significant to ensure safety and efficacy, as people differ in their tolerance and needs. 
Huge variety of products and brands - A good dispensary has a large selection of cannabis products. Since not all customers are alike, their needs also differ. For example, one needs a tincture, and the other wants a topical. Thus, you won't have to jump from one website to another as it already has all you need.
Pleasant shopping experience - When you shop online, it's unavoidable that you encounter questions along the way. So, it's nice if the store offers excellent customer service and responds to queries as soon as possible.
Where can you buy high-quality cannabis products online?
One of the trusted dispensaries in Fort Collins is Flower Power Botanicals. We ensure that all our products undergo lab testing and that each COA is available on our website for transparency. We also offer various options for cannabis products to make your online shopping experience worthwhile.
So, visit flowerpowerbotanicals.com today and have wellness come your way.
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weedshopmom · 2 years
How To Switch Careers Into The Cannabis Industry?
The cannabis industry is quickly engulfing the entire globe. The cannabis industry is progressing so rapidly that most people are willing to change careers. Here are some pointers to help you get started in the Cannabis industry. Avoid including too much information on your resume, as this could cost you your dream job. The line 'used to sell cannabis products in high school,' for example, is unnecessary.
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Changing careers in the Cannabis industry necessitates thorough research. All of the suggestions listed above could be your ticket to a smooth transition. MOM Canada is your best mail order marijuana supplier for consistently dosed and accurate marijuana products. This includes your one-stop shop for purchasing magic mushrooms online.
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cannaverde · 2 years
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peachesnabsinthe · 9 months
@hausfaerie (18+nsfw)
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parainfernalia · 1 year
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shopcrescentmoods · 5 months
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valentine’s day collection 1.26.24 on ig shopcrescentmoodss
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flavoracle · 1 month
Look, I don’t HAVE to be high in order to get weird and say random shit.
I’m just saying it enhances the experience!
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subpixie420 · 1 year
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Best Buds🍃💨💗
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phinilez · 1 year
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superogollo · 1 year
Cómo Comprar Cannabis Online de Forma Segura y Legal
Comprar cannabis online puede ser una forma conveniente y discreta de obtener productos de cannabis de alta calidad. Sin embargo, es importante asegurarse de que esté comprando de forma segura y legal. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo comprar cannabis online de manera segura y legal.
Primero, es importante investigar la tienda en línea antes de comprar. Busque reseñas y testimonios de otros clientes para asegurarse de que la tienda tenga una reputación sólida. También debe verificar si la tienda está autorizada por el gobierno y cumple con las regulaciones locales.
Segundo, asegúrese de que la tienda tenga una política de privacidad clara y segura. La información personal, como la dirección de envío y los detalles de la tarjeta de crédito, debe ser protegida y almacenada de manera segura.
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Tercero, verifique si la tienda ofrece una amplia variedad de productos de cannabis. Busque tiendas que ofrezcan diferentes variedades de flores de cannabis, aceites y concentrados, comestibles, y otros productos. Una amplia variedad de opciones garantiza que pueda encontrar el producto adecuado para sus necesidades.
Cuarto, compruebe si la tienda ofrece información detallada sobre los productos de cannabis que vende. La información debe incluir detalles sobre la potencia, los efectos y los ingredientes del producto. Esto ayudará a garantizar que esté comprando un producto de alta calidad que satisfaga sus necesidades.
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Finalmente, revise la política de envío y devoluciones de la tienda. Asegúrese de que el envío sea seguro y discreto y que la tienda tenga una política clara sobre devoluciones o cambios. Además, compruebe si la tienda ofrece un servicio al cliente de alta calidad para ayudar con cualquier pregunta o problema que pueda tener.
Comprar cannabis online puede ser una forma conveniente y segura de obtener productos de cannabis de alta calidad. Al seguir estos consejos, puede asegurarse de que está comprando de forma segura y legal. Además, al elegir una tienda confiable y autorizada, puede estar seguro de que está comprando productos de cannabis de alta calidad que satisfagan sus necesidades.
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sharontheganja · 1 year
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transexualpirate · 14 days
Okay this is extremely random and hopefully you don’t mind me asking *inhale* BUUUUUT I ate an edible for the first time today and since I do believe you have experience in the weed business you could help me understand this more cuz like I ate about a third of a full edible n im not sure how many mgs were in it but like do you think it was too weak because I thought it’d be like… me tripping out and discovering the secrets of the universe and making jokes so uncharacteristically hilarious that it scares people but all I did was get so loving and joyous and horny and laughing at everything to now im just hungry as fuck. Overall I felt different for about 5 or 6 hours. But it wasn’t like crazy or anything, all it did was put me in a relaxed and happy mood but physically I felt nothing. Was that liek a weak dose or does that sound normal and would eating more next time get me more fucked up … if you know. I’m sorry if that question is stupid like i said it’s my first time n idk what im doing 💔
NO UR GOOD DON'T WORRY it's good to ask people but i gotta say im unfortunately not as experienced as id like to be, ive only ever tried smoking and homemade edibles :/ BUT i might still be able to help you here!!!!! it sounds like you were only a little high like in one of the lowest "levels". i get like that when im smoking and only take a few hits. barely feel anything physically but i do get hornier and more relaxed (and sometimes sleepy)
the first time you try weed it's very common that one of two things will happen: either you won't feel almost anything or it hits so hard you might even get a bad trip. that's like a very common thing, most people react like that and it was like that for me too (the first time i ever tried it i was at the beach and barely felt anything at all, just kept staring at the waves wondering when it was gonna hit and then i got sleepy and went home). another thing is if you're eating it the effects can take a long long long time to actually hit. like to me personally it's usually almost two hours until im actually feeling it and then three hours until it peaks. when it does i get a really good trip for around three or sometimes (depends on the mgs and what else i consumed during the day) even four hours and then it starts going away. there are some things you can do to feel it faster like eating it in an empty stomach but i don't recommend it at all. also if you eat it with chocolate or milk for whatever insane reason it tends to last a little longer i have no idea why?? but it's a real thing, it's why pot brownies (or any recipe involving chocolate) are so popular
did you have a trip sitter or just anyone else with you? if they had tried it before and ate as much as you did and managed to get high it was probably just because it was your first time. if you didn't eat as much as them it's also possible that you didn't eat "enough" (BUUUUT if you didn't cook it yourself it's like always better if you start by eating very little then you wait like an hour to see how you feel, if you don't feel anything THEN and Only Then you eat some more. if you didn't cook it yourself, you don't know how strong it is yk? better safe than sorry you don't want an unexpected green out). and if you ate the same amount and it was also their first time then maybe you just have a stronger metabolism it happens sometimes. if you wanna try again i recommend eating the same amount and waiting, if you only feel the same thing again maybe try eating some more and waiting even more
if it's eating not smoking it's good to take like a whole evening for that because like i said trips from edibles last way longer. can go for even eight hours sometimes
i hope this helps :]
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potsmart · 7 months
What’s the Deal with Kush? The Origin of a Classic Strain
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Before we get into the article about what the deal with Kush is, here is an actual deal on Kush, delivered to your door in Canada. Rad.
Everyone knows Kush means quality. There’s a built in expectation that the weed should slap if it bears the classic name. It’s also a well known parent to many classic varietals. Before the names O.G. Kush, Chem Dog, and Cookies became household among growers worldwide, there existed a time when the Kush strain remained relatively obscure. Let’s look into the intriguing history of the Kush strain and its transformation into one of the most renowned medical marijuana varieties globally.
Just like any other modern cannabis seed strain, landraces played a pivotal role in establishing the fundamental genetic foundations of everything we smoke today with the Kush name on it. Numerous countries harbour a diverse array of marijuana landraces, thriving particularly in regions characterized by hot climates and mountainous terrain. In these areas, expansive fields of landrace cannabis plants flourish organically. Owing to the cannabis plant’s inherent robustness, these fields have been subject to countless generations of natural backcrossing over the span of hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Among the most well-known Kush varieties today are Hindu Kush, Master Kush, and Afghan Kush, all originating from these locations as original landraces. Through meticulous backcrossing efforts, breeders sought to unearth the quintessential phenotype for cannabis cultivation. Since its introduction in Amsterdam nearly three decades ago, numerous seed banks now offer a broad spectrum of landraces and hybrids, with many of the original landrace strains still available to enthusiasts.
The Kush cannabis strain found its way to Amsterdam during the late 1970s or early 1980s, carried by intrepid cannabis enthusiasts who ventured through the rugged landscapes of the Himalayas, spanning Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. They returned with seeds sourced from the Hindu Kush mountain range, nestled between northern Pakistan and Afghanistan. The name “Kush” derives from this region and intriguingly translates to “killer” in ancient Persian.
The aromatic profile, taste, and effects of Kush strains are the key attributes that make them highly sought after both in the context of a coffee shop’s offerings and for growers. The scent of this medical marijuana variety is unmistakable, often likened to the odour of jet fuel and characterized by a pungent, dank, and lemony quality. The potency of the Kush aroma is such that even the tiniest dried bud can fill a room with its distinctive fragrance. When it comes to taste, a well-cultivated Kush strain mirrors its aroma but adds a lingering jet fuel undertone that lingers with every puff, creating a truly unique and memorable experience. Typical of other heavy Indicas, real kush plants stay short with tight internodal spacing, creating dense foliage and buds. The plants finish quickly and produce well, making them a favourite for more modern growers all over the world for decades.
A joint of OG Kush, like I posted above, will transform the surrounding air, saturating it with a dense, rich, and almost viscous quality. A few puffs of this potent strain with its unmistakable jet fuel aroma will promptly initiate a profound shift in your state of mind and body. The initial effects manifest as heavy eyelids and an almost immediate sense of being pleasantly stoned. Energy levels plummet, and motivation wanes, ultimately leading to a state of complete relaxation and tranquility. Notably, the THC content in Kush varieties has consistently been subjected to testing, with results often exceeding the 20% threshold.
Kush strains are renowned for their robust pain-relief properties. Whether smoked or incorporated into edibles, the medicinal impact of Kush is often likened to a nearly narcotic experience. It proves highly effective in addressing a range of conditions, including insomnia, appetite loss, and anxiety. Patients grappling with pain stemming from bone, nerve, or muscle issues also find considerable relief through Kush usage. For those coping with conditions like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and a multitude of other illnesses, medicating with Kush and similar indica strains has proven to be indispensable.
Cancer patients, in particular, derive substantial benefits from Kush, often experiencing relief that surpasses the effectiveness of pharmaceutical resources. Many report improved appetite, better sleep, and the restoration of regular bowel function when incorporating this cannabis strain into their treatment plans.
While sativa strains are typically favoured by patients seeking heightened energy levels and motivation, Kush continues to hold appeal for many due to its potent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Recognizing this, numerous breeders, including Spliff Seeds, are now focusing on developing Kush hybrids that aim to preserve its distinctive medicinal potency while mitigating its pronounced couch-locking effect. One such example is Spliff Blue Medi Kush, a strain developed in collaboration with medical marijuana users, tailored to serve precisely this purpose.
If you’re looking for a classic you can’t miss with a well grown Kush strain.
By Meso Potamia, Ganja Guy, for Potsmart
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